At the command of a Zharrgrim priest, a Runic Fyrewall can be raised from the fiery chasms far beneath his soot-stained feet. Glinting with runes, this scintillating barrier of gold and flame bars the enemy’s path, and protects the flanks of the Fyreslayers’ fyrds as they press ever forward. SUMMONING: This invocation is summoned with a prayer that has an answer value of 3 and a range of 18". If answered, set up the invocation wholly within range and visible to the chanter, and more than 1" from all models, terrain features, other invocations and endless spells. Only FYRESLAYERS PRIESTS can attempt to summon this invocation. Roaring Rune-fire: The leaping flames of a Runic Fyrewall act as a barrier that only creatures born of fire can pass. Models cannot move across or through this invocation unless they have the MAGMADROTH keyword or can fly. Awakened Runes: The flames of a Runic Fyrewall ignite any ur-gold runes embedded in nearby Fyreslayers, causing them to blaze with power. At the start of each phase, the commanding player can pick 1 friendly FYRESLAYERS unit wholly within 12" of this invocation to draw upon its power. If they do so, the commanding player rolls a dice. On a 1-5, that unit has a ward of 6+ until the end of the phase. On a 6, that unit has a ward of 4+ until the end of the phase and this invocation is removed from play at the end of the phase. | ||
The FYRESLAYERS keyword is used in the following Fyreslayers warscrolls:
The MAGMADROTH keyword is used in the following Fyreslayers warscrolls:
The FYRESLAYERS and PRIEST keywords are used in the following Fyreslayers warscrolls: