This page presents commentary from game designers to clarify and expand on rare and more complex rules.


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  Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Core Book
  Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Core BookRulebook22.0May 2024

Line of Sight

Q:When establishing Cover lines and determining the point at which they cross terrain features or bases, what are the specific points that you should measure from, in particular for determining Cover and Obscured?
Cover and Obscured require the operative to be at a certain distance from ‘a point’. This means it is any point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature – it does not need to be the closest point.

In this example, Operative A is not more than from the closest point at which the Cover line crosses , however it is more than from a point at which it crosses , therefore it is Obscured.
Q:When establishing Cover lines for Obscuring, parts of an Obscuring terrain feature within of the active operative are not treated as Obscuring. Does that mean if the active operative is within of a terrain feature that is Obscuring, the whole terrain feature is not treated as Obscuring?
No. Only the specific parts of the terrain feature within of them are not treated as Obscuring (see example in above).

In this example, all parts of the terrain feature within of Operative B are not treated as Obscuring . However, there are parts of the terrain feature more than from it that are Obscuring . Therefore Operative A is obscured.
Q:Does a Cover line have unlimited height above and below the line drawn between two bases? In other words, if a Cover line is drawn above or below a terrain feature, does it cross that terrain feature?

In this example, a Cover line drawn to operative B does not cross a terrain feature, therefore operative B isn’t in Cover or Obscured.
Q:Is an operative Visible to itself?
Q:Sometimes a target operative on a Vantage Point will be within of an intervening rampart or battlement to get Cover, but the active operative is positioned in such a way that a Cover line goes underneath the rampart, rather than crossing it. In this instance, is the target operative still in Cover?
Yes. Treat the Cover line as crossing that rampart.
Q:If an operative can perform a Shoot action while within Engagement Range (e.g. STARSTORM DUELLIST, CORSAIR VOIDSCARRED ), if it’s in base contact with an intended target that’s wholly within an area of smoke that would usually be obscuring, is the target still Obscured?
Q:If an operative on a Vantage Point makes a shooting attack against an enemy operative lower than it that has a Conceal order and that enemy operative is in Cover from both Light and Heavy terrain, can the active operative treat the target as having an Engage order?


Q:How are modifiers to the Movement characteristic applied?
The modifier is applied to the total, rather than to each increment. For example, if an operative has a Movement characteristic of 3 and was added to it, the modified characteristic would be 3 1, not 3 3.
Q:Do modifiers to the Movement characteristic affect how far an operative can move when it performs a Dash action?
No, unless a rule specifically mentions the Dash action. For example, if was subtracted from an operative’s Movement characteristic, it would still move up to when performing a Dash action. However, if a rule states ‘each time an enemy operative performs a Dash action’, then it would be affected.
Q:If an operative’s Action Point Limit is modified during its activation, will the action points it generated for that activation be affected?
No, unless otherwise specified. Action points are generated after determining an operative’s order for its activation, so modifiers after that point won’t affect how many action points it has for its activation. Modifiers to an operative’s APL when it is activated (e.g. if the KOMMANDO NOB uses its Get it Dun! ability on itself) could affect the action points generated, as this happens before it generates action points.
Q:If an operative’s characteristics are modified during an action, does that impact the action it’s currently performing? For example, if an operative’s Movement characteristic is modified during a Normal Move action as a result of being injured.
No. Unless otherwise specified, apply the modifiers once the action it’s performing is complete.
Q:Some rules clarify that a modifier should only be applied if an enemy operative is activated within X of the relevant operative, e.g. Rust Emanations Strategic Ploy, GELLERPOX INFECTED: ‘Only subtract from their Movement characteristic as a result of being injured if they are activated within Engagement Range of that friendly operative.’ What does this mean?
Do not apply that specific modifier unless the operative is activated within X of the relevant operative. In the example, Movement would be the specific modifier.
Q:If a rule treats an operative as being injured regardless of any rules that say they cannot be injured (e.g. Rust Emanations Strategic Ploy, GELLERPOX INFECTED), and another rule allows an operative to ignore modifications to one or more of its characteristics (e.g. Calm Head Tactical Ploy, IMPERIAL NAVY BREACHER), which takes precedence?
The former. The operative will always be affected by such rules. However, as per the Balance Dataslate, an operative’s Movement characteristic still cannot be modified to less than 2.
Q:When an operative jumps, can it change directions while moving across the gap?
No, it must move in a single straight line.


Q:If a terrain feature has a Traversable part on top of a Vantage Point (e.g. a rampart), how does an operative move over it when dropping from the Vantage Point, or climbing to the Vantage point?
When dropping from the Vantage Point, the operative must traverse the rampart first. When climbing to the Vantage Point, the operative can choose to climb the rampart as part of its climb (instead of traversing it). Note that, for the latter, the operative would ignore the small drop from the top of the rampart to the Vantage Point if the distance is less than .
Q:If an operative moves onto a Vantage Point, must its base be wholly on it, or can part of its base be over the edge?
So long as the operative can be placed without falling, its base can be over the edge.
Q:When climbing and dropping, does an operative get any free horizontal movement?
No. All horizontal movement must be measured as well. Being within simply qualifies it to begin a climb or drop, but you must still measure the horizontal distance as normal. Therefore if an operative does not have enough movement to be placed on that terrain feature without falling, or enough to fully move its base off that terrain feature, it cannot complete that climb or drop.
Q:Can the FLY keyword allow a friendly operative to perform an action in which it moves that would ordinarily be prohibited while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, e.g. a Normal Move action?
No. The rules for FLY apply when the operative would be physically moved, however being within Engagement Range of an enemy operative prevents the operative from performing a Normal Move action in the first place. Therefore it must perform a Fall Back action to move.
Q:How does an operative move across stairs or an angled slope?
Unless specified otherwise, the operative can move across them freely (they do not need to climb them).
Q:As an operative can perform a Dash action during a climb or drop to reach its intended destination, can it also perform other actions that provide a free Dash action to do the same e.g. Dakka Dash (KOMMANDO DAKKA BOY)?
No, it must perform the Dash action specifically.
Q:When an operative jumps, can it change directions while moving across the gap?
No, it must move in a single straight line.
Q:When climbing over terrain (e.g. Ruined Wall from Killzone: Chalnath), can the operative climb up and then drop to descend the other side?

