
The Aeldari once ruled the galaxy, before their civilisation collapsed under the weight of their hedonism. Now they are a dying and fractured race, their differing factions all finding ways to survive in a galaxy where their extinction seems inevitable. All members of Aeldari society depend on the power of their seers, the skills of their warriors, and the technological superiority of their sleek weapons and engines of war.


BookKindEditionVersionLast update
  AeldariIndex10June 2024
  Munitorum Field Manual
  Munitorum Field ManualExpansion101.11June 2024
  Balance Dataslate
  Balance DataslateRulebook10June 2024June 2024
  Legends Field Manual
  Legends Field ManualExpansion101.6June 2024
  Imperial Armour: Aeldari
  Imperial Armour: AeldariDatasheet10January 2024
  Legends: Aeldari
  Legends: AeldariDatasheet10July 2023


Index: Aeldari

Q:Can a Fate dice be used as part of a re-roll?
Q:Does ELDRAD ULTHRAN’s Diviner of Futures ability mean when you re-roll a Strands of Fate roll, the nine D6 become eight D6, then seven D6, etc.?
Q:If I re-roll a roll that used a Fate dice, do I get to use that Fate dice in the re-roll (e.g. when re-rolling a Charge roll)?
No. Any contributed Fate dice are lost if re-rolled.
Q:While YVRAINE is attached to a unit of KABALITE WARRIORS, can that unit embark within a DRUKHARI TRANSPORT?
Q:While a SPIRITSEER is attached to a WRAITHLORD, does that unit have the INFANTRY keyword?
Q:Which of these two rules happens first: Consolidate or the War Construct ability?
Both happen after the unit has finished making its attacks. The player whose turn it is determines the sequencing.
Q:When using THE YNCARNE’s Inevitable Death ability, is it restricted by abilities that prevent Reserves from being set up within a certain range (e.g. Space Marine Infiltrators’ Omni-scramblers)?
Yes. However, THE YNCARNE can still be set up as close as possible to where the destroyed model was (see ‘Repositioned Units’ in the Rules Commentary).

Army Rules

Strands of Fate

The Aeldari live on the brink of extinction. As such, their Farseers have become adept at reading future events, seeing the many strands of fate ahead of their people and the consequences of following each one. Taken at the right time, a simple action can avoid calamitous outcomes, aiding the Aeldari in their continued struggle for survival.

If your Army Faction is AELDARI, at the start of the battle, make a Strands of Fate roll by rolling six D6.

If you wish, you can then re-roll all of these dice, but if you do, roll one less D6. You can continue re-rolling all of the dice in this manner, rolling one less D6 each time you do, until you are satisfied with the results rolled (or until you only have a single D6 remaining).

When you are satisfied with the results rolled, those remaining dice become your Fate dice for the battle. These results cannot be changed or re-rolled further, unless a rule specifically states otherwise. Keep your Fate dice to one side – this is your Fate dice pool.

Once per phase, before making a dice roll for a model or unit from your army with the Strands of Fate ability, if you have one or more dice in your Fate dice pool, you can use one of those Fate dice. To do so, select one of those Fate dice to substitute that dice roll. The dice that is being substituted is not rolled; instead, the value of the selected Fate dice is used as if it had been rolled (this counts as an unmodified dice roll of that value for all rules purposes). Each Fate dice can only be used in this way once. After using a Fate dice, remove it from your Fate dice pool and roll all remaining dice that are part of that dice roll (if any). You can use Fate dice for any of the following types of dice roll:
  • Advance roll
  • Battle-shock test
  • Charge roll
  • Damage roll
  • Hit roll
  • Saving throw
  • Wound roll

Battle Host

Detachment Rule

If your Army Faction is AELDARI, you can use this Battle Host Detachment rule.

Unparalleled Foresight

When the Aeldari take to the battlefield, any who oppose them are left confounded by their grace, elegance and martial skill. Where lesser beings would falter, the Aeldari move with a surety of purpose that can only be perceived as preordained.

Each time an AELDARI unit from your army is selected to shoot or fight, you can re-roll one Hit roll and you can re-roll one Wound roll when resolving those attacks.

Corsairs and Travelling Players

The Dark City is frequented by ruthless mercenaries and nomadic warriors from other strands of the ancient race. Troupes of Harlequins and piratical bands of Corsairs accompany many Drukhari raids, free from constrictive paths to pursue profits and fated agendas across the galaxy.

If your Army Faction is DRUKHARI, you can include HARLEQUINS and ANHRATHE units in your army, even though they do not have the DRUKHARI Faction keyword. The combined points value of HARLEQUINS and/or ANHRATHE units you can include in your army depends on the battle size, as follows:
  • Incursion: Up to 250 pts
  • Strike Force: Up to 500 pts
  • Onslaught: Up to 750 pts
No HARLEQUINS or ANHRATHE models included in your army in this way can be your WARLORD, and they cannot be given Enhancements.


Yvraine is a divider as much as a unifier amongst the Aeldari race, drawing both hatred and admiration. To some once-allies she and her ideals have become an immovable rift, yet between some once-enemies her influence has sewn bonds of fellowship once thought impossible.

If your Army Faction is AELDARI and your WARLORD is YVRAINE, you can include DRUKHARI units in your army, even though they do not have the AELDARI Faction keyword. The combined points value of such units you can include in your army depends on the battle size, as follows:
  • Incursion: Up to 500 pts
  • Strike Force: Up to 1000 pts
  • Onslaught: Up to 1500 pts
No DRUKHARI models included in your army in this way can be given Enhancements. You cannot include units with any of the following keywords in your army using these rules: PHOENIX LORDS; AVATAR OF KHAINE; SOLITAIRE; HAEMONCULUS COVENS.


If you are using the Battle Host Detachment rule, you can use these Battle Host Stratagems.

Battle Host – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The well-trained Aeldari are able to lay down a hail of fire from their weapons, their superior reflexes allowing them to track even the most sudden movement and place every shot perfectly.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One AELDARI unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes an attack, on a Critical Wound, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 2.
Battle Host – Battle Tactic Stratagem
The Aeldari can process battlefield events at baffling speed, making their physical reactions so fast that they are able to dodge attacks that would hit any other target.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets.

TARGET: One AELDARI unit from your army (excluding WRAITH CONSTRUCT units) that was selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time an attack targets your unit, subtract 1 from the Hit roll.
Battle Host – Battle Tactic Stratagem
Grace in battle and merciless efficiency are prized virtues in craftworld armies. Like the shimmering blades of Khaine, the Asuryani carve through the ranks of their enemies.
WHEN: Your Movement phase.

TARGET: One AELDARI unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase.

EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, if your unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll for it. Instead, until the end of the phase, add 6" to the Move characteristic of models in your unit.
Battle Host – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The Aeldari are masters of misdirection, and they employ holo-emitters and psychic phantasms to fool enemy scouts.
WHEN: End of your opponent’s Movement phase.

TARGET: One AELDARI INFANTRY unit from your army.

EFFECT: Your unit can make a Normal move of up to D6". It cannot embark within a TRANSPORT at the end of this move.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot select a unit within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, and until the end of the turn, you cannot target that unit with the Heroic Intervention Stratagem.
Battle Host – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The Aeldari are forever elusive, and their actions are unpredictable and deceptive. What appears to be a full retreat one moment is revealed as the prelude to a devastating attack the next.
WHEN: Your Movement phase, just after an AELDARI unit from your army makes a Fall Back move.


EFFECT: Your unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge this turn even though it Fell Back.
Battle Host – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
The Aeldari are masters of hit-and-run tactics, engaging a target with a flurry of shots before quickly manoeuvring into cover or out of sight.
WHEN: End of your Shooting phase.

TARGET: One AELDARI unit from your army.

EFFECT: Your unit can make a Normal move. It cannot embark within a TRANSPORT at the end of this move.

RESTRICTIONS: You cannot select an AIRCRAFT unit or a unit within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, and until the end of the turn, the unit you selected is not eligible to declare a charge.


If you are using the Battle Host Detachment rule, you can use these Battle Host Enhancements.

  • The Phoenix Gem 35 pts

At the height of the War in Heaven, Isha drew down the heat of a hundred stars into a glittering gem to save Asuryan. It is said that the Phoenix Gem is the only surviving fragment of this ancient stone, and still retains the power to return life to the fallen.

AELDARI model only. The first time the bearer is destroyed, roll one D6: on a 2+, keep it to one side. At the end of the phase, set the bearer back up again, as close as possible to its previous position and not within Engagement Range of any enemy models, with its full wounds remaining.

  • The Weeping Stones 15 pts

Carved from psychoactive rubies, these runic stones resemble the beads of blood that drip from the hand of Khaine. In battle, these stones rearrange themselves, revealing elements of the future.

AELDARI model only. Each time the bearer’s unit destroys an enemy unit, roll one D6 and add it to your Fate dice pool displaying the result you just rolled.

  • Reader of the Runes 20 pts

Using their prescience to discern the enemy commander’s intentions, this psyker can react before the foe’s plans even come into action.

AELDARI PSYKER model only. In your Command phase, you can select one dice in your Fate dice pool, re-roll it, then add it back to your Fate dice pool displaying the result you just rolled.

  • Fate’s Messenger 15 pts

The strands of fate coil and twist around this warrior, the paths of destiny manipulated to keep them from harm so that they might strike back at their foes.

AELDARI model only. Once per turn, just after making a Hit roll, a Wound roll or a saving throw for the bearer, you can treat the result as an unmodified roll of 6 instead.

Strands of Fate

The Aeldari live on the brink of extinction. As such, their Farseers have become adept at reading future events, seeing the many strands of fate ahead of their people and the consequences of following each one. Taken at the right time, a simple action can avoid calamitous outcomes, aiding the Aeldari in their continued struggle for survival.

If your Army Faction is AELDARI, at the start of the battle, make a Strands of Fate roll by rolling six D6.

If you wish, you can then re-roll all of these dice, but if you do, roll one less D6. You can continue re-rolling all of the dice in this manner, rolling one less D6 each time you do, until you are satisfied with the results rolled (or until you only have a single D6 remaining).

When you are satisfied with the results rolled, those remaining dice become your Fate dice for the battle. These results cannot be changed or re-rolled further, unless a rule specifically states otherwise. Keep your Fate dice to one side – this is your Fate dice pool.

Once per phase, before making a dice roll for a model or unit from your army with the Strands of Fate ability, if you have one or more dice in your Fate dice pool, you can use one of those Fate dice. To do so, select one of those Fate dice to substitute that dice roll. The dice that is being substituted is not rolled; instead, the value of the selected Fate dice is used as if it had been rolled (this counts as an unmodified dice roll of that value for all rules purposes). Each Fate dice can only be used in this way once. After using a Fate dice, remove it from your Fate dice pool and roll all remaining dice that are part of that dice roll (if any). You can use Fate dice for any of the following types of dice roll:
Charging with a Unit
Once you have selected an eligible unit to declare a charge, you must select one or more enemy units within 12" of it as the targets of that charge. The targets of a charge do not need to be visible to the charging unit.

You then make a Charge roll for the charging unit by rolling 2D6. The result is the maximum number of inches each model in that unit can be moved if a Charge move is possible. For a Charge move to be possible, the Charge roll must be sufficient to enable the charging unit to end that move:
  • Within Engagement Range of every unit that you selected as a target of the charge.
  • Without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of the charge.
  • In Unit Coherency.
If any of these conditions cannot be met, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Otherwise, the charge is successful and the models in the charging unit make a Charge move – move each model a distance in inches up to the result of the Charge roll. When doing so, each model in the charging unit must end its Charge move closer to one of the units selected as a target of its charge. If you can also move a charging model so that it ends its Charge move in base-to-base contact with one or more enemy models while still enabling the charging unit to end its move satisfying all of the conditions above, you must do so. The controlling player chooses the order in which to move their models.

  • Charge Roll: 2D6".
  • Targets of a charge must be within 12" but do not need to be visible.
  • If the distance rolled is insufficient to move within Engagement Range of all targets while maintaining Unit Coherency, the charge fails.
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any unit that was not a target of the charge.
  • If the charge is successful, each model makes a Charge move less than or equal to the Charge roll, and must move into base-to-base contact with an enemy model if possible.
Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, which means you get to roll some or all of the dice again. If a rule allows you to re-roll a dice roll that was made by adding several dice together (e.g. 2D6, 3D6, etc.) then, unless otherwise stated, you must re-roll all of those dice again.

You can never re-roll a dice more than once, and re-rolls happen before modifiers (if any) are applied. Rules that refer to the value of an ‘unmodified’ dice roll are referring to the dice result after any re-rolls, but before any modifiers are applied.

  • Unmodified Dice: the result after re-rolls, but before any modifiers.
  • A dice can never be re-rolled more than once.
  • You must re-roll all dice if several need adding together (e.g. 2D6).
  • Re-rolls are applied before any modifiers.
Attached Units
Some CHARACTER units have the Leader ability, which lets them merge with other units (known as Bodyguard units) to form an Attached unit.

The Starting Strength of an Attached unit is equal to the combined Starting Strengths of all of its units (i.e. the number of models in the Leader unit added to the number of models in the Bodyguard unit). If either the Leader unit or the Bodyguard unit in an Attached unit is destroyed, the Starting Strength of the remaining unit is changed to be equal to its original Starting Strength.

Example: A Primaris Captain (Starting Strength 1) is attached to a unit of Intercessors (Starting Strength 5). This Attached unit has a Starting Strength of 6. If all the Intercessors are destroyed, the remaining Primaris Captain would revert to having a Starting Strength of 1.

For the purposes of rules that are triggered when a unit is destroyed, such rules are still triggered when one of the individual units that made up an Attached unit is destroyed (the Leader or the Bodyguard unit).

Example: If a rule awards you with 1VP each time an enemy unit is destroyed, and you target an Attached unit, you would gain 1VP if the Bodyguard unit is destroyed and 1VP if the Leader unit is destroyed (for a total of 2VP).
If a unit makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, and every model in that unit ends that move within 3" of a friendly TRANSPORT model, they can embark within it. A unit cannot embark if it has already disembarked from a TRANSPORT model in the same phase. Remove the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side – it is now embarked within that TRANSPORT model. Unless otherwise stated, units cannot do anything or be affected in any way while they are embarked.

  • A unit can embark within a friendly TRANSPORT if all of its models end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within 3" of that TRANSPORT.
  • A unit cannot embark and disembark in the same phase.

The DRUKHARI and TRANSPORT keywords are used in the following Drukhari datasheets:

Dedicated Transports
After a unit has finished making all of its melee attacks, it Consolidates. Each time a unit Consolidates, you can move each model in that unit that is not already in base-to-base contact with an enemy model up to 3" – this is a Consolidation move. For a Consolidation to be possible, a unit must be able to end these moves within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units and in Unit Coherency. If these conditions cannot be met, then each model in that unit can instead make a Consolidation move towards the closest objective marker, but only if, after doing so, that unit is within range of that objective marker and in Unit Coherency. If these conditions also cannot be met, no models in the unit can make Consolidation moves this phase and that unit’s fight ends.

If a unit can end its Consolidation within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, then each time one of its models makes a Consolidation move, it must end that move closer to the closest enemy model. If it can also end that move in base-to-base contact with one or more enemy models while still satisfying all of the conditions above, it must do so. The controlling player chooses the order in which to move their models.

  • Consolidation Move: Up to 3".
  • Every model that moves must end closer to the closest enemy model, and in base-to-base contact with an enemy model if possible. The unit must end in Unit Coherency and within Engagement Range of at least one enemy unit if possible.
  • If the above is not possible, each model can move towards the closest objective marker, but this must result in the unit being within range of it and in Unit Coherency.
  • If the above is also not possible, no models can Consolidate.
Throughout a battle, models will suffer damage and be destroyed. When a model is destroyed, it is removed from the battlefield. When every model in a unit has been destroyed, that unit is destroyed.
Advance Moves
When a unit Advances, make an Advance roll for that unit by rolling one D6. Add the result in inches to the Move characteristic of each model in that unit until the end of the phase. Each model in that unit can then make an Advance move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to this total, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models. A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Advanced.

  • Advance Move: Models move up to M+D6".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
  • Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn.
2. Battle-shock
In this step, you must take a Battle-shock test for each of your units on the battlefield that is Below Half-strength. To do so, roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the best Leadership characteristic in that unit, the test is passed; otherwise, the test is failed and, until the start of your next Command phase, that unit is Battle-shocked.

While a unit is Battle-shocked:

Once you have taken Battle-shock tests for all of your units that require them, your Command phase ends and you progress to your Movement phase.

In this step, if for any reason a unit is forced to take a Battle-shock test for being below its Starting Strength, unless otherwise stated, that unit does not also have to take a Battle-shock test for being Below Half-strength. While a unit is Battle-shocked, all models in that unit are also Battle-shocked.

  • Take a Battle-shock test for each unit from your army on the battlefield that is Below Half-strength.
  • Roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the unit’s Leadership, the test is passed. Otherwise, the unit is Battle-shocked until the start of your next Command phase.
  • Battle-shocked units have an OC of 0 and their controlling player cannot use Stratagems to affect them.
  • Battle-shocked units must take Desperate Escape tests if they Fall Back.
Hit Roll
When a model makes an attack, make one Hit roll for that attack by rolling one D6. If the result of the Hit roll is greater than or equal to the attack’s Ballistic Skill (BS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a ranged weapon) or its Weapon Skill (WS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a melee weapon), then that Hit roll is successful and scores one hit against the target unit. Otherwise, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.

An unmodified Hit roll of 6 is called a Critical Hit and is always successful. An unmodified Hit roll of 1 always fails. A Hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

  • Hit Roll (Ranged Attack): A hit is scored if the D6 result equals or exceeds that attack’s BS.
  • Hit Roll (Melee Attack): A hit is scored if the D6 result equals or exceeds that attack’s WS.
  • Critical Hit: Unmodified Hit roll of 6. Always successful.
  • An unmodified Hit roll of 1 always fails.
  • A Hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.
Saving Throw
The player controlling the target unit then makes one saving throw. By default, this will be an armour saving throw using their model’s Save (Sv) characteristic, but some models have invulnerable saves that can be used instead (see below). To make an armour saving throw, roll one D6, then modify the result by the Armour Penetration (AP) characteristic of the attack. For example, if the attack has an AP of -1, then 1 is subtracted from the saving throw.

If the result is greater than or equal to the Save characteristic of the model the attack was allocated to, then that saving throw is successful and the attack sequence ends. Otherwise, that saving throw fails and that model suffers damage.

An unmodified saving throw of 1 always fails. A saving throw can never be improved by more than +1.

  • Saving Throw: Roll one D6 and modify by the attack’s AP. If the result is less than the Save of the model being rolled for, the saving throw is failed and that model suffers damage. Otherwise, that attack is saved.
  • An unmodified saving throw of 1 always fails.
  • A saving throw can never be improved by more than +1.
Wound Roll
Each time an attack scores a hit against a target unit, make a Wound roll for that attack by rolling one D6 to see if that attack successfully wounds the target unit. The result required is determined by comparing the attack’s Strength (S) characteristic with the target’s Toughness (T) characteristic, as shown below.

Strength is TWICE (or more than twice) the Toughness.
Strength is GREATER than the Toughness.
Strength is EQUAL to the Toughness.
Strength is LESS than the Toughness.
Strength is HALF (or less than half) the Toughness.

If the result of the Wound roll is greater than or equal to the required number shown in the table above, then that Wound roll is successful and scores one wound against the target unit. Otherwise, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.

An unmodified Wound roll of 6 is called a Critical Wound and is always successful. An unmodified Wound roll of 1 always fails. A Wound roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

  • Critical Wound: Unmodified Wound roll of 6. Always successful.
  • An unmodified Wound roll of 1 always fails.
  • A Wound roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1.

The HARLEQUINS keyword is used in the following Aeldari datasheets:

Dedicated Transports

The ANHRATHE keyword is used in the following Aeldari datasheets:

6. Select Warlord
Select one CHARACTER model from your army to be your Warlord – this will be the leader of your army – and make a note of this on your Army Roster. Your Warlord gains the WARLORD keyword.

The PHOENIX LORD keyword is used in the following Aeldari datasheets:

The HAEMONCULUS COVENS keyword is used in the following Drukhari datasheets:

Normal Moves
When a unit makes a Normal move, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move (M) characteristic, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

  • Normal Move: Models move up to M".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

The TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following Aeldari datasheets:

Dedicated Transports
Engagement Range
Engagement Range represents the zone of threat that models present to their enemies. While a model is within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically of an enemy model, those models – and their units – are within Engagement Range of each other.

Models cannot be set up or end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models. If for any reason a model cannot meet this condition, that model is destroyed.

  • Engagement Range: Within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically.
  • Models cannot be set up or end a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
Charge Bonus

Many warriors thunder headlong into combat, using the impetus of their charge to bring swift death to their foes.

Each time a unit makes a Charge move, until the end of the turn, that unit has the Fights First ability.
Core – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Voices raised in furious war cries, your warriors surge forth to meet the enemy’s onslaught head-on.
WHEN: Your opponent’s Charge phase, just after an enemy unit ends a Charge move.

TARGET: One unit from your army that is within 6" of that enemy unit and would be eligible to declare a charge against that enemy unit if it were your Charge phase.

EFFECT: Your unit now declares a charge that targets only that enemy unit, and you resolve that charge as if it were your Charge phase.

RESTRICTIONS: You can only select a VEHICLE unit from your army if it is a WALKER. Note that even if this charge is successful, your unit does not receive any Charge bonus this turn.
Fall Back Moves
When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can make a Fall Back move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move characteristic, and when doing so you can move it within Engagement Range of enemy models, provided it does not end that move within Engagement Range of any enemy models – if this is not possible, that unit cannot Fall Back.

A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Fell Back.

Desperate Escape Tests
Unlike when making other types of move, models can move over enemy models when making a Fall Back move as if those enemy models were not there, but you must take a Desperate Escape test for each model that will do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY) before any models in that unit are moved. In addition, if a unit is Battle-shocked when it is selected to Fall Back, you must take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit before any are moved.

Each time you take a Desperate Escape test for a model, roll one D6. For each roll of 1-2, one model from the unit that is Falling Back is destroyed (selected by you). The same model can only ever trigger one Desperate Escape test per phase.

  • Fall Back Move: Models move up to M".
  • Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn.
  • Models can move over enemy models when Falling Back, but you must take Desperate Escape tests for them before they do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY).
  • If a Battle-shocked unit is selected to Fall Back, take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit.
  • Desperate Escape Test: Roll one D6. On a 1-2, one model from that unit is destroyed.

The AIRCRAFT keyword is used in the following Aeldari datasheets:

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