An elemental manifestation that personifies the blazing wrath of Vulcatrix, a Molten Infernoth can be drawn to battle by the summons of a Zharrgrim priest. Bursting out of the realm’s crust, the ferocious entity lumbers across the battlefield inspiring Fyreslayers while blasting the enemy with raging torrents of lava. SUMMONING: This invocation is summoned with a prayer that has an answer value of 4 and a range of 12". If answered, set up the invocation wholly within range and visible to the chanter, and more than 1" from all models, terrain features, other invocations and endless spells. Only FYRESLAYERS PRIESTS can attempt to summon this invocation. Burning Tide: The Molten Infernoth wades through solid earth, lumbering its way across the battlefield in search of prey. After this invocation is set up, the commanding player can immediately move it up to 2D6". In addition, at the start of each of their subsequent hero phases, if this invocation is still on the battlefield, the commanding player can move it up to 2D6". Erupting Inferno: The Infernoth’s fiery visage casts gobbets of molten metal at any creature nearby. After this invocation has moved, the commanding player rolls 12 dice for each unit within 3" of it. For each 6, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. If the roll to determine how far this invocation moved in this phase was a double, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds for each 6 instead of 1 and at the end of the phase, this invocation is removed from play. FYRESLAYERS units are not affected by this ability. | ||
The FYRESLAYERS keyword is used in the following Fyreslayers warscrolls:
The FYRESLAYERS and PRIEST keywords are used in the following Fyreslayers warscrolls: