Set up exciting games of Warhammer 40,000 without wasting a second using the Tempest of War mission pack. This pack provides a fast and casual way to approach matched play missions, offering plenty of variety for your pick-up-and-play games.


A Tempest of war game is waged by following the sequence below (note that step 1 can be completed before you even get to the gaming table):

1. Select Battle Size and Muster Armies

The players must first select the battle size they wish to play: Incursion or Strike Force (a guide of how long each should take is shown in the table below). Each player must then select a Battle-forged army. The points limit of each player’s army, and the number of command points each player starts with when they begin mustering their army, are shown in the table below.

IncursionUp to 2 hours10006
Strike ForceUp to 4 hours200012

Details of how to Battle-forge an army, use a points limit, select a WARLORD and what information a player’s army roster must contain can be found In the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.

The players cannot include Understrength units in their army, and their army cannot include any Specialist Detachments.

All of the units in each Detachment in a player’s army must have at least one Faction keyword in common, and this keyword cannot be CHAOS, IMPERIUM, AELDARI, YNNARI or TYRANIDS, unless the detachment in question is a Fortification Network (this has no effect on the player’s Army Faction).

All of the units in a player’s army that have selectable Faction keywords presented in angular brackets that a player selects when they add those units to their army - must all have the same selectable keywords. This means, for example, that all units with the <CHAPTER> keyword in a player s army must be from the same Chapter, and so all these units must replace <CHAPTER> with the name of that Chapter; all units with the <KABAL> keyword in a player’s army must be from the same Kabal, all units with the <WYCH CULT> keyword in a player’s army must be from the same Wych Cult, and so on. The only exception to this are as follows:
  • The <MARK OF CHAOS> and <ALLEGIANCE> keywords - these can be different for different units in a player’s army.
  • The DREADBLADE and FREEBLADE keywords these units can have different selectable Faction keywords to other units in a player’s army.
If a player’s army includes one or more Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachments, they can change the Command Benefits of one of them to: ‘+2 Command points if the unit in this Detachment is not your WARLORD, but it is from the same Faction as your WARLORD’s Detachment, and that Faction is not CHAOS, IMPERIUM, AELDARI, YNNARI or TYRANIDS’.

If either player has access to any Stratagems that are used before the battle to upgrade units, these must be used now and the details of the upgrades noted on the player’s army roster.

Each player must then provide a copy of their army roster for their opponent to read through.

With the exception of units with the Troops or Dedicated Transport Battlefield Roles, or units that are added to a player’s army during the battle that cost Reinforcement points, each player can only include the same datasheet in their army 2 times (if they are playing an Incursion battle) or 3 times (if they are playing a Strike Force battle).

2. Determine Mission

The Players must first split the cards into their respective decks. Deployment deck, Mission Rule deck, Primary Mission deck and Secondary Mission decks (one for the Attacker and one for the Defender). Set aside the two Core Stratagem cards (each player will receive one of these later). The players determine their mission by shuffling the Deployment deck, the mission rule deck and the Primary Mission deck and randomly drawing one card from each of these decks.

Alternatively, you may use Mission Generator below.

Core Stratagem – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Use this Stratagem at the end of your Command phase. Select one of your active secondary missions and discard it. Generate one new secondary mission.

3. Read Mission Briefing

The players should read the Primary Mission card and the Mission Rule card they have drawn.

The Primary Mission card details the primary mission that awards victory points to the players (players will also be able to achieve victory points by achieving secondary missions, which are detailed later) and will detail how and when the players will score victory points. Some Primary Mission cards also include actions that one or more units from a player’s army can perform, as described in the Warhammer Core Book.

The Mission Rule card details any special rule that applies for the duration of the battle. The players should read and familiarise themselves with these before proceeding.

Secondary Mission Deck

There are two Secondary Mission decks (one for the Attacker and one for the Defender) with identical cards, meaning players can draw the same secondary missions in a game. The Secondary Mission cards contain secondary missions that players can attempt to achieve to score victory points. Some Secondary Mission cards also include actions that one or more units from your army can perform, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.

At the start of each player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is must determine what Secondary Mission cards are active for them. To do so, that player randomly draws cards from their Secondary Mission deck; if they have fewer than three active Secondary Mission cards, they draw from their deck until they have three cards. If a player’s deck runs out, they cannot generate any additional secondary missions during this battle.

Each player has access to the New Orders Stratagem, which is included as a separate Core Stratagems card within this missions pack. The players can use this to discard an active secondary mission and generate a new one. In addition, at the end of their turn, a player can discard any of their active Secondary Mission cards that they wish to.

Each secondary Mission card will detail when and how it is achieved. Each time a player achieves one, that card is discarded and, unless otherwise stated, that player scores 5 victory points.

4. Create the Battlefield

The players now create the battlefield and set up terrain features. Missions are played on rectangular battlefields. The size of the battlefield depends on the battle size selected, as shown in the table below (the table shows the minimum size of battlefields):

Incursion44" x 30"
Strike Force44" x 60"

Unless noted otherwise, when setting up terrain features, use the guidelines detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. Terrain features cannot be set up on top of objective markers. Players must use the battlefield terrain rules for terrain features.

