Welcome to the rules section of Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus. Whether forging your own tales of glory and infamy with narrative play or pitting yourself against your opponents in nail-biting matched play contests, the following pages present all the rules you will need to bring your Adeptus Mechanicus collection to life on the tabletop.
These include Detachment rules that Adeptus Mechanicus armies can use, along with the Adeptus Mechanicus army rule - Doctrina Imperatives - which is common to many of your units. This section also includes datasheets for Adeptus Mechanicus units; you can find out more about how to use datasheets in Core Rules.Book | Kind | Edition | Version | Last update |
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![]() | Codex | 10 | 1.1 | October 2024 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 2.3 | March 2025 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 2.1 | March 2025 |
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![]() | Rulebook | 10 | March 2025 | March 2025 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | January 2025 | |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 1.0 | October 2024 |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | September 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | September 2024 |
Q: | If I target a unit with the Auto-divinatory Targeting Stratagem while the Protector Imperative is active for my army, in what order are the Ballistic Skill modifiers applied? |
A: | The Ballistic Skill characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit is first changed to 3+ by the Stratagem, then improved by 1 by the Protector Imperative, for a final result of 2+ (assuming no other modifiers apply). |
An Adeptus Mechanicus army marching to war is a sight both terrifying and glorious, each holy warrior a disturbing fusion of Human and machine. While the ruling Tech-Priests and their fanatical followers raise modified voices in praise of the Machine God, their Skitarii soldiery and Servitor creations are controlled by doctrina imperatives loaded by their masters to augment and adapt the warriors’ abilities.
At the start of the battle round, you can select one of the Doctrina Imperatives below. Until the end of the battle round, that Doctrina Imperative is active for your army, and all units from your army that have the Doctrina Imperatives ability gain the relevant abilities shown below.Protector Imperative
Conqueror Imperative
Whether as a result of natural phenomena, apocalyptic internecine strife or calamitous accidents, many forge worlds are heavily irradiated. When holy wars of requisition are unleashed, the Tech-Priests think nothing of turning this invisible curse upon their foes, bombarding the battlefield with deadly radiation prior to an assault.
By transmitting their precision battlefield observations, this servant of the Omnissiah ensures the saturation of the enemy position is a creeping curse, spreading a hazardous suffusion towards those foes seeking to outrun the vengeance of the Machine God. ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model only. From the second battle round onwards, when resolving the Fallout effect of the Rad-bombardment Detachment rule, if the bearer is on the battlefield, roll one D6 for each enemy unit within 6" of your opponent’s deployment zone, in addition to those that are within your opponent’s deployment zone. |
This master of splintered choruses leads their followers in a projection of clashing frequencies. Scanners and sensoriums trained in their direction are befouled by the disruptive input. ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, models in that unit have the Stealth ability. |
This perfectionist zealot directs their minions in the rapid and single-minded termination of all enemies of the Omnissiah. ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability. |
This devotee harbours a fanatical hatred of the biological. They have learned the secret weaknesses inherent in all flesh and do not hesitate to exploit them. ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model only. Ranged weapons equipped by the bearer have the [ANTI-INFANTRY 2+] and [ANTI-MONSTER 4+] abilities. |
Hunter Cohorts combine a mastery of stealth warfare and cogitational analysis with stealth screen projectors and target-fouling apparatuses. They are elusive foes to face, and especially sinister to those they have designated as prey.
SKITARII INFANTRY, SKITARII MOUNTED and IRONSTRIDER BALLISTARII units from your army have the Stealth ability, and each time a ranged attack targets a SICARIAN unit from your army, unless the attacking model is within 12", the target has the Benefit of Cover against that attack.
Proclaimed to be a direct data-link to the will of the Omnissiah himself, this neuro-entanglement matrix allows for hyper-optimised combat cogitation. SKITARII MARSHAL model only. At the start of the battle round, you can select one friendly SKITARII unit within 12" of the bearer. Until the start of the next battle round, the Protector Imperative and the Conqueror Imperative are both active for that unit. |
Under cover of auspex scramblers, this holy soldier leads their fellows in a stealthy advance. SKITARII model only. The bearer, and models in any unit they are leading, have the Infiltrators and Scouts 6" abilities. |
In silent supplication, a concentrated burst of noospheric negation manifests as a heavy band of shadow. Under this shroud, this commanders warriors obfuscate the foe’s sensors and confuse their strategy. SKITARII MARSHAL model only. After both players have deployed their armies, you can select up to three SKITARII INFANTRY units from your army and redeploy all of those units. When doing so, any of those units can be placed into Strategic Reserves, regardless of how many units are already in Strategic Reserves. |
Tapping into infostacks of data emanating from across the wider battle-sphere, this experienced Skitarius synchronises with the flow of wisdom, drawing upon data that enables near-prophetic reactions. SKITARII model only. In your Shooting phase, after the bearer’s unit has shot, if it is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, that unit can make a Normal move of up to 6". If it does, until the end of the turn, that unit is not eligible to declare a charge. |
The Tech-Priests of the Omnissiah lead their disciples in a cortege of war. The buzz of static psalms chanted in synchronicity unites all in the stately eradication of the heretic and blasphemer.
At the start of the first battle round, select one of the following Benedictions of the Omnissiah to be active for CULT MECHANICUS units from your army until the end of the battle:
Amongst every congregation of Tech-Priests are masters of arcane knowledge - inspirational leaders of the cybernetic and the mechanical. TECH-PRIEST model only. The bearer has a Leadership characteristic of 6+ and, once per battle, at the start of any phase, you can select one friendly CULT MECHANICUS unit that is Battle-shocked and within 12" of the bearer. That unit is no longer Battle-shocked. |
The toughened weave of this hooded robe includes hypo-ceramic threads, thermoplastics and terranic polymers that create a holy shroud capable of resisting the infernos of plasma reactors. TECH-PRIEST model only. Each time an attack is allocated to the bearer, change the Damage characteristic of that attack to 1. |
Struck with an infoload of revelation, truly blessed Tech-Priests will override the sacred canticles to deliver the Machine God’s adaptive wisdom. TECH-PRIEST model only. Once per battle, at the start of your Command phase, you can select the Benediction of the Omnissiah you did not select at the start of the first battle round. Until the start of your next Command phase, that Benediction of the Omnissiah is active for the bearer’s unit in addition to the one that is currently active for your army. |
The Temporcopia is a relic from the Dark Age of Technology that releases a swarm of nano-engineered machines. These invisible devices seek out nearby prey, briefly draining electro-chemical potential before their power expires. Enemy warriors slow and stumble, at the mercy of the Tech-Priest’s bodyguard. TECH-PRIEST model only. The bearer’s unit has the Fights First ability. |
In their eternal quest for the acquisition of knowledge and technology, Tech-Priests require superhuman efforts from the troops under their command.
At the start of your Command phase, select one objective marker. Until the start of your next Command phase, that objective marker is your Acquisition objective marker. Each time an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model from your army makes an attack, if that model’s unit is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, or if the target of that attack is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, re-roll a Wound roll of 1.
Magi are masters of fiercely guarded knowledge, pursuing esoteric agendas at all costs. No risk is too great and no gambit too unwise in their ceaseless and predatory acquisition of ancient lore. TECH-PRIEST model only. At the end of your Command phase, if the bearer is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, roll one D6: on a 4+, you gain 1CP. |
Cyborg interfaces, genetic manipulation and alchemical behavioural modification are all avenues of interest to Genetors, and their enhanced creations are formidable in protecting their master’s divine work. TECH-PRIEST model only. While the bearer is leading a unit that is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, models in that unit have a 4+ invulnerable save. |
Data-vores and biocogitators, logi amass huge stores of information. They analyse data from thousands of sources, rationalising every weak point the foe has. It is a fool indeed that stands before a logi and their prize. TECH-PRIEST model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes an attack that targets a unit within range of your Acquisition objective marker, add 1 to the Hit roll. |
Artisans create wondrous artefacts of war. They install circuits of such beauty, and capacitor-nodes of such fine calibration, that their machine spirits respond with divine gratitude. TECH-PRIEST model only. While the bearer is leading a unit that is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, once per phase, you can change the result of one Hit roll, one Wound roll or one saving throw made for that unit to an unmodified 6. |
In advance of a Cohort Cyberneticas battles, the Legios most talented Datasmiths will feed dogmatic auto-scripture into the programming cores of their robotic charges, as well as oracular schematics and tactical hymnals that delineate the strategy to come. So blessed, the Cohorts robots add their own grinding chants of static to a systematic chorus of praise in the Omnissiah’s name.
LEGIO CYBERNETICA units from your army gain the Doctrina Imperatives army rule
The blessed healing of machinery is the sign of a true shepherd of the Omnissiah’s flock. TECH-PRIEST model only. Once per battle round, when a saving throw made for a friendly LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE model within 12" of the bearer is failed, the bearer can use this Enhancement. If they do, change the Damage characteristic of that attack to 0. |
An intense burst of viral static can overload those machine spirits yoked to the service of the enemy. TECH-PRIEST model only. Once per turn, at the start of your opponent’s Shooting phase, select one enemy VEHICLE unit within 12" of and visible to the bearer. That unit must take a Leadership test: if that test is passed, until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll; if that test is failed, that unit is not eligible to shoot this phase. |
With a mind unsullied by the passions common to the flesh, a Tech-Priest can entreat the machine spirit of a dying war engine to enact one final triumph. TECH-PRIEST model only. Once per turn, when a friendly LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE model with the Deadly Demise ability that is within 12" of the bearer is destroyed, the bearer can use this Enhancement. If it does, do not roll to determine whether any mortal wounds are inflicted as a result of that model’s Deadly Demise ability. Instead, mortal wounds are automatically inflicted. |
Feeding magneto-voltaic arcs and deadly frequencies into their weapons, the Tech-Priest is death incarnate to blasphemies against the Machine God. TECH-PRIEST model only. Ranged weapons equipped by the bearer have the [ANTI-VEHICLE 4+] ability. |
Tech-Priests often monitor their forces remotely, but those who lead battle clades take this intervention to an extreme, exerting even finer control over their thralls. Projecting fragments of their consciousness through the noospheric battle-sphere, they override the autonomy of their soldiery and inload tactical information, target coordinates and vector directives into cybernetic minds. Such assistance is gratefully received by the Machine God’s faithful, who feel blessed by the rush of divine wisdom and implanted knowledge.
Tech-Priests can override the will of their thralls and project martial data inloads into the minds of their warriors, blessing the soldiery with endless streams of precisely tailored binharic code.
In your Command phase, select one or more ADEPTUS MECHANICUS units from your army (including units that are embarked within TRANSPORTS). The maximum number of units you can select depends on the battle size, as follows:
Inloaded with advanced combat protocols, tactical hymnals and holy autoscripture, these doctrina wafers grant greater autonomy and destructive might to the constructs of the Legio Cybernetica. CYBERNETICA DATASMITH model only. When the bearer is attached to a KASTELAN ROBOTS unit, until the end of the battle, models in that unit have the Doctrina Imperatives ability and gain the HALO OVERRIDE keyword. This unit cannot be selected when selecting units as part of the Noospheric Transference Detachment rule. |
From afar, the guiding hand of the Omnissian priesthood allows this warrior to process streams of sensory input and encoded imperatives simultaneously. ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model only (excluding CYBERNETICA DATASMITH models). The Conqueror Imperative and Protector Imperative are both active for the bearer’s unit. |
The ammunition borne to battle by this disciple of the Machine God and those at their command has been subjected to ritual anointings and autosermonic blessings, lending it far greater stability. ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model only. Add 6" to the range characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in the bearer’s unit and, each time a Hazardous test is taken for that unit, you can re-roll the result. |
The ancient noospheric receptors implanted into this field commander enable them to receive constant streams of binharic kill code and static prayer chants, lending them greater strength and martial prowess. TECH-PRIEST DOMINUS or TECH-PRIEST MANIPULUS model only. Add 3 to the Attacks characteristic of the bearer’s melee weapons and add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the bearer’s melee weapons. |
In this section you’ll find additional rules for playing Crusade battles that are bespoke to ADEPTUS MECHANICUS units. You can find out more about Crusade armies in the main Crusade rules.
If your Crusade force includes any ADEPTUS MECHANICUS units, it can embark upon the search for rare technological fragments, then assemble these into artefacts of formidable power.
Electro-Fire Implants [ASSAULT, ANTI-INFANTRY 4+, TORRENT] | ||||||
Electro-Fire Implants [ASSAULT, ANTI-INFANTRY 4+, TORRENT] | 12" | D6+3 | 3+ | 4 | 0 | 1 |
Neural Jammer [DEVASTATING WOUNDS, PISTOL, PRECISION] | 18" | 4 | 3+ | 4 | -2 | 1 |
Nanoshard Projector [LETHAL HITS, PISTOL] | ||||||
Nanoshard Projector [LETHAL HITS, PISTOL] | 12" | 3 | 3+ | 5 | -1 | 2 |
Arc Annulus [ANTI-VEHICLE 3+, PISTOL] | ||||||
Arc Annulus [ANTI-VEHICLE 3+, PISTOL] | 12" | 2 | 3+ | 7 | -1 | 2 |
Electro-Fused Vambraces [PISTOL, SUSTAINED HITS 2] | ||||||
Electro-Fused Vambraces [PISTOL, SUSTAINED HITS 2] | 12" | 6 | 3+ | 3 | -1 | 1 |
Digital Cannon | ||||||
Digital Cannon | 24" | 2 | 3+ | 6 | -1 | 3 |
Legends of technological artefacts have been passed from one forge world to another. These devices must be found; sacrifices to acquire such knowledge are a small price to pay.
This device is an incorporeal vortex of encoded data that has haunted many repositories. The swirl of ancient logic is said to be a manifestation of the Machine God's spite, for myths portray its attendant machine spirits as viciously cursing the rival spirits of enemy engines.
According to the ravings of Magos Revka this terrifying weapon from the Dark Age of Technology unleashes nothing less than an echo of the Machine God’s own voice in an utterance not meant for the ears of mortals.
The bearer gains the following weapon for the battle:RANGED WEAPONS | RANGE | A | BS | S | AP | D |
Syntaxik Charger [ANTI-INFANTRY 2+, DEVASTATING WOUNDS, ONE SHOT, SONIC DEVASTATION] | 24" | 8 | 3+ | 3 | 0 | 1 |
Little is known of this masterpiece of divinatory metrology, depicted carried by hieromartyrs of dozens of forge worlds throughout the millennia. This holy scanner is believed to be able to resonate when the bearer's most desired acquisition is nearby.
Efficiency and the rigid application of cause and effect are valued highly by the Tech-Priests - few other metrics of success are relevant.
The greater the enemy’s mechanical giants, the greater their misuse of the Omnissiah’s gifts. The monstrosity must be purged in order to discover its secrets. Where there was once purity, the spark of life can yet be returned. Where there was only corruption, no part can be allowed to survive.
The Omnissiah is all-seeing and all-knowing. Even in this forsaken place, those who vow to slay the unbelievers to the sonorous static-psalms demanded by doctrine may be granted divine inspiration.
Rumour and binharic whispers have led to this place, with the promise of an unplundered archeocrypt or the buried remnants of an ancient war. For those with the fortitude to break the seals on such an ancient repository, the rewards could be great indeed.
After isolated periods of prayer to the Machine God, some Tech-Priests have declared themselves struck by new knowledge, reverently dismantling and then recombining ancient technology into new forms.
The process of mechanical creation is a holy act undertaken with choirs of droning servitors, scores of chanting priests, sacred oils poured from bronze ewers, candles made from the bilge grime of revered ships and finally the Canticle of Humble Obeisance broadcast in Novabyte before a cell of the Motive Force is presented. Such, at least, is the process in one forge temple among thousands.
Tech-Priests are loath to risk the most precious and storied artefacts of Humanity's past in the fires of war without intensive and ostentatious rituals of preservation. The benediction of the Omnissiah is invoked in incense-fogged rites that ring to choruses of binharic praise, as his guardianship is sought.
Tech-Priests have no hesitation in ruthlessly altering the neural cogitation of their cybernetic soldiers and thrall constructs to better serve their whims. The most aggressive disciples will alter their own synapses to suit the needs of the Omnissiah or their own ambitions.
This lord of mechanisms is able to heal catastrophic damage done to servile war engines, even to entreat fading machine spirits back from the brink of extinction.
By hypercharging the very air around threatening foes, the Tech-Priest can scorch flesh and fry nerve ganglia.
The most talented Tech-Priests have honed their acquisitive skills through extreme self-augmentation.
This Tech-Priest maintains a sub-cranial node via which they suppress self-determinative instincts in their servants.
With a mechanical voice raised in exaltation, this zealot rouses loyal machine spirits to unleash a multi-spectral fanfare o f sensor-clouding static.
With an empyrically shielded device, this Tech-Priest can whisk their servants away in a teleportation flare.
