T’au Empire – Kroot Lone-Spear

Kroot Lone-Spear
(⌀90 x 52mm)
Blast javelin [assault, blast]
Blast javelin [assault, blast]
Kroot long gun [heavy, precision]
Kroot long gun [heavy, precision]
Close combat weapon
Close combat weapon
Hunting javelin [lance]
Hunting javelin [lance]
Kalamandra’s bite [extra attacks]
Kalamandra’s bite [extra attacks]
  • This model’s Kroot long gun can be replaced with 1 blast javelin and 1 hunting javelin.

CORE: Lone Operative, Scouts 7", Stealth
Advanced Scouting: Each time this model makes a ranged attack that hits an enemy unit, until the end of the turn, each time another KROOT model from your army makes an attack that targets that enemy unit, you can re-roll the Hit roll.
Fire and Fade: In your Shooting phase, after this model has shot, if it is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 6". If it does, until the end of the turn, this model is not eligible to declare a charge.
  • 1 Kroot Lone-Spear
This model is equipped with: Kroot long gun; close combat weapon; Kalamandra’s bite.
1 model
Auxiliary Cadre – Battle Tactic
Auxiliary Cadre – Strategic Ploy
Auxiliary Cadre – Strategic Ploy
Auxiliary Cadre – Battle Tactic
Auxiliary Cadre – Strategic Ploy
Boarding Actions – Strategic Ploy
Boarding Actions – Epic Deed
Boarding Actions – Epic Deed
Boarding Actions – Battle Tactic
Boarding Actions – Strategic Ploy
Core – Battle Tactic
Core – Epic Deed
Core – Strategic Ploy
Core – Strategic Ploy
Core – Strategic Ploy
Core – Strategic Ploy
Core – Epic Deed
Experimental Prototype Cadre – Wargear
Experimental Prototype Cadre – Battle Tactic
Experimental Prototype Cadre – Wargear
Kauyon – Battle Tactic
Kauyon – Battle Tactic
Kauyon – Battle Tactic
Kroot Hunting Pack – Strategic Ploy
Kroot Hunting Pack – Battle Tactic
Kroot Hunting Pack – Strategic Ploy
Kroot Hunting Pack – Strategic Ploy
Mont’ka – Battle Tactic
Mont’ka – Battle Tactic
Mont’ka – Wargear
Patient Hunter
Integrated Command Structure
Superior Craftsmanship
Killing Blow
Hunter’s Instincts
Skirmish Fighters
Precision of the Patient Hunter
Exemplar of the Kauyon
Through Unity, Devastation
Solid-image Projection Unit
Fanatical Convert
Plasma Accelerator Rifle
Supernova Launcher
Thermoneutronic Projector
Fusion Blades
Exemplar of the Mont’ka
Strategic Conqueror
Coordinated Exploitation
Strike Swiftly
Kroothawk Flock

Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, high-altitude descent or other extraordinary means that allow them to appear suddenly in the thick of the fighting.

During the Declare Battle Formations step, if every model in a unit has this ability, you can set it up in Reserves instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability.
  • Unit can be set up in Reserves instead of on the battlefield.
  • Unit can be set up in your Reinforcements step, more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models.
Throughout a battle, models will suffer damage and be destroyed. When a model is destroyed, it is removed from the battlefield. When every model in a unit has been destroyed, that unit is destroyed.

Mighty heroes fight at the forefront of battle.

Some CHARACTER units have ‘Leader’ listed on their datasheets. Such CHARACTER units are known as Leaders, and the units they can lead – known as their Bodyguard units – are listed on their datasheet.

During the Declare Battle Formations step, for each Leader in your army, if your army also includes one or more of that Leader’s Bodyguard units, you can select one of those Bodyguard units. That Leader will then attach to that Bodyguard unit for the duration of the battle and is said to be leading that unit. Each Bodyguard unit can only have one Leader attached to it.

While a Bodyguard unit contains a Leader, it is known as an Attached unit and, with the exception of rules that are triggered when units are destroyed, it is treated as a single unit for all rules purposes. Each time an attack targets an Attached unit, until the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks, you must use the Toughness characteristic of the Bodyguard models in that unit, even if a Leader in that unit has a different Toughness characteristic. Each time an attack sucessfully wounds an Attached unit, that attack cannot be allocated to a CHARACTER model in that unit, even if that CHARACTER model has lost one or more wounds or has already had attacks allocated to it this phase. As soon as the last Bodyguard model in an Attached unit has been destroyed, any attacks made against that unit that have yet to be allocated can then be allocated to CHARACTER models in that unit.

Each time the last model in a Bodyguard unit is destroyed, each CHARACTER unit that is part of that Attached unit is no longer part of an Attached unit. It becomes a separate unit, with its original Starting Strength. If this happens as the result of an attack, they become separate units after the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks.

Each time the last model in a CHARACTER unit that is attached to a Bodyguard unit is destroyed and there is not another CHARACTER unit attached, that Attached unit’s Bodyguard unit is no longer part of an Attached unit. It becomes a separate unit, with its original Starting Strength. If this happens as the result of an attack, they become separate units after the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks.

Each time a unit that is part of an Attached unit is destroyed, it does not have the keywords of any other units that make up that Attached unit (unless it has those keywords on its own datasheet) for the purposes of any rules that would be triggered when that unit is destroyed.

Example: If you only destroy the Bodyguard unit that is part of an Attached unit, you have not destroyed a CHARACTER unit. If you only destroy the CHARACTER unit that is part of an Attached unit, or if you destroy the whole Attached unit, you have destroyed one CHARACTER unit.

  • Before the battle, CHARACTER units with the Leader ability can be attached to one of their Bodyguard units to form an Attached unit.
  • Attached units can only contain one Leader.
  • Attacks cannot be allocated to CHARACTER models in Attached units.

The MARKERLIGHT keyword is used in the following T’au Empire datasheets:

For the Greater Good

The Hunter Cadres battle for the betterment of the T’au Empire, not for personal gain or egotistic accomplishments. This burning commitment allows for prodigiously effective covering fire. Enemies are pinned in place by deadly bursts of pulse blasts, or the infamous T’au markerlight is used to expose even well-fortified enemy positions, allowing other T’au warriors to fall on the vulnerable enemies with murderous force.

If your Army Faction is T’AU EMPIRE, then in your Shooting phase units from your army can work in pairs to help each other target specific enemy units. When they do this, one unit is the Observer unit and the other is their Guided unit. The enemy they are targeting is called their Spotted unit.

Each time you select this unit to shoot, if it is not an Observer unit, it can use this ability. If it does, select one other friendly unit with this ability that is also eligible to shoot (excluding FORTIFICATION, Battle-shocked and Observer units). Until the end of the phase, this unit is considered a Guided unit, and that friendly unit is considered an Observer unit. Then select one enemy unit that is visible to both your units to be their Spotted unit.

Until the end of the phase:
  • Each time a model in a Guided unit makes an attack that targets their Spotted unit, improve the Ballistic Skill characteristic of the attack by 1 and, if their Observer unit has the MARKERLIGHT keyword, the attack has the [IGNORES COVER] ability.
  • Each time a model in a Guided unit makes an attack that does not target their Spotted unit, worsen the Ballistic Skill characteristic of the attack by 1.
Hit Roll
When a model makes an attack, make one Hit roll for that attack by rolling one D6. If the result of the Hit roll is greater than or equal to the attack’s Ballistic Skill (BS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a ranged weapon) or its Weapon Skill (WS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a melee weapon), then that Hit roll is successful and scores one hit against the target unit. Otherwise, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.

An unmodified Hit roll of 6 is called a Critical Hit and is always successful. An unmodified Hit roll of 1 always fails. A Hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

  • Hit Roll (Ranged Attack): A hit is scored if the D6 result equals or exceeds that attack’s BS.
  • Hit Roll (Melee Attack): A hit is scored if the D6 result equals or exceeds that attack’s WS.
  • Critical Hit: Unmodified Hit roll of 6. Always successful.
  • An unmodified Hit roll of 1 always fails.
  • A Hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.
Wound Roll
Each time an attack scores a hit against a target unit, make a Wound roll for that attack by rolling one D6 to see if that attack successfully wounds the target unit. The result required is determined by comparing the attack’s Strength (S) characteristic with the target’s Toughness (T) characteristic, as shown below.

Strength is TWICE (or more than twice) the Toughness.
Strength is GREATER than the Toughness.
Strength is EQUAL to the Toughness.
Strength is LESS than the Toughness.
Strength is HALF (or less than half) the Toughness.

If the result of the Wound roll is greater than or equal to the required number shown in the table above, then that Wound roll is successful and scores one wound against the target unit. Otherwise, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.

An unmodified Wound roll of 6 is called a Critical Wound and is always successful. An unmodified Wound roll of 1 always fails. A Wound roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

  • Critical Wound: Unmodified Wound roll of 6. Always successful.
  • An unmodified Wound roll of 1 always fails.
  • A Wound roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.
Before selecting targets for this weapon, select one of its profiles to make attacks with.

High-explosives can fell several warriors in a single blast, but firing them where your comrades will get caught in the ensuing detonation is simply unwise.

Weapons with [BLAST] in their profile are known as Blast weapons, and they make a random number of attacks. Each time you determine how many attacks are made with a Blast weapon, add 1 to the result for every five models that were in the target unit when you selected it as the target (rounding down). Blast weapons can never be used to make attacks against a unit that is within Engagement Range of one or more units from the attacking model’s army (including its own unit).

Example: If a weapon with the [BLAST] ability and an Attacks characteristic of 2D6 targets a unit that contains 11 models, and the roll to determine how many attacks are made is a 9, a total of 11 attacks would be made against that unit.

  • Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic for every five models in the target unit (rounding down).
  • Can never be used against a target that is within Engagement Range of any units from the attacking model’s army (including its own).
Some models have the CHARACTER keyword. These models can make Heroic Interventions in Charge Phase and are not easy targets in the Shooting Phase (see Look out, Sir, rule). If your Warlord has the CHARACTER keyword he may be able to have a Warlord Trait (see Warlord Trait section on model’s faction page).

Note that CHARACTERS cannot use their Aura Abilities while %000015069performing actions%.
Advance Moves
When a unit Advances, make an Advance roll for that unit by rolling one D6. Add the result in inches to the Move characteristic of each model in that unit until the end of the phase. Each model in that unit can then make an Advance move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to this total, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models. A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Advanced.

  • Advance Move: Models move up to M+D6".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
  • Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn.
Auxiliary Cadre – Battle Tactic Stratagem
There is much that the alien auxiliaries of the T’au empire can teach the Fire caste, not least through practical and deadly battlefield demonstrations.
WHEN: Your Movement phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, your unit is eligible to shoot in a turn in which it Advanced. If it is a KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit, until the end of the turn, your unit is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it Advanced as well.
Auxiliary Cadre – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Target analysis data from scanning drones is rapidly translated into inputs ideally tailored to a range of alien sensoria and then disseminated through the cadre.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot or fight this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes an attack, re-roll a Wound roll of 1. If it is a KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit, you can re-roll the Wound roll instead.
Engagement Range
Engagement Range represents the zone of threat that models present to their enemies. While a model is within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically of an enemy model, those models – and their units – are within Engagement Range of each other.

Models cannot be set up or end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models. If for any reason a model cannot meet this condition, that model is destroyed.

  • Engagement Range: Within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically.
  • Models cannot be set up or end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
Normal Moves
When a unit makes a Normal move, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move (M) characteristic, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

  • Normal Move: Models move up to M".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
Fall Back Moves
When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can make a Fall Back move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move characteristic, and when doing so you can move it within Engagement Range of enemy models, provided it does not end that move within Engagement Range of any enemy models – if this is not possible, that unit cannot Fall Back.

A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Fell Back.

Desperate Escape Tests
Unlike when making other types of move, models can move over enemy models when making a Fall Back move as if those enemy models were not there, but you must take a Desperate Escape test for each model that will do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY) before any models in that unit are moved. In addition, if a unit is Battle-shocked when it is selected to Fall Back, you must take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit before any are moved.

Each time you take a Desperate Escape test for a model, roll one D6. For each roll of 1-2, one model from the unit that is Falling Back is destroyed (selected by you). The same model can only ever trigger one Desperate Escape test per phase.

  • Fall Back Move: Models move up to M".
  • Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn.
  • Models can move over enemy models when Falling Back, but you must take Desperate Escape tests for them before they do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY).
  • If a Battle-shocked unit is selected to Fall Back, take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit.
  • Desperate Escape Test: Roll one D6. On a 1-2, one model from that unit is destroyed.
If a unit makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, and every model in that unit ends that move within 3" of a friendly TRANSPORT model, they can embark within it. A unit cannot embark if it has already disembarked from a TRANSPORT model in the same phase. Remove the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side – it is now embarked within that TRANSPORT model. Unless otherwise stated, units cannot do anything or be affected in any way while they are embarked.

  • A unit can embark within a friendly TRANSPORT if all of its models end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within 3" of that TRANSPORT.
  • A unit cannot embark and disembark in the same phase.

The TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following T’au Empire datasheets:

Dedicated Transports
Auxiliary Cadre – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Regular Fire caste forces operating as part of auxiliary cadres are well trained in swift repositioning and fighting retreats, the better to exploit the presence of or provide support for their alien comrades.
WHEN: End of the Fight phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that was eligible to fight this phase.

EFFECT: If your unit is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 6". Otherwise, your unit can make a Fall Back move. It cannot embark within a TRANSPORT at the end of this move if it disembarked from a TRANSPORT this turn.
Attached Units
Some CHARACTER units have the Leader ability, which lets them merge with other units (known as Bodyguard units) to form an Attached unit.

The Starting Strength of an Attached unit is equal to the combined Starting Strengths of all of its units (i.e. the number of models in the Leader unit added to the number of models in the Bodyguard unit). If either the Leader unit or the Bodyguard unit in an Attached unit is destroyed, the Starting Strength of the remaining unit is changed to be equal to its original Starting Strength.

Example: A Primaris Captain (Starting Strength 1) is attached to a unit of Intercessors (Starting Strength 5). This Attached unit has a Starting Strength of 6. If all the Intercessors are destroyed, the remaining Primaris Captain would revert to having a Starting Strength of 1.

For the purposes of rules that are triggered when a unit is destroyed, such rules are still triggered when one of the individual units that made up an Attached unit is destroyed (the Leader or the Bodyguard unit).

Example: If a rule awards you with 1VP each time an enemy unit is destroyed, and you target an Attached unit, you would gain 1VP if the Bodyguard unit is destroyed and 1VP if the Leader unit is destroyed (for a total of 2VP).
Boarding Actions – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The commander's authoritative tone cuts through the din of battle, guiding the actions of nearby troops.
WHEN: Start or end of any phase.

TARGET: One Leader unit from your army and one friendly Bodyguard unit within 6" of it that it could normally be attached to.

EFFECT: Select one of your Leader unit’s Leader abilities. Until the start of your next Command phase, that Bodyguard unit is treated as being led by that Leader unit for the purposes of that Leader ability.

RESTRICTIONS: Once you target a unit with this Stratagem, that unit cannot be targeted with it again until your next Command phase.
Saving Throw
The player controlling the target unit then makes one saving throw. By default, this will be an armour saving throw using their model’s Save (Sv) characteristic, but some models have invulnerable saves that can be used instead (see below). To make an armour saving throw, roll one D6, then modify the result by the Armour Penetration (AP) characteristic of the attack. For example, if the attack has an AP of -1, then 1 is subtracted from the saving throw.

If the result is greater than or equal to the Save characteristic of the model the attack was allocated to, then that saving throw is successful and the attack sequence ends. Otherwise, that saving throw fails and that model suffers damage.

An unmodified saving throw of 1 always fails. A saving throw can never be improved by more than +1.

  • Saving Throw: Roll one D6 and modify by the attack’s AP. If the result is less than the Save of the model being rolled for, the saving throw is failed and that model suffers damage. Otherwise, that attack is saved.
  • An unmodified saving throw of 1 always fails.
  • A saving throw can never be improved by more than +1.
Charging with a Unit
Once you have selected an eligible unit to declare a charge, you must select one or more enemy units within 12" of it as the targets of that charge. The targets of a charge do not need to be visible to the charging unit.

You then make a Charge roll for the charging unit by rolling 2D6. The result is the maximum number of inches each model in that unit can be moved if a Charge move is possible. For a Charge move to be possible, the Charge roll must be sufficient to enable the charging unit to end that move:
  • Within Engagement Range of every unit that you selected as a target of the charge.
  • Without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of the charge.
  • In Unit Coherency.
If any of these conditions cannot be met, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Otherwise, the charge is successful and the models in the charging unit make a Charge move – move each model a distance in inches up to the result of the Charge roll. When doing so, each model in the charging unit must end its Charge move closer to one of the units selected as a target of its charge. If you can also move a charging model so that it ends its Charge move in base-to-base contact with one or more enemy models while still enabling the charging unit to end its move satisfying all of the conditions above, you must do so. The controlling player chooses the order in which to move their models.

  • Charge Roll: 2D6".
  • Targets of a charge must be within 12" but do not need to be visible.
  • If the distance rolled is insufficient to move within Engagement Range of all targets while maintaining Unit Coherency, the charge fails.
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any unit that was not a target of the charge.
  • If the charge is successful, each model makes a Charge move less than or equal to the Charge roll, and must move into base-to-base contact with an enemy model if possible.

Weapons powered by unstable and dangerous energy sources pose a substantial risk to the wielder every time they are used.

Weapons with [HAZARDOUS] in their profile are known as Hazardous weapons. Each time a unit is selected to shoot or fight, after that unit has resolved all of its attacks, for each Hazardous weapon that targets were selected for when resolving those attacks, that unit must take one Hazardous test. To do so, roll one D6: on a 1, that test is failed. For each failed test you must resolve the following sequence (resolve each failed test one at a time):
  • If possible, select one model in that unit that has lost one or more wounds and is equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
  • Otherwise, if possible, select one model in that unit (excluding CHARACTER models) equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
  • Otherwise, select one CHARACTER model in that unit equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
If a model was selected, that unit suffers 3 mortal wounds and when allocating those mortal wounds, they must be allocated to the selected model.
If a unit from a player’s army is selected as the target of the Fire Overwatch Stratagem in their opponent’s Charge phase, any mortal wounds inflicted by Hazardous tests are allocated after the charging unit has ended its Charge move.

Example: A unit of five models make five attacks with ranged weapons with the [HAZARDOUS] ability. After the unit has finished shooting, its controlling player rolls five D6. One of the results is a 1, and so one of those models suffers 3 mortal wounds.

  • After a unit shoots or fights, roll one Hazardous test (one D6) for each Hazardous weapon used. For each 1, a model equipped with a hazardous weapon suffers 3 mortal wounds, that must be allocated to the selected model.
Boarding Actions – Epic Deed Stratagem
A great commander can bend even the vagaries of fate and fortune to their will, the better to ensure victory.
WHEN: Any phase, just after you have made a Hit roll, a Wound roll, a Damage roll, a saving throw, an Advance roll, a Charge roll, a Desperate Escape test, a Hazardous test, or just after you have rolled the dice to determine the number of attacks made with a weapon, for an attack, model or unit from your army.

TARGET: That unit or model from your army.

EFFECT: You re-roll that roll, test or saving throw.
2. Battle-shock
In this step, you must take a Battle-shock test for each of your units on the battlefield that is Below Half-strength. To do so, roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the best Leadership characteristic in that unit, the test is passed; otherwise, the test is failed and, until the start of your next Command phase, that unit is Battle-shocked.

While a unit is Battle-shocked:

Once you have taken Battle-shock tests for all of your units that require them, your Command phase ends and you progress to your Movement phase.

In this step, if for any reason a unit is forced to take a Battle-shock test for being below its Starting Strength, unless otherwise stated, that unit does not also have to take a Battle-shock test for being Below Half-strength. While a unit is Battle-shocked, all models in that unit are also Battle-shocked.

  • Take a Battle-shock test for each unit from your army on the battlefield that is Below Half-strength.
  • Roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the unit’s Leadership, the test is passed. Otherwise, the unit is Battle-shocked until the start of your next Command phase.
  • Battle-shocked units have an OC of 0 and their controlling player cannot use Stratagems to affect them.
  • Battle-shocked units must take Desperate Escape tests if they Fall Back.
Boarding Actions – Epic Deed Stratagem
Indifferent to their own survival, these warriors hold their ground against seemingly impossible odds.
WHEN: Battle-shock step of your Command phase, just after you have failed a Battle-shock test taken for a unit from your army.

TARGET: The unit from your army that Battle-shock test was just taken for (even though your Battle-shocked units cannot normally be affected by your Stratagems).

EFFECT: Your unit is treated as having passed that test instead, and is not Battle-shocked as a result.
Boarding Actions – Battle Tactic Stratagem
A well-placed explosive munition in confined shipboard spaces can cause bloody carnage.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Select one model in your unit that is equipped with a weapon with the [BLAST] ability. Until the end of the phase, when determining how many models are in the target unit for the purpose of that ability, include models that are not visible to the attacking model. In addition, attacks made with that weapon can be allocated to models that are not visible to the attacking model.
Boarding Actions – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
In close-quarters combat, the slightest hesitation can leave an opening for a swift foe to exploit.
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has fought.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units and that has not already been selected to fight this phase.

EFFECT: Your unit fights next.
Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, which means you get to roll some or all of the dice again. If a rule allows you to re-roll a dice roll that was made by adding several dice together (e.g. 2D6, 3D6, etc.) then, unless otherwise stated, you must re-roll all of those dice again.

You can never re-roll a dice more than once, and re-rolls happen before modifiers (if any) are applied. Rules that refer to the value of an ‘unmodified’ dice roll are referring to the dice result after any re-rolls, but before any modifiers are applied.

  • Unmodified Dice: the result after re-rolls, but before any modifiers.
  • A dice can never be re-rolled more than once.
  • You must re-roll all dice if several need adding together (e.g. 2D6).
  • Re-rolls are applied before any modifiers.
Core – Battle Tactic Stratagem
A great commander can bend even the vagaries of fate and fortune to their will, the better to ensure victory.
WHEN: Any phase, just after you make an Advance roll, a Charge roll, a Desperate Escape test or a Hazardous test for a unit from your army, or a Hit roll, a Wound roll, a Damage roll or a saving throw for a model in that unit, or a roll to determine the number of attacks made with a weapon equipped by a model in that unit. If you are using fast dice rolling, this Stratagem can still be used after rolling multiple rolls or saving throws at once.

TARGET: That unit or model from your army.

EFFECT: You re-roll that roll, test or saving throw. If you are using fast dice rolling, select one of those rolls or saving throws to re-roll.
Core – Epic Deed Stratagem
Indifferent to their own survival, these warriors hold their ground against seemingly impossible odds.
WHEN: Battle-shock step of your Command phase, just before you take a Battle-shock test for a unit from your army.

TARGET: That unit from your army.

