First Blood

This battlepack allows you to build your own army roster and play full-scale, evenly matched battles. It is the perfect introduction to Matched Play, providing conditions that give no particular advantage to either side in order to see which player is the canniest commander.


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  Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Core Rules
  Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Core RulesRulebook4September 2024
Matched Play Battlepack

First Blood

1. Pick Your Armies

Each player picks an army using the rules in Army Composition.

In addition to the Core Rules, Matched Play: First Blood uses the following Advanced Rules:

2. Determine the Battleplan

One player rolls on the following table to determine the battleplan. Alternatively, feel free to pick the battleplan you would like to play.

3. Set Up the Battlefield

The players roll off. The winner chooses which player is the attacker and which is the defender.

Next, the defender sets up objectives in the locations indicated by gold circles on the battlefield map . Then, the defender sets up terrain features. Each terrain feature must be set up more than 3" from the battlefield edge, more than 6" from all other terrain features and more than 3" from all objectives.

After objectives and terrain have been set up, the attacker picks which territory is their territory. The other territory is the defender’s territory. The players then resolve the deployment phase. The attacker begins deployment (Core Rules, 10.0).

Battlefield Size

For a 1000-point battle, we recommend a 30" x 44" battlefield with 4 terrain features.

For a 2000-point battle, we recommend a 44" x 60" battlefield with 8 terrain features.

If you have agreed on a points limit outside these bounds, feel free to adjust the battlefield size and number of terrain features appropriately.

Victory Points

Each player scores victory points at the end of each of their turns as follows:
  • Score 2 victory points if you control at least 1 objective.
  • Score 2 victory points if you control 2 or more objectives.
  • Score 2 victory points if you control more objectives than your opponent.


Each battleplan includes a twist. Twists modify the gameplay within the battleplan, and they may provide additional means of scoring victory points.

Battle Length

First Blood battles last for 4 battle rounds.

Glorious Victory

The player with the most victory points at the end of the battle wins a major victory.

If the players are tied on victory points at the end of the battle, and only one player’s general has survived the battle, that player wins a minor victory. If the players are tied on victory points and both generals or neither general survived the battle, the battle is a draw.
Battleplan 1

Border War

Two armies are determined to capture vital ground that separates their domains. From there, they can strike deep into enemy territory.

TWIST: Score 2 additional victory points if you control the objectivewholly within enemy territory. If there is an underdog, they score 1 additional victory point for each objective they control that is within both players’ territories.

Battleplan 2

Stake a Claim

Two armies clash on land that is highly prized by both generals. So close are the key areas of control that rival warriors cannot help but come into contact, no matter where they choose to make their stand.

TWIST: At the start of the battle round, if there is an underdog, they can pick 1 objective. That objective is no longer controlled by either player and cannot be controlled this battle round.

Battleplan 3

Shifting Priorities

A general must learn to react with lightning swiftness to the changing conditions of battle, striking with all their might first in one direction and then another to ensure victory.

TWIST: At the start of the battle round, if there is an underdog, they can pick 1 objective to be the primary objective for that battle round. The primary objective is worth 1 additional victory point to the player who controls it.

If you are instructed to roll off, each player should roll a dice. Whichever player has a higher roll wins the roll-off. If the result is a tie, each player should roll off again until there is a clear winner, unless otherwise specified.
32.0 Objectives
Many battleplans award victory points for controlling objectives, which are represented by objective markers. Unless otherwise specified, objective markers are round and 40mm wide. Models can move over and end their moves on objective markers. If an objective marker is on the border between territories, it is within all those territories but wholly within none of them. Objective markers don’t block visibility.
3.2 The General
You must pick 1 HERO in your army that is leading a regiment to be your general. If any units in your army have the WARMASTER keyword, you must pick one of those units to be your general. Your general’s regiment can include up to 4 non-HERO units in addition to your general.
32.2 Objective Control
At the start of the first battle round and at the end of each turn, follow this sequence for each objective in an order chosen by the active player:
  1. Starting with the active player, each player determines the control score of each of their units that is contesting that objective. A unit’s control score is the combined Control characteristics of all the models in that unit that are contesting the objective. Some abilities modify a unit’s control score, but it cannot be reduced to less than 1.
  2. Each player adds up the control scores of all of their units contesting that objective. This is their army control score for that objective.
  3. The players compare their army control scores for that objective. If one player’s score is higher, that player gains control of that objective. Once a player gains control of an objective, it remains under their control until their opponent gains control of it.

Sometimes objective markers get accidentally nudged while you are moving models around. This is perfectly fine - just remember to put them back in their proper positions when determining objective control.
Determine the Underdog
Whichever player has the fewest victory points is the underdog for the battle round. If the players are tied (e.g. in the first battle round), then there is no underdog, unless otherwise specified.

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© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025