Legiones Astartes – Datasheets




Lion El’Jonson was regarded as the most pragmatic and ruthlessly efficient commander of the Great Crusade. His was the task of rooting out those threats which the Imperium most feared, and he undertook it with peerless valour. Perhaps this quality was moulded into the Lion in his formative years, where he grew and learned to survive alone in the trackless, monster-haunted forests of Caliban. There the young Primarch faced a constant struggle against nigh-insurmountable odds which taught him that to hesitate once committed led only to death, while stoic determination brought victory. This philosophy, learned in the forests of Caliban, marks his grim command of the First Legion – action without delay and relentlessness without reservation. During the Great Crusade, under his command, the remorseless Dark Angels acted not for glory and honours but only for victory, to vanquish their foes and to leave the enemies of Mankind in quiet and forgotten ruin. Untouched by the dark plots of Horus, the Lion would return from his long exile beyond the edge of empire with the same brutal determination and vengeful fervour, turned now against those he had once named brother.

  • Lion El’Jonson 460 pts
The First Primarch, The Lion, The Son of the Forest, Primarch of the Dark Angels
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Lion El’Jonson (base: 40mm)
Lion El’Jonson 8 8 6 7 6 6 7 7 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Lion El’Jonson
  • The Leonine Panoply
  • The Lion Sword
  • The Fusil Actinaeus
  • Stasis Grenades
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels*)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • The Lion’s Choler
  • The Point of the Blade
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Dark Angels
*Lion El’Jonson does not pick one Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type at the start of the battle, instead at the start of each of the controlling player’s turns one of the Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types may be selected for him – Lion El’Jonson gains this Hexagrammaton Sub-type until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, at which point a new Sub-type may be chosen (or the one currently in use retained).
  • Lion El’Jonson may exchange the Lion Sword for the Wolf Blade

The Lion’s Choler

The Lord of the First Legion had faced terrors unimaginable by mortal man and triumphed, had vanquished foes that threatened the utter extinction of life as it is known and slain creatures more vast than even the greatest war engines. When he went into battle there were few foes worthy of death at the Lion’s hand, and only those that could prove by bloody defiance that they were worthy of his enmity would witness the true choler of the Lion.

While Lion El’Jonson has 4 Wounds or less, he gains +1 Attack. While Lion El’Jonson has 2 Wounds or less, he gains an additional +1 Attack.

The Point of the Blade

When the Lion went forth to battle he had but one goal – the destruction of the foe by the most efficient means possible. He beset his enemy as swiftly as he was able and from every avenue of assault, holding back no scrap of his resolve. No tactical ploy or show of strength could stay his judgement nor slow his onslaught once battle was joined, for it could end only on the point of a blade.

After declaring a Charge for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined, the controlling player may choose not to make a Charge roll to determine their Charge Distance and instead make a Charge move of 8" for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined, ignoring the effects of Difficult Terrain and Dangerous Terrain and adding no bonuses to the distance moved for the unit’s Movement Characteristic or Wargear.

Warlord: Sire of the Dark Angels

On the battlefield Lion El’Jonson is a figure of quiet and terrifying focus, a storm whose true force is caged within a will of iron. Those who fight by his side draw strength from his restraint, from the knowledge that should the tide of battle tip against them, the Lion will loose his rage and let nothing keep him from victory.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lion El’Jonson automatically has the Sire of the Dark Angels Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Dark Angels – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule in the same army as Lion El’Jonson gain the Crusader special rule, and any friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule that can draw line of sight to Lion El’Jonson may add +1 to their Leadership (To a maximum of Ld 10). In addition, an army with Lion El’Jonson as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Lion El’Jonson has not been removed as a casualty.

The Leonine Panoply

The Leonine Panoply provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. The first failed Invulnerable Save made for Lion El’Jonson each player turn may be re-rolled.

The Lion Sword

The Lion Sword
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Fleshbane, Master-crafted, Instant Death, Two-handed

†Both the Lion Sword and the Wolf Blade benefit from the +1 To Hit from the Deathwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.

The Wolf Blade

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Wolf Blade
Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Breaching (4+), Reaping Blow (2), Master-crafted, Fearsome Ruin

Fearsome Ruin: The controlling player of any unit which suffers one or more casualties from this weapon and makes a Morale check during the Assault phase must roll an additional D6 for that Check and keep the two highest dice to determine the result of that Morale check.

†Both the Lion Sword and the Wolf Blade benefit from the +1 To Hit from the Deathwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.

The Fusil Actinaeus

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Fusil Actinaeus
Assault 2, Twinlinked, Blind, Rending (3+)

*This weapon benefits from the +1 To Hit from the Stormwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.

Stasis Grenades

Once per battle, Lion El’Jonson’s controlling player may choose to use stasis grenades when a Charge is declared for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined. If the Charge for which the stasis grenades are used is successful then the target enemy unit or units must take an Initiative test (using the majority Initiative value of the unit(s)). If the Initiative test is passed then there is no further effect. If any of the target units fail the Test, then all enemy models in that unit must reduce their Initiative by -1 for the duration of the Assault phase in which the Charge was made.


Jaghatai Khan was the unexpected storm, a sudden and devastating gale that came and went as it pleased. Of all his brothers, he had found the Great Crusade most to his liking, an endless hunt in the dark places of the galaxy. As the Great Crusade raged across the galaxy, he had sat at its heart, always fighting and always on the move, laughing as he killed. Yet the Great Khan was no simple berserker, for in even the simplest task, he sought perfection through discipline. His was the quiet competence of a master, seeking no acclaim from others, but only the satisfaction to be found in a perfect stroke of the sword or a wellplaced word.

Among the Emperor’s Primarchs, the Khan was among the most reclusive, bound to the hunt and the glory of the chase rather than parade ground or strategium hall, and was oft overlooked by the eyes of history. He managed no great empire, nor wrote any great treatise of war, yet his actions guided the course of the Great Crusade with the quiet skill that was the hallmark of his Legion.

  • Jaghatai Khan 440 pts
Khagan of the White Scars, The Warhawk, Master of the Ice-blue Heavens, Primarch of the White Scars
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
The Khan Afoot (base: 40mm)
The Khan Afoot 9* 7 6 6 6 6 8 6 10 2+ 40mm
The Khan Mounted (base: No official base size)
The Khan Mounted 18* 7 6 6 6 7 8 6 10 2+ No official base size
*The additional Movement granted by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule is included. Unless upgraded to have a Sojutsu pattern voidbike, the Khan Afoot profile is used for this model.
Unit Composition
  • 1 Jaghatai Khan
  • The Wildfire Panoply
  • The White Tiger Dao
  • Storm’s Voice
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Hit & Run
  • Crusader
  • Pathfinder
  • Move Through Cover
  • Lightning From Blue Skies
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the White Scars
  • Jaghatai Khan may take a Sojutsu pattern voidbike
    +25 points
†If this option is chosen, use the ‘Khan Mounted’ profile, and the Khan’s Unit Type is changed to Primarch (Unique, Antigrav).

Lightning From Blue Skies

When held in Reserve, do not roll for Jaghatai Khan or any unit he is considered to be part of while in Reserve. Instead, at the beginning of any of the controlling player’s turns except the first, Jaghatai Khan and any unit he has joined may be brought into play from Reserves without making a Reserves roll. If Jaghatai Khan is part of a Flanking Assault then this rule applies to all units that are part of that Flanking Assault – but does not apply to a Deep Strike Assault, Drop Pod Assault or Subterranean Assault that includes Jaghatai Khan.

Warlord: Sire of the White Scars

Jaghatai Khan was often underestimated by his foes, dismissed as an uncultured and ill-educated barbarian. Yet, he showed a grasp of mobile tactics, the ways of the nomadic tribes he had adopted as his own, that far exceeded any of his kin. Under his command the White Scars were a wild storm unleashed with a precision that allowed them to overcome any opponent.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Jaghatai Khan automatically has the Sire of the White Scars Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the White Scars – All Infantry and Cavalry models with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule in the same army as Jaghatai Khan, including Jaghatai Khan, gain the Furious Charge (1) special rule on any turn in which they have moved. In addition, an army with Jaghatai Khan as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Jaghatai Khan has not been removed as a casualty.

Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike

The Sojutsu pattern voidbike is an early prototype jetbike that predates the more common Scimitar jetbike in use with the Legiones Astartes. During initial trials, its thrusters were capable of providing sufficient thrust to grant the bike limited periods of true flight, and even some manoeuvrability in deep space, and it was classed by the Logisticae Imperialis as an ultralight fighter craft instead of a jetbike. Jaghatai Khan retains a specially engineered version of this prototype vehicle for his own use, its enhanced thrusters capable of carrying the Primarch into battle with a swiftness that was the envy of the other warriors of his Legion.

If upgraded to have a Sojutsu pattern voidbike, Jaghatai Khan must use the Khan Mounted profile and gains the following benefits:
  • Two master-crafted heavy bolters.
  • The Hammer of Wrath (2) and Firing Protocols (3) special rules.
  • The Antigrav Sub-type.
  • When upgraded to have a Sojutsu pattern voidbike, Jaghatai Khan Falls Back 3D6" instead of 2D6".
  • When upgraded to have a Sojutsu pattern voidbike, Jaghatai Khan may join units that include models with the Cavalry Unit Type despite the usual restrictions, and any rules that target the Cavalry Unit Type are considered to affect Jaghatai Khan as if he had that Unit Type.

The Wildfire Panoply

Fashioned to be as aesthetically pleasing as it was impregnable, the Khagan’s armour perfectly complemented his fast and uncompromising style of warfare, and bore a number of unique systems to improve his already unmatched reflexes.

The Wildfire Panoply provides a 2+ Armour Save, a 4+ Invulnerable Save during the Shooting phase and a 3+ Invulnerable Save during both the Movement phase and the Assault phase.

The White Tiger Dao

This elegant weapon is styled in the manner of the weapons of the Chogorian hill tribes, yet its primitive exterior hides a plethora of technological marvels that allow the blade to part ceramite and plasteel with ease.

The White Tiger Dao
Melee, Duellist’s Edge (1), Furious Charge (2), Murderous Strike (5+), Master-crafted

Storm’s Voice

An artisan pistol from the Dark Age of Technology gifted to the Khagan by the Emperor, Storm’s Voice stayed at Jaghatai’s side throughout the long years of the Great Crusade. Many a xenos tyrant or wayward human despot deemed unworthy of the Khan’s blade met their end engulfed by the searing lightning of Storm’s Voice, an end that many Traitors would eventually share during the wars of the Horus Heresy.

Storm’s Voice
Pistol 2, Rending (5+), Deflagrate, Concussive (1), Master-crafted


Of all of the Primarchs of the Legiones Astartes, few were as legend-shrouded or as little understood as Leman Russ, master of the Space Wolves and lord of the icy death world of Fenris. To some, he was no more than a savage and bestial chieftain gifted the power of a god; one of the Emperor’s ‘monsters’ as terrifying and inhuman in his own way as the horror-obsessed Night Haunter or the blood-bedecked berserker Angron. To others he was an incomparable warlord, ferocious beyond measure, but also faultlessly loyal, as unwavering in battle as adamant, and as coldhearted to his foes as the killing frost that shrouded his world’s winters.

Both opinions, perhaps, were true to some measure, but neither told the full tale. For though as undoubtedly as savage as Leman Russ was, and no matter how much the beast marked him as it did not his brothers, he was also wise beyond his Legion’s barbaric appearances and self-aware to a degree few guessed at, which made him doubly dangerous.

  • Leman Russ 450 pts
The Wolf King of Fenris, The Lord of Winter and Ruin, Primarch of the Space Wolves
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Leman Russ (base: 40mm)
Leman Russ 8 8 6 7 6 6 7 7 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Leman Russ
  • The Armour Elavagar
  • The Axe of Helwinter
  • The Sword of Balenight
  • Scornspitter
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Howl of the Death Wolf
  • Counter-attack (2)
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Space Wolves

Howl of the Death Wolf

Once per battle, Leman Russ’ controlling player may declare the use of this special rule at the start of their turn. For the duration of that player turn only, all friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule gain a bonus of +1 to their Movement Characteristic and any enemy units that include one or more models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule must take an immediate Pinning test.

Warlord: Sire of the Space Wolves

First and foremost, Leman Russ was a warlord; like some barbarian king of ancient myth he strode into battle at the head of his army, proving to all who followed him that he feared nothing, be it man or xenos, warp-spawned horror or self-proclaimed god. He was then to his Legion a paragon of what they should strive to be, just as much as he was their commander and their liege lord. He was a being they would have rather died for than disappoint or be shamed before.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Leman Russ automatically has the Sire of the Space Wolves Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Space Wolves – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule in the same army as Leman Russ gain a bonus of +1 to their Strength for the duration of any turn in which such a unit successfully Charges an enemy unit. In addition, an army with Leman Russ as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Leman Russ has not been removed as a casualty.

The Armour Elavagar

The warplate of Russ is a suit of unique artificer power armour whose origins can be traced back to the mysterious period of bitter warfare which shrouds much of the Legion’s history in the decades after the Primarch took over the VIth, and is accounted for now within the Legion’s chronicles by obscure metaphor and strange and macabre allegories impenetrable to outsiders. Within its shell are strange exothermic field generators, otherwise unknown of in the Imperium’s arsenal of technology, which bleed energy, specifically heat and kinetic potential, from their surroundings when triggered, with the effect of creating an aura of murderous chill around the Primarch at will. It is this effect which gives the armour its name to the Fenrisians —‘Elavagar’— a wave of killing frost.

The Armour Elavagar confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save (which is increased to 3+ against Flame, Melta and Plasma type weapons of any kind). In addition, enemy models in base contact with Leman Russ suffer a penalty of -1 To Hit him in an assault (to a maximum of 6+) on any turn in which Leman Russ makes a successful Charge.

The Axe of Helwinter

Russ’ favoured axe, though less strange and potent than his darkly-fabled blade, was no less a weapon of great beauty and lethality. It was a frost axe, a prince among its kind, its edge made with the kraken teeth of the mighty beast, which gave the axe its name; a legendary menace slain by Russ himself before the coming of the Emperor to Fenris. Its murderous edge was further amplified by a disruption field generator which was a masterwork in its own right, so that a well-placed blow could split the armour plate of a battle tank.

The Axe of Helwinter
Melee, Sunder, Reaping Blow (1), Master-crafted

The Sword of Balenight

A weapon of truly ancient mystery, the sword of Russ has gone by many names. To the Remembrancers of the Great Crusade, it is called ‘Balenight’ —a name itself a commonplace derivation of the High Terran ‘Maledica Nocterum’— a dark legend carried during the Age of Strife where it passed through the hands of warlords and tyrants one after the other. But, to the Wolves of Fenris, it has always been ‘Mjalnar’ —the fang of the Wolf King— taken in battle as a blood-bought prize of victory. Ultimately, the Sword of Balenight is a weapon of unknown origin, a thing of terror and blood against which no armour can stand, as the sword’s silver-white blade inexplicably darkens as it kills, first to the deep red of heart’sblood, and then to a fathomless, glittering black.

The Sword of Balenight
Melee, Murderous Strike (4+), Brutal (2), Fearsome Ruin, Master-crafted

Fearsome Ruin: Any unit which suffers one or more casualties from a weapon with this special rule and makes a Morale check during the Assault phase must roll an additional D6 for that Check and keep the two highest dice to determine the result.


Once simply a Legion bolter, Scornspitter had been re-worked by no lesser hand than the Primarch Vulkan to form an outsized but perfectly balanced pistol suitable for the hand of the Wolf King. Though Russ and his Legion often stood apart from their fellows during the Great Crusade, this gift was one of honour, given after the two Primarchs’ Legions fought the bitter campaign at San Katos together, and Russ held it and its giver in high regard.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 3, Rending (6+)


A being of thunderous zeal and stone made manifest is how many described the Primarch of the VIIth Legion. The zeal was the fire of a son who believed in his father’s dream for the Imperium without reservation and without question. To Rogal Dorn, there was no higher purpose to the existence of the Legiones Astartes than the unification of Mankind, and the illumination of the Imperium’s ideals. This idealism drove Dorn and his Legion ever onwards, never compromising, never stinting in any aspect of duty. The stone in his soul was his ability to bear whatever his father needed of him, an unyielding nature, which made him both a master of defence in war, and an indomitable fighter on the attack.

If the Primarchs were the Emperor’s nature split like white light through a prism, as many scholars of the Imperial Court suggested, then, from such a point of view, Rogal Dorn was the Emperor’s implacable disciple in the pursuit of the cause given flesh; a being without compromise and in who loyalty and duty were as integral as blood and breath.

  • Rogal Dorn 435 pts
Primarch of the Imperial Fists, the Vigilant, the Blade of the Emperor, Praetorian of Terra, the Unyielding One
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Rogal Dorn (base: 40mm)
Rogal Dorn 8 8 6 6 6 7 6 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Rogal Dorn
  • The Auric Armour
  • Storm’s Teeth
  • The Voice of Terra
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Bulwark of the Imperium
  • Crusader
  • Furious Charge (2)
  • Deep Strike
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Imperial Fists

Bulwark of the Imperium

Of all the Primarchs, Dorn was ever the most tenacious, never willing to admit defeat no matter the odds arrayed against him. Those who followed him drew strength from his determination, and pride from his ability to turn the tide of any conflict where the enemy was foolish enough to test his wrath.

Any successful Charge that targets Rogal Dorn or a unit he has joined is always counted as a Disordered Charge.

Warlord: Sire of the Imperial Fists

During the darkness of the Horus Heresy, Rogal Dorn was given the mantle of Warmaster in all but name, becoming the ultimate commander of Loyalist forces in the Segmentum Solar. He did not baulk at this duty but accepted it with characteristic resilience, and enacted it with brilliant competence.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Rogal Dorn automatically has the Sire of the Imperial Fists Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Imperial Fists – All models with both the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule and the Character Sub-type in the same army as Rogal Dorn may use his Leadership Characteristic instead of their own, and any unit they are part of may add +1 to the total number of successful Wounds caused for the purposes of resolving which side has won a combat (this does not stack with any other rules that increase the Assault result). In addition, the controlling player of an army with Rogal Dorn as its Warlord may select one Phase at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield. During the chosen Phase of their opponent’s turn, an army that includes Rogal Dorn gains an additional Reaction as long as Rogal Dorn has not been removed as a casualty.

The Auric Armour

Rogal Dorn wore armour fashioned, it is said, from the same auric-adamantium alloy as the Emperor’s own warplate.

The Auric Armour provides Rogal Dorn with a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, no attack may wound Rogal Dorn on better than a 4+ regardless of its Strength or special rules.

Storm’s Teeth

This colossal chainblade, too weighty for any but a Primarch to wield, is said to have been crafted by the weaponsmiths of Inwit before the coming of the Emperor. Its razored teeth can shred metal, stone and flesh with ease and, while the Primarch of the Imperial Fists Legion has many arms at his disposal, some relics of far greater power, it is this blade which has served him faithfully for so long he favours most.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Storm’s Teeth
Melee, Two-handed, Murderous Strike (6+), Shred, Reaping Blow (2)

The Voice of Terra

Presented to Rogal Dorn by the Custodian Guard to honour the Primarch’s appointment as Praetorian of Terra, this tactical bolter follows the pattern of the Legio Custodes’ own weaponry, albeit redesigned for the hand and might of a Primarch to wield.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Voice of Terra
Assault 3, Rending (5+)


Often considered to be the greatest of his kin, Sanguinius is a peerless warrior, masterful strategist and beloved hero of the Imperium. Among the Primarchs, there were few who would speak ill of him, with even grim figures such as Perturabo and Ferrus Manus offering grudging praise of their winged brother.

Many among that legendary brotherhood were surprised to find that the Emperor named Horus as the first among them, rather than choosing Sanguinius, and those who survived the Age of Darkness have been known to speculate that this was their father’s great mistake. For even as the wars of the Horus Heresy tore the Imperium apart and set even the noblest of his brothers on dark paths, Sanguinius remained untarnished and resolute, a beacon of hope that outshone even the darkness of that age.

  • Sanguinius 485 pts
The Great Angel, The Brightest One, Master of Hosts, Primarch of the Blood Angels
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Sanguinius (base: 40mm)
Sanguinius 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Sanguinius
  • The Regalia Resplendent
  • The Blade Encarmine
  • Infernus
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Bulky (6)
  • Angelic Presence
  • Great Wings
  • Deep Strike
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Blood Angels
  • Sanguinius may exchange the Blade Encarmine for the Spear of Telesto and the Moonsilver Blade

Angelic Presence

Sanguinius inspired love in all who beheld him; such devotion drove his sons and allies to feats of heroism beyond all expectation.

Any friendly units that are locked in combat and have at least one model within 6" of Sanguinius, as well as Sanguinius and any unit he has joined, may add +1 to the total number of successful Wounds caused for the purposes of resolving which side has won a combat (this does not stack with any other rules that increase the Assault result).

Great Wings

Alone amongst the Primarchs, the Emperor saw fit to bless Sanguinius with the aspect of a true angel of myth. Able to fly freely on these wings, they grant him great speed and power.

At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, or when deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault, Sanguinius’ Movement Characteristic may be set to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn (referred to as ‘activating’ this special rule). This allows Sanguinius to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on his profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, Sanguinius may move over Impassable Terrain, vertical terrain or friendly and enemy models or units without penalty while using this special rule, but may not end his movement in Impassable Terrain or within 1" of any model from a unit Sanguinius is not part of. If Sanguinius ends or begins his movement or a Charge in Dangerous Terrain he must take a Dangerous Terrain test when employing this special rule, and treats all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain.

Sanguinius may still Run on a turn when his wings have been activated. When making a Run move after having activated his wings, add Sanguinius’ Initiative Characteristic to 14 to determine how far he may move – ignoring terrain and other models while making a Run move with activated wings as noted above, but he may not make Shooting Attacks or declare a Charge in the same turn in which Sanguinius has Run as per the normal rules for Running. Sanguinius’ wings may not be activated to gain any bonus to Sanguinius’ Movement Characteristic during a Reaction.

Warlord: Sire of the Blood Angels

Sanguinius stood as the icon of the Great Crusade, a hero at once idolised by millions for his grandeur and poise in parade and battle and trusted by each of his brothers. In war, he was a storm of fury and martial power, while in peace, he was a statesman and artist. Among his brethren, many were surprised when the Emperor chose Horus as his Warmaster instead of Sanguinius, but the Great Angel himself merely smiled and gave earnest and true congratulations to Horus, ever the noble warrior.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Sanguinius automatically has the Sire of the Blood Angels Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Blood Angels – All friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule in the same army as Sanguinius that either deploys as part of a Deep Strike Assault (or any other deployment method that requires the Deep Strike special rule) or has a Legion Warhawk jump pack gain +1 Weapon Skill on any turn in which they make a successful Charge. In addition, an army with Sanguinius as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Sanguinius has not been removed as a casualty.

The Regalia Resplendent

The Regalia Resplendent provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save, and allows any failed Invulnerable Saves made on a turn in which Sanguinius Charges to be re-rolled.

The Blade Encarmine

The Blade Encarmine
Melee, Rage (2), Rampage (2), Murderous Strike (5+), Shred, Master-crafted


Infernus is counted as a ‘Melta’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 2, Armourbane (Melta), One Shot

The Spear of Telesto and Moonsilver Blade

The Spear of Telesto and Moonsilver Blade
 - Spear of Telesto
Melee, Two-handed, Master-crafted, Lance, Exoshock (4+)
 - Moonsilver blade
Melee, Master-crafted, Blind, Duellist’s Edge (1), Moonsilver

Moonsilver: Any unsaved Wound caused against a model with the Daemon Unit Type or Psyker Sub-type is instead counted as two Wounds. Wounds caused in excess of the model’s remaining Wounds do not spill over to other models.

Once per battle, in the Shooting phase, in lieu of making any other Shooting Attacks, Sanguinius may make a Shooting Attack using the Spear of Telesto, using the profile below. Should he choose to do this, he may not make either Shooting Attacks or Melee Attacks with the Spear of Telesto for the remainder of the battle:

Spear of Telesto (Shooting)
Assault 1, Exoshock (4+), Instant Death, Lance


The Primarch of the Iron Hands Legion was a figure of legend amongst the peoples of his home world of Medusa, named by them ‘the Gorgon’ after the most ancient of mythic creatures. Ferrus was amongst the strongest of the Primarchs, within him burning the heat of the furnace, its fury tempered by an exterior as cold and unyielding as iron. The Gorgon was known for his uncompromising demeanour, refusing to show favour to his closest followers or even his brother Primarchs. He insisted upon strength in all things, such that he refused the people of Medusa many of the easements of civilisation in order to ensure they produced the toughest of offspring from whom the Legion could recruit. The demand for physical excellence extended beyond the body and mind to include the tools of war and so the Gorgon was a master of the forge, his skills matched only by Vulkan, the Primarch of the Salamanders Legion. It was said of Ferrus Manus that he was only truly at peace toiling at the anvil, creating some marvel of the smith’s art beyond even the lords of Mars. Ferrus Manus was blessed with a physiology remarkable even amongst the Primarchs.

  • Ferrus Manus 465 pts
Master of the Iron Hands, The Gorgon, Wyrmslayer, The Great Iron Father
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Ferrus Manus (base: 40mm)
Ferrus Manus 8 7 6 7 7 6 6 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Ferrus Manus
  • The Medusan Carapace
  • Servo-arm
  • Forgebreaker
  • Master-crafted plasma blaster
  • Master-crafted graviton shredder
  • Heavy flamer
  • Grenade harness
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Battlesmith (2+)
  • Firing Protocols (3)
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Iron Hands

Warlord: Sire of the Iron Hands

One of the most physically powerful Primarchs, whose skills as an architect of arms and armour were every bit as potent as his martial prowess, Ferrus Manus despised weakness and, by his presence on the battlefield, the Primarch drove his men to acts of superhuman endurance and remorseless fervour.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Ferrus Manus automatically has the Sire of the Iron Hands Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Iron Hands – All models with both the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule in the same army as Ferrus Manus gain the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule (this does not stack with other versions of the same special rule, and models that already have a better version of the special rule may use either one at the choice of the controlling player) and all models with both the Vehicle Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule gain the It Will Not Die (5+) special rule. In addition, an army with Ferrus Manus gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Ferrus Manus has not been removed as a casualty.

The Medusan Carapace

Ferrus Manus operated a wide variety of arms and armour, almost all of which were the products of his craft and genius. Never fully satisfied with his work, he was always looking to improve upon it and test new prototype designs, the fruits of his labour later forming the basis of many Legiones Astartes designs such as Cataphractii pattern Terminator armour.

The Medusan Carapace grants a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save.


Fashioned by his close comrade, and later hated enemy, the Primarch Fulgrim, this exquisitely fashioned thunder hammer would prove to have a dark infamy of its own and serve the hands of many masters before the Horus Heresy ended.

Melee, Master-crafted, Exoshock (3+), Brutal (3)


Held by some as a paragon among the Emperor’s sons, Roboute Guilliman was as much a patrician statesman as he was an indefatigable warrior. A being of preternatural intelligence, cold reason and indomitable will, Guilliman forged his Legion into a vast force of conquest and control, a weapon by which he made himself the master of a domain which spanned five hundred worlds. Guilliman was a charismatic and gifted leader, beloved of his people and singularly capable of compartmentalising incredible quantities of information. He was an organiser, a logistician, one capable of turning the wildest theories into practical reality and rendering order from chaos. Under his leadership the Ultramarines Legion became the largest and arguably the most tactically balanced of the Legiones Astartes, an elegantly structured but elaborate and highly meritocratic force that waged war with exceptional efficiency through the application of analysis and reason.

  • Roboute Guilliman 465 pts
Primarch of the Ultramarines, The Victorious, The Master of Ultramar, Ruler of Hosts, The Blade of Unity
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Roboute Guilliman (base: 40mm)
Roboute Guilliman 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Roboute Guilliman
  • The Armour of Reason
  • The Gladius Incandor and the Hand of Dominion
  • The Arbitrator
  • Cognis-signum
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Preternatural Strategy
  • Calculating Swordsman
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Ultramarines

Preternatural Strategy

At the start of each of the controlling player’s turns as the Active player in which Roboute Guilliman is on the battlefield (including when Embarked on a model with the Transport Unit Sub-type or Building), the controlling player may select one of the following options, but may not select the same option twice in a row (however, each option may be selected more than once in a single battle as long as it is not in successive turns). The effects of this option are applied to all models in the army with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule (including Roboute Guilliman, but not any models with the Vehicle Unit Type) and last until the start of the controlling player’s next turn as the Active player:

  • The Fleet (2) special rule
  • The Counter-attack (1) special rule
  • The Furious Charge (1) special rule
  • The Stubborn special rule

Calculating Swordsman

Though Guilliman had not garnered the renown of some of his brothers as a red-handed lord of war, he was still one of the finest swordsmen in the Imperium. As a warrior he relied not on brute strength or raw speed, but on intelligence. When he fought, he studied his opponent, and learned and exploited the flaws he discovered.

When fighting in a Challenge, Roboute Guilliman may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls of ‘1’ on the second and all subsequent rounds of the Challenge.

Warlord: Sire of the Ultramarines

Guilliman was the paragon of controlled wisdom among his brothers, a general of supreme cunning and a visionary strategist. He valued a calm appraisal of any situation, no matter how dire and looked with little favour on overwrought grandstanding or those that allowed emotion to control their actions.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Roboute Guilliman automatically has the Sire of the Ultramarines Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Ultramarines – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule in the same army as Roboute Guilliman gain +1 to their Leadership Characteristic (to a maximum of 10) while he is on the battlefield and is not in Reserve or removed as a casualty. In addition, at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield, an army with Roboute Guilliman as its Warlord must select one of the following Phases: Movement, Shooting or Assault. For the duration of the battle, an army with Roboute Guilliman as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the chosen Phase of the opposing player’s turn as long as Roboute Guilliman has not been removed as a casualty.

The Armour of Reason

The Armour of Reason provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save and, in addition, the first Invulnerable Save failed by Roboute Guilliman in each separate Phase of the battle may be re-rolled.

The Gladius Incandor and the Hand of Dominion

Roboute Guilliman’s controlling player must choose which of these two weapons to use in any particular Assault phase, and all of the model’s attacks are made with the chosen profile, but in either case, Roboute Guilliman gains +1 Attack for using two specialist weapons in combat.
The Gladius Incandor and the Hand of Dominion
 - Gladius Incandor
Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (5+), Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon
 - Hand of Dominion
Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon

The Arbitrator

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Arbitrator
Assault 2, Rending (5+), Master-crafted


An indomitable warrior whose strength in battle was tempered by the depth of his wisdom, Vulkan was sire to the Salamanders Legion and its paragon. In war, his fury was a match for any of his brothers, and yet was ever mastered by a keen understanding for the destruction he caused and the power and dread responsibility he and his Legion carried as Angels of Death. In all his undertakings, Vulkan ever sought to limit needless and wanton destruction, seeing in that a path to ruin and desolation of the soul, shouldering whatever hardship this might bring him or his sons without complaint and absorbing the wisdom such suffering brought, allowing it to forge him into an ever better protector for the growing Imperium. But, like the fires of the deep earth, that wellspring of savage power slept but was never extinguished, to be called on when needed, as implacable and devastating as the fires of the turbulent world he called home. During his brief youth, Vulkan led the people of Nocturne from a fear-ridden existence as the playthings of xenos raiders to freedom, enduring on a world that tested Mankind to its very limits each day, and acting as a champion for the embattled people that had adopted him. Where other Primarchs swiftly rose to rule their adopted homes, Vulkan was content to serve simply as a teacher and protector on Nocturne, leaving only when the Emperor arrived to summon him to war as part of the Great Crusade.

  • Vulkan 465 pts
The Primarch of the Salamanders, the Promethean Fire, the Hammer of Salvation, Regent of Nocturne
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Vulkan (base: 40mm)
Vulkan 7 7 6 7 7 6 5 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Vulkan
  • The Draken Scale
  • Dawnbringer
  • The Furnace’s Heart
  • Dragon’s Breath heavy flamer
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Salamanders)
  • Master of the Legion
  • It Will Not Die (4+)
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Salamanders

Warlord: Sire of the Salamanders

A paragon of wisdom as well as martial prowess to his Legion, Vulkan embodies the stoicism and honour that has become the hallmark of his Legion, and those who stand with him have an unshakable conviction in their cause.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Vulkan automatically has the Sire of the Salamanders Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Salamanders – All models with both the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule in the same army as Vulkan gain the Stubborn special rule. In addition, an army with Vulkan as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Vulkan has not been removed as a casualty.

The Draken Scale

Vulkan’s armour was a marvel of the Imperium and a famed relic in its own right, and its crowning glory was the skull of the great Firedrake Kesare mounted upon the Primarch’s shoulder, upon whose image the Legion’s symbol was based.

The Draken Scale grants a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, Vulkan may re-roll any failed Armour saves for Wounds inflicted by Flame or Volkite weapons.


A warhammer of prodigious size and reputedly indestructible material construction, Dawnbringer was too great a weight for any but a Primarch to lift. Wielded by Vulkan, Dawnbringer was capable of sundering any defence set against it, from stone to the densest armour plate, and brutally crushed countless foes.

Melee, Master-crafted, Two-handed, Armourbane (Melee), Instant Death

The Furnace’s Heart

A baroquely styled energy weapon gifted to Vulkan by Ferrus Manus, the Furnace’s Heart utilised individual charged shells to produce powerful laser-like blasts capable of cutting swathes through even heavily armoured foes. The weapon, however, was not truly favoured by Vulkan, for reasons that remained the subject of dark rumour, but the Salamanders’ Primarch carried the weapon into battle at Isstvan V regardless to honour his brother for the gift.

The Furnace’s Heart
Pistol 1, Lance, Shock Pulse, Burst (D6)

Burst (X): If this weapon inflicts a Hit then instead of one Hit it inflicts a number of Hits equal to the number in brackets included as part of the rule.


Lord Corax presents a striking countenance, at least when he wishes to be seen. His skin is alabaster white and his shoulder length hair as black as the feathers of his namesake, the raven. Most remarkable and unsettling are his eyes, which are entirely black shards of solid shadow. His sable armour is edged with fine, golden filigree and upon his back is mounted a jet pack formed into a pair of articulated pinions that he wields as a murderous, bloody-edged cutting weapon. Like most of the Primarchs, Corax is blessed with an extensive armoury of artificerwrought weapons but those he most often bears to war are a pair of metrelong lightning claws and a coiled whip at his belt. The latter is carried as a reminder of the cruelty enacted upon the people of Lycaeus by the tyrannical guilds of Kiavahr and with it countless enemies of Unity have been laid low. Though few even amongst his sons know of it, Corax is blessed with the ability to pass unnoticed should he will it; this preternatural ability allowing him to slip from the perception of his enemies even when standing in plain view. In battle, the Raven Lord wields his Legion as he did his rebel cells before the Emperor came to Kiavahr.

  • Corvus Corax 440 pts
Master of the Raven Guard, The Liberator, Chooser of the Slain, The Shadowed Lord
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Corvus Corax (base: 40mm)
Corvus Corax 8 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Corvus Corax
  • The Sable Armour
  • The Panoply of the Raven Lord
  • The Korvidine Pinions
  • Wrath & Justice
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Hit & Run
  • Deep Strike
  • The Shadowed Lord
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Sire of the Raven Guard

The Shadowed Lord

If Corvus Corax chooses to use the Hit & Run special rule, the controlling player rolls an additional dice when determining the distance moved and discards any one dice of that player’s choice before determining the final result. In addition, the controlling player may re-roll all failed Shrouded rolls of a ‘1’ made for Corvus Corax and all models in any unit he has joined after using the Hit & Run special rule to remove Corvus Corax from an ongoing combat – this effect continues until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.

Warlord: Sire of the Raven Guard

The grim and brooding Raven Lord was a hard master to his Legion, but one whose noble goals inspired true devotion from those that followed him into battle. His sons would learn to master the Raven Lord’s evasive style of combat, seeking always to bleed and tire the foe rather than overcome them with brute force.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Corvus Corax automatically has the Sire of the Raven Guard Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Raven Guard – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule and either the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Types in the same army as Corvus Corax gain the Scout and Crusader special rules. In addition, an army with Corvus Corax gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Corvus Corax has not been removed as a casualty.

The Sable Armour

The Sable Armour provides a 2+ Armour Save, a 4+ Invulnerable Save and grants the Shrouded (4+) special rule.

The Panoply of the Raven Lord

In combat, this is counted as a single weapon with the following profile:

The Panoply of the Raven Lord
Melee, Shred, Blind, Fighting Style, Two-handed

Fighting Style: At the beginning of each Assault phase, Corvus Corax’s controlling player may choose one of the following special rules to apply to his attacks, based upon the weapons and fighting style he is employing: Murderous Strike (4+), Rage (4) or Sudden Strike (3).

The Korvidine Pinions

At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, or when deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault, Corvus Corax’s Movement Characteristic may be set to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn (referred to as ‘activating’ this special rule). This allows Corvus Corax to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on his profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge Distance). In addition, Corvus Corax may move over Impassable Terrain, vertical terrain or friendly and enemy models or units without penalty on any turn in which the Korvidine Pinions have been activated, but may not end his movement in Impassable Terrain or within 1" of any model from a unit Corvus Corax is not part of. If Corvus Corax ends or begins his movement or a Charge in Dangerous Terrain during any turn in which the Korvidine Pinions have been activated, he automatically passes any Dangerous Terrain tests he is called upon to make.

Corvus Corax may still Run on a turn when the Korvidine Pinions have been activated. When making a Run move after having activated the Korvidine Pinions, add Corvus Corax’s Initiative Characteristic to 14 to determine how far he may move – ignoring terrain and other models while making a Run move with the Korvidine Pinions activated as noted above, but may not make Shooting Attacks or declare a Charge in the same turn in which Corvus Corax has Run as per the normal rules for Running. The Korvidine Pinions may not be activated to gain any bonus to Corvus Corax’s Movement Characteristic during a Reaction.

Wrath & Justice

Wrath and Justice are two separate weapons, both counting as both an ‘Auto’ and ‘Volkite’ weapon and with identical profiles.
Wrath & Justice
Pistol 1, Rending (3+), Deflagrate, Master-crafted


The mercurial and prideful Fulgrim was the Primarch of the Emperor’s Children Legion. Fulgrim strove to be a paragon in all things: generalship, martial skill, governance, reason and endeavour, and passed on his values to the Legion where they became enshrined as a remorseless dedication to perfection in war. The Emperor’s Children under his rule rose from the ashes of near-extinction to become shining exemplars of the Emperor’s vision for the Legiones Astartes. Fulgrim maintained clear and rigid lines of authority within his Legion; his personal beliefs, opinions and inclinations in all matters filtered down through the ranks as ironclad doctrine that was not to be questioned. His sons modelled their lives around him, adoring him and striving to reach the ever-rising heights of his ambitions.

  • Fulgrim 425 pts
The Phoenician, The Prefector of Chemos, High Lord of the Emperor’s Children
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Fulgrim (base: 40mm)
Fulgrim 8 8 6 6 6 6 8 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Fulgrim
  • The Gilded Panoply
  • The Blade of the Laer
  • Firebrand
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Bulky (6)
  • Sudden Strike (1)
  • Crusader
  • Tactical Excellence
  • Sublime Swordsman
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Sire of the Emperor’s Children
  • Fulgrim may exchange the Blade of the Laer for Fireblade for no additional points cost

Tactical Excellence

Fulgrim’s art of war focused around the perfect execution of pre-planned strategies and tactics, enabling him to adapt to the battlefield and foe he and his Legion must encounter and leaving little opportunity for that foe to disrupt his plans.

Once per battle, at the start of any Phase, Fulgrim’s controlling player may declare the use of this special rule. For the duration of that Phase any enemy units that attempt to declare a Reaction against a Move, Shooting Attack or Charge made by Fulgrim or a unit that he has joined, must first pass a Leadership test (using the highest Leadership Characteristic in the unit attempting to make a Reaction), unless the unit that is making the Reaction includes at least one model with the Primarch Unit Type, in which case the unit may declare Reactions as normal.

Sublime Swordsman

Fulgrim’s skill as a duellist and swordsman is beyond that of any mortal warrior or even one of the enhanced Space Marines of the Emperor’s Legions.

When Fulgrim makes Melee Attacks as part of a Challenge, he gains a number of additional Attacks equal to the amount which his Initiative Characteristic is greater than that of his opponent. For example, if Fulgrim attacks an enemy model with an Initiative Characteristic of 5 as part of a Challenge, Fulgrim’s Initiative of 8 grants him 3 extra Attacks.

Warlord: Sire of the Emperor’s Children

In his glory days, Fulgrim was an exemplar of what all the Emperor’s Primarchs could be – a brilliant tactician, superlative warrior and a hero to those that followed him into battle. It was, perhaps, the great praise he garnered for his success that led to his slow corruption. Rightful pride in his accomplishments turned to self-obsession and hubris would soon see him fall into the service of Horus and the heresy he would unleash upon the galaxy.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Fulgrim automatically has the Sire of the Emperor’s Children Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Emperor’s Children – All friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule that can draw a line of sight to Fulgrim may use Fulgrim’s Leadership Characteristic for all Morale checks and Pinning tests they are required to take and all friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule on the battlefield while Fulgrim is also on the battlefield gain +1 to the Wound value used to calculate if the unit has won a close combat. In addition, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by Fulgrim and any unit he has joined does not use up a point of the controlling player’s Reaction Allotment.

The Gilded Panoply

Fulgrim was known to enter battle wearing an ornate suit of artificer armour designed to give free rein to his phenomenal speed and agility.

The Gilded Panoply provides Fulgrim with a 2+ Armour Save, a 3+ Invulnerable Save against Melee Attacks and a 4+ Invulnerable Save against all other Wounds inflicted upon him.

The Blade of the Laer

Fulgrim’s weapon of choice was a slender, two-handed sword presented to him by the Warmaster himself. The sword’s quicksilver blade, able to slice stone and steel without mar, was by common repute reforged from the masterwork weapons of the xenos Laer, but in truth may have had darker origins yet.

The Blade of the Laer
Melee, Duellist’s Edge (1), Fleshbane, Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon


One of a number of arms Fulgrim carried as his mood took him, Firebrand is a masterpiece of the gunsmith’s craft, as much a work of art as it was a fearsome weapon of war.

Pistol 2, Deflagrate, Shred, Master-crafted


During the Great Crusade Fulgrim wielded Fireblade, wrought for him by the hand of Ferrus Manus. This heavy bladed longsword was a rare gift from the Gorgon, a sign of his unlikely friendship with the Phoenician and a deadly tool of war.

Melee, Murderous Strike (5+), Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon


Weaned on war and intrigue in the strife-ridden courts of Olympia, Perturabo was a grim warrior and a master of technological arcana who wielded logic and the mathematics of warfare as keenly as he did a blade. To his brothers, the Lord of Iron was taciturn to the point of insult, preferring to harbour his thoughts against need and ever wary of treachery, even amongst his kin. Few would call him friend, but none could fault his ability to deconstruct any campaign and plot the most direct course to victory regardless of the cost and despite the strain put upon his loyalty during the long years of the Great Crusade. His conquests were numerous, and the Iron Warriors brought many worlds into the Imperium of Mankind, but he left behind shattered realms, brought to the brink of extinction by his brutal, if effective, strategies. In the wake of the Dropsite Massacre, Perturabo abandoned his oaths to the Imperium, carrying his fallen brother’s hammer from the battlefield of Isstvan V as a token of his new allegiance to the traitor Horus.

  • Perturabo 425 pts
Master of the Iron Warriors, The Lord of Iron, The Breaker, The Hammer of Olympia
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Perturabo (base: 40mm)
Perturabo 7 7 7 6 7 6 5 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Perturabo
  • The Logos
  • The Logos Array
  • Frag grenades
  • Cortex controller
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Battlesmith (2+)
  • Master of Automata
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Sire of the Iron Warriors
  • Perturabo may be given Forgebreaker Desecrated for
    +35 points

Warlord: Sire of the Iron Warriors

Perturabo had long established himself as a Warlord and strategist on his home world and was considered amongst the finest of artificers among the ranks of the Primarchs. In battle, however, it was his ruthless sense of discipline that most influenced his Legion, for all those warriors that fought at his side were well aware of the price of failure or cowardice in the eyes of the Lord of Iron.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Perturabo automatically has the Sire of the Iron Warriors Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Iron Warriors – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule and the Infantry Unit Type in the same army as Perturabo roll an additional dice when making Morale checks or Pinning tests caused by Shooting Attacks and discard the dice with the highest result before determining the result of the Check. In addition, an army with Perturabo as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction during the Shooting phase only as long as Perturabo has not been removed as a casualty.

The Logos

Perturabo’s panoply of war was a unique and highly customised suit of Terminator armour of his own design known as the ‘Logos’. As well as providing a phenomenal level of defence against outside attack, the armour contained sophisticated command and control systems which linked him cybernetically to every facet of the forces under his disposal and a shifting array of weapons and secondary systems created by his own vast intellect.

The Logos provides a 2+ Armour Save and 3+ Invulnerable Save, and allows Perturabo to ignore all the effects of Night Fighting, and when Perturabo or any unit he has joined makes the Interceptor Advanced Reaction, the Reaction does not cost the controlling player a point from their Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given turn.

The Logos Array

Built into the arm systems of the Logos armour are two small batteries of custom-built bolt weapons, prime examples of Olympia’s shrapnel bolt technology and improved by the genius of Perturabo himself. These weapons unleash a storm of shot that few enemies can withstand.

This weapon is considered a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. The Logos array has two profiles, one for use as a ranged weapon and one for use in melee.
The Logos Array
- Ranged
Assault 6, Twin-linked, Shred, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
- Melee
Melee, Two-handed

Forgebreaker Desecrated

Once wielded by the Primarch Ferrus Manus, this weapon was taken from his body as a trophy by his killer and presented to Perturabo by the Traitor Warmaster. In the hands of the grim master of the Iron Warriors, it has become a horrific icon of the darkness that had corrupted many of the Mankind’s greatest champions.

Forgebreaker Desecrated
Melee, Unwieldy, Master-crafted, Exoshock (3+), Brutal (2)


Called the ‘Night Haunter’ by the people of his home world of Nostramo, Konrad Curze was from his earliest days a figure of dark renown. Growing to maturity upon benighted city streets ruled by criminals while corrupt overlords enjoyed lives of luxury, Curze took it upon himself to exert his own bloody brand of justice. Instituting a reign of terror that cowed criminal and tyrant alike, the Night Haunter brought order, of a kind, to Nostramo. When at last the Emperor came, Curze had foreseen his life, his role as Primarch and his ultimate end, his sanity ever stretched taut by grim visions of the horrors soon to overwhelm the galaxy. Having been granted command of the VIIIth Legion, which the Primarch named the Night Lords, Curze set about imposing his particular notions of order and justice upon the wider galaxy. World after world fell to the Night Haunter’s bloody campaigns of conquest, the Primarch becoming so feared that the mere word of his approach was often sufficient to suppress rebellion and cow disobedience. At the urging of his brother, the Warmaster, Curze would throw in his lot with the Traitors, his cruel ire now directed against his own brothers and their Legions.

  • Konrad Curze 450 pts
The Primarch of the Night Lords, The Night Haunter, The Last Judge, The King of Terrors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Konrad Curze (base: 40mm)
Konrad Curze 8 8 7 6 6 6 7 7 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Konrad Curze
  • The Nightmare Mantle
  • Mercy & Forgiveness
  • The Widowmakers
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Hit & Run
  • Fear (3)
  • The King of Terrors
  • Bloody Murder
  • Night Vision
  • A Death Long Foreseen
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Sire of the Night Lords

The King of Terrors

Such is Curze’s aura of preternatural malice and sinister intent, that even the most valorous warriors buckle before his onslaught, all thoughts of standing against this spectre of doom washed away by an unnatural despair.

When Konrad Curze and any unit he has joined ends a combat by removing all enemy models as casualties or destroying an enemy unit due to a Sweeping Advance, all enemy units that are not locked in combat and can draw a line of sight to Konrad Curze must immediately take a Pinning test.

A Death Long Foreseen

Konrad Curze was cursed with one tiny sliver of his father’s psychic talent – he could foresee snatches of the future with limited clarity. Only one vision he ever accepted with unswerving certainty, that of his own death. Curze could conjure up this vision with a moment of focus, reaffirming his belief in its truth and thus entering the fray with a suicidal fury.

Konrad Curze gains access to the Glimpse of Death Psychic Power only and gains no other Disciplines.

Glimpse of Death (Psychic Power)

An empire in flames, a throne in a palace of nightmares and a shadowy figure wreathed in righteous anger. It all ends in horror and a short, undignified stroke of a blade. What terror can the battlefields of the present hold compared to the empty futility of the future?

At the start of any Assault phase, a Psychic check may be made for Konrad Curze by the controlling player, this Psychic check must be made against a Leadership of 7. If this Check is passed, Konrad Curze gains the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule and +1 Attacks for the duration of that Assault phase. If the Check is failed, Konrad Curze suffers Perils of the Warp.

Warlord: Sire of the Night Lords

A dark and haunted figure, obsessed by death and judgement, and unshakable in his belief in the fundamental fallibility of Mankind and the agency of fear as the only true means of controlling humanity’s failings, Konrad Curze and his Legion were shaped by the terror and darkness of Nostramo just as much as they were by the genecraft of the Emperor.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Konrad Curze automatically has the Sire of the Night Lords Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Night Lords – All models with the Infantry, Dreadnought or Cavalry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule in the same army as Konrad Curze gain the Night Vision and Bloody Murder special rules and are immune to the effects of the Fear (X) special rule. In addition, an army with Konrad Curze as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the Movement phase as long as Konrad Curze has not been removed as a casualty.

The Nightmare Mantle

Curze’s raiment of war was a customised artificer suit, bedecked in grisly trophies of judgement and the flayed skins of those whose sins he saw as particularly egregious or noteworthy.

The Nightmare Mantle provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, the Nightmare Mantle allows Konrad Curze to ignore all modifiers to his Movement from any source, automatically pass all Dangerous Terrain Tests and when choosing to Run adds 12 to his Movement Characteristic instead of his Initiative Characteristic.

Mercy & Forgiveness

This pair of murderous artificer lightning claws, unknown in origin, which Curze favoured as his personal weapons were given the doleful names ‘Mercy’ and ‘Forgiveness’ by the Night Lords; though what their wielder named them, if anything, remains as with so much about their master, unknown.

Mercy & Forgiveness are two separate weapons, and Konrad Curze gains the +1 Attack bonus for having two weapons when using them – this is not included as part of his profile.
- Mercy
Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (4+)
- Forgiveness
Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (4+)

The Widowmakers

Based on the micro-serrated throwing blades utilised for signature-kills by certain Nostraman assassin-cults, Curze favoured the use of these vicious, yet highly precise weapons over more conventional firearms in battle, using them to disable and maim as he willed.

The Widowmakers
Assault 3, Rending (4+)


Angron, most bloodyhanded and savage of the Primarchs, was the master of the World Eaters Legion. In his youth cast upon a world of brutal oppression he was enslaved and surgically mutilated to become a gladiator in the games of death, where he became the undefeated lord of the red sands, a killer without peer. After leading a doomed slave revolt the Emperor saved him from dying with his rebellion and placed him at the head of his Legion, but Angron never forgave the Emperor for the death of his followers, nor was any love lost between him and his fellow Primarchs. When Horus began his rebellion, Angron was quick to join in his treachery, but his only true master was the rage and bloodlust within him.

  • Angron 450 pts
Master of the World Eaters, The Red Angel, Slaughterer of Nations,the Undefeated
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Angron (base: 40mm)
Angron 8 8 5 6 6 6 6 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Angron
  • The Armour of Mars
  • The Spite Furnace
  • The Butcher’s Nails
  • Gorefather
  • Gorechild
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
  • Primarch (Unique)
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (World Eaters)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Red Sands
  • Hatred (Everything)
  • Rampage (2)
  • Furious Charge (2)
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Sire of the World Eaters

Red Sands

Trained to fight and die in single combat, Angron was at his best when pitted against the foe’s mightiest warriors blade to blade.

In any given turn Angron may make as many Challenges as there are enemy models with the Character Sub-type or Primarch Unit Type locked in combat with him, up to his current number of Attacks. Pull out all the challengers and fight them in an order decided by Angron’s controlling player during the Challenge part of the Fight sub-phase, save that any enemy model with the Primarch Unit Type must be fought first. Angron must divide his attacks between them and must assign at least one attack to each Challenge he fights in. All models challenged by Angron, and Angron himself, count as being in a Challenge and follow all the rules for Challenges and any models that are not removed as casualties remain in a Challenge with Angron until either all the challengers are removed as casualties, Angron is removed as a casualty or the Challenge is ended by the effects of another rule.

Warlord: Sire of the World Eaters

Forced to abandon those who had trusted him and fought for him by the Emperor, Angron would never be the inspirational leader that many of his kin became. He treated his own Legion with a brutal disdain, and yet those bloody warriors would not abandon the one whose genes had forged them, seeking ever to please and impress their progenitor. Only the most reckless feats of bloody-handed slaughter would receive even the smallest gesture of respect from Angron, and the World Eaters would face any peril to secure such a mark of honour.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Angron automatically has the Sire of the World Eaters Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the World Eaters – All models with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule in the same army as Angron, including Angron himself, gain the Feel No Pain (6+) and Adamantium Will (3+) special rules. In addition, an army with Angron as its Warlord increases its Reaction Allotment to 3 in the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Angron has not been removed as a casualty (this does not allow more than three Reactions to be made in that Phase, and may not be further modified by any other rule or effect), but may only make Advance Reactions.

The Armour of Mars

The warplate of Angron is the rebuilt skeleton of his ancient gladiator armour, reinforced and enhanced by the technology of Mars at the behest of the Emperor. Though once a gleaming golden token of the Emperor’s esteem for his new champion, Angron has shown little interest in its condition, allowing the gore of each victory to dull its lustre and refusing to allow any but the most basic maintenance.

The Armour of Mars gives its wearer a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

The Spite Furnace

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Spite Furnace
Pistol 2, Gets Hot, Master-crafted

The Butcher’s Nails

The cyber-neural implants buried deep into Angron’s nervous system drive him to heights of rage that cannot be readily understood by any other than the Red Angel himself. This device feeds on and amplifies Angron’s own rage, and in battle each kill sees his rage mount and grow until the Primarch becomes little more than a gore-spattered threshing machine, cutting down lives in a frenzy of violence unequalled by any of his brethren.

At the start of each of the controlling player’s turns after the first, Angron gains +1 to his Attack characteristic for the rest of the battle to a maximum of 10 Attacks at the start of the controlling player’s fifth turn (if the battle lasts that long). If Angron is in Reserves at the start of the controlling player’s turn then this rule has no effect and his Attacks do not increase that turn. Additionally, any To Hit rolls made in any Assault phase targeting a unit that includes Angron, always counts the majority Weapon Skill of the target unit as 3, regardless of the actual Weapon Skill of the models in that unit.


These archaic matched chainaxes are among the most potent weapons known among the relics of the Primarchs, and are made all the more deadly by Angron’s consummate skill as a fighter.

Weapon listed here is counted as ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Armourbane (Melee), Murderous Strike (3+), Shred


These archaic matched chainaxes are among the most potent weapons known among the relics of the Primarchs, and are made all the more deadly by Angron’s consummate skill as a fighter.

Weapon listed here is counted as ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Armourbane (Melee), Murderous Strike (3+), Shred


The shadowed and sinister Mortarion was Primarch and Commander of the Death Guard Legion. Raised upon a nightmare world of fell secrets and necromantic horror where humans were hunted like animals, the darkness that surrounded him seeped into his soul and would never leave him. Fiercely driven and relentless, the reaper-Primarch led his Legion to become wrathful liberators, spectres of death and judgment to whom no battlefield was insurmountable and no foe too terrible to face.
With lies and half-truths did Horus sway Mortarion to his cause, and the price that he and his Legion would pay for their role in the Horus Heresy would be nightmarish beyond imagining.

  • Mortarion 425 pts
The Pale King, Master of the Death Guard, the Traveller, Dread Liberator of Barbarus
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Mortarion (base: 40mm)
Mortarion 7 7 6 7 7 7 5 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Mortarion
  • The Barbaran Plate
  • Silence
  • The Lantern
  • 7 phosphex bombs
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Death Guard)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Bulky (6)
  • It Will Not Die (4+)
  • Fear (2)
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Hatred (Psykers)
  • Shadow of the Reaper
  • Preternatural Resilience
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Sire of the Death Guard

Shadow of the Reaper

Mortarion is a terrifying, almost spectral figure, who despite his size and bearing is able to go unseen almost at will and attack from an unexpected quarter.

So long as Mortarion is not Embarked on any model, in Reserves, locked in combat or part of a unit with the Retinue or Deathshroud Retinue special rules, in the player’s Shooting phase in lieu of making a Shooting Attack, Mortarion may be redeployed by his controlling player, this counts as an alternative form of Movement and cancels the benefits of the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rule when used.

If this option is used then Mortarion is removed from the battlefield, leaving any unit that he was part of. The controlling player must then redeploy Mortarion to any point on the battlefield that is within 10" of his original position, as long as there is space for his model and the chosen position is not within 3" of an enemy model. He may not be placed within Impassable Terrain or inside a Vehicle or Building. This is not counted as a move as such, and the intervening terrain does not affect him in any way. Mortarion may Charge normally in a turn that he is redeployed in this way, but counts as making a Disordered Charge if doing so.

Preternatural Resilience

Mortarion’s resilience and stamina are legend, and it has been said that of all the Primarchs none were more able to shrug off injury and torment as he, and of all none had endured more in their lives before the Emperor had reclaimed them.

Any Hits allocated to Mortarion with the Poisoned (X), Rending (X) or Fleshbane special rules only affect Mortarion on a D6 roll of a 6 instead of their usual effect. While Mortarion has joined a unit, this special rule has no effect

Warlord: Sire of the Death Guard

Mortarion was renowned amongst the Primarchs for the implacable advance of his Legion, a slow and steady encroachment that could not be stopped or turned aside by dangerous ground or enemy action. The foe was left with the choice of cowering in their boltholes until the Death Guard arrived at their doorstep or sallying forth to die upon the guns of Mortarion’s warriors.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Mortarion automatically has the Sire of the Death Guard Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Death Guard – All friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) in the same army as Mortarion, including Mortarion himself, ignore all penalties to their Leadership caused by the Fear and Shell Shock (X) special rules and when locked in combat suffer no penalty to their Leadership Characteristics due to casualties suffered during an assault. In addition, an army with Mortarion as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Mortarion has not been removed as a casualty.

The Barbaran Plate

Mortarion’s war panoply is of his own design, fusing power armour technology with his own lore. It is designed not only to protect him in battle but augment his own singular physiology and environmental needs, synthesising trace elements of the poisonous vapours of his home world to mix with the air he breathes.

The Barbaran Plate provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save.


A massive two-handed battle scythe with a blade span as long as most human warriors are tall, ‘Silence’ —to give it the macabre nickname favoured by its wielder— is accounted as one of the most fearsome blades wielded by any Primarch. Since Mortarion’s finding, there have been dark whispers that the blade is of xenos-tainted origin, and some familiar with the legend of the Death Guard Primarch’s early life believe it to be none other than the weapon of the terrible creature that once named himself Mortarion’s ‘father’.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Instant Death, Sunder, Two-handed,
Reaping Blow (2)

The Lantern

A drum-barrelled energy blaster of unknown origin, the ‘Lantern’, is Mortarion’s preferred sidearm.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Lantern
Assault 1, Sunder


Magnus the Red was unique among the Primarchs, a psyker of prodigious power whose very essence boiled with psychic potential. Such was his power that it is said that alone amongst his Primarchs, Magnus met the Emperor in the Realm Beyond long before they met in the flesh. In battle, Magnus the Red fought like a mythical god; fire wreathed him and followed in his wake like a burning cloak, and solid matter was unmade with a gesture. Armies of mere mortals, powerless before him, would fall to their knees, weeping as their nightmares danced before their eyes. But destruction and war was only a means to an end for Magnus, for possessed of a supreme intelligence and a hunger for knowledge, he saw himself and his Legion as creators of the future rather than simple conquerors. Others might think of themselves as working for the betterment of Mankind, even of being bearers of the Imperium’s ideals, however Magnus saw another path. To him, the Great Crusade was a path from the darkness of ignorance into the light of reason. It was this obsession which drove him to achieve all that he did, and also that which would chain him and his Legion to a future of damnation.

  • Magnus The Red 520 pts
Primarch of the Thousand Sons, The Sorcerer of Prospero, The Crimson King, The Logos Maxima, The Cyclopean Giant
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Magnus the Red (base: 40mm)
Magnus the Red 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Magnus the Red
  • The Horned Raiment
  • The Blade of Ahn-nunurta
  • Psyfire serpenta
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Arch-Sorcerer
  • Deep Strike
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Shrouded (5+)
  • The Eye of the Crimson King
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Sire of the Thousand Sons


Magnus the Red was the undisputed master of the arcane among the brotherhood of Primarchs. His knowledge of the mysterious realm of the psyker was equalled only by the Emperor himself, and many have claimed that some secrets held by Magnus were unknown even to his father.

Magnus the Red has access to all of the Core Psychic Disciplines as presented in the Core Psychic Discipline list. When making a Shooting Attack or attacking during an assault, Magnus may choose to use any one Psychic Weapon available from any Discipline regardless of which Psychic Powers he has used in a given turn. In addition to any other Psychic Power he has used, in each turn Magnus may use any one of the Minor Arcana provided by the Prosperine Arcana special rule, and may use a different Minor Arcana each turn. When using a Minor Arcana power, Magnus automatically passes any Psychic checks required without any dice being rolled (this applies only to Minor Arcana powers).

The Eye of the Crimson King

Magnus’ single baleful eye seemed to some a grotesque defect, but to Magnus it was an invaluable tool for the arcane arts he practised. His eye saw further and deeper than any mere mortal organ and allowed him to maintain an edge that no other warrior could match.

When selecting targets for his psychic powers, all models within range are assumed to be in line of sight (except those Embarked upon models with the Transport Sub-type or Buildings).

Warlord: Sire of the Thousand Sons

As the pre-eminent sorcerer of his age, Magnus the Red trained his sons to wield the ephemeral arts with superb skill. On the field of battle it would be these eldritch powers that the Thousand Sons employed as their chief weapon, favouring them over the blade or the bolt.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Magnus the Red automatically has the Sire of the Thousand Sons Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Thousand Sons – All models with the Infantry Unit Type in the same army as Magnus the Red with the Psyker Sub-type gain the Adamantium Will (6+) special rule (if a model already has a version of this special rule then the value of that special rule is increased by one step, for example from (5+) to (4+)) and any model with the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rule (including Magnus the Red) that suffers Perils of the Warp reduces the number of Wounds inflicted by 1 (to a minimum of 1 Wound). In addition, an army with Magnus the Red as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase, unless Magnus the Red has been removed as a casualty.

The Horned Raiment

Magnus’ armour was believed to be as much a thing of tangible psychic force and Empyreal energy as it was a physical construction, shifting form and appearance as he willed, and the means by which it protected him was proof against the most savage weapons despite its often primitive appearance.

The Horned Raiment provides Magnus the Red with a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, if he is struck by a weapon with the Destroyer type, the amount of Wounds it inflicts is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.

The Blade of Ahn-nunurta

Taking the distinctive shape of the weapon of the Prosperine war god of ancient myth, this force blade combined ancient lore with Imperial weapons technology and was lethal to living creatures and battle engines alike.

The weapon listed here is counted as ‘Power’ and ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Blade of Ahn-nunurta
Melee, Force, Two-handed

Psyfire serpenta

A handgun of prodigious size seemingly conjured to his grasp at need, there was always some debate even among Magnus’ Legion whether this powerful plasma-type weapon was truly a device or simply a manifestation of his psychic powers in physical form.

The weapon listed here is counted as ‘Plasma’ and ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Psyfire serpenta
Assault 3, Deflagrate, Force


Horus was the Primarch of the Luna Wolves Legion and greatest of his superhuman kind. A tactical genius and charismatic battle leader, Horus proved himself over the course of the Great Crusade as a warlord second only to the Emperor whom he served and called father. So it was that when the Emperor stood apart from the burden of the command of the Great Crusade, it was Horus that he named Warmaster to act in his stead. But ambition and pride festered within the Warmaster’s heart and at Davin he fell, and the lies and corruption of the Warp infected his soul. From then on he plotted with dark forces to usurp the Emperor’s throne and become the master of Mankind, throwing the galaxy into bloody civil war.

  • Horus Lupercal 600 pts
Warmaster of the Imperium, the Breaker of Tyrants, the Favoured Son, the Eye of Terra
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Horus (base: 40mm)
Horus 8 8 6 7 7 7 6 6 10 2+ 40mm
Horus Ascended (base: 50mm)
Horus Ascended 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 6 10 2+ 50mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Horus
  • The Serpent’s Scales
  • The Warmaster’s Talon
  • Worldbreaker
  • Cognis-signum
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Sons Of Horus)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Master of War
  • Master of Weapons
  • Deep Strike
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Sire of the Sons of Horus

Master of War

Horus wields a genius-level strategic intellect combined with a gutter-fighter’s savagery, honed together over centuries of constant warfare and martial experience, and it was not for nothing he was considered by many as foremost among his superhuman kind.

Once per battle, at the start of any turn where Horus Lupercal’s controlling player is the Reactive player, this special rule may be activated. For the duration of the turn on which this special rule is activated, the Reaction Allotment of the army that includes Horus is increased by +1 in every Phase.

Master of Weapons

Among his brothers Horus was known as a master of weapons, combining the practised skills of a Terran duelling master with the low cunning of a Cthonian gutter-brawler. In combat he would use whatever means were required to gain the upper hand and crush his opponent, and was easily a match for almost any of his kin.

During the Assault phase Horus Lupercal can never be hit by a Melee Attack on a score of better than 4+, regardless of the Weapon Skill of his opponent. In addition, during the Assault phase Horus Lupercal may choose to split his Attacks between any of the weapons he is equipped with, declaring which attacks will be used with which weapon profiles before any of his attacks are rolled.

Warlord: Sire of the Sons of Horus

As the Warmaster of the Imperium and first amongst the Primarchs, Horus demanded the best from those that served him. When he took to the battlefield in person, every warrior would strive to gain his favour with acts of bravery that would ensure a position in the inner circle of the Warmaster.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Horus automatically has the Sire of the Sons of Horus Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Sons of Horus – All models of the Infantry Unit Type in the same army as Horus Lupercal, regardless of Faction, gain +1 Leadership and the Stubborn special rule.

The Serpent’s Scales

Horus’ unique suit of Terminator armour is one of the first prototypes of its kind, fashioned and continuously improved by the hand of Kelbor-Hal and the greatest artificers of the Imperium, and it is proof against attacks of both brute and esoteric origin.

The Serpent’s Scales provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save.

The Warmaster’s Talon

A unique lightning claw which incorporates a baroquely styled twin-bolter, the Talon has long been Horus’ favoured weapon. Some apocryphal sources claim it is an antediluvian relic that was found deep within the planet Clthon, and was a product of Mankind’s Dark Age of Technology.

The Talon has two profiles listed, one for Shooting Attacks and one for attacks in the Assault phase. When used to attack as part of a Shooting Attack, this weapon counts as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Warmaster’s Talon
 - (Melee)
Melee, Shred, Deflagrate
 - (Shooting)
Assault 3, Twin-linked


This is a power maul of prodigious size and might, which as well as being a weapon capable of shattering armoured ceramite, is also a signifier of Horus’ rank of Warmaster, and is said to have been created by the hand of the Emperor himself as a gift to his favoured son.

Melee, Master-crafted, Brutal (2), Sunder, Unwieldy


Lorgar Aurelian, the Golden Son, who alone amongst his brothers wielded the raw power of devotion as his preferred weapon, was the lord of the Word Bearers Legion. He swayed worlds with his powerful oratory and the sheer force of his charisma, leading them to the veneration of the Emperor, who he saw as the divine saviour of Mankind. At the head of his Word Bearers, Lorgar conquered, not simply through stratagem, overmatching power or simple brute violence, but by the subtle craft of exaltation, by inspiring his sons to feats of arms in the name of the Imperial Truth and swaying whole planetary populations through his statecraft and vision. His Legion did not simply batter a world into submission, but applied force of arms only as needed to raise them up and render them to freedom. But in his literal interpretation of the meaning of the Great Crusade, he and his Legion strayed from the path that had been set out for them. For his failings, Lorgar received only censure from his siblings and father. With his beliefs shattered, anger and resentment set Lorgar to secretly accept new, darker truths. Both betrayer and betrayed, it was Lorgar and his Legion who would set the stage for the nightmare of the Horus Heresy, seeking to spread his new creed across the galaxy.

  • Lorgar 415 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Lorgar (base: 40mm)
Lorgar 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Lorgar
  • The Armour of the Word
  • Illuminarum
  • Devotion
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • Master of the Legion
  • It Will Not Die (4+)
  • Crusader
  • The Fortress of the Word
  • The Power of the Word
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Sire of the Word Bearers
  • Lorgar may take the Lorgar Transfigured special rule
    +25 points

The Fortress of the Word

Though less skilled with weapons than his brethren, Lorgar had long worked to flex other muscles and bring other weapons to bear on the battlefield. Among his brothers he was one of the few to master the power of the æthereal to any degree, and though his skill was dwarfed by that of Magnus he could still work feats that surpassed most mortal scholars.

Lorgar gains the Psychic Disciplines Thaumaturgy and Divination from the Core Psychic Disciplines list and may not select any other Psychic Discipline.

The Power of the Word

Lorgar, ever the least physically imposing of the Primarchs, relied on his skills as an orator and statesman more than his skill as a strategist or warrior. When forced to take to the front lines, he allowed his warriors and bodyguard to see to his safety while he focussed on the morale and fervour of his warriors.

Any Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad selected as a Retinue Squad with Lorgar as its Leader gains the Fearless and Feel No Pain (4+) special rules. In addition, once per battle, one friendly unit composed entirely of models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type with at least one model within 18" of Lorgar (but not a unit that includes Lorgar himself) may be selected at the start of any Game Turn. The chosen unit gains the Fearless and Feel No Pain (4+) special rules for the duration of that Game Turn.

Warlord: Sire of the Word Bearers

Lorgar, though mightier than any mortal combatant, was often seen as the least martial of his brethren. More of a statesman than a swordsman, Lorgar was a master beyond compare with rhetoric and oratory, and wielded these tools with a deft touch. While he could not stand in a duel against any of his brothers, there was none he could not stir with his words.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lorgar automatically has the Sire of the Word Bearers Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Word Bearers – All units composed entirely of models which have the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule and which can draw line of sight to Lorgar add +1 to the result of Charge Distance rolls made for them, and may use Lorgar’s Leadership in all Leadership tests, Morale checks and Pinning tests made for them. In addition, an army with Lorgar as its Warlord gains an extra Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase, as long as Lorgar has not been removed as a casualty.

Lorgar Transfigured

When Lorgar came to embrace what he saw as the Primordial Truth of Chaos, he used it and its sorcerous lore to finally unlock his full psychic potential.

If Lorgar is upgraded with this special rule, he gains the Corrupted Unit Sub-type and replaces the Thaumaturgy and Divination Psychic Disciplines with the Anathemata and Diabolism Psychic Discipline. In addition, an army that includes Lorgar Transfigured may fill any non-Compulsory slots in its Force Organisation chart with units from the Ruinstorm Daemon army list – these choices are paid for in points and occupy slots on the Force Organisation chart as normal, but must begin the battle in Reserve and may only enter play by means of the Breach the Veil (Psychic Power).

The Armour of the Word

Lorgar’s battle plate is a customised suit of artificer armour based upon the Maximus pattern, incorporating a defensive field generator and graven with ancient Colchisian sigils of protection and Lorgar’s own words of anathema.

The Armour of the Word provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. This Invulnerable Save increases to a 3+ against any Wound inflicted by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus special rules and Wounds inflicted by Perils of the Warp.


This ornate sceptre-maul was fashioned for Lorgar by the master weaponsmith Ferrus Manus in a rare display of filial support. Perfectly balanced for Lorgar’s strength and size, it is a formidable weapon and apocryphally seen as the pattern on which the Chaplains’ crozius was later based.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Master-crafted, Armourbane (Melee), Brutal (2)


An archaic weapon whose origin lies in the lost Dark Age of Technology, the pistol known to Lorgar as Devotion did not fire any projectile or beam, but instead warped the local gravitic field. The device enabled Lorgar to vastly intensify local gravity and crush any foolish enough to defy the Primarch.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Graviton’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Pistol 1, Concussive (2), Graviton Pulse, Haywire, Master-crafted


Of all the Primarchs of the Legiones Astartes, Alpharius is without doubt the most steeped in mystery, legend, contradiction and deliberate falsification. Some even claim that the Alpha Legion has more than one Primarch, though it is entirely possible that this belief is itself but a part of an elaborate misdirection on the part of Alpharius, intended to further his Legion’s goals. The Primarch of the Alpha Legion shrouds himself in mystery, often moving unseen even amongst the ranks of his own Legion. However, when the time comes to cast off the cloak of misdirection, Alpharius is as awe-inspiring a being as any of the Primarchs of the Legiones Astartes. Clad in armour forged in the manner of some terrifying beast of Ancient Terran myth and armed with a fearsome panoply of weapons of unknown provenance, Alpharius bestrides the battlefield like a figure from legend. Like the hydra he and his Legion take as their symbol, in battle Alpharius fights by repeated attacks from multiple and unexpected quarters. None can predict where or how the Primarch will strike, what weapons he will bring to bear or which of his many different forces will fight at his side.

  • Alpharius 465 pts
Primarch of the Alpha Legion, the Aleph Null, the Hydra, the Threefold Serpent, The Final Configuration
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Alpharius (base: 40mm)
Alpharius 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Alpharius
  • The Pythian Scales
  • The Pale Spear
  • The Hydra’s Spite
  • Three venom spheres
  • Frag grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Crusader
  • Insidious Mastermind
  • Everywhere and Nowhere
  • Warlord: Sire of the Alpha Legion

Insidious Mastermind

Alpharius is perhaps the most devious commander in the Imperium, with a labyrinthine mind able to both predict the actions of others with uncanny precision and manipulate his foes into unwittingly doing as he wishes, often sealing their own doom in the process.

At the start of any turn in which Alpharius’ controlling player is the Active player and Alpharius is on the battlefield (including when Embarked on a model with the Transport Sub-type or Building), the controlling player may grant one of the listed special rules to all models in the army with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule (including Alpharius) that do not also have the Vehicle Unit Type, until the start of the controlling player’s next turn as the Active player. Each of the listed special rules may only be selected once per battle:
  • The Fleet (2) special rule
  • The Preferred Enemy (Everything) special rule
  • The Sudden Strike (1) special rule

Everywhere and Nowhere

Of all the Primarchs there was none as unpredictable as Alpharius, for he could appear at almost any location and arrive by almost any means without warning. Those that studied his methods would find no pattern to help predict his actions or scheme by which his preferences could be defined, and in many cases would swear that the Primarch could not be a single entity, given his ability to appear at any location with such ease.

At the start of the battle before any models are deployed, Alpharius may be given any one of the following special rules: Infiltrate, Scout or Deep Strike. Alpharius’ controlling player may select up to three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule to receive the same special rule granted to Alpharius by Everywhere and Nowhere.

Warlord: Sire of the Alpha Legion

Few among his brothers truly knew Alpharius, the last of all the Emperor’s Primarchs to rejoin the Imperium. Tall tales, rumours and outright lies spoke of a variety of flaws and gifts possessed by the last Primarch and none knew what to expect from him. When the war began, his enemies would spend much time attempting to sort truth from the lies, finding out only too late that Alpharius was no less a master of war than any of his brothers.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Alpharius automatically has the Sire of the Alpha Legion Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Alpha Legion – At the start of the battle, after all models from all armies have been deployed, including units deployed using the Infiltrator special rule and after any Scout moves have been made, Alpharius’ controlling player may select up to three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule. The selected units may be redeployed to any position in the controlling player’s Deployment Zone or placed into Reserves. In addition, an army with Alpharius as its Warlord may declare a single Phase at the start of any turn in which Alpharius’ controlling player is the Reactive player, gaining an additional Reaction in the chosen Phase as long as Alpharius has not been removed as a casualty.

The Pythian Scales

Although frequently recorded as entering battle in the semblance of a regular member of his Legion, Alpharius —or perhaps an individual carrying that name— is also known to have led his Legion to war armoured in sinister and baroque reptilian-styled armour whose stature left no doubt in the mind of onlookers that a bloody-handed Primarch had entered the fray. This armour, faceless and fashioned after the shadowed mythic age of Ancient Terra was known as the Pythian Scales, and could turn aside blade, energy blast and alchemical attack with equal ease.

The Pythian Scales provide Alpharius with a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, if Alpharius is the only model in his unit when declared as the target of an attack, Hits caused by that attack with a weapon with the Fleshbane or Poisoned (X) special rules gain no benefit when rolling To Wound and are resolved using the standard rules (if an attack with the Poisoned (X) or Fleshbane special rules that targets Alpharius has no Strength Characteristic, then treat it as Strength 1)

The Pale Spear

This was one of a number of strange and esoteric weapons associated with the Primarch and rumoured to be a xenos artefact whose forging predated even the rise of the Eldar. This double-bladed spear flickered seemingly out of phase with the material universe when wielded, emitting an eerie and otherworldly howling, and was able to pierce any physical defence it encountered without impediment, ripping them apart at the molecular level. Against living matter, it inflicted hideously gaping, bloodless wounds as the flesh where it struck dissolved into oily smoke.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Pale Spear
Melee, Armourbane, Instant Death, Two-handed

The Hydra’s Spite

A weapon recorded as in use by several highly ranked members of the Alpha Legion – whether this was one weapon or a series of similar prototypes is unknown, but its efficacy in battle is undeniable. A high powered plasma weapon, the Hydra’s Spite did not suffer from many of the shortcomings common to Imperial plasma technology and may well have incorporated xenos components.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Hydra’s Spite
Assault 2, Rending (4+), Master-crafted



When facing heavy resistance, many centurions will march to war clad in Cataphractii Terminator armour, leading their subordinates into the thickest fighting. Line centurions lead massed ranks of Space Marines in the field of battle, the superior durability and protection afforded by Cataphractii suits greatly increasing the survivability of such a perilous duty. Certain specialists among the Legiones Consularis show particular preference for Cataphractii pattern Terminator armour, such as the Legion siege breakers that are expected to storm a breach in enemy fortifications, primus medicae officers ensuring that the gene-seed of their fallen brothers is safely collected from the battlefield or the Legion forge lords, masters of artifice who are often found in the heart of battle repairing damaged vehicles and incanting words of supplication to beleaguered machine spirits.

  • Legion Cataphractii Centurion 85 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Cataphractii Centurion (base: 40mm)
Legion Cataphractii Centurion 6 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Cataphractii Centurion
  • Combi-bolter
  • Power weapon
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Independent Character
  • Legiones Consularis
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Bulky (2)
  • A Legion Cataphractii Centurion may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points
  • A Legion Cataphractii Centurion may exchange his power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points
  • - Lightning claw
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points
  • A Legion Cataphractii Centurion may exchange both his combi-bolter and power weapon for the following:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +15 points
  • A Legion Cataphractii Centurion may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points

Legiones Consularis

Among the many officers of the Legiones Astartes, there are those with unique talents and hard-won skills that are honoured with the title and rank of consul. These warriors lead the Legion into battle and conduct the most arduous of missions, called upon by their lords when the specialised knowledge they guard is required in the struggle for victory and the demise of the foe.

Any Legion Cataphractii Centurion may select a single Consul upgrade; no model may take more than one such upgrade. The various Consul types are listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Appendix: Legiones Consularis:


Many command squads go to war clad in Cataphractii Terminator armour, using its sheer bulk and durability to protect the life of their commander. Able to withstand even the most vicious blows and bearing the finest weaponry in the Legion’s armoury, these exemplary warriors embody the finest qualities of the Legiones Astartes, valiantly spearheading assaults into the most hazardous of war zones holding the Legion’s banners high. Cataphractii armour is amongst the earliest marks of Terminator armour to be issued to the Legions and, as such, the most experienced veteran Legionaries often choose it over more recent marks, preferring its proven superior protection to serve them in the duty of safeguarding their commander in battle.

  • Legion Cataphractii Command Squad 125 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Cataphractii Chosen (base: 40mm)
Legion Cataphractii Chosen 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Legion Cataphractii Standard Bearer (base: 40mm)
Legion Cataphractii Standard Bearer 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 2 Legion Cataphractii Chosen
  • 1 Legion Cataphractii Standard Bearer
  • Legion standard (Legion Cataphractii Standard Bearer only)
  • Combi-bolter (Legion Cataphractii Chosen only)
  • Power weapon
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Retinue
  • Bulky (2)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Cataphractii Command Squad may include:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Cataphractii Chosen
    +35 points per model
  • Any Legion Cataphractii Chosen may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • A Legion Cataphractii Standard Bearer may exchange his power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Combi-bolter
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • Any model in a Legion Cataphractii Command Squad may exchange his power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Cataphractii Chosen may exchange both his combi-bolter and power weapon for the following:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points each
  • A Legion Cataphractii Standard Bearer may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points


Amongst the greatest commanders of their Legions, seasoned by years of war and masters of front-line combat, praetors that choose to march to battle clad in Cataphractii Terminator armour place great value in its enhanced resilience, capable as it is of stoically weathering even the heaviest of incoming fire. Massively armoured and bearing its own powerful armaments, Cataphractii Terminator plate is favoured by those warlords that are often engaged in the thickest fighting, leading their warriors as they advance upon enemy lines or teleporting into the most perilous war zones as part of precise and overwhelming attacks against strategically vital targets. Many venerable lords of the Space Marine Legions trust in the superior protection Cataphractii plate provides even though more technologically advanced patterns of Terminator armour have been introduced, its distinct hulking form having become synonymous with the ferocious conquest of hundreds of battlefields.

  • Legion Cataphractii Praetor 135 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Cataphractii Praetor (base: 40mm)
Legion Cataphractii Praetor 6 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Cataphractii Praetor
  • Combi-bolter
  • Power weapon
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Bulky (2)
  • A Legion Cataphractii Praetor may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points
  • A Legion Cataphractii Praetor may exchange his power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points
  • - Lightning claw
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points
  • - Paragon blade
    +15 points
  • A Legion Cataphractii Praetor may exchange both his combi-bolter and power weapon for the following:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points
  • A Legion Cataphractii Praetor may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points


The ranks of each Space Marine Legion stand a hundred thousand strong or more, and as such require a substantial core of battle commanders and officers to control and co-ordinate, as well as more specialised ranks and roles which help give a Legion its operational depth and strategic flexibility. The centurion represents such leaders, champions and line officers, and whether a company captain in command of a thousand or more Legionaries on-campaign, or a shieldlieutenant given charge of a boarding party in a savage space battle, to have risen in the ranks means they have already demonstrated their worth in the bloody fires of conflict.

  • Legion Centurion 60 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Centurion (base: 32mm)
Legion Centurion 7 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Centurion
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Artificer armour
  • Refractor field
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Independent Character
  • Legiones Consularis
  • Relentless
  • A Legion Centurion may take one of the following:
  • - Bolter
    +2 points
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points
  • - Astartes shotgun
    +2 points
  • - Nemesis bolter
    +10 points
  • A Legion Centurion may exchange either his bolt pistol and/or chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +2 points
  • - Hand flamer
    +2 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Chainaxe
    +5 points
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power weapon
    +15 points
  • - Power fist
    +25 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +30 points
  • - Boarding shield
*A Legion Centurion that selects a boarding shield also gains the Heavy Sub-type. This option may not be selected for any model that has been upgraded to have a Legion Spatha combat bike, Legion Scimitar jetbike or a Legion Warhawk jump pack.
  • A Legion Centurion may exchange both his bolt pistol and chainsword for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +15 points*
*May not be selected for any model that has been upgraded to have a Legion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar jetbike.
  • A Legion Centurion may take one of the following:
  • - Combat shield
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points
  • A Legion Centurion may take one of the following:
  • - Legion Warhawk jump pack
    +20 points
  • - Legion Spatha combat bike
    +20 points
  • - Legion Scimitar jetbike
    +30 points

Legiones Consularis

Among the many officers of the Legiones Astartes, there are those with unique talents and hard-won skills that are honoured with the title and rank of consul. These warriors lead the Legion into battle and conduct the most arduous of missions, called upon by their lords when the specialised knowledge they guard is required in the struggle for victory and the demise of the foe.

Any Legion Centurion may select a single Consul upgrade; no model may take more than one such upgrade. The various Consul types are listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Appendix: Legiones Consularis:


It is common for Space Marine commanders and champions to be accompanied in battle by a squad of highly disciplined and worthy warriors. They serve both as a bodyguard for their commander and are entrusted to carry one of the Legion’s great standards, making them a rallying point on the battlefield for the Legion’s troops. These chosen Space Marines have access to the finest wargear available to the Legion’s rank and file, and embody the Legion’s honour in war.

  • Legion Command Squad 85 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Chosen (base: 32mm)
Legion Chosen 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Legion Standard Bearer (base: 32mm)
Legion Standard Bearer 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 2 Legion Chosen
  • 1 Legion Standard Bearer
  • Bolter (Legion Chosen only)
  • Legion standard (Legion Standard Bearer only)
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Artificer armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Relentless
  • Retinue
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Command Squad may include:
  • - Up to 6 additional Legion Chosen
    +18 points per model
  • Any model with a bolter may take:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • Any model may exchange its bolter for one of the following:
  • - Combi-bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • Any model may exchange its chainsword and/or bolt pistol for one of the following:
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Power fist
    +15 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • - Boarding shield
    +5 points each*
*A model that selects a boarding shield also gains the Heavy Sub-type. This option may not be selected for any model that has been upgraded to have a Legion Spatha combat bike, Legion Scimitar jetbike or Legion Warhawk jump pack.
  • Any Legion Chosen may exchange both his bolt pistol and chainsword for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points each*
*May not be selected for any model that has been upgraded to have a Legion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar jetbike.
  • Any model in the unit may select:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +5 points each
  • - Combat shield
    +2 points each
  • If the model for which the Command Squad has been selected as part of the Retinue special rule has a Legion Warhawk jump pack, Legion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar jetbike then the Command Squad must select the same upgrade, paying the cost listed below:
  • - Legion Warhawk jump pack
    +10 points each
  • - Legion Spatha combat bike
    +10 points each
  • - Legion Scimitar jetbike
    +30 points each


Equipped with advanced communication, cognisanalysis and tracking equipment, including a powerful orbital-interface secure vox-transceiver, the Damocles is designed principally as a command and control vehicle to serve as a direct and all but unbreakable link between a Space Marine Legion formation in the field and its brethren elsewhere within the war zone and in high orbit above during planetary operations. Using these systems, skilled Techmarine crew are able to read the ebb and flow of battle, call in reinforcements, and ward off enemy forces through signal interference and interdiction targeting. Designed to meet the requirements of the everexpanding Ultramarines Legion, the Damocles was both easier to manufacture and deploy than the venerable Proteus Explorator Land Raider variants, which commonly fulfilled this role during the Great Crusade’s early years. Despite this, the Damocles was just as capable in its task but, unfortunately, far less durable than its counterparts, being based on various patterns of the ubiquitous Rhino chassis.

  • Legion Damocles Command Rhino 150 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Damocles Command Rhino (base: Use model)
Legion Damocles Command Rhino 14 4 11 11 11 3 6 Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Damocles Command Rhino
  • Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
  • Geo-locator beacon
  • Command vox relay
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Support Squad
  • Infantry Transport
Access Points
  • The Legion Damocles Command Rhino has one Access Point on each side and one at the rear.
  • A Legion Damocles Command Rhino may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +30 points
  • A Legion Damocles Command Rhino may take any of the following options:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points
  • - Dozer blade
    +5 points
  • - Vox disruptor array
    +25 points


Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to the god-like Primarchs in martial skill and generalship. These lords of the Imperium hold the power of life and death over whole worlds, with the direct control of entire war fleets and armies in their hands. Each is a vastly experienced warrior and warlord, unique in character, who has writ a legend in blood for themselves, and carries into battle the finest wargear and weapons known to humanity. In their ranks can be found chapter masters and lord commanders, first captains, khans and tribunes as the traditions of their Legions dictate. They are the masters of war and have commanded the hosts of the Great Crusade that have conquered worlds unnumbered.

  • Legion Praetor 120 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Praetor (base: 32mm)
Legion Praetor 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Praetor
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • A Legion Praetor may take one of the following:
  • - Bolter
    +2 points
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points
  • - Astartes shotgun
    +2 points
  • - Nemesis bolter
    +10 points
  • A Legion Praetor may exchange either his bolt pistol and/or chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +2 points
  • - Hand flamer
    +2 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Archaeotech pistol
    +15 points
  • - Disintegrator pistol
    +20 points
  • - Chainaxe
    +5 points
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power weapon
    +15 points
  • - Power fist
    +25 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +30 points
  • - Paragon blade
    +30 points
  • - Boarding shield
*A Legion Praetor that selects a boarding shield also gains the Heavy Sub-type. This option may not be selected for any model that has been upgraded to have a Legion Spatha combat bike, Legion Scimitar jetbike or Legion Warhawk jump pack.
  • A Legion Praetor may exchange both his bolt pistol and chainsword for the following:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +20 points*
*May not be selected for any model that has been upgraded to have a Legion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar jetbike.
  • A Legion Praetor may take one of the following:
  • - Combat shield
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points
  • A Legion Praetor may upgrade any one weapon to have the Master-crafted special rule
    +10 points
  • A Legion Praetor may take one of the following:
  • - Legion Warhawk jump pack
    +20 points
  • - Legion Spatha combat bike
    +20 points
  • - Legion Scimitar jetbike
    +30 points

Master of the Legion

The greatest commanders of the Space Marine Legions are all but peerless in their strategic and tactical abilities. The genecraft of the Emperor that created them, honed by individual talent and the experience of countless battles, has sharpened their acumen to a preternatural degree.

The Master of the Legion special rule grants the following benefits:
  • Rites of War: If a Detachment with the Legiones Astartes Faction includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule then that Detachment may select a single Rite of War. Rites of War are presented in the Legiones Astartes Rites of War section.
  • The Few and the Proud: An army may only include a maximum of one model with this special rule per 1,000 points. This counts across all Detachments of an army. Thus, an army that totals at least 1,000 points may include only a single model with the Master of the Legion special rule, and an army that totals at least 2,000 points may include up to two models with the Master of the Legion special rule, etc.
  • Retinue: A model with this special rule may also include a Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad as part of the same Force Organisation slot as the model with the Master of the Legion special rule.


Tartaros Terminator armour allows a centurion to retain the manoeuvrability of their power-armoured subordinates while lending them increased protection and resilience. In war zones designated as Zone Mortalis, such as the contested decks of a void warship or the nightmarish labyrinthine complexes of hive cities, where mobility and speed are important factors to achieve strategic objectives, centurions clad in Tartaros suits storm enemy positions at the head of their troops to crush even the toughest enemy resistance. Legion champions, especially those among the ranks of the Sons of Horus and Blood Angels Legions, often place their trust in the speed and protection offered by Tartaros Terminator armour to quickly close the distance with their foes, while Legion Mortificators rely on it to keep pace with the indomitable advance of their Dreadnought brethren on the battlefield.

  • Legion Tartaros Centurion 75 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Tartaros Centurion (base: 40mm)
Legion Tartaros Centurion 7 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Tartaros Centurion
  • Combi-bolter
  • Power weapon
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Independent Character
  • Legiones Consularis
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Bulky (2)
  • A Legion Tartaros Centurion may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points
  • A Legion Tartaros Centurion may exchange his power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points
  • - Lightning claw
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points
  • A Legion Tartaros Centurion may exchange both his combi-bolter and power weapon for the following:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +15 points
  • A Legion Tartaros Centurion may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points

Legiones Consularis

Among the many officers of the Legiones Astartes, there are those with unique talents and hard-won skills that are honoured with the title and rank of consul. These warriors lead the Legion into battle and conduct the most arduous of missions, called upon by their lords when the specialised knowledge they guard is required in the struggle for victory and the demise of the foe.

Any Legion Tartaros Centurion may select a single Consul upgrade; no model may take more than one such upgrade. The various Consul types are listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Appendix: Legiones Consularis:


When both speed and survivability are required, a command squad will march to war clad in Tartaros Terminator armour, often forming the point of the Legion’s spear. More technologically advanced than the Terminator armour marks it was developed alongside, Tartaros plate was initially a rarity compared to the more widely-available Cataphractii pattern armour. As such, Legion commanders equip their most worthy warriors with it and deploy them at the very forefront of battle. These paragons of their Legion’s ideals accompany their commander into the maelstrom of war, where the speed and protection afforded by their Tartaros Terminator armour assures a swift and decisive blow can be dealt to secure victory.

  • Legion Tartaros Command Squad 110 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Tartaros Chosen (base: 40mm)
Legion Tartaros Chosen 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Legion Tartaros Standard Bearer (base: 40mm)
Legion Tartaros Standard Bearer 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 2 Legion Tartaros Chosen
  • 1 Legion Tartaros Standard Bearer
  • Legion standard (Legion Tartaros Standard Bearer only)
  • Combi-bolter (Legion Tartaros Chosen only)
  • Power weapon
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
Unit Type
  • Infantry
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Retinue
  • Bulky (2)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Tartaros Command Squad may include:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Tartaros Chosen
    +30 points per model
  • Any Legion Tartaros Chosen may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • A Legion Tartaros Standard Bearer may exchange his power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Combi-bolter
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • Any model in a Legion Tartaros Command Squad may exchange his power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Tartaros Chosen may exchange both his combi-bolter and power weapon for the following:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points each
  • A Legion Tartaros Standard Bearer may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points


Developed in the closing years of the Great Crusade, and widely believed to be the most advanced pattern of Terminator armour available to the Legiones Astartes, many among the lauded praetors of the Space Marine Legions quickly embraced the comparatively superior range of movement the Tartaros suits offered the wearer without sacrificing any of the protection for which Tactical Dreadnought Armour is renowned. Tartaros pattern Terminator plate is particularly favoured by those lords of the Legions who prefer a fluid, lightning-fast approach to warfare, such as the sublime lord commanders of the Emperor’s Children or the fierce khans of the White Scars, its enhanced sensory systems and neurofibre uplinks ensuring the superior manoeuvrability needed for them to spearhead assaults on enemy positions.

  • Legion Tartaros Praetor 110 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Tartaros Praetor (base: 40mm)
Legion Tartaros Praetor 7 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Tartaros Praetor
  • Combi-bolter
  • Power weapon
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Bulky (2)
  • A Legion Tartaros Praetor may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points
  • A Legion Tartaros Praetor may exchange his power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points
  • - Lightning claw
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points
  • - Paragon blade
    +15 points
  • A Legion Tartaros Praetor may exchange both his combi-bolter and power weapon for the following:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points
  • A Legion Tartaros Praetor may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points


Champion of the Dark Angels, Corswain’s name is one which will echo down through the ages. Exemplifying the qualities of stalwart determination and mastery of the blade, Corswain was the rising star amongst his brothers in the annals of the Great Crusade. His was the righteous path of the paladin, and being born of Caliban but not an ingrained scion of the Order, Corswain was uniquely placed to bridge the divisions within the Legion in its formative years under the Primarch; a position recognised and put to good use by Lion El’Jonson. Under the Lion, Corswain would be groomed to serve not any one Host or Order within the Legion, but to command the respect and knowledge of all. Even as the dust of the Age of Darkness settled, Corswain was remembered in such hallowed company as Raldoron, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels, for his level-headed and disciplined authority as a commander, and alongside Sigismund of the Imperial Fists for his relentlessness in the heat of battle.

  • Corswain 200 pts
Paladin of the Ninth Order, Champion of the Dark Angels Legion
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Corswain (base: 32mm)
Corswain 7 7 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Corswain
  • Bolt pistol
  • Bolter
  • The Blade
  • Armour of the Forest and the Mantle of the Champion
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Precision Strikes (4+)
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Marshal of the Crown (Deathwing)

Warlord: Marshal of the Crown (Deathwing)

Corswain was renowned amongst the ranks of the First Legion and beyond not only for his grasp of the tactics employed by his own brethren, but also by the other Legions. When confronted in battle, the foe could not predict the strategy that would be deployed against them by such a warrior, and would have to fight both uncertainty and the warriors of the Dark Angels.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Corswain automatically has the Marshal of the Crown (Deathwing) Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

The Blade

A masterwork Terranic greatsword granted to Corswain by his mentor, Alajos, it is said that The Blade was once raised aloft at Advex-mors by Legion Master Urian Vendraig to incite the first Rangdan Xenocide, and was wielded in the violence of every campaign against that foul xenos breed by a champion of the First Legion.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Blade
Melee, Two-handed, Master-crafted, Duellist’s Edge (2), Murderous Strike (4+)

*The Blade gains the +1 To Hit bonus provided by the Deathwing Unit Sub-type.

Armour of the Forest and the Mantle of the Champion

A masterfully wrought suit of artificer armour struck from Terran steel in the heart of the forests of Caliban by the Lion’s own hand, the Armour of the Forest embodies the pragmatism of the Legion in its simple, utilitarian functionality and doughty endurance. Corswain’s only adjustment to this peerless suit of armour is to enshroud himself in a ritual mantle of the Dark Angels, obscuring the symbols of his Order and Host so that he might serve the entire Legion with purity of purpose as their champion.

The Armour of the Forest and the Mantle of the Champion grant Corswain a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save, improved to 3+ against close combat attacks.


The finest warriors and longest-serving veterans among the Deathwing form the ranks of the Companions, each such detachment sworn by the most stringent oaths to ensure the survival of those officers placed under their charge. Most famous among the Companions are those that have taken a death-blow meant for their ward and survived. Such warriors are granted the right to wear bone-white armour in recognition of their selfless devotion to the Legion.

  • Deathwing Companion Detachment 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Deathwing Companion (base: 32mm)
Deathwing Companion 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Deathwing Oathbearer (base: 32mm)
Deathwing Oathbearer 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Deathwing Companions
  • 1 Deathwing Oathbearer
  • Calibanite warblade
  • Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Artificer armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Refractor field (Deathwing Oathbearer only)
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels)
  • Death-sworn Companions
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Relentless
  • Deathwing Retinue
Dedicated Transport
  • The Deathwing Companion Detachment may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Deathwing Companions
    +25 points each
  • Any model with a bolter may take:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • All models in the Deathwing Companion Detachment may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +25 points per unit
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its Calibanite warblade for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +5 points each
  • - Terranic greatsword
    +5 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • - Cytheron pattern aegis
    +10 points each
  • One Deathwing Companion may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • If the model for which the Deathwing Companion Detachment has been selected as part of the Deathwing Retinue special rule has a Legion Warhawk jump pack then the Deathwing Companion Detachment must select the same upgrade, paying the cost listed below:
  • - Legion Warhawk jump pack
    +10 points each

Death-sworn Companions

"I stand among the honoured dead,
Beyond the reach of doubt and uncertainty,
Beyond the frailties of flesh and honour,
Where only duty remains."
Opening stanza of The Last Oath, from the initiatory rites of the Deathwing Companions

Any unit that includes at least one model with this special rule ignores the effects of the Precision Strikes (X), Precision Shots (X) and Sniper special rules, and casualties from Shooting Attacks and Melee Attacks are always allocated to a model of the controlling player’s choice.

Deathwing Retinue

Many of the most honoured commanders of the First Legion went into battle under the protection of the Deathwing Companions – warriors sworn to see their charge survive no matter the cost.

A Deathwing Companion Detachment may only be selected as part of a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rules. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’ and the model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rules is referred to as the Retinue Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule (if the Detachment includes more than one eligible Leader then the controlling player selects one as the unit’s Leader). The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. A Deathwing Companion Detachment may not be selected as part of an army without a Leader.

Cytheron Pattern Aegis

A creation of the long lost city of Cytheron on Mercury, these devices are based upon the power fields that once held at bay the ferocity of Sol itself.

The Cytheron pattern aegis can be used in one of two ways: it can either provide the bearer with a 4+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks and a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Melee Attacks, or it can be deployed. The controlling player may choose to deploy the Cytheron pattern aegis at the end of any of their own Movement phases (the unit must be deployed on the battlefield and not Embarked upon any model) as long as at least two models in the unit are equipped with Cytheron pattern aegis – all models in the unit that have a Cytheron pattern aegis must deploy them to gain any benefit. While deployed, the entire unit gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks and a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Melee Attacks, and any enemy models Engaged with a model from this unit in an assault have their Initiative reduced by -1. However, while deployed, the models equipped with Cytheron pattern aegis may not make attacks in any Phase or as part of any Reaction. The controlling player may choose to end the deployment at the start of any of their own Movement phases, or if the number of Cytheron pattern aegis-equipped models in the unit drops below two, the effect immediately ends.


A veteran of the earliest battles of the Terran Wars of Unification, Marduk has served the Emperor in battle for more than two-and-a-half centuries, longer than almost any other living Space Marine. He has seen battle on worlds without number and alongside heroes, Primarchs and the Emperor himself. Indeed, there are few foes or battlefields that Marduk Sedras has not beheld and mastered, and the tales he tells of long-forgotten campaigns and fallen empires serve to inspire and educate both the newly recruited and initiated warriors and veterans of the Legion alike.

His long record of service within the First Legion began in the ranks of the now-defunct Host of Stone, where he was acknowledged as the preeminent siege master of the First Legion, and he would later enter the ranks of the Dreadwing. Rather than join the Council of Masters on Gramarye, Sedras opted to accept the lesser rank of master that he might remain in the field as the Great Crusade entered its second century.

  • Marduk Sedras 220 pts
Lord of the Twenty-third Order, Eskaton of the Dreadwing, Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Marduk Sedras (base: 40mm)
Marduk Sedras 6 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Marduk Sedras
  • Plasma burner
  • Three phosphex bombs
  • Grenade harness
  • Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre
  • The Death of Worlds
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Ancient of War
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre

Ancient of War

Marduk Sedras has served his Legion for more than two centuries, one of the longest serving Space Marines on record in the Divisio Militaris archives. Over the long years of the Great Crusade he has fought beside each of the Primarchs, and observed each of their Legions at war in warzones beyond count. There is no battle or enemy that does not remind him of past glories, and in his tales others find the wisdom to overcome the challenges that face them.

At the start of the battle, after deployment but before the first turn has begun, the controlling player may select a single Faction from the Allies in the Age of Darkness table, including either the Agents of the Emperor/Warmaster, that is represented in the enemy army. Marduk Sedras, and any friendly units with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule that have at least one model within 6" of Marduk Sedras or a model with the Transport Sub-type on which he is Embarked when all models have been deployed, but before the first Game Turn, gain the Preferred Enemy (Chosen Faction) special rule for all models in that unit for the duration of the battle. If Marduk Sedras is in Reserves, this special rule has no effect.

Warlord: Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre

Marduk Sedras, as so many of his brethren in the First Legion did, wore many titles. He was Lord of the Twenty-third Order, an Eskaton of the Dreadwing and also Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre. The Shattered Sceptre are one of many Orders of the Hekatonystika, dedicated to the fall of false kings and the dismemberment of empires. When he took to the field, this dour veteran often did so at the head of a phalanx of his Order’s finest warriors.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Marduk Sedras automatically has the Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre – If Marduk Sedras is the army’s Warlord then a unit of Inner Circle Knights Cenobium may be selected as part of the same HQ choice. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’. The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Marduk Sedras. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with Marduk Sedras deployed as part of the unit and Marduk Sedras may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. However, if this option is selected then no other unit may be selected for Marduk Sedras using the Retinue or Deathwing Retinue special rules. In addition, an army with Marduk Sedras as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Marduk Sedras has not been removed as a casualty.

Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre

Crafted in the forge-fanes of Xana after the end of the second Rangdan Xenocide and gifted to the first Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre, this armour has served the Order since that day. Forged so that its bearer might take battle to the worst of death worlds, this ornate Cataphractii plate hides an array of field projectors designed to nullify dangerous irad and phage contaminants.

The Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, the Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre also allows its bearer to automatically pass any Dangerous Terrain tests that model is called upon to take.

The Death of Worlds

A relic of the First Legion, the blade known as the Death of Worlds was pattern-welded from fragments of adamantium collected from the hive cities of the first world to fall under the Eskaton, the edict of utter destruction. With each world its wielder presides over the death of, new fragments are added to its length and, by the end of the Great Crusade, the Death of Worlds had grown to such length that only the strongest warriors in the Legion could bear it into combat. The shards patternwelded to its edge carry the curse of a thousand dead worlds, the ragged blade tearing apart its victims with a vicious spite.

The Death of Worlds
Melee, Unwieldy, Two-handed, Curse of Dead Worlds

Curse of Dead Worlds: Invulnerable Saves taken against hits inflicted by this weapon are reduced by -1, to a minimum of 6+ (for example, a model with a 4+ Invulnerable Save struck by the Death of Worlds takes an Invulnerable Save of only 5+ against the attack).


An exceptional warrior even before he became a White Scar, Qin Xa fought alongside Jaghatai Khan during their youth on Chogoris. Qin Xa was frequently described by his Primarch as one of the most formidable warriors of the Legion, having mastered the art of the hunt at a young age and bringing such skills to bear by the Primarch’s side during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy that was to follow. Though few outside of the Legion have spoken of Qin Xa’s prowess, it is often described within the records of the Legion that he took to the battlefield as a force of nature, with a fury and strength behind his aggression that, while apparently barbaric, was tempered by a keen intelligence and an innate sense for the ebb and flow of battle.

Though loyal to his master, Qin Xa was known to question the decisions of the Khagan on occasion and actively encourage those within the Keshig to question him too, to ensure that they never became followers blind in faith. Though Terminator armour was often eschewed within the White Scars, cumbersome as it was, he was one of the few who actively preferred its bulk. Despite the weight of this armour, his skill as a deft warrior was not dulled in any way, wielding the Tails of the Dragon with consummate skill.

  • Qin Xa 220 pts
Master of the Keshig, Chosen of the Khagan
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Qin Xa (base: 40mm)
Qin Xa 8* 6 4 4 4 4 6 5 10 2+ 40mm
*The additional Movement granted by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule is included.
Unit Composition
  • 1 Qin Xa
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
  • Iron halo
  • Grenade harness
  • The Tails of the Dragon
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
  • Independent Character
  • Master of the Legion
  • Counter-attack (2)
  • Furious Charge (1)
  • Bulky (2)
  • Relentless
  • Stubborn
  • Master of the Keshig
  • Warlord: Chosen of the Khagan
  • Loyalist

Master of the Keshig

A Keshig denoted an elite formation of warriors within the White Scars, including such renowned groups as the Ebon Keshig and the Golden Keshig. However, only one Keshig needed no other title, for it served as the bodyguard of the Primarch himself. The Keshig was a cadre of the most formidable warriors in the White Scars and was commanded in the field by Qin Xa, the most trusted of the Primarch’s warlords.

If Qin Xa is selected as the Leader of a Legion Tartaros Command Squad, any model in that Tartaros Command Squad may replace its power weapon with a power glaive for +5 points each.

Warlord: Chosen of the Khagan

Qin Xa, often overlooked by allies and enemies, was a constant presence at the side of the Khan – a vital advisor to the subtle-minded lord of Chogoris and a skilled warrior and commander in battle. During the dark years of the Horus Heresy he would rise to become one of the Khagan’s most trusted companions and a notable leader among the warriors of the Legion.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Qin Xa automatically has the Chosen of the Khagan Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Chosen of the Khagan – If Qin Xa is the army’s Warlord, once per battle the controlling player may choose to either bring a single eligible friendly unit or group of friendly units assigned to a Deep Strike Assault or Flanking Assault into play from Reserve automatically instead of rolling or have it remain in Reserve for that turn (this may not be used to bring a unit or units into play on a turn when a Reserves roll could not normally be made for them). In addition, an army whose Warlord has this trait may make an additional Reaction during the Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.

The Tails of the Dragon

As the legend is told amongst the horse tribes of Chogoris, the Tails of the Dragon were twin blades gifted by the Khan to one among their tribe loyal without question not only to them, but to the protection of the tribe and to the pursuit of ever greater martial glory. While the original blades, if they ever existed, have been lost to time, the Tails of the Dragon blades gifted to Qin Xa by the Khagan were crafted in their image and legacy in a form more befitting a renowned warrior of the White Scars Legion.

The Tails of the Dragon are two separate but identical weapons, and the bonus for wielding two melee weapons has already been included in Qin Xa’s profile. The weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. When attacking with the Tails of the Dragon in close combat, select one of the profiles to use from those shown below for both weapons at the start of each of the controlling player’s Assault phases, before any attacks are made:
The Tails of the Dragon
 - Split the Mountain
Melee, Unwieldy, Master-crafted
 - Part the Horse’s Mane
Melee, Precision Strikes (3+), Master-crafted


A prideful and impetuous Thegn known for his fury and desire to meet his foes head-on, Geigor’s otherwise notably valiant record as a warrior was marred by a history which had suffered several reversals on the field of battle as a commander. The worst of these had been the loss of his entire war pack while fighting alongside the Thousand Sons during the Great Crusade, a battle in which he believed that his Space Wolves and he had been betrayed by their erstwhile allies.

It was a wound which festered in Geigor’s soul and, when the orders came for the Censure of Prospero, his voice was one of the loudest in the Legion’s council baying for the Thousand Sons’ slaughter. Given command of one of his Great Company’s Bloodied Claw assault formations, he treated the attack on Prospero as a sacred mission he would rather see through himself and his packs slain to a man rather than fail, pursuing his foes relentlessly through fire, sorcery and death.

  • Geigor Fell-hand 135 pts
Thegn of the Space Wolves, Commander of the Broken Claw, The Fell-hand
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Geigor Fell-Hand (base: 32mm)
Geigor Fell-Hand 7 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Geigor Fell-Hand
  • Bolt pistol
  • Bolter
  • The Fell-Hand
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Refractor field
  • Artificer armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves)
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Warlord: Crown Breaker

Warlord: Crown Breaker

Geigor’s wrath was most often directed at the enemy’s commanders, those warriors that led the vanguard and directed the attack. Yet this was no display of tactics, no attempt to cut the head from the snake, but instead a bitter and abiding need to prove himself better than those ranged against him.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Geigor Fell-Hand automatically has Crown Breaker as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Crown Breaker - Geigor Fell-Hand and all models in any friendly unit he has joined gain the Preferred Enemy (Independent Characters) special rule. They also gain the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule when locked in combat with one or more enemy models with the Independent Character special rule. In addition, an army with Geigor Fell-Hand as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Geigor Fell-Hand has not been removed as a casualty.

The Fell-Hand

Geigor is in possession of a particularly potent frost claw of exquisite workmanship and power, gained and forged after many trials and bellicose deeds worthy of a saga in themselves. Claw and master together gained the war-name of ‘Fell-Hand’ for the death they have reaved on the battlefield.

The Fell-Hand
Melee, Master-crafted, Rending (5+), Shred, Reaping Blow (1)


The commander of the Fourth Great Company of the Space Wolves, Hvarl Red-Blade had a reputation as a dourly humorous and often choleric-tempered warrior, whose greatest joy was to be found in the din of war and whose battle-cunning was something of a legend. Master of his Great Company for more than five decades at the time of the Razing of Prospero, he was a veteran warlord as renowned for his scourging tactics as he was for encouraging the taking of heads from the enemy fallen as a form of competition among his warriors. Each gory trophy was to be accompanied by a tale of how it was taken around the Great Company’s fires after battle and, without a grand tale, the head-taking was held of little account and the warrior scorned, and so were his Space Wolves pushed towards greater reaches of valour.

  • Hvarl Red-Blade 210 pts
Jarl of the Fourth Great Company, The Ravager, The Headsman of Koltok
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Hvarl Red-Blade (base: 40mm)
Hvarl Red-Blade 7 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Hvarl Red-Blade
  • Hearth-splitter
  • Heavy bolter
  • Grenade harness
  • Iron halo
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Independent Character
  • Battle Cunning
  • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Fear (1)
  • Bulky (2)
  • Warlord: Head-taker

Battle Cunning

Hvarl knew only one way to fight the foe, to close with them as quickly as possible, break their lines and crush their heart. Yet, he was no fool and knew well the value of sending forth warriors to distract and mislead the foe before mounting his main onslaught.

Up to three units composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type in the same Detachment as Hvarl Red-Blade may be given the Scout special rule.

Warlord: Head-taker

Hvarl gloried in only one thing in battle, the death of the foe. He cared little for grand strategy or subtle tricks of deployment or manoeuvre and instead craved simply to close with the foe and see their blood spilled on the broken soil of the battlefield.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Hvarl Red-Blade automatically has Head-taker as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Head-taker – Hvarl Red-Blade and all models in any friendly unit he joins gain the Preferred Enemy (Infantry) special rule. In addition, an army with Hvarl Red-Blade as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during their opponent’s Assault phase as long as Hvarl has not been removed as a casualty.


Hvarl Red-Blade’s famed axe was not of Fenris but a stone-grey power blade re-forged by the Iron Priests from a battlefield trophy taken from a huge machine-warrior made in the shape of a long-dead king he battled on the edge of the Maelstrom. This battle, fought on the dead world of Koltok, saw him elevated to Thegn and first earned him the name of ‘Headsman’. In a thousand battles since, it has never failed him.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Armourbane (Melee)


Said to be companions of the Wolf King from his earliest days as a foundling upon the bleak desolation of Fenris, these two creatures are beasts of prodigious size, formidable intelligence, and a physical power that beggars belief in purely ‘natural’ creatures of their type. The guardians of the Wolf King’s hearth, from time to time, when he calls, they follow alongside him into battle as they may, and to the Space Wolves Legion, they have come to symbolise, not only their own bestial natures, but their spiritual connection to cold Fenris itself. Both have long-served their bellicose master on countless battlefields as friends and protectors, loyal bodyguards, and keen-sensed watchers, and have proven themselves more than capable of ripping the most inhumanly powerful foes limb from limb alongside the Legion of which their master is overlord.

  • The Wolf-kin of Russ 100 pts
Freki the Swift and Geri the Cunning, the Hearth Wolves of the King
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Freki (base: 90 x 52mm)
Freki 10 5 - 5 5 4 5 4 8 5+ 90 x 52mm
Geri (base: 60 x 35mm)
Geri 10 7 - 5 5 4 5 3 8 5+ 60 x 35mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Freki
  • 1 Geri
  • Tooth & Claw
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Wolf-kin of Russ
  • Fearless
  • Fear (1)
  • Rampage (2)
  • Hammer of Wrath (1)
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • Bulky (4)

Wolf-kin of Russ

In battle Leman Russ would sometimes be accompanied by a pair of immense wolves. Legend claims that these were kin to the Primarch, bound to him in the days when he wandered the bleak wastes of Fenris unburdened by the yoke of civilisation.

The Wolf-kin of Russ may only be taken in a Detachment if Leman Russ is in the same Detachment. If they are chosen as part of a Detachment, they are treated as a HQ choice so far as any special rule, objective or mission is concerned, but do not take up slots on the Force Organisation chart. This unit cannot be joined by any other model, except Leman Russ.

Tooth & Claw

Freki and Geri are preternaturally powerful beasts whose fangs and claws can tear through body armour and rend flesh and bone like paper.

Tooth & Claw
Melee, Breaching (6+)


Captain of the 405th Company of the Imperial Fists Legion, Polux was a warrior of unique promise both elevated to greatness and condemned to bear great sorrow by the events of the Horus Heresy. A tactical genius with a talent for void warfare, he was the protégée of the Legion’s greatest fleet masters, although before the dark betrayal of the Warmaster yet to reach his full potential. Inwit born, he was a physical giant even among his brothers of the Legion, and of a character as if cast in stone, emotionless and unyielding, whose reputation before the Battle of Phall rested as much on his strength in the bloody melee of close quarters combat as in command.

When Rogal Dorn sent his Retribution fleet to Isstvan, Polux would likely still have had many years of proving ahead of him before he attained high command, but cruel chance and the death of his mentors saw such command thrust upon him, and with it the fate of much of his Legion lay in his hands.

  • Alexis Polux 185 pts
Captain of the 405th Company of the Imperial Fists, Master of the Retribution Fleet, The Crimson Fist
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Alexis Polux (base: 32mm)
Alexis Polux 7 6 4 5 4 3 5 3 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Alexis Polux
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Solarite power gauntlet
  • Vigil storm shield
  • Combi-melta
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
  • Independent Character
  • Master of the Legion
  • Void Commander
  • Deep Strike
  • Hammer Blow
  • Warlord: Master Tactician
  • Loyalist

Void Commander

Alexis Polux was a highly skilled commander and a formidable tactician, particularly in the fields of void-borne combat and Zone Mortalis operations.

The controlling player may opt to automatically pass or fail any Pinning test made for Alexis Polux and any unit he has joined. In addition, all models in a unit that Alexis Polux joins while in Reserves (see the Combined Reserve Units rule) gain the Deep Strike special rule.

Hammer Blow

Such was Polux’s strength and focus of will, even for one of the Legiones Astartes, he was able to deliver a single crushing blow with his power fist as easily as one of his brothers might have swung a sword.

During any Fight sub-phase, Alexis Polux’s controlling player may choose to have Alexis Polux make a single attack with the profile below instead of attacking normally (while using this option Alexis Polux may not gain bonus attacks for Charging, additional weapons or from any other special rule):
Hammer blow
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Fleshbane, Exoshock (6+)

Warlord: Master Tactician

Polux was possessed of a keen tactical mind, well capable of adapting his plans to suit any situation. This tactical flexibility was a deadly weapon, and one that Polux wielded with more skill than any other in his arsenal.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Alexis Polux automatically has Master Tactician as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Master Tactician – After all models are deployed but before any rolls to Seize the Initiative are made, the controlling player of Alexis Polux may redeploy one friendly unit within the limitations of the mission being played. This may place a unit that had been deployed normally into Reserves, or bring a unit out of Reserves – but may not add or remove units that have been assigned to a Deep Strike Assault, Drop Pod Assault, Flanking Assault or Subterranean Assault. In addition, an army with Alexis Polux as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opponent’s Assault phase as long as Alexis Polux has not been removed as a casualty.


The sons of Dorn are well known to be loyal, disciplined and methodical, and in Fafnir Rann those qualities were coupled with a bellicose and aggressive nature more akin to one of Russ’ Space Wolves. Born of the unforgiving world of Inwit, he is recorded to have been one of Rogal Dorn’s most ruthless commanders. Rann rose to the esteemed rank of Lord Seneschal and captain of the Imperial Fists First Assault Cadre, and led his battle brothers upon hundreds of battlefields of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. His combat prowess was not measured in the Legion’s duelling floors and practice cages but was proven in the grim tally of corpses left behind on the field of war by the passage of his twin power axes. Fafnir Rann was a superlative tactician and it was often his brilliant understanding of the flow of battle both on the ground and in the void that spelled doom for the forces of the Traitors and victory for the VIIth Legion. He could always be found at the speartip of Imperial Fists assault phalanxes, fighting with a stubborn determination and absolute faith in the righteousness of the Emperor’s dominion, rightfully earning the moniker ‘Dorn’s Executioner’.

  • Fafnir Rann 175 pts
Lord Seneschal, Commander of the Persephone, Captain of the First Assault Cadre
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Fafnir Rann (base: 32mm)
Fafnir Rann 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Fafnir Rann
  • Artificer armour
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Iron halo
  • The Headsman and The Hunter
  • Boarding shield
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
  • Independent Character
  • Master of the Legion
  • Shield Master
  • Executioner’s Tax
  • Hammer of Wrath (1)
  • Warlord: The Unbroken Wall
  • Loyalist

Shield Master

Famed for his unconventional ability to use a combination of axes and shield, Rann’s talents with this combination of weapons are unsurpassed and his ability to make the most of his shield’s defensive capabilities was unrivalled.

When Fafnir Rann is locked in combat and his controlling player has chosen to use the Single Axe profile for The Headsman and The Hunter in that Phase, all Hits inflicted by enemy models and allocated to Fafnir Rann must reduce their Strength by -1 (to a minimum of 1). When using the Twinned Axe profile for The Headsman and The Hunter, this special rule grants no benefit, Fafnir Rann is not counted as having a boarding shield for any rules that would grant him benefits for having a boarding shield and Fafnir Rann may ignore the usual restriction for using a weapon with the Two-handed special rule while also having a boarding shield until the end of that Assault phase.

Executioner’s Tax

As unstoppable on the attack as he is unyielding in his defence, Rann is an uncharacteristically bellicose and aggressive member of the VIIth Legion. Even on the defensive, the foe is not spared the wrath of his onslaught.

When an enemy unit makes a successful Charge that places one or more enemy models in base contact with Fafnir Rann, or any model in a unit Fafnir Rann has joined, that enemy unit suffers D3+3 Str 5 AP- Hits. These attacks hit automatically and are resolved during the Fight sub-phase at Initiative Step 10, but grant no model a Pile-in move and do not benefit from any special rules that Fafnir Rann or any other model in the same unit may have. Hits inflicted by this special rule are allocated as normal for attacks made in an assault.

Warlord: The Unbroken Wall

As a commander Fafnir Rann adhered to one simple dictum: victory demands sacrifice. For, despite the shelter of high walls or the stubborn determination of a shield wall, even the most impenetrable defence can only deny victory to the enemy – victory comes only to those with the courage to attack.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Fafnir Rann automatically has The Unbroken Wall Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

The Unbroken Wall – Fafnir Rann, and all models in any Legion Breacher Squads or Phalanx Warder Squads in the same Detachment, gain a bonus of +1 to their Weapon Skill for the duration of any Assault phase in which they successfully Charge an enemy unit. In addition, an army with Fafnir Rann as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Fafnir Rann has not been removed as a casualty.

The Headsman and The Hunter

These twinned axes were Fafnir Rann’s constant companions, and that warrior had mastered a unique style of combat, switching between his axes and shield to meet any combat situation. Few foes could stand against this potent combination of ferocious attack and indomitable defence.

Fafnir Rann’s power axes, The Headsman and The Hunter, are considered a single weapon with two profiles – one representing Fafnir Rann using a single axe in concert with his shield and one representing Fafnir Rann using both axes at once. In each Fight sub-phase Fafnir Rann’s controlling player must choose one of these two profiles to use for all of Fafnir Rann’s attacks. (Note that the Shield Master special rule allows Fafnir Rann make use of a weapon with the Two-handed special rule despite having a boarding shield).

Both weapons are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Headsman and The Hunter
 - Single axe
Melee, Shield Master*, Specialist Weapon, Master-crafted
 - Twinned axe
Melee, Rampage (2), Specialist Weapon, Two-handed, Master-crafted

*All Hits inflicted by enemy models and allocated to Fafnir Rann must reduce their Strength by -1 (to a minimum of 1) – see the Shield Master special rule for more details.


Sigismund was a name that echoed through the Great Crusade even before the darkness of the Horus Heresy made him the stuff of legends. Born on Terra and raised to the Legiones Astartes as the Great Crusade was at its height, he ascended in rank and renown thanks to a simple fact: he was a warrior of unparalleled lethality and ability. Beneath the Primarchs, there has, perhaps, never been a more skilled warrior in combat.

Across the battlefields of hundreds of worlds and the duelling floors of every Legion, he was never defeated. The fire of the crusader always burned brightly in him, and if one warrior could embody the Great Crusade’s spirit of noble conquest it was Sigismund. Those who faced him in the circle of blades, or stood beside him in battle, speak of a fury shackled by an iron will and an inherent genius for dealing death that bordered on the supernatural. It was this skill and fire that brought Sigismund to command the Templars of the First Company, and the most exalted position in the Imperial Fists beneath Rogal Dorn himself.

  • Sigismund 230 pts
1st Captain of the Imperial Fists, Martial Champion of Rogal Dorn, Kingsbane, The Master of the Templars
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Sigismund (base: 32mm)
Sigismund 7 7 4 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Sigismund
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • The Black Sword
  • Master-crafted bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
  • Independent Character
  • Master of the Legion
  • Fearless
  • Eternal Warrior
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Dolorous Fighter
  • Death’s Champion
  • Precision Strikes (3+)
  • Warlord: Slayer of Kings
  • Loyalist

Dolorous Fighter

Sigismund’s skill is legendary, even among the trans-human warriors of the Legiones Astartes, and none can match his instinctive talent for dealing death and finding the merest chink in his enemy’s guard to exploit to their undoing.

When a Challenge is issued in any combat that includes Sigismund, Sigismund’s controlling player must always accept that Challenge with Sigismund – if the opposing player does not issue a Challenge then Sigismund’s controlling player must do so and must nominate Sigismund to fight in that Challenge. Additionally, when fighting in a Challenge, successful Invulnerable Saves taken against Sigismund’s attacks must be re-rolled.

Death’s Champion

A sombre and deadly warrior, both indefatigable and remorseless in the fray, Sigismund is to onlookers less a mortal warrior but rather some unstoppable agency of the dark fates. This led none other than the Primarch Sanguinius to remark of him that he seemed “…less my brother Dorn’s champion, and more Death’s himself…"

Sigismund and any unit he joins gains a bonus of +2 to all Charge Distances and Sweeping Advance rolls made for the unit. In addition, if Sigismund is present in any Detachment then that Detachment may take Templar Brethren squads as Troops choices.

Warlord: Slayer of Kings

Sigismund was known throughout all the Legions of the Legiones Astartes as a swordsman of surpassing skill and strength, few other than the Primarchs themselves could stand against him in single combat. In battle his brethren looked upon his skills as a source of pride, each of Sigismund’s victories bolstering the courage of his men.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Sigismund automatically has Slayer of Kings as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Slayer of Kings – If Sigismund is the army’s Warlord and slays the enemy Warlord in a Challenge, Sigismund’s controlling player gains +1 Victory point (in addition to any gained by Mission Objectives) and all units in the same army as Sigismund that include at least one model with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule may add +1 to the total number of Wounds caused in each combat for the purposes of determining Assault results for the rest of the battle (this does not stack with any other rules that increase the Assault result). In addition, an army with Sigismund as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opponent’s Movement phase as long as Sigismund has not been removed as a casualty.

The Black Sword

A paragon blade of unknown provenance which takes the shape of an ancient two-handed sword of lustreless black metal, it is able to cut through stone and metal without effort or mar to the edge. In the hands of a warrior such as Sigismund, the Black Sword is deadly beyond belief, and alien warlords and mighty warriors without number have fallen before it.

The Black Sword
Melee, Two-handed, Instant Death, Master-crafted


First among the captains of the Blood Angels’ Three Hundred Companies, Raldoron was respected throughout the Legion for his tactical and strategic insight, superb martial skills and faultless discipline. Of all his captains and aides, it is said that Sanguinius relied on Raldoron’s even temper and keen intelligence more than any other. Even among the other Legions of the Emperor’s Space Marines, his reputation and record were spoken of with respect and admiration. Rogal Dorn himself is known to have referred to Raldoron as an ‘Exemplar of the martial spirit of the Great Crusade’ at the end of the Malignax campaign.

In battle he is known to have favoured tried and tested weapons and tactics, those that brought the greatest chance for victory at the lowest cost to his Legion. His own wargear followed the same pattern, trusting more to the war-worn armour he had borne throughout the Great Crusade than any ornate ceremonial suit and wielding a simple, if artfully wrought, power blade.

  • Chapter Master Raldoron 180 pts
First Captain of the Blood Angels, The Archein of Wisdom, The Tranquil Angel
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Chapter Master Raldoron (base: 32mm)
Chapter Master Raldoron 7 7 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Chapter Master Raldoron
  • Artificer armour
  • The Encarmine Warblade
  • Combi-flamer
  • Bolt pistol
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Master of the Legion
  • Furious Charge (2)
  • Warlord: Archein of Wisdom
  • Loyalist

Warlord: Archein of Wisdom

Raldoron is renowned within his Legion for his stoic and measured composure, approaching war in a practical manner much unlike the impassioned nature of his fellows. To Raldoron, war is a puzzle to be dissected and conquered, and he has studied all the strategic texts he can to arm himself fully, including the treatise of all the other Legions.

If Chapter Master Raldoron is selected as the army’s Warlord then his Warlord Trait may be selected from the Core Warlord Traits or from any Legion specific Warlord Trait from any of the following Legions (counting as though Raldoron and all other models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule in the same Detachment possesses the appropriate variant of the Legiones Astartes special rule, this does not grant them any of that variant’s rules or effects but only allows them to benefit from the effects of the selected Warlord Trait): White Scars, Imperial Fists, Space Wolves, Ultramarines, Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders. This does not include any Warlord Traits available only to specific named characters, or a Warlord Trait that requires the Traitor Allegiance may not be selected.

The Encarmine Warblade

A masterpiece of the smith’s craft, made for Raldoron at the request of Sanguinius himself and borne into combat on hundreds of battlefields.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Encarmine Warblade
Melee, Master-crafted, Shred, Murderous Strike (5+)


Dominion Zephon was both a warrior and an artist of great renown whose exemplary record was abruptly cut short when his body was maimed by a xenos blade during the Great Crusade. The bionics replacing his lost limbs refused to integrate with his body, taking away his ability to fight and create art and so Zephon solemnly accepted the duty and dubious honour of representing the Blood Angels Legion as part of the Crusader Host on Terra.

When the Horus Heresy broke out, Zephon was recruited by the Legio Custodes to fight in the Webway War where he earned the respect and friendship of Technoarcheologist Arkhan Land. Land took it upon himself to repair Zephon’s broken body and the Bringer of Sorrow was born again just as word of the Blood Angels’ return reached Terra. He eagerly rejoined the ranks of his Legion who embraced him even though he was a haunting reminder of a glorious past forever lost.

  • Dominion Zephon 185 pts
The Bringer of Sorrow, The Exile, The Twice-born, Exarch of the High Host
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Dominion Zephon (base: 32mm)
Dominion Zephon 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Dominion Zephon
  • Artificer armour
  • The Spiritum Sanguis
  • Lament and Grief
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Rad grenades
  • Melta bombs
  • Legion Warhawk jump pack
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Master of the Legion
  • Furious Charge (1)
  • Bitter Duty
  • Stubborn
  • Paragon of Restoration
  • Warlord: Exarch of the High Host
  • Loyalist

Paragon of Restoration

Installed in Zephon’s body by the apocryphal techo-ministrations of Arkhan Land, these intricate bionic enhancements can heal even the most grievous wounds over time and prevent their host-body from slipping into death’s embrace.

The Paragon of Restoration gives Dominion Zephon the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule. In addition, the first time in any battle that Dominion Zephon loses his last Wound, or is otherwise removed from play as a casualty, the controlling player must immediately roll a D6. On a result of 4+, he remains in play with a single Wound remaining instead of being removed or destroyed.

Warlord: Exarch of the High Host

A fraternity of the IXth Legion sometimes known as the Archae or the Principatii, the High Host was one of the lesser Orders of the First Sphere made up of those warriors who bore the sorrowful duty of delivering Sanguinius’ ultimate sanction to the Emperor’s enemies. Unlike their brothers in the Angel’s Tears, the High Host did not shrink away from showing their true faces as they deployed weapons born of humanity’s darkest nightmares that left a trail of murdered worlds in their wake.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Dominion Zephon automatically has the Exarch of the High Host Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Exarch of the High Host – If Dominion Zephon is the army’s Warlord then a Legion Destroyer Assault Squad may be selected as part of the same HQ choice. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’. The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Dominion Zephon. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with Dominion Zephon deployed as part of the unit and Dominion Zephon may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. All models in a Legion Destroyer Assault Squad chosen using this Warlord Trait gain the Chosen Warriors special rule. If this option is selected then no other unit may be selected for Dominion Zephon using the Retinue special rule. In addition, an army with Dominion Zephon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Dominion Zephon has not been removed as a casualty.

The Spiritum Sanguis

A powerful broad-bladed sword of exquisite craftsmanship, the Spiritum Sanguis was presented to Zephon by the IXth Legion’s Master of Artisans upon his departure to join the Crusader Host on Terra.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Spiritum Sanguis
Melee, Two-handed, Reaping Blow (1), Master-crafted

Lament and Grief

A pair of artificer-made Volkite serpenta pistols, Lament and Grief fire powerful beams of blinding white light over short ranges that sear the flesh as well as the sight of their targets.

Lament and Grief are two separate weapons, both counting as ‘Volkite’ weapons and with identical profiles.
Lament and Grief
Pistol 3, Deflagrate, Blind


Remus Ventanus was central to the Legion’s fight-back on the surface of Calth. At the moment of the destruction of the Calth Veridian Anchor, Ventanus was inspecting loading operations at Numinus Port and, in the anarchic hours that followed, he rallied the remnants of the 4th and warriors from other shattered formations into a force able to mount a fierce resistance against the Traitors. It was during this early phase that Ventanus linked up with Magos Analyticae Tawren, the most senior surviving Mechanicum adept and the only Tech-Priest able to perceive a means of regaining control of the Calth defence grid. Thanks to Ventanus’ leadership and courage, the magos completed her crucial task.

The captain’s duties did not end with his victories at Leptius Numinus and the Lanshear Guildhall, for he fought on even as the bulk of the Ultramarines forces on the surface were evacuated at the order of his Primarch. He led the counter-attack against the disordered Word Bearers and, as the extent of the wounds to the Veridia star became evident, Ventanus led his forces and as many civilians as he could contact into the subterranean arcologies.

  • Remus Ventanus 175 pts
Commander of the 4th Company of the 1st Chapter of the Ultramarines Legion, The Saviour of Calth
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Remus Ventanus (base: 32mm)
Remus Ventanus 7 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Remus Ventanus
  • Iron halo
  • Phaethon
  • Bolt pistol
  • Nuncio-vox
  • Melta bombs
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Legion standard
  • Artificer armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Warlord: Resolute Planning
  • Loyalist

Warlord: Resolute Planning

Remus Ventanus, in the years before Calth, had been nothing more than a dutiful line officer, unremarkable in his ability. At Calth it was his grim determination to formulate a plan amidst the chaos of that encounter and then follow through with that plan regardless of the obstacles or consequences, that would bring him both victory and renown.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Remus Ventanus automatically has the Resolute Planning Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Resolute Planning – Both Remus Ventanus and any units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule in an army with Remus Ventanus as its Warlord automatically pass any Leadership tests or Morale checks made while they have at least one model within 3" of an objective. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Remus Ventanus has not been removed as a casualty.


Forged by the master artisans of Veridia Forge, this masterwork power sword was presented to Remus Ventanus by First Master Marius Gage upon his ascension to the rank of captain of the 4th Company. Named after an Ancient Terran hero of the Grekans, the lethal corona of its disruptive energy field could easily part even the toughest forms of armour.

This weapon counts as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Rending (5+), Master-crafted


In the latter years of the Great Crusade, Lucius’ renown grew among the Legions as that of an exemplary swordsman, hailed as the best blade of the IIIrd Legion. His pursuit of perfection in the art of personal combat was undeniable, although his single-minded and often self-serving approach to warfare brought discord between him and the officers of his Legion. Evidently, Lucius fought in the Great Crusade primarily for himself and to prove his superiority over the rest of the galaxy. The seeds of arrogance and vainglory sown in those times would later bear the bitter fruit of jealousy and hubris that would ultimately lead to blackest treachery. Ambition would turn into obsession and the canker that was festering in Lucius’ soul would be revealed, clear for everyone to witness in the form of the myriad self-inflicted scars that marred his once-perfect features. For Lucius, the cataclysmic tragedy of the civil war that engulfed humanity was simply the stage of a cosmic theatre, a grand opportunity for him to carve his legend in blood, and he joyfully joined the slaughter in a state of exhilaration as sharp as the edge of his murderous blades.

  • Captain Lucius 215 pts
The Faultless Blade, Captain of the 13th Company
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Captain Lucius (base: 32mm)
Captain Lucius 7 7 5 4 4 3 6 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Captain Lucius
  • Bolt pistol
  • Nineteen
  • The Blade of the Laer
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Preferred Enemy (Independent Character)
  • Precision Strikes (3+)
  • Stubborn
  • Supreme Duellist
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: The Blade Alone
  • Captain Lucius may take sonic shriekers
    +10 points
  • Captain Lucius may exchange the Blade of the Laer for a close combat weapon, reducing his points cost to 175 points*
*Note that unless this option is chosen, Captain Lucius may not be taken in the same army as Fulgrim.

Supreme Duellist

While fighting in a Challenge, if Captain Lucius’ Initiative Characteristic is higher than his opponent’s then he gains +1 to his Attacks Characteristic.

Warlord: The Blade Alone

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Captain Lucius automatically has The Blade Alone as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Blade Alone – If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then no other models or units may use his Leadership regardless of any other rules or Wargear that a unit may have, however, whenever Captain Lucius is Engaged in a Challenge, all friendly models in the same combat gain the Fearless special rule. In addition, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by Captain Lucius and any unit he has joined does not use up a point of the controlling player’s Reaction Allotment.


Lucius, famed for his overweening egotism, had little interest in the tools he used and wanted no simple blade to gain a fame that approached his own. Despite the casual disinterest of its wielder, the blade referred to as Nineteen by Lucius was a masterwork of the smith’s art and most likely taken as a trophy from some slain and forgotten opponent. Its slender edge belied its strength and, in Lucius’ hands, it could block almost any attack aimed at the cocksure warrior.

Melee, Rending (3+), Duellist’s Aegis (1), Murderous Strike (6+), Master-crafted

Duellist’s Aegis (X): A model with this special rule gains a bonus to their Weapon Skill equal to the value in brackets listed as part of the special rule whenever it is Engaged in a Challenge with an enemy model.

The Blade of the Laer

Following the cataclysmic events of Isstvan V, the Phoenician gifted Lucius with the masterwork blade that he recovered from an alien temple on the planet Laeran and often carried into battle himself. The dark power lying dormant within the blade that ended the life of one of the Emperor’s sons seemingly recognised in Lucius the unfathomable darkness of its own kind and slowly reawakened to its full potential.

The Blade of the Laer
Melee, Duellist’s Edge (1), Fleshbane, Specialist Weapon, Master-crafted


Saul Tarvitz was a company captain within the Emperor’s Children, respected by those who followed him and with a considerable number of victories to his name. Tarvitz, however, was content to be a line officer and serve his Legion and Emperor in the field, and lacked the relentless ambition to succeed to the higher echelons of his Legion present in many of his contemporaries. This factor seems to have brought him disregard by the likes of Lord Commander Eidolon as a mediocrity, but history was to prove otherwise. Upon discovering the scale and scope of the treachery that was about to unfold on Isstvan III, Tarvitz took it upon himself to act. He seized a Thunderhawk and flew down to the doomed world to warn the Loyalists trapped there of the impending slaughter. In this he was instrumental in the survival of the Loyalists through the virus bomb attack and in mounting a cohesive defence against the Traitor attack, and in this perhaps also ultimately contributed directly to the outcome of the wider war.

  • Captain Saul Tarvitz 155 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Captain Saul Tarvitz (base: 32mm)
Captain Saul Tarvitz 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Captain Saul Tarvitz
  • Bolt pistol
  • Charnabal broadsword
  • Master-crafted Nemesis bolter
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Preferred Enemy (Emperor’s Children)
  • A Brother Betrayed
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Defiant unto Death

A Brother Betrayed

In the final hours of the battle that would immortalise Saul Tarvitz, he suffered his most grievous wound. This was not the cut of a blade or the bite of a bolt, but the betrayal of one he had long counted as a true brother in arms. In the ruins of Isstvan, while the Warmaster focused all his bitter ire upon Tarvitz and the brave few that stood for the Imperium, Lucius would turn upon his brother in an act of betrayal that Tarvitz would brood on for the last few hours of his life.

Captain Saul Tarvitz gains +1 Weapon Skill, +1 Strength and +1 Toughness while locked in combat with any enemy model that has both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rules or any unit that such a model has joined. If an enemy model that has both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rules is removed as a casualty whilst locked in combat with Captain Saul Tarvitz or any unit he has joined then Captain Saul Tarvitz’s controlling player gains +1 bonus Victory point in addition to any others that might be gained from this; this bonus is increased to +2 bonus Victory points if Captain Lucius is removed as a casualty while Engaged in a Challenge with Captain Saul Tarvitz.

Warlord: Defiant unto Death

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Captain Saul Tarvitz automatically has Defiant unto Death as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Defiant unto Death – If an army’s Warlord has this trait, then check at the start of each of the controlling player’s turns to see if any of the following is true:
  • The army that includes Captain Saul Tarvitz has accrued fewer Victory points than any enemy army.
  • The army including Captain Saul Tarvitz has fewer units on the battlefield than all enemy armies combined.
  • Captain Saul Tarvitz is within 6" of an objective.
  • Captain Saul Tarvitz and any unit he has joined is locked in combat with more than one enemy unit, or a single enemy unit that outnumbers Captain Saul Tarvitz’s unit.

If any of these are true then Captain Saul Tarvitz and any friendly units with at least one model within 12" of Captain Saul Tarvitz gain the Fearless special rule. In addition, as long as Captain Saul Tarvitz has not been removed as a casualty, the army gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase.

Charnabal broadsword

A much heavier version of a traditional Terran duelling blade, Tarvitz has mastered this weapon and made it his own.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Charnabal’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Charnabal broadsword
Melee, Rending (4+), Duellist’s Edge (2), Two-handed, Master-crafted


At one time, Lord Commander Eidolon was hailed as the exemplar of all that the Emperor’s Children aspired to. He was elevated to company captain by Fulgrim himself, achieving such perfection that he went on to become the Legion’s pre-eminent lord commander. If Eidolon had any imperfection, it was overconfidence, a characteristic that bore rotten fruit as it was twisted into overweening arrogance. In striving towards the perfection embodied by his Primarch, Lord Commander Eidolon submitted himself to the attentions of Chief Apothecary Fabius, receiving biological augmentations that allowed him to project a psychosonic dirge as formidable as any weapon. The lord commander’s native skill and his augmented powers were given full rein upon the bloody sands of Isstvan V, where he unleashed a cacophonous storm upon the Loyalists even as his perfect bladework cut them to crimson ribbons.

  • Lord Commander Eidolon 215 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Lord Commander Eidolon (base: 32mm)
Lord Commander Eidolon 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Lord Commander Eidolon
  • Archaeotech pistol
  • Glory Aeterna
  • Sonic shriekers
  • Legion Warhawk jump pack
  • Death Scream
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Prideful Onslaught

Warlord: Prideful Onslaught

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lord Commander Eidolon automatically has Prideful Onslaught as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Prideful Onslaught – If Lord Commander Eidolon is the army’s Warlord, then at the beginning of the battle, once all of the opposing player’s models have been deployed, but before the first turn has begun, Lord Commander Eidolon’s controlling player must select one enemy HQ or Primarch choice as Lord Commander Eidolon’s ‘Rival’. Lord Commander Eidolon and any unit he has joined gain a bonus of +1 to all To Hit rolls made against the ‘Rival’ unit – and if the ‘Rival’ unit is part of any enemy Shooting Attack or Combat that results in a friendly unit being entirely removed as casualties or Falling Back, then Lord Commander Eidolon and any unit he has joined also gains a bonus of +1 to all To Wound rolls made against the ‘Rival’ unit for the remainder of the battle after that Shooting Attack or Combat has been fully resolved. In addition, Lord Commander Eidolon and any unit he has joined may only declare Reactions against the Rival unit, but the first such Reaction each turn is free and does not reduce the player’s Reaction Allotment for that Phase.

Glory Aeterna

Lord Commander Eidolon’s preferred weapon was the masterwork hammer known as Glory Aeterna, a trophy presented to the Lord Commander upon his rise to that rank by Fulgrim himself. The weapon is as much a work of art and badge of office as it is a brutally efficient weapon of war, and in Eidolon’s skilled hands it is a fearsome weapon of war indeed.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

Glory Aeterna
Melee, Brutal (2), Unwieldy, Thunderous Charge*, Master-crafted

*Thunderous Charge: On any turn in which Lord Commander Eidolon makes a successful Charge, the model’s attacks ignore the Unwieldy special rule on Glory Aeterna.

Death Scream

Eidolon has been the recipient of xenos-technological implants, and experimentation by his Legion’s Techmarines and the ministrations of Chief Apothecary Fabius. His implanted sonic shrieker is capable of discharging a destructive howl able to break bones and rupture flesh.

This counts as a weapon with the following profile:
Death Scream
Assault 1, Rending (6+), Pinning


Jago Sevatarion is said to hold the dark honour of being the first Traitor to utter the words “Death to the false Emperor", although in truth this was but one in a long line of crimes and blasphemies committed by the First Captain of the Night Lords over many years. Sevatar is known as one of the most lethal warriors of the entire Legiones Astartes, his name and skill as well known as those of Abaddon of the Sons of Horus, Corswain of the Dark Angels, Raldaron of the Blood Angels or Eidolon of the Emperor’s Children. As arrogant as he is gifted, Sevatar is a supremely ruthless, even dishonourable, combatant. This demeanour is carried through to his appearance, which is contrived to inspire fear in all who look upon him. His midnight blue power armour is wreathed in flayed flesh and his helm is wrought in the form of a leering skull. Beneath that deathly visage lies not just the soul of a murderer, but one gifted with latent, if repressed, psychic powers which, although unwelcome, serve to increase Sevatar’s already fearsome capabilities to preternatural levels.

  • Sevatar 220 pts
The Prince of Crows, First Captain of the Night Lords and Master of the Atramentar
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Sevatar (base: 32mm)
Sevatar 7 7 5 4 4 3 6 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Sevatar
  • Bolt pistol
  • Night’s Whisper
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Fear (2)
  • Precision Strikes (4+)
  • Dirty Fighter
  • Bloody Murder
  • Dark Dreams
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Master of the Atramentar

Dirty Fighter

Sevatar is one of the most dangerous hand-to-hand combatants in his or any other Legion. When engaged with a worthy foe, there is no trick or ploy he will not stoop to in order to claim victory.

When Engaged in a Challenge with a model whose Weapon Skill is 5 or more, Sevatar gains the Instant Death special rule on all attacks made during that Challenge.

Dark Dreams

Sevatar, like his Primarch, harboured a limited psychic talent – the ability to perceive discordant shards of the future in his dreams. This proved as much a hindrance as a benefit, tormenting Sevatar with half-remembered glimpses of tragedies yet to come.

Sevatar gains access to the Shadows of Past and Future Psychic Power only and gains no other Disciplines, Psychic Powers or Psychic Weapons.

Shadows of Past and Future (Psychic Power)

On rare occasions, Sevatar could focus his talent for foresight just enough to glimpse the immediate future, granting him an edge in combat, though any lapse in concentration left him wracked by doubts and weakened in the face of his foes.

At the start of any Assault phase, a Psychic check may be made for Sevatar by the controlling player: this Psychic check must be made against a Leadership of 7. If this Check is passed, Sevatar gains +1 WS and Attacks for the duration of that Assault phase. If the Check is failed, Sevatar suffers Perils of the Warp.

Warlord: Master of the Atramentar

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Sevatar automatically has the Master of the Atramentar as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Master of the Atramentar – Any units of Legion Cataphractii Terminators and Legion Tartaros Terminators included in the same Detachment as Sevatar gain the Deep Strike special rule (Sevatar himself does not). When any units of Legion Cataphractii Terminators, Legion Tartaros Terminators or Contekar Terminators that are part of the same Detachment as Sevatar are included as part of a Deep Strike Assault that does not include Sevatar, they gain the Preferred Enemy (Everything) special rules for the duration of the turn in which they are deployed. In addition, an army whose Warlord is Sevatar may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase, as long as Sevatar has not been removed as a casualty.

Night’s Whisper

One of several weapons the Night Haunter had long since discarded in his gore-spattered sanctum, Sevatar appropriated the Night’s Whisper for his own use. In form it was an elegant chainglaive of archaic make, its archaeotech motor tuned to a sibilant purr rather than the discordant roar of more commonplace weapons.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Night’s Whisper
Melee, Two-handed, Duellist’s Edge (1), Murderous Strike (6+), Master-crafted


Although a skilled warrior and duellist, Khârn was but a line captain at the time of Angron’s rediscovery by the Imperium, yet soon rose to become his Primarch’s equerry and one of the few individuals whose counsel he ever heeded. While the crude cybernetic implants, known as the Butcher’s Nails, drove Angron ever further into bloodlust and rebellion, it was Khârn who acted as the voice of reason, often managing to bring his master back from the brink of insanity and curbing the worst of his bloody excesses. But Khârn was by no means immune to the cancerous rage which afflicted his Legion, and it was upon the ravaged surface of Isstvan III, as the World Eaters turned on their brothers, that he first surrendered himself fully to the bloodshed and slaughter. At the height of the battle, Khârn fell during a confrontation with Garviel Loken of the Sons of Horus, impaled upon the ram of a Land Raider and left for dead by his own comrades, but somehow he survived. His eventual return to the front line was seen by many of the World Eaters as nothing short of miraculous and further enhanced his legend within his Legion, and seemed to many a sure sign that he still had some dark destiny yet to achieve in the bloody days to come.

  • KhÂrn The Bloody 175 pts
Captain of the World Eaters 8th Assault Company, The Twice Un-slain, The Ender
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Khârn the Bloody (base: 32mm)
Khârn the Bloody 7 7 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Khârn the Bloody
  • The Cutter
  • Plasma pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (World Eaters)
  • Relentless
  • Independent Character
  • Master of the Legion
  • Rampage(3)
  • Precision Strikes (4+)
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Savage Assault
  • If Angron is not part of the army, Khârn the Bloody may exchange The Cutter for Gorechild for +35 points

Warlord: Savage Assault

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Khârn the Bloody automatically has Savage Assault as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Savage Assault – No enemy unit may declare a Reaction against a Charge made by a unit that includes Khârn the Bloody, unless the unit targeted by that Charge includes a model with the Primarch Unit Type. In addition, an army with Khârn the Bloody as its Warlord may make an additional Advance Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Khârn the Bloody has not been removed as a casualty.

The Cutter

Khârn was the master of many weapons, from the baleful and crude instruments of the arena to crackling power sabres, but favoured most modified chainaxes and ripper blades. One such he simply called ‘The Cutter’ he carried into battle against many foes during the Great Crusade and later turned on his former brothers.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Cutter
Melee, Shred, Rending (4+), Murderous Strike (6+)


The First Captain of the Death Guard Legion once pursued the role of Epistolary in the Legion’s Librarius, but with the Primarch Mortarion harbouring a deep-rooted distrust of those who wielded the powers of the psyker, Typhon suppressed his gift and strove instead to serve as a war leader. His strength, skill and demeanour led him to high rank indeed, culminating in his command of the potent and unique war ship Terminus Est and the deadly alchemical payload held within its arsenal. Though he served no more as battle-psyker, the influence of the Warp lingered within Typhon still, for he was amongst the first of his Legion to heed the influence of the beyond. In the aftermath of the Legion’s treachery, Typhon was revealed as the master of chemical death and the reaper of men, cutting down his foes with his deadly power scythe and with blasphemous chem-munitions.

  • Calas Typhon 200 pts
First Captain of the Death Guard, The Left Hand of Mortarion, Master of the Terminus Est
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Calas Typhon (base: 40mm)
Calas Typhon 6 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Calas Typhon
  • Alchem pistol
  • Lakrimae
  • Grenade harness
  • Death Cloud projector
  • Rad grenades
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Death Guard)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Stubborn
  • Bulky (2)
  • Witchblood
  • Shrouded in Death
  • Firing Protocols (2)
  • Shrouded (6+)
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Comes the Reaper


Thought by some to have been ‘tainted’ by the blood of the nightmarish alien warlords who once held sway on ill-fated Barbarus, Calas Typhon was a psyker. However, given the hatred of ‘witchery’ professed by his Primarch, he has long held his abilities in abeyance before the whispers of Chaos came to him in the guise of Erebus.

Calas Typhon has the Witchsense (Psychic Power) and Toxin Cloud (Psychic Weapon), and does not gain access to any other Disciplines. When included as part of an army that includes Mortarion, or if Mortarion is present in a battle as part of another friendly army, then Calas Typhon may not make use of any of his Psychic Powers or Psychic Weapons.

Shrouded in Death

The Death Cloud projector served not only as a weapon, but also as a shield against the foe – the thick cloud of toxic gas it produced obscured the Grave Wardens on the battlefield and thwarted those that attempted to drive the Death Guard from the battlefield by force of arms.

When an enemy unit successfully Charges a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule, the Charge is always considered to be Disordered.

Warlord: Comes the Reaper

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Calas Typhon automatically has Comes the Reaper as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Comes the Reaper – When making attacks as part of a Shooting Attack or during the Assault phase with any weapon that has the Poisoned (X) special rule, Calas Typhon and any unit with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) and at least one model within 6" of Calas Typhon, increase the value of the Poisoned (X) special rule by 1 (e.g., from 3+ to 2+) and may re-roll failed To Wound rolls for weapons with the Fleshbane special rule. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the Movement phase as long as Calas Typhon has not been removed as a casualty.

Witchsense (Psychic Power)

Calas Typhon, despite having long suppressed his psychic ability, can sense the actions of his foe the instant before they occur, granting him a subtle but deadly advantage on the field of battle.

At the start of any Assault phase, Calas Typhon’s controlling player may choose to make a Psychic check for him. If that Check is passed then Calas Typhon’s Weapon Skill Characteristic is increased by +1 and his Attacks Characteristic is increased by D3 for the duration of that Assault phase. If the Check is failed then Calas Typhon suffers Perils of the Warp.

Toxin Cloud (Psychic Weapon)

By means of crude psychic urging, Calas Typhon can gather and concentrate the toxic gasses expelled by his Death Cloud projector, creating short lived but utterly deadly vortexes of caustic miasma.

Toxin Cloud
Assault 1, Large Blast (5"), Fleshbane, Pinning, Psychic Focus

Psychic Focus: Before making any To Hit rolls with this weapon, the Psyker must make a Psychic check. If the Check is passed then the Psyker may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.


Among the many weapons Calas Typhon is known to have carried into battle, that dour warrior showed a particular preference for the heavy bladed scythe he referred to only as ‘Lakrimae’. This weapon was most often coated in a viscous poison of Typhon’s own creation, the toxin dripping from the blade and scarring the ground over which he advanced.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Two-handed, Reaping Blow (1), Fleshbane

Death Cloud projector

The Terminator armour of the Grave Wardens carried in-built alchemical containment and projection units, allowing the unit to direct focused jets of lethally poisonous vapours against their enemies.

Death Cloud projector
Assault 1, Poisoned (3+)


Ahriman was the first and last Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons, and the most gifted of its formidable psykers. Born on Terra in the land of the ancient Aechmenid Empire, he and his twin brother were amongst the first recruits raised into the ranks of the XVth Legion. Possessed of profound psychic strength and a deep intelligence, he rose to prominence during his Legion’s darkest days, and after the reunification of his Legion with their Primarch, he became Magnus the Red’s foremost pupil and his chief lieutenant. The master of the soothsayers and warrior mystics of the Corvidae Cult, he was also a capable fighter and astute field commander, seasoned by over almost two centuries of warfare. In battle, Ahriman was often the linchpin of his Legion, foreseeing the actions of enemies and formulating intricate strategies to create a path to victory even as tumult and chaos reigned around him. But of all his strengths, Ahriman’s greatest was his indefatigable will, a will not only to survive but to overcome no matter the cost. It was a trait that would see him walk strange and terrible paths long after Prospero had burned.

  • Ahzek Ahriman 185 pts
Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons, Arch-magister of the Corvidae, The Enduring Son
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Ahzek Ahriman (base: 32mm)
Ahzek Ahriman 7 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Ahzek Ahriman
  • Master-crafted Asphyx bolt pistol
  • The Corvidaean Sceptre
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Arch-magister of the Corvidae
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: The Pattern of Fates

Arch-magister of the Corvidae

Ahzek Ahriman gains the Minor Arcana Corvidae and the Divination and Thaumaturgy Disciplines from the Core Psychic Discipline list at no additional points cost and may not select any other Minor Arcana or Psychic Disciplines.

Warlord: The Pattern of Fates

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Ahzek Ahriman automatically has The Pattern of Fates as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Pattern of Fates – If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then once all models have been deployed onto the battlefield (including any Infiltrating units and after any units have been redeployed using the Scout special rule), but before the first turn is begun, the controlling player may select up to three friendly units and either redeploy them to any other position within the controlling player’s Deployment Zone or remove them from the battlefield and place them in Reserves. In addition, an army that includes Ahzek Ahriman may make an additional Reaction in any one Phase once per turn, as long as Ahzek Ahriman has not been removed as a casualty (the Phase in which the additional Reaction is made does not need to be declared in advance).

The Corvidaean Sceptre

Serving as both a mark of his station as master of the Cult of the Corvidae and a powerful weapon in its own right, the Corvidaean Sceptre was a long stave inlaid with intricate force conductive circuitry. The records of the Thousand Sons claim that this artefact was one of several early devices created by Magnus himself in an attempt to aid his sons in controlling their power.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons:
The Corvidaean Sceptre
Melee, Reach (1), Force, Master-crafted


A figure whose repute was known well beyond his Legion during the time of the Great Crusade, for Amon often served both as his Primarch’s equerry and as emissary to both other Space Marine Legions and the Imperium’s circles of power, he remained a solitary and mysterious figure, even to his brothers. It was said of Amon that he had served as Magnus’ tutor once, before the coming of the Emperor to Prospero, though the student soon far outstripped the master. If true then it is likely that he survived the conversion process to Legiones Astartes as an adult, perhaps aided by the Crimson King’s direct intervention, and emerged both as a potent warrior and powerful psyker. Most of his career beyond his public duties remained in shadow and it is believed that he was in fact master of his Legion’s intelligence gathering organisation, known as the ‘Hidden Ones’ and also ranked high within the chambers of the Legion’s Order of Blindness. Amon’s fate was to see him survive the Battle of Prospero an embittered and wounded figure, who became increasingly isolated from his one-time peers and master.

  • Magistus Amon 185 pts
The Hidden One, Captain of the Ninth Fellowship, Tutor of Magnus, Keeper of the Keys
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Magistus Amon (base: 32mm)
Magistus Amon 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Magistus Amon
  • Archaeotech pistol
  • The Reliquary of Dust
  • The Armour of Shades
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Magister of Dust
  • Infiltrate
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Lord of Hidden Paths

Magister of Dust

Magistus Amon gains the Divination and Telepathy Disciplines from the Core Psychic Discipline list at no additional points cost and may not select any other Minor Arcana or Psychic Disciplines.

Warlord: Lord of Hidden Paths

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Magistus Amon automatically has Lord of Hidden Paths as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Lord of Hidden Paths – If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then all units in the same army with the Infiltrate and Scout special rules gain the Shrouded (5+) special rules for the duration of the first two Game Turns. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase.

The Reliquary of Dust

Kept within the concealed chambers of a short rod bound in power fields and psychic circuitry, Amon carries the dustlike remains of slain Psychneuein mind-parasites. These warp-born predators afflicted thankfully few worlds, but of these Prospero was one. The hungering psychic essence of these creatures was bound like a murderous echo to their dust, and it was in Amon’s power to invoke it with lethal results.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Reliquary of Dust
Melee, Poisoned (4+), Reaping Blow (1), Master-crafted

The Reliquary of Dust may also be used to make a Shooting Attack once per battle, and instead of attacking normally, using the following profile:
The Reliquary of Dust
Assault 2D6, Poisoned (4+), Concussive (3), Rending (6+)

The Armour of Shades

Woven into the fabric of this suit of artificer power armour are layer upon layer of psychically charged glyphs and wave forms designed to augment Amon’s own abilities to pass unseen, or even to appear as another when he wishes.

The Armour of Shades provides a 2+ Armour Save, and on any turn in which Magistus Amon has moved or is within the bounds of a zone of Area Terrain, it grants him the Shrouded (4+) special rule.


Fanatically loyal to his Warmaster, Ezekyle Abaddon was one of the foremost warriors of his Legion and commander of the elite Justaerin Terminators. A hulking brute of a Space Marine, given his size and appearance there had long been whispered rumours within the Sons of Horus Legion that he was in some part the direct cloneprogeny of the Warmaster himself. Regardless of this he echoed his Primarch in many ways, not least in his savage power as a fighter and skill as a tactician which gave him the greatest tally of victories of any within the Sons of Horus bar his Primarch. Once regarded as a hero of the Imperium, Abaddon was first and foremost devoted to Horus always, and walked willingly into damnation with his master and soon his name became among the most feared and despised of those that turned Traitor. On Isstvan III he took to the field of battle and was personally responsible for destroying many of his former comrades who remained loyal.

  • Ezekyle Abaddon 250 pts
First Captain of the Sons of Horus, High Marshal of the Justaerin, Full-moon of the Mournival, the Breaker of Worlds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Ezekyle Abaddon (base: 40mm)
Ezekyle Abaddon 6 7 5 4 4 4 5 5 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Ezekyle Abaddon
  • Banestrike combi-bolter
  • Paragon blade
  • Cthonian power claw
  • Grenade harness
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Sons Of Horus)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Battle-hardened (1)
  • Fearless
  • Deep Strike
  • Precision Strikes (4+)
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: The Vengeful Spirit

Warlord: The Vengeful Spirit

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Ezekyle Abaddon automatically has The Vengeful Spirit as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Vengeful Spirit – Ezekyle Abaddon and any unit he joins gain the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule during the Movement and Shooting phases of any turn in which they are deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault. In addition, an army with Ezekyle Abaddon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Ezekyle Abaddon has not been removed as a casualty.

Cthonian power claw

Modified from more commonplace weapons, Abaddon wields a cruelly barbed power fist that tears and crushes with equal abandon.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Cthonian power claw
Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon, Shred, Master-crafted


Garviel Loken was one of the senior captains of the Luna Wolves Legion (later the Sons of Horus) during the latter part of the Great Crusade. Highly regarded as a warrior and commander by both his brethren and his Primarch, admired for his cool head and intelligence as well as his record in battle, he was given the honour of induction into the Mournival, his Legion cadre of close advisors to their Primarch. However, after Horus’ fall on Davin, he was considered too loyal to the old way—the ideals of the Great Crusade and the Emperor, to be inducted into the dark conspiracy that was overtaking his beloved Legion. Assigned to lead the Sons of Horus contingent attack in the first wave, he rose swiftly to the mantle of leadership, he and his command casting aside the identity of the Sons of Horus, and proclaiming themselves Luna Wolves once more, extracting a heavy toll of dead on those they had once called brother.

  • Garviel Loken 175 pts
Captain of the 10th Company, New-moon of the Mournival, The Last Wolf of Luna
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Garviel Loken (base: 32mm)
Garviel Loken 7 6 6 4 4 3 5 5 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Garviel Loken
  • Bolt pistol
  • Paragon blade
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Sons Of Horus)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Born Survivor
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Wolf of Luna

Born Survivor

The first time in any battle when a model with this special rule is reduced to 0 Wounds for any reason or otherwise removed from play as a casualty, the controlling player must immediately make a Leadership test for that model. If the Test is failed then the model is removed as a casualty as normal, but if the Test is passed then the Warlord is not removed as a casualty, remains in play and regains D3 Wounds.

Warlord: Wolf of Luna

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Garviel Loken automatically has Wolf of Luna as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Wolf of Luna – A Warlord with this Trait may only join a unit composed entirely of models with both the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rule and the Loyalist Allegiance. Both the Warlord and any unit it joins gain +1 Attack on any turn in which they successfully Charge, or are successfully Charged by, an enemy unit composed entirely of models with both the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule and the Traitor Allegiance. These increases are in addition to any other bonuses granted by other special rules. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.


A veteran Legionary who had served in the Luna Wolves and the Sons of Horus throughout numerous campaigns of the Great Crusade, Maloghurst earned himself the title ‘Twisted’ by way of his formidable mind, devoting his every effort to the role of equerry to his Primarch Horus Lupercal. The title found cruel double meaning after Maloghurst was wounded almost unto death when his transport was shot down during the pacification of Sixty- Three Nineteen. Though Maloghurst survived, his body was left crippled, forcing him to abandon the role of the warrior but allowing him to devote himself fully to his master’s service. In serving the Warmaster with such diligence, Maloghurst would share his fall from grace. By the time of the Isstvan III betrayal, Maloghurst was one of the Warmaster’s closest counsellors as well as the bearer of his iron-bound icon of the eye.

  • Maloghurst The Twisted 140 pts
Cadre-captain of the Sons of Horus, Bearer of the Eye, The Shadowed Hand, Equerry of the Warmaster
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Maloghurst the Twisted (base: 40mm)
Maloghurst the Twisted 6 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Maloghurst the Twisted
  • Banestrike bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power sword
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Refractor field
  • Legion standard
  • Artificer armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Sons Of Horus)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Adamantium Will (4+)
  • It Will Not Die (5+)
  • Broken in Body
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Bearer of the Eye

Broken in Body

Once one of the finest warriors in his Legion, Maloghurst’s body was shattered by terrible injuries which have left him a shadow of his former glory.

Maloghurst the Twisted and any unit he joins may not Run or make Sweeping Advances.

Warlord: Bearer of the Eye

In his glory days, Fulgrim was an exemplar of what all the Emperor’s Primarchs could be – a brilliant tactician, superlative warrior and a hero to those that followed him into battle. It was, perhaps, the great praise he garnered for his success that led to his slow corruption. Rightful pride in his accomplishments turned to self-obsession and hubris would soon see him fall into the service of Horus and the heresy he would unleash upon the galaxy.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Maloghurst the Twisted automatically has Bearer of the Eye as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Bearer of the Eye – All models in a unit joined by Maloghurst the Twisted gain the Line Sub-type and counts as a Scoring unit, and when Maloghurst the Twisted or any unit he has joined controls an objective, that control may not be cancelled or contested by enemy Denial units – only an enemy Scoring unit can contest an objective held by Maloghurst the Twisted and any unit he has joined. In addition, an army with Maloghurst the Twisted as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Maloghurst the Twisted has not been removed as a casualty.


Argel Tal was among the first to gaze into the madness of the Eye of Terror and in doing so was forever damned when that dark abyss gazed back into him. Held as a prime example of his Primarch’s intentions for the future of humanity, a symbiotic fusion of human soul and daemonic power, he and his brothers in the Gal Vorbak would go on to play an instrumental role in the galactic tragedy that befell humanity. His counsel helped Lorgar solidify his understanding of the effects the powers of the Empyrean could have on the physical form of a Legionary, and he was equally venerated and envied among the ranks of the Word Bearers as one who stood in glorious favour of their malicious newfound gods. One of the first in the XVIIth Legion to don the crimson colour of betrayal, Argel Tal was present at multiple pivotal events in the Horus Heresy, from the black sands of Isstvan V and the Dropsite Massacre to the far reaches of the eastern Segmentum and the Shadow Crusade. The so-called Crimson Lord was a blight upon the Imperium who sent uncounted Loyalist souls screaming into the hellspace of the Warp with unmatched zeal and determination.

  • Argel Tal 240 pts
The Crimson Lord, Commander of the Serrated Sun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Argel Tal (base: 40mm)
Argel Tal 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Argel Tal
  • Two Daemonic talons
  • Umbral Pinions
  • Artificer armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (3)
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • Rage (2)
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: The Crimson Lord

Warlord: The Crimson Lord

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Argel Tal automatically has The Crimson Lord as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Crimson Lord – If Argel Tal is the army’s Warlord, then both Argel Tal and any Gal Vorbak unit he joins gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save and the Line Unit Sub-type. In addition, an army with Argel Tal as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Argel Tal has not been removed as a casualty.

Daemonic talons

Once Argel Tal carried the weapons of a Space Marine proudly into battle, now he slashes at the foe with twisted protrusions of his own armour fused with unnatural bone and iron-hard flesh.

Daemonic talons
Melee, Murderous Strike (5+), Rending (5+)

Umbral Pinions

Argel Tal takes to the battlefield borne by a pair of wings of twisted ceramite and fused bone, erupting from his armour like some obscene growth. Haloed by these wings of darkness, the Crimson Lord descends into the midst of his foes to tear them apart in an orgy of destruction.

At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, Argel Tal’s Movement Characteristic may be set to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. This allows Argel Tal to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on his profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, when moving in this fashion, Argel Tal ignores terrain while Moving and Charging, but must take Dangerous Terrain tests as normal when beginning or ending his movement in Dangerous Terrain. On turns when this option is in use, Argel Tal may move over both friendly and enemy models or units without penalty – but must end his movement at least 1" away from any model from another unit.

Argel Tal may still Run while using this special rule, if he would normally be able to Run, moving up to 19" and ignoring terrain and models from other units while doing so. If Argel Tal Runs while using this special rule, he may not make Shooting Attacks or Declare a Charge in the same turn. During a Reaction made in any Phase, a player may not choose to use this special rule to gain any bonus to their Movement Characteristic.


Erebus was the First Chaplain of the Word Bearers Legion and the primary instrument of his Primarch’s descent into treachery. When the Emperor chastised Lorgar for worshipping him as a god, the Primarch was stricken and it was Erebus who counselled that, if the Emperor was not worthy of Lorgar’s veneration, then there were other, older powers that were. When the scales fell from Lorgar’s eyes and the true power of the Warp was revealed to him, the Primarch would have declared his new-found revelation to the entire galaxy, but it was Erebus again who counselled caution. The opening phase in his scheme complete, Erebus set in motion a chain of events that led to the damnation of Horus himself, engineering the injury that brought him to the serpent priests of Davin. In these and a thousand other blasphemies, Erebus is revealed as both the master and the puppet, the instrument of the ruination of all that the Emperor fought for and the ultimate pawn of the powers of the Warp.

  • High Chaplain Erebus 165 pts
The Dark Apostle, Emissary of the Warmaster, Child of the Primordial Truth
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
High Chaplain Erebus (base: 32mm)
High Chaplain Erebus 7 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 High Chaplain Erebus
  • Plasma pistol
  • Crux Malifica
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Hatred (Loyalists)
  • Fearless
  • Harbinger of Chaos
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Shadow Behind the Throne

Harbinger of Chaos

A Detachment that includes High Chaplain Erebus may select up to three non-Compulsory Elites or HQ choices from the Ruinstorm Daemon Army List – these choices are paid for in points and occupy slots on the Force Organisation chart as normal, but must begin the battle in Reserve and may only enter play by means of the Breach the Veil (Psychic Power).

Psychic Discipline: Harbinger of Chaos

A Psyker with this Discipline gains the Breach the Veil (Psychic Power) and Aetheric Lightning (Psychic Weapon).

Warlord: Shadow Behind the Throne

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, High Chaplain Erebus automatically has the Shadow Behind the Throne as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Shadow Behind the Throne – When High Chaplain Erebus is the army’s Warlord and is part of a unit composed entirely of models with any version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule, no Wounds may be allocated to him, regardless of the attacking model’s rules or effects, as long as there is another model in the unit. If High Chaplain Erebus is Engaged in a Challenge then this rule does not apply. However, if High Chaplain Erebus’ controlling player chooses to refuse a Challenge for a unit that includes High Chaplain Erebus then the opposing player loses the option to stop one model from participating in the combat. In addition, an army whose Warlord is High Chaplain Erebus may make an additional Reaction in any one of the opposing player’s Phases, chosen by the controlling player at the start of the battle, as long as High Chaplain Erebus has not been removed as a casualty.

Crux Malifica

This ever-burning staff, decorated with the defaced remnants of Imperial doctrine was Erebus’ symbol of authority – aping the stave borne by Malcador as the Emperor’s chief adviser and a not so subtle threat aimed at that shadowy figure.

Crux Malifica
Melee, Unwieldy


Scorned by many in his Legion as a ‘half Astartes’, Kor Phaeron was Lorgar’s surrogate father and served as his tutor in the ancient ways of Colchis before the coming of the Emperor. By the time the XVIIth Legion was united with its Primarch, Kor Phaeron was too old to undergo the full implantation process, but so favoured was he in the eyes of his Primarch that he received the most potent of biological augments it was possible to bestow upon a man short of elevation to the Legiones Astartes, and was declared First Captain of the Word Bearers Legion. Along with Erebus, Kor Phaeron has the ear of his Primarch and, more than any other individual, is responsible for Lorgar’s nature as a seeker after the truth, wherever that truth may lie and whatever terrible secrets it might reveal. Now aging and never having possessed the sheer potency of a full Space Marine, the First Captain nevertheless exerts great influence upon his Primarch and within his Legion, his conviction and zeal unfettered and undiminished.

  • Kor Phaeron 125 pts
First Captain of the Word Bearers, Master of Faith, Priest-king of Colchis
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Kor Phaeron (base: 40mm)
Kor Phaeron 6 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Kor Phaeron
  • Patriarch’s Claws
  • Digi-flamer
  • Terminus Consolaris
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • It Will Not Die (5+)
  • Jealous Command
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Dark Oratory

Jealous Command

Kor Phaeron was known within the Legion for his unfailing arrogance and vindictive sense of pride. He would tolerate none above him, save his adopted son and Primarch Lorgar. The Primarch was the only man that Kor Phaeron would bend the knee to – though many wondered if he did so out of respect or so that he could manipulate the Primarch from the arm of his throne.

If Kor Phaeron or Lorgar is not chosen as the Warlord of an army that Kor Phaeron is part of, then his Leadership is reduced by -1 and he gains the Hatred (Everything) special rule. When Kor Phaeron is included in the same army as Lorgar, both models gain +1 WS and the Hatred (Everything) special rules while part of the same unit.

Warlord: Dark Oratory

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Kor Phaeron automatically has Dark Oratory as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Dark Oratory – When Kor Phaeron is the Warlord of the army then the controlling player can choose one of the following two options at the beginning of each of their own turns:
  • Cruel Invective – All enemy units with at least one model within 12" of Kor Phaeron at the start of Kor Phaeron’s controlling player’s turn (before any models are moved) must make an immediate Pinning test, and become Pinned if the Test is failed.
  • Threatening Entreaties – Kor Phaeron and the unit he has joined gain the Fearless special rule until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, but all models other than Kor Phaeron in the unit reduce their WS and BS by -1 until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.
In addition, an army with Kor Phaeron as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Kor Phaeron has not been removed as a casualty.

Patriarch’s Claws

Crafted to allow Kor Phaeron to fight among the enhanced ranks of the Space Marines without becoming outmatched and to reflect the twisted cruelty that was his hallmark in combat, the Patriarch’s Claws were a matched pair of Charnabal fighting claws that did not need the strength of a full member of the Legiones Astartes to rend flesh and slice through armour.

Patriarch’s Claws
Melee, Shred

The Patriarch’s Claws are two separate weapons, each with the same profile, and as such Kor Phaeron gains a bonus Attack when using them.


Concealed within Kor Phaeron’s regalia of office is a miniaturised flamer weapon.

This weapon counts as a ‘Flame’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Pistol 1

Terminus Consolaris

Too old for transformation into a full-blooded Space Marine when the Emperor found Lorgar on Colchis, the Primarch nevertheless assured, through the use of genecraft and anti-agathics, that his foster-father would join him on the Great Crusade as his First Captain. Before his later transfiguration by Chaos, Kor Phaeron’s aged physique was augmented in battle by a custom-designed suit of Terminator armour reinforced with additional medicae, exoskeletal and life support systems known as the Consolaris.

The Terminus Consolaris grants a 2+ Armour Save, and an Invulnerable Save of 3+ in the Shooting phase and 5+ in the Movement and Assault phases.


Zardu Layak’s true name is now lost, but it is recorded in his Legion’s lore that he was once an officer of the Ashen Circle, a Terran by birth, and a devout destroyer of all that pertained to false superstition and errant creed. He oversaw the burning of a hundred temples and countless tomes of lies in the Emperor’s service, until the Word Bearers’ brutal censure by the Emperor. After their punishment on Monarchia, Layak was soulsick, and quickly a fervent convert to Erebus’ and Lorgar’s new teachings. He took the name Zardu Layak, ‘Eater of Wisdom’, but came to be known by his Legion as the Crimson Apostle for his fiery raiment and the scalding blood in which he daily daubed his armour. Suffused in dark powers which he used freely to destroy minds and bodies, Zardu Layak walked his bloody path accompanied by a pair of bodyguards, each unnaturally warped and contorted and possessed of great strength. Wielding the Anakatis blades, gifts bestowed upon them by Layak and weapons of unholy xenos influence and malevolent power, they cut a swathe through their master’s foes in a barely controlled hunger for slaughter.

  • Zardu Layak 300 pts
The Crimson Apostle, The Thrice-Born, The Binder of Souls, The Voice of the Unspeaking
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Zardu Layak (base: 32mm)
Zardu Layak 7 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Blade Slaves (base: 40mm)
Blade Slaves 7 5 4 6 5 3 5 3 8 3+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Zardu Layak
  • 2 Anakatis Kul Blade Slaves
Wargear (Zardu Layak)
  • Bolt pistol
  • The Azurda Char’is
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • The Panoply of Flame
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Wargear (Blade Slaves)
  • Plasma pistol
  • Anakatis blade
  • Power armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules (Zardu Layak)
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Fearless
  • Hatred (Loyalists)
  • Binder of Souls
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: The Eater of Wisdom
Special Rules (Blade Slaves)
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • Rage (2)
  • Bulky (2)
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Relentless

Binder of Souls

Zardu Layak gains the Psychic Discipline Soul Binding and may not select any other Psychic Discipline:

Warlord: The Eater of Wisdom

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Zardu Layak automatically has The Eater of Wisdom as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Eater of Wisdom – If Zardu Layak is the army’s Warlord, then the controlling player may choose up to three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Corrupted Unit Sub-type from the same army as Zardu Layak at the beginning of the battle, before any models are deployed. All models in each of the selected units gains a bonus of +1 to its Strength and Movement Characteristics, but must take a Leadership test at the end of each of the controlling player’s turns. If that Test is failed the unit suffers Perils of the Warp, while if it is not failed there is no effect that turn. In addition, an army with Zardu Layak as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Zardu Layak has not been removed as a casualty.

Psychic Discipline: Soul Binding

A Psyker with this Discipline gains all the listed Powers, Weapon and other special rules, as well as the Aetheric Lightning Psychic Weapon

Soul Binding (Psychic Power)

Zardu Layak has long since mastered the art of shackling the will of another, binding it to his own will and turning enemies into slaves.

When an enemy unit declares it will make a Reaction to Zardu Layak or any unit he has joined, the controlling player may choose to have Zardu Layak immediately suffer Perils of the Warp, resolving all Wounds inflicted before any part of the Reaction is resolved. If Zardu Layak is not removed as a Casualty then that Reaction is cancelled (the Reactive player does not expend a point of their Reaction Allotment, and if the Reaction could only be used a limited number of times, it is not considered to have been used in this instance) and the unit that declared the Reaction gains no benefit and takes no action.

Telepathic Chains (Psychic Weapon)

Telepathic Chains
Assault 4, Pinning, Shell Shock (3), Psychic Focus

Psychic Focus: Before making any To Hit rolls with this weapon, the Psyker must make a Psychic check. If the Check is passed then the Psyker may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.

The Azurda Char’is

It is unknown how the Crimson Apostle acquired this potent artefact, or by what hidden lore he has modified it to his usage.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Azurda Char’is
Melee, Unwieldy, Force

The Panoply of Flame

The Panoply of Flame serves both as a war banner and as a weapon to turn on Zardu Layak’s enemies, his warp gifts allowing him to mould the unclean flame the Panoply now produces by will alone.

All models with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule within 12" of the Panoply of Flame add a +1 modifier to their score when determining victory in assaults and +1 to their Sweeping Advance rolls.

Anakatis blade

These occult blades reek of unholy, warp-spawned power and their forging may well have pre-dated human life. Dark and coiling entities have been trapped within the blades, entities that whisper promises of untold might and power, but such promises are only bought at a terrifying price to both body and soul.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ and ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Anakatis blade
Melee, Murderous Strike (5+), Brutal (2)


As with much of his mysterious Legion, little can be said for certain about the origins or character of the Alpha Legion commander known as Armillus Dynat (whose name itself may be an artificial construction using mimetic factors from several different dead Terran dialects meaning approximately ‘The fallen prince/false prophet who destroys with power’). Pictorial reference for this officer is only available thanks to the recordings of Ultramarines–attached Remembrancers present at the Palcine War Council, where Dynat is recorded as having infamously sparred with Marius Gage over the conduct of the war after the Ultramarines’ repulsed attack during the Battle of Asarna Bay. He is known to be a formidable strategist with a penchant for unorthodox and highly intricate attack plans often designed to pull apart and maim enemy formations before a killing blow is delivered, and a master of integrated fast armour and close air support tactics.

  • Armillus Dynat 185 pts
Harrowmaster of the Alpha Legion, Griefbringer, Instar-nine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Armillus Dynat (base: 32mm)
Armillus Dynat 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Armillus Dynat
  • Bolt pistol
  • The Prince
  • The Prophet
  • One venom sphere
  • One phosphex bomb
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Precision Strikes (4+)
  • Weapon Master
  • Warlord: The Harrowing

Weapon Master

Armillus Dynat is famed for his ability as a warrior, demonstrating multi-tasking abilities that allow him to wield two weapons independently in combat, a feat that few of his peers could ever match. In battle he makes use of this ability to blindside opponents until the delivery of a killing strike his foe had no hope to defend against.

When attacking during the Assault phase, Armillus Dynat may choose to split his attacks between any of the weapons he has, declaring which Attacks will be used with which weapon profiles before any of his Attacks are rolled.

Warlord: The Harrowing

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Armillus Dynat automatically has The Harrowing as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Harrowing – At the start of the battle, before any models are deployed by either player, the controlling player of an army whose Warlord is Armillus Dynat may choose to select three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Infantry Unit, and give all models in those units one of the following rules: Infiltrate, Scout, or Counterattack (1). In addition, an army whose Warlord is Armillus Dynat may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase, as long as Armillus Dynat has not been removed as a casualty.

The Prince and the Prophet

Among the favoured weapons of the Alpha Legion warrior known as Dynat are a pair of power weapons crafted to be used in unison. The Prince is ostentatious and attracts the eyes of the foe, while the Prophet is the thunder-strike of truth delivered to the unwary.

The weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Prince
Melee, Rending (6+)
The Prophet
Melee, Unwieldy, Thunderstrike

Thunderstrike: If any enemy model that does not have the Vehicle Unit Type suffers one or more Hits (regardless of whether or not those Hits resulted in Wounds) from The Prince, then Armillus Dynat may make one Attack with The Prophet, in addition to any other attacks he has made with either weapon, in Initiative step 1.


None can say whether Exodus is a single individual or one of several supremely skilled assassins operating at the behest of the uppermost echelons of the Alpha Legion. Certainly the name, or coded identifier ‘Exodus’, has appeared in multiple vox-chains and order logs in many different war zones, sometimes contemporaneously. This in itself is unlikely to be accidental given the Alpha Legion’s mastery of deception in all its forms.

Whatever the truth, the Space Marine known as Exodus must rank amongst the most skilled killers outside of the Assassin Clades of the Officio Assassinorum. His skill-at-arms is born of the convergence of the will, physiology and conditioning of a Space Marine with the field craft and panoply of arms and wargear of an assassin. So adept is Exodus that he is said to rival even the marksmen of Clade Vindicare in his ability to insinuate himself into position and deliver the killing shot at the pivotal moment in a campaign.

  • Exodus 165 pts
The Assassin, The One who is Many
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Exodus (base: 32mm)
Exodus 7 5 6 4 4 3 5 3 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Exodus
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power dagger
  • The Instrument
  • Power armour
  • Refractor field
  • One venom sphere
  • Melta bombs
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Shroud bombs
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion)
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Pathfinder
  • Move Through Cover
  • The Hidden Hand
  • Lone Killer
  • Shrouded (5+)
  • Assassin’s Eye

The Hidden Hand

Exodus was renowned for his ability to appear on any battlefield at any time, often confounding his foes and confusing allies with his sudden and unannounced appearance.

When deploying Exodus onto the battlefield at the start of the battle, the controlling player may place him in any position on the battlefield, as long as Exodus is within Area Terrain, or at least 9" from any enemy model if Exodus is not within Area Terrain, regardless of the line of sight or proximity of enemy models. If Exodus is deployed from Reserve after the start of the first turn, then he may enter play from any point on the battlefield’s edge, chosen by the controlling player. If Exodus joins a unit during deployment or whilst in Reserves and is deployed as part of that unit, he may not use any of the benefits of this special rule, but instead gains the Scout and Infiltrate special rules only if the unit he has joined also possesses those special rules.

Lone Killer

Even amongst a Legion as secretive as the Alpha Legion, Exodus remains a mystery. He commanded no troops, served under no fixed commander and drifted from one war zone to the next with no discernible plan or goal. Only the trail of fallen war leaders and champions marked his passage, and in the dark years of the Horus Heresy these victims were as often from Legions loyal to Horus as those declared his foes.

Exodus may not be taken as a Compulsory HQ choice, only as a non-Compulsory HQ choice. He may never be an army’s Warlord, and may not join other units except Legion Reconnaissance Squads or Headhunter Kill Teams.

Assassin’s Eye

Few targets escape the practised eye of the Alpha Legion killer known only as Exodus, and those whom his orders had deemed dangerous to the plans of the Alpha Legion were swiftly silenced.

When Exodus makes any attacks as part of a Shooting Attack, the range of any Weapons is not restricted or affected by the Night Fighting rules, shroud bombs or any other special rule. In addition, Exodus never suffers any penalty to his Ballistic Skill from Night Fighting or any other special rules, always makes To Hit rolls using his full Ballistic Skill (including Snap Shots) and no model may make Shrouded rolls to negate Wounds inflicted by their attacks.

The Instrument

Exodus carries a unique sniper rifle of unknown design and provenance, which seemingly uses a mixture of advanced bolter weaponry and gravitic accelerator technology.

The weapon listed here is counted as an ‘Auto’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. The Instrument has two profiles. Pick which profile is used every time the weapon is fired – however, any Shooting Attacks made with The Instrument as part of a Reaction must use the Rapid Shot profile:

The Instrument
 - Rapid shot
Assault 3, Sunder, Pinning
 - Execution shot
Heavy 1, Sniper, Sunder, Pinning, Deadly Aim

Deadly Aim: If Exodus has not moved in the turn a Shooting Attack is made using this profile, the attack may be given the Brutal (2) special rule. If the attack is given the Brutal (2) special rule then no Charges may be declared for Exodus in that turn.


As a veteran of the Unification Wars, Garrius fought in numerous battles alongside the Luna Wolves in the early years of the Great Crusade. His merciless approach to war and dedication to victory before all else earned him the praise of Horus, but the bloody toll of his brethren that were paid to earn this accolade sat ill with his own Legion.

With Rogal Dorn’s rediscovery during the Great Crusade, Garrius was consumed by a single-minded desire to prove himself worthy of Rogal Dorn’s inner circle. This would not come to pass, for, while Garrius was a warrior of absolute loyalty, his casual brutality stood in stark contrast with the ideals of the VIIth Legion and he was assigned to garrison duties for the remainder of the Great Crusade, far from the side of his Primarch. When Horus declared his rebellion none was more incensed than Garrius, to see the man he had respected so much turn traitor was a sin he could not forgive.

When Dorn called on him to retake Cthonia he rejoiced and vowed before his brother captains that Cthonia would be conquered, and that the only thing that would move him from that forsaken world would be the hand of Dorn himself.

  • Lord-castellan Evander Garrius 215 pts
Captain of the 456th Company of the Imperial Fists, The Butcher of Larissan, The Tyrant of Cthonia
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Evander Garrius (base: 40mm)
Evander Garrius 6 6 5 4 5 4 5 4 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Lord-castellan Evander Garrius
  • Subjugator
  • Incineratus
  • The Tyrant’s Regalia
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Stubborn
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Bulky (2)
  • The Unfavoured Son
  • Loyalist
  • Warlord: Butcher of Larissan

The Unfavoured Son

Evander Garrius had ever been held in disfavour by his own Primarch, it is a known fact and bitter regret of Garrius himself that the two had never stood side by side on the field of battle. The one hope that Garrius held to through all the brutal destruction of the Horus Heresy, was that if he could find one last success he might be granted, at last, the honour of fighting beside Rogal Dorn.

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius may never be selected as part of a Detachment that also includes Rogal Dorn. However, if Lord-castellan Evander Garrius is part of a combat that includes Rogal Dorn as a friendly model, then Lord-castellan Evander Garrius gains the Fearless and It Will Not Die (5+) special rules for the remainder of the battle.

Warlord: Butcher of Larissan

As he proved at Larissan, Garrius would ever be driven by a furious need to claim victory, no matter the cost in lives that was required to do so.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lord-castellan Evander Garrius automatically has the Butcher of Larissan as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Butcher of Larissan – If, at the start of any player turn, the opposing player has scored more Victory points than Lord-castellan Evander Garrius’ controlling player, then Lord-castellan Evander Garrius and all models in a unit he has joined gain the Rage (2) special rule. Furthermore, whenever an opposing player scores Victory points by causing a unit from the same Detachment as Lordcastellan Evander Garrius to be entirely removed as casualties, Lord-castellan Evander Garrius’ controlling player may choose to roll a D6. If the final result of that roll is a ‘6’ then the number of Victory points scored is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0), the result of the D6 roll is increased by +1 if the opposing player currently has more Victory points than Lord-castellan Evander Garrius’ controlling player. In addition, an army that has Lord-castellan Evander Garrius as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opponent’s Assault phase, as long as Lord-castellan Evander Garrius has not been removed as a casualty.


A relic power gauntlet once wielded by a gene-wright tyrant of Old Earth, this ugly tool of war held little subtlety or grace but was brutally effective on the field of war. Garrius had claimed it as his own in the early years of the Great Crusade, and many claimed it was the taint of the ancient tyrant that had once wielded the same weapon against the Emperor that stained Garrius’ own soul and prompted him to bitter rage on the field of battle.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Reaping Blow (1)


A unique variant of the volkite charger directly connected to the extensive bionic enhancements that were installed in Garrius’ body after his near-fatal wounding on the world of Larissan, Incineratus can fire deadly arcing rays of exotic energy that eat away at the very flesh and armour of the foe.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Volkite’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 5, Deflagrate, Rad-phage

The Tyrant’s Regalia

An artificer-made suit of Cataphractii Terminator armour that offers its wearer some of the best protection available to any lord of the Legiones Astartes, the Tyrant’s Regalia was crafted to specifically fit around Evander Garrius’ ruined body and its internal systems are designed to pour pain suppressants directly into his bloodstream and numb the constant agony caused by his old wounds.

The Tyrant’s Regalia confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, Evander Garrius has the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule against wounds suffered during any Fight Sub-phase.


Vheren Ashurhaddon was born in the maze of tunnels below the surface of Cthonia, where he was recruited into the Luna Wolves after Horus Lupercal took control of his Legion. He quickly gained a reputation as a skilled fighter, his zeal and dedication on the field of battle winning him the respect of his brethren.

He regarded the Terrans of his Legion and their uninspiring approach to warfare with disdain, surrounding himself with Legionaries whose Cthonian origins made them inherently superior warriors in his eyes. He led these warriors in daring assaults that earned him the moniker ‘The First Reaver’, and saw many imitate the tactics he pioneered.

On the eve of Horus’ invasion of the Sol System, the Sons of Horus were increasingly falling prey to the corrupting influence of the powers beyond the veil. No longer content to suffer the indignity of witnessing the gradual fall of his beloved Legion into corruption and ruin, Vheren took it upon himself to reconquer Cthonia to secure the XVIth Legion’s future and rekindle its old glory.

  • Vheren Ashurhaddon 205 pts
Cadre-captain of the Sons of Horus, The First Reaver, Master of the True Sons
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Vheren Ashurhaddon (base: 32mm)
Vheren Ashurhaddon 7 7 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Vheren Ashurhaddon
  • The Axe Serpentis
  • Banestrike Fusilade
  • Basic close combat weapon
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Melta bombs
  • Panoply of the Void
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Sons Of Horus)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Battle Hardened (1)
  • Precision Shots (6+)
  • Precision Strikes (6+)
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • The First Reaver
  • Traitor
  • Warlord: Blood and Honour

The First Reaver

Vheren Ashurhaddon is acknowledged by Horus Lupercal as the first of his Reavers, a warrior ever on the attack and always pushing forwards. There were many that would follow in his footsteps, emulating his skills and doctrines, calling themselves reavers in honour of the many trophies he had taken on the field of battle.

A single Reaver Attack Squad may be selected as part of the same choice as Vheren Ashurhaddon. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’ and Vherren Ashurhaddon is referred to as the Retinue Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Vheren Ashurhaddon. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with Vheren Ashurhaddon deployed as part of the unit and Vheren Ashurhaddon may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. A Reaver Attack Squad selected in this manner gains the Line Unit Sub-type. Note that no model may select more than one Retinue Squad as part of the same choice, even if more than one option for such a unit is available.

Warlord: Blood and Honour

A youth lived in the dark heart of Cthonia taught Vheren the value of loyalty and determination – for while skill waned and fury abated, the loyalty of those that fought at his side never wavered. Always he sought to earn the respect of those warriors at his back, pushing himself to the limits of endurance on the field of battle to serve as an example, and in return he expected that they would give their all in the prosecution of his commands.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Vheren Ashurhaddon automatically has Blood and Honour as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Blood and Honour – When a Wound is allocated to Vheren Ashurhaddon by his controlling player (but not if the Wound is allocated to him by the attacking player due to the Precision Shots (X) or Precision Strikes (X) or Sniper special rules), while there are still other models in the same unit that the Wound could be allocated to, then all failed Invulnerable Saves made for Vheren Ashurhaddon may be re-rolled. Furthermore, while Vheren Ashurhaddon is part of a unit that includes a majority of models without the Character Sub-type, then all models in the unit gain the Stubborn special rule as long as Vheren Ashurhaddon is part of the unit. In addition, an army with Vheren Ashurhaddon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opponent’s Movement phase as long as Vheren Ashurhaddon has not been removed as a casualty.

The Axe Serpentis

A perfectly balanced Carsoran pattern power axe that is said to have been crafted by Horus for his personal armoury from the melted down weapons of Cthonia’s vanquished gang leaders. It was presented to Vheren Ashurhaddon by the Warmaster himself in recognition of the First Reaver’s valiant effort to hold the gates of the great Tower of Ullanor while Horus and the Justaerin fought their way up to the pinnacle of that great edifice.

The Axe Serpentis is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Axe Serpentis
Melee, Sudden Strike (1), Murderous Strike (6+)

Banestrike Fusilade

Vheren Ashurhaddon carries a pair of bolt pistols modified by his own hand to fire the deadly banestrike bolt, which the Sons of Horus made use of during the Horus Heresy to breach the power armour of those they had once called brother.

The Banestrike Fusilade is considered a single weapon with the following profile and is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Banestrike Fusilade
Pistol 4, Breaching (6+)

Panoply of the Void

Vheren Ashurhaddon takes to the field clad in a suit of armour crafted from unknown materials originating from Cthonia’s underworld that can blind even the most sophisticated targeting auguries or auspex arrays.

The Panoply of the Void grants Vheren Ashurhaddon a 2+ Armour Save and 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, any attacks made by enemy models as part of a Shooting Attack that target Vheren Ashurhaddon or the unit he has joined (as long as that unit is composed of no more than 6 models after Vheren Ashurhaddon has joined it), count the range to Vheren Ashurhaddon or his unit as 3" further than the actual range between the two units. This special rule does not affect determining whether Vherren Ashurhaddon or models in the same unit are Hit by Blast markers or weapons with the Template special rule.



A Legion’s Apothecaries carry its most sacred trusts – the care of its fallen and the promise of its future. Serving as battlefield healers it is an Apothecary’s task to proffer aid to the wounded, return the injured back to the fray and minister final mercy to those in need of it. From those beyond help, they have the onerous duty of recovering the Legion’s gene-seed zygotes for implantation in future generations of Space Marines. These tasks require skill, learning and above all courage – for it is one thing to fight an enemy, and quite another to turn from battle and tend to the fallen in the midst of war when all around is a whirlwind of slaughter, heedless of safety.

  • 0-1 Legion Apothecarion Detachment 45 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Apothecary (base: 32mm)
Legion Apothecary 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Apothecary
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Narthecium
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Apothecarion Detachment
  • A Legion Apothecarion Detachment may include:
  • - Up to 7 additional Legion Apothecaries
    +45 points per model
  • Any Legion Apothecary may take one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points per model
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points per model
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points per model
  • Any Legion Apothecary may exchange his chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points per model
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Apothecary may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Apothecary may take one of the following:
  • - Legion Warhawk jump pack
    +15 points per model
  • - Legion Spatha combat bike
    +15 points per model
  • - Legion Scimitar jetbike
    +25 points per model


Regarded by many as the most advanced and powerful pattern of Dreadnought in the arsenal of the Great Crusade, the Contemptor is a relatively recent design that incorporates not only traditional Dreadnought technologies, but arcane systems drawn from the ancient and guarded lore of the Legio Cybernetica of the Mechanicum. Principal among these is a compact atomantic arc-reactor more powerful by far than anything of its size in Imperial manufacture. The abundance of energy it generates can be used to grant the Dreadnought frame speed and strength as well as power defensive energy field systems to further increase its battlefield durability. These advantages over the older Lucifer and Castraferrum pattern Dreadnoughts however are not without their price. The Contemptor requires higher levels of maintenance than most previous designs, while the arc-reactor if breached is prone to catastrophic failure, dooming the Contemptor chassis to utter destruction. Regardless, the Contemptor’s power has found it a place within every Legion and demand for the new chassis is high.

  • Legion Contemptor Dreadnought Talon 175 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Contemptor Dreadnought (base: 60mm)
Contemptor Dreadnought 8 5 5 7 7 6 4 3 9 2+ 60mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Contemptor Dreadnought
  • Gravis bolt cannon
  • Gravis power fist with in-built combi-bolter
  • Atomantic deflector
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Dreadnought Talon
Dedicated Transport
  • The unit may include:
  • - Up to 2 additional Contemptor Dreadnoughts
    +175 points per model
  • Any Contemptor Dreadnought in the unit may replace its Gravis bolt cannon and/or Gravis power fist and in-built combi-bolter with one of the following:
  • - Gravis bolt cannon
  • - Gravis melta cannon
    +5 points each
  • - Gravis autocannon
    +10 points each
  • - Gravis plasma cannon
    +10 points each
  • - Conversion beam cannon
    +20 points each
  • - Volkite dual-culverin
    +15 points each
  • - Kheres assault cannon
    +15 points each
  • - Gravis lascannon
    +20 points each
  • - Gravis power fist with in-built combi-bolter
  • - Gravis chainfist with in-built combi-bolter
    +10 points each*
*A Contemptor Dreadnought with two Gravis power fists, two Gravis chainfists or a Gravis power fist and Gravis chainfist gains an additional Attack.
  • Any Contemptor Dreadnought may replace an in-built combi-bolter on either a Gravis power fist or Gravis chainfist with one of the following:
  • - In-built heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - In-built plasma blaster
    +10 points each
  • - In-built graviton gun
    +15 points each
  • - In-built meltagun
    +15 points each
  • Any Contemptor Dreadnought may take one of the following:
  • - Havoc launcher
    +10 points per model
  • - Helical targeting array
    +10 points per model


The origins of the Destroyer squads lie in the Unification Wars of Terra, but perhaps surprisingly not with the forces of the Emperor but his enemies. Considered dishonourable by some Legions who make little use of them or eschew them altogether, the Destroyers are equipped with and expert in the use of otherwise proscribed and forbidden weaponry. Alongside certain factions of the Mechanicum, only Destroyer cadres have license to use such forbidden devices. Rad weapons, bio-alchem munitions and the crawling burning horror of phosphex are among their dark arsenal—weapons which irrevocably taint the ground on which they are used. Marked by their fire-blackened and chem-scalded armour, Space Marine Destroyers are often shunned and deemed somehow tainted by their battle-brothers in many Legions and considered at best a necessary evil, although the effectiveness of their relic weapons cannot be denied. Legion Destroyer Squads often take to the battlefield equipped with Warhawk jump packs, allowing them to rapidly redeploy during battle to maximise the destructive capabilities of their weapons.

  • Legion Destroyer Assault Squad 130 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Destroyer (base: 32mm)
Legion Destroyer 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Destroyer Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Destroyer Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legion Destroyers
  • 1 Legion Destroyer Sergeant
  • Two bolt pistols
  • Chainsword
  • Rad grenades
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
  • Legion Warhawk jump pack
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Stubborn
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Bitter Duty
  • A Legion Destroyer Assault Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legion Destroyers
    +15 points per model
  • One Legion Destroyer may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Destroyer may take a:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legion Destroyer may take an:
  • - Augury scanner
    +10 points
  • The entire unit may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +25 points per unit
  • Any model in the unit may replace both of its bolt pistols for:
  • - Two volkite serpenta
    +10 points per model
  • - Two hand flamers
    +5 points per model
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Destroyer may exchange one of his bolt pistols for one of the following:
  • - Missile launcher (with suspensor web and rad missiles only)
    +25 points each
  • - Toxiferran flamer
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Destroyer may exchange his chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points each
  • The Legion Destroyer Sergeant may exchange his chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +5 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +25 points
  • The Legion Destroyer Sergeant may take one phosphex bomb
    +10 points
  • The Legion Destroyer Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


Legion Mortalis Destroyer squads are most often deployed as part of Zone Mortalis actions, where the jetpacks used by other Destroyer formations would prove more of a hindrance than a benefit. Used less as an application of strategy and more as a tool of extermination, the Mortalis Destroyer squads are set loose when no surrender can be expected from an enemy and no escape allowed. In the close confines of sundered fortress-citadels, the contested decks of void warships or the labyrinthine industrial complexes of hive cities, they deploy weapons born of the nightmarish horrors of Old Night to not only kill their adversaries but also contaminate the battlefield with a radioactive fall-out that ensures a hideous drawnout death for any further targets that approach the area. Favoured particularly by the Death Guard Legion, as well as the Nemesis Chapter of the Ultramarines Legion who use them as the ultimate sanction, the Mortalis Destroyer squads were deployed extensively by Legions on both sides of Mankind’s civil war as the Horus Heresy progressed and the desire to utterly annihilate their erstwhile brothers intensified.

  • Legion Mortalis Destroyer Squad 105 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Destroyer (base: 32mm)
Legion Destroyer 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Destroyer Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Destroyer Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legion Destroyers
  • 1 Legion Destroyer Sergeant
  • Two bolt pistols
  • Chainsword
  • Rad grenades
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Stubborn
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Bitter Duty
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Mortalis Destroyer Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legion Destroyers
    +12 points per model
  • One Legion Destroyer may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Destroyer may take a:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legion Destroyer may take an:
  • - Augury scanner
    +10 points
  • The entire unit may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +25 points per unit
  • Any model in the unit may replace both of its bolt pistols for:
  • - Two volkite serpenta
    +10 points per model
  • - Two hand flamers
    +5 points per model
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Destroyer may exchange one of his bolt pistols for one of the following:
  • - Missile launcher (with suspensor web and rad missiles only)
    +25 points each
  • - Graviton gun (with suspensor web)
    +20 points each
  • - Disintegrator
    +20 points each
  • - Toxiferran flamer
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • The Legion Destroyer Sergeant may exchange his chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +5 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +25 points
  • The Legion Destroyer Sergeant may take one phosphex bomb
    +10 points
  • The Legion Destroyer Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


One of a number of similar designs utilised by the Imperium’s armed forces, Rapier carriers are semi-automated tracked weapons carriers with on-board targeting systems and power generators. Designed to mount support weaponry too large and cumbersome for even the superhuman strength of a Space Marine to carry, the Rapier’s relatively small size and mobility makes it a perfect support weapon both in defence and offence where larger field artillery and armoured vehicles cannot go due to their size or weight. The most common armaments mounted on the Rapiers of the Space Marine Legions are quad heavy bolters and laser destroyer arrays, for anti-personnel and anti-armour use respectively, while so-called ‘thudd gun’ multi-launchers are favoured for siege warfare and suppressive fire. More rarely, a Legion’s Techmarines will also use Rapier carriers as mounts for more exotic weaponry for special operations, such as the graviton cannon.

  • Legion Rapier Battery 40 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Gunner (base: 32mm)
Legion Gunner 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Rapier Carrier (base: Use model)
Rapier Carrier 4 1 4 1 5 2 1 1 - 3+ Use model
Unit Composition
  • 2 Legion Gunners
  • 1 Rapier Carrier
  • Bolt pistol (Legion Gunner only)
  • Bolter (Legion Gunner only)
  • Power armour (Legion Gunner only)
  • Gravis heavy bolter battery (Rapier Carrier only)
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Bulky (4) (Rapier Carrier only)
  • Relentless (Rapier Carrier only)
  • Legion Artillerists
  • A Legion Rapier Battery may include:
  • - Up to 2 additional Rapier Carriers*
    +40 points per model
*For each additional Rapier Carrier, the unit must include 2 additional Legion Gunners for no additional points cost.
  • Every Rapier Carrier in the unit may exchange its Gravis heavy bolter battery for one of the following (all Rapier Carriers in the unit must take the same upgrade):
  • - Laser destroyer
    +25 points each
  • - Graviton cannon
    +20 points each
  • - Quad launcher (with frag shells only)
    +20 points each
  • A Rapier Carrier Battery that includes Rapier Carriers with quad launchers may take any of the following additional shell types The same upgrades must be taken for all Rapier Carriers in the unit:
  • - Incendiary shells
    +5 points per model
  • - Shatter shells
    +20 points per model
  • - Splinter shells
    +10 points per model


Techmarines are specialist members of the Legion whose intelligence and aptitude marked them from an early stage for induction into the rites and secrets of the Mechanicum, and so hold dual allegiances both to their Legion and to the Machine Cult of Mars. Their role is to maintain and oversee the manufacture and supply of wargear and vehicles for their Legion, as well as operate and repair the most specialised and complex weaponry on the battlefield. In this a Legion’s Armourium and its Techmarine masters are vital to its ability to wage war.

  • 0-1 Legion Techmarine Covenant 55 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Techmarine (base: 32mm)
Legion Techmarine 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Techmarine
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power axe
  • Servo-arm
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Artificer armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Techmarine Covenant
  • Battlesmith (5+)
  • Relentless
  • The Legion Techmarine Covenant may include:
  • - Up to 7 additional Legion Techmarines
    +55 points per model
  • Any Legion Techmarine may take one of the following:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points per model
  • - Augury scanner
    +5 points per model
  • - Cognis-signum
    +15 points per model
  • - Cyber-familiar
    +15 points per model
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Techmarine may take one of the following:
  • - Master-crafted bolter
    +5 points per model
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points per model
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points per model
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points per model
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points per model
  • - Graviton gun
    +20 points per model
  • - Flamer
    +2 points per model
  • - Plasma gun
    +15 points per model
  • - Meltagun
    +20 points per model
  • Any Legion Techmarine may exchange his power axe for:
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points per model
  • Any Legion Techmarine may exchange his power axe or bolt pistol for:
  • - Boarding shield
    +5 points per model*
*A model that selects a boarding shield also gains the Heavy Sub-type. This option may not be selected for any model that has been upgraded to have a Legion Spatha combat bike, Legion Scimitar jetbike or Legion Warhawk jump pack.
  • Any Legion Techmarine may take one of the following:
  • - Legion Warhawk jump pack
    +15 points per model
  • - Legion Spatha combat bike
    +15 points per model
  • - Legion Scimitar jetbike
    +25 points per model


One of the first issued Tactical Dreadnought Armour patterns, the Cataphractii suits are more heavily protected than any other pattern of armour, with slablike ceramite pauldrons housing additional shield generators. The armour’s design has the unfortunate side effect of overstraining its exoskeleton and slowing the wearer considerably. This deficiency is seen as a weakness by some Legions and has led to the pattern’s declining use in their ranks. Yet, at the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Cataphractii armour remains amongst the heaviest variants of Terminator armour and is capable of weathering almost any form of attack.

  • Legion Terminator Cataphractii Squad 175 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Cataphractii (base: 40mm)
Legion Cataphractii 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 7 2+ 40mm
Legion Cataphractii Sergeant (base: 40mm)
Legion Cataphractii Sergeant 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legion Cataphractii
  • 1 Legion Cataphractii Sergeant
  • Combi-bolter
  • Power weapon
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Bulky (2)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Terminator Cataphractii squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legion Cataphractii
    +30 points per model
  • One Legion Cataphractii may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Cataphractii may take an:
  • - Augury scanner
    +10 points
  • One Legion Cataphractii may take a:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Cataphractii may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Reaper autocannon
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma blaster
    +10 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange both its combi-bolter and power weapon for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points per model
  • The Legion Cataphractii Sergeant may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points


The fruition of the Tactical Dreadnought Armour project, Terminator suits are the ultimate advance in personal armour technology the Imperium has developed. Terminator squads match these formidable developments with the finest veteran forces of the Legions to form devastating frontline assault units, able to withstand the heaviest enemy fire and deliver a hammer blow to crush the foe with ruthless power. Terminator armour-equipped units are particularly valuable in heavy close-quarter fighting, such as battles fought in the deep confines of hive cities or in starship boarding actions. Perhaps the most advanced form of Terminator armour ever designed, Tartaros armour offers greater durability and protection than power armour while sacrificing none of the latter’s mobility.

  • Legion Terminator Tartaros Squad 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Tartaros (base: 40mm)
Legion Tartaros 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 7 2+ 40mm
Legion Tartaros Sergeant (base: 40mm)
Legion Tartaros Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legion Tartaros
  • 1 Legion Tartaros Sergeant
  • Combi-bolter
  • Power weapon
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Relentless
  • Inexorable
  • Bulky (2)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Terminator Tartaros squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legion Tartaros
    +25 points per model
  • One Legion Tartaros may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Tartaros may take an:
  • - Augury scanner
    +10 points
  • One Legion Tartaros may take a:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Tartaros may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Reaper autocannon
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma blaster
    +10 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange both its combi-bolter and power weapon for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points per model
  • The Legion Tartaros Sergeant may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points


Exceptional and experienced warriors within the ranks of the Space Marine Legions are quickly singled out and honoured with additional training in all aspects of warfare and equipped to the highest standards, so to further amplify their battlefield power. Certain Legions will further separate their veterans and raise them above the ranks by inducting them into warrior brotherhoods, martial cults or specified veteran companies. This serves to create an elite body within the Legion to which other warriors can aspire to ascend to, and from which future commanders are drawn.

  • Legion Veteran Squad 115 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Veteran (base: 32mm)
Legion Veteran 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Legion Veteran Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Veteran Sergeant 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legion Veterans
  • 1 Legion Veteran Sergeant
  • Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Relentless
  • Chosen Warriors
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Veteran Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legion Veterans
    +18 points per model
  • One Legion Veteran may take a:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legion Veteran may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Veteran may take an:
  • - Augury scanner
    +10 points
  • Any model with a bolter may take:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolter for a:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Astartes shotgun
    +2 points each
  • - Nemesis bolter
    +10 points each
  • Any model in the unit may take:
  • - Chainsword
    +2 points each
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +5 points each
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolt pistol for a:
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points each
  • - Hand flamer
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolter and bolt pistol for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points per model
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Veteran may exchange his bolter for one of the following:
  • - Flamer
    +2 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma gun
    +10 points each
  • - Graviton gun
    +15 points each
  • - Heavy flamer
    +10 points each
  • - Heavy bolter
    +15 points each
  • - Missile launcher (with frag, krak and flak missiles)
    +15 points each
  • The Legion Veteran Sergeant may take one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +25 points
  • The Legion Veteran Sergeant may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Legion Veteran Sergeant may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points
  • The Legion Veteran Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


Even among the brethren of the infamous Dreadwing, the Interemptors are a grim breed, dedicated as they are to a singular purpose – the utter annihilation of the enemy. When the Interemptors attack, they leave behind no trace of those they conquer – no bodies, no ruins, nothing. They take no trophies of their victories and tell no tales of those that have fallen before them, those consigned to death at their hands are forgotten forever. They are the Lion’s ultimate sanction, his final curse for those foolish enough to stand against the First Legion.

  • Dreadwing Interemptor Squad 125 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Interemptor (base: 32mm)
Interemptor 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Interemptor Praefectus (base: 32mm)
Interemptor Praefectus 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Interemptors
  • 1 Interemptor Praefectus
  • Plasma burner
  • Bolt pistol
  • Basic close combat weapon
  • Rad grenades
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels)
  • Stubborn
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Bitter Duty
Dedicated Transport
  • The Dreadwing Interemptor Squad may take:
  • - Up to 10 additional Interemptors
    +20 points each
  • One Interemptor may take:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Interemptor may take:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Interemptor may take:
  • - Augury scanner
    +10 points
  • For every five models in the unit, one may exchange its plasma burner for a:
  • - Missile launcher with suspensor web, rad missiles and stasis missiles
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma incinerator
    +15 points each
  • The Interemptor Praefectus may take up to:
  • - Three phosphex bombs
    +10 points each
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points
  • The Interemptor Praefectus may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


The Dark Angels Legion plays host to a multitude of ciphered Orders, Chambers Militant concealed within the panoply of the Legion and dedicated to the preservation and perfection of a singular doctrine of war. Within each of these Orders, the most dedicated warrior-adepts are charged with the station of cenobite and granted the right to bear the cipher and charge of the Order, to fight in the forefront of those battles that require the hard-won skills harboured within each of these secretive cells.

  • Inner Circle Knights Cenobium 275 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Order Cenobite (base: 40mm)
Order Cenobite 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ 40mm
Order Preceptor (base: 40mm)
Order Preceptor 6 6 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Order Cenobite
  • 1 Order Preceptor
  • Terranic greatsword
  • Plasma-caster
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Stubborn
  • Adamantium Will (3+)
  • Order Exemplars
Dedicated Transport
  • The Inner Circle Knights Cenobium may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Order Cenobites
    +50 points each
  • One Order Cenobite may take:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its Terranic greatsword for a:
  • - Thunder hammer
  • The Order Preceptor may take the following:
  • - Grenade harness
    +5 points

Order Exemplars

Within the First Legion there are innumerable separate Orders, each dedicated to a singular creed of war. The Cenobium stand as the greatest exemplars of these Orders, their champions and foremost warriors each a keeper of the secrets held by that Order and a practitioner of the form of war they embody.

When an Inner Circle Knights Cenobium is selected as part of a Detachment, during army selection, a single option from the Orders of the Hekatonystika presented below must be selected for the unit. All models in that Inner Circle Knights Cenobium gain the chosen option for no additional points cost:

Orders of the Hekatonystika

Each Order of the Hekatonystika specialised in the employment of one skill of war, one unique talent. They stood ready to deploy those skills whenever the Legion had need of a vanguard for the most dangerous missions and impossible assaults.

  • Augurs of Weakness: When making an Armour Penetration roll against a target with Armour 11 or more on the facing targeted, a model with this special rule may add +1 to the Strength of the weapon used to make the attack.
  • Icons of Resolve: This model gains +1 Leadership (to a maximum of 10) on any turn in which it, or a unit it is part of, is Charged by one or more enemy units.
  • Slayers of Kings: This model may re-roll failed To Hit rolls of ‘1’ when Engaged in combat with any model with a Weapon Skill of 5 or higher or in a Challenge with any model with a Weapon Skill of 5 or higher.
  • Hunters of Beasts: This model may re-roll failed To Wound rolls of ‘1’ when any enemy unit it is Engaged in combat with includes one or more models with a Toughness of 5, or any failed To Wound roll if the target’s Toughness is 6 or higher.
  • Reapers of Hosts: This model gains +1 Attack in any Fight sub-phase which they begin in base contact with more than one enemy model.
  • Breakers of Witches: This model may re-roll all To Hit and To Wound rolls in close combat when attacking an enemy unit that includes one or more models with the Daemon Unit Type or the Psyker or Corrupted Sub-type.


Similar in design to the rare digital weapons of the lost Dark Age of Technology, these weapons are miniature versions of larger ordnance, fitted to the vambraces of Inner Circle Knights so they may fight freely in melee.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 1, Breaching (6+)


The Kharash served as a ritual post of atonement and redemption for sins and breaches of honour within the White Scars, and a quick path to glory. Deployed in the van of sieges and other high-intensity conflicts, the Kharash served to shield the more fragile contingents of the White Scars, atoning for their perceived sins not only through the pursuit of martial glory, but through the protection of their brothers. Clad in black ceramite, the Ebon Keshig were instantly recognisable both as formidable warriors to the enemy, and to their brothers. Those who survived their service within the Ebon Keshig were deemed to have proven themselves worthy in the eyes of the Legion, often returning to either their previous posts or sometimes to other roles fitting their new mien.

  • Ebon Keshig Cohort 200 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Kharash (base: 40mm)
Kharash 8* 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 10 2+ 40mm
*The additional Movement granted by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule is included.
Unit Composition
  • 5 Kharash
  • Power glaive
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Kharash
  • Stubborn
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • An Ebon Keshig Cohort may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Kharash
    +40 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its power glaive for one of the following options:
  • - Combi-bolter and power weapon
    +5 points per model
  • - Combi-bolter and power fist
    +15 points per model
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • One Kharash may take:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any model in the unit may take:
  • - Grenade harness
    +10 points each


The Kharash is both an ancient tactic of Chogoris and a sacred oath of defiance. Those that accept the burden of such a position are pledged to die, to fight without regard for survival and seek only to kill as many of the foe as possible before they are dragged down. Those that survive service in the Kharash are hailed as heroes among the White Scars, warriors destined for greatness, and those that fall are forgiven all sins and remembered only with honour for their sacrifice.

No enemy player may ever score any Victory points for the destruction of a unit with this special rule regardless of the scenario played or any victory conditions in effect. In addition, a model with this special rule may not join any unit that is not composed entirely of models that also have the Kharash special rule, nor may a model that does not have the Kharash special rule join a unit that includes any models with that special rule.


Among the most prestigious of the White Scars main combat units are their heavy assault jetbike squads – often collectively referred to as the ‘Golden Keshig’. These superlatively skilled riders serve as linebreakers and assault units par excellence, often serving where other Legions would prefer to deploy heavy armour or massed Terminator units. Acting as the speartip of what the Legionaries of Chogoris called a Zao, a piercing attack at the heart of the enemy adapted from the horse-tribes of the Khan’s home world, the Golden Keshig encircle the enemy at apparently random speeds and directions before focusing momentum into a single strike through the centre of an enemy formation.

Strikes such as these typically served to disrupt the front line of an enemy’s advance and sow confusion throughout the ranks. The sheer terror caused by the Zao saw the Golden Keshig referred to on various worlds as the ‘storm-ghost’ or the ‘sky-beast tamers’, the latter particularly common on non-Compliant and less-technologically advanced worlds during the Great Crusade.

  • Golden Keshig Squadron 140 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Golden Keshig Rider (base: 60mm flying base)
Golden Keshig Rider 15* 5 4 4 4 2 4 1 8 2+ 60mm flying base
Golden Keshig Champion (base: 60mm flying base)
Golden Keshig Champion 15* 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ 60mm flying base
*The additional Movement granted by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule is included.
Unit Composition
  • 2 Golden Keshig Riders
  • 1 Golden Keshig Champion
  • Legion Shamshir jetbike
  • Artificer armour
  • Chainsword
  • Bolt pistol
  • Kontos Power Lance
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
  • Hit & Run
  • Relentless
  • Hammer of Wrath (1)
  • A Golden Keshig Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 3 additional Golden Keshig Riders
    +40 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its chainsword for a:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points each
  • One Golden Keshig Rider may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • The Golden Keshig Champion may exchange his chainsword for a:
  • - Thunder hammer
    +25 points

Kontos Power Lance

The Kontos power lance is a prime example of how the Great Khan took the wisdom of Chogoris’ nomadic tribes and married it to the high technology of the Imperium. Where once his followers had wielded lances of wood tipped in steel, now they bore shafts of hardened ceramite, tipped with lightning and thunder. A blow from a Kontos, delivered from the back of a charging jetbike, was enough to sunder the armour of battle tanks and fell even the most terrible of foes.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

Kontos Power Lance
Melee, Ungainly, Lance, Brutal (3), Sudden Strike (4), Two-handed

Ungainly: A model may only attack with this weapon on a turn in which it makes a successful Charge, but does not gain a bonus attack for Charging or from any special rules that would normally grant additional Attacks.


The Deathsworn were the dark heart of the VIth Legion. Theirs was a curse that was eventually to find its vent in the transfiguration of the flesh, the descent into the depths of the beast, whose predatory taint was found within the minds of those born of the Space Wolves gene-seed.

In every Legion, it was said there were those for whom all the bloody deeds they had done in the name of the Great Crusade mutilated their souls and damaged their minds to such an extent that they were no longer Space Marines, but something hollow and murderous beyond reason. In some Legions, such things might go all but unnoticed, even perhaps mark one for advancement, while in others, the gift of final peace was offered, or perhaps outcast status as one of the so-called ‘Moritats’ or a place in the Destroyer units. But within the Space Wolves, such an all-consuming impulse to kill and kill again was better understood, and the ways of Fenris held the answer to such dark souls in the shape of the Cult of Morkai and its ministers. The warriors who gave themselves over became the Deathsworn; marked by their wolf-skull helms, they were the embodiment of the hunger of death in the heart of the Legion.

  • Deathsworn Pack 175 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Deathsworn (base: 32mm)
Deathsworn 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 5 Deathsworn
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power axe
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Ymira class stasis bombs
  • Artificer armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves)
  • Cult of Morkai
  • The Dreams of the Death Wolf
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Stubborn
Dedicated Transport
  • The Deathsworn Pack may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Deathsworn
    +30 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its power axe for a:
  • - Power fist
    +15 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its power axe for one of the following:
  • - Great frost blade
    +10 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +20 points each
  • The entire unit may take one of the following options:
  • - Melta bombs
    +20 points per unit
  • - Rad grenades
    +20 points per unit

Cult of Morkai

The Deathsworn serve not only as able combatants, but also as an important part of the ritual Cult of Morkai. They are often found in the company of the dour Speakers of the Dead or the enigmatic Rune Casters when those warriors serve as harbingers of Fenris’ wrath.

Deathsworn Packs may not be joined by models with the Independent Character special rule other than models with the Speaker of the Dead or Caster of Runes Consul upgrade. In addition, a Deathsworn Pack may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with the Speaker of the Dead or Caster of Runes Consul upgrade, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with the Speaker of the Dead or Caster of Runes Consul upgrade from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Deathsworn Pack’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Deathsworn Pack selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Deathsworn Pack selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.

The Dreams of the Death Wolf

The dreams of the Death Wolf have consumed the minds of the Deathsworn so that only in killing do they themselves feel anything but the chill of death closing about them. In that moment, they care nothing for their own lives or safety, so long as their enemies are strewn about them broken and lifeless.

If a Deathsworn model loses its last Wound during the Assault phase before having made any attacks, place that model to one side instead of removing it from play as a casualty. In Initiative Step 1, all models placed to the side in this fashion may make a single Attack before being removed as a casualty (models removed as casualties in this fashion are still counted for resolving which side has won a combat).

Ymira class stasis bombs

Relics of a campaign of purgation and slaughter so dreadful that none but the Wolf King and his innermost circle of priests have been allowed to remember it, save in the lingering echoes of nightmare, these arcane weapons actively breach and damage the flow of time around them when they detonate. Merely being in proximity to the blast radius of these terrifying weapons is as perilous as any rad grenade, as a sudden time distortion freezes the target, but far from consistently, an effect that can leave its victim frozen out of phase with existence, a trapped echo lost in the void, or shattered like a statue of ice. It can just as easily result in withered flesh and failing organs for the wielder, as their own lifeforce is drained away in years and decades from a failing stasis field. Such a fate for the Deathsworn, however, seems of little concern.

Any unit which successfully Charges a unit that includes one or more models with Ymira class stasis bombs must make a Disordered Charge. In addition, the controlling player of a unit that includes any models with Ymira class stasis bombs may choose to activate the Ymira class stasis bombs when declaring a Charge for that unit, before any dice are rolled to determine Charge Distance. The Ymira class stasis bombs remain activated until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, and may be activated again if another Charge is later declared for that unit. Whilst activated, all models with Ymira class stasis bombs must add both the Fleshbane and Gets Hot special rules to all attacks made during the Fight sub-phase. All Wounds inflicted by the Gets Hot special rule on a model with an activated Ymira class stasis bomb are resolved using the AP value of the weapon the model with Ymira stasis bombs is using to attack.


The Varagyr are the chosen warriors of Leman Russ, hand picked from his own Great Company to form his personal guard and close companions in war and council. To have attained such a rank and position, each has distinguished himself in battle many times over, and each has forged his own saga worth the telling.

More so than any other of his sons, they are the wolves of his pack, marked by the great beast pelt which adorns their armour, and to adopt this honour means more than simply to walk in the Wolf King’s shadow and lay down their lives for him if needs be, it means something much more. It means that, at least for a time, they have foregone the chance to lead their brothers in battle, to watch while others strike, to stand fast and not to seek out the glory of battle, save when their lord commands. When such coldly-withheld fury is unleashed, however, it falls like a thunderbolt against the foe.

  • Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad 250 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Varagyr (base: 40mm)
Varagyr 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Thegn (base: 40mm)
Thegn 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Varagyr
  • 1 Thegn
  • One of the following: frost axe, frost sword or frost claw
  • Combi-bolter
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves)
  • Fear (1)
  • Relentless
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Stubborn
  • Hammer of Wrath (2)
  • Lordsbane
  • Bulky (2)
Dedicated Transport
  • The Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Varagyr
    +45 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its frost blade for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points each
  • One Varagyr in the unit may take:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its combi-bolter for one of the following weapons:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Second frost blade (axe, claw or sword)
    +5 points each
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Reaper autocannon
    +15 points each
  • The Thegn may exchange his frost blade for a:
  • - Great frost blade
    +10 points
  • The Thegn may take a:
  • - Grenade harness
    +10 points


Though all serve the Wolf King faithfully and with fealty as his guard, the Varagyr also take great satisfaction in showing their superiority over the petty lords and champions of those they slay, vying to honour their master with the trophies of the slain justly anointed in the blood of the vanquished, in the hopes of making a tale worth the telling.

Models with this special rule may issue and accept Challenges as if they had the Character Sub-type in combat, and in addition, when fighting in a Challenge, if the enemy challenger is removed as a casualty then they may add an additional +1 to the number of successful Wounds caused for the purposes of resolving which side has won a combat.


Guardians of the Temple of Oaths aboard the great fortress-ship the Phalanx, the Templars are the VIIth Legion’s elite, warriors of unequalled zeal. Relentless determination and matchless skill are the hallmarks of this deadly company, whose punishing training regime and strict recruitment protocol ensures that only the finest Imperial Fists bear their proud heraldry.

Though their duty binds them to the Temple of Oaths, these dauntless warriors are found wherever the Imperial Fists carry the Emperor’s crusade to unify Mankind. They bear the best wargear that the armouries of the Legion can provide: ancient archaeotech, the newest creations of the Mechanicum, and more common marks of weapons forged with exacting precision. At the leading edge of battle, these warriors inspire their brothers with their unyielding courage and the blood-red path they carve through the foes of Mankind.

  • Templar Brethren 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Brethren (base: 32mm)
Brethren 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Champion (base: 32mm)
Champion 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Brethren
  • 1 Champion
  • Artificer armour
  • Power sword
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
  • Furious Charge (1)
  • Crusader
Dedicated Transport
  • A Templar Brethren unit may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Brethren
    +25 points each
  • The entire unit may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +25 points per unit
  • Any model in the unit may take:
  • - Combat shield
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • One Brethren may take a:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Brethren may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • The Champion may exchange his power sword for one of the following options:
  • - Power fist
    +5 points
  • - Solarite power gauntlet
    +10 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +10 points
  • The Champion may exchange his bolt pistol for the following option:
  • - Archaeotech pistol
    +5 points
  • The Champion may upgrade one of his weapons to become:
  • - Master-crafted
    +10 points


The Crimson Paladins stand as the guardians of the Primarch’s halls, a grim counterpart to the Golden Seraphs, the Sanguinary Guard. When these warriors take to the field, clad in the reliquary armour of their Order and cloaked in the names of the Immortals, they stand as a bulwark against the foe and a shield for the sons of Sanguinius. They form the unyielding anchor upon which the Crimson Host turns; a single unshakeable bastion of blades and power shields. By their sacrifice and indomitable resolve are the Blood Angels freed to give vent to the noble fury of their Legion.

Also known within the obscure dogma of the IXth Legion as the Keruvim, or the Storm Winds, the Crimson Paladins are one of the warrior Orders of the First Sphere. As with the other First Sphere Orders, they forsake name and rank to assume an identity and role that subsumes all sense of self and leaves them with only the singular duty assigned to them. Such a sacrifice, made in the name of the Great Angel, and for the sake of their brothers, bolsters the resolve of these warriors to the point that no threat or dire fate can turn them from their purpose.

  • Crimson Paladins 145 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Crimson Paladin (base: 40mm)
Crimson Paladin 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+ 40mm
Crimson Exemplar (base: 40mm)
Crimson Exemplar 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 10 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 2 Crimson Paladins
  • 1 Crimson Exemplar
  • Power weapon
  • Coriolis pattern power shield
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Deep Strike
  • The Blood is Forever
  • Stubborn
Dedicated Transport
  • A Crimson Paladin unit may take:
  • - Up to 7 additional Crimson Paladins
    +40 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its power weapon for a:
  • - Sunset blade
  • For every five models in the unit, one Crimson Paladin may exchange his Coriolis pattern power shield for one of the following:
  • - Iliastus assault cannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points per model
  • - Plasma blaster
    +10 points per model
  • Up to two Crimson Paladins may exchange their power weapon for a:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points per model
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points per model
  • The Crimson Exemplar may exchange both his power weapon and Coriolis pattern power shield for a:
  • - Perdition weapon
  • The Crimson Exemplar may take a grenade harness for
    +10 points

The Blood is Forever

Adversity is an old friend to the Crimson Paladins, for they are only sent into battle when the tide of war turns against the Legiones Astartes. They are the bulwark of the Legion, the wall upon which the foe is broken and turned back. The final vow of the Crimson Paladins is an eternal pledge to the protection of their brothers, and it gives them the strength to endure, even when the enemy seems overwhelming.

While locked in combat with a unit that outnumbers them, a Crimson Paladin unit gains the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule. If outnumbered by more than twice their own number then they instead gain the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule. Any model with the Independent Character special rule that joins this squad does not gain this special rule and does not count for the purposes of determining when the unit is outnumbered. Each Crimson Paladin and Crimson Exemplar is counted as two models as they have the Bulky (2) special rule (and likewise, any enemy models with a variant of the Bulky (X) rule count as the number of models they would for the purposes of Transport Capacity). If locked in combat with more than one enemy unit, add the size of all enemy units together to decide if the Crimson Paladins are outnumbered.

Coriolis pattern power shield

These prototype devices were one of many systems trialled within the Legions as part of the storm shield initiative. Capable of projecting a very short ranged gravitic field, intended to slow and deflect strikes in combat, the Coriolis unit would later be deemed too power-hungry for general deployment.

Reduce the result of all To Wound rolls made that target a unit in which the majority of models have a Coriolis pattern power shield by a weapon with the Melee type by -1.

Sunset blade

This is one half of an Equinox power weapon set, the Sunset blade, which the Crimson Paladins hold as emblematic of their duty within the Legion.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Sunset blade
Melee, Rending (5+), Sunder


Even within a Legion whose skills in the arts of orbital strike and shock assault are legendary, the Dawnbreaker cohorts stand apart. Chosen from amongst the most experienced and daring of the Legion’s assault squads, the Dawnbreakers are trained and equipped to act as the tip of the Blood Angels’ spear, the first warriors to set foot on those benighted worlds that the Legion is called upon to save. Lacking the versatility of standard tactical or assault units, the Dawnbreakers have one purpose in battle, to sunder the enemy’s lines and tear the heart from its formation. Armed with lances and blades wreathed in keen-edged power fields, there are few warriors who can stand in the face of such an onslaught.

Standard combat doctrine among these elite warriors emphasises not only martial excellence, but also the symbolic nature of their role, bringing light and justice to even the most hellish war zones of the fledgling Imperium. Indeed, the common name by which they are known is inherited from their preferred tactic – an assault staged en masse from orbit just as dawn breaks. No few worlds still speak in awe of the day angels fell from the dawn skies to free them from the oppression of tyrants and xenos alike.

  • Dawnbreaker Cohort 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Dawnbreaker (base: 32mm)
Dawnbreaker 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Dawnbreaker Champion (base: 32mm)
Dawnbreaker Champion 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Dawnbreakers
  • 1 Dawnbreaker Champion
  • Falling-star pattern power spear
  • Grenade dischargers (frag and krak bombs)
  • Frag grenades
  • Artificer armour
  • Legion Warhawk jump pack
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
  • Furious Charge (1)
  • Set the Sky Aflame
  • The Dawnbreaker Cohort may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Dawnbreakers
    +25 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its Falling-star pattern power spear for an:
  • - Equinox power blade case
    +5 points per model
  • The entire unit may take melta bombs
    +25 points per unit
  • The Dawnbreaker Champion may exchange his Falling-star Pattern power spear for a:
  • - Power weapon
  • - Perdition weapon
    +5 points

Set the Sky Aflame

The Dawnbreakers are trained to make their arrival upon the field of battle a spectacle that will bring terror to the enemy and embolden their allies. Few can forget the sight of these angelic warriors descending from on high to bring death to the enemies of Sanguinius.

When a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule is deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault, any enemy units within 6" of the unit’s final position suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership Characteristic when taking any Pinning tests caused by the Deep Strike Assault.

Falling-star pattern power spear

These ornate power weapons have been redesigned to enhance the aggressive fighting style of the Dawnbreakers and to serve as icons of the Blood Angels’ prowess and noble intent. As much works of art as they are weapons, they can cleave an armoured combatant in two with a single sweep when wielded by a skilled fighter.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Falling-star pattern power spear
Melee, Reach (1), Rending (5+)

Grenade dischargers

These compact grenade launchers are intended to grant the Dawnbreaker cohorts a means to break the ranks of the foe prior to a charge, or to saturate their landing zones with shrapnel once they have forced a beachhead.

Grenade dischargers
 - Frag bombs
Assault 3, Pinning
 - Krak bombs
Assault 1

Equinox Power Blade Case

The Equinox power blades are intricate weapons, designed and forged to be used in pairs. Each blade is fashioned to serve a ritualised form of combat adapted from the practises of the tribes of Baal – the Path of the Sun.

An Equinox power blade case is a pair of Melee weapons, each with a different profile as listed below. In any given Assault phase, the wielder must choose one of the following two profiles before making any attacks, and all their attacks in that Phase will use the chosen profile and gain the additional attack for using two combat weapons.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Equinox power blade
- Sunrise blade
Melee, Shred, Sudden Strike (1)
- Sunset blade
Melee, Rending (5+), Sunder


The Angel’s Tears, who carry the rank and title of Erelim, the Silver Masks, and the Hands of Justice, serve the IXth Legion in place of the more common Destroyers of other Legions. They take to the field of war only at the direct command of Sanguinius himself, serving as his agents on those rare occasions he deems an enemy worthy only of annihilation. Armed with weapons best suited to the swift culling of those unworthy of a place in the Emperor’s Imperium, they descend upon the foe suddenly and unannounced, faces concealed in the silver death-masks of their Order and oaths of retribution on their lips.

As with the other Orders of the First Sphere, the Angel’s Tears surrender their names and identities for the term of their service, taking one of the ritual names that identifies them as a true Angel of Death, a bringer of destruction and remorseless killer. Such ritual trappings stem from the teachings of Sanguinius himself, owing their origins to neither Terra nor Baal. They serve to insulate his warriors from the death they cause, for when a member of the Erelim puts aside his mask and returns to the ranks of the Legion under his old name, he bears no lingering taint for the slaughter and destruction caused by the Erelim whose mantle he bore.

  • The Angel’s Tears 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Erelim (base: 32mm)
Erelim 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Arch-Erelim (base: 32mm)
Arch-Erelim 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Erelim
  • 1 Arch-Erelim
  • Two volkite serpenta
  • Chainsword
  • Rad grenades
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
  • Legion Warhawk jump pack
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Stubborn
  • Bitter Duty
  • The Angel’s Tears unit may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Erelim
    +20 points each
  • The entire unit may take melta bombs for
    +25 points per unit
  • Any model in the unit may exchange one of its volkite serpenta for one of the following:
  • - Angel’s Tears grenade launcher
    +10 points each
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Iliastus assault cannon
    +10 points each
  • - Rotor cannon
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points each
  • The Arch-Erelim may exchange his chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • - Single lightning claw
    +10 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +25 points
  • The Arch-Erelim may exchange one or both of his volkite serpentas for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +5 points each
  • The Arch-Erelim may upgrade his power armour for artificer armour
    +10 points

Angel’s Tears grenade launcher

A weapon spawned from the Unification Wars and the terror of Old Night, the rad grenade has proven well-suited to the Angel’s Tears’ role as purgers of sin, for while it eradicates the foes of the Blood Angels, it leaves the worlds they corrupted intact, waiting only for the time that they may be declared pure once again and worthy of hosting true servants of the Emperor once more.

The Angel’s Tears grenade launcher is counted as a ‘Rad’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Angel’s Tears grenade launcher
Assault 3, Rad-phage, Fleshbane


One of a number of Tactical Dreadnought Armour sub-classes found within the ranks of the Iron Hands Legion, the Gorgon pattern was one of a number of on-going attempts by Ferrus Manus and his cadre of Iron-Fathers to refine and augment the various patterns of Terminator armour employed by the Legiones Astartes forces. It is an interesting case in point that, while several thousand suits of Terminator armour in the most common Tartaros, Cataphractii and Indomitus patterns were in service with the Legion (many of which were concentrated in the hands of the doomed warriors of the Avernii Clan and lost at Isstvan V), the Primarch himself was known to not be entirely satisfied with the performance of any of these designs, and so a full issue to his Legion was never approved. One of the most extreme technological examples of the Iron Hands’ innovation to improve on the designs in this regard was the hazardous, but powerful, ‘Gorgon’ prototype, which required bonding to its wearer, and which Ferrus Manus would not live long enough to refine to its full potential.

  • Gorgon Terminator Squad 200 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Gorgon Terminator (base: 40mm)
Gorgon Terminator 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Gorgon Hammerbearer (base: 40mm)
Gorgon Hammerbearer 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Gorgon Terminators
  • 1 Gorgon Hammerbearer
  • Gorgon Terminator armour
  • Combi-bolter
  • Power axe (Gorgon Terminator only)
  • Thunder hammer (Gorgon Hammerbearer only)
  • Grenade harness (Gorgon Hammerbearer only)
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • Relentless
  • Stubborn
  • Bulky (2)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Gorgon Terminator Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Gorgon Terminators
    +35 points each
  • One Gorgon Terminator in the unit may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any Gorgon Terminator may exchange his power axe for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • Any Gorgon Terminator may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • For every three models in the unit, one Gorgon Terminator may exchange his combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Reaper autocannon
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma blaster
    +15 points each
  • - Graviton gun
    +15 points each
  • The Gorgon Hammerbearer may exchange his combi-bolter for a:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points


For Iron Hands Legionaries who had failed their father’s rigid standards and bleak code in battle, whether tasting defeat by the fickle whims of fate or laid low by wounds too terrible to bear, there remained one course of action if their own fame or record did not afford them the licence to carry on without the scorn of their brothers: the ranks of the Medusan Immortals.

The Immortals were the Legion’s Forlorn Hope, a final chance at glory and redemption where the battle was at its fiercest and the risk of survival, even for a Legiones Astartes, at its dimmest. Armed and armoured principally as breacher units and featuring a high level of cybernetic rebuild among them, the Immortals wore no symbols of their clan or Legion, save its numeration and the black-on-white death’s head symbol which proclaimed their mortal intent. It was their lot and their pride to fight and die with steadfast, cold fury, never breaking ranks, marching relentlessly into the jaws of hell.

  • Medusan Immortals Squad 205 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Immortal (base: 32mm)
Immortal 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+ 32mm
Immortal Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Immortal Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 9 Immortals
  • 1 Immortal Sergeant
  • Power armour
  • Boarding shield
  • Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Breacher charges
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • Bitter Duty
  • Stubborn
Dedicated Transport
  • A Medusan Immortals Squad may take:
  • - Up to 10 additional Immortals
    +18 points each
  • Any model in a Medusan Immortals Squad may exchange its bolter for a:
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • - Chainsword
  • For every five models in the unit, one Immortal may exchange his bolter for one of the following options:
  • - Flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • - Graviton gun
    +15 points each
  • - Lascutter
    +20 points each
  • The Immortal Sergeant may exchange a bolt pistol and/or chainsword for one of the following options (no single option may be selected more than once):
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +20 points
  • The Immortal Sergeant may take any of the following:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points
  • The Immortal Sergeant may exchange his power armour for artificer armour
    +10 points


The Invictarus Suzerains exist as a class apart from the line units of the Legiones Astartes Ultramarines, for they serve the Primarch and the Tetrarchs directly. Chosen from the ranks, each Suzerain is a warrior marked for future greatness and high command. It is from the Invictarus Suzerains that many of the Legion’s future officers are drawn and, in fulfilling their many and varied duties, they learn not only the arts of war, but those of order, leadership and governance.

The warriors of the Invictarus Suzerains are living embodiments of their Primarch’s rule and they bear arms and armour intended to exemplify this ideal. They bear shields with which to hold anarchy and disorder at bay and resplendent armour that shines with the light of their Primarch’s wisdom and authority.

  • Invictarus Suzerain Squad 175 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Suzerain (base: 32mm)
Suzerain 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 5 Suzerain
  • Bolt pistol
  • Legatine axe
  • Argyrum pattern boarding shield
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Artificer armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines)
  • Lords of Ultramar
  • Honour Bearers
Dedicated Transport
  • An Invictarus Suzerain Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Suzerain
    +30 points each
  • Any Suzerain may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • Any Suzerain may exchange his Legatine axe for a:
  • - Thunder hammer
    +10 points each

Lords of Ultramar

Any friendly unit made up entirely of models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type which is not Pinned or Falling Back and does not include any models with this special rule gains a +1 modifier to their Leadership Characteristic (to a maximum of 9) while it has at least one model within 6" of a friendly unit that includes one or more models with this special rule.

Honour Bearers

An Invictarus Suzerain Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Invictarus Suzerain Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. An Invictarus Suzerain Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. An Invictarus Suzerain Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. One Suzerain in an Invictarus Suzerain Squad selected as a Retinue may exchange their bolt pistol for a Legion standard for +15 points.


The Ultramarines Legion places a high value on the deployment of shieldequipped units, and aside from the standard Legion Breacher squads commonly fielded across the Legiones Astartes, the elite Praetorian Breacher squads of the XIIIth Legion are further equipped with power weapons, eschewing the ranged power of the bolter for lethality in close combat. Praetorian Breacher squads are often assigned to shipboard security detail on-board the most precious ships in the Legion’s fleet and used in rapid counterboarding actions to repel enemy incursions. In ground operations the Praetorian Breachers form the speartip of Legion Breacher formations and act as the anvil upon which the enemy will be pinned in order for the mobile elements of the Legion to outmanoeuvre and destroy them. Relentless in their advance and immovable in defence, the veteran Legionaries of the Praetorian Breacher squads have won countless laurels that honour their skill in close quarters warfare battle doctrines and it is customary for many of their number to rise to the vaunted ranks of the Invictarus Suzerains.

  • Praetorian Breacher Squad 135 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Praetorian (base: 32mm)
Praetorian 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 1 8 3+ 32mm
Praetorian Primus (base: 32mm)
Praetorian Primus 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Praetorians
  • 1 Praetorian Primus
  • Power sword
  • Bolt pistol
  • Boarding shield
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Hammer of Wrath (1)
Dedicated Transport
  • The Praetorian Breacher Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Praetorians
    +22 points per model
  • One Praetorian may take:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Praetorian may take:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • For every five models in the unit, one Praetorian may exchange his power sword for a:
  • - Legatine axe
    +10 points each
  • The Praetorian Primus may exchange his power sword for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Legatine axe
    +5 points
  • The Praetorian Primus may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Praetorian Primus may exchange his power armour for artificer armour
    +10 points


The elite of the Salamanders Legion are those Legionaries known as the Firedrakes, veterans chosen not simply for their martial skill, but also because of their mental resilience and capacity for discipline and self-sacrifice; for these are values the Promethean Cult holds in high esteem. Tried and tempered in the flames of war, just as a blade is tempered in the flames of the forge, the Firedrakes are indefatigable and relentless, possessing a singular focus in battle which borders on the preternatural, and a legendary resilience; a matter as much to do with their phenomenal willpower as their superhuman physiology or superlatively fashioned arms and armour.

Such is the wisdom of Vulkan and the traditions of the Legion that many of the Firedrakes can be found fulfilling numerous roles throughout the ranks, rather than concentrated into elitist cadres as may be found in other Legions, the better to serve as exemplars, champions and protectors.

  • Firedrake Terminator Squad 250 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Firedrake (base: 40mm)
Firedrake 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ 40mm
Firedrake Master (base: 40mm)
Firedrake Master 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Firedrakes
  • 1 Firedrake Master
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
  • Power weapon
  • Combi-bolter
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Salamanders)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Stubborn
  • Forge-craft of Nocturne
  • It Will Not Die (5+)
  • Favoured of Vulkan
Dedicated Transport
  • A Firedrake Terminator Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Firedrakes
    +45 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange a power weapon for one of the following:
  • - Thunder hammer
    +10 points each
  • - Power fist
    +5 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +10 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange a combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Combi-flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Combi-melta
    +10 points each
  • The entire unit may exchange their combi-bolters for:
  • - Dragonscale storm shields
    +5 points per model
  • One model in the unit may exchange either a combi-bolter or Dragonscale storm shield for:
  • - Dragon’s Breath heavy flamer
    +10 points

Forge-craft of Nocturne

The controlling player of a model with this special rule may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls of ‘1’ made for weapons of the Melee type.

Favoured of Vulkan

A Firedrake Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Firedrake Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Firedrake Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Firedrake Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.


The dreaded Pyroclasts are the burning fury of the Salamanders Legion given material form. Shunning conventional Destroyer units in his Legion, save for a small cadre retained for xenocide operations, due to the tainting and unclean nature of the weapons they wielded, Vulkan created the Pyroclasts to fulfil the role of bringers of utter destruction, creating for them advanced and extremely powerful thermal weapons of his own devising. To the Salamanders, fire is more than merely a weapon; it has an almost mystical function and truth, and embodies both purifying destruction and the potential for rebirth and redemption. But, for renewal to occur, what has gone before must be wiped away, purified by fire. It is this last concept that the Pyroclasts embody and, in battle, they are relentless and remorseless, and where they are unleashed, there can be no possibility of mercy or reprieve from the fire.

  • Pyroclast Squad 175 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Pyroclast (base: 32mm)
Pyroclast 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Pyroclast Warden (base: 32mm)
Pyroclast Warden 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Pyroclasts
  • 1 Pyroclast Warden
  • Artificer armour
  • Pyroclast flame projector
  • Bolt pistol
  • Basic close combat weapon
  • Melta bombs
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Salamanders)
  • It Will Not Die (5+)
  • Mantle of Ash
Dedicated Transport
  • A Pyroclast Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Pyroclasts
    +30 points each
  • The Pyroclast Warden may exchange his basic close combat weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +25 points

Mantle of Ash

The finely wrought artificer plate worn by the Pyroclasts is fashioned with flecks of obsidian crystal from the volcanoes of Nocturne, and draped with the hides of the Damen-Salamanders who dwell in their fiery depths.

Models with this special rule gain an Invulnerable Save of 5+ against all Flame, Plasma, Melta and Volkite weapons.

Pyroclast flame projector

The unique and complex flame weapons wielded by the Pyroclasts are a type of design created by the Primarch Vulkan himself, and are both more elegant and far more potent than the standard flamer wielded by the Space Marine Legions. They can be used to incinerate a vast swathe of targets in the manner of a standard flamer, but can also focus their jet into searing cutting arcs, difficult to aim, but able to slice through the most durable armour.

When making a Shooting Attack, the entire unit must use its Pyroclast flame projector in the same firing mode. The controlling player must declare which this is every time the weapons are used to make a Shooting Attack.

These weapons count as both ‘Melta’ and ‘Flame’ weapons for rules that target such weapons.
Pyroclast flame projector
 - Dispersed
Assault 1, Dragon’s Breath
 - Focussed
Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta)


Informally known as the ‘Shadow Masters’, the Mor Deythan are a small cadre of infiltration squads within a Legion already well known for its nigh-unsurpassed skill in such tactics. They are, however, far more than specialists in the arts of stealth, for each warrior is a veteran of the Lycaean Uprising who fought at the side of Corax himself. When the Emperor arrived on Lycaeus, and the Raven Lord learned the truth of his creation, some rebels sought to remain at his side. The strongest of the young freedom fighters were judged worthy of ascension to the ranks of the XIXth Legion, providing a constant reminder of the Primarch’s roots.

At the beginning of the Horus Heresy, the Mor Deythan are few in number, having fought countless campaigns over eight decades at their master’s side, and they rarely admit new recruits into their ranks. Most who remain are grizzled veterans, supremely confident in their abilities. They are adept at moving silent and unseen through the shadows and attacking as and where they will.

  • Mor Deythan Squad 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Mor Deythan (base: 32mm)
Mor Deythan 7 4 5 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Mor Deythan Shade (base: 32mm)
Mor Deythan Shade 7 4 5 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Mor Deythan
  • 1 Mor Deythan Shade
  • Power armour
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Astartes shotgun
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Shroud bombs
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard)
  • Relentless
  • Scout
  • Fatal Strike
Dedicated Transport
  • The Mor Deythan Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Mor Deythan
    +25 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its Astartes shotgun for one of the following:
  • - Nemesis bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • For every three models in the unit, one model may exchange its Astartes shotgun for one of the following:
  • - Volkite charger
    +5 points each
  • - Flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma gun
    +10 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • - Missile launcher with frag and krak missiles
    +15 points each
  • The Mor Deythan Shade may also take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points
  • The Mor Deythan Shade may exchange his power armour for artificer armour
    +10 points

Fatal Strike

Once per battle, a unit that includes any models with this special rule may declare a Fatal Strike at the start of any of the controlling player’s Shooting phases. For the duration of that Phase, the Shooting Attacks of all models in the unit with the Fatal Strike special rule gain the Rending (4+) special rule in addition to any other effects their weapons might have. This does not replace or improve any other versions of the Rending (X) special rule already possessed by the unit and may not be used when attacking with weapons that have either the Template or the Blast (X) special rules.


A warrior fraternity drawn from among the finest swordsmen of the Legion, the Palatine Blades existed outside the rigid formations of the Emperor’s Children’s military order. They were a duelling society to whose ranks many aspired and on whom Fulgrim looked with particular favour. At the discretion of the lords of the Legion, members of the Palatine Blades without their own command fought together in battle as well, serving as a shining example to their battlebrothers of excellence and perfection in the arts of war, often seeking out the finest enemy warriors in the field against which to prove their superiority.

  • Palatine Blade Squad 165 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Palatine Warrior (base: 32mm)
Palatine Warrior 7 5 5 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 32mm
Palatine Prefector (base: 32mm)
Palatine Prefector 7 5 5 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Palatine Warriors
  • 1 Palatine Prefector
  • Bolt pistol
  • Charnabal weapon
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Artificer armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
  • Relentless
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Skill Unmatched
Dedicated Transport
  • The Palatine Blade Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Palatine Warriors
    +28 points per model
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their Charnabal weapon for a:
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Phoenix power spear
    +5 points each
  • - Phoenix rapier
    +5 points each
  • All models in the unit may take a Surgical Augment at a cost of +25 points for the entire unit – all models in the unit must have the same Surgical Augment.
  • The Palatine Prefector may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Palatine Prefector may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +15 points


The bird of Ancient Terran myth known as the phoenix is a potent symbol amongst the Emperor’s Children, an exemplar of the Legion’s all-consuming and transformative quest for perfection. Taking inspiration and title from the legendary bird, the Phoenix Guard formed an elite cadre within the Legion, serving primarily as the Primarch Fulgrim’s personal retinue. When the Legion was about its day-to-day duties, they served as ceremonial honour guards and sacred aquilifers, replete in polished, tyrian-chased armour adorned with fluttering oath papers and bearing gold-chased arms of intricate manufacture.

On the field of battle, the Phoenix Guard were no less impressive and were storied as providing an impenetrable ring of courage and steel, barring the approach of any enemy who dared challenge their Primarch. They fought in many spheres of battle, from lightningswift assault forces to veteran tactical units, but it was their Terminators who were most feared, their martial skill all but unmatched across the Legions.

  • Phoenix Terminator Squad 200 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Phoenix Terminator (base: 40mm)
Phoenix Terminator 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Phoenix Champion (base: 40mm)
Phoenix Champion 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Phoenix Terminators
  • 1 Phoenix Champion
  • Phoenix power spear
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Stubborn
  • Skill Unmatched
  • Living Icons
  • Phoenix Retinue
Dedicated Transport
  • A Phoenix Terminator Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Phoenix Terminators
    +35 points per model
  • All models in the unit may take a Surgical Augment at a cost of +25 points for the entire unit – all models in the unit must have the same Surgical Augment.
  • The Phoenix Champion may take a grenade harness
    +10 points

Phoenix Retinue

As the exemplars of Fulgrim’s methods, the Phoenix Terminators were often assigned as honour guards to those commanders that had briefly gained Fulgrim’s fickle favour. Serving as both a potent reserve force and a boost to the morale of any Emperor’s Children force, only the most jaded of veterans would refuse such an honour.

A Phoenix Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Phoenix Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Phoenix Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Phoenix Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. One Phoenix Terminator in a Phoenix Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue may exchange their Phoenix power spear for a Legion standard and Phoenix rapier for +15 points.


With the dawn of the Horus Heresy, the fetters of obedience to the Emperor’s dictates and the customs of military convention were lifted from those Primarchs who followed Horus into rebellion. For some this meant freedom to revert to savagery or follow the lure of the Ruinous Powers, but for the Primarch Perturabo it was freedom of a different kind as well; the freedom to pursue his genius for technology shorn of the restrictions of Mars if he willed it. One of the most visible fruits of this was the development of battle-automata of his own variation and design, and the first and most famous of these were the Iron Circle, or the Domitar-Ferrum as they became known, first deployed as a bodyguard for their Primarch after the Battle of Phall, where he judged his own sons had failed him. Variants of the Domitar/Conqueror pattern, they were built as unyielding instruments of their creator’s will, and designed for the kind of warfare their master favoured first and foremost. First limited to deployment by their master’s side, as the Age of Darkness went on, more were constructed and found service elsewhere in the Legion.

  • Iron Circle Maniple 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Domitar-ferrum (base: 60mm)
Domitar-ferrum 8 4 3 7 7 5 3 3 8 3+ 60mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Domitar-ferrum
  • Shrapnel cannon
  • Graviton maul
  • Karceri Battle Shield
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors)
  • Relentless
  • Hammer of Wrath (3)
  • Moving Bulwark
  • The Shield of the Iron Tyrant
  • The unit may include:
  • - Up to five additional Domitar-ferrum
    +135 points each

Moving Bulwark

Some warriors and war machines are equipped to form a moving wall of steel, intended to maximise their defences as they advance.

When a model with this special rule is in base contact with another friendly model that also has the Moving Bulwark special rule, both models increase their Invulnerable Saves by one step (i.e., from 5+ to 4+) to a maximum of a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

The Shield of the Iron Tyrant

The first deployment of the ‘Iron Circle’ was as a bodyguard for their Primarch after the Battle of Phall, and these war machines Perturabo continuously sought to tamper with and improve as the whim took him.

An Iron Circle Maniple composed of at least three models may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes Perturabo, instead of as an Elites choice. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ counts Perturabo as its Leader for the purposes of this special rule. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Perturabo. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Perturabo deployed as part of the unit and Perturabo may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. Domitar-ferrum that are a part of an Iron Circle Maniple chosen as a ‘Retinue Squad’ for Perturabo gain the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule.

Karceri Battle Shield

This huge power field-augmented auto-reactive armoured shield offers the Domitar-Ferrum an extraordinary resilience to attack.

A model with a Karceri battle shield gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save and any model with a Karceri battle shield that suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule inflicted on it. In addition, any Charge that targets a unit that includes one or more models equipped with a Karceri battle shield which is not already locked in combat is always resolved as a Disordered Charge.


Elite shock troops adept at sowing panic and dismay with their arrival, the Contekars’ talents for steadfast ruthlessness in the prosecution of war was much vaunted amongst the Legions during the Great Crusade. Contekar Terminators are butchers and murderers of a high order, to be called upon when the VIIIth Legion wished to bring more than terror but utter and abject despair and destruction upon a foe, to burn their armies, infrastructure and agriculture, and to topple the foundations of their civilisation. A haughty warrior class within the Night Lords, the Contekar were made up of recruits taken from Nostramo’s ruling elite, and in their blood lay the corruption and contempt held for Imperial citizenry by those ignoble potentates. Obsessed with status, the Contekar kept themselves aloof from the rest of the Legion, deigning only to fight for those leaders they deemed worthy or possessed of noble Nostraman blood. Indeed, only the First Captain and Primarch of the Legion could command the Contekar freely.

  • Contekar Terminator Squad 225 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Contekar (base: 40mm)
Contekar 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Dissident (base: 40mm)
Dissident 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Contekar
  • 1 Dissident
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
  • Heavy flamer or volkite cavitor
  • Chainblade
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Stubborn
  • Lords of the Night
  • Deep Strike
  • Fear (1)
Dedicated Transport
  • The unit may include:
  • - Up to an additional 10 Contekar
    +40 points each
  • The Dissident may exchange his chainblade for:
  • - Escaton power claw
    +15 points

Lords of the Night

The Contekar were often dispatched to wrest command from lesser Night Lords leaders whom their commanders deemed unfit to prosecute the Legion’s objectives. Such cruel, but pragmatic methods were favoured by warlords such as Sevatar and others of both the old Legion and the new Nostraman recruits, relying on the brutal skills of the Contekar to lay waste to the enemies of the Night Lords as an example to those of their brethren that might falter in their duties.

A single Contekar Terminator Squad numbering no more than 10 models may be taken as a Compulsory HQ choice in an army in which neither Sevatar nor Konrad Curze are present.

In addition, a Contekar Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes Sevatar, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ counts Sevatar as the Contekar Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as Sevatar. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Sevatar deployed as part of the unit and Sevatar may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.

Volkite Cavitor

The cavitor is a variant of the more common volkite weapons produced in the factories of Nostramo, a rare example of lost technology on that otherwise benighted world. The removal of safety equipment allows the cavitor to project a more diffused beam at limited ranges, the tendrils of lethal volkite energy making a mockery of armour and burning flesh to ash.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Volkite’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Volkite Cavitor
Heavy 4, Deflagrate


The Night Raptors are a caste apart from the Night Lords Legion—not so much a martial elite as a bloody coterie of murderers wedded together by similar proclivities and chosen styles of warfare. The Night Raptors are equipped with jump packs and an array of close combat weapons, all of which they utilise to bring unfettered savagery down upon the heads of their foes in a single, overwhelming onslaught. Where the Night Lords as a Legion wield terror as a weapon, the Night Raptors reject all subtlety in favour of assaults as bloody and direct as a butcher’s axe cleaving meat. The Night Raptors find bleak joy in soaring above the battlefield like screaming predators hunting for victims and savour most that stark moment of clarity when a victim witnesses their death reflected back to them in the eyes of their killer. Like many of the Legion’s elite, where possible they adorn their armour with grisly trophies and utilise advanced systems to project images of death upon its surface, images that depict the doom of the Night Raptors’ countless victims in eternal loop, as much for the amusement of the wearer as to stun his target into insensate horror.

