Disciples of Tzeentch

While the crude warlords of the mortal races measure their success by territory conquered, the Disciples of Tzeentch seek nothing less than to capsize reality itself. They are masters of the sorcerous rite and the devious plot. When at war, a barrage of magic reveals the awful truth – that their enemies were doomed before the first shot was fired.

This page contains all of the rules you need to field your Tzeentch miniatures on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms, from a host of exciting allegiance abilities to a range of warscrolls and warscroll battalions. The rules are split into the following sections.


BookKindEditionLast update
  Disciples of Tzeentch
  Disciples of TzeentchBattletome3April 2024
  Abraxia Spear of the Everchosen
  Abraxia Spear of the EverchosenSupplement3May 2024
  Battlescroll: Impending Vermindoom
  Battlescroll: Impending VermindoomRulebook3April 2024
  Slaves to Darkness
  Slaves to DarknessBattletome3February 2024
  Regiments of Renown
  Regiments of RenownWarscroll3February 2024
  Dawnbringers Book I: Harbingers
  Dawnbringers Book I: HarbingersExpansion3June 2023
  Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood (Ephilims Pandaemonium)
  Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood (Ephilims Pandaemonium)Warscroll3May 2023
  Warcry: Sundered Fate (Jade Obelisk)
  Warcry: Sundered Fate (Jade Obelisk)Warscroll3November 2022
  Broken Realms: Be’lakor
  Broken Realms: Be’lakorExpansion2July 2022
  Compendium: Monstrous Arcanum
  Compendium: Monstrous ArcanumExpansion3August 2021
  Warhammer Legends: Monstrous Arcanum
  Warhammer Legends: Monstrous ArcanumExpansion3August 2021

Designers’ Commentary

Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch

Q:Can the ‘Spell-thief’ ability be used to steal an endless spell that is bonded to a WIZARD?
Yes. If you do so, that endless spell would no longer be bonded to any unit (friendly or enemy).
Q:If Kairos Fateweaver or a Lord of Change use their ‘Spell-thief’ ability to steal an endless spell that was summoned by a ROTBRINGER SORCERER, does that endless spell retain the MAGGOTKIN OF NURGLE keyword?
Q:Can a unit of Horrors of Tzeentch start a battle with a mix of Pink, Blue and Brimstone Horrors?
Q:If a HERO is transformed into a Chaos Spawn, is that HERO considered to be slain?
Q:If a HERO is transformed into a Chaos Spawn, is that Chaos Spawn considered to be the same unit as that HERO for the purpose of battle tactics and grand strategies?
Q:If a HERO is transformed into a Chaos Spawn, does that Chaos Spawn gain that HERO’s enhancements?
Q:If either player’s general is transformed into a Chaos Spawn, is that Chaos Spawn considered to be a general for the purpose of generating command points for that player?
Q:If all of the models in a unit have been slain or transformed into Chaos Spawn, does that unit count as being destroyed?
Q:Is a unit of Blue Horrors that replaces a unit of Pink Horrors using the ‘Split and Split Again’ ability considered to be the same unit? Likewise, is a unit of Brimstone Horrors that replaces a unit of Blue Horrors using the ‘Split and Split Again’ ability considered to be the same unit?
Yes and yes.
Q:How is control of an endless spell determined for the ‘Realm of Magic’ grand strategy?
When a player picks a predatory endless spell to move, they are considered to be the commanding player of that predatory endless spell until the start of the next hero phase (core rules, 19.5.2). All other endless spells are under the command of the player who summoned them.
Q:Can I use the Hosts of Chaos allegiance abilities in Wrath of the Everchosen to pick a subfaction for my Disciples of Tzeentch army?
No. The allegiance abilities found in the most recent publication of Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch replace the Hosts of Chaos allegiance abilities in Wrath of the Everchosen.
Q:Do I gain a Fate Point when a WIZARD automatically casts a spell?
Q:Can the Timeslip Pendant be used to allow a unit to fight three times in one combat phase?
Q:Several abilities allow TZEENTCH WIZARDS to cast spells they did not know at the start of the battle ‘if it is possible for them to do so’. Can you explain what this means?
It is only possible for a WIZARD to use an ability to cast a spell that they do not know at the start of the battle if:
  • That spell does not require the caster to have a keyword in order to know it or attempt to cast it, or
  • That spell requires the caster to have a keyword in order to know it or attempt to cast it and the caster has that keyword on their warscroll.
A WIZARD cannot cast a spell that they did not know at the start of the battle if that spell requires that WIZARD to use a value on a damage table that is not on that WIZARD’s warscroll.

A WIZARD can only cast a spell that summons an endless spell that they did not know at the start of the battle if you have paid the points to include that endless spell on your army roster.
Q:If I spend 2 Destiny Dice to change the casting roll for a Lord of Change, does the ‘Mastery of Magic’ ability change the result of the Destiny Dice that I used for the casting roll?
Q:Does changing a dice roll with the ‘Mastery of Magic’ ability count as a modifier?
Q:The Legions of Chaos rule states ‘2 in every 4 units in the army can be a coalition unit from the Slaves to Darkness faction that has the MARK OF CHAOS keyword’. Can I include units from the Slaves to Darkness faction that already have the relevant Chaos God keyword (KHORNE, NURGLE, SLAANESH or TZEENTCH) for my army but do not have the MARK OF CHAOS keyword as coalition units?
Q:If models in multiple units are slain by the Burning Sigil of Tzeentch’s ‘Radiant Transmogrification’ ability, where is the Chaos Spawn set up?
The Tzeentch player can set up a Chaos Spawn within 3" of any of the units that had models slain by the Burning Sigil of Tzeentch.
Q:When using the Burning Sigil of Tzeentch’s ‘Radiant Transmogrification’ ability, if models in multiple enemy units are slain, do I add 1 Tzeentch Chaos Spawn for each enemy unit that had models slain by this ability?
Q:An endless spell summoned using the ‘Arcane Armies’ battle trait cannot be dispelled, but can a dispelling roll still be made against that endless spell in the first battle round?
Q:Can a Tzaangor model added to a TZAANGOR HOST by the Cult of the Transient Form’s ‘The Change-gift’ ability take the TZAANGOR HOST above its maximum starting size?
Q:Can the Curseling use its ‘Vessel of Chaos’ ability to cast ‘Glean Magic’ twice in one phase if it unbinds two spells?
Q:How does the Horrors of Tzeentch ability ‘Split and Split Again’ work when a HORRORS OF TZEENTCH unit is affected by an ability that results in a model being slain, for example, the Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant’s ‘Stuff ’Em In Me Bag’ ability?
A HORRORS OF TZEENTCH model that is slain in this manner cannot use the ‘Split and Split Again’ ability.
Q:Do Kairos Fateweaver, the Lord of Change, the Gaunt Summoner on Disc of Tzeentch, the Gaunt Summoner and The Blue Scribes know all the spells from the lores mentioned on their warscrolls if one or more of those units are included in an army that is not a Disciples of Tzeentch army?
No. See core rules, 27.0. Spell lores are enhancements, which are a type of allegiance ability, and therefore these units can only know spells from those spell lores if they are part of a Disciples of Tzeentch army.
Q:If there are no enemy units within range of the Fluxmaster’s spell ‘Blue Fire of Tzeentch’, can it still roll 9 dice and receive Fate Points on a 5+?
Q:If the Coven of Thryx allied into an army that is not a Disciples of Tzeentch army, can the spell ‘Bolt of Change’ transform the first model slain into a Disciples of Tzeentch Chaos Spawn? Similarly, if Magister Thryx is slain after using the ‘Magic-touched’ ability, can I use the ‘Transformed to Spawn’ ability to add a Disciples of Tzeentch Chaos Spawn to my army?
No to both because ‘Transformed to Spawn’ is a Disciples of Tzeentch battle trait.
Q:Can Destiny Dice be spent to replace a re-rolled dice?


Disciples of TzeentchHedonites of Slaanesh, Slaves to Darkness (excluding units that can or must be given a Mark of Chaos)

Battle Traits

Arcane Armies

When a Tzeentch army marches to war, it is often accompanied by endless spells which are sustained by a magical aura that surround Tzeentch’s servants.

In the first battle round, after the players have received their starting command points, but before the start of the first turn, you can pick 1 friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH WIZARD on the battlefield. That WIZARD can automatically cast a spell that they know that summons a Burning Sigil of Tzeentch, Tome of Eyes or Daemonic Simulacrum endless spell (do not make a casting roll). That spell cannot be unbound, and cannot be dispelled in the first battle round. Set up the endless spell as described in the effect for that spell.

Masters of Destiny

To serve the Changer of the Ways is to instinctively understand the ebb and flow of future events and be able to manipulate their potential to the fullest.

At the end of deployment, roll 9 dice and put them to one side. These are your Destiny Dice. Destiny Dice can be used during the battle to change dice rolls.

Instead of making 1 of the rolls from the list below for a friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH unit, you can spend 1 or more of your Destiny Dice. The roll you would have made is replaced with the roll on the Destiny Dice you spend. If you want to replace an xD6 roll (core rules, 1.5.2), you must spend a number of Destiny Dice equal to the ‘x’. Any rolls that have been replaced count as unmodified rolls and cannot be re-rolled, changed or modified unless noted below. Destiny Dice can be spent in place of the following dice rolls:
  • Casting rolls
  • Unbinding rolls
  • Dispelling rolls
  • Run rolls
  • Charge rolls
  • Hit rolls
  • Wound rolls
  • Save rolls (You must still modify the roll by the Rend characteristic of the attacking weapon)
  • Any roll that determines the Damage characteristic of a missile or melee weapon
  • Battleshock rolls (You must still modify the roll by the number of models slain from the unit)

Designer’s Note: It is recommended that you represent your Destiny Dice with dice that are a different colour and/or size to those used for other rolls.

Locus of Change

The miasma of instability that follows the minions of the Great Conspirator can send even the most focused warriors insane, the deceit of their own eyes rendering any martial skill useless.

Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons that target friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH DAEMON units that are wholly within 12" of a friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH DAEMON HERO.

Change Covens

Daemons spill forth from the Crystal Labyrinth to do the bidding of their master. Cults of Arcanites gather in secret and conspire to bring mighty cities to their knees. Where there is life, it is certain that Tzeentch will be at play, poring over the fine details, ready to hatch a diabolical scheme and command his followers to carry out his ever-changing plans.

You can pick 1 of the following subfactions for your army (core rules, 27.2.1). All DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH units in your army gain the keyword of the subfaction you picked, and you can use the allegiance abilities for that subfaction. If a unit already has a different subfaction keyword on its warscroll, it cannot gain another one. This does not preclude you from including the unit in your army, but you cannot use the allegiance abilities for its subfaction.

Summon Daemons of Tzeentch

The machinations of Tzeentch are unimaginably complex. To challenge the fractal plans of the Architect of Fate is to stand before the folding of reality and face strange daemons born from chaotic sorcery itself.

You can summon DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH DAEMONS units to the battlefield if you have enough Fate Points. Each time a casting roll is successful and the spell is not unbound, you receive 1 Fate Point.

Designer’s Note: You receive a Fate Point when a friendly or an enemy WIZARD successfully casts a spell.

If you have any Fate Points at the end of your movement phase, you can summon 1 unit from the list below to the battlefield and add it to your army. Each unit you summon costs the number of Fate Points shown on the list, and you can only summon it if you have enough Fate Points to do so. Units must be set up more than 9" from all enemy units and wholly within 9" of a friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH HERO.

Legions of Chaos

When an army dedicated to one of the Chaos Gods marches to war, it is often accompanied by hordes of Slaves to Darkness, snarling herds of beast-kin and other corrupted beings with similar goals.

A Disciples of Tzeentch army can include coalition units as follows:
  • 2 in every 4 units in the army can be a coalition unit from the Slaves to Darkness faction that has the MARK OF CHAOS or TZEENTCH keyword. Those units gain the TZEENTCH keyword (if they do not already have it).
  • 1 in every 4 units in the army can be a coalition unit from the BEASTS OF CHAOS faction that does not have the TZEENTCH keyword. Those units gain the TZEENTCH keyword.
A Disciples of Tzeentch army cannot include coalition units with the KHORNE or NURGLE keyword.

Coalition units are ignored when determining if the units in the army are from a single faction. Coalition units cannot be generals.

Designer’s Note: Coalition units are not allied units, so the limitations that apply to allied units do not apply to them. This means that coalition units can be given one of your army’s enhancements, as long as they have the correct keywords or are of the correct unit type needed to receive it.

Transformed to Spawn

Tzeentch is known as the Changer of the Ways, and to be in the presence of his minions risks being transformed into a Chaos Spawn.

If a model is transformed into a Spawn, you can add 1 TZEENTCH CHAOS SPAWN unit that has 1 model to your army. Set up the TZEENTCH CHAOS SPAWN unit within 1" of the model that has been transformed, and then remove the transformed model from play.

Designer’s Note: A transformed model does not count as a slain model for the purposes of the Battleshock rules, and cannot be returned if you are allowed to bring back slain models (the model has not been slain). In addition, if your general is transformed to spawn, that Chaos Spawn becomes your general and cannot issue commands.

Command Traits

Tzeentch Arcanites



This disciple is driven by an obsession to obtain as much of Tzeentch’s wisdom as possible.

WIZARDS only. This general knows 2 extra spells from the Lore of Fate.

Nexus of Fate

This general manipulates what mortals consider ‘destiny’ as if it were a puppet.

At the start of your hero phase, if this general is on the battlefield, you can roll a dice. If you do so, you can replace one of your Destiny Dice with that roll.

Cult Demagogue

This cabalist’s resounding prayers draw the gaze of his master’s minions quicker than most.

WIZARDS only. If the first casting roll in each hero phase for this general is a double and the spell is not miscast, the casting attempt is successful and the spell cannot be unbound (regardless of the roll). In addition, you receive 2 Fate Points instead of 1.

Arcane Sacrifice

Blood rituals are rare amongst Tzeentch’s Arcanites - but not unheard of.

WIZARDS only. At the start of your hero phase, you can cause 1 mortal wound to a friendly TZEENTCH unit within 3" of this general. If you do so, until the end of that phase, add 9" to the range of all spells successfully cast by this general.

