Thousand Sons

The tang of sorcery taints the air as the Thousand Sons attack. Coruscating bolts of warp energy explode in washes of mutating fire, while hails of ensorcelled shot mow down rank after rank of the foe. Those not reduced to smouldering corpses are transmogrified by the magicks of Tzeentch, leaving the battlefield strewn with crystal statues, clouds of screaming vapour and writhing mounds of flesh.


BookKindEditionVersionLast update
  Thousand Sons
  Thousand SonsIndex10December 2024
  Grotmas Calendar: Thousand Sons - Hexwarp Thrallband
  Grotmas Calendar: Thousand Sons - Hexwarp ThrallbandExpansion10January 2025
  Munitorum Field Manual
  Munitorum Field ManualExpansion102.0January 2025
  Boarding Actions
  Boarding ActionsExpansion101.0October 2024
  Horus Heresy Legends: Heretic Astartes
  Horus Heresy Legends: Heretic AstartesDatasheet10September 2024
  Legends: Heretic Astartes
  Legends: Heretic AstartesDatasheet10September 2024
  Horus Heresy Legends: Adeptus Astartes
  Horus Heresy Legends: Adeptus AstartesDatasheet10September 2024


Index: Thousand Sons

Q:Can the Umbralefic Crystal Enhancement be used to reposition the bearer’s unit during the first battle round if the bearer is on the battlefield?
Q:Can I use the Temporal Surge Ritual after using the Warp Sight Stratagem?
Q:Is Doombolt considered a Psychic ability for the purpose of determining whether the mortal wounds it inflicts are considered to have been inflicted by a Psychic Attack?
Q:If multiple THOUSAND SONS HELBRUTE models are within range of a friendly THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model, can that Psyker model gain more than one Cabal point from the Arcane Knowledge Amidst Babbling Insanity ability?
No, as Aura abilities only apply once, regardless of the number of
sources of the same Aura.
Q:While a model with the Arcane Vortex Enhancement is embarked within a TRANSPORT, do the weapons that TRANSPORT shoots with using the Firing Deck ability gain the effects from that Enhancement?
No (see Firing Deck in the Core Rules).

Army Rules

Cabal of Sorcerers

The Thousand Sons channel their arcane power through battlefield ritual, beseeching the Changer of the Ways to gift them forbidden knowledge or ravage their foes with warpfire and mutation.

If your Army Faction is THOUSAND SONS, at the end of your Command phase, each model from your army with this ability that is on the battlefield (excluding Battle-shocked models) generates you a number of Cabal points equal to the number shown in its ability (e.g. a model with the Cabal of Sorcerers 2 ability would generate you 2 Cabal points). The combined total of these is your Cabal points pool. During the battle round, you can use Rituals from the list below, deducting the Cabal points cost of each one from your Cabal points pool. If you do not have enough Cabal points for a Ritual, you cannot use it. Each Ritual can only be used once per phase. At the start of your next Command phase, your Cabal points pool resets to zero. Each time you use a Ritual, select one THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model from your army (excluding models that have already been selected for this rule this turn), then apply that Ritual’s effect using that PSYKER.


Use this Ritual at the start of any phase. Once during that phase, when a saving throw is failed for a friendly THOUSAND SONS model whose unit is within 18" of this PSYKER, you can re-roll that saving throw.


Use this Ritual at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one friendly THOUSAND SONS unit within 18" of this PSYKER; unless that unit is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move. If it does, that unit is not eligible to declare a charge this turn. The same unit cannot be selected for this Ritual more than once per phase.


Use this Ritual at the start of any phase. Once this phase, you can select this PSYKER’s unit as the target of a Stratagem. If it does, reduce the CP cost of that use of that Stratagem by 1CP.


Use this Ritual at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this PSYKER(excluding units with the Lone Operative ability that are not part of an Attached unit and are not within 12" of this PSYKER) and roll one D6: on a 1, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 2-5, that enemy unit suffers D3+3 mortal wounds; on a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3+6 mortal wounds.


Use this Ritual at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this PSYKER; until the end of the phase, each time a THOUSAND SONS model from your army makes a ranged attack that targets that unit, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 2.

Cult of Magic

Detachment Rule

If your Army Faction is THOUSAND SONS, you can use this Cult of Magic Detachment rule.

Kindred Sorcery

For an instant, the chanting voices of the Thousand Sons achieve perfect synchronisation, words of malign incantation rolling out like the peal of some cursed bell amidst the empyrean.

In your Command phase, you can select one of the abilities listed below to take effect until the start of your next Command phase.


Psychic weapons equipped by THOUSAND SONS models from your army have the [LETHAL HITS] ability.


Psychic weapons equipped by THOUSAND SONS models from your army have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.


Psychic weapons equipped by THOUSAND SONS models from your army have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability.


If you are using the Cult of Magic Detachment rule, you can use these Cult of Magic Stratagems.

Cult of Magic – Epic Deed Stratagem
To pit one’s own psychic prowess against the sorcerous might of the Thousand Sons is to be trapped, helpless and screaming, within one’s own mind.
WHEN: Any phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, all attacks made against your unit with Psychic weapons have the [HAZARDOUS] ability and all models in your unit have the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against Psychic Attacks
Cult of Magic – Epic Deed Stratagem
The Architect of Fate has great designs for his pawns, which do not include their untimely demise just yet…
WHEN: Any phase, when a saving throw is failed for a THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model from your army.

TARGET: That PSYKER model.

EFFECT: Change the Damage characteristic of that attack to 0.
Cult of Magic – Battle Tactic Stratagem
This warrior’s veins burn with raw sorcery. The sheer unstoppable might of their conjurations is such that, when unleashed with destructive intent, there is little that can prevent them from devastating manifestation.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a Psychic Attack, you can re-roll the Hit roll and you can re-roll the Wound roll.
Cult of Magic – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Utilising the fell powers of the warp, Thousand Sons Sorcerers infuse their minions’ bolter rounds with empyric energies to render them even deadlier.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, all inferno bolt pistols, inferno boltguns, inferno combi-bolters and inferno combi-weapons equipped by models in your unit have the [PSYCHIC] ability and a Strength characteristic of 5.
Cult of Magic – Epic Deed Stratagem
The most powerful sorcerers of the Thousand Sons are battle-psykers who can, if the need is dire enough, siphon a sliver of their corrupted souls into their eldritch assaults to temporarily boost their potency.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, add 9" to the range of Psychic weapons equipped by your unit.
Cult of Magic – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
With their tainted souls melded as one in the warp, what one champion of the cabal sees, all their fellows see also.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army and one enemy unit that is visible to that unit.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a friendly THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model makes an attack with a Psychic weapon that targets that enemy unit, that attack has the [INDIRECT FIRE] and [IGNORES COVER] abilities.


If you are using the Cult of Magic Detachment rule, you can use these Cult of Magic Enhancements.

  • Lord of Forbidden Lore 35 pts

This sorcerer has committed many a grimoire and unholy tome to memory, giving him unparalleled knowledge of hexes, curses and destructive rites.

THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model only. The bearer can be selected to use a Ritual even if another PSYKER from your army has already been selected to use that Ritual this phase.

