Predatory Ferocity: With the light of Azyr dimmed within them, the Coalesced embrace their savage instincts, using them to hunt down and destroy the enemies of the Old Ones. Add 1 to runrolls and chargerolls for units in this battalion.
When you pick a unit to run, you must make a run roll for the unit by rolling a dice. Add the run roll to the Move characteristic of all models in the unit until the end of that phase. You can then move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than their modified Move characteristic. No part of a run can be within 3" of an enemy unit. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with a unit that has run. Units cannot run if they are within 3" of an enemy unit.
11.1 Charge Moves
When you attempt a charge with a unit, make a charge roll for the unit by rolling 2D6. You can then make a charge move with each model in that unit by moving the model a distance in inches that is equal to or less than the charge roll. The first model you move in a unit attempting a charge must finish the move within 1/2" of an enemy unit. If this is impossible, no models in the unit can make a charge move.
You do not have to pick a target for a charge attempt before making the charge roll.
The COALESCED and SCAR-VETERAN keywords are used in the following Seraphon warscrolls: