Fyreslayers – Grimhold Exile

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Grimhold Exile

Grimhold Exiles are the survivors of fallen magmaholds, warriors who fight to honour their lost kin with each blazing hammer-strike.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Fyre-rune Hammers
Fyre-rune Hammers1"53+3+-22

Unit Size: 1      Points: 140
Battlefield Role: Leader
Notes: Single

A Grimhold Exile is armed with Fyre-rune Hammers.

Last of the Lodge-fire: In desperate need, a Grimhold Exile can draw upon the embers of the Zharrkhul by striking their hammer-faces together, setting a powerful foe ablaze with the flames of Grimnir’s wrath.
Once per battle, when you pick this unit to fight, instead of piling in and attacking with it, you can say that it will unleash the last of the lodge-fire. If you do so, pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of this unit and roll a number of dice equal to the Wounds characteristic of that enemy unit. For each 4+, that enemy unit suffers a mortal wound.

Honour to Grimnir!: Grimhold Exiles exhort their fellow duardin to fight with the vigour of their fallen god.
Once per battle in your hero phase, this unit can raise this battle cry. If it does so, friendly FYRESLAYERS units that do not have a mount and are wholly within 6" of this unit when it raises this battle cry are inspired until the end of the turn. Inspired units can run and still charge later in the turn.

Living Legacy: The allies of a Grimhold Exile strive with all their might to ensure that no harm comes to these bearers of the sacred flame.
While this unit is within 3" of another friendly unit that has 3 or more models, this unit has a ward of 4+.

14.5 Mortal Wounds
Some attacks, spells and abilities cause mortal wounds. Do not make hit, wound or save rolls for mortal wounds. Instead, the damage inflicted on the target is equal to the number of mortal wounds that were caused.

Mortal wounds caused while a unit is attacking are allocated at the same time as wounds caused by the unit’s attacks: after all of the unit’s attacks have been made. Mortal wounds caused at other times are allocated as soon as they are caused. Mortal wounds are allocated in the same way as wounds and are treated in the same manner as wounds for rules purposes.

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14.3 Wards
Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to negate a wound or mortal wound, or to allocate a wound or mortal wound to a unit other than the original target. Abilities of this type are referred to as wards, and the dice roll is referred to as a ward roll. Unless stated otherwise, the ward roll is made before the wound is allocated to the model in question. Up to 1 ward roll can be made for each wound or mortal wound, unless specified otherwise. If the ward roll is successful, the wound or mortal wound is negated and has no effect on the model. If a wound or mortal wound cannot be negated, you cannot make a ward roll for that wound or mortal wound.
8.3 Run
When you pick a unit to run, you must make a run roll for the unit by rolling a dice. Add the run roll to the Move characteristic of all models in the unit until the end of that phase. You can then move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than their modified Move characteristic. No part of a run can be within 3" of an enemy unit. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with a unit that has run. Units cannot run if they are within 3" of an enemy unit.
12.2 Pile In
You can move a model making a pile-in move up to 3". When you make a pile-in move with a model, it must finish the move no further from the nearest enemy unit than it was at the start of the move.
22.3.1 Mounts, Companions and Crew
Sometimes the description on a warscroll will say whether the models in the unit have mounts, companions or a crew. When a model attacks, its mount, companions and crew attack too, and when the model is removed from play, its mount, companions and crew are removed too. For rules purposes, companions and crew are treated in the same manner as mounts.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024