5. Place Objective Markers

The players now alternate setting up objective markers on the battlefield, one at a time, starting with the youngest player, until all objective markers have been set up. The number of objective markers placed on the battlefield depends on the battle size you have selected, as shown in the table below:

Strike Force5

One objective marker must be placed wholly within each deployment zone, and the remaining objective markers must be placed wholly within no man’s land, as shown on the Deployment card drawn for each mission. Objective markers must be placed more than 6" from any battlefield edge and more than 9" from any other objective marker.

Unless otherwise stated objective markers can be set up on terrain features so long as the objective marker lies flat on that terrain feature and does not overhang any part of it, and that terrain feature does not have the Unstable Position terrain trait.

If for whatever reasons it is not possible to set an objective marker as described above it is simply not placed on the battlefield.

6. Determine Attacker and Defender

The players roll off and the winner decides who will be the Attacker and who will be the Defender. The players take their respective New Orders Core Stratagem card and Secondary Mission deck, shuffling the deck and placing it nearby for use later.

7. Choose Deployment Zone

The Defender now selects one of the deployment zones for their army. The Attacker uses the other deployment zone. The deployment zones and no man’s land for the battle are shown on the Deployment card drawn for this mission.

8. Declare Reserves and Transports

These missions use the Strategic Reserves rules, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.

Both players now secretly note down on their army roster which of the units in their army will start the battle in Strategic Reserves (units with the Fortifications battlefield role can never be placed into Strategic Reserves), which of their units will start the battle in a location other than the battlefield (if a player has access to any Stratagems that enable them to set up units from their army in a location other than the battlefield, they must use such Stratagems now), and which of their units will start the battle embarked within TRANSPORT models (they must declare which units are embarked on which model). When both players have done so, they declare their selections to their opponent.

No more than half the total number of units in a players army can be Strategic Reserve and/or Reinforcement units, and the combined points value of all Strategic Reserve and Reinforcement units (including those embarked within TRANSPORT models that are Strategic Reserve and/or Reinforcement units) must be less than half of the total points value of a player’s army, even if every unit in that army has an ability that would allow them to be set up elsewhere.

In Tempest of War missions, Strategic Reserve and Reinforcement units can never arrive on the battlefield in the first battle round. Any Strategic Reserve or Reinforcement unit that has not arrived on the battlefield by the end of the third battle round counts as having been destroyed, as do any units embarked within them (this does not apply to units that are placed into Strategic Reserves after the first battle round has started).

9. Deploy Armies

The players alternate setting up their remaining units one at a time, starting with the Defender. A player must deploy all of their remaining units with the Fortifications battlefield role before deploying any other unit. A player’s models must be set up wholly within their deployment zone. If one player finishes deploying all their units, their opponent then deploys the remainder of their units.

Unless otherwise stated, when setting up a model from a unit with the Fortifications battlefield role on the battlefield, it cannot be set up within 3" of any other terrain feature that is not part of its own datasheet (excluding hills). If it is not possible to set up a Fortification as a result, a player can, in a War Zone Nachmund: Grand Tournament mission, remove one Obstacles or Area Terrain feature that is within their deployment zone from the battlefield in order to make room for their Fortification. If, by doing so, it is still not possible to set up their Fortification, replace the terrain feature removed - this Fortification cannot be deployed and counts as having been destroyed.

If a model from a player’s army is so large that it cannot physically be set up wholly within their deployment zone (i.e. the smallest dimension of that model is greater than the depth of their deployment zone), it must be set up so that it is touching that player’s battlefield edge. In the first battle round, that model’s unit cannot do any of the following: make a Normal Move, Advance, Fall Back, attempt to manifest or deny psychic powers, make any attacks with ranged weapons, declare a charge, perform a Heroic Intervention, perform any actions or psychic actions. Models in such units count as having moved a distance in inches equal to their Move (M) characteristic in their first Movement phase. If the unit has a minimum Move characteristic, it counts as having moved its maximum Move characteristic.

If both players have units with abilities that allow them to be set up ‘after both armies have deployed’, the players alternate setting up these units, starting with the Attacker.

10. Determine First Turn

The players roll off. The winner takes the first turn.

11. Resolve Pre-battle Abilities

The players alternate resolving any pre-battle abilities units from their army may have, and resolving any Stratagems that are used before the battle (excluding those that upgrade their units or those that enable them to set up a unit in a location other than the battlefield), starting with the player who will take the first turn.

12. Begin the Battle

The first battle round begins. The players continue to resolve battle rounds until the battle ends. The players will generate secondary missions during each battle round.

13. Ending the Battle

The battle ends after five battle rounds have been completed. If one player has no models remaining in their army at the start of their turn, the other player may continue to play out their turns until the battle ends.

14. Determine Victor

At the end of the battle, the player with the most victory points is the winner. If players are tied, the battle is a draw.

Each player can score a maximum of 45 victory points from primary missions and a maximum of 45 victory points from secondary missions, for a total of 90 possible victory points from mission objectives (any excess victory points awarded are discounted). If every model in a player’s army is painted to a Battle Ready standard, that player is awarded a bonus 10 victory points. This gives the players a maximum total score out of 100 victory points.

