Gloomspite Gitz

In the dark corners of the Mortal Realms, a new power is stirring. Dripping tunnels and caverns echo to the clash of gongs, the thump of drums and the shrill war cries of massing grots. Armies of goblinoid warriors and lumbering monsters set out on the warpath, seeking to plunge the surface world into darkness for evermore.

This page contains all of the rules you need to field your Gloomspite Gitz miniatures on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms, from a host of exciting faction rules to a range of warscrolls. The rules are split into the following sections:


BookKindEditionLast update
  Gloomspite Gitz
  Gloomspite GitzFaction Pack4December 2024
  Sons of Behemat
  Sons of BehematFaction Pack4January 2025
  Maggotkin of Nurgle
  Maggotkin of NurgleFaction Pack4January 2025
  Battle Profiles & Rules updates
  Battle Profiles & Rules updatesRulebook4January 2025
  Slaves to Darkness
  Slaves to DarknessBattletome4December 2024
  Orruk Warclans
  Orruk WarclansBattletome4December 2024
  Ossiarch Bonereapers
  Ossiarch BonereapersFaction Pack4December 2024
  Kharadron Overlords
  Kharadron OverlordsFaction Pack4December 2024
  Miscellaneous Legends
  Miscellaneous LegendsWarscroll4November 2024
  Warhammer Underworlds Legends
  Warhammer Underworlds LegendsWarscroll4November 2024

Faction Rules

Battle Traits

Gloomspite Gitz armies can use the following abilities:

UNDER THE LIGHT OF THE BAD MOON: Grots are always vicious little monsters, but when their god’s light falls upon them, they become an order of magnitude more dangerous.

Effect: During the battle, an area of the battlefield will be the Bad Moon’s location (see ‘The Bad Moon’s Orbit’). The Bad Moon’s location will be either a quarter of the battlefield or the centre of the battlefield.

While the Bad Moon’s location is a quarter of the battlefield, all GLOOMSPITE GITZ units (friendly and enemy) wholly within that quarter are under the light of the Bad Moon. While the Bad Moon’s location is the centre of the battlefield, all GLOOMSPITE GITZ units (friendly and enemy) on the battlefield are under the light of the Bad Moon.

While a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit is under the light of the Bad Moon, the appropriate effect below applies to it:

Frothing Zealots: If the unit is a non-SQUIG MOONCLAN unit, add 3 to its control score.

Lunar Squigs: If the unit is a SQUIG unit, you can re-roll the random characteristic roll for its Move characteristic.

Moonlit Hide: If the unit is a TROGGOTH unit, add 1 to save rolls for it.

Spiderfang Venom: If the unit is a SPIDERFANG unit, its combat attacks score critical hits on unmodified hit rolls of 5+. This ability also affects Companion weapons.

Once Per Battle Round (Army), Start of Battle Round
THE BAD MOON’S ORBIT: The Bad Moon hurtles around the realms in madcap orbits, empowering its worshippers and troubling all others with insane visions.

Declare: You must use this ability at the start of the battle round.

If multiple players are commanding a Gloomspite Gitz army, then instead, at the start of the battle round, those players roll off and only the winner declares and uses this ability this battle round.

Effect: If it is the first battle round, pick a quarter of the battlefield to be the Bad Moon’s starting location.

If it is the second or subsequent battle round, roll a dice. On a 1-3, the Bad Moon stays at its current location. On a 4+, the Bad Moon moves.

The first time the Bad Moon moves, it moves to the centre of the battlefield. The second time it moves, it moves to the quarter diagonally opposite the quarter in which it started. The third time it moves, it moves off the battlefield and has no further effect on the battle.

Battle Formations

You can pick 1 of the following battle formations for a Gloomspite Gitz army. Each battle formation grants a different ability you can use in the battle.


BOUNCING FURY: A veritable tide of vicious, impossibly hungry, fangtoothed monsters boing into enemy lines, biting, chewing and swallowing their victims whole.

Effect: Each time a friendly SQUIG unit charges, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of its Fang-filled Gobs, Massive Fang-filled Gobs or Huge Fang-filled Gobs for the rest of the turn.