Cyborgised soldiery that repeatedly prove their great worth to their masters may be gifted with an embedded suite of refractor field nodes to prolong their service.
The most experienced Skitarii Marshals can perform incredible feats of tactical and strategic excellence, a trait reinforced by their masters with further augmetics.
Implanted with a variety of hidden combat augmetics and force-loaded with the skills to employ them, this Skitarius righteously executes the Omnissiah's foes.
These Skitarii are veteran soldiers of the Machine God, and granted a number of enhanced augmentations.
With a single broadcast signal, the masters of these Skitarii activate reinforced servos, additional fibre bundles and flood their altered brains with stimulants.
With turbopiston enhancement and a zealous devotion to the Machine God, these warriors tirelessly close the distance to their masters' priority acquisitions.
Reverently cleansed before every activation by a cabal of Enginseers dedicated solely to its well-being, this machine's engine thrums with sacred efficiency.
The machine spirits of this war engine's many systems are hailed as a focused cohort in their own right.
The indomitable animus at the heart of this vehicle is praised for its refusal to yield.
Plugged into the devotee’s brain matter, additional cogitation engines allow for a measure of mental control over nearby servants.
Once per battle round, while the bearer is leading a unit, you can target that unit with the Fire Overwatch Stratagem for 0CP and can do so even if you have already targeted a different unit with that Stratagem this phase.Embedded in the zealot’s chest cavity, this fist-sized galvanic cell pulses with rhythmic power, radiating its pounding vitality.
While the bearer is leading a unit, add 1 to Advance and Charge rolls made for that unit.Among the verbose tracts on martial dogma penned by the Secutors of Mars, the name Trantium-01 is appended in micro-scriptum to treatise after treatise. Before expiration, the venerable Marshal was hailed by Mars as a Skitarius Exemplar and - in death - was refashioned into a servo-skull; a singular honour for the usually disposable Skitarii.
SKITARII model only. At the start of the battle, select one enemy unit. Each time a model in the bearer’s unit makes an attack that targets that enemy unit, re-roll a Hit roll of 1 and re-roll a Wound roll of 1.This rod’s runic tip can impart blessed energy to anything metallic that the wielder strikes. Cyborgs and engines so struck will stitch themselves back together, as if repaired by the Technoarcheologist.
Once per battle, when a different friendly ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model within 6" of the bearer is destroyed, you can roll one D6 at the end of the phase instead of triggering any rules that are triggered when a model is destroyed (e.g. Deadly Demise). On a 3+, set that model back up on the battlefield as close as possible to where it was destroyed and not within Engagement Range of any enemy models, with up to 6 wounds remaining (this cannot allow a model to return with more wounds than its Wounds characteristic).Your devoted maniples of augmented soldiery and sacred war machines have proven worthy crusaders in the Quest for Knowledge. With each victory in the name of the Machine God, stratum of time and mystery have been peeled back, laid bare beneath the glare of the Omnissiah's gaze. Your force's ruling Tech-Priests have unearthed incredible artefacts from Humanity1 past, ensuring they take their rightful place in their possession. But with every discovery are tantalising clues to greater prizes. Knowledge knows no limits.
In your holy quest, you have expanded the influence of your forge world in an exponential cascade of fervour. You have wrested lost technologies from selfish armies of heretics, sundered enemy bastions occupying sites of ancient lore and purged xenos forces from glittering seams of resources destined to fuel your crusade. Every achievement won through cold logic and fanatical faith, and every treasured mechanism salvaged from the dead hands of ignorant foes, exposes new veins of opportunity to exploit.
The weak flesh of the enemy greases the cogs of war that grind inexorably onwards. Your cohorts and macroclades of cyborg warriors, augmented assassins and hulking war engines are an industrial war machine, capable of pulverising all opposition at your binharic directive. You are a savant of the Machine God’s mysteries, a vessel for the Omnissiah’s benevolence and a living lightning rod of the Motive Force’s animus!
When precious technoreliquaries must be protected or rare archeotech seized in shipboard battles, Tech-Priests quickly cast aside whatever restraint they may have had. Lesser underlings are expended without a care and perilous technologies unleashed in the quest for higher knowledge.
These specialised datapsalmic subroutines draw upon combat data harvested from countless battles amidst the close confines of voidships and bunker complexes.