  • Athenaean Scrolls 20 pts

Ahriman consumed the knowledge contained in the Athenaeum of Kallimakus long ago, but not all of the Athenaeum’s founders were slain when their repository of knowledge was destroyed. Some of their lore has since been transcribed to keep an echo of that great library in existence. One who possesses these texts has access to techniques that make his spells exceptionally potent.

THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model only. In your Command phase, if the bearer is on the battlefield and is not Battle-shocked, it generates you 1 additional Cabal point this phase.

  • Umbralefic Crystal 20 pts

By siphoning the perpetual gloom from the location where the cursed planet Mangel III once existed in realspace, a cabal of sorcerers from the Cult of Magic created the Umbralefic Crystal. One in command of this powerful relic can use its energies to temporarily fold space, creating a gate of sorcerous translocation through which he or his allies can step.

THOUSAND SONS model only. Once per battle, in your Command phase, you can remove the bearer’s unit from the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of your next Movement phase, set that unit back up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models.

  • Arcane Vortex 25 pts

This ritualistic locus is formed from the matter of arcane objects, their substance broken down at a molecular level and added to a nexus of energy surrounding the creator. When battle is joined, the sorcerer draws upon this power, all the better to unleash warp-fuelled destruction upon the enemy.

THOUSAND SONS model only. Add 1 to the Strength and Damage characteristics of Psychic weapons equipped by the bearer.

Hexwarp Thrallband

The empyric ritualists who lead these thrallbands wield magic without restraint. They seek to shatter the veil between reality and the Warp, empowering their arcane arts and unleashing daemonic energies upon their weak-minded foes. Directing their mindless Rubricae to seize sites of power, these Sorcerers tap into the wellspring of potential power, weaving obscuring rituals and killing spells. As the tide of arcane energy builds in strength, the battlefield comes alive with mutagenic Warp energy, enhancing the Sorcerers’ magical power and haloing their thralls in fulminating coronae of uncontrolled arcane force. With warpflame and hellfire, they sweep the enemy from the field of battle, and Tzeentch claims the souls of the dead.

Detachment Rule

Flow of Magic

With each site seized by the thrallband’s warriors, the flow of arcane energies increases, and the veil between reality and the Warp erodes. The resultant influxes of Warp energy are potent enough to invoke the flesh-change and must be channelled carefully by the thrallband’s Sorcerers. With masterful skill, they wield these mutagenic energies, expertly syphoning excess magic to empower themselves and the warriors at their command while maintaining control of their ever-expanding ritual.

Certain areas of the battlefield are within your army’s Flow of Magic, as follows:
  • Your deployment zone is always within your army’s Flow of Magic.
  • At the start of any phase, if you control at least half of the objective markers within No Man’s Land, until the end of that phase, No Man’s Land is within your army’s Flow of Magic.
  • At the start of any phase, if you control at least half of the objective markers within your opponent’s deployment zone, until the end of that phase, your opponent’s deployment zone is within your army’s Flow of Magic.

Each time a THOUSAND SONS model from your army makes a Psychic Attack, re-roll a Wound roll of 1. If such a model is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, each time it makes a Psychic Attack, add 1 to the Wound roll instead.


  • Arcane Might 20 pts

Drawing upon the rampant Warp energies coursing across the battlefield, this sorcerous champion imbues their weapons and those of their talented underlings with soul-shattering force.

THOUSAND SONS model only. Add 1 to the Strength characteristic of Psychic weapons equipped by models in the bearer’s unit. While the bearer’s unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, add 2 to the Strength characteristic of Psychic weapons equipped by models in that unit instead.

  • Empowered Manifestation 20 pts

The many eyes of this witch lord blaze with barely contained arcane might. Whilst the spells they unleash are rendered far more lethal, such destructive power comes at significant risk.

THOUSAND SONS model only. While the bearer’s unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, you can add 6" to the range of Psychic abilities the bearer has that specify a range (including Rituals) and each time a model in the bearer’s unit takes a Hazardous test for a Psychic weapon, you can re-roll the result.

  • Empyric Onslaught 25 pts

Suffused with boundless empyric force, this ritualist unleashes overwhelming torrents of destructive magic upon their enemies.

THOUSAND SONS model only. While the bearer’s unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, add 3 to the Attacks characteristic of ranged Psychic weapons equipped by the bearer.

  • Noctilith Mantle 15 pts

With this crest, wrought from empyrically charged blackstone, this warrior becomes a mobile locus of unchecked Warp power.

THOUSAND SONS model only. While the bearer’s unit is on the battlefield, it is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic. Models in that unit cannot be selected to use any Rituals.


Hexwarp Thrallband – Epic Deed Stratagem
Thousand Sons Sorcerers draw upon tide swells of Warp energy to weave spells of binding and warding, thereby shackling sites of arcane power to their own arrogant will.
WHEN: Command phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army within range of an objective marker you control, if that objective marker is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic.

EFFECT: That objective marker remains under your control until your opponent’s Level of Control over that objective marker is greater than yours at the end of a phase.
Hexwarp Thrallband – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Forewarned of the moment of their demise, the followers of Tzeentch allow the flood of magic to run rampant through their forms, providing them with a final burst of killing energy before unbound arcane force rips their bodies asunder
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit is destroyed, if that model has not fought this phase, roll one D6, adding 1 to the result if your unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic: on a 4+, do not remove it from play. That destroyed model can fight after the attacking unit has finished making its attacks, and is then removed from play.
Hexwarp Thrallband – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
By drawing upon their expanding nexus of magic, this disciple of Tzeentch can tear strands of temporal energy from the Warp and wind them around themselves and their thralls. Lent speed by this garland of stolen time, they melt away from their foes’ desperate strikes before lashing out again.
WHEN: Your Movement phase, just after a THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army Falls Back.


EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, your unit is eligible to shoot or declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back. If your unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic when it is targeted with this Stratagem, then until the end of the turn, your unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back.
Hexwarp Thrallband – Epic Deed Stratagem
With arcane energy flooding the battlefield, the veil between Warp and reality rapidly collapses. From yawning rifts emerge Rubricae reinforcements to ensure their thrallband’s victory.
WHEN: Start of the Reinforcements step of your Movement phase.

TARGET: One RUBRIC MARINES or SCARAB OCCULT TERMINATORS unit from your army that is in Strategic Reserves.

EFFECT: If it is a RUBRIC MARINES unit, until the end of the phase, it has the Deep Strike ability. When your unit is set up on the battlefield using the Deep Strike ability, if it is a SCARAB OCCULT TERMINATOR unit it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic and more than 6" horizontally away from all enemy models.