EFFECT: Your unit automatically passes that Battle-shock test.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot use this Stratagem more than once per battle.
Unit Visible
If one or more models in a unit is visible to the observing model, then that model’s unit is visible to the observing model.

Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
A hail of wildfire can drive back advancing foes.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Movement or Charge phase, just after an enemy unit is set up or when an enemy unit starts or ends a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, or declares a charge.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is within 24" of that enemy unit and that would be eligible to shoot if it were your Shooting phase.

EFFECT: If that enemy unit is visible to your unit, your unit can shoot that enemy unit as if it were your Shooting phase.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot target a TITANIC unit with this Stratagem. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a ranged attack, an unmodified Hit roll of 6 is required to score a hit, irrespective of the attacking weapon’s Ballistic Skill or any modifiers. You can only use this Stratagem once per turn.
Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Be it cunning strategy, potent technology or supernatural ritual, there are many means by which a commander may hasten their warriors’ onset.
WHEN: End of your opponent’s Movement phase.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is in Reserves.

EFFECT: Your unit can arrive on the battlefield as if it were the Reinforcements step of your Movement phase, and if every model in that unit has the Deep Strike ability, you can set that unit up as described in the Deep Strike ability (even though it is not your Movement phase).

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot use this Stratagem to enable a unit to arrive on the battlefield during a battle round it would not normally be able to do so in.
Charge Bonus

Many warriors thunder headlong into combat, using the impetus of their charge to bring swift death to their foes.

Each time a unit makes a Charge move, until the end of the turn, that unit has the Fights First ability.
Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Voices raised in furious war cries, your warriors surge forth to meet the enemy’s onslaught head-on.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Charge phase, just after an enemy unit ends a Charge move.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is within 6" of that enemy unit and would be eligible to declare a charge against that enemy unit if it were your Charge phase.

EFFECT: Your unit now declares a charge that targets only that enemy unit, and you resolve that charge as if it were your Charge phase.

RESTRICTIONS: You can only select a VEHICLE unit from your army if it is a WALKER. Note that even if this charge is successful, your unit does not receive any Charge bonus this turn.
Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
In close-quarters combat, the slightest hesitation can leave an opening for a swift foe to exploit.
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has fought.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units and that has not already been selected to fight this phase.

EFFECT: Your unit fights next.

Precision attacks can pick high-value targets out in a crowd, whether through the unerring aim of a sniper or the pinpoint accuracy of a blade-master’s strike.

Weapons with [PRECISION] in their profile are known as Precision weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon successfully wounds an Attached unit (see Leader ability), if a CHARACTER model in that unit is visible to the attacking model, the attacking model’s player can choose to have that attack allocated to that CHARACTER model instead of following the normal attack sequence.

  • When targeting an Attached unit, the attacking model’s player can have the attack allocated to a CHARACTER model in that unit visible to the bearer.
Core – Epic Deed Stratagem
The legends of the 41st Millennium are replete with deadly duels between mighty champions.
WHEN: Fight phase, when a CHARACTER unit from your army that is within Engagement Range of one or more Attached units is selected to fight.

TARGET: One CHARACTER model in your unit.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, all melee attacks made by that model have the [PRECISION] ability.
Experimental Prototype Cadre – Wargear Stratagem
From hardened warheads and amplified ion capacitors, to hyperaccelerated pulse fields and refined fusion cores, the T’au are forever innovating improvements to improve the lethality of their ammunition.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Select one of the following to apply to your unit until the end of the phase:
  • Improve the Strength characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit by 1.
  • Improve the Strength and Armour Penetration characteristics of ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit by 1, and those weapons have the [HAZARDOUS] ability.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot target the same unit with the Experimental Ammunition and Threat Assessment Analyser Stratagems in the same phase.
Experimental Prototype Cadre – Battle Tactic Stratagem
T’au scientists have distributed the latest prototype weapons amongst this cadre’s contingents, all optimised to increase reliability and accuracy.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time you roll one or more dice to determine the number of attacks made with a weapon equipped by a model in your unit, you can re-roll the result.
Sustained Hits

Some weapons strike in a flurry of blows, tearing the foe apart with relentless ferocity.

Weapons with [SUSTAINED HITS X] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if a Critical Hit is rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’.

Example: A model makes an attack with a melee weapon with the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability. If the Hit roll is an unmodified 6 (a Critical Hit), then that attack scores a total of 3 hits on the target (1 from the successful Hit roll of 6, and 2 from the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability).

  • [SUSTAINED HITS X]: Each Critical Hit scores ‘x’ additional hits on the target.
Lethal Hits

Some weapons can inflict fatal injuries on any foe, no matter their resilience.

Weapons with [LETHAL HITS] in their profile are known as Lethal Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, a Critical Hit automatically wounds the target.
Experimental Prototype Cadre – Wargear Stratagem
The Earth caste have been experimenting with implanting AI neurochip-technology into hand-held scanners, enabling the swift calculation of precise firing solutions.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Select the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] or [LETHAL HITS] ability. Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit have the selected ability. You can instead select the [SUSTAINED HITS 1], [LETHAL HITS] and [HAZARDOUS] abilities to apply to those weapons until the end of the phase.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot target the same unit with the Experimental Ammunition and Threat Assessment Analyser Stratagems in the same phase.
Objective Markers
Objective markers represent objects of tactical or strategic import that both sides are attempting to secure, such as valuable artefacts, vital supplies or communications nodes. If a mission uses objective markers, it will state where they are located on the battlefield. These can be represented using any suitable marker, but we recommend using round markers that are 40mm in diameter.

When setting objective markers up on the battlefield, place them so they are centred on the point specified by the mission. When measuring distances to and from objective markers, measure to and from the closest part of them. Models can move over objective markers as if they were not there, but they cannot end a move on top of an objective marker.

At the start of the battle, each objective marker on the battlefield is said to be contested, and so is not controlled by either player. To control an objective marker, a player will first need to move models within range of it. A model is within range of an objective marker if it is within 3" horizontally and 5" vertically of that objective marker.

