Imperial Agents


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  Agents of the Imperium
  Agents of the ImperiumCodex101.1October 2024
  Munitorum Field Manual
  Munitorum Field ManualExpansion102.2February 2025
  Balance Dataslate
  Balance DataslateRulebook10February 2025February 2025
  Grotmas Calendar: Imperial Agents - Veiled Blade Elimination Force
  Grotmas Calendar: Imperial Agents - Veiled Blade Elimination ForceExpansion10December 2024
  Boarding Actions
  Boarding ActionsExpansion101.0October 2024
  Legends Field Manual
  Legends Field ManualExpansion101.9October 2024
  Legends: Agents of the Imperium
  Legends: Agents of the ImperiumDatasheet10September 2024


On this page you will find several AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM Detachments you can select from, as described in the Core Rules (see the Select Detachment Rules step). If you are playing a Crusade battle, see the equivalent step in the Mustering a Crusade Army section of the main Crusade rules. Each Detachment is a themed fighting force that focuses on one particular combat style employed by the Genestealer Cults - the rules they include are as follows:

The Detachment rule listed here will apply to either your whole army or to particular units within it.

When mustering your army, your chosen Detachment enables you to upgrade CHARACTERS using the Enhancements listed here, as described in the Core Rules (see the Select Units step). If you are playing a Crusade battle, you can instead use the Renowned Heroes Requisition to give your CHARACTERS Enhancements, as described in the main Crusade rules.

Your chosen Detachment gives you access to the Stratagems listed here in addition to the Core Stratagems listed in the Core Rules. During the battle, you can spend Command points (CP) to use these Stratagems.

Army Rules

Assigned Agents

Throughout the Imperium there exist numerous martial organisations and shadowy institutions. Bodies of armed warriors or solitary agents from these groups possess specialist skills, unusual equipment and vested interests that lead them to be attached to larger Imperial armies. Some are requisitioned by the army’s commander for their particular abilities, others are assigned by their hidden masters to achieve singular agendas. The most powerful have the authority and reputation to enforce their presence on the field of battle.

If your Army Faction is AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM, then in the Select Detachment Rules step, you can select one of the available Detachments from this book as normal.

If your Army Faction is not AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM, but every model in your army has the IMPERIUM keyword, you can include AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM units in your army even if they do not have the Faction keyword you selected in the Select Army Faction step. In this case, the maximum number of AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM units you can include in your army depends on the battle size, as shown below.

Strike Force221

Note that you can include AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM DEDICATED TRANSPORT units in such an army as normal, but each unit must start the battle with one or more units embarked within it, or it cannot be deployed for that battle and will count as having been destroyed during the first battle round.

Kill Team

Each time an attack targets this unit, if it contains models with different Toughness characteristics, until the attacking unit has finished making its attacks, use the Toughness characteristic of the majority of the models in that unit when determining what roll is required for that attack to successfully wound. If two or more Toughness characteristics are tied for majority, use the highest value.

For the purposes of determining which models in this unit can embark within a TRANSPORT, Kill Team Terminator models, Kill Team Outrider models, Kill Team Biker models and models equipped with a jump pack each take up the space of 2 models, but can otherwise embark within any TRANSPORT their unit can embark within, even though similar models in other units have the TERMINATOR, MOUNTED or JUMP PACK keywords.

For the purposes of interacting with terrain features, all models in units with this ability are considered INFANTRY models, even though similar models in other units may have the MOUNTED or JUMP PACK keywords.

Designer’s Note: While the abstractions in the above rule cause some models to behave differently to similar models in other units, they are designed to minimise complicated movement, TRANSPORT and Benefit of Cover rules.

Ordo Xenos Alien Hunters

Detachment Rule

Deathwatch Mission Tactics

Thousands of years of collated strategic data and hard-won combat experience have provided the Deathwatch with the ultimate battlefield tactics to combat almost any foe.

At the start of your Command phase, you can select one of the Mission Tactics listed below. Until the start of your next Command phase, that Mission Tactic is active and its effects apply to all DEATHWATCH units from your army. Each Mission Tactic can only be selected once per battle.

Furor Tactics

The warriors of the Deathwatch are often sorely outnumbered by swarming foes, yet by striking for maximum indiscriminate carnage they soon even the odds.

While this Mission Tactic is active, weapons equipped by DEATHWATCH units from your army have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.

Malleus Tactics

Even the largest behemoth has a weak point, and the Deathwatch find them all.

While this Mission Tactic is active, weapons equipped by DEATHWATCH units from your army have the [LETHAL HITS] ability.

Purgatus Tactics

Adopting Purgatus tactics, the Deathwatch focus their ire upon the commanders of the enemy host.

While this Mission Tactic is active, each time a DEATHWATCH model from your army makes an attack, on a Critical Wound, that attack has the [PRECISION] ability.


  • Amulet of Auto-Chastisement 25 pts

This talisman houses a hate-filled machine spirit that despises alien artifice. Its influence can be focused against the war engines of aliens and traitors alike to disrupt or even paralyse them altogether.

WATCH MASTER model only. At the start of your opponents Shooting phase, select one enemy VEHICLE unit (excluding TITANIC units) within 12" of and visible to the bearer. That unit must take a Leadership test. If that test is passed, until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll; if that test is failed, that unit is not eligible to shoot this phase.

  • Beacon Angelis 30 pts

The Beacon Angelis was devised to guide the Death watch to the threshold of the alien adversary. Housed within a reliquary, it calls out to the warriors’ augur arrays with the voices of a hundred electric cherubim, its summons so strong that it draws the righteous unto its locale regardless of what darkness may surround it.

WATCH MASTER model only. Models in the bearer’s unit have the Deep Strike ability. In addition, you can target the bearer’s unit with the Rapid Ingress Stratagem for 0CP.

  • Blackweave Shroud 15 pts

This hypermorphic bodyglove of uncertain origin is worn beneath a warrior’s armour. It forms a fibrous medium that shields the warrior’s most vital systems.

AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM model only. The bearer has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability.

  • Universal Anathema 10 pts

A fragment of STC technology, this device tastes the spoor of its owner’s foes, then fashions tailored toxins not even the most resilient victim can long endure.

AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM model only. Melee weapons equipped by the bearer have the [ANTI-INFANTRy 2+] and [ANTI-MONSTER 4+] abilities.


Alien Hunters – Battle Tactic Stratagem
The belligerence and transhuman physiologies of the Deathwatch make them unyielding foes.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One DEATHWATCH unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the attacking unit has finished making its attacks, each time an attack targets your unit, worsen the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
Alien Hunters – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Only a truly versatile approach to warfare allows the Deathwatch to focus their tactical genius and best the myriad xenos foes they face.
WHEN: Your Command phase.

TARGET: One DEATHWATCH unit from your army.

EFFECT: Select the Furor Tactics, Malleus Tactics or Purgatus Tactics. Until the start of your next Command phase, that Deathwatch Mission Tactic is active for your unit instead of any other Deathwatch Mission Tactic that is active for your army, even if you have already selected that Deathwatch Mission Tactic this battle.
Alien Hunters – Wargear Stratagem
Hellfire rounds contain reservoirs of virulent bioacids that eat away the flesh of their victims in seconds and leave nothing but bubbling gruel.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One DEATHWATCH INFANTRY unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons (excluding Devastating Wounds weapons) equipped by models in your unit have the [ANTI-INFANTRY 2+] and [ANTI-MONSTER 5+] abilities.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot select any units that have already been targeted with either the Kraken Rounds or Dragonfire Rounds Stratagems this phase.
Alien Hunters – Wargear Stratagem
Dragonf ire rounds explode just before contact, saturating foes in cover with searing gas and flames.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One DEATHWATCH INFANTRY unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit have the [ASSAULT] and [IGNORES COVER] abilities.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot select any units that have already been targeted with either the Kraken Rounds or Hellfire Rounds Stratagems this phase.
Alien Hunters – Wargear Stratagem
Kraken rounds utilise adamantine cores and improved propellants to penetrate the thickest hide.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One DEATHWATCH INFANTRY unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit by 1 and improve the Range characteristic of those weapons by 6".

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot select any units that have already been targeted with either the Dragonfire Rounds or Hellfire Rounds Stratagems this phase.
Alien Hunters – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The Ordo Xenos and Deathwatch alike have access to swift gunships and landers that allow for hasty repositioning in the midst of battle.
WHEN: End of your opponent’s Fight phase.


EFFECT: Remove your unit from the battlefield. In the Reinforcements step of your next Movement phase, set your unit up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” horizontally away from all enemy models.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot select a unit that is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units.

Ordo Hereticus Purgation Force

Detachment Rule

Root out Heresy

No matter how cunningly their heretical prey hides, they cannot escape the zealous retribution of the Ordo Hereticus.

Ranged weapons equipped by ADEPTUS ARBITES, INQUISITOR, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS and ORDO HERETICUS models from your army have the [IGNORES COvER] ability.

Each time an ADEPTUS ARBITES, INQUISITOR, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS or ORDO HERETICUS model from your army makes an attack that targets a CHAOS unit containing 5 or more models, that attack has the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.


  • Ignis Judicium 10 pts

An artificer-crafted flame projector of focused and terrible vehemence, this weapon has been the bane of countless heretics across the ages.

INQUISITOR or MINISTORUM PRIEST model only. The bearers ranged weapons have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS], [MELTA 1] and [PRECISION] abilities.

  • Liber Heresius 10 pts

This ancient grimoire contains the collected accounts of many Inquisitorial purges, and is a trove of lore for those seeking to ambush and entrap heretics.

INQUISITOR or MINISTORUM PRIEST model only. After both players have deployed their armies, select up to three AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM units from your army and redeploy them. When doing so, you can set those units up in Strategic Reserves if you wish, regardless of how many units are already in Strategic Reserves.

  • No Escape (Aura) 25 pts

None but the most diabolical or desperate stand any chance of slipping through this Inquisitor’s grasp.

INQUISITOR model only. While an enemy unit is within 6" of the bearer, each time it is selected to Fall Back it must first take a Leadership test. If that test is failed, that unit must Remain Stationary this phase instead.

  • Witch Hunter 15 pts

This merciless Imperial agent is monomaniacally focused upon hunting and slaying psykers.

INQUISITOR or MINISTORUM PRIEST model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes an attack that targets a PSYKER unit, you can re-roll the Hit roll.


Purgation Force – Wargear Stratagem
Emitting blasts of light, sound and blinding smoke, these devices disorient the foe.
WHEN: Start of any phase (excluding the Command phase).

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS or ORDO HERETICUS GRENADES unit from your army that is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units.

EFFECT: Select one enemy unit (excluding MONSTERS or VEHICLES) within 8" of and visible to your unit. That enemy unit must take a Battle-shock test and, until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll.
Purgation Force – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Agents of the Ordo Hereticus are unmerciful in meting out what they see as the Emperor's justice.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS or ORDO HERETICUS unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot or fight this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, weapons equipped by models in your unit have the [LETHAL HITS] ability.
Purgation Force – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
These warriors defend the sanctity of the Emperor's realm with unwavering determination, no matter the odds stacked against them.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS or ORDO HERETICUS INFANTRY unit from your army within range of an objective marker and that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, models in your unit have the Feel No Pain 5+ ability.
Purgation Force – Epic Deed Stratagem
There can be no mercy for heretic leaders.
WHEN: Your Command phase.


EFFECT: Select one enemy CHARACTER unit on the battlefield. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in your unit targets that CHARACTER unit, its weapons have the [PRECISION] ability.
Purgation Force – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
These ruthless warriors will risk firing into their own ranks if it ensures the deaths of heretics.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS or ORDO HERETICUS unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, models in your unit can target enemy units that are within Engagement Range of one or more friendly units with ranged weapons (excluding Blast weapons), provided the target is within 12".
Purgation Force – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Vengeance is swift and unforgiving for those who attack the servants of the Emperor.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your army is destroyed as the result of an enemy unit's attacks.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS or ORDO HERETICUS unit from your army that was within 6" of the destroyed unit (you cannot target the destroyed unit with the Stratagem).

EFFECT: After the attacking unit has shot, your unit can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but when resolving those attacks it can only target that enemy unit (and only if it is an eligible target).

Ordo Malleus Daemon Hunters

Detachment Rule

Destroy the Daemonic

Knowing the vital nature of their mission, the servants of the Ordo Malleus fight all the harder to lay their enemies low.

Each time an INQUISITOR, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS or ORDO MALLEUS model from your army makes an attack, re-roll a Hit roll of 1 and, if the target of that attack is a DAEMON unit, re-roll a Wound roll of 1 as well.


  • Daemon Slayer 10 pts

Some whisper this weapon of banishment is in fact host to a hostile warp entity in its own right.

INQUISITOR model only. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of the bearers melee weapons, and those weapons have the [ANTI-DAEMON 3+] ability.

  • Formidable Resolve 5 pts

Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus are amongst the hardiest and most bombastic of their kind. They must be to survive their duties.

INQUISITOR model only. Improve the bearer’s Leadership and Wounds characteristics by 1. Once per battle, at the start of any phase, you can select one friendly Battle-shocked unit within 12" of the bearer. That unit is no longer Battle-shocked.

  • Gift of the Prescient 20 pts

Guided by the scryings of their Prognosticars, the Grey Knights strike with deadly precision and timing.

INQUISITOR model only. Once per battle, if the bearer is on the battlefield, you can use the Rapid Ingress Stratagem for 0CP. When doing so, you must target a GREY KNIGHTS TERMINATOR SQUAD unit from your army, and when using that Stratagem, that unit can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 3" away from all enemy units.

  • Grimoire of True Names (Aura) 10 pts

To wield the true name of a daemon is to control its supernatural power, though whether in the name of banishment or to be unleashed as a weapon of terror falls to the discretion of the grimoire’s keeper.

INQUISITOR model only. While an enemy unit is within 9" of the bearer, worsen the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit by 1. In addition, while an enemy DAEMON unit is within 9" of the bearer, each time a model in that DAEMON unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll and subtract 1 from the Wound roll.


Daemon Hunters – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Whether sanctifying the battlefield against heresy or binding sinister guardian entities to keep watch, this ritual extends its practitioner’s strategic influence.
WHEN: Start of any Command phase.

TARGET: One INQUISITOR, INQUISITORIAL AGENTS or ORDO MALLEUS unit from your army that is within range of an objective marker you control.

EFFECT: That objective marker is said to be Warded and remains under your control, even if you have no models within range of it, until your opponent controls it at the start or end of any turn. While an objective marker is Warded and under your control, enemy DAEMON units cannot be set up on the battlefield within 6" of it.
Daemon Hunters – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
With the correct words of abjuration and banishment, daemons can be driven out of realspace and back into the warp.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.


EFFECT: Select one enemy DAEMON unit within 12" and visible to your unit. That unit must take a Battle-shock test. If that test is failed, then until the end of the phase, each time a friendly AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit makes an attack that targets that DAEMON unit, that attack has the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability.
Daemon Hunters – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The battle-brothers of the Grey Knights never flee from their daemonic foes, instead merely withdrawing momentarily before striking anew.
WHEN: Your Movement phase, just after a GREY KNIGHTS TERMINATOR SQUAD unit from your army Falls Back.


EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, your unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back.
Daemon Hunters – Wargear Stratagem
Grey Knights battle plate incorporates litanies of purity, strands of sanctified silver and other sacred wards, whose defences can be further empowered by ritual mantras.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase orthe Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One GREY KNIGHTS TERMINATOR SQUAD unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the attacking unit has finished making its attacks, each time an attack targets your unit, worsen the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
Daemon Hunters – Wargear Stratagem
Ancient warding sigils inscribed in shimmering silver, these strange runic designs ward away the hostile energies of the warp.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One ORDO MALLEUS unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, all Psychic weapons equipped by models in the attacking unit have the [HAZARDOUS] ability.
Daemon Hunters – Wargear Stratagem
Specially consecrated and silver-tipped, these bolt shells channel the firer’s innate psychic fury and detonate spectacularly on impact.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One GREY KNIGHTS TERMINATOR SQUAD unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit have the [LETHAL HITS] and [PSYCHIC] abilities.

Imperialis Fleet

Detachment Rule

At all Costs

While the nature of the missions undertaken by Imperial agents is as varied as they are, the vital importance of these tasks rarely changes. The enemies they face are the most unholy. The prizes they seek are as priceless as they are nightmarishly dangerous. Thus, when such warriors of the Imperium identify a priority target for elimination or acquisition, no effort is too great nor price too high to see their aims achieved.

At the start of your Command phase, you can select one of the following to apply:

Eliminate At All Costs

Select one enemy unit on the battlefield. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time an AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM model from your army makes an attack that targets that enemy unit, add 1 to the Hit roll.

Acquire At All Costs

Select one objective marker on the battlefield. Until the start of your next Command phase, while an AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your army is within range of that objective marker, improve the Leadership and Objective Control characteristics of models in that unit by 1 and models in that unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.


  • Clandestine Operation 15 pts

This war leader prefers to strike with subtlety and precision, working their forces into advanced positions before commencing hostilities.

AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM model only. At the start of the Declare Battle Formations step, you can select up to three AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM INFANTRY units from your army (excluding GREY KNIGHTS TERMINATOR SQUAD units) - those units gain the Infiltrators ability.

  • Combat Landers 10 pts

This commander has access to swift drop craft that can bear portions of their forces directly into the heart of the most ferocious battles.

VOIDFARERS model only. At the start of the Declare Battle Formations step, you can select up to three VOIDFARERS units from your army - those units gain the Deep Strike ability.

  • Digital Weapons 10 pts

These potent, short-ranged energy weapons are concealed in precious items of jewellery, the better to lethally surprise the foe.

AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM model only. Each time the bearer is selected to fight, roll three D6: for each 4+, one enemy unit within Engagement Range of the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound. Mortal wounds inflicted by this Enhancement are allocated as if they had the [PRECISION] ability.

  • Fleetmaster 20 pts

Be they a Rogue Trader or some agent of the Imperial Navy, this warrior draws upon a wealth of shrewd voidfarer strategies to aid them in battle.

VOIDFARERS model only. Once per battle round, you can target the bearer’s unit with the Violent Acquisition, Masters of the Void or Close-quarters Barrage Stratagems for 0CP.


Imperialis Fleet – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
If a high-ranking Imperial agent locates something they wish to acquire, nothing will stop them from unleashing all the forces at their command to seize it.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes an attack that targets an enemy unit within range of an objective marker, that attack has the [SUSTAINED HITS 1], [LANCE] and [IGNORES COVER] abilities.
Imperialis Fleet – Epic Deed Stratagem
With command of the orbital engagement zone comes the ability to strike at the enemy from unexpected angles.
WHEN: Your Movement phase.

TARGET: One VOIDFARERS CHARACTER unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your army that is arriving from Strategic Reserves this turn can be set up within your opponent’s deployment zone (all other restrictions still apply).
Imperialis Fleet – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Soldiers trained in shipboard warfare and chamber-by-chamber clearance know how best to focus theirfirepower during close-range firefights.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One VOIDFARERS unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a ranged attack that targets a unit within 12", improve the Strength and Armour Penetration characteristics of that attack by 1.
Imperialis Fleet – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Believing theyfightforthe safety of the Golden Throne motivates warriors to exceptional deeds.
WHEN: Your Movement phase.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit is eligible to shoot in a turn in which it Advanced or Fell Back.
Imperialis Fleet – Wargear Stratagem
These rare protective fields perform microteleport displacements to remove their bearers from harm.
WHEN: Your opponent's Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER unit from your army (excluding OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM units) that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit's attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, models in your unit have a 4+ invulnerable save and, after the attacking unit has resolved its attacks, unless your unit is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 6" (when doing so, models in this unit move as if they have the Fly keyword).
Imperialis Fleet – Epic Deed Stratagem
Loyal Imperial warriors will martyr themselves gladly to protect high-ranking Imperial agents.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM Attached unit that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time an attack with the [PRECISION] ability is allocated to a CHARACTER model in your unit, if there are one or more Bodyguard models in your unit, roll one D6: on a 2+, that attack is allocated to a Bodyguard model of your choice in your unit instead.

Veiled Blade Elimination Force

The lethally efficient agents of the Officio Assassinorum ordinarily operate alone when stalking their prey. However, when assigned a particularly well-protected or formidable target, assassins from various temples may be brought together alongside other assets drawn from the military, Ecclesiarchal or judicial wings of the Imperium. These bespoke formations possess enough firepower to break through the target’s defences and ensure the killing blow is landed.

Detachment Rule

Extremis Sanction

When pursuing an extremis-level target, the agents of the Officio Assassinorum are expected to push their altered minds and bodies beyond the limits of endurance. Additional equipment, augmentation and ammunition may be provided to complete the task.

OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM units from your army can use the Overkill, Soulless Horror and Shieldbreaker abilities twice per battle, instead of once per battle (but cannot use such an ability more than once in the same battle round).

When mustering your army, each OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM unit from your army has the relevant Extremis ability shown on the right, and you must increase the points cost of each of those units by the amount shown. If this causes your army to exceed the points limit for the battle you are playing, you cannot include that unit in your army.

Extremis Abilities

  • Decoy Targets +40 pts

The agents of the Callidus Temple are known to utilise vat-grown doubles to confound their foes.

CALLIDUS ASSASSIN models only. Twice per battle, in your Movement phase, you can select one other friendly INFANTRY model that is on the battlefield and not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units. The selected model is destroyed (ignoring any rules that are triggered when a model is destroyed) and this model is removed from the battlefield and set up again as close as possible to where that destroyed model was and not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units. This ability cannot be used more than once in the same battle round.

  • Esoteric Explosives +40 pts

This Culexus operative has been outfitted with various grenades tailored to destroy their assigned targets.

CULEXUS ASSASSIN models only. Each time this model is targeted with the Grenades Stratagem, 1 mortal wound is inflicted for each D6 roll of 3+ instead of for each 4+.

  • Intraneural Biotech +35 pts

This Eversor agent’s neurons have been surgically spliced to enhance awareness and speed of thought.

EVERSOR ASSASSIN models only. Once per battle round, you can target this model with the Heroic Intervention or Counter-offensive Stratagem for 0CP, and can do so even if you have already used that Stratagem on a different unit this phase.

  • Micromelta Rounds +45 pts

These projectiles are tipped with miniaturised melta charges that detonate on impact.

VINDICARE ASSASSIN models only. This model’s exitus rifle has the [ANTI-MONSTER 4+] and [ANTI-VEHICLE 4+] abilities.


Veiled Blade Elimination Force – Battle Tactic Stratagem
A primary target has been revealed. All efforts must be made to ensure the kill.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot or fight this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes an attack that targets a CHARACTER unit, re-roll a Wound roll of 1. If that attack is made by an OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM model and it targets the enemy WARLORD, you can re-roll the Wound roll instead.
Veiled Blade Elimination Force – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Unenhanced mortal bodies are routinely – and unknowingly – dosed with experimental stimulant cocktails that serve to reinforce their resilience, at least in the short term.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in your unit. In addition, if it is an EVERSOR ASSASSIN unit, until the end of the phase, it has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability.
Veiled Blade Elimination Force – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Aiming concentrated volleys of fire toward an exceptionally resilient foe, these agents erode the will of their target, increasing their vulnerability to the concentrated psychic onslaughts of the Culexus Assassin’s animus speculum.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM INFANTRY unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability. In addition, if it is a CULEXUS ASSASSIN unit, until the end of the phase, change the Damage characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit to 3.
Veiled Blade Elimination Force – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Aided by orbiting assets, when the assault begins, voidships flood communication networks with jamming frequencies, fire screening bombardments and otherwise mask the agents’ approach.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM INFANTRY unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 18", or, if your unit has the Lone Operative ability, if the attacking model is within 6".
Veiled Blade Elimination Force – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
These grenades release thick black smoke and broad-spectrum electromagnetic chaff that disrupt vision and foul augury equipment upon detonating.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Charge phase, just after an enemy unit has declared a charge.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM GRENADES or VINDICARE ASSASSIN unit from your army that was selected as one of the targets of that charge and is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, subtract 1 from Charge rolls made for that enemy unit, or, if your unit is a VINDICARE ASSASSIN, subtract 2 from Charge rolls made for that enemy unit instead.
Veiled Blade Elimination Force – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The eyes of the Officio Assassinorum are everywhere. As the foe turns to flee, the noose tightens, agents already forewarned of enemy movements and moving swiftly to cut off all avenues of retreat.
WHEN: End of your opponent’s Charge phase.

TARGET: One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM INFANTRY unit from your army that is within 6" of one or more enemy units and would be eligible to declare a charge against one or more of those enemy units.

EFFECT: Your unit can declare a charge. When doing so, you must select one or more of those enemy units as the targets of that charge, and your unit does not receive a Charge bonus this turn. In addition, if it is a CALLIDUS ASSASSIN unit and it makes a Charge move as a result of this Stratagem, until the end of the turn, each time a model in your unit makes a melee attack, add 1 to the Wound roll.