RESTRICTIONS: If a SCARAB OCCULT TERMINATORS unit is targeted with this Stratagem, it is not eligible to declare a charge in the same turn.
Hexwarp Thrallband – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
At a spat curse, Warp‑infused ammunition can be made to glow with sulphurous flame, enabling it to burn through solid cover to strike enemies beyond. Those hit by the fusillade find their forms wreathed in illuminating azure fire.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase and is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit have the [IGNORES COVER] ability. After your unit has shot this phase, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those attacks. Until the end of the phase, models in that unit cannot have the Benefit of Cover.
Hexwarp Thrallband – Battle Tactic Stratagem
As the Thousand Sons solidify their control over sites of magical power, the Immaterium spills into reality in searing torrents, blossoming into a multi-spectral storm of arcane energy that obscures mortal senses and mechanical augury.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit has the Stealth ability, and, if your unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, each time an attack targets your unit, it has the Benefit of Cover against that attack.

Boarding Actions


Within the following pages you will find numerous Boarding Actions Detachments that can be used in your Boarding Actions games. Each lists which units you can include in your army, any modifications to those units’ army rule as presented in their Codex or Index, a Detachment rule unique to that Detachment, and a number of Enhancements and Stratagems that you can use.

A keyword that will be shared by all units in your army.

Which units you are allowed to include in your army.

Any additional rules that will apply in the missions Form Boarding Squads step. Note that not all Detachments will have these.

Some units will be unable to use certain abilities in Boarding Actions battles. Where this is the case, these units and their relevant abilities will be listed here.

Due to the distinct nature of close-quarters battle in Boarding Actions, most army rules require some modifications to their effects. Where this is the case, these will be described here.

Each faction will have a number of different Detachments to choose from, each with its own Detachment rule to reflect the unique fighting methods of such forces.

Further Enhancements that you can give to CHARACTER models from your army, beyond those(Boarding Actions Enhancments), will be found here.

Additional Stratagems that you can use, in addition to those (Boarding Actions Stratagems), will be found here.

Chosen Cabal

At the command of the Thousand Sons Sorcerers, Rubric Marines and cultist thralls press through the labyrinthine corridors of enemy voidships with impossible precision, seizing objectives from under the noses of their confounded foes.

Mustering a Boarding Patrol

You can include up to two of the following units (duplicates are not allowed):
You can include up to three of each of the following units:
* The combined total number of all of these units cannot be more than the number of RUBRIC MARINES units.
You can include up to one of each of the following units:

Forming Boarding Squads

Rules Adaptations

  • The AHRIMAN model loses the Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch ability.
  • The EXALTED SORCERER model loses the Rebind Rubricae ability.
  • The THOUSAND SONS CHAOS SPAWN unit loses the Regenerating Monstrosities ability.
  • The THOUSAND SONS CULTISTS unit loses the Pawns of Fate ability.
  • The TZAANGORS unit loses the Relic Hunters ability

Army Rule

Twisting Fate

The Thousand Sons are arch schemers, yet even their labyrinthine plots are subject to the whims of fate. Should they come to fruition, however, the rewards are glorious to behold.

Units from your army with the Cabal of Sorcerers ability lose it and THOUSAND SONS units from your army gain this one.

While a THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model from your army is on the battlefield and you control at least as many objective markers as your opponent does, your plan is considered to be in Ascendance. Each time you or your opponent spend one or more Command points to use a Stratagem, roll one D6, adding 1 if your plan is in Ascendance: on a 1-2, your opponent gains 1CP; on a 6+, you gain 1CP.

Detachment Rule


Those who possess the favour of Tzeentch may gain the benefit of the Change Gods all-seeing eye. No foe can hope to conceal themselves from their piercing gaze.

Ranged weapons equipped by THOUSAND SONS models from your army have the [iGNORES COvER] ability.


Warp Mastery

This psyker is steeped in the malefic secrets of the warp. Their powers are manifested with a terrifying and destructive intensity.

Each time you roll to determine the number of attacks made with a Psychic weapon equipped by the bearer, you can re-roll the result.

Fires of Change

Those struck by this psyker s sorcery are engulfed in vibrant, flickering flames that inflict horrifying mutations upon their bodies.

Each time the bearer shoots, after it has shot, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those attacks made with a Psychic weapon. That unit must take a Battle-shock test, subtracting 1 from the result.


Chosen Cabal – Epic Deed Stratagem
Tzeentch's gifts may protect his followers, but such intervention never comes without cost.
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER CHARACTER model from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your model has a 3+ invulnerable save. At the end of the phase, your model suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Chosen Cabal – Epic Deed Stratagem
Powerful Sorcerers may use their mastery of the warp to corrupt areas of the battlefield and deny them to the foe.
WHEN: End of your Fight phase.


EFFECT: Select one objective marker Secured by your opponent’s army that is within 6" of and visible to your model, then roll one D6: on a 2+, that objective marker is no longer considered Secured by your opponent’s army.
Chosen Cabal – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The Thousand Sons inferno bolters make use of warp-imbued ammunition capable of burning through bulkheads to strike unsuspecting targets.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One RUBRIC MARINES or SCARAB OCCULT TERMINATORS unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Select one closed Hatchway. Until the end of the phase, models in your unit can make attacks with ranged weapons (excluding Torrent weapons) that target enemy units within 1" of that Hatchway and that are wholly on the opposite side of it from your unit, as if that Hatchway was open. Each time a model does so, that attack has an Armour Penetration characteristic of 0.
Chosen Cabal – Battle Tactic Stratagem
This psyker’s devotion to the God of Change has been rewarded with terrible destructive power.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model from your army within range of an objective marker that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time your model makes a Psychic Attack, you can re-roll the Wound roll.

Devoted Thralls

Having boarded by deceit and infiltration or through conjured warp portals, the mortal cultists of Tzeentch surge through the vessels of voidships to unleash riotous displays of witchery and violence on behalf of their Thousand Sons masters.

Mustering a Boarding Patrol

You can include up to two of the following units (duplicates are not allowed):
You can include up to three of each of the following units:
You can include up to one of the following unit:

Forming Boarding Squads

Rules Adaptations

Army Rule

Twisting Fate

The Thousand Sons are arch schemers, yet even their labyrinthine plots are subject to the whims of fate. Should they come to fruition, however, the rewards are glorious to behold.

Units from your army with the Cabal of Sorcerers ability lose it and THOUSAND SONS units from your army gain this one.

While a THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model from your army is on the battlefield and you control at least as many objective markers as your opponent does, your plan is considered to be in Ascendance. Each time you or your opponent spend one or more Command points to use a Stratagem, roll one D6, adding 1 if your plan is in Ascendance: on a 1-2, your opponent gains 1CP; on a 6+, you gain 1CP.

Detachment Rule

Fervent Devotees

The Human and mutant thralls of the Thousand Sons seek to earn the favour of their Chaos Space Marine masters by enacting rituals and offering sacrifices in the name of the Lord of Change. Thus do they hurl themselves upon the foe in frothing tides of wild aggression.

Melee weapons equipped by THOUSAND SONS models from your army have the [SUSTAiNED HiTS 1] ability while targeting an enemy unit within range of an objective marker.



In the eyes of this Sorcerer, thronging masses of cultists and Tzaangors are little more than cannon fodder to be used as living shield.

At the start of the first battle round, you can select one friendly THOUSAND SONS CULTISTS or TZAANGORS unit within the same Entry Zone as the bearer. If you do, that unit can make a Normal move of up to 6".

Prescient Authority

This Sorcerer exerts their domineering will over their mortal charges and guides their hands as they lash out at the enemy with beak, blade and talon.

Once per turn, when a friendly THOUSAND SONS CULTISTS or TZAANGORS unit within 3" of the bearer is selected to shoot or fight, the bearer can use this Enhancement. If it does, until the end of the phase, each time a model in that THOUSAND SONS CULTISTS or TZAANGORS unit makes an attack, re-roll a Wound roll of 1.


Devoted Thralls – Epic Deed Stratagem
The Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons can draw upon their powers to melt away hatches and bulkheads.
WHEN: End of any phase.


EFFECT: Open every Hatchway within 3" of your model. When measuring this distance, ignore Walls and closed Hatchways.

RESTRICTIONS: You can only use this Stratagem once.
Devoted Thralls – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Tzeentch’s mutagenic gifts lend resilience to those brave or fool hardy enough to embrace them.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One TZAANGORS unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, models in your unit have the Feel No Pain 5+ ability.
Devoted Thralls – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
As ritual violence gathers in intensity, the massed thralls of the Thousand Sons swell with the terrifying powers of the warp.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Command phase, at the start of the Battle-shock step.


EFFECT: Select one enemy unit below its Starting Strength that is within Engagement Range of your unit. That enemy unit must take a Battle-shock test. If that enemy unit is also Below Half-strength, subtract 1 from that test. This Enhancement cannot cause a unit to take two Battle-shock tests in the same phase.
Devoted Thralls – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
When struck by enemy fire, the bestial Tzaangors react with instinctive fury, surging towards their assailants in a vengeful flock.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has shot.

TARGET: One TZAANGORS unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Your unit can make a Bestial Surge move. To do so, roll one D6: your unit can be moved a distance in inches up to the result, but must end that move as close as possible to the attacking unit. When doing so, those models can be moved within Engagement Range of that enemy unit, but only that enemy unit.


Amidst the twisting corridors of voidships, upon the strange tides of the warp, many esoteric and powerful prizes wait to be claimed. Having scried the paths of fate that will lead them to these prizes, Thousand Sons Sorcerers set out with trusted coteries to claim them.

Mustering a Boarding Patrol

You can include up lo two of the following units (duplicates are not allowed):
You can include up to two of each of the following units:

Forming Boarding Squads

  • SCARAB OCCULT TERMINATORS units that do not contain a Scarab Occult Sorcerer model after you have formed Boarding Squads lose the PSYKER keyword and any Psychic abilities they have.

Rules Adaptations

Army Rule

Twisting Fate

The Thousand Sons are arch schemers, yet even their labyrinthine plots are subject to the whims of fate. Should they come to fruition, however, the rewards are glorious to behold.

Units from your army with the Cabal of Sorcerers ability lose it and THOUSAND SONS units from your army gain this one.

While a THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model from your army is on the battlefield and you control at least as many objective markers as your opponent does, your plan is considered to be in Ascendance. Each time you or your opponent spend one or more Command points to use a Stratagem, roll one D6, adding 1 if your plan is in Ascendance: on a 1-2, your opponent gains 1CP; on a 6+, you gain 1CP.

Detachment Rule

Methodical Conquest

Too much is at stake and the prize too close to risk being reckless now. Instead, the Thousand Sons advance in steady and relentless lockstep, sweeping for threats and eliminating them as they arise.

Each time a THOUSAND SONS model from your army makes an attack while firing Overwatch, an unmodified Hit roll of 5+ is required to score a hit, instead of an unmodified 6. In addition, SCARAB OCCULT TERMINATORS units from your army can perform the Set Overwatch Tactical Manoeuvre in the same turn as performing the Secure Site Tactical Manoeuvre.


Predestined Champion

Many strands of fate intertwine about this Champion of Tzeentch, for it has been foretold that he may achieve greatness. Of course, fate is ever fickle...

While the bearer is on the battlefield, you are considered to control one additional objective marker for the purposes of the Twisting Fate army rule.

Astral Predation

With a great psychic effort, this warrior savant projects his eldritch soul out from his mortal shell that it might pass through doorways into other futures and strike down his enemies before they have a chance to react.

Once per battle, in your Movement phase, when the bearer is selected to move, it can use this Enhancement. If it does, select one closed Hatchway on the battlefield. Until the end of the phase, the bearer can move through that Hatchway as if it was open (note that this does not open that Hatchway - it remains closed).


Fateseekers – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The malefic spirit echoes bound within the armour of the Thousand Sons cling tenaciously to existence and are not banished easily.
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit is destroyed, if that model has not fought this phase, roll one D6. On a 4+, do not remove the destroyed model from play; it can fight after the attacking unit has finished making its attacks, and is then removed from play.
Fateseekers – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Flickering visions allow this Sorcerer to foresee enemy threats and direct the weapons of their thralls accordingly.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army that is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units and has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit have the [PISTOL] ability, and models in your unit can target enemy units that are not within Engagement Range of them (as long as they are otherwise eligible targets).
Fateseekers – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The Sorcerer renders the shells and blasts of their warriors ethereal, allowing them to pass through intervening targets before solidifying again to lethal effect.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, models in your unit can ignore enemy models for the purposes of determining visibility.
Fateseekers – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Flocking to the Sorcerer's summons, swarms of minor warp entities assail the enemy, wailing and clawing at them until they are driven to horrified distraction.
WHEN: Start of your opponent’s Movement phase.

TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYKER model from your army.

EFFECT: Select one enemy unit visible to your model. That unit must take a Leadership test, subtracting 1 from the result: if failed, until the start of your opponent’s next Movement phase, subtract 2" from the Move characteristic of models in that unit and subtract 2 from Advance and Charge rolls made for it; if passed, subtract 1" from the Move characteristic of models in that unit and subtract 1 from Advance and Charge rolls made for it.

  • Umbralefic Crystal
    20 pts
Cult of Magic Detachment

By siphoning the perpetual gloom from the location where the cursed planet Mangel III once existed in realspace, a cabal of sorcerers from the Cult of Magic created the Umbralefic Crystal. One in command of this powerful relic can use its energies to temporarily fold space, creating a gate of sorcerous translocation through which he or his allies can step.

model only. Once per battle, in your Command phase, you can remove the bearer’s unit from the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of your next Movement phase, set that unit back up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models.

Saving Throw
The player controlling the target unit then makes one saving throw. By default, this will be an armour saving throw using their model’s Save (Sv) characteristic, but some models have invulnerable saves that can be used instead (see below). To make an armour saving throw, roll one D6, then modify the result by the Armour Penetration (AP) characteristic of the attack. For example, if the attack has an AP of -1, then 1 is subtracted from the saving throw.

If the result is greater than or equal to the Save characteristic of the model the attack was allocated to, then that saving throw is successful and the attack sequence ends. Otherwise, that saving throw fails and that model suffers damage.

An unmodified saving throw of 1 always fails. A saving throw can never be improved by more than +1.

  • Saving Throw: Roll one D6 and modify by the attack’s AP. If the result is less than the Save of the model being rolled for, the saving throw is failed and that model suffers damage. Otherwise, that attack is saved.
  • An unmodified saving throw of 1 always fails.
  • A saving throw can never be improved by more than +1.
Engagement Range
Engagement Range represents the zone of threat that models present to their enemies. While a model is within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically of an enemy model, those models – and their units – are within Engagement Range of each other.

Models cannot be set up or end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models. If for any reason a model cannot meet this condition, that model is destroyed.

  • Engagement Range: Within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically.
  • Models cannot be set up or end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
Normal Moves
When a unit makes a Normal move, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move (M) characteristic, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

  • Normal Move: Models move up to M".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
Throughout a battle, models will suffer damage and be destroyed. When a model is destroyed, it is removed from the battlefield. When every model in a unit has been destroyed, that unit is destroyed.

Mighty heroes fight at the forefront of battle.

Some CHARACTER units have ‘Leader’ listed on their datasheets. Such CHARACTER units are known as Leaders, and the units they can lead – known as their Bodyguard units – are listed on their datasheet.

During the Declare Battle Formations step, for each Leader in your army, if your army also includes one or more of that Leader’s Bodyguard units, you can select one of those Bodyguard units. That Leader will then attach to that Bodyguard unit for the duration of the battle and is said to be leading that unit. Each Bodyguard unit can only have one Leader attached to it.

While a Bodyguard unit contains a Leader, it is known as an Attached unit and, with the exception of rules that are triggered when units are destroyed, it is treated as a single unit for all rules purposes. Each time an attack targets an Attached unit, until the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks, you must use the Toughness characteristic of the Bodyguard models in that unit, even if a Leader in that unit has a different Toughness characteristic. Each time an attack sucessfully wounds an Attached unit, that attack cannot be allocated to a CHARACTER model in that unit, even if that CHARACTER model has lost one or more wounds or has already had attacks allocated to it this phase. As soon as the last Bodyguard model in an Attached unit has been destroyed, any attacks made against that unit that have yet to be allocated can then be allocated to CHARACTER models in that unit.

Each time the last model in a Bodyguard unit is destroyed, each CHARACTER unit that is part of that Attached unit is no longer part of an Attached unit. It becomes a separate unit, with its original Starting Strength. If this happens as the result of an attack, they become separate units after the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks.

Each time the last model in a CHARACTER unit that is attached to a Bodyguard unit is destroyed and there is not another CHARACTER unit attached, that Attached unit’s Bodyguard unit is no longer part of an Attached unit. It becomes a separate unit, with its original Starting Strength. If this happens as the result of an attack, they become separate units after the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks.

Each time a unit that is part of an Attached unit is destroyed, it does not have the keywords of any other units that make up that Attached unit (unless it has those keywords on its own datasheet) for the purposes of any rules that would be triggered when that unit is destroyed.

Example: If you only destroy the Bodyguard unit that is part of an Attached unit, you have not destroyed a CHARACTER unit. If you only destroy the CHARACTER unit that is part of an Attached unit, or if you destroy the whole Attached unit, you have destroyed one CHARACTER unit.

  • Before the battle, CHARACTER units with the Leader ability can be attached to one of their Bodyguard units to form an Attached unit.
  • Attached units can only contain one Leader.
  • Attacks cannot be allocated to CHARACTER models in Attached units.

Assassins and other covert agents are difficult to track and pinpoint in the swirling maelstrom of battle.

Unless part of an Attached unit (see Leader), this unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 12".
Attached Units
Some CHARACTER units have the Leader ability, which lets them merge with other units (known as Bodyguard units) to form an Attached unit.

The Starting Strength of an Attached unit is equal to the combined Starting Strengths of all of its units (i.e. the number of models in the Leader unit added to the number of models in the Bodyguard unit). If either the Leader unit or the Bodyguard unit in an Attached unit is destroyed, the Starting Strength of the remaining unit is changed to be equal to its original Starting Strength.

Example: A Primaris Captain (Starting Strength 1) is attached to a unit of Intercessors (Starting Strength 5). This Attached unit has a Starting Strength of 6. If all the Intercessors are destroyed, the remaining Primaris Captain would revert to having a Starting Strength of 1.

For the purposes of rules that are triggered when a unit is destroyed, such rules are still triggered when one of the individual units that made up an Attached unit is destroyed (the Leader or the Bodyguard unit).

Example: If a rule awards you with 1VP each time an enemy unit is destroyed, and you target an Attached unit, you would gain 1VP if the Bodyguard unit is destroyed and 1VP if the Leader unit is destroyed (for a total of 2VP).

Weapons powered by unstable and dangerous energy sources pose a substantial risk to the wielder every time they are used.

Weapons with [HAZARDOUS] in their profile are known as Hazardous weapons. Each time a unit is selected to shoot or fight, after that unit has resolved all of its attacks, for each Hazardous weapon that targets were selected for when resolving those attacks, that unit must take one Hazardous test. To do so, roll one D6: on a 1, that test is failed. For each failed test you must resolve the following sequence (resolve each failed test one at a time):
  • If possible, select one model in that unit that has lost one or more wounds and is equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
  • Otherwise, if possible, select one model in that unit (excluding CHARACTER models) equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
  • Otherwise, select one CHARACTER model in that unit equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
If a model was selected, that unit suffers 3 mortal wounds and when allocating those mortal wounds, they must be allocated to the selected model.
If a unit from a player’s army is selected as the target of the Fire Overwatch Stratagem in their opponent’s Charge phase, any mortal wounds inflicted by Hazardous tests are allocated after the charging unit has ended its Charge move.

Example: A unit of five models make five attacks with ranged weapons with the [HAZARDOUS] ability. After the unit has finished shooting, its controlling player rolls five D6. One of the results is a 1, and so one of those models suffers 3 mortal wounds.

  • After a unit shoots or fights, roll one Hazardous test (one D6) for each Hazardous weapon used. For each 1, a model equipped with a hazardous weapon suffers 3 mortal wounds, that must be allocated to the selected model.
Devastating Wounds
Weapons with [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] in their profile are known as Devastating Wounds weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if that attack scores a Critical Wound, no saving throw of any kind can be made against that attack (including invulnerable saving throws). Such attacks are only allocated to models after all other attacks made by the attacking unit have been allocated and resolved. After that attack is allocated and after any modifiers are applied, it inflicts a number of mortal wounds on the target equal to the Damage characteristic of that attack, instead of inflicting damage normally.

Example: An attack made with a Devastating Wounds weapon with a Damage characteristic of 2 scores a Critical Wound. Instead of allocating the attack and making saving throws normally, the target suffers 2 mortal wounds.

  • A Critical Wound inflicts mortal wounds equal to the weapon’s Damage characteristic, instead of any normal damage.
Mortal Wounds

Some attacks are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury.

Some rules inflict mortal wounds on units. Each time mortal wounds are inflicted on a unit, each of those mortal wounds inflicts one point of damage to that unit, and they are always applied one at a time. Each mortal wound is allocated to a model in the same manner as allocating an attack. Excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost if the damage can be allocated to another model. Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.

If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage, do not make a Wound roll or saving throw (including invulnerable saving throws) against those mortal wounds. If those mortal wounds are inflicted by an attack that has the [PRECISION] ability, the attacking model’s controlling player can allocate those mortal wounds to a CHARACTER model in that unit.