Units from your army with the Doctrina Imperatives ability replace that ability with this one.In extremis, Tech-Magi will commit the lesser sin of goading lower-order machine spirits to devastating madness in order to protect greater prizes.
Each time an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army is selected to shoot, it can use this ability. If it does, until the end of the phase, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit by 1 and those weapons have the [HAzARDOUS] ability.Remote Lockdown The Tech-Priest noospherically harmonises with the machine spirit of a nearby hatchway and seeks to render it stubbornly uncompliant to the foe. Once per battle round, when an enemy unit attempts to operate a Hatchway, if that Hatchway is within 9" of and visible to the bearer, it can use this Enhancement. If it does, it can attempt to prevent that unit from operating that Hatchway as if the bearer was within 1" of that Hatchway. |
Multi-dimensional Auspex No physical barrier can deny the omniscient datasight of the Omnissiah and its blessed servants. Once per battle, in your Shooting phase, when the bearer is selected to shoot, it can use this Enhancement. If it does, until the end of the phase, it can ignore Walls and closed Hatchways for the purposes of determining visibility, and the Range characteristic of ranged weapons it is equipped with is changed to 6". |
Just as white blood cells will defend a Human body, so the clades of Skitarii embedded on Adeptus Mechanicus vessels respond with systematic aggression to enemy intrusions. Once their own ship is secure, they are capable of counterboarding operations to destroy the threat at its source.
These specialised datapsalmic subroutines draw upon combat data harvested from countless battles amidst the close confines of voidships and bunker complexes.
Units from your army with the Doctrina Imperatives ability replace that ability with this one.Triangulating via their fellow squads and any compliant shipboard augurs, the Skitarii hone their targeting data and overlap fields of fire.
At the start of the battle round, select either melee attacks or ranged attacks. Until the end of the battle round, each time a SKITARII model from your army makes an attack of the selected type, re-roll a Hit roll of l.Admonissor Shunt Senior Skitarii officers can be augmented with cybernetic override emitters that release protocol blurts to force compliance from their footsoldiers. Once per battle, at the start of any phase, if the bearer is on the battlefield, you can select one friendly SKITARII unit that is Battle-shocked. That unit is no longer Battle-shocked. |
Optimised Cogitators Skitarii Marshals of shipboard clades often share partial data-symbiosis with the master cogitators of the ship they serve on. This allows them to defend their vessel with nigh-instinctive strategic insight. Once per battle round, when you target the bearer with a Stratagem, that use of that Stratagem costs 1 less CP than normal. |
The voidships of the Adeptus Mechanicus are as much spacegoing temples to the Omnissiah as they are floating forges or esoteric warships. The teeming tech-clergy aboard such ships form zealous armies in their own right, responding with fanatical aggression to any foe.
These specialised datapsalmic subroutines draw upon combat data harvested from countless battles amidst the close confines of voidships and bunker complexes.
Units from your army with the Doctrina Imperatives ability replace that ability with this one.Chanting avidly in blaring binharic, the servants of the Omnissiah surge into battle as though possessed by wrathful datagheists.
Add 1 to Advance rolls, Charge rolls and Battle-shock tests taken for TECH-PRIEST and ELECTRO-PRIESTS units from your army.Beseech the Machine Spirits With acts of electroflagellation, the faithful seek the aid of the vessels systems. At the end of the Move Units step of your Movement phase, the bearer can attempt to operate a Hatchway that is visible to and within 9" of it, instead of one within 1". When doing so, if your opponent attempts to prevent it, add the bearers Toughness characteristic to your result of the roll-off, instead of that of a friendly model within 1" of that Hatchway. |
Harmonic Discordator Voices cyber-modulated to hideously unsettling pitches, the faithful of the Omnissiah weaponise their hymnals. In the Battle-shock step of your opponents Command phase, if an enemy unit that is below its Starting Strength is within 3" of the bearer, that unit must take a Battle-shock test. If that enemy unit is also Below Half-strength, subtract 1 from that test. This Enhancement cannot cause a unit to take two Battle-shock tests in the same phase. |
The LEGIO CYBERNETICA keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Some weapons are designed to root enemy formations out of entrenched positions.
Weapons with [IGNORES COVER] in their profile are known as Ignores Cover weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, the target cannot have the Benefit of Cover against that attack.Heavy weapons are amongst the biggest guns on the battlefield, but require bracing to fire at full effect and are unwieldy to bring to bear at close quarters.
