Disciples of Tzeentch – Warscrolls

Leader, Behemoth


Kairos Fateweaver

Kairos Fateweaver can see the past and the future, and he uses this ability to twist destiny to suit his own malevolent purposes. The twin-headed terror is a master of magic known as the Oracle of Tzeentch - wherever he goes, change is sure to follow.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Staff of Tomorrow
Staff of Tomorrow3"33+-12
Curved Beaks
Curved Beaks1"54+3+-12
Wounds SufferedMoveStaff of TomorrowInfernal Gateway

Unit Size: 1      Points: 440
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth
Base size: 100mm
Notes: Single, Unique

Kairos Fateweaver is armed with the Staff of Tomorrow and Curved Beaks.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 3 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 3 spells in the enemy hero phase.

FLY: This unit can fly.

Beacon of Sorcery: Spreading its arms wide, the Lord of Change saturates the area with raw magic.
Add 1 to casting rolls, dispelling rolls and unbinding rolls for friendly TZEENTCH WIZARDS while they are wholly within 18" of this unit. In addition, this unit knows all of the spells from the Lore of Change.

Spell-thief: Should a rival sorcerer conjure a spell that intrigues the Lord of Change, the greater daemon will acquire the incantation for its own use.
If this unit successfully dispels an endless spell, instead of dispelling it, you can say that it will steal it. If you do so, this unit gains control of that endless spell and counts as the WIZARD that summoned it until it is dispelled or another unit steals it.

Oracle of Eternity: The oracle uses his insight to guide reality into fulfilling own prophecies. A single twist in fate can mean utter devastation to any who cross Kairos.
At the start of your hero phase, if this unit is part of your army and on the battlefield, and you have fewer than 9 Destiny Dice, you can roll a dice and add it to your Destiny Dice.

Mastery of Magic: To master the arcane is to embody the grand design of the Changer of the Ways.
When you make a casting, unbinding or dispelling roll for this unit, you can change the lowest D6 to match the highest D6.

Infernal Gateway: The Lord of Change. ~ opens a portal to the Realm of Chaos, pulling enemies to their doom.
Infernal Gateway is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster, and roll 9 dice. That enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound for each roll that is equal to or greater than the Infernal Gateway value shown on the caster’s damage table.



Lord of Change

The greatest of Tzeentch’s daemons, the Lords of Change shimmer with raw magic. With a flick of their claw, they can hurl foes into the nightmarish Realm of Chaos, blast enemies with wyrdfire or steal an opponent’s spells for their own use.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Rod of Sorcery
Rod of Sorcery18"2D63+3+-11
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Staff of Tzeentch
Staff of Tzeentch3"43+-2
Baleful Sword
Baleful Sword1"34+2+-23
Curved Beak and Wicked Talons
Curved Beak and Wicked Talons1"44+3+-12
Wounds SufferedMoveStaff of TzeentchInfernal Gateway

Unit Size: 1      Points: 380
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth
Base size: 100mm
Notes: Single

A Lord of Change is armed with one of the following weapon options: Staff of Tzeentch and Baleful Sword; Staff of Tzeentch and Rod of Sorcery; or Staff of Tzeentch and Curved Beak and Wicked Talons.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

FLY: This unit can fly.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase.

Beacon of Sorcery: Spreading its arms wide, the Lord of Change saturates the area with raw magic.
Add 1 to casting rolls, dispelling rolls and unbinding rolls for friendly TZEENTCH WIZARDS while they are wholly within 18" of this unit. In addition, this unit knows all of the spells from the Lore of Change.

Spell-thief: Should a rival sorcerer conjure a spell that intrigues the Lord of Change, the greater daemon will acquire the incantation for its own use.
If this unit successfully dispels an endless spell, instead of dispelling it, you can say that it will steal it. If you do so, this unit gains control of that endless spell and counts as the WIZARD that summoned it until it is dispelled or another unit steals it.

Mastery of Magic: To master the arcane is to embody the grand design of the Changer of the Ways.
When you make a casting, unbinding or dispelling roll for this unit, you can change the lowest D6 to match the highest D6.

Infernal Gateway: The Lord of Change opens a portal to the Realm of Chaos, pulling enemies to their doom.
Infernal Gateway is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster, and roll 9 dice. That enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound for each roll that is equal to or greater than the Infernal Gateway value shown on the caster’s damage table.



Archaon the Everchosen

Archaon is the Everchosen, the favoured warlord of the Dark Pantheon. From atop Dorghar, the monstrous Steed of the Apocalypse, Archaon commands his legions with an iron fist, his deadly skill and unholy powers sealing the doom of entire armies.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
The Slayer of Kings
The Slayer of Kings1"42+3+-23
Monstrous Claws
Monstrous Claws1"22+3+-2
Lashing Tails
Lashing Tails3"2D64+3+-1
Chimeric Heads
Chimeric Heads3"3+3+-12
Wounds SufferedMoveChimeric HeadsMonstrous Claws

Unit Size: 1      Points: 800
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth
Base size: 160mm
Notes: Single, Unique

Archaon, the Everchosen, is armed with the Slayer of Kings.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase.

WARMASTER: If this unit is included in your army, it is treated as a general even if it is not the model picked to be the army’s general. In addition, this unit can be included in a Blades of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch, Maggotkin of Nurgle or Hedonites of Slaanesh army. If you do so, you can still use the army’s allegiance abilities even though this unit is not from the army’s faction; however, this unit does not benefit from them.

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s mount, Dorghar, is armed with Monstrous Claws, Lashing Tails and Chimeric Heads.

The Armour of Morkar: Archaon’s armour is inscribed with powerful sigils of warding.
This unit has a ward of 5+. In addition, for each unmodified ward roll of 6, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 3" to suffer 1 mortal wound that cannot be negated.

By My Will: All Slaves to Darkness recognise Archaon’s supreme authority, and fear his wrath more than any foe should they fail him.
This is a command ability this unit can issue at the start of the combat phase. Another friendly CHAOS unit must receive it (this unit cannot issue this command to itself). Until the end of that phase, each time a model in the receiving unit is slain it can fight.

The Crown of Domination: This forbidding helm exudes a palpable aura of menace.
Enemy units cannot receive the Rally and Inspiring Presence commands while they are within 12" of this unit.

The Everchosen: The Ruinous Powers shelter their champion from hostile enemy magics.
Each time this unit is affected by a spell or the abilities of an endless spell, you can roll a dice. If you do so, on a 4+, ignore the effects of that spell or endless spell on this unit.

The Eye of Sheerian: Ripped from the corpse of the Chaos Dragon Flamefang, this ancient treasure forewarns Archaon of events yet to pass and with this foresight the Everchosen can adapt his strategies to the flow of the battle and always stay a step ahead of his opponents.
Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, if Archaon is in a Slaves to Darkness army you command and on the battlefield, you can say he will consult the Eye of Sheerian. If you do so, roll a dice. This dice roll replaces the priority roll of the next battle round. On a 1-3 your opponent must take the first turn of that battle round. On a 4-6 you must take the first turn of that battle round. This ability cannot be used while there is an enemy Archaon on the battlefield.

The Favoured Warlord: Each of the Chaos Gods seeks Archaon s favour and, in turn, the Everchosen manipulates their power to further his own ends.
If this unit is part of a Slaves to Darkness army, after the players have received their starting command points but before the start of the first turn, you can pick 1 of the following Mark of Chaos keywords; KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE or SLAANESH. This unit has that Mark of Chaos for the battle in addition to the UNDIVIDED Mark of Chaos.

The Slayer of Kings: This ancient daemonblade thirsts for the souls of champions and warlords.
Each time this unit fights, if the unmodified wound roll for 2 or more attacks that target the same enemy HERO with the Slayer of Kings is 6, that HERO is slain.

Three-headed Titan: The greater daemons consumed by Dorghar imbue the steed with unlimited power.
When you carry out a monstrous rampage with this unit, you can carry out a monstrous rampage from the list below instead of from the table in the core rules:

Filth-spewer: Pick 1 enemy unit within 6" of this unit and roll a number of dice equal to the number of models in that unit (to a maximum of 7). For each 3+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

Skull-gorger: Pick 1 enemy model within 3" ot this unit and roll a dice. If the roll is greater than that model’s Wounds characteristic, it is slain and you can heal a number of wounds allocated to this unit equal to that enemy model’s Wounds characteristic.

Spell-eater: Pick 1 endless spell within 12" of this unit and roll a dice, On a 2+, that endless spell is dispelled and if the caster is on the battlefield they suffer D3 mortal wounds.



Exalted Greater Daemon of Tzeentch*

With a wave of its talons, an Exalted Greater Daemon of Tzeentch can hurl its foes into the nightmarish Realm of Chaos or bathe them in deadly magical fires. They are the most malefic servants of the God of Sorcery, and their very forms flicker with arcane energies.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Staff of Tzeentch
Staff of Tzeentch3"33+-2
Curved Beak and Wicked Talons
Curved Beak and Wicked Talons1"43+3+-12
* This warscroll is part of the Warhammer Legends range of rules and can be used in any type of play - open, narrative or matched. However Legends units are not updated by GW and not supported by Wahapedia and therefore not recommended for competitive tournaments.
Wounds SufferedMoveStaff of TzeentchInfernal Gateway

Unit Size: 1      Points: 515
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth
Base size: 130mm
Notes: Single


This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters


An Exalted Greater Daemon of Tzeentch is armed with a Curved Beak and Wicked Talons, and a Staff of Tzeentch.

FLY: This model can fly.

WIZARD: This model can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase.


Mastery of Magic: Tzeentch’s daemons are manifestations of magic in its rawest form; the mightiest of their kind can wield sorcerous power with the same ease that a mortal breathes air.
When you make a casting, dispelling or unbinding roll for this model, you can change the lowest dice roll to equal the highest dice roll.

Spell-Thief: Exalted Greater Daemons of Tzeentch have an insatiable appetite for sorcerous knowledge, and by feeding upon arcane manifestations they are able to instantly perfect new forms of spellcraft.
If this model successfully unbinds a spell and the unbinding roll was 9+, this model knows the spell that was unbound.

Infernal Gateway: Tendrils of magic shoot forth to rend the fabric of reality, opening a screaming portal into Tzeentch’s crystal labyrinth.
Infernal Gateway is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster, and roll 9 dice. For each roll that equals or beats the value shown for Infernal Gateway on the damage table above, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

Beacon of Sorcery: Spreading its arms wide, the Exalted Greater Daemon of Tzeentch saturates the area with magic.
Add 1 to casting and unbinding rolls for friendly TZEENTCH DAEMON WIZARDS that are wholly within 12" of this model.




Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch

Loping into battle on foot, the Heralds known as Changecasters summon the lurid flames of Tzeentch to engulf their foes. These screaming, living torches are thus marked as the next targets to be annihilated by the Change God’s faithful.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Magical Flames
Magical Flames18"34+4+-11
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Staff of Change
Staff of Change2"14+3+-1D3
Ritual Dagger
Ritual Dagger1"24+4+-1

Unit Size: 1      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Single

A Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch, is armed with Magical Flames, a Staff of Change and a Ritual Dagger.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Multitudinous Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

Arcane Tome: This arcane tome holds scriptures of ancient incantation that allows a brief mastery of the Herald’s chosen spell lores.
Once per battle, you can re-roll 1 casting roll for this unit. If you do so, add 3 to the new casting roll.

Pink Fire of Tzeentch: The Changecaster conjures a tide of distracting warpflame that engulfs the foe and makes them vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Pink Fire of Tzeentch is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that unit until your next hero phase.



Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch

A Curseling is a powerful warrior-mage imbued with daemonic power through a conjoined, spell-moulding Tretchlet. They love nothing more than turning the sorceries of their rivals back upon those who cast them.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Hurled Arcane Energy
Hurled Arcane Energy18"D63+3+-11
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Blazing Sword
Blazing Sword1"43+3+-12
Staff of Tzeentch
Staff of Tzeentch1"D64+4+-1

Unit Size: 1      Points: 200
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Single

A Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch, is armed with Hurled Arcane Energy, a Blazing Sword and Staff of Tzeentch.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase.

Disrupter of the Arcane: A Curseling can reach into a spell and undo the magical forces that keep it whole.
You can re-roll unbinding and dispelling rolls for this unit.

Vessel of Chaos: The flow of eldritch energy is visible to the Curseling, who can pluck magic from the aether and hurl it back at its caster.
If this unit successfully unbinds a spell, it can immediately attempt to cast the Glean Magic spell (see below) even though it is the enemy hero phase. If that spell is successfully cast, it cannot be unbound.

Glean Magic: In a magical duel, the Curseling reaches into his adversary’s mind and steals arcane knowledge to use for his own ends.
Glean Magic is a spell that has a casting value of 4 and a range of 30". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy WIZARD within range and visible to the caster. Pick 1 spell from that WIZARD’s warscroll that is possible for this unit to cast and roll a dice. On a 2+, the caster knows that spell for the rest of the battle.

Designer’s Note: Spells that require the caster to have a specific keyword, refer to a damage table, or require an endless spell to be apart of their army cannot be picked with this ability.




More than just a powerful warrior, a Fatemaster is surrounded by an aura of change. Mounted atop Discs of Tzeentch, Fatemasters streak into combat, slicing foes with their fireglaives while manipulating fortune for the benefit of their Arcanite Cult.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Fireglaive of Tzeentch
Fireglaive of Tzeentch2"33+3+-1D3
Teeth and Horns
Teeth and Horns1"D34+3+-1D3

Unit Size: 1      Points: 150
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 60mm
Notes: Single

A Fatemaster is armed with a Fireglaive of Tzeentch.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Arcanite Cabal

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Disc of Tzeentch is armed with Teeth and Horns.

Soulbound Shield: This shield can shelter the wielder against even the most potent magical attacks.
Each time this unit is affected by a spell or the ability of an endless spell, you can roll a dice. If you do so, on a 4+, ignore the effects of that spell or that endless spell’s ability on this unit.

Lord of Fate: Tzeentch’s chosen disciples can affect the destiny of those around them.
Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH units wholly within 9" of this unit.



Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot

Trailing flames and maniacal laughter, a Fateskimmer streaks across the skies. While the Herald conjures firestorms to engulf the foe, the living chariot it rides seeks to sear all those in its path, the Screamers at its fore biting their prey as they speed by.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Magical Flames
Magical Flames18"34+4+-11
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Staff of Change
Staff of Change2"14+3+-1D3
Ritual Dagger
Ritual Dagger1"24+4+-1
Lamprey Bite
Lamprey Bite1"63+3+-11

Unit Size: 1      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 120 x 92mm
Notes: Single

A Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot, is armed with Magical Flames, a Staff of Change and a Ritual Dagger.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Aether-eater Host
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters
 • Atra’zan’s Blazing Cavalcade

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Screamers of Tzeentch are armed with Lamprey Bites.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

Arcane Tome: This arcane tome holds scriptures of ancient incantation that allows a brief mastery of the Herald's chosen spell lores.
Once per battle, you can re-roll 1 casting roll for this unit. If you do so, add 3 to the new casting roll.

Wake of Fire: Enemies unfortunate enough to be passed by a Burning Chariot are consumed by waves of unnatural fire.
After this unit has made a normal move, run or retreated, pick 1 enemy unit and roll a dice if this unit passed across any models in that enemy unit. On a 2+, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Red Fire of Tzeentch: Searing balls of scarlet flame whip around the caster before spiralling outwards to engulf nearby enemies.
Red Fire of Tzeentch is a spell that has a casting value of 9 and a range of 9". If successfully cast, roll a dice for each enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. On a 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.



Fluxmaster, Herald of Tzeentch on Disc

There is nowhere on the battlefield safe from a Herald riding a Disc of Tzeentch. Bolting through the air, the Fluxmaster conjures blue flames to hurl at the foe before darting in to deliver a swift blow from a mutative Staff of Change.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Magical Flames
Magical Flames18"34+4+-11
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Staff of Change
Staff of Change2"14+3+-1D3
Ritual Dagger
Ritual Dagger1"24+4+-1
Teeth and Horns
Teeth and Horns1"D34+3+-1D3

Unit Size: 1      Points: 180
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 60mm
Notes: Single

A Fluxmaster, Herald of Tzeentch on Disc, is armed with Magical Flames, a Staff of Change, and a Ritual Dagger.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Aether-eater Host
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Disc of Tzeentch is armed with Teeth and Horns.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

Arcane Tome: This arcane tome holds scriptures of ancient incantation that allows a brief mastery of the Herald’s chosen spell lores.
Once per battle, you can re-roll 1 casting roll for this unit. If you do so, add 3 to the new casting roll.

Blue Fire of Tzeentch: A tide of iridescent mutating flame surges forth from the Fluxmaster as it cackles from its swooping Disc.
Blue Fire of Tzeentch is a spell that has a casting value of 8 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster, and roll 9 dice. For each 5+, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound and the caster’s army receives 1 Fate Point if it is a Disciples of Tzeentch army.



Gaunt Summoner

To the daemonic Gaunt Summoners, reality is but a plaything to be mutilated and twisted according to the desires of Almighty Tzeentch. These master sorcerers consume their foes in cascades of wyrdflame, while opening rifts in reality through which their daemonic minions pour.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Warptongue Blade
Warptongue Blade1"23+3+-2D3

Unit Size: 1      Points: 240
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 40mm
Notes: Single

A Gaunt Summoner is armed with a Changestaff and Warptongue Blade.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase.

Book of Profane Secrets: This arcane tome gives the Summoner control over the spells from the Lore of Fate.
Add 1 to casting rolls, dispelling rolls and unbinding rolls for this unit. In addition, this unit knows all of the spells from the Lore of Fate.

Lords of The Silver Towers: The Gaunt Summoners delight in imprisoning foes in their Silver Tower.
Once per battle, at the end of a phase, you can pick 1 enemy HERO that is within 9" of this unit and that made an attack that targeted this unit in that phase, or caused any mortal wounds to this unit with an ability or spell in that phase (even if the wounds or mortal wounds were negated). If you do so, roll 2D6. If the roll is greater than the Wounds characteristic of that HERO, that HERO is removed from play.

Designer’s Note: The HERO cannot be returned if you are allowed to to bring back slain models (the model has not been slain).

Silvered Portal: A portal to their Silver Tower allows the minions lurking within to enter the fray.
After you have deployed this unit, when you would set up another friendly TZEENTCH unit that is not a MONSTER, you can say that it is in this Gaunt Summoners Silver Tower as a reserve unit. Up to 2 units can be set up in reserve in this way. At the end of any of your movement phases, you can set up 1 or more of these units on the battlefield wholly within 9" of this unit and more than 9" from all enemy units. At the start of the fourth battle round, reserve units that are still in a Silver Tower are destroyed.

Infernal Flames: The Gaunt Summoner conjures a rolling wave of scorching wyrdfire that engulfs enemy formations.
Infernal Flames is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 12". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. Roll 1 dice for each model in that unit. For each 5+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. If that unit is a MONSTER or WAR MACHINE, roll 5 dice for each model instead of 1.



Gaunt Summoner on Disc of Tzeentch

Tzeentch’s dreaded Gaunt Summoners often go to war atop a daemonic mount known as a Disc of Tzeentch, a flying platform from which they can unleash their most devastating and spectacular spells.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Warptongue Blade
Warptongue Blade1"23+3+-2D3
Teeth and Horns
Teeth and Horns1"D34+3+-11

Unit Size: 1      Points: 270
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 40mm
Notes: Single

A Gaunt Summoner on Disc of Tzeentch is armed with a Changestaff and Warptongue Blade.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Disc of Tzeentch is armed with Teeth and Horns.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase.

Book of Profane Secrets: This arcane tome gives the Summoner control over the spells from the Lore of Fate.
Add 1 to casting rolls, dispelling rolls and unbinding rolls for this unit. In addition, this unit knows all of the spells from the Lore of Fate.

Lords of The Silver Towers: The Gaunt Summoners delight in imprisoning foes in their Silver Tower.
Once per battle, at the end of a phase, you can pick 1 enemy HERO that is within 9" of this unit and that made an attack that targeted this unit in that phase, or caused any mortal wounds to this unit with an ability or spell in that phase (even if the wounds or mortal wounds were negated). If you do so, roll 2D6. If the roll is greater than the Wounds characteristic of that HERO, that HERO is removed from play.

Designer’s Note: The HERO cannot be returned if you are allowed to to bring back slain models (the model has not been slain).

Silvered Portal: A portal to their Silver Tower allows the minions lurking within to enter the fray.
After you have deployed this unit, when you would set up another friendly TZEENTCH unit that is not a MONSTER, you can say that it is in this Gaunt Summoner’s Silver Tower as a reserve unit. Up to 2 units can be set up in reserve in this way. At the end of any of your movement phases, you can set up 1 or more of these units on the battlefield wholly within 9" of this unit and more than 9" from all enemy units. At the start of the fourth battle round, reserve units that are still in a Silver Tower are destroyed.

Infernal Flames: The Gaunt Summoner conjures a rolling wave of scorching wyrdfire that engulfs enemy formations.
Infernal Flames is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 12". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. Roll 1 dice for each model in that unit. For each 5+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. If that unit is a MONSTER or WAR MACHINE, roll 5 dice for each model instead of 1.




As a central figure of the cabal that leads an Arcanite cult, a Magister will use all their fell powers to inflict change and ruin upon the Mortal Realms in the name of the Great Conspirator. At their hands are the enemies of Tzeentch transformed.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Tzeentchian Runestaff
Tzeentchian Runestaff18"13+4+-D3
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Warpsteel Sword
Warpsteel Sword1"14+4+-1

Unit Size: 1      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Single

A Magister is armed with a Tzeentchian Runestaff and Warpsteel Sword.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Arcanite Cabal

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

Magic-touched: Magisters are attuned to magical energy and can harness the raw essence of Chaos. There are those, however, that delve too deep into this source of power.
If the first casting attempt made by this unit in your hero phase is successful and the spell is not unbound, this unit can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in that phase. If it does so and the casting roll for that extra spell is a double, the casting attempt automatically fails and this unit is slain. If this happens, you can choose for this unit to be transformed into a Spawn instead of being slain.

Bolt of Change: The Magister hurls a coruscating bolt of energy at the foe, causing their flesh to run like wax and remould into a form more pleasing to Tzeentch.
Bolt of Change is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. You can say that the first enemy model slain by this spell each time it is cast is transformed into a Spawn instead of being slain.