If mortal wounds are being inflicted as a result of the [HAZARDOUS] ability or by an attack with the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability that scored a Critical Wound, each time those mortal wounds are allocated to a model, if that model is destroyed as a result of those mortal wounds, the remaining mortal wounds from that attack are lost, just as with a normal attack.

If, when a unit is selected to shoot or fight, one or more of its attacks can inflict mortal wounds on the target, resolve any normal damage inflicted by the attacking unit’s attacks on that target before inflicting any mortal wounds on that target. If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage, but the normal damage is subsequently saved, the target unit still suffers those mortal wounds, as described above.

  • Each mortal wound inflicted on a unit causes one model in that unit to lose one wound.
  • Unless the source of the mortal wounds is the [HAZARDOUS] ability or an attack with the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability, damage from mortal wounds is not lost if it can be allocated to another model.
  • No saving throws can be made against mortal wounds.
  • Mortal wounds inflicted by attacks always apply after any normal damage, even if that damage was saved.
Cabal of Sorcerers

The Thousand Sons channel their arcane power through battlefield ritual, beseeching the Changer of the Ways to gift them forbidden knowledge or ravage their foes with warpfire and mutation.

If your Army Faction is , at the end of your Command phase, each model from your army with this ability that is on the battlefield (excluding Battle-shocked models) generates you a number of Cabal points equal to the number shown in its ability (e.g. a model with the Cabal of Sorcerers 2 ability would generate you 2 Cabal points). The combined total of these is your Cabal points pool. During the battle round, you can use Rituals from the list below, deducting the Cabal points cost of each one from your Cabal points pool. If you do not have enough Cabal points for a Ritual, you cannot use it. Each Ritual can only be used once per phase. At the start of your next Command phase, your Cabal points pool resets to zero. Each time you use a Ritual, select one PSYKER model from your army (excluding models that have already been selected for this rule this turn), then apply that Ritual’s effect using that PSYKER.


Use this Ritual at the start of any phase. Once during that phase, when a saving throw is failed for a friendly model whose unit is within 18" of this PSYKER, you can re-roll that saving throw.


Use this Ritual at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one friendly unit within 18" of this PSYKER; unless that unit is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move. If it does, that unit is not eligible to declare a charge this turn. The same unit cannot be selected for this Ritual more than once per phase.


Use this Ritual at the start of any phase. Once this phase, you can select this PSYKER’s unit as the target of a Stratagem. If it does, reduce the CP cost of that use of that Stratagem by 1CP.


Use this Ritual at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this PSYKER(excluding units with the Lone Operative ability that are not part of an Attached unit and are not within 12" of this PSYKER) and roll one D6: on a 1, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 2-5, that enemy unit suffers D3+3 mortal wounds; on a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3+6 mortal wounds.


Use this Ritual at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this PSYKER; until the end of the phase, each time a model from your army makes a ranged attack that targets that unit, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 2.

Psychic Weapons and Abilities
Some weapons and abilities can only be used by PSYKERS. Such weapons and abilities are tagged with the word ‘Psychic’. If a Psychic weapon or ability causes any unit to suffer one or more wounds, each of those wounds is considered to have been inflicted by a Psychic Attack.
Indirect Fire

Indirect fire weapons launch munitions over or around intervening obstacles – nowhere is safe from their fury.

Weapons with [INDIRECT FIRE] in their profile are known as Indirect Fire weapons, and attacks can be made with them even if the target is not visible to the attacking model. These attacks can destroy enemy models in a target unit even though none may have been visible to the attacking unit when you selected that target.

If no models in a target unit are visible to the attacking unit when you select that target, then each time a model in the attacking unit makes an attack against that target using an Indirect Fire weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll, an unmodified Hit roll of 1-3 always fails, and the target has the Benefit of Cover against that attack. Weapons with the [TORRENT] ability cannot be fired using the [INDIRECT FIRE] ability.

Example: An enemy unit is targeted by an attacking model equipped with a weapon with the [INDIRECT FIRE] ability. No models in the target unit are visible to the attacking model, so when resolving the attacks made with that weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll an unmodified Hit roll of 1-3 always fails, and each time an attack is allocated to a model in the target unit, it has the Benefit of Cover against that attack.

  • Can target and make attacks against units that are not visible to the attacking unit.
  • If no models are visible in a target unit when it is selected, then when making an attack against that target with an Indirect Fire weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll, an unmodified Hit roll of 1-3 always fails, and the target has the Benefit of Cover against that attack.
Ignores Cover

Some weapons are designed to root enemy formations out of entrenched positions.

Weapons with [IGNORES COVER] in their profile are known as Ignores Cover weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, the target cannot have the Benefit of Cover against that attack.
Cult of Magic – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
With their tainted souls melded as one in the warp, what one champion of the cabal sees, all their fellows see also.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One PSYKER unit from your army and one enemy unit that is visible to that unit.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a friendly PSYKER model makes an attack with a Psychic weapon that targets that enemy unit, that attack has the [INDIRECT FIRE] and [IGNORES COVER] abilities.
  • Arcane Vortex
    25 pts
Cult of Magic Detachment

This ritualistic locus is formed from the matter of arcane objects, their substance broken down at a molecular level and added to a nexus of energy surrounding the creator. When battle is joined, the sorcerer draws upon this power, all the better to unleash warp-fuelled destruction upon the enemy.

model only. Add 1 to the Strength and Damage characteristics of Psychic weapons equipped by the bearer.

If a unit makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, and every model in that unit ends that move within 3" of a friendly TRANSPORT model, they can embark within it. A unit cannot embark if it has already disembarked from a TRANSPORT model in the same phase. Remove the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side – it is now embarked within that TRANSPORT model. Unless otherwise stated, units cannot do anything or be affected in any way while they are embarked.

  • A unit can embark within a friendly TRANSPORT if all of its models end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within 3" of that TRANSPORT.
  • A unit cannot embark and disembark in the same phase.

Some transports have firing hatches, ports or platforms from which embarked passengers can shoot.

Some TRANSPORT models have ‘Firing Deck x’ listed in their abilities. Each time such a model is selected to shoot in the Shooting phase, you can select up to ‘x’ models embarked within it whose units have not already shot this phase. Then, for each of those embarked models, you can select one ranged weapon that embarked model is equipped with (excluding weapons with the [ONE SHOT] ability). Until that TRANSPORT model has resolved all of its attacks, it counts as being equipped with all of the weapons you selected in this way, in addition to its other weapons. Until the end of the phase, those selected models’ units are not eligible to shoot.

  • Firing Deck ‘x’: Each time this TRANSPORT shoots, select one weapon (excluding weapons with the [ONE SHOT] ability) from up to ‘x’ models embarked within it whose units have not shot this phase; this TRANSPORT counts as being equipped with those weapons as well. Until the end of the phase, those selected models’ units are not eligible to shoot.
2. Battle-shock
In this step, you must take a Battle-shock test for each of your units on the battlefield that is Below Half-strength. To do so, roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the best Leadership characteristic in that unit, the test is passed; otherwise, the test is failed and, until the start of your next Command phase, that unit is Battle-shocked.