Moonclan Skrap

Once Per Turn (Army), End of Your Turn
SPREADING LOONACY: When Moonclan grots gather, the energies of the Gloomspite surge through them like a tide, sending them frothing mad.

Declare: Pick up to 3 friendly non-SQUIG MOONCLAN units in combat to be the targets.

Effect: For each target:
  • Make a pile-in move with the target.
  • Then, pick an enemy unit in combat with the target and roll a D3. On a 2+, inflict an amount of mortal damage on that enemy unit equal to the roll.


HERD HEALING: When troggoths gather in larger numbers, the sheer troggness of the herd serves as a catalyst for their regenerative abilities.

Effect: Each time a friendly TROGGOTH unit uses a FIGHT ability, after that ability has been resolved, Heal (D3) that unit.

Spiderfang Stalktribe

REALMWEB AMBUSH: Scuttling into battle on magical, realm-spanning webs, there is no way to predict where a Spiderfang Stalktribe will launch their next ambush.

Effect: Each time a friendly Skitterstrand Arachnarok uses the ‘Realmweb Lurker’ ability, you can pick another friendly SPIDERFANG unit to also use that ability.

In addition, each time a friendly Skitterstrand Arachnarok uses the ‘Ambush from Beyond’ ability, you can pick another friendly SPIDERFANG unit that is skittering through tunnels in reality to also use that ability. That unit must be set up wholly within 12" of the Skitterstrand Arachnarok using the ability.

Heroic Traits

Blessings of the Bad Moon

HERO only

THE CLAMMY HAND: This boss is obviously destined for great things and can call upon vast troglodytic hordes.

Effect: Each time a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit wholly within 12" of this unit uses the ‘Rally’ command, you can make 3 additional rally rolls of D6.

LOONTOUCHED: This warlord’s magical prowess is boosted by the Bad Moon’s light.

Effect: If this unit is not a WIZARD, it has WIZARD (1). Otherwise, add 1 to casting rolls for this unit.

Any Combat Phase
FIGHT ANOTHER DAY: This warlord has mastered the ignoble art of striking then running away before the enemy can hit back.

Effect: If this unit is in combat, roll a dice. On a 3+, this unit can immediately use the ‘Retreat’ ability as if it were your movement phase without any mortal damage being inflicted on it.

Artefacts of Power

Troglodytic Treasures

HERO only

THE CLAMMY COWL: This enchanted hood wreathes its wearer in damp gloom, causing enemies to swing wildly at their blurred outline and weapons to slip in suddenly moistened palms.

Effect: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this unit.

Once Per Battle, End of Any Turn
BACKSTABBER’S BLADE: A slitta made from pure shadow and malice, this blade always finds its victim’s weak spots.

Declare: Pick an enemy HERO in combat with this unit to be the target.

Effect: Roll a dice. On a 2+, inflict an amount of mortal damage on the target equal to the roll.

LEERING GITSHIELD: The spiteful enchantments woven into this hideous shield ensure terrible misfortune falls on any who dare attack its bearer.

Effect: Each time an unmodified hit roll for an attack that targets this unit is 1, inflict 1 mortal damage on the attacking unit after the ATTACK ability has been resolved.

Spell Lore

Lore of the Clammy Dank

Your Hero Phase
SNEAKY DISTRACTION: The shaman’s unnaturally shrill cries and magical light‑show hypnotically draw the attention of their foes.

Declare: Pick a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARD to cast this spell, then make a casting roll of 2D6.

Effect: Until the start of your next turn, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by enemy units while they are wholly within 12" of the caster.

Your Hero Phase
THE HAND OF GORK: A ghostly hand picks up a mob of gitz and plonks them back down where they are most needed.

Declare: Pick a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARD to cast this spell, pick a visible friendly unit wholly within 12" of them and not in combat to be the target, then make a casting roll of 2D6.

Effect: Remove the target from the battlefield and set it up again on the battlefield wholly within 24" of the caster and more than 9" from all enemy units.

Your Hero Phase
SPORE MAWS: The caster causes the thick spores around them to coalesce into gnashing green mouths.

Declare: Pick a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARD to cast this spell, pick up to 3 visible enemy units within 12" of them to be the targets, then make a casting roll of 2D6.

Effect: Roll a D3 for each target. On a 2+, inflict an amount of mortal damage on the target equal to the roll.

Manifestation Lore

Dank Manifestations

Your Hero Phase
SUMMON MORK’S MIGHTY MUSHROOM: The shaman takes a small mushroom and hurls it with all his might. When it lands, it sprouts impossibly quickly into a gigantic skullshroom, a fungus said to grow between Mork’s own toes.

Declare: If there is not a friendly Mork’s Mighty Mushroom on the battlefield, pick a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARD to cast this spell, then make a casting roll of 2D6.

Effect: Set up a Mork’s Mighty Mushroom wholly within 12" of the caster and visible to them.

Your Hero Phase
SUMMON SCUTTLETIDE: The shaman grasps a small jade amulet in which a skullback spider is imprisoned and uses it to call forth a seething mass of the trapped creature’s kin.

Declare: If there is not a friendly Scuttletide on the battlefield, pick a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARD to cast this spell, then make a casting roll of 2D6.

Effect: Set up a Scuttletide wholly within 12" of the caster, visible to them and more than 9" from all enemy units.

Your Hero Phase
SUMMON MALEVOLENT MOON: The shaman transforms a loonstone statue into a huge glowing terror and lets it loose on the battlefield.

Declare: If there is not a friendly Malevolent Moon on the battlefield, pick a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARD to cast this spell, then make a casting roll of 2D6.

Effect: Set up a Malevolent Moon wholly within 12" of the caster, visible to them and more than 9" from all enemy units.

Your Hero Phase
SUMMON SCRAPSKUTTLE’S ARACHNACAULDRON: The shaman whistles loudly, calling the squealing, bubbling Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron to their side.

Declare: If there is not a friendly Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron on the battlefield, pick a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARD to cast this spell, then make a casting roll of 2D6.

Effect: Set up a Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron wholly within 12" of the caster, visible to them and more than 9" from all enemy units.

Army of Renown

Trugg’s Troggherd

When you pick the Gloomspite Gitz faction for your army, you can choose for it to be a Trugg’s Troggherd Army of Renown. If you do so, use the faction rules on these pages instead of the Gloomspite Gitz faction rules. Every unit in your army must be drawn from the units listed in the roster options box below. All units in your army gain the TRUGG’S TROGGHERD keyword.


Battle Traits

HERD HEALING: When troggoths gather in larger numbers, the sheer troggness of the herd serves as a catalyst for their regenerative abilities.

Effect: Each time a friendly TROGGOTH unit uses a FIGHT ability, after that ability has been resolved, Heal (D3) that unit.

AURA OF HAYWIRE MAGIC: Those who trudge beside the Troggoth King on his long march are imbued with the same mysterious powers their liege unwittingly channels.

Effect: The effects of a friendly Trugg’s ‘Malfunctioning Leystone’ ability affect friendly TRUGG’S TROGGHERD units anywhere on the battlefield instead of only those wholly within 12" of that friendly Trugg.

MOON-TOUGHENED HIDE: The light of the Bad Moon illuminates the troggoths’ craggy hides, its madcap magic rendering them even more resilient than usual.

Effect: In battle rounds 2 and 3, subtract 1 from the Rend characteristic of melee weapons used for attacks that target friendly TRUGG’S TROGGHERD units.

Once Per Battle (Army), Deployment Phase
LIVING LANDMARK: Despite their great size, when some troggoths lie down for a snooze, they are easy to mistake for just another part of the landscape…

Declare: Pick a friendly TRUGG’S TROGGHERD unit that has not been deployed.

Effect: Set up that unit in reserve as a living landmark. It has now been deployed.

Your Movement Phase
BROKEN SLUMBER: Disturbed by the approach of an enemy army, dozing troggoths – presumed till now to be part of the scenery – wake up in a blurry rage, fists and clubs swinging.

Declare: Pick a friendly Trugg’s Troggherd unit that is a living landmark.

Effect: Set up that unit anywhere on the battlefield wholly within 3" of a terrain feature and more than 9" from all enemy units.