Crusade Rules

In this section you’ll find additional rules for playing Crusade battles that are bespoke to AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM units.

This section contains the following additional rules:

Your AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM Crusade force will be performing clandestine Shadow Operations within a sub-sector that is on the verge of collapse. You will investigate the plots that are taking place using a combination of military influence and intrigue to thwart the myriad enemies of the Imperium, and attempt to bring the sub-sector back under Imperial control.

AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM armies can attempt to achieve unique Agendas in addition to those found in other publications. These represent the factions goals and their particular methods of waging war.

AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM armies have access to a number of bespoke Requisitions in addition to those found in other publications.

As they gain experience and prowess, AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM units in your Crusade force can be given one of the Battle Traits in this section instead of one presented elsewhere.

In addition to the Crusade Relics presented in other publications, AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER models can claim one of the Crusade Relics found here.

A unique set of narrative hooks has been included, to offer inspiration for what calamity has befallen your chosen sub-sector.

Here you will find three Crusade Badges representing goals you can set yourself when campaigning with your Crusade force. Once one is achieved, you could set yourself a new goal, or take the opportunity to start a new Crusade force.

Shadow Operations

If there are any AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTERS in your Crusade force, you can undergo a Shadow Operation to attempt to uncover and resolve clandestine Threats against the Imperium in a sub-sector, and attempt to restore Imperial control, thwarting those who plot against it.

Start by deciding a name for your sub-sector and generating the level of the Threats that are present within that sub-sector. Each sub-sector has three Threats and you can either choose the Threat Level of each or roll one D6 for each and consult the table below.

Each Threat Level has an associated Threat Score, Covert Level and Time Remaining value. The lowest Threat Level is Minoris, being easier to uncover and requiring less time to investigate, while Extremis is the hardest to decrypt, thus requiring more time to expose.

Once you have determined your three Threat Levels, note which of these you will be investigating on your Threat Tracker - you will use this to keep a record of the status of your current investigations. This tracker will also be used to keep note of the control status of your sub-sector, as well as your current Investigation points, Influence points and Intrigue points totals.
At the start of any Shadow Operation, the Sub-sector Control is set to 0 and you start with 0 Investigation points, Influence points and Intrigue points - you will have to earn these by playing Crusade battles with your AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM Crusade force.





Investigation Points

Each time you play a Crusade battle, in the Update Order of Battle step, if your Crusade army included one or more AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER units, you gain 1 Investigation point which you must allocate to any of your Threats that are not yet Thwarted or Fulfilled (if possible). Each time you do, add a mark to the Investigation Points tally of your chosen Threat.

After allocating the Investigation point to your chosen Threat, you can try to uncover one Threat. To do so, select a Threat, roll one D6, and add 1 to the result for each Investigation point you have allocated to that Threat’s Investigation Points tally. If the total is less than that Threat’s Covert Level, nothing happens and your investigation continues. If the total is greater than or equal to that Threat’s Covert Level, the Threat has been uncovered: roll on the relevant Threat table (see bellow), to discover what adversary has been revealed, and what is required to Thwart it.

Each Threat has an Intrigue goal and an Influence goal:
Diabolical Ritual6+8+
Cult Uprising8+6+

Ancient Artefact6+6+
Agent Provocateur7+5+
Saboteur Matrix5+7+

Compromised Agent4+6+
Enemy Sympathiser5+5+
Spy Network6+4+


This represents the military resources that your agents need to gather, requisition and hire in order to crush the plot through sheer force.


This represents the degree of clandestine missions and counter-plans your agents must prosecute in order to foil the Threat through subtlety and misdirection.

By completing Agendas, you can gain Influence points and Intrigue points. These must be allocated in the Update Order of Battle step to an uncovered Threat of your choice (if possible). Each time you do, add a mark to the appropriate Influence points tally or Intrigue points tally of one of your uncovered Threats.

After you have allocated any Intrigue points and Influence points, you can attempt to Thwart one uncovered Threat. To do so, first test if you Thwart it via Intrigues by rolling one D6, adding 1 to the result for each Intrigue point allocated to that Threat. If the result is equal to or exceeds that Threat’s Intrigue goal, the Threat has been Thwarted. Otherwise, you then test to see if you Thwart the plot via Influence by rolling one D6 and adding 1 to the result for each Influence point allocated to that Threat. If the result is greater than or equal to that plots Influence goal, the Threat has been Thwarted. If both of these rolls’ totals are less than their respective Influence goal or Intrigue goal, nothing further happens and the Threat remains active.

Each time a Threat is Thwarted, you gain a number of Sub-sector Control points equal to that Threat’s Threat Score, updating your Sub-sector Control tracker accordingly.

After allocating any Investigation points, Influence points and/or Intrigue points, and uncovering and/or Thwarting Threats (if any), add one tally to the Time Remaining tally of all currently active Threats and determine a Plot Twist by rolling one D6 and consulting the Plot Twist table below.
Plans Within Plans: Randomly select one of your active Threats. Increase its Threat Score by 1 (this can go above 3).
Escalating Threat: Randomly select one of your active Threats. Add 1 mark to its Time Remaining tally.
Counter-agents: Add 1 to the Intrigue goal of all uncovered Threats.
Fierce Resistance: Add 1 to the Influence goal of all uncovered Threats.
Delaying Action: Select one active Threat and remove 1 mark from its Time Remaining tally.
A Promising Lead: Select one active uncovered Threat and add 1 mark to its Investigation point tally.

When a Threat’s Time Remaining tally is completed, if that Threat has not been Thwarted then that Threat is instead Fulfilled - you lose a number of Sub-sector Control points equal to that Threat’s Threat Score, updating your Sub-sector Control tracker accordingly.

Cease Shadow Operations

When all of your Threats have been Thwarted or Fulfilled, your current Shadow Operation ends. The outcome of your agents’ interventions is now assessed by looking at the Sub-sector Control tracker below and applying the relevant consequence.

After applying the result, you can then start another Shadow Operation if you wish, following the same steps as previously, resetting all tallys and Sub-sector Control to 0.

Download blank Threat Tracker:

Your efforts have been singularly inadequate and this region is lost to the Emperor’s realm. You will be fortunate to escape the consequences of this disaster.
Each AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your Crusade force either gains a Battle Scar or suffers a Devastating Blow.
Outright catastrophe has been averted but the cost in lives and resources may yet plunge neighbouring systems into disaster.
One AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER unit from your Crusade force gains a Battle Scar or suffers a Devastating Blow (this must be either the Disgraced or Mark of Shame Battle Scar).
The obvious threats may have been purged but you cannot escape the sense that corruption still lingers.
Gain 1 Requisition point.
You have cleansed this region of heresy and done your duty to the Golden Throne. Yet the waris never done. New threats now call for your urgent attention.
Gain D3RP and one AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER unit from your Crusade force gains 1 Battle Honour from the Vermilion-level Assets.
Not only have your efforts annihilated the immediate threat, but you have also spread terror of Imperial vengeance far and wide. The rewards for such success are considerable.
Gain D6RP and up to two different AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER units from your Crusade force gain 1 Battle Honour from the Vermilion-level Assets.

Vermilion-Level Assets

Each of the following Battle Honours is unique - you can only have one instance of each in your Crusade force. When gaining one of the Vermilion-level Assets Battle Honours, if that CHARACTER unit already has the maximum number of Battle Honours, you must replace one of their existing Battle Honours.

Highly Placed Ally

Be they the Fabricator General of a forge world or a senior Munitorum adept, this contact channels valuable additional assets towards your forces.

If the bearer is your WARLORD, start the battle with 1CP. If the bearer is on the battlefield at the end of the battle and you won that battle, roll one D6: on a 4+, you gain 1RP.

Secret Forces

It has taken time and effort to seed these hidden cells of militant agents, but their support is ample reward.

If the bearer is included in a Crusade army whose Army Faction is not AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM, the maximum number of REQUISITIONED, RETINUE and AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER units that can be included in that army is increased by 1. Each time you start a Shadow Operation, you start with 1 Influence point.

Trained by a Legend

A favour owed or leveraged persuades a legendary Imperial killer to impart their teachings to this willing student.

The bearer’s unit has the Lone Operative, Infiltrators and Stealth abilities. Each time you start a Shadow Operation, you start with 1 Intrigue point.

Master of Spies

It wasn’t easy to recruit or turn this shadowy figure, but now their intricate covert network is yours to make use of in the Emperors name.

Each time you start a Shadow Operation, you start with 1 Investigation point. Each time you roll on the Plot Twist table, you can re-roll the result.

Bound Entity

Be it a daemon trapped in a warding circle or artefact, or some trammelled and tormented xenos being, this entity provides powerful - if forbidden - aid.

RADICAL model only. The bearer’s unit has the Deep Strike ability. Once per Shadow Operation, when you attempt to Thwart a ’threat through Intrigue, you can re-roll that test. If the bearer loses the RADICAL keyword or gains the PURITAN keyword by any means, it immediately loses this Battle Honour.

Upholder of the Creed

A highly publicised blessing delivered by a powerful Imperial priest lends the weight of holy writ to this agents every proclamation and deed.

PURITAN model only. Improve the bearers Leadership and Wounds characteristics by 1. Once per Shadow Operation, when you attempt to Thwart a Threat through Influence, you can re-roll that test. If the bearer loses the PURITAN keyword or gains the RADICAL keyword by any means, it immediately loses this Battle Honour.

Void Trader

When fighting hidden wars, a web of favourable contracts, ratified writs and bribed or blackmailed void merchants is an incredibly valuable asset.

If the bearer is on the battlefield at the end of the battle, increase your Crusade forces Supply Limit by 50 points. At the end of any battle, you can select one model from your Crusade force that has one Crusade Relic or one weapon that has a Weapon Modification. If you do, you can remove that Battle Honour from that model - you can either replace that Battle Honour with a different Crusade Relic that model can have or you can gain 1RP.


If your Crusade army includes any AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM units, you can select Agendas from those presented here.


When in search of exotic archeotech or an enhanced and fearsome reputation, diplomacy and threats get an agent of the Throne only so far. Sooner or later, force is almost always required.

After both players have deployed their armies, your opponent must select one objective marker that is not in their deployment zone to be the Acquisition Target. At the end of your turn, if you control the Acquisition Target objective marker, you can select one AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your Crusade army that is within range of it; that unit gains 1XP. At the end of the battle, if you control the Acquisition Target objective marker, you gain D3 Influence points and you can select one AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER model from your Crusade army (excluding EPIC HEROES). That model gains either 1 Weapon Modification or 1 Crusade Relic.

There is a horrible art to the battlefield interrogation of captured foes. It must be done swiftly and with the greatest efficacy, prying loose the enemy’s vital secrets using a mixture of shock tactics and frantic agony.

Each time an AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your Crusade army destroys an enemy unit with a melee attack, that unit gains 1XP (to a maximum of 3XP per battle). If that enemy unit was a CHARACTER unit, you also gain 1 Intrigue point (or D3 Intrigue points instead if that enemy unit was your opponent’s WARLORD).

Sometimes the enemy’s plans can be thwarted by the timely application of a single perfectly placed bolt shell or envenomed blade. Such executions of vital targets delay and disrupt an enemy’s plans, buying time to further your own investigations.

At the end of the battle, if your opponent’s WARLORD has been destroyed, select one AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER unit from your Crusade army. That model gains 3XP and you gain 1 Investigation point.

Imperial agents will often work in the utmost secrecy to implant embedded operatives behind the enemy lines, such combat-capable assets only revealing themselves when the moment is right.

At the end of your turn, you can select one AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit from your Crusade army that is wholly within your opponent’s deployment zone. That unit gains 1XP. At the end of the battle, if one or more AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM units from your Crusade army are wholly within 6" of your opponent’s battlefield edge, you gain D3 Intrigue points.

The Deathwatch stand sentinel over some of the most heavily alien-infested and dangerous expanses of Imperial space. They have guarded these sites for millennia against horrors uncounted, and they seize every opportunity to refine their battle strategies. With each victory over their enemies, so the Shield That Slays is fortified for its next battle against the xenos threat.

At the end of the battle, if there are no models from your opponent’s Crusade army on the battlefield, each DEATHWATCH unit from your Crusade army that is on the battlefield gains 2XP and you gain D3 Influence points. At the end of the battle, if there are models from your opponent’s Crusade army on the battlefield, but none of them are within your deployment zone, each DEATHWATCH unit from your Crusade army that is on the battlefield gains 1XP and you gain 1 Influence point.


If your Crusade army includes any AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM units, you can spend Requisition points (RP) on any of the following Requisitions.


In helping an Inquisitor to achieve their own inscrutable agendas, a few honoured servants of the Golden Throne have earned the gratitude of the Holy Ordos. The reward for excelling in the eyes of such remorseless individuals is typically... another job.

Purchase this Requisition when you are selecting Agendas, if your Crusade force contains one or more INQUISITOR models. You can select one additional Agents of the Imperium Agenda to use in that battle. If one or more units from your army gain XP in that battle due to that Agenda, you gain 1 RP.

Those veteran Space Marines who earn the station of Watch Master become adept at recognising how best to fuse the disparate skills of their subordinate battle-brothers. They know well how to ensure that rival Chapter cultures blend without friction while complementary tactical approaches are exploited to their greatest potential.

Purchase this Requisition just after you have won a battle, if your Crusade force contains one or more WATCH MASTER models. You may select a second unit to be Marked for Greatness if it has the DEATHWATCH keyword (excluding CHARACTERS).

Empowered by the Throne and backed by prodigious military forces from Imperial Guard regiments to Space Marine Chapters, Rogue Traders can seize whatever assets they want by force.

Purchase this Requisition once per Shadow Operation, if your Order of Battle contains one or more VOIDFARERS CHARACTER models. When purchased, you can do one of the following:
  • Gain either D3 Influence or D3 Intrigue points.
  • Lose 3 Influence and/or Intrigue points (in any combination) and gain D3+1RP.

It is within the gift of some Imperial agents to requisition warriors augmented by master artificers, enhanced through rare gene therapies or provided with additional elite combat training.

Purchase this Requisition when you add a RETINUE unit to your Order of Battle, if your Crusade force contains one or more AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER units that have the Battle-hardened rank or higher. That RETINUE unit gains 6 experience points and gains the Blooded rank. Select one Battle Honour for them.

This facility provides your agents with powerful cogitators, encrypted vox-channels and an array of covert assets that can hugely enhance their abilities.

You can purchase this Requisition once per Shadow Operation, just before rolling on the Plot Twists table. Select the result instead of rolling randomly.

Battle Traits

When an AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM unit gains a Battle Trait, you can use one of the tables presented here to determine which Battle Trait that unit has gained.



Battle-brothers of the Deathwatch learn not only the many ways in which to slay the xenos, but also gain an understanding of the doctrines and tactics of fellow Chapters. They have learned well the benefits of adapting to best their foes.

At the end of the battle, you can remove one or more Battle Honours that this unit has (except for this one). For each Battle Honour removed, you can immediately select a new Battle Honour for this unit.

These veterans have raised the slaying of xenos to a high art, the creatures' every flaw and weakness known to them.

Each time a model in this unit makes an attack that targets a unit that does not have either the IMPERIUM or CHAOS keywords, that attack has the [lETHAl HITS] ability.

From foetid xenos burrows to the pulsating innards of hive ships and the ramshackle confines of Ork scrap forts, these warriors are masters of driving deep into the territories of their prey and causing maximum damage.

This unit has the Infiltrators ability. At the end of a battle, if one or more units with this Battle Trait are wholly within 6" of your opponent’s battlefield edge, you gain 1 Influence point.



Zealous and ever-suspicious, these heartless warriors never miss a chance to wring secrets from their tormented foes.

Each time a model in this unit makes a melee attack, re-roll a Hit roll of 1. At the end of the battle, if one or more enemy CHARACTER models were destroyed by melee attacks during that battle, and one or more units with this Battle Trait were on the battlefield at the end of the battle, you gain 1 Investigation point.

This band of agents displays a cunning knack for moving undetected and appearing wherever their master needs them most.

During the Declare Battle Formations step, select either the Infiltrators, Scouts 6" or Deep Strike ability. Until the end of the battle, this unit has the selected ability.

So single-minded and unrelenting are these agents that their every thought and deed is utterly dedicated to furthering their ability to serve the Master of Mankind.

Each time this unit is Marked for Greatness, it gains an additional 2XP. For each unit from your Crusade army with this Battle Trait that is on the battlefield at the end of the battle, roll one D6: for each 6, you gain either 1 Intrigue point or 1 Influence point.



These Arbitrators are swift and uncompromising in their response to heresy.

Models in this unit have the Scouts 6" ability.

This squad executes their unrest suppression drills with an icy calm that seems almost inhuman.

This unit is eligible to shoot or declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back.

It is second nature to these Arbitrators to stun, disarm or otherwise incapacitate combat opponents for later excruciation.

While an enemy unit (excluding MONSTERS or VEHICLES) is within Engagement Range of one or more units with this Battle Trait, each time a model in that enemy unit makes a melee attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll.



It often falls to naval landing parties to seize and ransack key strategic objectives during bridgehead operations.

Add 1 to the Objective Control characteristic of models in this unit. At the end of the battle, if one or more units with this Battle Trait are within range of an objective marker you control, roll one D6, adding 1 to the result if that objective marker is within your opponent’s deployment zone. On a 4+, you gain 1RP (you cannot gain more than 1RP per battle as a result of this battle trait, no matter how many units have it).

Long experience ofsweepingfoesfrom shipboard corridors has taught these warriors to focus their fire to great effect.

Ranged weapons equipped by models in this unit have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.

Driving enemy boarding parties back into the void shares many similarities with driving the enemy back from your battle lines.

Once per turn, you can target this unit with the Fire Overwatch or Heroic Intervention Stratagem for 0CP.



This agent's travels have seen them learn many powerful secrets and taught them to prepare for anything.

If this model is your WARLORD, you can use one Crusade Blessing even if you are not the Underdog.

A hunter such as this neverenters battle without worthy prey in their sights.

At the start of the battle, select one unit from your opponent’s Crusade army. Each time a model in this CHARACTER’s unit makes an attack that targets that unit, you can re-roll the Hit roll.

Some agents invest considerable time and effort into perfecting their duelling skills.

Improve the Attacks, Damage and Weapon Skill characteristics of this model’s melee weapons by 1. This model’s melee weapons gain the [PRECISION] ability.

Keen of eye and sharp of mind, nothing escapes the notice of this cunning detective.

While this model is leading a unit, models in this unit have the Stealth ability. At the end of the battle, if this model’s unit is wholly within your opponent’s deployment zone, roll one D6: on a 4+, you gain 1 Investigation point.

This agent’s sheer faith armours them against the horrors of the galaxy.

This model has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability and, if this model is an INQUISITOR, it has the PURITAN keyword. In addition, if this model is your WARLORD, atthe end of the battle, you gain 1 additional Influence point. If this model gains the RADICAL keyword for any reason it immediately loses this Battle Trait and the PURITAN keyword.

An agent such as this has no qualms about employing tools deemed heretical if it serves Humanity's interests.

This model’s weapons have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability and, if this model is an INQUISITOR, it gains the RADICAL keyword. In addition, if this model is your WARLORD, at the end of the battle, you gain 1 additional Intrigue point. If this model gains the PURITAN keyword for any reason it immediately loses this Battle Trait and the RADICAL keyword.

Crusade Relics

When an AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM CHARACTER model gains a Crusade Relic, you can select one of the Crusade Relics presented here.

Artificer Relics


Many Inquisitors have commissioned or acquired masterwork power blades. No two such weapons are exactly alike, but all are potent martial tools taken by them into battle.

Each time the bearer is selected to fight, select one of the following abilities to apply to the bearers melee weapons until the end of the phase:
  • [LANCE]

These seemingly ornamental rings conceal powerful lasers, needlers and the like to give foes a deadly shock.

Each time the bearer is selected to shoot, after selecting targets for all of its ranged weapons, select one enemy unit targeted by one or more of the bearers attacks and roll three D6: for each 4+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Mortal wounds inflicted by this Crusade Relic can be allocated as if they had the [PRECISION] ability.

This lightweight undersuit is threaded with hexagrammic truesilver microwardings that help shield the wearer from harm.

Each time an attack is allocated to the bearer, change the Damage characteristic of that attack to 1.

Antiquity Relics


This weapon serves as the prison of a warp entity whose supernatural might enhances its lethality.

RADICAL model only. Improve the Attacks, Damage and Strength characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons by 1. Each time the bearer is selected to fight, it can unleash the full power of the blade. If it does, until that fight has been resolved, the bearer’s melee weapons have the [HAzARDOUS] and [DEvASTATING wOUNDS] abilities as well.

Believed to be a holy icon that rewards dogmatic adherence to the Imperial Creed, in truth this ancient device contains multiple protective and energy-conversion force fields that preserve their bearer while giving every appearance of a miraculous resurrection.

PURITAN model only. The first time the bearer is destroyed, roll one D6 at the end of the phase. On a 2+, set the bearer back up on the battlefield, as close as possible to where it was destroyed and not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, with its full wounds remaining. All enemy units within 6" of the bearer must then take a Battle-shock test.

Legendary Relics

Archeotech Curiosity

High-ranking imperial agents maintain a veritable museum of unique treasures about their flagships and bases of operations, many dating from the dawn of the Imperium. A few of their rarest and most coveted treasures are not of Human origin at all.

At the start of the battle, roll three D6 (re-rolling any duplicates), then consult the table below to determine the three effects this Crusade Relic confers upon the bearer until the end of the battle.

This powerful infomantic occluder blinds enemy weapon spirits and augurs to the bearer’s presence.
The bearer’s unit cannot be selected as the target of ranged attacks unless the firing model is within 18",
Perhaps derived from some ancient implementation of noctilith technology, this device repels empyric energy.
The bearer’s unit has a 4+ invulnerable save against Psychic Attacks.
Gravity flows strangely around this device, aiding its bearer while entrapping their enemies.
The bearer’s unit is eligible to shoot or declare a charge in aturn in which it Advanced or Fell Back.
Like an eye staring ahead into the mazes of the future, this strange implement advises against rash courses of action with flashing lights and rasps of harsh sound.
Once per battle round, you can re-roll one Hit roll, one Wound roll or one saving throw made for the bearer’s unit.
This artefact plugs directly into the bearer’s chest and pumps envitalising elixirs through their body.
Improve the bearer’s Leadership, Objective Control, Save, Toughness and Wounds characteristics by 1.
Who knows how many aeons this device has seen, how many different beings’ hands, talons and pseudopods it has passed through, and yet still it is as deadly as ever.
Select one weapon equipped by the bearer (excluding weapons replaced by an Enhancement or Crusade Relic, and weapons that already have Weapon Modifications), then roll two D6 (re-rolling any duplicates) and consult the Weapon Modifications table in the main Crusade rules to randomly determine two effects it gains.

Myriad Missions and Perilous Paths

The Shadow Operations undertaken by Imperial agents are amongst the most esoteric and varied faced by any servants of the Golden Throne. Some are iconic encounters - an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor destroying a daemon-worshipping cult, or a Rogue Trader hunting for an ancient and priceless artefact. But others are more atypical, and may prove all the more interesting for it!

Why would a Navigator be charged with preventing an unholy ritual or an Imperial Priest find themselves rooting out a spy network? And, while only Inquisitors are ever labelled as Puritans or Radicals, what fanatically pious or borderline-heretical paths might some of these more unusual missions set other Imperial agents onto? Might a Rogue Trader cling to their redoubled faith in the God-Emperor after being confronted by the diabolical, or an Imperial Priests devotion transform into something more infernal if they read the wrong heretical tome?

If you want to tell such classic or unusual stories with your Imperial Agents Crusade force, and explore the dark paths your forces might have to follow, you can use the tables below as inspiration to help you do so. Simply choose the table that fits a character in your army whose story interests you and pick your favourite result, or roll a D6 to generate a story hook for them.


Mistaken Idolatry
The average Human malcontent does not know the difference between a daemonic entity and a cunning xenos impersonating one to further its own agenda. The cultists your Inquisitor must now exterminate are a prime example of this.
Siren Song
An Imperial cardinal’s treasured relic has, in fact, been carved from psionically charged xenos biomatter and is even now calling out to a ravening alien swarm. There is no time for diplomacy from your Inquisitor- even if accusations of radicalism may follow from certain quarters, the threat must be eliminated by force.
Conflicting Operations
Saboteurs working for a rival Imperial agent have fouled your Inquisitor's schemes, and seem to presume their goal takes precedence. They do not realise the alien peril they will unleash if this continues.