While a unit is Battle-shocked:

Once you have taken Battle-shock tests for all of your units that require them, your Command phase ends and you progress to your Movement phase.

In this step, if for any reason a unit is forced to take a Battle-shock test for being below its Starting Strength, unless otherwise stated, that unit does not also have to take a Battle-shock test for being Below Half-strength. While a unit is Battle-shocked, all models in that unit are also Battle-shocked.

  • Take a Battle-shock test for each unit from your army on the battlefield that is Below Half-strength.
  • Roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the unit’s Leadership, the test is passed. Otherwise, the unit is Battle-shocked until the start of your next Command phase.
  • Battle-shocked units have an OC of 0 and their controlling player cannot use Stratagems to affect them.
  • Battle-shocked units must take Desperate Escape tests if they Fall Back.
Lethal Hits

Some weapons can inflict fatal injuries on any foe, no matter their resilience.

Weapons with [LETHAL HITS] in their profile are known as Lethal Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, a Critical Hit automatically wounds the target.
Sustained Hits

Some weapons strike in a flurry of blows, tearing the foe apart with relentless ferocity.

Weapons with [SUSTAINED HITS X] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if a Critical Hit is rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’.

Example: A model makes an attack with a melee weapon with the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability. If the Hit roll is an unmodified 6 (a Critical Hit), then that attack scores a total of 3 hits on the target (1 from the successful Hit roll of 6, and 2 from the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability).

  • [SUSTAINED HITS X]: Each Critical Hit scores ‘x’ additional hits on the target.
Feel No Pain

Some warriors refuse to be laid low, even by what should be fatal wounds.

Some models have ‘Feel No Pain x+’ listed in their abilities. Each time a model with this ability suffers damage and so would lose a wound (including wounds lost due to mortal wounds), roll one D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the number denoted by ‘x’, that wound is ignored and is not lost. If a model has more than one Feel No Pain ability, you can only use one of those abilities each time that model suffers damage and so would lose a wound.

  • Feel No Pain x+: Each time this model would lose a wound, roll one D6: if the result equals or exceeds ‘x’, that wound is not lost.
Hit Roll
When a model makes an attack, make one Hit roll for that attack by rolling one D6. If the result of the Hit roll is greater than or equal to the attack’s Ballistic Skill (BS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a ranged weapon) or its Weapon Skill (WS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a melee weapon), then that Hit roll is successful and scores one hit against the target unit. Otherwise, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.

An unmodified Hit roll of 6 is called a Critical Hit and is always successful. An unmodified Hit roll of 1 always fails. A Hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

  • Hit Roll (Ranged Attack): A hit is scored if the D6 result equals or exceeds that attack’s BS.
  • Hit Roll (Melee Attack): A hit is scored if the D6 result equals or exceeds that attack’s WS.
  • Critical Hit: Unmodified Hit roll of 6. Always successful.
  • An unmodified Hit roll of 1 always fails.
  • A Hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.
Wound Roll
Each time an attack scores a hit against a target unit, make a Wound roll for that attack by rolling one D6 to see if that attack successfully wounds the target unit. The result required is determined by comparing the attack’s Strength (S) characteristic with the target’s Toughness (T) characteristic, as shown below.

Strength is TWICE (or more than twice) the Toughness.
Strength is GREATER than the Toughness.
Strength is EQUAL to the Toughness.
Strength is LESS than the Toughness.
Strength is HALF (or less than half) the Toughness.

If the result of the Wound roll is greater than or equal to the required number shown in the table above, then that Wound roll is successful and scores one wound against the target unit. Otherwise, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.

An unmodified Wound roll of 6 is called a Critical Wound and is always successful. An unmodified Wound roll of 1 always fails. A Wound roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

  • Critical Wound: Unmodified Wound roll of 6. Always successful.
  • An unmodified Wound roll of 1 always fails.
  • A Wound roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.
Objective Markers
Objective markers represent objects of tactical or strategic import that both sides are attempting to secure, such as valuable artefacts, vital supplies or communications nodes. If a mission uses objective markers, it will state where they are located on the battlefield. These can be represented using any suitable marker, but we recommend using round markers that are 40mm in diameter.

When setting objective markers up on the battlefield, place them so they are centred on the point specified by the mission. When measuring distances to and from objective markers, measure to and from the closest part of them. Models can move over objective markers as if they were not there, but they cannot end a move on top of an objective marker.

At the start of the battle, each objective marker on the battlefield is said to be contested, and so is not controlled by either player. To control an objective marker, a player will first need to move models within range of it. A model is within range of an objective marker if it is within 3" horizontally and 5" vertically of that objective marker.

Every model has an Objective Control (OC) characteristic listed on its datasheet. To determine a player’s Level of Control over an objective marker, add together the OC characteristics of all the models from that player’s army that are within range of that objective marker. A player will control an objective marker at the end of any phase or turn if their Level of Control over it is greater than their opponent’s. If both players have the same Level of Control over an objective marker, that objective marker is contested.

  • A model is within range of an objective marker if within 3" horizontally and 5" vertically.
  • Level of Control: Add together the OC characteristics of all of a player’s models within range of the objective marker.
  • An objective marker is controlled by the player with the highest Level of Control over it (in a tie, it is contested).
  • Models cannot end a move on top of an objective marker.
Flow of Magic
Hexwarp Thrallband Detachment

With each site seized by the thrallband’s warriors, the flow of arcane energies increases, and the veil between reality and the Warp erodes. The resultant influxes of Warp energy are potent enough to invoke the flesh-change and must be channelled carefully by the thrallband’s Sorcerers. With masterful skill, they wield these mutagenic energies, expertly syphoning excess magic to empower themselves and the warriors at their command while maintaining control of their ever-expanding ritual.

Certain areas of the battlefield are within your army’s Flow of Magic, as follows:
  • Your deployment zone is always within your army’s Flow of Magic.
  • At the start of any phase, if you control at least half of the objective markers within No Man’s Land, until the end of that phase, No Man’s Land is within your army’s Flow of Magic.
  • At the start of any phase, if you control at least half of the objective markers within your opponent’s deployment zone, until the end of that phase, your opponent’s deployment zone is within your army’s Flow of Magic.

Each time a model from your army makes a Psychic Attack, re-roll a Wound roll of 1. If such a model is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, each time it makes a Psychic Attack, add 1 to the Wound roll instead.
Fall Back Moves
When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can make a Fall Back move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move characteristic, and when doing so you can move it within Engagement Range of enemy models, provided it does not end that move within Engagement Range of any enemy models – if this is not possible, that unit cannot Fall Back.

A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Fell Back.

Desperate Escape Tests
Unlike when making other types of move, models can move over enemy models when making a Fall Back move as if those enemy models were not there, but you must take a Desperate Escape test for each model that will do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY) before any models in that unit are moved. In addition, if a unit is Battle-shocked when it is selected to Fall Back, you must take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit before any are moved.