Heroic Traits

HERO only
Once Per Battle, Any Combat Phase
LOONSTONE TEEF: This troggoth once jammed shards of loonstone into their gums to replace missing teeth. They have since been driven mad by a constant cackling that echoes around their skull, rendering them particularly irascible and dangerous.

Effect: This unit can use 2 FIGHT abilities this phase. After the first is used, however, this unit has STRIKE-LAST for the rest of the turn.

Artefacts of Power

HERO only
Once Per Battle, Any Movement Phase
CRUNCHY SHINIES: When eaten, these glimmering crystal shards allow a troggoth to move with something approaching agility – a novel feeling for these naturally lumbering brutes.

Effect: For the rest of the turn, add 3 to run rolls and charge rolls for this unit.

The non-SQUIG MOONCLAN keyword is used in the following Gloomspite Gitz warscrolls:

The SQUIG keyword is used in the following Gloomspite Gitz warscrolls:

The TROGGOTH keyword is used in the following Gloomspite Gitz warscrolls:

• Mollog
Save Roll
The commander of the target unit rolls a dice, subtracting the attacking weapon’s Rend characteristic from the roll. Unmodified save rolls of 1 always fail. If the roll equals or exceeds the Save characteristic of the target unit, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. If not, it is a successful attack: move on to the next step.
Combat attacks
Combat attacks are made with melee weapons. The target unit(s) must be within the combat range of the attacking model and visible to it. The model must attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with.
Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Hit characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit rolls of 1 always fail. If an unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a weapon is a 6, that attack is a critical hit.

Critical hits have no effect on their own but often trigger additional effects (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail.
Unless otherwise specified, attacks made by this weapon are not affected by friendly abilities that modify hit rolls, wound rolls or weapon characteristics, except for those that apply negative modifiers (e.g. ‘Covering Fire’).
Universal Core Abilities - Charge Phase
Your Charge Phase
CHARGE: With a mighty battle cry, the warriors charge into combat with the enemy.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat and has not used a RUN or RETREAT ability this turn to use this ability. Then, make a charge roll of 2D6.

Effect: That unit can move a distance up to the value of the charge roll. That unit can move through the combat ranges of any enemy units and must end that move within 1/2" of a visible enemy unit. If it does so, the unit using this ability has charged.

15.3 Pile-in Moves
Some abilities, such as FIGHT abilities, allow a unit to make a short move called a pile-in move to get into a better position for combat. To do so:

If your unit is in combat: Pick an enemy unit your unit is in combat with to be the target of the pile-in move. Each model in your unit can move up to 3". That move can pass through the combat ranges of any enemy units, but each model must end that move no further from the target unit. At the end of the move, your unit must still be in combat with all units that it was in combat with at the start of the move.

If your unit is not in combat: Each model in your unit can move 3" in any direction. That move can pass through and end within the combat ranges of any enemy units.

  • Pile in: move up to 3".
  • If in combat, the unit must end the move closer, or at least as close, to the target enemy unit.
17.2 Mortal Damage
Some abilities inflict mortal damage. If an ability inflicts mortal damage on a unit, add that number of damage points to the unit’s damage pool for that ability (see 18.2 Allocating Damage).
21.0 Healing
Some abilities allow you to heal a unit. To heal a unit, remove a number of damage points from the unit equal to the number in brackets after ‘Heal’, e.g. Heal (2).
Any Hero Phase
RALLY: With an inspiring call to action, wounded soldiers get a second wind and fresh troops take the field to replace their fallen comrades.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to use this ability.

Effect: Make 6 rally rolls of D6. For each 4+, you receive 1 rally point. Rally points can be spent in the following ways:
  • For each rally point spent, Heal (1) that unit.
  • You can spend a number of rally points equal to the Health characteristic of that unit to return a slain model to that unit.
You can spend the rally points in any combination of the above. Unspent rally points are then lost.
1.0 Wizards and Priests
WIZARDS are special units that can cast spells, and PRIESTS are special units that can chant prayers. Spells and prayers are powerful abilities that can have a dramatic impact on the battle.

