

BookKindEditionVersionLast update
  Kill Team: Salvation
  Kill Team: SalvationExpansion2December 2023
  The Balance Dataslate
  The Balance DataslateRulebook2Q2 2024June 2024

Critical Operations: Salvation Mission Pack

Below, you will find nine missions from the Critical Operations: Salvation mission pack. They are symmetrical missions, meaning that both players have matching mission rules and mission objectives. The scoring parameters of the mission objectives vary across the mission pack, therefore having an expansive roster will allow you to select the right operatives for the mission at hand. The missions have been designed so that tactical play is rewarded. As such, they are suited to matched play, but can be used with any of the three ways to play.

The missions use Killzone: Bheta-Decima and Killzone: Salvation to supplement it. The location of terrain features are specified. Use the mission map to help you determine the location of terrain features, ensuring they align with key points on the map such as drop zones, hazardous areas and the grid overlay.

To randomly determine a Critical Operations: Salvation mission, one player rolls one D3 to determine one of the tables below, then the other player rolls one D3 to determine the mission from that table.

Leap of Faith

Operatives cross the gap between different gantries (i.e. ones that aren’t connected) by jumping (see the Kill Team Core Book). Yellow lines on the mission map indicate the terrain features where operatives can do this to and from. When setting up the killzone, ensure the related gantries are the right distance from one another (about ) so operatives can jump.

Mission Map Key

Player A’s Drop Zone & Territory
Player A’s Territory
Player A’s Killzone Edge
Player B’s Drop Zone & Territory
Player B’s Territory
Player B’s Killzone Edge
Hazardous Area
Centre Line
Neutral Killzone Edge
Objective Marker

Barospheric Inducer
Barospheric Inducer
Reciprocating Engine

Mission 1.1

Loot the Rig

Much of the myriad machinery that make up rig apparatus can be salvaged from the structure by a kill team, who can repurpose the materials for their own ends or trade them for much needed supplies.

Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while it controls a rig apparatus terrain feature that has not been looted during this Turning Point. If it does so, that terrain feature has been looted this Turning Point.

Each time a friendly operative performs the Loot action, you score 1VP.

Mission 1.2

Secure Machinery

Every piece of apparatus within the rig complex can yield some advantage to opportunistic and resourceful kill teams. Even should a force have no desire to utilise one element, denying the foe of it is a victory in itself.

Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while it controls a rig apparatus terrain feature. Until the enemy kill team secure that rig apparatus terrain feature, that terrain feature is secured by your kill team.

At the end of the battle, for each rig apparatus terrain feature secured by your kill team, you score 3VPs.

Mission 1.3

Capture Highpoint

This facility offers a commanding vantage point over the wider area, as well as safety from the frothing, dangerous waves of the ocean below. As such, it is prime territory for all manner of kill teams.

Capture: At the end of each Turning Point (before determining victory points), each objective marker that friendly operatives control is captured by your kill team. While an objective marker is captured by your kill team, it stays under their control, even if no friendly operatives are within of it. If any enemy operatives control that objective marker following the normal rules for controlling objective markers, it is no longer captured by your kill team.

At the end of each Turning Point, for each objective marker captured by your kill team, you score 1VP.

Mission 2.1

Secure Research

Many Tech-Magi of the Adeptus Mechanicus established their own research posts amidst large rig-complexes on Bheta-Decima. As the planet falls apart, many such posts lie open — abandoned or already stormed. Those as yet untouched are likely to house rare artefacts or priceless information.

Collect: The Pick Up action can be performed upon Alpha objective markers.

At the end of each Turning Point:
  • For each rig apparatus terrain feature friendly operatives control, you score 1VP.
  • For each Alpha objective marker friendly operatives control, you score 2VPs.

Mission 2.2

Extract and Control

Weapons, relics and strange devices have been thrown into the depths of Bheta-Decima’s warp-corrupted oceans as rigs having been ripped from their anchor points and cast into the roiling waves. The most daring kill teams move to discover these objects and raise them to the surface for retrieval.

Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while it controls a Rotary Converter
or Microgeneratorum
terrain feature that has not been operated during this Turning Point. If it does so, that terrain feature has been operated this Turning Point.

Resource Extraction: Keep track of extraction points for the battle (we recommend a dice). Each time an operative performs the Operate Apparatus action, add 1 to the extraction points.

Each time a friendly operative performs the Operate Apparatus action, you score 1VP (to a maximum of 6VPs per player).

At the end of the battle, if friendly operatives control the Alpha objective marker, you score a number of victory points equal to the number of extraction points (to a maximum of 6VPs per player).

Mission 2.3

Gain Vantage

The area is surrounded by thick mist and ravaged by raging storms. Navigating through the Labyrinthine Adeptus Mechanicus structures is all but impossible in such conditions. By seizing high ground, kill teams may be able to see what structures lie ahead and discover a route through them.

Operatives can perform the following mission actions:


An operative can perform this action while it’s on a gantry terrain feature’s Vantage Point that does not have one of your Vantage tokens on it. If it does so, place one of your Vantage tokens on that gantry terrain feature’s Vantage Point.


An operative can perform this action while it controls the Reciprocating Engine
terrain feature, if that terrain feature hasn’t been operated during this Turning Point. If it does so, remove one of your opponent’s Vantage tokens, and that terrain feature has been operated this Turning Point.

At the end of the battle:
  • For each of your Vantage tokens in the killzone, you score 2VPs.
  • If friendly operatives control the Reciprocating Engine
    terrain feature, you score 2VPs.

Mission 3.1

Drain Power

Flickers of power surge intermittently through this facility. Kill teams who secure the station’s external connection points take what energy they can for themselves, to aid their continuing operations.

Power Surge: After determining Attacker and Defender, starting with the Defender, each player alternates selecting an objective marker and numbering it 2, 3 or 4. Each objective marker must have a different number. Make a note of each selection, either by using objective markers that are numbered as appropriate, or with a dice. Whilst an objective marker’s number matches the Turning Point number, that objective marker is an Alpha objective marker.

Capture: At the end of each Turning Point (before determining victory points), each objective marker friendly operatives control is captured by your kill team. While an objective marker is captured by your kill team, it stays under their control, even if no friendly operatives are within of it. If any enemy operatives control that objective marker following the normal rules for controlling objective markers, it is no longer captured by your kill team.

At the end of each Turning Point after the first:
  • For each non-Alpha objective marker captured by your kill team, you score 1VP.
  • For each Alpha objective marker captured by your kill team, you score 3VPs.

Mission 3.2

Secure Rig

Kill teams have discovered an operational rig facility. The rig is stable, strong, defensible and holding up well to the area’s relentless storms and hungering macro-fauna. It is an ideal location to use as a base, once secured.

Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while it controls an objective marker. Until the enemy kill team secures that objective marker, that objective marker is secured by your kill team.

At the end of each Turning Point, for each objective marker secured by your kill team, you score 1VP.

Mission 3.3

Operate Facility

Dormant, this facility was swiftly abandoned after the Gallowdark’s wreckage crashed into Bheta-Decima. Largely untouched, stockpiles of resources, weapons and other materiel lie within. By operating the facility machinery, kill teams can gain access to the potential treasure troves inside.

Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while it controls a Rotary Converter
or Reciprocating Engine
terrain feature that has not been operated during this Turning Point. If it does so, that terrain feature has been operated this Turning Point, and that operative’s player selects the Alpha, Beta or Gamma objective marker to be active until the start of the next Turning Point.

At the end of each Turning Point after the first, for each Alpha, Beta or Gamma objective marker friendly operatives control, you score 1VP, or 2VPs if that objective marker is active.

Bheta-Decima Infiltration

Bheta-Decima is falling apart. Anarchy reigns as Tech-Priests flee the planet in droves and aliens, heretics, mutants and beasts rampage all over the planet’s warp-polluted and wreckage-riven surface. Amidst the rampant disorder, there is still much to be gained for those with the sheer will and ferocity to fight. Many kill teams stalk the shattered landscape, hunting targets for assassination, stealing secrets, kidnapping persons of importance and recovering precious artefacts, all while navigating their way through the perils that abound across Bheta-Decima.

A Bheta-Decima infiltration is a map-based campaign system used alongside your games of Kill Team. Players will need to play games of Kill Team and secure intel while avoiding the planet’s many hazards.


This campaign is designed to be used alongside a narrative play Spec Ops campaign. Players can participate with their kill team instead of conducting a Spec Op (they should make a note of ‘Bheta-Decima infiltration’ in the Spec Ops log of their dataslate). If their kill team is currently assigned to a Spec Op, they must abort it to participate in this campaign. This campaign is considered a Spec Op for the purposes of faction Spec Ops rules.

In matched play, this campaign can instead be used to provide an additional layer of interactivity between games. Just be clear which type of play you are using, as it’s best if all players use the same way to play during the campaign.

A Bheta-Decima infiltration is best run with a Campaign Master. This is a heroic individual who takes on the mobilisation and organisation of the campaign so the other players can focus on playing games. A Campaign Master is a privileged position that offers a degree of leadership to the individual who takes on the role. Its primary purpose is to facilitate a smooth and enjoyable experience for all players involved. A Campaign Master can indeed play in the campaign themselves. Below we will specify optional guidance for the Campaign Master in this italicised format.

The Campaign Master should gather together a group of 3-6 players (ideally an even number, but there’s some guidance in the Battle phase for playing with an odd number). Each player should commit to playing six games, and everyone should aim to play an equal number of games to provide an equal chance of achieving victory.

The Campaign Master should then think about how regularly the group will play. The campaign could be played over an epic weekend of gaming, it could be split over six weeks (one campaign round per week), or any other format that suits the group. The Campaign Master should chat to the players to organise a suitable schedule and ensure each player can commit to the requirements of the campaign.

Setting Up

A Bheta-Decima infiltration requires a campaign map:

An experienced Campaign Master can create their own map to suit their narrative setting, be that digital or drawn etc.

Important information is recorded on the map using removable tokens. The Campaign Master should make sure the map is accurate and up to date, and that players are informed of all token locations. You will need tokens for the following:

Progress Tokens

Each player needs a unique Progress token to mark where their kill team is on the campaign map. Tac Ops tokens (shown below) can be used, just make sure each player has a different one.

Intel Tokens

Various locations need tokens to indicate intel is present in that location. They are needed in two colours. Injured tokens (shown right) can be used, with blue tokens representing 1 Intel point and red tokens representing 2 Intel points.

The amount, location and type of Intel tokens depends on the number of players in the campaign, as specified in the table below.

The Campaign Master is free to change the amount, location and type of Intel tokens, particularly in subsequent campaigns. This will encourage players to explore different locations. Just make sure they are fairly spread across the map so they don’t favour a particular starting location too heavily.

3 Players4 Players
5 Players6 Players

Hazard Tokens

The players will place Hazard tokens on the map as the campaign progresses. They indicate hazard effects for kill teams in that location, and also slow teams down. They are needed in two colours. Activation tokens (shown below) can be used, with the grey and orange sides showing the two different stages of the hazard.

You can create your own tokens, especially Progress tokens, perhaps by painting them in their respective kill team’s colours and/or using transfers (decals) to brand them. In either case, reusable tack adhesive can fix tokens to the campaign map. Alternatively, if you attach a copy of the map to a foam or cork board, you can use flags instead of tokens. These can be made with toothpicks and labels.

Once all the resources have been gathered, each player rolls one D6. The player with the highest result is first, the player with the second highest result is second, and so on (if two or more players have a tied result, those players keep rolling until an order is established between them). Starting with the first player and proceeding down the order, each player should place their Progress token in a location marked with a
that no other Progress token is in. Choose wisely, as it will determine the starting route a player’s kill team will take on the map, and what objectives they can more easily reach.

Campaign Rounds

A Bheta-Decima infiltration consists of six campaign rounds. Each campaign round involves the following phases:

Movement Phase
  1. Players secretly note down a location to move their kill team to. Adjacent, or two locations away if no Hazard tokens are in either of the two locations.
  2. Players reveal and resolve their moves.
Battle Phase
  1. Players each play a game of Kill Team. Players with Progress tokens in the same location should play each other.
  2. Winning players gain 1 Intel point.
Action Phase
  1. Players secretly note down a campaign action.
  2. Players reveal and resolve their campaign actions.
Hazard Phase
  1. Apply the hazard effect to each player whose kill team is in a location with a hazard.
  2. Remove orange Hazard tokens.
  3. Change grey Hazard tokens to orange.
  4. Players place three grey Hazard tokens.
Movement Phase
  1. Players secretly note down a location to move their kill team to. Adjacent, or two locations away if no Hazard tokens are in either of the two locations.
  2. Players reveal and resolve their moves.
Battle Phase
  1. Players each play a game of Kill Team. Players with Progress tokens in the same location should play each other.
  2. Winning players gain 1 Intel point.
Action Phase
  1. Players secretly note down a campaign action.
  2. Players reveal and resolve their campaign actions.
Hazard Phase
  1. Apply the hazard effect to each player whose kill team is in a location with a hazard.
  2. Remove orange Hazard tokens.
  3. Change grey Hazard tokens to orange.
  4. Players place three grey Hazard tokens.

Movement Phase

  1. Each player secretly makes note of a location to move their kill team to (e.g. E5, G9, etc.). This can be an adjacent location; or it can be two locations away if neither the intended location nor an adjacent location used to get there contains a Hazard token.
  2. All players reveal their locations simultaneously and move their Progress tokens to that location. If they can’t move there (i.e. if they’ve made a mistake counting locations), they move it as close as possible to that location.

  3. If the players aren’t together during the Movement phase, they can instead let the Campaign Master know their intended locations. The Campaign Master then reveals it, moves the tokens and informs the players of each kill team’s new location.

    In this example, the Progress token could move into any of the green locations, but none of the orange locations. It could move into the adjacent location with the Hazard token, but could not move through it.

Battle Phase

  1. The players now play a game of Kill Team each. Players with Progress tokens in the same location should play each other (if it’s three or four players, this can be a multiplayer battle). Otherwise, each player can play any other player, regardless of the distance between their Progress tokens - imagine kill teams raiding various locations of the map as appropriate.

    The Campaign Master can organise the Battle phase to ensure each player gets a game, and they can even specify missions to tell a particular narrative. Similarly, they can let the players arrange games themselves, allowing the campaign to progress naturally with plenty of friendly rivalries to go with it. When preparing the campaign, they should have a chat with the players beforehand to determine which is the most appropriate way of organising this phase for the group.

  2. The winner of each game gains 1 Intel point. Keep track of how many Intel points each player has, as this will determine the overall winner of the campaign.

    If a player doesn’t have a game in the Battle phase, e.g. if the campaign has an odd number of players, one player will have to play an additional game in the Battle phase. When this happens, the player playing twice can only gain a maximum of 1 Intel point in the phase, even if they win both games.

Action Phase

  1. Each player secretly makes note of a campaign action they wish to do from those presented below.
  2. All players reveal their campaign actions and resolve them simultaneously.

    If your kill team is in a location with an Intel token, and no other kill teams are in that location, you can secure intel. Remove the Intel token and you gain 1 Intel point for a blue token or 2 Intel points for a red token.

    If your kill team is in a location with an Intel token, and other kill teams are also in that location, you can capture intel if you won a game against them in the preceding Battle phase. Remove the Intel token and you gain 1 Intel point for a blue token or 2 Intel points for a red token.

    If your kill team is in a location with other kill teams, you can steal intel from one of them if you played a game against that kill team in the preceding Battle phase and scored 2VPs from the Recover Item Tac Op (see the Critical Ops Card Pack 2022) or Retrieval Tac Op (see the Kill Team Core Book) in that game. Steal 1 Intel point from that player. You cannot steal any they gained in this campaign round. Note that Tac Ops are not used in multiplayer games, so you cannot perform this campaign action after a multiplayer game.

    Move your kill team to an adjacent location. You cannot move them out of or into a location that contains a Hazard token.

    At the start of your next game, add 1CP to your pool.

  3. The validity of an action is determined when it is revealed, before any actions are resolved. For example, if two teams are in the same location and one player selects the Scout Ahead action while the other selects the Secure Intel action, then the Scout Ahead action can be resolved but the Secure Intel action cannot, as another kill team is in that location at the time of reveal.

Hazard Phase

  1. Apply the hazard effect to each player whose kill team is in a location with a hazard token. If it’s the first time a hazard effect would be applied for that location during the campaign, the Campaign Master rolls one D6, consults the table below and makes a note of the result for that location (e.g. E8 - Riot). If that location already has a hazard effect determined for it, apply the same effect again.