Each time you take a Desperate Escape test for a model, roll one D6. For each roll of 1-2, one model from the unit that is Falling Back is destroyed (selected by you). The same model can only ever trigger one Desperate Escape test per phase.

  • Fall Back Move: Models move up to M".
  • Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn.
  • Models can move over enemy models when Falling Back, but you must take Desperate Escape tests for them before they do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY).
  • If a Battle-shocked unit is selected to Fall Back, take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit.
  • Desperate Escape Test: Roll one D6. On a 1-2, one model from that unit is destroyed.

Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, high-altitude descent or other extraordinary means that allow them to appear suddenly in the thick of the fighting.

During the Declare Battle Formations step, if every model in a unit has this ability, you can set it up in Reserves instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability.
  • Unit can be set up in Reserves instead of on the battlefield.
  • Unit can be set up in your Reinforcements step, more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models.
Benefit of Cover

Shattered ruins and twisted wreckage afford much-needed shelter from enemy salvoes. Even heavily armoured warriors unfazed by small arms fire are thankful for such cover when foes bring their biggest guns to bear.

Models can sometimes gain a measure of protection from terrain features. The rules below detail the conditions under which a terrain feature confers the Benefit of Cover on a model.

Each time a ranged attack is allocated to a model that has the Benefit of Cover, add 1 to the saving throw made for that attack (excluding invulnerable saving throws). Models with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better cannot have the Benefit of Cover against attacks with an Armour Penetration characteristic of 0. Multiple instances of the Benefit of Cover are not cumulative – a model cannot benefit from this rule more than once at any one time.

  • Benefit of Cover: Add 1 to armour saving throws against ranged attacks.
  • Does not apply to models with a Save of 3+ or better against attacks with an AP of 0.
  • Multiple instances are not cumulative.

Some warriors are masters of disguise and concealment.

If every model in a unit has this ability, then each time a ranged attack is made against it, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll.

The EXALTED SORCERER keyword is used in the following Thousand Sons datasheets:

Some models have the CHARACTER keyword. These models can make Heroic Interventions in Charge Phase and are not easy targets in the Shooting Phase (see Look out, Sir, rule). If your Warlord has the CHARACTER keyword he may be able to have a Warlord Trait (see Warlord Trait section on model’s faction page).

Note that CHARACTERS cannot use their Aura Abilities while %000015069performing actions%.
Invulnerable Saves

Whether shielded by force fields, enveloped in mystical energies or simply possessed of preternatural senses and lightning-fast reflexes, some warriors are protected by more than mere physical armour.

Some models have an invulnerable save listed on their datasheet. Each time an attack is allocated to a model with an invulnerable save, the controlling player must choose to use either that model’s Save characteristic or its invulnerable save, but not both. If a model has more than one invulnerable save, it can only use one of them – choose which it will use.

Unlike armour saving throws (which use a model’s Save characteristic), invulnerable saving throws are never modified by an attack’s Armour Penetration characteristic, but otherwise follow the normal rules for saving throws.

  • Invulnerable Save: Never modified by an attack’s AP.
  • The controlling player can choose to use either a model’s invulnerable save or its Save characteristic.

Torrent weapons shoot clouds of fire, gas or other lethal substances that few foes can hope to evade.

Weapons with [TORRENT] in their profile are known as Torrent weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, that attack automatically hits the target.
If a model can FLY, then when it makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, it can be moved over enemy models as if they were not there, and can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models when making such a move. Note this also means that MONSTER and VEHICLE models that can FLY can be moved over other MONSTER and VEHICLE models when making such a move. However, models that can FLY cannot end their move on top of any other models or within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

When a model that can FLY starts or ends a move on a terrain feature, instead of measuring the path it has moved across the battlefield, you instead measure its path ‘through the air’, as shown in the diagram below.

  • FLY models can move over enemy models when they make a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move.
  • FLY models that start or end a move on a terrain feature measure distance moved through the air when they make a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move.
Starting Strength
The number of models a unit contains when it is added to your army is known as its Starting Strength.
Below Half-strength
Some rules will refer to a unit being Below Half-strength.
  • If a unit has a Starting Strength of 1, then it is said to be Below Half-strength while its remaining number of wounds is less than half of its Wounds characteristic.
  • For any other unit, while the number of models in that unit is less than half of its Starting Strength, that unit is said to be Below Half-strength.

Pistols can be wielded even at point-blank range.

Weapons with [PISTOL] in their profile are known as Pistols. If a unit contains any models equipped with Pistols, that unit is eligible to shoot in its controlling player’s Shooting phase even while it is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units. When such a unit is selected to shoot, it can only resolve attacks using its Pistols and can only target one of the enemy units it is within Engagement Range of. In such circumstances, a Pistol can target an enemy unit even if other friendly units are within Engagement Range of the same enemy unit.

If a model is equipped with one or more Pistols, unless it is a MONSTER or VEHICLE model, it can either shoot with its Pistols or with all of its other ranged weapons. Declare whether such a model will shoot with its Pistols or its other ranged weapons before selecting targets.

  • Can be shot even if the bearer’s unit is within Engagement Range of enemy units, but must target one of those enemy units.
  • Cannot be shot alongside any other non-Pistol weapon (except by a MONSTER or VEHICLE).
Unit Visible
If one or more models in a unit is visible to the observing model, then that model’s unit is visible to the observing model.

Leadership Tests
If a rule requires you to take a Leadership test for a unit, roll 2D6: if the total is greater than or equal to the best Leadership characteristic in that unit, that test is passed. Otherwise, it is failed.
Advance Moves
When a unit Advances, make an Advance roll for that unit by rolling one D6. Add the result in inches to the Move characteristic of each model in that unit until the end of the phase. Each model in that unit can then make an Advance move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to this total, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models. A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Advanced.

  • Advance Move: Models move up to M+D6".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
  • Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn.
Charging with a Unit
Once you have selected an eligible unit to declare a charge, you must select one or more enemy units within 12" of it as the targets of that charge. The targets of a charge do not need to be visible to the charging unit.

You then make a Charge roll for the charging unit by rolling 2D6. The result is the maximum number of inches each model in that unit can be moved if a Charge move is possible. For a Charge move to be possible, the Charge roll must be sufficient to enable the charging unit to end that move:
  • Within Engagement Range of every unit that you selected as a target of the charge.
  • Without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of the charge.
  • In Unit Coherency.
If any of these conditions cannot be met, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Otherwise, the charge is successful and the models in the charging unit make a Charge move – move each model a distance in inches up to the result of the Charge roll. When doing so, each model in the charging unit must end its Charge move closer to one of the units selected as a target of its charge. If you can also move a charging model so that it ends its Charge move in base-to-base contact with one or more enemy models while still enabling the charging unit to end its move satisfying all of the conditions above, you must do so. The controlling player chooses the order in which to move their models.

  • Charge Roll: 2D6".
  • Targets of a charge must be within 12" but do not need to be visible.
  • If the distance rolled is insufficient to move within Engagement Range of all targets while maintaining Unit Coherency, the charge fails.
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any unit that was not a target of the charge.
  • If the charge is successful, each model makes a Charge move less than or equal to the Charge roll, and must move into base-to-base contact with an enemy model if possible.

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