Sylvaneth – Bundo Whalebiter

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Bundo Whalebiter
Kraken-eater Mega-Gargants are irascible old souls who have seen it all. They find just as much satisfaction in watching the sun rise while seated atop their favourite rock as they do in destroying a village, and they crave the relief that only the sea can provide – as well as the bounty that washes up on its shores. Bundo Whalebiter is a legend along Ghur’s Coast of Tusks. He is that rarest of things, a gargant known for both brain and brawn, and has been ever since an encounter with ocean-dwelling aelves near the Icefangs. While pursuing the aelves – for the sight of their sea creatures flying about out of the water irritated him to no end – Bundo was distracted by a Fangmora Eel to which a glowing lantern had been attached. The gargant throttled the creature and took the trinket, hanging it from his ear as a fetching accoutrement. The aetherquartz in the lantern worked its magics upon Bundo, heightening his intellect such that he can now converse with shocking clarity for a gargant. As a result, Bundo has won many mercenary contracts by arguing the value in having colossal aid to call upon.
Bundo Whalebiter


Points: 420

Once Per Turn (Army), Any Combat Phase
DEAD CUNNING, FOR A GARGANT: The aelven artefact hanging from Bundo’s ear has increased his intellect, giving him brains as well as brawn. He can be uncannily patient, knowing just where and when to strike to cause maximum havoc. Some say his hoard even contains strange papery things called ‘books’…

Effect: For the rest of the turn, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this unit’s weapons.

Then, roll a dice. On a 4+, this unit has STRIKE-LAST for the rest of the turn.

TIMBERRRRR!: A dying gargant is a weapon of ruin in its own right, though it is anyone’s guess where their body will fall.

Effect: When the MEGA-GARGANT in this regiment of renown is slain, before removing it from play, the players must roll off. The winner picks a point on the battlefield within 3" of that model. Inflict D3 mortal damage on each unit (friendly and enemy) within 3" of that point that has a lower Health characteristic than that model.
3.5 Regiments of Renown
In addition to creating your own regiments, you can also spend points to include 1 Regiment of Renown. Regiments of Renown are pre-built regiments, each with their own special abilities. The rules for each Regiment of Renown will specify which factions can include it. A unit in a Regiment of Renown cannot be your general even if it is a WARMASTER.

  • You cannot include more than 1 Regiment of Renown in your army unless otherwise specified in the notes column of that regiment’s battle profile.
  • Units in a Regiment of Renown cannot use (but can be picked as the target of, if otherwise eligible) any faction rules from the faction they are allied into, including enhancements and lores, unless they have a keyword that matches that faction’s name.
  • If an ability allows you to set up a replacement unit (Core Rules, 24.2) for a unit in a Regiment of Renown, that unit also counts as being part of that Regiment of Renown.

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17.2 Mortal Damage
Some abilities inflict mortal damage. If an ability inflicts mortal damage on a unit, add that number of damage points to the unit’s damage pool for that ability (see 18.2 Allocating Damage).
15.3 Pile-in Moves
Some abilities, such as FIGHT abilities, allow a unit to make a short move called a pile-in move to get into a better position for combat. To do so:

If your unit is in combat: Pick an enemy unit your unit is in combat with to be the target of the pile-in move. Each model in your unit can move up to 3". That move can pass through the combat ranges of any enemy units, but each model must end that move no further from the target unit. At the end of the move, your unit must still be in combat with all units that it was in combat with at the start of the move.

If your unit is not in combat: Each model in your unit can move 3" in any direction. That move can pass through and end within the combat ranges of any enemy units.

  • Pile in: move up to 3".
  • If in combat, the unit must end the move closer, or at least as close, to the target enemy unit.
19.0 Strike-first and Strike-last
If there are any STRIKE-FIRST units in combat at the start of the phase, other units cannot be picked to use a FIGHT ability until those units have been picked to use a FIGHT ability. After all those STRIKE-FIRST units have fought, the active player picks the next unit to fight.

If there are any STRIKE-LAST units in combat, they cannot be picked to use a FIGHT ability if there are any units in combat that do not have STRIKE-LAST and have not yet used a FIGHT ability.

If a unit has STRIKE-FIRST and STRIKE-LAST, treat it as if it had neither.

There may be situations when a unit that has STRIKE-FIRST is not in combat at the start of the phase, but because of moves such as pile-in moves, it is ‘pulled into combat’ later in the phase. In such cases, STRIKE-FIRST has no effect on that unit because it was not in combat at the start of the phase.

Abilities that allow a unit to use a FIGHT ability immediately after another unit do not override the STRIKE-FIRST or STRIKE-LAST constraints, so you could not pick a unit with STRIKE-LAST to fight immediately after a unit with STRIKE-FIRST.

The MEGA-GARGANT keyword is used in the following Sons of Behemat warscrolls:

If you are instructed to roll off, each player should roll a dice. Whichever player has a higher roll wins the roll-off. If the result is a tie, each player should roll off again until there is a clear winner, unless otherwise specified.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025