Soul Burn

The slightest contact with this champion’s blade can blight the very fabric of the victim’s body.

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a melee weapon by this general is 6, that attack causes 1 mortal wound to the target in addition to any damage it inflicts.


This warrior uses misdirection and cunning to render his enemies clueless.

Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this general.

Tzeentch Daemons



This disciple is driven by an obsession to obtain as much of Tzeentch’s wisdom as possible.

WIZARDS only. This general knows 2 extra spells from the Lore of Change.


This crude object is fused with the daemon’s chest and acts as a beacon to which its master’s minions flock.

Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can say that this general will use their Daemonspark. If you do so, you immediately gain 3 Fate Points.

Nexus of Fate

This general manipulates what mortals consider ‘destiny’ as if it were a puppet.

At the start of your hero phase, if this general is on the battlefield, you can roll a dice. If you do so, you can replace one of your Destiny Dice with that roll.

Incorporeal Form

This daemon can transform into a translucent state when malevolent sorcery draws near.

Each time this general is affected by a spell or the ability of an endless spell, you can roll a dice. On a 5+, ignore the effect of that spell or the effects of that endless spell’s ability on this general.

Artefacts of Power

Fated Artefacts



To fall to this blade is to be transmuted into a writhing mass of flesh and tentacles.

Pick 1 of the bearer’s melee weapons. If an enemy HERO is slain by attacks made with that weapon, you can say it is transformed into a Spawn instead of being slain.

Timeslip Pendant

Time is a mutable concept to the bearer of this amulet.

Once per battle, in the combat phase, after the bearer has fought for the first time in that phase, you can say that they are using the Timeslip Pendant. If you do so, they do not count as having fought in that phase but the strike-last effect applies to them until the end of that phase.


Through a dark ritual, the heart of a daemon dwells within the bearer’s chest, where its dread power can be unleashed to greatly augment the strength of its host.

Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of the bearer. That unit suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the number of the current battle round.

Ambition’s End

Many a sorcerer’s quest to master the magical arts has ended upon this weapon’s blade, for it spills not only blood but knowledge itself.

Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can pick 1 enemy WIZARD within 1" of the bearer. That WIZARD suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the number of the current battle round. In addition, that WIZARD cannot attempt to unbind spells until your next hero phase.


Should this weapon slay one touched by fate, its bearer inherits a measure of their destiny.

Pick 1 of the bearer’s weapons. If the unmodified hit roll for any attack made with that weapon is 6 and you have fewer than 9 Destiny Dice, you can roll a dice and add it to your Destiny Dice.

Spiteful Shield

This shield exemplifies Tzeentch’s predilection for cruel twists of fate.

If the unmodified save roll for an attack made with a melee weapon that targets the bearer is 6, the attacking unit suffers 2 mortal wounds after all of its attacks have been resolved.

Daemonic Treasures


Warpfire Blade

The flames that flicker around this daemon’s blade can ignite the soul of its victim.

Pick 1 of the bearer’s melee weapons. If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with that weapon is 6, that attack causes 2 mortal wounds to the target in addition to any damage it inflicts.

Blade of Fate

This daemon’s blade will serve its master well - if they can tame the vagaries of fate.

Pick 1 of the bearer’s melee weapons. Once per battle, if the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with that weapon is 6, you can replace one of your Destiny Dice with that roll.

Pyrofyre Stave

This ornate staff is wreathed in flickering warpflame, and any touched by the aetheric fire channelled through it are purged of any arcane energy they hold.

Pick 1 of the bearer’s melee weapons. If any wounds inflicted by that weapon are allocated to an enemy WIZARD and that model is not slain, that WIZARD cannot unbind spells for the rest of the battle.

Beacon of Mutability

Suffused with transmutative magic, this pulsing orb of crystal causes wounds suffered by nearby mortals to erupt with hideous, unpredictable change.

Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH DAEMON units that are wholly within 9" of the bearer.

Nine-Eyed Tome

Some of the most terrible arcane secrets known to the Change God are contained within this ancient tome, the surface of which is dotted with unblinking eyes.

You can re-roll casting, dispelling and unbinding rolls for the bearer.

The Eternal Shroud

It is said that this feathered mantle is imbued with the magic of the Well of Eternity, granting its wearer visions of the future.

If the bearer is on the battlefield, roll a dice each time you spend a Destiny Dice. On a 5+, you can roll a dice and add it to your Destiny Dice.

Spell Lores

Lore of Fate


Arcane Suggestion

Overwhelming reason with magical force of will, the sorcerer’s victims are reduced to little more than puppets on a string.

Arcane Suggestion is a spell that has a casting value of 8 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster, and pick one of the following effects:

It’s Hopeless: That unit cannot issue or receive commands until your next hero phase.

Drop Your Weapons: Subtract 1 from hit and wound rolls for attacks made by that unit until your next hero phase.

Kneel: Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that unit until your next hero phase.

Shield of Fate

There is little better protection than to be guided by destiny itself, defended by the very hand of fate.

Shield of Fate is a spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly TZEENTCH unit wholly within range and visible to the caster. Until the start of your next hero phase, that unit gains one of the following effects based on the number of your remaining Destiny Dice at the time that the effect is applied:

1-3That unit has a ward of 6+.
4-6That unit has a ward of 5+.
7-9That unit has a ward of 5+. In addition, each time that unit is affected by a spell or the abilities of an endless spell, you can roll a dice. On a 4+, ignore the effect of that spell or the effects of that endless spell’s abilities on that unit.

Glimpse the Future

By focusing on the skeins of potential fates, the sorcerer can glean hints as to future events in time to manipulate them to their advantage.

Glimpse the Future is a spell that has a casting value of 7. If successfully cast, if you have fewer than 9 Destiny Dice, you can roll a dice and add it to your Destiny Dice.

Infusion Arcanum

The sorcerer’s body becomes saturated with death-dealing energies, transforming even the frailest warlock into a truly formidable adversary.

Infusion Arcanum is a spell that has a casting value of 5. If successfully cast, add 1 to hit and wound rolls for attacks made by the caster until your next hero phase.

Treacherous Bond

By creating a psycho-conductive link, the sorcerer can siphon the worst of any harm that befalls them to allies nearby.

Treacherous Bond is a spell that has a casting value of 5 and a range of 9". If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly TZEENTCH MORTAL unit wholly within range and visible to the caster. Until your next hero phase, while that unit is within 9" of the caster, before you allocate a wound or mortal wound to the caster, or instead of making a ward roll for the caster, you can roll a dice. On a 3+, that wound or mortal wound is allocated to the TZEENTCH MORTAL unit you picked and cannot be negated.

Bolt of Tzeentch

This spell manifests as a prismatic beam of raw magic that tears its victims apart in a display of multispectral colour.

Bolt of Tzeentch is a spell with a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. This spell cannot be cast more than once per turn, even though it appears in both the Lore of Fate and the Lore of Change.

Lore of Change

DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH DAEMON WIZARDS (including Unique units) only.

Treason of Tzeentch

Tzeentch delights in sowing treachery and deceit, and many of his daemonic sorcerers can channel this aspect of their master’s power to set brother upon brother.

Treason of Tzeentch is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit that has 2 or more models and is wholly within range and visible to the caster. Roll a number of dice equal to the number of models in that unit. For each 6, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. In addition, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by that unit until your next hero phase.

Unchecked Mutation

Those touched by this mutagenic spell either evolve so fast that their bodies are torn apart or suffer spontaneous hyper-devolution into a mass of primordial ooze.

Unchecked Mutation is a spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If any models from that unit are slain by this spell, you can roll a dice. On a 3+, that unit suffers an additional D3 mortal wounds.

Fold Reality

This spell holds the power to undo and remake existence at will, though doing so is never without its risks...

Fold Reality is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly TZEENTCH DAEMON unit wholly within range and visible to the caster, and roll a dice. On a 1, that unit is destroyed. On a 2+, you can return a number of slain models equal to that roll to that unit.

Tzeentch’s Firestorm

An apocalyptic inferno of raging warpflame surges from the daemon’s hands to engulf its victims in a fiery maelstrom.

Tzeentch’s Firestorm is a spell that has a casting value of 8 and a range of 12". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster, and roll 9 dice. For each 6, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Bolt of Tzeentch

This spell manifests as a prismatic beam of raw magic that tears its victims apart in a display of multispectral colour.

Bolt of Tzeentch is a spell with a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. This spell cannot be cast more than once per turn, even though it appears in both the Lore of Fate and the Lore of Change.

Change Covens

The Eternal Conflagration

Those who see the flaming triskele of the Eternal Conflagration on the field of war have but one fate ahead of them - to be swathed in mutating warpflame. The disciples of this host revel in the awful changes such magical fire brings, cackling with glee as their enemies are mutated and twisted into horrific new forms even as they burn alive.

Twisters of Materiality: The volatile nature of Eternal Conflagration warpflame cares not for reinforced bulwarks or master craftsmanship.
Improve the Rend characteristic of friendly ETERNAL CONFLAGRATION units’ Warpflame, Billowing Warpflame and Magical Flames missile weapons by 1.

The Hosts Duplicitous

The eaters of truth, the bringers of madness, the lords of confusion: all these names and more describe the Hosts Duplicitous. To fight them is to battle insanity - and, all too often, to discover that the battle has already been lost before the first blow is struck. Those who duel the masters of this host will find they strike only at thin air.

Ranks of Mischievous Mirages: Warriors that face the Hosts Duplicitous in battle find themselves tangled in ranks of mere phantasms, rendering them exhausted and confused with little chance of escape.
Enemy units within 3" of a friendly HOSTS DUPLICITOUS unit with 10 or more models cannot retreat. In addition, once per battle, when a HOSTS DUPLICITOUS HORRORS OF TZEENTCH unit from your starting army is destroyed, you can roll a dice. On a 4+, add a HOSTS DUPLICITOUS HORRORS OF TZEENTCH unit with 5 models to your army. Set up the new unit wholly within 12" of a friendly HOSTS DUPLICITOUS HERO and more than 9" from all enemy units.

The Hosts Arcanum

The Hosts Arcanum are considered pre-eminent spellcasters in a realm of daemons formed of pure magic. Though they prefer to pore over forbidden knowledge, they are frighteningly powerful when roused to battle, the sheer potency of their spells attracting shoals of Screamers that dive down to lacerate and gnaw the foe.

Thieves of All Things Arcane: Driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, there is no sorcery the Hosts Arcanum do not seek to take for their own.
Once per turn, in the first, third and fifth battle rounds, when a friendly HOSTS ARCANUM WIZARD attempts to unbind a spell, you can choose for that spell to be automatically unbound (do not roll 2D6).

The Cult of the Transient Form

The Cult of the Transient Form is known for its hosts of avian beastmen, warriors whose natural arrogance is justified by their skill at arms. Many of these were once men and women, for the acolytes of this cult want nothing more than to transform into Tzaangors and be closer to their god - even in the midst of a raging battle...

The Change-gift: Acolytes from this cult fight to their last breath to prove themselves worthy of transcendence - and, just occasionally, earn that exact reward.
Roll a dice each time a friendly CULT OF THE TRANSIENT FORM KAIRIC ACOLYTE model is slain in the combat phase. On a 2-5, before removing that model from play, that model can fight. On a 6, before removing that model from play, you can add 1 Tzaangor model to a friendly TZAANGOR HOST within 9" of the slain model. The new model can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if the unit to which it was added is within 3" of that enemy unit.

The Pyrofane Cult

The sole agenda of the Pyrofane Cult is the utter immolation of the Mortal Realms. They wish to engulf Aqshy in warpfire, to melt Chamon, to burn away the mists of Shyish and to turn glorious Azyr to ash. The flames they send propagate fast, feeding on strife as true fire feeds on kindling. Some even walk as an inferno themselves.

Arrows of Tzeentch: To the Pyrofane Cult, immolation is the path to glory. Each bolt cast in Tzeentch’s name falls upon the foe with burning devotion.
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with Sorcerous Bolts by friendly PYROFANE CULT KAIRIC ACOLYTE units. In addition, at the end of your shooting phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit that suffered any wounds caused by attacks made with Sorcerous Bolts by friendly PYROFANE CULT units in that phase. On a 5+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

The Guild of Summoners

Secretive and sly, the Guild of Summoners specialises in the conjuration of daemons - Lords of Change above all. Their goal is to bring into being no fewer than nine of Tzeentch’s greater daemons at once and, in doing so, achieve supremacy over reality. By the time they realise that they are the slaves and not the masters, it will be too late.

Scions of the Exiled: In a supposedly ancient prophecy that led to the guild’s creation, the summoners must bind nine Lords of Change in order to ascend to true enlightenment. In reality, this will see their doom.
If your army has the GUILD OF SUMMONERS keyword, your Fate Points can only be used to summon LORD OF CHANGE units. Instead of a Fate Point cost of 30, a GUILD OF SUMMONERS LORD OF CHANGE costs 9 Fate Points to summon the first time, and 18 Fate Points each time thereafter for the rest of the battle. In addition, LORD OF CHANGE units summoned in this way must be set up wholly within 9" of a GUILD OF SUMMONERS ARCANITE HERO and more than 9" from all enemy units.


This section contains rules for using a Disciples of Tzeentch army on a Path to Glory campaign. It includes additional rules, quests, veteran abilities, and unique territories that can only be used by a Disciples of Tzeentch army.

Masters of the Arcane

When you start a Path to Glory campaign with a Disciples of Tzeentch army, your starting order of battle limit for WIZARD units is 3 instead of 1.

Daemon Units

TZEENTCH DAEMON units that do not have the HERO keyword are not recorded on your order of battle. Instead, when you pick your army for a battle, you can include up to 3 TZEENTCH DAEMON units that do not have the HERO keyword for each KAIROS FATEWEAVER or LORD OF CHANGE you include in your army, 2 TZEENTCH DAEMON units that do not have the HERO keyword for each GAUNT SUMMONER you include in your army, and 1 TZEENTCH DAEMON unit that does not have the HERO keyword for each other TZEENTCH DAEMON HERO or TZEENTCH MORTAL HERO you include in your army.

The lesser daemons of Tzeentch are called forth from the Realm of Chaos to the Mortal Realms as they are needed.

