The Adepta Sororitas, also known as the Sisters of Battle, are an elite sisterhood of warriors raised from infancy to believe unquestioningly in the supreme power of the Emperor of Mankind. The perfervid, unshakeable nature of their faith is a potent weapon indeed, manifesting as divine inspiration that drives the Sisters of Battle to incredible feats of martial prowess. Their fanatical devotion and unwavering purity are a bulwark against corruption, heresy and alien attack, and once battle has been joined they will stop at nothing until their enemies are utterly crushed.
Book | Kind | Edition | Version | Last update |
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![]() | Codex | 10 | 1.3 | December 2024 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 2.0 | January 2025 |
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![]() | Rulebook | 10 | January 2025 | January 2025 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | December 2024 | |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 1.0 | October 2024 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 1.9 | October 2024 |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | September 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | September 2024 |
Q: | While using the Balance Dataslate, at the end of a phase in which one or more ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from my army were destroyed, if one or more of those units were within 12" of a friendly Imagifier when they were destroyed, does that Imagifier’s Litany of Deeds ability allow me to re-roll the result of the Miracle dice I gain as a result of the Acts of Faith army rule? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | If a CHARACTER with the Saintly Example Enhancement is destroyed while within 12" of a friendly Imagifier, can I use that Imagifier’s Litany of Deeds ability to re-roll the results of the additional D3 Miracle dice I gain from that Enhancement, before adding them to my Miracle Dice pool? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | If I am using the Penitent Host Detachment, do I have to select a Vow of Atonement every battle round? |
A: | Yes. This means that from the fourth battle round onwards you will no longer be able to select a Vow of Atonement to be active for your army, as you will have already selected all three during previous battle rounds. |
Q: | If a CHARACTER with the Verse of Holy Piety Enhancement uses that Enhancement to activate a Vow of Atonement at the start of a battle round, but that CHARACTER is destroyed before the end of that battle round (e.g. by an attack with the [PRECISION] ability), is that Vow of Atonement still active for the remaining models in that unit until the start of the next battle round? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | Can a Miracle dice be used as part of a re-roll? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | If I re-roll a roll in which I substituted a dice with a Miracle dice, do I get to use the Miracle dice in that re-roll (e.g. when re-rolling a Charge roll)? |
A: | No, that Miracle dice is lost. Note that your unit has still performed an Act of Faith. |
Q: | Can the TRIUMPH OF SAINT KATHERINE’S Simulacrum of the Ebon Chalice Relics of the Matriarchs ability be used to substitute two dice in a single roll? |
A: | No. |
Q: | In the Adepta Sororitas army rule Acts of Faith, you gain 1 Miracle dice ‘each time an ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army is destroyed’. Does this happen when the unit is destroyed or at the end of the phase? |
A: | When the unit is destroyed. |
It is said the Emperor’s benediction touches the Adepta Sororitas, manifesting as a nimbus of holy light in which his power is revealed in miraculous deeds of fortitude and divine strength.
If your Army Faction is ADEPTA SORORITAS, each unit from your army with this ability can perform one Act of Faith per phase. This is done using Miracle dice.The blood of martyrs is the life force of the Imperium. So do the tenets of this Order joyously proclaim, and in its warriors’ darkest hour does the sacrifice of their fallen Sisters shine brightest.
Each time an ADEPTA SORORITAS model from your army makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll if that model’s unit is below its Starting Strength, and add 1 to the Wound roll as well if that model’s unit is Below Half-strength.
With her final breath is another heroine elevated to the ranks of sainthood, her death stirring her greatest companions to finish what she started. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. When the bearer is destroyed, you gain an additional D3 Miracle dice. |
With every wound inflicted on their mortal form does this holy warrior’s strength grow, their suffering a prayer to the God-Emperor. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. Add 1 to the Attacks, Strength and Damage characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons. If the bearer has lost one or more wounds, add 2 to the Attacks, Strength and Damage characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons instead. |
The most hallowed martyrs of the Sisterhood have added beads to this chaplet. Such a relic can be a burden, for it carries the righteousness of those who uphold everything the Sisterhood stands for. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. At the end of your Command phase, if the bearer is on the battlefield, you can re-roll 1 Miracle dice from your Miracle dice pool and return it to your Miracle dice pool showing the new result you rolled. When doing so, if the bearer's unit is below its Starting Strength, you can re-roll up to 3 Miracle dice in this way instead. |
The Mantle of Ophelia was once the badge of office for the Prioress of the Convent Sanctorum, and was worn by Helena the Virtuous, a Living Saint and one of the most revered leaders in the history of the Adepta Sororitas. The mantle is thought to have sacred powers of protection, for Helena was said to have anointed it with the Tears of the Emperor, a phial of blood-like liquid meticulously collected over a century from weeping statues of the Emperor found across the cardinal worlds of the Imperium. CANONESS or PALATINE model only. Each time an attack is allocated to the bearer, change the Damage characteristic of that attack to 1. |
The penitent masses vow to wash clean their dishonour with their foe’s blood.
At the start of the battle round, you can select one of the following Vows of Atonement to be active for your army until the start of the next battle round. You can only select each Vow of Atonement once per battle.The Path of the Penitent With psalms on their lips, the faithful hurl themselves forward. Add 3" to the Move characteristic of PENITENT models from your army. |
Absolution in Battle The penitents smite the Emperor's foes with unmatched zeal. Each time a unit from your army is selected to fight, if that unit made a Charge move this turn, until the end of the phase, add 1 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of melee weapons equipped by PENITENT models in that unit. |
Death Before Disgrace Even the most grievous wound cannot stop a penitent warrior in their quest to earn redemption in the eyes of the Emperor. Each time a PENITENT model from your army is destroyed by a melee attack, if that model has not fought this phase, roll one D6. On a 2+, do not remove it from play; the destroyed model can fight after the attacking unit has finished making its attacks, and is then removed from play. |
Invoking the strength of the God-Emperor, this warrior bellows psalms, which roar above the din of battle. Incited by these fire and brimstone recitations, the penitent warriors carve apart their enemies, every kill bringing them closer to redemption. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. While the bearer is on the battlefield, each time an enemy unit is destroyed by a PENITENT unit from you army, you can discard 1 Miracle dice then gain 1 Miracle dice showing a value of 6. |
As the sanctified verses of the Ecclesiarchy’s holy psalms roar across the battlefield, divine might infuses the devout. PENITENT model only. Once per battle, at the start of the battle round, select one Vow of Atonement. Until the start of the next battle round, that Vow of Atonement is active for the bearer’s unit in addition to any that is active for your army, even if you have already selected that Vow of Atonement this battle. |
Faith is the shield of the righteous. The passionate benedictions of the pious may bestow the blessings of the God-Emperor. PENITENT model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, models in that unit have a 5+ invulnerable save. |
To share in the agonies of the penitent and guide them to redemption is a most holy undertaking. Thus do many of the Adepta Sororitas’ commanders willingly fight by the side of those cast out by the Sisterhood. CANONESS, PALATINE or MINISTORUM PRIEST model only. The bearer gains the PENITENT keyword and, during the Declare Battle Formations step, can be attached to a REPENTIA SOUAD unit. |
These warriors carry the fiery wrath of the Emperor into the darkest corners of his realm. Through the weapons of the faithful is the Master of Mankind’s immortal anger made manifest. With the holy trinity of boltgun, flamer and melta weapons are his enemies purged from the lmperium’s worlds.
Ranged weapons equipped by ADEPTA SORORITAS models from your army have the [ASSAULT] ability, and each time an attack made with such a weapon targets a unit within 6", add 1 to the Strength characteristic of that attack.
This servant of the divine draws deeply from their faith, enhancing their physical might. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. Each time the bearer is selected to fight, you can first discard up to 3 Miracle dice. For each Miracle dice just discarded, until the end of the phase, add 1 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons. |
Within this tome are the collected writings of Saint Griselda the Pious. The lessons inscribed on its vellum pages teach focus and decisiveness during times of war. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. At the start of your Command phase, you can discard up to 2 Miracle dice. Then, add 1 Miracle dice to your Miracle Dice pool showing a value equal to the sum of the two Miracle dice you just discarded (to a maximum of 6). |
This warrior is a firebrand zealot without comparison. At their command, the faithful unleash relentless fire upon their chosen foe. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of Torrent weapons equipped by models in that unit, and all other ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability. |
Worked upon by generations of artificers, consecrated with holy oils and steeped in the smoke of sacred incense, this suit of power armour is amongst the most battle-proven relics held by the Orders Militant. CANONESS or PALATINE model only. The bearer has a Save characteristic of 2+ and the Feel No Pain 5+ ability. |
At times of war, the Adepta Sororitas make offerings to the Emperor in prayer, incense and blood. In such pious devotion, they may attract his blessings and enact miraculous deeds in his holy name.
Each ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army can perform up to two Acts of Faith per phase, instead of just one.
This unassuming parchment is one of the holiest relics in the Ministorum's charge, its mere presence enough to fill the hearts of the faithful with righteous fervour. CANONESS or PALATINE model only. At the start of your Command phase, if the bearer is on the battlefield, take a Leadership test for the bearer. If that test is passed, you gain 1 Miracle dice. |
Forged from thrice-blessed silver, this blade has the names and deeds of a thousand saints inscribed on one side on the molecular level, while the other has the entire Fede lmperialis etched into its form. The blade glows with righteous power and has slain heretics, mutants and xenos beyond counting. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. Improve the Strength and Armour Penetration characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons by 1, and those weapons have the [PRECISION] ability. In addition, each time the bearer fights, if one or more enemy models are destroyed by those attacks, you gain 1 Miracle dice. |
Enemy warriors tremble before the radiant majesty of one blessed by the Emperor. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. In your Movement phase, you can select one enemy unit within 12" of the bearer; that unit must take a Battle-shock test. If that test is failed, you gain 1 Miracle dice. |
Carried onto the most fire-swept of battlefields, the images of the Macharian Trinity glorifies three missionaries who saved thousands of lives. This adamantine-sheathed relic reminds the bearer that faith alone can weather the most grievous adversities. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. Each time the bearer uses an Act of Faith to substitute a saving throw, that saving throw is successful, irrespective of the value of the Miracle dice used. |
The Adepta Sororitas assemble their most skilled and pious warriors when a truly vital mission must be completed. Whether they muster in the marshalling cloisters of a holy shrine, aboard a dropship thundering through hostile skies, or even upon the open field of war amidst fountaining explosions and heaped corpses, these hand-picked champions of the Imperial Creed halt long enough to kneel as one and pray to the God-Emperor. Only once they have sworn irrevocable oaths to the Master of Mankind, promising they will die before failing him, do the Battle Sisters advance. Bound by the promises they have made and sure in the knowledge that they are the finest exemplars of their order, these Champions of Faith stride out with unshakeable purpose and fiercely focused determination to prevail no matter the cost.
Whether high-ranking clergy must be rescued, a priceless relic recovered, or some archheretic slain, these warriors know that to fail after promising victory to the God-Emperor would be infinitely worse than death; this knowledge fills them with righteous purpose and the unflinching will to succeed no matter the odds.
In your Command phase, you can discard up to 3 of your Miracle dice. For each discarded, you can select one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, that unit is Righteous. While a unit is Righteous:
The three windows of this sacred artefact display three aspects of the God-Emperor in judgement over mortal souls. No warrior of faith will countenance failure beneath its threefold gaze. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. Each time a model in the bearer’s unit makes an attack, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that attack’s Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill characteristics and/or any or all modifiers to the Hit roll. |
A fresh oath brand burns in this champion’s flesh, its heat remaining miraculously undimmed and its searing pain focusing their devout wrath. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of the bearer’s melee weapons. While the bearer’s unit is Righteous, add 2 to the Attacks characteristic and add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the bearer’s melee weapons instead. |
Having torn them from the sockets of a heretical witch, this warrior of faith keeps these shrivelled orbs sealed in a miniature reliquary about their neck. They believe that – tormented by holy imprisonment – the traitorous eyes guide their aim towards other infernal champions. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. The bearer’s weapons have the [PRECISION] ability. Each time the bearer’s unit destroys an enemy CHARACTER model, you gain 1CP. |
Belief radiates out from this blessed icon, forming a holy circle of abjuration that holds at bay the unclean and leaves this champion free to do their duty to the God-Emperor. ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. Enemy units that are set up on the battlefield from Reserves cannot be set up within 12" of the bearer. |
In this section you’ll find additional rules for playing Crusade battles that are bespoke to ADEPTA SORORITAS units.
With every miraculous deed performed does a true believer of the Emperor step closer to sainthood.
To gain Saint points, a SAINT POTENTIA model must undertake a Trial of a Living Saint. When you first select a model to be a SAINT POTENTIA, select one of the Trials. That model is now said to be undertaking that Trial and will accrue Saint points towards it by accomplishing one or more Saintly Deeds during a battle, as specified within the Trial itself. Once a SAINT POTENTIA has gained 10 or more Saint points, that Trial is complete, its Saint points total is reset to 0, and that model gains the Saintly Reward Battle Honour associated with that Trial. Each of these Battle Honours is unique - you can only have one instance of each. When gaining one of these Battle Honours, if that CHARACTER already has its maximum number of Battle Honours, you must replace one of its existing Battle Honours (excluding Saintly Rewards). If this model has 4 or fewer Saintly Rewards, you can then select a new Trial and begin again.The ultimate fate for all Living Saints is martyrdom in the Emperor’s cause. However, for those that are graced to bear witness to such an end, a great wellspring of faith can be drawn.
Each time a SAINT POTENTIA or LIVING SAINT model fails an Out of Action test, that model gains 1 Martyr point and you must take a Martyrdom test for it. To do so, roll one D6, adding its current Martyr points total to the result. If the result is greater than that model’s Leadership characteristic, that test is passed and the SAINT POTENTIA or LIVING SAINT has been Martyred; remove that model from your Order of Battle (we recommend writing down the details of their death on your Order of Battle). If a SAINT POTENTIA or LIVING SAINT is Martyred, every other ADEPTA SORORITAS unit that was in your Crusade army gains a number of XP equal to the number of Saintly Rewards that Martyred SAINT POTENTIA or LIVING SAINT had, having witnessed them in their final battle.A Living Saint performs miraculous deeds on the battlefield, proof that the Emperor works through them.
A living saint suffers as the greatest form of prayer to the God-Emperor.
A living saint is so pure that no doubt can fetter their heart, malign sorcery cannot touch their soul, and no wound can stay their will.
A living saint will smite the enemies of the Emperor wherever they cower.
A living saint leads their flock to victory, even when hope seems lost.
Faith is the greatest weapon a Battle Sister can wield, and as with any weapon, it must be practised and honed.
Those who have failed in the Emperor's eyes must quest for absolution. Only by striking down the mightiest foes will their shame be absolved.
The location of a small but sacred shrine has been identified, a hallowed site that houses an irreplaceable saintly relic. Defend this holy tribute lest it be desecrated by the enemy and lost to the Adeptus Ministorum forever.
The enemy opposes the will of the Emperor. Cleanse this holy battlefield of such heretics! Show them the error of their blasphemy with bolter, me/ta and holy flamer.
No potential saint would willingly abandon a trial. Only holy vision or divine inspiration may permit deviation from their course.
Those Sisters Novitiate who have served bravely may ascend into the ranks of the Orders Militant, earning the right to don their blessed power armour.
For the devout, any failing is a shame that cannot be borne and must be redeemed through deeds of great bravery and butchery.