Mission Generator

This is the mission generator, and it will generate a random game for you using rules described above. When you press the ‘Start New Game’ button, the Mission Rule, Primary Mission and Deployment cards are "drawn" as described in the Determine Mission section. Secondary Mission cards appear in accordance with the Secondary Mission Deck section (cards that cannot be achieved in the first battle round are reshuffled automatically). Continue to follow provided mission rules using ‘Draw a Card’, ‘Discard’ () and ‘Reshuffle’ () buttons.

Note that:
  • If you accidentally close the browser or refresh the page your progress will be safe. It is saved in cookies of the browser on the current device.
  • ‘Reshuffle’ button used in quite unique cases such as: in the first battle round you discard one card using New Orders stratagem and draw another one that cannot be used in the first battle round.
  • It is not recommended to use this generator on several tabs of the same browser on the same device. It’s useless enough and also definitely will break the game.
Start New Game

Secondary Missions
Attacker’s Secondary Missions
Draw a Card(0 left)
Hand is full!
Secondary Mission deck is out!

Defender’s Secondary Missions
Draw a Card(0 left)
Hand is full!
Secondary Mission deck is out!

Card Decks

Deployment deck


Mission Rule deck

Mission Rule

Intense winds gust across the battlefield, whipping through the shattered remains of bombed ruins and heavy with the stench of death. Icy rain drenches and chills the warriors, only adding to their misery and discomfort.

In this mission, no additional mission rules apply.
Mission Rule

Enemy interceptors roam the skies, strafing and bombing any of our reinforcement units they discover. Our forces will inevitably be delayed as they attempt to dodge these vicious aerial patrols.

In this mission, until the start of the third battle round, each time a Strategic Reserve or Reinforcement unit from a player’s army wishes to arrive on the battlefield, that player must make a reserve roll for it. To do so, that player rolls one D6 adding 1 to the result if it is the third battle round, on 3 that unit arrives as normal. Otherwise the roll fails and that unit does not arrive this turn.
Mission Rule

Reconnaissance units have uncovered a hidden cache of ammunition, fuel and rations in this war zone.

In this mission, the players must set up one additional objective marker.
Mission Rule

Little respite or sanctuary is available across the battlefields of the 41st Millennium.

Shuffle the remaining cards in the Mission Rule deck and then draw 2 new Mission Rule cards. Apply both results to the battle.
Mission Rule

The gloom that permeates the battlefield darkens the spirits of those who fight beneath it, giving them all an unnatural sense of foreboding that erodes the courage of even the mightiest warrior.

In this mission, neither player can use the Insane Bravery Stratagem.
Mission Rule

Scrambler fields and more esoteric devices have been activated in this area, restricting the use of advanced stealth and teleportation technologies.

In this mission:
  • If a unit from a player’s army has a pre-battle rule that allows it to be set up anywhere on the battlefield, that unit cannot be set up within range of an objective marker that is either in no man’s land or their opponent’s deployment zone.
  • If a unit from a player’s army has a rule that allows it to make a move before the first turn begins, it cannot end that move within range of an objective marker in no man’s land.
  • If any rule is used to redeploy a unit, that rule cannot be used to set up that unit within range of an objective marker in no man’s land.
When Strategic Reserves and Reinforcement units from a player’s army are set up on the battlefield, they cannot be set up within range of an objective marker that is either in no man’s land or their opponent’s deployment zone.
Mission Rule

This mission is of the utmost importance, and cannot be entrusted to anyone else.

In this mission, a player only receives the Battle-forged CP bonus at the start of their Command phase if their WARLORD is on the battlefield, or they are embarked within a TRANSPORT model that is on the battlefield.
Mission Rule

Enemy infiltrators are attempting to sabotage and disrupt your supply lines in order to cut off vital resources and lines of communication.

In this mission, a player only receives the Battle-forged CP bonus at the start of their Command phase if they control the objective marker in their own deployment zone.
Mission Rule

Forces have been ordered to perform a firesweep of this battlefield, methodically cleansing strategic sites of enemies one ata time before moving on.

In this mission, if a player controls an objective marker at the end of their Command phase, and one or more units from their army that are within range of that objective marker have the Objective Secured ability, then that objective marker remains under their control, even if they have no models within range of it, unless their opponent controls it at the end of any subsequent phase.
Mission Rule

Our scouts have discovered a number of underground tunnels that will allow us to easily deploy large numbers of reserve units to the battlefield unseen.

In this mission, the CP a player must pay to put units into Strategic Reserves is halved rounding up.
Mission Rule

Stellar flares, malicious scrapcode and electromagnetic energy restrict communications.

In this mission, the Command Re-roll Stratagem costs 2CP to use.
Mission Rule

The roiling tides of the warp spill out into realspace, lashing the battlefield with the searing bolts of eldritch power.

In this mission, at the start of every Psychic phase, each player must roll one D6 for each of their units that is within range of one of their objective markers, on a 1, that units suffers 1 mortal wound.

Primary Mission deck

Primary Mission

Sites of great importance to enemy morale have been identified. Burn everything to the ground.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:
At the end of each player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores 5 victory points for each of the following conditions that they satisfy:
  • They control one or more objective markers.
  • They control more objective markers than their opponent controls.

In the fifth battle round:
  • The player who has the first turn scores 5 victory points at the end of their Command phase for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.
  • The player who has the second turn scores 5 victory points at the end of their turn for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.

At the end of the battle:
Each player scores 5 victory points for each objective marker they Razed, as described below.

Raze Objective (Action): One unit from your army can start to perform this action at the start of your Movement phase if it is within range of an objective marker that you control that is not within your own deployment zone. This action is completed at the end of your turn. If successfully completed, that objective marker is razed and removed from the battlefield.
Primary Mission

Claim the battlefield and display your colours high so that the enemy is in no doubt as to their defeat.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:
At the end of each player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores 5 victory points for each of the following conditions that they satisfy:
  • They control one or more objective markers.
  • They control two or more objective markers.
  • They score 2 victory points for each objective marker that is currently claimed by their army (see below).

In the fifth battle round:
  • The player who has the first turn scores 5 victory points at the end of their Command phase for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.
  • The player who has the second turn scores 5 victory points at the end of their turn for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.

Claim Objective (Action): One or more units from your army with the INFANTRY keyword or the Objective Secured ability can start to perform this action at the end of your Movement phase. Each unit must be in range of a different objective marker that you control. The action is completed at the end of your turn. If successfully completed, that objective marker is claimed by your army (it is unclaimed if your opponent controls it at the start of any phase).
Primary Mission

Meet the foe head on, annihilate them in their entirety and ensure the landscape is free of their vile presence.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:
At the end of each player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores 4 victory points for each of the following conditions that they satisfy:
  • They control one or more objective markers.
  • They control two or more objective markers.
  • They control more objective markers than their opponent controls.

In the fifth battle round:
  • The player who has the first turn scores 4 victory points at the end of their Command phase for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.
  • The player who has the second turn scores 4 victory points at the end of their turn for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.

In every battle round:
At the end of each player’s turn, the player whose turn it is scores 2 victory points if they satisfy one of the following conditions, or 3 victory points if they satisfy both of them:
  • They control at least one objective marker that they did not control at the start of their turn.
  • They destroyed at least one enemy unit that was in range of an objective marker at the start of their turn.
Primary Mission

The objectives in this area are vital to our war effort and securing them is your highest priority. Spare nothing in ensuring that they do not fall into enemy hands.

In the second, third, fourth and fifth battle rounds:
At the end of each player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores 5 victory points for each of the following conditions that they satisfy:
  • They control one or more objective markers.
  • They control more objective markers than their opponent controls.

At the end of the battle:
Each player scores an additional 5 victory points for each objective marker they control (to a maximum of 20 victory points).
Primary Mission

Several strategic locations have been identified in your vicinity. You are ordered to assault these positions, secure them and hold them at any cost.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:
At the end of each player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores 5 victory points for each of the following conditions that they satisfy:
  • They control one or more objective markers.
  • They control two or more objective markers.
  • They control more objective markers than their opponent controls.

In the fifth battle round:
  • The player who has the first turn scores 5 victory points at the end of their Command phase for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.
  • The player who has the second turn scores 5 victory points at the end of their turn for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.
Primary Mission

The most vital ground in the region is currently in the hands of the enemy Draw your battle plans and destroy all who stand between you and your prize.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:
At the end of each player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores victory points as follows:
  • If they control the objective marker in their own deployment zone, they score 3 victory points.
  • If they control one or more objective markers in no man’s land, they score 4 victory points.
  • If they control the objective marker in their opponent’s deployment zone, they score 5 victory points.

In the fifth battle round:
  • The player who has the first turn scores 5 victory points at the end of their Command phase for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.
  • The player who has the second turn scores 5 victory points at the end of their turn for each of the above conditions that they satisfy.

In every battle round:
At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 victory point for each enemy unit that was destroyed during that battle round (to a maximum of 3 victory points per player per battle round).

Secondary Mission deck

Secondary Mission

An opportunity to seize a valuable asset has been identified, but the enemy are likely to use it as bait in a trap. Move to secure the site, but be wary of enemy ambushes.

When this secondary mission is generated, your opponent must identify one objective marker in no man’s land.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if you control the identified objective marker.
Secondary Mission

It is critical that this area is dominated. No enemy vanguard or guerrilla units can be allowed to disrupt our plans.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if you have one or more units from your army wholly within a certain range of the centre of the battlefield and there are no enemy units within the same range of the centre of the battlefield. That range depends on the battle size, as follows:
  • Incursion = 9"
  • Strike Force = 12"
This secondary mission cannot be achieved during the first battle round; if you generate this secondary mission during the first battle round, generate a new secondary mission and shuffle this one back into your Secondary Mission deck.
Secondary Mission

The enemy looks to their champions for courage. Identify and eliminate them with extreme prejudice.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if either of the following conditions are satisfied:
  • One or more enemy CHARACTER or WARLORD units were destroyed during that turn.
  • All CHARACTER or WARLORD units from your opponent’s Army Roster have been destroyed during the battle.
Note that this secondary mission is achieved even if such a model was destroyed and then subsequently resurrected for any reason.
Secondary Mission

This area is of extreme importance. You are to lead an immediate all-out assault to capture it and deny it to our enemy for good.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if you control three or more objective markers and you also control more objective markers than your opponent.

If you only have one or two units remaining in your army, then this secondary mission is instead achieved at the end of your turn if all remaining units from your army are within range of different objective markers, that you control and you also control more objective markers than your opponent, but in this instance you will only score 2 victory points from this secondary mission instead of 5.
Secondary Mission

Break through the foe’s army and cut off their lines of escape.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if two or more units from your army (excluding AIRCRAFT units) are wholly within your opponent’s deployment zone.

If you only have one unit remaining in your army (excluding AIRCRAFT units), then this secondary mission is instead achieved at the end of your turn if that unit is wholly within your opponent’s deployment zone, but in this instance you only score 2 victory points from this secondary mission instead of 5.
Secondary Mission

Close with the foe and engage them in hand-to-hand combat. Give them neither quarter, nor mercy.

While this secondary mission is active, keep a Blood and Guts tally. Each time an enemy unit is destroyed by a melee attack made by a model in your army, add 1 to your Blood and Guts tally.

This secondary mission is achieved once your Blood and Guts tally reaches a certain number, which depends on your battle size, as follows:
  • Incursion = 2
  • Strike Force = 3
If, when this secondary mission is first drawn, for your battle size, your opponent has fewer than this number of units on the battlefield (including those embarked in TRANSPORT models that are themselves on the battlefield), but you destroy all of your opponent’s units on the battlefield with melee attacks, then this secondary mission is achieved, but in this instance you will only score 2 victory points from this secondary mission instead of 5.
Secondary Mission

The opposing army has committed their most elite warriors and heaviest units to this war zone. Take any opportunity to destroy them.

When this secondary mission is first generated, your opponent must identify the model from their army on the battlefield that has the highest Wounds characteristic. If two or more models are tied, your opponent selects one of these models.

This secondary mission is achieved when the identified model is destroyed.

Note that this secondary mission is achieved even if the identified model was destroyed and then subsequently resurected for any reason.
Secondary Mission

A vital objective has been identified in your vicinity, but it is currently held by the enemy. You are ordered to capture it at any cost.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if you control the objective marker in your opponent’s deployment zone.
Secondary Mission

You are charged with the defence of a key objective. It must not be permitted to fall into enemy hands.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your opponent’s next turn, or at the end of the battle (whichever happens first), if you control the objective marker in your own deployment zone.

This secondary mission cannot be achieved during the first battle round: if you generate this secondary mission during the first battle round, generate a new secondary mission and shuffle this one back into your Secondary Mission deck.
Secondary Mission

An allied fleet approaches ready to launch a full-scale invasion of this planet. If your vanguard forces deploy a series of teleport homers and landing beacons deep within enemy territory in preparation for the fleet’s arrival, troops aboard our ships will be able to launch a deadly surprise assault from orbit.

This secondary mission is achieved when a unit from your army completes the Deploy Teleport Homer action (see below).

Deploy Teleport Homer (Action): One unit from your army can start to perform this action at the end of your Movement phase if it is wholly within your opponent’s deployment zone. If the unit performing the action is INFANTRY or if it has the Objective Secured ability, this action is completed at the end of your turn; otherwise it is completed at the start of your next Command phase.
Secondary Mission

The battleground is won one yard at a time. Continue to establish a strong military presence in the area.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if you control the objective marker in your own deployment zone and you also control one or more objective markers in no man’s land.

If you only have one unit remaining in your army, then this secondary mission is instead achieved at the end of your turn if that unit controls one objective marker in no man’s land, but in this instance you will only score 2 victory points from this secondary mission instead of 5.
Secondary Mission

Some battles can only be won through bloody attrition.

While this secondary mission is active, keep an Attrition tally for both players. Add 1 to each player’s Attrition tally each time a unit from their opponent’s army is destroyed. At the end of your opponent’s next turn, or at the end of the battle (whichever happens first), compare these Attrition tallies: if yours is higher than your opponent’s, then this secondary mission is achieved. Otherwise you must discard this secondary mission.
Secondary Mission

It is critical that no foe breaks through your defences. Maintain a strong rearguard to protect your supply lines.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your opponent’s next turn, or at the end of the battle (whichever happens first) if there are no enemy units (excluding AIRCRAFT units) within range of your own deployment zone. That range depends on the battle size, as follows:
  • Incursion = 3"
  • Strike Force = 6"
This secondary mission cannot be achieved during the first battle round; if you generate this secondary mission during the first battle round, generate a new secondary mission and shuffle this one back into your Secondary Mission deck.
Secondary Mission

Our fleet has received a mysterious signal in this war zone, and its source has been identified as originating somewhere in the vicinity of this battlefield. You must locate it and secure it without delay.

This secondary mission is achieved when a unit from your army completes the Investigate Site action (see below).

Investigate Site (Action): One unit from your army can start to perform this action at the end of your Movement phase if it is wholly within 6" of the centre of the battlefield. This action is completed at the end of your turn provided the unit attempting it is still wholly within 6" of the centre of the battlefield and there are no enemy units (excluding AIRCRAFT units) wholly within 6" of the centre of the battlefield.

