The Wheels of Excruciation whirl around the minarets of the Dark Prince’s palace as flocks of crows fly around a temple’s spires. They can be called into the Mortal Realms by a devotee of Slaanesh to lacerate and even decapitate their enemies, hunting down untainted flesh and delivering the agony of uncounted cuts. SUMMONING: This endless spell is summoned with a spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 12". If successfully cast, set up this endless spell wholly within range and visible to the caster, and more than 1" from all models, other endless spells and invocations. Only HEDONITES OF SLAANESH WIZARDS can attempt to summon this endless spell. Exquisite Agony: The Wheels of Excruciation deliver death by a thousand exquisite cuts to those who get in their way. After this endless spell has moved, roll 6 dice for each unit that has any models it passed across. For each roll that is less than that unit’s unmodified Save characteristic, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. This ability has no effect on HEDONITES OF SLAANESH units. | ||
The HEDONITES OF SLAANESH keyword is used in the following Hedonites of Slaanesh warscrolls:
The HEDONITES OF SLAANESH and WIZARD keywords are used in the following Hedonites of Slaanesh warscrolls: