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  Kill Team: Nightmare (Mandrake)
  Kill Team: Nightmare (Mandrake)Expansion21.0May 2024


Expansion: Kill Team: Nightmare (Mandrake)

Q:Is it possible to increase an operative’s APL to more than 3 using the CHOOSER OF THE FLESH operative’s Soul Harvest ability?
Q:Does the SHADEWEAVER operative’s Open Shadow Portal action count as a use of Shadow Passage for the purposes of that action’s once per Turning Point limit?
Q:Some rules apply when an operative moves within a distance requirement of a token, other operative or similar (e.g. Proximity, PHOBOS STRIKE TEAM and Quicksilver Strike, WYRMBLADE ). If a MANDRAKE operative performs a Shadow Passage action and is set up within the distance requirement of the aforementioned rules, is it the same as moving there?
No. During a Shadow Passage action, the MANDRAKE operative doesn’t move – it’s removed and set back up again.
Q:As the Shadow Passage action is not a move (the operative is removed and set up again), does this mean the MANDRAKE operative can be set up on the other side of Wall terrain?
Yes. Note that, as per the Core Rules designer’s commentary, the Heavy part of a terrain feature it must be set up within of must be a pillar or wall end (excluding wall ends for Hatchways) or Heavy terrain from a Killzone: Gallowdark supplement (e.g. Ancient Apparatus).
Q:If an enemy operative performs a Charge action, then performs another action before performing a Fight action in the same activation against a friendly MANDRAKE operative, can I still use the Shadow’s Bite Tactical Ploy?
Q:If I activate the DIRGEMAW operative’s Haunting Focus ability and that DIRGEMAW incapacitate the enemy operative it focused on, do I activate next, or my opponent?
Your opponent.
Q:If two DIRGEMAW operatives focus on each other with their Haunting Focus ability, and Operative A is selected to activate normally, then Operative B would attempt to activate first as a result of the Haunting Focus ability, which model activates?
Operative B.
Q:After I activate a DIRGEMAW operative as a result of the Haunting Focus ability, does my opponent still have to activate the operative that DIRGEMAW focused on?
Yes, unless they are unable to (e.g. if that operative is incapacitated), in which case they can choose another operative to activate.

Mandrake Kill Team

Below you will find a list of the operatives that make up a MANDRAKE kill team, including, where relevant, any wargear those models must be equipped with.


Other than WARRIOR operatives, your kill team can only include each operative above once.

Actions and Abilities

Below you will find a common unique action, ability and weapon special rule of the MANDRAKE kill team.

Shadow Passage

It is within the power of Mandrakes to slip into the slightest patch of shadow as if vanishing into dark waters, only to crawl forth from another patch of gloom as though the intervening distance did not exist at all. This sinister ability allows them to bypass sentries and defences unseen, and to pounce upon their victims from unexpected quarters.

One friendly MANDRAKE operative can perform the following unique action each Turning Point:


If this operative is within shadow, perform a free Normal Move action with it, but instead of moving it, remove it from the killzone and set it back up again within shadow but not within Engagement Range nor Line of Sight of enemy operatives. It cannot make shooting attacks until the next Turning Point.

Within Shadow

An operative is within shadow if any of the following are true:
  • It’s within of a Heavy part of a terrain feature, and that part is not lower than it.
  • Any part of its base is underneath a Vantage Point.
  • It’s within of a Shadow Portal token (see SHADEWEAVER operative’s Open Shadow Portal action).

Umbral Entities

The Mandrakes’ physical forms shift and shudder like shadows smothering the last light of a guttering torch. Those rare survivors of their attacks describe the Mandrakes appearing to blend with the encroaching darkness, or even vanishing from sight altogether, confounding the increasingly panicked aim of their prey while flitting ever closer.

Each friendly MANDRAKE operative has a 5+ invulnerable save. If it’s within shadow, it has a 4+ invulnerable save instead.


The balefire hurled by the Mandrakes burns cold and fierce, fed by the tinder of their victims’ life force and animus. Conventional armour offers little protection against this insidious force.

MANDRAKE operatives have ranged weapons with the Soulstrike special rule. Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with such a weapon, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, successful saves are determined differently:
  • Invulnerable saves cannot be used.
  • Each result that is equal to or less than the target’s APL is a successful save and is retained.
  • Each result that is higher than the target’s APL is discarded.
  • Each retained result of 1 is a critical save.

Designer’s Note: Many rules in this army list refer to an enemy operative’s APL. This would be the APL at the time the rule takes effect (i.e. including modifiers).

Strategic Ploys

If your faction is MANDRAKE, you can use the following Strategic Ploys during a game.

Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, after each enemy operative’s activation, before the next operative is activated, you can perform a free Dash action with one friendly MANDRAKE operative that has a Conceal order if it starts and ends that action within shadow. Each friendly operative can only be selected for this ploy once per Turning Point.
Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly MANDRAKE operative within shadow, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, you can retain one as a successful normal save without rolling it (in addition to Cover, if any).
Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, friendly MANDRAKE operatives that have a Conceal order can perform the Charge action if they start and /or end that action within shadow.
Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly MANDRAKE operative within shadow fights in combat or makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.

Tactical Ploys

If your faction is MANDRAKE, you can use the following Tactical Ploys during a game.

Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy at the end of any operative’s activation. Select one friendly MANDRAKE operative that has an Engage order and is within shadow. Change that operative’s order to Conceal.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy at the end of the Resolve Successful Hits step of a combat involving or shooting attack made by a friendly MANDRAKE operative against an enemy operative within of it. That friendly operative regains a number of lost wounds equal to that enemy operative’s APL multiplied by the number of your attack dice that inflicted damage in that combat or shooting attack. Excess attack dice are ignored (i.e. if the enemy operative is incapacitated before remaining attack dice are resolved).
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly MANDRAKE operative performs an action in which it moves. Until the end of the activation, that operative can move through parts of terrain features as if they were not there.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy after an enemy operative performs the Charge action, then the Fight action and selects a friendly MANDRAKE operative within shadow as the target for that combat. In the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, you are the attacker (i.e. you resolve the first hit). If both operatives have a rule with this effect (even if it’s from different army lists), it has no effect for both operatives.

Tac Ops

If your faction is MANDRAKE, you can use the Mandrake Tac Ops listed below, as specified in the mission sequence.

Mandrake – Faction Tac Op 1
Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point.
  • If a friendly MANDRAKE operative is activated within shadow, performs the Charge action, incapacitates an enemy operative in combat and ends that activation within shadow, you score 1VP.
  • If you achieve the first condition in any subsequent Turning Points, you score 1VP.
Mandrake – Faction Tac Op 2
Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point.
  • At the end of any Turning Point, if friendly MANDRAKE operatives control a terrain feature wholly within your opponent’s territory that has any parts with the Heavy trait, you score 1VP.
  • If you achieve the first condition with a different terrain feature at the end of any subsequent Turning Points, you score 1VP.
Friendly MANDRAKE operatives control such a terrain feature if the total APL of friendly MANDRAKE operatives within its shadow is greater than that of enemy operatives.
Mandrake – Faction Tac Op 3
Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point. When you do so, select one enemy operative.
  • At the end of any Turning Point (excluding the fourth), if a friendly MANDRAKE operative is Visible to and within of that enemy operative, you score 1VP.
  • If you achieve the first condition, and at the end of the battle that enemy operative has not been incapacitated, you score 1VP.

Spec Ops Rules

Below you will find a selection of rules for Spec Ops campaigns in which you have selected MANDRAKE as your faction keyword.

Battle Honours

Each time a MANDRAKE operative gains a Battle Honour, instead of determining one from its specialism, you can determine one from the Mandrake Specialist table below. You can either roll one D6 to randomly determine the Battle Honour (re-rolling if it isn’t suitable), or you can select an appropriate one. As with any Battle Honour, an operative cannot have the same one more than once (if a duplicate result is rolled, roll again until a different result is rolled).

D6Battle Honour
1From Any Shadow: While this operative is within of a Light part of a terrain feature that’s not lower than it, it’s within shadow.
2Twilight Paths: Each time this operative moves, as long as it finishes that move within shadow, you can ignore any or all modifiers to its Movement characteristic and it can FLY.
3Darkness Made Flesh: While this operative is within shadow and more than from the active operative, improve its invulnerable save by 1.
4Flitting Apparition: This operative can perform the Fall Back action for one less action point (to a minimum of 0AP).
5Hungering Horror: This operative can perform the Charge action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.
6Balerune Conjunction: In the Select Equipment step, you can equip this operative with a soul gem for 0EP. If you choose to pay the cost for the soul gem, this operative’s baleblast gains the Blast special rule for the battle instead.

Rare Equipment

Each time you would determine an item of rare equipment to add to your stash, if your faction is MANDRAKE, you can determine one from the table below instead of determining one from another source. To do so, you can either roll one D6 to randomly determine the rare equipment (re-rolling if it isn’t suitable), or you can select an appropriate one. As with any item of rare equipment, your stash cannot include more than one of each item (if a duplicate result is rolled, roll again until a different result is rolled).


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Spirit Syphon: Each time this operative incapacitates an enemy operative, you can select one friendly MANDRAKE operative within of this operative to regain a number of lost wounds equal to the incapacitated operative’s APL.


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Mirror of Miseries: Each time this operative incapacitates an enemy operative, you can select one other enemy operative within of the incapacitated operative to suffer a number of mortal wounds equal to the incapacitated operative’s APL.


The operative can perform the following action during the battle:


Select one enemy operative Visible to this operative. Until the end of the battle, each time this operative’s activation ends, that enemy operative suffers 1 mortal wound, or D3 mortal wounds if it’s within of this operative. This operative can only perform this action once, and cannot perform it while within Engagement Range of any other enemy operatives.


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Malevolent Visage: Once during each of this operative’s activations, you can select one enemy operative Visible to it. Until the start of this operative’s next activation or until this operative is incapacitated (whichever comes first), if no other enemy operatives are within Engagement Range of this operative, your opponent cannot re-roll attack or defence dice for the enemy operative you selected.


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Shroud-glyph: Defence dice automatically retained for this operative as a result of Cover and the Gloaming Shroud Strategic Ploy are critical saves.


Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of the operative’s melee weapons for the battle (to a maximum of 5).

Strategic Assets

Each time you would add a strategic asset to your base of operations, if your faction is MANDRAKE, you can select one from the list below instead of selecting one from another source. As with any strategic asset, you can never have more than one of each.


Each Ghost-glass Obelisk is a unique amalgam of flowing stone, barbed metal and mirrored glass as dark as the deepest abyss, yet all serve the same dread purpose. They are portals to Aelindrach from which Mandrakes may creep, and into which they drag their doomed victims.

One additional friendly MANDRAKE operative can perform the Shadow Passage action each Turning Point.


Fashioned from the crystalline occular orb of a tortured Threnorachnid, this device allows a form of sinister scrying. With it the bearer may observe their prey through any reflective surface, prying uninvited into the secrets of those who believe themselves unobserved.

At the end of the Select a Kill Team step, add 1 additional Command point to your pool.


An especially vital mortal soul may be trapped within the Casket of Agonies, where it is gradually distilled into an oily elixir restorative for the dark denizens of Aelindrach.

Once after each battle, if the casket has a soul, you can remove the soul to automatically pass a Recovery test or re-roll a failed Casualty test. At the start of the Update Dataslates step, if the casket doesn’t have a soul, but a friendly MANDRAKE operative incapacitated an enemy operative within its Engagement Range and was not itself incapacitated during the battle, you can add a soul to the casket. The casket has a soul when added to your base of operations, and it can never have more than one.


In a Spec Ops campaign, if your faction is MANDRAKE, you can use the following Requisitions in addition to those presented in other sources.


It is impossible for their victims to predict what may draw the spiteful regard of the Mandrakes. Some may owe a debt, perhaps one they do not even realise is theirs to pay Others may have simply peered into the wrong shadow at the worst possible moment, crossed some threshold they should not have or caught the creatures' malevolent attention while fighting for their lives on the battlefield. Once this curse descends upon them, such questions are quickly eclipsed by the simple and desperate need to survive.

Purchase this Requisition after losing a game. Make a note of the Faction keyword of the enemy kill team in that battle; that faction is cursed. In each battle against a cursed faction, when rolling off to determine initiative for each Turning Point, you can re-roll your dice. If you win a game against a cursed faction, they are no longer cursed and the benefit ends. Alternatively, after taking Casualty tests in the Update Dataslates step of a game, you can choose for the curse to end, in which case the benefit ends and all operatives on your dataslate that did not fail a Casualty test suffer the Cerebral Affliction Battle Scar. You can only curse one faction at a time.

Many are the reasons that the desperate, the unwise or the perilously arrogant strike deals with the Mandrakes. Such pacts may draw these beings away from their hunt for a time, yet they always return, often strengthened by the esoteric payment they have exacted.

Purchase this Requisition before or after a game. Select one friendly MANDRAKE operative from your dataslate to fulfil a pact. In the Update Dataslates step of each game, if that operative was not selected for deployment, you can roll one D6 (if you do, you cannot take a Recovery test for that operative and do not add 1 to its Rested tally). On a 3+, that operative gains 1XP. If an operative fulfilling a pact is selected for deployment or gains a rank, it’s no longer fulfilling a pact and the benefit ends.

Slipping back through dimensional veils like blades temporarily sheathed, the Mandrakes lurk for a time amidst Aelindrach's twisted shadows before emerging to hunt again.

Purchase this Requisition before or after a game. Take a Recovery test for each friendly MANDRAKE operative on your dataslate.

Spec Ops

Each time you would select a Spec Op for your kill team to be assigned to, if your faction is MANDRAKE, you can select one from those found below instead of selecting one from another source.

A Deal with Darkness

Having spoken the right words and made the correct offerings, a band of warriors have conjured the Mandrakes of Aelindrach and sent them to complete the mission that should have been theirs. Little do they grasp the forces they have set in motion, nor the true extent of the price they will pay for their hubris.


A reign of terror spreads as the Mandrakes set about completing the tasks they have agreed to perform.

Randomly determine three Tac Ops from those available to one of your faction’s archetypes. Complete five games in which you scored victory points from any of those Tac Ops.


Now comes the moment when the Mandrakes take what they are due from those who unwisely roused them.

Complete a game in which you scored victory points from the ‘Capture Hostage & Infiltrate’ Tac Op.


For the purposes of a mission’s Spec Ops bonus, this Spec Op is considered an ‘Honour-bound’ Spec Op.

Living Nightmare

Who can say why the Mandrakes have come, what sinister pact or cruel whim saw them choose this place, this time, this hunting ground as their own. Knowing would not help those they have chosen as their prey. Victim by victim soul by soul, the Mandrakes reap their tally and work towards their final, monstrous goal.


The Mandrakes bleed their victims of will and hope as they might let blood from a helpless animal.

Complete five games in which you scored victory points from the ‘Death from Darkness’, ‘Shadow’s Reach’ and/or ‘Haunting Manifestation’ Tac Ops.


What horrors the Mandrakes have worked upon their chosen victim are beyond mortal imaginings. As they bring the screaming husk forward, balefire blazes about it in a halo, acting as a clear mark of their victory.

Complete a game in which you scored victory points from the ‘Plant Banner’ Tac Op.

  • You gain one Requisition point.
  • You can distribute up to 5XP across the other operatives on your dataslate.
  • The friendly operative that scored you victory points from the ‘Plant Banner’ Tac Op earns 5XP (this is not affected by a passed Casualty test).

For the purposes of a mission’s Spec Ops bonus, this Spec Op is considered a ‘Perform Ritual’ Spec Op.


MANDRAKE operatives in your kill team can be equipped with equipment from this list, as specified in the mission sequence. Any equipment marked with a + can be selected a maximum of once, and each operative can be equipped with no more than one of each item.


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Chain Snare: While only one enemy operative is within Engagement Range of this operative, that enemy operative is snared. Each time a snared enemy operative would perform the Fall Back action, roll one D6, subtracting 1 if that enemy operative has a higher Wounds characteristic than this operative, and adding 1 if that enemy operative is injured. On a 4+ that enemy operative cannot perform that action, but no action points are subtracted.


The operative can perform the following action during the battle:


Select one objective marker within of this operative. Until the end of the battle, when determining control of that objective marker, if this operative is in the killzone, treat enemy operatives’ total APL as being 1 less. This operative can only perform this action once.


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Shadow Glyph: While this operative has a Conceal order, it’s always treated as having a Conceal order, regardless of any other rules (e.g. Vantage Point).


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Spectral Essence: Each time this operative performs the Dash action, it can move an additional for that action.


Select a baleblast the operative is equipped with. That weapon gains the Blast special rule for the battle.


The operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon for the battle:
Bone darts
Special Rules
Rng , Limited, Silent


Mandrake Nightfiend

The Nightfiend’s presence is enough to freeze prey with terror. Those who do fight back find their best efforts deflected to the tormented souls trapped in the oubliex fetishes hung about the Nightfiend’s neck - the damned gheists suffering in place of the monster that slew them.

Mandrake Nightfiend

The Nightfiend’s presence is enough to freeze prey with terror. Those who do fight back find their best efforts deflected to the tormented souls trapped in the oubliex fetishes hung about the Nightfiend’s neck - the damned gheists suffering in place of the monster that slew them.

3 2 1 3 6+ 9 28mm
Special Rules
Lethal 5+. !StunLethal 5+Stun
Harrowing Whispers: Each time your opponent would activate a ready enemy operative within of this operative, you can roll one D6. If the result is greater than that enemy operative’s APL, they cannot activate it in this activation. If there are no other enemy operatives eligible to be activated, this ability has no effect.
Oubliex: At the start of each Turning Point, or if this operative incapacitates an enemy operative with its huskblade, its oubliex becomes active. While its oubliex is active, each time an attack dice would inflict damage on this operative, you can roll one D6: on a 5+, ignore the damage inflicted from that attack dice and this operative’s oubliex is no longer active.
Harrowing Whispers: Each time your opponent would activate a ready enemy operative within of this operative, you can roll one D6. If the result is greater than that enemy operative’s APL, they cannot activate it in this activation. If there are no other enemy operatives eligible to be activated, this ability has no effect.
Oubliex: At the start of each Turning Point, or if this operative incapacitates an enemy operative with its huskblade, its oubliex becomes active. While its oubliex is active, each time an attack dice would inflict damage on this operative, you can roll one D6: on a 5+, ignore the damage inflicted from that attack dice and this operative’s oubliex is no longer active.

Mandrake Abyssal

The Abyssals, it is said, have never stepped all the way out of Aelindrach. This allows them to act as conduits for the malign energies of that other realm. So empowered, the Abyssals gain unparalleled mastery of a leaping and furious form of balefire that is the terror of all.

Mandrake Abyssal

The Abyssals, it is said, have never stepped all the way out of Aelindrach. This allows them to act as conduits for the malign energies of that other realm. So empowered, the Abyssals gain unparalleled mastery of a leaping and furious form of balefire that is the terror of all.

3 2 1 3 6+ 8 28mm
Special Rules
Each time this weapon is selected to make a shooting attack with, select one of the profiles below to use:
Each time this weapon is selected to make a shooting attack with, select one of the profiles below to use:
 - Blast
 - Blast
Blast , SoulstrikeBlast , Soulstrike-
 - Burn
 - Burn
Lethal 5+, SoulstrikeLethal 5+, Soulstrike-
Glimmersteel blade
Glimmersteel blade
Lethal 5+Lethal 5+-
Balefire: Each time a friendly MANDRAKE operative makes a shooting attack against an enemy operative that has one of your Balefire tokens (see below), for that shooting attack, add 1 to both Damage characteristics of that friendly operative’s ranged weapons and they have the No Cover special rule. Each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly MANDRAKE operative that has one of your Balefire tokens, subtract 1 from both Damage characteristics of the enemy operative’s ranged weapons for that shooting attack (to a minimum of 1).
Wreath in Balefire (1AP): Select one operative Visible to this operative that doesn’t have one of your Balefire tokens. Until the start of this operative’s next activation or until this operative is incapacitated (whichever comes first), that selected operative gains one of your Balefire tokens. This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.
Balefire: Each time a friendly MANDRAKE operative makes a shooting attack against an enemy operative that has one of your Balefire tokens (see below), for that shooting attack, add 1 to both Damage characteristics of that friendly operative’s ranged weapons and they have the No Cover special rule. Each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly MANDRAKE operative that has one of your Balefire tokens, subtract 1 from both Damage characteristics of the enemy operative’s ranged weapons for that shooting attack (to a minimum of 1).
Wreath in Balefire (1AP): Select one operative Visible to this operative that doesn’t have one of your Balefire tokens. Until the start of this operative’s next activation or until this operative is incapacitated (whichever comes first), that selected operative gains one of your Balefire tokens. This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.

Mandrake Chooser of the Flesh

These dread entities ritually claim the dismembered limbs of their victims, the cold fires of their baleblades leaving what remains as discarded and scorched husks.

Mandrake Chooser of the Flesh

These dread entities ritually claim the dismembered limbs of their victims, the cold fires of their baleblades leaving what remains as discarded and scorched husks.

3 2 1 3 6+ 8 28mm
Special Rules
Brutal, Lethal 5+. !Reap 2Brutal, Lethal 5+Reap 2
Soul Harvest: Each time an enemy operative is incapacitated as a result of this operative’s Part Collector ability or baleblade (including as a result of its Reap critical hit rule), add one of your Soul Harvest tokens to your pool, or two if that enemy operative had an APL characteristic of 3 or more. Each time a friendly MANDRAKE operative is activated, you can spend one of your Soul Harvest tokens to either add 1 to that operative’s APL until the end of the battle, or have it regain D6 lost wounds. You can spend your Soul Harvest tokens even if this operative has been incapacitated.
Part Collector: Each time an enemy operative performs the Fall Back action within Engagement Range of this operative, you can use this ability. If you do so, that enemy operative suffers D6 mortal wounds before it moves.
Soul Harvest: Each time an enemy operative is incapacitated as a result of this operative’s Part Collector ability or baleblade (including as a result of its Reap critical hit rule), add one of your Soul Harvest tokens to your pool, or two if that enemy operative had an APL characteristic of 3 or more. Each time a friendly MANDRAKE operative is activated, you can spend one of your Soul Harvest tokens to either add 1 to that operative’s APL until the end of the battle, or have it regain D6 lost wounds. You can spend your Soul Harvest tokens even if this operative has been incapacitated.
Part Collector: Each time an enemy operative performs the Fall Back action within Engagement Range of this operative, you can use this ability. If you do so, that enemy operative suffers D6 mortal wounds before it moves.

Mandrake Dirgemaw

Those marked by the Dirgemaw see its aspect all around them before it strikes, crawling ever closer through shadow and reflection. The wailing crescendo of its scream is the last thing such victims hear as it shreds their sanity and ruptures their souls.

Mandrake Dirgemaw

Those marked by the Dirgemaw see its aspect all around them before it strikes, crawling ever closer through shadow and reflection. The wailing crescendo of its scream is the last thing such victims hear as it shreds their sanity and ruptures their souls.

3 2 1 3 6+ 8 28mm
Special Rules
Horrifying scream
Horrifying scream
Rng , Indirect, Soulstrike. !MW2, StunRng , Indirect, SoulstrikeMW2, Stun
Glimmersteel blade
Glimmersteel blade
Lethal 5+Lethal 5+-
Haunting Focus: Once in each Strategy phase, when it’s your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you can use this ability instead. If you do so, select one enemy operative for this operative to focus on until the end of the Turning Point. When your opponent would activate that enemy operative, if this operative is ready, you can activate this operative first. If you do so, during that activation, you cannot select any other enemy operatives as targets for combats or shooting attacks made by this operative while that enemy operative is in the killzone.
Pareidolic Projection (1AP): Select one enemy operative within shadow or in this operative’s Line of Sight. Until the start of this operative’s next activation or until this operative is incapacitated (whichever comes first), that enemy operative is treated as being injured (regardless of any rules that say it cannot be injured), and its APL cannot be positively modified (remove any positive APL modifiers it has). This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of any other enemy operatives.
Haunting Focus: Once in each Strategy phase, when it’s your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you can use this ability instead. If you do so, select one enemy operative for this operative to focus on until the end of the Turning Point. When your opponent would activate that enemy operative, if this operative is ready, you can activate this operative first. If you do so, during that activation, you cannot select any other enemy operatives as targets for combats or shooting attacks made by this operative while that enemy operative is in the killzone.
Pareidolic Projection (1AP): Select one enemy operative within shadow or in this operative’s Line of Sight. Until the start of this operative’s next activation or until this operative is incapacitated (whichever comes first), that enemy operative is treated as being injured (regardless of any rules that say it cannot be injured), and its APL cannot be positively modified (remove any positive APL modifiers it has). This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of any other enemy operatives.

Mandrake Shadeweaver

Shadeweavers manipulate the stuff of darkness. They are able to leech away natural and artificial light alike, plunging areas into a cloying gloom that even hardened sensors cannot pierce. Twisting the penumbral threads of their weave, they deepen the darkness further until it bores tunnels through reality itself.

Mandrake Shadeweaver

Shadeweavers manipulate the stuff of darkness. They are able to leech away natural and artificial light alike, plunging areas into a cloying gloom that even hardened sensors cannot pierce. Twisting the penumbral threads of their weave, they deepen the darkness further until it bores tunnels through reality itself.

3 2 1 3 6+ 8 28mm
Special Rules
Glimmersteel blade
Glimmersteel blade
Lethal 5+Lethal 5+-
Shadow Portal: Any number of friendly MANDRAKE operatives can perform the Shadow Passage action each Turning Point if they start that action within of one of your Shadow Portal tokens, and finish that action within of the other (see Open Shadow Portal, below). This does not prevent one operative from performing the Shadow Passage action as normal. You can use this ability even if this operative has been incapacitated.
Open Shadow Portal (2AP): Remove your Shadow Portal tokens (if any). Perform a free Shadow Passage action with this operative. If you do so, before and after it moves, place one of your Shadow Portal tokens within of this operative.
Weave Darkness (1AP): Remove your Weave Darkness token (if any). Then place your Weave Darkness token in a location that is Visible to this operative, or on a Vantage Point of a terrain feature that is Visible to this operative (treat it as an intended target for the purposes of the Visibility line). That token creates an area of smoke with a radius and unlimited upward height (but not below). An operative is Obscured if every Cover line drawn to it crosses an area of smoke. This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. If this operative is incapacitated, remove its Weave Darkness token.
Shadow Portal: Any number of friendly MANDRAKE operatives can perform the Shadow Passage action each Turning Point if they start that action within of one of your Shadow Portal tokens, and finish that action within of the other (see Open Shadow Portal, below). This does not prevent one operative from performing the Shadow Passage action as normal. You can use this ability even if this operative has been incapacitated.
Open Shadow Portal (2AP): Remove your Shadow Portal tokens (if any). Perform a free Shadow Passage action with this operative. If you do so, before and after it moves, place one of your Shadow Portal tokens within of this operative.
Weave Darkness (1AP): Remove your Weave Darkness token (if any). Then place your Weave Darkness token in a location that is Visible to this operative, or on a Vantage Point of a terrain feature that is Visible to this operative (treat it as an intended target for the purposes of the Visibility line). That token creates an area of smoke with a radius and unlimited upward height (but not below). An operative is Obscured if every Cover line drawn to it crosses an area of smoke. This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. If this operative is incapacitated, remove its Weave Darkness token.

Mandrake Warrior

Crawling and flitting, the Mandrakes creep closer through the shadows with hateful scowls and hungry leers dancing across their inconstant features. Those who survive the impact of their soul freezing baleblasts soon fall prey to the slash of their glimmersteel blades.

Mandrake Warrior

Crawling and flitting, the Mandrakes creep closer through the shadows with hateful scowls and hungry leers dancing across their inconstant features. Those who survive the impact of their soul freezing baleblasts soon fall prey to the slash of their glimmersteel blades.

3 2 1 3 6+ 8 28mm
Special Rules
Glimmersteel blade
Glimmersteel blade
Lethal 5+Lethal 5+-
Shadow Warrior: While this operative is within shadow, add 1 to the Critical Damage characteristic of its glimmersteel blade.
Shadow Warrior: While this operative is within shadow, add 1 to the Critical Damage characteristic of its glimmersteel blade.
Within Shadow
An operative is within shadow if any of the following are true:
  • It’s within of a Heavy part of a terrain feature, and that part is not lower than it.
  • Any part of its base is underneath a Vantage Point.
  • It’s within of a Shadow Portal token (see SHADEWEAVER operative’s Open Shadow Portal action).
Engagement Range
Engagement Range is the zone of threat that operatives present to their enemies. Many rules in the game use Engagement Range, such as when moving and fighting. Engagement Range is mutual, therefore operatives are within each other’s Engagement Range if one of them is Visible to and within of the other.


If this operative is within shadow, perform a free Normal Move action with it, but instead of moving it, remove it from the killzone and set it back up again within shadow but not within Engagement Range nor Line of Sight of enemy operatives. It cannot make shooting attacks until the next Turning Point.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy after an enemy operative performs the Charge action, then the Fight action and selects a friendly MANDRAKE operative within shadow as the target for that combat. In the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, you are the attacker (i.e. you resolve the first hit). If both operatives have a rule with this effect (even if it’s from different army lists), it has no effect for both operatives.
Actions are categorised as follows:
  • Universal actions can be performed by all operatives. They are detailed below.
  • Unique actions are actions detailed on an operative’s datacard that only they can perform, such as the Dakka Dash action found on the example datacard.
  • Mission actions are specific to the mission you are playing, and will be detailed by that mission’s briefing. Missions can be found here (Open Play mission) and here (Spec Ops Narrative missions).
  • Free actions can only be performed when another rule specifies. Each time an operative would perform a free action, the following rules apply.
    • The operative can perform the action, so long as the requirements of the action are met.
    • The player does not subtract any additional AP to perform the action.
    • The operative would still count as performing the action for all rules purposes. For example, if it performed it during its activation, it would not be able to perform the action again during that activation.

For example, when a KOMMANDO DAKKA BOY performs a Dakka Dash action (see unique actions, above), it can perform a free Dash and free Shoot action without subtracting any additional AP (other than the AP spent on the Dakka Dash action). However, it is subject to those actions’ requirements, therefore it cannot perform the free Dash action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, and cannot perform the free Shoot action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives or has a Conceal order. In addition, for each of the free actions it performs, it cannot perform them again during its activation.
Invulnerable Save x+
Each time a shooting attack is made against an operative, the defender can use its invulnerable save instead of its normal Save characteristic. An invulnerable save is used like a normal Save characteristic, except that it cannot be modified in any way, and is not affected by any APx special rules (meaning the defender would use their normal Defence characteristic). x of the invulnerable save is the dice roll required for the defence dice to be successful, e.g. 4+.
Modifying Characteristics
Some rules will modify the characteristics of an operative and/or their weapons. All modifiers to a characteristic are cumulative.

If a characteristic refers to the result required when rolling a D6 (i.e. Save, Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill), the modifier will specify to improve or worsen the characteristic. As a lower result is a better characteristic, the modifier should be applied accordingly. For example, if a Ballistic Skill of 4+ is worsened by 1, it would be modified to a 5+.

If an operative’s APL is modified, it lasts until the end of its current or next activation (whichever comes first). Regardless of how many APL modifiers an operative is affected by, the total modification can never be more than -1 or +1 from its normal APL. For example, if an operative has an APL of 2, and two rules say to add 1 to the operative’s APL, until the end of its next activation it would have an APL of 3.
If an operative positions themselves in Cover, they will use it for protection while they have an Engage order, or hide behind it while they have a Conceal order. For an intended target to be in Cover, both of the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from the active operative.
  • The intended target is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses another operative’s base (unless that other operative is not itself in the active operative’s LoS), or a terrain feature that provides Cover (see Terrain Traits).

Note that an intended target that has an Engage order can gain a defensive benefit for being in Cover as specified in the shooting sequence.

To establish Cover lines, the active operative’s controlling player draws imaginary straight lines, 1mm wide, from any part of the active operative’s base to every part of the intended target’s base.
For an intended target to be Visible, the following must be true:
  • You can draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line (known as a Visibility line) 1 mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to any part of the miniature of the intended target (not its base).
In the rare instance that bases or parts of the active operative’s miniature prevent an intended target from being Visible to the active operative, such as when the active operative is directly below or above the intended target, treat those bases and parts as being invisible.

Some rare rules will require you to select a point that is Visible (e.g. a point on the killzone). In such circumstances, you must be able to draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line 1mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to the point you would select.
Each time an operative makes any kind of move, if it has the FLY keyword, it can move around, across and over other operatives (and their bases) as if they were not there, but must finish its move following all requirements specified by that move, and cannot finish its move on top of other operatives (or their bases).
Blast x
Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action and selects this weapon (or, in the case of profiles, this weapon’s profile), after making the shooting attack against the target, make a shooting attack with this weapon (using the same profile) against each other operative Visible to and within X of the original target – each of them is a valid target and cannot be in Cover. X is the distance after the weapon’s Blast, e.g. Blast . An operative cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch action.

  1. An operative performs a Shoot action, selects a ranged weapon with the Blast special rule, and selects operative A as the target.
  2. After making the shooting attack against operative A, it makes a shooting attack against operative B, determining if it is a valid target as if operative A was making the shooting attack.
  3. It cannot make a shooting attack against operative C, as when determining if it is a valid target in this manner, operative C is not Visible to operative A due to the terrain feature between them.