    The table below has effects for both narrative play and matched play. The Campaign Master is free to decide which to use, or for a more challenging campaign they can use both!

    D6HazardNarrative Play EffectMatched Play Effect

    Bheta-Decima’s surface is rife with beasts unleashed from the Gallowdark’s wreckage, mutated by the terrible effects of the warp and seeking unsuspecting prey.

    Select D3 operatives on your dataslate. They each gain 1 Battle Scar.Select D3 operatives on your roster. They cannot be selected for deployment in your next game of the campaign (this can mean you play with less operatives than normal).
    2Industrial Accident

    Promethium explosions, collapsing gantries and failing power all take their toll on the kill team’s network of support systems.

    Remove one strategic asset from your dataslate. You cannot add it again during this campaign. If you don’t have a strategic asset on your dataslate, you don’t suffer the effect of this hazard this time.In the Select a Kill Team step of the next game of the campaign, you don’t add any Command points to your pool (you still gain them by other means, i.e. one in each Strategy phase).

    As anarchy spreads over Bheta-Decima, the strict enforcement of law and order has collapsed. The ransacking of vital supplies is now the aim of ruthless and desperate souls in their efforts to stay alive.

    You must roll two D6 and remove equipment from your stash with a combined equipment points total equal to or greater than the total result of both dice. If you don’t have enough equipment, remove as much as you can.You must roll two D6. In the next game of the campaign, subtract the total result from the points worth of equipment you can select for the battle.

    Kill teams must expend much effort to avoid the rampaging warbands of xenos, Beastmen, mutants and heretics across Bheta-Decima.

    You lose 1RP. If you don’t have any, then you don’t gain one for completing your next game of the campaign.You either cannot use Strategic Ploys or you cannot use Tactical Ploys (your choice) in the next game of the campaign.
    5Falling Debris

    Wreckage continually breaks off the remains of the Gallowdark In Bheta-Decima’s orbit, resulting in a continuous rain of warp-corrupted debris. This can severely hamper a kill team’s movements, or stop them dead.

    In the next Movement phase of the campaign, your kill team can move no more than one location away from their current location.In your next game of the campaign, you never have the initiative; in a multiplayer game, you cannot be of a higher player order than players who don’t have this hazard effect. If all players in that game have this hazard effect, it has no effect on that game.
    6Hazard Avoided

    The kill team use guile and stealth to successfully navigate around the hazard.

    No effect.No effect.
  2. Remove all orange Hazard tokens from the campaign map.
  3. Change all grey Hazard tokens to orange.
  4. Three grey Hazard tokens are placed in locations on the map, and the Campaign Master records where they are. They cannot be placed in locations that currently contain or previously contained a Hazard token. In a three player campaign, each player places one token. In a campaign with more than three players, the three players with the least amount of Intel points place one token each (if there are any ties, randomise who places tokens between the tied players). When the relevant players are placing Hazard tokens, the player with the most Intel points places first (again, randomising between the tied players if there are any).

    If the Campaign Master is using a copy of the campaign map, they can mark locations that gain a Hazard token so that, even when they’re removed, the players know which locations previously contained one. If the Campaign Master is using the campaign map in the book, they can make a separate note of which locations gain a Hazard token.

Ending the Campaign

At the end of the sixth campaign round, the campaign comes to an end. Rank players based on the number of Intel points they have. If players are tied, the highest number of games won is the tiebreaker. If that is still a tie, the subsequently tied players share their rank. Players then select a number of commendations determined by both their rank and the number of players in the campaign:

3 players4 players5 players6 players

Players select commendations from the list below. If they can select more than one, they cannot select one they’ve already selected.

Killzone: Bheta-Decima

Killzone: Bheta-Decima is a killzone played on an area that uses the Hazardous Areas rules. Hazardous areas are on the gameboard and restrict movement and Line of Sight, so operatives must climb gantries and jump across them to get better positions on tightly contested Vantage Points.

Killzone: Bheta-Decima consists of the following terrain features, with their traits detailed below:


  • Gantry floors have the Accessible, Ledges and Vantage Point traits.
  • Gantry pillars have the Heavy trait.
  • Gantries come in three sizes: long, medium and short. When they are connected (i.e. their floors are touching each other), they are treated as one terrain feature.