Alien Eyes
A cunning xenos faction have worked a spy network into the infrastructure of an Imperial world. Yet in doingsothey have unwittingly undermined a secret order who safeguarded an infernal threat. Your Inquisitor must eradicate the aliens to prevent disaster!
Commander’s Folly
Demands by an Imperial general in a neighbouring system are drawing tithed regiments away from a war which - unbeknownst to all but themselves - the daemon hunters need to see won at all costs. Polite requests for the general to desist have failed. Now it is time for your Inquisitor to use force.
An Ancient Threat
Though the artefact or ritual site that your Inquisitor seeks is of ancient xenos provenance, and defended by hosts of aliens, its destabilising nature is tearing at the veil between realspace and the warp. This must be stopped.


The enemy here may appearto be loyal Imperial warriors, but in truth a heretical witch of incredible poweris manipulating them through psychic compulsion. Your Inquisitor must give them the Emperor’s mercy.
The Grimoire
A tainted tome of such heretical power is likely to attract heretics, Chaos worshippers, rival Imperial organisations and perhaps even covetous xenos. Your Inquisitor must be the one to secure it, but will they puritanically destroy it, or will they stray into radicalism by ransacking its secrets?
Twisted xenos scientists are stealing viable Human psykers for their own experiments, and so impactingthe tithe of local worlds. By purging the aliens your Inquisitor will end the problem at its source.


On the Fringes
Your Rogue Trader’s voyages have revealed cunning agents of some xenos power seeking to undermine Imperial rule. The foe have camouflaged themselves well, however. Slaying them may lead to accusations of heresy from those taken in by their lies.
Poisoned Chaiice
The artefact your Rogue Trader seeks is worth more than mere physical wealth, for it has ancient empyric powers. To secure and destroy this thing would be the prescribed course of action, but straying into heretical dabbling - for the greater Imperial good, of course - is tempting.
Despised Rival
Another Rogue Trader is decrying yours, disputing their claim to hard-won riches or even the authenticity of their family’s charter. They must be silenced, even if it means localised civil war.
Trade Disruption
Your Rogue Trader might have stayed out of the Chaos cult uprising on this system’s capital world, except that it has fouled a major trade route. Whether out of pious sentiment orto protect theirown profits, they must end these heretic fools.
Co-opted Envoy
When Sisters of Silence boarded your Rogue Trader’s flagship, it seemed impolitic to refuse their commands. Thus, your Rogue Trader now finds themselves hunting down heretics who have dared disrupt the Imperial tithe.
Opened Eye
Some truths should remain hidden, yet exposure to an especially heretical or infernal foe has forced your Rogue Trader to learn things they never wished to. Will this knowledge drive them to redouble their faith and intolerance, or will it lead them down the path of reckless curiosity?


No Hero
A mighty Imperial warlord is lauded for their successes, yet your Watch Master has learned their might stems from a prohibited xenos source. They must be eliminated, even if doing so costs the Imperium - and your Watch Master- dearly.
Linchpin World
Those who seek to plunge this world into the warp might be worshippers of the Dark Gods, yet if they succeed they will inadvertently open the way for a vast xenos invasion of an entire sub-sector. Your Watch Master must stop them.
Foul Fragment
A precious STC template has been discovered by Imperial explorators, yet it has languished upon an alien world for millennia and your Watch Master is certain of its corruption. To destroy this thing will surely prove the unwavering nature of your Watch Master's devotion, even as it draws furious accusations of heresy from the Tech-Priests.
Blind Devotion
A network of covert operatives are close to uncovering an ancient secret from the DarkAge of Technology. Yet your Watch Master has learned that they serve alien powers, whether knowingly or not. These curious eyes must be blinded, and swiftly.
An outspoken lay preacher heaps scorn upon the anti-alien doctrines of the Imperium, and is rapidly gaining a wrathful following. Your Watch Masterwill silence this rabble rouser, and whatever xenos masters they truly serve.
Xenos pirates prey upon shipping throughout this system and are now endangering the Imperial tithe for the entire region. Your Watch Master seeks to eradicate the alien threat. That he saves the necks of local planetary governors in the process is of little interest to him.

Crusade Badges

When your Crusade force accomplishes specific long-term goals, you can earn the Crusade badges shown below, representing your warriors’ successes over many battles.

Elite Operative

Through your dedication, cunning and strength at arms, you have proven yourself a truly worthy asset. Whichever shadowy patrons you serve, they no longer consider you expendable and are instead watching your endeavours with interest. There are few who can long endure the shadow wars fought in the Emperors name, but you may yet prove to be such a one.

  • You have completed one Shadow Operation (with a final Sub-sector Control of 1 or better).
  • One or more models in your Crusade force have Vermilion-level Assets.
  • You have won two or more battles.

Champion of the Imperium

You have halted profane rituals, exposed debased cults and brought stability to entire Imperial systems. Your battles may have cost many lives, but they have preserved vital Imperial infrastructure and institutions. Your star might be veiled amidst the shadows, but it is rising nonetheless.

  • You have completed two or more Shadow Operations (with at least one Shadow Operation having a final Sub-sector Control of 6 or better).
  • Two or more models in your Crusade force have Vermilion-level Assets.
  • You have won six or more battles.

Hand of the High Lords

Where once you fought to fulfil the agendas of other - more powerful - patrons, now you are the one pulling the strings. You have crushed mighty enemies of the Imperium. You have set worlds ablaze in the name of the Master of Mankind, and feel no regret. Your name is whispered in terror by heretics and aliens alike, and spoken with respect in Terras halls of power.

  • You have completed three or more Shadow Operations (with at least one Shadow Operation having a final Sub-sector Control of 9).
  • Three or more models in your Crusade force have Vermilion-level Assets.
  • One model from your Crusade force has acquired the Archeotech Curiosity Crusade Relic.
  • You have won ten or more battles.

Boarding Actions


Within the following pages you will find numerous Boarding Actions Detachments that can be used in your Boarding Actions games. Each lists which units you can include in your army, any modifications to those units’ army rule as presented in their Codex or Index, a Detachment rule unique to that Detachment, and a number of Enhancements and Stratagems that you can use.

A keyword that will be shared by all units in your army.

Which units you are allowed to include in your army.

Any additional rules that will apply in the missions Form Boarding Squads step. Note that not all Detachments will have these.

Some units will be unable to use certain abilities in Boarding Actions battles. Where this is the case, these units and their relevant abilities will be listed here.

Due to the distinct nature of close-quarters battle in Boarding Actions, most army rules require some modifications to their effects. Where this is the case, these will be described here.

Each faction will have a number of different Detachments to choose from, each with its own Detachment rule to reflect the unique fighting methods of such forces.

Further Enhancements that you can give to CHARACTER models from your army, beyond those(Boarding Actions Enhancments), will be found here.

Additional Stratagems that you can use, in addition to those (Boarding Actions Stratagems), will be found here.

Voidship’s Company

Comprising the shipboard garrison and those who command them, this is a balanced force specialising in both the defence of, and boarding of voidships. Going chamber by chamber to secure and control vital systems and locations, this naval complement know their business all too well.

Mustering a Boarding Patrol

You can include up to two of the following unit:
You can include up to three of the following unit:
You can include up to six of the following unit:
You can include up to one of the following unit:
If you include an INQUISITOR model, you can include one of the following unit:

Forming Boarding Squads

In the Form Boarding Squads step, split INQUISITORIAL AGENTS units containing 12 models into two units, each containing 6 models.

Rules Adaptations

Army Rule

Imperial Insights

The militarised agents of the Imperium may be disparate but they share one thing in common: the valuable insights and specialist skills to be uniquely useful and efficient in service to the God-Emperor. This is as true amidst shipboard warfare as anywhere else.

Units from your army with the Assigned Agents ability replace that ability with this one.

Each time this unit performs the Secure Site Tactical Manoeuvre, the objective marker you select for that Tactical Manoeuvre is immediately Secured by your army, instead of at the start of your next Command phase. This unit can then make a Normal move of up to D6" (but is still not eligible to shoot or declare a charge this turn).

Detachment Rule

Beseechment Codes

Key to the duty of dedicated shipboard soldiery is the ability to move easily through even code-locked hatchways, or those whose machine spirits are corrupted or heretical. Dataspikes loaded with potent codes to appease or banish such troublesome gatekeepers allow them the swift progress they need.

In your Movement phase, each time a VOIDFARERS unit from your army makes a Normal move, while that unit is moving it can attempt to operate a closed Hatchway that it is within 1" of at any point during the move. It cannot do this, however, if there are one or more enemy units also within 1" of that Hatchway. If that VOIDFARERS unit does attempt to operate that Hatchway, it cannot operate a Hatchway again this turn.


Lathimon’s Flock

This unique flock of artificer servo-skulls can rapidly map every twist and turn of even the largest voidships, before providing their master with comprehensive data on enemy strengths and movements.

VOIDFARERS model only. In the Deploy Armies step, your opponent must deploy their entire army before you deploy yours. If both players have this rule, they must roll off and deploy their armies normally. In addition, IMPERIAL NAVY BREACHERS units from your army gain the Infiltrators ability.

Heirloom Blade

Passed through generations of Rogue Traders, this archeotech weapon can sustain short but tremendously potent bursts of disruptor-field overcharge.

VOIDFARERS model only. Once per battle, when the bearer’s unit is selected to light, it can use this Enhancement. If it does, until the end of the phase, improve every characteristic of the bearer’s monomolecular cane-rapier by 1.


Voidship’s Company – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Naval armsmen of every stripe train extensively in the tactics of chamber-by-chamber combat, clearing one space of foes before pressing on to the next.
WHEN: Your Movement phase, just after an IMPERIAL NAVY BREACHERS unit from yourarmy opens a Hatchway.


EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, each time a model in your unit makes an attack, if that model is on the opposite side of the Hatchway from the side it started the turn on, add 1 to the Hit roll and add 1 to the Wound roll.
Voidship’s Company – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Many Navis officers carry limited quantities of specialist ammunition such as hellfire or manstopper rounds, to be issued to their squads in the face of especially formidable opposition.
WHEN: Start of your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One or more VOIDFARERS units from your army.

EFFECT: Select one enemy unit. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in one of your units makes an attack that targets that enemy unit, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
Voidship’s Company – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Exhaustively trained in the strategy and tactics of shipboard warfare, these warriors never miss an opportunity to seize the advantage over their foes.
WHEN: Start of your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One VOIDFARERS unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit is eligible to shoot or perform a Tactical Manoeuvre in a turn in which it Fell Back.
Voidship’s Company – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The Navis Imperialis prides itself on the ironclad discipline and keen watchfulness of its warriors.
WHEN: Your opponent's Movement or Charge phase.

TARGET: Up to two VOIDSMEN-AT-ARMS units from your army that have not fired Overwatch this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in one of your units makes an attack while firing Overwatch, an unmodified Hit roll of 5+ is required to score a hit, instead of an unmodified 6. When doing so, models in your units can ignore other models in their unit for the purposes of visibility, and each time a model in one of your units makes an attack, if that unit contains a Canid model, a successful unmodified Hit roll of 5+ scores a Critical Hit.

Interdiction Team

Whether boarding a vessel smuggling unsanctioned psyker-mutants, eliminating the unholy allies of some corrupt Planetary Governor, or moving swiftly to snatch proscribed interstellar contraband, Adeptus Arbites Interdiction Teams handle the most perilous of void crimes with extreme prejudice.

Mustering a Boarding Patrol

You can include up to two of the following unit:
You can include up to three of each of the following units:
You can include up to one of the following unit:
If you include an INQUISITOR model, you can include one of the following unit:

Forming Boarding Squads

  • In the Form Boarding Squads step, split any units containing 11 models into two units, one containing 6 models and the other containing 5 models.
  • In the Form Boarding Squads step, split INQUISITORIAL AGENTS units containing 12 models into two units, each containing 6 models.

Rules Adaptations

  • You can give the Proctor-Exactant models in EXACTION SQUAD units Enhancements as if they were CHARACTER models. In the Deploy Armies step, when setting up EXACTION SQUAD units that contain a Proctor-Exactant model, you can set them up in Entry Zones as if they had the CHARACTER keyword.
  • SUBDUCTOR SQUAD units can perform the Secure Site Tactical Manoeuvre as if they had the BATTLELINE keyword, and models in those units have an Objective Control characteristic of 2.
  • INQUISITORIAL AGENTS units lose the Loyal Henchmen rule.
  • The Nuncio Aquila ability is changed to ‘Nuncio Aquila (Aura): While an enemy unit is within 3" of the bearer, each time that unit takes a Battle-shock test, subtract 1 from that test.’

Army Rule

Imperial Insights

The militarised agents of the Imperium may be disparate but they share one thing in common: the valuable insights and specialist skills to be uniquely useful and efficient in service to the God-Emperor. This is as true amidst shipboard warfare as anywhere else.

