Agents of the Cults Abominatio

The following comprises the first example of a Cult Operative of the Cults Abominatio, a dark mirror of the loyal Divisio Assassinorum, whose members were created using long forbidden techniques in compact with the corrupting powers of the Warp. It includes an Army List entry for the Infernus Abomination, a terrifying killer fuelled by the pain and suffering of its victims, allowing players to field this Cult Operative alongside their armies. The Army List profile represents a single example of one of various Abominatio Cults that existed at the time of the Age of Darkness during the Horus Heresy.

The true number of cults that existed prior to and during the galaxy-consuming war was undetermined and of the number and manner of the monsters they produced, few have dared to speculate. However, as historical accounts were analysed and compared, the role of these abominable beings and the acts they perpetrated may have been more impactful than any would have imagined. This profile allows players to incorporate the Infernus Abomination into their armies as a ‘Cult Operative’. In addition, material found in further Horus Heresy volumes will add further diverse and unique characters to the Cults Abominatio forces in exciting tabletop battles, and will clearly indicate where such additional units or characters are part of the Cults Abominatio Faction.


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  The Siege of Cthonia
  The Siege of CthoniaCampaign21.0August 2023

The Cults Abominatio at War: Cult Operatives

A single Cult Operative from the Cults Abominatio Army List profile detailed in this section may be included in any Primary Detachment. A Cult Operative uses up a Force Organisation slot as normal, but is unaffected by the ‘Levels of Alliance’ rules and all friendly models in the same army treat it as if it was a Distrusted Ally. If an army’s Primary Detachment includes a Cult Operative with the Traitor special rule, the army must also be of the Traitor Allegiance. If the Cult Operative included in a Primary Detachment does not have a special rule that forces it to use either Allegiance, it can be included in an army with either the Loyalist or Traitor Allegiance.

Tactics of the Cults Abominatio

The Cults Abominatio was oft compared to the Divisio Assassinorum as specialised killers but who aligned their cause with Horus, though they were not an entirely parallel organisation. Where the latter would rely on the enhancement of the deadly prowess of individuals through genetic therapy, arduous training, conditioning and the use of much-prized relic weapons and equipment according to the rigid tenets of their various clades, the Cults Abominatio eschewed tradition and trod the path of corruption. Heedless of their own safety, Abominations of the Cults would not hesitate to take any actions, risking the integrity of their own existence and skirting the edge of oblivion to bring about the death of their targets. To represent this in play, any unit composed entirely of models with the Abomination Unit Sub-type may make the Empyreal Shift Advanced Reaction.
Advanced Reactions are available to specific players as noted in their description. Unlike Core Reactions, they are activated in unique and specific circumstances, as noted in their descriptions, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced Reactions use up points of a Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted otherwise in their description.

Empyreal Shift – This Advanced Reaction may be made either in the Movement phase whenever an enemy unit ends its move within 12" of a unit that is composed entirely of models with the Abomination Unit Sub-type, in the Shooting phase whenever an enemy unit targets a unit that is composed entirely of models with the Abomination Unit Sub-type with a Shooting Attack, or in the Assault phase whenever an enemy unit declares a Charge against a unit that is composed entirely of models with the Abomination Unit Sub-type. The controlling player of the Reacting unit must make a Leadership test using the Leadership Characteristic of the Reacting model. If the Leadership test is passed, the Reacting unit may immediately move up to 12". This move may be made in any direction and ignores all terrain or other effects that would limit or modify the distance moved (including allowing models in the Reacting unit to move across Impassable Terrain), as long as the final position of all models in the Reacting unit are at least 1" away from any enemy model and not within an area of Impassable Terrain. If, after moving, any models in the Reacting unit are positioned out of range or line of sight of the unit that caused the Reaction, that unit may not select another target for the Shooting Attack or Charge that triggered the Reaction and no dice are rolled and no Surge moves are made (weapons with the Gets Hot special rule do not need to roll to see if the weapon Gets Hot and weapons with the One Use special rule are not considered to have been expended). If the Leadership test is failed, both the unit making the Reaction and the unit that triggered the Reaction suffer D6 Wounds with no Armour Saves, Invulnerable Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls allowed.

Abomination Unit Sub-Type

Unaware and uncaring of their own provenance, some beings stalk the galaxy with only a singular desire to satisfy an ingrained desire to kill. Heedless of any sensations beyond those associated with the extermination of life and driven by a murderous instinct, they take no joy in companionship or even camaraderie, spending their existence in a perpetual cycle of stalking, hunting and killing those they are drawn to destroy.

  • Models with the Abomination Sub-type ignore all movement penalties when moving or Charging through terrain of any kind and automatically pass all Dangerous Terrain tests they are called upon to make.
  • Models with the Abomination Sub-type may never join or be joined by a unit made up of models with any type.
  • Models with the Abomination Sub-type may not Embark on any model with the Transport Sub-type.
  • Models with the Abomination Sub-type may never be selected as an army’s Warlord.



In the latter years of the Horus Heresy, isolated reports, collated by Imperial scribes from war zones throughout the galaxy, began to describe a horrifying new threat to Loyalist forces. The fragmentary reports, teased from incoherent, nearinsane individuals, survivors wracked and broken by the horrors of what they had witnessed, told of an apparition that haunted the fields of battle – a being of sheer terror. Blacker than the deepest void but with a form that shifted and rebuilt as it prowled, the abomination was unaffected by the physical restraints of reality and seemed to hunt with an extrasensory perception of its prey and surroundings. It would dissolve and reform into the very thing that those it hunted feared most, spawning armaments of nightmarish aspect to tear its victims apart in a tailored agony. Such a being – a weapon given animus – was originally suspected to have been a product of the clandestine temples of the Officio Assassinorum, but even investigation at the highest level of access priority yielded no information of a clade of killers of this form.

  • Infernus Abomination 130 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Infernus (base: 32mm)
Infernus 7 5 4 4 4 3 5 4 10 4+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Infernus Abomination
  • Transmutative armaments
  • Wraithskin
  • Boneshard Spitter
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Infiltrate
  • Scout
  • Fear (2)
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Osmeotic Regeneration
  • Traitor

Osmeotic Regeneration

To an Infernus Abomination the briefest physical contact with the flesh of living, or even recently deceased, acts as if it were a narcotic substance, invigorating a powerful and overwhelming bloodlust. Simple blood or muscle cells are consumed to fuel the murder-instinct of the Infernus but of particular potency are the tissues of the brain and nervous system. With the ingestion of cerebral matter, saturated with the darkest thoughts and deepest fears of the being it once constituted, an Infernus Abomination nourishes its physical form, its sundered flesh and torn musculature knitting together anew.

At the end of the controlling player’s turn, if the Infernus Abomination has not been removed as a casualty, the controlling player rolls a D6 for every unsaved Wound inflicted on an enemy model during that turn. For each result of a 5+, the Infernus Abomination regains a lost Wound. Note that Wounds regained in this way may not increase the amount of Wounds to more than the starting amount shown on the Infernus Abomination unit profile.

Transmutative armaments

To look upon an Infernus Abomination is to observe a thing of utter darkness, less simply black and more the absolute antithesis of light itself. Even at rest, the Infernus is said to be of a constantly shifting form, both growing and contracting like the ceaseless billowing of a thunderhead before the breaking of a storm; its skin visibly crawling with a barely-restrained yearning to butcher and flay all living things. The tools with which it indulges its base desires can seemingly be conjured at will, its human-like limbs transmuting in a horrifying contortion of bone and sinew to form savagely barbed blades, viscous flailing tentacles or fans of razor talons dripping with poisons, in the blink of an eye.

Before any To Hit rolls are made during the Assault phase, the controlling player must select which weapon profile to use.
Transmutative armaments
 - Transmutative armaments
 - (Hammerblade)
Melee, Murderous Strike (6+), Brutal (2), Two-handed
 - (Spinelash)
Melee, Reach (2), Breaching (6+), Two-handed
 - (Talon-rakes)
Melee, Shred, Rending (6+), Rampage (2), Specialist Weapon


Unlike the synthetic suits used by operatives of the Assassin Clades that wraithskin appears to mimic, it is not a closely guarded technological treasure. They are an abhorrent fusion of forbidden craft networked with a psy-conductive matrix that draws power from the negative emotions of its wearer, selectively amplifying and concentrating them. Instead of working in harmony with the anatomy of the wearer to enhance their capabilities, a wraithskin effectively overrides the neural impulses controlling motor functions. The resulting effect is continuous agony as tendons are ripped, muscles are torn and bones fractured as the body is pushed beyond the thresholds of its normal capabilities. For the Infernus Abomination, this vicious cycle of self-destruction and regeneration must be sustained by continuous hunting and killing.

Models with wraithskin have a 4+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Boneshard Spitter

The horrifying, gore-soaked appendages of an Infernus Abomination morph and distend into an almost limitless number of biological forms but often take the shape of a cluster of orifices, each lined with rows of tooth-like spikes or shards of splintered bone, coated in a gloss-black bio-toxic ichor. With a sharp contraction the Abomination is able to launch these growths in a hail of shredding projectiles that cause the blood in the veins of their targets to thicken and clot in a dark spider web that rapidly spreads from the site of even the slightest puncture wound.

Boneshard Spitter
Assault 2D6, Fleshbane
Active and Reactive player
Other rules, most notably those for the Reactions used by units in certain situations, will specify actions by the ‘Active’ or ‘Reactive’ player. The Active player is always the player whose turn is currently being played, while the Reactive player is always the player whose turn is not currently being played.
Reaction Allotments
The Reactive player may attempt a set number of Reactions in each Phase of the Active player’s turn. This set number is referred to as the Reaction Allotment, and always begins at a base value of one. A player must expend one point of their Reaction Allotment in order to have a unit under their control make a Reaction and once the Reaction Allotment for that Phase is reduced to 0, sometimes referred to as being exhausted, then no more Reactions may be made.

Any player, unless a special rule or other effect specifies otherwise, may make one Reaction in each Phase of their opponent’s turn.

The Reaction Allotment of any player may be modified by special rules or other effects, granting that player additional Reactions either in every Phase (an increase of the Reaction Allotment) or in specific Phases. This may either increase the base Reaction Allotment, that is the number of Reactions allowed in every Phase, or only grant a bonus to the Reaction Allotment in specific Phases.

For example, a player might have a special rule that states ‘This special rule increases the Reaction Allotment to two’, which would indicate that the player could make two Reactions in every Phase of their opponent’s turn. However, a special rule that states ‘This special rule increases the number of Reactions that may be made during the Assault phase by +1’ would allow a player with a Reaction Allotment of one to make a single Reaction in the Shooting and Movement phases, but two in the Assault phase.

Regardless of any special rules or other effects, no player may ever increase their base Reaction Allotment above three, nor may any player ever make more than three Reactions in a given Phase unless a special rule specifically allows for a number of Reactions above the normal limit of three.

A Reaction may be made with any unit controlled by the Reactive player, though in a number of situations a special rule or condition may deny a unit the opportunity to react. The most common such conditions where a unit may not make a Reaction are:
Owning Player, Opposing Player and Controlling Player
Sometimes a rule will ask the owning, opposing or controlling player to make an action or decision of some kind. The owning player is always the player who ‘owns’ the model in question – the one who has the model in their army. The opposing player is always their opponent. The controlling player is always the player in current command of that model – there are some special rules which can force models to switch sides during the course of the game.
Leadership Tests
At certain times, a model or unit might be called upon to take a Leadership test. This usually represents them drawing upon their courage to face disheartening circumstances.

To take a Leadership test, use the following procedure:
  • Roll 2D6 and compare the result to the model’s Leadership Characteristic.
  • If the result is equal to or less than the model’s Leadership Characteristic, then the test has been passed.
  • If the result is greater than the model’s Leadership Characteristic, the test has been failed and the model faces the consequences as detailed in the rule that prompted the test.
If a unit has to take a Leadership test and it includes models with different Leadership values, always use the highest Leadership from among them.
Impassable Terrain
Some terrain is simply so inhospitable, so dangerous that it cannot be traversed at all. Unless noted otherwise in their special rules, models cannot enter, cross, move into or move through Impassable Terrain – they must go around. The exceptions to this rule are typically units equipped with Jump Packs, or of the Skimmer or Flyer types which may move over, but not end their move, in Impassable Terrain.
Line of Sight
Line of sight determines what a model can ‘see’. Many situations call for you to determine whether or not a model has line of sight. A model normally needs line of sight whenever it wishes to attack an enemy, whether with a melee attack, or shooting attack. Line of sight literally represents your warriors’ view of the enemy – they must be able to see their foes through, under or over the battlefield terrain and other models (whether friendly or enemy).

For one model to have line of sight to another, you must be able to trace a straight, unblocked line from its body (the head, torso, arms or legs) to any part of the target’s body.

Sometimes, all that will be visible of a model is a weapon, banner, or other ornament they are carrying. In these cases, the model is not visible. Similarly, mechanical appendages such as cables, probes and ammo feeds are ignored, even though they may be part of a model’s body. These rules are intended to ensure that models don’t get penalised for having impressive banners, weaponry, and so on.

In many cases, what a model can ‘see’ will be obvious – if there’s a hill, building or mechanical construct in the way, the enemy might be blatantly out of sight. In other cases, two units will be clearly in view of each other as there is nothing at all in the way.

On those other occasions, where it’s not entirely obvious whether or not one unit can see another, the player will have to stoop over the battlefield and look from behind the model’s head for a ‘model’s eye view’. This means getting down to the level of your models and checking the battlefield from their perspective to ‘see what they can see’. You will find that you can spot lurking enemies through the windows of ruined buildings, catch a glimpse of a model’s legs under tree branches and see that high vantage points become very useful for the increased line of sight that they offer.
Gets Hot

Some weapons are fuelled by unstable power sources and risk overheating with each shot – often to the detriment of their wielder.

When firing a weapon that Gets Hot, roll To Hit as normal. For each unmodified To Hit roll of 1, the firing model immediately suffers a single Wound with an AP value equal to that of the weapon that was used to attack (Armour Saves, Invulnerable Saves and Feel No Pain rolls can be taken, but not Cover Saves or Shrouded rolls) – this Wound cannot be allocated to any other model in the unit. A Vehicle instead rolls a D6 for each roll of a 1 To Hit. If this roll results in a 1 or 2, the Vehicle suffers a Glancing Hit.
One Use/One Shot

Certain items can only be used once, so a general must choose wisely when to do so.

A weapon or ability with this special rule can only be used once during the course of a battle. Once a weapon with the One Use or One Shot special rule has been used to attack, it is no longer counted as a weapon and may not be destroyed (for example, by rolls on the Vehicle Damage table) or repaired by any other rule or effect.
Armour Saves
If a model has an Armour Save Characteristic of 6+ or better on its profile, then a further dice roll may be made to see if the armour prevents the Wound. This is called an Armour Saving throw, or Armour Save.

To take an Armour Save, roll a D6 and compare the result to the Armour Save Characteristic of the model that has been allocated the Wound. If the dice result is equal to or higher than the model’s Armour Save Characteristic, the Wound is negated. If the result is lower than the Armour Save Characteristic, the model suffers a Wound. This means that, unlike most Characteristics, an Armour Save is better if it is a lower number.
Invulnerable Saves
Some warriors are protected by more than physical armour. They may be shielded by force fields or have a constitution that can shrug off hits that would destroy a tank. Models with Wargear or abilities like these are allowed an Invulnerable Saving Throw.

Invulnerable Saves are different to Armour Saves in that they may always be taken whenever the model suffers a Wound, or, in the case of Vehicles, suffers a Penetrating Hit or Glancing Hit – the Armour Piercing value of attacking weapons has no effect on an Invulnerable Save. Even if a Wound, Penetrating Hit or Glancing Hit ignores all Armour Saves, an Invulnerable Saving Throw can still be taken.
Damage Mitigation Rolls (Shooting)
Some models may also have a special rule that grants a Damage Mitigation roll, such as Feel No Pain or Shrouded. These rolls may be made even if a model has already failed a save of any kind, or was unable to make a save due to the AP value of an attack or the effect of another special rule. If a save is failed, a model with a Damage Mitigation roll may attempt to use that roll to negate an unsaved Wound. However, no model may attempt more than a single Damage Mitigation roll against any given unsaved Wound inflicted on it. In cases where a model has more than one Damage Mitigation roll available, the controlling player selects one to use whenever called upon to make a Damage Mitigation roll.
In addition to the base Unit Types (Infantry, Cavalry, Automata, Dreadnought, Primarch and Daemon), some models might be listed as belonging to one or more sub-types. Some sub-types may grant a model or unit additional special rules, an example of which is the Character sub-type which is covered in its own section of this rulebook. Other sub-types do not grant any special rules to models or units that possess them, but are instead used by other special rules to differentiate between otherwise similar units. In all cases, sub-types are presented after the base Unit Types in brackets. For example, a Legion Cataphract Sergeant has the following base Unit Type and sub-types: Infantry (Heavy, Character).

A number of key unit sub-types are presented here – more may be referenced in other Age of Darkness books.
Dangerous Terrain Tests
To take Dangerous Terrain tests, roll a D6. On a 1, that model suffers a Wound. No Armour Save, Cover Save or Damage Mitigation roll may be made against this Wound, but Invulnerable Saves may still be made.

A model is only required to make a maximum of one Dangerous Terrain test during a Phase. Any subsequent Dangerous Terrain tests it would be required to make during that Phase are assumed to have automatically been passed.
A unit can Embark onto a Vehicle by moving each model to within 2" of its Access Points in the Movement phaseDangerous Terrain tests should be taken as normal. The whole unit must be able to Embark – if some models are out of range, the entire unit must stay outside. When the unit Embarks, remove it from the table and place it aside, making a note that the unit is being transported. If the players need to measure a range involving the Embarked unit (except for its shooting), this range is measured to or from the Vehicle’s hull.

If the Vehicle moved before its passengers got aboard, it cannot move further that turn (including pivoting on the spot). If the Vehicle did not move before its passengers got aboard, it can move as normal after they have Embarked. In either case, a Vehicle cannot Ram in a turn that a unit Embarks upon it.

Roll To Hit (Close combat)
Once it has been determined which models must make attacks in a given Initiative step, the controlling player makes To Hit rolls for those models.

To make a To Hit roll, roll a D6 for each attack a model gets to make and compare the WS of the attacking model to the WS of the target unit. Then, consult the To Hit chart below to find the minimum result needed on a D6 To Hit.

As the chart below shows, if the target’s WS is half or less than that of the attacker’s, they are hit on a 2+; lower than the attacker’s but more than half, they are hit on 3+; if the target’s WS is equal to the attacker’s, they are hit on 4+; if it is higher but not twice the attacker’s, they are hit on 5+; and if it is twice or more than the attacker’s, then they are hit only on a 6+.

Some units contain models with different Weapon Skills. Whilst each model in such a unit rolls To Hit using its own Weapon Skill, Attacks made against such a unit are resolved using the Weapon Skill of the majority of the engaged enemy models. If two or more Weapon Skill values are tied for majority, use the highest of those tied values.

Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.
Murderous Strike (X)

Some weapons are so cruel of form or powerful in aspect that a well-placed strike can slay even the toughest opponent.

Attacks with this special rule cause Instant Death on a To Wound roll equal to or greater than the number listed in brackets associated with the specific rule. Roll any viable Saves against this Instant Death-causing Wound separately and before any other Wounds the attack inflicts.
Brutal (X)

Some weapons strike with such force that they cause terrible wounds that can lay low even the most formidable combatant.

When a model is allocated a Wound inflicted by a weapon with this special rule, it does not suffer only one Wound but instead suffers a number of Wounds equal to the number in brackets associated with the specific variant of this special rule, with all of the Wounds inflicted using the same AP and special rules as that of the initial Wound. Roll to save against each Wound inflicted separately, but note that Wounds caused in excess of a given model’s remaining Wounds do not spill over to other models and are lost. This special rule has no effect on models that do not have a Toughness value.

This weapon is particularly heavy and requires both hands to wield.

A model attacking with this weapon never receives +1 Attack for fighting with two Melee weapons.
Reach (X)

Some weapons rely not on the speed of their wielder, but on their sheer length or cunning design to inflict harm upon the foe before they can react.

A model making attacks as part of an Assault using a weapon with this special rule, adds the value of (X) that is included as part of this special rule to its Initiative Characteristic. If a model has more than one weapon with this special rule then that model only increases the value of its Initiative by the value of the special rule on the weapon whose profile is used by that model to attack during the Fight sub-phase. A weapon that is not used to attack does not modify the model’s Initiative Characteristic – models that may attack with more than one weapon, or models claiming the bonus for having a second weapon, may only add the value of the highest variant of this special rule and do not add the values together.

For example, a model attacking as part of an Assault with a weapon that has the Reach (1) special rule increases its Initiative by +1.
Breaching (X)

Some weapons are capable of breaching armour with a terrifying ease, whether by specially designed munitions, careful targeting or sheer brute power.

When rolling To Wound for a model that has the Breaching (X) special rule, or is attacking with a weapon that has the Breaching (X) special rule, for each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed in brackets, the controlling player must resolve these wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value. This rule has no effect on models that do not have Wounds, such as models with the Vehicle Unit Type.

For example, a model with the Breaching (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound and rolls a result of ‘5’ or higher, the Wound inflicted gains an AP of ‘2’ regardless of the AP value listed on the weapon’s profile. Note that a weapon that has both the Breaching (X) and the Gets Hot special rules always uses the base AP of the weapon when rolls of ‘1’ To Hit inflict Wounds on the attacking model.

Some weapons and warriors strike in a flurry of blows, tearing flesh asunder in a series of brutal strikes.

If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Rampage (X)

For some warriors, being outnumbered is not a cause for despair, but a call to set about their foes with a berserk counter-attack.

At the start of any Fight sub-phase, models with the Rampage special rule gain a number of Attacks equal to the value listed in brackets if outnumbered by enemy models (including the effects of the Bulky special rule) – count all models locked in the combat, not just those models that are engaged. If the value in brackets is randomly determined by rolling dice, then roll once for each such variant of the Rampage special rule present in the unit to determine the number of Attacks that may be made, applying the result to all models with that variant for the current phase. For example, a model with the Rampage (D3) special rule that is outnumbered by the enemy in close combat receives D3 additional Attacks in that Fight sub-phase.

A model that has made a Disordered Charge that turn receives no benefit from Rampage.
Specialist Weapon

The mightiest weapons only reach their full potential when wielded in pairs, as they require an entirely different battle stance from that of more commonplace weapons.

A model fighting with this weapon does not receive +1 Attack for fighting with two weapons unless it is armed with two or more Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon rule. The additional weapon does not have to be the same weapon as the one used to attack, but it must have the Specialist Weapon rule in order to grant an additional Attack for fighting with two weapons.

Transmutative armaments

To look upon an Infernus Abomination is to observe a thing of utter darkness, less simply black and more the absolute antithesis of light itself. Even at rest, the Infernus is said to be of a constantly shifting form, both growing and contracting like the ceaseless billowing of a thunderhead before the breaking of a storm; its skin visibly crawling with a barely-restrained yearning to butcher and flay all living things. The tools with which it indulges its base desires can seemingly be conjured at will, its human-like limbs transmuting in a horrifying contortion of bone and sinew to form savagely barbed blades, viscous flailing tentacles or fans of razor talons dripping with poisons, in the blink of an eye.

Before any To Hit rolls are made during the Assault phase, the controlling player must select which weapon profile to use.
Transmutative armaments
 - Transmutative armaments
 - (Hammerblade)
Melee, Murderous Strike (6+), Brutal (2), Two-handed
 - (Spinelash)
Melee, Reach (2), Breaching (6+), Two-handed
 - (Talon-rakes)
Melee, Shred, Rending (6+), Rampage (2), Specialist Weapon


Unlike the synthetic suits used by operatives of the Assassin Clades that wraithskin appears to mimic, it is not a closely guarded technological treasure. They are an abhorrent fusion of forbidden craft networked with a psy-conductive matrix that draws power from the negative emotions of its wearer, selectively amplifying and concentrating them. Instead of working in harmony with the anatomy of the wearer to enhance their capabilities, a wraithskin effectively overrides the neural impulses controlling motor functions. The resulting effect is continuous agony as tendons are ripped, muscles are torn and bones fractured as the body is pushed beyond the thresholds of its normal capabilities. For the Infernus Abomination, this vicious cycle of self-destruction and regeneration must be sustained by continuous hunting and killing.

Models with wraithskin have a 4+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
Assault Weapons

Assault weapons either fire so rapidly or indiscriminately that they can be fired while a warrior is moving.

A model attacking with an Assault weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying an Assault weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase.

Plasma blaster18"74Assault 2, Rending (4+), Gets Hot

Many are the weapons and creatures whose merest caress is fatal.

If a model has this special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has this special rule, they always Wound on a 2+ in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has this special rule, they always Wound on a 2+.

In either case, this special rule has no effect against Vehicles or Buildings.

Boneshard Spitter

The horrifying, gore-soaked appendages of an Infernus Abomination morph and distend into an almost limitless number of biological forms but often take the shape of a cluster of orifices, each lined with rows of tooth-like spikes or shards of splintered bone, coated in a gloss-black bio-toxic ichor. With a sharp contraction the Abomination is able to launch these growths in a hail of shredding projectiles that cause the blood in the veins of their targets to thicken and clot in a dark spider web that rapidly spreads from the site of even the slightest puncture wound.

Boneshard Spitter
Assault 2D6, Fleshbane

Many armies employ reconnaissance troops who sit concealed for days, just waiting for the right moment in which to strike.

You may choose to deploy units that contain at least one model with this special rule last, after all other units (friend and foe) have been deployed. If both players have such units and choose to do so, the players roll off and the winner decides who goes first,then alternate deploying these units.

Units that Infiltrate in this way can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy unit, as long as no deployed enemy unit can draw line of sight to them. This includes in a Building, as long as the Building is more than 9" from any enemy unit. Alternatively, they can be set up anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" from any enemy unit, even in plain sight.

If a unit with Infiltrate deploys inside a Dedicated Transport, the same rules apply when deploying their Transport.

A unit that deploys using these rules cannot Charge in their first turn.

Having Infiltrate also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Infiltrators that are kept as Reserves.

Scouts are always in the vanguard of the army. Unnoticed by the enemy, they range ahead of the main force.

After both sides have deployed (including Infiltrators), but before the first player begins their first turn, a unit containing at least one model with this special rule can choose to redeploy. If the unit is Infantry, Artillery, Dreadnought or Automata, each model can redeploy anywhere entirely within 6" of its current position. If it is any other Unit Type, each model can instead redeploy anywhere entirely within 12" of its current position. During this redeployment, Scouts can move outside the owning player’s Deployment Zone, but must remain more than 9" away from any enemy unit. A unit that makes a Scout redeployment cannot Charge in the first Game Turn. A unit cannot Embark or Disembark as part of a Scout redeployment.

If both sides have Scouts, roll off; the winner decides who redeploys first. Then alternate redeploying Scout units one at a time. If a unit with this special rule is deployed inside a Dedicated Transport, it confers the Scout special rule to the Transport (though a Disembarkation cannot be performed as part of the redeployment). Note that a Transport with this special rule does not lose it if a unit without this special rule is Embarked upon it. Having Scout also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Scouts that are kept as Reserves.
Fear (X)

Some beings are so monstrous or alien that they can force their foes to recoil in horror.

All enemy models within 12" of a model with this special rule must reduce their Leadership by the value in brackets after the special rule when taking any Morale checks, Regroup or Pinning tests. For example, a unit with the special rule Fear (2) would reduce the Leadership of all enemy models within 12" by 2.

Enemy units that are locked in combat are only affected by this modifier if they are locked in combat with the unit that causes Fear. This modifier is not cumulative, and any given unit can only be affected by a single instance of the Fear special rule at a time. This will always be the highest single modifier among those applicable.

A model that causes Fear is not itself immune to Fear, and will still suffer a penalty to its Leadership if within range of an enemy unit that has the Fear special rule.
Psychic Focus
Before making any To Hit rolls with this weapon, the Psyker must make a Psychic check. If the Check is passed, then the Psyker may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed, then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.
Adamantium Will (X)

So strong of mind is this warrior that the powers of the Warp have little grasp upon them.

Models with the Adamantium Will special rule gain an Invulnerable Save against any Wound inflicted by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus special rules and Wounds inflicted by Perils of the Warp – the value of this Save is indicated in brackets after the rule. For example, a model with Adamantium Will (5+) gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save against any Wound inflicted by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus special rules and Wounds inflicted by Perils of the Warp. If, for any reason, the Adamantium Will special rule is presented without a value in brackets then consider the rule to be Adamantium Will (5+).
Osmeotic Regeneration

To an Infernus Abomination the briefest physical contact with the flesh of living, or even recently deceased, acts as if it were a narcotic substance, invigorating a powerful and overwhelming bloodlust. Simple blood or muscle cells are consumed to fuel the murder-instinct of the Infernus but of particular potency are the tissues of the brain and nervous system. With the ingestion of cerebral matter, saturated with the darkest thoughts and deepest fears of the being it once constituted, an Infernus Abomination nourishes its physical form, its sundered flesh and torn musculature knitting together anew.

At the end of the controlling player’s turn, if the Infernus Abomination has not been removed as a casualty, the controlling player rolls a D6 for every unsaved Wound inflicted on an enemy model during that turn. For each result of a 5+, the Infernus Abomination regains a lost Wound. Note that Wounds regained in this way may not increase the amount of Wounds to more than the starting amount shown on the Infernus Abomination unit profile.

In the name of the Warmaster Horus, a vast host took up arms against those they had once called brothers – some driven by a lust for power and others by a misguided desire for justice. Regardless of the cause they held dear, there could be no turning back for these warriors, only victory or damnation.

A model with this special rule may only be included in an army that has the Traitor Allegiance.

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