Legiones Astartes – Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw

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Employed by many Legions as their primary shipto- ship assault craft, the Kharybdis is a monstrous drop pod capable of carrying large assault forces through the void and mounting significant firepower to blast a path through defending small craft. The arrival of a flight of these ominous craft, boarding hooks extended as they approach their target, signals the end for the crew of any vessel that dares oppose the Legiones Astartes.

As a fully operational dropship, Kharybdis assault claws also serve as surface-to-orbit transports, a role that allows them to use the firepower of their storm launchers and melta cutters to scour clean their chosen landing zone before disembarking their deadly cargo into the midst of the enemy’s shattered formation. These craft do not serve solely as infantry transports, many more aggressive commanders employ the Kharybdis as makeshift weapons, using their thrusters and short range melta cutters to incinerate enemy warriors in extreme low-altitude passes as they hover over the battlefield.

  • Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw 235 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Kharybdis (base: 120 x 92mm flying base)
Legion Kharybdis 16 4 12 12 12 5 22 120 x 92mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw
  • Turret Mounted Deathstorm missile launcher
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Dreadnought Transport
  • Assault Vehicle
  • Inertial Guidance System
  • Heat Blast
  • Deep Strike
Access Points
  • A Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw treats its entire hull as a single Access Point.

These weapons are grafted to the same targeting system for greater accuracy.

When attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Legiones Astartes (X)

The Space Marines of the Emperor’s Legions are genetically engineered, psycho-indoctrinated warriors with superhuman abilities, and minds and souls tempered for war. Each of the Legions has its own idiosyncrasies and character – the product of their gene-seed and the unique warrior cultures fostered by their masters.

Any unit with this special rule will have a number of additional special rules and abilities specific to their ‘named’ Legion, all of which will be defined in other Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness publications. A Space Marine unit may only have one such ‘named’ rule, e.g., Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus). Space Marine units from a different Legion may only be included in an army using an Allied Detachment and in conjunction with the Allies in the Age of Darkness chart.
Heavy Weapons

These are heavy, man-portable weapons that typically require reloading between each shot or bracing to counter their recoil.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with a Heavy weapon attacks the number of times indicated. If a model equipped with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, they can only make Snap Shots with that Heavy weapon during the Shooting phase. Note that weapons with the Blast special rule cannot fire Snap Shots. Models that make Shooting Attacks with Heavy weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Reaper autocannon36"74Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked

Coming under fire without knowing where the shots are coming from, or having ordnance rain down from the skies, can shake the resolve of even the bravest warriors, making them dive flat and cling to whatever cover presents itself.

If a non-Vehicle unit suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with the Pinning special rule, it must take a Leadership test once the firing unit has finished its Shooting Attacks for that Phase. This is called a Pinning test. If the unit fails the Test, it is Pinned. As long as the Test is passed, a unit can be called upon to take multiple Pinning tests in a single turn, but only once for each unit shooting at them.

A unit that is affected by any of the following conditions does not take Pinning tests, and if called upon to do so is considered to automatically pass them:
  • The unit is locked in combat.
  • The unit is already Pinned (the unit remains Pinned, but takes no further Tests).
  • The unit is composed entirely of Vehicle models.
  • The unit is Embarked on a Transport Vehicle.
  • The target unit is affected by the Fearless special rule.
A unit that has become Pinned cannot Move, Run or Charge. It can only fire Snap Shots if it attacks during the Shooting phase and cannot make Reactions in any Phase. At the end of its following turn, the unit returns to normal and the unit is free to act as normal from then on. Whilst it is Pinned, a unit is affected normally by enemy actions (for example, it takes Morale checks as normal). If the unit is forced to move, for example if it has to Fall Back, it returns to normal immediately. If assaulted, the unit will fight as usual, but because they are not set to receive the Charge, enemy units do not receive the Initiative penalty for assaulting a unit in Difficult Terrain, even if the unit is in Difficult Terrain. If a unit becomes Pinned during a Charge, then that Charge automatically fails. Units that are locked in combat cannot be Pinned and do not take Pinning tests.
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Weapon Mounts
Hull (Arc) Mounted – Hull (Arc) Mounted weapons will always specify a single Firing Arc and may only fire at targets in that Firing Arc. The different Hull arcs are: Front, Rear, Left and Right. Some units may specify Side as an arc – this means both Left and Right arcs.

For example, a Legion Land Raider Proteus has a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter – this weapon may only fire at targets in the Front Firing Arc.

Turret Mounted – Turret Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Hull arc (Front, Side or Rear) without restriction.

Centreline Mounted – Centreline Mounted weapons may only fire at targets in the Centreline Firing Arc.

Sponson Mounted – Sponson Mounted weapons are usually mounted in pairs, one on each side of a Vehicle (the Vehicle’s profile will note if this is not the case) and fire into the appropriate Sponson Firing Arc (either left or right). If the target of a Vehicle’s Shooting Attack is within the Firing Arc for only one of a pair of Sponson weapons, then the out of arc weapon may be fired at another enemy unit of the controlling player’s choice. This Secondary Target must be in the weapon’s line of sight and Firing Arc, but may be from a different unit than the original target.

Pintle Mounted – Pintle Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Firing Arc without restriction, but are always counted as Defensive weapons regardless of the weapon type or its statistics.
Access Points
Each Vehicle capable of carrying passengers will have a number of Access Points defined in its entry. These are the doors, ramps and hatches that passengers use to get in and out of the Vehicle. Transports on flying bases also count the base as an Access Point.
Inertial Guidance System

Orbital strike vehicles often mount sophisticated sensors to aid them in avoiding obstacles as they streak towards the battlefield. Those assigned to orbital assaults must rely on these systems to see them to the surface, for, given the sheer speed of their descent, no human pilot could hope to bring them safely down.

When deployed as the first model placed during a Deep Strike Assault, or other deployment that requires a model with this special rule to scatter, the distance the model scatters is reduced by half and if it scatters into Impassable Terrain or off of the battlefield then it is moved the minimum distance required to avoid such obstacles. In addition, if all units included in a Deep Strike Assault have the Inertial Guidance System special rule or are models Embarked on a model with that special rule then any rolls made to determine if the Deep Strike Assault is Disordered may be re-rolled.
Deep Strike

Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, flying, or some other extraordinary means which allows them to appear in the thick of the fighting.

A unit made up entirely of models with this special rule may perform a Deep Strike Assault. Certain Faction or unit special rules may present other options for the deployment of units with the Deep Strike special rule.
Dreadnought Transport

Some transports are specially designed to allow the massive frames of Dreadnoughts to be transported into battle; from drop pods intended purely for the delivery of these armoured behemoths from orbit, to more versatile transports that can either ferry warriors or Dreadnoughts into the fires of war.

A model with this special rule may transport a single model with the Dreadnought Unit Type with no more than 8 Wounds instead of any other models. A Dreadnought model may not Embark upon a model with this special rule if any other models are already Embarked on it, and while a Dreadnought model is Embarked on a model with this special rule then no other models may Embark.
Assault Vehicle

This vehicle is specifically designed to disgorge troops into the thick of the action.

Passengers Disembarking from Access Points on a Vehicle with this special rule can Charge on the turn they do so (including when forced to make an Emergency Disembarkation) unless the Vehicle arrived from Reserves that turn.
Heat Blast

Serving primarily to slow the descent of orbital strike craft, the thrusters of some such vehicles can also be used to scorch and burn enemy infantry. The most desperate or sadistic crews assigned to such craft often made use of this capability to reap a toll of the enemy, even after releasing their passengers into the heart of battle.

When a model with this special rule is deployed onto the battlefield using the Deep Strike special rule, and once all models arriving from Deep Strike in the same Phase have been placed in their final positions, but before any models Embarked on the model with this special rule have Disembarked, any models within 3+D3" (friendly or enemy) suffer a Str 6 AP 5 Hit (models with the Vehicle Unit Type are struck on the Armour facing with the lowest Armour Value, and this attack counts as an attack from a Flame weapon).

In addition, when moving in Hover mode, the controlling player may choose to inflict D6 Str 6 AP 5 Hits on any unit that a model with this special rule moves over. Any Wounds caused are allocated by the controller of the target unit, any models with the Vehicle Unit Type are struck on the Armour facing with the lowest Armour Value, and this attack counts as an attack from a Flame weapon. Once the model has finished moving, the controlling player must roll a D6 for each unit it has inflicted Hits upon using this special rule – any results of a ‘1’ inflict a Hull Point of damage on the model with this special rule.
Limited Ammunition

Some weapons, either due to a restricted capacity to store shells, a terrifying rate of fire or a complex loading mechanism, are prone to running out of ammunition in the heat of battle. Once drained of their reserves, these weapons become little more than burdens to their wielders, impotent until the battle is concluded and specialised equipment can be used to replenish their stores.

After all Shooting Attacks for a weapon with this special rule have been fully resolved, roll a D6, adding +1 if the weapon has fired before in the same battle. If the total of this roll is 6 or more then the weapon may no longer be used to make Shooting Attacks in this battle. If this weapon is unable to make further Shooting Attacks then it may not be targeted by a Weapon Destroyed result on the Vehicle Damage table, and for the purposes of such a result is treated as though it had already been destroyed.

Some weapons make no attempt to target individual warriors, but instead saturate the target zone with such a torrent of gunfire that few can escape their wrath. Such weapons are capable of causing high casualty numbers in a short space of time, but require vast stores of ammunition to maintain their attack.

When making a Shooting Attack, select up to four enemy units within range and line of sight of the attacking unit and make a Shooting Attack using the weapon’s profile against each unit instead of following the normal procedure (any individual enemy unit may only be selected as a target once, and if there are less than four enemy units within line of sight and range then each viable target may be attacked). Each unit targeted is attacked with the full number of attacks listed as part of the weapon’s profile, for example, a weapon with the Heavy 6 type and the Deathstorm special rule would select up to four enemy units within range and line of sight and roll six dice To Hit against each unit.
Deathstorm missile launcher

Deathstorm missile launcher
Heavy 9, Pinning, Deathstorm, Limited Ammunition

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