Units from your army with the Assigned Agents ability replace that ability with this one.

Each time this unit performs the Secure Site Tactical Manoeuvre, the objective marker you select for that Tactical Manoeuvre is immediately Secured by your army, instead of at the start of your next Command phase. This unit can then make a Normal move of up to D6" (but is still not eligible to shoot or declare a charge this turn).

Detachment Rule

Chastisor Auto-Vox

Booming admonishments ring from vox-amps and laud hailers built into the Arbitrators’ wargear, demanding foes lay down arms and submit.

In your opponent’s Command phase, each enemy unit within 3" of one or more ADEPTUS ARBITES units from your army must take a Battle-shock test. If that enemy unit is also Below Half-strength, subtract 1 from that test. This Detachment rule cannot cause a unit to take two Battle-shock tests in the same phase.


Manhunter’s Helm

This unique flock of artificer servo-skulls can rapidly map every twist and turn of even the largest voidships, before providing their master with comprehensive data on enemy strengths and movements.

PROCTOR-EXACTANT model only. At the start of the first battle round, select one enemy unit to be your Priority Target. Each time an ADEPTUS ARBITES model from your army makes an attack that targets your Priority Target, if the bearer is on the battlefield, add 1 to the Wound roll. Each time your Priority Target is destroyed, if the bearer is on the battlefield, you can select a new enemy unit to be your Priority Target.

Vasov’s Auto-Oppressor

This ancient device emits focused grav-pulses that forces its targets to their knees in obeisance.

PROCTOR-EXACTANT model only. At the end of your Movement phase, you can select one enemy unit visible to the bearer. Until the start of your next Movement phase, halve the Move characteristic of models in that unit and halve Advance and Charge rolls made for it.


Interdiction Team – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Veterans of close-quarters brutality, these warriors know how to swiftly incapacitate enemies in the close-quarters confines of voidships and the like.
WHEN: Fight phase.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the Hit roll and you can re-roll the Wound roll.
Interdiction Team – Battle Tactic Stratagem
So important are the targets of Adeptus Arbites voidship raids that the Arbitrators will not let themselves fall until they know their duty is done.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES unit from your army that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit's attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, models in your unit have the Feel No Pain 4+ ability.
Interdiction Team – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Well practised in bringing down their targets with effective head shots, the Arbitrators wield their sidearms to deadly effect.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, Arbites shotpistols equipped by models in your unit have an Attacks characteristic of 2 and the [LETHAL HITS] ability, and models in your unit can target enemy units that are not within Engagement Range of them (provided they are otherwise eligible targets).
Interdiction Team – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Attempting to flee from the implacable Arbitrators and their ferocious cybercanids only exposes the foe to a swift and brutal end.
WHEN: Your opponent's Movement phase, just after an enemy unit is selected to Fall Back.

TARGET: One ADEPTUS ARBITES unit from your army within Engagement Range of that enemy unit.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, when that enemy unit Falls Back, models in it must take Desperate Escape tests as if their unit was Battle-shocked. When doing so, if that enemy unit is also Battle-shocked by other means, subtract 1 from each of those Desperate Escape tests.

Some models have the CHARACTER keyword. These models can make Heroic Interventions in Charge Phase and are not easy targets in the Shooting Phase (see Look out, Sir, rule). If your Warlord has the CHARACTER keyword he may be able to have a Warlord Trait (see Warlord Trait section on model’s faction page).

Note that CHARACTERS cannot use their Aura Abilities while %000015069performing actions%.
Battle Honours
Each time a unit gains a rank, it can gain one Battle Honour. Units can also gain additional Battle Honours by other means (such as by winning certain missions, fulfilling certain Agendas, etc.). Each time a unit gains a Battle Honour, increase its Crusade points total by 1 (if the unit is TITANIC, increase its Crusade points total by 2 instead). Make a note of each Battle Honour a unit has on its Crusade card. A unit can never have more than three Battle Honours unless it is a CHARACTER, in which case it can have up to six Battle Honours. Once the maximum is reached, each time a unit gains a new Battle Honour it must first remove one of its existing Battle Honours.

There are several categories of Battle Honours that can be bestowed upon a unit, such as Battle Traits, Weapon Modifications and Crusade Relics. Other categories of Battle Honour may be found in other publications. Each time a unit gains a Battle Honour, you can select from any category.

  • Once a unit gains enough XP it will gain a rank.
  • Only CHARACTER units can gain the Heroic or Legendary ranks.
  • Each time a unit gains a rank, it can gain a Battle Honour.
  • There are several categories of Battle Honours, which include:
    • Battle Traits: New skills and abilities.
    • Weapon Modifications: Upgrade an item of wargear.
    • Crusade Relic: Gain a rare and powerful artefact.
  • Each time a unit gains a Battle Honour, increase its Crusade points total by 1 (or by 2 if TITANIC).


The greatest warriors, most cunning tacticians and seers lead their armies to war possessed of hard-won skills and powerful artefacts that mark them out as legendary commanders.

When you first start a Crusade force, you can purchase this Requisition the first time you add a CHARACTER unit to your Order of Battle. After that point, you can purchase this Requisition each time a unit from your Order of Battle gains a rank. In either case, you cannot select an EPIC HERO unit, a unit that already has an Enhancement, or a unit that has either the Disgraced or Mark of Shame Battle Scars.

You can select one Enhancement that unit has access to (if using this Requisition when that unit gains a rank, this is instead of it gaining a Battle Honour). When doing so, that unit has access to any Enhancements described within any Detachment rules that it could use, even though you have not yet started to muster your army and so have not selected any Detachment rules yet.

If the selected Enhancement replaces a weapon that is a Crusade Relic or a weapon upgraded by Weapon Modifications, that Crusade Relic or Weapon Modifications are lost. Recalculate the unit’s points value as a result of gaining this Enhancement and update its Crusade card. You cannot make any changes that would cause you to exceed your Supply Limit.

This Requisition costs 1RP plus 1 additional RP for each other Enhancement that your Order of Battle contains (to a maximum of 3RP).

Example: If this Requisition was used to give a unit an Enhancement and one other unit in your Order of Battle already had an Enhancement, it would cost 2RP.

The DEDICATED TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

If a unit makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, and every model in that unit ends that move within 3" of a friendly TRANSPORT model, they can embark within it. A unit cannot embark if it has already disembarked from a TRANSPORT model in the same phase. Remove the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side – it is now embarked within that TRANSPORT model. Unless otherwise stated, units cannot do anything or be affected in any way while they are embarked.

  • A unit can embark within a friendly TRANSPORT if all of its models end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within 3" of that TRANSPORT.
  • A unit cannot embark and disembark in the same phase.
Throughout a battle, models will suffer damage and be destroyed. When a model is destroyed, it is removed from the battlefield. When every model in a unit has been destroyed, that unit is destroyed.

The REQUISITIONED keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

The TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

The TERMINATOR keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

Benefit of Cover

Shattered ruins and twisted wreckage afford much-needed shelter from enemy salvoes. Even heavily armoured warriors unfazed by small arms fire are thankful for such cover when foes bring their biggest guns to bear.

Models can sometimes gain a measure of protection from terrain features. The rules below detail the conditions under which a terrain feature confers the Benefit of Cover on a model.

Each time a ranged attack is allocated to a model that has the Benefit of Cover, add 1 to the saving throw made for that attack (excluding invulnerable saving throws). Models with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better cannot have the Benefit of Cover against attacks with an Armour Penetration characteristic of 0. Multiple instances of the Benefit of Cover are not cumulative – a model cannot benefit from this rule more than once at any one time.

  • Benefit of Cover: Add 1 to armour saving throws against ranged attacks.
  • Does not apply to models with a Save of 3+ or better against attacks with an AP of 0.
  • Multiple instances are not cumulative.
Sustained Hits

Some weapons strike in a flurry of blows, tearing the foe apart with relentless ferocity.

Weapons with [SUSTAINED HITS X] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if a Critical Hit is rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’.

Example: A model makes an attack with a melee weapon with the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability. If the Hit roll is an unmodified 6 (a Critical Hit), then that attack scores a total of 3 hits on the target (1 from the successful Hit roll of 6, and 2 from the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability).

  • [SUSTAINED HITS X]: Each Critical Hit scores ‘x’ additional hits on the target.
Lethal Hits

Some weapons can inflict fatal injuries on any foe, no matter their resilience.

Weapons with [LETHAL HITS] in their profile are known as Lethal Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, a Critical Hit automatically wounds the target.
Wound Roll
Each time an attack scores a hit against a target unit, make a Wound roll for that attack by rolling one D6 to see if that attack successfully wounds the target unit. The result required is determined by comparing the attack’s Strength (S) characteristic with the target’s Toughness (T) characteristic, as shown below.

Strength is TWICE (or more than twice) the Toughness.
Strength is GREATER than the Toughness.
Strength is EQUAL to the Toughness.
Strength is LESS than the Toughness.
Strength is HALF (or less than half) the Toughness.

If the result of the Wound roll is greater than or equal to the required number shown in the table above, then that Wound roll is successful and scores one wound against the target unit. Otherwise, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.

An unmodified Wound roll of 6 is called a Critical Wound and is always successful. An unmodified Wound roll of 1 always fails. A Wound roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

  • Critical Wound: Unmodified Wound roll of 6. Always successful.
  • An unmodified Wound roll of 1 always fails.
  • A Wound roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

Precision attacks can pick high-value targets out in a crowd, whether through the unerring aim of a sniper or the pinpoint accuracy of a blade-master’s strike.

Weapons with [PRECISION] in their profile are known as Precision weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon successfully wounds an Attached unit (see Leader ability), if a CHARACTER model in that unit is visible to the attacking model, the attacking model’s player can choose to have that attack allocated to that CHARACTER model instead of following the normal attack sequence.

  • When targeting an Attached unit, the attacking model’s player can have the attack allocated to a CHARACTER model in that unit visible to the bearer.
Leadership Tests
If a rule requires you to take a Leadership test for a unit, roll 2D6: if the total is greater than or equal to the best Leadership characteristic in that unit, that test is passed. Otherwise, it is failed.
Hit Roll
When a model makes an attack, make one Hit roll for that attack by rolling one D6. If the result of the Hit roll is greater than or equal to the attack’s Ballistic Skill (BS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a ranged weapon) or its Weapon Skill (WS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a melee weapon), then that Hit roll is successful and scores one hit against the target unit. Otherwise, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.

An unmodified Hit roll of 6 is called a Critical Hit and is always successful. An unmodified Hit roll of 1 always fails. A Hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

  • Hit Roll (Ranged Attack): A hit is scored if the D6 result equals or exceeds that attack’s BS.
  • Hit Roll (Melee Attack): A hit is scored if the D6 result equals or exceeds that attack’s WS.
  • Critical Hit: Unmodified Hit roll of 6. Always successful.
  • An unmodified Hit roll of 1 always fails.
  • A Hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, high-altitude descent or other extraordinary means that allow them to appear suddenly in the thick of the fighting.

During the Declare Battle Formations step, if every model in a unit has this ability, you can set it up in Reserves instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability.
  • Unit can be set up in Reserves instead of on the battlefield.
  • Unit can be set up in your Reinforcements step, more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models.
Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Be it cunning strategy, potent technology or supernatural ritual, there are many means by which a commander may hasten their warriors’ onset.
WHEN: End of your opponent’s Movement phase.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is in Reserves.

EFFECT: Your unit can arrive on the battlefield as if it were the Reinforcements step of your Movement phase, and if every model in that unit has the Deep Strike ability, you can set that unit up as described in the Deep Strike ability (even though it is not your Movement phase).

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot use this Stratagem to enable a unit to arrive on the battlefield during a battle round it would not normally be able to do so in.

Weapons powered by unstable and dangerous energy sources pose a substantial risk to the wielder every time they are used.

Weapons with [HAZARDOUS] in their profile are known as Hazardous weapons. Each time a unit is selected to shoot or fight, after that unit has resolved all of its attacks, for each Hazardous weapon that targets were selected for when resolving those attacks, that unit must take one Hazardous test. To do so, roll one D6: on a 1, that test is failed. For each failed test you must resolve the following sequence (resolve each failed test one at a time):
  • If possible, select one model in that unit that has lost one or more wounds and is equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
  • Otherwise, if possible, select one model in that unit (excluding CHARACTER models) equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
  • Otherwise, select one CHARACTER model in that unit equipped with one or more Hazardous weapons.
If a model was selected, that unit suffers 3 mortal wounds and when allocating those mortal wounds, they must be allocated to the selected model.
If a unit from a player’s army is selected as the target of the Fire Overwatch Stratagem in their opponent’s Charge phase, any mortal wounds inflicted by Hazardous tests are allocated after the charging unit has ended its Charge move.

Example: A unit of five models make five attacks with ranged weapons with the [HAZARDOUS] ability. After the unit has finished shooting, its controlling player rolls five D6. One of the results is a 1, and so one of those models suffers 3 mortal wounds.

  • After a unit shoots or fights, roll one Hazardous test (one D6) for each Hazardous weapon used. For each 1, a model equipped with a hazardous weapon suffers 3 mortal wounds, that must be allocated to the selected model.
Devastating Wounds
Weapons with [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] in their profile are known as Devastating Wounds weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if that attack scores a Critical Wound, no saving throw of any kind can be made against that attack (including invulnerable saving throws). Such attacks are only allocated to models after all other attacks made by the attacking unit have been allocated and resolved. After that attack is allocated and after any modifiers are applied, it inflicts a number of mortal wounds on the target equal to the Damage characteristic of that attack, instead of inflicting damage normally.

Example: An attack made with a Devastating Wounds weapon with a Damage characteristic of 2 scores a Critical Wound. Instead of allocating the attack and making saving throws normally, the target suffers 2 mortal wounds.

  • A Critical Wound inflicts mortal wounds equal to the weapon’s Damage characteristic, instead of any normal damage.
Mortal Wounds

Some attacks are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury.

Some rules inflict mortal wounds on units. Each time mortal wounds are inflicted on a unit, each of those mortal wounds inflicts one point of damage to that unit, and they are always applied one at a time. Each mortal wound is allocated to a model in the same manner as allocating an attack. Excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost if the damage can be allocated to another model. Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.

If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage, do not make a Wound roll or saving throw (including invulnerable saving throws) against those mortal wounds. If those mortal wounds are inflicted by an attack that has the [PRECISION] ability, the attacking model’s controlling player can allocate those mortal wounds to a CHARACTER model in that unit.

If mortal wounds are being inflicted as a result of the [HAZARDOUS] ability or by an attack with the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability that scored a Critical Wound, each time those mortal wounds are allocated to a model, if that model is destroyed as a result of those mortal wounds, the remaining mortal wounds from that attack are lost, just as with a normal attack.

If, when a unit is selected to shoot or fight, one or more of its attacks can inflict mortal wounds on the target, resolve any normal damage inflicted by the attacking unit’s attacks on that target before inflicting any mortal wounds on that target. If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage, but the normal damage is subsequently saved, the target unit still suffers those mortal wounds, as described above.

  • Each mortal wound inflicted on a unit causes one model in that unit to lose one wound.
  • Unless the source of the mortal wounds is the [HAZARDOUS] ability or an attack with the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability, damage from mortal wounds is not lost if it can be allocated to another model.
  • No saving throws can be made against mortal wounds.
  • Mortal wounds inflicted by attacks always apply after any normal damage, even if that damage was saved.
Feel No Pain

Some warriors refuse to be laid low, even by what should be fatal wounds.

Some models have ‘Feel No Pain x+’ listed in their abilities. Each time a model with this ability suffers damage and so would lose a wound (including wounds lost due to mortal wounds), roll one D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the number denoted by ‘x’, that wound is ignored and is not lost. If a model has more than one Feel No Pain ability, you can only use one of those abilities each time that model suffers damage and so would lose a wound.

  • Feel No Pain x+: Each time this model would lose a wound, roll one D6: if the result equals or exceeds ‘x’, that wound is not lost.

Certain weapons are the bane of a particular foe.

Weapons with [ANTI-KEYWORD X+] in their profile are known as Anti weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon against a target with the keyword after the word ‘Anti-’, an unmodified Wound roll of ‘x+’ scores a Critical Wound.

Example: An attack made with an [ANTI-VEHICLE 4+] weapon will score a Critical Wound against – and so successfully wound – a VEHICLE unit on an unmodified Wound roll of 4+, while an attack made with an [ANTI-PSYKER 2+] weapon will score a Critical Wound against – and so successfully wound – a PSYKER unit on an unmodified Wound roll of 2+.

  • [ANTI-KEYWORD X+]: An unmodified Wound roll of ‘x+’ against a target with the matching keyword scores a Critical Wound.

Furor Tactics

The warriors of the Deathwatch are often sorely outnumbered by swarming foes, yet by striking for maximum indiscriminate carnage they soon even the odds.

While this Mission Tactic is active, weapons equipped by DEATHWATCH units from your army have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.

Malleus Tactics

Even the largest behemoth has a weak point, and the Deathwatch find them all.

While this Mission Tactic is active, weapons equipped by DEATHWATCH units from your army have the [LETHAL HITS] ability.

Purgatus Tactics

Adopting Purgatus tactics, the Deathwatch focus their ire upon the commanders of the enemy host.

While this Mission Tactic is active, each time a DEATHWATCH model from your army makes an attack, on a Critical Wound, that attack has the [PRECISION] ability.


Assault weapons fire so indiscriminately that they can be shot from the hip as warriors dash forward.

Weapons with [ASSAULT] in their profile are known as Assault weapons. If a unit that Advanced this turn contains any models equipped with Assault weapons, it is still eligible to shoot in this turn’s Shooting phase. When such a unit is selected to shoot, you can only resolve attacks using Assault weapons its models are equipped with.

  • Can be shot even if the bearer’s unit Advanced.
Ignores Cover

Some weapons are designed to root enemy formations out of entrenched positions.

Weapons with [IGNORES COVER] in their profile are known as Ignores Cover weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, the target cannot have the Benefit of Cover against that attack.
Engagement Range
Engagement Range represents the zone of threat that models present to their enemies. While a model is within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically of an enemy model, those models – and their units – are within Engagement Range of each other.

Models cannot be set up or end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models. If for any reason a model cannot meet this condition, that model is destroyed.

  • Engagement Range: Within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically.
  • Models cannot be set up or end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

The ADEPTUS ARBITES keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:


The ORDO HERETICUS keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

Dedicated Transports

Melta weapons are powerful heat rays whose fury is magnified at close range.

Weapons with [MELTA X] in their profile are known as Melta weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon targets a unit within half that weapon’s range, that attack’s Damage characteristic is increased by the amount denoted by ‘x’.

Example: A model targets a unit that is within half range of a weapon with a Damage characteristic of D6 and the [MELTA 2] ability. If that attack inflicts damage on the target, it inflicts D6+2 damage.

  • [MELTA X]: Increase the Damage by ‘x’ when targeting units within half range.
Fall Back Moves
When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can make a Fall Back move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move characteristic, and when doing so you can move it within Engagement Range of enemy models, provided it does not end that move within Engagement Range of any enemy models – if this is not possible, that unit cannot Fall Back.

A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Fell Back.

Desperate Escape Tests
Unlike when making other types of move, models can move over enemy models when making a Fall Back move as if those enemy models were not there, but you must take a Desperate Escape test for each model that will do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY) before any models in that unit are moved. In addition, if a unit is Battle-shocked when it is selected to Fall Back, you must take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit before any are moved.

Each time you take a Desperate Escape test for a model, roll one D6. For each roll of 1-2, one model from the unit that is Falling Back is destroyed (selected by you). The same model can only ever trigger one Desperate Escape test per phase.

  • Fall Back Move: Models move up to M".
  • Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn.
  • Models can move over enemy models when Falling Back, but you must take Desperate Escape tests for them before they do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY).
  • If a Battle-shocked unit is selected to Fall Back, take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit.
  • Desperate Escape Test: Roll one D6. On a 1-2, one model from that unit is destroyed.
Remain Stationary
If a unit Remains Stationary, none of its models can be moved for the rest of the phase.

The PSYKER keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

The GRENADES and ORDO HERETICUS keywords are used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

2. Battle-shock
In this step, you must take a Battle-shock test for each of your units on the battlefield that is Below Half-strength. To do so, roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the best Leadership characteristic in that unit, the test is passed; otherwise, the test is failed and, until the start of your next Command phase, that unit is Battle-shocked.

While a unit is Battle-shocked:

Once you have taken Battle-shock tests for all of your units that require them, your Command phase ends and you progress to your Movement phase.

In this step, if for any reason a unit is forced to take a Battle-shock test for being below its Starting Strength, unless otherwise stated, that unit does not also have to take a Battle-shock test for being Below Half-strength. While a unit is Battle-shocked, all models in that unit are also Battle-shocked.

  • Take a Battle-shock test for each unit from your army on the battlefield that is Below Half-strength.
  • Roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the unit’s Leadership, the test is passed. Otherwise, the unit is Battle-shocked until the start of your next Command phase.
  • Battle-shocked units have an OC of 0 and their controlling player cannot use Stratagems to affect them.
  • Battle-shocked units must take Desperate Escape tests if they Fall Back.

The INFANTRY and ORDO HERETICUS keywords are used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

Objective Markers
Objective markers represent objects of tactical or strategic import that both sides are attempting to secure, such as valuable artefacts, vital supplies or communications nodes. If a mission uses objective markers, it will state where they are located on the battlefield. These can be represented using any suitable marker, but we recommend using round markers that are 40mm in diameter.

When setting objective markers up on the battlefield, place them so they are centred on the point specified by the mission. When measuring distances to and from objective markers, measure to and from the closest part of them. Models can move over objective markers as if they were not there, but they cannot end a move on top of an objective marker.

At the start of the battle, each objective marker on the battlefield is said to be contested, and so is not controlled by either player. To control an objective marker, a player will first need to move models within range of it. A model is within range of an objective marker if it is within 3" horizontally and 5" vertically of that objective marker.

Every model has an Objective Control (OC) characteristic listed on its datasheet. To determine a player’s Level of Control over an objective marker, add together the OC characteristics of all the models from that player’s army that are within range of that objective marker. A player will control an objective marker at the end of any phase or turn if their Level of Control over it is greater than their opponent’s. If both players have the same Level of Control over an objective marker, that objective marker is contested.

  • A model is within range of an objective marker if within 3" horizontally and 5" vertically.
  • Level of Control: Add together the OC characteristics of all of a player’s models within range of the objective marker.
  • An objective marker is controlled by the player with the highest Level of Control over it (in a tie, it is contested).
  • Models cannot end a move on top of an objective marker.

High-explosives can fell several warriors in a single blast, but firing them where your comrades will get caught in the ensuing detonation is simply unwise.

Weapons with [BLAST] in their profile are known as Blast weapons, and they make a random number of attacks. Each time you determine how many attacks are made with a Blast weapon, add 1 to the result for every five models that were in the target unit when you selected it as the target (rounding down). Blast weapons can never be used to make attacks against a unit that is within Engagement Range of one or more units from the attacking model’s army (including its own unit).

Example: If a weapon with the [BLAST] ability and an Attacks characteristic of 2D6 targets a unit that contains 11 models, and the roll to determine how many attacks are made is a 9, a total of 11 attacks would be made against that unit.

  • Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic for every five models in the target unit (rounding down).
  • Can never be used against a target that is within Engagement Range of any units from the attacking model’s army (including its own).

The ORDO MALLEUS keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

Psychic Weapons and Abilities
Some weapons and abilities can only be used by PSYKERS. Such weapons and abilities are tagged with the word ‘Psychic’. If a Psychic weapon or ability causes any unit to suffer one or more wounds, each of those wounds is considered to have been inflicted by a Psychic Attack.
Invulnerable Saves

Whether shielded by force fields, enveloped in mystical energies or simply possessed of preternatural senses and lightning-fast reflexes, some warriors are protected by more than mere physical armour.

Some models have an invulnerable save listed on their datasheet. Each time an attack is allocated to a model with an invulnerable save, the controlling player must choose to use either that model’s Save characteristic or its invulnerable save, but not both. If a model has more than one invulnerable save, it can only use one of them – choose which it will use.

Unlike armour saving throws (which use a model’s Save characteristic), invulnerable saving throws are never modified by an attack’s Armour Penetration characteristic, but otherwise follow the normal rules for saving throws.

  • Invulnerable Save: Never modified by an attack’s AP.
  • The controlling player can choose to use either a model’s invulnerable save or its Save characteristic.

Many armies employ reconnaissance units who can sit concealed, waiting for the right moment to strike.

During deployment, if every model in a unit has this ability, then when you set it up, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from the enemy deployment zone and all enemy models.

The VOIDFARERS keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

The VOIDFARERS and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:


Lance weapons are deadly on the charge.

Weapons with [LANCE] in their profile are known as Lance weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if the bearer made a Charge move this turn, add 1 to that attack’s Wound roll.
Imperialis Fleet – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
If a high-ranking Imperial agent locates something they wish to acquire, nothing will stop them from unleashing all the forces at their command to seize it.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase or the Fight phase.

TARGET: One unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes an attack that targets an enemy unit within range of an objective marker, that attack has the [SUSTAINED HITS 1], [LANCE] and [IGNORES COVER] abilities.
Imperialis Fleet – Epic Deed Stratagem
With command of the orbital engagement zone comes the ability to strike at the enemy from unexpected angles.
WHEN: Your Movement phase.

TARGET: One VOIDFARERS CHARACTER unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each unit from your army that is arriving from Strategic Reserves this turn can be set up within your opponent’s deployment zone (all other restrictions still apply).
Imperialis Fleet – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Soldiers trained in shipboard warfare and chamber-by-chamber clearance know how best to focus theirfirepower during close-range firefights.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One VOIDFARERS unit from your army.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a ranged attack that targets a unit within 12", improve the Strength and Armour Penetration characteristics of that attack by 1.
Advance Moves
When a unit Advances, make an Advance roll for that unit by rolling one D6. Add the result in inches to the Move characteristic of each model in that unit until the end of the phase. Each model in that unit can then make an Advance move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to this total, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models. A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Advanced.

  • Advance Move: Models move up to M+D6".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
  • Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn.

The OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM keyword is used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

Normal Moves
When a unit makes a Normal move, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move (M) characteristic, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

  • Normal Move: Models move up to M".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
If a model can FLY, then when it makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, it can be moved over enemy models as if they were not there, and can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models when making such a move. Note this also means that MONSTER and VEHICLE models that can FLY can be moved over other MONSTER and VEHICLE models when making such a move. However, models that can FLY cannot end their move on top of any other models or within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

When a model that can FLY starts or ends a move on a terrain feature, instead of measuring the path it has moved across the battlefield, you instead measure its path ‘through the air’, as shown in the diagram below.

  • FLY models can move over enemy models when they make a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move.
  • FLY models that start or end a move on a terrain feature measure distance moved through the air when they make a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move.
Attached Units
Some CHARACTER units have the Leader ability, which lets them merge with other units (known as Bodyguard units) to form an Attached unit.

The Starting Strength of an Attached unit is equal to the combined Starting Strengths of all of its units (i.e. the number of models in the Leader unit added to the number of models in the Bodyguard unit). If either the Leader unit or the Bodyguard unit in an Attached unit is destroyed, the Starting Strength of the remaining unit is changed to be equal to its original Starting Strength.

Example: A Primaris Captain (Starting Strength 1) is attached to a unit of Intercessors (Starting Strength 5). This Attached unit has a Starting Strength of 6. If all the Intercessors are destroyed, the remaining Primaris Captain would revert to having a Starting Strength of 1.

For the purposes of rules that are triggered when a unit is destroyed, such rules are still triggered when one of the individual units that made up an Attached unit is destroyed (the Leader or the Bodyguard unit).

Example: If a rule awards you with 1VP each time an enemy unit is destroyed, and you target an Attached unit, you would gain 1VP if the Bodyguard unit is destroyed and 1VP if the Leader unit is destroyed (for a total of 2VP).
Core – Wargear Stratagem
Priming their hand-held projectiles, these warriors draw back and hurl death into the enemy’s midst.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One GRENADES unit from your army (excluding units that Advanced, Fell Back or have shot this turn) that is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units.

EFFECT: Select one GRENADES model in your unit and one enemy unit that is not within Engagement Range of any units from your army and is within 8" of and visible to your GRENADES model. Roll six D6: for each 4+, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
Charging with a Unit
Once you have selected an eligible unit to declare a charge, you must select one or more enemy units within 12" of it as the targets of that charge. The targets of a charge do not need to be visible to the charging unit.

You then make a Charge roll for the charging unit by rolling 2D6. The result is the maximum number of inches each model in that unit can be moved if a Charge move is possible. For a Charge move to be possible, the Charge roll must be sufficient to enable the charging unit to end that move:
  • Within Engagement Range of every unit that you selected as a target of the charge.
  • Without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of the charge.
  • In Unit Coherency.
If any of these conditions cannot be met, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Otherwise, the charge is successful and the models in the charging unit make a Charge move – move each model a distance in inches up to the result of the Charge roll. When doing so, each model in the charging unit must end its Charge move closer to one of the units selected as a target of its charge. If you can also move a charging model so that it ends its Charge move in base-to-base contact with one or more enemy models while still enabling the charging unit to end its move satisfying all of the conditions above, you must do so. The controlling player chooses the order in which to move their models.

  • Charge Roll: 2D6".
  • Targets of a charge must be within 12" but do not need to be visible.
  • If the distance rolled is insufficient to move within Engagement Range of all targets while maintaining Unit Coherency, the charge fails.
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any unit that was not a target of the charge.
  • If the charge is successful, each model makes a Charge move less than or equal to the Charge roll, and must move into base-to-base contact with an enemy model if possible.
Charge Bonus

Many warriors thunder headlong into combat, using the impetus of their charge to bring swift death to their foes.

Each time a unit makes a Charge move, until the end of the turn, that unit has the Fights First ability.
Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Voices raised in furious war cries, your warriors surge forth to meet the enemy’s onslaught head-on.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Charge phase, just after an enemy unit ends a Charge move.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is within 6" of that enemy unit and would be eligible to declare a charge against that enemy unit if it were your Charge phase.

EFFECT: Your unit now declares a charge that targets only that enemy unit, and you resolve that charge as if it were your Charge phase.

RESTRICTIONS: You can only select a VEHICLE unit from your army if it is a WALKER. Note that even if this charge is successful, your unit does not receive any Charge bonus this turn.
Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
In close-quarters combat, the slightest hesitation can leave an opening for a swift foe to exploit.
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has fought.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units and that has not already been selected to fight this phase.

EFFECT: Your unit fights next.

Mighty heroes fight at the forefront of battle.

Some CHARACTER units have ‘Leader’ listed on their datasheets. Such CHARACTER units are known as Leaders, and the units they can lead – known as their Bodyguard units – are listed on their datasheet.

During the Declare Battle Formations step, for each Leader in your army, if your army also includes one or more of that Leader’s Bodyguard units, you can select one of those Bodyguard units. That Leader will then attach to that Bodyguard unit for the duration of the battle and is said to be leading that unit. Each Bodyguard unit can only have one Leader attached to it.

While a Bodyguard unit contains a Leader, it is known as an Attached unit and, with the exception of rules that are triggered when units are destroyed, it is treated as a single unit for all rules purposes. Each time an attack targets an Attached unit, until the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks, you must use the Toughness characteristic of the Bodyguard models in that unit, even if a Leader in that unit has a different Toughness characteristic. Each time an attack sucessfully wounds an Attached unit, that attack cannot be allocated to a CHARACTER model in that unit, even if that CHARACTER model has lost one or more wounds or has already had attacks allocated to it this phase. As soon as the last Bodyguard model in an Attached unit has been destroyed, any attacks made against that unit that have yet to be allocated can then be allocated to CHARACTER models in that unit.

Each time the last model in a Bodyguard unit is destroyed, each CHARACTER unit that is part of that Attached unit is no longer part of an Attached unit. It becomes a separate unit, with its original Starting Strength. If this happens as the result of an attack, they become separate units after the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks.

Each time the last model in a CHARACTER unit that is attached to a Bodyguard unit is destroyed and there is not another CHARACTER unit attached, that Attached unit’s Bodyguard unit is no longer part of an Attached unit. It becomes a separate unit, with its original Starting Strength. If this happens as the result of an attack, they become separate units after the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks.

Each time a unit that is part of an Attached unit is destroyed, it does not have the keywords of any other units that make up that Attached unit (unless it has those keywords on its own datasheet) for the purposes of any rules that would be triggered when that unit is destroyed.

Example: If you only destroy the Bodyguard unit that is part of an Attached unit, you have not destroyed a CHARACTER unit. If you only destroy the CHARACTER unit that is part of an Attached unit, or if you destroy the whole Attached unit, you have destroyed one CHARACTER unit.

  • Before the battle, CHARACTER units with the Leader ability can be attached to one of their Bodyguard units to form an Attached unit.
  • Attached units can only contain one Leader.
  • Attacks cannot be allocated to CHARACTER models in Attached units.

Assassins and other covert agents are difficult to track and pinpoint in the swirling maelstrom of battle.

Unless part of an Attached unit (see Leader), this unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 12".

Some warriors are masters of disguise and concealment.

If every model in a unit has this ability, then each time a ranged attack is made against it, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll.

The CHARACTER and DEATHWATCH keywords are used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:


Scouts form the vanguard of many armies. Unnoticed by the enemy, they range ahead of the main force.

Some units have ‘Scouts x"’ listed in their abilities. If every model in a unit has this ability, then at the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins, it can make a Normal move of up to x", with the exception that, while making that move, the distance moved by each model in that unit can be greater than that model's Move characteristic, as long as it is not greater than x".

DEDICATED TRANSPORT models can make use of any Scouts x" ability listed in their abilities, or a Scouts x" ability that a unit that starts the battle embarked within that DEDICATED TRANSPORT model has (provided only models with this ability are embarked within that DEDICATED TRANSPORT model), regardless of how that embarked unit gained this ability (e.g. listed in their abilities, conferred by an Enhancement or by an attached CHARACTER, etc.).

A unit that moves using this ability must end that move more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.

Example: A unit has the Scouts 6" ability. At the start of the first battle round, the controlling player can make a Normal move with that unit of up to 6".

  • Scouts x": Unit can make a Normal move of up to x" before the first turn begins.
  • If embarked in a DEDICATED TRANSPORT, that DEDICATED TRANSPORT can make this move instead.
  • Must end this move more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models.
Unit Visible
If one or more models in a unit is visible to the observing model, then that model’s unit is visible to the observing model.

Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
A hail of wildfire can drive back advancing foes.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Movement or Charge phase, just after an enemy unit is set up or when an enemy unit starts or ends a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, or declares a charge.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is within 24" of that enemy unit and that would be eligible to shoot if it were your Shooting phase.

EFFECT: If that enemy unit is visible to your unit, your unit can shoot that enemy unit as if it were your Shooting phase.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot target a TITANIC unit with this Stratagem. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a ranged attack, an unmodified Hit roll of 6 is required to score a hit, irrespective of the attacking weapon’s Ballistic Skill or any modifiers. You can only use this Stratagem once per turn.

The ORDO XENOS and INQUISITOR keywords are used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

The ORDO HERETICUS and INQUISITOR keywords are used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:


High-ranking imperial agents maintain a veritable museum of unique treasures about their flagships and bases of operations, many dating from the dawn of the Imperium. A few of their rarest and most coveted treasures are not of Human origin at all.

At the start of the battle, roll three D6 (re-rolling any duplicates), then consult the table below to determine the three effects this Crusade Relic confers upon the bearer until the end of the battle.

The INQUISITOR and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Imperial Agents datasheets:

Assigned Agents

Throughout the Imperium there exist numerous martial organisations and shadowy institutions. Bodies of armed warriors or solitary agents from these groups possess specialist skills, unusual equipment and vested interests that lead them to be attached to larger Imperial armies. Some are requisitioned by the army’s commander for their particular abilities, others are assigned by their hidden masters to achieve singular agendas. The most powerful have the authority and reputation to enforce their presence on the field of battle.

If your Army Faction is , then in the Select Detachment Rules step, you can select one of the available Detachments from this book as normal.

If your Army Faction is not , but every model in your army has the IMPERIUM keyword, you can include units in your army even if they do not have the Faction keyword you selected in the Select Army Faction step. In this case, the maximum number of units you can include in your army depends on the battle size, as shown below.

Strike Force221

Note that you can include DEDICATED TRANSPORT units in such an army as normal, but each unit must start the battle with one or more units embarked within it, or it cannot be deployed for that battle and will count as having been destroyed during the first battle round.
Some rules instruct players to roll off. To do so, both players roll one D6, and whoever scores highest wins the roll-off. If there is a tie for the highest roll, roll off again. Neither player is allowed to re-roll or modify any of the D6 when making a roll-off.
Below Half-strength
Some rules will refer to a unit being Below Half-strength.
  • If a unit has a Starting Strength of 1, then it is said to be Below Half-strength while its remaining number of wounds is less than half of its Wounds characteristic.
  • For any other unit, while the number of models in that unit is less than half of its Starting Strength, that unit is said to be Below Half-strength.

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