The Orks are the most belligerent and resourceful race in the galaxy. Rampaging across the void in their billions, the greenskins devastate everything in their path with their ramshackle weapons and war machines, taking brutish glee in wanton destruction and revelling in warfare for its own sake.
Book | Kind | Edition | Version | Last update |
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![]() | Codex | 10 | 1.4 | March 2025 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | March 2025 | |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 2.1 | March 2025 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 2.3 | March 2025 |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | December 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | December 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | October 2024 | |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 1.0 | October 2024 |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | September 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | September 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | November 2023 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | November 2023 |
Q: | If a unit has an ability that checks if the Waaagh! is active for your army in order for that ability to take effect (e.g. the Maganobz’ Krumpin’ Time ability), does that ability take effect if another rule makes the Waaagh! active for that unit (e.g. the Bully Boyz Detachment rule)? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | If a CHARACTER is attached to a unit of Meganobz at the start of a battle round in which I called a Waaagh!, but the Bodgguard unit is destroyed before the end of that battle round, does the surviving CHARACTER keep the Feel No Pain 5+ ability conferred by the Meganobz’ Krumpin’ Time ability until that Waaagh! ends, or does it lose that Feel No Pain 5+ ability once it is no longer an Attached unit? |
A: | It loses the Feel No Pain 5+ ability once it is no longer an Attached unit. |
Q: | Can my opponent use the Fire Overwatch Stratagem when I remove Boss Snikrot’s unit from the battlefield using his Kunnin’ Infiltrator ability? |
A: | No. |
Q: | Can my opponent use the Fire Overwatch Stratagem when I set Boss Snikrot’s unit back up the battlefield using his Kunnin’ Infiltrator ability? |
A: | Yes, unless he is leading a unit of Kommandos when he is set back up (due to their Sneaky Gitz ability). |
Q: | If a model has an ability that triggers when you call a Waaagh! and that model is embarked within a TRANSPORT when this happens (e.g. a WARBOSS’ Da Biggest and da Best ability), does that ability take effect? |
A: | No. Abilities do not take effect while units are embarked within TRANSPORTS unless they explicitly state otherwise. |
Q: | When using the Conniving Runts Stratagem, to be able to make the Normal move as part of the Stratagem, do I need to roll a 4+ and have inflicted any mortal wounds? |
A: | No. |
Q: | In the Effect section of the Go Get ’Em! Stratagem there is an additional effect if my unit contains 10 or more models. When do I check if my unit has 10 or more models? |
A: | This is checked after the attacking unit has shot. |
Q: | Can a unit equipped with multiple Bomb Squigs use its Bomb Squig ability more than once each phase? |
A: | No. |
The infamous war cry of the Orks is known and feared throughout the galaxy. When it echoes across the battlefield, bellowed from hundreds or even thousands of greenskin mouths, even the most stalwart warriors fear the onslaught to come.
If your Army Faction is ORKS, once per battle, at the start of your Command phase, you can call a Waaagh!. If you do, until the start of your next Command phase, the Waaagh! is active for your army and:Once an Ork gets stuck into hand-to-hand combat, they quickly overwhelm their enemies through sheer ferocity and an eagerness to give the gitz a good kicking.
Melee weapons equipped by ORKS models from your army have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.
Always found at the forefront of an assault, this Ork likes to be the first into the fray. ORKS model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, add 2" to the Move characteristic of models in that unit. |
Grand Warboss Headwoppa and his tribe were last seen charging headlong into a horde of Khornate daemons, but legend speaks of a blood-slick choppa that still turns up occasionally. Though this weapon looks normal, a dark voice is said to growl in the mind of its wielder, driving them on to ever greater excesses of violence. ORKS model only. Melee weapons equipped by the bearer (excluding Extra Attacks weapons) have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability. |
Feigning weakness, this greenskin allows his foes to close in before delivering a brutal flurry of attacks. ORKS model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, that unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back. |
The original owner of this one-of-a-kind endoskeleton became the envy of every Warboss around, and was soon gutted and stripped for parts by a stronger rival. The Supa-Cybork Body has been retransplanted several times since then, filling its new owner with confidence, resilience and a belated hope that the Painboyz gave it a quick clean before shoving it back in place… ORKS model only. The bearer has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability. |
Spying the largest or most dangerous threats on the battlefield - besides the Orks themselves - Beast Snaggas chase them down with gleeful enthusiasm, mobs racing each other to claim the kill and to snag a worthy trophy with which to proclaim their status as the warband’s greatest hunters. Until, that is, the easily distracted ladz notice their next quarry.
At the start of your Command phase, select one MONSTER, VEHICLE or CHARACTER unit from your opponent’s army. Until the start of your next Command phase, that enemy unit is your Prey:
Obsessed with being the first to make a kill, this hunter spurs his unruly mount ahead of the warband, coaxing his mob to follow him with the explicit threat of feeding them to his squigosaur if they don’t keep up. BEASTBOSS ON SQUIGOSAUR model only. Models in the bearer’s unit have the Scouts 9" ability. |
This Beast Snagga is an unstoppable engine of destructive butchery who has left the brutalised corpses of his huge prey piled in his wake on world after world. BEAST SNAGGA model only. Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of melee weapons equipped by the bearer. |
Successful hunt leaders are never short of a kunnin' plan to flush out the prey. This sneaky git has mastered the art of ransacking whatever the prey values, luring the quarry in to retaliate or else ensuring they’re cornered, with no bolthole or gear to fall back on. BEAST SNAGGA model only. At the end of your Command phase, if the bearer is within range of an objective marker you control, that objective marker remains under your control, even if you have no models within range of it, until your opponent controls it at the start or end of any turn. |
With a lifetime of leading notoriously deadly Beast Snagga hunts behind them, and gnarled hides thicker than Battlewagon armour, this Ork and his favoured Boyz have survived blows that would fell a Gargant. BEASTBOSS ON SQUIGOSAUR model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, each time an attack targets that unit, if the Strength characteristic of that attack is greater than the Toughness characteristic of that unit, subtract 1 from the Wound roll. |
If there is one thing Speed Freeks love more than racing full tilt towards the enemy, smashing into them and pulling hair pin turns to do it all again, it is loosing incredible amounts of noisy, chugging dakka as they do so.
SPEED FREEKS units from your army are eligible to shoot in a turn in which they Advanced or Fell Back.
The thrill-seeking Orks at the head of Speed Freeks warbands lead their Kult of Speed brethren right into enemy lines, leaping from speeding Trukks and Battlewagons if need be to plunge into the fight. ORKS INFANTRY model only. Each time the bearer’s unit disembarks from a TRANSPORT after that TRANSPORT has made a Normal move, the bearer’s unit is still eligible to declare a charge this turn. |
This Orks adrenaline-addled mind lurches from one insight to the next, a bone-shaker whose engine only fires on all cylinders when he is in the thick of the fighting. Once there, however, it revs into overdrive. ORKS model only. In your Command phase, if the bearer (or a TRANSPORT the bearer is embarked within is within 9" of one or more enemy units, roll one D6: on a 3+, you gain 1CP. |
Scaly squig-hide is the perfect material for fast and grippy tyres, able to provide traction even in the mire of blood, guts and oil left over from most Speed Freekfights. DEFFKILLA WARTRIKE model only. Each time a model in the bearer’s unit makes a Consolidation move, it can move up to 6" instead of up to 3". |
This warlord’s fanatical devotion to speed is such that he cannot stand being anywhere other than in the hear, of the action and he pushes the ladz around him to crank their throttles in order to close the distance with the enemy as soon as possible. DEFFKILLA WARTRIKE model only. In your Shooting phase, after the bearer’s unit has shot, if it is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 6". If it does, until the end of the turn, it is not eligible to declare a charge. |
Inventive Meks wire all manner of kustomised gubbinz, suspicious extras and inviting big red buttons to weapons or into the cockpits of their clanking kan creations. Eager Orks are always enthusiastic to try out such random innovations to see what sort of destruction they can cause. Sometimes this can be risky, but that’s half the fun!
Each time a MEK, ORKS WALKER or GROTS VEHICLE unit from your army is selected to shoot or fight, roll one D6. Until the end of the phase, weapons equipped by models in that unit have the corresponding ability shown in the table below.
By squinting hard through the mismatched lenses of these goggles, even the sneakiest git can be pinpointed. MEK model only. Ranged weapons equipped by models in the bearer’s unit have the [ignores cover] ability. |
Impatient for better results, this Mek is an avid advocate of the theory that smashing buttons and cranking dials faster makes kustom guns more shooty. MEK model only. Each time the bearer’s unit is selected to shoot, when rolling to determine which ability that unit’s weapons gain from the Try Dat Button! Detachment rule, roll one additional D6: until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit gain both Button Effects generated by those rolls. If a duplicate Button Effect is rolled, it has no additional effect. |
This loud, fume-belching device wreathes the bearer and his mates in a thick bank of smoke. This is hard for the enemy to see through, but has little detriment on the Orks’ own accuracy. MEK model only. Models in the bearer’s unit have the Stealth ability. |
The Mek cobbled together this strange device in a flash of feverish inventin’. He isn’t sure what it does - and it glows weirdly - but he proudly carries it to battle, eager to know what its big switch will do this time. MEK model only. In your Command phase, select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to the bearer, then roll one D6: on a 1-2, that enemy unit must take a Battle-shock test; on a 3-4, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 5-6, until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that enemy unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll. |
Caught up in the infectious and nigh supernatural belligerence that suffuses such large hordes of Orks on the warpath, the Boyz tend to push through lethal wounds, being too immersed in the energetic riot to worry about such things as long as they have a load of mates to enjoy the fight with.
Each time an attack targets a BOYZ unit from your army, models in that unit have a 6+ invulnerable save against that attack. Each time an attack targets a BOYZ unit from your army that contains 10 or more models, models in that unit have a 5+ invulnerable save against that attack.’
Buoyed on by his chanting ladz and eager to smash into his enemies first, this boss leads the way, racing towards one fight after the next. ORKS INFANTRY model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, you can re-roll Advance rolls made for that unit. While that unit contains 10 or more models, you can re-roll Charge rolls made for that unit as well. |
What tactics occasionally pop into this Orks head revolve purely around throwing as many Boyz into the enemy’s face as possible. ORKS INFANTRY model only. In your Command phase, if the bearer is on the battlefield (or is embarked within a TRANSPORT that is on the battlefield), roll one D6, adding 2 to the result if the bearer’s unit contains 10 or more models: on a 5+, you gain 1CP. |
This brutal fighter is even more dangerous with a raucous audience of chanting Orks as he displays his violent abilities as a warning to all. ORKS INFANTRY model only. Each time the bearer fights, while resolving those attacks, add 1 to the Strength characteristic of the bearers melee weapons. If the bearer’s unit contains 10 or more models, while resolving those attacks, add 3 to the Strength characteristic instead. |
This hulking boss is a focal point of violent enthusiasm. Orks flocking to his bosspole feel emboldened, the boss exuding an energetic dynamism that keeps his ladz at the height of rampaging excitement. ORKS INFANTRY model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, that unit always counts as containing 10 or more models for the purposes of your Detachment rule and any Stratagems you use. |
Gathered together into an all-conquering mass of hulking brutes, the biggest Nobz and their even larger bosses are - or so they claim - more Orky than anyone else. Their bellowed war cries are louder, their self-belief, impetus and sheer presence an affront to the senses. Theirs is a violent momentum that can roll through entire enemy armies in an unrelenting wave of aggression.
At the start of your Command phase, in a turn in which you have not called a Waaagh!, if you have one or more WARBOSS models on the battlefield (or embarked within a TRANSPORT that is on the battlefield), you can call a Waaagh! for a second time this battle. When doing so, that second Waaagh! only counts as having been called for WARBOSS, NOBZ and MEGANOBZ units from your army.
This warlords bellowing war cry is so loud that it can be heard over the thickest of fighting, rolling outwards in a terrifying bestial roar. INFANTRY WARBOSS model only. At the start of the Fight phase, select one enemy unit within Engagement range of the bearer. That unit must take a Battle-shock test, and when doing so, subtract 1 from the result. |
The bigger the Waaagh!, the bigger the boss must be to exert control. This Ork has countless huge battles under his belt and has grown in stature and aggression to match. INFANTRY WARBOSS model only. Add 2 to the bearer’s Wounds characteristic. |
A solid slab of muscle and aggression, this Ork is living embodiment of the undeniable truth of his enemies’ inferiority. INFANTRY WARBOSS model only. Each time the bearer makes an attack that targets a unit that is below its Starting Strength, re-roll a Wound roll of 1. If that unit is Below Half-strength, you can re-roll the Wound roll instead. |
Nothing shocks the enemy like an angry mob of the biggest and surliest Orks imaginable suddenly appearing in a blast of green lightning! WARBOSS IN MEGA ARMOUR model only. Models in the bearer’s unit have the Deep Strike ability. |
The Orks who belong to the Blood Axe clan seek to apply their own brand of taktiks to their endless wars. The most cunning of Blood Axe leaders have adapted the strategies of other species into a unique brand of clandestine warfare that, whilst simplistic, is brutally effective.
Blood Axe leaders bellow actual orders to the ladz under their command.
Once per battle round, in your Command phase or after being set up on the battlefield in your Movement phase, each BOSS SNIKROT, MEK and WARBOSS model in your army can issue Taktiks abilities.
An exemplar of the Blood Axes’ devious arts, this Warboss leads mobs of cunning Kommandos to battle. WARBOSS INFANTRY model only. During the Declare Battle Formations step, the bearer can be attached to a KOMMANDOS unit. While leading a Kommandos unit, it has the Infiltrators and Stealth abilities. |
Whilst Flash Gitz hate discipline of any sort, particularly militant Meks can keep them in line with a combination of brutal discipline and the promise of shiny gubbinz. BIG MEK, BIG MEK IN MEGA ARMOUR or BIG MEK WITH SHOKK ATTACK GUN model only. During the Declare Battle Formations step, the bearer can be attached to a FLASH GITZ unit. Each time a model in the bearer’s unit makes a ranged attack, you can re-roll the Hit roll. |
Possessed of an exceptionally keen mind – for an Ork at least – this boss matches wits with his opponents, holding his ladz back until an opportune moment arrives. ORKS model only. After both players have deployed their armies, select up to three ORKS units from your army and redeploy them. When doing so, you can set those units up in Strategic Reserves, regardless of how many units are already in Strategic Reserves. |
Cobbled together from the remains of a humie vox-caster, this device amplifies this Ork’s already booming voice, carrying their bellowed orders further WARBOSS or MEK model only. Each time the bearer issues Taktiks, it can do so to a friendly ORKS INFANTRY or ORKS MOUNTED unit within 18", instead of 6". |
Of all the Ork manias, few are as widespread as the love of heavy firepower. Temporarily united by a shared love of loud and destructive dakka, hordes of similarly obsessed Orks can produce storms of killing fire capable of felling even the most heavily armoured of enemies.
Orks have no real concept of ammunition preservation, instead tending to hold the trigger down until their ammunition runs dry or their weapon falls apart in their hands.
During your Shooting phase, ranged weapons equipped by ORKS INFANTRY and ORKS WALKER models from your army have the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability.
Requiring an entire chest of teef to be loaded into its breach before each shot, the Gobshot Thunderbuss’ worky gubbinz plates its unconventional ammunition in gold before firing it in an inescapable cone of fanged death. Not only can this madcap weapon sweep away swathes of enemies with every shot, it also fires a literal fortune in teef every time, proclaiming its owner’s obscene wealth in the process. ORKS model only. Ranged weapons equipped by the bearer have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] and [HAZARDOUS] abilities. |
Rumoured to have been made by Big Mek Buzzgob, da Dead Shiny Shootas are a set of multi-barrelled brutes packed full of dakka. The guns kick out a deafening storm of hot lead, much to the enjoyment of the Orks pulling the triggers, their volume of fire so great that even the most inaccurate shooter can land a respectable number of hits. ORKS model only. Ranged weapons equipped by models in the bearer’s unit have the [RAPID FIRE 1] ability. |
The flashiest gitz have specially-bred targetin’ squigs mounted atop their favourite shoota. It’s not certain whether these creatures actually aid the bearer or not as they cling for dear life atop their perches, which are inevitably the biggest shoota the owner has, as nothing aids accuracy like firing so many shots that you just can’t miss. ORKS model only. Each time a model in the bearer’s unit makes a ranged attack, add 1 to the Hit roll. |
There’s no point in having the loudest and flashiest shoota if gitz don’t let ya fire them. This Ork will even go so far as to avoid a punch up in order to fire his snazzy weapons. ORKS model only. The bearer’s unit is eligible to shoot in a turn in which it Fell Back. |
In this section you’ll find additional rules for playing Crusade battles that are bespoke to ORKS units.
The ambitions of one visionary or especially bloodthirsty individual draw Orcs together into a growing amalgamation of gleeful violence.
The Waaagh! begins to span entire worlds, as rivalries between mobs, clans and entire tribes drive competition to unleash ever greater destruction.
The Orks mass in numbers that swell with a roar like a savage ocean.
Only an Ork of supreme strength can keep the largest Waaagh! on course.
Many Meks see enemy heavy-armour formations not as a formidable foe, but as a treasure trove, waiting to be plundered.
Its important for even the most cerebral of Warbosses to get stuck in and show the ladz how tough he is, just to make sure none of them get any ideas about replacing him. Enemy commanders and war machines are valuable targets in demonstrating that he is just as ‘killy’ as ever.
Keen to show off, Orks often make a beeline for the flashiest and most dangerous enemies around.
Orks are known to swarm the battlefield in great waves. To their foes, it can seem as though their hordes stretch over the horizon.
Ork physiology is incredibly resilient and even possessed of some regenerative properties. Often, though, the only thing that will make an Ork feel better is to embark on an unremitting rampage.
Whether obsessed with new and more impressive wargear or needing to replace weapons and armour that have failed to stand up to the Ork’s more aggressive tendencies, the biggest bosses make sure they have the best gear for the fights to come.
Much of the scrap taken from enemy vehicles brings with it exciting new technology, ready to be adapted into original forms by the Mek. Many of these forms would undoubtedly give the original crafter nightmares, but their effectiveness cannot be denied.
With the right threats or bribes - or a bit of both - Mekaniaks can be motivated to invent or improve some tasty bit of kit to make their boss even more dangerous.
These lunatics have forked out handfuls of hard-earned teefto have their roaring mounts' speed boosted so as to ensure no cowardly enemies can get away.
Nothing fills these Orks with more of a thrill than unloading storms of shots into the enemy at full pelt.
Plumes of exhaust and sprays of dust and chewed up dirt fill the air around these stampeding Orks, obscuring them - and their obscene gestures -from the enemy.
These Orks show a great enthusiasm for battle, even above that of their warlike peers.
These ladz have scrounged enough teef together for all manner of rangefinders, optiks, skopes and targetin’squigs that have been stitched, bolted or stapled into place to improve their aim.
These Orks have learned that if you pour enough firepower into the enemy, it makes the gitz less inclined to start any sneaky nonsense.
These ladz can’t wait to get stuck into the enemy, leaping on any that come near in a surge of green muscle.
These ladz have an instinct for spotting valuable bits of loot. They swarm over likely sites, knowing which bits to bash and which bits to leave in one piece.
The ladz in this mob wear with pride their impressive array of horrific scars.
This Mek always makes sure his customers' vehicles are in full working order, at least when he hands them back.
This Mek has conducted many experiments on his own body.
This Dok stalks the battlefield for 'spare parts' after the battle, ensuring transplants are conducted in a timely manner.
This Dok has conducted plenty of surgery on himself. augmenting his body to fend off customers unhappy with the experimental cybork limbs they don't remember asking for.
This vehicle is replete with so much additional armour and non-essential extras that landing a telling blow is almost impossible.
Flared ammo feeds, squig-oiled rounds and increased rotary speeds ensure this vehicles guns are even shootier than its rivals'.
Rewired batteries ensure that careless enemies get a nasty surprise if they come too close.
Employing everything from steam-feeds to really big iron springs, these leg upgrades allow walkerz to put on a real burst of speed.
Fermented through entirely unstable processes by specialist brewboyz, potent fungal additives are kept in this thickly shielded injecta system. Just a drop can supercharge any Mek-built engine.
Space Marine helmets are the favoured trophy of many an Ork. They proclaim that the bearer has bested one of the finest warriors the Imperium has to offer, and also come in a variety of snazzy colours to collect.
Improve the Leadership characteristic of the bearer by 1. Once the bearer has participated in at least three battles during which its unit destroyed one or more ADEPTUS ASTARTES units, the bearer gains the following ability:These chest plates are crafted from bulkheads salvaged from rugged dropships, and are robust enough to resist orbital descents through the planets atmosphere.
INFANTRY or MOUNTED model only,This chunk of mechanisms, wires, switches, buttons and strange pulsing glyphs has found its way onto a variety of guns. It never fails to impart all manner of weird lethality to its host weapon. Almost never.
MEK model only.Mad Wazgit was an especially unstable Warphead in the employ of Blood Axes Warboss Razdakka da Finka. Razdakka eventually got fed up with Wazgit’s presence giving him headaches when he was trying to come up with da grand plan, and had this dented bowllike artefact nailed to Wazgit’s head to try to contain some of his rampant power. Sadly it had the opposite effect, and the skullkap was the only thing found in the crater after a mighty green explosion consumed Razdakka’s planning hut. This unfortunate event hasn’t stopped countless subsequent Weirdboyz from nailing this device to their head in an attempt try and stop da voices.
WEIRDBOY or WURRBOY model only. Each time the bearer makes a Psychic Attack, add 1 to the Hit roll and if that attack destroys one or more enemy models, the bearer regains up to 2 lost wounds.Orkish legend tells of a great choppa - or possibly a massive klaw, Orkish legends aren’t bothered about such details - powerful enough to split mountains with a single blow. In truth, to many this blade wouldn’t appear different to any of the other crude weapons wielded by their species. Many Orks have claimed to possess this fabled weapon over the millennia, and though different bits of it have been repaired, replaced and reworked hundreds of times, this weapon retains its grand destiny. Once it is in the hands of its intended bearer - as decided by Gork and Mork - a direct link to those brutish deities will be established, and the choppa’s true power will be unlocked.
INFANTRY WAAAGH!BOSS or MOUNTED WAAAGH!BOSS model only. Select one melee weapon equipped by the bearer (excluding Extra Attacks weapons). Add 1 to the Strength and Armour Penetration characteristics of that weapon. In addition, each time you call a Waaagh!, if the bearer is on the battlefield, melee weapons equipped by friendly ORKS models have the [Lethal Hits] ability.Badmek Rezmekka formulated a type of paint so red that staring directly at it for too long caused actual retinal damage. So red was Rezmekka’s new colour - artfully named Redder - that he immediately daubed it over his best suit of ’eavy armour. A few pots of this paint have made it onto the open market, so any boss who can afford it can dazzle his underlings and his enemies with eye-bleeding redness.
MOUNTED WAAAGH!BOSS model only. Add 2" to the Move characteristic of models in the bearer’s unit, and models in the bearer’s unit have the Fights First ability.This brutal iron-plated jaw tells all that see it that the wearer is a mighty warlord indeed. If they don’t listen, a single devastating headbutt from the wearer will certainly reinforce the point.