Accessible: An operative can move vertically through the floor of this terrain feature as if it were not there (imagine it dynamically swinging around edges or moving through hatches in the floor). It must finish the move in a location it can be placed.

Ledges: An operative can begin a climb up to this Vantage Point if any part of its base is within horizontally and any distance vertically of this Vantage Point (i.e. it doesn’t need to be within of a climbable part like a gantry pillar).

Ferratonic Furnace

Designer’s Note: Ignore the slight difference in height between the outer and inner area of the roof.

  • The roof of a ferratonic furnace has the Accessible and Vantage Point traits.
  • The roof also has the Ledges trait, except an operative must be on a gantry floor to begin a climb up to this Vantage Point using the Ledges trait (i.e. an operative cannot climb up from the killzone floor using the Ledges trait, it must climb the ferratonic furnace instead).
  • The battlements on the roof have the Light and Traversable traits. Note that the battlements don’t have the Accessible trait, so operatives can’t move vertically through them.
  • All other parts of a ferratonic furnace have the Heavy and Scalable traits.

Scalable: Each time an operative climbs this part of the terrain feature, the final increment of distance less than is ignored, instead of being rounded up to .

Designer’s Note: This means an operative looking to climb onto the ferratonic furnace’s roof from the killzone floor will travel vertically 2, instead of the usual 3. If they are climbing from a gantry floor, they will travel vertically , instead of the usual 2.

Killzone: Salvation

Killzone: Salvation is a supplement to Killzone: Bheta-Decima. It is an environment that contains various rig apparatus that operate the extraction-rig. These provide Cover and can be Obscuring, but in many cases, they must be controlled to achieve mission objectives.

Rig Apparatus

Rig apparatus are further categorised below with specified traits.


Light and Traversable.

Mission map icon:

Rotary Converter

Heavy and Traversable.

Mission map icon:

Reciprocating Engine

Heavy and Traversable.

Mission map icon:

Barospheric Inducer

Heavy and Traversable.

Mission map icon:


Heavy and Traversable.

Mission map icon:

Some missions require operatives to control rig apparatus terrain features, and some will even specify certain types e.g. Reciprocating Engine. In such missions, those terrain features that must be controlled are treated as objective markers, except that a friendly operative controls it while within of it and if the total APL characteristic of friendly operatives within of it is greater than that of enemy operatives within of it. If a rig apparatus terrain feature is on a Vantage Point, operatives must be on the same Vantage Point to control it.

Hazardous Areas

Hazardous areas restrict movement as strong currents and toxic water prevent operatives from entering into the ocean, and lurking predators stop them from venturing too close. Hazardous areas also restrict Line of Sight as relentless waves, sea mist and industrial smog make it harder for operatives to see targets over the ocean’s surface.

Restricted Movement: No part of an operative’s base can be touching a hazardous area. Operatives with the FLY keyword can touch a hazardous area when moving (they can combine valid move actions to do so, e.g. Dash and Normal Move), but no part of their base can start or finish the move touching a hazardous area.

Restricted Line of Sight: When determining Line of Sight from an active operative on the killzone floor to a target operative on the killzone floor, the target operative is not Visible if a Cover line drawn to it crosses horizontally over 2 of a hazardous area.

When determining Line of Sight from an active operative on a Vantage Point to a target operative on the killzone floor, or vice versa, the target operative is not Visible if a Cover line drawn to it crosses into and out of the footprint of a gantry. However, ignore the footprint of gantries the active operative or the target operative are on.

Note that when determining Line of Sight from an active operative on a Vantage Point to a target operative on a Vantage Point, the hazardous area’s restricted Line of Sight has no effect.

The Balance Dataslate
Tactical Ploys that allow one or more operatives to be set up outside of your drop zone, e.g. Sneaky Git, KOMMANDO and Dimensional Translocation, HIEROTEK CIRCLE. Such operatives must be set up wholly within 2 of your drop zone.

In the game sequence, set up objective markers after setting up the killzone. On mission maps that use this killzone, objective markers on terrain features should be set up on their Vantage Points (i.e. not underneath them).