  • Night Raptor Squad 185 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Night Raptor (base: 32mm)
Night Raptor 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Huntmaster (base: 32mm)
Huntmaster 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Night Raptors
  • 1 Huntmaster
  • Chainsword
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Legion Warhawk jump pack
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)
  • Relentless
  • Sudden Strike (1)
  • Bloody Murder
  • Fear (1)
  • Night Vision
  • The Night Raptors Squad may include:
  • - Up to 10 additional Night Raptors
    +25 points per model
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their chainsword for:
  • - Chainblade
    +10 points each
  • - Chainglaive
    +10 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points each
  • Any model may exchange both their chainsword and bolt pistol for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points per model
  • For every 5 models in the unit, one Night Raptor may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following:
  • - Flamer
    +10 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma gun
    +10 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points each
  • The Huntmaster may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • The Huntmaster may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


No Legion of the Space Marines elevated the use of fear itself as a weapon to the extent that the Night Lords did. Through their fearful and bloody acts entire star systems were cowed into submission, often occasioning far less ultimate loss of life than a conventional war might have brought. The midnight and storm-clad Legion served also as dark judges and executioners; they enacted the Emperor’s retribution on planetary governor, recidivist cult and rebel alike, where their crimes were severe enough to have called down the Imperium’s wrath so utterly upon them.

Where such punishments were designed to be at their most visceral and personal, the Terror squads of the Legion were unleashed. Head hunters and torturers, flayers and mutilators; within their ranks were found both the most coldly dispassionate and darkly imaginative of the Night Lords brethren. These warriors were the most unstable and unsubtle elements of the Legion, many marked for death by the Night Haunter for their actions, but allowed to continue their service as long as their grim skills remained of use to the macabre master of the Night Lords.

  • Terror Squad 115 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Executioner (base: 32mm)
Executioner 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Headsman (base: 32mm)
Headsman 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Executioners
  • 1 Headsman
  • Chainsword
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)
  • Fear (1)
  • Precision Strikes (6+)
  • Infiltrate
  • Bloody Murder
  • Preferred Enemy (Infantry)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Terror Squad may take:
  • - Up to 10 additional Executioners
    +18 points each
  • One Executioner per unit may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any model in the unit may take one of the following options:
  • - Bolter
    +1 point each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • - Rotor cannon
    +5 points each
  • - Flamer
    +5 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange his chainsword for:
  • - Chainblade
    +10 points each
  • - Chainglaive
    +10 points each
  • - Chainaxe
    +5 points each
  • The Headsman may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following options:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • The Headsman may exchange his chainsword for one of the following options:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • The Headsman may exchange power armour for artificer armour
    +10 points


Rampager squads were shock assault units, formed from the most savage and bloodthirsty warriors in a Legion already known for its fury in battle. All possessed the prohibited psycho-surgery that drove them to ever greater heights of rage, some too far gone to be anything but restrained between battles, these are simply known as the Caedere or the ‘Butchers’. Others focused their desire for berserk slaughter through martial discipline, mastering a variety of macabre and savage weapons patterned from those used by Angron’s fellow arena gladiators and found on the feral worlds from which the Legion drew its recruits.

  • Rampager Squad 135 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Rampager (base: 32mm)
Rampager 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Rampager Champion (base: 32mm)
Rampager Champion 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Rampagers
  • 1 Rampager Champion
  • One Caedere weapon (or two Falax blades)
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (World Eaters)
  • Furious Charge (1)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Stubborn
Dedicated Transport
  • The squad may include:
  • - Up to an additional 10 Rampagers
    +22 points each
  • The Rampager Champion may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Rampager Champion may exchange his Caedere weapon for one of the following:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • The Rampager Champion may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points
  • The entire squad may be equipped with:
  • - Legion Warhawk jump packs
    +10 points per model


The Isstvan III Atrocity unleashed a madness that had long festered in the World Eaters Legion and its Primarch, a blood-hungry rage that afflicted the very core of the Legion’s being and was amplified by the horrific hyper-aggression-inducing cranial surgery many of the World Eaters had subjected themselves to. On the killing ground of Isstvan III, there were World Eaters on either side of the conflict who succumbed utterly, devolving into mindless frenzied savages that could not be controlled. Rather than ‘putting down’ such individuals as had happened in the past (as such things had occurred from time to time long before the Horus Heresy), the Apothecaries had the mad subdued and chained for a far darker fate. The Techmarines made customised Terminator suits from recovered wargear for them, fashioning them both as armour and as confinement: mechanised prison cells that could be immobilised with a remote signal. Hung in chains in the holds of the World Eaters warships, foaming and screaming in impotent rage, the Red Butchers were born.

  • Red Butchers 250 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Red Butcher (base: 40mm)
Red Butcher 6 5 3 4 4 2 4 2 6 2+ 40mm
Devoured (base: 40mm)
Devoured 6 5 3 4 4 2 4 3 6 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Red Butchers
  • 1 Devoured
  • Two power axes
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (World Eaters)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Ravening Madmen
  • Fearless
  • Hatred (Everything)
Dedicated Transport
  • The Red Butchers Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Red Butchers
    +45 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange one power axe for a:
  • - Combi-bolter
  • Any model in the unit may exchange all other weapons for a:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points per model
  • The Devoured may exchange any of his power axes for one of the following weapons:
  • - Power fist
    +5 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +10 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +10 points each
  • The Devoured may exchange a power axe for a:
  • - Minor combi-weapon
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • The Devoured may take a grenade harness
    +10 points


The Deathshroud are an elite cadre of warriors within the Death Guard Legion. Singled out by Mortarion and chosen for their skill at arms, fearlessness and their proven endurance, they were often selected from Death Guard who had survived where their comrades had fallen. The Deathshroud formed Mortarion’s silent bodyguard, and in peace or war it was said that at least two of their number remained within forty-nine paces of their Primarch at any time.

  • Deathshroud Terminator Squad 140 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Deathshroud (base: 40mm)
Deathshroud 7 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 2 Deathshroud
  • Alchem pistol
  • Power scythe
  • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Death Guard)
  • Relentless
  • Deathshroud Retinue
  • Bulky (2)
  • Battle-hardened (1)
  • Stubborn
  • Chosen Warriors
Dedicated Transport
  • A Deathshroud Terminator Squad may include:
  • - Up to eight additional Deathshroud Terminators
    +70 points per model
  • Any model in the unit may be given any of the following:
  • - Melta bombs
    +5 points each
  • - Grenade harness
    +10 points each

Deathshroud Retinue

A Deathshroud Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Deathshroud Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Deathshroud Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Deathshroud Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. One Deathshroud Terminator in a Deathshroud Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue may exchange their power scythe for a Legion standard and power weapon for +15 points.


Never ones to squander their Legion’s ranks in bloody attrition or vainglorious frontal assaults, the Thousand Sons Legion, and indeed their Primarch, had long acknowledged the usefulness of the unliving might of battle-automata as obedient, resilient and ultimately expendable shock assault units. As with every other facet of warfare, the use of such battle-automata was something the Thousand Sons believed they could improve upon with the application of their psychic arts as a method of control and perhaps direct augmentation, freeing them potentially from the need for the techno-arcane lore of the Mechanicum to be directly called up in these machines’ construction and fielding. That such research had long been considered a ‘heretek anathema’ to the Mechanicum was a factor ignored, as was so much else in the Thousand Sons’ hubris, and with the secret assistance of nearrenegade elements from the isolated Forge World of Zhao-Arkhad, their early experiments had yielded fruit in the form of a custom-designed Castellax variant of their own specifications in the last years before their censure, a fact that came as a deadly shock to their attackers as Prospero fell.

  • Castellax-Achea Automata 140 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Castellax-Achea (base: 60mm)
Castellax-Achea 7 3 4 6 6 4 3 2 8 3+ 60mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Castellax-Achea
  • Æther-fire cannon
  • Two Asphyx bolters
  • Two Achea force claws
  • Atomantic deflector
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
  • Hammer of Wrath (1)
  • Adamantium Will (4+)
  • The unit may include up to four additional Castellax-Achea
    +140 points each
  • Any model may exchange its Æther-fire cannon for an Asphyx bolt cannon

Achea Force Claw

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Force’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Achea Force Claw
Melee, Rending (5+), Achean Force

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule. If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.


For many decades, the arts by which the powers of a psyker could be maintained medically into the halflife of Dreadnought sarcophagus internment eluded the Thousand Sons, just as it had many others of the Legiones Astartes who attempted the task. Instead lingering death, swift madness and worse yet, the potential for malign psychic phenomena resulted from every attempt to solve the problem. It was not until the mind of Magnus itself was focused on the issue, which he saw as part of the wider Librarius Project to establish firmly the place of the psyker within the Legiones Astartes, that a solution, albeit a difficult one, was created. The use of a crowning psychometric barrier lattice for the living brain of the mortally wounded psyker was his answer, a device he named the ‘osiron’. Difficult to construct and using principles few even among the Imperium’s foremost psi-arcanists understood, the Thousand Sons immediately began fitting it to the highly adaptable Contemptor Dreadnought chassis in their possession with startlingly powerful results. Records indicate that not long before the Council of Nikaea, Magnus gave the schematics to create such Dreadnoughts freely to the other Legions, though it is likely most spurned this gift entirely.

  • Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Talon 200 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought (base: 60mm)
Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought 8 5 5 7 7 6 4 3 9 2+ 60mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought
  • Gravis bolt cannon
  • Gravis force blade
  • Atomantic deflector
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
  • Dreadnought Talon
  • Adamantium Will (4+)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Talon of no more than one model may select a Dreadnought Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
  • The unit may include:
  • - Up to 2 additional Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnoughts
    +200 points per model
  • Any Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought in the unit may replace its Gravis bolt cannon with one of the following:
  • - Gravis melta cannon
    +5 points
  • - Gravis autocannon
    +10 points
  • - Æther-fire magna-cannon
    +10 points
  • - Conversion beam cannon
    +20 points
  • - Volkite dual-culverin
    +15 points
  • - Kheres assault cannon
    +15 points
  • - Gravis lascannon
    +20 points
  • - Gravis force blade with in-built combi-bolter
  • Any Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought may replace an in-built combi-bolter on a Gravis force blade with one of the following:
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Æther-fire blaster
    +10 points each
  • - Graviton gun
    +10 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • Any Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought may take one of the following:
  • - Havoc launcher
    +10 points per model
  • Any Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought may select a single Minor Arcana
    +15 points each
  • A Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Talon composed of a single model may be upgraded to an Osiron Magus Dreadnought, and select a single Psychic Discipline from the Core Psychic Discipline list.
    +50 points

Gravis force blade

Akin to the smaller force-blades wielded by the librarians of the Legiones Astartes, these monstrous weapons took the form of slabs of sharpened metal whose surface was laced with an intricate web of psycho-reactive receptors. These receptors allow the wielder to sheathe the blade in a field of psychic energy that amplifies its already terrifying destructive force.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

Gravis force blade
Melee, Brutal (2), Achean Force

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule. If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.


The Khenetai Occult were a mystical sect within the Thousand Sons Order of the Jackal who served as the guardians of the Prosperine Cults as well as their reliquaries and sanctums. Bound together by oath and ritually forged psychic bonds, each of the elite were all initiates of the Cults’ inner secrets and adepts in their techniques, philosophies and arts. The foremost warriors of the Khenetai formed cabals of ‘blades’, sublimely skilled warriors who had honed their psychic powers to be at one with their sword mastery. Their dual force swords were shaped from single sheets of psychocrystalline infused ceramite and gilt, with sigils said to correspond to the wielder’s secret names and the deeds they had performed. In battle, they wore armour forged and shaped by the Legion’s blind artificers using fire and the force of their minds alone, and fought with a unified precision that made them seem a single warrior manifested many times, rather than a group of individual fighters.

  • Khenetai Occult Cabal 145 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Khenetai Blade (base: 32mm)
Khenetai Blade 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Khenetai Blademaster (base: 32mm)
Khenetai Blademaster 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Khenetai Blades
  • 1 Khenetai Blademaster
  • Bolt pistol
  • Two Achea force swords
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Warriors of the Khenetai
Dedicated Transport
  • The Khenetai Occult Cabal may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Khenetai Blades
    +24 points per model
  • For every 5 models in the unit, one model may exchange their bolt pistol for one of the following:
  • - Æther-fire pistol
    +10 points each
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points each
  • The Khenetai Blademaster may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +15 points
  • The Khenetai Blademaster may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points

Warriors of the Khenetai

One of many lesser cults within the Prosperine Arcana, the Khenetai were few in number but renowned for the dedication and skill of the blademasters that filled their ranks. Unlike other warriors of the Thousand Sons they focussed their power inwards, using it to boost their prowess with the blade beyond the capability of any ordinary warrior.

A model with this special rule gains the Mindsong of Blades Psychic Power and may not select a Minor Arcana from those presented by the Prosperine Arcana special rule.

Mindsong of Blades (Psychic Power)

This psychic technique is unique to the Khenetai cult, one of hundreds of lesser cults that flourished in the short span of Magnus’ rule over Prospero. In battle these warriors forged a link between themselves and their weapons, performing feats of martial splendour that even the most well trained warriors could not match.

At the start of the controlling player’s turn, a Psychic check may be made for a unit composed entirely of models with this Psychic Power, using the highest Leadership Characteristic among those models. If the Check is successful then the unit gains +1 to the following Characteristics until the start of the Controlling player’s next turn: Movement, Weapon Skill, and Attacks. If the test is failed then the unit suffers Perils of the Warp.


The Sekhmet, also known widely as the Scarab Occult outside their Legion, were the elite of the First Fellowship of the Thousand Sons, and when called upon to do so, served as Magnus’ personal bodyguard. Clad in Terminator armour, each of them was a high initiate of the Prosperine Mysteries who had sublimated their abilities and emotions into the highest levels of spiritual control, and were able to shun injuries by mere strength of unified will that even to a Space Marine would have proved mortal. Marked by the jade scarab bonded to their armour, they stood apart from others of the Legion, a brotherhood within a brotherhood. Able to hold their minds at the highest levels of the Enumerations, the Scarab Occult fought with such unified precision and control that they seemed to some less warriors of flesh and blood, but more automata sculpted in the form of men.

  • Sekhmet Terminator Cabal 275 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Sekhmet (base: 40mm)
Sekhmet 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Sekhmet Inceptor (base: 40mm)
Sekhmet Inceptor 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Sekhmet
  • 1 Sekhmet Inceptor
  • Combi-bolter
  • Achea Pattern force weapon
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Stubborn
Dedicated Transport
  • A Sekhmet Terminator Cabal may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Sekhmet
    +50 points per model
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their force weapon for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +5 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points each
  • The Sekhmet Inceptor may take a grenade harness
    +5 points


One of the two principal elite formations within the wider Luna Wolves and later Sons of Horus Legion, the blackarmoured Justaerin were the pride of their Legion. Tasked with forming the ‘point of the spear’ of the Legion, they went where the fighting was thickest, their attack directed usually at destroying the heart of an opposing target or conducting the decapitation strike of an enemy force. Early proponents of the use of Tactical Dreadnought Armour, many entered combat as Terminators, relying on the resilience this gave them to smash aside any resistance and close in for the kill.

  • Justaerin Terminator Squad 275 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Justaerin (base: 40mm)
Justaerin 6 5 5 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 5 Justaerin
  • Banestrike bolter
  • Carsoran power axe
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator Armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Sons Of Horus)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Justaerin Retinue
  • Furious Charge (1)
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Stubborn
Dedicated Transport
  • A Justaerin Terminator Squad may include:
  • - Up to 7 additional Justaerin
    +50 points per model
  • For every five models in the unit, one Justaerin may exchange his Banestrike combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Reaper autocannon
    +15 points each
  • - Multi-melta
    +25 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their Banestrike combi-bolter for one of the following:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
  • - Volkite charger
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their Carsoran power axe for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points each
  • - Power weapon
  • - Lightning claw
  • - Chainfist
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points
  • Any model in the unit may exchange both their Banestrike combi-bolter and Carsoran power axe for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +5 points per model
  • Any model in the unit may take a grenade harness
    +10 points

Justaerin Retinue

A Justaerin Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Justaerin Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Justaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Justaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. If that Leader has the Deep Strike special rule then all models in the Justaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad gain the Deep Strike special rule as well. One Justaerin in a Justaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue may exchange their Banestrike combi-weapon for a Legion standard for +15 points.


An evolution of the despoiler and assault squads found in the order of battle of the Luna Wolves, the Reaver squads in many ways epitomised the Sons of Horus’ way of warfare. Heavily influenced by the tactics of the seething and incessant tribal warfare of Cthonia, Reaver units specialised in lightning swift assaults which maimed and disabled a foe, striking down leaders, mercilessly cutting down any who were weak or isolated, and sowing panic and disorder in any who remained. Vicious and adaptable, the Reaver squads could fight equally well in multiple theatres of warfare, from void boarding actions, to battlefield shock-assaults, to hit and run raids and scouring operations. Each Reaver unit, whether squad or entire company in strength, was effectively a warband in its own right, and its warriors fought more as individuals than regimented soldiers. Idiosyncratic both in appearance and wargear, it strove to make its own name and reputation. Of these the Catulan Reavers were the most infamous during the early battles of the Horus Heresy and were active at both Isstvan III and V, but there were many more.

  • Reaver Attack Squad 135 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Reaver (base: 32mm)
Reaver 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Reaver Chieftain (base: 32mm)
Reaver Chieftain 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Reavers
  • 1 Reaver Chieftain
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainaxe
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Sons Of Horus)
  • Relentless
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Precision Shots (6+)
  • Precision Strikes (6+)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Reaver Attack Squad may include:
  • - Up to 15 additional Reavers
    +22 points per model
  • One Reaver may take:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Reaver may take:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Power fist
    +15 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their bolt pistol for a:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 point each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their bolt pistol and chainaxe for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +15 points per model
  • For every 5 models in the unit, one Reaver may take one of the following:
  • - Flamer
    +10 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma gun
    +10 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +5 points each
  • The Reaver Chieftain may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points
  • The Reaver Chieftain may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


Serving alongside the Destroyers of the Word Bearers Legion, the Ashen Circle was a unique formation created for a unique purpose: the destruction of culture, learning and faith. These Space Marines were iconoclasts, charged beyond the battlefield with hunting down works of false doctrine and those who purveyed it, consigning both to destruction and eradicating flame. On the battlefield, their task was deemed no less important by their Legion; seeking out those things which gave the foe the heart and courage to fight: charismatic leaders, priests, battle flags and champions. These they singled out, dragged down with the hookblades of their axe-rakes and destroyed with brutal fervour, often making plunging attacks far in advance of their own lines in order to do so, with no thought as to their own survival. On world after world the Ashen Circle tore down libraries and churches, parliaments and sepulchres; first so that the Imperial Truth might be set up in their place, but later so that far darker creeds could take root and fester.

  • Ashen Circle Squad 125 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Incendiary (base: 32mm)
Incendiary 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Iconoclast (base: 32mm)
Iconoclast 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Incendiaries
  • 1 Iconoclast
  • Akkadic hand flamer
  • Axe-rake
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Melta bombs
  • Power armour
  • Legion Warhawk jump pack
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • Stubborn
  • Crusader
  • Bitter Duty
  • Scorched Earth
  • An Ashen Circle Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Incendiaries
    +20 points per model
  • The Iconoclast may exchange his Akkadic hand flamer for one of the following:
  • - Inferno pistol
    +15 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Iconoclast may take one phosphex bomb
    +15 points
  • The Iconoclast may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points

Scorched Earth

When a model with this special rule inflicts hits due to the Hammer of Wrath (X) special rule, it inflicts an additional Hit (so, a model with Hammer of Wrath (1) would inflict 2 Hits), and all Hits inflicted due to the Hammer of Wrath (X) special rule gain a bonus of +1 to their Strength (this is cumulative with any other modifiers that may be applied to such Hits) and are counted as ‘Flame’ attacks for those rules that modify such attacks.


A heavily reinforced axe-weapon with a grappling barb, this vicious blade is used to drag down victims and topple graven idols and false icons for the Word Bearers’ pyres.

Melee, Shred

Iconoclast Armoury

The Ashen Circle are masters of a variety of esoteric thermal weaponry, making use of both advanced flame weapons and compact melta pistols in battle.

Inferno pistol
Pistol 1, Armourbane (Melta)
Akkadic hand flamer
Assault 1, Torrent (6"), Pinning


The Gal Vorbak is built upon the remnants of the Serrated Sun Chapter of the Word Bearers Legion, the conquerors of the primitive world of Cadia who looked into the depths of the Eye of Terror itself and in doing so were changed for all time. Their psyches infiltrated by creatures from the darkness of the Æther, the survivors are named the Gal Vorbak, or ‘Blessed Sons’ in the language of Colchis, and are possessed of strengths and abilities far above those of other Legiones Astartes. It is said that each of the Gal Vorbak was host to some form of warp entity, itself subservient to the greater scheme plotted between Warmaster Horus and the nightmare powers beyond. In battle, this being comes to dominate the mind and body of the warrior. His already mighty form swells as hands turn into rending talons and jaws into slavering, fang-filled maws twisted beyond reason and reality. At Isstvan V, the Word Bearers’ pact with the horrors beyond was sealed in a great ritual of carnage and betrayal.

  • Gal Vorbak Squad 275 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Dark Brethren (base: 40mm)
Dark Brethren 8 5 4 5 5 3 5 3 9 3+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 5 Dark Brethren
  • Boltspitter
  • Tainted talons
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • Relentless
  • Chosen Warriors
  • Rage (2)
  • Feel No Pain (5+)
  • Bulky (2)
  • Traitor
  • The Gal Vorbak Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Dark Brethren
    +55 points per model
  • For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange their boltspitter for one of the following:
  • - Flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +10 points each
  • - Warpfire blaster
    +10 points each
  • - Tainted talons
  • For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange their Tainted talons for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
  • - Power fist
    +15 points each


First encountered during the Battle of Ithraca amidst the catastrophe on Calth, the Shadow Crusade which ravaged Ultramar confirmed the existence of this twisted monster and its kin, an enemy unlike anything the Loyalists had faced. In form it was undeniably Contemptor Dreadnought in origin, its fire-blackened armour running like molten wax as its plates cracked open to pour out blood and choking black flames. The bounds of reality bent and buckled around the machine-creature, the ground itself seeming to shudder, flesh blistering and metal burning with black empyreal fire at its passing. Cultic writings record it as the ‘Mhara Gal’ —a complex Colchosian allegorical phrase translated as “…that which was blessed, but now stands beyond the sight of the gods" and claims this first travesty to have been one of the original Gal Vorbak dismembered and shattered, but clinging to life after the apocalyptic battle on Isstvan V. These writings describe this fallen killer as having “failed its oath to the Eightfold path" and being “punished with life beyond death".

  • Mhara Gal Dreadnought 240 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Mhara Gal Dreadnought (base: 60mm)
Mhara Gal Dreadnought 8 6 3 7 7 8 5 3 10 2+ 60mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Mhara Gal Dreadnought
  • Warpfire cannon
  • Tainted claw with in-built boltspitter
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
  • It Will Not Die (5+)
  • Rampage (2)
  • Shroud of Dark Fire
  • Accursed
  • Pathfinder
  • Move Through Cover
  • Traitor
  • A Mhara Gal Dreadnought may replace its Warpfire cannon and/or Tainted claw and in-built boltspitter with one of the following:
  • - Greater boltspitter
  • - Gravis melta cannon
  • - Gravis autocannon
  • - Warpfire cannon
  • - Gravis lascannon
    +10 points
  • - Tainted claw with in-built boltspitter

Shroud of Dark Fire

The atomantic reactor which once powered the Mhara Gal has since twisted and warped to become a thing of ravaging darkness, burning with coal-black fire from the depths of the Empyrean. Such is the baleful power of this force, it shrouds the Mhara Gal Dreadnought in a guttering conflagration that leaks from the rends in its armour and belches from the ventilation stacks on its back, waxing as the nightmarish war machine kills, and waning to shadowed embers when it is at rest. Even the solar heat of plasma fire is muted and consumed on contact with this dark radiance, and flesh withers and crumbles to dust.

Any Hit allocated to a model with this special rule from a Plasma, Flame, Melta or Volkite weapon has its Strength reduced by -1. In addition, a model with this special rule gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save and should it suffer an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule inflicted on it. If a model with this special rule loses its last Wound or Hull Point, but before it is removed as a casualty, all models both friendly and enemy within D6+6" suffer an automatic Hit at Strength 8 and with an AP of -.


A baleful vortex of empyreal forces is centred upon the accursed Mhara Gal, like a moving sinkhole on the face of reality incarnated into its twisted form, and the echoes of this tormenting force drive even its allies away from it in reeling horror. The radiations of fear and horror that the war machine generates are particularly abhorrent to psykers and even daemonkind, who must shun this warp abomination lest the black fire at its core consume their soul-stuff.

All models with the Daemon Unit Type and/or Psyker or Corrupted Sub-type must reduce their Toughness and Strength by -1 while they are within 6" of a model with this special rule. Models that also have this special rule are immune to its effects.


Though the Alpha Legion maintains and fields the entire spectrum of Legiones Astartes unit configurations, few know of the Lernaean Terminator Squads. This is not because they seek to obscure their existence, but rather because they rarely leave behind any witnesses of their deeds. The Lernaeans are, like the beast that is their namesake and the icon of the Legion, an unformed legend and the object of shrouded dread. They are the grinding jaws of the many-headed Hydra, the furious assault from the unexpected quarter. And like the beast of myth, they are all but impossible to slay. The Lernaeans are clad in Cataphractii Tactical Dreadnought Armour chased with baroque finery and are armed with Volkite chargers, making them fearsome close assault and vanguard spearhead units against which few enemies can stand. In battle they advance relentlessly upon the foe, descending with controlled fury and slaying any enemy not driven to rout before them. Having secured their objective, they hold it stubbornly against all counter-attacks, like the great beast with its jaws clamped firmly about its doomed prey.

  • Lernaean Terminator Squad 250 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Lernaean (base: 40mm)
Lernaean 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Harrower (base: 40mm)
Harrower 6 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Lernaeans
  • 1 Harrower
  • Volkite charger
  • Power axe
  • One venom sphere (Harrower only)
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • It Will Not Die (5+)
  • Stubborn
  • Hydran Exemplars
Dedicated Transport
  • A Lernaean Terminator Squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Lernaeans
    +45 points per model
  • For every five models in the unit, one Lernaean may exchange his volkite charger for one of the following:
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Conversion beam cannon
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma blaster
    +10 points each
  • - Volkite culverin
    +10 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their power axe for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +15 points each
  • - Chainfist
    +20 points each

Hydran Exemplars

The controlling player of a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule must select any one variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule other than Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) at the start of the battle before any models are deployed. All models in the unit with this special rule gain a bonus of +1 to all To Hit rolls made against models with the chosen variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule.



Jump pack-equipped assault squads are rapid attack forces whose wargear is optimised towards close quarter fighting and hit-and-run tactics. The use of jump packs allows assault squads to move with great speed across the battlefield and impact the enemy line with savage force, leaping past intervening terrain and open defences to engage their adversaries in bloody melee. The needs of even limited flight systems however preclude the use of heavy weaponry or extensive munitions supplies. Jump pack equipped assault squads are not embraced to the same extent by all of the Legions for reasons of combat doctrine, temperament or simple resource difficulties, with the Raven Guard and Night Lords being among their greatest proponents. Even those Legions who do not favour the use of assault squads, such as the Death Guard and Iron Hands, will field a force of them when the need arises.

  • Legion Assault Squad 145 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legionary (base: 32mm)
Legionary 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Assault Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Assault Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 9 Legionaries
  • 1 Legion Assault Sergeant
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Legion Warhawk jump pack
  • Power armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Assault Squad may take:
  • - Up to 10 additional Legionaries
    +12 points each
  • The entire unit may take combat shields
    +2 points per model
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legionary may exchange his chainsword for one of the following options:
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points each
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +5 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legionary may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following options:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • The Legion Assault Sergeant may exchange a bolt pistol and/or chainsword for one of the following options:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • The Legion Assault Sergeant may exchange his bolt pistol and chainsword for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +15 points
  • The Legion Assault Sergeant may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points
  • The Legion Assault Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


The most hazardous and desperate spheres of warfare such as boarding actions amid the cold void of space and the forlorn hope of the first wave of attackers into a breached fortress domain can prove lethal beyond endurance, even for the warriors of the Legiones Astartes. For this reason, since the early days of the Great Crusade, specialised forms of wargear and tactics have been under continuous development to cope with these ‘Zones Mortalis’ and certain Legions such as the Imperial Fists, World Eaters and the Iron Warriors have even made these bloody modes of warfare their particular concern. Breacher Siege squads are units of Space Marines equipped with specialised arms and armour designed to enable them to act as a vanguard in such missions, including heavy ablative shields to resist enemy fire and specialised breaching charges and lascutters to bypass bulkheads and shatter strongpoints.

  • Legion Breacher Squad 155 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Breacher (base: 32mm)
Legion Breacher 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Breacher Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Breacher Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 9 Legion Breachers
  • 1 Legion Breacher Sergeant
  • Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Boarding shield
  • Power armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Breacher charges
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Breacher Squad may take:
  • - Up to 10 additional Legion Breachers
    +15 points each
  • One Legion Breacher may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legion Breacher may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Breacher may take an augury scanner
    +10 points
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolter for a:
  • - Volkite charger
    +2 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Breacher may exchange his bolter for one of the following:
  • - Flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • - Graviton gun
    +15 points each
  • - Lascutter
    +20 points each
  • The Legion Breacher Sergeant may exchange his bolter for:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • The Legion Breacher Sergeant may take one of the following options:
  • - Chainsword
    +5 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +20 points
  • The Legion Breacher Sergeant may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Legion Breacher Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points
  • The Legion Breacher Sergeant may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points


When close-quarter fighting is expected, Legion Tactical squads will be equipped in the ‘Despoiler’ role, a term that refers to Tactical Legionaries that forgo the standard bolter in favour of alternative weaponry. Despoiler squads are often armed with bolt pistols and chainswords, offering them increased flexibility during boarding actions or trench warfare. On the battlefield, Despoiler squads engage the enemy line directly, carving a bloody path through entrenched foes, shattering their morale and slaughtering all who do not flee.

  • Legion Despoiler Squad 100 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Despoiler (base: 32mm)
Legion Despoiler 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Despoiler Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Despoiler Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 9 Legion Despoilers
  • 1 Legion Despoiler Sergeant
  • Chainsword
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Spite of the Legion
  • Heart of the Legion
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Despoiler Squad may take:
  • - Up to 10 additional Legion Despoilers
    +10 points each
  • One Legion Despoiler may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legion Despoiler may take an augury scanner
    +10 points
  • One Legion Despoiler may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its chainsword for:
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points each
  • - Bolt pistol
    +1 point each
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Despoiler may exchange his chainsword for one of the following options:
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +5 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one Legion Despoiler may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following options:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Legion Despoiler Sergeant may exchange a bolt pistol and/or chainsword for one of the following options:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • The Legion Despoiler Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points
  • The Legion Despoiler Sergeant may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points


The eyes and ears of the Legion in the field, Reconnaissance squads are formed from experienced Space Marines expert in operating independently and often deep behind enemy lines. This is a task for which they are armed and equipped with a variety of specialised wargear including longrange weaponry, sensorauspex and stealth gear. They perform the function of scouts and intelligence gatherers, identifying targets and gathering information on enemy movements and strengths. They also serve the Legion as pickets, saboteurs, raiders and snipers where needed, and in open battle are expert in sudden flanking manoeuvres and infiltration attacks in support of their main force.

  • Legion Reconnaissance Squad 85 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Recon Legionary (base: 32mm)
Recon Legionary 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Recon Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Recon Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Recon Legionaries
  • 1 Legion Recon Sergeant
  • Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Shroud bombs
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Scout
  • Infiltrate
  • Support Squad
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Reconnaissance Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Recon Legionaries
    +12 points each
  • Any model with a bolter may take:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolter for one of the following:
  • - Nemesis bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Astartes shotgun
  • - Chainsword
  • One Recon Legionary may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Recon Legionary may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Recon Legionary may take an augury scanner
    +10 points
  • The entire unit may take the following option:
  • - Melta bombs
    +5 points per model
  • The Legion Recon Sergeant may exchange his bolter for:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • The Legion Recon Sergeant may take one of the following options:
  • - Chainsword
    +5 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +15 points
  • The Legion Recon Sergeant may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following options:
  • - Hand flamer
    +2 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points


Scouts are equipped with lighter recon armour, which affords them far greater mobility than a full suit of power armour and allows them to operate far ahead of the main Space Marine advance. These bold warriors are often some of the most experienced warriors in a Legion’s line companies and specialise in disrupting enemy advances, and marking enemy positions. In battle, these agile warriors take to the high-ground to ply their skills as snipers, or race ahead of the main advance to perform daring assaults on objectives, holding them until slower troops can relieve them.

  • Legion Scout Squad 65 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Scout (base: 25mm)
Legion Scout 8 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 4+ 25mm
Legion Scout Sergeant (base: 25mm)
Legion Scout Sergeant 8 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 4+ 25mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legion Scouts
  • 1 Legion Scout Sergeant
  • Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Shroud bombs
  • Scout armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Scout
  • Infiltrate
  • Move Through Cover
  • Support Squad
  • A Legion Scout Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legion Scouts
    +8 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolter for one of the following:
  • - Nemesis bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Chainsword
  • - Astartes shotgun
  • One Legion Scout may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legion Scout may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any model with a bolter may take a:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • The entire unit may take the following option:
  • - Melta bombs
    +5 points per model
  • The Legion Scout Sergeant may exchange his bolter for:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • The Legion Scout Sergeant may exchange a chainsword for one of the following options:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • The Legion Scout Sergeant may exchange a bolt pistol for one of the following options:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points


Tactical squads are the mainstay of the Space Marine Legions and the force by which the Great Crusade has reconquered much of the galaxy. It is by the fighting power of thousands of superhuman warriors such as these, armed and armoured for battle in the harshest of environments and the deadliest of war zones that the enemies of Mankind have been crushed time and again. The Legion Tactical squad is a highly flexible infantry unit, able to attack or defend at will, assault heavily fortified positions and take and hold strategic objectives or simply slaughter an enemy comprehensively in almost any terrain or situation.

  • Legion Tactical Squad 100 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legionary (base: 32mm)
Legionary 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Tactical Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Tactical Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 9 Legionaries
  • 1 Legion Tactical Sergeant
  • Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Fury of the Legion
  • Heart of the Legion
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Tactical Squad may take:
  • - Up to 10 additional Legionaries
    +10 points each
  • One Legionary may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legionary may take an augury scanner
    +10 points
  • One Legionary may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • Any model with a bolter may take:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • All Legionaries in the unit may be given chainswords
    +5 points per model
  • The Legion Tactical Sergeant may exchange his bolter for:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • The Legion Tactical Sergeant may take one of the following options:
  • - Chainsword
    +5 points
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +10 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • The Legion Tactical Sergeant may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • - Hand flamer
    +2 points
  • The Legion Tactical Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points
  • The Legion Tactical Sergeant may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +10 points


Tactical support squads are mobile fire-support units that replace the utilitarian bolter of their comrades with more specialised weapons, enabling them to cope with particular battlefield threats or enemies. Operating in close order with the Legion’s other troops, the support squad’s firepower enables a battlefield strike force of Space Marines to act with even more versatility and engage a wider range of targets on its own terms. The most common armaments used by tactical support squads are flamers, which are ideal for urban warfare, bunker and trench clearance, as well as eradicating xenos life forms from an area. Rapid-firing rotor cannon are used against large numbers of lightly-armed foes, thermic energy meltas for tank-busting, and, where available, plasma and volkite weapons against the most heavily-armoured and monstrous enemies.

  • Legion Tactical Support Squad 85 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legionary (base: 32mm)
Legionary 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Tactical Support Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Tactical Support Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legionaries
  • 1 Legion Tactical Support Sergeant
  • Flamer
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power armour
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Support Squad
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Tactical Support Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legionaries
    +12 points each
  • One Legionary may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legionary may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legionary may take an augury scanner
    +10 points
  • The entire squad may exchange its flamers for one of the following options (all models in the unit must take the same option):
  • - Rotor cannon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
  • - Volkite caliver
    +10 points each
  • - Plasma gun
    +10 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • All Legionaries in the unit may take a chainsword
    +5 points per model
  • The Legion Tactical Support Sergeant may take one of the following options:
  • - Chainsword
    +5 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +15 points
  • The Legion Tactical Support Sergeant may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • The Legion Tactical Support Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


Under the leadership of Leman Russ, and their embracing of the warrior-culture of chill and savage Fenris that he had come to embody, the Space Wolves Legion began to change to become a singular hybrid of Fenris’ unforgiving and ruthless way of battle and the patterns of more recognisably Imperial military doctrine that had gone before. This new Space Wolves Legion was truly a reflection of neither of those parents, but something new entirely, and the increasing use of so-called Grey Slayer units was perhaps one of the most visible outward signs of this transformation.

Whereas the Terran-style tactical squads, decreasingly evident in the VIth Legion’s order of battle, were disciplined cogs in an intricate machine of war, the Grey Slayers were, in effect, compact individual warbands of Space Marines, all but autonomous in their own right in the field: fluid, sure-footed and largely exempt from the reliance on direct commands from above. They were expected to deal with myriad challenges on their own if needs be and, above all, to close with the enemy on their own terms, to seek and destroy.

  • Grey Slayer Pack 145 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Grey Slayer (base: 32mm)
Grey Slayer 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Huscarl (base: 32mm)
Huscarl 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 9 Grey Slayers
  • 1 Huscarl
  • Bolt pistol
  • Fenrisian axe
  • Combat shield
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves)
  • Relentless
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Heart of the Legion
Dedicated Transport
  • The Grey Slayer Pack may include:
  • - Up to 10 additional Grey Slayers
    +12 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its combat shield for a:
  • - Bolter
  • Any model with a bolter may take:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its Fenrisian axe for a:
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its Fenrisian axe for a:
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points each
  • - Power fist
    +20 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its bolt pistol for a:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • One Grey Slayer may take:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Grey Slayer may take:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • The Huscarl may exchange his Fenrisian axe for one of the following options:
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • - Frost blade (sword, axe or claw)
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +25 points
  • The Huscarl may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following options:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Huscarl may exchange his Fenrisian axe and bolt pistol for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +15 points
  • The Huscarl may exchange his power armour for artificer armour
    +10 points
  • The Huscarl may take melta bombs
    +10 points


Counterparts to the Grey Slayers, the Grey Stalkers served to complement their raw and savage fury with a more focussed rage and more varied panoply. Their role in battle was more akin to that of the traditional tactical squad, to take and hold ground, but moulded by the teachings of Leman Russ into something new and distinct. In battle they followed on the heels of the Grey Slayers, harrying those foes too well entrenched for a frontal assault and securing the objectives cleared by the onslaught of the Grey Slayers.

The Grey Stalkers were often composed of a more higher number of Terran recruits than other cadres of the Space Wolves. Being among those units most akin to the old ways of the Legion, and less tied to the savage rites and grim culture of Fenris, these units were often best suited to the skills such warriors excelled at. This unintended division of the Legion also brought with it a subtle hint of disfavour for the Grey Stalkers, for some among those Fenrisian warriors that stood highest in Leman Russ’ favour found them lacking in zeal for the changes that had transformed the Space Wolves Legion.

  • Grey Stalker Pack 145 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Grey Stalker (base: 32mm)
Grey Stalker 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Huscarl (base: 32mm)
Huscarl 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 9 Grey Stalkers
  • 1 Huscarl
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves)
  • Relentless
  • Counter-attack (1)
  • Heart of the Legion
Dedicated Transport
  • The Grey Stalkers Pack may include:
  • - Up to 10 additional Grey Stalkers
    +12 points each
  • The entire unit may take one of the following options:
  • - Bolter
    +1 point per model
  • - Combat shield
    +1 point per model
  • Any model with a bolter may take a:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its chainsword for a:
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one model may take a:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite charger
    +5 points each
  • - Rotor cannon
    +5 points each
  • - Volkite caliver
    +5 points each
  • - Plasma gun
    +10 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its chainsword for a:
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +2 points each
  • - Power fist
    +20 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its bolt pistol for a:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points each
  • One Grey Stalker may take a:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Grey Stalker may take a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • The Huscarl may exchange his chainsword for one of the following options:
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • - Frost blade (sword, axe or claw)
    +15 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +25 points
  • The Huscarl may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following options:
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Huscarl may exchange his chainsword and bolt pistol for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +15 points
  • The Huscarl may exchange his power armour for artificer armour
    +10 points
  • The Huscarl may take melta bombs
    +10 points

Dedicated Transports


Developed alongside the more common Legion drop pod in general service, specifically-designed Dreadnought drop pods, such as the Lucius pattern heavy drop pod, are somewhat larger than the standard drop pods of the Legiones Astartes and have a more powerful engine, allowing for a dangerously meteoric descent to the battlefield. This serves to protect their cargo during approach and allow it to strike with unprecedented speed. The stresses involved, however, are such that only the heavilyarmoured and protected shell of a Dreadnought could hope to survive the descent and impact with the ground without being wrecked or pulverised. Dreadnought drop pods are still highly valued by many Legions, especially considering the attrition rate they commonly suffer in battle, while others inherently dislike the design, lacking as it does armament or the adaptability of more mobile, multi-role designs such as the Deathclaw pattern recently made available.

  • Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod 100 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod (base: Use model)
Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod - 2 12 12 12 3 * Use model
This model may only be selected as a Dedicated Transport for another unit, and may not be selected as a separate unit.
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Inertial Guidance System
  • Orbital Assault Vehicle
  • Impact-reactive Doors
  • Deep Strike
  • Dreadnought Transport
*The Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod has no Transport Capacity, but a single Dreadnought may Embark on it using the Dreadnought Transport special rule.
Access Points
  • A Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod has one Access Point on each side.


Drop pods are self-contained, recoverable orbital descent capsules, each designed to carry a squad of Space Marines (with modified versions fitted to carry Dreadnoughts and other gear). They are used for surprise attacks and combat drops into the midst of active war zones, with Space Marine warships showering them down like ordnance from the edge of space towards their target. Drop pods are armoured and reinforced to withstand the rigours of re-entry (and ground fire to some extent), but their only true defence is speed and unaugmented humans have little chance of surviving flight and landing within one.

  • Legion Drop Pod 35 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Drop Pod (base: Use model)
Legion Drop Pod - 2 12 12 12 3 10 Use model
This model may only be selected as a Dedicated Transport for another unit, and may not be selected as a separate unit.
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Drop Pod
  • Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Inertial Guidance System
  • Impact-reactive Doors
  • Orbital Assault Vehicle
  • Deep Strike
  • Infantry Transport
Access Points
  • A Legion Drop Pod has one Access Point on each side.


The Rhino is the most widely used armoured personnel carrier in the Imperium. Based on ancient STC technology the fundamental design is robust, reliable and easy to maintain, and its adaptive power plant can run off a wide variety of fuels (with varying degrees of efficiency), making it perfect for the wideranging armies of the Great Crusade. Produced in the thousands and with several distinct patterns in common use – the Deimos being most widespread in the Space Marine Legions, it has also served as the basis for a number of other war machines.

  • Legion Rhino Transport 35 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Rhino (base: Use model)
Legion Rhino 14 4 11 11 10 3 12 Use model
This model may only be selected as a Dedicated Transport for another unit, and may not be selected as a separate unit.
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Rhino Transport
  • Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Repair
  • Infantry Transport
Access Points
  • A Legion Rhino Transport has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear.
  • A Legion Rhino Transport may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points
  • - Dozer blade
    +5 points
  • A Legion Rhino Transport may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +30 points


Originally designed on Terra for the task of rooting out burrowing xenos species during the Great Crusade, canny commanders quickly found use for the Terrax pattern Termite assault drill in tearing through the foundations of enemy bastions or emerging behind barricades or trench lines to lay waste to their defenders. A specialised transport vehicle, the Termite is capable of bringing a full squad of warriors to the battlefield whilst bypassing enemy auspex and atmospheric scanners. Similar in design to the boarding torpedoes launched from starships, the Termite safely transports its passengers thanks to gyroscopic stabilisation harnesses which limit impact and acceleration trauma. Rock, earth and even hardened plasteel offer little hindrance to its grinding drill, which utilises a linked array of melta cutters and phaseshield generators to aid the vehicle’s progress. Once at its target location, it emerges onto the surface, or even directly into the lower level of macrofortifications, scattering nearby enemies with its melta cutters before disgorging its cargo.

  • Legion Termite Assault Drill 80 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Termite (base: Use model)
Legion Termite 8 4 12 12 10 3 12 Use model
This model may only be selected as a Dedicated Transport for another unit, and may not be selected as a separate unit.
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Termite Assault Drill
  • Two Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolters
  • Melta cutters
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Infantry Transport
Access Points
  • A Legion Termite Assault Drill has two Access Points, one on each side of the hull.
  • A Legion Termite Assault Drill may exchange both its twin-linked bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Pintle Mounted twin-linked volkite chargers
    +5 points
  • - Two Pintle Mounted heavy flamers
    +5 points

Fast Attack


The Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod was initially designed to insert Legion Space Marine boarding forces onto enemy void-craft in the midst of battle. As such they have a minimal profile and a heavily armoured hull designed to survive weapons fire from smaller ship-based close defence weaponry, while a series of melta cutters allow them to slice through a ship’s outer hull and deliver their cargo into the heart of a vessel.

Unlike some earlier boarding craft, which were incapable of returning their cargo, the Dreadclaw is also fully capable of operating as an independent dropship. Indeed, many Legions favour using the Dreadclaw in this role instead of the more common Storm Eagle, dropping from the sky like a flaming comet and employing the craft’s thermal jets and melta cutters to scorch the landing zone clean before disembarking the assault troops contained within. Though lacking in any subtlety or elegance, this tactic is undeniably effective, and many crews have developed a dark notoriety for their skill at reckless low altitude strafing runs, leaving great swathes of the enemy’s lines aflame with each pass.

  • Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod 115 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Dreadclaw (base: 120 x 92mm flying base)
Legion Dreadclaw 15 4 12 12 12 3 12 120 x 92mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Deep Strike
  • Dreadnought Transport
  • Inertial Guidance System
  • Heat Blast
Access Points
  • The entire hull of the Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod is counted as an Access Point.


Outriders are mechanised Space Marine reconnaissance squads who take to the field mounted on ruggedly constructed, all-terrain armoured ground bikes and scramblers. Used for scouting missions as well as rapid encirclement and hit-and-run attacks behind enemy lines, the chief advantage of the Outriders is speed, their bikes enabling them to cover ground far quicker than infantry and go where heavier vehicles cannot.

  • Legion Outrider Squadron 85 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Outrider (base: 60 x 35mm)
Legion Outrider 14 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 60 x 35mm
Legion Outrider Sergeant (base: 60 x 35mm)
Legion Outrider Sergeant 14 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 60 x 35mm
Unit Composition
  • 2 Legion Outriders
  • 1 Legion Outrider Sergeant
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Power armour
  • Legion Spatha combat bike
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Relentless
  • Scout
  • Firing Protocols (2)
  • Hammer of Wrath (1)
  • Hit & Run
  • The Legion Outrider Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 7 additional Legion Outriders
    +20 points each
  • One Legion Outrider may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Outrider may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • The entire unit may replace its Legion Spatha combat bikes’ twin-linked bolters with:
  • - Twin-linked flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Twin-linked meltagun
    +15 points each
  • - Twin-linked plasma gun
    +10 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Charnabal weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points each
  • - Astartes shotgun
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolt pistol for one of the following:
  • - Hand flamer
    +2 points each
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points each
  • The Legion Outrider Sergeant may exchange his chainsword for a:
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • The Legion Outrider Sergeant may exchange his bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • The Legion Outrider Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


Mainstays of most Space Marine Legion armouries, Land Speeders are high speed reconnaissance and rapid attack skimmers that utilise antigravity technology to achieve extraordinary battlefield mobility and speed. As lightly armoured twoman craft, they require the kind of skill and reflexes to operate at peak performance that only a Space Marine can bring to bear, and rely more on their extreme manoeuvrability and speed for survival than durability. Land Speeder squadrons provide a Space Marine force with a flexible core of rapidly deployable firepower and make for highly able tank hunters and close air support units. As a result, mixed formations of Land Speeders are often called upon to operate as a rapid reaction force, held in reserve to quickly intercept enemy counter-attacks. Striking fast and hard they are particularly apt to fight delaying actions whilst the rest of a Space Marine force moves into attack positions or redeploys, and are able to use their speed to retreat successfully if needed from the very teeth of a foe.

  • Legion Proteus Land Speeder Squadron 60 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Land Speeder Proteus (base: 60mm flying base)
Legion Land Speeder Proteus 16 4 4 4 5 3 4 2 8 3+ 60mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Land Speeder Proteus
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Power armour
  • Legion Proteus Land Speeder
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Deep Strike
  • Relentless
  • Firing Protocols (4)
  • Harbingers of the Legion
  • Outflank
  • Hit & Run
  • A Legion Proteus Land Speeder Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 4 additional Legion Speeder Proteus
    +60 points each
  • Any model may replace the Legion Proteus Land Speeder’s heavy bolter with a:
  • - Heavy flamer
  • - Havoc launcher
    +5 points each
  • - Multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Volkite culverin
    +5 points each
  • - Plasma cannon
    +10 points each
  • - Graviton gun
    +10 points each
  • Any model may take one of the following in addition to the Legion Proteus Land Speeder’s heavy bolter:
  • - Heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Havoc launcher
    +10 points each
  • - Heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Multi-melta
    +25 points each
  • - Volkite culverin
    +10 points each
  • - Plasma cannon
    +15 points each
  • - Graviton gun
    +15 points each
  • Any model may take up to two hunter-killer missiles
    +5 points each


Fast, rugged and heavily armed, the Sabre serves the Legiones Astartes as a strike tank, attacking key enemy targets and destroying them long before they can pose a threat to any army. Fitted with a number of advanced weapons systems, from rapid fire autocannon to exotic beam weapons, there were few foes that could resist the firepower of a full squadron of these swift hunters. Once the foe is annihilated, the speed of these fleet vehicles allows them to evade any counter-attack and reform to strike at the vulnerable flanks of the enemy army, keeping the heavy armour suppressed as the Space Marine infantry advances to crush the foes of the Emperor. The Sabre is the first of a new breed of Space Marine armoured vehicles, much like the prototype Sicaran, the result of the distilled experience of the Great Crusade. It carries a variety of technological wonders newly forged by the adepts of the Mechanicum, from advanced cogitator arrays to multi-axle drive cores, all intended to allow the tank to be operated by a single Space Marine. It embodies a new, mobile style of war; a departure from the static gun lines of the early Great Crusade.

  • Legion Sabre Strike Squadron 80 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Sabre (base: Use model)
Legion Sabre 16 4 12 11 10 3 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Sabre
  • Centreline Mounted Anvilus snub autocannon
  • Hull (Front) Mounted heavy bolter
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Sabre Strike Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Sabres
    +70 points each
  • Any Legion Sabre may exchange its Anvilus snub autocannon for one of the following:
  • - Centreline Mounted neutron blaster
    +20 points each
  • - Centreline Mounted volkite saker
  • Any Legion Sabre may exchange its heavy bolter for one of the following:
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted multi-melta
    +25 points each
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted volkite culverin
    +15 points each
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted heavy flamer
  • Any Legion Sabre may take one of the following options:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Sabre may take searchlights
    +5 points each
  • Any Legion Sabre may take up to:
  • - Four Hull (Front) Mounted Sabre missiles
    +5 points each


Seeker squads are comprised of a specialised force of Space Marines whose principal task on the battlefield is to identify an enemy’s command structure — its warlords, officers, priests, demagogues — whatever they may be, and slay them with a well-placed bolt round while the battle rages round them. The Alpha Legion are said to have first crystallised this tactic and squad configuration, which has since, with the Emperor’s approval, spread to the other Legions, although its use sits poorly within the combat doctrine of some. Seeker squad members are chosen primarily on pure merit as the best shots in their Legion, as a Seeker strike force will often be forced to rely on the briefest window of opportunity to take down their targets at close range, rather than have the luxury of distance and able sighting as a sniper in a reconnaissance squad might have. To aid them in the kill, Seeker squads are usually equipped with special issue ammunition to better deal with their chosen victims.

  • Legion Seeker Squad 105 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Seeker (base: 32mm)
Legion Seeker 7 4 5 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Seeker Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Seeker Sergeant 7 4 5 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legion Seekers
  • 1 Legion Seeker Sergeant
  • Kraken bolter (with Tempest and Scorpius rounds)
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Marked for Death
  • Precision Shots (4+)
  • Infiltrate
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Seeker Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legion Seekers
    +15 points each
  • The entire unit may take melta bombs
    +5 points per model
  • Any model may exchange its kraken bolter for:
  • - Magna combi-weapon*
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon*
    +5 points each
  • - Chainsword
  • - Heavy chainsword
    +5 points each
  • - Nemesis bolter*
    +10 points each
*If a combi-weapon or Nemesis bolter is selected, the model may not make use of Tempest rounds or Scorpius rounds. A Legion Seeker Sergeant that selects a magna combi-weapon may take a disintegrator as its secondary weapon.
  • One Legion Seeker may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Seeker may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • One Legion Seeker may take an augury scanner
    +10 points
  • Any model with a kraken bolter may take:
  • - Bayonet
    +1 point each
  • - Chain bayonet
    +2 points each
  • The Legion Seeker Sergeant may exchange a chainsword or kraken bolter for one of the following options:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +15 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +15 points
  • The Legion Seeker Sergeant may exchange a bolt pistol for a:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Hand flamer
    +5 points
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points
  • The Legion Seeker Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


Sky Hunters are feared strike units which use sophisticated and powerful jetbikes as mounts. These grav-impellor assisted, jet engine-propelled craft are more akin to compact aircraft than ground bikes and are able to maintain great speeds for extended periods of low altitude flight. Their lift-strength is sufficient not only to carry a heavily armoured Space Marine and his wargear aloft, but also a variety of heavy weapons mounts and stocks of ammunition, giving the Sky Hunters extremely potent firepower. The jetbike patterns in service with the Space Marine Legions are modifications of designs which considerably pre-date the Imperium and given the materials required to make and maintain them (such as the iridium-calicite alloys needed to fabricate the hyper-efficient suspensor/ repulsor plates required for flight), demand for them by the Legions has always outstripped supply.

  • Legion Sky-hunter Squadron 105 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Sky-hunter (base: 60mm flying base)
Legion Sky-hunter 16 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 7 3+ 60mm flying base
Legion Sky-hunter Sergeant (base: 60mm flying base)
Legion Sky-hunter Sergeant 16 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 60mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 2 Legion Sky-hunters
  • 1 Legion Sky-hunter Sergeant
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Power armour
  • Legion Scimitar jetbike
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Relentless
  • Firing Protocols (2)
  • Hammer of Wrath (1)
  • Hit & Run
  • Deep Strike
  • A Legion Sky-hunter Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 7 additional Legion Sky-hunters
    +30 points each
  • One Legion Sky-hunter may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legion Sky-hunter may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • Any model in the unit may replace its Legion Scimitar jetbike’s heavy bolter with:
  • - Volkite culverin
    +5 points each
  • - Multi-melta
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma cannon
    +10 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange its bolt pistol for one of the following:
  • - Hand flamer
    +2 points each
  • - Volkite serpenta
    +5 points each
  • The Legion Sky-hunter Sergeant may exchange his chainsword for one of the following:
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +20 points
  • - Lightning claw
    +10 points
  • The Legion Sky-hunter Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


The Storm Eagle Assault Gunship is one of the most numerous designs found in a Space Marine Legion air-fleet. A dedicated tactical strike unit, its primary roles are orbital assault deployment of Legion infantry forces and low-level ground attack. The Storm Eagle is a rugged and durable machine, very heavily armed for its size, and considerably protected by armour plating, although it lacks the speed and manoeuvrability of true fighters and bombers. In operational use it proved itself an extremely flexible vehicle serving capably as a long range transport, orbital shuttle, scout and interceptor when called upon to do so in addition to its main battlefield roles.

First constructed on Terra over the course of the Great Crusade, principal manufacturing of the Storm Eagle shifted to the Forge Worlds of Anvilus, Galatea and Tigrus whose vast output was sufficient to provide all of the Space Marine Legions and the Custodian Guard with extensive squadrons of these well-regarded and adaptable craft.

  • Legion Storm Eagle Gunship 210 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Storm Eagle (base: 120 x 92mm flying base)
Legion Storm Eagle 18 4 12 12 12 4 22 120 x 92mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Storm Eagle Gunship
  • Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Hull (Front) Mounted vengeance launcher
  • Four Hull (Front) Mounted tempest rockets
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Assault Vehicle
  • Deep Strike
Access Points
  • A Legion Storm Eagle Gunship has one Access Point on each side and one at the front and rear ramps.
  • A Legion Storm Eagle Gunship may exchange its twin-linked heavy bolter for one of the following:
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted multi-melta
    +15 points
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted missile launcher (with frag and krak missiles)
    +10 points
  • A Legion Storm Eagle Gunship may exchange all of its tempest rockets for one of the following options:
  • - Four Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missiles
    +15 points
  • - Two Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked lascannon
    +30 points


The Xiphon Interceptor is a Legiones Astartes void/ atmospheric combat craft with an ancient lineage. While unique variations have been encountered on lost human colonies and in the hands of nomadic corsairs, the Legiones Astartes Xiphon was modified from that of the Rhadamanthys Enclave, brought into Compliance in 806.M30 and produced at Celestrix until its annihilation in 914.M30. While the enclave had used cyber-augmented pilots to withstand the extreme stresses generated by the Interceptor’s performance, it was found that Space Marines could successfully operate the craft without harm, although this limitation prevented the Xiphon from use within the wider Imperial fleet.

Though potent and heavily armed, the Xiphon was complex, had limited operational range compared to the larger Wrath, as well as being ill-favoured by the Mechanicum. By the time of the late Great Crusade, it had all but fallen out of frontline service except within the Ultramarines and Dark Angels Legions. The shockwaves of the Horus Heresy, however, were to see many Legions press their reserves of the Xiphon back into battle.

  • Legion Xiphon Interceptor 105 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Xiphon (base: 120 x 92mm flying base)
Legion Xiphon 20 4 11 11 11 3 - 120 x 92mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Xiphon Interceptor
  • Two Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked lascannon
  • Hull (Front) Mounted rotary missile launcher
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Talons of the Legion
  • A Legion Xiphon Interceptor may take the following:
  • - Ramjet diffraction grid
    +20 points


With few heavy tanks capable of keeping pace with the more fleet Brotherhood’s bikemounted warriors, the White Scars turned to the Javelin platform to provide them with a mobile and yet hardhitting support vehicle. Mounted with a Kheres assault cannon and two reaper autocannon, the Kyzagan Assault Speeder serves as a highly agile heavy weapons platform that is capable of tearing through both armoured vehicles and infantry with ease, while able to provide support to the rest of the Legion’s swift-moving Jetbike squadrons.

Such agile vehicles were in high demand among the White Scars, as they added an impressive weight of firepower to the Legion’s Zao and scouting missions. The Kyzagan proved during the Great Crusade and beyond to be a highly versatile vehicle on the battlefield, given its lack of reliance on conventional tracks as with the Legiones Astartes’ heavy armour, allowing it to engage in almost every conflict the White Scars pursued.

  • Kyzagan Assault Speeder Squadron 105 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Kyzagan (base: 60mm flying base)
Kyzagan 15* 4 4 4 7 4 4 2 9 3+ 60mm flying base
*The additional Movement granted by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule is included.
Unit Composition
  • 1 Kyzagan Assault Speeder
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Power armour
  • Kyzagan Assault Speeder
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
  • Deep Strike
  • Relentless
  • Firing Protocols (4)
  • Harbingers of the Legion
  • Outflank
  • Hit & Run
  • A Kyzagan Assault Speeder Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 2 additional Kyzagan Assault Speeders
    +105 points each
  • Any model may take up to two hunter-killer missiles for
    +5 points each

Kyzagan Assault Speeder

The White Scars make much use of the various speeders available to the Legiones Astartes, and operate a number of unique variations. The Kyzagan is one such, a Javelin Land Speeder modified to carry a more dedicated package of strike weapons and heavier frontal armour. Though held in disfavour by the adepts of the Mechanicum, who look upon unsanctioned manipulation of STC designs with thinly veiled contempt, the Kyzagan has proven a capable raider and assault vehicle for the mobile White Scars brotherhoods.

A Kyzagan Assault Speeder has one Kheres assault cannon and two Reaper autocannon.


Selected from amongst the ranks of the Imperial Fists Breacher squads, the Phalanx Warders are a reinforced company assigned to the defence of the Imperial Fists flagship, the Phalanx. Armed with a variety of deadly close range weaponry, and guarded by a formidable Legiones Astartes boarding shield, the Phalanx Warders present an imposing wall of ceramite to any aggressor that defies any assault, and counter-attack with grim determination once the attack is blunted.

Even among the ranks of the Imperial Fists, the Warders are renowned for the stark regime under which they train and serve, eschewing any duty save their training, the protection of the Phalanx or the prosecution of war on the foes of Mankind. The Warders display few battle honours and practise no vainglorious rituals to mark achievement, holding the honour of continuing their service as the only mark of distinction they require.

  • Phalanx Warder Squad 225 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Phalanx Warder (base: 32mm)
Phalanx Warder 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 32mm
Warder Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Warder Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 9 Phalanx Warders
  • 1 Warder Sergeant
  • Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Power axe
  • Boarding shield
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Breacher charge
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
  • Shield Wall
  • Lock-step
Dedicated Transport
  • The Phalanx Warder Squad may take:
  • - Up to 10 additional Phalanx Warders
    +20 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one Phalanx Warder may replace his bolter with one of the following weapons:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Meltagun
    +15 points each
  • - Plasma gun
    +10 points each
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points each
  • One Phalanx Warder may be upgraded to carry a:
  • - Legion vexilla
    +15 points
  • One Phalanx Warder may be upgraded to carry a:
  • - Nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • The Warder Sergeant may exchange his bolt pistol, bolter or power axe for one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points
  • - Plasma pistol
    +10 points
  • - Thunder hammer
    +15 points
  • - Solarite power gauntlet
    +15 points
  • The Warder Sergeant may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +5 points
  • The Warder Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points
  • The entire squad may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +50 points per unit

Shield Wall

Phalanx Warders are famed for their close order discipline and defensive tactics, shielding their comrades from harm in the press of melee with selfless bravery.

Models in this unit with boarding shields, which are in base contact with at least two other models with boarding shields, and are neither Falling Back or Pinned, may add +1 to their Invulnerable Saves (to a maximum of a 3+). Friendly models with the Independent Character special rule that have joined a unit of Phalanx Warders also benefit from this special rule so long as the unit includes at least three models with the Shield Wall special rule.


Phalanx Warders are feared for their close combat prowess in the confines of shipboard combat, being trained and drilled to fight in close concert with their brethren.

If a unit includes at least three models with the Lock-step special rule and is not locked in combat, all friendly models in that unit (including those without the Lock-step special rule) gain a bonus of +1 Weapon Skill for the duration of any Assault phase in which the unit is successfully Charged by one or more enemy units.


The Incaendius sub-class is a Contemptor Dreadnought chassis manufactured only within the Mechanicum enclave that clings to the irradiated surface of Baal’s first moon, under ancient treaty with the great Forge of Anvillus. Similar in most respects to the widely used Contemptor chassis, the Incaendius differs in one key aspect: the external booster pack secured to its back. This volatile, single-burn, magnetoplasma engine is powerful enough to decelerate the Dreadnought in a fall from low orbit or to propel it in a shallow leap at significant velocity, despite the bulk of its armour and ceramite endoskeleton. It serves the Blood Angels as a shock assault unit of unparalleled ferocity, for the half-dead warrior entombed within suffers none of the disorientation such tactics inflict on the living.

Most commonly, such vehicles are armed with weapons designed for battle at close ranges, with flamers and the socalled Talons of Perdition being preferred, though some have been known to employ prototype assault cannon. These weapons are well suited to the Dreadnought’s role, which is to secure a heavily contested drop zone for the Blood Angels infantry that follow on its heels.

  • Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought 200 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought (base: 60mm)
Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought 8 5 5 7 7 6 4 3 9 2+ 60mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
  • Two Talons of Perdition with in-built heavy flamer
  • Atomantic deflector
  • Incaendius Booster Pack
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
  • A Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought may replace any in-built heavy flamer with one of the following:
  • - In-built meltagun
    +10 points each
  • - In-built Iliastus assault cannon
    +15 points each
  • A Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought may replace both of its Talons of Perdition and in-built heavy flamer with:
  • - Gravis power fists and in-built heavy flamer

Incaendius Booster Pack

A massive rocket booster pack is installed on the rear torso of the Contemptor-Incaendius, with enough fuel for a single prolonged burn. This is used either to drop the Dreadnought from orbit, or to allow it to cover the distance to the foe in a series of long leaps. Once its fuel is exhausted, the booster pack is purged from the Dreadnought’s chassis by a system of explosive bolts, allowing the war machine to fight freely.