Magister on Disc of Tzeentch

Magisters are powerful sorcerers in service to Tzeentch. Filled with eldritch energies as they ride their Disc of Tzeentch, they can wield fantastical fires to scorch the foe or transform an enemy into the squelching, misshapen form of a Chaos Spawn.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Tzeentchian Runestaff
Tzeentchian Runestaff18"13+4+-D3
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Warpsteel Sword
Warpsteel Sword1"14+4+-1
Teeth and Horns
Teeth and Horns1"D34+3+-1D3

Unit Size: 1      Points: 150
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 50mm
Notes: Single

A Magister on Disc of Tzeentch is armed with a Tzeentchian Runestaff and Warpsteel Sword.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Disc of Tzeentch is armed with Teeth and Horns.

Magic-touched: Magisters are attuned to magical energy and can harness the raw essence of Chaos. There are those, however, that delve too deep into this source of power.
If the first casting attempt made by this unit in your hero phase is successful and the spell is not unbound, this unit can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in that phase. If it does so and the casting roll for that extra spell is a double, the casting attempt automatically fails and this unit is slain. If this happens, you can choose for this unit to be transformed into a Spawn instead of being slain.

Bolt of Change: The Magister hurls a coruscating bolt of energy at the foe, causing their flesh to run like wax and remould into a form more pleasing to Tzeentch.
Bolt of Change is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. You can say that the first enemy model slain by this spell each time it is cast is transformed into a Spawn instead of being slain.



Ogroid Thaumaturge

Combining bestial strength with dark occult powers, the Ogroid Thaumaturge is a deadly foe. With snarled invocations, it hurls blasts of fiery energy into the enemy ranks, before stampeding into their midst to pummel the survivors to bloody ruin.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Great Horns
Great Horns1"23+3+-23
Thaumaturge Staff
Thaumaturge Staff2"33+3+-1D3
Cloven Hooves
Cloven Hooves1"43+3+-1

Unit Size: 1      Points: 160
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 50mm
Notes: Single

An Ogroid Thaumaturge is armed with Great Horns, a Thaumaturge Staff and Cloven Hooves.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

Berserk Rage: When wounded, the Ogroid finds bursts of renewed energy from its rage.
Add 1 hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by this unit if any wounds or mortal wounds were allocated to this unit earlier in the phase.

Choking Tendrils: The caster unleashes coils of arcane energy that strangle the life from their victims.
Choking Tendrils is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. For each model that is slain by a mortal wound caused by this spell, you can heal 1 wound allocated to the caster.



The Blue Scribes

Tzeentch created two daemons, P’tarix and Xirat’p, for the sole purpose of learning every spell in existence. The Blue Scribes, as they are known, ride their Disc of Tzeentch through the realms seeking every fragment of arcana.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Sharpened Quills
Sharpened Quills1"25+5+-1
Teeth and Horns
Teeth and Horns1"D34+3+-1D3

Unit Size: 1      Points: 160
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 60mm
Notes: Single, Unique

The Blue Scribes are armed with Sharpened Quills.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Aether-eater Host
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Disc of Tzeentch is armed with Teeth and Horns.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

Frantic Scribbling: The Blue Scribes seek to learn all of the spells in existence.
If this unit is part of a Disciples of Tzeentch army, each time an enemy WIZARD within 9" of this unit successfully casts a spell, and that spell is not unbound, you can roll a dice. On a 3+, you receive 1 Fate Point.

Scrolls of Sorcery: The unlimited arcane knowledge held on these scrolls can conjure sorceries of perfect structure.
Once in each of your hero phases, when this unit attempts to cast a spell, instead of making a casting roll, you can say that it will read from its scrolls of sorcery. If you do so, roll a dice. On a 2+, that spell is successfully cast and cannot be unbound.

If this unit is part of a Disciples of Tzeentch army, it knows all of the spells from the Lore of Fate and Lore of Change.



The Changeling

A master of illusionary disguise, the Changeling hides amongst its quarry, sowing confusion amongst their ranks. Upon throwing aside its fleshly masquerade, the Changeling uses sorcery and its Trickster’s Staff to openly blast its foes.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
The Trickster’s Staff
The Trickster’s Staff2"33+3+-1D3

Unit Size: 1      Points: 130
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 40mm
Notes: Single, Unique

The Changeling is armed with the Trickster’s Staff.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase.

Arch-deceiver: None can detect the veil of the Changeling. Assuming the form of comrade and ally, it reveals itself only when its plans have been made a reality.
After deployment but before the first battle round begins, you can remove this unit from the battlefield. If you do so, at the end of your first movement phase, you must set this unit up again anywhere within your opponent’s territory more than 3" from all enemy units.

Puckish Misdirection: The Changeling can manipulate the most stalwart of warriors while appearing as a trusted advisor or comrade.
In the enemy hero phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 9" of this unit. If you do so, until your opponent’s next hero phase, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by that enemy unit and halve the Move characteristic of that enemy unit (rounding up).



Tzaangor Shaman

Mounted atop a Disc of Tzeentch, a Tzaangor Shaman is a potent agent of change. With dark magics, the Shaman will grant a boon of mutation to his foes, transforming them as they writhe and scream into a more pleasing form - that of a Tzaangor.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Staff of Change
Staff of Change2"14+3+-1D3
Ritual Dagger
Ritual Dagger1"24+4+-1
Teeth and Horns
Teeth and Horns1"D34+3+-1D3

Unit Size: 1      Points: 130
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 40mm
Notes: Single

A Tzaangor Shaman is armed with a Staff of Change and Ritual Dagger.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Arcanite Cabal

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Disc of Tzeentch is armed with Teeth and Horns.

Sorcerous Elixir: Tzaangor Shamans drink strange concoctions in battle to augment their sorcerous might.
Once per battle, in your hero phase, this unit can attempt to cast 1 extra spell. If it does so, you can add 3 to the casting roll for that spell.

Boon of Mutation: The Shaman curses its foes with the dubious gift of Tzeentch’s mutagenic power, transforming its victims into a form more pleasing to the Changer of the Ways.
Boon of Mutation is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. For each model that is slain by a mortal wound caused by this spell, you can add 1 Tzaangor model that is not a Tzaangor Champion or Tzaangor Mutant to a friendly TZAANGOR HOST within 12" of the caster. Set up models that are added to a unit one at a time within 1" of the unit they are being added to. Models that are added to a unit can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if a model from their unit is already within 3" of that enemy unit. The models added to a unit can take it above its maximum size.



Vortemis the All-seeing

Vortemis has been instrumental in twisting the strands of fate to serve the will of Tzeentch. His Arcanite Cult had spies in the city of Shadespire for centuries, and he has plotted to undermine Nagash for just as long.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Tzeentchian Runestaff
Tzeentchian Runestaff18"13+4+-D3
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Tzeentchian Runestaff
Tzeentchian Runestaff1"14+4+-1

Unit Size: 1      Points: 160
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Single, Unique. Vortemis the All-seeing and The Eyes of the Nine must be taken as a set. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit.

Vortemis the All-seeing is armed with a Tzeentchian Runestaff.

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

Magic-touched: Magisters are attuned to magical energy and can harness the raw essence of Chaos. There are those, however, that delve too deep into this source of power.
If the first casting attempt made by this unit in your hero phase is successful and the spell is not unbound, this unit can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in that phase. If it does so and the casting roll for that extra spell is a double, the casting attempt automatically fails and this unit is slain. If this happens, you can choose for this unit to be transformed into a Spawn instead of being slain.

Sorcerous Insight: Memory becomes echo, echo becomes resonance, resonance becomes reality wrought anew.
Sorcerous Insight is a spell that has a casting value of 5. If successfully cast, you receive 1 command point that can only be spent to allow the caster to issue a command.



Ephilim the Unknowable

Once the servant of a Gaunt Summoner, Ephilim bears the impossible task of cataloguing every conceivable permutation of Tzeentchian daemon. Accompanied by their infernal Pandaemonium, they now search the realms for nexuses of change-magic, where their sorcery can coax even stranger daemons into being.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Fiery Changebolts
Fiery Changebolts18"24+3+-D3
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg

Unit Size: 1      Points: 190
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Single, Unique. Ephilim the Unknowable and Ephilim’s Pandaemonium units must be taken as a set. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit.

Ephilim the Unknowable is armed with Fiery Changebolts and a Warpstaff.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.

Keeper of the Pandaemonium: With a flick of a wrist, Ephilim can summon catalogued daemons to their side.
Once per turn, at the start of your hero phase, you can say that Ephilim will summon their abominations. If you do so, this unit cannot cast any spells this turn. Pick 1 friendly EPHILIM’S PANDAEMONIUM unit wholly within 6" of this unit. You can return up to D3 slain models to that unit.

Power Leech: Ephilim has the ability to drain magical power from their minions.
At the start of your hero phase, you can say that Ephilim will siphon their abominations. If you do so, pick 1 friendly EPHILIM’S PANDAEMONIUM unit within 3" of this unit. D3 models in that unit are slain. Add 2 to casting rolls for this unit until the end of the phase.

Sudden Warp-portal: Ephilim’s magic wrenches at the very fabric of the Mortal Realms, tearing holes in reality through which their allies can travel.
Sudden Warp-portal is a spell that has a casting value of 8 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH unit wholly within range and visible to the caster, within 6" of an objective and more than 3" from all enemy units.

Remove that unit from the battlefield and set it up again anywhere on the battlefield more than 9" from all enemy units and within 6" of an objective. Units set up in this way cannot move in the following movement phase.




Kairic Acolytes

Kairic Acolytes are the chosen human cultists of Tzeentch. Harnessing their collective magical might, the Chanters of Change unleash it in the form of searing bolts. Enemies that do not fall before this arcane fusillade must face their curved blades.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Sorcerous Bolt
Sorcerous Bolt18"14+3+-1
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Cursed Glaive
Cursed Glaive1"14+3+-12
Cursed Blade
Cursed Blade1"14+3+-1
Pair of Cursed Blades
Pair of Cursed Blades1"23+3+-1

Unit Size: 10      Points: 120
Battlefield Role: Battleline
Base size: 32mm

Each model in a Kairic Acolytes unit is armed with Sorcerous Bolts and 1 of the following weapon options: Cursed Blade and Arcanite Shield; or Pair of Cursed Blades. 3 in every 10 models in this unit can replace their weapon option with a Cursed Glaive and Arcanite Shield.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Alter-kin Coven
 • Witchfyre Coven

WIZARD: The unit is a WIZARD while this unit has 9 or more models. It can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase. It only knows the Gestalt Sorcery spell and cannot attempt to cast any other spells. Any number of KAIRIC ACOLYTES units can attempt to cast Gestalt Sorcery in the same hero phase.

CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a Kairic Adept. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model’s melee weapons.

SCROLL OF DARK ARTS: 1 in every 10 models in this unit can carry a Scroll of Dark Arts. Add 1 to casting and unbinding rolls for this unit while it has any Scrolls of Dark Arts.

VULCHARC: 1 in every 10 models in this unit can be accompanied by a Vulcharc. If an enemy WIZARD successfully casts a spell within 18" of a friendly unit that includes any Vulcharcs, roll a dice. On a 4+, that WIZARD suffers 1 mortal wound after the effect of that spell has been resolved.

