Legiones Astartes – Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought

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The Incaendius sub-class is a Contemptor Dreadnought chassis manufactured only within the Mechanicum enclave that clings to the irradiated surface of Baal’s first moon, under ancient treaty with the great Forge of Anvillus. Similar in most respects to the widely used Contemptor chassis, the Incaendius differs in one key aspect: the external booster pack secured to its back. This volatile, single-burn, magnetoplasma engine is powerful enough to decelerate the Dreadnought in a fall from low orbit or to propel it in a shallow leap at significant velocity, despite the bulk of its armour and ceramite endoskeleton. It serves the Blood Angels as a shock assault unit of unparalleled ferocity, for the half-dead warrior entombed within suffers none of the disorientation such tactics inflict on the living.

Most commonly, such vehicles are armed with weapons designed for battle at close ranges, with flamers and the socalled Talons of Perdition being preferred, though some have been known to employ prototype assault cannon. These weapons are well suited to the Dreadnought’s role, which is to secure a heavily contested drop zone for the Blood Angels infantry that follow on its heels.

  • Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought 200 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought (base: 60mm)
Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought 8 5 5 7 7 6 4 3 9 2+ 60mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
  • Two Talons of Perdition with in-built heavy flamer
  • Atomantic deflector
  • Incaendius Booster Pack
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
  • A Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought may replace any in-built heavy flamer with one of the following:
  • - In-built meltagun
    +10 points each
  • - In-built Iliastus assault cannon
    +15 points each
  • A Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought may replace both of its Talons of Perdition and in-built heavy flamer with:
  • - Gravis power fists and in-built heavy flamer

Incaendius Booster Pack

A massive rocket booster pack is installed on the rear torso of the Contemptor-Incaendius, with enough fuel for a single prolonged burn. This is used either to drop the Dreadnought from orbit, or to allow it to cover the distance to the foe in a series of long leaps. Once its fuel is exhausted, the booster pack is purged from the Dreadnought’s chassis by a system of explosive bolts, allowing the war machine to fight freely.

The Incaendius booster pack may be used once per battle in one of two ways; these options are mutually exclusive and the use of one means the other may not be used in that battle:

Deep Strike: At the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield, the controlling player may choose to place the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought into Reserves and give it the Deep Strike special rule. It may then take part in a Deep Strike Assault or another deployment that requires the use of the Deep Strike special rule.

Shock Assault: The controlling player may opt to deploy the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought as normal, in this case the use of the Incaendius booster pack may be declared once per battle at the start of any of the controlling player’s Movement phases, including the first. When activated, the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought’s Movement Characteristic is set to 12" and gains the Hammer of Wrath (2) special rule for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. While this effect is active, the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought may ignore all other models and terrain freely while moving, but may not end its Move in Impassable Terrain or within 1" of another model. However, if the model begins or ends that Movement phase in Difficult Terrain, it must take a Dangerous Terrain test. While the Incaendius booster pack is activated the model may not Run.

Note that any Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought selected as part of a Detachment using the Day of Revelation Rite of War must use the Deep Strike option and must be assigned to a Deep Strike Assault.

Talon of Perdition

These weapons are a larger version of the more common Perdition weapons, adding flame projectors to a scaled-up lightning claw mount intended for use on Dreadnoughts.

This weapon is counted as both ‘Power’ and ‘Flame’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Talon of Perdition
Melee, Shred, Brutal (2)

These weapons are grafted to the same targeting system for greater accuracy.

When attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.
Number of Attacks
Each engaged model makes a number of Attacks (A) as indicated on its Characteristics profile, plus the following bonus attacks:

+1 Charge Bonus: Engaged models that Charged this turn get +1 Attack this turn. Models in units that made a Disordered Charge do not get this bonus.

+1 Two Weapons: Engaged models with two single-handed weapons (often a Melee weapon and/or Pistol in each hand) get +1 Attack. Models with more than two weapons gain no additional benefit; you only get one extra attack.

Other Bonuses: Models may have other special rules and Wargear that confer extra attacks.
Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.

This weapon is very large, and more than a little clumsy, making swift blows all but impossible to achieve.

A model attacking with this weapon Piles-in and fights at Initiative step 1, unless it has the Dreadnought Unit Type or Monstrous sub-type.
Specialist Weapon

The mightiest weapons only reach their full potential when wielded in pairs, as they require an entirely different battle stance from that of more commonplace weapons.

A model fighting with this weapon does not receive +1 Attack for fighting with two weapons unless it is armed with two or more Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon rule. The additional weapon does not have to be the same weapon as the one used to attack, but it must have the Specialist Weapon rule in order to grant an additional Attack for fighting with two weapons.
Brutal (X)

Some weapons strike with such force that they cause terrible wounds that can lay low even the most formidable combatant.

When a model is allocated a Wound inflicted by a weapon with this special rule, it does not suffer only one Wound but instead suffers a number of Wounds equal to the number in brackets associated with the specific variant of this special rule, with all of the Wounds inflicted using the same AP and special rules as that of the initial Wound. Roll to save against each Wound inflicted separately, but note that Wounds caused in excess of a given model’s remaining Wounds do not spill over to other models and are lost. This special rule has no effect on models that do not have a Toughness value.

Some weapons and warriors strike in a flurry of blows, tearing flesh asunder in a series of brutal strikes.

If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Reach (X)

Some weapons rely not on the speed of their wielder, but on their sheer length or cunning design to inflict harm upon the foe before they can react.

A model making attacks as part of an Assault using a weapon with this special rule, adds the value of (X) that is included as part of this special rule to its Initiative Characteristic. If a model has more than one weapon with this special rule then that model only increases the value of its Initiative by the value of the special rule on the weapon whose profile is used by that model to attack during the Fight sub-phase. A weapon that is not used to attack does not modify the model’s Initiative Characteristic – models that may attack with more than one weapon, or models claiming the bonus for having a second weapon, may only add the value of the highest variant of this special rule and do not add the values together.

For example, a model attacking as part of an Assault with a weapon that has the Reach (1) special rule increases its Initiative by +1.
Power Weapons

These melee weapons are sheathed in disruption fields that allow them to cleave armour as though it were paper and annihilate flesh or bone with ease. They are both difficult to master, for a single mis-stroke can lead to catastrophe in a close packed melee, and expensive to manufacture and maintain, and so are mostly found only in the hands of the finest warriors in the Legiones Astartes.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. A model that is eligible to select a power weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.

Power sword
Melee, Rending (6+)
Power axe
Melee, Unwieldy
Power maul
Power lance
Melee, Reach (1)

Although technically operated on the same principle, the following weapons are far rarer and more difficult to master than the more common power weapons. They count as a ‘Power’ weapons, but may not be selected by a model eligible to claim a generic power weapon.

When a model has two lightning claws, that model gains +2 Attacks instead of the usual +1 Attack for using an additional weapon in combat.
Power fist
Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon
Gravis power fist
Melee, Brutal (3)
Thunder hammer
Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Specialist Weapon
Lightning claw
Melee, Shred, Rending (6+), Specialist Weapon
Gets Hot

Some weapons are fuelled by unstable power sources and risk overheating with each shot – often to the detriment of their wielder.

When firing a weapon that Gets Hot, roll To Hit as normal. For each unmodified To Hit roll of 1, the firing model immediately suffers a single Wound with an AP value equal to that of the weapon that was used to attack (Armour Saves, Invulnerable Saves and Feel No Pain rolls can be taken, but not Cover Saves or Shrouded rolls) – this Wound cannot be allocated to any other model in the unit. A Vehicle instead rolls a D6 for each roll of a 1 To Hit. If this roll results in a 1 or 2, the Vehicle suffers a Glancing Hit.
Assault Weapons

Assault weapons either fire so rapidly or indiscriminately that they can be fired while a warrior is moving.

A model attacking with an Assault weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying an Assault weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase.

Plasma blaster18"74Assault 2, Rending (4+), Gets Hot
Heavy flamer

Heavy flamer
Assault 1

Heavy Weapons

These are heavy, man-portable weapons that typically require reloading between each shot or bracing to counter their recoil.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with a Heavy weapon attacks the number of times indicated. If a model equipped with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, they can only make Snap Shots with that Heavy weapon during the Shooting phase. Note that weapons with the Blast special rule cannot fire Snap Shots. Models that make Shooting Attacks with Heavy weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Reaper autocannon36"74Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked

The ancient volkite weaponry employed by the armies of Terra in the earliest years of the Great Crusade fired arcing blasts of energy rather than solid projectiles.

After normal attacks by this weapon have been resolved, count the number of unsaved Wounds caused on the target unit. Immediately resolve a number of additional automatic Hits on the same unit using the weapon’s profile equal to the number of unsaved Wounds – these can then be saved normally. Models in the targeted unit must still be in range in order for these additional Hits to take effect. These additional Hits do not themselves inflict more Hits and do not benefit from any other special rules possessed by the attacking model, such as Preferred Enemy (X) or Precision Strikes (X).
Pistol Weapons

Pistols are light enough to be carried and fired one-handed.

A model attacking with a Pistol weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying a Pistol weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase. A Pistol weapon also counts as a close combat weapon in the Assault phase. In addition, all models with two Pistol type weapons can attack with both in the same Shooting phase. This follows the normal rules for shooting.

Volkite serpenta10"55Pistol 2, Deflagrate

Coming under fire without knowing where the shots are coming from, or having ordnance rain down from the skies, can shake the resolve of even the bravest warriors, making them dive flat and cling to whatever cover presents itself.

If a non-Vehicle unit suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with the Pinning special rule, it must take a Leadership test once the firing unit has finished its Shooting Attacks for that Phase. This is called a Pinning test. If the unit fails the Test, it is Pinned. As long as the Test is passed, a unit can be called upon to take multiple Pinning tests in a single turn, but only once for each unit shooting at them.

A unit that is affected by any of the following conditions does not take Pinning tests, and if called upon to do so is considered to automatically pass them:
  • The unit is locked in combat.
  • The unit is already Pinned (the unit remains Pinned, but takes no further Tests).
  • The unit is composed entirely of Vehicle models.
  • The unit is Embarked on a Transport Vehicle.
  • The target unit is affected by the Fearless special rule.
A unit that has become Pinned cannot Move, Run or Charge. It can only fire Snap Shots if it attacks during the Shooting phase and cannot make Reactions in any Phase. At the end of its following turn, the unit returns to normal and the unit is free to act as normal from then on. Whilst it is Pinned, a unit is affected normally by enemy actions (for example, it takes Morale checks as normal). If the unit is forced to move, for example if it has to Fall Back, it returns to normal immediately. If assaulted, the unit will fight as usual, but because they are not set to receive the Charge, enemy units do not receive the Initiative penalty for assaulting a unit in Difficult Terrain, even if the unit is in Difficult Terrain. If a unit becomes Pinned during a Charge, then that Charge automatically fails. Units that are locked in combat cannot be Pinned and do not take Pinning tests.
Armourbane (X)

This weapon has been crafted with one aim in mind – to pierce the hides of armoured vehicles.

If a model or weapon has this special rule, it rolls an additional D6 for armour penetration when targeting a Vehicle model, or, when targeting a model with the Automata or Dreadnought Unit Type, re-rolls all failed rolls To Wound instead. These effects apply to both Shooting Attacks and close combat attacks.

Some instances of the Armourbane special rule may include a qualifier after the rule in brackets, for example Armourbane (Melta) or Armourbane (Melee). These variant rules are described below:

Armourbane (Melta): A model or weapon with this Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when at half range or less. If the attack is more than half its Maximum Range away, it gains no benefit from the Armourbane special rule. If a weapon with this version of Armourbane also has the Blast special rule, measure the distance to the centre of the Blast marker after it has scattered. If this is half the weapon’s range or less, then all Hits are counted as having the Armourbane special rule, otherwise the Hits are resolved as if they did not have the Armourbane special rule.

Armourbane (Melee): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when attacking in close combat.

Armourbane (Ranged): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when making Shooting Attacks.
Army List
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Skyfire weapons excel at shooting down enemy aircraft.

A model which has this special rule, or that is firing a weapon with this special rule, fires using its normal Ballistic Skill when shooting at Flyers and Skimmers, but it can only fire Snap Shots against other targets.
Poisoned (X)

There are many virulent and lethal poisons in the Age of Darkness. It is simplicity itself to adapt such toxins for battlefield use. It does not matter whether they coat blades or bullets, or are secreted by alien monstrosities – all are lethal.

If a model has the Poisoned special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always Wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required, when attacking in close combat. In addition, if the Strength of the wielder (or the Poisoned weapon) is higher than the Toughness of the victim, the wielder must re-roll failed rolls To Wound in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always Wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required. If no number is shown in brackets, the rule is Poisoned (4+).

Unless otherwise stated, Poisoned weapons are treated as having a Strength of 1. The Poisoned special rule has no effect against Vehicles.
Concussive (X)

Some weapons are designed to leave any foe that manages to survive their strike disoriented and easy to slay.

A unit that suffers one or more Wounds, regardless of whether those Wounds are Saved or otherwise discounted, from a weapon with this special rule must take a Leadership test at the end of the Shooting phase (if the attacks were inflicted as part of a Shooting Attack), or the current combat (if the attacks were inflicted as part of a Melee attack). If the test is failed then that unit’s WS is reduced by the value in brackets listed as part of the special rule until the end of the following Assault phase (if no value is listed then reduce the target unit’s WS by -1).

No matter how many times a unit has taken saved or unsaved Wounds from an attack with the Concussive special rule, it may only be forced to take one Leadership test because of it. If a single unit has been the target of several Concussive attacks with different values and fails the Leadership test, then it suffers the effects of the highest single modifier among those attacks – the effects do not stack or otherwise become cumulative.

Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta)

Gravis power fist

Gravis power fist
Melee, Brutal (3)

Atomantic Deflector

Powered by the vast glut of energy from its atomantic heart, many of the more advanced Legiones Astartes war machines entered the field of battle veiled in a protective shroud of energy that could deflect or disperse las bolts and kinetic munitions. Yet, such was the power channelled through this little-understood device that, in death, these engines of war would erupt in fiery ruin, a danger to both friend and foe.

A model with an atomantic deflector gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save and any model with an atomantic deflector and a Wounds Characteristic that suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule inflicted on it. In addition, when a model with an atomantic deflector loses its last Wound or Hull Point, but before it is removed as a casualty or replaced with a Wreck, all models both friendly and enemy within D6" suffer an automatic Hit at Str 8, AP -.
Large Blast
Large Blast weapons use the 5" Blast marker, but otherwise obey all the rules for Blast weapons.

Some weapons strike with enough force to make a mockery of anything except the most reinforced of armoured shells.

Attacks with this special rule may re-roll failed Armour Penetration rolls against Vehicles and Buildings (both with Shooting Attacks and in close combat) and re-roll Glancing Hits, in an attempt to instead get a Penetrating Hit, but the second result must be kept.

Barrage weapons lob shells high into the air, landing them in the midst of the foe.

All Barrage weapons use Blast markers and consequently use the rules for Blast weapons, as indicated by their profile, with the following exceptions:

Barrage weapons can fire indirectly. This means they can fire at a target that they do not have line of sight to, as long as the target is beyond their Minimum Range (if applicable). When firing indirectly, the Ballistic Skill of the firer is not subtracted from the scatter distance; unless a Hit is rolled on the Scatter dice, the Blast marker always scatters a full 2D6". If a Barrage weapon has line of sight to its target it can fire directly, even if the target is within its Minimum Range.

Note that any Hits inflicted upon Vehicles by an Attack using the Barrage special rule are always resolved against the Vehicle’s Side Armour Value.
Ordnance Weapons

Ordnance weapons are cannon so vast, they are typically mounted on tanks and artillery.

When making Shooting Attacks, a model equipped with an Ordnance weapon fires the number of times indicated in its profile after its Type. A non-Vehicle model carrying an Ordnance weapon cannot attack with it in the Shooting phase if they moved in the preceding Movement phase. Ordnance weapons cannot make Snap Shots. Furthermore, if a non-Vehicle model attacks with an Ordnance weapon, that model may not make any further Shooting Attacks with any other weapon in the Phase nor will it be able to Charge in the ensuing Assault phase. Vehicle models that fire Ordnance weapons may also suffer some restrictions based upon the distance they have moved that turn.

Ordnance weapons hit with such force that when you roll to penetrate a Vehicle’s armour with an Ordnance weapon, roll two dice instead of one and pick the highest result.

Earthshaker cannon36"-240"94Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5"), Pinning
Exoshock (X)

Each blast from this weapon that pierces its target’s armour sets off a chain reaction of secondary explosions.

If this weapon successfully scores a Penetrating Hit on a target, roll a D6. If the result of that roll is equal to or higher than the value in brackets after the rule, a second automatic Penetrating Hit is inflicted on the same target against which Cover Saves may not be taken. For example, a weapon with the Exoshock (4+) special rule would inflict a second Penetrating Hit on the score of a 4+. This second Penetrating Hit does not gain the effects of any other special rules, and cannot trigger additional Hits.

If, for any reason, a given instance of this rule does not have a value in brackets after the special rule, assume the value is 6+.
Shell Shock (X)

Some weapons produce such a weight of fire that any target pummelled by their attack is left dazed and stunned.

Pinning tests taken due to an attack or weapon with this special rule are made with a penalty to Leadership Characteristic equal to the value listed as part of the special rule.

For example, a unit that is forced to take a Pinning test by an attack made using a weapon with the Shell Shock (2) special rule, suffers a penalty of -2 to their Leadership Characteristic when resolving that Test.
Weapon Mounts
Hull (Arc) Mounted – Hull (Arc) Mounted weapons will always specify a single Firing Arc and may only fire at targets in that Firing Arc. The different Hull arcs are: Front, Rear, Left and Right. Some units may specify Side as an arc – this means both Left and Right arcs.

For example, a Legion Land Raider Proteus has a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter – this weapon may only fire at targets in the Front Firing Arc.

Turret Mounted – Turret Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Hull arc (Front, Side or Rear) without restriction.

Centreline Mounted – Centreline Mounted weapons may only fire at targets in the Centreline Firing Arc.

Sponson Mounted – Sponson Mounted weapons are usually mounted in pairs, one on each side of a Vehicle (the Vehicle’s profile will note if this is not the case) and fire into the appropriate Sponson Firing Arc (either left or right). If the target of a Vehicle’s Shooting Attack is within the Firing Arc for only one of a pair of Sponson weapons, then the out of arc weapon may be fired at another enemy unit of the controlling player’s choice. This Secondary Target must be in the weapon’s line of sight and Firing Arc, but may be from a different unit than the original target.

Pintle Mounted – Pintle Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Firing Arc without restriction, but are always counted as Defensive weapons regardless of the weapon type or its statistics.
Deep Strike

Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, flying, or some other extraordinary means which allows them to appear in the thick of the fighting.

A unit made up entirely of models with this special rule may perform a Deep Strike Assault. Certain Faction or unit special rules may present other options for the deployment of units with the Deep Strike special rule.
Hammer of Wrath (X)

Many warriors hurl themselves headlong into combat, seeking to crush or trample the foe.

If a model with this special rule ends its Charge Move in base contact with an enemy model, it makes a number of additional attacks equal to the value in brackets listed as part of this special rule. These attacks hit automatically and are resolved at the model’s unmodified Strength with AP-. These attacks do not benefit from any of the model’s special rules (such as Furious Charge, Rending, etc.). These attacks are resolved during the Fight sub-phase at Initiative step 10, but do not grant the model an additional Pile-in Move.

If a model with this special rule Charges a Vehicle of any kind or a Building, the hits are resolved against the Armour Value of the Facing the charging model is touching. If the model is in contact with two or more Facings, the player controlling the target model chooses a Facing upon which the attacks are resolved. If a model with this special rule Charges a Building or Vehicle that is a Transport, the hits are resolved against the Building or Vehicle, not the unit Embarked within the Building or Vehicle.
Predator cannon

Predator cannon
Heavy 4, Rending (6+)

Torrent (X)

This weapon fires massive gouts of flame, gas or lethal fluids across the battlefield.

A weapon with this special rule is treated like any other Template weapon, but when firing it in the Shooting phase, place the template so that the narrow end is placed within a number of inches equal to the value in brackets listed as part of this special rule. The wide end must then be aligned so that it is no closer to the firing model than the narrow end.

For example, a weapon with the Torrent (18) special rule must place the narrow end of the template at a point within 18" and the wide end no closer to the firing model than the narrow end.
Massive Blast
Massive Blast weapons use the 7" Blast marker, but otherwise obey all the rules for Blast weapons.
Owning Player, Opposing Player and Controlling Player
Sometimes a rule will ask the owning, opposing or controlling player to make an action or decision of some kind. The owning player is always the player who ‘owns’ the model in question – the one who has the model in their army. The opposing player is always their opponent. The controlling player is always the player in current command of that model – there are some special rules which can force models to switch sides during the course of the game.
Dangerous Terrain Tests
To take Dangerous Terrain tests, roll a D6. On a 1, that model suffers a Wound. No Armour Save, Cover Save or Damage Mitigation roll may be made against this Wound, but Invulnerable Saves may still be made.

A model is only required to make a maximum of one Dangerous Terrain test during a Phase. Any subsequent Dangerous Terrain tests it would be required to make during that Phase are assumed to have automatically been passed.
Flame Weapons

Among the most ancient of weapons employed within the ranks of the Legiones Astartes, flame has always been a potent weapon against creatures that lurk in darkness. Many of the Space Marine Legions consider the cleansing power of flame a key part of their arsenal, and indeed the ability of these weapons to rout the enemy from fortified positions has proven pivotal in any number of battles.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Flame’ or ‘Flamer’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Hand flamer
Pistol 1
Assault 1
Toxiferran flamer
Assault 1, Poisoned (3+), Rending (6+)
Heavy flamer
Assault 1
Flamestorm cannon
Heavy 1, Torrent (18")
Auto Weapons

An auto weapon is an ancient form of firearm that propels a solid slug by means of a chemical explosion, both ancient ‘bullets’ of lead or other base metals and more advanced armour-piercing sabot rounds. Among the ranks of the Legiones Astartes there are few examples of the older autoguns that once formed the main armament of the Emperor’s armies, but a number of larger autocannon remain in use due to the reliability of such simple weapons. Such weapons are most often used as anti-armour weapons, delivering volleys of large armour piercing shells to defeat armour that is proof against the mass reactive fire of the more advanced bolter weaponry. This category of weaponry also plays host to more advanced weapons, such as the first generations of assault cannon and magnetic charge accelerator cannon.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Auto’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Astartes shotgun
Assault 2, Concussive (1)
Rotor cannon
Assault 4, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
Heavy 2, Rending (6+)
Reaper autocannon
Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Kheres assault cannon
Heavy 6, Rending (6+)
Gravis autocannon
Heavy 3, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Gravis autocannon battery
Heavy 4, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Predator cannon
Heavy 4, Rending (6+)
Punisher rotary cannon
Heavy 18, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
Accelerator autocannon
Heavy 8, Rending (6+), Exoshock (6+)
Fellblade accelerator cannon
 - HE shell
Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7")
 - AE shell
Ordnance 1, Armourbane (Ranged)
Skyreaper battery
Heavy 5, Skyfire, Twin-linked
Anvilus autocannon battery
Heavy 4, Rending (5+), Sunder, Twin-linked
Anvilus snub autocannon
Heavy 2, Sunder, Rending (5+), Twin-linked
Leviathan storm cannon
Heavy 6, Rending (5+), Sunder
Kratos battlecannon
 - HE shells
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Pinning
 - AP shells
Heavy 2, Sunder
 - Flashburn shells
Heavy 1, Armourbane (Ranged), Gets Hot
Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

All models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule require one lower result To Wound than they would normally, to a minimum of 2+, on any turn in which they are part of a successful Charge against an enemy unit even if that Charge is counted as Disordered. This effect applies regardless of the weapon they are using (for example, if using a Str 4 Melee weapon and attacking a target with a Toughness of 4, the Blood Angel will require a 3+ To Wound, rather than the usual 4+). In addition, any Vehicle with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule that makes a Ram Attack increases the Strength of any Hits inflicted by +1, to a maximum of Strength 10.

Panoply of the Angels
Units with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the Blood Angels).

Children of Baal
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Blood Angels Warlord Trait list.
Impassable Terrain
Some terrain is simply so inhospitable, so dangerous that it cannot be traversed at all. Unless noted otherwise in their special rules, models cannot enter, cross, move into or move through Impassable Terrain – they must go around. The exceptions to this rule are typically units equipped with Jump Packs, or of the Skimmer or Flyer types which may move over, but not end their move, in Impassable Terrain.
In order to maximise their potential movement, models can forego the chance to make a Shooting Attack in the turn’s Shooting phase in order to increase their maximum Movement distance. This can represent infantry sprinting ahead as well as combat bikes going at maximum speed or a Dreadnought breaking into a long-legged lope. Any unit may choose to Run during the Movement phase (except those units whose Type does not allow them to do so, such as Vehicles and Artillery – see Unit Types), but this must be declared before any models in the unit are moved. If the Active player chooses to Run with any of their units, that unit increases their movement by the value of the lowest Initiative Characteristic in the unit for the duration of the Movement phase.

However, a unit that Runs may not make Shooting Attacks of any kind during the following Shooting phase, or declare Charges during the Assault phase of the same player turn. If any models in a unit Run, then all models in that unit are counted as having Run, regardless of the distance moved by any individual model.

Units making a Reaction during their opponent’s turn may never choose to Run as part of that Reaction.
Iliastus Assault Cannon

A prototype weapons system designed as a more compact and portable variant of the highly successful Kheres pattern, it was, as can be divined by its pattern designation, first developed on the Iliastus Satellite in the Sol System by the Dyzanique cult.

An Iliastus assault cannon is an ‘Auto’ weapon. An Iliastus assault cannon may be selected by the following units:
  • Any models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule and the Infantry Unit Type may exchange a heavy flamer for an Iliastus assault cannon for +10 points each.
  • A Legion Predator with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule may exchange its Turret Mounted Predator cannon for a Turret Mounted twin-linked Iliastus assault cannon for no additional points cost.
  • Any model with the Dreadnought or Vehicle Unit Type and Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule may exchange a heavy flamer for an Iliastus assault cannon for +20 points each.

Malfunction: If a weapon with this special rule is used to make a Shooting Attack as part of any Reaction it gains the Gets Hot special rule for that Shooting Attack.
Iliastus Assault Cannon
Assault 4, Rending (6+), Malfunction

Talon of Perdition

These weapons are a larger version of the more common Perdition weapons, adding flame projectors to a scaled-up lightning claw mount intended for use on Dreadnoughts.

This weapon is counted as both ‘Power’ and ‘Flame’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Talon of Perdition
Melee, Shred, Brutal (2)

Incaendius Booster Pack

A massive rocket booster pack is installed on the rear torso of the Contemptor-Incaendius, with enough fuel for a single prolonged burn. This is used either to drop the Dreadnought from orbit, or to allow it to cover the distance to the foe in a series of long leaps. Once its fuel is exhausted, the booster pack is purged from the Dreadnought’s chassis by a system of explosive bolts, allowing the war machine to fight freely.

The Incaendius booster pack may be used once per battle in one of two ways; these options are mutually exclusive and the use of one means the other may not be used in that battle:

Deep Strike: At the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield, the controlling player may choose to place the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought into Reserves and give it the Deep Strike special rule. It may then take part in a Deep Strike Assault or another deployment that requires the use of the Deep Strike special rule.

Shock Assault: The controlling player may opt to deploy the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought as normal, in this case the use of the Incaendius booster pack may be declared once per battle at the start of any of the controlling player’s Movement phases, including the first. When activated, the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought’s Movement Characteristic is set to 12" and gains the Hammer of Wrath (2) special rule for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. While this effect is active, the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought may ignore all other models and terrain freely while moving, but may not end its Move in Impassable Terrain or within 1" of another model. However, if the model begins or ends that Movement phase in Difficult Terrain, it must take a Dangerous Terrain test. While the Incaendius booster pack is activated the model may not Run.

Note that any Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought selected as part of a Detachment using the Day of Revelation Rite of War must use the Deep Strike option and must be assigned to a Deep Strike Assault.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024