Legiones Astartes – Lion El’Jonson

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Lion El’Jonson was regarded as the most pragmatic and ruthlessly efficient commander of the Great Crusade. His was the task of rooting out those threats which the Imperium most feared, and he undertook it with peerless valour. Perhaps this quality was moulded into the Lion in his formative years, where he grew and learned to survive alone in the trackless, monster-haunted forests of Caliban. There the young Primarch faced a constant struggle against nigh-insurmountable odds which taught him that to hesitate once committed led only to death, while stoic determination brought victory. This philosophy, learned in the forests of Caliban, marks his grim command of the First Legion – action without delay and relentlessness without reservation. During the Great Crusade, under his command, the remorseless Dark Angels acted not for glory and honours but only for victory, to vanquish their foes and to leave the enemies of Mankind in quiet and forgotten ruin. Untouched by the dark plots of Horus, the Lion would return from his long exile beyond the edge of empire with the same brutal determination and vengeful fervour, turned now against those he had once named brother.

  • Lion El’Jonson 460 pts
The First Primarch, The Lion, The Son of the Forest, Primarch of the Dark Angels
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Lion El’Jonson (base: 40mm)
Lion El’Jonson 8 8 6 7 6 6 7 7 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Lion El’Jonson
  • The Leonine Panoply
  • The Lion Sword
  • The Fusil Actinaeus
  • Stasis Grenades
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels*)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • The Lion’s Choler
  • The Point of the Blade
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Dark Angels
*Lion El’Jonson does not pick one Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type at the start of the battle, instead at the start of each of the controlling player’s turns one of the Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types may be selected for him – Lion El’Jonson gains this Hexagrammaton Sub-type until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, at which point a new Sub-type may be chosen (or the one currently in use retained).
  • Lion El’Jonson may exchange the Lion Sword for the Wolf Blade

The Lion’s Choler

The Lord of the First Legion had faced terrors unimaginable by mortal man and triumphed, had vanquished foes that threatened the utter extinction of life as it is known and slain creatures more vast than even the greatest war engines. When he went into battle there were few foes worthy of death at the Lion’s hand, and only those that could prove by bloody defiance that they were worthy of his enmity would witness the true choler of the Lion.

While Lion El’Jonson has 4 Wounds or less, he gains +1 Attack. While Lion El’Jonson has 2 Wounds or less, he gains an additional +1 Attack.

The Point of the Blade

When the Lion went forth to battle he had but one goal – the destruction of the foe by the most efficient means possible. He beset his enemy as swiftly as he was able and from every avenue of assault, holding back no scrap of his resolve. No tactical ploy or show of strength could stay his judgement nor slow his onslaught once battle was joined, for it could end only on the point of a blade.

After declaring a Charge for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined, the controlling player may choose not to make a Charge roll to determine their Charge Distance and instead make a Charge move of 8" for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined, ignoring the effects of Difficult Terrain and Dangerous Terrain and adding no bonuses to the distance moved for the unit’s Movement Characteristic or Wargear.

Warlord: Sire of the Dark Angels

On the battlefield Lion El’Jonson is a figure of quiet and terrifying focus, a storm whose true force is caged within a will of iron. Those who fight by his side draw strength from his restraint, from the knowledge that should the tide of battle tip against them, the Lion will loose his rage and let nothing keep him from victory.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lion El’Jonson automatically has the Sire of the Dark Angels Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Dark Angels – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule in the same army as Lion El’Jonson gain the Crusader special rule, and any friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule that can draw line of sight to Lion El’Jonson may add +1 to their Leadership (To a maximum of Ld 10). In addition, an army with Lion El’Jonson as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Lion El’Jonson has not been removed as a casualty.

The Leonine Panoply

The Leonine Panoply provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. The first failed Invulnerable Save made for Lion El’Jonson each player turn may be re-rolled.

The Lion Sword

The Lion Sword
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Fleshbane, Master-crafted, Instant Death, Two-handed

†Both the Lion Sword and the Wolf Blade benefit from the +1 To Hit from the Deathwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.

The Wolf Blade

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Wolf Blade
Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Breaching (4+), Reaping Blow (2), Master-crafted, Fearsome Ruin

Fearsome Ruin: The controlling player of any unit which suffers one or more casualties from this weapon and makes a Morale check during the Assault phase must roll an additional D6 for that Check and keep the two highest dice to determine the result of that Morale check.

†Both the Lion Sword and the Wolf Blade benefit from the +1 To Hit from the Deathwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.

The Fusil Actinaeus

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Fusil Actinaeus
Assault 2, Twinlinked, Blind, Rending (3+)

*This weapon benefits from the +1 To Hit from the Stormwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.

Stasis Grenades

Once per battle, Lion El’Jonson’s controlling player may choose to use stasis grenades when a Charge is declared for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined. If the Charge for which the stasis grenades are used is successful then the target enemy unit or units must take an Initiative test (using the majority Initiative value of the unit(s)). If the Initiative test is passed then there is no further effect. If any of the target units fail the Test, then all enemy models in that unit must reduce their Initiative by -1 for the duration of the Assault phase in which the Charge was made.
Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.

Some weapons and warriors strike in a flurry of blows, tearing flesh asunder in a series of brutal strikes.

If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Gets Hot

Some weapons are fuelled by unstable power sources and risk overheating with each shot – often to the detriment of their wielder.

When firing a weapon that Gets Hot, roll To Hit as normal. For each unmodified To Hit roll of 1, the firing model immediately suffers a single Wound with an AP value equal to that of the weapon that was used to attack (Armour Saves, Invulnerable Saves and Feel No Pain rolls can be taken, but not Cover Saves or Shrouded rolls) – this Wound cannot be allocated to any other model in the unit. A Vehicle instead rolls a D6 for each roll of a 1 To Hit. If this roll results in a 1 or 2, the Vehicle suffers a Glancing Hit.
Assault Weapons

Assault weapons either fire so rapidly or indiscriminately that they can be fired while a warrior is moving.

A model attacking with an Assault weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying an Assault weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase.

Plasma blaster18"74Assault 2, Rending (4+), Gets Hot
Breaching (X)

Some weapons are capable of breaching armour with a terrifying ease, whether by specially designed munitions, careful targeting or sheer brute power.

When rolling To Wound for a model that has the Breaching (X) special rule, or is attacking with a weapon that has the Breaching (X) special rule, for each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed in brackets, the controlling player must resolve these wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value. This rule has no effect on models that do not have Wounds, such as models with the Vehicle Unit Type.

For example, a model with the Breaching (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound and rolls a result of ‘5’ or higher, the Wound inflicted gains an AP of ‘2’ regardless of the AP value listed on the weapon’s profile. Note that a weapon that has both the Breaching (X) and the Gets Hot special rules always uses the base AP of the weapon when rolls of ‘1’ To Hit inflict Wounds on the attacking model.
Armourbane (X)

This weapon has been crafted with one aim in mind – to pierce the hides of armoured vehicles.

If a model or weapon has this special rule, it rolls an additional D6 for armour penetration when targeting a Vehicle model, or, when targeting a model with the Automata or Dreadnought Unit Type, re-rolls all failed rolls To Wound instead. These effects apply to both Shooting Attacks and close combat attacks.

Some instances of the Armourbane special rule may include a qualifier after the rule in brackets, for example Armourbane (Melta) or Armourbane (Melee). These variant rules are described below:

Armourbane (Melta): A model or weapon with this Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when at half range or less. If the attack is more than half its Maximum Range away, it gains no benefit from the Armourbane special rule. If a weapon with this version of Armourbane also has the Blast special rule, measure the distance to the centre of the Blast marker after it has scattered. If this is half the weapon’s range or less, then all Hits are counted as having the Armourbane special rule, otherwise the Hits are resolved as if they did not have the Armourbane special rule.

Armourbane (Melee): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when attacking in close combat.

Armourbane (Ranged): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when making Shooting Attacks.
Army List
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Frag Grenades

This class of grenade contains only a small explosive charge, and is intended primarily to disorientate and distract the foe while closing on a fixed position.

A unit that includes at least one model with frag grenades makes attacks at its normal Initiative Step during an Assault after it has successfully Charged through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain, but still suffers any penalties to Charge rolls imposed by Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain when resolving a Charge through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain.

Many are the weapons and creatures whose merest caress is fatal.

If a model has this special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has this special rule, they always Wound on a 2+ in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has this special rule, they always Wound on a 2+.

In either case, this special rule has no effect against Vehicles or Buildings.

This weapon is particularly heavy and requires both hands to wield.

A model attacking with this weapon never receives +1 Attack for fighting with two Melee weapons.
Invulnerable Saves
Some warriors are protected by more than physical armour. They may be shielded by force fields or have a constitution that can shrug off hits that would destroy a tank. Models with Wargear or abilities like these are allowed an Invulnerable Saving Throw.

Invulnerable Saves are different to Armour Saves in that they may always be taken whenever the model suffers a Wound, or, in the case of Vehicles, suffers a Penetrating Hit or Glancing Hit – the Armour Piercing value of attacking weapons has no effect on an Invulnerable Save. Even if a Wound, Penetrating Hit or Glancing Hit ignores all Armour Saves, an Invulnerable Saving Throw can still be taken.
Instant Death

Some blows can slay an enemy outright, no matter how hardy they may be.

If a model suffers an unsaved Wound from an attack with this special rule, it is reduced to 0 Wounds and is removed as a casualty.
The Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule
The various Legions are differentiated by means of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule. When assembling a Legiones Astartes army, a single variation of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule is chosen and no unit in the Primary Detachment may include any models with a different variation of this special rule. All special rules, Wargear options and Rites of War that apply to that version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule may be used by the army where appropriate, as defined by those rules and options.

Other Detachments in the army, such as Allied Detachments or Lords of War Detachments, may have a different version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule. In which case no models in the same Detachment may have a different version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule to the one chosen for that Detachment. Models within a non-Primary Detachment are affected by all the special rules for the version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule chosen for them, as well as access to any Wargear options and special units.

Some weapons are lovingly maintained artefacts, crafted with skills now lost. Though the exact form of master-crafting varies, it is always considered to be the pinnacle of the weaponsmith’s art.

Weapons with the Master-crafted special rule allow the bearer to re-roll one failed roll To Hit per turn with that weapon.

This attack looses a brilliant flare of light, searing the sight of the victim and forcing them to fight blind for a few moments.

Any unit hit by one or more models or weapons with this special rule must take an Initiative test at the end of the current Phase. If the Test is passed, there is no further effect. If the Initiative test is failed, all models in the unit are reduced to Weapon Skill 1 and Ballistic Skill 1 until the end of their next turn. Should the attacking unit hit themselves, they automatically pass the Test. Any model that does not have an Initiative Characteristic (for example, Vehicles, Buildings, etc) is unaffected by this special rule.
Line of Sight
Line of sight determines what a model can ‘see’. Many situations call for you to determine whether or not a model has line of sight. A model normally needs line of sight whenever it wishes to attack an enemy, whether with a melee attack, or shooting attack. Line of sight literally represents your warriors’ view of the enemy – they must be able to see their foes through, under or over the battlefield terrain and other models (whether friendly or enemy).

For one model to have line of sight to another, you must be able to trace a straight, unblocked line from its body (the head, torso, arms or legs) to any part of the target’s body.

Sometimes, all that will be visible of a model is a weapon, banner, or other ornament they are carrying. In these cases, the model is not visible. Similarly, mechanical appendages such as cables, probes and ammo feeds are ignored, even though they may be part of a model’s body. These rules are intended to ensure that models don’t get penalised for having impressive banners, weaponry, and so on.

In many cases, what a model can ‘see’ will be obvious – if there’s a hill, building or mechanical construct in the way, the enemy might be blatantly out of sight. In other cases, two units will be clearly in view of each other as there is nothing at all in the way.

On those other occasions, where it’s not entirely obvious whether or not one unit can see another, the player will have to stoop over the battlefield and look from behind the model’s head for a ‘model’s eye view’. This means getting down to the level of your models and checking the battlefield from their perspective to ‘see what they can see’. You will find that you can spot lurking enemies through the windows of ruined buildings, catch a glimpse of a model’s legs under tree branches and see that high vantage points become very useful for the increased line of sight that they offer.

This datasheet has Primarch Battlefield Role. Full list of Legiones Astartes units sharing same Battlefield Role follows:

Armour Saves
If a model has an Armour Save Characteristic of 6+ or better on its profile, then a further dice roll may be made to see if the armour prevents the Wound. This is called an Armour Saving throw, or Armour Save.

To take an Armour Save, roll a D6 and compare the result to the Armour Save Characteristic of the model that has been allocated the Wound. If the dice result is equal to or higher than the model’s Armour Save Characteristic, the Wound is negated. If the result is lower than the Armour Save Characteristic, the model suffers a Wound. This means that, unlike most Characteristics, an Armour Save is better if it is a lower number.
In some situations, the rules allow you to re-roll a dice. This is exactly what it sounds like – pick up the dice you wish to re-roll and roll it again. The second roll counts even if it means a worse result than the first, and no single dice can be re-rolled more than once, regardless of the source of the re-roll.

If you re-roll a 2D6 or 3D6 roll, you must re-roll all of the dice, not just some of them, unless the rules specify otherwise. Any modifiers that applied to the first roll also apply to the re-roll.

If two or more special rules combine to the effect that all failed and all successful dice results would have to be re-rolled, do not re-roll any dice; simply use the original result(s) instead.

The Leonine Panoply

The Leonine Panoply provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. The first failed Invulnerable Save made for Lion El’Jonson each player turn may be re-rolled.
Roll To Hit (Close combat)
Once it has been determined which models must make attacks in a given Initiative step, the controlling player makes To Hit rolls for those models.

To make a To Hit roll, roll a D6 for each attack a model gets to make and compare the WS of the attacking model to the WS of the target unit. Then, consult the To Hit chart below to find the minimum result needed on a D6 To Hit.

As the chart below shows, if the target’s WS is half or less than that of the attacker’s, they are hit on a 2+; lower than the attacker’s but more than half, they are hit on 3+; if the target’s WS is equal to the attacker’s, they are hit on 4+; if it is higher but not twice the attacker’s, they are hit on 5+; and if it is twice or more than the attacker’s, then they are hit only on a 6+.

Some units contain models with different Weapon Skills. Whilst each model in such a unit rolls To Hit using its own Weapon Skill, Attacks made against such a unit are resolved using the Weapon Skill of the majority of the engaged enemy models. If two or more Weapon Skill values are tied for majority, use the highest of those tied values.

The Lion Sword

The Lion Sword
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Fleshbane, Master-crafted, Instant Death, Two-handed

†Both the Lion Sword and the Wolf Blade benefit from the +1 To Hit from the Deathwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.
Roll To Hit (Shooting)
To determine if the attacking model has hit its target, roll a D6 for each attack that is in range. Most models only get to make one attack – however, some weapons are capable of firing more than once, as will be explained in more detail later. The dice roll needed To Hit will depend on the Ballistic Skill (or BS) of the attacking model. The chart below shows the minimum D6 roll needed to score a Hit.

Firer’s BS12345
Roll needed To Hit65+4+3+2+

To Hit rolls are easy to remember if you subtract the Ballistic Skill of the attacking model from 7. For example, a model with BS 2 needs to roll a 5 or more (7-2=5).

Note that the minimum roll needed To Hit is always at least 2. When rolling To Hit, there is no such thing as an automatic Hit and a roll of a 1 always misses.
In addition to the base Unit Types (Infantry, Cavalry, Automata, Dreadnought, Primarch and Daemon), some models might be listed as belonging to one or more sub-types. Some sub-types may grant a model or unit additional special rules, an example of which is the Character sub-type which is covered in its own section of this rulebook. Other sub-types do not grant any special rules to models or units that possess them, but are instead used by other special rules to differentiate between otherwise similar units. In all cases, sub-types are presented after the base Unit Types in brackets. For example, a Legion Cataphract Sergeant has the following base Unit Type and sub-types: Infantry (Heavy, Character).

A number of key unit sub-types are presented here – more may be referenced in other Age of Darkness books.