If a unit has fewer than 5 models when this action is completed, it is still achieved, but in this instance you will onlly score 2 victory points from this secondary mission instead of 5.
Secondary Mission

Exterminate your enemy.

While this secondary mission is active, keep a Kill tally. Each time an enemy model is destroyed, add a number of marks to your Kill tally equal to the Wounds characteristic of the destroyed model. A model can, if it is resurrected for any reason (i.e. it was destroyed and subsequently returned to the battlefield) potentially have marks added to this tally several times (assuming it is resurrected and subsequently destroyed several times over).

This secondary mission is achieved once your Kill tally reaches a certain number, which depends on your battle size, as follows:
  • Incursion = 15
  • Strike Force = 30
If, at the end of the battle, every model in your opponent’s army has been destroyed but your Kill tally is not enough for your battle size to achieve this secondary mission, then this secondary mission is still achieved, but in this instance you score 2 victory points instead of 5.
Secondary Mission

Yield, no ground and stand before your foes! Show them the true meaning of duty and courage.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your opponent’s next turn, or at the end of the battle (whichever happens first) provided all the following statements are true:
  • No unit from your army failed a Morale test during that battle round.
  • No unit from your army made a Fall Back move during that battle round.
  • No unit from your army that started a Normal Move or an Advance move within range of an objective marker at the start of your turn in this battle round ended that move out of range of that objective marker.
Secondary Mission

A show of strength is required. Scour the enemy from the face of the battlefield with the use of extreme firepower.

While this secondary mission is active, keep an Overwhelming Firepower tally. Each time an enemy unit is destroyed by a ranged attack made by a model in your army, add 1 to your Overwhelming Firepower tally.

This secondary mission is achieved once your Overwhelming Firepower tally reaches a certain number, which depends on your battle size, as follows:
  • Incursion = 2
  • Strike Force = 3
If, when this secondary mission is first drawn, for your battle size, your opponent has fewer than this number of units on the battlefield (including those embarked in TRANSPORT models that are themselves on the battlefield), but you destroy all of your opponent’s units on the battlefield with ranged attacks, then this secondary mission is achieved, but in this instance you will only score 2 victory points from this secondary mission instead of 5.
Secondary Mission

Claim the battlefield and display your colours high so that the enemy is in no doubt as to their defaut.

If, when this secondary mission is generated, there are no INFANTRY units, or units with the Objective Secured ability remaining in your army, discard this secondary mission and generate a new one. This secondary mission is achieved when a unit from your army completes the Raise Banner action (see below).

Raise Banner (Action): One unit from your army that has either the INFANTRY keyword or the Objective Secured ability can start to perform this action at the end of your Movement phase if it is within range of an objective marker in no man’s land that you control. The action is completed at the end of your turn provided the unit performing it is still within range of the same objective marker.
Secondary Mission

You must advance swiftly into no man’s land and seize it before the enemy can, lest they take control of the entire battlefield.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if you control two or more objective markers in no man’s land.

If you only have one unit remaining in your army then this secondary mission is instead achieved at the end of your turn if that unit controls one objective marker in no man’s land, but in this instance you will only score 2 victory points from this secondary mission instead of 5.
Secondary Mission

Dominate the field of battle. Storm every site of tactical import and leave the foe with no place to hide.

This secondary mission is achieved at the end of your turn if either of the following conditions are true:
  • You control one or more objective markers that were controlled by your opponent at the start of your turn.
  • Your opponent did not control any objective markers at the start of your turn and you control the objective marker in your opponent’s deployment zone.
Points Limit
An army’s size and relative power can also be described with a points limit instead of a Power Level — the bigger this limit, the larger and more powerful an army is. To use a points limit, you will first need to agree with your opponent what the points limit for your battle will be. Both players can use the same limit, but this does not need to be the case. You will then need to add up the points values for every unit in your army, and make sure the total does not exceed the agreed points limit for the game.

  • Points limit: Sum of all points values in army cannot exceed this.
Command Points
The starting number of CPs each player starts with for Battle-forging their army depends on the size of the battle you are playing. This is usually defined in the mission pack that is being played, but if one is not presented in the mission pack, use the following table. Note that the total Power Level is based on the combined power of all the models used in the battle (so the combined Power Level of both your and your opponent's armies). If you are using a game that uses points values, then the points limit is the maximum points limit per side.

Combat PatrolUp to 50Up to 5003
Strike Force101-2001001-200012

  • Starting number of Command points varies with battle size.
The Warlord
While mustering your army, you can nominate one model (except a model with the FORTIFICATION keyword) to be your Warlord. That model gains the WARLORD keyword. If this model is a CHARACTER, you can also assign a Warlord Trait to it. Note, that more than one model in your army can have a Warlord Trait (e.g. by using Stratagems), but they are only considered your Warlord for the purpose of that trait.
Army Faction
In a Battle-forged army, all of the units in your army - with the exception of those that are UNALIGNED — must have at least one Faction keyword in common (e.g. IMPERIUM or CHAOS) even if they are in different Detachments. If a unit does not have the correct Faction keyword, it cannot be included in your army.