Shooting Attacks and Fighting in Combat

Q:When fighting in combat, some abilities (e.g. Storm Shield in Kill Team Compendium) cause a parry to discard two of your opponent’s successful hits. How does this interact with normal and critical hits?
If the operative parries with a normal hit, they select up to two normal hits from their opponent to be discarded. If the operative parries with a critical hit, they select up to either two critical hits, two normal hits, or one critical and one normal hit from their opponent to be discarded.
Q:How does an operative not equipped with a melee weapon interact with fighting in combat?
Do not select a melee weapon or roll attack dice for it. It cannot provide combat support.
Q:If an operative is incapacitated and is affected by a rule that states it isn’t removed from the killzone yet (e.g. In Death, Atonement Tactical Ploy, VETERAN GUARDSMAN, and Only in Death Does Duty End Tactical Ploy, SPACE MARINE & GREY KNIGHT), what happens when it fights in combat? Specifically in the Resolve Successful Hits step, it states you resolve your successful hits until one operative in that combat is incapacitated. Does that mean the VETERAN GUARDSMAN can’t resolve successful hits, as it is already incapacitated?
Yes. As such, being incapacitated (but temporarily remaining in the killzone) will not allow the operative to resolve hits in combat.
Q:If a shooting attack is made against an operative in Cover with a 6+ Save characteristic, if the Defender would retain a defence dice as a result of Cover, would it still be a successful normal save, or would it be a successful critical save as they couldn’t otherwise roll a normal save?
It would still be a successful normal save.
Q:If there are no valid targets for a shooting attack made from a Manifest Psychic Power action, what happens?
The action isn’t resolved and the action points are refunded. The operative must then perform a different action, or if it knows more than one psychic power, it can perform that action again to select a different psychic power.
Q:Can an operative parry, even if the opponent has no successful hits to discard?
Q:If a weapon has more than one profile, one of which has the Blast X special rule, can an operative perform the Overwatch action with a profile that doesn’t have the Blast X special rule?
Q:If a rule inflicts additional damage (e.g. Hammerhand psychic power, GREY KNIGHT), then my opponent uses a rule to ignore the damage inflicted from an attack dice (e.g. Just a Scratch Tactical Ploy, KOMMANDO), is the additional damage ignored?
No. Only the damage from the attack dice is ignored, the additional damage is still inflicted.
Q:Do you have to declare the use of all re-rolls before the dice are re-rolled?
No. You can see the result of a re-roll before deciding on a different re-roll.
Q:Can you re-roll a dice you’ve already retained? For example, if I retain a defence dice as a successful normal save as a result of Cover, can I re-roll it later?
Q:Some rules require you to roll a dice ‘as if that operative is fighting in combat’ or similar, e.g. CORSAIR VOIDSCARRED Slicing Attack action.
Q1: Is the target considered to be fighting in combat too?
A: No.

Q2: Is combat support applied?
A: Yes.

Q3: Can rules that take effect when the target is incapacitated in combat be used, e.g. LEGIONARY Unending Bloodshed?
A: Yes. This differs from Q1 because the target is still incapacitated in combat, even though it wasn’t fighting in the combat itself.
Q:How does a MEDIC operative’s abilities that take effect when another friendly operative is incapacitated (e.g. Reanimation Beam HIEROTEK CIRCLE, Medic! KASRKIN , etc.) interact with ranged weapons that make subsequent shooting attacks (i.e. Blast and Torrent)?
Resolve all of the required shooting attacks, then if the MEDIC operative is not incapacitated, use that ability at the start of the Remove Incapacitated Operatives step.
Q:Some shooting attacks occur when an enemy operative moves within a specified distance of a token (e.g. the Proximity special rule, KASRKIN DEMO-TROOPER’s Melta Mine, INCURSOR MINELAYER’s Haywire Mine). Is this shooting attack made against the enemy operative as soon as it’s within the specified distance (interrupting its move), or at the final location of its move?
The former – as soon as it’s within the specified distance.
Q:With the Proximity special rule still in mind, what happens in the unlikely event that an active operative performs a Charge action, triggers the Proximity shooting attack, survives, but can no longer finish that action within Engagement Range of an enemy operative (e.g. the intended enemy operative was incapacitated by the Proximity shooting attack, or moved away as a result of Medic! ability)?
If there are no enemy operatives it can finish that action within Engagement Range of, then it does not need to (any remaining increments of movement can still be used as the player chooses)
Q:If my operative has a rule that allows me to resolve a hit before the attacker (e.g. Bladed Stance ability, VOIDSCARRED KURNATHI), can I use that rule when I’m the attacker?
Yes. In such instances, the VOIDSCARRED KURNATHI could parry, then you (as the attacker) would resolve the first hit in the normal order of dice resolution.
Q:Do you have to declare the use of all re-rolls before the dice are re-rolled?
No. You can see the result of a re-roll before deciding on a different re-roll, and can see the result of each re-roll before deciding to re-roll another as a result of the same rule (e.g. Relentless).
Q:If any rules happen at the same time during a Turning Point but initiative hasn’t yet been decided (e.g. in the Ready Operatives step of the Initiative phase), who decides the order in which they are resolved?
The person who had initiative previously. If it’s the first Turning Point, the defender decides.
Q:For ploys like Dark Favour (BLOODED) or Unquestioning Loyalty (BROOD BROTHER) that change the target of a shooting attack, how do you determine dice automatically retained as a result of Cover?
Unless stated otherwise (e.g. Saviour Protocols, PATHFINDER), determine dice automatically retained as a result of Cover as though the new target is the intended target.

Special Rules and Critical Hit Rules

Q:When fighting in combat or making a shooting attack, if an operative has multiple special rules and critical hit rules that would take effect at the same time, in what order are they resolved?
The operative’s controlling player can choose the order for rules that would take effect at the same time. Note that this is an exception to the usual method of resolving simultaneous rules, in which the player with the initiative determines the order. Also note that if one rule stated ‘in the Roll Attack Dice step’ and another stated ‘at the end of the Roll Attack Dice step’, they do not take place at the same time (the latter must be resolved last).
Q:If an operative has a rule that allows it to repeat a specific combat or shooting attack (e.g. as a result of the Veteran of the Long War Tactical Ploy, TRAITOR SPACE MARINE), can it do so if a weapon with the Limited special rule was selected for that combat or shooting attack?
Yes. In this instance, you could use the weapon again, even if it has the Limited special rule.
Q:If an operative has a rule that allows it to repeat a specific combat or shooting attack (e.g. as a result of the Veteran of the Long War Tactical Ploy, TRAITOR SPACE MARINE), must I select the same target?
Yes, assuming it’s still a valid target. If it isn’t, you can’t repeat that combat or shooting attack.
Q:In rare instances, an operative can gain a special rule/critical hit rule more than once. Can both be used? E.g. PISTOLIER’s dual Kroot pistols and the Prey Strategic Ploy (FARSTALKER KINBAND) both provide Balanced.
No. The operative only benefits from the same rule once. If the x is different, choose which to use (e.g. if the operative has MW1 and MW2, it wouldn’t be MW3).

General Principles

Q:How do you resolve contrasting rules? For example, the Contagion Strategic Ploy (DEATH GUARD and CHAOS DAEMON) means enemy operatives are treated as being injured, but the Emperor’s Chosen ability (TALONS OF THE EMPEROR) means the operative cannot be injured.
In such circumstances, ‘cannot’ takes precedence; the Emperor’s Chosen ability would prevent the operative from being injured as a result of the Contagion Strategic Ploy. There may be some rules where specific wording overrides this though. For example, a rule might say ‘the operative is treated as being injured, regardless of any rules that say it cannot be injured’. In this instance, the Emperor’s Chosen ability would not prevent the operative from being injured.
Q:Does an action performed when an operative hasn’t been activated count as an activation? E.g. Overwatch or a free Dash action from Recon in the Scouting Step.
Q:If an operative would be injured from more than one rule, are the effects applied more than once? For example, an operative has fewer than half of its wounds remaining and is within of an ANATHEMA PSYKANA operative with the Creeping Dread Strategic Ploy (TALONS OF THE EMPEROR).
No. In such instances, the Creeping Dread Strategic Ploy would have no additional effect on that operative.
Q:Some rules such as the PHOBOS STRIKE TEAM Track Target action interrupt an activation after an enemy operative performs an action. If it’s the last action of an activation, or even the last action of the final activation of the Turning Point, can that activation still be interrupted?
Q:Is an operative equipped with the weapons it can use from psychic powers? For instance, can psychic power weapons be upgraded with rare equipment from the Core Book?
No. Note that this means being injured won’t affect that weapon’s characteristics.
Q:If an operative carrying an objective marker or token loses the ability to perform the Pick Up action during the battle (e.g. Unleash Daemon, LEGIONARY ANOINTED), what happens to that objective marker or token?
The operative must drop it.
Q:If an operative performs an action during another action, e.g. an Operate Hatch action during a Normal Move action, when can they be interrupted for things like a guard attack or the PHOBOS STRIKE TEAM INCURSOR MARKSMAN Track Target action?
After that operative performs any action, even if another action is still ongoing. In the example, you could interrupt them after they perform the Operate Hatch action, or after they’ve fully performed the Normal Move action.
Q:Some rules require operatives to be within a certain distance of an objective marker (e.g. Martial Protocol Strategic Ploy, HUNTER CLADE). If an operative is carrying an objective marker, can other operatives or the operative carrying it be within the required distance of that objective marker for these rules?
No. Unless the rule also mentions carried objective markers, it must be objective markers in the killzone. This is to create a clean and consistent rules state, and avoid other more unusual rules interactions if the answer was ‘yes’.
Q:Many MEDIC operatives have an ability that says ‘Once per Turning Point, the first time a friendly X operative would be incapacitated…’, (X being the required keyword of the friendly operative). What does ‘the first time’ mean?
It means the first friendly X operative incapacitated that fulfils the rule’s criteria during the Turning Point. If you do not use it for the first operative, you cannot use it for a different operative later in the Turning Point.
Q:In rare instances, an operative has multiple rules that allow it to ignore lost wounds. Can both be used? E.g. CHRONOMANCER’s Chronometron Cryptek action and Quantum Reanimytes equipment (HIEROTEK CIRCLE).
Yes. Resolve each, one after the other.
Q:If an operative can perform a free action, but another rule requires additional action points to be subtracted to perform such an action, which takes precedence? For example, CORSAIR VOIDSCARRED Light Fingers Tactical Ploy and PHOBOS STRIKE TEAM REIVER’s Terror unique action.
The former – it’s still free.
Q:As you cannot use an operative’s abilities when it’s incapacitated, what happens when it’s affected by a rule that states it isn’t removed from the killzone yet? E.g. the In Death, Atonement Tactical Ploy (VETERAN GUARDSMAN).
In this instance, you can use its abilities until it’s removed from
the killzone.
Q:If a Tactical Ploy causes mortal wounds to be inflicted on enemy operatives from a friendly operative (e.g. Putrescent Demise, GELLERPOX INFECTED and Frenzied Demise, CHAOS CULT), does that friendly operative count as doing so, e.g. for the purposes of Tac Ops such as Rampant Nightmare, Executioner, etc.
Q:When placing a token in the killzone, can you place it in the air or on the side of terrain features?
No. It must be placed on the killzone floor or on a Vantage Point.


Q:The Consecrate Ground action (Mission 1.2 Consecration, Critical Operations mission pack, Kill Team Core Book) modifies an operative’s Action Point Limit characteristic (APL) until the start of the next Turning Point. As this modifier doesn’t generate any additional action points for the operative’s activation (as explained in the Characteristics commentary above), what is the effect of this?
It means the operative is better at controlling objective markers and tokens until the start of the next Turning Point (which is determined by APL). Note that ‘until the start of the next Turning Point’ is an exception to the usual APL modifier time frame, which is usually until the end of the operative’s current or next activation (whichever comes first).
Q:The Rob and Ransack Tac Op card differs from that presented in the Core Book. Which one is correct?
The one printed in the Core Book. Use the card to generate the Tac Op, but use the rules presented in the Core Book.
Q:Are drop zones considered to be unlimited height? For example, if a rule specifies ‘within of your opponent’s drop zone’ and you’re measuring from a Vantage Point, do you measure the horizontal distance only?
Yes. The same does not apply to the ‘centre of the killzone’. This distance should be measured specifically to the central point of the killzone floor.
Q:For the Plant Banner Tac Op, can an operative that cannot perform the Pick Up action be selected to carry the Banner token?
Q:When using the Sentries mission rules, when do you determine Line of Sight for raising the alarm?
Before and after an action is performed. Operatives can move into Line of Sight during an action, but the alarm isn’t raised unless they start or finish that action in Line of Sight.
Q:For the Duel of Wits mission (Critical Operations mission pack, Core Book), do players have to select different objective markers to be a Priority objective marker?
Q:If both players have rules that happen at the same time before the battle and it doesn’t specify who resolves first, who should?
The Defender resolves all theirs, then the Attacker. In Multiplayer, players resolve all theirs in player order.

