Legiones Astartes – Contekar Terminator Squad

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Elite shock troops adept at sowing panic and dismay with their arrival, the Contekars’ talents for steadfast ruthlessness in the prosecution of war was much vaunted amongst the Legions during the Great Crusade. Contekar Terminators are butchers and murderers of a high order, to be called upon when the VIIIth Legion wished to bring more than terror but utter and abject despair and destruction upon a foe, to burn their armies, infrastructure and agriculture, and to topple the foundations of their civilisation. A haughty warrior class within the Night Lords, the Contekar were made up of recruits taken from Nostramo’s ruling elite, and in their blood lay the corruption and contempt held for Imperial citizenry by those ignoble potentates. Obsessed with status, the Contekar kept themselves aloof from the rest of the Legion, deigning only to fight for those leaders they deemed worthy or possessed of noble Nostraman blood. Indeed, only the First Captain and Primarch of the Legion could command the Contekar freely.

  • Contekar Terminator Squad 225 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Contekar (base: 40mm)
Contekar 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Dissident (base: 40mm)
Dissident 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Contekar
  • 1 Dissident
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
  • Heavy flamer or volkite cavitor
  • Chainblade
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Stubborn
  • Lords of the Night
  • Deep Strike
  • Fear (1)
Dedicated Transport
  • The unit may include:
  • - Up to an additional 10 Contekar
    +40 points each
  • The Dissident may exchange his chainblade for:
  • - Escaton power claw
    +15 points

Lords of the Night

The Contekar were often dispatched to wrest command from lesser Night Lords leaders whom their commanders deemed unfit to prosecute the Legion’s objectives. Such cruel, but pragmatic methods were favoured by warlords such as Sevatar and others of both the old Legion and the new Nostraman recruits, relying on the brutal skills of the Contekar to lay waste to the enemies of the Night Lords as an example to those of their brethren that might falter in their duties.

A single Contekar Terminator Squad numbering no more than 10 models may be taken as a Compulsory HQ choice in an army in which neither Sevatar nor Konrad Curze are present.

In addition, a Contekar Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes Sevatar, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ counts Sevatar as the Contekar Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as Sevatar. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Sevatar deployed as part of the unit and Sevatar may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.

Volkite Cavitor

The cavitor is a variant of the more common volkite weapons produced in the factories of Nostramo, a rare example of lost technology on that otherwise benighted world. The removal of safety equipment allows the cavitor to project a more diffused beam at limited ranges, the tendrils of lethal volkite energy making a mockery of armour and burning flesh to ash.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Volkite’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Volkite Cavitor
Heavy 4, Deflagrate

These weapons are grafted to the same targeting system for greater accuracy.

When attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.
Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.

This weapon is very large, and more than a little clumsy, making swift blows all but impossible to achieve.

A model attacking with this weapon Piles-in and fights at Initiative step 1, unless it has the Dreadnought Unit Type or Monstrous sub-type.
Specialist Weapon

The mightiest weapons only reach their full potential when wielded in pairs, as they require an entirely different battle stance from that of more commonplace weapons.

A model fighting with this weapon does not receive +1 Attack for fighting with two weapons unless it is armed with two or more Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon rule. The additional weapon does not have to be the same weapon as the one used to attack, but it must have the Specialist Weapon rule in order to grant an additional Attack for fighting with two weapons.

Some weapons and warriors strike in a flurry of blows, tearing flesh asunder in a series of brutal strikes.

If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour

This was an advanced pattern of Terminator armour developed late on during the Great Crusade in parallel with the Maximus pattern power armour, and was considered a technological masterwork. Tartaros armour is more streamlined and power efficient than its predecessors, making it more agile and providing short bursts of extra speed when needed, but was also more difficult and resource intensive to manufacture. Regardless of this, it had become one of the most widely-circulated patterns issued in the decades before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy.

Legion Tartaros Terminator armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

Relentless warriors are strong of arm – nothing can slow their implacable advance.

Relentless models can shoot with Heavy or Ordnance weapons, counting as Stationary, even if they moved in the previous Movement phase. They are also allowed to Charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, or Rapid Fire weapons.
Bulky (X)

This creature is so massive, it takes up an inordinate amount of space in any vehicle or building it enters.

Bulky models count as a number of models equal to the value X in brackets after the rule’s name for the purposes of Transport Capacity and whether a given unit outnumbers another in combat.

For example, a unit comprised of five models all of which have the Bulky (3) special rule, would count as 15 models when attempting to Embark on a Transport Vehicle or when deciding if they outnumber an enemy unit (see, for example, Rampage (X)).
Gets Hot

Some weapons are fuelled by unstable power sources and risk overheating with each shot – often to the detriment of their wielder.

When firing a weapon that Gets Hot, roll To Hit as normal. For each unmodified To Hit roll of 1, the firing model immediately suffers a single Wound with an AP value equal to that of the weapon that was used to attack (Armour Saves, Invulnerable Saves and Feel No Pain rolls can be taken, but not Cover Saves or Shrouded rolls) – this Wound cannot be allocated to any other model in the unit. A Vehicle instead rolls a D6 for each roll of a 1 To Hit. If this roll results in a 1 or 2, the Vehicle suffers a Glancing Hit.
Assault Weapons

Assault weapons either fire so rapidly or indiscriminately that they can be fired while a warrior is moving.

A model attacking with an Assault weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying an Assault weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase.

Plasma blaster18"74Assault 2, Rending (4+), Gets Hot
Heavy flamer

Heavy flamer
Assault 1

Heavy Weapons

These are heavy, man-portable weapons that typically require reloading between each shot or bracing to counter their recoil.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with a Heavy weapon attacks the number of times indicated. If a model equipped with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, they can only make Snap Shots with that Heavy weapon during the Shooting phase. Note that weapons with the Blast special rule cannot fire Snap Shots. Models that make Shooting Attacks with Heavy weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Reaper autocannon36"74Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Breaching (X)

Some weapons are capable of breaching armour with a terrifying ease, whether by specially designed munitions, careful targeting or sheer brute power.

When rolling To Wound for a model that has the Breaching (X) special rule, or is attacking with a weapon that has the Breaching (X) special rule, for each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed in brackets, the controlling player must resolve these wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value. This rule has no effect on models that do not have Wounds, such as models with the Vehicle Unit Type.

For example, a model with the Breaching (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound and rolls a result of ‘5’ or higher, the Wound inflicted gains an AP of ‘2’ regardless of the AP value listed on the weapon’s profile. Note that a weapon that has both the Breaching (X) and the Gets Hot special rules always uses the base AP of the weapon when rolls of ‘1’ To Hit inflict Wounds on the attacking model.

The ancient volkite weaponry employed by the armies of Terra in the earliest years of the Great Crusade fired arcing blasts of energy rather than solid projectiles.

After normal attacks by this weapon have been resolved, count the number of unsaved Wounds caused on the target unit. Immediately resolve a number of additional automatic Hits on the same unit using the weapon’s profile equal to the number of unsaved Wounds – these can then be saved normally. Models in the targeted unit must still be in range in order for these additional Hits to take effect. These additional Hits do not themselves inflict more Hits and do not benefit from any other special rules possessed by the attacking model, such as Preferred Enemy (X) or Precision Strikes (X).
Army List
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Many warriors live and die according to the principle of ‘death before dishonour’. Seldom do such warriors take a backward step in the face of danger.

When a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule takes Morale checks or Pinning tests, the unit ignore any negative Leadership modifiers. If a unit is both Fearless and Stubborn, the unit uses the rules for Fearless instead.
Murderous Strike (X)

Some weapons are so cruel of form or powerful in aspect that a well-placed strike can slay even the toughest opponent.

Attacks with this special rule cause Instant Death on a To Wound roll equal to or greater than the number listed in brackets associated with the specific rule. Roll any viable Saves against this Instant Death-causing Wound separately and before any other Wounds the attack inflicts.
Deep Strike

Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, flying, or some other extraordinary means which allows them to appear in the thick of the fighting.

A unit made up entirely of models with this special rule may perform a Deep Strike Assault. Certain Faction or unit special rules may present other options for the deployment of units with the Deep Strike special rule.
Master of the Legion

The greatest commanders of the Space Marine Legions are all but peerless in their strategic and tactical abilities. The genecraft of the Emperor that created them, honed by individual talent and the experience of countless battles, has sharpened their acumen to a preternatural degree.