  • Army Faction: All units in army must share at least one Faction keyword.
  • UNALIGNED units are exempt.
Allegiance Keywords
Most of the datasheets in this book have an Allegiance keyword. The following are Allegiance keywords:
If a unit instead has the <ALLEGIANCE> Faction keyword, then when you add that unit to your army, you must select one of the listed Allegiance keywords above and replace the <ALLEGIANCE> keyword in all instances on that Datasheet with the selected Allegiance keyword.

Example: If you include a Daemon Prince in your army, and you decide it is a Daemon Prince of Khorne, its <ALLEGIANCE> keyword becomes KHORNE and its Prince of Chaos ability reads, ‘While a friendly LEGIONES DAEMONICA KHORNE CORE unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, re-roll a hit roll of 1.’
Core Stratagem – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Use this Stratagem at the end of your Command phase. Select one of your active secondary missions and discard it. Generate one new secondary mission.
Unstable Position
Models cannot be set up or end a move on top of this terrain feature (they can move up, over and down this terrain feature, but they cannot end a move on top of it).

  • Cannot be set up or end a move on top of this terrain feature.
Some rules instruct players to roll off. To do so, both players roll one D6, and whoever scores highest wins the roll-off. If there is a tie for the highest roll, make the roll-off again. Neither player is allowed to re-roll or modify any of the D6 when making a roll-off.

  • Roll-off: Both players roll a D6 – highest wins.
  • Roll again if a tie.
Points Values
Every model and weapon has a points value, which is found in a number of Warhammer 40,000 publications. Points values are similar to Power Ratings, in that they give you a guide as to how powerful certain warriors and weapons are, but they offer a greater degree of granularity. A unit’s points value is calculated by adding together the points value of every individual model in that unit and the points value of every individual weapon equipped by a model in that unit. Certain items of wargear also have a points value, and must be included in a unit's points value if equipped by a model in that unit. While it takes a little longer to work out each unit's points value, doing so enables you to differentiate between two similar squads equipped with different weapon options, as the points values listed in our publications reflect the fact that some weapons are more powerful than others.

  • Points values: Detailed measure of a unit's efficacy.
Obstacles include Barricades, Ruined Walls and other battlefield debris that your models have to move over or around. Models can move up, over and down Obstacles following the normal rules for movement. A model on or behind an Obstacle uses the normal rules for determining if another model is visible to it, or if it is visible to another model. Obstacles cannot be chosen as the target of an attack.

An INFANTRY, BEAST or SWARM model receives the benefits of cover from an Obstacle while it is within 3" of that terrain feature unless, when you resolve an attack that targets that model's unit, you can draw straight lines, 1mm in thickness, to every part of that model’s base from a single point on the attacking model’s base (or hull) without any of those lines passing over or through any part of this terrain feature.

  • Models move over Obstacles using normal rules for movement.
  • Models use normal rules to determine if model behind an Obstacle is visible.
  • Obstacles cannot be attacked.
  • INFANTRY, BEASTS and SWARM models receive the benefits of cover while within 3", unless a Straight line can be drawn from the attacker to all parts of the target model without it passing over or through this terrain feature.
Normal Move
When a unit makes a Normal Move, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move (M) characteristic shown on its datasheet, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models.

  • Normal Move: Models move up to M".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
When a unit makes an Advance, make an Advance roll for the unit by rolling one D6. Add the result in inches to the Move (M) characteristic of each model in that unit until the end of the current phase. Each model in that unit can then move a distance in inches equal to or less than this total, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models. A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it made an Advance.

  • Advance: Models move up to M+D6".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of enemy models.
  • Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn.
Fall Back
When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move (M) characteristic shown on its datasheet, and when doing so you can move it within Engagement Range of enemy models, but it cannot end its move within Engagement Range of any enemy models – if it cannot do this then it cannot Fall Back. A unit cannot declare a charge in the same turn that it Fell Back. A unit cannot shoot or attempt to manifest a psychic power in the same turn that it Fell Back unless it is TITANIC.

  • Fall Back: Models move up to M".
  • Units that Fall Back cannot charge this turn.
  • Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or manifest psychic powers this turn unless they are TITANIC.
Manifesting Psychic Powers
When you select a PSYKER unit to manifest psychic powers, you select one psychic power that unit knows and attempt to manifest it. With the exception of Smite, you cannot attempt to manifest the same psychic power more than once in the same battle round, even with different PSYKER units. The same PSYKER unit cannot attempt to manifest Smite more than once during the same battle round.

To manifest the psychic power, you must first pass a Psychic test. The opposing player can then select one of their PSYKER units that is within 24" of the PSYKER unit attempting to manifest the power and attempt to deny that power before its effects are resolved by passing a Deny the Witch test.

So long as the Psychic test was successful and the psychic power was not denied by a successful Deny the Witch test, the psychic power is successfully manifested and its effects, which will be described in the power itself, are then resolved. If the PSYKER unit can attempt to manifest more than one psychic power in its Psychic phase, you can then attempt to manifest those, one at a time, as described above. The number of psychic powers each PSYKER unit can attempt to manifest in its Psychic phase is listed on its datasheet.

