Stormcast Eternals – Knight-Judicator with Gryph Hounds

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with Gryph Hounds
Officers of the Justicar conclaves, the Knight-Judicators are more akin to living artillery pieces than marksmen. One of these Stormcasts typically looses the opening shot of battle, pulling back the string of their colossal terminus greatbow before releasing an arrow that unerringly finds its mark.
with Gryph Hounds
Terminus Greatbow
Terminus Greatbow18"33+3+23
Judicator’s Warblade
Judicator’s Warblade33+3+11

Unit Size: 1      Points: 140
1х Knight-Judicator90 × 52mm
2х Gryph-hounds40mm
Can be reinforced: No
Regiment Options: Any Gryph-hounds, Any WARRIOR CHAMBER
Notes: This HERO can join an eligible regiment as a STORMCAST EXEMPLAR

FAITHFUL GRYPH-HOUNDS: A Knight-Judicator is often accompanied into battle by a pair of these loyal beasts of Azyr.

Effect: This unit’s Gryph-hounds are tokens. After setting up this unit on the battlefield for the first time, place both Gryph-hounds next to it.

Once Per Turn (Army), Your Movement Phase
HUNTING HOUNDS: The Knight-Judicator sends one of their Gryph-hounds to harass an enemy unit.

Declare: If this unit was not set up this turn and any of this unit’s Gryph-hounds are on the battlefield, pick an enemy unit within 12" of this unit to be the target.

Effect: Roll a dice. On a 1, remove 1 of this unit’s Gryph-hounds from the battlefield. On a 2+, pick 1 of this unit’s Gryph-hounds that is next to this unit or next to an enemy unit and place it next to the target instead.

While any of this unit’s Gryph-hounds are next to an enemy unit, add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for this unit’s shooting attacks that target that unit.

If an enemy unit is destroyed or removed from the battlefield while any of this unit’s Gryph-hounds are next to it, place those Gryph-hounds next to this unit.

Shooting attacks
Shooting attacks are made with ranged weapons. The target unit(s) must be within a distance equal to the Range characteristic of the weapon being used and visible to the attacking model. Models cannot make shooting attacks if their unit is in combat, unless otherwise specified (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Hit characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit rolls of 1 always fail. If an unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a weapon is a 6, that attack is a critical hit.

Critical hits have no effect on their own but often trigger additional effects (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail.

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The STORMCAST ETERNALS keyword is used in the following Stormcast Eternals warscrolls:

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23.0 Tokens
Tokens are not considered to be models for rules purposes and can be ignored or moved out of the way for purposes of visibility, coherency or abilities. They cannot be picked as the target of abilities. Their purpose is to indicate persisting effects on units they are placed next to. Each time a unit with a token finishes a move or is set up, place the token next to the unit.
3.1 Regiments
Armies are made up of one or more regiments, each of which is led by a HERO. You must have at least 1 regiment in your army, and you can include a maximum of 5 regiments. To add a regiment, pick 1 HERO from your faction, then pick up to 3 non-HERO units to accompany them.

Each HERO’s battle profile lists which units can be added to their regiment, and each non-HERO unit’s battle profile lists any relevant keywords it has. The battle profiles of some HEROES (such as named characters) may say that they can be added to the regiment of another HERO.
Those HEROES can join an eligible regiment as a Stormcast Exemplar.

Infantry Hero
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025