Every model has an Objective Control (OC) characteristic listed on its datasheet. To determine a player’s Level of Control over an objective marker, add together the OC characteristics of all the models from that player’s army that are within range of that objective marker. A player will control an objective marker at the end of any phase or turn if their Level of Control over it is greater than their opponent’s. If both players have the same Level of Control over an objective marker, that objective marker is contested.

  • A model is within range of an objective marker if within 3" horizontally and 5" vertically.
  • Level of Control: Add together the OC characteristics of all of a player’s models within range of the objective marker.
  • An objective marker is controlled by the player with the highest Level of Control over it (in a tie, it is contested).
  • Models cannot end a move on top of an objective marker.
Kauyon – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Kauyon teaches that many things can be used to bait a trap, luring the foe into position.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase. The first time you use this Stratagem, you must also select one objective marker that is not in your opponent’s deployment zone; until the end of the battle, this becomes your Trap objective marker.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a ranged attack that targets an enemy unit within range of your Trap objective marker, add 1 to the Wound roll.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot use this Stratagem during the first or second battle rounds.
Ignores Cover

Some weapons are designed to root enemy formations out of entrenched positions.

Weapons with [IGNORES COVER] in their profile are known as Ignores Cover weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, the target cannot have the Benefit of Cover against that attack.
Kauyon – Battle Tactic Stratagem
T’au Hunter Cadres work in close coordination to destroy the most dangerous enemy targets.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has just been selected as an Observer unit (see For the Greater Good).

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes an attack that targets their Spotted unit, improve the Ballistic Skill characteristic of that attack by 1 and, if your unit has the MARKERLIGHT keyword, that attack has the [IGNORES COVER] ability.
Kauyon – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Devastating firepower need not be applied from afar, especially when striking an unsuspecting foe.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a ranged attack that targets an enemy unit within 9", improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot use this Stratagem during the first or second battle rounds.
Mont’ka – Battle Tactic Stratagem
By advancing swiftly into commanding positions, Mont’ka forces maximise the benefits of their enemies' shock and disorientation.
WHEN: Your Movement phase.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, if your unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll for it. Instead, until the end of the phase, add 6" to the Move characteristic of models in your unit.
Mont’ka – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Mont’ka doctrine heavily emphasises the massed concentration of fire upon a single target at a time, obliterating each component of the enemy force in succession with a series of unrelenting barrages.
WHEN: Start of your Shooting phase.

TARGET: Two T’AU EMPIRE units from your army that have not been selected to shoot this phase, and one enemy unit.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in either of your units makes an attack, it can only target that enemy unit (and only if it is an eligible target for that attack), and when resolving that attack, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic by 1.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot use this Stratagem during the fourth or fifth battle rounds.
Mont’ka – Wargear Stratagem
Point-defence systems trigger as incoming fire is detected, blasting projectiles from the air and lessening the power of the enemy fusillade.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time an attack is allocated to your unit, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack.
Patient Hunter
Kauyon Detachment

The tactical philosophy known as the Kauyon allows for T’au commanders to draw the enemy into a deadly trap, springing it at the perfect moment to deliver a storm of fatal strikes against which none can escape.

From the third battle round onwards, all ranged weapons equipped by T’AU EMPIRE models from your army have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability, or the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability instead while targeting their unit’s Spotted unit.

The TITANIC keyword is used in the following T’au Empire datasheets:

Integrated Command Structure
Auxiliary Cadre Detachment

T’au officers given charge of auxiliary cadres receive additional training in optimised doctrinal and strategic alien amalgamation; this – coupled with specialised translation drones and endless integrated combat drills – allows them to get the best out of their alien subordinates.

KROOT and VESPID STINGWINGS units from your army have the following ability:

Targeting Triangulation (Aura): While an enemy unit is within 9" of and visible to this unit, each time a ranged attack made by a friendly T’AU EMPIRE model (excluding KROOT, VESPID STINGWINGS and TITANIC models) targets that enemy unit, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.

T’AU EMPIRE units (excluding KROOT and VESPID STINGWINGS units) from your army have the following ability:

Localised Stealth Projectors (Aura): While a friendly KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit is wholly within 6" of and visible to this unit, that KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 18".
Superior Craftsmanship
Experimental Prototype Cadre Detachment

The applied science divisions of the Earth caste labour endlessly to provide front-line units with expertly crafted instruments of destruction.

Add 6" to the Range characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by T’AU EMPIRE models from your army
Killing Blow
Mont’ka Detachment

Mont’ka is the most aggressive style of T’au warfare. Its singular focus is the art of identifying a target of opportunity and attacking it swiftly with an overwhelming application of force.

During the first, second and third battle rounds, ranged weapons equipped by T’AU EMPIRE models from your army have the [ASSAULT] ability. During the first, second and third battle rounds, while a unit is a Guided unit, its ranged weapons have the [LETHAL HITS] ability.

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Melta weapons are powerful heat rays whose fury is magnified at close range.

Weapons with [MELTA X] in their profile are known as Melta weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon targets a unit within half that weapon’s range, that attack’s Damage characteristic is increased by the amount denoted by ‘x’.

Example: A model targets a unit that is within half range of a weapon with a Damage characteristic of D6 and the [MELTA 2] ability. If that attack inflicts damage on the target, it inflicts D6+2 damage.

  • [MELTA X]: Increase the Damage by ‘x’ when targeting units within half range.

Assault weapons fire so indiscriminately that they can be shot from the hip as warriors dash forward.

Weapons with [ASSAULT] in their profile are known as Assault weapons. If a unit that Advanced this turn contains any models equipped with Assault weapons, it is still eligible to shoot in this turn’s Shooting phase. When such a unit is selected to shoot, you can only resolve attacks using Assault weapons its models are equipped with.

  • Can be shot even if the bearer’s unit Advanced.

