Legiones Astartes – The Wolf-kin of Russ

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Said to be companions of the Wolf King from his earliest days as a foundling upon the bleak desolation of Fenris, these two creatures are beasts of prodigious size, formidable intelligence, and a physical power that beggars belief in purely ‘natural’ creatures of their type. The guardians of the Wolf King’s hearth, from time to time, when he calls, they follow alongside him into battle as they may, and to the Space Wolves Legion, they have come to symbolise, not only their own bestial natures, but their spiritual connection to cold Fenris itself. Both have long-served their bellicose master on countless battlefields as friends and protectors, loyal bodyguards, and keen-sensed watchers, and have proven themselves more than capable of ripping the most inhumanly powerful foes limb from limb alongside the Legion of which their master is overlord.

  • The Wolf-kin of Russ 100 pts
Freki the Swift and Geri the Cunning, the Hearth Wolves of the King
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Freki (base: 90 x 52mm)
Freki 10 5 - 5 5 4 5 4 8 5+ 90 x 52mm
Geri (base: 60 x 35mm)
Geri 10 7 - 5 5 4 5 3 8 5+ 60 x 35mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Freki
  • 1 Geri
  • Tooth & Claw
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Wolf-kin of Russ
  • Fearless
  • Fear (1)
  • Rampage (2)
  • Hammer of Wrath (1)
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • Bulky (4)

Wolf-kin of Russ

In battle Leman Russ would sometimes be accompanied by a pair of immense wolves. Legend claims that these were kin to the Primarch, bound to him in the days when he wandered the bleak wastes of Fenris unburdened by the yoke of civilisation.

The Wolf-kin of Russ may only be taken in a Detachment if Leman Russ is in the same Detachment. If they are chosen as part of a Detachment, they are treated as a HQ choice so far as any special rule, objective or mission is concerned, but do not take up slots on the Force Organisation chart. This unit cannot be joined by any other model, except Leman Russ.

Tooth & Claw

Freki and Geri are preternaturally powerful beasts whose fangs and claws can tear through body armour and rend flesh and bone like paper.

Tooth & Claw
Melee, Breaching (6+)
Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.
Bulky (X)

This creature is so massive, it takes up an inordinate amount of space in any vehicle or building it enters.

Bulky models count as a number of models equal to the value X in brackets after the rule’s name for the purposes of Transport Capacity and whether a given unit outnumbers another in combat.

For example, a unit comprised of five models all of which have the Bulky (3) special rule, would count as 15 models when attempting to Embark on a Transport Vehicle or when deciding if they outnumber an enemy unit (see, for example, Rampage (X)).
Breaching (X)

Some weapons are capable of breaching armour with a terrifying ease, whether by specially designed munitions, careful targeting or sheer brute power.

When rolling To Wound for a model that has the Breaching (X) special rule, or is attacking with a weapon that has the Breaching (X) special rule, for each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed in brackets, the controlling player must resolve these wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value. This rule has no effect on models that do not have Wounds, such as models with the Vehicle Unit Type.

For example, a model with the Breaching (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound and rolls a result of ‘5’ or higher, the Wound inflicted gains an AP of ‘2’ regardless of the AP value listed on the weapon’s profile. Note that a weapon that has both the Breaching (X) and the Gets Hot special rules always uses the base AP of the weapon when rolls of ‘1’ To Hit inflict Wounds on the attacking model.
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Hammer of Wrath (X)

Many warriors hurl themselves headlong into combat, seeking to crush or trample the foe.

If a model with this special rule ends its Charge Move in base contact with an enemy model, it makes a number of additional attacks equal to the value in brackets listed as part of this special rule. These attacks hit automatically and are resolved at the model’s unmodified Strength with AP-. These attacks do not benefit from any of the model’s special rules (such as Furious Charge, Rending, etc.). These attacks are resolved during the Fight sub-phase at Initiative step 10, but do not grant the model an additional Pile-in Move.

If a model with this special rule Charges a Vehicle of any kind or a Building, the hits are resolved against the Armour Value of the Facing the charging model is touching. If the model is in contact with two or more Facings, the player controlling the target model chooses a Facing upon which the attacks are resolved. If a model with this special rule Charges a Building or Vehicle that is a Transport, the hits are resolved against the Building or Vehicle, not the unit Embarked within the Building or Vehicle.
HQ stands for Headquarters unit. A Headquarters unit might be a determined Solar Auxilia lord marshal thrust into the heart of the Horus Heresy or a mighty Space Marine praetor at the head of a Legion task force. These models are amongst the most powerful in the game and, as leaders, they have access to more special equipment than anyone else. They are not invincible, but can provide a powerful spearhead for an attacking army and a strong core for a defensive one.
Feel No Pain (X)

Whether through force of will, bionic augmentation or foul sorcery, this warrior can still fight despite fearsome wounds.

When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound, it can make a special Feel No Pain roll to avoid being Wounded (this is a special Saving Throw which is made after unsaved Wounds are suffered).

Feel No Pain rolls may not be taken against unsaved Wounds that have the Instant Death special rule.

Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound is suffered. On a result that is equal to or greater than the value in brackets, the unsaved Wound is discounted – treat it as having been saved. On any other result the Wound is taken as normal.

For example, a unit with the special rule Feel No Pain (5+) would need to score a 5 or 6 in order to discount a Wound inflicted upon it.

This is a Damage Mitigation roll – any model may make only a single Damage Mitigation roll of any type for any given Wound.

Tooth & Claw

Freki and Geri are preternaturally powerful beasts whose fangs and claws can tear through body armour and rend flesh and bone like paper.

Tooth & Claw
Melee, Breaching (6+)
Wolf-kin of Russ

In battle Leman Russ would sometimes be accompanied by a pair of immense wolves. Legend claims that these were kin to the Primarch, bound to him in the days when he wandered the bleak wastes of Fenris unburdened by the yoke of civilisation.

The Wolf-kin of Russ may only be taken in a Detachment if Leman Russ is in the same Detachment. If they are chosen as part of a Detachment, they are treated as a HQ choice so far as any special rule, objective or mission is concerned, but do not take up slots on the Force Organisation chart. This unit cannot be joined by any other model, except Leman Russ.

Fearless troops never give up and seldom make full use of cover – even if it would be wiser to do so.

Units with one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning tests, Regroup tests and Morale checks. In addition, models with the Fearless special rule ignore the effects of the Fear special rule.

However, units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule cannot use any Reactions that grant a Cover Save, Armour Save or Invulnerable Save, and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless special rule. If a unit has become Pinned and then gains the Fearless special rule, all the effects of being Pinned are immediately cancelled.
Fear (X)

Some beings are so monstrous or alien that they can force their foes to recoil in horror.

All enemy models within 12" of a model with this special rule must reduce their Leadership by the value in brackets after the special rule when taking any Morale checks, Regroup or Pinning tests. For example, a unit with the special rule Fear (2) would reduce the Leadership of all enemy models within 12" by 2.

Enemy units that are locked in combat are only affected by this modifier if they are locked in combat with the unit that causes Fear. This modifier is not cumulative, and any given unit can only be affected by a single instance of the Fear special rule at a time. This will always be the highest single modifier among those applicable.

A model that causes Fear is not itself immune to Fear, and will still suffer a penalty to its Leadership if within range of an enemy unit that has the Fear special rule.
Rampage (X)

For some warriors, being outnumbered is not a cause for despair, but a call to set about their foes with a berserk counter-attack.

At the start of any Fight sub-phase, models with the Rampage special rule gain a number of Attacks equal to the value listed in brackets if outnumbered by enemy models (including the effects of the Bulky special rule) – count all models locked in the combat, not just those models that are engaged. If the value in brackets is randomly determined by rolling dice, then roll once for each such variant of the Rampage special rule present in the unit to determine the number of Attacks that may be made, applying the result to all models with that variant for the current phase. For example, a model with the Rampage (D3) special rule that is outnumbered by the enemy in close combat receives D3 additional Attacks in that Fight sub-phase.

A model that has made a Disordered Charge that turn receives no benefit from Rampage.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024