  • Select psychic power.
  • You cannot select the same psychic power more than once per battle round, unless that power is Smite.
  • Attempt to manifest the psychic power by taking a Psychic test.
  • The opponent can attempt to deny the psychic power by taking a Deny the Witch test.
  • If successfully manifested, resolve the psychic power’s effects.
  • Select another psychic power.
Deny the Witch
When a PSYKER unit attempts to deny a psychic power, you must take a Deny the Witch test for that unit by rolling 2D6. If the total is greater than the result of the Psychic test, the Deny the Witch test is passed and the psychic power is denied. Only one attempt can be made to deny a psychic power. If a PSYKER unit can attempt to deny more than one psychic power in a psychic phase, this will be listed on its datasheet.

  • Deny the Witch: Passed if 2D6 exceeds result of the opposing PSYKER’s Psychic test.
  • Only one attempt can be made to deny each psychic power.
Engagement Range
Engagement Range represents the zone of threat that models present to their enemies. While a model is within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically of an enemy model, those models are within Engagement Range of each other. While two enemy models are within Engagement Range of each other, those models’ units are also within Engagement Range of each other. Models cannot be set up within Engagement Range of enemy models.

  • Engagement Range: 1" horizontally + 5" vertically.
  • Models cannot be set up within Engagement Range of enemy models.
Charging with a Unit
Once you have chosen an eligible unit to declare a charge with, you must select one or more enemy units within 12" of it as the targets of its charge. The target(s) of this charge do not need to be visible to the charging unit. You then make a charge roll for your unit by rolling 2D6. This is the maximum number of inches each model in the charging unit can now be moved if they can make the charge move. To make a charge move, the unit’s charge roll must be sufficient that it is able to end that move in unit coherency and within Engagement Range of every unit that was a target of its charge, without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of its charge. If this is possible, then the charge is successful and the models in the unit make a charge move so as to fulfil the above conditions. If this is impossible, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase.

  • Declare targets of the charge (must be within 12").
  • Charge roll = 2D6".
  • If insufficient to move charging unit into Engagement Range of all targets, charge fails.
  • If charge successful, models make their charge move.
  • Cannot make a charge move within Engagement Range of any unit that was not the target of the charge.
Performing a Heroic Intervention
When a unit performs a Heroic Intervention, you can move each model in that unit up to 3" – this is a Heroic Intervention move. Each model in the unit must finish its Heroic Intervention move closer to the closest enemy model. Remember that a unit must finish any type of move in unit coherency.

  • Heroic Intervention: Move up to 3".
  • Must end closer to the closest enemy model.
Mortal Wounds
Some attacks inflict mortal wounds – these are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury. Each mortal wound inflicts 1 point of damage on the target unit, and they are always applied one at a time. Do not make a wound roll or saving throw (including invulnerable saves) against a mortal wound – just allocate it as you would any other attack and inflict damage to a model in the target unit. Unlike damage inflicted by normal attacks, excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost. Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.

If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage, resolve the normal damage first. If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage, but the normal damage is subsequently saved, the target unit still suffers the mortal wounds, as described before. If an ability modifies the damage inflicted by a weapon, and that weapon can inflict mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage, the modifier does not apply to any mortal wounds that are inflicted (unless the rule specifically states otherwise).

  • Each mortal wound inflicted on a unit causes one model in the unit to lose one wound.
  • No saving throws can be made against mortal wounds.
  • Mortal wounds inflicted by attacks in addition to normal damage always apply, even if normal damage saved.
Core Stratagem
Use this Stratagem after you have made a hit roll, a wound roll, a damage roll, a saving throw, an Advance roll, a charge roll, a Psychic test, a Deny the Witch test or you have rolled the dice to determine the number of attacks made by a weapon. Re-roll that roll, test or saving throw.
Objective Secured
Some units have an ability called Objective Secured. A player controls an objective marker if they have any models with this ability within range of that objective marker, even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy model within range of an objective marker also has this ability (or a similar ability), then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of that objective marker as normal.

  • Objective Secured: Player controls objective marker if any of their models in range have this ability.
Core Stratagem
Use this Stratagem before you take a Morale test for a unit in your army. That test is automatically passed (do not roll any dice). You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.
Some models have the CHARACTER keyword. These models can make Heroic Interventions in Charge Phase and are not easy targets in the Shooting Phase (see Look out, Sir, rule). If your Warlord has the CHARACTER keyword he may be able to have a Warlord Trait (see Warlord Trait section on model’s faction page).

Note that CHARACTERS cannot use their Aura Abilities while performing actions.
Morale Tests
To take a Morale test, roll one D6 and add the number of models from the unit that have been destroyed this turn. If the result is equal to or less than the highest Leadership (Ld) characteristic in the unit, the Morale test is passed and nothing else happens. An unmodified roll of 1 also always results in a passed Morale test, irrespective of the total result. In any other case, the Morale test is failed, one model flees that unit, and you must then take Combat Attrition tests for the remaining models in the unit. You decide which model from your unit flees – that model is removed from play and counts as having been destroyed, but it never triggers any rules that are used when a model is destroyed.

  • Morale test = D6 + number of models destroyed this turn.
  • Unmodified roll of 1 always a success (no models flee).
  • If Morale test exceeds unit’s Ld, one model flees and other models must take Combat Attrition tests.

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