Heavy weapons are amongst the biggest guns on the battlefield, but require bracing to fire at full effect and are unwieldy to bring to bear at close quarters.

Weapons with [HEAVY] in their profile are known as Heavy weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if the attacking model’s unit Remained Stationary this turn, add 1 to that attack’s Hit roll.

  • Add 1 to Hit rolls if the bearer’s unit Remained Stationary this turn.

Scouts form the vanguard of many armies. Unnoticed by the enemy, they range ahead of the main force.

Some units have ‘Scouts x"’ listed in their abilities. If every model in a unit has this ability, then at the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins, it can make a Normal move of up to x", with the exception that, while making that move, the distance moved by each model in that unit can be greater than that model's Move characteristic, as long as it is not greater than x".

DEDICATED TRANSPORT models can make use of any Scouts x" ability listed in their abilities, or a Scouts x" ability that a unit that starts the battle embarked within that DEDICATED TRANSPORT model has (provided only models with this ability are embarked within that DEDICATED TRANSPORT model), regardless of how that embarked unit gained this ability (e.g. listed in their abilities, conferred by an Enhancement or by an attached CHARACTER, etc.).

A unit that moves using this ability must end that move more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.

Example: A unit has the Scouts 6" ability. At the start of the first battle round, the controlling player can make a Normal move with that unit of up to 6".

  • Scouts x": Unit can make a Normal move of up to x" before the first turn begins.
  • If embarked in a DEDICATED TRANSPORT, that DEDICATED TRANSPORT can make this move instead.
  • Must end this move more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models.

Some warriors are masters of disguise and concealment.

If every model in a unit has this ability, then each time a ranged attack is made against it, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll.
Auxiliary Cadre – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Air caste craft have dropped drones that emit pheromones into this region, their emissions invisible but blazing like beacons to the correct alien senses.
WHEN: Your Movement phase.

TARGET: One KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time your unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll for it. Instead, until the end of the phase, add 6" to the Move characteristic of models in your unit.
Auxiliary Cadre – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
These experimental Earth caste weapon upgrades can only activate for short bursts at a time, but the extra stopping power they provide is formidable.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot or fight this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of weapons equipped by models in your unit by 1.
Kroot Hunting Pack – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Kroot see no value in stand-up fights, caring little for honour or glory. They hit and fade, frustrating their foes and bleeding them by degrees until - weakened and out of position - they are rendered vulnerable.
WHEN: Your Movement phase, just after a KROOT unit from your army Falls Back.

TARGET: That KROOT unit.

EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, your unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge.
Kroot Hunting Pack – Battle Tactic Stratagem
The Kroot have long perfected the art of ambush hunting, their packs working in deadly concert.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One KROOT unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot or fight this phase.

EFFECT: After your unit has resolved its attacks this phase, select one enemy unit that was hit by one or more of those attacks. Until the end of the phase, each time a KROOT model from your army makes an attack that targets that enemy unit, unless the attacking unit is Battle-shocked, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
Kroot Hunting Pack – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The Kroot are experts in camouflage and concealment, able to utilise cover in ways most foes would never consider and - to their great misfortune - do not anticipate.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One KROOT unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 18".
Below Half-strength
Some rules will refer to a unit being Below Half-strength.
  • If a unit has a Starting Strength of 1, then it is said to be Below Half-strength while its remaining number of wounds is less than half of its Wounds characteristic.
  • For any other unit, while the number of models in that unit is less than half of its Starting Strength, that unit is said to be Below Half-strength.
Kroot Hunting Pack – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The psychological impact of witnessing one's comrades being dismembered and devoured by gore-splattered Kroot cannot be overstated.
WHEN: Fight phase.

TARGET: One KROOT unit from your army that destroyed one or more enemy units this phase.

EFFECT: In your opponent’s next Command phase, each enemy unit within 6" of your unit must take a Battle-shock test. If the unit taking that test is Below Half-strength, subtract 1 from that test. Enemy units affected by this Stratagem do not need to take any other Battle-shock tests in the same phase.
Hunter’s Instincts
Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment

The Kroot naturally predate upon weakened foes, drawn by the scent of spilled blood and viscera.

Each time a KROOT model from your army makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll if the target of that attack is below its Starting Strength, and add 1 to the Wound roll as well if the target of that attack is Below Half-strength.
Skirmish Fighters
Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment

Though ill-suited to protracted warfare, the Kroot are experts at light, swift skirmishing. Here their fieldcraft and wiry natural agility help them to evade the hostile attentions of their foes.

KROOT models from your army have a 6+ invulnerable save against melee attacks and a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks.

Lance weapons are deadly on the charge.

Weapons with [LANCE] in their profile are known as Lance weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if the bearer made a Charge move this turn, add 1 to that attack’s Wound roll.
Extra Attacks

Some warriors ride to battle atop trusty mounts that gore and trample nearby foes. Others wield combat weapons that deliver a frenzy of additional blows.

Weapons with [EXTRA ATTACKS] in their profile are known as Extra Attacks weapons. Each time the bearer of one or more Extra Attacks weapons fights, it makes attacks with each of the Extra Attacks melee weapons it is equipped with and it makes attacks with one of the melee weapons it is equipped with that does not have the [EXTRA ATTACKS] ability (if any). The number of attacks made with an Extra Attacks weapon cannot be modified by other rules, unless that weapon’s name is explicitly specified in that rule.

  • The bearer can attack with this weapon in addition to any other weapons it can make attacks with.

The MOUNTED keyword is used in the following T’au Empire datasheets:

  • Precision of the Patient Hunter
    15 pts
Kauyon Detachment

This warrior prowls the battlefield like a high-tech predator, stalking and assessing their quarry before they strike. When they do launch their assault, their every shot and blow is informed by careful observations, perfectly aimed where they will do the greatest harm.

T’AU EMPIRE model only. Each time the bearer makes a ranged attack, add 1 to the Hit roll. From the third battle round onwards, add 1 to the Wound roll as well.