Arcanite Shields: These ornate shields are imbued with potent wards.
A model that has an Arcanite Shield has a ward of 6+.

Gestalt Sorcery: Through combined worship, a cult of Acolytes can swell their arcane power to new levels of ferocity.
Gestalt Sorcery is a spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 9". If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly KAIRIC ACOLYTES unit wholly within range of the caster. Until your next hero phase, improve the Rend characteristic of that unit’s Sorcerous Bolts by 1.




Tzaangors are savage, avian beastmen dedicated to Tzeentch and gifted with his dark blessings. Eager to impress their duplicitous god, the Tzaangors fight with lunatic energies, hoping to earn further gifts of change.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Savage Greatblade
Savage Greatblade2"14+3+-12
Savage Blade
Savage Blade2"24+3+-1
Pair of Savage Blades
Pair of Savage Blades2"33+3+-1
Vicious Beak
Vicious Beak1"14+3+-1

Unit Size: 10      Points: 180
Battlefield Role: Battleline
Base size: 32mm

This unit is referred to as a Tzaangor Host. Each model in a Tzaangor Host is armed with a Vicious Beak and 1 of the following weapon options: Savage Blade and Arcanite Shield; or Pair of Savage Blades. All models in the unit must be armed with the same weapon option. 2 in every 5 models can replace their weapon option with a Savage Greatblade.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Alter-kin Coven
 • Tzaangor Coven

CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a Twistbray. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model’s melee weapons.

STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 10 models in this unit can be an Icon Bearer. While this unit includes any Icon Bearers, it can use the Ornate Totems ability.

MUSICIAN: 1 in every 10 models in this unit can be a Brayhorn Blower. While this unit includes any Brayhorn Blowers, it can run and still charge later in the turn.

TZAANGOR MUTANT: 1 in every 5 models in this unit can be a Tzaangor Mutant armed with a pair of Savage Blades and Vicious Beak. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model’s pair of Savage Blades.

Arcanite Shields: These ornate shields are imbued with potent wards.
A model that has an Arcanite Shield has a ward of 6+.

Savagery Unleashed: Favoured by their god, these warriors unleash a flurry of attacks upon their foes.
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this unit’s Vicious Beaks if it made a charge move in the same turn.

Ornate Totems: The icons carried by the Tzaangor can steal magical power from wizards and use it to blast the enemy.
While this unit includes any Icon Bearers, at the start of your hero phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 18" of this unit that is visible to it and roll 1 dice for each WIZARD that is within 9" of this unit. For each 4+, the unit you picked suffers 1 mortal wound.



Jade Obelisk

Cursed artificers skilled in stonecraft, the Jade Obelisk are acutely aware of their finite time as living flesh. They are singleminded in their purpose to desecrate the idols of false gods before their mortal bodies succumb to an inevitable petrification.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Antithete Bow
Antithete Bow18"14+4+-1
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Mason’s Tools
Mason’s Tools1"24+3+-11
Jade Dagger
Jade Dagger1"14+3+-1
Stone-like Beak and Serpentine Tail
Stone-like Beak and Serpentine Tail1"13+3+-11

Unit Size: 10      Points: 120
Battlefield Role: Battleline
5 x Desecrators, Nephrite Priestess, Obelisk Bearer32mm
5 x Idolarc, Defacers28.5mm

Each model in a Jade Obelisk unit is armed with Mason’s Tools. 4 in every 10 models can replace their Mason’s Tools with an Antithete Bow and a Jade Dagger.

NEPHRITE PRIESTESS: 1 in every 10 models in this unit must be a Nephrite Priestess. A Nephrite Priestess can issue commands to their own unit.

OBELISK BEARER: 1 in every 10 models in this unit must be an Obelisk Bearer. While this unit includes any Obelisk Bearers, you can return 1 slain model to this unit at the end of the combat phase.

IDOLARC: 1 in every 10 models in this unit must be an Idolarc. An Idolarc is armed with a Stone-like Beak and Serpentine Tail instead of any other weapons.

Stone-cursed Resolve: These rockskinned warriors are virtually impossible to move against their will.
Ignore modifiers (positive and negative) when making save rolls for attacks that target this unit.

Cast Down the Idol: Tools of construction are turned upon blasphemous effigies, swiftly rendering them to rubble and ruin.
At the end of the charge phase, this unit can be picked to carry out the Smash To Rubble monstrous rampage as if it were a MONSTER.




Burning Chariots of Tzeentch

Drawn through the skies by a pair of Screamers, a Burning Chariot rides upon a wave of multicoloured flames that scorch all in its wake, while the Exalted Flamer that writhes and twists upon its back breathes out sheets of unnatural, billowing fire.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Billowing Warpflame
Billowing Warpflame18"44+3+-1D3
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Flaming Maw
Flaming Maw2"44+3+-11
Blue Horrors’ Jabs
Blue Horrors’ Jabs1"35+5+-1
Lamprey Bite
Lamprey Bite1"63+3+-11

Unit Size: 1      Points: 150
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 120 x 92mm
Notes: Battleline if general is a Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot

Each model in a Burning Chariots of Tzeentch unit is armed with Billowing Warpflame, Flaming Maws and Blue Horrors’ Jabs.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters
 • Warpflame Host

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Screamers of Tzeentch are armed with Lamprey Bites.

ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.

Capricious Warpflame: These unnatural fires continue to burn long after they meet their target, clawing at the nearest foe as a Fury would its prey.
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with this unit’s Billowing Warpflame or Flaming Maws weapons if the target unit has 5 or more models.

Wake of Fire: Enemies unfortunate enough to be passed by a Burning Chariot are consumed by waves of unnatural fire.
After this unit has made a normal move, run or retreated, pick 1 enemy unit and roll a dice if this unit passed across any models in that enemy unit. On a 2+, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.



Disciples of Tzeentch Chaos Spawn

Tzeentch Chaos Spawn are, if anything, even more horrifically mutated than others of their kind. Altered at the whim of the Great Mutator, they tear their prey limb from limb with their freakish array of claws, tentacles and hooked appendages.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Freakish Mutations
Freakish Mutations1"2D64+4+-1

Unit Size: 1      Points: 80
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 50mm

Chaos, Disciples of Tzeentch, Spawn, Tzeentch, Chaos Spawn

Spawn of Sorcery: Tzeentch Chaos Spawn are born of the raw stuff of magic, and are invigorated when arcane energies are unleashed.
Heal all of the wounds allocated to this unit if a WIZARD within 9" of this unit successfully casts a spell that is not unbound.

Writhing Tentacles: The body of a Chaos Spawn is ever influx, making them wildly unpredictable adversaries.
If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with Freakish Mutations is 6, the target suffers 1 mortal wound and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound roll or save roll).



Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch

An Exalted Flamer can project gouts of multicoloured flame, turning entire enemy units into piles of blackened bones. The shifting warpflames seem to have a mind of their own, forming hideous faces and ominous sigils with their tongues of fire.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Billowing Warpflame
Billowing Warpflame18"44+3+-1D3
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Flaming Maws
Flaming Maws2"44+3+-11

Unit Size: 1      Points: 100
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 75 x 42mm

Each model in an Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch unit is armed with Billowing Warpflame and Flaming Maws.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Overseer’s Fate-twisters
 • Warpflame Host

FLY: This unit can fly.

ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.

Capricious Warpflame: These unnatural fires continue to burn long after they meet their target, clawing at the nearest foe as a Fury would its prey.
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with this unit’s Billowing Warpflame or Flaming Maws weapons if the target unit has 5 or more models.



Flamers of Tzeentch

Bounding in a disturbing fashion, Flamers of Tzeentch spring towards the foe spouting the warpfires of Chaos. Yet the Changer of the Ways is fickle, and fires that have burnt out may once more leap to life, guiding even more flames to the target.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Flaming Maws
Flaming Maws1"33+4+-1

Unit Size: 3      Points: 160
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Battleline in an ETERNAL CONFLAGRATION army

Each model in a Flamers of Tzeentch unit is armed with Warpflame and Flaming Maws.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Warpflame Host

FLY: This unit can fly.

CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a Pyrocaster. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model’s Warpflame.

Capricious Warpflame: These unnatural fires continue to burn long after they meet their target, clawing at the nearest foe as a Fury would its prey.
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with this unit’s Billowing Warpflame or Flaming Maws weapons if the target unit has 5 or more models.

Guided by Billowing Flames: If their Exalted kin are nearby, Flamers can follow their blazing trails to increase the intensity of their fires.
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this unit’s Warpflame while it is wholly within 9" of any friendly EXALTED FLAMERS and/or any friendly BURNING CHARIOTS.



Horrors of Tzeentch

Gibbering with lunatic energy, the luminescent Pink Horrors whirl and flail, generating raw magic that can manifest as blasts of unnatural fire that scour the enemy. Should they be slain, Horrors split in twain to form two lesser incarnations.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Magical Flames
Magical Flames12"5+4+-1
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Taloned Hands
Taloned Hands1"4+4+-1
Horror ColourMagical FlamesTaloned HandsPetty Vengeance Roll

Unit Size: 10      Points: 260
Battlefield Role: None
Blue Horrors of Tzeentch25mm
Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch25mm
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch32mm
Notes: Battleline if the unit contains no Blue Horrors and no Brimstone Horrors. If the unit contains no Pink Horrors, change the points cost to 120. If the unit contains no Pink Horrors and no Blue Horrors, change the points cost to 80.

Each model in a Horrors of Tzeentch unit is armed with Magical Flames and Taloned Hands.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Change Host
 • Multitudinous Host
 • Atra’zan’s Blazing Cavalcade

BATTLE ABILITY: When you pick this unit to be part of your army or when you summon this unit and add it to your army, you must decide if this unit will have either the Split and Split Again ability or the Petty Vengeance ability (it cannot have both). Note your choice on your army roster.

HORRORS: Each model in a Horrors of Tzeentch unit must be either a Pink Horror, a Blue Horror or a Brimstone Horror (you can have different types of Horror in the same unit). You cannot allocate wounds or mortal wounds to a Blue Horror if its unit includes any Iridescent or Pink Horrors, and you cannot allocate a wound to a Brimstone Horror if its unit includes any Blue Horrors.

CHAMPION: 1 Pink Horror in this unit can be an Iridescent Horror instead.

STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 10 Pink Horrors in this unit can be a Pink Horror Icon Bearer instead. At the start of your hero phase, if you have a Disciples of Tzeentch army, roll 1 dice for each Pink Horror Icon Bearer in this unit. For each 3+, you receive 1 Fate Point.

MUSICIAN: 1 in every 10 Pink Horrors in this unit can be a Pink Horror Hornblower instead. Add 1 to save rolls for this unit while it includes any Pink Horror Hornblowers.

Split and Split Again: Should a Horror meet its end at the hands of the enemy, it is capable of splitting itself into lesser daemons and renewing its assault twice over.
Each time an Iridescent Horror or Pink Horror in this unit is slain by a wound or mortal wound, it does not count as having been slain but you must immediately remove it from play and replace it with 2 Blue Horrors that are added to its unit.

Each time a Blue Horror in this unit is slain by a wound or mortal wound, it does not count as having been slain but you must immediately remove it from play and replace it with 1 Brimstone Horrors model that is added to its unit.