Select a baleblast the operative is equipped with. That weapon gains the Blast special rule for the battle.
Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly MANDRAKE operative within shadow, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, you can retain one as a successful normal save without rolling it (in addition to Cover, if any).
Infiltration – Tac Op
You can reveal this Tac Op when an enemy operative is incapacitated by a friendly operative within of it, and that friendly operative is more than from other enemy operatives.
  • Remove that friendly operative from the killzone and you score 1VP.
  • If you achieve the first condition and it is the third or fourth Turning Point, you score 1VP.
Mandrake – Faction Tac Op 1
Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point.
  • If a friendly MANDRAKE operative is activated within shadow, performs the Charge action, incapacitates an enemy operative in combat and ends that activation within shadow, you score 1VP.
  • If you achieve the first condition in any subsequent Turning Points, you score 1VP.
Mandrake – Faction Tac Op 2
Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point.
  • At the end of any Turning Point, if friendly MANDRAKE operatives control a terrain feature wholly within your opponent’s territory that has any parts with the Heavy trait, you score 1VP.
  • If you achieve the first condition with a different terrain feature at the end of any subsequent Turning Points, you score 1VP.
Friendly MANDRAKE operatives control such a terrain feature if the total APL of friendly MANDRAKE operatives within its shadow is greater than that of enemy operatives.
Mandrake – Faction Tac Op 3
Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point. When you do so, select one enemy operative.
  • At the end of any Turning Point (excluding the fourth), if a friendly MANDRAKE operative is Visible to and within of that enemy operative, you score 1VP.
  • If you achieve the first condition, and at the end of the battle that enemy operative has not been incapacitated, you score 1VP.
Actions are categorised as follows:
  • Universal actions can be performed by all operatives. They are detailed below.
  • Unique actions are actions detailed on an operative’s datacard that only they can perform, such as the Dakka Dash action found on the example datacard.
  • Mission actions are specific to the mission you are playing, and will be detailed by that mission’s briefing. Missions can be found here (Open Play mission) and here (Spec Ops Narrative missions).
  • Free actions can only be performed when another rule specifies. Each time an operative would perform a free action, the following rules apply.
    • The operative can perform the action, so long as the requirements of the action are met.
    • The player does not subtract any additional AP to perform the action.
    • The operative would still count as performing the action for all rules purposes. For example, if it performed it during its activation, it would not be able to perform the action again during that activation.

For example, when a KOMMANDO DAKKA BOY performs a Dakka Dash action (see unique actions, above), it can perform a free Dash and free Shoot action without subtracting any additional AP (other than the AP spent on the Dakka Dash action). However, it is subject to those actions’ requirements, therefore it cannot perform the free Dash action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, and cannot perform the free Shoot action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives or has a Conceal order. In addition, for each of the free actions it performs, it cannot perform them again during its activation.
Security – Tac Op
After selecting this Tac Op, secretly select one friendly operative to be carrying your Banner token. Reveal this Tac Op when that operative drops your Banner token. When you do, until the end of the battle, the Pick Up action can be performed by friendly operatives upon your Banner token.
  • At the end of the battle, if your Banner token is within of but not wholly within your opponent’s drop zone, you score 1VP.
  • At the end of the battle, if your Banner token is wholly within your opponent’s drop zone, you score 2VP.
Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while within of the centre of an opponent’s Banner token. Remove that Banner token from the killzone. An operative cannot perform this action while within of enemy operatives.
Rng x
Range. Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, only operatives within x are a valid target, x is the distance after the weapon’s Rng, e.g. Rng . All other rules for selecting a valid target still apply.
This weapon can only be selected for use once per battle. If the weapon has a special rule that would allow it to make more than one shooting attack for an action (e.g. Blast), make each of those attacks as normal.
While an operative has a Conceal order, it can perform Shoot actions if this is the ranged weapon (or weapon profile) that is selected for the shooting attack(s).

The balefire hurled by the Mandrakes burns cold and fierce, fed by the tinder of their victims’ life force and animus. Conventional armour offers little protection against this insidious force.

MANDRAKE operatives have ranged weapons with the Soulstrike special rule. Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with such a weapon, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, successful saves are determined differently:
  • Invulnerable saves cannot be used.
  • Each result that is equal to or less than the target’s APL is a successful save and is retained.
  • Each result that is higher than the target’s APL is discarded.
  • Each retained result of 1 is a critical save.

Designer’s Note: Many rules in this army list refer to an enemy operative’s APL. This would be the APL at the time the rule takes effect (i.e. including modifiers).
Lethal x
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, your attack dice results of equal to or greater than x that are successful hits are critical hits, x is the number after the weapon’s Lethal, e.g. Lethal 5+.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, subtract 1 from the target’s APL. Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat:
  • The first time you strike with a critical hit, select one of your opponent’s normal hits from that combat to be discarded
  • The second time you strike with a critical hit, subtract 1 from the target’s APL.

The MANDRAKE keyword is used in the following Mandrake datacards:

The AELDARI keyword is used in the following Mandrake datacards:

The DRUKHARI keyword is used in the following Mandrake datacards:

No Cover
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, for that shooting attack, defence dice cannot be automatically retained as a result of Cover (they must be rolled instead).
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, your opponent can only parry with critical hits.
Reap x
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, if you strike with a critical hit, inflict x mortal wounds on each other enemy operative Visible to the friendly operative and within of it or the target operative, x is the number after the weapon’s Reap (e.g. Reap 1).
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the select valid target step of that shooting attack, enemy operatives are not in Cover.
Mortal wounds. Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the roll attack dice step of that shooting attack, for each critical hit retained, inflict x mortal wounds on the target, x is the number after the weapon’s MW, e.g. MW3.
Regardless of whether a target operative has an Engage or Conceal order, if an Obscuring terrain feature is in the way, an active operative may be unable to have LoS to them. For an intended target to be Obscured, the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from a point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature that is Obscuring (see Terrain Traits). However, if the active operative is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature that is Obscuring, that part of the terrain feature is not treated as Obscuring.

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