Tzeentch Chaos Spawn

If a HERO is slain and replaced with a TZEENTCH CHAOS SPAWN in a Disciples of Tzeentch Path to Glory army, then that HERO is removed from the army’s order of battle in step 2 of the aftermath sequence and replaced with a TZEENTCH CHAOS SPAWN unit that has 1 model.

In any other Path to Glory army, an injury roll is made as normal for the HERO in step 2 of the aftermath sequence.

This is an exception to the rule that DAEMON units that do not have the HERO keyword are not recorded on your order of battle.

Legions of Chaos

You can add any number of coalition units to your order of battle. However, when you pick an army for a battle, the limits from Legions of Chaos trait apply to the number of coalition units you can include in your army.

Aerial Battles

The following rules are used in the ‘Magnomantic Ritual’ and ‘The Pursuit’ battleplans. The rules are used for battles that take place in the air around the floating islands that hover above the Mortal Realms.

Designer’s Note: When you fight an aerial battle, the terrain features you set up represent the floating islands or other sorts of floating terrain, while open ground more than 3" from a terrain feature represents the sky.

Breakneck Speed: Aerial combat is swift and deadly, with adversaries on both sides darting along on jet streams and magical currents to launch freewheeling attacks against their foes.
Roll 2D6 instead of D6 when making a run roll for a unit that can fly. Units that can fly can retreat and still charge later in the same turn, have a pile-in move of 6", and are eligible to fight when they are within 6" of an enemy unit instead of 3".

Long Way Up: Those bold enough to brave the heights can climb atop rocky outcrops and towering spires to lend what aid they can to their winged brethren.
Any model that is unable to fly and that is set up or finishes a move wholly on open ground that is not within 3" of a terrain feature is slain.

Designer’s Note: A model that cannot fly can move from an area of open ground within 3" of a terrain feature to an area of open ground within 3" of another terrain feature, as long as it does not finish on open ground more than 3" from the terrain features. This represents them leaping or clambering from peak to peak.

Long Way Down: For those that lack the freedom of flight, there is a chance that a blow will see them lose balance and fall from their precarious positions, causing them to tumble to their death far below.
At the end of any phase, roll 1 dice for each unit that cannot fly and that suffered any wounds or mortal wounds in that phase and/or for which any successful save rolls or ward rolls were made in that phase. On a 1, 1 model in that unit is slain.


When you pick a quest, you can pick from the following quests in addition to those in the Core Book.


Gather Ritual Resources

By carrying out a magnomantic ritual, it is possible to empower the crystal matrix that lies at the heart of a floating island. Doing so creates a vortex of energy around the island, allowing it to dominate the lands below it over a great area. However, before the ritual can be performed, it will be necessary to gather resources from locations that are held by your enemies.
At the end of each Path to Glory battle, add 1 quest point to the progress section of your quest log for each objective in enemy territory that you control.

Once you have gained 3 or more quest points, you can fight Path to Glory battles using the ‘Magnomantic Ritual’ battleplan. If you win a minor victory or major victory in that battleplan, you complete this quest. The rewards of completing this quest are listed in the battleplan.


Rewards of Glory

Tzeentch champions who have proven their ability to dominate the Mortal Realms are able to summon Tzeentch’s finest daemonic warriors.
At the end of each Path to Glory battle, if you won a major victory, you complete this quest.

When you complete this quest, in the next battle you fight against another Path to Glory army, before deployment, you can give each friendly HORRORS OF TZEENTCH, FLAMERS OF TZEENTCH br SCREAMERS OF TZEENTCH unit 1 veteran ability that can only be used in that battle.

Veteran Abilities

Each time a DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH unit on your Path to Glory roster gains a veteran ability, you can pick 1 of the veteran abilities from the table below instead of the table found in the Core Book.

Miasma of Instability: The very bodies of these veteran warriors have become imbued with the magical energy of Tzeentch.
This unit can use this veteran ability once per battle in your hero phase. Until your next hero phase, this unit counts as being wholly within 12" of a friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH DAEMON HERO for the purposes of the Locus of Change rule.
Arcane Fusillade: Harnessing their collective magical might, the Chanters of Change unleash it in the form of searing bolts.
KAIRIC ACOLYTE units only. This unit can use this veteran ability once per battle when it is picked to shoot in a shooting phase. Add 1 to hit and wound rolls for attacks made by this unit until the end of that phase.
Savagery Unleashed: Favoured by their god, these warriors unleash a flurry of attacks upon their foes.
TZAANGOR HOSTS only. This unit can use this veteran ability once per battle when it is picked to fight in a combat phase, if it has made a charge move in the same turn. Add 1 to hit and wound rolls for attacks made by this unit until the end of that phase.
Ornate Tzeentchian Spears: These Tzaangor Enlightened wield ornate spears of a quality beyond the weaponry of their lesser kin.
TZAANGOR ENLIGHTENED units only. This unit can use this veteran ability once per battle at the start of the combat phase. The strike-first effect applies to this unit until the end of that phase.
Deadly Harmony: These experienced warriors have tamed their Discs of Tzeentch, giving them great speed and manoeuvrability.
TZAANGOR ENLIGHTENED ON DISCS OF TZEENTCH units only. This unit can use this veteran ability once per battle at the start of their movement phase. Add 9" to this unit’s Move characteristic until the end of that phase.
Death From On High: Tzaangor Skyfires soar across the battlefield, raining death upon the foe.
TZAANGOR SKYFIRES units only. This unit can use this veteran ability once per battle when it runs. This unit can run and still shoot in the same turn.


When making an exploration roll, if the roll is 61-66, that roll will correspond to a territory on the table below. Alternatively, you can pick 1 result from the Territories table in the core rules that corresponds to a roll of 21-42.

Many of Sigmar’s cities have been infiltrated by Arcanite cults. These secretive, clandestine organisations are hidden by illusion and deceit, and can quickly gain control of a settlement if they are not discovered in time.
You can take CITIES OF SIGMAR units as allied units for your army. In addition, in step 7 of the aftermath sequence, roll a dice. On a 5+, you can reinforce 1 eligible ARCANITE unit on your order of battle without having to spend any glory points.
[Upgrade 5GP] Unwitting Puppet: When you pick an army, you can choose an allied CITIES OF SIGMAR HERO as the general of your army. If you do so, for that battle they gain the DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH keyword and the Change Coven keyword for your army (if it has one).

Your scouts discover a long-lost floating island with a magical crystal glowing at its heart. The spellcasters in your army can learn how to control the island, and send it wherever they desire.
Add 1 to the number of territories you can control. You can only upgrade this territory if you complete the ‘Gather Ritual Resources’ quest and win a minor victory or major victory using the ‘Magnomantic Ritual’ battleplan.
[Upgrade 0GP] Soaring Fortress: Add 3 to the number of territories you can control instead of 1, and you receive 1 extra glory point in step 1 of the aftermath sequence.

You have captured a summonation site, one of those locations where daemon hosts first entered the lands of mortals, having been called from beyond by those who would bind them.
You can never have more than 1 territory of this type. Add 1 to the number of TZEENTCH DAEMON units that are not HEROES that you can include in your army. In addition, when you pick your army, you can give 1 friendly HORRORS OF TZEENTCH, FLAMERS OF TZEENTCH or SCREAMERS OF TZEENTCH unit 1 veteran ability that can only be used in that battle.
[Upgrade 20GP] Locus of Instability: Add 3 to the number of TZEENTCH DAEMON units that are not HEROES that you can include in your army instead of 1. In addition, when you pick your army, you can give up to 3 friendly HORRORS OF TZEENTCH, FLAMERS OF TZEENTCH or SCREAMERS OF TZEENTCH units 1 veteran ability each that can only be used in that battle.

