Lumineth Realm-lords – Hurakan Windchargers

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Hurakan Windchargers
Windchargers are the warrior-monks of the Hurakan temple, archers of uncanny ability. ‘One arrow, one kill’ is their creed, and these aelves know full well that such an audacious boast can only be achieved through complete unity with their patron wind spirits. The arrows of the Hurakan are carried upon these living gales. They are able to slip around defences or through the narrowest gaps with unearthly precision, before suddenly accelerating to embed themselves in the vulnerable throats and eye sockets of stunned enemies. Even in close quarters, the Windchargers perform their deadly art, for their arrows have far less distance to travel and far less force to waste. To keep pace with the wind is no easy feat, and so the Windchargers seek the allegiance of treerunners, Hyshian beasts that revel in chasing the aetheric breeze. Such is their grace that they can dart through the upper boughs of the realm’s forests as if gravity holds no sway over them. When working as one, an aelf and treerunner can pass through even the most fearsome melees as a graceful blur, the rider loosing volley after volley in lethal close quarters before their mount darts away.
Hurakan Windchargers
Windcharger Bow [Shoot in Combat]
Windcharger Bow
Shoot in Combat
Treerunner’s Claws [Companion]
Treerunner’s Claws
Windcharger Bow
Windcharger Bow13+4+-1

Unit Size: 5      Points: 180
Base size: 60 × 35mm
Can be reinforced: Yes

WINDCHARGER ARROWS: Windcharger arrows are guided to their target by aelementor winds.

Effect: Ward rolls cannot be made for damage points inflicted by this unit’s shooting attacks.

32.2 Objective Control
At the start of the first battle round and at the end of each turn, follow this sequence for each objective in an order chosen by the active player:
  1. Starting with the active player, each player determines the control score of each of their units that is contesting that objective. A unit’s control score is the combined Control characteristics of all the models in that unit that are contesting the objective. Some abilities modify a unit’s control score, but it cannot be reduced to less than 1.
  2. Each player adds up the control scores of all of their units contesting that objective. This is their army control score for that objective.
  3. The players compare their army control scores for that objective. If one player’s score is higher, that player gains control of that objective. Once a player gains control of an objective, it remains under their control until their opponent gains control of it.

Sometimes objective markers get accidentally nudged while you are moving models around. This is perfectly fine - just remember to put them back in their proper positions when determining objective control.

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Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Hit characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit rolls of 1 always fail. If an unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a weapon is a 6, that attack is a critical hit.

Critical hits have no effect on their own but often trigger additional effects (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
1.0 Champions
Units with the CHAMPION keyword have one or more champion models. If there is a number after the CHAMPION keyword, that number indicates the proportion of models in that unit that can be champions. In any other case, 1 model in the unit can be a champion. Units with the CHAMPION keyword have the following passive ability:

CHAMPION: A veteran fighter leads the charge.

Effect: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of weapons used by champions in this unit.

The CHAMPION keyword is used in the following Lumineth Realm-lords warscrolls:

18.1 Ward Saves
Units with the WARD keyword have the ‘Ward Save’ passive ability. The number after the WARD keyword indicates the ward value for the ward save. If a unit had WARD (5+), for example, its ward value would be 5. If a unit has more than one ward save, only the ward save with the lowest value applies to it; the other has no effect.

WARD SAVE: Whether through their uncanny reflexes, unnatural toughness or a source of mystical protection, these warriors can avoid otherwise lethal attacks.

Effect: In step 1 of the damage sequence (see 18.0), make a ward roll of D6 for each damage point in this unit’s damage pool. If the roll equals or exceeds this unit’s ward value, remove that damage point from the damage pool.

Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail.
Unless otherwise specified, attacks made by this weapon are not affected by friendly abilities that modify hit rolls, wound rolls or weapon characteristics, except for those that apply negative modifiers (e.g. ‘Covering Fire’).
3.0 Standard Bearers
Units with the STANDARD BEARER keyword have one or more standard bearer models. The number after the STANDARD BEARER keyword indicates the proportion of models in that unit that can be standard bearers. Units with the STANDARD BEARER keyword have the following passive ability:

STANDARD BEARER: The unit’s standard provides a rallying point in the chaos of battle.

Effect: While this unit contains any standard bearers, add 1 to this unit’s control score.

The STANDARD BEARER keyword is used in the following Lumineth Realm-lords warscrolls:

Shooting attacks
Shooting attacks are made with ranged weapons. The target unit(s) must be within a distance equal to the Range characteristic of the weapon being used and visible to the attacking model. Models cannot make shooting attacks if their unit is in combat, unless otherwise specified (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).

The CAVALRY keyword is used in the following Lumineth Realm-lords warscrolls:

Shoot in Combat
This weapon can be used to make shooting attacks even if the attacking unit is in combat.

The HURAKAN keyword is used in the following Lumineth Realm-lords warscrolls:

© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025