Seraphon – Engine of the Gods

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Engine of the Gods
Only the most ancient and formidable Stegadons are trusted to safeguard the arcane relics known as an Engine of the Gods. These arcane treasures were forged by the Old Ones in aeons past and possess the power to alter reality on a fundamental level. Crackling with the energy of a newborn star, one of these devices can send forth cascades of astral fire, restore the spark of life to slain Seraphon, or even unravel the pattern of time itself to ensure victory. These effects are as powerful as they are unpredictable, for the precise knowledge of how to operate an Engine of the Gods was lost millennia ago. The skink attendants trained by the slann to weaponise these devices do so by pressing down upon a series of glowing glyph-plaques, memorising complex patterns of activation as best they can. In doing so, they channel and then direct the Engine’s vast reserves of power, trusting in the Old Ones that the results will be favourable. This is not always the case. It is not unknown for one of the sacred machines to tear itself apart in a fiery detonation, destroying both Stegadon and crew in the blink of an eye. However, when these esoteric treasures are unleashed upon the enemy, the effects are pronounced and catastrophic.
Engine of the Gods
Handlers’ Meteoric Javelins [Shoot in Combat]
Handlers’ Meteoric Javelins
Shoot in Combat
Stegadon’s Horns and Jaws [Charge (+1 Damage), Companion]
Stegadon’s Horns and Jaws
Charge (+1 Damage), Companion

Unit Size: 1      Points: 180
Base size: 120 × 92mm
Can be reinforced: No

Effect: While this unit has 10 or more damage points, the Attacks characteristic of its Stegadon’s Horns and Jaws is 4.

Once Per Turn (Army), Any Combat Phase
CREST OF HORNS: A Stegadon prepares to face a charging enemy by turning its mighty head and bracing for impact, impaling the enemy and blunting their attacks with its thickly scaled crest.

Declare: Pick an enemy unit that charged this turn and is in combat with this unit to be the target.

Effect: Roll a D3. On a 2+:
  • Inflict an amount of mortal damage on the target equal to the roll.
  • Add 1 to save rolls for attacks made by that enemy unit that target this unit for the rest of the turn.

Your Hero Phase
COSMIC ENGINE: The Engine of the Gods is an ancient device capable of disrupting the natural laws of the universe.

Declare: Pick if this unit will harness or reserve the power of its cosmic engine.

Effect: If it will reserve the power, place a cosmic power token next to this unit.

If it will harness the power, roll a dice and add the number of cosmic power tokens this unit has to the roll. Then, remove all cosmic power tokens this unit has and pick 1 of the following effects (if possible).

Healing Light: On a 3+, you can Heal (D3) all friendly SERAPHON units wholly within 12" of this unit.

Starlight Summons: On a 5+, you can pick up to 3 friendly SERAPHON units wholly within 12" of this unit. Return 1 slain model to each unit.

Time Slows: On a 6+, you can pick up to 3 friendly SERAPHON units wholly within 12" of this unit. Those units have STRIKE-FIRST for the rest of the turn.

Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Hit characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit rolls of 1 always fail. If an unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a weapon is a 6, that attack is a critical hit.

Critical hits have no effect on their own but often trigger additional effects (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail.
Unless otherwise specified, attacks made by this weapon are not affected by friendly abilities that modify hit rolls, wound rolls or weapon characteristics, except for those that apply negative modifiers (e.g. ‘Covering Fire’).
Save Roll
The commander of the target unit rolls a dice, subtracting the attacking weapon’s Rend characteristic from the roll. Unmodified save rolls of 1 always fail. If the roll equals or exceeds the Save characteristic of the target unit, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. If not, it is a successful attack: move on to the next step.

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Charge (+1 Damage)
Add 1 to this weapon’s Damage characteristic if the attacking unit charged this turn.
21.0 Healing
Some abilities allow you to heal a unit. To heal a unit, remove a number of damage points from the unit equal to the number in brackets after ‘Heal’, e.g. Heal (2).
Shooting attacks
Shooting attacks are made with ranged weapons. The target unit(s) must be within a distance equal to the Range characteristic of the weapon being used and visible to the attacking model. Models cannot make shooting attacks if their unit is in combat, unless otherwise specified (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
Universal Core Abilities - Charge Phase
Your Charge Phase
CHARGE: With a mighty battle cry, the warriors charge into combat with the enemy.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat and has not used a RUN or RETREAT ability this turn to use this ability. Then, make a charge roll of 2D6.

Effect: That unit can move a distance up to the value of the charge roll. That unit can move through the combat ranges of any enemy units and must end that move within 1/2" of a visible enemy unit. If it does so, the unit using this ability has charged.

Shoot in Combat
This weapon can be used to make shooting attacks even if the attacking unit is in combat.
17.2 Mortal Damage
Some abilities inflict mortal damage. If an ability inflicts mortal damage on a unit, add that number of damage points to the unit’s damage pool for that ability (see 18.2 Allocating Damage).
15.3 Pile-in Moves
Some abilities, such as FIGHT abilities, allow a unit to make a short move called a pile-in move to get into a better position for combat. To do so:

If your unit is in combat: Pick an enemy unit your unit is in combat with to be the target of the pile-in move. Each model in your unit can move up to 3". That move can pass through the combat ranges of any enemy units, but each model must end that move no further from the target unit. At the end of the move, your unit must still be in combat with all units that it was in combat with at the start of the move.

If your unit is not in combat: Each model in your unit can move 3" in any direction. That move can pass through and end within the combat ranges of any enemy units.

  • Pile in: move up to 3".
  • If in combat, the unit must end the move closer, or at least as close, to the target enemy unit.
19.0 Strike-first and Strike-last
If there are any STRIKE-FIRST units in combat at the start of the phase, other units cannot be picked to use a FIGHT ability until those units have been picked to use a FIGHT ability. After all those STRIKE-FIRST units have fought, the active player picks the next unit to fight.

If there are any STRIKE-LAST units in combat, they cannot be picked to use a FIGHT ability if there are any units in combat that do not have STRIKE-LAST and have not yet used a FIGHT ability.

If a unit has STRIKE-FIRST and STRIKE-LAST, treat it as if it had neither.

There may be situations when a unit that has STRIKE-FIRST is not in combat at the start of the phase, but because of moves such as pile-in moves, it is ‘pulled into combat’ later in the phase. In such cases, STRIKE-FIRST has no effect on that unit because it was not in combat at the start of the phase.

Abilities that allow a unit to use a FIGHT ability immediately after another unit do not override the STRIKE-FIRST or STRIKE-LAST constraints, so you could not pick a unit with STRIKE-LAST to fight immediately after a unit with STRIKE-FIRST.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025