Replacement models that are added to this unit must be set up one at a time within 1" of the position that was occupied by the model they are replacing.

Replacement models that are added to this unit can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if a model from this unit is already within 3" of that enemy unit.

Replacement models added to this unit can take it above its maximum size.

Designer’s Note: Horrors that flee cannot Split and Split Again. If a Horror Splits and Splits Again, it is immediately removed from play and the replacement models are added to the unit before the next wound or mortal wound is allocated to the unit. A Horror that is removed from play because it has Split and Split Again does not count as a slain model for the purposes of the Battleshock rules (core rules, 15.0) and it cannot be returned through the use of rules that allow you to return slain models to the unit.

Petty Vengeance: Some Horrors take petty vengeance on those who harm them by exploding in a blast of flame.
If a model in this unit is slain, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of this unit and roll a dice. If the roll is equal to or greater than the Petty Vengeance Roll for the slain model, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.



Screamers of Tzeentch

Speeding blurs that leave shimmering trails of change-magic in the air, Screamers streak across the skies with a wailing cry. They slash any foes they pass with razor-sharp horns and fins before darting down to savage their chosen quarry.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Lamprey Bite
Lamprey Bite1"33+3+-11

Unit Size: 3      Points: 110
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Battleline in a HOSTS ARCANUM army

Each model in a Screamers of Tzeentch unit is armed with a Lamprey Bite.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Aether-eater Host
 • Change Host

FLY: This unit can fly.

Slashing Fins: The pack mentality of Screamers makes them an especially effective unit on the battlefield. They swoop information and slash at their foes, performing fly-by attacks and effortless manoeuvres.
After this unit has made a normal move, run, retreated or made a charge move, pick 1 enemy unit and roll a dice for each model in this unit that passed across any models in that enemy unit. For each 4+, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.



The Eyes of the Nine

Agents of the Gaunt Summoners, the Eyes of the Nine seek out artefacts redolent with realm magics that they can corrupt with Tzeentchian energy. With these ensorcelled lodestones, they intend to tether the Silver Towers to reality.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Magical Flames
Magical Flames12"25+4+-1
Sorcerous Bolt
Sorcerous Bolt12"25+4+-1
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Savage Greatblade
Savage Greatblade1"24+4+-12
Cursed Blade
Cursed Blade1"24+4+-1
Vicious Beak
Vicious Beak1"24+5+-1
Taloned Hands
Taloned Hands1"14+4+-1

Unit Size: 4      Points: 160
Battlefield Role: None
Eyes of the Nine32mm
Notes: Single, Unique. Vortemis the All-seeing and The Eyes of the Nine must be taken as a set. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit.

The models in The Eyes of the Nine are Narvia, Turosh, K’charik, and a Blue Horror. Narvia and Turosh are each armed with a Cursed Blade, Sorcerous Bolt and Arcanite Shield. K’charik is armed with a Savage Greatblade and Vicious Beak. The Blue Horror is armed with Magical Flames and Taloned Hands.

K’CHARIK: Add 1 to K’charik’s Wounds characteristic.

Arcanite Shield: These ornate shields are imbued with potent wards.
Narvia and Turosh have a ward of 6+.

Split: If the Blue Horror is slain, it transforms into a pair of Brimstone Horrors.
If the Blue Horror in this unit is slain by a wound or mortal wound, instead of it being slain, you can remove that it play and then add 1 Brimstone Horrors model to this unit.

The Brimstone Horror model is armed with Magical Flames and Taloned Hands. Its Magical Flames have an Attacks characteristic of 1 instead of 2, and its Taloned Hands have an Attacks characteristic of 2 instead of 1.



Tzaangor Enlightened

Tzaangor Enlightened are arrogant creatures, for they can see the lessons of the past as easily as mortals see daylight. They gleefully caw out the past mistakes of their enemies, unnerving them before moving in to capitalise with each blow.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Tzeentchian Spear
Tzeentchian Spear2"34+3+-12
Vicious Beak
Vicious Beak1"24+3+-1

Unit Size: 3      Points: 90
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 40mm

Each model in a Tzaangor Enlightened unit is armed with a Tzeentchian Spear and Vicious Beak.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Tzaangor Coven
 • Witchfyre Coven

CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be an Aviarch. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model’s Tzeentchian Spear.

Babbling Stream of Secrets: The dark truths revealed by the Tzaangor Enlightened utterly unnerve the foe.
In the combat phase, enemy units within 3" of any friendly units with this ability cannot receive commands.

Guided by the Past: These warriors see at once every moment that led to the present and use this knowledge to deadly effect.
You can add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly units with this ability if you are taking the second turn in the current battle round. This ability does not affect attacks made by a mount.



Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch

Some Tzaangor Enlightened soar into battle atop the bladed, daemonic mounts known as Discs of Tzeentch, recounting their foes’ most terrible failures and sins as they strike out with gilded spears.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Tzeentchian Spear
Tzeentchian Spear2"34+3+-12
Vicious Beak
Vicious Beak1"24+3+-1
Teeth and Horns
Teeth and Horns1"D34+3+-1D3

Unit Size: 3      Points: 180
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 40mm

Each model in a Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch unit is armed with a Tzeentchian Spear and Vicious Beak.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Skyshoal Coven

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Discs of Tzeentch are armed with Teeth and Horns.

CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be an Aviarch. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model’s Tzeentchian Spear.

Babbling Stream of Secrets: The dark truths revealed by the Tzaangor Enlightened utterly unnerve the foe.
In the combat phase, enemy units within 3" of any friendly units with this ability cannot receive commands.

Guided by the Past: These warriors see at once every moment that led to the present and use this knowledge to deadly effect.
You can add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly units with this ability if you are taking the second turn in the current battle round. This ability does not affect attacks made by a mount.



Tzaangor Skyfires

Tzaangor Skyfires soar across the battlefield, raining death upon the foe. Able to catch glimpses of the future, the Skyfires send their Arrows of Fate on baffling trajectories, striking their target’s most vulnerable weak spots with confounding accuracy.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Arrow of Fate
Arrow of Fate24"14+3+-1D3
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Bow Stave
Bow Stave1"25+5+-1
Vicious Beak
Vicious Beak1"14+3+-1
Teeth and Horns
Teeth and Horns1"D34+3+-1D3

Unit Size: 3      Points: 180
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 40mm

Each model in a Tzaangor Sky fires unit is armed with an Arrow of Fate, Bow Stave and Vicious Beak.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Alter-kin Coven
 • Skyshoal Coven
 • Tzaangor Coven

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Discs of Tzeentch are each armed with Teeth and Horns.

CHAMPION: The leader of this unit is an Aviarch. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model’s Arrow of Fate.

Guided by the Future: The attacks of these warriors are directed by glimpses of the future.
Ignore negative modifiers to hit rolls or wound rolls for attacks made with missile weapons by this unit, and ignore positive modifiers to save rolls for attacks made with missile weapons by this unit.

Judgement from Afar: To be struck by an Arrow of Fate is to be judged by destiny itself.
If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with an Arrow of Fate is 6, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound roll or save roll).



Ephilim’s Pandaemonium

From the pyromaniacal Kindlefinger to the piscine Apo’trax and the houndthing known as Spawnmaw, the daemons bound to Ephilim are utterly bizarre in form. Only the avian Flamespooler possesses true intellect, weaving orbs of wyrdflame with their feet to hurl them at foes.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Hurled Wyrdflame Blasts
Hurled Wyrdflame Blasts18"24+4+-1
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Flame-wreathed Hands and Jaws
Flame-wreathed Hands and Jaws1"14+4+-D3

Unit Size: 4      Points: 190
Battlefield Role: None
Spawnmaw and Flamespooler32mm
Kindlefinger and Apo’trax, the Starefysh25mm
Notes: Single, Unique. Ephilim the Unknowable and Ephilim’s Pandaemonium units must be taken as a set. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit.

The models in Ephilim’s Pandaemonium are Spawnmaw, Kindlefinger, Flamespooler and Apo’trax, the Starefysh. Each is armed with Hurled Wyrdflame Blasts and Flame-wreathed Hands and Jaws.

Aether-tether: Ephilim the Unknowable does protect their charges, but only to their own benefit.
Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this unit while it is wholly within 6" of a friendly EPHILIM THE UNKNOWABLE.



Skin Wolves*

Creatures of pure nightmare, Skin Wolves are draped in the tattered remains of their human flesh. Their malice and fury are incomparable, and with long-clawed fingers they shred their victims to ribbons and feast upon the remains.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Teeth and Claws
Teeth and Claws1"43+3+-12
* This warscroll is part of the Warhammer Legends range of rules and can be used in any type of play - open, narrative or matched. However Legends units are not updated by GW and not supported by Wahapedia and therefore not recommended for competitive tournaments.

Unit Size: 3      Points: 170
Battlefield Role: None


Each model in a skin Wolves unit is armed with Teeth and Claws.

MONSTROUS ALLY: This unit can be included as an allied unit in an army whose general has the CHAOS keyword.


Bounding Predators: These deadly creatures can move at frightening speed.
This unit can run and still charge later in the turn.

Terrifying Bloodlust: Skin Wolves have a natural predatory instinct to hunt. With the taint of Chaos running through their veins, this bloodlust is amplified beyond imagining.
If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by this unit is 6, that attack scores 2 hits on the target instead of 1. Make a wound and save roll for each hit.




Chaos Siege Gargant*

Chaos Siege Gargants are towering, iron-clad brutes. Equipped with immense hooked blades and massive weighted chains, these monstrosities can tear through fortifications and enemy armies with contemptuous ease.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Colossal Hook-blades
Colossal Hook-blades3"4+3+-12
Lashing Chains
Lashing Chains2"D63+5+-1
* This warscroll is part of the Warhammer Legends range of rules and can be used in any type of play - open, narrative or matched. However Legends units are not updated by GW and not supported by Wahapedia and therefore not recommended for competitive tournaments.
Wounds SufferedMoveColossal Hook-blades

Unit Size: 1      Points: 215
Battlefield Role: Behemoth
Notes: Single


A Chaos Siege Gargant is armed with Colossal Hook-blades and Lashing Chains.

MONSTROUS ALLY: This unit can be included as an allied unit in an army whose general has the CHAOS keyword.


Scaling Spikes and Chains: Resembling a living war machine, Siege Gargants are covered in various hooks, spikes and chains that make it easy for them to clamber over high walls and crush obstacles.
If you carry out a Smash To Rubble monstrous rampage with this model, the terrain feature is demolished on a 2+ instead of a 3+.

Timber!: Should a gargant fall, it will likely crush anything in its path.
If this model is slain, before removing it from play, the players must roll off. The winner must pick a point on the battlefield 4" from this model. Each unit within 3" of that point suffers D3 mortal wounds unless it is a GARGANT. This model is then removed from play.



Chaos War Mammoth*

A Chaos War Mammoth is an immense beast capable of crushing scores of lesser creatures to bloody paste beneath its trampling feet, and of goring foes with its huge tusks, each of which carries the force of a battering ram.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Marauder Javelins and Axes
Marauder Javelins and Axes10"85+5+-1
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Goring Tusks
Goring Tusks3"1
See below
Trampling Feet
Trampling Feet1"4+3+-2D3
* This warscroll is part of the Warhammer Legends range of rules and can be used in any type of play - open, narrative or matched. However Legends units are not updated by GW and not supported by Wahapedia and therefore not recommended for competitive tournaments.
Wounds SufferedMoveGoring TusksTrampling Feet

Unit Size: 1      Points: 345
Battlefield Role: Behemoth
Base size: 280 x 210mm
Notes: Single


A Chaos War Mammoth is armed with Goring Tusks and Trampling Feet.

CREW: This model has a Marauder crew, who are armed with Marauder Javelins and Axes.

MONSTROUS ALLY: This unit can be included as an allied unit in an army whose general has the CHAOS keyword.

MARK OF CHAOS: When you select this model to be part of your army, you must give it one of the following Mark of Chaos keywords: KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE, SLAANESH or UNDIVIDED.


Crushing Fall: To be caught under the falling bulk of a dying War Mammoth is to meet a horrible death.
If this model is slain, before removing it from play, the players must roll off. The winner must pick a point on the battlefield 4" from this model. Each unit within 4" of that point suffers D6 mortal wounds. This model is then removed from play.

Goring Tusks: The enormous tusks of the Chaos War Mammoth can impale the largest of monsters, leaving them with grievous wounds.
Do not use the attack sequence for an attack made with Goring Tusks. Instead, roll a number of dice equal to the Goring Tusks value shown on the damage table above. Add 1 to the roll if the target unit is a MONSTER. For each 3+, the target unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.



Curs’d Ettin*

A Curs’d Ettin is a hideous monstrosity of fused kinsmen, two souls trapped within one malformed body. Lured to battle with promises of meat and death, the bickering siblings crush their foes with ponderous swings of their single, club-like arm.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Crushing Fist
Crushing Fist2"13+-2D6
* This warscroll is part of the Warhammer Legends range of rules and can be used in any type of play - open, narrative or matched. However Legends units are not updated by GW and not supported by Wahapedia and therefore not recommended for competitive tournaments.
Wounds SufferedMoveCrushing FistStomp

Unit Size: 1      Points: 215
Battlefield Role: Behemoth
Base size: 120 x 92mm
Notes: Single


The Curs’d Ettin is armed with a Crushing Fist and Stomps.

MONSTROUS ALLY: This unit can be included as an allied unit in an army whose general has the CHAOS keyword.


Cannibal Feast: Whatever the Curs’d Ettin crushes it feasts upon, its strange physiology enabling it to grow stronger with each kill.
At the end of the combat phase, if any enemy models were slain by wounds inflicted by this model’s attacks in that combat phase, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to this model.

Gibbering Curse: The incessant argumentative gibbering that comes from the Curs’d Ettin’s two heads carries the power of Chaos, driving those who hear it insane.
At the start of your hero phase, roll 2D6 for each enemy unit within 3" of this model. If the roll is greater than that unit’s Bravery characteristic, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Two-headed Horror: The Curs’d Ettin’s two heads eternally bicker with each other, but there is one thing they always agree upon – the need for fresh meat!
At the start of the combat phase, you can pick 1 enemy model that has a Wounds characteristic of 2 or less and that is within 3" of this model, and roll a dice. On a 6, that model is slain.



Gigantic Chaos Spawn*

Some monstrous creatures of the Mortal Realms have been twisted beyond all recognition by the energies of Chaos, becoming hulking abominations that exist only to satiate their uncontrollable urge for carnage and slaughter.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Freakish Mutations
Freakish Mutations2"2D63+3+-1
Slavering Maws
Slavering Maws1"D64+3+D3
* This warscroll is part of the Warhammer Legends range of rules and can be used in any type of play - open, narrative or matched. However Legends units are not updated by GW and not supported by Wahapedia and therefore not recommended for competitive tournaments.
Wounds SufferedMoveSlavering Maws

Unit Size: 1      Points: 195
Battlefield Role: Behemoth
Notes: Single


A Gigantic Chaos Spawn is armed with Freakish Mutations and Slavering Maws.

MONSTROUS ALLY: This unit can be included as an allied unit in an army whose general has the CHAOS keyword.

MARK OF CHAOS: When you select this model to be part of your army, you must give it one of the following Mark of Chaos keywords: KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE, SLAANESH or UNDIVIDED.


Plaything of the Dark Gods: Gifts bestowed by the Dark Gods can bless the receiver with a bounty of strength and stamina – or they can be the complete opposite, causing excruciating pain and anguish.
At the start of your hero phase, roll a dice. On a 1, this model suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 2+, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to this model. If you roll a 2+ and no wounds are allocated to this model, add D3 to its Wounds characteristic for the rest of the battle instead of healing D3 wounds.



Warpfire Dragon*

Twisted and malignant, these dragons are ruinous creatures that spit gouts of mutating warpfire. Should one of these spite-filled beasts be slain, its body will erupt in a nova of anarchic energy, reducing its foes to mounds of malformed flesh.
MISSILE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
See below
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Snapping Jaws
Snapping Jaws2"D33+-1D6
Twisted Claws
Twisted Claws1"3+3+-12
* This warscroll is part of the Warhammer Legends range of rules and can be used in any type of play - open, narrative or matched. However Legends units are not updated by GW and not supported by Wahapedia and therefore not recommended for competitive tournaments.
Wounds SufferedMoveSnapping JawsTwisted Claws

Unit Size: 1      Points: 260
Battlefield Role: Behemoth
Notes: Single


A Warpfire Dragon is armed with Warpfire, Snapping Jaws and Twisted Claws.

MONSTROUS ALLY: This unit can be included as an allied unit in an army whose general has the CHAOS keyword.

FLY: This model can fly.


Deadly Demise: Even in their last moments, these creatures are deadly, and those arrogant enough to believe they have won victory are soon bloodily corrected.
If this model is slain, before it is removed from play, roll a dice for each unit within 3" of this model. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. This model is then removed from play.

Warpfire: These scintillating flames cause flesh and bone to undergo rapid and grotesque mutations, reshaping those touched into utterly grotesque configurations of their former selves.
Do not use the attack sequence for an attack made with this model’s Warpfire. Instead roll a dice. On a 1, nothing happens. On a 2-5, the target unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 6, the target unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.


Endless Spell

Endless Spell WARSCROLL

Burning Sigil of Tzeentch

Drizzling ectoplasm and daemonic fire, the conjured sigil of Tzeentch is so redolent with mutative energies that it can transform those around it into a thousand fleshy forms. To stand close by is to risk horrific transmogrification – though in the final reckoning of battle, some of these mutations are as much a blessing as they are a curse.

Unit Size: -      Points: 70
Battlefield Role: Endless Spell
Base size: 50mm

SUMMONING: This endless spell is summoned with a spell that has a casting value of 5 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, set up this endless spell wholly within range and visible to the caster, and more than 1" from all models, other endless spells and invocations. Only DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH WIZARDS can attempt to summon this endless spell.

Radiant Transmogrification: The sigil channels the energies of the Impossible Fortress; with each pulse comes a handful of blessings and curses as fickle as the bastion’s master.
At the end of the movement phase, roll a dice for each unit within 9" of this endless spell. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If any models were slain by this spell, before removing the first slain model, the commanding player of the model that summoned this endless spell can add 1 TZEENTCH CHAOS SPAWN to their army and set it up within 3" of the slain model’s unit. Then, remove the slain model.

Endless Spell WARSCROLL

Daemonic Simulacrum

The twin-headed monstrosity known as the Daemonic Simulacrum is not a true daemon but a living mirage, a manifestation of the duplicity and cunning of the Lords of Change that guide their Arcanite puppets to war. Though ephemeral, when these illusory creatures bite, they can tear away the minds of the foe to leave them drooling imbeciles.

Unit Size: -      Points: 70
Battlefield Role: Endless Spell
Base size: 105 x 70mm

SUMMONING: This endless spell is summoned with a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 12". If successfully cast, set up this endless spell wholly within range and visible to the caster, and more than 1" from all models, other endless spells and invocations. Only DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH WIZARDS can attempt to summon this endless spell.

PREDATORY: This endless spell is a predatory endless spell. It can be moved up to 9" and can fly.

Snapping Jaws: The Simulacrum feeds upon the minds of any beings in its path and is especially drawn to sources of the arcane.
After this endless spell has moved, roll 9 dice for the closest unit within 6" of it. If more than 1 unit is equally close, the commanding player can choose which unit to roll for. For each 5+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. If that unit is a WIZARD, it suffers 1 mortal wound for each 4+ instead of each 5+.

Endless Spell WARSCROLL

Tome of Eyes

By conjuring a Tome of Eyes, a spellcaster can read knowledge inscribed by daemonic forces as the tome reads them in turn; in doing so, they gain access to the fabled Parchment Curse. A particularly disturbing spell, this turns the enemies of the caster into scattering sheafs of paper, each detailing a dark and twisted version of the victim’s life story.

Unit Size: -      Points: 40
Battlefield Role: Endless Spell
Base size: 50mm

SUMMONING: This endless spell is summoned with a spell that has a casting value of 5 and a range of 1". If successfully cast, set up this endless spell within range and visible to the caster, and more than 1" from all other models, other endless spells and invocations. Only DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH WIZARDS can attempt to summon this endless spell.

A WIZARD in a garrison cannot attempt to summon this endless spell, and if this endless spell is summoned, the WIZARD that summoned it cannot join a garrison until this endless spell has been removed from play.

LINKED: This endless spell must remain within 1" of the model that summoned it. For rules purposes, this endless spell and the model that summoned it are treated as a single model that uses that model’s warscroll, with the addition of the abilities on this warscroll.

If the model that summoned this endless spell is slain, then this endless spell is immediately removed from play. If this endless spell is dispelled and the model that summoned it has not been slain, remove this endless spell from play but leave the model that summoned it on the battlefield.

Transfixed by Countless Eyes: As the Tome flicks through its endless pages, it peers into the mind of its summoner, giving knowledge to the loyal and punishing the insatiable as it sees fit.
You can re-roll casting rolls for the model that summoned this endless spell while this endless spell is on the battlefield.

The Parchment Curse: The Tome’s flames intensify, its eyes twitching frantically as it seeks new prey for the curses on its parchment leaves.
The Parchment Curse is a spell that is known by the model that summoned this endless spell while this endless spell is on the battlefield. It has a casting value of 8 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster, and roll a dice. On a 3+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, for each model slain by those mortal wounds, subtract 1 from the Bravery characteristic of that model’s unit (to a minimum of 1) for the rest of the battle.

Warscroll Battalion

Warscroll Battalion

Overseer’s Fate-twisters

As they burst forth from the Impossible Fortress, the manic cackling of the Fate Legion fills their enemies with dread. None but those embraced by change can know what they plan to unleash - only that it will not end well.
 • 1 Lord of Change
 • 8 DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH DAEMON HEROES, Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch units, or Burning Chariots of Tzeentch units in any combination

Unit Size: -      Points: 160
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Storm of Daemonic Fire: So great is the roiling tide of warpfire surrounding Tzeentch’s daemonic hosts that to merely stand in the daemons’ presence is to risk being set alight. Those who burn swiftly can be reckoned as the lucky ones.
At the end of the charge phase, roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 9" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Warscroll Battalion

Warpflame Host

As they burst forth from the Impossible Fortress, the manic cackling of the Fate Legion fills their enemies with dread. None but those embraced by change can know what they plan to unleash - only that it will not end well.
 • 1 Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch unit
 • 3-8 Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch, Flamers of Tzeentch or Burning Chariots of Tzeentch units in any combination

Unit Size: -      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Storm of Daemonic Fire: So great is the roiling tide of warpfire surrounding Tzeentch’s daemonic hosts that to merely stand in the daemons’ presence is to risk being set alight. Those who burn swiftly can be reckoned as the lucky ones.
At the end of the charge phase, roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 9" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Warscroll Battalion

Change Host

As they burst forth from the Impossible Fortress, the manic cackling of the Fate Legion fills their enemies with dread. None but those embraced by change can know what they plan to unleash - only that it will not end well.
 • 1 Lord of Change
 • 8 DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH DAEMON HEROES, Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch units, Horrors of Tzeentch units, Flamers of Tzeentch units, Screamers of Tzeentch units, or Burning Chariots of Tzeentch units in any combination

Unit Size: -      Points: 180
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Storm of Daemonic Fire: So great is the roiling tide of warpfire surrounding Tzeentch’s daemonic hosts that to merely stand in the daemons’ presence is to risk being set alight. Those who burn swiftly can be reckoned as the lucky ones.
At the end of the charge phase, roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 9" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Warscroll Battalion

Multitudinous Host

As they burst forth from the Impossible Fortress, the manic cackling of the Fate Legion fills their enemies with dread. None but those embraced by change can know what they plan to unleash - only that it will not end well.
 • 1 Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch
 • 8 Horrors of Tzeentch units

Unit Size: -      Points: 160
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Storm of Daemonic Fire: So great is the roiling tide of warpfire surrounding Tzeentch’s daemonic hosts that to merely stand in the daemons’ presence is to risk being set alight. Those who burn swiftly can be reckoned as the lucky ones.
At the end of the charge phase, roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 9" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Warscroll Battalion

Aether-eater Host

As they burst forth from the Impossible Fortress, the manic cackling of the Fate Legion fills their enemies with dread. None but those embraced by change can know what they plan to unleash - only that it will not end well.
 • 1 Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot
 • 3-8 units of The Blue Scribes, Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot, Fluxmaster, Herald of Tzeentch on Disc, or Screamers of Tzeentch in any combination. The Blue Scribes can only be taken once in this battalion (they are Unique).

Unit Size: -      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Storm of Daemonic Fire: So great is the roiling tide of warpfire surrounding Tzeentch’s daemonic hosts that to merely stand in the daemons’ presence is to risk being set alight. Those who burn swiftly can be reckoned as the lucky ones.
At the end of the charge phase, roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 9" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Warscroll Battalion

Arcanite Cabal

When the preparations have been made, the dark bargains struck and the time deemed right, an Arcanite Cult will finally reveal itself - and, in doing so, go to war.
 • 3-9 Fatemasters, MAGISTERS, or Tzaangor Shamans in any combination

Unit Size: -      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Boon of Mutation: Enemies of an Arcanite cult are under the constant threat of mutation, the unluckiest of them ending up transmogrified into a Tzaangor.
At the end of the charge phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

If any models are slain by this ability, before removing the first slain model, you can add 1 model to a friendly TZAANGOR HOST that is within 9" of the slain model. Set up models are added to a unit one at a time within 1" of the unit they are being added to. Models that are added to a unit can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if a model from their unit is already within 3" of that enemy unit. The models added to a unit can take it above its maximum size.

Warscroll Battalion

Alter-kin Coven

When the preparations have been made, the dark bargains struck and the time deemed right, an Arcanite Cult will finally reveal itself - and, in doing so, go to war.
 • 1 Kairic Acolytes unit
 • 1 Tzaangors unit
 • 1 Tzaangor Skyfires unit

Unit Size: -      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Boon of Mutation: Enemies of an Arcanite cult are under the constant threat of mutation, the unluckiest of them ending up transmogrified into a Tzaangor.
At the end of the charge phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

If any models are slain by this ability, before removing the first slain model, you can add 1 model to a friendly TZAANGOR HOST that is within 9" of the slain model. Set up models are added to a unit one at a time within 1" of the unit they are being added to. Models that are added to a unit can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if a model from their unit is already within 3" of that enemy unit. The models added to a unit can take it above its maximum size.

Warscroll Battalion

Witchfyre Coven

When the preparations have been made, the dark bargains struck and the time deemed right, an Arcanite Cult will finally reveal itself - and, in doing so, go to war.
 • 3 Kairic Acolytes units
 • 1 Tzaangor Enlightened unit

Unit Size: -      Points: 160
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Boon of Mutation: Enemies of an Arcanite cult are under the constant threat of mutation, the unluckiest of them ending up transmogrified into a Tzaangor.
At the end of the charge phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

If any models are slain by this ability, before removing the first slain model, you can add 1 model to a friendly TZAANGOR HOST that is within 9" of the slain model. Set up models are added to a unit one at a time within 1" of the unit they are being added to. Models that are added to a unit can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if a model from their unit is already within 3" of that enemy unit. The models added to a unit can take it above its maximum size.

Warscroll Battalion

Skyshoal Coven

When the preparations have been made, the dark bargains struck and the time deemed right, an Arcanite Cult will finally reveal itself - and, in doing so, go to war.
 • 2 Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch units
 • 2 Tzaangor Skyfires units

Unit Size: -      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Boon of Mutation: Enemies of an Arcanite cult are under the constant threat of mutation, the unluckiest of them ending up transmogrified into a Tzaangor.
At the end of the charge phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

If any models are slain by this ability, before removing the first slain model, you can add 1 model to a friendly TZAANGOR HOST that is within 9" of the slain model. Set up models are added to a unit one at a time within 1" of the unit they are being added to. Models that are added to a unit can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if a model from their unit is already within 3" of that enemy unit. The models added to a unit can take it above its maximum size.

Warscroll Battalion

Tzaangor Coven

When the preparations have been made, the dark bargains struck and the time deemed right, an Arcanite Cult will finally reveal itself - and, in doing so, go to war.
 • 2 Tzaangors units
 • 2 Tzaangor Enlightened units
 • 2 Tzaangor Skyfires units

Unit Size: -      Points: 180
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Boon of Mutation: Enemies of an Arcanite cult are under the constant threat of mutation, the unluckiest of them ending up transmogrified into a Tzaangor.
At the end of the charge phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3" of any units from this battalion. On a 6, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

If any models are slain by this ability, before removing the first slain model, you can add 1 model to a friendly TZAANGOR HOST that is within 9" of the slain model. Set up models are added to a unit one at a time within 1" of the unit they are being added to. Models that are added to a unit can only be set up within 3" of an enemy unit if a model from their unit is already within 3" of that enemy unit. The models added to a unit can take it above its maximum size.

Warscroll Battalion

Atra’zan’s Blazing Cavalcade

Atra’zan the Immolator seeks to engulf the Mortal Realms in an arcane firestorm. To see this done, he has assembled a troupe of daemonic pyromaniacs who surge into battle like a living inferno, delighting in the agonised screams of burning mortals and the stench of charred flesh.
 • 1 Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot (Atra’zan the Immolator)
 • 1-3 Horrors of Tzeentch units with a combined model count of no more than 30 models
The Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch, on Burning Chariot from this battalion is a unique named character. All units from this battalion must have the ETERNAL CONFLAGRATION keyword.

Unit Size: -      Points: 150
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion


Gleeful Immolation: As Atra’zan’s summoned flames whirl about his Cavalcade, the daemons become a living conflagration that spreads the fires of change with reckless, joyful abandon.
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by units from this battalion that made a charge move in the same turn. If you intend to complete the Reckless Abandon agenda from Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch, you cannot pick units from this battalion to complete the agenda.

The Opus Infernus: Atra’zan’s devotion to immolating the enemies of anarchy has earned him the boon of wielding the Opus Infernus.
Atra’zan the Immolator knows the Tzeentch’s Firestorm spell from the Lore of Change in Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch in addition to any other spells he knows, and you can add 2 to the casting roll when he attempts to cast that spell.

Regiment of Renown

Regiment of Renown

Brand’s Oathbound

Hargax once ruled the gladiatorial Pit of Shattered Spines with a fist of iron. Even when overthrown by a younger rival, the ogroid was not slain. Determined to reclaim his throne, Hargax – now older and wiser – seeks a means of evening the odds. He roams the lands searching for monsters to break into submission.
 • 1 Gunnar Brand
 • 1 The Oathsworn Kin
 • 1 Singri Brand
The following warscrolls are part of the Slaves to Darkness faction: Gunnar Brand; The Oathsworn Kin; and Singri Brand. If your army has a CHAOS general but is not a Slaves to Darkness army, you can include these warscrolls in your army as a special type of ally called the Brand’s Oathbound regiment of renown. If you do so, no other allied units can be included in your army. You can include this Regiment of Renown in your army as an ally even if its points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units. The units in the Brand’s Oathbound regiment of renown are considered to be belong to their own core battalion that has the Unified battalion ability (core rules, 26.2.1).

If the Brand’s Oathbound regiment of renown is included in your army, the following ability applies:

Favour of the Gods: Whether it pleases him or not, Gunnar Brand has attracted the notice of the Chaos Gods through his prowess in battle, and with each notable kill he claims, rewards are bestowed upon him and his tribe.
At the end of the combat phase, if any enemy HEROES were slain by an attack made by a friendly GUNNAR BRAND in that phase, he receives the favour of the gods. Each time he receives the favour of the gods, heal all wounds allocated to friendly BRAND’S OATHBOUND units wholly within 18" of him and add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly BRAND’S OATHBOUND units until the end of the battle.

Regiment of Renown

Hargax’s Pit-beasts

Hargax once ruled the gladiatorial Pit of Shattered Spines with a fist of iron. Even when overthrown by a younger rival, the ogroid was not slain. Determined to reclaim his throne, Hargax – now older and wiser – seeks a means of evening the odds. He roams the lands searching for monsters to break into submission.
 • 1 Ogroid Myrmidon (Leader)
 • 1 Fomoroid Crusher
 • 1 Mindstealer Sphiranx
If your army has a CHAOS general but is not a Slaves to Darkness army, you can include this regiment of renown. If you do so, no other allied units can be included in your army. You can include this regiment of renown in your army even though its number of units and points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units.

Unit Size: -      Points: 260
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
Notes: Unique, Single. These units must be taken as a set referred to as Hargax’s Pit-beasts. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit.


Bestial Domination: Their will crushed through brutal violence, Hargax’s pit-beasts obey his every bellowed demand.
Once per phase, the OGROID MYRMIDON in this regiment of renown can issue the All-out Attack or All-out Defence command to the FOMOROID CRUSHER or MINDSTEALER SPHIRANX in this regiment of renown without a command point being spent.

The Worthiest Stock: Only the most fearsome creatures are worthy of the gladiatorial menagerie Hargax seeks to corral, and so he constantly looks for opportunities to test them against rival beasts on the battlefield.
At the end of the charge phase, you can pick either the FOMOROID CRUSHER or the MINDSTEALER SPHIRANX in this regiment of renown and 1 enemy MONSTER within 3" of it. If you do so, roll a dice. On a 3+, the strike-last effect applies to both units you picked in the following combat phase.