The WIZARD keyword is used in the following Gloomspite Gitz warscrolls:

1.1 Power Level
Each WIZARD and PRIEST has a power level, shown in brackets after the keyword, e.g. WIZARD (2). A WIZARD or PRIEST’s power level determines the number of SPELL, PRAYER or BANISH abilities they can use per phase, in any combination. For example, a WIZARD (2) unit could use 1 SPELL and 1 BANISH ability in their commander’s hero phase.
6.0 Visibility
A target model is visible to another model (which we’ll call the ‘observing model’) if you can draw a straight line through the air (whether horizontal, diagonal or vertical) from any point on the observing model to any point on the target model that does not intersect any objects except for other models in the observing model’s unit. A target unit is visible to an observing unit if at least 1 model in the target unit is visible to at least 1 model in the observing unit. A model is always considered to be visible to itself.

  • If any part of another model can be seen by an observing model, both the target model and its unit are visible to that observing model.

In some cases, it might not be immediately clear whether a model is visible. If so, stoop down to get a look from behind the observing model. If any part of the other model is visible, even if it is just the tip of a spear, then that model is visible for rules purposes.
18.1 Ward Saves
Units with the WARD keyword have the ‘Ward Save’ passive ability. The number after the WARD keyword indicates the ward value for the ward save. If a unit had WARD (5+), for example, its ward value would be 5. If a unit has more than one ward save, only the ward save with the lowest value applies to it; the other has no effect.

WARD SAVE: Whether through their uncanny reflexes, unnatural toughness or a source of mystical protection, these warriors can avoid otherwise lethal attacks.

Effect: In step 1 of the damage sequence (see 18.0), make a ward roll of D6 for each damage point in this unit’s damage pool. If the roll equals or exceeds this unit’s ward value, remove that damage point from the damage pool.

2.0 Spells
The declare step of each spell will tell you to make a casting roll of 2D6. If the roll does not equal or exceed the spell’s casting value (at the top-right corner of the spell), the spell fails and its effect is not resolved.

If the unmodified casting roll includes 2 or more rolls of 1, the spell is miscast: the spell fails, its effect is not resolved, D3 mortal damage is inflicted on the WIZARD that used it, and that WIZARD cannot use any more spells in that phase.

Enemy reactions can only be used if the casting roll equals or exceeds the spell’s casting value. So long as the spell is not unbound (see 4.0), then it is successfully cast: resolve its effect.

Your Hero Phase
MYSTIC SHIELD: The caster's allies are bathed in an unearthly glow that protects them from harm.

Declare: Pick a visible friendly unit wholly within 12" of this WIZARD to be the target. Then, make a casting roll of 2D6.

Effect: The target has WARD (6+) this turn.

7.0 Combat Range
Each model has a combat range that extends 3" horizontally from its base and any distance vertically from that circle to form a cylinder. The combat range of a unit extends 3" horizontally and any distance vertically from every model in that unit. Units from opposing armies that are within each other’s combat range and that are visible to each other are in combat with each other. When a unit that is not in combat enters the combat range of a visible enemy unit, it moves into combat.
A model is considered to be in combat with an enemy unit if that unit is within the model’s combat range and visible to it’

  • A unit’s combat range extends 3" out from every model in that unit.
  • If any enemy models are within a unit’s combat range and visible to it, that unit is in combat.
Universal Core Abilities - Movement Phase
Your Movement Phase
NORMAL MOVE: The warriors advance across the battlefield.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to use this ability.

Effect: That unit can move a distance up to its Move characteristic. That unit cannot move into combat during any part of that move.

Your Movement Phase
RUN: The unit rushes into position.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to use this ability.

Effect: Make a run roll of D6. That unit can move a distance up to its Move characteristic added to the run roll. That unit cannot move into combat during any part of that move.

Your Movement Phase
RETREAT: The fighters disengage from combat, though at the cost of lowering their defences.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is in combat to use this ability.

Effect: Inflict D3 mortal damage on that unit. That unit can move a distance up to its Move characteristic. That unit can move through the combat ranges of any enemy units but cannot end that move within an enemy unit’s combat range.

