Soulblight Gravelords – Exile Scavengers

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Exile Scavengers
His Endrineering commission revoked after repeated accusations of ‘unsanctioned resource sharing’, Gronn Ymorsson took matters into his own hands by bribing some Skywardens and stealing a Gunhauler, then fleeing the sky-port authorities before they noticed. He follows armies who can open the way to worthy treasure, swooping down to claim the loot when the coast is clear.
Exile Scavengers


Points: 460

Deployment Phase
AN EYE FOR LOOT: The Exile Scavengers observe from above to locate the best spot to swoop in and ‘claim their fee’.

Declare: This ability must be used to deploy this Regiment of Renown.

Effect: Set up the units in this Regiment of Renown in reserve studying the battlefield. They have now been deployed.

Your Movement Phase
SWOOP IN: Once the moment is right, Gronn and his crew strike hard and fast.

Declare: Pick the Grundstok Gunhauler in this Regiment of Renown to use this ability if it is studying the battlefield.

Effect: Set up the Grundstok Gunhauler on the battlefield more than 6" from all enemy units that have an artefact of power and more than 9" from all other enemy units. Then, set up all other units in this Regiment of Renown wholly within 3" of the Grundstok Gunhauler and more than 6" from all enemy units.

Once Per Turn (Army), Your Combat Phase
WHAT’S YOURS IS MINE: Gronn has always had a cavalier attitude when it comes to ownership.

Declare: Pick an enemy unit in combat with a unit in this Regiment of Renown to be the target. Then, pick an artefact of power the target has.

Effect: Roll a dice. Add 1 to the roll for each unit in this Regiment of Renown that is in combat with the target. On a 6+, the target no longer has that artefact of power.
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3.5 Regiments of Renown
In addition to creating your own regiments, you can also spend points to include 1 Regiment of Renown. Regiments of Renown are pre-built regiments, each with their own special abilities. The rules for each Regiment of Renown will specify which factions can include it. A unit in a Regiment of Renown cannot be your general even if it is a WARMASTER.

  • You cannot include more than 1 Regiment of Renown in your army unless otherwise specified in the notes column of that regiment’s battle profile.
  • Units in a Regiment of Renown cannot use (but can be picked as the target of, if otherwise eligible) any faction rules from the faction they are allied into, including enhancements and lores, unless they have a keyword that matches that faction’s name.
  • If an ability allows you to set up a replacement unit (Core Rules, 24.2) for a unit in a Regiment of Renown, that unit also counts as being part of that Regiment of Renown.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025