Seraphon – Terradon Chief

Terradon Chief
Airborne daredevils chosen by the sky-god known as the Great Coatl to dominate the skies, Terradon Chiefs ride their flying companions into battle with breathtaking boldness, scything through their foes and leaving blood and disorientation in their wake. These are amongst the largest and most martial of all skinks, marked out by their imposing bone war-masks and a skyblade of refined celestite that can carve through a Steam Tank’s hull. They are granted free rein to lead winged cohorts of fellow Terradon Riders into battle, carrying out swift and agile offensives beyond those of their more stolid and single-minded saurus kin. Skink Chiefs prize Terradons due to their remarkable speed, which allows them to reach any corner of the battlefield in the blink of an eye. Their favoured tactic is to urge the creatures high into the sky and then swoop down in a sheer, vertical dive, urging their beasts to release the orbs of meteoric rock they clutch in their talons. Often masked by the glare of Hysh, this air strike comes so quickly that enemies do not even notice their peril until the murderous missiles start crashing down amidst their ranks, crushing skulls and bursting apart in a lethal spray of stone shrapnel.
Terradon Chief
Terradon’s Razor-sharp Jaws [Companion]
Terradon’s Razor-sharp Jaws
Skyblade [Crit (Auto-wound)]
Crit (Auto-wound)

Unit Size: 1      Points: 130
Base size: 50mm
Can be reinforced: No
Regiment Options: 0-1 MONSTER, 0-1 BEAST, Any SKINK CAVALRY

ATTACK FROM ON HIGH: Terradons circle high in the sky, only darting down for a brief moment to launch a strafing run.

Effect: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for shooting attacks that target this unit.

Your Movement Phase
CHIEF’S DEADLY CARGO: Terradons carry heavy boulders hewn from meteoric rock and carved with sigils of destruction. When these are dropped upon enemy lines, those not immediately crushed are sent flying in all directions.

Declare: Pick an enemy unit that this unit passed across this phase to be the target.

Effect: Roll a dice and add 2 to the roll if this unit is within the combat ranges of any friendly Terradon Riders units. On a 5+:
  • Inflict D3 mortal damage on the target.

  • If any damage points are allocated by this ability and the target does not have Fly, the target cannot use RUN abilities until the start of your next turn.

Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Hit characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit rolls of 1 always fail. If an unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a weapon is a 6, that attack is a critical hit.

Critical hits have no effect on their own but often trigger additional effects (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail.
Unless otherwise specified, attacks made by this weapon are not affected by friendly abilities that modify hit rolls, wound rolls or weapon characteristics, except for those that apply negative modifiers (e.g. ‘Covering Fire’).
Save Roll
The commander of the target unit rolls a dice, subtracting the attacking weapon’s Rend characteristic from the roll. Unmodified save rolls of 1 always fail. If the roll equals or exceeds the Save characteristic of the target unit, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. If not, it is a successful attack: move on to the next step.

The BEAST keyword is used in the following Seraphon warscrolls:

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The SKINK and CAVALRY keywords are used in the following Seraphon warscrolls:

Shooting attacks
Shooting attacks are made with ranged weapons. The target unit(s) must be within a distance equal to the Range characteristic of the weapon being used and visible to the attacking model. Models cannot make shooting attacks if their unit is in combat, unless otherwise specified (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
17.2 Mortal Damage
Some abilities inflict mortal damage. If an ability inflicts mortal damage on a unit, add that number of damage points to the unit’s damage pool for that ability (see 18.2 Allocating Damage).
7.0 Combat Range
Each model has a combat range that extends 3" horizontally from its base and any distance vertically from that circle to form a cylinder. The combat range of a unit extends 3" horizontally and any distance vertically from every model in that unit. Units from opposing armies that are within each other’s combat range and that are visible to each other are in combat with each other. When a unit that is not in combat enters the combat range of a visible enemy unit, it moves into combat.
A model is considered to be in combat with an enemy unit if that unit is within the model’s combat range and visible to it’

  • A unit’s combat range extends 3" out from every model in that unit.
  • If any enemy models are within a unit’s combat range and visible to it, that unit is in combat.
15.4 Flying
Units with the FLY keyword have the following passive ability:

FLY: Soaring above the battlefield, this unit can reach destinations that are inaccessible to other troops.

Effect: As this unit moves, it ignores other models, terrain features and the combat ranges of enemy units. It cannot end its move in combat unless specified in the ability that allowed it to move. Ignore any vertical distance moved for this unit.

When moving flying units, move them horizontally in any direction, ignoring intervening models and terrain, and place them where you wish, so long as they are allowed to end their move on that spot. Note that some units have the FLY keyword even if that unit can’t really fly. This often represents units that bounce, bound or skitter across the battlefield so adeptly that they might as well be flying!
Crit (Auto-wound)
If an attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit, that attack automatically wounds the target. Make a save roll as normal.
FLY: Soaring above the battlefield, this unit can reach destinations that are inaccessible to other troops.

Effect: As this unit moves, it ignores other models, terrain features and the combat ranges of enemy units. It cannot end its move in combat unless specified in the ability that allowed it to move. Ignore any vertical distance moved for this unit.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025