Regiment of Renown

Phulgoth’s Shudderhood

 • 1 Harbinger of Decay
 • 1 Putrid Blightkings unit with 5 models
 • 1 Pusgoyle Blightlords unit with 2 models
If your army has a CHAOS general but is not a Maggotkin of Nurgle army, you can include this regiment of renown. If you do so, no other allied units can be included in your army. You can include this regiment of renown in your army even if its points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units.

Unit Size: -      Points: 590
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
Notes: Unique, Single. These units must be taken as a set referred to as Phulgoth’s Shudderhood. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit.


Fog of Despair: The advance of Phulgoth’s entourage is shrouded by miasmas of concentrated misery.
Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target a unit in this regiment of renown.

Disgustingly Resilient: Those favoured by Nurgle are inured to pain: their rotting bodies shrugging off all but the most traumatic damage.
Units in this regiment of renown have a ward of 5+. In addition, at the start of your hero phase, you can heal 1 wound allocated to each unit in this regiment of renown.
19.1 Casting Spells
In your hero phase, you can attempt to cast spells with friendly WIZARDS. You cannot attempt to cast the same spell more than once in the same hero phase, even with a different WIZARD. In order to attempt to cast a spell, pick a friendly WIZARD, say which of the spells that they know will be attempted, and then make a casting roll by rolling 2D6. If the casting roll is equal to or greater than the casting value of the spell, the spell is successfully cast.
19.1.2 Unbinding Spells
If a spell is successfully cast, your opponent can pick 1 of their WIZARDS that is within 30" of the caster to attempt to unbind the spell before its effects are applied. In order to attempt to unbind a spell, first say which WIZARD will attempt to unbind it. Then make an unbinding roll by rolling 2D6. If the unbinding roll is greater than the roll used to cast the spell, then the spell is unbound and its effects are not applied. The number of spells a WIZARD can attempt to unbind is noted on their warscroll. Only 1 unbinding attempt can be made for each spell.
9.4 Flying
If the warscroll used by a model says that it can fly, you can ignore other models and terrain features when you trace the path of its move across the battlefield (it flies over them). In addition, when a model that can fly starts or finishes a move on a terrain feature, instead of tracing its move across the battlefield, you can trace it ‘through the air’, as shown in the diagram below.

A flying model cannot finish a move on top of another model or finish a normal move, run or retreat within 3" of an enemy unit.
19.3.2 Dispelling Endless Spells
At the start of the hero phase, each player can attempt to dispel 1 endless spell with each friendly WIZARD and friendly PRIEST. The player whose turn is taking place makes all of their dispelling attempts first. If a WIZARD attempts to dispel an endless spell, they can attempt to cast or unbind 1 fewer spell in that hero phase. If a PRIEST attempts to dispel an endless spell, they can chant 1 fewer prayer in that hero phase. The same player cannot attempt to dispel the same endless spell more than once per phase.

To attempt to dispel an endless spell, pick 1 endless spell that is within 30" of a friendly WIZARD or friendly PRIEST and that is visible to them. Then make a dispelling roll by rolling 2D6. If the roll is greater than the casting value of that endless spell, it is dispelled and removed from play. An endless spell cannot be summoned again in the turn that it is removed from play.
14.5 Mortal Wounds
Some attacks, spells and abilities cause mortal wounds. Do not make hit, wound or save rolls for mortal wounds. Instead, the damage inflicted on the target is equal to the number of mortal wounds that were caused.

Mortal wounds caused while a unit is attacking are allocated at the same time as wounds caused by the unit’s attacks: after all of the unit’s attacks have been made. Mortal wounds caused at other times are allocated as soon as they are caused. Mortal wounds are allocated in the same way as wounds and are treated in the same manner as wounds for rules purposes.

The MONSTER keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth

The LORD OF CHANGE keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth
1.4.2 Your General
After you have picked your army, you must pick 1 model in your army to be your general. Generals are used to generate command points (see 6.0).
22.3.1 Mounts, Companions and Crew
Sometimes the description on a warscroll will say whether the models in the unit have mounts, companions or a crew. When a model attacks, its mount, companions and crew attack too, and when the model is removed from play, its mount, companions and crew are removed too. For rules purposes, companions and crew are treated in the same manner as mounts.
14.3 Wards
Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to negate a wound or mortal wound, or to allocate a wound or mortal wound to a unit other than the original target. Abilities of this type are referred to as wards, and the dice roll is referred to as a ward roll. Unless stated otherwise, the ward roll is made before the wound is allocated to the model in question. Up to 1 ward roll can be made for each wound or mortal wound, unless specified otherwise. If the ward roll is successful, the wound or mortal wound is negated and has no effect on the model. If a wound or mortal wound cannot be negated, you cannot make a ward roll for that wound or mortal wound.
6.1 Using Command Abilities
To use a command ability, you must spend 1 command point, pick 1 friendly model to issue the command, and pick 1 friendly unit to receive the command. Unless noted otherwise, the models that can issue commands and the units they can issue them to are as follows:
  • Unit champions can issue commands to their own unit (see 22.3.2).
  • HEROES can issue commands to units that are wholly within 12" of them.
  • Generals can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
  • TOTEMS can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
Each command ability will say when it can be used and what effect it has on the unit that receives it. A model cannot issue more than 1 command in the same phase and a unit cannot receive more than 1 command in the same phase. In addition, you cannot use the same command ability more than once in the same phase (even for different units).
At a shouted command, injured warriors stagger back to their feet and prepare to fight once more.
You can use this command ability at the start of the hero phase. The unit that receives the command must be more than 3" from all enemy units. Roll 1 dice for each slain model from that unit. For each 6, you can return 1 slain model to that unit.

You can only return models to that unit that have a combined Wounds characteristic of 10 or less. For example, if the unit that received the command has a Wounds characteristic of 2, you can return a maximum of 5 models to that unit.
Inspiring Presence
The stoic leaders of these mighty warriors never falter, inspiring their comrades to fight no matter the odds.
You can use this command ability at the start of the battleshock phase. The unit that receives the command does not have to take battleshock tests in that phase.
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Wound characteristic, the attack wounds the target and your opponent must make a save roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified wound roll of 1 always fails and an unmodified wound roll of 6 always wounds. A wound roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).
14.4 Healing Wounds
Some abilities allow you to heal wounds that have been allocated to a model. For each wound that is healed, reduce the number of wounds allocated to the model by 1, to a minimum of 0. You cannot heal wounds on a model that is slain.

The UNDIVIDED keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth

The MORTAL keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth
Save Roll
Your opponent rolls a dice, modifying the roll by the attacking weapon’s Rend characteristic. If the roll equals or beats the target unit’s Save characteristic, the target is saved and the attack sequence ends. If not, the attack is successful and you must determine the damage that is inflicted on the target. An unmodified save roll of 1 always fails. A save roll cannot be modified by more than +1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).

Designer’s Note: Save rolls do not always succeed on an unmodified roll of 6, and they can be modified by more than -1.
8.1 Normal Move
When you pick a unit to make a normal move, you can move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move characteristic shown on the unit’s warscroll. Units cannot move within 3" of enemy units when making a normal move. Units cannot make a normal move if they are within 3" of an enemy unit.
8.3 Run
When you pick a unit to run, you must make a run roll for the unit by rolling a dice. Add the run roll to the Move characteristic of all models in the unit until the end of that phase. You can then move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than their modified Move characteristic. No part of a run can be within 3" of an enemy unit. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with a unit that has run. Units cannot run if they are within 3" of an enemy unit.
8.2 Retreat
When you pick a unit to retreat, you can move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move characteristic shown on the unit’s warscroll. The unit must end the move more than 3" from all enemy units. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with a unit that has retreated. Units cannot retreat if they are not within 3" of an enemy unit.
14.2 Slain Models
Once the number of wounds allocated to a model equals its Wounds characteristic, the model is slain and you cannot allocate any more wounds to it. A slain model is removed from play (see 1.2.2) after all of the wounds caused to its unit have been allocated and all attacks that inflicted damage on the unit have been resolved.
3.1 Reserve Units and Summoned Units
Sometimes a rule will allow you to set up a unit in a location other than the battlefield as a reserve unit. A unit that is added to your army once the battle is underway is called a summoned unit.

When you set up a reserve unit, either during deployment or once the battle is underway, you must tell your opponent that the unit is in reserve and keep it to one side instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the start of the fourth battle round, units that are still in reserve are destroyed. Units cannot cast spells or use abilities while they are in reserve unless the spell or ability specifically says it can be used by reserve units.

Reserve units are picked as part of your army before the battle begins, while summoned units are units added to your army once the battle is underway. Models that have been removed from play can be used as part of a summoned unit.
Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Hit characteristic, the attack scores a hit and you must make a wound roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified hit roll of 1 always fails and an unmodified hit roll of 6 always hits. A hit roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).

Sometimes an ability will allow a single hit roll to score two or more hits. If this is the case, make all of the wound and save rolls for those hits at the same time.

The TZAANGOR keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

11.1 Charge Moves
When you attempt a charge with a unit, make a charge roll for the unit by rolling 2D6. You can then make a charge move with each model in that unit by moving the model a distance in inches that is equal to or less than the charge roll. The first model you move in a unit attempting a charge must finish the move within 1/2" of an enemy unit. If this is impossible, no models in the unit can make a charge move.

You do not have to pick a target for a charge attempt before making the charge roll.
1.5.5 Dice Roll Modifiers
Sometimes a modifier will apply to a dice roll. Modifiers are applied after re-rolls. Rules that refer to an unmodified roll are referring to the dice roll after re-rolls have been made but before modifiers are applied. If a rule instructs you to pick or change a roll, do so after re-rolls are made but before modifiers are applied.

In most cases, modifiers are cumulative. However, some dice rolls, such as hit and wound rolls, will specify that the roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1. When this is the case, add up all the modifiers that apply, and if the total is more than +1 or -1, treat it as being either +1 or -1 as appropriate.
14.1 Allocating Wounds
Wounds are allocated to the models in a unit 1 wound at a time. You can allocate the wounds caused to your units as you see fit. However, once you have allocated a wound to a model, you cannot allocate wounds to other models in the unit until that model is slain (see 14.2). If a unit is destroyed, all wounds that remain to be allocated to the unit are negated and have no effect.

The TZAANGOR ENLIGHTENED keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

1.5.3 Rolling Off
Sometimes a rule may require the players to roll off. To roll off, each player rolls a dice, and whoever rolls highest wins. If a roll-off is tied, roll off again. You cannot re-roll or modify the dice when you roll off.

The MARK OF CHAOS keyword is used in the following Disciples of Tzeentch warscrolls:

13.1.2 Combat Attacks
When a friendly unit fights, you must make combat attacks with all of the melee weapons the models in the unit are armed with that they are allowed to use (including melee weapons used by the unit’s mounts, if there are any).

The target of a combat attack must be within a number of inches of the attacking model equal to the Range characteristic of the weapon being used to make the attack (the target does not have to be visible).
All-out Attack
With a singular purpose, these warriors attack with all of their might.
You can use this command ability when you pick a friendly unit to shoot in your shooting phase or fight in the combat phase. That unit must receive the command. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit until the end of that phase.
All-out Defence
With consummate skill, these cunning warriors protect themselves from attack.
You can use this command ability when a friendly unit is picked as the target of an attack in the shooting or combat phase. That unit must receive the command. Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target that unit until the end of that phase.
Army List

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