Blades of Khorne – Mighty Lord of Khorne

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Mighty Lord of Khorne
The Lords of Khorne are the Blood God’s chosen champions, his butcher-monarchs and paragons of slaughter. It is they who drive the warhordes of the Bloodbound to battle, both through a warlike charisma and devotion to their deity’s furious creed. Each has earned their position through acts of carnage; they have levelled cities, eviscerated their rivals and piled skulls to the sky in reverence. A Lord of Khorne can inevitably be found in the thickest of melees, cleaving and hewing through the foe with wanton abandon. Their red-handed example stokes the fury of their followers to new heights, for where a Lord of Khorne fights, the Blood God’s eye is never far away. Many are the gifts that Khorne’s champions may receive for carrying out worthy massacres in his name. Their scarred bodies bulge with muscle, onto which is fused armour that hungrily drinks the sprayed blood of the slain. In claw-like hands, they carry axes forged in the fires of Khorne’s own infernal citadel. Should they truly excel, they may find a Flesh Hound coming to slink at their side – daemons that are a mark of the Blood God’s favour and hunger to devour wizards alive.
Mighty Lord of Khorne
Flesh Hound’s Blood‑dark Claws [Anti-WIZARD (+1 Rend), Companion]
Flesh Hound’s Blood‑dark Claws
Anti-WIZARD (+1 Rend), Companion
Axe of Khorne
Axe of Khorne53+3+22

Unit Size: 1      Points: 130
Base size: 60mm
Can be reinforced: No
Regiment Options: Any Bloodbound Warmonger, 0-1 Karanak, Any BLADES OF KHORNE

LORD OF THE BLOODBOUND: With bellowed commands and sworn vows of bloodshed, this mighty warlord commands their warriors to charge down the enemy.

Effect: Add 1 to charge rolls for friendly BLOODBOUND INFANTRY units while they are wholly within 12" of this unit.

Once Per Turn (Army), Your Combat Phase
’BRING ME THEIR SKULL!’: Axe held aloft, this warlord orders one of his Gorechosen forward.

Declare: Pick a friendly GORECHOSEN unit wholly within 12" of this unit to be the target.

Effect: The target has STRIKE-FIRST for the rest of the turn.

Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Hit characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit rolls of 1 always fail. If an unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a weapon is a 6, that attack is a critical hit.

Critical hits have no effect on their own but often trigger additional effects (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail.

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Unless otherwise specified, attacks made by this weapon are not affected by friendly abilities that modify hit rolls, wound rolls or weapon characteristics, except for those that apply negative modifiers (e.g. ‘Covering Fire’).
Those HEROES can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger.

Infantry Hero

The GORECHOSEN keyword is used in the following Blades of Khorne warscrolls:

Anti-X (+1 Rend)
Add 1 to this weapon’s Rend characteristic if the target has the keyword after ‘Anti-’ or fulfils the condition after ‘Anti-’. Multiples of this ability are cumulative. For example, if a weapon has both Anti-charge (+1 Rend) and Anti-HERO (+1 Rend), then add 2 to the Rend characteristic of the weapon for attacks that target a HERO that charged in the same turn.
14.3 Charge Phase
Your Charge Phase
CHARGE: With a mighty battle cry, the warriors charge into combat with the enemy.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat and has not used a RUN or RETREAT ability this turn to use this ability. Then, make a charge roll of 2D6.

Effect: That unit can move a distance up to the value of the charge roll. That unit can move through the combat ranges of any enemy units and must end that move within 1/2" of a visible enemy unit. If it does so, the unit using this ability has charged.

15.3 Pile-in Moves
Some abilities, such as FIGHT abilities, allow a unit to make a short move called a pile-in move to get into a better position for combat. To do so:

If your unit is in combat: Pick an enemy unit your unit is in combat with to be the target of the pile-in move. Each model in your unit can move up to 3". That move can pass through the combat ranges of any enemy units, but each model must end that move no further from the target unit. At the end of the move, your unit must still be in combat with all units that it was in combat with at the start of the move.

If your unit is not in combat: Each model in your unit can move 3" in any direction. That move can pass through and end within the combat ranges of any enemy units.

  • Pile in: move up to 3".
  • If in combat, the unit must end the move closer, or at least as close, to the target enemy unit.
19.0 Strike-first and Strike-last
If there are any STRIKE-FIRST units in combat at the start of the phase, other units cannot be picked to use a FIGHT ability until those units have been picked to use a FIGHT ability. After all those STRIKE-FIRST units have fought, the active player picks the next unit to fight.

If there are any STRIKE-LAST units in combat, they cannot be picked to use a FIGHT ability if there are any units in combat that do not have STRIKE-LAST and have not yet used a FIGHT ability.

If a unit has STRIKE-FIRST and STRIKE-LAST, treat it as if it had neither.

There may be situations when a unit that has STRIKE-FIRST is not in combat at the start of the phase, but because of moves such as pile-in moves, it is ‘pulled into combat’ later in the phase. In such cases, STRIKE-FIRST has no effect on that unit because it was not in combat at the start of the phase.

Abilities that allow a unit to use a FIGHT ability immediately after another unit do not override the STRIKE-FIRST or STRIKE-LAST constraints, so you could not pick a unit with STRIKE-LAST to fight immediately after a unit with STRIKE-FIRST.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025