The KROOT and SHAPER keywords are used in the following T’au Empire datasheets:

  • Exemplar of the Kauyon
    20 pts
Kauyon Detachment

Long meditation upon the tenets of the Patient Hunter has seen this warrior master the application of this cunning ambush strategy. When they take to the battlefield, they embody the teachings of the Kauyon, much to the dismay of their luckless prey.

T’AU EMPIRE model only (excluding KROOT SHAPER models). While the bearer is leading a unit, the Patient Hunter Detachment rule applies to that unit from the second battle round onwards instead of from the third.

  • Through Unity, Devastation
    25 pts
Kauyon Detachment

Under their calm tutelage of this leader, warriors of the Fire caste maximise every shot they fire, creating a blizzard of deadly energy.

T’AU EMPIRE model only (excluding KROOT SHAPER models). While this model is leading a unit, each time that unit is an Observer unit, until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in their Guided unit have the [LETHAL HITS] ability while targeting their Spotted unit.

  • Solid-image Projection Unit
    30 pts
Kauyon Detachment

This holowave-emitter drone projects beams of so-called heavy light, forming convincing illusory images while simultaneously masking the true locations of its allies with advanced refraction fields.

T’AU EMPIRE model only. After both players have deployed their armies, select up to three T’AU EMPIRE units from your army and redeploy them. When doing so, you can set those units up in Strategic Reserves if you wish, regardless of how many units are already in Strategic Reserves.

  • Plasma Accelerator Rifle
    10 pts
Experimental Prototype Cadre Detachment

The plasma accelerator rifle blends pulse-induction technology with a high-yield plasma generator, rendering it highly effective against both infantry and light vehicles.

T’AU EMPIRE model only. Select one plasma rifle equipped by the bearer. Improve the Strength characteristic of that weapon by 2, and improve the Attacks, Armour Penetration and Damage characteristics of that weapon by 1.

  • Supernova Launcher
    15 pts
Experimental Prototype Cadre Detachment

Adapted from standard-issue fragmentation projectors, this weapon enables the bearer to fire explosive plasma charges on parabolic trajectories. These projectiles drop amongst the enemy and explode in a coruscating fireball that evaporates metal and flesh alike.

T’AU EMPIRE model only. Select one airbursting fragmentation projector equipped by the bearer. Improve the Strength characteristic of that weapon by 3, and improve the Armour Penetration and Damage characteristics of that weapon by 1.

  • Thermoneutronic Projector
    20 pts
Experimental Prototype Cadre Detachment

The thermoneutronic projector uses volatile gases siphoned from the coronae of neutron stars to expel a flame capable of searing through the armour plating of a battle tank.

T’AU EMPIRE model only. Select one T’au flamer equipped by the bearer. Improve the Strength characteristic of that weapon by 2, and improve the Armour Penetration and Damage characteristics of that weapon by 1.

  • Fusion Blades
    25 pts
Experimental Prototype Cadre Detachment

Fusion blades resemble modified versions of the T’au fusion blaster. However, when fired, each weapon unleashes a continuous beam of volatile energy that extends from the muzzle of the weapon.

T’AU EMPIRE model only. Select one fusion blaster equipped by the bearer. Improve the Attacks characteristic of that weapon by 1, improve the Strength characteristic of that weapon by 3, and that weapon has the [MELTA 4] ability.

  • Exemplar of the Mont’ka
    10 pts
Mont’ka Detachment

This warrior has perfected the art of the Killing Blow, formulating swift and decisive battle plans and leading their cadres from the front in aggressive strikes.

T’AU EMPIRE model only (excluding KROOT SHAPER models). While the bearer is leading a unit, the Killing Blow Detachment rule applies to that unit during the fourth battle round as well.

  • Strategic Conqueror
    15 pts
Mont’ka Detachment

A wise commander appreciates the strategic value of seizing a vital battlefield asset swiftly to establish a foothold, employing it as a jumping off point for further assaults or a rallying post for a swift retreat.

T’AU EMPIRE model only. At the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins, select one objective marker on the battlefield. While a friendly T’AU EMPIRE model is within range of that objective marker and the bearer is on the battlefield, add 1 to that friendly model’s Objective Control characteristic.

  • Coordinated Exploitation
    20 pts
Mont’ka Detachment

This leader eschews their own martial glory in favour of seeking out an advanced vantage point then exploiting it to guide in the firepower of their fellows.

T’AU EMPIRE model only (excluding KROOT SHAPER models). While the bearer is leading a unit, each time that unit is an Observer unit, until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in their Guided unit have the [sustained hits 1] ability while targeting their Spotted unit.

  • Strike Swiftly
    25 pts
Mont’ka Detachment

This commander knows victory is best assured by taking the fight to the enemy as soon as battle is joined.

T’AU EMPIRE model only. At the start of the battle, before any moves are made using the Scouts ability, you can select up to two friendly T’AU EMPIRE units within 6" of the bearer that do not have the Scouts ability. Until the end of the battle, all models in the selected units have the Scouts 6" ability.


Assassins and other covert agents are difficult to track and pinpoint in the swirling maelstrom of battle.

Unless part of an Attached unit (see Leader), this unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 12".
  • Fanatical Convert
    10 pts
Auxiliary Cadre Detachment

This true believer strives to embody the T’au’va even more entirely than the T’au themselves.

KROOT model only. The bearer’s unit has the For the Greater Good ability.

  • Kroothawk Flock
    10 pts
Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment

This leader has painstakingly established a deep-seated bond with a small flock of Kroothawks. The avian creatures circle on high, spying out and revealing the hiding places of the prey or warning of ambushing enemies with wing-dips, diving stoops and harsh shrieks.

KROOT model only. Ranged weapons equipped by models in the bearer’s unit have the [IGNORES COVER] ability, and enemy units that are set up on the battlefield as Reinforcements cannot be set up within 12" horizontally of the bearer.

© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2025