Weapons with [HEAVY] in their profile are known as Heavy weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if the attacking model’s unit Remained Stationary this turn, add 1 to that attack’s Hit roll.The BATTLELINE keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Protector Imperative
The CHARACTER keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Assault weapons fire so indiscriminately that they can be shot from the hip as warriors dash forward.
Weapons with [ASSAULT] in their profile are known as Assault weapons. If a unit that Advanced this turn contains any models equipped with Assault weapons, it is still eligible to shoot in this turn’s Shooting phase. When such a unit is selected to shoot, you can only resolve attacks using Assault weapons its models are equipped with.Weapons powered by unstable and dangerous energy sources pose a substantial risk to the wielder every time they are used.
Weapons with [HAZARDOUS] in their profile are known as Hazardous weapons. Each time a unit is selected to shoot or fight, after that unit has resolved all of its attacks, for each Hazardous weapon that targets were selected for when resolving those attacks, that unit must take one Hazardous test. To do so, roll one D6: on a 1, that test is failed. For each failed test you must resolve the following sequence (resolve each failed test one at a time):Some attacks are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury.
Some rules inflict mortal wounds on units. Each time mortal wounds are inflicted on a unit, each of those mortal wounds inflicts one point of damage to that unit, and they are always applied one at a time. Each mortal wound is allocated to a model in the same manner as allocating an attack. Excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost if the damage can be allocated to another model. Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.Whether as a result of natural phenomena, apocalyptic internecine strife or calamitous accidents, many forge worlds are heavily irradiated. When holy wars of requisition are unleashed, the Tech-Priests think nothing of turning this invisible curse upon their foes, bombarding the battlefield with deadly radiation prior to an assault.
Some warriors are masters of disguise and concealment.
If every model in a unit has this ability, then each time a ranged attack is made against it, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll.Some weapons strike in a flurry of blows, tearing the foe apart with relentless ferocity.
Weapons with [SUSTAINED HITS X] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if a Critical Hit is rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’.Certain weapons are the bane of a particular foe.
Weapons with [ANTI-KEYWORD X+] in their profile are known as Anti weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon against a target with the keyword after the word ‘Anti-’, an unmodified Wound roll of ‘x+’ scores a Critical Wound.The VEHICLE keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The SKITARII keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The TECH-PRIEST keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Some weapons can inflict fatal injuries on any foe, no matter their resilience.
Weapons with [LETHAL HITS] in their profile are known as Lethal Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, a Critical Hit automatically wounds the target.Whether shielded by force fields, enveloped in mystical energies or simply possessed of preternatural senses and lightning-fast reflexes, some warriors are protected by more than mere physical armour.
Some models have an invulnerable save listed on their datasheet. Each time an attack is allocated to a model with an invulnerable save, the controlling player must choose to use either that model’s Save characteristic or its invulnerable save, but not both. If a model has more than one invulnerable save, it can only use one of them – choose which it will use.The SKITARII and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The SKITARII and MOUNTED keywords are used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The SICARIAN keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Shattered ruins and twisted wreckage afford much-needed shelter from enemy salvoes. Even heavily armoured warriors unfazed by small arms fire are thankful for such cover when foes bring their biggest guns to bear.
Models can sometimes gain a measure of protection from terrain features. The rules below detail the conditions under which a terrain feature confers the Benefit of Cover on a model.Conqueror Imperative
Many armies employ reconnaissance units who can sit concealed, waiting for the right moment to strike.
During deployment, if every model in a unit has this ability, then when you set it up, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from the enemy deployment zone and all enemy models.Scouts form the vanguard of many armies. Unnoticed by the enemy, they range ahead of the main force.
Some units have ‘Scouts x"’ listed in their abilities. If every model in a unit has this ability, then at the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins, it can make a Normal move of up to x", with the exception that, while making that move, the distance moved by each model in that unit can be greater than that model's Move characteristic, as long as it is not greater than x".The PTERAXII keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The SYDONIAN keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Some warriors refuse to be laid low, even by what should be fatal wounds.
