Critical Ops 2022


BookKindEditionVersionLast update
  Critical Operations 2022 - Tac Ops & Mission Card Pack
  Critical Operations 2022 - Tac Ops & Mission Card PackRulebook2December 2022
  Critical Operations 2022: Close Quarters
  Critical Operations 2022: Close QuartersExpansion2December 2022
  The Balance Dataslate
  The Balance DataslateRulebook2Q2 2024June 2024
  Approved Ops 2023: Hazardous Areas
  Approved Ops 2023: Hazardous AreasExpansion2January 2024

Matched Play Game Sequence

To play a matched play game, each player must have a matched roster as described in the Kill Team Core Book. A matched play game is then completed by following the sequence below:

1. Determine Mission and Map

Determine the mission and map. Here you will find a variety of methods to do this:

Specify beforehand which combination of mission and map will be used e.g. Loot+Strait (A4) or Secure+Junction (B7), etc. If a series of games are being played (e.g. at a tournament), each round can be specified beforehand. Alternatively, each subsequent round can be determined by the organiser beforehand, but only revealed after the previous round has been completed.

Shuffle the mission cards and map cards separately, then deal one of each to randomly determine the mission and map.

The players roll off to decide Attacker and Defender first. The Attacker takes the mission cards and the Defender takes the map cards.

The Attacker chooses two mission cards to put forward. The Defender selects one of them to use.

The Defender chooses three map cards to put forward. The Attacker selects one of them to be discarded. The Defender selects one of the remaining cards to use.

The Defender selects their drop zone after setting up the objective markers and killzone as normal.

If the players are playing a series of games against each other, the winner of the previous game selects one of the mission cards that was not used in the previous battle.

They then select one of the map types (i.e. 1-3, 4-6 or 7-9) that was not used in the previous battle, and the loser selects one of the map cards from that type.

Each player collects 10 tokens they will use to bid on the following categories:
Working through each category, each player will secretly put any of their tokens into their hand as their bid (or zero if they wish), then reveal their bid simultaneously. The player that bids the most will decide that category from all available options. If it’s a draw, that bid is cancelled and the players bid again, unless they both bid zero, in which case the players roll off to determine that category. Once the category is resolved, both players discard their bid tokens.

For example, in the map category, if one player bids 2 tokens and another bids 4, the latter would decide which map card to use. Both players would discard those tokens, then repeat this process for determining who decides Attacker and Defender.

2. Set Up Objective Markers and Killzone

Set up objective markers in the locations specified by the map card.

Determine the killzone and set up its terrain features, ensuring the traits of each terrain feature and its parts are specified.

3. Determine Attacker and Defender

The players roll off and the winner decides Attacker and Defender. The Defender selects one of the drop zones as theirs; the Attacker has the other.

4. Select a Kill Team

Each player selects operatives from their matched roster to fulfil their faction’s kill team requirements, then reveals their selections to their opponent. Each player adds 3CP to their pool.

5. Select Tac Ops

Each player secretly selects three Tac Ops. They can select up to one of their faction Tac Ops; all of their remaining Tac Ops must be selected from one of their archetypes. Players only reveal each Tac Op when it specifies, and they do not have to reveal which archetype they are using until they reveal one of its Tac Ops.

Here you will find alternative methods you can use to determine Tac Ops:

Each player shuffles a deck of 27 Tac Ops cards (all archetypes and their faction Tac Ops). They draw two cards from their deck, select one and discard the other. They repeat this process until three Tac Ops cards have been selected.

Each player builds a deck of 6 Tac Ops cards, then shuffles it. Up to 3 can be their faction’s Tac Ops; the remaining must be selected from one of their faction’s archetypes. They draw two cards from their deck, select one and discard the other. They repeat this process until three Tac Ops cards have been selected.

Each player selects any 3 Tac Ops from their deck of 27.

The players use one deck of 27 Tac Ops. They shuffle the deck and deal out 6 in a row. The Attacker selects one Tac Op from the row, then adds a random Tac Op from the deck to the row. The Defender then does the same. The players repeat this process until they have 3 Tac Ops each. With this method, Tac Ops aren’t secret.

Each player collects 10 tokens they will use to bid on archetype and Tac Ops. They will first bid on the archetype, with the winner deciding which one archetype both players will use for the battle. Thereafter, the players randomly pair Tac Ops from that archetype and bid for each pair. The winner of each bid selects one Tac Op from the pair and the loser has the other. With this method, Tac Ops aren’t secret.

To bid, each player will secretly put any of their tokens into their hand as their bid (or zero if they wish), then reveal their bid simultaneously. The player that bids the most wins. If it’s a draw, that bid is cancelled and the players bid again, unless they both bid zero, in which case the players roll off to determine who wins. Once the bid is resolved, both players discard their bid tokens.

6. Select Equipment

Each player selects up to 10 points worth of their faction’s equipment for the battle, assigns it to their operatives as specified, then reveals it to their opponent.

7. Set Up Barricades

Starting with the Defender, players alternate setting up barricades one at a time until they’ve set up two each. Each time a player sets up a barricade, it must be within of their drop zone, more than from all other barricades and not on a terrain feature (unless it has the Insignificant trait).

8. Set Up Operatives

Each player separates their operatives as numerically evenly as possible into three groups. If a player wants to use any rules (if they have any) to set up operatives in a location alternative to their drop zone, they must declare them now, including the relevant operatives for this.

Starting with the Defender, each player alternates setting up their operatives one group at a time. When a player sets up an operative, it must be wholly within their drop zone and must be given an Engage or Conceal order.

9. Scouting

Each player secretly selects one of the pre-game scouting options, either by using the scouting cards provided or by placing a number of dice in their hand to match their selection. Once both players have selected, they reveal their selection simultaneously. They then resolve their selection starting with the Attacker. The scouting options are below, and their effects are specified on the scouting cards.

Set up one additional barricade wholly within your territory. Unlike normal barricades, you can set it up on a Vantage Point.
Once during the first Turning Point, when you select a ready friendly operative to activate, you can change its order.
Perform a free Dash action with one friendly operative that is wholly within your drop zone as if it can FLY.

10. Play the Battle

The first Turning Point of the battle begins. In the first Initiative phase, initiative is determined by the players’ choices in the Scouting step:

11. End the Battle

The battle ends after four Turning Points have been completed. If one player has no operatives remaining in the killzone, the other player continues to play out each remaining Turning Point until the battle ends.

At the end of the battle, the player with the most victory points is the winner of the game. If players are tied, the game is a draw.
  • Each player can score a maximum of 4 victory points from the mission objective each Turning Point, however each player cannot score more than 16 victory points in total from the mission objective during the battle.
  • Each player can score a maximum of 2 victory points from each Tac Op. Therefore a player’s Tac Ops are worth 6 victory points in total.
  • If every operative on a player’s matched roster is painted to a Battle Ready standard, that player scores 2 victory points.
  • In total, each player can score a maximum of 24 victory points from the game.

Crit Ops 2022: Close Quarters

The Critical Operations 2022 Tac Ops and Mission card pack offers a new and updated way to play matched play games in Kill Team. This document explains how you can use that pack in a battle that uses the Close Quarters rules.

When determining mission and map, use the pack’s missions (Loot, Secure and Capture) as normal, but use one of the 10 new map layouts in this document instead (use Close Quarters checkbox at Mission Generator). We intend for these maps to use Killzone: Gallowdark only, but players or tournament organisers can use killzone supplements (e.g. Killzone: Into the Dark) if they wish.

For the pack’s Tac Ops, two new Tac Ops have been introduced to replace two others:
  • Seize Access Point replaces Seize Ground.
  • Secure Unexplored Rooms replaces Secure Vantage.

In addition, for the Secure Centre Line Tac Op, walls over the centre line block that part of the centre line. However an operative is on the centre line if their base is touching an open access point that’s over the centre line (the operative is still wholly within the relevant territory).

Finally, your barricades must be set up within your territory, and more than from access points and all other barricades.

Approved Ops 2023: Hazardous Areas

This document explains how you can use the Approved Ops Tac Ops and Mission card pack in a battle that uses the Hazardous Areas rules.

When determining mission and map, use the pack’s missions (Loot, Secure and Capture) as normal, but use one of the 6 new map layouts in this document instead. We intend for these maps to use Killzone: Bheta-Decima only, but players or tournament organisers can use killzone supplements (e.g. Killzone: Salvation) and/or Bheta-Decima objective markers if they wish.

A Bheta-Decima objective marker is an objective marker as normal, but it’s also a terrain feature with the Light and Traversable traits. Parts of it no more than tall (e.g. its base and hatch, but not its aerial) also have the Vantage Point trait. Unlike normal Traversable terrain, this means operatives can finish a move on top of such parts, so long as the operative can be physically placed there.

Operatives cross the gap between different gantries (i.e. ones that aren’t connected) by jumping (see the Kill Team Core Book). Yellow lines on the mission map indicate the terrain features where operatives can do this to and from. When setting up the killzone, ensure the related gantries are an appropriate distance from one another so operatives can jump.

For the pack’s Tac Ops, the following changes are in effect:
  • Plant Transponder (Recon): When determining if an operative is more than from terrain features to perform this action, ignore gantries underneath it, and the ferratonic furnace if it’s on that terrain feature’s roof.
  • Secure Vantage (Recon): At least half of the Vantage Point you control must be within your opponent’s territory.
  • Secure Centre Line (Security): Operatives can be on a Vantage Point.
  • Central Control (Security): Replaced with Ferratonic Furnace Control. You can use the Central Control card as a proxy if you wish (i.e. so it matches the other Tac Ops cards to keep your selections secret), but use the rules for Ferratonic Furnace Control instead.

Mission Generator

This is the mission generator, and it is intended to replace the Critical Operations card pack. Press the ‘Generate Mission’ button to pick up the mission and map as specified by the RANDOM method (see Determine Mission and Map). Use ‘Mission’ and ‘Map’ dropdown lists if you prefer other methods. Check ‘Close Quarters’ checkbox if you want to switch to Close Quarters map set and hide Tac Ops not allowed.

Press ‘Select’ button ( ) to add Tac Op to your Selected Tac Ops list. ‘Remove’ button ( ) used to remove Tac Op from the list. Note that generator limits only the maximum number of Tac Ops allowed (three) - Select Tac Ops rule omitted so you are free to pick any Tac Ops.

If you accidentally close the browser or refresh the page your card selection will be safe. It is saved in cookies of the browser on the current device.


Player A’s Drop Zone & Territory
Player A’s Territory
Player A’s Killzone Edge
Player B’s Drop Zone & Territory
Player B’s Territory
Player B’s Killzone Edge
Objective Marker
Centre Line
Neutral Killzone Edge
Centre of Killzone


Hazardous Area
Short Gantry
Medium Gantry
Long Gantry
Ferratonic Furnace

Generate Mission

Selected Tac Ops

Archetype Tac Ops

Faction Tac Ops

Card Decks

Close Quarters Mission Maps

1. Conduit
2. Channels
3. Hub
4. Bridge
5. Vault
6. Store
7. Hangar
8. Hold
9. Lock
10. Duct

Mission Maps

1. Sector
2. Centre
3. Flank
4. Strait
5. Battleground
6. Boundary
7. Junction
8. Approach
9. Front Line

Mission Rules

A. Loot
Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while it controls an objective marker that has not been looted during this Turning Point. If it does so, that objective marker has been looted during this Turning Point. Each objective marker can be looted a maximum of four times during the battle.

Each time a friendly operative performs the Loot action, you score 1VP.
B. Secure
Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while it controls an objective marker. Until the enemy kill team secures that objective marker, that objective marker is secured by your kill team.

At the end of each Turning Point, for each objective marker secured by your kill team, you score 1VP.
C. Capture
Capture: At the end of each Turning Point (before determining VPs), each objective marker friendly operatives control is captured by your kill team. While an objective marker is captured by your kill team, it stays under their control, even if no friendly operatives are within of it. If any enemy operatives control that objective marker following the normal rules for controlling objective markers, it is no longer captured by your kill team.

At the end of each Turning Point, for each objective marker captured by your kill team, you score 1VP.
Each time an operative makes any kind of move, if it has the FLY keyword, it can move around, across and over other operatives (and their bases) as if they were not there, but must finish its move following all requirements specified by that move, and cannot finish its move on top of other operatives (or their bases).
Actions are categorised as follows:
  • Universal actions can be performed by all operatives. They are detailed below.
  • Unique actions are actions detailed on an operative’s datacard that only they can perform, such as the Dakka Dash action found on the example datacard.
  • Mission actions are specific to the mission you are playing, and will be detailed by that mission’s briefing. Missions can be found here (Open Play mission) and here (Spec Ops Narrative missions).
  • Free actions can only be performed when another rule specifies. Each time an operative would perform a free action, the following rules apply.
    • The operative can perform the action, so long as the requirements of the action are met.
    • The player does not subtract any additional AP to perform the action.
    • The operative would still count as performing the action for all rules purposes. For example, if it performed it during its activation, it would not be able to perform the action again during that activation.

For example, when a KOMMANDO DAKKA BOY performs a Dakka Dash action (see unique actions, above), it can perform a free Dash and free Shoot action without subtracting any additional AP (other than the AP spent on the Dakka Dash action). However, it is subject to those actions’ requirements, therefore it cannot perform the free Dash action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, and cannot perform the free Shoot action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives or has a Conceal order. In addition, for each of the free actions it performs, it cannot perform them again during its activation.
Engagement Range
Engagement Range is the zone of threat that operatives present to their enemies. Many rules in the game use Engagement Range, such as when moving and fighting. Engagement Range is mutual, therefore operatives are within each other’s Engagement Range if one of them is Visible to and within of the other.
Engagement Range
Engagement Range is the zone of threat that operatives present to their enemies. Many rules in the game use Engagement Range, such as when moving and fighting. Engagement Range is mutual, therefore operatives are within each other’s Engagement Range if one of them is Visible to and within of the other.
If an operative positions themselves in Cover, they will use it for protection while they have an Engage order, or hide behind it while they have a Conceal order. For an intended target to be in Cover, both of the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from the active operative.
  • The intended target is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses another operative’s base (unless that other operative is not itself in the active operative’s LoS), or a terrain feature that provides Cover (see Terrain Traits).

Note that an intended target that has an Engage order can gain a defensive benefit for being in Cover as specified in the shooting sequence.

To establish Cover lines, the active operative’s controlling player draws imaginary straight lines, 1mm wide, from any part of the active operative’s base to every part of the intended target’s base.
Doctrina Imperatives
In the Strategy phase of the first Turning Point, when it is your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you must select one Doctrina Imperative below to become active for your kill team instead. That Imperative is active until the end of the battle, or until you change it to a different Imperative, whichever comes first.

In the Strategy phase of a subsequent Turning Point, when it is your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you can select one different Imperative below to become active for your kill team instead. That Imperative is active until the end of the battle (you cannot change your active Imperative again).

Each Imperative has an Optimisation and a Deprecation effect. Both are in effect while that Imperative is active for your kill team.

  • Doctrina Imperatives can be selected each Turning Point (instead of only twice per battle).
  • Ignore each Imperative’s Deprecation effect during the first Turning Point that it is active for your kill team during the battle.

Protector Imperative

Optimisation: Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.

Deprecation: Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative fights in combat, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat, before any other re-rolls, you must re-roll one of your critical hits (if any).

Conqueror Imperative

Optimisation: Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative fights in combat, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.

Deprecation: Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, before any other re-rolls, you must re-roll one of your critical hits (if any).

Bulwark Imperative

Optimisation: Each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your defence dice.

Deprecation: Friendly HUNTER CLADE operatives cannot perform Dash actions.

Aggressor Imperative

Optimisation: Add to the Movement characteristic of friendly HUNTER CLADE operatives.

Deprecation: Each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative, defence dice cannot be automatically retained as a result of Cover (they must be rolled instead).

Equalised Imperative

Optimisation: No effect.

Deprecation: No effect.

Elucidian Starstrider – Faction Tac Op 1
Reveal this Tac Op the first time a Fight or Shoot action is declared for a LEADER operative (friendly or enemy). When this Tac Op is revealed, both players start a Reputation tally (if both players reveal this Tac Op simultaneously, only start one Reputation tally each). Add one to your Reputation tally each time a friendly LEADER operative inflicts a point of damage on an enemy operative. Note that, in the rare instance an enemy operative did not lose a wound as a result of a point of damage, you would still add one to the Reputation tally.
  • If your Reputation tally is 12 or more, you score 1VP.
  • At the end of the battle, if your Reputation tally is greater than that of your opponent’s, you score 1VP.
Breach and Clear

Methodical, professional and well-drilled, Imperial Navy Breachers work as a unit to breach and clear the corridors and chambers of enemy voidcraft, space hulks, orbital stations and more.

Once per Turning Point, when a friendly IMPERIAL NAVY BREACHER operative is activated, you can use this ability. If you do so:
  • Select one other ready friendly IMPERIAL NAVY BREACHER operative Visible to and within of that operative that is eligible to be activated.
  • Until the end of the Turning Point, those operatives are treated as having a Group Activation characteristic of 2.
  • When the first operative’s activation ends, you must select the second operative (even if it is not of the same type) to fulfil the Group Activation requirements.
Inferno x
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, the target gains x Inferno tokens. X is the number after the weapon’s Inferno (e.g Inferno 1) At the end of each Turning Point, roll one D6 for each Inferno token an enemy operative has: on a 4+, that enemy operative suffers 1 mortal wound. After rolling, remove all Inferno tokens that operative has.


Incalculable damage can be done to the enemy’s strategic and logistical infrastructure with the application of a single, well-placed explosive by a Vanguard operative.

An operative can perform this action while within of one of your Saboteur tokens. Unless the operative is a SABOTEUR or MINELAYER operative, an operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. If this action is performed, remove that Saboteur token.

Having cast aside their oaths of loyalty to the Golden Throne, these Traitor Guardsmen now seek to catch the eye of a Dark God. To this end, they make the battlefield into their sacrificial altar, risking acts of insane bravado to spill enemy blood, and perhaps earn fleeting rewards of unholy power.

Keep a pool of Blooded tokens. Add a Blooded token to your pool as follows:
  • At the start of each Initiative phase.
  • The first time an enemy operative is incapacitated in each Turning Point.
  • The first time a friendly operative is incapacitated within of an enemy operative in each Turning Point.
Once in each Strategy phase, when it is your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you can assign any or all of your Blooded tokens from your pool to friendly BLOODED operatives in the killzone. Each operative can have no more than one Blooded token.

In each Strategy phase, after assigning your Blooded tokens (if any), if four or more friendly operatives in the killzone have Blooded tokens, you can select one of them to be under the gaze of the gods until the end of the Turning Point.

Each time a friendly BLOODED operative that has a Blooded token fights in combat or makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, before rolling your attack dice, you can retain one as a successful normal hit without rolling it. If that friendly BLOODED operative is under the gaze of the gods, you can retain one as a successful critical hit instead.

The NIGHTMARE HULK keyword is used in the following Gellerpox Infected datacards:

Psychic Action
This is a term for a certain kind of action. This term provides no additional rules on its own, but other rules may interact with actions that have this term.

The DIRE AVENGER keyword is used in the following Craftworld datacards:

The HOWLING BANSHEE keyword is used in the following Blades Of Khaine datacards:

The STRIKING SCORPION keyword is used in the following Blades Of Khaine datacards:

Aspect Techniques

Aspect Warriors are sublimely skilled fighters dedicated to the pursuit of mastering a particular art of war. Each is trained in myriad killing techniques, movements and progressions. When practised in combat, these forms are as breathtaking to behold as they are lethal to the Aspect Warriors’ foes.

Aspect Techniques are unique abilities you will find over the following pages that are available to BLADES OF KHAINE operatives with the relevant keyword.
  • You cannot use more than one technique per activation.
  • You cannot use each technique more than once per Turning Point.
  • If every friendly BLADES OF KHAINE operative selected for deployment has the same Aspect keyword (e.g. STRIKING SCORPION), you cannot use each technique more than twice per Turning Point instead.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the select valid target step of that shooting attack, enemy operatives are not in Cover.
If an operative positions themselves in Cover, they will use it for protection while they have an Engage order, or hide behind it while they have a Conceal order. For an intended target to be in Cover, both of the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from the active operative.
  • The intended target is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses another operative’s base (unless that other operative is not itself in the active operative’s LoS), or a terrain feature that provides Cover (see Terrain Traits).

Note that an intended target that has an Engage order can gain a defensive benefit for being in Cover as specified in the shooting sequence.

To establish Cover lines, the active operative’s controlling player draws imaginary straight lines, 1mm wide, from any part of the active operative’s base to every part of the intended target’s base.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, subtract 1 from the target’s APL. Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat:
  • The first time you strike with a critical hit, select one of your opponent’s normal hits from that combat to be discarded
  • The second time you strike with a critical hit, subtract 1 from the target’s APL.
Striking Scorpion Aspect Techniques

Merciless killers without exception, Striking Scorpions revel in the patient hunt and the sudden kill. They are sinister warriors, expert in becoming one with the shadows to creep up on the foe until they are close enough to drive the whirring teeth of their chainswords into flesh.


Carefully concealed in cover or in shadows, Striking Scorpions stalk their completely oblivious prey The Aspect Warriors manoeuvre in complete silence around their targets to select the optimum position to launch a killing strike.

Use this Aspect Technique when a friendly STRIKING SCORPION operative with a Conceal order performs the Normal Move action. During that action, that operative can and must move within Engagement Range of one or more enemy operatives (but it cannot finish that move there). One enemy operative that it moved within Engagement Range of suffers D3+2 mortal wounds.

Masters of the hit and run attack, Striking Scorpions withdraw from combat as suddenly as they strike, slipping back into the shadows and disappearing like murderous ghosts.

Use this Aspect Technique after a friendly STRIKING SCORPION operative with an Engage order incapacitates an enemy operative in combat, and is now more than from enemy operatives. Change that friendly operative’s order to Conceal, and you can immediately perform a free Dash action with it. You can do so even if it has performed an action during that activation that prevents it from performing the Dash action (e.g. the Charge action).

A Striking Scorpion's shuriken pistol has a viewfinder psychically linked to its bearer. With it, the Aspect Warrior can see through multiple spectra as well as swiftly identify friend from foe.

Use this Aspect Technique when a friendly STRIKING SCORPION operative performs the Shoot action. Until the end of that shooting attack, that operatives twin shuriken pistols or shuriken pistol gains the Indirect special rule, and that operative must make a shooting attack with it against an enemy operative in Cover.

When Striking Scorpions launch their assault, they attack with relentless ferocity, landing blow after blow to grant the enemy no moment of reprieve in which to collect themselves.

Use this Aspect Technique at the start of the Resolve Successful Hits step of a Fight action performed by a friendly STRIKING SCORPION operative, if you retained any critical hits. Until the end of that combat, that operative’s melee weapons gam the Stun critical hit rule.

Years of strict practise see Striking Scorpions able to blend uncannily with the shadows, striking out at unsuspecting foes with terrifying accuracy

Use this Aspect Technique when a friendly STRIKING SCORPION operative moves within of a Light or Heavy terrain feature. Until the start of its next activation, while that operative has a Conceal order, it’s always treated as having a Conceal order, regardless of any other rules (e.g. Vantage Point).

The DIRE AVENGER keyword is used in the following Blades Of Khaine datacards:

No Cover
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, for that shooting attack, defence dice cannot be automatically retained as a result of Cover (they must be rolled instead).
Modifying Characteristics
Some rules will modify the characteristics of an operative and/or their weapons. All modifiers to a characteristic are cumulative.

If a characteristic refers to the result required when rolling a D6 (i.e. Save, Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill), the modifier will specify to improve or worsen the characteristic. As a lower result is a better characteristic, the modifier should be applied accordingly. For example, if a Ballistic Skill of 4+ is worsened by 1, it would be modified to a 5+.

If an operative’s APL is modified, it lasts until the end of its current or next activation (whichever comes first). Regardless of how many APL modifiers an operative is affected by, the total modification can never be more than -1 or +1 from its normal APL. For example, if an operative has an APL of 2, and two rules say to add 1 to the operative’s APL, until the end of its next activation it would have an APL of 3.
Dire Avenger Aspect Techniques

These warriors deliver death by a thousand cuts in the time it takes a Human to scream. Despite the grisly manner in which they visit destruction upon the foe, Dire Avengers are considered the epitome of the noble warrior - an indication of just how pitiless the craftworlds can be when their anger is roused.


Trained to embrace supreme tactical flexibility, Dire Avengers are more than capable of unleashing clouds of razor-sharp shuriken while moving to secure ground, slipping out of reach of the foe or racing to intercept a charging enemy.

Use this Aspect Technique during a friendly DIRE AVENGER operative’s Normal Move action. Perform one Shoot action with that operative during that Normal Move action (it must do so in a location it can be placed, and any remaining increments of movement can be used after it does so). You must select a shuriken catapult, shuriken pistol or twin shuriken catapult for that shooting attack.

Dire Avengers can unleash great deluges of monomolecular shuriken from their weapons. These lethal volleys echo the Death of a Thousand Blades - the punishment that Kha i ne meted out upon traitors, cheats and others he deemed unworthy of a clean kill.

Use this Aspect Technique when a friendly DIRE AVENGER operative is performing the Shoot action, after it makes a shooting attack using a shuriken catapult or twin shuriken catapult. Make another shooting attack with that operative using the same weapon against another valid target within of the first target.

It is the duty of the noble warrior tasked with punishing the unjust and the criminal to be ever vigilant. Their eyes must be keen and their aim must be true.

Use this Aspect Technique when a friendly DIRE AVENGER operative performs the Shoot action. Until the end of that shooting attack, that operative’s shuriken catapult, shuriken pistol or twin shuriken catapult gains the No Cover special rule, and that operative must make a shooting attack with it against an enemy operative in Cover.

Dire Avengers wear armour fashioned from psycho-sensitive thermoplas scales that is reactive to impact, stiffening if suffering a blow to spread the energy across the wearer. On top of this flexible suit, Dire Avengers wear bone-like plates over the most vulnerable areas of their body.

Use this Aspect Technique in the Roll Defence Dice step of a shooting attack made against a friendly DIRE AVENGER operative, if you retain any critical saves and discard one or more failed saves. Select one of your failed saves to be retained as a successful normal save instead.

The flames upon shrines of Asuryan possess a searing heat and never burn out, even if they dwindle. Thus does the Dire Avenger strive to imitate these flames, as dangerous to the foe no matter the injuries they sustain.

Use this Aspect Technique when a friendly DIRE AVENGER operative that’s injured or has its APL characteristic negatively modified is activated. Until the start of that operative’s next activation, ignore those modifiers and that operative cannot be injured.
Power from Pain

Inflicting physical pain, sowing misery and witnessing the terror in their victims’ eyes first hand invigorates the withered soul of a Drukhari. Thus renewed, they are made potent and vital, already hungering for more and filled with a dark energy.

Each time a friendly HAND OF THE ARCHON operative incapacitates an enemy operative with a Wounds characteristic of 5 or more, it gains a Pain token. If that enemy operative had a Wounds characteristic of 11 or more, it gains two pain tokens instead.

You can spend friendly operatives’ Pain tokens on the Invigorations below when the ‘When’ condition is met. For each Pain token you spend, remove it from the operative. With the exception of Stimulated Senses, each Invigoration can only be used once per activation.

Dark AnimusWhen the operative is activated.Add 1 to the operative’s APL.
Vitalised SurgeAfter incapacitating an enemy operative with the operative.Perform a free Dash action, even if it has performed a Charge action during the activation.
Stimulated SensesAfter rolling one of your attack or defence dice for a combat or shooting attack with the operative.Re-roll that dice.
Within Shadow
An operative is within shadow if any of the following are true:
  • It’s within of a Heavy part of a terrain feature, and that part is not lower than it.
  • Any part of its base is underneath a Vantage Point.
  • It’s within of a Shadow Portal token (see SHADEWEAVER operative’s Open Shadow Portal action).
For an intended target to be Visible, the following must be true:
  • You can draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line (known as a Visibility line) 1 mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to any part of the miniature of the intended target (not its base).
In the rare instance that bases or parts of the active operative’s miniature prevent an intended target from being Visible to the active operative, such as when the active operative is directly below or above the intended target, treat those bases and parts as being invisible.

Some rare rules will require you to select a point that is Visible (e.g. a point on the killzone). In such circumstances, you must be able to draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line 1mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to the point you would select.

The MUTOID VERMIN keyword is used in the following Gellerpox Infected datacards:

Mutoid Vermin

The saedath are the Harlequins’ battle plans. Each is an elaborate scheme designed around, and named for, stories from the Aeldari’s expansive mythology. Battle itself then becomes a performance of a symbolic and spiritually significant tale in which every Harlequin involved plays a specific and pivotal role.

When selecting your kill team for the battle, select an Allegory to be active for it during the battle (reveal it to your opponent when you reveal your kill team). Then, at the start of the first Strategy phase, select one friendly VOID-DANCER TROUPE operative to have the pivotal role for the battle. While a friendly operative has the pivotal role, it has the Accolade ability of the active Allegory.

Keep a Performance tally for your kill team for the battle. Add 1 to the tally as follows:
  • The first time each friendly VOID-DANCER TROUPE operative completes the Performance of an active Allegory during the battle.
  • The first time a friendly pivotal role operative completes the Performance of an active Allegory during the battle (this is cumulative with the above).

Note that this means, for the purposes of your kill team’s Performance tally during the battle, each friendly operative can only complete one Performance, and only one pivotal role can complete a Performance (even if you change the active Allegory or pivotal role during the battle. For example, as a result of the LEAD PLAYER operative’s Performance Lead ability).

When you add the fourth mark to your Performance tally:
  • All friendly VOID-DANCER TROUPE operatives have the Accolade ability of the active Allegory until the end of the battle.
  • You gain 1 Command Point.

You cannot add marks to your Performance tally as a result of GELLERPOX INFECTED$ MUTOID VERMIN operatives. For example, performing a Fall Back action whilst within Engagement Range of only MUTOID VERMIN operatives does not complete a Comedy performance.

ComedyThe operative performs a Fall Back action.This operative can perform the Fall Back action for one less action point (to a minimum of 1AP).
EpicThe operative incapacitates an enemy operative in combat by inflicting damage with two or less attack dice in the Resolve Successful Hits step.Each time this operative fights in combat, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, if you did not retain any critical hits, you can strike or parry with one normal hit as if it were a critical hit.
MelodramaThe operative incapacitates an enemy operative in a shooting attack by inflicting damage with two or more attack dice in the Resolve Successful Hits step.Each time this operative makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.
OdysseyThe operative performs a Charge action and ends the move within of your opponent’s drop zone.This operative can move up to a distance equal to its Movement characteristic plus for Charge actions, instead of plus .
TragedyThe operative loses wounds from a shooting attack made by an enemy operative.Each time a shooting attack is made against this operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, if it is not in Cover, you can retain one as a successful normal save without rolling it.

The saedath are the Harlequins’ battle plans. Each is an elaborate scheme designed around, and named for, stories from the Aeldari’s expansive mythology. Battle itself then becomes a performance of a symbolic and spiritually significant tale in which every Harlequin involved plays a specific and pivotal role.

When selecting your kill team for the battle, select an Allegory to be active for it during the battle (reveal it to your opponent when you reveal your kill team). Then, at the start of the first Strategy phase, select one friendly VOID-DANCER TROUPE operative to have the pivotal role for the battle. While a friendly operative has the pivotal role, it has the Accolade ability of the active Allegory.

Keep a Performance tally for your kill team for the battle. Add 1 to the tally as follows:
  • The first time each friendly VOID-DANCER TROUPE operative completes the Performance of an active Allegory during the battle.
  • The first time a friendly pivotal role operative completes the Performance of an active Allegory during the battle (this is cumulative with the above).

Note that this means, for the purposes of your kill team’s Performance tally during the battle, each friendly operative can only complete one Performance, and only one pivotal role can complete a Performance (even if you change the active Allegory or pivotal role during the battle. For example, as a result of the LEAD PLAYER operative’s Performance Lead ability).

When you add the fourth mark to your Performance tally:
  • All friendly VOID-DANCER TROUPE operatives have the Accolade ability of the active Allegory until the end of the battle.
  • You gain 1 Command Point.

You cannot add marks to your Performance tally as a result of GELLERPOX INFECTED$ MUTOID VERMIN operatives. For example, performing a Fall Back action whilst within Engagement Range of only MUTOID VERMIN operatives does not complete a Comedy performance.

ComedyThe operative performs a Fall Back action.This operative can perform the Fall Back action for one less action point (to a minimum of 1AP).
EpicThe operative incapacitates an enemy operative in combat by inflicting damage with two or less attack dice in the Resolve Successful Hits step.Each time this operative fights in combat, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, if you did not retain any critical hits, you can strike or parry with one normal hit as if it were a critical hit.
MelodramaThe operative incapacitates an enemy operative in a shooting attack by inflicting damage with two or more attack dice in the Resolve Successful Hits step.Each time this operative makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.
OdysseyThe operative performs a Charge action and ends the move within of your opponent’s drop zone.This operative can move up to a distance equal to its Movement characteristic plus for Charge actions, instead of plus .
TragedyThe operative loses wounds from a shooting attack made by an enemy operative.Each time a shooting attack is made against this operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, if it is not in Cover, you can retain one as a successful normal save without rolling it.

The LEADER keyword is used in the following Brood Brother datacards:

• Magus
• Primus
Psychic Action
This is a term for a certain kind of action. This term provides no additional rules on its own, but other rules may interact with actions that have this term.


Psychic action. Select one enemy operative Visible to and within of this operative. Both players roll one D6 and add their respective operative’s APL to the total. If your total is higher than your opponent, you can resolve this action’s effect:

Until the end of the activation, that enemy operative is a friendly operative (an enemy operative for your opponent), you can change its order, and it can perform a free action. It cannot perform an action in which it moves other than Dash (in which case specify the location for your opponent to move the operative to). You can only resolve this action’s effect once per battle.

If a particular foe shames or insults the Kin gravely enough, they will become the subject of a Grudge. To destroy this most hated enemy, the Kin will go to any lengths, even if it is to their own detriment.

Each time an enemy operative incapacitates a friendly HEARTHKYN SALVAGER operative, that enemy operative gains a Grudge token.

Each time a friendly HEARTHKYN SALVAGER operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack against an enemy operative, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, for each Grudge token that enemy operative has, you can retain one of your successful normal hits as a critical hit instead.


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Excavation Tool: At the end of the Set Up Barricades step, place one of your Clearance tokens within of a part of a terrain feature with the Traversable trait and more than from your opponent’s drop zone. Until the end of the battle, friendly operatives do not have to traverse that terrain feature; they can move through it as if it were not there, so long as they do so within of that token. Note that they cannot finish the move on that terrain feature. You can select this item of equipment no more than three times for the battle.

The PLASMACYTE keyword is used in the following Hierotek Circle datacards:

The CRYPTEK keyword is used in the following Hierotek Circle datacards:

No Cover
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, for that shooting attack, defence dice cannot be automatically retained as a result of Cover (they must be rolled instead).
Regardless of whether a target operative has an Engage or Conceal order, if an Obscuring terrain feature is in the way, an active operative may be unable to have LoS to them. For an intended target to be Obscured, the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from a point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature that is Obscuring (see Terrain Traits). However, if the active operative is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature that is Obscuring, that part of the terrain feature is not treated as Obscuring.
For an intended target to be Visible, the following must be true:
  • You can draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line (known as a Visibility line) 1 mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to any part of the miniature of the intended target (not its base).
In the rare instance that bases or parts of the active operative’s miniature prevent an intended target from being Visible to the active operative, such as when the active operative is directly below or above the intended target, treat those bases and parts as being invisible.

Some rare rules will require you to select a point that is Visible (e.g. a point on the killzone). In such circumstances, you must be able to draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line 1mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to the point you would select.
Actions are categorised as follows:
  • Universal actions can be performed by all operatives. They are detailed below.
  • Unique actions are actions detailed on an operative’s datacard that only they can perform, such as the Dakka Dash action found on the example datacard.
  • Mission actions are specific to the mission you are playing, and will be detailed by that mission’s briefing. Missions can be found here (Open Play mission) and here (Spec Ops Narrative missions).
  • Free actions can only be performed when another rule specifies. Each time an operative would perform a free action, the following rules apply.
    • The operative can perform the action, so long as the requirements of the action are met.
    • The player does not subtract any additional AP to perform the action.
    • The operative would still count as performing the action for all rules purposes. For example, if it performed it during its activation, it would not be able to perform the action again during that activation.

For example, when a KOMMANDO DAKKA BOY performs a Dakka Dash action (see unique actions, above), it can perform a free Dash and free Shoot action without subtracting any additional AP (other than the AP spent on the Dakka Dash action). However, it is subject to those actions’ requirements, therefore it cannot perform the free Dash action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, and cannot perform the free Shoot action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives or has a Conceal order. In addition, for each of the free actions it performs, it cannot perform them again during its activation.

A markerlight is a device that projects a beam onto a target. Once an enemy has been ‘painted’ by such a beam, a torrent of targeting data is fed into the cadre tactical network, relaying ranges, triangulating optimum firing trajectories and superimposing aiming vectors to other T’au warriors, allowing them to engage the target with unerring accuracy.


Select one enemy operative Visible to this operative. That enemy operative gains 1 Markerlight token. An operative cannot perform this action if it is within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. If an operative would perform this action and a Shoot action in the same activation, only the target of that Shoot action’s shooting attack can be selected for this action.

Operatives gain Markerlight tokens as specified by the Markerlight action above. In the Ready Operatives step of each Initiative phase, remove one Markerlight token that each operatives has.

Each time a friendly PATHFINDER operative makes a shooting attack, it gains a number of cumulative benefits for that shooting attack depending on how many Markerlight tokens the target operative has. Operatives gain no markerlight benefits for shooting attacks made with EMP and fusion grenades.

Markerlight TokensBenefit
1+In the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.
2+For that shooting attack, the active operative’s ranged weapons gain the No Cover special rule.
3+For that shooting attack, improve the Ballistic Skill characteristic of ranged weapons the active operative is equipped with by 1.
4+In the Select Valid Target step of that shooting attack, the enemy operative is not Obscured.
5+In the Select Valid Target step of that shooting attack, the enemy operative is treated as if it has an Engage order unless it’s in Cover provided by Heavy terrain.

The CULT AGENT keyword is used in the following Wyrmblade datacards:

• Locus

The NEOPHYTE keyword is used in the following Wyrmblade datacards:

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