This conquest is part of a wider skein of fate that binds the stuff of reality, imbues it with the energies of disorder, and brings it one step closer to becoming an annex of Tzeentch’s Crystal Labyrinth.
You can never have more than 1 territory of this type. In each aftermath sequence, you can pick up to D3 different units to benefit from this territory. When making a recuperating roll for a unit you picked, it is treated as not having taken part in the battle. Instead of picking any units to benefit from this territory, in step 3 of the aftermath sequence, roll 3 dice. For each 5+, you can give 1 unit on your order of battle that was not included in your army in that battle 1 renown point.

One of the mighty strongholds controlled by a Gaunt Summoner has been spotted hovering over your kingdom.
You can never have more than 1 territory of this type. When you add this territory to your roster, you can add 1 GAUNT SUMMONER to your order of battle. If this territory is ever removed from your roster, you must remove that GAUNT SUMMONER from your order of battle. You receive D3 extra glory points in step 1 of the aftermath sequence. Instead of receiving D3 glory points, you can roll 2D6. On a 2-8, nothing happens. On a 9+, you can add D3 quest points to the progress section of a quest.


Magnomantic Ritual

The magnomantic ritual is nearly complete, but enemies have gathered to try and bring it to a halt! The rite is being led by a mage of impressive cunning who has concealed themselves with mirage and illusion - the better to guide the ritual to completion. Should their whereabouts be uncovered and should they be wounded unto death, or at least to the point that they can continue the rite no more, there is a hope that the great spell can be stopped. But should the ritual be completed, this land will soon belong only to the Changer of the Ways...

This battleplan is used with the Path to Glory battlepack in the Core Book. You can use this battleplan if one player is using a Disciples of Tzeentch army, has embarked on the ‘Gather Ritual Resources’ quest and has earned 3 or more quest points. This battleplan uses the Aerial Battles rules.

The player that embarked on the ‘Gather Ritual Resources’ quest is the ritualist and their opponent is the usurper. The ritualist cannot choose a MONSTER to be their general.

The players roll off. The winner sets up the battlefield’s terrain features and ritual sites as described below, and then the other player chooses which long edge of the battlefield is the northern edge.

The first terrain feature to be set up must be set up within 3" of one of the long edges of the battlefield. Each terrain feature after the first must be set up 3" to 9" away from the last terrain feature that was set up. At least 1 terrain feature must be set up within 3" of the long edge of the battlefield below the one by which the first terrain feature was set up. Once this has happened (i.e. there is a chain of terrain features running from one edge to the other), up to 4 additional terrain features can be set up on the battlefield within 12" of another terrain feature.

Designer’s Note: If you do not have enough terrain features to reach from one edge of the battlefield to the other, you can use markers to show the tips of mountain peaks. Set up the marker 3" to 9" away from the last terrain feature that was set up. The marker is considered to be a terrain feature, allowing units to set up or move within 3" of it even if they cannot fly.

The players roll off. The players then alternate setting up 4 objective markers (referred to as ritual sites in this battleplan), starting with the winner of the roll off. Ritual sites must be placed within 3" of a terrain feature and more than 9" from all other ritual sites.

Neither player can set up a faction terrain feature before the start of the battle.

Place the general of the ritualist army to one side as a reserve unit. They cannot be set up until their hiding place has been revealed (see below).

The players then alternate setting up the remaining units one at a time, starting with the ritualist. Units must be set up wholly within their own territory, more than 12" from enemy territory. Continue to set up units until both players have set up their armies. If one player finishes first, their opponent must set up the rest of the units in their army, one after another.

There are 4 points on the battlefield marked as ritual sites. At the start of the usurper’s hero phase, the usurper can pick 1 friendly HERO within 3" of a ritual site and roll a dice. On a 1-5, the general is not found and the ritual site is removed from play. On a 6, that ritual site is revealed to be the general’s hiding place and all other ritual sites are removed from play.

If 3 ritual sites have been searched and the general has not been found, the last remaining ritual site is the general’s hiding place.

At the start of the fifth battle round, the ritualist player must pick 1 of the remaining ritual sites as their general’s hiding place.

Once the general’s hiding place has been revealed, the general must be set up within 9" of the ritual site. The ritualist player can then add 2 HORRORS OF TZEENTCH units with 5 models each to their army. These units must be set up wholly within 18" of the general and more than 9" away from all enemy units.

The battle lasts until the ritualist general is slain, or for 5 battle rounds, whichever happens first.

The ritualist wins a major victory if their general is not slain.

The usurper wins a major victory if the ritualist’s general is slain in the first or second battle round.

If the ritualist’s general is slain in the third, fourth or fifth battle round, the ritualist player must roll a dice and add the number of the round in which their general was slain to the roll. If the modified roll is 8 or more, the ritualist player wins a minor victory. If it is a 7, the battle is a draw, and if it is 6 or less, the usurper wins a minor victory.

If the ritualist wins this battle, they can upgrade the Floating Island to a Soaring Fortress (see Territories).


The Pursuit

High above the Mortal Realms, a small aerial battleforce faces a foe of overwhelming power. The weaker force must escape before it is destroyed.

This battleplan is used with the Path to Glory battlepack in the Core Book. You can use this battleplan if both players agree to do so, and both players have units that can fly on their order of battle. This battleplan uses the Aerial Battles rules.

Each player must pick up to 3 units that can fly from their order of battle as their army. After they have done so, their choices are revealed, and the player whose 3 units have the highest points value is the pursuer. The other player is the quarry.

Terrain features and faction terrain features cannot be used in this battle.

The quarry sets up their army first, wholly within their territory. None of the quarry’s units can be set up in reserve. The pursuer places all of their units in reserve.

In this battle, the quarry must take the first turn in the first battle round.

At the start of the pursuer’s first movement phase, they must set up the units from their army wholly within 6" of the pursuer’s edge. They can make a normal move in that movement phase, but cannot run.

At the start of the quarry’s movement phase, any units from their army that are within 8" of the Escape Edge of the battlefield and not within 3" of any enemy units are said to have escaped and are removed from play.

Neither player can use abilities or spells that allow them to remove a unit from the battlefield and either put it in reserve or set it up again at a different location.

The battle lasts for 4 battle rounds or until all of the units in the quarry’s army have been destroyed or escaped.

When the battle ends, if all of the units in the quarry’s army have escaped, the quarry wins a major victory.

If all of the units in the quarry’s army are destroyed, the battle immediately ends and the pursuer player wins a major victory.

If the points value of the quarry’s army was less than half of the points value of the pursuer’s army, the quarry wins a minor victory if at least 1 of their units escaped.

In any other circumstances, the quarry wins a minor victory if at least half of their units escaped, and the pursuer wins a minor victory if more than half of the quarry’s units were destroyed.

Each unit that has escaped or is on the battlefield at the end of the battle gains 1 renown point.


If the battlepack you are using says that you must pick grand strategies and battle tactics for your army, you can pick from the following lists as well as those found in the battlepack you are using.

Grand Strategies

After you have picked your army, you can pick 1 of the grand strategies from the list below and record it on your army roster.

Disciples of Tzeentch armies only.

Dominate Arcane Nexus: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there is at least 1 friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH WIZARD, HORRORS OF TZEENTCH unit or KAIRIC ACOLYTE unit wholly within each large quarter of the battlefield.
Master of Destiny: When the battle ends, add the rolls of any Destiny Dice that you have not used. You complete this grand strategy if the total is 9 or more.
Preponderance of Fate: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if you have more than 27 unspent Fate Points.
Realm of Magic: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there are two or more endless spells on the battlefield that are under your control.

Battle Tactics

At the start of your hero phase, you can pick 1 battle tactic from the list below. You must reveal your choice to your opponent, and if your battle tactic instructs you to pick something, you must tell your opponent what you pick. You have until the end of that turn to complete the battle tactic. You cannot pick the same battle tactic more than once per battle.

Disciples of Tzeentch army only.

Call for Change: You complete this battle tactic if you summon a Lord of Change to the battlefield this turn.
Mass Conjuration: Pick 1 friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH WIZARD. You complete this battle tactic if that WIZARD successfully casts 3 or more spells in that turn and none of those spells are unbound.
Ninefold Dismantlement: Pick 1 enemy unit that has 9 or more models, or pick 1 enemy HERO or MONSTER with a Wounds characteristic of 9 or more. You complete this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed by the end of this turn.
Reckless Abandon: Pick 1 friendly MORTAL DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH unit that is more than 18" from all enemy units. You complete this battle tactic if that unit completes a charge move in this turn.
Tides of Anarchy: You complete this battle tactic if you gain control of an objective that was controlled by your opponent at the start of your hero phase, and you have 9 or more friendly models within 6" of that objective when you gain control of it.

Core Battalions

You can include the following core battalion in a Disciples of Tzeentch army if the battlepack you are using says that you can use core battalions.


Daemon Commander: LORD OF CHANGE
Unified: One-drop Deployment (see 26.2.1).
Expert: Once per battle, 1 unit from this battalion can receive the All-out Attack or All-out Defence command without the command being issued and without a command point being spent.
Magnificent: When you pick enhancements for your army (see 27.3), you can pick 1 extra enhancement.
Slayers: Once per battle, 1 unit from this battalion can receive the All-out Attack or Unleash Hell command without the command being issued and without a command point being spent.
Strategists: Once per battle, when you receive command points at the start of your hero phase, you can receive 1 extra command point.
Swift: Once per battle, 1 unit from this battalion can receive the At the Double or Forward to Victory command without the command being issued and without a command point being spent.

The ROTBRINGER SORCERER keyword is used in the following Maggotkin of Nurgle warscrolls:

1.4.2 Your General
After you have picked your army, you must pick 1 model in your army to be your general. Generals are used to generate command points (see 6.0).
19.1 Casting Spells
In your hero phase, you can attempt to cast spells with friendly WIZARDS. You cannot attempt to cast the same spell more than once in the same hero phase, even with a different WIZARD. In order to attempt to cast a spell, pick a friendly WIZARD, say which of the spells that they know will be attempted, and then make a casting roll by rolling 2D6. If the casting roll is equal to or greater than the casting value of the spell, the spell is successfully cast.

Timeslip Pendant

Time is a mutable concept to the bearer of this amulet.

Once per battle, in the combat phase, after the bearer has fought for the first time in that phase, you can say that they are using the Timeslip Pendant. If you do so, they do not count as having fought in that phase but the strike-last effect applies to them until the end of that phase.

Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Hit characteristic, the attack scores a hit and you must make a wound roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified hit roll of 1 always fails and an unmodified hit roll of 6 always hits. A hit roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).

Sometimes an ability will allow a single hit roll to score two or more hits. If this is the case, make all of the wound and save rolls for those hits at the same time.
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Wound characteristic, the attack wounds the target and your opponent must make a save roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified wound roll of 1 always fails and an unmodified wound roll of 6 always wounds. A wound roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).
1.5.5 Dice Roll Modifiers
Sometimes a modifier will apply to a dice roll. Modifiers are applied after re-rolls. Rules that refer to an unmodified roll are referring to the dice roll after re-rolls have been made but before modifiers are applied. If a rule instructs you to pick or change a roll, do so after re-rolls are made but before modifiers are applied.

In most cases, modifiers are cumulative. However, some dice rolls, such as hit and wound rolls, will specify that the roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1. When this is the case, add up all the modifiers that apply, and if the total is more than +1 or -1, treat it as being either +1 or -1 as appropriate.
19.3.2 Dispelling Endless Spells
At the start of the hero phase, each player can attempt to dispel 1 endless spell with each friendly WIZARD and friendly PRIEST. The player whose turn is taking place makes all of their dispelling attempts first. If a WIZARD attempts to dispel an endless spell, they can attempt to cast or unbind 1 fewer spell in that hero phase. If a PRIEST attempts to dispel an endless spell, they can chant 1 fewer prayer in that hero phase. The same player cannot attempt to dispel the same endless spell more than once per phase.

To attempt to dispel an endless spell, pick 1 endless spell that is within 30" of a friendly WIZARD or friendly PRIEST and that is visible to them. Then make a dispelling roll by rolling 2D6. If the roll is greater than the casting value of that endless spell, it is dispelled and removed from play. An endless spell cannot be summoned again in the turn that it is removed from play.
19.1.2 Unbinding Spells
If a spell is successfully cast, your opponent can pick 1 of their WIZARDS that is within 30" of the caster to attempt to unbind the spell before its effects are applied. In order to attempt to unbind a spell, first say which WIZARD will attempt to unbind it. Then make an unbinding roll by rolling 2D6. If the unbinding roll is greater than the roll used to cast the spell, then the spell is unbound and its effects are not applied. The number of spells a WIZARD can attempt to unbind is noted on their warscroll. Only 1 unbinding attempt can be made for each spell.
8.3 Run
When you pick a unit to run, you must make a run roll for the unit by rolling a dice. Add the run roll to the Move characteristic of all models in the unit until the end of that phase. You can then move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than their modified Move characteristic. No part of a run can be within 3" of an enemy unit. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with a unit that has run. Units cannot run if they are within 3" of an enemy unit.
11.1 Charge Moves
When you attempt a charge with a unit, make a charge roll for the unit by rolling 2D6. You can then make a charge move with each model in that unit by moving the model a distance in inches that is equal to or less than the charge roll. The first model you move in a unit attempting a charge must finish the move within 1/2" of an enemy unit. If this is impossible, no models in the unit can make a charge move.

You do not have to pick a target for a charge attempt before making the charge roll.
Save Roll
Your opponent rolls a dice, modifying the roll by the attacking weapon’s Rend characteristic. If the roll equals or beats the target unit’s Save characteristic, the target is saved and the attack sequence ends. If not, the attack is successful and you must determine the damage that is inflicted on the target. An unmodified save roll of 1 always fails. A save roll cannot be modified by more than +1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).