The Master of the Legion special rule grants the following benefits:
  • Rites of War: If a Detachment with the Legiones Astartes Faction includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule then that Detachment may select a single Rite of War. Rites of War are presented in the Legiones Astartes Rites of War section.
  • The Few and the Proud: An army may only include a maximum of one model with this special rule per 1,000 points. This counts across all Detachments of an army. Thus, an army that totals at least 1,000 points may include only a single model with the Master of the Legion special rule, and an army that totals at least 2,000 points may include up to two models with the Master of the Legion special rule, etc.
  • Retinue: A model with this special rule may also include a Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad as part of the same Force Organisation slot as the model with the Master of the Legion special rule.
Chosen Warriors

Trusted lieutenants or paragons of martial virtue, these warriors let no challenge go unanswered in the heat of battle.

A model with this special rule may issue and accept Challenges as if it had the Character type. Note that this does not allow a model with this special rule to use any other special rules associated with the Character type.

Many of the most famous and powerful commanders went to war with a dedicated cadre of bodyguards and adjutants. These guardians served both to protect their master in the heat of battle, preserving his life against all threats, and as a vital reserve of skilled warriors to press the attack at the most crucial moment.

A Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Terminator Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad may only be selected as part of a Detachment that includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’ and the model with the Master of the Legion special rule is referred to as the Retinue Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule (if the Detachment includes more than one model with the Master of the Legion special rule then the controlling player selects one as the unit’s Leader). The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. A Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Terminator Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad may not be selected as part of an army without a Leader.
HQ stands for Headquarters unit. A Headquarters unit might be a determined Solar Auxilia lord marshal thrust into the heart of the Horus Heresy or a mighty Space Marine praetor at the head of a Legion task force. These models are amongst the most powerful in the game and, as leaders, they have access to more special equipment than anyone else. They are not invincible, but can provide a powerful spearhead for an attacking army and a strong core for a defensive one.
Fear (X)

Some beings are so monstrous or alien that they can force their foes to recoil in horror.

All enemy models within 12" of a model with this special rule must reduce their Leadership by the value in brackets after the special rule when taking any Morale checks, Regroup or Pinning tests. For example, a unit with the special rule Fear (2) would reduce the Leadership of all enemy models within 12" by 2.

Enemy units that are locked in combat are only affected by this modifier if they are locked in combat with the unit that causes Fear. This modifier is not cumulative, and any given unit can only be affected by a single instance of the Fear special rule at a time. This will always be the highest single modifier among those applicable.

A model that causes Fear is not itself immune to Fear, and will still suffer a penalty to its Leadership if within range of an enemy unit that has the Fear special rule.
Elites units are, as the name suggests, the best soldiers an army has to offer, but there are rarely ever as many of them as a commander would like. In some cases, they will be specialists, while, at other times, they will be more experienced versions of regular soldiers.
Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

When a unit made up entirely of models with this special rule attacks during the Fight sub-phase or makes a Shooting Attack against an enemy unit that is Pinned, Falling Back or outnumbered by the attacking unit, it gains a bonus of +1 to all To Wound or Armour Penetration rolls made during the Shooting Attack or Assault. When determining if a unit is outnumbered, models with the Bulky (X) special rule count as a number of models equal to the value included as part of that special rule. Models with the Vehicle Unit Type count as ten models for the purposes of determining if the model is outnumbered by another unit.

Panoply of Slaughter
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Night Lords).

Children of the Night
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Night Lords Warlord Trait list.

Melee, Shred, Breaching (6+)

Volkite Cavitor

The cavitor is a variant of the more common volkite weapons produced in the factories of Nostramo, a rare example of lost technology on that otherwise benighted world. The removal of safety equipment allows the cavitor to project a more diffused beam at limited ranges, the tendrils of lethal volkite energy making a mockery of armour and burning flesh to ash.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Volkite’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Volkite Cavitor
Heavy 4, Deflagrate
Lords of the Night

The Contekar were often dispatched to wrest command from lesser Night Lords leaders whom their commanders deemed unfit to prosecute the Legion’s objectives. Such cruel, but pragmatic methods were favoured by warlords such as Sevatar and others of both the old Legion and the new Nostraman recruits, relying on the brutal skills of the Contekar to lay waste to the enemies of the Night Lords as an example to those of their brethren that might falter in their duties.

A single Contekar Terminator Squad numbering no more than 10 models may be taken as a Compulsory HQ choice in an army in which neither Sevatar nor Konrad Curze are present.

In addition, a Contekar Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes Sevatar, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ counts Sevatar as the Contekar Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as Sevatar. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Sevatar deployed as part of the unit and Sevatar may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.
Escaton power claw

Escaton power claw
Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (6+), Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon

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