The Incaendius booster pack may be used once per battle in one of two ways; these options are mutually exclusive and the use of one means the other may not be used in that battle:

Deep Strike: At the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield, the controlling player may choose to place the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought into Reserves and give it the Deep Strike special rule. It may then take part in a Deep Strike Assault or another deployment that requires the use of the Deep Strike special rule.

Shock Assault: The controlling player may opt to deploy the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought as normal, in this case the use of the Incaendius booster pack may be declared once per battle at the start of any of the controlling player’s Movement phases, including the first. When activated, the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought’s Movement Characteristic is set to 12" and gains the Hammer of Wrath (2) special rule for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. While this effect is active, the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought may ignore all other models and terrain freely while moving, but may not end its Move in Impassable Terrain or within 1" of another model. However, if the model begins or ends that Movement phase in Difficult Terrain, it must take a Dangerous Terrain test. While the Incaendius booster pack is activated the model may not Run.

Note that any Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought selected as part of a Detachment using the Day of Revelation Rite of War must use the Deep Strike option and must be assigned to a Deep Strike Assault.

Talon of Perdition

These weapons are a larger version of the more common Perdition weapons, adding flame projectors to a scaled-up lightning claw mount intended for use on Dreadnoughts.

This weapon is counted as both ‘Power’ and ‘Flame’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Talon of Perdition
Melee, Shred, Brutal (2)


The Dark Fury Assault squads are utilised by the Raven Guard to conduct focused decapitation strikes upon specific, predesignated enemy leaders against the backdrop of the carnage of battle. Far from subtle assassins striking unseen from the shadows, the Dark Fury descend into the very midst of the battlefield. Their champions, known as the Choosers of the Slain, for good reason, engage the target while the warriors cut down any retainers who dare attempt to intervene. The result of a successful decapitation strike is utter confusion in the ranks of the foe and the complete breakdown of the enemy’s chain of command.

Dark Fury Assault squads are equipped with vicious Raven’s talons fashioned after those carried by their Primarch, Corvus Corax, and the Choosers of the Slain are issued artificer armour that make them still more fearsome adversaries.

  • Dark Fury Squad 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Dark Fury (base: 32mm)
Dark Fury 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Chooser of the Slain (base: 32mm)
Chooser of the Slain 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Dark Furies
  • 1 Chooser of the Slain
  • Power armour (Dark Furies only)
  • Artificer armour (Choosers of the Slain only)
  • Two Raven’s Talons
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Corvid pattern jump pack
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard)
  • Deep Strike
  • Precision Strikes (6+)
  • Sudden Strike (1)
  • The Dark Fury Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Dark Furies
    +25 points each
  • A Dark Fury Squad that includes nine Dark Furies may upgrade up to two of those models to Choosers of the Slain for
    +15 points per model
  • All Choosers of the Slain may take melta bombs
    +10 points per model


The histories of the Great Crusade record that it was the Alpha Legion that conceived of the deployment of Legion Seeker squads, a unit configuration that spread to other Legions as the Great Crusade expanded outwards. The Legion did not halt at Seeker squads however, and has since fielded a further refinement of the concept in the form of Headhunter Kill Teams. These supremely skilled infiltrators specialise in creating conditions of allconsuming chaos among the enemy’s ranks, sowing confusion by eliminating key officers, positions and assets. In doing so, the Headhunters bring about a tipping point in a battle or an entire campaign, the fulcrum upon which the fate of worlds is balanced. Headhunter Kill Teams are made up of the most skilled infiltrators and assassins in the Alpha Legion, and fielded at the direct order of a senior commander. They have access to some of the most prized wargear their Legion can provide, including special ammunition conceived specifically to penetrate armour up to and including Legiones Astartes battle plate.

  • Headhunter Kill Team 125 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Headhunter (base: 32mm)
Headhunter 7 4 5 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 32mm
Headhunter Prime (base: 32mm)
Headhunter Prime 7 4 5 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Headhunter
  • 1 Headhunter Prime
  • Banestrike combi-bolter
  • Power dagger
  • Bolt pistol
  • One venom sphere (Headhunter Prime only)
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion)
  • Relentless
  • Precision Shots (4+)
  • Preferred Enemy (Independent Character)
  • Infiltrate
  • Scout
Dedicated Transport
  • A Headhunter Kill Team may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Headhunters
    +20 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their Banestrike combi-bolter for:
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +5 points each
  • - Minor combi-weapon
  • One Headhunter in a Headhunter Kill Team may exchange his Banestrike combi-bolter for:
  • - Heavy bolter
    +10 points
  • - Multi-melta
    +20 points
  • The Headhunter Prime may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following options:
  • - Plasma pistol
    +5 points
  • - Inferno pistol
    +15 points
  • The Headhunter Prime may take one of the following:
  • - Power fist
    +10 points
  • - Power weapon
    +5 points
  • The Headhunter Prime may take:
  • - Melta bombs
    +15 points
  • The Headhunter Prime may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


Javelin attack speeders share many of the advanced systems found in the jetbikes of the Legiones Astartes Sky-hunter strike squadrons, and as such are both rare and highly valued. Utilising a range of antigrav impellor technologies so esoteric that some amongst the Mechanicum regard them with overt distrust, Javelin attack speeders are time-consuming to construct and difficult to repair should they sustain battle damage. Nevertheless, they are fast, highly manoeuvrable, have an extended operational range and, perhaps most importantly, are able to carry a heavy payload of weapon systems. All of these characteristics ensure that these rare attack vehicles remain in high demand amongst the Legiones Astartes.

  • Legion Javelin Squadron 90 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legion Javelin (base: 60mm flying base)
Legion Javelin 14 4 4 4 6 4 4 2 8 3+ 60mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Javelin
  • Bolt pistol
  • Chainsword
  • Power armour
  • Legion Javelin Land Speeder
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Deep Strike
  • Outflank
  • Relentless
  • Firing Protocols (4)
  • Harbingers of the Legion
  • Hit & Run
  • A Legion Javelin Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Javelins
    +90 points each
  • Any model may replace the single heavy bolter that is included with the Javelin Land Speeder’s basic wargear with a:
  • - Heavy flamer
  • - Multi-melta
    +10 points per model
  • Any model may replace the Legion Javelin Land Speeder’s cyclone missile launcher with:
  • - Two heavy bolters
  • - Two volkite culverin
  • - Two lascannon
    +5 points per model
  • Any model may take up to two hunter-killer missiles
    +5 points each

Heavy Support


The Arquitor pattern Bombard is a heavy artillery platform designed to operate at the forefront of a Legiones Astartes advance. Equipped with a reinforced chassis and brutal short range firepower, it is called upon to break the most stubborn of fortifications or to annihilate massed enemy infantry and armour. The heavy guns and rockets most often carried by the indomitable Arquitor Bombard are more than capable of removing any obstacle to the advance of a Space Marine host in a series of devastating explosions.

As an infantry support platform, the Arquitor lacks the sheer speed of some of the other heavy armour employed by the Legiones Astartes, an intentional feature of the vehicle that keeps it locked in formation with the infantry it supports. The Space Marines of any infantry force take heart from the sight of an Arquitor squadron, knowing the hulking artillery pieces will see them through the most ferocious firefights without pause. Indeed, many of these vehicles have built lasting legends of valour among the warriors that fight in their shadow, tokens of praise and icons of victory adorning their heavy plate.

  • Legion Arquitor Squadron 200 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Arquitor (base: Use model)
Legion Arquitor 8 4 12 12 10 5 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Arquitor
  • Centreline Mounted Morbus bombard
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Move Through Cover
  • A Legion Arquitor Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Arquitors
    +185 points each
  • All Legion Arquitors in the squadron may exchange their Morbus bombard for one of the following (all models in the squadron must select the same option):
  • - Centreline Mounted graviton-charge cannon
    +15 points per model
  • - Centreline Mounted Spicula rocket system
    +15 points per model
  • Any Legion Arquitor may exchange both its Sponson Mounted heavy bolters with one of the following:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted autocannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +15 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Arquitor may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Arquitor may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


Deathstorm drop pods were first conceived and prototyped by the Raven Guard Legion, who sought to augment the firepower of their precision-orbital assaults. The Raven Guard Legion’s preference for such surgical-strike tactics would, upon occasion, leave them at a disadvantage in the case of both protracted engagements and in assaulting very heavily fortified targets where heavy units such as Legion tanks and artillery could not be deployed.

This opened the Legion up to levels of casualties during some successful drop pod assaults that their Primarch Corax would not countenance. The Raven Guard’s solution spoke much to their own nature and preferred tactics – a weapon that would strike with merciless swiftness and expend its force in a lethal fury that left little need for prolonged endurance.

Built around a standard drop pod chassis, the Deathstorm pattern uses rapid-firing missile launchers to provide fire support in contested landing zones, or to deny key areas of the battlefield to the enemy.

  • Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod Squadron 90 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod (base: Use model)
Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod - 2 12 12 12 3 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod
  • Turret Mounted Deathstorm missile launcher
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Deep Strike
  • Impact-reactive Doors
  • Orbital Assault Vehicle
  • Area Denial Drop
  • A Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Deathstorm Drop Pods
    +90 points each


The Deredeo pattern Dreadnought was developed as an outgrowth of the same project to improve upon the fusion of Terran and Mechanicum technology which gave birth to the first Legiones Astartes Dreadnoughts, such as the Castraferrum and Lucifer patterns. It shares many core components and systems with the hugely successful Contemptor class, but rather than being a general assault unit, the Deredeo is an expressly designed heavy weapons platform, intended to combine superior firepower with the flexibility and durability of a Dreadnought chassis.

Deployed in limited numbers to each of the Legions, the Deredeo was treated as a specialist unit as it proved highly resource intensive to produce and maintain, but its undoubted survivability and killing power saw a resurgence in its use after the initial wave of internecine strife during the Horus Heresy, and it was in high demand by Traitor and Loyalist alike from the few Forge Worlds able to fashion them.

  • Legion Deredeo Dreadnought Talon 205 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Deredeo Dreadnought (base: 80mm)
Deredeo Dreadnought 7 5 5 7 7 6 4 2 9 2+ 80mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Deredeo Dreadnought
  • Anvilus autocannon battery
  • Twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Four Boreas air defence missiles
  • Atomantic deflector
  • Helical targeting array
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Dreadnought Talon
  • The unit may include:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Deredeo Dreadnought
    +205 points each
  • Any Legion Deredeo Dreadnought in the unit may replace its Anvilus autocannon battery with one of the following:
  • - Hellfire plasma cannonade
    +15 points each
  • - Arachnus heavy lascannon battery
    +20 points each
  • - Volkite falconet
  • Any Legion Deredeo Dreadnought may replace its twin-linked heavy bolter with one of the following:
  • - Twin-linked heavy flamer
  • Any Legion Deredeo Dreadnought may exchange all four Boreas air defence missiles for a:
  • - Aiolos missile launcher
    +5 points per model


A variant of the Storm Eagle, the Fire Raptor gunship was created with the aim of providing overwhelming aerial firepower to Legiones Astartes assault forces. These relentless craft can reduce any attacking force to ruin in a devastating rain of bolt shells and high explosive rockets, and are in use amongst virtually every one of the Legions.

In addition to twin nose mounted Avenger bolt cannon and an array of rockets or missiles, the Fire Raptor replaces the capacious transport bay of the Storm Eagle with ammunition and targeting cogitators for two independent ballturrets. Each of these sophisticated turrets is equipped with a gyroscopic array and crewed by a dedicated Space Marine gunner, allowing each to strike separate targets with pinpoint precision even while the gunship moves at flank speed.

The Fire Raptor first gained renown during the campaigns against the Orks that infested many of the systems now claimed by the Emperor. The ferocious firepower of these craft proved pivotal on numerous engagements, reducing wave after wave of Ork warriors to bloody ruin.

  • Legion Fire Raptor Gunship 280 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Fire Raptor (base: 120 x 92mm flying base)
Legion Fire Raptor 18 4 12 12 12 4 - 120 x 92mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Fire Raptor Gunship
  • Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked Avenger bolt cannon
  • Two Sponson Mounted Gravis heavy bolter batteries
  • Four Hull (Front) Mounted tempest rockets
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Deep Strike
  • Strafing Run (1)
  • A Legion Fire Raptor Gunship may exchange both its Gravis heavy bolter batteries for:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted Gravis autocannon batteries
    +15 points
  • A Legion Fire Raptor Gunship may exchange all of its tempest rockets for the following:
  • - Four Hull (Front) Mounted hellstrike missiles
    +20 points


Heavy support squads provide the Legions’ infantry with mobile, Space Marine-portable firepower sufficient to bring down hordes of enemy troops or smash armoured vehicles apart in withering hails of weapons fire. Although tanks and field artillery outrange and outgun heavy support squads in most cases — as well as of course often being much more heavily protected by armour plate, heavy support squads have all the flexibility of the infantryman to their advantage, and are able to disperse in terrain, climb heights to attain better fields of fire, and go where a battle tank or even a Dreadnought cannot.

  • Legion Heavy Support Squad 100 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Legionary (base: 32mm)
Legionary 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+ 32mm
Legion Support Sergeant (base: 32mm)
Legion Support Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Legionaries
  • 1 Legion Support Sergeant
  • Heavy bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
Dedicated Transport
  • A Legion Heavy Support Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Legionaries
    +15 points each
  • One Legionary may take a Legion vexilla
    +10 points
  • One Legionary may take an augury scanner
    +10 points
  • One model in the unit may take a nuncio-vox
    +10 points
  • All models in the unit may exchange their heavy bolter for one of the following (all models must take the same option):
  • - Heavy flamer
  • - Autocannon
    +5 points per model
  • - Missile launcher (with frag, krak and flak missiles)
    +5 points per model
  • - Multi-melta
    +10 points per model
  • - Plasma cannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Volkite culverin
    +5 points per model
  • - Lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • The Legion Support Sergeant may exchange his power armour for:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points


Employed by many Legions as their primary shipto- ship assault craft, the Kharybdis is a monstrous drop pod capable of carrying large assault forces through the void and mounting significant firepower to blast a path through defending small craft. The arrival of a flight of these ominous craft, boarding hooks extended as they approach their target, signals the end for the crew of any vessel that dares oppose the Legiones Astartes.

As a fully operational dropship, Kharybdis assault claws also serve as surface-to-orbit transports, a role that allows them to use the firepower of their storm launchers and melta cutters to scour clean their chosen landing zone before disembarking their deadly cargo into the midst of the enemy’s shattered formation. These craft do not serve solely as infantry transports, many more aggressive commanders employ the Kharybdis as makeshift weapons, using their thrusters and short range melta cutters to incinerate enemy warriors in extreme low-altitude passes as they hover over the battlefield.

  • Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw 235 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Kharybdis (base: 120 x 92mm flying base)
Legion Kharybdis 16 4 12 12 12 5 22 120 x 92mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw
  • Turret Mounted Deathstorm missile launcher
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Dreadnought Transport
  • Assault Vehicle
  • Inertial Guidance System
  • Heat Blast
  • Deep Strike
Access Points
  • A Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw treats its entire hull as a single Access Point.


The Kratos is based on an Ancient Terran pattern, originally used in large numbers during the Unification of Old Earth. After the Emperor’s treaty was signed with the Lords of Mars the Kratos was redesigned to serve as the spearhead of the Great Crusade, a line-breaker and foe hammer. Though slow it is all but impervious to enemy weapons fire and its steady, inexorable advance was the core of many Space Marine victories during the long years of the Great Crusade. In latter years, the Kratos fell out of favour as the Legions embraced a more mobile style of war, though the ancient war engine lost none of its legendary tenacity having served with distinction in many of the Horus Heresy’s key battles.

  • Legion Kratos Squadron 300 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Kratos (base: Use model)
Legion Kratos 10 4 14 14 14 5 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Kratos
  • Turret Mounted Kratos battlecannon (with AP and HE shells)
  • Co-axial Mounted autocannon
  • Hull (Front, Left) Mounted heavy bolter
  • Hull (Front, Right) Mounted heavy bolter
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Kratos Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Kratos
    +285 points each
  • Any Legion Kratos may upgrade its Kratos battlecannon with the following:
  • - Flashburn shells
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Kratos may exchange its Kratos battlecannon for one of the following:
  • - Turret Mounted volkite cardanelle
  • - Turret Mounted melta blast-gun
  • Any Legion Kratos may exchange both its Hull (Front, Left) Mounted heavy bolter and its Hull (Front, Right) Mounted heavy bolter with one of the following options:
  • - Hull (Front, Right) Mounted volkite caliver and Hull (Front, Left) Mounted volkite caliver
    +5 points per model
  • - Hull (Front, Right) Mounted autocannon and Hull (Front, Left) Mounted autocannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Hull (Front, Right) Mounted lascannon and Hull (Front, Left) Mounted lascannon
    +25 points per model
  • Any Legion Kratos may exchange both its Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +15 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +25 points per model
  • Any Legion Kratos may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Kratos may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Flare shield
    +50 points per model
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points per model
  • - Dozer blade
    +10 points per model


The Land Raider is regarded by many as the finest armoured fighting vehicle of its class in the Imperium’s arsenal and the mainstay battle tank of the Space Marine Legions. It is a phenomenally powerful war machine, its multi-layered composite armour and reinforced hull all but impervious even to heavy weapons, being a sealed unit designed to resist enemy attack from any approach. Intended to serve in almost any environment as both war machine and exploration vehicle, it can operate freely in war zones ranging from acid swamps to rad-deserts without any noticeable impediment to its performance, and can even operate in hard vacuum, ensuring there is no open battlefield on which its armoured wrath cannot be unleashed.

The Land Raider is a masterwork that heralds back to the might of Mankind during the lost High Dark Age of Technology, and since the rediscovery of its STC in the vaults of Mars, several patterns have been established in widespread use varying the balance of its battlefield role from armoured explorer, to assault tank, to command and control vehicle, but all maintain the core components of its established form and function.

  • Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier Squadron 220 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier (base: Use model)
Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier 12 4 14 14 14 5 12 Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier
  • Two Sponson Mounted Gravis lascannon
  • Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Assault Vehicle
Access Points
  • A Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.
  • A Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Land Raider Proteus Carriers
    +205 points each
  • Any Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolter for one of the following:
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy flamer
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked lascannon
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


During the lost days of Mankind’s Golden Age, the Land Raider, armoured and equipped for exploration, was used to scout the most hostile of alien worlds. It was only in later more warlike times that it would be converted into one of the most potent war machines in the Imperium, and in the Proteus Explorator variant there lingers the influence of its origins. Fitted with a more confined and less accessible transport bay in order to mount an array of scanners and navigational augurs, the Explorator mounts a more focused array of weapons, operating instead as an unmatched pathfinder for any mechanised task force. Several of the more mobile Legions, including the Raven Guard and many of the older White Scars companies show a marked preference for these vehicles for its ability to traverse the harshest terrain with ease.

  • Legion Land Raider Proteus Explorator 250 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Land Raider Proteus Explorator (base: Use model)
Legion Land Raider Proteus Explorator 12 4 14 14 14 5 8 Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Land Raider Proteus Explorator
  • Two Sponson Mounted Gravis lascannon
  • Smoke launchers
  • Explorator augury web
  • Dozer blade
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Scout
Access Points
  • A Legion Land Raider Proteus Explorator has one Access Point on each side of the hull.
  • A Legion Land Raider Proteus Explorator may take one of the following:
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolter
    +20 points
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy flamer
    +5 points
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked lascannon
    +25 points
  • A Legion Land Raider Proteus Explorator may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points
  • A Legion Land Raider Proteus Explorator may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points
  • - Vox disruptor array
    +25 points


The Spartan is a huge armoured conveyer whose purpose is to carry a large contingent of troops into the heart of the enemy, weathering weapons fire that would be the death of any lesser vehicle. Although its armoured and sealed shell is as legendarily durable as that of a Land Raider, the genius of its design is such that the greater proportion of its interior space is given over to its carrying capacity, which is greater than any save the super-heavy transporters such as the Gorgon favoured by the Imperial Army, while being considerably faster on the battlefield thanks to its reactor-driven motive drives. Its armament is nevertheless still fierce, featuring sponson mounted quad lascannon, making it an able tank destroyer, and secondary armaments of defensively mounted heavy bolters or heavy flamers, enabling it to sweep infantry from its path. The Spartan takes pride of place in the armouries of many Legions, although its size and the scale of materiels required to produce it — which exceeds that of most super-heavy tanks — makes it far less common than the Land Raider in operations.

  • Legion Land Raider Spartan 350 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Land Raider Spartan (base: Use model)
Legion Land Raider Spartan 12 4 14 14 14 6 26 Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Land Raider Spartan
  • Two Sponson Mounted lascannon arrays
  • Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
Access Points
  • A Legion Land Raider Spartan has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.
  • A Legion Land Raider Spartan may exchange both its Sponson Mounted lascannon arrays for the following:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted laser destroyers
  • A Legion Land Raider Spartan may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolter for one of the following:
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy flamer
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked lascannon
    +25 points
  • A Legion Land Raider Spartan may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points
  • A Legion Land Raider Spartan may take any of the following:
  • - Flare shield
    +50 points
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points


Developed in the highest secrecy not on Mars, but on Terra, the Leviathan is an alternative development of the highly successful Contemptor; the resources required to produce one being immense, equal perhaps even to an Imperial Knight.

Made available to the Legions only in limited quantities before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, they were highly valued and recognised as savagely powerful siege and hunter-killer units. They placed an onerous and ultimately lethal strain upon their occupants, the Leviathan’s incumbent burning brightly but briefly in their second life. Many in the Mechanicum were deeply uneasy over the design, seeing it as purpose-designed to match and indeed destroy the Mechanicum’s own battleautomata in some future, unforeseen crisis or dispute.

During the Horus Heresy, Loyalists with access to Terra were able to obtain new Leviathan Dreadnoughts, although never many, while Traitors and isolated forces were reduced to marshalling their few Leviathans carefully or hunting down the relics of the dead from battlefields to be recommissioned.

  • Legion Leviathan Dreadnought Talon 270 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Leviathan Dreadnought (base: 80mm)
Leviathan Dreadnought 6 5 5 8 8 7 4 5 9 2+ 80mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Leviathan Dreadnought
  • Two Leviathan siege claws with in-built meltagun
  • Two heavy flamers
  • Atomantic deflector
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Dreadnought Talon
  • Hammer of Wrath (3)
  • Move Through Cover
Dedicated Transport
  • The unit may include:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Leviathan Dreadnoughts
    +270 points per model
  • Any Legion Leviathan Dreadnought in the unit may replace either of its Leviathan siege claws and in-built meltagun* with one of the following:
  • - Leviathan siege drill and in-built meltagun
    +5 points each
  • - Leviathan storm cannon
    +10 points each
  • - Cyclonic melta lance
    +20 points each
  • - Grav-flux bombard
    +5 points each
*If any Leviathan siege claw is replaced with a Leviathan storm cannon, cyclonic melta lance or grav-flux bombard then the model reduces its Attacks Characteristic to 4 (this is only applied once regardless of how many weapons are replaced).
  • Any Legion Leviathan Dreadnought may take one:
  • - Phosphex discharger
    +20 points each
  • Any Legion Leviathan Dreadnought may exchange both of its heavy flamers for:
  • - Two twin-linked volkite calivers
    +15 points per model


The Predator is perhaps the best known and most widespread variant of the basic Rhino chassis, equipped with superior armour protection and firepower, but sacrificing the Rhino’s troop transport capacity entirely. It is an effective and versatile medium tank, with a good balance of speed, firepower and protection and whose robust design can field a wide variety of armament configurations, with the standard and by far most common being a rapid-firing turret mounted autocannon.

The Predator is fitted with external sponson mounted weaponry, with each sponson either mounting a single heavy bolter, heavy flamer, volkite culverin or lascannon as part of a modular unit. The type of sponson weaponry fitted often reflects the expected conditions of threat within a given war zone; where heavy infantry resistance is predicted (such as in battle against the Orks for example), heavy bolters are most favoured, while lascannon are equipped where armoured vehicles are expected to predominate the opposition’s forces.

  • Legion Predator Squadron 120 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Predator (base: Use model)
Legion Predator 14 4 13 12 10 3 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Predator
  • Turret Mounted Predator cannon
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Predator Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 3 additional Legion Predators
    +105 points each
  • Any Legion Predator may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Predator may exchange its Predator cannon for one of the following:
  • - Turret Mounted flamestorm cannon
    +15 points per model
  • - Turret Mounted executioner plasma destroyer
    +25 points per model
  • - Turret Mounted heavy conversion beam cannon
    +25 points per model
  • - Turret Mounted magna-melta cannon
    +20 points per model
  • - Turret Mounted graviton cannon
    +35 points per model
  • - Turret Mounted volkite macro-saker
    +25 points per model
  • - Turret Mounted neutron blaster
    +35 points per model
  • - Turret Mounted Gravis lascannon
    +30 points per model
  • Any Legion Predator may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Predator may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each
  • - Dozer blade
    +5 points each


The term ‘Whirlwind’ is used amongst the Legiones Astartes to describe a range of vehicle mounted multiple missile launcher systems, many of which were recovered during the Great Crusade and were undergoing front line trials with various units before the Horus Heresy swept across the galaxy.

The Scorpius was a pattern that had only recently entered service, having been created at the behest of the Space Wolves Legion to aid in the campaign against the fortified bastion-cities of the xenos Ghassulian Sub-realms. Fighting alongside Legion Predators, with which it shares many common armour and drive systems, the Scorpius proved itself well-suited to such high-intensity operations and had been approved for service across the entire Legiones Astartes before the outbreak of the war.

  • Legion Scorpius Squadron 120 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Scorpius (base: Use model)
Legion Scorpius 12 4 13 12 10 4 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Scorpius
  • Turret Mounted Scorpius missile launcher
  • Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Scorpius Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Scorpius
    +105 points each
  • Any Legion Scorpius may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • Any Legion Scorpius may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Dozer blade
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


As part of a program initiated by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman, seeking to grant a Legion strike force access to highly specialised weapon systems without the need to employ numerous vehicles for each role, the Sicaran hull was chosen to mount the newly developed twin Arcus launcher. Capable of deploying a wide range of warheads, each crafted to fulfil a distinct tactical niche, the Arcus was intended to become the cornerstone of a new tactical doctrine the Master of Ultramar had begun to formulate, allowing small Legiones Astartes forces to operate without extensive support and in smaller numbers than during the Great Crusade.

Despite being limited to a few prototype vehicles at the onset of the Horus Heresy, and the doctrinal issues that kept it out of production on most major Forge Worlds, a number of Legion home worlds produced small numbers of this variant. Of particular note is the inclusion of the neutron-flux warhead, a Terran development dating back to the years prior to the alliance with Mars. Continued production of these weapons was the cause of the Mechanicum’s refusal to sanction the Arcus pattern hull.

  • Legion Sicaran Arcus Squadron 215 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Sicaran Arcus (base: Use model)
Legion Sicaran Arcus 16 4 13 12 12 4 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Sicaran Arcus
  • Turret Mounted Arcus missile launcher (with Arcus warheads)
  • Hull (Front) Mounted heavy bolter
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Sicaran Arcus Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Sicaran Arcus
    +200 points each
  • Any Legion Sicaran Arcus may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Sicaran Arcus may take any of the following upgrades for its Arcus launcher:
  • - Skyspear warheads
    +15 points per model
  • - Pyrax warheads
    +10 points per model
  • - Neutron-flux warheads
    +15 points per model
  • Any Legion Sicaran Arcus may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each
  • - Helical targeting array
    +15 points each


Retrofitted to allow the Sicaran hull to carry heavier firepower, the Omega is a formidable tank hunter. It utilises the speed provided by the Sicaran’s engines to apply overwhelming short range firepower in battle, racing forwards to ambush and obliterate the lumbering siege tanks of enemy columns. Its simplified, some might say crude, systems are all capable of being produced by the lesser forges attached to many Space Marine strongholds, allowing them to replace losses of more complex vehicles even as the various Forge Worlds became isolated by war and mistrust at the height of the Horus Heresy.

The main weaponry of the Omega reflects this stopgap approach, being imperfect, over-sized copies of the Mechanicum’s plasma fusil weaponry and relying on the brutal application of overwhelming force to reduce enemy armour to wrecks instead of the precise annihilation of more advanced weapons systems. Despite these drawbacks, the Omega proved effective in battle and its designs quickly spread from Legion to Legion as examples were captured in battle.

  • Legion Sicaran Omega Squadron 230 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Sicaran Omega (base: Use model)
Legion Sicaran Omega 16 4 13 12 12 4 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Sicaran Omega
  • Turret Mounted Omega plasma array
  • Hull (Front) Mounted heavy bolter
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Volatile Plasma Containment
  • A Legion Sicaran Omega Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Sicaran Omega
    +215 points each
  • Any Legion Sicaran Omega may exchange both of their Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Sicaran Omega may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


The Punisher-type Sicaran variant came into general use amongst the various Legions in the final days of the Great Crusade, although the punisher rotary cannon has a far longer history. Originally mounted on the now-rare Cerberus pattern main battle tanks, the Punisher had established a reputation as a deadly tool in the eradication of massed conscript infantry or hordes of swarming xenos creatures, limited only by its relatively-short range and prodigious appetite for munitions. Married to the Sicaran hull, where the impressive speed of that vehicle effectively negated the short range of the weapon, and the complex feed assemblies developed as part of the various Terran accelerator cannon, the Punisher once again saw widespread use among the Legions, though now it was employed against the very warriors it was intended to protect.

  • Legion Sicaran Punisher Squadron 190 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Sicaran Punisher (base: Use model)
Legion Sicaran Punisher 16 4 13 12 12 4 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Sicaran Punisher
  • Turret Mounted Punisher rotary cannon
  • Hull (Front) Mounted heavy bolter
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Sicaran Punisher Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Sicaran Punisher
    +175 points each
  • Any Legion Sicaran Punisher may exchange both of their Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Sicaran Punisher may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Sicaran Punisher may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


One of the most advanced armoured units in the arsenal of the Great Crusade, the Sicaran battle tank was the exclusive province of the Space Marine Legions. Its introduction was on-going at the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, and the Warmaster ensured that many examples of this new tank found their way into the armouries of those Legions that would side with him before the outbreak of the civil war.

Designed in concert between the Primarchs Ferrus Manus and Roboute Guilliman, alongside the Magos of the Mechanicum, the Sicaran utilises component technologies from various STC patterns to create a high-speed ‘destroyer’ tank to complement the Predator and Land Raider designs.

Its primary armament is the sophisticated Herakles pattern accelerator autocannon. Technologically akin to the heavier calibre ordnance mounted on the Fellblade super-heavy tank, it is a superior rapid-firing and highly accurate weapon, launching shells at far higher velocities than a standard autocannon, enabling it to successfully track and engage swift moving targets and pinpoint vulnerabilities in enemy armour with lethal precision.

  • Legion Sicaran Squadron 190 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Sicaran (base: Use model)
Legion Sicaran 16 4 13 12 12 4 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Sicaran
  • Turret Mounted accelerator autocannon
  • Hull (Front) Mounted heavy bolter
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Sicaran Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Sicaran
    +175 points each
  • Any Legion Sicaran may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Sicaran may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Sicaran may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


The Sicaran Venator is a variant of the Sicaran battle tank which saw extensive use in the opening battles of the Horus Heresy. This pattern replaced the turretmounted accelerator cannon of the Sicaran with a powerful neutron laser. When coupled with the Sicaran Venator’s ferocious speed, the neutron laser is an ideal anti-tank weapon, slicing apart armoured hulls with casual ease and blasting internal compartments and crew with atomic fire.

Conceived in the fires of war, the Sicaran Venator is the result of all the knowledge gleaned from the unnumbered battles of the Great Crusade. Its advanced neutron laser is specially designed to provide the Legiones Astartes with superior firepower, enabling it to destroy any and all xenos threats that might be encountered by the expanding armies of the nascent Imperium.

Despite the relative rarity of these vehicles, their combination of durability, speed and firepower ensured that they proved pivotal in a number of battles, surviving where lesser Predator or Vindicator tanks did not.

  • Legion Sicaran Venator Squadron 200 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Sicaran Venator (base: Use model)
Legion Sicaran Venator 16 4 13 12 12 4 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Sicaran Venator
  • Centreline Mounted neutron beam laser
  • Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Containment Breach
  • A Legion Sicaran Venator Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Sicaran Venator
    +185 points each
  • Any Legion Sicaran Venator may exchange both of their Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Sicaran Venator may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


The Vindicator is a dedicated siege tank, slow and ponderous, but heavily armoured and armed with a devastating cannon. In battle these vehicles are deployed to breach enemy fortifications and destroy the heaviest enemy vehicles, moving to point blank range before unleashing a devastating salvo of demolisher shells capable of sundering any armour. These vehicles are especially useful in the confined terrain of cities or other enclosed battlefields, where their short range is far less of a disadvantage and the ability of their demolisher cannon to smash buildings to broken ruins can be used to forge a path through otherwise impassable obstacles.

  • Legion Vindicator Squadron 120 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Vindicator (base: Use model)
Legion Vindicator 12 4 13 13 10 4 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Vindicator
  • Centreline Mounted demolisher cannon
  • Hull (Front) Mounted combi-bolter
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Vindicator Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 2 additional Legion Vindicators
    +105 points each
  • Any Legion Vindicator may exchange its demolisher cannon for:
  • - Centreline Mounted magna laser destroyer
    +20 points each
  • Any Legion Vindicator may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Vindicator may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Dozer blade
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


Soon after the treachery at Isstvan III, a terrible force took hold of the Emperor’s Children Legion under their master Fulgrim, and for many the fall was swift and terrible to behold. Practices and experiments long secret and carried out with dire caution were unleashed and fused with malign forces from beyond. One of the first malignant tools made manifest were the strange and experimental psychosonic weapons that would come to be known as the Cacophony or ‘Kakophoni’ in the ancient form; savagely powerful but also dangerously unpredictable in their first incarnations. On Isstvan V the first of these weapons were unleashed by members of the Emperor’s Children who had already begun to degenerate and mutilate themselves in response to the canker of warp-taint to which they had been exposed, a progression of gathering madness and physical corruption that would accelerate at a frightening rate thanks to continual exposure to the reality-rending effects of their perverted weaponry.

  • Kakophoni Squad 150 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Chora (base: 32mm)
Chora 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 10 3+ 32mm
Orchestrator (base: 32mm)
Orchestrator 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Chora
  • 1 Orchestrator
  • The Cacophony
  • Bolt pistol
  • Sonic shriekers
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Power armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
  • Fearless
  • Traitor
Dedicated Transport
  • A Kakophoni Squad may take:
  • - Up to 5 additional Chora
    +25 points each
  • The Orchestrator may take any of the following:
  • - Artificer armour
    +10 points
  • - Chainsword
    +5 points
  • - Power weapon
    +10 points
  • - Power fist
    +20 points

The Cacophony

The Cacophony manifest a variety of experimental and unique psycho-sonic weapons, made from an irrational fusion of Imperial and alien technology wedded with the whispered secrets of nightmare intelligences from beyond. These unstable devices are able to unleash blasts of screaming, discordant energy that can rupture flesh and incinerate metal. Their most terrifying ability, however, is to open up the minds of those they touch to the manifold and fatal horrors of the Warp.

The Cacophony
Assault 3, Gets Hot, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Deflagrate


Tyrant Siege Terminators are the vanguard of any Iron Warriors siege breaker formation. Clad in thick Cataphractii plate and spitting a relentless hail of high explosive missiles from their carapac-emounted rocket launchers, these implacable warriors are fortress-breakers of unparalleled skill. The bleak spectacle of these warriors wading through storms of lasfire and shell, stoically smashing apart any obstacle before them with chainfist and krak blast, became synonymous with Perturabo’s wrath unleashed. Recruited from amongst the most battle-hardened Iron Warriors, Tyrant Siege Terminators are expected to brave the most ferocious enemy fire without regard for their own survival – even more so than others of their grim brotherhood they understand the mathematics of war, and are ever ready to sacrifice in blood to secure victory. Most often found among the ranks of the Stor-Bezashk, the elite siege masters of the IVth Legion, and deployed to other Grand Battalions as needed to support siege and assault actions, Tyrant Siege Terminators were often at the forefront of the most cataclysmic battles of the Great Crusade.

  • Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad 300 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Tyrant (base: 40mm)
Tyrant 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Siege Master (base: 40mm)
Siege Master 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Tyrants
  • 1 Siege Master
  • Combi-bolter
  • Power fist
  • Tyrant Rocket Launcher
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
  • Omni-scope (Siege Master only)
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Firing Protocols (2)
  • Inexorable
Dedicated Transport
  • A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Tyrants
    +55 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange their power fist for one of the following:
  • - Chainfist
    +5 points each
  • Any model in the unit may exchange both their combi-bolter and power fist for:
  • - Two lightning claws
    +10 points per model
  • The Siege Master may take a grenade harness
    +10 points

Tyrant Rocket Launcher

A compact rocket system, based on the design of the cyclone missile launcher, the Tyrant launcher is capable of delivering overwhelming salvos of unguided rockets. The Iron Warriors value the sheer firepower of the Tyrant system over the more controlled destruction of the larger Cyclone system.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Missile’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Tyrant rocket launcher
- Frag
Heavy 4, Pinning
- Krak
Heavy 2
- Flak
Heavy 2, Skyfire


A sophisticated cogitator-slaved optical scanner integrated into the modified Terminator armour of the squad’s Siege Master, the omni-scope allows for precise targeting solutions to be formulated in the blink of an eye. With weapons slaved to this device, the Tyrants of the Iron Warriors are deadly combatants on any battlefield.

A unit that includes at least one model with an omni-scope ignores all the effects of Night Fighting, and when a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule makes the Interceptor Advanced Reaction, the reaction does not cost the controlling player a point from their Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given Phase.


Originally used as an informal name for the variously armed battalions of Death Guard Terminators of Calas Typhon’s company carried into battle aboard the battleship Terminus Est, the term ‘Grave Wardens’ also eventually became synonymous both within the Death Guard Legion and beyond it, specifically for the alchemical-weapon equipped Terminators unique to the Death Guard. Alone among the Legiones Astartes, the Death Guard made free and frequent use of alchemical weapons such as the crawling horror of phosphex, inimically lethal cullgene gas and flesh-eating vasgotox fluid as a matter of course, and outfitted specialised units in modified Tactical Dreadnought Armour to disperse it accordingly. Where the Grave Wardens walked, they brought a lingering, ugly death to whatever crossed their paths, and as the Death Guard were unleashed on the Imperium in the wake of the Warmaster’s betrayal, weapons which had previously only been used against the foulest and most resilient forms of alien life were turned upon humanity instead and the Death Guard’s tally of murder grew world by world.

  • Grave Warden Terminator Squad 250 pts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Grave Warden (base: 40mm)
Grave Warden 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ 40mm
Chem-master (base: 40mm)
Chem-master 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ 40mm
Unit Composition
  • 4 Grave Wardens
  • 1 Chem-master
  • Assault grenade launcher
  • Power fist
  • Death Cloud projector
  • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Death Guard)
  • Relentless
  • Bulky (2)
  • Shrouded in Death
  • Firing Protocols (2)
  • Shrouded (6+)
  • Stubborn
Dedicated Transport
  • A Grave Warden Terminator squad may include:
  • - Up to 5 additional Grave Wardens
    +45 points per model
  • Any model in the unit may exchange his power fist for a:
  • - Chainfist
    +5 points each
  • For every five models in the unit, one Grave Warden may exchange his assault grenade launcher for the following:
  • - Heavy alchem flamer
    +5 points each
  • The Chem-master may exchange his assault grenade launcher for one of the following:
  • - Combi-bolter
  • - Magna combi-weapon
    +10 points
  • - Minor combi-weapon
    +5 points
  • The Chem-master may exchange his power fist for a:
  • - Power scythe
  • The Chem-master may take a grenade harness
    +10 points

Shrouded in Death

The Death Cloud projector served not only as a weapon, but also as a shield against the foe – the thick cloud of toxic gas it produced obscured the Grave Wardens on the battlefield and thwarted those that attempted to drive the Death Guard from the battlefield by force of arms.

When an enemy unit successfully Charges a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule, the Charge is always considered to be Disordered.

Assault grenade launcher

A robust, if short ranged, belt-fed weapon, the grenade launcher carried by Grave Wardens is a modified pattern designed primarily for mounting on vehicles of the Imperial Army. It carries two kinds of ammunition: one is a standard shapedcharge krak shell and the other a toxin warhead which unleashes a burst of highly lethal chemical agents and concentrated acid vapour on detonation.

The weapon has two profiles; one may be selected to use each time a unit equipped with assault grenade launchers makes a Shooting Attack.
Assault grenade launcher
 - Krak
Assault 2
 - Frag
Assault 4, Poisoned (3+), Ignores Cover

Death Cloud projector

The Terminator armour of the Grave Wardens carried in-built alchemical containment and projection units, allowing the unit to direct focused jets of lethally poisonous vapours against their enemies.

Death Cloud projector
Assault 1, Poisoned (3+)

Lords of War


The Cerberus is a rare variant of the Spartan chassis, using its massive hull to mount a prototype neutron laser projector and the sizable atomantic arc-reactors and radiationshielding needed to operate the weapon. The neutron laser is a relic of the Dark Age of Technology, poorly understood even by the adepts of the Mechanicum and even when properly shielded, each shot fired floods the crew compartment with exotic radiation. Few crews assigned to such vehicles last for more than a few years before requiring extensive augmetic reconstruction.

Yet, despite the terrible cost of its use, the neutron laser is one of the most effective anti-tank weapons available to the Space Marine Legions, capable of punching through even the strongest plating and shorting out the target’s electrical systems with the intense radiation unleashed at the blast point. Even titan-class targets are vulnerable to the discharges of this weapon, and though its continual use can cost the lives of a veteran crew, many Legions see this as a worthwhile trade – with Perturabo of the Iron Warriors particularly impressed by its capabilities.

  • Legion Cerberus Squadron 425 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Cerberus (base: Use model)
Legion Cerberus 10 4 14 14 13 6 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Cerberus
  • Centreline Mounted neutron laser battery
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Flare shield
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Reactor Blast
  • A Legion Cerberus Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Cerberus
    +410 points each
  • Any Legion Cerberus may exchange both its Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Cerberus may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Cerberus may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


The Falchion utilises a potent weapon combining technologies used in the Fellblade and the Shadowsword super-heavy tank. The Falchion’s twin mounted volcano cannon is one of the most powerful vehicle mounted, anti-tank weapons in the Imperium’s arsenal and it requires such an investment in resources to construct just a single example that its use is limited to the Legiones Astartes.

The Falchion was developed long before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy and as such its prey was not the enemy Titans it would later see such extensive combat against. As the Great Crusade expanded ever outward, the Expeditionary fleets encountered a staggering array of foes, some of whom were of a truly gargantuan scale. The formless overlord beings of the Psiom Reach were so massive they could crush entire armies with their bulk, but they were set to ravening flame by the touch of the Ultramarines Falchions’ volcano cannon. When the gravity-defying mountain-fortresses of the Thulos Deeps rejected Compliance, a company of Iron Hands Falchions burned them and their occupants from the skies, scattering all to rubble such that no stone was left standing upon another.

  • Legion Falchion 650 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Falchion (base: Use model)
Legion Falchion 12 4 14 13 12 12 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Falchion
  • Centreline Mounted twin-linked volcano cannon
  • Two Sponson Mounted lascannon arrays
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Falchion may exchange both its Sponson Mounted lascannon arrays for the following:
  • - Sponson Mounted laser destroyers
  • A Legion Falchion may exchange its Centreline Mounted twin-linked volcano cannon for a:
  • - Centreline Mounted neutron-wave cannon
    +35 points
  • A Legion Falchion may take up to two of the following (the same option may be taken twice):
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • A Legion Falchion may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points


Based upon the same Standard Template Construct pattern as the Baneblade and Deathhammer superheavy tanks which form the mainstay of the vast armoured brigades of the Imperial Crusade Army, the Fellblade was a more advanced variant that first saw widespread service, particularly in the Space Marine Legions, in the last decades before the nightmare of the Horus Heresy. The Fellblade was most notable for its use of both Mechanicum atomantic arc-reactor technology and a reinforced metaplas alloy chassis superior to that of the Baneblade, and the employment of an advanced accelerator cannon as its primary armament — all fruits of technologies restored to humanity by the later conquests of the Great Crusade.

  • Legion Fellblade 650 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Fellblade (base: Use model)
Legion Fellblade 12 4 14 13 12 12 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Fellblade
  • Turret Mounted Fellblade accelerator cannon
  • Two Sponson Mounted lascannon arrays
  • Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Hull (Front) Mounted demolisher cannon
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Fellblade may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted lascannon arrays for the following:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted laser destroyers
  • A Legion Fellblade may exchange its twin-linked heavy bolter for a:
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy flamer
  • A Legion Fellblade may take up to two of the following options (the same option may be taken twice):
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • A Legion Fellblade may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points


The Glaive, or Fellglaive as it is sometimes known, is a super-heavy tank pattern related to the Fellblade, but beyond the obvious surface similarities between the two tanks they are very different. The reason for this divergence lies with the Glaive’s primary weapon system, the fearsome and arcane volkite carronade. A device of the Mechanicum whose design is said to have originated on Mars during the wars of the Age of Strife, it was not without some acrimony that the Forge Lords agreed to the Emperor’s demand for a Legion tank to be created that utilised this weapon. The need however was great, and the Glaive was first deployed against the apex exo-chthon codified as the Catachi Diabolum which had proved such a thorn in the Great Crusade’s side.

The effort of constructing practicable numbers of super-heavy tanks around the volkite carronade is considered well worth the staggering expenditure in resources required, for multiple targets and even the largest of xenos abominations are struck down by its ravening beam before even a portion of its energy is dissipated.

  • Legion Glaive 700 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Glaive (base: Use model)
Legion Glaive 12 4 14 13 12 12 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Glaive
  • Turret Mounted volkite carronade
  • Two Sponson Mounted lascannon arrays
  • Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolter
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • A Legion Glaive may exchange both its Sponson Mounted lascannon arrays for the following:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted laser destroyers
  • A Legion Glaive may exchange its twin-linked heavy bolter for a:
  • - Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked heavy flamer
  • A Legion Glaive may take up to two of the following (the same option may be taken twice):
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • A Legion Glaive may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points


The Sokar pattern Stormbird is a dedicated attack lander, developed from the various Warhawk and Nephoros class Stormbird assault transports utilised by the Yndonesic Bloc during the Unification Wars on Ancient Terra, and adapted by the Emperor for his early Legions.

The Sokar itself was one of the later patterns developed and was the design precursor to the smaller, more widely produced Thunderhawk Gunship. It was conceived as a specialised, highdurability orbital assault craft — almost a mobile bastion and firebase — which could land a Space Marine strike force and withstand heavy ground fire while its passengers forced a landing zone.

To this end, the Sokar’s design features allround gun turrets and particularly dense composite armour plating comparable to a main battle tank. It is further protected by void shield generators which it can extend to protect disembarking troops and war machines. Multiple thruster units ensure that even if several engines are damaged, the Sokar is still airworthy, making it a powerful if somewhat ungainly flyer.

  • Legion Sokar Stormbird 850 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Sokar (base: No official base size)
Legion Sokar 16 4 14 13 12 12 52 No official base size
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Sokar Stormbird
  • Two Hull (Left) Mounted twin-linked lascannon
  • Two Hull (Right) Mounted twin-linked lascannon
  • Two Turret Mounted twin-linked heavy bolters
  • One Hull (Rear) Mounted twin-linked heavy bolters
  • Six Hull (Front) Mounted hellstrike missiles
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Assault Vehicle
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Transport Bay
  • Auxiliary Vehicle Bay
  • Void Shields (2)
Access Points
  • A Legion Sokar Stormbird has one Access Point on each side and one Access Point via the rear ramp.
  • A Legion Sokar Stormbird may exchange all of its hellstrike missiles for:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted macro-bomb cluster
    +50 points
  • A Legion Sokar Stormbird may exchange any of its Hull (Left) Mounted twin-linked lascannon for:
  • - Hull (Left) Mounted Gravis heavy bolter battery
  • A Legion Sokar Stormbird may exchange any of its Hull (Right) Mounted twin-linked lascannon for:
  • - Hull (Right) Mounted Gravis heavy bolter battery


The Thunderhawk Gunship was a development of the later Great Crusade, intended to bridge the gap in size and capacity between smaller designs such as the Storm Eagle and the larger and more costly Stormbird and Argo drop ships. Designed to operate in atmosphere and void space, it combines the roles of orbital troop lander, heavy gunship and medium bomber, and proved a highly successful addition to a Legion’s fleet. With the outbreak of the wars of the Horus Heresy, both sides ramped up production of Thunderhawks to meet the on-going demands of the war.

  • Legion Thunderhawk Gunship 685 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Thunderhawk (base: No official base size)
Legion Thunderhawk 18 4 12 12 12 9 32 No official base size
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Thunderhawk Gunship
  • Centreline Mounted Thunderhawk cannon
  • Two Turret Mounted twin-linked heavy bolters
  • Two Sponson Mounted twin-linked heavy bolters
  • Two Hull (Front) Mounted lascannon
  • Six Hull (Front) Mounted hellstrike missiles
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Assault Vehicle
  • Transport Bay
Access Points
  • A Legion Thunderhawk Gunship has one Access Point on each side and one Access Point via the front ramp.
  • A Legion Thunderhawk Gunship may replace its Thunderhawk cannon with a:
  • - Centreline Mounted turbo-laser destructor
    +90 points
  • A Legion Thunderhawk Gunship may exchange all of its hellstrike missiles for:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted macro-bomb cluster
    +60 points
  • A Legion Thunderhawk Gunship may take one of the following:
  • - Ramjet diffraction grid
    +50 points
  • - Flare shield
    +50 points


Named for the ‘Great Beast’ of Terran myth, this siege tank was developed by the Martian Mechanicum simultaneously with the Spartan, with which it shares a basic hull, armour and chassis design. The Typhon is a mobile gunplatform of prodigious strength and carrying capacity designed to operate a single massive piece of siege artillery – the Dreadhammer cannon. The design itself was created in response to a request from the Primarch Perturabo of the Iron Warriors, and also with his direct involvement, who demanded a war engine created for the Space Marine Legions that could rapidly deploy such fortress-breaking firepower to the battle line at speeds greater than the slow crawl of the Imperial Army’s heavy batteries — the Typhon was the result. Many observers have labelled it as little more than an ‘upscaled’ Vindicator in design, and while in some ways this may be true, few can deny its utterly brutal effectiveness in action.

  • Legion Typhon Squadron 425 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Typhon (base: Use model)
Legion Typhon 10 4 14 14 13 6 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Typhon
  • Centreline Mounted Dreadhammer siege cannon
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Flare shield
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Crushing Weight
  • A Legion Typhon Squadron may take:
  • - Up to 1 additional Legion Typhon
    +410 points each
  • Any Legion Typhon may exchange both its Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • Any Legion Typhon may take one of the following:
  • - Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted combi-weapon (any type)
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy bolter
    +10 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted heavy flamer
    +5 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted multi-melta
    +20 points each
  • - Pintle Mounted havoc launcher
    +15 points each
  • Any Legion Typhon may take any of the following:
  • - One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
    +5 points each


The Mastodon is one of the heaviest assault transports in the arsenal of the Legiones Astartes and one reserved for use against the most heavily fortified positions. Several times the size of a Land Raider, its transport bay can convey over forty Space Marines through the most perilous of battlefields and protect them even from enemy Titans. The Mastodon’s primary role is to deliver these troops directly into the breach created with the siege melta array mounted on its armoured prow. Few fortifications can withstand this fearsome weapon, the Legionaries passing through the melted stone, steel and flesh to press directly into the heart of the enemy position.

Although every Legion’s armoury includes a number of Mastodons, deploying them is a major operation in itself and so it is only utilised in protracted siege operations where one or more entire Legions are amassed to deliver overwhelming force and destroy a foe no other was capable of engaging.

As the wars of the Horus Heresy ground onwards, however, these heavy assault transports saw use in increasing numbers as both sides committed every last effort to destroy utterly their hated foe.

  • Legion Mastodon 690 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Mastodon (base: Use model)
Legion Mastodon 10 4 14 14 14 12 42 Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Mastodon
  • Centreline Mounted siege melta array
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • Turret Mounted skyreaper battery
  • Smoke launchers
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Assault Vehicle
  • Transport Bay
  • Void Shields (2)
Access Points
  • A Legion Mastodon has one Access Point at the front and one Access Point at the rear.
  • A Legion Mastodon may take:
  • - Up to four Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missiles
    +5 points each
  • - Searchlights
  • A Legion Mastodon may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted heavy bolters for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy flamers
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • A Legion Mastodon may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted heavy flamers for one of the following options:
  • - Two Sponson Mounted heavy bolters
  • - Two Sponson Mounted lascannon
    +10 points per model
  • - Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverin
    +10 points per model
  • A Legion Mastodon may exchange its skyreaper battery for:
  • - Command vox relay
    +25 points
Armour Saves
If a model has an Armour Save Characteristic of 6+ or better on its profile, then a further dice roll may be made to see if the armour prevents the Wound. This is called an Armour Saving throw, or Armour Save.

To take an Armour Save, roll a D6 and compare the result to the Armour Save Characteristic of the model that has been allocated the Wound. If the dice result is equal to or higher than the model’s Armour Save Characteristic, the Wound is negated. If the result is lower than the Armour Save Characteristic, the model suffers a Wound. This means that, unlike most Characteristics, an Armour Save is better if it is a lower number.
Invulnerable Saves
Some warriors are protected by more than physical armour. They may be shielded by force fields or have a constitution that can shrug off hits that would destroy a tank. Models with Wargear or abilities like these are allowed an Invulnerable Saving Throw.

Invulnerable Saves are different to Armour Saves in that they may always be taken whenever the model suffers a Wound, or, in the case of Vehicles, suffers a Penetrating Hit or Glancing Hit – the Armour Piercing value of attacking weapons has no effect on an Invulnerable Save. Even if a Wound, Penetrating Hit or Glancing Hit ignores all Armour Saves, an Invulnerable Saving Throw can still be taken.
In some situations, the rules allow you to re-roll a dice. This is exactly what it sounds like – pick up the dice you wish to re-roll and roll it again. The second roll counts even if it means a worse result than the first, and no single dice can be re-rolled more than once, regardless of the source of the re-roll.

If you re-roll a 2D6 or 3D6 roll, you must re-roll all of the dice, not just some of them, unless the rules specify otherwise. Any modifiers that applied to the first roll also apply to the re-roll.

If two or more special rules combine to the effect that all failed and all successful dice results would have to be re-rolled, do not re-roll any dice; simply use the original result(s) instead.

The Leonine Panoply

The Leonine Panoply provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. The first failed Invulnerable Save made for Lion El’Jonson each player turn may be re-rolled.
Roll To Hit (Close combat)
Once it has been determined which models must make attacks in a given Initiative step, the controlling player makes To Hit rolls for those models.

To make a To Hit roll, roll a D6 for each attack a model gets to make and compare the WS of the attacking model to the WS of the target unit. Then, consult the To Hit chart below to find the minimum result needed on a D6 To Hit.

As the chart below shows, if the target’s WS is half or less than that of the attacker’s, they are hit on a 2+; lower than the attacker’s but more than half, they are hit on 3+; if the target’s WS is equal to the attacker’s, they are hit on 4+; if it is higher but not twice the attacker’s, they are hit on 5+; and if it is twice or more than the attacker’s, then they are hit only on a 6+.

Some units contain models with different Weapon Skills. Whilst each model in such a unit rolls To Hit using its own Weapon Skill, Attacks made against such a unit are resolved using the Weapon Skill of the majority of the engaged enemy models. If two or more Weapon Skill values are tied for majority, use the highest of those tied values.

Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.
Armourbane (X)

This weapon has been crafted with one aim in mind – to pierce the hides of armoured vehicles.

If a model or weapon has this special rule, it rolls an additional D6 for armour penetration when targeting a Vehicle model, or, when targeting a model with the Automata or Dreadnought Unit Type, re-rolls all failed rolls To Wound instead. These effects apply to both Shooting Attacks and close combat attacks.

Some instances of the Armourbane special rule may include a qualifier after the rule in brackets, for example Armourbane (Melta) or Armourbane (Melee). These variant rules are described below:

Armourbane (Melta): A model or weapon with this Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when at half range or less. If the attack is more than half its Maximum Range away, it gains no benefit from the Armourbane special rule. If a weapon with this version of Armourbane also has the Blast special rule, measure the distance to the centre of the Blast marker after it has scattered. If this is half the weapon’s range or less, then all Hits are counted as having the Armourbane special rule, otherwise the Hits are resolved as if they did not have the Armourbane special rule.

Armourbane (Melee): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when attacking in close combat.

Armourbane (Ranged): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when making Shooting Attacks.

Many are the weapons and creatures whose merest caress is fatal.

If a model has this special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has this special rule, they always Wound on a 2+ in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has this special rule, they always Wound on a 2+.

In either case, this special rule has no effect against Vehicles or Buildings.

Some weapons are lovingly maintained artefacts, crafted with skills now lost. Though the exact form of master-crafting varies, it is always considered to be the pinnacle of the weaponsmith’s art.

Weapons with the Master-crafted special rule allow the bearer to re-roll one failed roll To Hit per turn with that weapon.
Instant Death

Some blows can slay an enemy outright, no matter how hardy they may be.

If a model suffers an unsaved Wound from an attack with this special rule, it is reduced to 0 Wounds and is removed as a casualty.

This weapon is particularly heavy and requires both hands to wield.

A model attacking with this weapon never receives +1 Attack for fighting with two Melee weapons.

The Lion Sword

The Lion Sword
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Fleshbane, Master-crafted, Instant Death, Two-handed

†Both the Lion Sword and the Wolf Blade benefit from the +1 To Hit from the Deathwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.
Roll To Hit (Shooting)
To determine if the attacking model has hit its target, roll a D6 for each attack that is in range. Most models only get to make one attack – however, some weapons are capable of firing more than once, as will be explained in more detail later. The dice roll needed To Hit will depend on the Ballistic Skill (or BS) of the attacking model. The chart below shows the minimum D6 roll needed to score a Hit.

Firer’s BS12345
Roll needed To Hit65+4+3+2+

To Hit rolls are easy to remember if you subtract the Ballistic Skill of the attacking model from 7. For example, a model with BS 2 needs to roll a 5 or more (7-2=5).

Note that the minimum roll needed To Hit is always at least 2. When rolling To Hit, there is no such thing as an automatic Hit and a roll of a 1 always misses.
In addition to the base Unit Types (Infantry, Cavalry, Automata, Dreadnought, Primarch and Daemon), some models might be listed as belonging to one or more sub-types. Some sub-types may grant a model or unit additional special rules, an example of which is the Character sub-type which is covered in its own section of this rulebook. Other sub-types do not grant any special rules to models or units that possess them, but are instead used by other special rules to differentiate between otherwise similar units. In all cases, sub-types are presented after the base Unit Types in brackets. For example, a Legion Cataphract Sergeant has the following base Unit Type and sub-types: Infantry (Heavy, Character).

A number of key unit sub-types are presented here – more may be referenced in other Age of Darkness books.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Gets Hot

Some weapons are fuelled by unstable power sources and risk overheating with each shot – often to the detriment of their wielder.

When firing a weapon that Gets Hot, roll To Hit as normal. For each unmodified To Hit roll of 1, the firing model immediately suffers a single Wound with an AP value equal to that of the weapon that was used to attack (Armour Saves, Invulnerable Saves and Feel No Pain rolls can be taken, but not Cover Saves or Shrouded rolls) – this Wound cannot be allocated to any other model in the unit. A Vehicle instead rolls a D6 for each roll of a 1 To Hit. If this roll results in a 1 or 2, the Vehicle suffers a Glancing Hit.
Assault Weapons

Assault weapons either fire so rapidly or indiscriminately that they can be fired while a warrior is moving.

A model attacking with an Assault weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying an Assault weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase.

Plasma blaster18"74Assault 2, Rending (4+), Gets Hot

This attack looses a brilliant flare of light, searing the sight of the victim and forcing them to fight blind for a few moments.

Any unit hit by one or more models or weapons with this special rule must take an Initiative test at the end of the current Phase. If the Test is passed, there is no further effect. If the Initiative test is failed, all models in the unit are reduced to Weapon Skill 1 and Ballistic Skill 1 until the end of their next turn. Should the attacking unit hit themselves, they automatically pass the Test. Any model that does not have an Initiative Characteristic (for example, Vehicles, Buildings, etc) is unaffected by this special rule.

The Fusil Actinaeus

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Fusil Actinaeus
Assault 2, Twinlinked, Blind, Rending (3+)

*This weapon benefits from the +1 To Hit from the Stormwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.
Owning Player, Opposing Player and Controlling Player
Sometimes a rule will ask the owning, opposing or controlling player to make an action or decision of some kind. The owning player is always the player who ‘owns’ the model in question – the one who has the model in their army. The opposing player is always their opponent. The controlling player is always the player in current command of that model – there are some special rules which can force models to switch sides during the course of the game.
Characteristic Tests
A model will sometimes be called upon to take a Characteristic test. Such a test can be applied against any Characteristic that the model has, except for Leadership and Armour Save. A Toughness test is a Characteristic test, as is a Strength test or an Initiative test, a Wounds test, and so on.

Models don’t have a choice of what Characteristics to use – the Characteristic to be tested will be specified in the rule.

To make a Characteristic test, follow these steps:
  • Roll a D6 and compare the result to the relevant Characteristic in the model’s profile.
  • If the result is equal to or less than the number in the profile, the test is passed.
  • If the result is greater than the number in the model’s profile,the test has been failed and the model faces the consequences as detailed in the rule that prompted the test.
When a single test is required for the whole unit, use the highest relevant Characteristic in the unit.

Stasis Grenades

Once per battle, Lion El’Jonson’s controlling player may choose to use stasis grenades when a Charge is declared for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined. If the Charge for which the stasis grenades are used is successful then the target enemy unit or units must take an Initiative test (using the majority Initiative value of the unit(s)). If the Initiative test is passed then there is no further effect. If any of the target units fail the Test, then all enemy models in that unit must reduce their Initiative by -1 for the duration of the Assault phase in which the Charge was made.
Frag Grenades

This class of grenade contains only a small explosive charge, and is intended primarily to disorientate and distract the foe while closing on a fixed position.

A unit that includes at least one model with frag grenades makes attacks at its normal Initiative Step during an Assault after it has successfully Charged through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain, but still suffers any penalties to Charge rolls imposed by Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain when resolving a Charge through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain.
The Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule
The various Legions are differentiated by means of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule. When assembling a Legiones Astartes army, a single variation of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule is chosen and no unit in the Primary Detachment may include any models with a different variation of this special rule. All special rules, Wargear options and Rites of War that apply to that version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule may be used by the army where appropriate, as defined by those rules and options.

Other Detachments in the army, such as Allied Detachments or Lords of War Detachments, may have a different version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule. In which case no models in the same Detachment may have a different version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule to the one chosen for that Detachment. Models within a non-Primary Detachment are affected by all the special rules for the version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule chosen for them, as well as access to any Wargear options and special units.
Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

All units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule must select one of the following Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types* when chosen during the army selection process: Stormwing, Dreadwing, Deathwing, Ironwing, Firewing or Ravenwing. See the Hexagrammaton rules that follow for details.

* Some models or units may be required to have a specific Unit Sub-type from this list, if so it will be listed on their profile and cannot be changed.

Arsenal of the First Legion
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Dark Angels).

Scions of the Hekatonystika
Any Legion Centurion, Legion Tartaros Centurion or Legion Cataphractii Centurion with this special rule may select the Paladin of the Hekatonystika Consul upgrade.

The First Legion
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Dark Angels Warlord Trait list.
Master of the Legion

The greatest commanders of the Space Marine Legions are all but peerless in their strategic and tactical abilities. The genecraft of the Emperor that created them, honed by individual talent and the experience of countless battles, has sharpened their acumen to a preternatural degree.

The Master of the Legion special rule grants the following benefits:
  • Rites of War: If a Detachment with the Legiones Astartes Faction includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule then that Detachment may select a single Rite of War. Rites of War are presented in the Legiones Astartes Rites of War section.
  • The Few and the Proud: An army may only include a maximum of one model with this special rule per 1,000 points. This counts across all Detachments of an army. Thus, an army that totals at least 1,000 points may include only a single model with the Master of the Legion special rule, and an army that totals at least 2,000 points may include up to two models with the Master of the Legion special rule, etc.
  • Retinue: A model with this special rule may also include a Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad as part of the same Force Organisation slot as the model with the Master of the Legion special rule.
Psychic Focus
Before making any To Hit rolls with this weapon, the Psyker must make a Psychic check. If the Check is passed, then the Psyker may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed, then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.
Adamantium Will (X)

So strong of mind is this warrior that the powers of the Warp have little grasp upon them.