Designer’s Note: Save rolls do not always succeed on an unmodified roll of 6, and they can be modified by more than -1.
15.1 Battleshock Tests
You must make a battleshock roll for each friendly unit that has to take a battleshock test. To make a battleshock roll, roll a dice and add the number of models in the unit that were slain in that turn to the roll. If the battleshock roll is greater than the unit’s Bravery characteristic, the battleshock test has been failed. If the test is failed, for each point by which the battleshock roll exceeds the unit’s Bravery characteristic, 1 model in that unit must flee. You decide which models flee. A model that flees is removed from play.

If a slain model is returned to its unit in the same turn that it is slain, it still counts as having been slain in that battle round for the purposes of battleshock tests.
14.2 Slain Models
Once the number of wounds allocated to a model equals its Wounds characteristic, the model is slain and you cannot allocate any more wounds to it. A slain model is removed from play (see 1.2.2) after all of the wounds caused to its unit have been allocated and all attacks that inflicted damage on the unit have been resolved.
6.1 Using Command Abilities
To use a command ability, you must spend 1 command point, pick 1 friendly model to issue the command, and pick 1 friendly unit to receive the command. Unless noted otherwise, the models that can issue commands and the units they can issue them to are as follows:
  • Unit champions can issue commands to their own unit (see 22.3.2).
  • HEROES can issue commands to units that are wholly within 12" of them.
  • Generals can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
  • TOTEMS can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
Each command ability will say when it can be used and what effect it has on the unit that receives it. A model cannot issue more than 1 command in the same phase and a unit cannot receive more than 1 command in the same phase. In addition, you cannot use the same command ability more than once in the same phase (even for different units).

The DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH, ARCANITE and HERO keywords are used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

14.5 Mortal Wounds
Some attacks, spells and abilities cause mortal wounds. Do not make hit, wound or save rolls for mortal wounds. Instead, the damage inflicted on the target is equal to the number of mortal wounds that were caused.

Mortal wounds caused while a unit is attacking are allocated at the same time as wounds caused by the unit’s attacks: after all of the unit’s attacks have been made. Mortal wounds caused at other times are allocated as soon as they are caused. Mortal wounds are allocated in the same way as wounds and are treated in the same manner as wounds for rules purposes.

The DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH and MORTAL keywords are used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:


The ARCANITE and WIZARD keywords are used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

14.3 Wards
Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to negate a wound or mortal wound, or to allocate a wound or mortal wound to a unit other than the original target. Abilities of this type are referred to as wards, and the dice roll is referred to as a ward roll. Unless stated otherwise, the ward roll is made before the wound is allocated to the model in question. Up to 1 ward roll can be made for each wound or mortal wound, unless specified otherwise. If the ward roll is successful, the wound or mortal wound is negated and has no effect on the model. If a wound or mortal wound cannot be negated, you cannot make a ward roll for that wound or mortal wound.

The TZEENTCH and MORTAL keywords are used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

Starting Armies
Several grand strategies and battle tactics refer to a player’s starting army. A player’s starting army is made up of the units in the army that were set up before the first battle round, including any reserve units. Units that are added to a player’s army after the battle has begun are not included, and neither are units that have been destroyed and subsequently returned to play.

The LORD OF CHANGE keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth

The GUILD OF SUMMONERS and LORD OF CHANGE keywords are used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth

The GUILD OF SUMMONERS, ARCANITE and HERO keywords are used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:


The TZEENTCH, MORTAL and HERO keywords are used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

9.4 Flying
If the warscroll used by a model says that it can fly, you can ignore other models and terrain features when you trace the path of its move across the battlefield (it flies over them). In addition, when a model that can fly starts or finishes a move on a terrain feature, instead of tracing its move across the battlefield, you can trace it ‘through the air’, as shown in the diagram below.

A flying model cannot finish a move on top of another model or finish a normal move, run or retreat within 3" of an enemy unit.
8.2 Retreat
When you pick a unit to retreat, you can move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move characteristic shown on the unit’s warscroll. The unit must end the move more than 3" from all enemy units. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with a unit that has retreated. Units cannot retreat if they are not within 3" of an enemy unit.
12.2 Pile In
You can move a model making a pile-in move up to 3". When you make a pile-in move with a model, it must finish the move no further from the nearest enemy unit than it was at the start of the move.

The TZAANGOR ENLIGHTENED keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:


The CITIES OF SIGMAR keyword is used in the following Cities of Sigmar warscrolls:

25.3.2 Reinforced Units
A reinforced unit has twice as many models as its minimum unit size. If you can include reinforced units in your army, you can reinforce units with the Battleline battlefield role twice. A unit that is reinforced twice has 3 times as many models as its minimum unit size and counts as 2 units towards the number of reinforced units you can include in your army. If the description for a unit says that it is a single model, it cannot be reinforced.
1.5.3 Rolling Off
Sometimes a rule may require the players to roll off. To roll off, each player rolls a dice, and whoever rolls highest wins. If a roll-off is tied, roll off again. You cannot re-roll or modify the dice when you roll off.
3.1 Reserve Units and Summoned Units
Sometimes a rule will allow you to set up a unit in a location other than the battlefield as a reserve unit. A unit that is added to your army once the battle is underway is called a summoned unit.

When you set up a reserve unit, either during deployment or once the battle is underway, you must tell your opponent that the unit is in reserve and keep it to one side instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the start of the fourth battle round, units that are still in reserve are destroyed. Units cannot cast spells or use abilities while they are in reserve unless the spell or ability specifically says it can be used by reserve units.

Reserve units are picked as part of your army before the battle begins, while summoned units are units added to your army once the battle is underway. Models that have been removed from play can be used as part of a summoned unit.
8.1 Normal Move
When you pick a unit to make a normal move, you can move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move characteristic shown on the unit’s warscroll. Units cannot move within 3" of enemy units when making a normal move. Units cannot make a normal move if they are within 3" of an enemy unit.

The MORTAL and DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH keywords are used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

All-out Attack
With a singular purpose, these warriors attack with all of their might.
You can use this command ability when you pick a friendly unit to shoot in your shooting phase or fight in the combat phase. That unit must receive the command. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit until the end of that phase.
All-out Defence
With consummate skill, these cunning warriors protect themselves from attack.
You can use this command ability when a friendly unit is picked as the target of an attack in the shooting or combat phase. That unit must receive the command. Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target that unit until the end of that phase.
Unleash Hell
These warriors have prepared their missile weapons so they can unleash a devastating volley at the last possible moment.
You can use this command ability after an enemy unit finishes a charge move. The unit that receives the command must be within 6" of that enemy unit and more than 3" from all other enemy units. Models in the unit that receives the command that are within 6" of the target unit can shoot in that phase, but when they do so, you must subtract 1 from hit rolls for their attacks and they can only target the unit that made the charge move.
At the Double
Eager for battle, the warriors pick up their pace and surge towards the enemy.
You can use this command ability after you declare that a friendly unit will run. That unit must receive the command. The run roll is not made for that unit. Instead, 6" is added to that unit’s Move characteristic in that phase. The unit is still considered to have run.
Forward to Victory
Nothing will stop these ferocious warriors from reaching combat.
You can use this command ability after you make a charge roll for a friendly unit. That unit must receive the command. You can re-roll the charge roll for that unit.
Army List
Warscrolls collated

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