At the start of the Fight phase, you can select one enemy INFANTRY unit within Engagement Range of the bearer and roll one D6: on a 2+, that enemy unit suffers 3 mortal wounds and must take a Battle-shock test.When wired into the boss’favourite choppa, this happy accident of force field technology wreathes his weapon in a crackling cloud of green lightning. On a good day, the energy can rip open armour plating and burn flesh black. The frazzle field has the habit of emitting sparking backdrafts that cause any hair squigs the user wears to go rigid and stand on end. This is viewed as a fashionable extra and serves to make him look even more imposing.
Select one melee weapon equipped by the bearer. That weapon gains the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability.Crafted from the heaviest Space Marine vehicles and finished with brutal spikes, this huge suit of armour propels its wearer into (and often straight through) the enemy like a living battering ram. The racks of rokkits fitted to the back of this suit certainly help too.
A mountain of teef is alleged to have gone into procuring all the components that supplement this impressive looking gun. So has said every Mek to have passed this on to his Warboss. Gyrostabilisers and weird iridescent stones scavenged from war zones, plasma cores and molecular realignment fields looted from watch fortresses, additional ammo-racks and supa-charged boosta barrels have all been tinkered with through millennia of inventive Orky know-wotz. With a good enough aim, it can obliterate the toughest of enemies.
Select one ranged weapon equipped by the bearer. That weapon gains the [MELTA 3] ability.Your infamy as a ferocious fighter brings mobs flooding to your garish banner as your growing Waaagh! stampedes from one thrilling fight to the next. Cities and voidcraft have fallen to your expanding horde, but this is only the beginning. Your eyes now stray to the stars. Your strength and victories have drawn other Orks in your wake, keen to share in the violence. Coteries of Oddboyz in thrall to your ambitions - and scared of your temper - have given you access to the know-wotz needed to realise your visions of bloodshed. Seize your chance, don’t slow down, just get out there and get stompin’!
There seems no stopping the avalanche of slaughter and riotous destruction your Waaagh! visits upon every world your armies reach. What losses and disruptive calamities have occurred among your teeming warbands have been steamrollered into insignificance - where you bother to acknowledge them at all - by your fearsome charisma and timely doses of no-nonsense violence. Roaring tides of Orks, whole blitz brigades of ramshackle war engines, herds of unruly beasts and towering war effigies follow your lead onto new battlefields aplenty, taking up your war cry with each new promise of the best punch-up in the galaxy.
Your Waaagh! is known and feared amongst the greatest of Ork conquests and your name is chanted on more battlefields than even the brainiest Oddboyz can count. You have forged a trail of truly epic destruction, a warpath so grand it has surely distracted Gork and Mork from their eternal brawling. Warbands flock to your bosspole, eager for the privilege of fighting in the best Waaagh!, bulking your huge horde further, with you as the biggest, meanest and greenest Ork of them all, a hulking idol of brutality!
When Ork void fleets attack enemy shipping, they often lead the assault with ramships. These pugnacious craft slam headlong into the foes’ vessels, burying themselves in the superstructure of larger enemy ships before filling them with rampaging Ork boarders.
For all the noise and mayhem of a boarding action, it can be harder to build up a full head of steam when trying to navigate sealed bulkheads and winding corridors.
Units from your army with the Waaagh! ability retain that ability and gain this one.Between the excitement of smashing their way through the all-too-lootable interior of an enemy warship and their natural tendency to overlook their own mortal hurts - sometimes for hours at a time - Ork boarding parties can prove nightmarishly tough.
Each time an attack targets an ORKS unit from your army (excluding GROTS units), if the Strength characteristic of that attack is greater than the Toughness characteristic of that ORKS unit, subtract 1 from the Wound roll.Living Battering Ram There is something uniquely terrifying to the foe about a nine-foot-tall, four-hundred-pound Ork who prefers to open hatchways with their head while running full tilt and bellowing like a battle tank. Each time the bearer attempts to operate a closed Hatchway, your opponent cannot try to prevent it. In addition, each time the bearer opens a Hatchway, each enemy unit within 6" of that Hatchway and wholly on the opposite side of it from the bearer must take a Battle-shock test. |
Scarred Brute A veteran of many boarding actions, this monstrous Ork has been shot, stabbed and ejected into hard vacuum many times, and has all the toughened scarring and bionik wotnots to show for it. The bearer has the Feel No Pain 5+ ability. |
Regardless of the wider objectives of a void war, once a Warboss and his best Boyz get aboard an enemy ship their top priority is nearly always finding the enemy shipmaster and beating them to a pulp. If that leads to capturing the vessel in the process, so much the better!