Those who have trod the path to redemption are revered figures within the Orders Militant, their dedication and unswerving faith a shining beacon to all.
Sacrifice and suffering are embraced by the Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas. Scars are displayed with pride and the fallen venerated.
The Emperor’s chosen warriors sometimes enact miraculous feats on the battlefield.
Only unquestioning faith in the Emperor offers protection against the witchery of xenos and heretic.
Those who stand unflinching against the horrors of the galaxy inspire their comrades to feats of divine heroism
Indomitable belief in the Emperor and disdain for the enemy are surer than any armour.
Some members of the Orders Militant have waged war on a hundred or more battlefields, their scars an offering to the God-Emperor.
Such is the intensity of their devotion that some Battle Sisters work themselves into a righteous fury whenever the Emperor's foes are sighted.
These Sisters embody the ideals of their Order and its Matriarch.
The reserves of holy hatred some zealots have for the foul enemies of Mankind are limitless.
The suffering endured by the faithful serves only to remind those still fighting that there is no more noble goal than to die in the name of the Emperor.
Each foe slain is an offering to the Emperor and brings the penitent one step closer to absolution in the eyes of their Order.
This warrior never speaks unless it is to exalt the God-Emperor. Wherever their faithful followers fight against the darkness, this leader will be at the forefront, taking the fight to the foe.
This leader has such strength of belief that they refuse to yield, their faith in the Emperor proof against any harm.
This Adepta Sororitas leader is a shining beacon of faith in whose presence miracles manifest with regularity.
This vehicle is on inspirational wellspring of faith. Those who look upon its blessed form fill with zeal, their resolve hardened by its presence.
The war engines fielded by the Orders Militant are just as faithful and intractable as the Battle Sisters who crew them.
The hallowed blessings and artefacts built into the hulls of Adepta Sororitas vehicles can turn aside the most unholy flames.
Anyone who drinks the contents of one of these thrice-blessed crystal bottles fills with the courage and determination of Dolan, the Great Confessor.
Improve the bearer’s Wounds, Leadership and Objective Control characteristics by 1.This ancient rosarius was crafted during the Age of Apostasy and blessed by the Prioresses of the Covent Sanctorum and the Convent Prioris.
The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. Each time the bearer’s unit is selected as the target of an attack, you can discard 1 Miracle dice. If you do, until the end of the phase, the bearer has a 3+ invulnerable save.There are many stories of statues of the Emperor that weep blood-like tears. These are collected in ornate flasks and used to anoint the firearms of the faithful, for - it is said - they impart a spark of divine wrath into the weapons’ machine spirits, rendering them particularly lethal against the forces of Chaos.
Improve the Attacks, Strength and Damage characteristics of the bearer’s ranged weapons by 1, and those weapons have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] and [ANTI-CHAOS 4+] abilities.This small icon is granted only to those adepts of the Ecclesiarch who have undergone the ten Pilgrimages of Saint Dolan, culminating on Holy Terra. To bear such a symbol is to be recognised as a most devout follower of the Emperor.
SAINT POTENTIA model only. When the bearer is destroyed, the Miracle dice you gain as a result is automatically a 6. At the end of the battle, the bearer gains 1 Saint point (whether destroyed or not).Each of the Convents contains a single copy of the first verse of the Creed of the Emperor’s Light, a stirring hymn said to have been penned by Sebastian Thor’s own hand. Affixed to a warrior’s armour by wax mixed with the blood of martyred heroes, these words bestow holy blessings upon the bearer.
If the bearer is in your Crusade army, you can use one Crusade Blessing even if you are not the Underdog.Foes who see this icon are filled with awe and dread, for it radiates an aura of divine brilliance that can cause enemies of the faith to falter in their advance in the face of overwhelming piety.
Each time an enemy unit selects the bearer’s unit as a target of a charge, that enemy unit must take a Battle-shock test; if that test is failed, subtract 2 from the Charge roll made for that charge.Penned by Canoness Vespania of the Order of the Ebon Chalice, this tattered book of scripture contains a collection of allegorical psalmody that provides inspiration and insight in equal measure. When sung aloud, they drive Battle Sisters to acts of heroism and instil within them a valuable understanding of the art of war.
When selecting Agendas for a battle, you can select one ADEPTA SORORITAS Agenda to be used in that battle in addition to any others being used in that battle.This blessed weapon is said to have been borne to battle by one of the Matriarchs of the Adepta Sororitas. Bearers are granted a portion of her physical might and combat prowess, lending them the ability to match the enemy’s most puissant champions in single combat.
LIVING SAINT model only. Improve the Strength and Armour Penetration characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons by 1, and those weapons have the [ANTI-CHARACTER 4+], [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] and [PRECISION] abilities.You have shown yourself to possess the faith, fury and tactical acumen to lead the forces of the Adepta Sororitas to battle. By your hand have heretics and xenos been purged with holy fire. Priesthood and penitents flock to join your holy war, convinced that you are destined for greatness, and that by fighting as well they may earn the Emperor’s favour.
You have borne the Emperor's light into the darkness and with it burned away the taint of witchery, mutation and xenos infestation. The thronging faithful look upon you and see a divine instrument of the Emperor's wrath.
You are an arch-protector of the faith, a paragon of the Imperial Creed and a radiant instrument of the Emperor’s divine will in whose presence miracles are wrought. Enemies quiver before your holy aspect.
The Adepta Sororitas are no strangers to void combat. Boltguns, flamers and melta weapons make excellent tools for cleansing obstinate foes from the decks of a vessel.
The greatest miracles occur when the armies of the faithful gather en masse. Yet wherever they do battle, manifestations of the Emperors divinity may turn the prospect of crushing defeat to glorious victory.
Units from your army with the Acts of Faith ability retain that ability and gain this one.The Adepta Sororitas fight to defend the Imperial faith from those who would seek to bring about its ruin. The Battle Sisters believe that the light of the Emperor falls upon those who defend his sacred realm, lending them divine protection from the blades and bullets of the enemy.
Each time an attack targets an ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army (excluding ARCO-FLAGELLANTS and REPENTIA SQUAD units), if that unit is within range of an objective marker, models in that unit have a 4+ invulnerable save against that attack. If that unit also performed the Secure Site Tactical Manoeuvre in your previous Shooting phase, models in it have a 3+ invulnerable save against that attack instead.Martial Discipline Allied to their faith, the Adepta Sororitas possess discipline and training beyond that of most warriors. This leader is an expert in close-range combat and boarding actions, ordering their troops to lure the enemy into punishing fusillades and gun down fleeing foes with ruthless efficiency. At the start of your Shooting phase, you can select one friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit within 6" of the bearer. Until the end of the phase, that unit is eligible to shoot in a turn in which it Advanced or Fell Back. |
Limitless Resolve This leader is a bombastic commander whose faith is matched by their boundless charisma. With the intonation of a single battle-psalm they may restore order and morale to a shattered formation. While the bearer is on the battlefield, friendly Battle-shocked ADEPTA SORORITAS models (excluding ARCO-FLAGELLANTS and REPENTIA SQUAD models) have an Objective Control characteristic of 1. |
The Ecclesiarchy’s priests travel huge distances in service to the God-Emperor, often to visit holy shrines or take part in Wars of Faith. The penitents and pilgrims who comprise their travelling flocks are zealously devoted to the faith, and relish the opportunity to prove their faith in battle.
The greatest miracles occur when the armies of the faithful gather en masse. Yet wherever they do battle, manifestations of the Emperors divinity may turn the prospect of crushing defeat to glorious victory.
Units from your army with the Acts of Faith ability retain that ability and gain this one.Absolution can only be earned by spilling the blood of the enemy. Most will only find redemption in death, their last acts of violence absolving them of their sins against the Imperial faith.
The first time each turn that you gain 1 Miracle dice as the result of an ARCO-FLAGELLANTS or REPENTIA SQUAD unit from your army being destroyed, do not roll a D6; that Miracle dice has a value of 6 instead.Fervent Ferocity So inflamed by their own fiery rhetoric is this priest, that terrible wounds go unnoticed as they hurl themselves towards the foe. The bearer has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability. |
Sanctification Rituals As their forces seize territory, this pious leader leads holy rituals intended to purify and ward captured ground against the blasphemer. The bearer can perform the Secure Site Tactical Manoeuvre as if it had the BATTLELINE keyword. |
It is said the Emperor’s benediction touches the Adepta Sororitas, manifesting as a nimbus of holy light in which his power is revealed in miraculous deeds of fortitude and divine strength.
If your Army Faction is , each unit from your army with this ability can perform one Act of Faith per phase. This is done using Miracle dice.The CHARACTER keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
The PENITENT keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
The penitent masses vow to wash clean their dishonour with their foe’s blood.
At the start of the battle round, you can select one of the following Vows of Atonement to be active for your army until the start of the next battle round. You can only select each Vow of Atonement once per battle.The Path of the Penitent With psalms on their lips, the faithful hurl themselves forward. Add 3" to the Move characteristic of PENITENT models from your army. |
Absolution in Battle The penitents smite the Emperor's foes with unmatched zeal. Each time a unit from your army is selected to fight, if that unit made a Charge move this turn, until the end of the phase, add 1 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of melee weapons equipped by PENITENT models in that unit. |
Death Before Disgrace Even the most grievous wound cannot stop a penitent warrior in their quest to earn redemption in the eyes of the Emperor. Each time a PENITENT model from your army is destroyed by a melee attack, if that model has not fought this phase, roll one D6. On a 2+, do not remove it from play; the destroyed model can fight after the attacking unit has finished making its attacks, and is then removed from play. |
As the sanctified verses of the Ecclesiarchy’s holy psalms roar across the battlefield, divine might infuses the devout.
PENITENT model only. Once per battle, at the start of the battle round, select one Vow of Atonement. Until the start of the next battle round, that Vow of Atonement is active for the bearer’s unit in addition to any that is active for your army, even if you have already selected that Vow of Atonement this battle.
Precision attacks can pick high-value targets out in a crowd, whether through the unerring aim of a sniper or the pinpoint accuracy of a blade-master’s strike.
Weapons with [PRECISION] in their profile are known as Precision weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon successfully wounds an Attached unit (see Leader ability), if a CHARACTER model in that unit is visible to the attacking model, the attacking model’s player can choose to have that attack allocated to that CHARACTER model instead of following the normal attack sequence.The greatest warriors, most cunning tacticians and seers lead their armies to war possessed of hard-won skills and powerful artefacts that mark them out as legendary commanders.
The CANONESS keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
The and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
The VEHICLE keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
Weapons powered by unstable and dangerous energy sources pose a substantial risk to the wielder every time they are used.
Weapons with [HAZARDOUS] in their profile are known as Hazardous weapons. Each time a unit is selected to shoot or fight, after that unit has resolved all of its attacks, for each Hazardous weapon that targets were selected for when resolving those attacks, that unit must take one Hazardous test. To do so, roll one D6: on a 1, that test is failed. For each failed test you must resolve the following sequence (resolve each failed test one at a time):Some attacks are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury.
Some rules inflict mortal wounds on units. Each time mortal wounds are inflicted on a unit, each of those mortal wounds inflicts one point of damage to that unit, and they are always applied one at a time. Each mortal wound is allocated to a model in the same manner as allocating an attack. Excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost if the damage can be allocated to another model. Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.From detonating ammo stores to corrosive innards or frenzied death throes, some targets are deadly even in defeat.
Some models have ‘Deadly Demise x’ listed in their abilities. When such a model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play (if such a model is a TRANSPORT, roll before any embarked models disembark). On a 6, each unit within 6" of that model suffers a number of mortal wounds denoted by ‘x’ (if this is a random number, roll separately for each unit within 6").Whether shielded by force fields, enveloped in mystical energies or simply possessed of preternatural senses and lightning-fast reflexes, some warriors are protected by more than mere physical armour.
