Ossiarch Bonereapers – Mortisan Soulreaper

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Mortisan Soulreaper
Soulreapers are the most sinister and dour of all Bonereapers. Though they number among the Mortisans, they are considered a breed apart by their kin, for it is not their prerogative to create; they only destroy, severing enemy spirits from their bodies with their enchanted scythes. Dark rumours follow them, many concerning their sealed lips, which are attributed to anything from a transgression against Nagash by the first of their number to the Folly of Tua’ghreph, the tale of an incautious Soulreaper being infected by the gheistechoes of an aelven mage. Soulreapers are miserly with harvested spirits, believing that their more vocal kin often squander this most precious resource. The Mortisans use this energy to fuel their scythe swings, to sap their enemies’ strength or to imbue nearby Ossiarchs with a sudden burst of aggression. Whatever soul-power a Soulreaper does not expend in this fashion is sealed within the grave-sand repositories that hang around their waist. In this form, the souls are transferred to a necropolis and secured in its vaults until the order to animate more Ossiarch warriors is received.
Mortisan Soulreaper
Soulreaper Scythe [Crit (2 Hits)]
Soulreaper Scythe
Crit (2 Hits)

Unit Size: 1      Points: 110
Base size: 32mm
Can be reinforced: No
Regiment Options: 0-1 Gothizzar Harvester, Any INFANTRY

SOULREAPER: The mere presence of a Soulreaper will sap a foe’s strength, leaving them weak and vulnerable.

Effect: Subtract 1 from wound rolls for combat attacks made by enemy units while they are in combat with this unit.

Reaction: You declared a FIGHT ability for this unit
NECROTIC IMPETUS: The Soulreaper sends a surge of death energy through nearby Ossiarch footsoldiers, redoubling the ferocity of their attacks.

Effect: Pick a friendly non-HERO OSSIARCH BONEREAPERS INFANTRY unit that has not used a FIGHT ability this turn and is within this unit’s combat range to be the target. The target can be picked to use a FIGHT ability immediately after the FIGHT ability used by this unit has been resolved. If it is picked to do so, add 1 to hit rolls for the target’s attacks for the rest of the turn.

Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Hit characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit rolls of 1 always fail. If an unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a weapon is a 6, that attack is a critical hit.

Critical hits have no effect on their own but often trigger additional effects (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities).
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail.
Crit (2 Hits)
If an attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit, that attack scores 2 hits on the target unit instead of 1. Make a wound roll for each hit.
7.0 Combat Range
Each model has a combat range that extends 3" horizontally from its base and any distance vertically from that circle to form a cylinder. The combat range of a unit extends 3" horizontally and any distance vertically from every model in that unit. Units from opposing armies that are within each other’s combat range and that are visible to each other are in combat with each other. When a unit that is not in combat enters the combat range of a visible enemy unit, it moves into combat.
A model is considered to be in combat with an enemy unit if that unit is within the model’s combat range and visible to it’

  • A unit’s combat range extends 3" out from every model in that unit.
  • If any enemy models are within a unit’s combat range and visible to it, that unit is in combat.
18.1 Ward Saves
Units with the WARD keyword have the ‘Ward Save’ passive ability. The number after the WARD keyword indicates the ward value for the ward save. If a unit had WARD (5+), for example, its ward value would be 5. If a unit has more than one ward save, only the ward save with the lowest value applies to it; the other has no effect.

WARD SAVE: Whether through their uncanny reflexes, unnatural toughness or a source of mystical protection, these warriors can avoid otherwise lethal attacks.

Effect: In step 1 of the damage sequence (see 18.0), make a ward roll of D6 for each damage point in this unit’s damage pool. If the roll equals or exceeds this unit’s ward value, remove that damage point from the damage pool.

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13.1 Fight Abilities
Abilities with the FIGHT keyword follow a different sequence to other abilities. When the players are using
Combat Phase
abilities as described in 13.0, they cannot use FIGHT abilities.

After the players have finished using
Combat Phase
abilities that are not FIGHT abilities, they must alternate picking 1 eligible unit to use a FIGHT ability, starting with the active player. Each unit in combat must use a FIGHT ability if it is able to.

Once a player has no more units that are eligible to use a FIGHT ability, the other player continues to pick units that are eligible to use a FIGHT ability, one after another, until there are no more units that are eligible to use a FIGHT ability.

  • The active player uses Combat Phase abilities that are not FIGHT abilities, then the opponent does the same.
  • Players alternate picking a unit to use a FIGHT ability, starting with the active player.
  • Each unit must use a FIGHT ability if it is able to.
1.0 Wizards and Priests
WIZARDS are special units that can cast spells, and PRIESTS are special units that can chant prayers. Spells and prayers are powerful abilities that can have a dramatic impact on the battle.

The MORTISAN keyword is used in the following Ossiarch Bonereapers warscrolls:

Combat attacks
Combat attacks are made with melee weapons. The target unit(s) must be within the combat range of the attacking model and visible to it. The model must attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with.

The non-HERO OSSIARCH BONEREAPERS and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Ossiarch Bonereapers warscrolls:

© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025