Some models have ‘Feel No Pain x+’ listed in their abilities. Each time a model with this ability suffers damage and so would lose a wound (including wounds lost due to mortal wounds), roll one D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the number denoted by ‘x’, that wound is ignored and is not lost. If a model has more than one Feel No Pain ability, you can only use one of those abilities each time that model suffers damage and so would lose a wound.The CULT MECHANICUS keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The datasheets using TECH-PRIEST keyword can be found in the following Factions:
Imperium: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Knights.The TECH-PRIEST keyword is used in the following datasheets:
Some warriors attack with blinding speed, landing their blows before their foes can react.
Units with this ability that are eligible to fight do so in the Fights First step, provided every model in the unit has this ability.The ELECTRO-PRIESTS keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The SMOKE keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Some transports have firing hatches, ports or platforms from which embarked passengers can shoot.
Some TRANSPORT models have ‘Firing Deck x’ listed in their abilities. Each time such a model is selected to shoot in the Shooting phase, you can select up to ‘x’ models embarked within it whose units have not already shot this phase. Then, for each of those embarked models, you can select one ranged weapon that embarked model is equipped with (excluding weapons with the [ONE SHOT] ability). Until that TRANSPORT model has resolved all of its attacks, it counts as being equipped with all of the weapons you selected in this way, in addition to its other weapons. Until the end of the phase, those selected models’ units are not eligible to shoot.An Adeptus Mechanicus army marching to war is a sight both terrifying and glorious, each holy warrior a disturbing fusion of Human and machine. While the ruling Tech-Priests and their fanatical followers raise modified voices in praise of the Machine God, their Skitarii soldiery and Servitor creations are controlled by doctrina imperatives loaded by their masters to augment and adapt the warriors’ abilities.
At the start of the battle round, you can select one of the Doctrina Imperatives below. Until the end of the battle round, that Doctrina Imperative is active for your army, and all units from your army that have the Doctrina Imperatives ability gain the relevant abilities shown below.Protector Imperative
Conqueror Imperative
From detonating ammo stores to corrosive innards or frenzied death throes, some targets are deadly even in defeat.
Some models have ‘Deadly Demise x’ listed in their abilities. When such a model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play (if such a model is a TRANSPORT, roll before any embarked models disembark). On a 6, each unit within 6" of that model suffers a number of mortal wounds denoted by ‘x’ (if this is a random number, roll separately for each unit within 6").Tech-Priests can override the will of their thralls and project martial data inloads into the minds of their warriors, blessing the soldiery with endless streams of precisely tailored binharic code.
In your Command phase, select one or more units from your army (including units that are embarked within TRANSPORTS). The maximum number of units you can select depends on the battle size, as follows:
The KATAPHRON keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The EPIC HERO keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Torrent weapons shoot clouds of fire, gas or other lethal substances that few foes can hope to evade.
Weapons with [TORRENT] in their profile are known as Torrent weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, that attack automatically hits the target.Pistols can be wielded even at point-blank range.
Weapons with [PISTOL] in their profile are known as Pistols. If a unit contains any models equipped with Pistols, that unit is eligible to shoot in its controlling player’s Shooting phase even while it is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units. When such a unit is selected to shoot, it can only resolve attacks using its Pistols and can only target one of the enemy units it is within Engagement Range of. In such circumstances, a Pistol can target an enemy unit even if other friendly units are within Engagement Range of the same enemy unit.Precision attacks can pick high-value targets out in a crowd, whether through the unerring aim of a sniper or the pinpoint accuracy of a blade-master’s strike.
Weapons with [PRECISION] in their profile are known as Precision weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon successfully wounds an Attached unit (see Leader ability), if a CHARACTER model in that unit is visible to the attacking model, the attacking model’s player can choose to have that attack allocated to that CHARACTER model instead of following the normal attack sequence.Many warriors thunder headlong into combat, using the impetus of their charge to bring swift death to their foes.
Each time a unit makes a Charge move, until the end of the turn, that unit has the Fights First ability.Tech-Priests are loath to risk the most precious and storied artefacts of Humanity's past in the fires of war without intensive and ostentatious rituals of preservation. The benediction of the Omnissiah is invoked in incense-fogged rites that ring to choruses of binharic praise, as his guardianship is sought.
The INFANTRY keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, high-altitude descent or other extraordinary means that allow them to appear suddenly in the thick of the fighting.
During the Declare Battle Formations step, if every model in a unit has this ability, you can set it up in Reserves instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability.The SKITARII and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets:
The MOUNTED keyword is used in the following Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets: