Taking up huge, two-handed weapons and eschewing the armour typically worn by Brutes, Brute Ragerz hurl themselves at the biggest and meanest foes. Having previously suffered a humiliating defeat in battle, they are determined to prove just how ’ard they really are.
Chain-smasha |
| Chain-smasha | 2" | 6 | 4+ | 4+ | -1 | 2 |
Mighty Gore-hacka |
| Mighty Gore-hacka | 2" | 3 | 3+ | 3+ | -2 | 2 |
Brute Crusha |
| Brute Crusha | 2" | 3 | 4+ | 4+ | -1 | D3 |
Unit Size: 3 Points: 100
Battlefield Role: None
Each model in a Brute Ragerz unit is armed with 1 of the following weapon options: Chain-smasha; Mighty Gore-hacka; or Brute Crusha.
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
Da Bossfist •
Dakkbad’s Brawl •
Moggorz’s Rekrootin’ Krew
ELITE: Models in this unit can
issue commands to their own unit.
Berserkers: These brutes forego heavy plate so they can get stuck in to the fighting as quickly as possible.
This unit can
run and still
charge later in the turn.
Bone-shattering Strike: A satisfying ‘KRUNCH’ rings out each time a hapless foe bears the full brunt of a Brute crusha strike.
If the unmodified
hit roll for an attack made with a Brute Crusha is 6, that attack causes 3
mortal wounds to the target and the
attack sequence ends (do not make a
wound roll or
save roll).