The Fusil Actinaeus

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Fusil Actinaeus
Assault 2, Twinlinked, Blind, Rending (3+)

*This weapon benefits from the +1 To Hit from the Stormwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.
Owning Player, Opposing Player and Controlling Player
Sometimes a rule will ask the owning, opposing or controlling player to make an action or decision of some kind. The owning player is always the player who ‘owns’ the model in question – the one who has the model in their army. The opposing player is always their opponent. The controlling player is always the player in current command of that model – there are some special rules which can force models to switch sides during the course of the game.
Characteristic Tests
A model will sometimes be called upon to take a Characteristic test. Such a test can be applied against any Characteristic that the model has, except for Leadership and Armour Save. A Toughness test is a Characteristic test, as is a Strength test or an Initiative test, a Wounds test, and so on.

Models don’t have a choice of what Characteristics to use – the Characteristic to be tested will be specified in the rule.

To make a Characteristic test, follow these steps:
  • Roll a D6 and compare the result to the relevant Characteristic in the model’s profile.
  • If the result is equal to or less than the number in the profile, the test is passed.
  • If the result is greater than the number in the model’s profile,the test has been failed and the model faces the consequences as detailed in the rule that prompted the test.
When a single test is required for the whole unit, use the highest relevant Characteristic in the unit.

Stasis Grenades

Once per battle, Lion El’Jonson’s controlling player may choose to use stasis grenades when a Charge is declared for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined. If the Charge for which the stasis grenades are used is successful then the target enemy unit or units must take an Initiative test (using the majority Initiative value of the unit(s)). If the Initiative test is passed then there is no further effect. If any of the target units fail the Test, then all enemy models in that unit must reduce their Initiative by -1 for the duration of the Assault phase in which the Charge was made.
Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

All units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule must select one of the following Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types* when chosen during the army selection process: Stormwing, Dreadwing, Deathwing, Ironwing, Firewing or Ravenwing. See the Hexagrammaton rules that follow for details.

* Some models or units may be required to have a specific Unit Sub-type from this list, if so it will be listed on their profile and cannot be changed.

Arsenal of the First Legion
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Dark Angels).

Scions of the Hekatonystika
Any Legion Centurion, Legion Tartaros Centurion or Legion Cataphractii Centurion with this special rule may select the Paladin of the Hekatonystika Consul upgrade.

The First Legion
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Dark Angels Warlord Trait list.
Master of the Legion

The greatest commanders of the Space Marine Legions are all but peerless in their strategic and tactical abilities. The genecraft of the Emperor that created them, honed by individual talent and the experience of countless battles, has sharpened their acumen to a preternatural degree.

The Master of the Legion special rule grants the following benefits:
  • Rites of War: If a Detachment with the Legiones Astartes Faction includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule then that Detachment may select a single Rite of War. Rites of War are presented in the Legiones Astartes Rites of War section.
  • The Few and the Proud: An army may only include a maximum of one model with this special rule per 1,000 points. This counts across all Detachments of an army. Thus, an army that totals at least 1,000 points may include only a single model with the Master of the Legion special rule, and an army that totals at least 2,000 points may include up to two models with the Master of the Legion special rule, etc.
  • Retinue: A model with this special rule may also include a Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad as part of the same Force Organisation slot as the model with the Master of the Legion special rule.
Psychic Focus
Before making any To Hit rolls with this weapon, the Psyker must make a Psychic check. If the Check is passed, then the Psyker may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed, then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.
Adamantium Will (X)

So strong of mind is this warrior that the powers of the Warp have little grasp upon them.

Models with the Adamantium Will special rule gain an Invulnerable Save against any Wound inflicted by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus special rules and Wounds inflicted by Perils of the Warp – the value of this Save is indicated in brackets after the rule. For example, a model with Adamantium Will (5+) gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save against any Wound inflicted by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus special rules and Wounds inflicted by Perils of the Warp. If, for any reason, the Adamantium Will special rule is presented without a value in brackets then consider the rule to be Adamantium Will (5+).
The Lion’s Choler

The Lord of the First Legion had faced terrors unimaginable by mortal man and triumphed, had vanquished foes that threatened the utter extinction of life as it is known and slain creatures more vast than even the greatest war engines. When he went into battle there were few foes worthy of death at the Lion’s hand, and only those that could prove by bloody defiance that they were worthy of his enmity would witness the true choler of the Lion.

While Lion El’Jonson has 4 Wounds or less, he gains +1 Attack. While Lion El’Jonson has 2 Wounds or less, he gains an additional +1 Attack.
The Point of the Blade

When the Lion went forth to battle he had but one goal – the destruction of the foe by the most efficient means possible. He beset his enemy as swiftly as he was able and from every avenue of assault, holding back no scrap of his resolve. No tactical ploy or show of strength could stay his judgement nor slow his onslaught once battle was joined, for it could end only on the point of a blade.

After declaring a Charge for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined, the controlling player may choose not to make a Charge roll to determine their Charge Distance and instead make a Charge move of 8" for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined, ignoring the effects of Difficult Terrain and Dangerous Terrain and adding no bonuses to the distance moved for the unit’s Movement Characteristic or Wargear.

Whether pledged to the Emperor himself as the rightful leader of Mankind or to the dream of the Imperium that he intended to create, some warriors swore to fight and die for the Loyalist cause and no other.

A model with this special rule may only be included in an army that has the Loyalist Allegiance.
Warlord: Sire of the Dark Angels

On the battlefield Lion El’Jonson is a figure of quiet and terrifying focus, a storm whose true force is caged within a will of iron. Those who fight by his side draw strength from his restraint, from the knowledge that should the tide of battle tip against them, the Lion will loose his rage and let nothing keep him from victory.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lion El’Jonson automatically has the Sire of the Dark Angels Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Dark Angels – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule in the same army as Lion El’Jonson gain the Crusader special rule, and any friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule that can draw line of sight to Lion El’Jonson may add +1 to their Leadership (To a maximum of Ld 10). In addition, an army with Lion El’Jonson as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Lion El’Jonson has not been removed as a casualty.
Morale Checks
Morale represents the grit and determination of warriors on the battlefield. Morale checks are a specific kind of Leadership test.

Similar to other Leadership-based tests, Morale checks (also sometimes referred to as Morale tests) are taken by rolling 2D6 and comparing the total to the unit’s Leadership value.

If the total is equal to or less than the unit’s Leadership Characteristic, the test is passed and the unit does not suffer any ill effects.

If the total is higher than their Leadership Characteristic, the test is failed and the unit will immediately Fall Back.

Some units have special rules pertaining to Morale checks that are detailed in their Army List or Army List entry. For example, some units might always pass Morale checks, while others might always pass all Leadership tests. This difference is subtle, yet important. A unit that always passes Morale checks still has to test when hit by an attack with the Pinning special rule, while a unit that always passes all Leadership tests wouldn’t.
Reaping Blow (X)

Only when outnumbered in the press of the melee, can these weapons be wielded to the greatest effect.

If a model is in base contact with more than one enemy model in the Initiative step in which they fight, they gain a number of Attacks equal to the value of X as noted in the variant of the special rule (if no value of X is included then count the value of X as 1).

The Wolf Blade

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Wolf Blade
Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Breaching (4+), Reaping Blow (2), Master-crafted, Fearsome Ruin

Fearsome Ruin: The controlling player of any unit which suffers one or more casualties from this weapon and makes a Morale check during the Assault phase must roll an additional D6 for that Check and keep the two highest dice to determine the result of that Morale check.

†Both the Lion Sword and the Wolf Blade benefit from the +1 To Hit from the Deathwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.
Warlord Traits
Your Warlord is a potent force upon the battlefield. Not only are they a mighty hero, with all the skills and renown you might expect from the leader of a great army, but over the course of a long career they will also have picked up specialised abilities, which we refer to as ‘Warlord Traits’. Each Warlord has one Warlord Trait, chosen during army selection, from the list of Core Warlord Traits (or another list of Traits made available as part of that model’s Allegiance or Faction) and noted on the player’s Army List or roster. Some special rules attached to certain Factions or models may allow a Warlord to select Warlord Traits other than those presented in the Core list – such rules will specifically note which other Traits may be selected.

Bolstered by their ultimate faith in their goal, the crusader is tireless, sweeping from one foe to the next in a battle that never ends.

A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule rolls an extra dice when making Sweeping Advances and discards the lowest scoring dice before determining the result.
Leadership (Ld)
Leadership reveals how courageous, determined and self-controlled a model is. The higher the value, the more reliable the model is under pressure. When Shooting Attacks or combat inflicts heavy casualties, Leadership is used to decide if the stricken unit flees or stands its ground.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024