ARCANE ENHANCEMENT: A Stormcast blessed to be borne upon a Dais Arcanum feels the celestial energies of Azyr course through them.
Effect: While the unit that was picked to be the target of the ’
Summon Dais Arcanum’ ability is on the platform of this
- That unit has WARD (5+) and Fly.
- If that unit is a WIZARD, add 1 to that unit’s power level.
- That unit cannot use MOVE abilities and remains on this MANIFESTATION each time it moves.
- Instead of measuring range or visibility to and from that unit, measure to and from this MANIFESTATION instead.
- This MANIFESTATION cannot be picked to be the target of abilities other than BANISH abilities.
- If that unit is picked to make a pile-in move, move this MANIFESTATION instead.
If this
banished, before removing it from the battlefield, set up the unit on its platform on the battlefield within 3" of it. That unit can only be set up in combat with units it was already in combat with when this
MANIFESTATION was banished. If it is not possible to set up that unit, it is destroyed.
If the unit on the platform is removed from the battlefield, immediately remove this