Spec Ops Narrative Play

Q:When I add an operative to my dataslate for a Spec Ops campaign, and that operative has options for what it must be equipped with, do I have to select one of the options?
Yes. Note this means that operative is then equipped with that option for the duration of your Spec Ops campaign.
Q:When using the Equipment Drop Requisition, how do you determine the points worth of equipment that has a split cost? For example, High Capacity Magazine (1/3EP), WARPCOVEN.
Use the lower cost.
Q:When an operative makes multiple shooting attacks from one Shoot action (e.g. Blast or Torrent), does the Sharpshooter battle honour apply to all the shooting attacks from that one action, or just the first one?
All of them.


Q:For Scrap Pile terrain features in Killzone: Octarius, can an operative perform a Dash action in the same activation in which it performs a Charge Over action, even though a Charge Over action is treated as a Charge action?
Yes. That is an exception for that terrain feature.
Q:For Scrap Pile terrain features in Killzone: Octarius, how far is an operative treated as moving when performing a Scramble Over or Charge Over action, e.g. for the purposes of a WARPCOVEN RUBRIC MARINE operative’s All is Dust ability?
The distance it has travelled from the start to the end of that action.
Q:For Scrap Pile terrain features in Killzone: Octarius, can operatives that perform free Normal Move or Charge actions perform the Scramble Over or Charge Over actions respectively instead? For example, during the free Charge action as a result of the WYRMBLADE LOCUS operative’s Quicksilver Strike action?
Q:For terrain features with Hatches in Killzone: Chalnath, what parts on the terrain feature are a Hatch, and therefore what parts can an operative move through?
The area specified in the diagram below:

Q:Some terrain features such as pipes would realistically provide Cover for an operative, but as they are slightly elevated off the ground, Cover lines drawn to the operative would not cross the terrain feature. In such circumstances, should they still provide Cover?
If terrain features like this should realistically provide Cover, treat small gaps between the bottom of a terrain feature and the killzone floor as part of the terrain feature. Be sure to discuss this with your opponent in the Determine Killzone step, and use common sense to resolve it.
Q:In Killzone: Gallowdark, the Wall trait says ‘operatives cannot move over or through Wall terrain regardless of any other rules, other than as a result of the Accessible trait.’ Do you really mean this, or can operatives move through walls as a result of rules like Breach (KOMMANDO BREACHA BOY) and Breach Point (IMPERIAL NAVY BREACHER HATCHCUTTER)?
Yes, we really mean this. As unique as it might seem, allowing certain operatives to move through walls breaks a fundamental feature of Killzone: Gallowdark, therefore it’s prohibited in order to maintain the experience and balance that we feel is appropriate for this killzone.
Q:On mission maps that use Killzone: Gallowdark, does the position of Hatchways indicate which direction the hatch should open in?
No. They simply identify the orientation of long walls with Hatchways.
Q:In Killzone: Gallowdark, does the hatch of an open Hatchway provide Cover and is it Obscuring?
Yes. Treat Cover lines that go underneath it as crossing it.
Q:In Killzone: Gallowdark, how do you resolve rules that require an operative to be within a certain distance of Heavy terrain?
Resolve this by only using pillars and wall ends (excluding wall ends for Hatchways), and Heavy terrain from a Killzone: Gallowdark supplement (e.g. Ancient Apparatus).
Q:In Killzone: Gallowdark, does the hatch of an open Hatchway provide Cover and is it Obscuring?
Yes, but resolve this as described above.
Q:Can an operative be wholly within a territory while also being on the centre line?

Close Quarters

Q:How does the Guard action work when the operative must perform a Shoot action with a specific weapon, e.g. Bolter Discipline, Exalted Astartes, Dakka Dash, etc.?
The operative can perform the Guard action, so long as the relevant weapon is selected if it performs Overwatch or point-blank overwatch during the subsequent guard attack.
Q:Can an operative equipped with a ranged weapon that has the Heavy special rule perform a Normal Move, Fall Back or Charge action, then perform a Guard action in the same activation? If so, can it subsequently use the Heavy weapon for the guard attack?
Q:If an operative incapacitates an enemy operative in a Hatchway Fight action, can rules that take effect when an enemy operative is incapacitated in combat, within Engagement Range or still work, e.g. the Rob and Ransack Tac Op?
Q:Can an operative perform a Hatchway Fight action as a guard attack, as a Hatchway Fight action is treated as a Fight action?
Q:If I interrupt an enemy operative’s activation with Guard, but then cannot complete a guard attack, is the operative still on guard? For example, there could be no valid targets, such as if a NOVITIATE player uses the Blinding Aura Act of Faith.
Q:When using the Guard action, if I interrupt an enemy operative’s activation and perform an Overwatch action, can I target a different enemy operative?
Q:When setting up barricades, which rules take precedence – the ones for Close Quarters, or the ones in a mission pack (e.g. Approved Ops)?
The Close Quarters rules. Note this also applies to the Fortify option in the Scouting step – the additional barricade must be set up as specified by the Close Quarters rules.
Q:When making a guard attack with a weapon that has the Torrent special rule, can I make subsequent shooting attacks too, as per the Torrent special rule.
Yes (regardless of whether it’s Overwatch or point-blank overwatch).
Q:When making a shooting attack with a weapon with the Blast special rule while using the Close Quarters rules, do you roll one less attack dice from all subsequent shooting attacks if a Cover line drawn to the original target crosses an operative with an Engage order?
No, only roll one less attack dice for the original target. All subsequent shooting attacks as a result of the Blast special rule do not roll less attack dice.
If an operative positions themselves in Cover, they will use it for protection while they have an Engage order, or hide behind it while they have a Conceal order. For an intended target to be in Cover, both of the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from the active operative.
  • The intended target is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses another operative’s base (unless that other operative is not itself in the active operative’s LoS), or a terrain feature that provides Cover (see Terrain Traits).