Some models have an invulnerable save listed on their datasheet. Each time an attack is allocated to a model with an invulnerable save, the controlling player must choose to use either that model’s Save characteristic or its invulnerable save, but not both. If a model has more than one invulnerable save, it can only use one of them – choose which it will use.Some warriors refuse to be laid low, even by what should be fatal wounds.
Some models have ‘Feel No Pain x+’ listed in their abilities. Each time a model with this ability suffers damage and so would lose a wound (including wounds lost due to mortal wounds), roll one D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the number denoted by ‘x’, that wound is ignored and is not lost. If a model has more than one Feel No Pain ability, you can only use one of those abilities each time that model suffers damage and so would lose a wound.Assault weapons fire so indiscriminately that they can be shot from the hip as warriors dash forward.
Weapons with [ASSAULT] in their profile are known as Assault weapons. If a unit that Advanced this turn contains any models equipped with Assault weapons, it is still eligible to shoot in this turn’s Shooting phase. When such a unit is selected to shoot, you can only resolve attacks using Assault weapons its models are equipped with.Torrent weapons shoot clouds of fire, gas or other lethal substances that few foes can hope to evade.
Weapons with [TORRENT] in their profile are known as Torrent weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, that attack automatically hits the target.Some weapons strike in a flurry of blows, tearing the foe apart with relentless ferocity.
Weapons with [SUSTAINED HITS X] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if a Critical Hit is rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’.Some weapons can inflict fatal injuries on any foe, no matter their resilience.
Weapons with [LETHAL HITS] in their profile are known as Lethal Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, a Critical Hit automatically wounds the target.The and TRANSPORT keywords are used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
The TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
The JUMP PACK keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
Lance weapons are deadly on the charge.
Weapons with [LANCE] in their profile are known as Lance weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if the bearer made a Charge move this turn, add 1 to that attack’s Wound roll.Whether high-ranking clergy must be rescued, a priceless relic recovered, or some archheretic slain, these warriors know that to fail after promising victory to the God-Emperor would be infinitely worse than death; this knowledge fills them with righteous purpose and the unflinching will to succeed no matter the odds.
In your Command phase, you can discard up to 3 of your Miracle dice. For each discarded, you can select one unit from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, that unit is Righteous. While a unit is Righteous:The EPIC HERO keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
Some weapons are designed to root enemy formations out of entrenched positions.
Weapons with [IGNORES COVER] in their profile are known as Ignores Cover weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, the target cannot have the Benefit of Cover against that attack.Occasionally, a group of warriors will climb the ranks across a score of battles, forging a legendary reputation that is known by friend and foe. Such veterans possess skills and honours to rival those of the most glorified heroes.
Those who have trod the path to redemption are revered figures within the Orders Militant, their dedication and unswerving faith a shining beacon to all.
Melta weapons are powerful heat rays whose fury is magnified at close range.
Weapons with [MELTA X] in their profile are known as Melta weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon targets a unit within half that weapon’s range, that attack’s Damage characteristic is increased by the amount denoted by ‘x’.The INFANTRY keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
The WALKER keyword is used in the following Adepta Sororitas datasheets:
Certain weapons are the bane of a particular foe.
Weapons with [ANTI-KEYWORD X+] in their profile are known as Anti weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon against a target with the keyword after the word ‘Anti-’, an unmodified Wound roll of ‘x+’ scores a Critical Wound.Those Sisters Novitiate who have served bravely may ascend into the ranks of the Orders Militant, earning the right to don their blessed power armour.
For the devout, any failing is a shame that cannot be borne and must be redeemed through deeds of great bravery and butchery.
Some warriors attack with blinding speed, landing their blows before their foes can react.
Units with this ability that are eligible to fight do so in the Fights First step, provided every model in the unit has this ability.