Models with the Adamantium Will special rule gain an Invulnerable Save against any Wound inflicted by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus special rules and Wounds inflicted by Perils of the Warp – the value of this Save is indicated in brackets after the rule. For example, a model with Adamantium Will (5+) gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save against any Wound inflicted by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus special rules and Wounds inflicted by Perils of the Warp. If, for any reason, the Adamantium Will special rule is presented without a value in brackets then consider the rule to be Adamantium Will (5+).
The Lion’s Choler

The Lord of the First Legion had faced terrors unimaginable by mortal man and triumphed, had vanquished foes that threatened the utter extinction of life as it is known and slain creatures more vast than even the greatest war engines. When he went into battle there were few foes worthy of death at the Lion’s hand, and only those that could prove by bloody defiance that they were worthy of his enmity would witness the true choler of the Lion.

While Lion El’Jonson has 4 Wounds or less, he gains +1 Attack. While Lion El’Jonson has 2 Wounds or less, he gains an additional +1 Attack.
The Point of the Blade

When the Lion went forth to battle he had but one goal – the destruction of the foe by the most efficient means possible. He beset his enemy as swiftly as he was able and from every avenue of assault, holding back no scrap of his resolve. No tactical ploy or show of strength could stay his judgement nor slow his onslaught once battle was joined, for it could end only on the point of a blade.

After declaring a Charge for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined, the controlling player may choose not to make a Charge roll to determine their Charge Distance and instead make a Charge move of 8" for Lion El’Jonson and any unit he has joined, ignoring the effects of Difficult Terrain and Dangerous Terrain and adding no bonuses to the distance moved for the unit’s Movement Characteristic or Wargear.

Whether pledged to the Emperor himself as the rightful leader of Mankind or to the dream of the Imperium that he intended to create, some warriors swore to fight and die for the Loyalist cause and no other.

A model with this special rule may only be included in an army that has the Loyalist Allegiance.
Warlord: Sire of the Dark Angels

On the battlefield Lion El’Jonson is a figure of quiet and terrifying focus, a storm whose true force is caged within a will of iron. Those who fight by his side draw strength from his restraint, from the knowledge that should the tide of battle tip against them, the Lion will loose his rage and let nothing keep him from victory.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lion El’Jonson automatically has the Sire of the Dark Angels Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Dark Angels – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule in the same army as Lion El’Jonson gain the Crusader special rule, and any friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule that can draw line of sight to Lion El’Jonson may add +1 to their Leadership (To a maximum of Ld 10). In addition, an army with Lion El’Jonson as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Lion El’Jonson has not been removed as a casualty.
Morale Checks
Morale represents the grit and determination of warriors on the battlefield. Morale checks are a specific kind of Leadership test.

Similar to other Leadership-based tests, Morale checks (also sometimes referred to as Morale tests) are taken by rolling 2D6 and comparing the total to the unit’s Leadership value.

If the total is equal to or less than the unit’s Leadership Characteristic, the test is passed and the unit does not suffer any ill effects.

If the total is higher than their Leadership Characteristic, the test is failed and the unit will immediately Fall Back.

Some units have special rules pertaining to Morale checks that are detailed in their Army List or Army List entry. For example, some units might always pass Morale checks, while others might always pass all Leadership tests. This difference is subtle, yet important. A unit that always passes Morale checks still has to test when hit by an attack with the Pinning special rule, while a unit that always passes all Leadership tests wouldn’t.

Some weapons and warriors strike in a flurry of blows, tearing flesh asunder in a series of brutal strikes.

If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls.
Breaching (X)

Some weapons are capable of breaching armour with a terrifying ease, whether by specially designed munitions, careful targeting or sheer brute power.

When rolling To Wound for a model that has the Breaching (X) special rule, or is attacking with a weapon that has the Breaching (X) special rule, for each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed in brackets, the controlling player must resolve these wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value. This rule has no effect on models that do not have Wounds, such as models with the Vehicle Unit Type.

For example, a model with the Breaching (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound and rolls a result of ‘5’ or higher, the Wound inflicted gains an AP of ‘2’ regardless of the AP value listed on the weapon’s profile. Note that a weapon that has both the Breaching (X) and the Gets Hot special rules always uses the base AP of the weapon when rolls of ‘1’ To Hit inflict Wounds on the attacking model.
Reaping Blow (X)

Only when outnumbered in the press of the melee, can these weapons be wielded to the greatest effect.

If a model is in base contact with more than one enemy model in the Initiative step in which they fight, they gain a number of Attacks equal to the value of X as noted in the variant of the special rule (if no value of X is included then count the value of X as 1).

The Wolf Blade

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Wolf Blade
Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Breaching (4+), Reaping Blow (2), Master-crafted, Fearsome Ruin

Fearsome Ruin: The controlling player of any unit which suffers one or more casualties from this weapon and makes a Morale check during the Assault phase must roll an additional D6 for that Check and keep the two highest dice to determine the result of that Morale check.

†Both the Lion Sword and the Wolf Blade benefit from the +1 To Hit from the Deathwing Unit Sub-type during any turn where Lion El’Jonson is using that Unit Sub-type.
Warlord Traits
Your Warlord is a potent force upon the battlefield. Not only are they a mighty hero, with all the skills and renown you might expect from the leader of a great army, but over the course of a long career they will also have picked up specialised abilities, which we refer to as ‘Warlord Traits’. Each Warlord has one Warlord Trait, chosen during army selection, from the list of Core Warlord Traits (or another list of Traits made available as part of that model’s Allegiance or Faction) and noted on the player’s Army List or roster. Some special rules attached to certain Factions or models may allow a Warlord to select Warlord Traits other than those presented in the Core list – such rules will specifically note which other Traits may be selected.

Bolstered by their ultimate faith in their goal, the crusader is tireless, sweeping from one foe to the next in a battle that never ends.

A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule rolls an extra dice when making Sweeping Advances and discards the lowest scoring dice before determining the result.
Line of Sight
Line of sight determines what a model can ‘see’. Many situations call for you to determine whether or not a model has line of sight. A model normally needs line of sight whenever it wishes to attack an enemy, whether with a melee attack, or shooting attack. Line of sight literally represents your warriors’ view of the enemy – they must be able to see their foes through, under or over the battlefield terrain and other models (whether friendly or enemy).

For one model to have line of sight to another, you must be able to trace a straight, unblocked line from its body (the head, torso, arms or legs) to any part of the target’s body.

Sometimes, all that will be visible of a model is a weapon, banner, or other ornament they are carrying. In these cases, the model is not visible. Similarly, mechanical appendages such as cables, probes and ammo feeds are ignored, even though they may be part of a model’s body. These rules are intended to ensure that models don’t get penalised for having impressive banners, weaponry, and so on.

In many cases, what a model can ‘see’ will be obvious – if there’s a hill, building or mechanical construct in the way, the enemy might be blatantly out of sight. In other cases, two units will be clearly in view of each other as there is nothing at all in the way.

On those other occasions, where it’s not entirely obvious whether or not one unit can see another, the player will have to stoop over the battlefield and look from behind the model’s head for a ‘model’s eye view’. This means getting down to the level of your models and checking the battlefield from their perspective to ‘see what they can see’. You will find that you can spot lurking enemies through the windows of ruined buildings, catch a glimpse of a model’s legs under tree branches and see that high vantage points become very useful for the increased line of sight that they offer.
Leadership (Ld)
Leadership reveals how courageous, determined and self-controlled a model is. The higher the value, the more reliable the model is under pressure. When Shooting Attacks or combat inflicts heavy casualties, Leadership is used to decide if the stricken unit flees or stands its ground.
Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

All models with this special rule add +1 to their Movement Characteristic and whenever called upon to make a roll to determine which player will take the First Turn or to Seize the Initiative, the controlling player of an army whose Primary Detachment has this special rule may roll an additional dice and discard the lowest rolled dice before determining the result.

Chogorian Panoply
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the White Scars).

The Lords of the Storm
Any Legion Centurions, Legion Tartaros Centurions or Legion Cataphractii Centurions with this special rule may not select the Librarian Consul upgrade, but gain access to the Stormseer Consul upgrade instead.

Sons of Chogoris
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the White Scars Warlord Trait list.

The ancient volkite weaponry employed by the armies of Terra in the earliest years of the Great Crusade fired arcing blasts of energy rather than solid projectiles.

After normal attacks by this weapon have been resolved, count the number of unsaved Wounds caused on the target unit. Immediately resolve a number of additional automatic Hits on the same unit using the weapon’s profile equal to the number of unsaved Wounds – these can then be saved normally. Models in the targeted unit must still be in range in order for these additional Hits to take effect. These additional Hits do not themselves inflict more Hits and do not benefit from any other special rules possessed by the attacking model, such as Preferred Enemy (X) or Precision Strikes (X).
Pistol Weapons

Pistols are light enough to be carried and fired one-handed.

A model attacking with a Pistol weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying a Pistol weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase. A Pistol weapon also counts as a close combat weapon in the Assault phase. In addition, all models with two Pistol type weapons can attack with both in the same Shooting phase. This follows the normal rules for shooting.

Volkite serpenta10"55Pistol 2, Deflagrate
Rapid Fire Weapons

Rapid Fire weapons are very common and usually come in the form of semi-automatic rifles. Their versatility means they can be fired as effectively when a squad is advancing as when taking single, long-ranged shots.

A model armed with a Rapid Fire weapon can make two attacks at a target up to half the weapon’s Maximum Range away. Alternatively, it can instead make one attack at a target over half the weapon’s range away, up to the weapon’s Maximum Range.

If a unit attacking with Rapid Fire weapons is found to be partially within half range of the target, the firing models within half range make two attacks, while those further away make one attack.

Models that attack with Rapid Fire weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Bolter24"45Rapid Fire

These weapons are grafted to the same targeting system for greater accuracy.

When attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.
Ignores Cover

This weapon fires ammunition that cheats an enemy of their shelter.

Cover Saves and Damage Mitigation rolls granted by the Shrouded special rule cannot be taken against Wounds or Hull Point damage caused by weapons with the Ignores Cover special rule. This includes Cover Saves granted by Reactions and other special rules as well as Cover Saves conferred by terrain.
Heavy Weapons

These are heavy, man-portable weapons that typically require reloading between each shot or bracing to counter their recoil.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with a Heavy weapon attacks the number of times indicated. If a model equipped with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, they can only make Snap Shots with that Heavy weapon during the Shooting phase. Note that weapons with the Blast special rule cannot fire Snap Shots. Models that make Shooting Attacks with Heavy weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Reaper autocannon36"74Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked

Sniper weapons are precision instruments, used to pick out a target’s weak points.

If a weapon has the Sniper special rule, or is fired by a model with the Sniper special rule, all Wounds inflicted by its attacks are ‘Precision Shots’. Wounds from Precision Shots are allocated against a model (or models) of the attacking player’s choice in the target unit, as long as it is in range and line of sight of the firer, rather than following the normal rules for Wound allocation. Note that Snap Shots can never be Precision Shots and attacks with the Blast or Template rules may never benefit from the effects of the Sniper special rule.

Coming under fire without knowing where the shots are coming from, or having ordnance rain down from the skies, can shake the resolve of even the bravest warriors, making them dive flat and cling to whatever cover presents itself.

If a non-Vehicle unit suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with the Pinning special rule, it must take a Leadership test once the firing unit has finished its Shooting Attacks for that Phase. This is called a Pinning test. If the unit fails the Test, it is Pinned. As long as the Test is passed, a unit can be called upon to take multiple Pinning tests in a single turn, but only once for each unit shooting at them.

A unit that is affected by any of the following conditions does not take Pinning tests, and if called upon to do so is considered to automatically pass them:
  • The unit is locked in combat.
  • The unit is already Pinned (the unit remains Pinned, but takes no further Tests).
  • The unit is composed entirely of Vehicle models.
  • The unit is Embarked on a Transport Vehicle.
  • The target unit is affected by the Fearless special rule.
A unit that has become Pinned cannot Move, Run or Charge. It can only fire Snap Shots if it attacks during the Shooting phase and cannot make Reactions in any Phase. At the end of its following turn, the unit returns to normal and the unit is free to act as normal from then on. Whilst it is Pinned, a unit is affected normally by enemy actions (for example, it takes Morale checks as normal). If the unit is forced to move, for example if it has to Fall Back, it returns to normal immediately. If assaulted, the unit will fight as usual, but because they are not set to receive the Charge, enemy units do not receive the Initiative penalty for assaulting a unit in Difficult Terrain, even if the unit is in Difficult Terrain. If a unit becomes Pinned during a Charge, then that Charge automatically fails. Units that are locked in combat cannot be Pinned and do not take Pinning tests.
Bolt Weapons

A branch of weaponry now commonplace among the ranks of the Legiones Astartes, bolt weapons are based on a robust Terran design, refined from the weapons used during the Emperor’s battles to conquer Old Earth. These brutally efficient weapons fire a caseless, self-propelled and mass reactive munition, more akin to a miniature rocket than a simple bullet and easily capable of eviscerating most foes against which the Space Marines of the Imperium find themselves matched. Such was the success of these weapons that they would eventually come to replace the more complex Martian weapons that had once dominated the arsenals of the Legiones Astartes.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Bolt pistol
Pistol 1
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire, Twin-linked
Kraken bolter
Rapid Fire
- Tempest rounds
Assault 3, Ignores Cover
- Scorpius rounds
Assault 1, Breaching (4+)
Nemesis bolter
Heavy 1, Rending (5+), Sniper, Pinning
Heavy bolter
Heavy 4
Gravis bolt cannon
Heavy 6, Twin-linked
Gravis heavy bolter battery
Heavy 8, Twin-linked
Avenger bolt cannon
Heavy 7
Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike

The Sojutsu pattern voidbike is an early prototype jetbike that predates the more common Scimitar jetbike in use with the Legiones Astartes. During initial trials, its thrusters were capable of providing sufficient thrust to grant the bike limited periods of true flight, and even some manoeuvrability in deep space, and it was classed by the Logisticae Imperialis as an ultralight fighter craft instead of a jetbike. Jaghatai Khan retains a specially engineered version of this prototype vehicle for his own use, its enhanced thrusters capable of carrying the Primarch into battle with a swiftness that was the envy of the other warriors of his Legion.

If upgraded to have a Sojutsu pattern voidbike, Jaghatai Khan must use the Khan Mounted profile and gains the following benefits:
  • Two master-crafted heavy bolters.
  • The Hammer of Wrath (2) and Firing Protocols (3) special rules.
  • The Antigrav Sub-type.
  • When upgraded to have a Sojutsu pattern voidbike, Jaghatai Khan Falls Back 3D6" instead of 2D6".
  • When upgraded to have a Sojutsu pattern voidbike, Jaghatai Khan may join units that include models with the Cavalry Unit Type despite the usual restrictions, and any rules that target the Cavalry Unit Type are considered to affect Jaghatai Khan as if he had that Unit Type.

The Wildfire Panoply

Fashioned to be as aesthetically pleasing as it was impregnable, the Khagan’s armour perfectly complemented his fast and uncompromising style of warfare, and bore a number of unique systems to improve his already unmatched reflexes.

The Wildfire Panoply provides a 2+ Armour Save, a 4+ Invulnerable Save during the Shooting phase and a 3+ Invulnerable Save during both the Movement phase and the Assault phase.
Duellist’s Edge (X)

Some weapons have such a fine balance that they leap and spin in their wielder’s hands like living things, eager to spill the blood of the foe.

When fighting in a Challenge, the user of this weapon gains a bonus to their Initiative value equal to the value in brackets after the rule when making attacks with this weapon. If there is no value in brackets after a given instance of this special rule, then assume the value is 1 (thus adding +1 Initiative to that model).
Furious Charge (X)

Some warriors use the impetus of the charge to fuel their own fury.

In a turn in which a model with this special rule Charges into combat, it adds a bonus to its Strength Characteristic until the end of the Assault phase. The bonus added to the model’s Strength is equal to the value in brackets after the special rule, for example a model with Furious Charge (2) adds a bonus of +2 to its Strength.

A model that has made a Disordered Charge that turn receives no benefit from Furious Charge.
Murderous Strike (X)

Some weapons are so cruel of form or powerful in aspect that a well-placed strike can slay even the toughest opponent.

Attacks with this special rule cause Instant Death on a To Wound roll equal to or greater than the number listed in brackets associated with the specific rule. Roll any viable Saves against this Instant Death-causing Wound separately and before any other Wounds the attack inflicts.

The White Tiger Dao

This elegant weapon is styled in the manner of the weapons of the Chogorian hill tribes, yet its primitive exterior hides a plethora of technological marvels that allow the blade to part ceramite and plasteel with ease.

The White Tiger Dao
Melee, Duellist’s Edge (1), Furious Charge (2), Murderous Strike (5+), Master-crafted
Concussive (X)

Some weapons are designed to leave any foe that manages to survive their strike disoriented and easy to slay.

A unit that suffers one or more Wounds, regardless of whether those Wounds are Saved or otherwise discounted, from a weapon with this special rule must take a Leadership test at the end of the Shooting phase (if the attacks were inflicted as part of a Shooting Attack), or the current combat (if the attacks were inflicted as part of a Melee attack). If the test is failed then that unit’s WS is reduced by the value in brackets listed as part of the special rule until the end of the following Assault phase (if no value is listed then reduce the target unit’s WS by -1).

No matter how many times a unit has taken saved or unsaved Wounds from an attack with the Concussive special rule, it may only be forced to take one Leadership test because of it. If a single unit has been the target of several Concussive attacks with different values and fails the Leadership test, then it suffers the effects of the highest single modifier among those attacks – the effects do not stack or otherwise become cumulative.

Storm’s Voice

An artisan pistol from the Dark Age of Technology gifted to the Khagan by the Emperor, Storm’s Voice stayed at Jaghatai’s side throughout the long years of the Great Crusade. Many a xenos tyrant or wayward human despot deemed unworthy of the Khan’s blade met their end engulfed by the searing lightning of Storm’s Voice, an end that many Traitors would eventually share during the wars of the Horus Heresy.

Storm’s Voice
Pistol 2, Rending (5+), Deflagrate, Concussive (1), Master-crafted
Hit & Run

Some troops employ a flexible battle stance, engaging the foe at close quarters one moment, before peeling off to strike with renewed vigour the next.

A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule that is locked in combat can choose to leave close combat at the end of any Assault phase. If the unit wishes to do so, it must take an Initiative test.

If the Test is failed, nothing happens and the models remain locked in the fight.

If the Test is passed, choose a direction – then roll 2D6 and add the unit’s Movement Characteristic to the result. As long as the distance rolled, in inches, is sufficient to allow the entire unit to move over 1" away from all of the enemy units they are locked in combat with, the unit breaks away from combat and must immediately move a number of inches in the chosen direction equal to the 2D6 + Movement result, ignoring the models they were locked in combat with. No Sweeping Advance rolls are made. Enemy units that are no longer locked in combat immediately Consolidate a number of inches equal to their Initiative.

A Hit & Run Move is not slowed by Difficult Terrain, but does trigger Dangerous Terrain tests as normal. It may not be used to move into base contact with enemy units, and models instead stop 1" away. If there are units with this rule on both sides who wish to disengage, roll off to determine who goes first and then alternate disengaging them. If the last of these ends up no longer in combat, it Consolidates instead.

Some warriors are specially trained to bypass the most dangerous hazards of the battlefield, or adapted to ignore the dangers they present.

A unit with at least one model with this special rule automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests.
Move Through Cover

Some warriors are skilled at moving over broken and tangled terrain.

A unit that contains only models with this special rule suffers no penalty for moving or charging through Difficult Terrain.
Lightning From Blue Skies
When held in Reserve, do not roll for Jaghatai Khan or any unit he is considered to be part of while in Reserve. Instead, at the beginning of any of the controlling player’s turns except the first, Jaghatai Khan and any unit he has joined may be brought into play from Reserves without making a Reserves roll. If Jaghatai Khan is part of a Flanking Assault then this rule applies to all units that are part of that Flanking Assault – but does not apply to a Deep Strike Assault, Drop Pod Assault or Subterranean Assault that includes Jaghatai Khan.
Warlord: Sire of the White Scars

Jaghatai Khan was often underestimated by his foes, dismissed as an uncultured and ill-educated barbarian. Yet, he showed a grasp of mobile tactics, the ways of the nomadic tribes he had adopted as his own, that far exceeded any of his kin. Under his command the White Scars were a wild storm unleashed with a precision that allowed them to overcome any opponent.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Jaghatai Khan automatically has the Sire of the White Scars Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the White Scars – All Infantry and Cavalry models with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule in the same army as Jaghatai Khan, including Jaghatai Khan, gain the Furious Charge (1) special rule on any turn in which they have moved. In addition, an army with Jaghatai Khan as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Jaghatai Khan has not been removed as a casualty.
Heavy bolter

Heavy bolter
Heavy 4

Hammer of Wrath (X)

Many warriors hurl themselves headlong into combat, seeking to crush or trample the foe.

If a model with this special rule ends its Charge Move in base contact with an enemy model, it makes a number of additional attacks equal to the value in brackets listed as part of this special rule. These attacks hit automatically and are resolved at the model’s unmodified Strength with AP-. These attacks do not benefit from any of the model’s special rules (such as Furious Charge, Rending, etc.). These attacks are resolved during the Fight sub-phase at Initiative step 10, but do not grant the model an additional Pile-in Move.

If a model with this special rule Charges a Vehicle of any kind or a Building, the hits are resolved against the Armour Value of the Facing the charging model is touching. If the model is in contact with two or more Facings, the player controlling the target model chooses a Facing upon which the attacks are resolved. If a model with this special rule Charges a Building or Vehicle that is a Transport, the hits are resolved against the Building or Vehicle, not the unit Embarked within the Building or Vehicle.
Firing Protocols (X)

Those warriors or war engines equipped with multiple weapons often incorporate sophisticated tracking systems, or have received advanced training to allow them to wield them all simultaneously on the battlefield.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with this special rule may attack with a number of different weapons equal to the value of this special rule. This rule does not allow a single weapon to be attacked with more than once, and only applies if the model is equipped with more than one weapon. For example, as part of a single Shooting Attack, a model with the Firing Protocols (2) special rule may attack with up to two different weapons.
Poisoned (X)

There are many virulent and lethal poisons in the Age of Darkness. It is simplicity itself to adapt such toxins for battlefield use. It does not matter whether they coat blades or bullets, or are secreted by alien monstrosities – all are lethal.

If a model has the Poisoned special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always Wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required, when attacking in close combat. In addition, if the Strength of the wielder (or the Poisoned weapon) is higher than the Toughness of the victim, the wielder must re-roll failed rolls To Wound in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always Wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required. If no number is shown in brackets, the rule is Poisoned (4+).

Unless otherwise stated, Poisoned weapons are treated as having a Strength of 1. The Poisoned special rule has no effect against Vehicles.
Torrent (X)

This weapon fires massive gouts of flame, gas or lethal fluids across the battlefield.

A weapon with this special rule is treated like any other Template weapon, but when firing it in the Shooting phase, place the template so that the narrow end is placed within a number of inches equal to the value in brackets listed as part of this special rule. The wide end must then be aligned so that it is no closer to the firing model than the narrow end.

For example, a weapon with the Torrent (18) special rule must place the narrow end of the template at a point within 18" and the wide end no closer to the firing model than the narrow end.
Flame Weapons

Among the most ancient of weapons employed within the ranks of the Legiones Astartes, flame has always been a potent weapon against creatures that lurk in darkness. Many of the Space Marine Legions consider the cleansing power of flame a key part of their arsenal, and indeed the ability of these weapons to rout the enemy from fortified positions has proven pivotal in any number of battles.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Flame’ or ‘Flamer’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Hand flamer
Pistol 1
Assault 1
Toxiferran flamer
Assault 1, Poisoned (3+), Rending (6+)
Heavy flamer
Assault 1
Flamestorm cannon
Heavy 1, Torrent (18")
Melta Weapons

Capable of focusing microwave beams to such a fierce heat that even the sturdiest of armour runs like water, melta weapons are among the most fearsome anti-tank weapons available to the warriors of the Emperor. The origins of this technology are unknown, for it was in common use among the armies of Old Earth, Mars and Jupiter long before the Emperor unified Sol. However, it has been in use within the Legiones Astartes since their inception and every Legion bears examples of this venerable and fearsome weapon.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Melta’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta)
Heavy 1, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked
Gravis melta cannon
Heavy 2, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked
Magna-melta cannon
Heavy 3, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked
Cyclonic melta lance
Heavy 4, Armourbane (Melta)
Siege melta array
Heavy 5, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked
Melta cutters
Heavy 3, Armourbane (Melta)
Melta blast-gun
Heavy 4, Armourbane (Melta)
Blast Markers and Templates
Some weapons are so powerful that they don’t just target a single model or unit, but have an ‘area effect’ which might encompass several different models or units. To better represent these circumstances, Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness games use a series of different Blast markers and templates:
  • A ‘Small’ Blast marker (3" in diameter).
  • A ‘Large’ Blast marker (5" in diameter).
  • A ‘Template’ (a teardrop-shaped template roughly 8" long).
A number of weapons are even more powerful, able to obliterate entire squads in a single shot. These apocalyptic weapons use even bigger markers and templates, which include:
  • A ‘Massive’ Blast marker (7" in diameter).
  • An ‘Apocalyptic’ Blast marker (10" in diameter).
  • An ‘Apocalyptic Barrage’ marker (a clover-shaped set of five overlapping markers, each 5" in diameter).
  • A ‘Hellstorm’ (a teardrop-shaped template roughly 16" long).
All of these templates and Blast markers can be purchased separately.

The templates and Blast markers are used as a way of determining how many models have been hit by an attack that has an area of effect or a blast radius. When an attack uses a template or Blast marker, it will explain how the template is positioned, including any kind of scatter that might occur (scatter is discussed further later in this section). To work out the number of Hits, you normally need to hold the template or Blast marker with its central hole over an enemy model or a particular point on the battlefield, and then look underneath (or through, if using a transparent template) to see how many models lie partially or completely underneath. Various special rules and weapon effects will provide additional details on the specific use of templates when making attacks with those special rules or weapons.

A unit takes a Hit for each model that is fully, or even partially, underneath the template or Blast marker. Remember that a model’s base is counted as being part of the model itself, so all a template or Blast marker has to do to cause a Hit is to cover any part of the target’s base.
Large Blast
Large Blast weapons use the 5" Blast marker, but otherwise obey all the rules for Blast weapons.
Plasma Burn

Certain plasma weapons are designed not just to break the target with the sheer power of its initial strike, but also to burn and short-circuit the internal workings exposed. The superheated matter emitted by plasma cannons serves ideally for this purpose, continuing to sear and burn long after impact.

If the target of a weapon with this special rule is a model with the Vehicle Unit Type and that model loses one or more Hull Points as the result of an attack from this weapon, roll a D6. On a 4+, the target model loses an additional D3 Hull Points with no Cover Saves, Invulnerable Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls allowed.
Plasma Weapons

Understood only by the secretive Tech-Priests of Mars, these weapons unleash projectiles of super-heated plasma capable of melting both armour and flesh with equal ease. Kept contained by temperamental magnetically sealed flasks, the plasma that feeds these weapons is as dangerous to the wielder as to the foe and deadly leaks or even explosions are far from unknown. Yet, such is the destructive power of these weapons that even the risk of such detonations does not outweigh their value.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Plasma’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Plasma pistol
Pistol 1, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot
Plasma gun
Rapid Fire, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot
Plasma cannon
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Breaching (4+), Gets Hot
Gravis plasma cannon
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Breaching (4+), Gets Hot
Plasma blaster
Assault 2, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot
Executioner plasma destroyer
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Rending (4+)
Hellfire plasma cannonade
 - (Sustained fire)
Heavy 6, Breaching (4+)
 - (Maximal fire)
Heavy 1, Rending (4+), Gets Hot, Large Blast (5")
Omega plasma array
 - (Sustained fire)
Heavy 8, Breaching (4+), Twin-linked
 - (Maximal fire)
Heavy 2, Rending (4+), Gets Hot, Plasma Burn, Twin-linked

The Armour Elavagar

The warplate of Russ is a suit of unique artificer power armour whose origins can be traced back to the mysterious period of bitter warfare which shrouds much of the Legion’s history in the decades after the Primarch took over the VIth, and is accounted for now within the Legion’s chronicles by obscure metaphor and strange and macabre allegories impenetrable to outsiders. Within its shell are strange exothermic field generators, otherwise unknown of in the Imperium’s arsenal of technology, which bleed energy, specifically heat and kinetic potential, from their surroundings when triggered, with the effect of creating an aura of murderous chill around the Primarch at will. It is this effect which gives the armour its name to the Fenrisians —‘Elavagar’— a wave of killing frost.

The Armour Elavagar confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save (which is increased to 3+ against Flame, Melta and Plasma type weapons of any kind). In addition, enemy models in base contact with Leman Russ suffer a penalty of -1 To Hit him in an assault (to a maximum of 6+) on any turn in which Leman Russ makes a successful Charge.

Some weapons strike with enough force to make a mockery of anything except the most reinforced of armoured shells.

Attacks with this special rule may re-roll failed Armour Penetration rolls against Vehicles and Buildings (both with Shooting Attacks and in close combat) and re-roll Glancing Hits, in an attempt to instead get a Penetrating Hit, but the second result must be kept.

The Axe of Helwinter

Russ’ favoured axe, though less strange and potent than his darkly-fabled blade, was no less a weapon of great beauty and lethality. It was a frost axe, a prince among its kind, its edge made with the kraken teeth of the mighty beast, which gave the axe its name; a legendary menace slain by Russ himself before the coming of the Emperor to Fenris. Its murderous edge was further amplified by a disruption field generator which was a masterwork in its own right, so that a well-placed blow could split the armour plate of a battle tank.

The Axe of Helwinter
Melee, Sunder, Reaping Blow (1), Master-crafted
Brutal (X)

Some weapons strike with such force that they cause terrible wounds that can lay low even the most formidable combatant.

When a model is allocated a Wound inflicted by a weapon with this special rule, it does not suffer only one Wound but instead suffers a number of Wounds equal to the number in brackets associated with the specific variant of this special rule, with all of the Wounds inflicted using the same AP and special rules as that of the initial Wound. Roll to save against each Wound inflicted separately, but note that Wounds caused in excess of a given model’s remaining Wounds do not spill over to other models and are lost. This special rule has no effect on models that do not have a Toughness value.

The Sword of Balenight

A weapon of truly ancient mystery, the sword of Russ has gone by many names. To the Remembrancers of the Great Crusade, it is called ‘Balenight’ —a name itself a commonplace derivation of the High Terran ‘Maledica Nocterum’— a dark legend carried during the Age of Strife where it passed through the hands of warlords and tyrants one after the other. But, to the Wolves of Fenris, it has always been ‘Mjalnar’ —the fang of the Wolf King— taken in battle as a blood-bought prize of victory. Ultimately, the Sword of Balenight is a weapon of unknown origin, a thing of terror and blood against which no armour can stand, as the sword’s silver-white blade inexplicably darkens as it kills, first to the deep red of heart’sblood, and then to a fathomless, glittering black.

The Sword of Balenight
Melee, Murderous Strike (4+), Brutal (2), Fearsome Ruin, Master-crafted

Fearsome Ruin: Any unit which suffers one or more casualties from a weapon with this special rule and makes a Morale check during the Assault phase must roll an additional D6 for that Check and keep the two highest dice to determine the result.


Once simply a Legion bolter, Scornspitter had been re-worked by no lesser hand than the Primarch Vulkan to form an outsized but perfectly balanced pistol suitable for the hand of the Wolf King. Though Russ and his Legion often stood apart from their fellows during the Great Crusade, this gift was one of honour, given after the two Primarchs’ Legions fought the bitter campaign at San Katos together, and Russ held it and its giver in high regard.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 3, Rending (6+)
Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

A unit made up entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule that chooses to Run in the Movement phase may still make a Shooting Attack in the Shooting phase, and declare a Charge in the Assault phase of the same turn – but any Shooting Attacks made in the same turn as that in which a unit with this special rule has Run are made as Snap Shots. Units that cannot Run (such as Legion Cataphractii Terminators) or models that do not have the Vehicle or Infantry Unit Type instead gain +1 WS on any turn in which they successfully Charge, even if that Charge is considered Disordered. Models with the Vehicle Unit Type and this special rule that make Ram Attacks increase the Strength of any Hits inflicted as part of that attack by +1, to a maximum of 10.

Vaults of Morkai
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the Space Wolves).

Lords of Winter
Any Legion Centurions, Legion Cataphractii Centurions and Legion Tartaros Centurions with this special rule may not select the Chaplain, Librarian or Primus Medicae Consul upgrades. Instead, these models gain access to the Pack Thegn, Speaker of the Dead and Caster of the Runes upgrades.

Wolves of Fenris
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Space Wolves Warlord Trait list.
Howl of the Death Wolf
Once per battle, Leman Russ’ controlling player may declare the use of this special rule at the start of their turn. For the duration of that player turn only, all friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule gain a bonus of +1 to their Movement Characteristic and any enemy units that include one or more models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule must take an immediate Pinning test.
Counter-attack (X)

Troops with this skill believe attack to be the best form of defence. If assaulted, they spring forward themselves and ferociously counter-attack the charging enemy.

If a unit contains at least one model with this special rule, and that unit is Charged, every model with the Counter-attack special rule gains a number of additional Attacks equal to the value in brackets listed as part of this special rule. If no value is listed then the unit gains +1 Attack.

If, when Charged, the unit was already locked in combat or has made the Hold the Line Reaction, the Counter-attack special rule has no effect.
Warlord: Sire of the Space Wolves

First and foremost, Leman Russ was a warlord; like some barbarian king of ancient myth he strode into battle at the head of his army, proving to all who followed him that he feared nothing, be it man or xenos, warp-spawned horror or self-proclaimed god. He was then to his Legion a paragon of what they should strive to be, just as much as he was their commander and their liege lord. He was a being they would have rather died for than disappoint or be shamed before.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Leman Russ automatically has the Sire of the Space Wolves Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Space Wolves – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule in the same army as Leman Russ gain a bonus of +1 to their Strength for the duration of any turn in which such a unit successfully Charges an enemy unit. In addition, an army with Leman Russ as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Leman Russ has not been removed as a casualty.

The Auric Armour

Rogal Dorn wore armour fashioned, it is said, from the same auric-adamantium alloy as the Emperor’s own warplate.

The Auric Armour provides Rogal Dorn with a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, no attack may wound Rogal Dorn on better than a 4+ regardless of its Strength or special rules.

This weapon is very large, and more than a little clumsy, making swift blows all but impossible to achieve.

A model attacking with this weapon Piles-in and fights at Initiative step 1, unless it has the Dreadnought Unit Type or Monstrous sub-type.
Chain Weapons

These savage weapons have their origins within the blood-red depths of the Terran wars of Unity. These weapons feature heavy grips and a series of razor-edged blades mounted along the edge of the weapon and set into cacophonous motion by the powerful motors at its heart. Able to shred flesh and armour with equal ease in the hands of a skilled wielder (and all but unusable otherwise), there were those, even before the Horus Heresy, who wondered at the development of such a weapon, seemingly designed as much for the displays of fountaining gore it created as its effectiveness in battle.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Chain’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Shred
Heavy chainsword
Melee, Shred, Two-handed
Melee, Shred
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Unwieldy
Gravis chainfist
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Murderous Strike (5+)
Chain bayonet
Melee, Two-handed, Shred

Storm’s Teeth

This colossal chainblade, too weighty for any but a Primarch to wield, is said to have been crafted by the weaponsmiths of Inwit before the coming of the Emperor. Its razored teeth can shred metal, stone and flesh with ease and, while the Primarch of the Imperial Fists Legion has many arms at his disposal, some relics of far greater power, it is this blade which has served him faithfully for so long he favours most.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Storm’s Teeth
Melee, Two-handed, Murderous Strike (6+), Shred, Reaping Blow (2)

The Voice of Terra

Presented to Rogal Dorn by the Custodian Guard to honour the Primarch’s appointment as Praetorian of Terra, this tactical bolter follows the pattern of the Legio Custodes’ own weaponry, albeit redesigned for the hand and might of a Primarch to wield.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Voice of Terra
Assault 3, Rending (5+)
Shell Shock (X)

Some weapons produce such a weight of fire that any target pummelled by their attack is left dazed and stunned.

Pinning tests taken due to an attack or weapon with this special rule are made with a penalty to Leadership Characteristic equal to the value listed as part of the special rule.

For example, a unit that is forced to take a Pinning test by an attack made using a weapon with the Shell Shock (2) special rule, suffers a penalty of -2 to their Leadership Characteristic when resolving that Test.
Exoshock (X)

Each blast from this weapon that pierces its target’s armour sets off a chain reaction of secondary explosions.

If this weapon successfully scores a Penetrating Hit on a target, roll a D6. If the result of that roll is equal to or higher than the value in brackets after the rule, a second automatic Penetrating Hit is inflicted on the same target against which Cover Saves may not be taken. For example, a weapon with the Exoshock (4+) special rule would inflict a second Penetrating Hit on the score of a 4+. This second Penetrating Hit does not gain the effects of any other special rules, and cannot trigger additional Hits.

If, for any reason, a given instance of this rule does not have a value in brackets after the special rule, assume the value is 6+.

Barrage weapons lob shells high into the air, landing them in the midst of the foe.

All Barrage weapons use Blast markers and consequently use the rules for Blast weapons, as indicated by their profile, with the following exceptions:

Barrage weapons can fire indirectly. This means they can fire at a target that they do not have line of sight to, as long as the target is beyond their Minimum Range (if applicable). When firing indirectly, the Ballistic Skill of the firer is not subtracted from the scatter distance; unless a Hit is rolled on the Scatter dice, the Blast marker always scatters a full 2D6". If a Barrage weapon has line of sight to its target it can fire directly, even if the target is within its Minimum Range.

Note that any Hits inflicted upon Vehicles by an Attack using the Barrage special rule are always resolved against the Vehicle’s Side Armour Value.
Ordnance Weapons

Ordnance weapons are cannon so vast, they are typically mounted on tanks and artillery.

When making Shooting Attacks, a model equipped with an Ordnance weapon fires the number of times indicated in its profile after its Type. A non-Vehicle model carrying an Ordnance weapon cannot attack with it in the Shooting phase if they moved in the preceding Movement phase. Ordnance weapons cannot make Snap Shots. Furthermore, if a non-Vehicle model attacks with an Ordnance weapon, that model may not make any further Shooting Attacks with any other weapon in the Phase nor will it be able to Charge in the ensuing Assault phase. Vehicle models that fire Ordnance weapons may also suffer some restrictions based upon the distance they have moved that turn.

Ordnance weapons hit with such force that when you roll to penetrate a Vehicle’s armour with an Ordnance weapon, roll two dice instead of one and pick the highest result.

Earthshaker cannon36"-240"94Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5"), Pinning
Massive Blast
Massive Blast weapons use the 7" Blast marker, but otherwise obey all the rules for Blast weapons.

Skyfire weapons excel at shooting down enemy aircraft.

A model which has this special rule, or that is firing a weapon with this special rule, fires using its normal Ballistic Skill when shooting at Flyers and Skimmers, but it can only fire Snap Shots against other targets.
Auto Weapons

An auto weapon is an ancient form of firearm that propels a solid slug by means of a chemical explosion, both ancient ‘bullets’ of lead or other base metals and more advanced armour-piercing sabot rounds. Among the ranks of the Legiones Astartes there are few examples of the older autoguns that once formed the main armament of the Emperor’s armies, but a number of larger autocannon remain in use due to the reliability of such simple weapons. Such weapons are most often used as anti-armour weapons, delivering volleys of large armour piercing shells to defeat armour that is proof against the mass reactive fire of the more advanced bolter weaponry. This category of weaponry also plays host to more advanced weapons, such as the first generations of assault cannon and magnetic charge accelerator cannon.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Auto’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Astartes shotgun
Assault 2, Concussive (1)
Rotor cannon
Assault 4, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
Heavy 2, Rending (6+)
Reaper autocannon
Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Kheres assault cannon
Heavy 6, Rending (6+)
Gravis autocannon
Heavy 3, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Gravis autocannon battery
Heavy 4, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Predator cannon
Heavy 4, Rending (6+)
Punisher rotary cannon
Heavy 18, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
Accelerator autocannon
Heavy 8, Rending (6+), Exoshock (6+)
Fellblade accelerator cannon
 - HE shell
Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7")
 - AE shell
Ordnance 1, Armourbane (Ranged)
Skyreaper battery
Heavy 5, Skyfire, Twin-linked
Anvilus autocannon battery
Heavy 4, Rending (5+), Sunder, Twin-linked
Anvilus snub autocannon
Heavy 2, Sunder, Rending (5+), Twin-linked
Leviathan storm cannon
Heavy 6, Rending (5+), Sunder
Kratos battlecannon
 - HE shells
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Pinning
 - AP shells
Heavy 2, Sunder
 - Flashburn shells
Heavy 1, Armourbane (Ranged), Gets Hot
Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

Models with this special rule gain a bonus of +1 to all To Hit rolls with any Auto weapon or Bolt weapon as part of any Shooting Attack (including as part of any Reaction).

Vaults of the Phalanx
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the Imperial Fists).

Lords of the Imperium
Any Legion Centurion with this special rule may select the Castellan Consul upgrade.

Sentinels of Terra
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Imperial Fists Warlord Trait list.
Bulwark of the Imperium

Of all the Primarchs, Dorn was ever the most tenacious, never willing to admit defeat no matter the odds arrayed against him. Those who followed him drew strength from his determination, and pride from his ability to turn the tide of any conflict where the enemy was foolish enough to test his wrath.

Any successful Charge that targets Rogal Dorn or a unit he has joined is always counted as a Disordered Charge.
Deep Strike

Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, flying, or some other extraordinary means which allows them to appear in the thick of the fighting.

A unit made up entirely of models with this special rule may perform a Deep Strike Assault. Certain Faction or unit special rules may present other options for the deployment of units with the Deep Strike special rule.
Warlord: Sire of the Imperial Fists

During the darkness of the Horus Heresy, Rogal Dorn was given the mantle of Warmaster in all but name, becoming the ultimate commander of Loyalist forces in the Segmentum Solar. He did not baulk at this duty but accepted it with characteristic resilience, and enacted it with brilliant competence.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Rogal Dorn automatically has the Sire of the Imperial Fists Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Imperial Fists – All models with both the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule and the Character Sub-type in the same army as Rogal Dorn may use his Leadership Characteristic instead of their own, and any unit they are part of may add +1 to the total number of successful Wounds caused for the purposes of resolving which side has won a combat (this does not stack with any other rules that increase the Assault result). In addition, the controlling player of an army with Rogal Dorn as its Warlord may select one Phase at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield. During the chosen Phase of their opponent’s turn, an army that includes Rogal Dorn gains an additional Reaction as long as Rogal Dorn has not been removed as a casualty.
Disordered Charge
In certain situations, a Charge may be deemed to be Disordered. The most common occurrence of this is when a Charging unit contacts more than one enemy unit, or when a special rule or item of Wargear dictates that a Charge is Disordered. A unit making a Disordered Charge does not gain the +1 Charge Bonus to its number of Attacks usually gained from a Charge, or any other bonus granted by special rules that require the unit or model to have successfully Charged an enemy unit.
Determine Assault Results
To decide who has won the combat, total up the number of unsaved Wounds inflicted by each side on their opponents. This includes all Wounds caused during the Fight sub-phase, whether from normal attacks, the Hammer of Wrath special rule, or other factors.

Do not include Wounds caused in the Charge sub-phase,such as those from Reactions, failed Dangerous Terrain tests, etc.

The side that inflicted the most unsaved Wounds is the winner. The losing unit must make a Morale check and must Fall Back if it fails. If both sides suffer the same number of Wounds, the combat is drawn and continues next turn. If one side destroys the enemy completely, it wins the combat automatically, even if it sustained more casualties than the other unit.

Wounds that have been negated by Saving Throws or special rules do not count towards determining who won the combat. Neither do Wounds in excess of a model’s Wounds Characteristic; only the Wounds actually suffered by enemy models count (including all of the Wounds lost by models that have suffered Instant Death). In rare cases, certain models can cause Wounds on themselves or their allies – these Wounds are added to the other side’s total for working out who has won.

The Regalia Resplendent

The Regalia Resplendent provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save, and allows any failed Invulnerable Saves made on a turn in which Sanguinius Charges to be re-rolled.
Rage (X)

Bloodlust is a powerful weapon on the battlefield, spurring a warrior to hack their foes apart in a flurry of mindless carnage.

In a turn in which a model with this special rule Charges into combat, it gains a number of Attacks equal to the value of X for Charging, rather than +1. A model that has made a Disordered Charge that turn receives no benefit from Rage.
Rampage (X)

For some warriors, being outnumbered is not a cause for despair, but a call to set about their foes with a berserk counter-attack.

At the start of any Fight sub-phase, models with the Rampage special rule gain a number of Attacks equal to the value listed in brackets if outnumbered by enemy models (including the effects of the Bulky special rule) – count all models locked in the combat, not just those models that are engaged. If the value in brackets is randomly determined by rolling dice, then roll once for each such variant of the Rampage special rule present in the unit to determine the number of Attacks that may be made, applying the result to all models with that variant for the current phase. For example, a model with the Rampage (D3) special rule that is outnumbered by the enemy in close combat receives D3 additional Attacks in that Fight sub-phase.

A model that has made a Disordered Charge that turn receives no benefit from Rampage.

The Blade Encarmine

The Blade Encarmine
Melee, Rage (2), Rampage (2), Murderous Strike (5+), Shred, Master-crafted
One Use/One Shot

Certain items can only be used once, so a general must choose wisely when to do so.

A weapon or ability with this special rule can only be used once during the course of a battle. Once a weapon with the One Use or One Shot special rule has been used to attack, it is no longer counted as a weapon and may not be destroyed (for example, by rolls on the Vehicle Damage table) or repaired by any other rule or effect.


Infernus is counted as a ‘Melta’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 2, Armourbane (Melta), One Shot
Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

All models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule require one lower result To Wound than they would normally, to a minimum of 2+, on any turn in which they are part of a successful Charge against an enemy unit even if that Charge is counted as Disordered. This effect applies regardless of the weapon they are using (for example, if using a Str 4 Melee weapon and attacking a target with a Toughness of 4, the Blood Angel will require a 3+ To Wound, rather than the usual 4+). In addition, any Vehicle with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule that makes a Ram Attack increases the Strength of any Hits inflicted by +1, to a maximum of Strength 10.

Panoply of the Angels
Units with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the Blood Angels).

Children of Baal
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Blood Angels Warlord Trait list.
Bulky (X)

This creature is so massive, it takes up an inordinate amount of space in any vehicle or building it enters.

Bulky models count as a number of models equal to the value X in brackets after the rule’s name for the purposes of Transport Capacity and whether a given unit outnumbers another in combat.

For example, a unit comprised of five models all of which have the Bulky (3) special rule, would count as 15 models when attempting to Embark on a Transport Vehicle or when deciding if they outnumber an enemy unit (see, for example, Rampage (X)).
Angelic Presence

Sanguinius inspired love in all who beheld him; such devotion drove his sons and allies to feats of heroism beyond all expectation.

Any friendly units that are locked in combat and have at least one model within 6" of Sanguinius, as well as Sanguinius and any unit he has joined, may add +1 to the total number of successful Wounds caused for the purposes of resolving which side has won a combat (this does not stack with any other rules that increase the Assault result).
Great Wings

Alone amongst the Primarchs, the Emperor saw fit to bless Sanguinius with the aspect of a true angel of myth. Able to fly freely on these wings, they grant him great speed and power.

At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, or when deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault, Sanguinius’ Movement Characteristic may be set to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn (referred to as ‘activating’ this special rule). This allows Sanguinius to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on his profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, Sanguinius may move over Impassable Terrain, vertical terrain or friendly and enemy models or units without penalty while using this special rule, but may not end his movement in Impassable Terrain or within 1" of any model from a unit Sanguinius is not part of. If Sanguinius ends or begins his movement or a Charge in Dangerous Terrain he must take a Dangerous Terrain test when employing this special rule, and treats all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain.

Sanguinius may still Run on a turn when his wings have been activated. When making a Run move after having activated his wings, add Sanguinius’ Initiative Characteristic to 14 to determine how far he may move – ignoring terrain and other models while making a Run move with activated wings as noted above, but he may not make Shooting Attacks or declare a Charge in the same turn in which Sanguinius has Run as per the normal rules for Running. Sanguinius’ wings may not be activated to gain any bonus to Sanguinius’ Movement Characteristic during a Reaction.
Legion Warhawk Jump Pack

The Warhawk is the standard pattern of jump pack unit employed by the Space Marine Legions. Its ability to function in almost any atmosphere and its robust systems have proven better than many of the more advanced devices in use by the Mechanicum and xenos forces.

At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, or when deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault, a model with a Legion Warhawk jump pack may set its Move Characteristic to a value of 12 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn (sometimes referred to as ‘activating’ the jump pack). This allows a model with a Warhawk jump pack to move up to 12", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on its profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 12 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, all models with a Warhawk jump pack that have been activated ignore terrain while Moving and Charging, but must take Dangerous Terrain tests as normal when beginning or ending their Movement in Dangerous Terrain. A model with an activated Legion Warhawk jump pack treats all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain and may move over both friendly and enemy models or units without penalty – but must end its Movement at least 1" away from any model from another unit.

A model with a Legion Warhawk jump pack may still Run if it would normally be able to Run (this does not allow units that include any models with the Heavy Sub-type to Run). When making a Run move for a model with an activated Legion Warhawk jump pack, add the Initiative Characteristic of that model to 12 to determine how far it may move – the model ignores terrain and models from other units while making a Run move with a Legion Warhawk jump pack as previously noted, but may not make Shooting Attacks or declare a Charge in the same turn in which it has Run as per the normal rules for Running.

Any model with a Legion Warhawk jump pack also gains the Bulky (2), Hammer of Wrath (1) and Deep Strike special rules – if it already has the Bulky (2) special rule, it gains the Bulky (3) special rule instead.

During a Reaction made in any Phase, a player may not choose to activate a model’s Legion Warhawk jump pack to gain any bonus to its Movement Characteristic. Any models with a Legion Warhawk jump pack deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault are considered to have activated their jump packs in the turn that they enter play.
Warlord: Sire of the Blood Angels

Sanguinius stood as the icon of the Great Crusade, a hero at once idolised by millions for his grandeur and poise in parade and battle and trusted by each of his brothers. In war, he was a storm of fury and martial power, while in peace, he was a statesman and artist. Among his brethren, many were surprised when the Emperor chose Horus as his Warmaster instead of Sanguinius, but the Great Angel himself merely smiled and gave earnest and true congratulations to Horus, ever the noble warrior.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Sanguinius automatically has the Sire of the Blood Angels Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Blood Angels – All friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule in the same army as Sanguinius that either deploys as part of a Deep Strike Assault (or any other deployment method that requires the Deep Strike special rule) or has a Legion Warhawk jump pack gain +1 Weapon Skill on any turn in which they make a successful Charge. In addition, an army with Sanguinius as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Sanguinius has not been removed as a casualty.

The terror of tank commanders, a lance weapon fires a concentrated beam of energy that can bore through any armour, regardless of thickness.

Weapons with the Lance special rule count Vehicle Armour Values that are higher than 12 as 12.

The Spear of Telesto and Moonsilver Blade

The Spear of Telesto and Moonsilver Blade
 - Spear of Telesto
Melee, Two-handed, Master-crafted, Lance, Exoshock (4+)
 - Moonsilver blade
Melee, Master-crafted, Blind, Duellist’s Edge (1), Moonsilver

Moonsilver: Any unsaved Wound caused against a model with the Daemon Unit Type or Psyker Sub-type is instead counted as two Wounds. Wounds caused in excess of the model’s remaining Wounds do not spill over to other models.

Once per battle, in the Shooting phase, in lieu of making any other Shooting Attacks, Sanguinius may make a Shooting Attack using the Spear of Telesto, using the profile below. Should he choose to do this, he may not make either Shooting Attacks or Melee Attacks with the Spear of Telesto for the remainder of the battle:

Spear of Telesto (Shooting)
Assault 1, Exoshock (4+), Instant Death, Lance
Locked in Combat
If a unit has one or more models in base contact with an enemy model (for any reason), then it is locked in combat. The unit is considered to be locked in combat as soon as an enemy model is moved into base contact with any model in that unit and remains locked in combat until there are no enemy models remaining in base contact with any model that is part of that unit. Units that are locked in combat must attack and be attacked in the next Fight sub-phase, resolving the combat as per the standard rules. Units are no longer locked in combat if, at the end of any Phase, they no longer have any models in base contact with an enemy model.

Units that are locked in combat cannot move in any other Phase or make Shooting Attacks for any reason. Similarly, models cannot choose to target units locked in combat with Shooting Attacks for any reason. Blast markers and templates cannot be deliberately placed such that they cover any models locked in combat, but they may end up there after scattering and will then cause Hits on any units or models they contact as normal.

Units that are locked in combat do not take Morale checks or Pinning tests caused by Shooting Attacks, and cannot be Pinned.
Impassable Terrain
Some terrain is simply so inhospitable, so dangerous that it cannot be traversed at all. Unless noted otherwise in their special rules, models cannot enter, cross, move into or move through Impassable Terrain – they must go around. The exceptions to this rule are typically units equipped with Jump Packs, or of the Skimmer or Flyer types which may move over, but not end their move, in Impassable Terrain.
Dangerous Terrain Tests
To take Dangerous Terrain tests, roll a D6. On a 1, that model suffers a Wound. No Armour Save, Cover Save or Damage Mitigation roll may be made against this Wound, but Invulnerable Saves may still be made.

A model is only required to make a maximum of one Dangerous Terrain test during a Phase. Any subsequent Dangerous Terrain tests it would be required to make during that Phase are assumed to have automatically been passed.
In order to maximise their potential movement, models can forego the chance to make a Shooting Attack in the turn’s Shooting phase in order to increase their maximum Movement distance. This can represent infantry sprinting ahead as well as combat bikes going at maximum speed or a Dreadnought breaking into a long-legged lope. Any unit may choose to Run during the Movement phase (except those units whose Type does not allow them to do so, such as Vehicles and Artillery – see Unit Types), but this must be declared before any models in the unit are moved. If the Active player chooses to Run with any of their units, that unit increases their movement by the value of the lowest Initiative Characteristic in the unit for the duration of the Movement phase.

However, a unit that Runs may not make Shooting Attacks of any kind during the following Shooting phase, or declare Charges during the Assault phase of the same player turn. If any models in a unit Run, then all models in that unit are counted as having Run, regardless of the distance moved by any individual model.

Units making a Reaction during their opponent’s turn may never choose to Run as part of that Reaction.

The Medusan Carapace

Ferrus Manus operated a wide variety of arms and armour, almost all of which were the products of his craft and genius. Never fully satisfied with his work, he was always looking to improve upon it and test new prototype designs, the fruits of his labour later forming the basis of many Legiones Astartes designs such as Cataphractii pattern Terminator armour.

The Medusan Carapace grants a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save.

Melee, Unwieldy


Fashioned by his close comrade, and later hated enemy, the Primarch Fulgrim, this exquisitely fashioned thunder hammer would prove to have a dark infamy of its own and serve the hands of many masters before the Horus Heresy ended.

Melee, Master-crafted, Exoshock (3+), Brutal (3)
Plasma blaster

Plasma blaster
Assault 2, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot

Graviton Pulse

Some weapons crush their targets, cracking bones and rupturing organs.

Instead of rolling To Wound normally with this weapon, any model without the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type that suffers a Hit from a weapon with this special rule must instead roll under their Strength on a D6 or suffer a Wound (a roll of a ‘6’ always counts as a failure). If a Graviton Pulse weapon also has the Blast type, then leave the Blast marker in place after resolving all Wounds, or otherwise mark the area. This area now counts as both Difficult Terrain and Dangerous Terrain until the start of the next turn of the player that made the attack.
Resolving Damage
A Hit on a Vehicle can have a variety of results. Its armour could be completely pierced, yet result only in shocking the crew, or it could detonate the ammunition cases or fuel tanks.

Glancing Hits – If a Glancing Hit was scored, the Vehicle loses 1 Hull Point.

Penetrating Hits – If a Penetrating Hit was scored, the Vehicle not only loses 1 Hull Point, but also suffers additional damage.

After deducting any Hull Points, roll a D6 for each Penetrating Hit and look up the result using the Vehicle Damage table, applying any appropriate modifiers. All modifiers on the Vehicle Damage table are cumulative. If you inflict a Penetrating Hit, you must roll on the Vehicle Damage table even if the Vehicle loses sufficient Hull Points to be Wrecked, as there is still a chance it might suffer an Explodes result on the Vehicle Damage table.
Damage Mitigation Rolls (Shooting)
Some models may also have a special rule that grants a Damage Mitigation roll, such as Feel No Pain or Shrouded. These rolls may be made even if a model has already failed a save of any kind, or was unable to make a save due to the AP value of an attack or the effect of another special rule. If a save is failed, a model with a Damage Mitigation roll may attempt to use that roll to negate an unsaved Wound. However, no model may attempt more than a single Damage Mitigation roll against any given unsaved Wound inflicted on it. In cases where a model has more than one Damage Mitigation roll available, the controlling player selects one to use whenever called upon to make a Damage Mitigation roll.

Haywire weapons send out powerful electromagnetic pulses.

For each Hit inflicted on a unit that contains at least one model with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type, roll a D6 to determine the effect rather than rolling To Wound or for armour penetration normally. AP has no effect on this roll:

1No Effect.
2-5A model with the Vehicle Unit Type that is part of the target unit suffers 1 Glancing Hit. Any other model suffers 1 Wound. Only Invulnerable Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls may be taken against Glancing Hits or Wounds inflicted by this result.
6A model with the Vehicle Unit Type that is part of the target unit suffers 1 Penetrating Hit. Any other model suffers 1 Wound. No Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls may be taken against Penetrating Hits or Wounds inflicted by this result.
Graviton shredder

Graviton shredder
Assault 2, Concussive (1), †Graviton Pulse, Haywire

Heavy flamer

Heavy flamer
Assault 1

Grenade Harness

An auxiliary weapon system fitted to Terminator armour, the grenade harness unleashes a barrage of fragmentation bombs at the foe as the Terminator charges.

A unit that includes at least one model with a grenade harness makes attacks at its normal Initiative Step during an Assault after it has successfully Charged through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain, but still suffers any penalties to Charge rolls imposed by Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain when resolving a Charge through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain.
Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

All Shooting Attacks made against a model with this special rule that does not have the Vehicle Unit Type, suffer a modifier of -1 to the Strength of the attack. Models with this special rule and the Vehicle Unit Type instead gain the It Will Not Die (6+) special rule, or if such a model already has a variant of the It Will Not Die (X) special rule then the value of that special rule is increased by +1 (for example, a model with the Vehicle Unit Type that already had the It Will Not Die (6+) and the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule would instead gain the It Will Not Die (5+) special rule).

The Keys of Hel
Units with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the Iron Hands).

Legion Praetors, Legion Cataphractii Praetors and Legion Tartaros Praetors with this special rule may be upgraded to Iron-Fathers as detailed in the Armoury of the Iron Hands.

Sons of Medusa
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Iron Hands Warlord Trait List.
Battlesmith (X)

Those versed in the secret arts and teachings of the Mechanicum, whether Techmarine, Forge Lord or Magos, have the skill and ability to reconstruct and effect field repairs to war machinery in the very heat of battle.

If a model with the Battlesmith (X) special rule is in base contact with, or Embarked upon, one or more damaged Vehicles, Dreadnoughts or Automata during the Shooting phase, they can attempt to repair one of them. If they do so, the model that attempted the repair cannot shoot any weapons or use any other abilities that would be used instead of making a Shooting Attack. Roll a D6. If the result is equal to or more than the value listed in brackets as part of this rule then one of the following options may be applied to any one Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata the model is in base contact with or Embarked upon:
If a Weapon Destroyed result is repaired, that weapon may not be used to attack in the same phase as it is repaired, but may be used to attack as normal in any phase after that. The Battlesmith cannot use this ability if they are Pinned or Falling Back.
Warlord: Sire of the Iron Hands

One of the most physically powerful Primarchs, whose skills as an architect of arms and armour were every bit as potent as his martial prowess, Ferrus Manus despised weakness and, by his presence on the battlefield, the Primarch drove his men to acts of superhuman endurance and remorseless fervour.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Ferrus Manus automatically has the Sire of the Iron Hands Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Iron Hands – All models with both the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule in the same army as Ferrus Manus gain the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule (this does not stack with other versions of the same special rule, and models that already have a better version of the special rule may use either one at the choice of the controlling player) and all models with both the Vehicle Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule gain the It Will Not Die (5+) special rule. In addition, an army with Ferrus Manus gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Ferrus Manus has not been removed as a casualty.
Feel No Pain (X)

Whether through force of will, bionic augmentation or foul sorcery, this warrior can still fight despite fearsome wounds.

When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound, it can make a special Feel No Pain roll to avoid being Wounded (this is a special Saving Throw which is made after unsaved Wounds are suffered).

Feel No Pain rolls may not be taken against unsaved Wounds that have the Instant Death special rule.

Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound is suffered. On a result that is equal to or greater than the value in brackets, the unsaved Wound is discounted – treat it as having been saved. On any other result the Wound is taken as normal.

For example, a unit with the special rule Feel No Pain (5+) would need to score a 5 or 6 in order to discount a Wound inflicted upon it.

This is a Damage Mitigation roll – any model may make only a single Damage Mitigation roll of any type for any given Wound.
It Will Not Die (X)

In the dark corners of the galaxy, there are creatures that heal at a terrifying speed.

At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6 for each of your models with this special rule that has less than its starting number of Wounds or Hull Points, but that has not been removed as a casualty or destroyed. On a roll equal to or greater than the number in brackets associated with the special rule, that model regains a Wound, or Hull Point, lost earlier in the game. For example, a model with It Will Not Die (5+) would regain a lost Wound on the roll of a 5 or more.

The Armour of Reason

The Armour of Reason provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save and, in addition, the first Invulnerable Save failed by Roboute Guilliman in each separate Phase of the battle may be re-rolled.
Number of Attacks
Each engaged model makes a number of Attacks (A) as indicated on its Characteristics profile, plus the following bonus attacks:

+1 Charge Bonus: Engaged models that Charged this turn get +1 Attack this turn. Models in units that made a Disordered Charge do not get this bonus.

+1 Two Weapons: Engaged models with two single-handed weapons (often a Melee weapon and/or Pistol in each hand) get +1 Attack. Models with more than two weapons gain no additional benefit; you only get one extra attack.

Other Bonuses: Models may have other special rules and Wargear that confer extra attacks.
Specialist Weapon

The mightiest weapons only reach their full potential when wielded in pairs, as they require an entirely different battle stance from that of more commonplace weapons.

A model fighting with this weapon does not receive +1 Attack for fighting with two weapons unless it is armed with two or more Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon rule. The additional weapon does not have to be the same weapon as the one used to attack, but it must have the Specialist Weapon rule in order to grant an additional Attack for fighting with two weapons.

The Gladius Incandor and the Hand of Dominion

Roboute Guilliman’s controlling player must choose which of these two weapons to use in any particular Assault phase, and all of the model’s attacks are made with the chosen profile, but in either case, Roboute Guilliman gains +1 Attack for using two specialist weapons in combat.
The Gladius Incandor and the Hand of Dominion
 - Gladius Incandor
Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (5+), Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon
 - Hand of Dominion
Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon

The Arbitrator

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Arbitrator
Assault 2, Rending (5+), Master-crafted

The cognis-signum is an advanced array of sensory devices, cogitator-assisted communications and telemetry arrays. Installed into a purpose-modified suit of power armour, these enable the wearer to co-ordinate battlefield data with blinding speed.

A model with a cognis-signum gains the Night Vision special rule. In addition, in lieu of the model with the cognis-signum making a Shooting Attack in the Shooting phase, all other models in the same unit gain a bonus of +1 to their BS for that Shooting phase. This benefit is not cumulative, and no unit can benefit from more than one bonus to their BS from cognis-signum.
Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

When rolling To Hit for a model with this special rule as part of a Shooting Attack, add +1 to the result of the roll if the enemy unit targeted by the attack has already been the target of another friendly unit composed entirely of models with this special rule in the same Shooting phase, and if the attacking model is within 6" of a model from that friendly unit. This does not affect attacks made with the Blast or Barrage special rules.

The Arsenals of Ultramar
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the Ultramarines).