Note that an intended target that has an Engage order can gain a defensive benefit for being in Cover as specified in the shooting sequence.

To establish Cover lines, the active operative’s controlling player draws imaginary straight lines, 1mm wide, from any part of the active operative’s base to every part of the intended target’s base.
Regardless of whether a target operative has an Engage or Conceal order, if an Obscuring terrain feature is in the way, an active operative may be unable to have LoS to them. For an intended target to be Obscured, the following must be true:
  • The intended target is more than from a point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature that is Obscuring (see Terrain Traits). However, if the active operative is within of a point at which a Cover line crosses a terrain feature that is Obscuring, that part of the terrain feature is not treated as Obscuring.
For an intended target to be Visible, the following must be true:
  • You can draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line (known as a Visibility line) 1 mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to any part of the miniature of the intended target (not its base).
In the rare instance that bases or parts of the active operative’s miniature prevent an intended target from being Visible to the active operative, such as when the active operative is directly below or above the intended target, treat those bases and parts as being invisible.

Some rare rules will require you to select a point that is Visible (e.g. a point on the killzone). In such circumstances, you must be able to draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line 1mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to the point you would select.
Actions are categorised as follows:
  • Universal actions can be performed by all operatives. They are detailed below.
  • Unique actions are actions detailed on an operative’s datacard that only they can perform, such as the Dakka Dash action found on the example datacard.
  • Mission actions are specific to the mission you are playing, and will be detailed by that mission’s briefing. Missions can be found here (Open Play mission) and here (Spec Ops Narrative missions).
  • Free actions can only be performed when another rule specifies. Each time an operative would perform a free action, the following rules apply.
    • The operative can perform the action, so long as the requirements of the action are met.
    • The player does not subtract any additional AP to perform the action.
    • The operative would still count as performing the action for all rules purposes. For example, if it performed it during its activation, it would not be able to perform the action again during that activation.

For example, when a KOMMANDO DAKKA BOY performs a Dakka Dash action (see unique actions, above), it can perform a free Dash and free Shoot action without subtracting any additional AP (other than the AP spent on the Dakka Dash action). However, it is subject to those actions’ requirements, therefore it cannot perform the free Dash action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, and cannot perform the free Shoot action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives or has a Conceal order. In addition, for each of the free actions it performs, it cannot perform them again during its activation.
Engagement Range
Engagement Range is the zone of threat that operatives present to their enemies. Many rules in the game use Engagement Range, such as when moving and fighting. Engagement Range is mutual, therefore operatives are within each other’s Engagement Range if one of them is Visible to and within of the other.
Modifying Characteristics
Some rules will modify the characteristics of an operative and/or their weapons. All modifiers to a characteristic are cumulative.

If a characteristic refers to the result required when rolling a D6 (i.e. Save, Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill), the modifier will specify to improve or worsen the characteristic. As a lower result is a better characteristic, the modifier should be applied accordingly. For example, if a Ballistic Skill of 4+ is worsened by 1, it would be modified to a 5+.

If an operative’s APL is modified, it lasts until the end of its current or next activation (whichever comes first). Regardless of how many APL modifiers an operative is affected by, the total modification can never be more than -1 or +1 from its normal APL. For example, if an operative has an APL of 2, and two rules say to add 1 to the operative’s APL, until the end of its next activation it would have an APL of 3.
Engagement Range
Engagement Range is the zone of threat that operatives present to their enemies. Many rules in the game use Engagement Range, such as when moving and fighting. Engagement Range is mutual, therefore operatives are within each other’s Engagement Range if one of them is Visible to and within of the other.

The NIGHTMARE HULK keyword is used in the following Gellerpox Infected datacards:

Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, while an enemy operative is within Engagement Range of friendly NIGHTMARE HULK operatives, that enemy operative is treated as being injured, regardless of any rules that say they cannot be injured. Only subtract from their Movement characteristic as a result of being injured if they are activated within Engagement Range of that friendly operative.
Modifying Characteristics
Some rules will modify the characteristics of an operative and/or their weapons. All modifiers to a characteristic are cumulative.

If a characteristic refers to the result required when rolling a D6 (i.e. Save, Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill), the modifier will specify to improve or worsen the characteristic. As a lower result is a better characteristic, the modifier should be applied accordingly. For example, if a Ballistic Skill of 4+ is worsened by 1, it would be modified to a 5+.

If an operative’s APL is modified, it lasts until the end of its current or next activation (whichever comes first). Regardless of how many APL modifiers an operative is affected by, the total modification can never be more than -1 or +1 from its normal APL. For example, if an operative has an APL of 2, and two rules say to add 1 to the operative’s APL, until the end of its next activation it would have an APL of 3.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly IMPERIAL NAVY BREACHERS operative is activated. Until the end of the battle, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that operative’s Movement characteristic and to the Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill characteristics of the weapons it is equipped with.
Each time an operative makes any kind of move, if it has the FLY keyword, it can move around, across and over other operatives (and their bases) as if they were not there, but must finish its move following all requirements specified by that move, and cannot finish its move on top of other operatives (or their bases).
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a ready friendly VETERAN GUARDSMAN operative is incapacitated. That operative is not removed from the killzone until the end of your next activation or the end of the battle (whichever comes first) and does not count as being injured.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a ready friendly SPACE MARINE operative is incapacitated. That operative is not removed from the killzone until the end of your next activation or the end of the battle (whichever comes first) and does not count as being injured.
Blast x
Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action and selects this weapon (or, in the case of profiles, this weapon’s profile), after making the shooting attack against the target, make a shooting attack with this weapon (using the same profile) against each other operative Visible to and within X of the original target – each of them is a valid target and cannot be in Cover. X is the distance after the weapon’s Blast, e.g. Blast . An operative cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch action.

  1. An operative performs a Shoot action, selects a ranged weapon with the Blast special rule, and selects operative A as the target.
  2. After making the shooting attack against operative A, it makes a shooting attack against operative B, determining if it is a valid target as if operative A was making the shooting attack.
  3. It cannot make a shooting attack against operative C, as when determining if it is a valid target in this manner, operative C is not Visible to operative A due to the terrain feature between them.


Until the end of the Turning Point, each time this operative fights in combat, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, the first time it strikes, inflict 1 additional damage on the target.

Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy in the Resolve Successful Hits step of a shooting attack or combat, when damage would be inflicted on a friendly KOMMANDO operative (excluding BOMB SQUIG operatives) from a normal hit. Ignore the damage inflicted from that attack dice.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a ready friendly KHORNE operative is incapacitated in combat by an enemy operative. Before that friendly operative is removed from the killzone, select one melee weapon it is equipped with and roll one attack dice as if it is the attacker fighting in combat. If the result is a successful hit, you can immediately strike an enemy operative within Engagement Range of it. Then remove that friendly operative from the killzone as normal.

The HIEROTEK CIRCLE keyword is used in the following Hierotek Circle datacards:

Torrent x
Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action or Overwatch action and selects this weapon, after making the shooting attack against the target, it can make a shooting attack with this weapon against each other valid target within x of the original target and each other, x is the distance after the weapon’s Torrent, e.g. Torrent .

  1. An operative performs a Shoot action, selects a ranged weapon with the Torrent special rule, and selects operative A as the target.
  2. After making the shooting attack against operative A, it makes a shooting attack against operative B and C, determining if they are a valid target as normal.
  3. It cannot make a shooting attack against operative D, as while that operative is within of operative A and C, it is not within of operative B.
Armour Penetration. Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, subtract x from the Defence of the target for that shooting attack, x is the number after the weapon’s AP, e.g. AP1. If two different APx special rules would be in effect for a shooting attack, they are not cumulative - the attacker selects which one to use.
Mortal wounds. Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the roll attack dice step of that shooting attack, for each critical hit retained, inflict x mortal wounds on the target, x is the number after the weapon’s MW, e.g. MW3.


Melta mine
Special Rules
AP2, Proximity*
Lethal x
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, your attack dice results of equal to or greater than x that are successful hits are critical hits, x is the number after the weapon’s Lethal, e.g. Lethal 5+.
No Cover
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, for that shooting attack, defence dice cannot be automatically retained as a result of Cover (they must be rolled instead).


Haywire Mine
Special Rules
Lethal 5+, No Cover, Proximity*
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice.

Having cast aside their oaths of loyalty to the Golden Throne, these Traitor Guardsmen now seek to catch the eye of a Dark God. To this end, they make the battlefield into their sacrificial altar, risking acts of insane bravado to spill enemy blood, and perhaps earn fleeting rewards of unholy power.

Keep a pool of Blooded tokens. Add a Blooded token to your pool as follows:
  • At the start of each Initiative phase.
  • The first time an enemy operative is incapacitated in each Turning Point.
  • The first time a friendly operative is incapacitated within of an enemy operative in each Turning Point.
Once in each Strategy phase, when it is your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you can assign any or all of your Blooded tokens from your pool to friendly BLOODED operatives in the killzone. Each operative can have no more than one Blooded token.

In each Strategy phase, after assigning your Blooded tokens (if any), if four or more friendly operatives in the killzone have Blooded tokens, you can select one of them to be under the gaze of the gods until the end of the Turning Point.

Each time a friendly BLOODED operative that has a Blooded token fights in combat or makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, before rolling your attack dice, you can retain one as a successful normal hit without rolling it. If that friendly BLOODED operative is under the gaze of the gods, you can retain one as a successful critical hit instead.
For an intended target to be Visible, the following must be true:
  • You can draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line (known as a Visibility line) 1 mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to any part of the miniature of the intended target (not its base).
In the rare instance that bases or parts of the active operative’s miniature prevent an intended target from being Visible to the active operative, such as when the active operative is directly below or above the intended target, treat those bases and parts as being invisible.

Some rare rules will require you to select a point that is Visible (e.g. a point on the killzone). In such circumstances, you must be able to draw an imaginary, unobstructed straight line 1mm wide from the head of the active operative’s miniature to the point you would select.
Blast x
Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action and selects this weapon (or, in the case of profiles, this weapon’s profile), after making the shooting attack against the target, make a shooting attack with this weapon (using the same profile) against each other operative Visible to and within X of the original target – each of them is a valid target and cannot be in Cover. X is the distance after the weapon’s Blast, e.g. Blast . An operative cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch action.

  1. An operative performs a Shoot action, selects a ranged weapon with the Blast special rule, and selects operative A as the target.
  2. After making the shooting attack against operative A, it makes a shooting attack against operative B, determining if it is a valid target as if operative A was making the shooting attack.
  3. It cannot make a shooting attack against operative C, as when determining if it is a valid target in this manner, operative C is not Visible to operative A due to the terrain feature between them.
Torrent x
Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action or Overwatch action and selects this weapon, after making the shooting attack against the target, it can make a shooting attack with this weapon against each other valid target within x of the original target and each other, x is the distance after the weapon’s Torrent, e.g. Torrent .

  1. An operative performs a Shoot action, selects a ranged weapon with the Torrent special rule, and selects operative A as the target.
  2. After making the shooting attack against operative A, it makes a shooting attack against operative B and C, determining if they are a valid target as normal.
  3. It cannot make a shooting attack against operative D, as while that operative is within of operative A and C, it is not within of operative B.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly BLOODED operative that has a Blooded token is selected as the target of a shooting attack. Select one other friendly BLOODED operative that:
  • Does not have a Blooded token.
  • Is within of that friendly operative.
  • Is Visible to the active operative.
Resolve that shooting attack against that other friendly operative instead (it is treated as a valid target).

This ploy has no effect on shooting attacks made with weapons that have the Blast or Torrent special rules, or attacks made against each operative within a certain distance of a specified point (e.g. mines).