When setting up barricades, you can set them up on Vantage Points. When measuring to areas of the killzone (including the centre), measure distance horizontally
Actions are categorised as follows:
  • Universal actions can be performed by all operatives. They are detailed below.
  • Unique actions are actions detailed on an operative’s datacard that only they can perform, such as the Dakka Dash action found on the example datacard.
  • Mission actions are specific to the mission you are playing, and will be detailed by that mission’s briefing. Missions can be found here (Open Play mission) and here (Spec Ops Narrative missions).
  • Free actions can only be performed when another rule specifies. Each time an operative would perform a free action, the following rules apply.
    • The operative can perform the action, so long as the requirements of the action are met.
    • The player does not subtract any additional AP to perform the action.
    • The operative would still count as performing the action for all rules purposes. For example, if it performed it during its activation, it would not be able to perform the action again during that activation.

For example, when a KOMMANDO DAKKA BOY performs a Dakka Dash action (see unique actions, above), it can perform a free Dash and free Shoot action without subtracting any additional AP (other than the AP spent on the Dakka Dash action). However, it is subject to those actions’ requirements, therefore it cannot perform the free Dash action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, and cannot perform the free Shoot action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives or has a Conceal order. In addition, for each of the free actions it performs, it cannot perform them again during its activation.
Recon – Tac Op
Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of the first Turning Point. Your opponent places your Retrieval token anywhere in the killzone that is not on a Vantage Point and not wholly within or within of their drop zone. The Pick Up action can be performed by friendly operatives upon your Retrieval token.
  • At the end of the battle, if a friendly operative controls your Retrieval token, you score 1VP.
  • At the end of the battle, if your Retrieval token is being carried by a friendly operative, you score 1VP.
If an operative positions themselves in Cover, they will use it for protection while they have an Engage order, or hide behind it while they have a Conceal order. For an intended target to be in Cover, both of the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from the active operative.
  • The intended target is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses another operative’s base (unless that other operative is not itself in the active operative’s LoS), or a terrain feature that provides Cover (see Terrain Traits).

Note that an intended target that has an Engage order can gain a defensive benefit for being in Cover as specified in the shooting sequence.

To establish Cover lines, the active operative’s controlling player draws imaginary straight lines, 1mm wide, from any part of the active operative’s base to every part of the intended target’s base.
Regardless of whether a target operative has an Engage or Conceal order, if an Obscuring terrain feature is in the way, an active operative may be unable to have LoS to them. For an intended target to be Obscured, the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from a point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature that is Obscuring (see Terrain Traits). However, if the active operative is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature that is Obscuring, that part of the terrain feature is not treated as Obscuring.
Each time an operative makes any kind of move, if it has the FLY keyword, it can move around, across and over other operatives (and their bases) as if they were not there, but must finish its move following all requirements specified by that move, and cannot finish its move on top of other operatives (or their bases).
For an intended target to be Visible, the following must be true:
  • You can draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line (known as a Visibility line) 1 mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to any part of the miniature of the intended target (not its base).
In the rare instance that bases or parts of the active operative’s miniature prevent an intended target from being Visible to the active operative, such as when the active operative is directly below or above the intended target, treat those bases and parts as being invisible.

Some rare rules will require you to select a point that is Visible (e.g. a point on the killzone). In such circumstances, you must be able to draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line 1mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to the point you would select.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy in the Set Up Operatives step of the mission sequence. Select one friendly KOMMANDO operative (excluding BOMB SQUIG operatives). That operative can be set up with a Conceal order anywhere on the battlefield that is within of Heavy terrain and more than from enemy operatives and the enemy drop zone. You can only use it once per battle, and that operative cannot have its order changed in the first Turning Point (i.e. from the Infiltrate scouting option).
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy in the Set Up Operatives step, when you would set up operatives. Select one friendly DEATHMARK operative to be set up in a hyperspace dimension instead. In the Firefight phase of the first Turning Point, that operative is considered to be within the killzone for activation purposes and must be activated as normal. When it is, set it up with an order of your choice anywhere in the killzone that is more than from the enemy drop zone and enemy operatives. That operative is treated as having performed a Normal Move action (subtract action points accordingly), then continue its activation as normal. You can only use this Tactical Ploy once.

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