The GLOOMSPITE GITZ and WIZARD keywords are used in the following Gloomspite Gitz warscrolls:

3.2 The General
You must pick 1 HERO in your army that is leading a regiment to be your general. If any units in your army have the WARMASTER keyword, you must pick one of those units to be your general. Your general’s regiment can include up to 4 non-HERO units in addition to your general.
3.5 Regiments of Renown
In addition to creating your own regiments, you can also spend points to include 1 Regiment of Renown. Regiments of Renown are pre-built regiments, each with their own special abilities. The rules for each Regiment of Renown will specify which factions can include it. A unit in a Regiment of Renown cannot be your general even if it is a WARMASTER.

  • You cannot include more than 1 Regiment of Renown in your army unless otherwise specified in the notes column of that regiment’s battle profile.
  • Units in a Regiment of Renown cannot use (but can be picked as the target of, if otherwise eligible) any faction rules from the faction they are allied into, including enhancements and lores, unless they have a keyword that matches that faction’s name.
  • If an ability allows you to set up a replacement unit (Core Rules, 24.2) for a unit in a Regiment of Renown, that unit also counts as being part of that Regiment of Renown.
1.5 Faction Terrain
Some factions have special terrain features called faction terrain features. Faction terrain features have their own warscrolls. They are not considered to be units, with the following exceptions:
  • In the combat phase, they are treated as if they were units for the purposes of movement, combat range and being in combat. Units can finish a charge move within 1/2" of an enemy faction terrain feature as if it were a unit.
  • They can be picked as targets of enemy abilities as if they were units. They are not affected by enemy abilities that do not involve picking targets.
  • Damage points can be inflicted on them as if they were units and they can be destroyed.
  • If a terrain feature has any melee or ranged weapons, it can use the ‘Fight’ and ‘Shoot’ Core abilities as if it were a unit.
  • Terrain features that have a Move characteristic of 0" (‘-’) cannot move (note that pile-in moves are a type of move).

Some faction terrain features allow you to place a unit on them (this will be clearly specified in that terrain feature’s rules). When doing so, instead of measuring range or visibility to and from the unit that is on that terrain feature, measure to and from the terrain feature instead. Unless otherwise specified, units on a faction terrain feature cannot use FIGHT abilities.

If a unit placed on a terrain feature is removed from it (e.g. if an ability removes them from the battlefield), that unit counts as having left that terrain feature and loses any special role or benefits it had as a result of being placed on it.

The Citadel Terrain List shows the number of scenery pieces each terrain feature can consist of. If you are using terrain features that are not included on that list, agree with your opponent before setting up the battlefield how many scenery pieces make up each terrain feature.
19.0 Strike-first and Strike-last
If there are any STRIKE-FIRST units in combat at the start of the phase, other units cannot be picked to use a FIGHT ability until those units have been picked to use a FIGHT ability. After all those STRIKE-FIRST units have fought, the active player picks the next unit to fight.

If there are any STRIKE-LAST units in combat, they cannot be picked to use a FIGHT ability if there are any units in combat that do not have STRIKE-LAST and have not yet used a FIGHT ability.

If a unit has STRIKE-FIRST and STRIKE-LAST, treat it as if it had neither.

There may be situations when a unit that has STRIKE-FIRST is not in combat at the start of the phase, but because of moves such as pile-in moves, it is ‘pulled into combat’ later in the phase. In such cases, STRIKE-FIRST has no effect on that unit because it was not in combat at the start of the phase.

Abilities that allow a unit to use a FIGHT ability immediately after another unit do not override the STRIKE-FIRST or STRIKE-LAST constraints, so you could not pick a unit with STRIKE-LAST to fight immediately after a unit with STRIKE-FIRST.
14.3 Charge Phase
Your Charge Phase
CHARGE: With a mighty battle cry, the warriors charge into combat with the enemy.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat and has not used a RUN or RETREAT ability this turn to use this ability. Then, make a charge roll of 2D6.

Effect: That unit can move a distance up to the value of the charge roll. That unit can move through the combat ranges of any enemy units and must end that move within 1/2" of a visible enemy unit. If it does so, the unit using this ability has charged.

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© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025