The LEADER keyword is used in the following Brood Brother datacards:

• Magus
• Primus
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly LEADER operative Visible to and within of a friendly BROODGUARD operative is selected as the target of a combat or shooting attack. You can resolve that combat or shooting attack against that friendly BROODGUARD operative instead (even if it wouldn’t normally be a valid target). This ploy has no effect on shooting attacks made with weapons that have the Blast or Torrent special rules, or attacks made against each operative within a certain distance of a specified point (e.g. mines). If you selected this ploy for combat, in all steps of that combat, that friendly BROODGUARD operative is treated as being within Engagement Range of the active operative.

The DRONE keyword is used in the following Pathfinder datacards:

Saviour Protocols
Each time a friendly PATHFINDER operative (excluding DRONE operatives) is selected as the target of a shooting attack, if there is a friendly DRONE operative with this ability Visible to and within of it and not within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, if that friendly DRONE operative is not protecting any other operatives, it can protect that friendly PATHFINDER operative until the end of the Turning Point. If it does so, until the end of the Turning Point or until they are no longer within of each other (whichever comes first), each time a shooting attack is made against that friendly PATHFINDER operative, make that shooting attack against that friendly DRONE operative instead, even if it would not be a valid target. In the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, defence dice cannot be automatically retained as a result of Cover.

This rule has no effect on shooting attacks made with weapons that have the Blast or Torrent special rules, or attacks made against each operative within a certain distance of a specified point (e.g. mines).

The HERETIC ASTARTES keyword is used in the following Traitor Space Marine datacards:

Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy in a friendly HERETIC ASTARTES operative’s activation, after it fights in combat or makes a shooting attack. If the target did not lose any wounds as a result of that combat or shooting attack, repeat that combat or shooting attack.
This weapon can only be selected for use once per battle. If the weapon has a special rule that would allow it to make more than one shooting attack for an action (e.g. Blast), make each of those attacks as normal.
Rng x
Range. Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, only operatives within x are a valid target, x is the distance after the weapon’s Rng, e.g. Rng . All other rules for selecting a valid target still apply.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the select valid target step of that shooting attack, enemy operatives are not in Cover.
This weapon can only be selected for use once per battle. If the weapon has a special rule that would allow it to make more than one shooting attack for an action (e.g. Blast), make each of those attacks as normal.


The operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon for the battle:
Quill grenade
Special Rules
Rng , Blast , Indirect, Limited
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.
An operative cannot perform a Charge, Fall Back or Normal Move action in the same activation in which it performs a Shoot action with this ranged weapon.
Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, friendly FARSTALKER KINBAND operatives gain the following ability:

Prey: Each time this operative is activated, you can use this ability. If you do so, until the end of the Turning Point, ranged weapons this operative is equipped with (excluding quill grenades) gain the Balanced and Heavy special rules.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.
Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, while an enemy operative is Visible to and within of a friendly DEATH GUARD operative, that enemy operative is treated as being injured (only subtract from its Movement characteristic as a result of being injured if it is activated within of a friendly DEATH GUARD operative).

The ANATHEMA PSYKANA keyword is used in the following Talons of the Emperor datacards:

Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point, while an enemy operative is within of a friendly ANATHEMA PSYKANA operative, worsen the Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill characteristics of ranged and melee weapons respectively that enemy operative is equipped with as if it were injured.


An operative can perform this action while within of a Hatchway’s access point. Open or close that Hatchway. An operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, or if that Hatchway is open and an enemy operative is within of its access point.

An operative can perform this action during a Dash or Normal Move action, and any remaining increments of movement can be used after it does so. Note, however, that opening a Hatchway can cause the operative to be within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, in which case that Dash or Normal Move action would immediately end (unless the operative has any rules that allow it to move within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, e.g. FLY).

Designer’s Note: If a Hatchway’s status is changed and operative placement would prevent the hatch from fully opening or closing, temporarily remove the necessary operatives from the killzone, fully open or close the hatch as appropriate, then return the operatives to the killzone as close as possible to their original location. If an operative is within an enemy operative’s Engagement Range before a hatch is opened, it must be returned within Engagement Range of that enemy operative after the hatch is opened.

The HUNTER CLADE and VANGUARD keywords are used in the following Hunter Clade datacards:

The HUNTER CLADE and RANGER keywords are used in the following Hunter Clade datacards:

Strategic Ploy
Until the end of the Turning Point:
  • Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE VANGUARD operative that is within of an objective marker or within of your opponent’s drop zone makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.
  • Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE RANGER operative that has not moved during the Turning Point makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Quantum Reanimytes: While a friendly HIEROTEK CIRCLE operative is within of this operative, each time that operative would lose a wound as a result of a mortal wound, roll one D6: on a 4+, that wound is not lost.
Actions are categorised as follows:
  • Universal actions can be performed by all operatives. They are detailed below.
  • Unique actions are actions detailed on an operative’s datacard that only they can perform, such as the Dakka Dash action found on the example datacard.
  • Mission actions are specific to the mission you are playing, and will be detailed by that mission’s briefing. Missions can be found here (Open Play mission) and here (Spec Ops Narrative missions).
  • Free actions can only be performed when another rule specifies. Each time an operative would perform a free action, the following rules apply.
    • The operative can perform the action, so long as the requirements of the action are met.
    • The player does not subtract any additional AP to perform the action.
    • The operative would still count as performing the action for all rules purposes. For example, if it performed it during its activation, it would not be able to perform the action again during that activation.

For example, when a KOMMANDO DAKKA BOY performs a Dakka Dash action (see unique actions, above), it can perform a free Dash and free Shoot action without subtracting any additional AP (other than the AP spent on the Dakka Dash action). However, it is subject to those actions’ requirements, therefore it cannot perform the free Dash action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, and cannot perform the free Shoot action if it is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives or has a Conceal order. In addition, for each of the free actions it performs, it cannot perform them again during its activation.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy during a friendly CORSAIR VOIDSCARRED operative’s activation. Until the end of that activation, that operative can perform for free either one mission action or the Pick Up action, even if it is within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.

