Blades of Khorne – Valkia The Bloody

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Valkia The Bloody
To incur Valkia’s wrath is to invite death. She streaks down from the skies like a bolt of crimson lightning, driving her spear with such force that she impales multiple foes in a spectacularly gruesome fashion. With her comes the Blood God’s judgement, for wherever Valkia goes, the eye of Khorne follows.
Valkia The Bloody
Slaupnir [Charge (+1 Damage)]
Charge (+1 Damage)

Unit Size: 1      Points: 180
Base size: 32mm
Can be reinforced: No
Regiment Options: Any BLOODBOUND

Deployment Phase
BORNE ON WINGS OF BLOOD: Soaring upon the winds of war, Valkia awaits the worthiest of foes before plunging into battle.

Declare: Pick this unit if it has not been deployed.

Effect: Set up this unit in reserve soaring above the battlefield. It has now been deployed.

Your Movement Phase
THE RED ANGEL OF SLAUGHTER: Valkia swoops to the battlefield on bloodstained wings, launching her spear into the heart of the enemy lines moments before she charges in and begins the slaughter.

Declare: Pick this unit if it is soaring above the battlefield.

Effect: Set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield more than 9" from all enemy units. Then, pick a visible enemy unit within 10" of this unit and roll a dice. On a 2+, inflict an amount of mortal damage on that unit equal to the roll.

THE GAZE OF KHORNE: Khorne’s gaze follows Valkia; the Blood God’s warriors strive all the harder to please him when she is nearby.

Effect: If a friendly BLOODBOUND unit wholly within 12" of this unit uses the ‘Rally’ command, you can make 3 additional rally rolls of D6. However, friendly BLOODBOUND units cannot use RETREAT abilities while they are within 12" of this unit.

17.2 Mortal Damage
Some abilities inflict mortal damage. If an ability inflicts mortal damage on a unit, add that number of damage points to the unit’s damage pool for that ability (see 18.2 Allocating Damage).
7.0 Combat Range
Each model has a combat range that extends 3" horizontally from its base and any distance vertically from that circle to form a cylinder. The combat range of a unit extends 3" horizontally and any distance vertically from every model in that unit. Units from opposing armies that are within each other’s combat range and that are visible to each other are in combat with each other. When a unit that is not in combat enters the combat range of a visible enemy unit, it moves into combat.
A model is considered to be in combat with an enemy unit if that unit is within the model’s combat range and visible to it’

  • A unit’s combat range extends 3" out from every model in that unit.
  • If any enemy models are within a unit’s combat range and visible to it, that unit is in combat.

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18.1 Ward Saves
Units with the WARD keyword have the ‘Ward Save’ passive ability. The number after the WARD keyword indicates the ward value for the ward save. If a unit had WARD (5+), for example, its ward value would be 5. If a unit has more than one ward save, only the ward save with the lowest value applies to it; the other has no effect.

WARD SAVE: Whether through their uncanny reflexes, unnatural toughness or a source of mystical protection, these warriors can avoid otherwise lethal attacks.

Effect: In step 1 of the damage sequence (see 18.0), make a ward roll of D6 for each damage point in this unit’s damage pool. If the roll equals or exceeds this unit’s ward value, remove that damage point from the damage pool.

21.0 Healing
Some abilities allow you to heal a unit. To heal a unit, remove a number of damage points from the unit equal to the number in brackets after ‘Heal’, e.g. Heal (2).
Any Hero Phase
RALLY: With an inspiring call to action, wounded soldiers get a second wind and fresh troops take the field to replace their fallen comrades.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to use this ability.

Effect: Make 6 rally rolls of D6. For each 4+, you receive 1 rally point. Rally points can be spent in the following ways:
  • For each rally point spent, Heal (1) that unit.
  • You can spend a number of rally points equal to the Health characteristic of that unit to return a slain model to that unit.
You can spend the rally points in any combination of the above. Unspent rally points are then lost.
6.0 Visibility
A target model is visible to another model (which we’ll call the ‘observing model’) if you can draw a straight line through the air (whether horizontal, diagonal or vertical) from any point on the observing model to any point on the target model that does not intersect any objects except for other models in the observing model’s unit. A target unit is visible to an observing unit if at least 1 model in the target unit is visible to at least 1 model in the observing unit. A model is always considered to be visible to itself.

  • If any part of another model can be seen by an observing model, both the target model and its unit are visible to that observing model.

In some cases, it might not be immediately clear whether a model is visible. If so, stoop down to get a look from behind the observing model. If any part of the other model is visible, even if it is just the tip of a spear, then that model is visible for rules purposes.

The UNIQUE keyword is used in the following Blades of Khorne warscrolls:

• Karanak
Charge (+1 Damage)
Add 1 to this weapon’s Damage characteristic if the attacking unit charged this turn.
15.4 Flying
Units with the FLY keyword have the following passive ability:

FLY: Soaring above the battlefield, this unit can reach destinations that are inaccessible to other troops.

Effect: As this unit moves, it ignores other models, terrain features and the combat ranges of enemy units. It cannot end its move in combat unless specified in the ability that allowed it to move. Ignore any vertical distance moved for this unit.

When moving flying units, move them horizontally in any direction, ignoring intervening models and terrain, and place them where you wish, so long as they are allowed to end their move on that spot. Note that some units have the FLY keyword even if that unit can’t really fly. This often represents units that bounce, bound or skitter across the battlefield so adeptly that they might as well be flying!

The FLY keyword is used in the following Blades of Khorne warscrolls:

Endless Spell
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025