For all the noise and mayhem of a boarding action, it can be harder to build up a full head of steam when trying to navigate sealed bulkheads and winding corridors.
Units from your army with the Waaagh! ability retain that ability and gain this one.Very little can prevent a hulking Ork from smashing a path through a voidship’s decks to wherever he is trying to go. It is generally considered deeply unwise bordering on suicidal to try...
In your Movement phase, Desperate Escape tests taken for ORKS models from your army are automatically passed and each time an ORKS unit from your army makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, it can move through other models as if they were not there, provided those other models have a lower Toughness characteristic than it.Tellyporta Employing madcap tellyporta arrays, Ork Meks can beam massively armoured Nobz through the warp and onto an enemy vessel, much to the horror of the defenders. In the Deploy Armies step, select one MEGANOBZ unit from your army. Until the end of the battle, models in that unit have the Deep Strike ability. |
Gnasher Squig Crates This Warboss has ordered his ladz to bring armoured crates of vicious gnasher squigs aboard. Upended into strategically vital areas, they create a dangerous infestation that enemies will struggle to remove. WARBOSS model only. In your Command phase, you can select one NOBZ or MEGANOBZ unit from your army (excluding Battle-shocked units) that is within 6" of the bearer and is within range of an objective marker. If there are no enemy models within range of that objective marker, it is Secured by your army. |
The infamous war cry of the Orks is known and feared throughout the galaxy. When it echoes across the battlefield, bellowed from hundreds or even thousands of greenskin mouths, even the most stalwart warriors fear the onslaught to come.
If your Army Faction is , once per battle, at the start of your Command phase, you can call a Waaagh!. If you do, until the start of your next Command phase, the Waaagh! is active for your army and:The CHARACTER keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
Weapons powered by unstable and dangerous energy sources pose a substantial risk to the wielder every time they are used.
Weapons with [HAZARDOUS] in their profile are known as Hazardous weapons. Each time a unit is selected to shoot or fight, after that unit has resolved all of its attacks, for each Hazardous weapon that targets were selected for when resolving those attacks, that unit must take one Hazardous test. To do so, roll one D6: on a 1, that test is failed. For each failed test you must resolve the following sequence (resolve each failed test one at a time):Some attacks are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury.
Some rules inflict mortal wounds on units. Each time mortal wounds are inflicted on a unit, each of those mortal wounds inflicts one point of damage to that unit, and they are always applied one at a time. Each mortal wound is allocated to a model in the same manner as allocating an attack. Excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost if the damage can be allocated to another model. Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.Some warriors refuse to be laid low, even by what should be fatal wounds.
Some models have ‘Feel No Pain x+’ listed in their abilities. Each time a model with this ability suffers damage and so would lose a wound (including wounds lost due to mortal wounds), roll one D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the number denoted by ‘x’, that wound is ignored and is not lost. If a model has more than one Feel No Pain ability, you can only use one of those abilities each time that model suffers damage and so would lose a wound.The TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The WARBOSS keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The GRETCHIN keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The greatest warriors, most cunning tacticians and seers lead their armies to war possessed of hard-won skills and powerful artefacts that mark them out as legendary commanders.
Whether shielded by force fields, enveloped in mystical energies or simply possessed of preternatural senses and lightning-fast reflexes, some warriors are protected by more than mere physical armour.
Some models have an invulnerable save listed on their datasheet. Each time an attack is allocated to a model with an invulnerable save, the controlling player must choose to use either that model’s Save characteristic or its invulnerable save, but not both. If a model has more than one invulnerable save, it can only use one of them – choose which it will use.Some weapons strike in a flurry of blows, tearing the foe apart with relentless ferocity.
Weapons with [SUSTAINED HITS X] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if a Critical Hit is rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’.Some warriors ride to battle atop trusty mounts that gore and trample nearby foes. Others wield combat weapons that deliver a frenzy of additional blows.
Weapons with [EXTRA ATTACKS] in their profile are known as Extra Attacks weapons. Each time the bearer of one or more Extra Attacks weapons fights, it makes attacks with each of the Extra Attacks melee weapons it is equipped with and it makes attacks with one of the melee weapons it is equipped with that does not have the [EXTRA ATTACKS] ability (if any). The number of attacks made with an Extra Attacks weapon cannot be modified by other rules, unless that weapon’s name is explicitly specified in that rule.From detonating ammo stores to corrosive innards or frenzied death throes, some targets are deadly even in defeat.
Some models have ‘Deadly Demise x’ listed in their abilities. When such a model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play (if such a model is a TRANSPORT, roll before any embarked models disembark). On a 6, each unit within 6" of that model suffers a number of mortal wounds denoted by ‘x’ (if this is a random number, roll separately for each unit within 6").The GROTS keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The MONSTER keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The VEHICLE keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The MOB keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The BEAST SNAGGA keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
Scouts form the vanguard of many armies. Unnoticed by the enemy, they range ahead of the main force.
Some units have ‘Scouts x"’ listed in their abilities. If every model in a unit has this ability, then at the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins, it can make a Normal move of up to x", with the exception that, while making that move, the distance moved by each model in that unit can be greater than that model's Move characteristic, as long as it is not greater than x".The BEAST SNAGGA and MOUNTED keywords are used in the following Orks datasheets:
The BEAST SNAGGA and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Orks datasheets:
Shattered ruins and twisted wreckage afford much-needed shelter from enemy salvoes. Even heavily armoured warriors unfazed by small arms fire are thankful for such cover when foes bring their biggest guns to bear.
Models can sometimes gain a measure of protection from terrain features. The rules below detail the conditions under which a terrain feature confers the Benefit of Cover on a model.Some warriors are masters of disguise and concealment.
If every model in a unit has this ability, then each time a ranged attack is made against it, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll.The SPEED FREEKS keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The INFANTRY and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Orks datasheets:
Some weapons can inflict fatal injuries on any foe, no matter their resilience.
Weapons with [LETHAL HITS] in their profile are known as Lethal Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, a Critical Hit automatically wounds the target.The MEK keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The WALKER keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The GROTS and VEHICLE keywords are used in the following Orks datasheets:
Some weapons are designed to root enemy formations out of entrenched positions.
Weapons with [IGNORES COVER] in their profile are known as Ignores Cover weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, the target cannot have the Benefit of Cover against that attack.Inventive Meks wire all manner of kustomised gubbinz, suspicious extras and inviting big red buttons to weapons or into the cockpits of their clanking kan creations. Eager Orks are always enthusiastic to try out such random innovations to see what sort of destruction they can cause. Sometimes this can be risky, but that’s half the fun!
Each time a MEK, WALKER or GROTS VEHICLE unit from your army is selected to shoot or fight, roll one D6. Until the end of the phase, weapons equipped by models in that unit have the corresponding ability shown in the table below.
Assault weapons fire so indiscriminately that they can be shot from the hip as warriors dash forward.
Weapons with [ASSAULT] in their profile are known as Assault weapons. If a unit that Advanced this turn contains any models equipped with Assault weapons, it is still eligible to shoot in this turn’s Shooting phase. When such a unit is selected to shoot, you can only resolve attacks using Assault weapons its models are equipped with.The WARBOSS and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Orks datasheets:
Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, high-altitude descent or other extraordinary means that allow them to appear suddenly in the thick of the fighting.
During the Declare Battle Formations step, if every model in a unit has this ability, you can set it up in Reserves instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability.The INFANTRY keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The MOUNTED keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The BATTLELINE keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
Many armies employ reconnaissance units who can sit concealed, waiting for the right moment to strike.
During deployment, if every model in a unit has this ability, then when you set it up, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from the enemy deployment zone and all enemy models.The BIG MEK keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
Blood Axe leaders bellow actual orders to the ladz under their command.
Once per battle round, in your Command phase or after being set up on the battlefield in your Movement phase, each BOSS SNIKROT, MEK and WARBOSS model in your army can issue Taktiks abilities.Rapid fire weapons are capable of long-ranged precision shots or controlled bursts at nearby targets.
Weapons with [RAPID FIRE X] in their profile are known as Rapid Fire weapons. Each time such a weapon targets a unit within half that weapon’s range, the Attacks characteristic of that weapon is increased by the amount denoted by ‘x’.Much of the scrap taken from enemy vehicles brings with it exciting new technology, ready to be adapted into original forms by the Mek. Many of these forms would undoubtedly give the original crafter nightmares, but their effectiveness cannot be denied.
Information uncovered by your forces has revealed the growing importance of this war zone and the increasing threat posed by enemies. In response, high command has acceded to your urgent request for reinforcements.
Many warriors thunder headlong into combat, using the impetus of their charge to bring swift death to their foes.
Each time a unit makes a Charge move, until the end of the turn, that unit has the Fights First ability.The PAINBOY keyword is used in the following Orks datasheets:
The MOUNTED and WARBOSS keywords are used in the following Orks datasheets:
With the right threats or bribes - or a bit of both - Mekaniaks can be motivated to invent or improve some tasty bit of kit to make their boss even more dangerous.
Some warriors attack with blinding speed, landing their blows before their foes can react.
Units with this ability that are eligible to fight do so in the Fights First step, provided every model in the unit has this ability.Melta weapons are powerful heat rays whose fury is magnified at close range.
Weapons with [MELTA X] in their profile are known as Melta weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon targets a unit within half that weapon’s range, that attack’s Damage characteristic is increased by the amount denoted by ‘x’.