The PHOBOS STRIKE TEAM and REIVER keywords are used in the following Phobos Strike Team datacards:

The MUTOID VERMIN keyword is used in the following Gellerpox Infected datacards:

Mutoid Vermin
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly GELLERPOX INFECTED operative (excluding a MUTOID VERMIN operative) is incapacitated. Inflict 1 mortal wound (or D3 mortal wounds if that friendly operative is a NIGHTMARE HULK operative) on each enemy operative Visible to and within of that friendly operative.
Tactical Ploy
Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly MUTANT or TORMENT operative is incapacitated. Inflict D3 mortal wounds (or D6 mortal wounds if that friendly operative is a TORMENT operative) on one enemy operative Visible to and within of that friendly operative.
Gellerpox Infected – Faction Tac Op 1
Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point. Start a Rampant Nightmare tally for your kill team, adding 1 to the tally each time an enemy operative loses a wound as a result of one of your NIGHTMARE HULK operatives within that enemy operative’s Engagement Range.
  • If your Rampant Nightmare tally is 30 or more, you score 1VP.
  • If your Rampant Nightmare tally is 50 or more, you score 1VP.


You can reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point. When you do so, select one friendly operative to be your executioner. At the end of each Target Reveal step, select one enemy operative to be executed for the Turning Point.

  • If the enemy operative you selected to be executed for the Turning Point is incapacitated by your executioner during the same Turning Point, you score 1VP.
  • If you achieve the first condition in any subsequent Turning Points, you score 1VP.


An operative can perform this action while within of a non-Consecrated objective marker it controls. Until the start of the next Turning Point, that objective marker is Consecrated, and that operative’s APL and Defence characteristics, and the Attacks characteristic of its melee weapons, are increased by 1.
Seek & Destroy – Tac Op
You can reveal this Tac Op when an enemy operative is incapacitated by a friendly operative within of it, and that friendly operative is more than from other enemy operatives.
  • You score 1VP.
  • At the end of the battle, if you achieved the first condition and that friendly operative has not been incapacitated, you score 1VP.
Security – Tac Op
After selecting this Tac Op, secretly select one friendly operative to be carrying your Banner token. Reveal this Tac Op when that operative drops your Banner token. When you do, until the end of the battle, the Pick Up action can be performed by friendly operatives upon your Banner token.
  • At the end of the battle, if your Banner token is within of but not wholly within your opponent’s drop zone, you score 1VP.
  • At the end of the battle, if your Banner token is wholly within your opponent’s drop zone, you score 2VP.
Operatives can perform the following mission action:


An operative can perform this action while within of the centre of an opponent’s Banner token. Remove that Banner token from the killzone. An operative cannot perform this action while within of enemy operatives.

For some kill teams, acquiring new equipment might involve being sent wargear by their commanders. For others it might mean stealing said weapons before the rival can collect it. On occasion a kill team might be issued with trial weapons - depraved creations from sadistic minds, highly advanced technologies developed by brilliant scientists or anything in between.

Purchase this Requisition before or after a game. Select up to 5 points worth of your faction’s equipment and add it to your stash.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice results of 1.


Select one autopistol, inferno bolt pistol or inferno boltgun the operative is equipped with. That weapon gains the Ceaseless special rule for the battle. If you selected an autopistol, this equipment costs 1 EP; otherwise, it costs 3EP.

The WARPCOVEN and RUBRIC MARINE keywords are used in the following Warpcoven datacards:

An operative cannot perform a Charge, Fall Back or Normal Move action in the same activation in which it performs a Shoot action with this ranged weapon.
Acts of Faith
Keep a pool of Faith points. At the start of each Turning Point, if there are any friendly NOVITIATE operatives in the kill zone, you gain 3 Faith points. In addition, you gain one Faith point at the end of an activation, if any of the following apply:
  • During that activation, a friendly NOVITIATE operative with the Combat specialism incapacitated an enemy operative in a combat.
  • During that activation, a friendly NOVITIATE operative with the Marksman specialism incapacitated an enemy operative with a shooting attack.
  • During that activation, a friendly NOVITIATE operative with the Staunch specialism performed a mission action.
  • A friendly NOVITIATE operative with the Scout specialism was activated and finished that activation within of the enemy drop zone.
Faith points can be subtracted so that friendly NOVITIATE operatives can perform Acts of Faith listed below. Each Act of Faith will specify when it can be used, its effect and how many Faith points you must subtract from your total to use it. If you cannot subtract the required Faith points from your total, you cannot use that Act of Faith.

Unless otherwise specified, only one Act of Faith can be used during each activation (friendly or enemy). For example, a shooting attack is made against a friendly NOVITIATE operative. In the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, that operative’s controlling player decides to subtract 2 Faith points to use Divine Shield to retain one failed save as a successful normal save. No other Acts of Faith can then be performed during that activation (other than Faithful Blessing).

The Balance Dataslate: You cannot use Acts of Faith to change dice you’ve re-rolled.

Act of FaithCost
Faithful Blessing: When a friendly NOVITIATE operative is fighting in combat or making a shooting attack, or a shooting attack is being made against it, in the Roll Attack Dice step (for the former) or the Roll Defence Dice step (for the latter) of that combat or shooting attack, re-roll one of your attack or defence dice respectively. This Act of Faith can be used more than once in each activation, and can be used with other Acts of Faith.1 Faith point
Guiding Light: When a friendly NOVITIATE operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, retain one of your failed hits as a successful normal hit.2 Faith points
Vengeful Strike: When a friendly NOVITIATE operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, retain one of your successful normal hits as a critical hit instead.3 Faith points
Divine Shield: When a shooting attack is made against a friendly NOVITIATE operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, retain one of your failed saves as a successful normal save.2 Faith points
Armour of Contempt: When a shooting attack is made against a friendly NOVITIATE operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, retain one of your successful normal saves as a critical save instead.2 Faith points
Emperor’s Protection: When a friendly NOVITIATE operative suffers a mortal wound, ignore that mortal wound. This Act of Faith can be used more than once in each activation.1 Faith point
Blessed Rejuvenation: When a friendly NOVITIATE operative is activated, it regains D3 lost wounds. This Act of Faith can be used a maximum of two times in each activation.2 Faith points
Blinding Aura: When an enemy operative performs a shooting attack, select one friendly NOVITIATE operative. Until the end of that activation, while that friendly operative is more than from that enemy operative:
  • That friendly operative is treated as being in Cover.
  • While that friendly operative has a Conceal order, it is always treated as having a Conceal order, regardless of any other rules (e.g. Vantage Point).
2 Faith points

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