Armed with a terrifying array of heavy weaponry, Irondrakes overwhelm their foes with torrents of flesh-melting flame and volleys of high explosive missiles, relying upon mastercrafted gromril armour to fend off all retaliation.
Unit Size: 10 Points: 160
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 25mm
Notes: For each Ironbreakers unit included in an army, 1 Irondrakes unit can be included in the army as a Battleline unit.
Each model in an Irondrakes unit is armed with a Drakegun and a Plated Fist.
CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be an Ironwarden. An Ironwarden can replace its Drakegun with 1 of the following weapon options: Grudgehammer Torpedo; or Drakefire Pistols and a Cinderblast Bomb.
STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 10 models in this unit can be a Standard Bearer. Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic ofthis unit while it includes any Standard Bearers.
MUSICIAN: 1 in every 10 models in this unit can be a Hornblower. Add 1 to
run rolls and
charge rolls for this unit while it includes any Hornblowers.
Blaze Away: Once in position, Irondrakes rain unrelenting fire upon the foe.
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this unit’s missile weapons if there are no enemy units within 3" of this unit and this unit has not made a move or been set up in the same turn.
Cinderblast Bomb: This weapon explodes in a burst ofshrapnel and flame.
It this unit includes a model armed with a Cinderblast Bomb, once per battle, in your
shooting phase, that model can throw it. Ifit does so, pick 1 enemy unit within 6" of that model and roll a dice. On a 2+, that unit suffers D3
mortal wounds.
Grudgehammer Torpedo: These armour-piercing warheads can bring down the mightiest foes.
The Damage characteristic of this unit’: Grudgehammer Torpedo is 3 if the target of the attack is a