Lords of the 500 Worlds
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Ultramarines Warlord Trait list.
Preternatural Strategy
At the start of each of the controlling player’s turns as the Active player in which Roboute Guilliman is on the battlefield (including when Embarked on a model with the Transport Unit Sub-type or Building), the controlling player may select one of the following options, but may not select the same option twice in a row (however, each option may be selected more than once in a single battle as long as it is not in successive turns). The effects of this option are applied to all models in the army with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule (including Roboute Guilliman, but not any models with the Vehicle Unit Type) and last until the start of the controlling player’s next turn as the Active player:

Calculating Swordsman

Though Guilliman had not garnered the renown of some of his brothers as a red-handed lord of war, he was still one of the finest swordsmen in the Imperium. As a warrior he relied not on brute strength or raw speed, but on intelligence. When he fought, he studied his opponent, and learned and exploited the flaws he discovered.

When fighting in a Challenge, Roboute Guilliman may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls of ‘1’ on the second and all subsequent rounds of the Challenge.
Warlord: Sire of the Ultramarines

Guilliman was the paragon of controlled wisdom among his brothers, a general of supreme cunning and a visionary strategist. He valued a calm appraisal of any situation, no matter how dire and looked with little favour on overwrought grandstanding or those that allowed emotion to control their actions.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Roboute Guilliman automatically has the Sire of the Ultramarines Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Ultramarines – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule in the same army as Roboute Guilliman gain +1 to their Leadership Characteristic (to a maximum of 10) while he is on the battlefield and is not in Reserve or removed as a casualty. In addition, at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield, an army with Roboute Guilliman as its Warlord must select one of the following Phases: Movement, Shooting or Assault. For the duration of the battle, an army with Roboute Guilliman as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the chosen Phase of the opposing player’s turn as long as Roboute Guilliman has not been removed as a casualty.
Active and Reactive player
Other rules, most notably those for the Reactions used by units in certain situations, will specify actions by the ‘Active’ or ‘Reactive’ player. The Active player is always the player whose turn is currently being played, while the Reactive player is always the player whose turn is not currently being played.
Fleet (X)

Preternaturally agile, these warriors can cover ground more quickly than their plodding foes.

A unit composed entirely of models with this special rule gains a bonus to all Run moves, any distance moved as part of a Reaction and as a modifier to all rolls made to determine Charge Distances equal to the value in brackets listed after the special rule. For example, a unit composed entirely of models with the Fleet (2) special rule would add +2 to all Run moves it makes, +2 to all distances moved as part of a Reaction and add a +2 modifier to any Charge Moves made.

If a unit is composed entirely of models with this special rule, but the models have different versions of this special rule, then the unit must use the lowest Fleet value included in the unit (for example, a unit of ten models in which nine models have Fleet (2) and one model has Fleet (4) would use the Fleet (2) special rule).

Many warriors live and die according to the principle of ‘death before dishonour’. Seldom do such warriors take a backward step in the face of danger.

When a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule takes Morale checks or Pinning tests, the unit ignore any negative Leadership modifiers. If a unit is both Fearless and Stubborn, the unit uses the rules for Fearless instead.
Heavy Beam

Emitting a devastating beam of coherent energy, these weapons can engulf multiple targets in a single blast. Sweeping across the battlefield in a continuous beam of ravening destruction, the destructive power of such a burst can only be halted by the sturdiest of obstructions or most mighty of war machines.

When the weapon with this special rule is used to make a Shooting Attack, draw a 1" wide line from the end of the gun barrel up to the listed range of the weapon – this is the beam area. The initial target for the weapon (the model in the beam area closest to the attacking model) must be an enemy model.
  • All models (friend and enemy) caught in the beam area (excepting the firing model) suffer a Hit with the listed profile of the weapon, except models with the Flyer Sub-type which cannot be affected or targeted.
  • Units with any models in the beam area receive a number of Hits equal to the number of their models caught in the path of the beam; casualties are removed from affected units using the normal rules for removing casualties.
  • If a Terrain piece, Building, model with the Vehicle Unit Type or any model with 6 or more Wounds is in the beam area, the attack is blocked and its line of effect will go no further than that model. The blocking model will, however, suffer 1+D3 separate Hits, rather than just 1.
  • If a model with the Vehicle Unit Type and the Transport Sub-type suffers a Penetrating Hit from a weapon with this special rule, each unit Embarked on it suffers D6 Str 4 AP - Hits with the Deflagrate special rule, in addition to any other effects. Any Wounds caused are allocated by the controller of the target unit.
Volkite Weapons

‘Volkite’ is an arcane Martian term for a variety of powerful ray weapons whose origins date back to the Age of Strife. Possessed of considerable killing power surpassing most armaments of their size, volkites were difficult to manufacture, even for the most able of the Mechanicum’s forges, and the demands of the Great Crusade swiftly overwhelmed supply of them. Once relatively common within the fledgling Legions, they had fallen largely from favour by the time of the Horus Heresy, and been superseded by the far more flexible and utilitarian Terran bolter. Those few that remained in service were the purview of only a few specialised units at the outbreak of the conflict.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Volkite’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Volkite serpenta
Pistol 2, Deflagrate
Volkite charger
Assault 2, Deflagrate
Volkite caliver
Heavy 3, Deflagrate
Volkite culverin
Heavy 5, Deflagrate
Volkite dual-culverin
Heavy 6, Deflagrate, Twin-linked
Volkite falconet
Heavy 8, Deflagrate, Twin-linked, Pinning
Volkite saker
Heavy 6, Deflagrate
Volkite macro-saker
Heavy 8, Deflagrate
Volkite carronade
Heavy 1, Heavy Beam, Deflagrate
Volkite cardanelle
Heavy 12, Deflagrate, Pinning

The Draken Scale

Vulkan’s armour was a marvel of the Imperium and a famed relic in its own right, and its crowning glory was the skull of the great Firedrake Kesare mounted upon the Primarch’s shoulder, upon whose image the Legion’s symbol was based.

The Draken Scale grants a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, Vulkan may re-roll any failed Armour saves for Wounds inflicted by Flame or Volkite weapons.


A warhammer of prodigious size and reputedly indestructible material construction, Dawnbringer was too great a weight for any but a Primarch to lift. Wielded by Vulkan, Dawnbringer was capable of sundering any defence set against it, from stone to the densest armour plate, and brutally crushed countless foes.

Melee, Master-crafted, Two-handed, Armourbane (Melee), Instant Death
Shock Pulse

Some weapons emit such a storm of radiation and electrical impulses that they can temporarily incapacitate even the most well-armoured fighting vehicles.

Any model with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type that suffers a Penetrating Hit or unsaved Wound from an attack with this special rule may only make Snap Shots when it next makes a Shooting Attack either as part of a Reaction or during its vontrolling player’s Shooting phase.

The Furnace’s Heart

A baroquely styled energy weapon gifted to Vulkan by Ferrus Manus, the Furnace’s Heart utilised individual charged shells to produce powerful laser-like blasts capable of cutting swathes through even heavily armoured foes. The weapon, however, was not truly favoured by Vulkan, for reasons that remained the subject of dark rumour, but the Salamanders’ Primarch carried the weapon into battle at Isstvan V regardless to honour his brother for the gift.

The Furnace’s Heart
Pistol 1, Lance, Shock Pulse, Burst (D6)

Burst (X): If this weapon inflicts a Hit then instead of one Hit it inflicts a number of Hits equal to the number in brackets included as part of the rule.
Dragon’s Breath

The flame weapons used by the Salamanders were made to the finest levels of craftsmanship, operating at a potency far beyond that of lesser weapons.

When attacking using the Wall of Death special rule (see the Template rules), a weapon with this special rule inflicts D6 Hits instead of D3.
Dragon’s Breath heavy flamer

Dragon’s Breath heavy flamer
Assault 1, Dragon’s Breath

Legiones Astartes (Salamanders)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

When rolling To Wound against a model with this special rule for any attack inflicted by a Flame, Melta, Plasma, or Volkite weapon or effect, reduce the result of that roll To Wound by -1 (this does not affect the Strength of the attack, only the result of the roll To Wound). In addition, all models with this special rule that have more than one Wound or Hull Point gain the It Will Not Die (6+) special rule.

Artifice of Nocturne
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the Salamanders).

The Creed of Vulkan
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Salamanders Warlord Trait list.
Warlord: Sire of the Salamanders

A paragon of wisdom as well as martial prowess to his Legion, Vulkan embodies the stoicism and honour that has become the hallmark of his Legion, and those who stand with him have an unshakable conviction in their cause.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Vulkan automatically has the Sire of the Salamanders Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Salamanders – All models with both the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule in the same army as Vulkan gain the Stubborn special rule. In addition, an army with Vulkan as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Vulkan has not been removed as a casualty.
Shrouded (X)

The source of the darkness around these warriors matters not – only a lucky shot has any chance of piercing the shroud that hides them from view.

When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound, Glancing Hit or Penetrating Hit, it can make a special Shrouded roll to ignore it (this is not a Saving Throw and so can be used against attacks that state that ‘no Saves of any kind are allowed’). Shrouded rolls may not be taken against Melee Attacks, against attacks with the Ignores Cover special rule or for models (excluding models with the Primarch Unit Type) with the Fearless special rule.

Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound, Glancing Hit or Penetrating Hit is suffered by a model with this special rule. On a result that is equal to or greater than the value in brackets, that unsaved Wound, Glancing Hit or Penetrating Hit is ignored. On any other result, the Wound, Glancing Hit or Penetrating Hit is applied as normal. For example, a unit with the special rule Shrouded (6+) would need to score a 6 in order to ignore a Wound, Glancing Hit or Penetrating Hit inflicted upon it.

If on any unit this rule is presented simply as Shrouded, without a value in brackets, then count it as Shrouded (6+).

This is a Damage Mitigation roll – any model may make only a single Damage Mitigation roll of any type for any given Wound, Glancing Hit or Penetrating Hit.

The Sable Armour

The Sable Armour provides a 2+ Armour Save, a 4+ Invulnerable Save and grants the Shrouded (4+) special rule.
Sudden Strike (X)

Some warriors are skilled in the swift and deadly arts of guerilla warfare, relying on ambush and surprise to take their opponents unaware. These warriors are deadly on the attack, but must press this advantage to overcome more heavily equipped foes.

In a turn in which a model with this special rule Charges into combat, it adds a bonus to its Initiative Characteristic until the end of the Assault phase. The bonus added to the model’s Initiative is equal to the value in brackets after the special rule; for example, a model with Sudden Strike (2) adds a bonus of +2 to its Initiative.

A model that has made a Disordered Charge that turn receives no benefit from Sudden Strike (X).

The Panoply of the Raven Lord

In combat, this is counted as a single weapon with the following profile:

The Panoply of the Raven Lord
Melee, Shred, Blind, Fighting Style, Two-handed

Fighting Style: At the beginning of each Assault phase, Corvus Corax’s controlling player may choose one of the following special rules to apply to his attacks, based upon the weapons and fighting style he is employing: Murderous Strike (4+), Rage (4) or Sudden Strike (3).

The Korvidine Pinions

At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, or when deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault, Corvus Corax’s Movement Characteristic may be set to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn (referred to as ‘activating’ this special rule). This allows Corvus Corax to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on his profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge Distance). In addition, Corvus Corax may move over Impassable Terrain, vertical terrain or friendly and enemy models or units without penalty on any turn in which the Korvidine Pinions have been activated, but may not end his movement in Impassable Terrain or within 1" of any model from a unit Corvus Corax is not part of. If Corvus Corax ends or begins his movement or a Charge in Dangerous Terrain during any turn in which the Korvidine Pinions have been activated, he automatically passes any Dangerous Terrain tests he is called upon to make.

Corvus Corax may still Run on a turn when the Korvidine Pinions have been activated. When making a Run move after having activated the Korvidine Pinions, add Corvus Corax’s Initiative Characteristic to 14 to determine how far he may move – ignoring terrain and other models while making a Run move with the Korvidine Pinions activated as noted above, but may not make Shooting Attacks or declare a Charge in the same turn in which Corvus Corax has Run as per the normal rules for Running. The Korvidine Pinions may not be activated to gain any bonus to Corvus Corax’s Movement Characteristic during a Reaction.

Wrath & Justice

Wrath and Justice are two separate weapons, both counting as both an ‘Auto’ and ‘Volkite’ weapon and with identical profiles.
Wrath & Justice
Pistol 1, Rending (3+), Deflagrate, Master-crafted
Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

Models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule gain one of three special rules based on its Unit Type and Wargear, either Talons, Falcons or Hawks (see the Shadow and Fury rules).

The Vaults of Deliverance
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see Armoury of the Raven Guard).

The Warriors of Deliverance
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Raven Guard Warlord Trait list.
The Shadowed Lord
If Corvus Corax chooses to use the Hit & Run special rule, the controlling player rolls an additional dice when determining the distance moved and discards any one dice of that player’s choice before determining the final result. In addition, the controlling player may re-roll all failed Shrouded rolls of a ‘1’ made for Corvus Corax and all models in any unit he has joined after using the Hit & Run special rule to remove Corvus Corax from an ongoing combat – this effect continues until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.
Warlord: Sire of the Raven Guard

The grim and brooding Raven Lord was a hard master to his Legion, but one whose noble goals inspired true devotion from those that followed him into battle. His sons would learn to master the Raven Lord’s evasive style of combat, seeking always to bleed and tire the foe rather than overcome them with brute force.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Corvus Corax automatically has the Sire of the Raven Guard Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Raven Guard – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule and either the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Types in the same army as Corvus Corax gain the Scout and Crusader special rules. In addition, an army with Corvus Corax gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Corvus Corax has not been removed as a casualty.

Scouts are always in the vanguard of the army. Unnoticed by the enemy, they range ahead of the main force.

After both sides have deployed (including Infiltrators), but before the first player begins their first turn, a unit containing at least one model with this special rule can choose to redeploy. If the unit is Infantry, Artillery, Dreadnought or Automata, each model can redeploy anywhere entirely within 6" of its current position. If it is any other Unit Type, each model can instead redeploy anywhere entirely within 12" of its current position. During this redeployment, Scouts can move outside the owning player’s Deployment Zone, but must remain more than 9" away from any enemy unit. A unit that makes a Scout redeployment cannot Charge in the first Game Turn. A unit cannot Embark or Disembark as part of a Scout redeployment.

If both sides have Scouts, roll off; the winner decides who redeploys first. Then alternate redeploying Scout units one at a time. If a unit with this special rule is deployed inside a Dedicated Transport, it confers the Scout special rule to the Transport (though a Disembarkation cannot be performed as part of the redeployment). Note that a Transport with this special rule does not lose it if a unit without this special rule is Embarked upon it. Having Scout also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Scouts that are kept as Reserves.

The Gilded Panoply

Fulgrim was known to enter battle wearing an ornate suit of artificer armour designed to give free rein to his phenomenal speed and agility.

The Gilded Panoply provides Fulgrim with a 2+ Armour Save, a 3+ Invulnerable Save against Melee Attacks and a 4+ Invulnerable Save against all other Wounds inflicted upon him.

The Blade of the Laer

Fulgrim’s weapon of choice was a slender, two-handed sword presented to him by the Warmaster himself. The sword’s quicksilver blade, able to slice stone and steel without mar, was by common repute reforged from the masterwork weapons of the xenos Laer, but in truth may have had darker origins yet.

The Blade of the Laer
Melee, Duellist’s Edge (1), Fleshbane, Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon


One of a number of arms Fulgrim carried as his mood took him, Firebrand is a masterpiece of the gunsmith’s craft, as much a work of art as it was a fearsome weapon of war.

Pistol 2, Deflagrate, Shred, Master-crafted
Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

On a turn in which they make a successful Charge, even if that Charge is considered a Disordered Charge, models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule make their attacks in an assault at one Initiative step higher than normal – after any Initiative modifiers from other special rules have been taken into account. Models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule and the Vehicle Unit Type gain a bonus of +1 to all To Hit rolls made for Defensive weapons when making a Shooting Attack as part of a Reaction.

The Perfect Tools
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Emperor’s Children).

The Phoenician’s Own
Any Legion Tartaros Centurion with this special rule may select the Phoenix Warden Consul upgrade.

Exemplars of War
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Emperor’s Children Warlord Trait list.
Tactical Excellence

Fulgrim’s art of war focused around the perfect execution of pre-planned strategies and tactics, enabling him to adapt to the battlefield and foe he and his Legion must encounter and leaving little opportunity for that foe to disrupt his plans.

Once per battle, at the start of any Phase, Fulgrim’s controlling player may declare the use of this special rule. For the duration of that Phase any enemy units that attempt to declare a Reaction against a Move, Shooting Attack or Charge made by Fulgrim or a unit that he has joined, must first pass a Leadership test (using the highest Leadership Characteristic in the unit attempting to make a Reaction), unless the unit that is making the Reaction includes at least one model with the Primarch Unit Type, in which case the unit may declare Reactions as normal.
Sublime Swordsman

Fulgrim’s skill as a duellist and swordsman is beyond that of any mortal warrior or even one of the enhanced Space Marines of the Emperor’s Legions.

When Fulgrim makes Melee Attacks as part of a Challenge, he gains a number of additional Attacks equal to the amount which his Initiative Characteristic is greater than that of his opponent. For example, if Fulgrim attacks an enemy model with an Initiative Characteristic of 5 as part of a Challenge, Fulgrim’s Initiative of 8 grants him 3 extra Attacks.

In the name of the Warmaster Horus, a vast host took up arms against those they had once called brothers – some driven by a lust for power and others by a misguided desire for justice. Regardless of the cause they held dear, there could be no turning back for these warriors, only victory or damnation.

A model with this special rule may only be included in an army that has the Traitor Allegiance.
Warlord: Sire of the Emperor’s Children

In his glory days, Fulgrim was an exemplar of what all the Emperor’s Primarchs could be – a brilliant tactician, superlative warrior and a hero to those that followed him into battle. It was, perhaps, the great praise he garnered for his success that led to his slow corruption. Rightful pride in his accomplishments turned to self-obsession and hubris would soon see him fall into the service of Horus and the heresy he would unleash upon the galaxy.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Fulgrim automatically has the Sire of the Emperor’s Children Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Emperor’s Children – All friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule that can draw a line of sight to Fulgrim may use Fulgrim’s Leadership Characteristic for all Morale checks and Pinning tests they are required to take and all friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule on the battlefield while Fulgrim is also on the battlefield gain +1 to the Wound value used to calculate if the unit has won a close combat. In addition, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by Fulgrim and any unit he has joined does not use up a point of the controlling player’s Reaction Allotment.


During the Great Crusade Fulgrim wielded Fireblade, wrought for him by the hand of Ferrus Manus. This heavy bladed longsword was a rare gift from the Gorgon, a sign of his unlikely friendship with the Phoenician and a deadly tool of war.

Melee, Murderous Strike (5+), Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon
Leadership Tests
At certain times, a model or unit might be called upon to take a Leadership test. This usually represents them drawing upon their courage to face disheartening circumstances.

To take a Leadership test, use the following procedure:
  • Roll 2D6 and compare the result to the model’s Leadership Characteristic.
  • If the result is equal to or less than the model’s Leadership Characteristic, then the test has been passed.
  • If the result is greater than the model’s Leadership Characteristic, the test has been failed and the model faces the consequences as detailed in the rule that prompted the test.
If a unit has to take a Leadership test and it includes models with different Leadership values, always use the highest Leadership from among them.
Reaction Allotments
The Reactive player may attempt a set number of Reactions in each Phase of the Active player’s turn. This set number is referred to as the Reaction Allotment, and always begins at a base value of one. A player must expend one point of their Reaction Allotment in order to have a unit under their control make a Reaction and once the Reaction Allotment for that Phase is reduced to 0, sometimes referred to as being exhausted, then no more Reactions may be made.

Any player, unless a special rule or other effect specifies otherwise, may make one Reaction in each Phase of their opponent’s turn.

The Reaction Allotment of any player may be modified by special rules or other effects, granting that player additional Reactions either in every Phase (an increase of the Reaction Allotment) or in specific Phases. This may either increase the base Reaction Allotment, that is the number of Reactions allowed in every Phase, or only grant a bonus to the Reaction Allotment in specific Phases.

For example, a player might have a special rule that states ‘This special rule increases the Reaction Allotment to two’, which would indicate that the player could make two Reactions in every Phase of their opponent’s turn. However, a special rule that states ‘This special rule increases the number of Reactions that may be made during the Assault phase by +1’ would allow a player with a Reaction Allotment of one to make a single Reaction in the Shooting and Movement phases, but two in the Assault phase.

Regardless of any special rules or other effects, no player may ever increase their base Reaction Allotment above three, nor may any player ever make more than three Reactions in a given Phase unless a special rule specifically allows for a number of Reactions above the normal limit of three.

A Reaction may be made with any unit controlled by the Reactive player, though in a number of situations a special rule or condition may deny a unit the opportunity to react. The most common such conditions where a unit may not make a Reaction are:
Advanced Reaction: Interceptor
Advanced Reactions are available to specific players as noted in their description. Unlike Core Reactions, they are activated in unique and specific circumstances, as noted in their descriptions, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced Reactions use up points of a Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted otherwise in their description.

Interceptor - This Advanced Reaction may be made whenever an enemy unit enters play from Reserve within line of sight of a friendly unit, and within the maximum range of at least one weapon in that unit. The Reacting unit may make a Shooting Attack, targeting a unit deployed onto the battlefield in this Phase and following all the usual rules for Shooting Attacks. Vehicles may only fire Defensive weapons, unless another rule specifically states otherwise. Shooting Attacks made as part of the Interceptor Reaction do not cause Morale checks, regardless of the number of casualties inflicted.

Unless otherwise specified by another rule, making this Reaction expends a point from the Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment for the Phase in which the Reaction is made.

The Logos

Perturabo’s panoply of war was a unique and highly customised suit of Terminator armour of his own design known as the ‘Logos’. As well as providing a phenomenal level of defence against outside attack, the armour contained sophisticated command and control systems which linked him cybernetically to every facet of the forces under his disposal and a shifting array of weapons and secondary systems created by his own vast intellect.

The Logos provides a 2+ Armour Save and 3+ Invulnerable Save, and allows Perturabo to ignore all the effects of Night Fighting, and when Perturabo or any unit he has joined makes the Interceptor Advanced Reaction, the Reaction does not cost the controlling player a point from their Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given turn.

The Logos Array

Built into the arm systems of the Logos armour are two small batteries of custom-built bolt weapons, prime examples of Olympia’s shrapnel bolt technology and improved by the genius of Perturabo himself. These weapons unleash a storm of shot that few enemies can withstand.

This weapon is considered a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. The Logos array has two profiles, one for use as a ranged weapon and one for use in melee.
The Logos Array
- Ranged
Assault 6, Twin-linked, Shred, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
- Melee
Melee, Two-handed
Cortex Controller

This control and signalling device uses data-djinn to command Battle-automata fitted with Cybernetica cortex systems, allowing the wielder to witness the battlefield through the automata’s own senses as well as monitor their status and exact precise control over their actions. Only the most highly experienced and specifically augmented adepts of the Mechanicum and the Forge Lords of the Legiones Astartes can hope to fathom the use of these fractious devices and successfully interpret the storm of data streaming from their un-living minions.

Any unit that includes one or more models with the Cybernetica Unit Sub-type may ignore the Programmed Behaviour provision described as part of that Sub-type while within 12" of a friendly model with a cortex controller.
Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

When a model with this special rule makes a Shooting Attack or Melee Attack targeting a model with the Dreadnought, Automata, Vehicle or Building Unit Type, it gains +1 to the Strength of that attack.

The Armoury of Ruin
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Iron Warriors).

A Detachment with this special rule may choose to upgrade a Legion Praetor, Legion Cataphractii Praetor or Legion Tartaros Praetor to a Warsmith.

Iron Within, Iron Without
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Iron Warriors Warlord Trait list.
Master of Automata

Some warriors are trained to operate alongside the towering automata of the Mechanicum, well accustomed to the limitations of those war machines and how to best fight at their side.

A model with this special rule may join a unit that includes one or more models with the Automata Unit Type. While part of a unit that includes one or more models with the Automata Unit Type, a model with this special rule may not make Reactions and gains the Fearless special rule. If the Automata models in the unit are subject to the Programmed Behaviour provision then those rules are not used as long as a model with this special rule is part of the unit.
Warlord: Sire of the Iron Warriors

Perturabo had long established himself as a Warlord and strategist on his home world and was considered amongst the finest of artificers among the ranks of the Primarchs. In battle, however, it was his ruthless sense of discipline that most influenced his Legion, for all those warriors that fought at his side were well aware of the price of failure or cowardice in the eyes of the Lord of Iron.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Perturabo automatically has the Sire of the Iron Warriors Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Iron Warriors – All models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule and the Infantry Unit Type in the same army as Perturabo roll an additional dice when making Morale checks or Pinning tests caused by Shooting Attacks and discard the dice with the highest result before determining the result of the Check. In addition, an army with Perturabo as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction during the Shooting phase only as long as Perturabo has not been removed as a casualty.

Forgebreaker Desecrated

Once wielded by the Primarch Ferrus Manus, this weapon was taken from his body as a trophy by his killer and presented to Perturabo by the Traitor Warmaster. In the hands of the grim master of the Iron Warriors, it has become a horrific icon of the darkness that had corrupted many of the Mankind’s greatest champions.

Forgebreaker Desecrated
Melee, Unwieldy, Master-crafted, Exoshock (3+), Brutal (2)
Certain pieces of Wargear or special rules can modify a model’s Characteristics positively or negatively by adding to it (+1, +2, etc), subtracting from it (-1, -2, etc) or even setting its value (1, 8, etc). A model’s Initiative cannot be modified below 1, and no other Characteristic can be modified below 0.

The Nightmare Mantle

Curze’s raiment of war was a customised artificer suit, bedecked in grisly trophies of judgement and the flayed skins of those whose sins he saw as particularly egregious or noteworthy.

The Nightmare Mantle provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, the Nightmare Mantle allows Konrad Curze to ignore all modifiers to his Movement from any source, automatically pass all Dangerous Terrain Tests and when choosing to Run adds 12 to his Movement Characteristic instead of his Initiative Characteristic.

Mercy & Forgiveness

This pair of murderous artificer lightning claws, unknown in origin, which Curze favoured as his personal weapons were given the doleful names ‘Mercy’ and ‘Forgiveness’ by the Night Lords; though what their wielder named them, if anything, remains as with so much about their master, unknown.

Mercy & Forgiveness are two separate weapons, and Konrad Curze gains the +1 Attack bonus for having two weapons when using them – this is not included as part of his profile.
- Mercy
Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (4+)
- Forgiveness
Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (4+)

The Widowmakers

Based on the micro-serrated throwing blades utilised for signature-kills by certain Nostraman assassin-cults, Curze favoured the use of these vicious, yet highly precise weapons over more conventional firearms in battle, using them to disable and maim as he willed.

The Widowmakers
Assault 3, Rending (4+)
Legiones Astartes (Night Lords)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

When a unit made up entirely of models with this special rule attacks during the Fight sub-phase or makes a Shooting Attack against an enemy unit that is Pinned, Falling Back or outnumbered by the attacking unit, it gains a bonus of +1 to all To Wound or Armour Penetration rolls made during the Shooting Attack or Assault. When determining if a unit is outnumbered, models with the Bulky (X) special rule count as a number of models equal to the value included as part of that special rule. Models with the Vehicle Unit Type count as ten models for the purposes of determining if the model is outnumbered by another unit.

Panoply of Slaughter
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Night Lords).

Children of the Night
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Night Lords Warlord Trait list.
Fear (X)

Some beings are so monstrous or alien that they can force their foes to recoil in horror.

All enemy models within 12" of a model with this special rule must reduce their Leadership by the value in brackets after the special rule when taking any Morale checks, Regroup or Pinning tests. For example, a unit with the special rule Fear (2) would reduce the Leadership of all enemy models within 12" by 2.

Enemy units that are locked in combat are only affected by this modifier if they are locked in combat with the unit that causes Fear. This modifier is not cumulative, and any given unit can only be affected by a single instance of the Fear special rule at a time. This will always be the highest single modifier among those applicable.

A model that causes Fear is not itself immune to Fear, and will still suffer a penalty to its Leadership if within range of an enemy unit that has the Fear special rule.
The King of Terrors

Such is Curze’s aura of preternatural malice and sinister intent, that even the most valorous warriors buckle before his onslaught, all thoughts of standing against this spectre of doom washed away by an unnatural despair.

When Konrad Curze and any unit he has joined ends a combat by removing all enemy models as casualties or destroying an enemy unit due to a Sweeping Advance, all enemy units that are not locked in combat and can draw a line of sight to Konrad Curze must immediately take a Pinning test.
Bloody Murder

The Night Lords were renowned for their vicious cruelty in battle, they always sought to target their foes at their weakest point and when they found such a weakness, left only twisted and mutilated corpses in their wake.

When a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule declares a Charge targeting a unit that is Pinned or Falling Back, the Charge roll gains an additional +1 modifier, and if the Charge is successful then all models in the Charging unit gain +1 Attack for the duration of the turn in which that Charge is made.
Night Vision

Some warriors can see almost as clearly in the darkness as they can in daylight.

A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule ignores the effects of Night Fighting and no model may make Shrouded rolls to negate Wounds inflicted by their attacks.
Glimpse of Death (Psychic Power)

An empire in flames, a throne in a palace of nightmares and a shadowy figure wreathed in righteous anger. It all ends in horror and a short, undignified stroke of a blade. What terror can the battlefields of the present hold compared to the empty futility of the future?

At the start of any Assault phase, a Psychic check may be made for Konrad Curze by the controlling player, this Psychic check must be made against a Leadership of 7. If this Check is passed, Konrad Curze gains the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule and +1 Attacks for the duration of that Assault phase. If the Check is failed, Konrad Curze suffers Perils of the Warp.
A Death Long Foreseen

Konrad Curze was cursed with one tiny sliver of his father’s psychic talent – he could foresee snatches of the future with limited clarity. Only one vision he ever accepted with unswerving certainty, that of his own death. Curze could conjure up this vision with a moment of focus, reaffirming his belief in its truth and thus entering the fray with a suicidal fury.

Konrad Curze gains access to the Glimpse of Death Psychic Power only and gains no other Disciplines.
Warlord: Sire of the Night Lords

A dark and haunted figure, obsessed by death and judgement, and unshakable in his belief in the fundamental fallibility of Mankind and the agency of fear as the only true means of controlling humanity’s failings, Konrad Curze and his Legion were shaped by the terror and darkness of Nostramo just as much as they were by the genecraft of the Emperor.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Konrad Curze automatically has the Sire of the Night Lords Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Night Lords – All models with the Infantry, Dreadnought or Cavalry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule in the same army as Konrad Curze gain the Night Vision and Bloody Murder special rules and are immune to the effects of the Fear (X) special rule. In addition, an army with Konrad Curze as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the Movement phase as long as Konrad Curze has not been removed as a casualty.
Sweeping Advances
When a unit Falls Back from combat, the victors can make a Sweeping Advance, attempting to cut down the enemy as they flee.

When a Sweeping Advance is performed, both the unit Falling Back and the winning unit roll a D6 and add their unmodified Initiative to the result. In a unit with mixed Initiative Characteristics, use the highest Characteristic. The units then compare their totals.

If the winner’s total (Initiative + dice roll) is greater than their opponents’, the Falling Back unit is caught by the Sweeping Advance and destroyed. All models in the destroyed unit are immediately removed as casualties. Unless otherwise specified, no Save or other special rule can prevent the unit from being destroyed.

If the Falling Back unit’s total is higher, or the final result is a tie, they break off from the combat successfully. Make a Falls Back move for the losing unit. The winners can then Consolidate.
Perils of the Warp
Common to all forms of psychic ability is the possibility of the Warp’s power rebelling and wreaking havoc on the Psyker and their allies. This is represented by the Perils of the Warp special rule. Most Psychic Powers and Weapons dictate under what conditions a Psyker must suffer Perils of the Warp, but in most cases this will be as the result of a failed Leadership test while using a Psychic Power or attack.

Whenever a Psyker or other model/unit suffers Perils of the Warp, apply the rule below:

Perils of the Warp: When a model or unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it receives D3 Wounds against which only Invulnerable Saves may be taken (no Damage Mitigation rolls may be made to negate these Wounds). These Wounds may be allocated to any model in the unit, including models without the Psyker Sub-type, in the same manner as those received during a Shooting Attack. If the Psyker is a Vehicle, it suffers D3 Hull Points of damage against which only Invulnerable Saves may be taken.

These Hull Points of damage may be allocated to other Vehicle models in the same Squadron, in the same manner as a Shooting Attack.

The Armour of Mars

The warplate of Angron is the rebuilt skeleton of his ancient gladiator armour, reinforced and enhanced by the technology of Mars at the behest of the Emperor. Though once a gleaming golden token of the Emperor’s esteem for his new champion, Angron has shown little interest in its condition, allowing the gore of each victory to dull its lustre and refusing to allow any but the most basic maintenance.

The Armour of Mars gives its wearer a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

The Spite Furnace

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Spite Furnace
Pistol 2, Gets Hot, Master-crafted

The Butcher’s Nails

The cyber-neural implants buried deep into Angron’s nervous system drive him to heights of rage that cannot be readily understood by any other than the Red Angel himself. This device feeds on and amplifies Angron’s own rage, and in battle each kill sees his rage mount and grow until the Primarch becomes little more than a gore-spattered threshing machine, cutting down lives in a frenzy of violence unequalled by any of his brethren.

At the start of each of the controlling player’s turns after the first, Angron gains +1 to his Attack characteristic for the rest of the battle to a maximum of 10 Attacks at the start of the controlling player’s fifth turn (if the battle lasts that long). If Angron is in Reserves at the start of the controlling player’s turn then this rule has no effect and his Attacks do not increase that turn. Additionally, any To Hit rolls made in any Assault phase targeting a unit that includes Angron, always counts the majority Weapon Skill of the target unit as 3, regardless of the actual Weapon Skill of the models in that unit.


These archaic matched chainaxes are among the most potent weapons known among the relics of the Primarchs, and are made all the more deadly by Angron’s consummate skill as a fighter.

Weapon listed here is counted as ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Armourbane (Melee), Murderous Strike (3+), Shred


These archaic matched chainaxes are among the most potent weapons known among the relics of the Primarchs, and are made all the more deadly by Angron’s consummate skill as a fighter.

Weapon listed here is counted as ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Armourbane (Melee), Murderous Strike (3+), Shred
Legiones Astartes (World Eaters)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

On any turn in which a unit with this special rule makes a successful Charge it gains +1 Attack for the remainder of that turn in addition to any other bonuses, even if that Charge is considered a Disordered Charge.

The Butcher’s Panoply
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the World Eaters).

World Eaters Berserkers
A model with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule gains access to the World Eaters Berserkers upgrade, as detailed in The Armoury of the World Eaters.

Hounds Of War
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the World Eaters Warlord Trait list.
Red Sands

Trained to fight and die in single combat, Angron was at his best when pitted against the foe’s mightiest warriors blade to blade.

In any given turn Angron may make as many Challenges as there are enemy models with the Character Sub-type or Primarch Unit Type locked in combat with him, up to his current number of Attacks. Pull out all the challengers and fight them in an order decided by Angron’s controlling player during the Challenge part of the Fight sub-phase, save that any enemy model with the Primarch Unit Type must be fought first. Angron must divide his attacks between them and must assign at least one attack to each Challenge he fights in. All models challenged by Angron, and Angron himself, count as being in a Challenge and follow all the rules for Challenges and any models that are not removed as casualties remain in a Challenge with Angron until either all the challengers are removed as casualties, Angron is removed as a casualty or the Challenge is ended by the effects of another rule.
Hatred (X)

In the far future, hatred is a powerful ally.

This rule is presented as Hatred (X) where X identifies a specific type of foe. If the special rule does not specify a type of foe, then the unit has Hatred against everyone. This can refer to a Faction or a specific unit.

For example, Hatred (Mechanicum) means any model of the Mechanicum Faction, whilst Hatred (Thallax) means only Thallax. A model striking a Hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of each close combat.

The effects of this special rule only apply when a unit that has it begins an Assault phase not locked in combat and then either Charges or is Charged by an enemy unit. If an enemy unit Charges this unit when it is already locked in combat then that does count as a new ‘first’ turn of combat for the effects of Hatred.
Warlord: Sire of the World Eaters

Forced to abandon those who had trusted him and fought for him by the Emperor, Angron would never be the inspirational leader that many of his kin became. He treated his own Legion with a brutal disdain, and yet those bloody warriors would not abandon the one whose genes had forged them, seeking ever to please and impress their progenitor. Only the most reckless feats of bloody-handed slaughter would receive even the smallest gesture of respect from Angron, and the World Eaters would face any peril to secure such a mark of honour.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Angron automatically has the Sire of the World Eaters Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the World Eaters – All models with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule in the same army as Angron, including Angron himself, gain the Feel No Pain (6+) and Adamantium Will (3+) special rules. In addition, an army with Angron as its Warlord increases its Reaction Allotment to 3 in the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Angron has not been removed as a casualty (this does not allow more than three Reactions to be made in that Phase, and may not be further modified by any other rule or effect), but may only make Advance Reactions.

The Barbaran Plate

Mortarion’s war panoply is of his own design, fusing power armour technology with his own lore. It is designed not only to protect him in battle but augment his own singular physiology and environmental needs, synthesising trace elements of the poisonous vapours of his home world to mix with the air he breathes.

The Barbaran Plate provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
Reach (X)

Some weapons rely not on the speed of their wielder, but on their sheer length or cunning design to inflict harm upon the foe before they can react.

A model making attacks as part of an Assault using a weapon with this special rule, adds the value of (X) that is included as part of this special rule to its Initiative Characteristic. If a model has more than one weapon with this special rule then that model only increases the value of its Initiative by the value of the special rule on the weapon whose profile is used by that model to attack during the Fight sub-phase. A weapon that is not used to attack does not modify the model’s Initiative Characteristic – models that may attack with more than one weapon, or models claiming the bonus for having a second weapon, may only add the value of the highest variant of this special rule and do not add the values together.

For example, a model attacking as part of an Assault with a weapon that has the Reach (1) special rule increases its Initiative by +1.
Power Weapons

These melee weapons are sheathed in disruption fields that allow them to cleave armour as though it were paper and annihilate flesh or bone with ease. They are both difficult to master, for a single mis-stroke can lead to catastrophe in a close packed melee, and expensive to manufacture and maintain, and so are mostly found only in the hands of the finest warriors in the Legiones Astartes.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. A model that is eligible to select a power weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.

Power sword
Melee, Rending (6+)
Power axe
Melee, Unwieldy
Power maul
Power lance
Melee, Reach (1)

Although technically operated on the same principle, the following weapons are far rarer and more difficult to master than the more common power weapons. They count as a ‘Power’ weapons, but may not be selected by a model eligible to claim a generic power weapon.

When a model has two lightning claws, that model gains +2 Attacks instead of the usual +1 Attack for using an additional weapon in combat.
Power fist
Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon
Gravis power fist
Melee, Brutal (3)
Thunder hammer
Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Specialist Weapon
Lightning claw
Melee, Shred, Rending (6+), Specialist Weapon


A massive two-handed battle scythe with a blade span as long as most human warriors are tall, ‘Silence’ —to give it the macabre nickname favoured by its wielder— is accounted as one of the most fearsome blades wielded by any Primarch. Since Mortarion’s finding, there have been dark whispers that the blade is of xenos-tainted origin, and some familiar with the legend of the Death Guard Primarch’s early life believe it to be none other than the weapon of the terrible creature that once named himself Mortarion’s ‘father’.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Instant Death, Sunder, Two-handed,
Reaping Blow (2)

The Lantern

A drum-barrelled energy blaster of unknown origin, the ‘Lantern’, is Mortarion’s preferred sidearm.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Lantern
Assault 1, Sunder
Crawling Fire

Phosphex, sometimes known as the ‘crawling fire’, seeks out and extinguishes life with a terrifying hunger.

After the Blast marker for a weapon with this special rule is placed, the attacking unit’s controlling player may move the marker up to 2" in any direction so long as this would cover more models than it previously would have.
Lingering Death

Many of the terrible weapons unleashed during the Horus Heresy tainted the very worlds they were used to conquer, poisoning the soil and burning the sky, leaving only calamity in their wake.

When a Blast weapon with this rule is used, after the attack is resolved leave the Blast marker in play for the rest of the game and mark it with a counter of some kind. This area is now treated as Dangerous Terrain for all models with a Toughness value.
Phosphex bomb

Phosphex bomb
Assault 1, One Use, Blast (3"), Poisoned (3+), Crawling Fire, Lingering Death

Legiones Astartes (Death Guard)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

A model with this special rule that does not have the Cavalry Unit Type or Artillery Unit Sub-type ignores any modifiers or restrictions on moving during the Movement phase (including modifiers imposed by Terrain or restrictions from rules such as Pinning which would normally stop them from moving) as long as the model does not Run or make use of another alternative form of Movement such as ‘activating’ a jump pack, Disembarking or deploying via Deep Strike. Furthermore, as long as the model has not Run or used another alternative form of Movement in the controlling player’s Movement phase, it is counted as Stationary when making Shooting Attacks until the start of the controlling player’s next turn. This special rule does not affect whether or not a model may make a Charge, and does not allow models with the Vehicle Unit Type to ignore the effects of an Immobilised result on the Vehicle Damage table (but does allow a model with the Vehicle Unit Type to move even when under the effect of the Crew Stunned result on the Vehicle Damage table).

The Reaper’s Arsenal
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Death Guard).

Sons Of Barbarus
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Death Guard Warlord Trait list.

Many of the most famous and powerful commanders went to war with a dedicated cadre of bodyguards and adjutants. These guardians served both to protect their master in the heat of battle, preserving his life against all threats, and as a vital reserve of skilled warriors to press the attack at the most crucial moment.

A Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Terminator Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad may only be selected as part of a Detachment that includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’ and the model with the Master of the Legion special rule is referred to as the Retinue Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule (if the Detachment includes more than one model with the Master of the Legion special rule then the controlling player selects one as the unit’s Leader). The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. A Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Terminator Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad may not be selected as part of an army without a Leader.
Power Scythes

These unique power weapons are used to great effect by the Death Guard, wielded in great sweeping arcs lopping off limbs and slicing apart the foe with ease. Many among the grim Legion of Mortarion favoured them as much for the fear inspired by their form as for the carnage they inflicted upon the foe.

Any model with both the Character Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rule may exchange a power weapon for a power scythe for no additional cost.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Power scythe
Melee, Rending (6+), Two-handed, Reaping Blow (1)
Legion Standard

Each Space Marine Legion maintains the ancient military tradition of the battle standard being a rallying point and spur to glory. These icons vary greatly from Legion to Legion depending on their particular martial culture. Be they a tattered flag that has weathered the shot and shell of a hundred battlefields, a burning steel standard, or a trophy rack bedecked with the heads of slain xenos, it is in the shadow of such banners and icons that battles are won or lost.

All of the controlling player’s units with the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule within 6" of a friendly model with a Legion standard are considered to have a Leadership Characteristic of 10 when resolving Morale checks or Pinning tests (but not Psychic checks). In addition, all models in a unit that includes a Legion standard gain the Line Sub-type as long as they remain part of that unit – this benefit is lost immediately if the model with the Legion standard is removed as a casualty.
Deathshroud Retinue
A Deathshroud Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Deathshroud Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Deathshroud Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Deathshroud Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. One Deathshroud Terminator in a Deathshroud Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue may exchange their power scythe for a Legion standard and power weapon for +15 points.
Shadow of the Reaper

Mortarion is a terrifying, almost spectral figure, who despite his size and bearing is able to go unseen almost at will and attack from an unexpected quarter.

So long as Mortarion is not Embarked on any model, in Reserves, locked in combat or part of a unit with the Retinue or Deathshroud Retinue special rules, in the player’s Shooting phase in lieu of making a Shooting Attack, Mortarion may be redeployed by his controlling player, this counts as an alternative form of Movement and cancels the benefits of the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rule when used.

If this option is used then Mortarion is removed from the battlefield, leaving any unit that he was part of. The controlling player must then redeploy Mortarion to any point on the battlefield that is within 10" of his original position, as long as there is space for his model and the chosen position is not within 3" of an enemy model. He may not be placed within Impassable Terrain or inside a Vehicle or Building. This is not counted as a move as such, and the intervening terrain does not affect him in any way. Mortarion may Charge normally in a turn that he is redeployed in this way, but counts as making a Disordered Charge if doing so.
Preternatural Resilience

Mortarion’s resilience and stamina are legend, and it has been said that of all the Primarchs none were more able to shrug off injury and torment as he, and of all none had endured more in their lives before the Emperor had reclaimed them.

Any Hits allocated to Mortarion with the Poisoned (X), Rending (X) or Fleshbane special rules only affect Mortarion on a D6 roll of a 6 instead of their usual effect. While Mortarion has joined a unit, this special rule has no effect
Warlord: Sire of the Death Guard

Mortarion was renowned amongst the Primarchs for the implacable advance of his Legion, a slow and steady encroachment that could not be stopped or turned aside by dangerous ground or enemy action. The foe was left with the choice of cowering in their boltholes until the Death Guard arrived at their doorstep or sallying forth to die upon the guns of Mortarion’s warriors.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Mortarion automatically has the Sire of the Death Guard Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Death Guard – All friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) in the same army as Mortarion, including Mortarion himself, ignore all penalties to their Leadership caused by the Fear and Shell Shock (X) special rules and when locked in combat suffer no penalty to their Leadership Characteristics due to casualties suffered during an assault. In addition, an army with Mortarion as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Mortarion has not been removed as a casualty.
A unit can Embark onto a Vehicle by moving each model to within 2" of its Access Points in the Movement phaseDangerous Terrain tests should be taken as normal. The whole unit must be able to Embark – if some models are out of range, the entire unit must stay outside. When the unit Embarks, remove it from the table and place it aside, making a note that the unit is being transported. If the players need to measure a range involving the Embarked unit (except for its shooting), this range is measured to or from the Vehicle’s hull.

If the Vehicle moved before its passengers got aboard, it cannot move further that turn (including pivoting on the spot). If the Vehicle did not move before its passengers got aboard, it can move as normal after they have Embarked. In either case, a Vehicle cannot Ram in a turn that a unit Embarks upon it.


Mounted only on the largest and most fearsome of war machines, Destroyer class weapons are capable of annihilating smaller targets and tearing through even the thickest armour with ease.

A model making a Shooting Attack with a Destroyer weapon attacks the number of times indicated on the weapon’s profile whether or not the bearer has moved. A model carrying a Destroyer weapon can attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase. In addition, when you roll for armour penetration with Hits caused by a Destroyer weapon, roll three dice instead of one and discard the single lowest dice rolled, or any one of the lowest dice in the case of tied results. Use the total of the remaining dice to determine the result.

In addition, when a Destroyer weapon inflicts a Glancing Hit or a Penetrating Hit, it inflicts D3 Hull Points of Damage instead of a single Hull Point. When a Destroyer weapon inflicts a Wound on a non-Vehicle model, it inflicts D3 Wounds instead of a single Wound.

Volcano cannon120"101Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5")

The Horned Raiment

Magnus’ armour was believed to be as much a thing of tangible psychic force and Empyreal energy as it was a physical construction, shifting form and appearance as he willed, and the means by which it protected him was proof against the most savage weapons despite its often primitive appearance.

The Horned Raiment provides Magnus the Red with a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, if he is struck by a weapon with the Destroyer type, the amount of Wounds it inflicts is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Force weapons are charged by the psychic might of the wielder, turning them from mere physical tools to mystical weapons of incredible potency.

Any Psyker with a weapon or ability with this special rule may choose to make a Psychic check before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. If the Check is successful then the Strength value of any attacks made is doubled. If the Check is failed then Perils of the Warp is resolved targeting the unit containing the model that failed its Check. If the Psyker survives Perils of the Warp then it may attack as normal.
Force Weapons

Inlaid with psy-conductive circuitry and forged of the rarest alloys, these weapons resemble more commonplace melee weapons, but are far from common. They are designed to allow those able to control the powers of the Warp to channel their psychic powers through the weapon and inflict grievous wounds upon the enemy, sending arcing tendrils of warp-lightning crawling along the length of these fearsome implements. In the latter days of the Horus Heresy, they would be noted for their efficacy in combat against the daemonic forces that sometimes fought at the behest of the Traitors.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Force’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. A model that is eligible to select a force weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.
Force sword
Melee, Rending (6+), Force
Force axe
Melee, Unwieldy, Force
Force maul
Melee, Force
Force staff
Melee, Reach (1), Force

The Blade of Ahn-nunurta

Taking the distinctive shape of the weapon of the Prosperine war god of ancient myth, this force blade combined ancient lore with Imperial weapons technology and was lethal to living creatures and battle engines alike.

The weapon listed here is counted as ‘Power’ and ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Blade of Ahn-nunurta
Melee, Force, Two-handed

Psyfire serpenta

A handgun of prodigious size seemingly conjured to his grasp at need, there was always some debate even among Magnus’ Legion whether this powerful plasma-type weapon was truly a device or simply a manifestation of his psychic powers in physical form.

The weapon listed here is counted as ‘Plasma’ and ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Psyfire serpenta
Assault 3, Deflagrate, Force
Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

All models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type (but not those with the Artillery or Automated Artillery Sub-type) with this special rule gain the Psyker Sub-type (this does not grant any Disciplines, but does not otherwise remove any Disciplines a model already has access to). In addition, all models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type and the Character Unit Sub-type that have this special rule must select one Minor Arcana option (see the Prosperine Arcana special rule). Any model with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Types and both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rules that does not already have one or more Psychic Disciplines may be upgraded for +15 additional points to gain a single Psychic Discipline from the Core Psychic Discipline list.

Prosperine Arsenal
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Thousand Sons).

Magnus the Red was the undisputed master of the arcane among the brotherhood of Primarchs. His knowledge of the mysterious realm of the psyker was equalled only by the Emperor himself, and many have claimed that some secrets held by Magnus were unknown even to his father.

Magnus the Red has access to all of the Core Psychic Disciplines as presented in the Core Psychic Discipline list. When making a Shooting Attack or attacking during an assault, Magnus may choose to use any one Psychic Weapon available from any Discipline regardless of which Psychic Powers he has used in a given turn. In addition to any other Psychic Power he has used, in each turn Magnus may use any one of the Minor Arcana provided by the Prosperine Arcana special rule, and may use a different Minor Arcana each turn. When using a Minor Arcana power, Magnus automatically passes any Psychic checks required without any dice being rolled (this applies only to Minor Arcana powers).
The Eye of the Crimson King

Magnus’ single baleful eye seemed to some a grotesque defect, but to Magnus it was an invaluable tool for the arcane arts he practised. His eye saw further and deeper than any mere mortal organ and allowed him to maintain an edge that no other warrior could match.

When selecting targets for his psychic powers, all models within range are assumed to be in line of sight (except those Embarked upon models with the Transport Sub-type or Buildings).
Warlord: Sire of the Thousand Sons

As the pre-eminent sorcerer of his age, Magnus the Red trained his sons to wield the ephemeral arts with superb skill. On the field of battle it would be these eldritch powers that the Thousand Sons employed as their chief weapon, favouring them over the blade or the bolt.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Magnus the Red automatically has the Sire of the Thousand Sons Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Thousand Sons – All models with the Infantry Unit Type in the same army as Magnus the Red with the Psyker Sub-type gain the Adamantium Will (6+) special rule (if a model already has a version of this special rule then the value of that special rule is increased by one step, for example from (5+) to (4+)) and any model with the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rule (including Magnus the Red) that suffers Perils of the Warp reduces the number of Wounds inflicted by 1 (to a minimum of 1 Wound). In addition, an army with Magnus the Red as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase, unless Magnus the Red has been removed as a casualty.

The Serpent’s Scales

Horus’ unique suit of Terminator armour is one of the first prototypes of its kind, fashioned and continuously improved by the hand of Kelbor-Hal and the greatest artificers of the Imperium, and it is proof against attacks of both brute and esoteric origin.

The Serpent’s Scales provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save.

The Warmaster’s Talon

A unique lightning claw which incorporates a baroquely styled twin-bolter, the Talon has long been Horus’ favoured weapon. Some apocryphal sources claim it is an antediluvian relic that was found deep within the planet Clthon, and was a product of Mankind’s Dark Age of Technology.

The Talon has two profiles listed, one for Shooting Attacks and one for attacks in the Assault phase. When used to attack as part of a Shooting Attack, this weapon counts as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Warmaster’s Talon
 - (Melee)
Melee, Shred, Deflagrate
 - (Shooting)
Assault 3, Twin-linked


This is a power maul of prodigious size and might, which as well as being a weapon capable of shattering armoured ceramite, is also a signifier of Horus’ rank of Warmaster, and is said to have been created by the hand of the Emperor himself as a gift to his favoured son.

Melee, Master-crafted, Brutal (2), Sunder, Unwieldy
Dark Emissary
A Legion Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion or Legion Tartaros Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rule and the Traitor Allegiance may be upgraded to a Dark Emissary:
Legiones Astartes (Sons Of Horus)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

During a turn in which a unit made up entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rule successfully Charges, or are successfully Charged, the Strength of all Melee attacks made against any model in that unit that does not have the Vehicle Unit Type suffers a modifier of -1. Models with the Vehicle Unit Type and this special rule instead inflict an additional 3 Hits (for a total of 1D6+3 Hits, or 2D6+3 if the Vehicle has the Super-heavy Sub-type) on units composed of models that do not have the Vehicle Unit Type when conducting a Ramming attack.

The Warmaster’s Armoury
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Sons of Horus).

Dark Emissary
A Sons of Horus Allied Detachment may use the Dark Emissary Legiones Consularis upgrade as detailed in The Armoury of the Sons of Horus section.

The Warmaster’s Own
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Sons of Horus Warlord Trait list.
Master of War

Horus wields a genius-level strategic intellect combined with a gutter-fighter’s savagery, honed together over centuries of constant warfare and martial experience, and it was not for nothing he was considered by many as foremost among his superhuman kind.

Once per battle, at the start of any turn where Horus Lupercal’s controlling player is the Reactive player, this special rule may be activated. For the duration of the turn on which this special rule is activated, the Reaction Allotment of the army that includes Horus is increased by +1 in every Phase.
Master of Weapons

Among his brothers Horus was known as a master of weapons, combining the practised skills of a Terran duelling master with the low cunning of a Cthonian gutter-brawler. In combat he would use whatever means were required to gain the upper hand and crush his opponent, and was easily a match for almost any of his kin.

During the Assault phase Horus Lupercal can never be hit by a Melee Attack on a score of better than 4+, regardless of the Weapon Skill of his opponent. In addition, during the Assault phase Horus Lupercal may choose to split his Attacks between any of the weapons he is equipped with, declaring which attacks will be used with which weapon profiles before any of his attacks are rolled.
Warlord: Sire of the Sons of Horus

As the Warmaster of the Imperium and first amongst the Primarchs, Horus demanded the best from those that served him. When he took to the battlefield in person, every warrior would strive to gain his favour with acts of bravery that would ensure a position in the inner circle of the Warmaster.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Horus automatically has the Sire of the Sons of Horus Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Sons of Horus – All models of the Infantry Unit Type in the same army as Horus Lupercal, regardless of Faction, gain +1 Leadership and the Stubborn special rule.

The Armour of the Word

Lorgar’s battle plate is a customised suit of artificer armour based upon the Maximus pattern, incorporating a defensive field generator and graven with ancient Colchisian sigils of protection and Lorgar’s own words of anathema.

The Armour of the Word provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. This Invulnerable Save increases to a 3+ against any Wound inflicted by a weapon with the Force or Psychic Focus special rules and Wounds inflicted by Perils of the Warp.


This ornate sceptre-maul was fashioned for Lorgar by the master weaponsmith Ferrus Manus in a rare display of filial support. Perfectly balanced for Lorgar’s strength and size, it is a formidable weapon and apocryphally seen as the pattern on which the Chaplains’ crozius was later based.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Master-crafted, Armourbane (Melee), Brutal (2)
Graviton Collapse

These weapons emit an unstable stream of gravitons that causes a catastrophic implosion at the target point. Such is the power of these weapons that even the strongest of targets is dragged in and torn apart by the forces unleashed, the sheer mass of their armour serving only to increase the power of the detonation.

Instead of rolling To Wound normally with a weapon with this special rule, the controlling player of any model Hit by it must roll equal to or under that model’s Strength Characteristic on 2D6 or it suffers a Wound (Armour Saves and Damage Mitigation rolls may be taken as normal – except Shrouded rolls which may not be used). Against targets with an Armour Value, the attacking player rolls 4D6 for Armour Penetration instead.
Torsion Crusher

Driven by technology little understood, even by the initiates of the Mechanicum, these weapons are the bane of the complex war machines of the Horus Heresy. Once such weapons have cut through the target’s armour, their exotic energies and sheer destructive power wreak havoc on the delicate internal machinery of the target.

When a target with an Armour Value is struck by a weapon with this special rule, the amount of Hull Point damage caused by the weapon is doubled.
Graviton Weapons

Little understood even by the Tech-priests of Mars, the term ‘graviton gun’ refers to a group of gravity projector devices whose sophistication is such that the few that now remain are relics of a lost age. Such weapons prove extremely useful when fighting on a starship or in a null gravity environment. The power of the graviton gun’s highest settings is sufficient to rupture organs and crack bones even inside armour, but its primary use is to impede the enemy and damage machinery without the risks of secondary explosions.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Graviton’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Graviton gun
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Concussive (1), †Graviton Pulse, Haywire
Graviton cannon
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Concussive (1), †Graviton Pulse, Haywire
Graviton-charge cannon
Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7"), Barrage, Concussive (1), †Graviton Pulse, Haywire
Grav-flux bombard
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), †Graviton Collapse, Torsion Crusher, Ignores Cover, Concussive (1)


An archaic weapon whose origin lies in the lost Dark Age of Technology, the pistol known to Lorgar as Devotion did not fire any projectile or beam, but instead warped the local gravitic field. The device enabled Lorgar to vastly intensify local gravity and crush any foolish enough to defy the Primarch.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Graviton’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Pistol 1, Concussive (2), Graviton Pulse, Haywire, Master-crafted
Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

A model with this special rule may never have its Leadership Characteristic modified below a value of 6. Furthermore, if one or more models with this special rule are part of a combat that results in a draw, then a side that includes one or more models at the end of the Fight sub-phase with this special rule is counted as having won the combat by 1 point. If both sides include models with this special rule then the combat remains a draw.

The Arms Of Colchis
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Word Bearers).

Priests Of Forgotten Gods
Any Legion Praetor, Legion Cataphractii Praetor or Legion Tartaros Praetor with this special rule may select the Burning Lore upgrade, and any models with both the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) and the Legiones Consularis special rules gain access to the Diabolist upgrade – see The Armoury of the Word Bearers for details.
Disciples Of Lorgar
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Word Bearers Warlord Trait list.
The Fortress of the Word

Though less skilled with weapons than his brethren, Lorgar had long worked to flex other muscles and bring other weapons to bear on the battlefield. Among his brothers he was one of the few to master the power of the æthereal to any degree, and though his skill was dwarfed by that of Magnus he could still work feats that surpassed most mortal scholars.

Lorgar gains the Psychic Disciplines Thaumaturgy and Divination from the Core Psychic Disciplines list and may not select any other Psychic Discipline.
The Power of the Word

Lorgar, ever the least physically imposing of the Primarchs, relied on his skills as an orator and statesman more than his skill as a strategist or warrior. When forced to take to the front lines, he allowed his warriors and bodyguard to see to his safety while he focussed on the morale and fervour of his warriors.

Any Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad selected as a Retinue Squad with Lorgar as its Leader gains the Fearless and Feel No Pain (4+) special rules. In addition, once per battle, one friendly unit composed entirely of models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type with at least one model within 18" of Lorgar (but not a unit that includes Lorgar himself) may be selected at the start of any Game Turn. The chosen unit gains the Fearless and Feel No Pain (4+) special rules for the duration of that Game Turn.
Warlord: Sire of the Word Bearers

Lorgar, though mightier than any mortal combatant, was often seen as the least martial of his brethren. More of a statesman than a swordsman, Lorgar was a master beyond compare with rhetoric and oratory, and wielded these tools with a deft touch. While he could not stand in a duel against any of his brothers, there was none he could not stir with his words.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lorgar automatically has the Sire of the Word Bearers Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Word Bearers – All units composed entirely of models which have the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule and which can draw line of sight to Lorgar add +1 to the result of Charge Distance rolls made for them, and may use Lorgar’s Leadership in all Leadership tests, Morale checks and Pinning tests made for them. In addition, an army with Lorgar as its Warlord gains an extra Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase, as long as Lorgar has not been removed as a casualty.
Lorgar Transfigured

When Lorgar came to embrace what he saw as the Primordial Truth of Chaos, he used it and its sorcerous lore to finally unlock his full psychic potential.

If Lorgar is upgraded with this special rule, he gains the Corrupted Unit Sub-type and replaces the Thaumaturgy and Divination Psychic Disciplines with the Anathemata and Diabolism Psychic Discipline. In addition, an army that includes Lorgar Transfigured may fill any non-Compulsory slots in its Force Organisation chart with units from the Ruinstorm Daemon army list – these choices are paid for in points and occupy slots on the Force Organisation chart as normal, but must begin the battle in Reserve and may only enter play by means of the Breach the Veil (Psychic Power).

Fearless troops never give up and seldom make full use of cover – even if it would be wiser to do so.

Units with one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning tests, Regroup tests and Morale checks. In addition, models with the Fearless special rule ignore the effects of the Fear special rule.

However, units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule cannot use any Reactions that grant a Cover Save, Armour Save or Invulnerable Save, and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless special rule. If a unit has become Pinned and then gains the Fearless special rule, all the effects of being Pinned are immediately cancelled.
Strength (S)
Strength gives a measure of how physically capable a warrior is. Models with a higher Characteristic have a much greater chance of inflicting Wounds upon its enemy.
Aetheric Lightning (Psychic Weapon)

Aetheric lightning is the fury of the Warp itself, coalesced and given form by the will of the psyker and directed at their foes like a storm of eldritch power.

Aetheric Lightning
Assault 4, Force

Force: Any Psyker with a weapon or ability with this special rule may choose to make a Psychic check before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. If the test is successful then the Strength value of any attacks made is doubled. If the test is failed then a Perils of the Warp attack is resolved targeting the unit containing the model that failed its test. If the Psyker survives Perils of the Warp then it may attack as normal.

Psychic Discipline: Diabolism

A Psyker with this Discipline gains the listed Powers, Weapon and other special rules, as well as the Aetheric Lightning Psychic Weapon.
Sometimes a rule will call for an object (a template, counter, model or even a whole unit) to be placed on the battlefield and then scattered. When this occurs, follow this procedure:
  • Place the object on the battlefield as instructed by the rule.
  • Roll a Scatter dice and 2D6 to determine the direction and distance of scatter in inches.
  • If a Hit is rolled on the Scatter dice, the object does not move – leave it in place and resolve the remainder of the rule.
  • If an arrow is rolled, move the object the distance shown on the 2D6 in the direction of the arrow. Ignore intervening terrain, units, etc, unless the rule states otherwise.
  • Once the object has scattered to its final position, resolve its effects.
Some rules may specify a distance to be determined other than 2D6, in which case, just replace the 2D6 in this procedure with the method listed in the rule.

Scatter dice and other dice and accessories that you can use in your games of Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness can be purchased from the Games Workshop website.
Breach the Veil (Psychic Power)

Esoterists are dedicated to the study of the Warp and its denizens, seeing them as tools for the prosecution of war, unburdened by loyalty or purpose. If they can chain them to the cause of their master, then they will gladly sacrifice their sanity in the pursuit of victory.

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Psyker with this Psychic Power may select a point within 12" and at least 3" away from any enemy model or Impassable Terrain – place a Blast (3") Marker to represent the Warp Rift until this power is resolved.

The controlling player may then choose to make a Psychic check for the Esoterist. If the Check is failed or not taken then the chosen point is scattered as per the normal rules for Scatter. If it scatters onto Impassable Terrain, within 3" of an enemy model, or off of the edge of the battlefield then the Esoterist suffers Perils of the Warp, and the chosen point is moved the minimum distance required in a direction of the controlling player’s choice to place it clear of all Impassable Terrain, on the battlefield, and at least 3" away from any enemy model. If the Check is passed then the Warp Rift does not scatter.

Once the final location of the chosen point is determined, the Esoterist’s controlling player may choose to deploy up to one of the Ruinstorm Daemon units in Reserves onto the battlefield (that player may choose to place no units if they wish). That unit moves onto the battlefield from any point along the edge of the Blast marker placed to represent the Warp Rift as if it was entering play from Reserves, treating the Warp Rift marker as though it was the controlling player’s battlefield edge.

Once all models in the unit have moved onto the battlefield, the Warp Rift marker is removed from play. The Daemon unit brought into play by use of this power may be targeted by the Interceptor Reaction and may act as normal in the Shooting phase in which it arrives and may declare a Charge in the Assault phase of the turn in which it enters play.

Note that to use this power, a player will need access to the Ruinstorm Daemon Army List.

Roll To Wound (Shooting)
To determine whether a Hit causes damage, compare the weapon’s Strength Characteristic with the target’s Toughness Characteristic using the To Wound chart below. The number indicated on the chart is the minimum result on a D6 needed to convert the Hit into a Wound. A value of ‘-’ indicates that the target cannot be wounded by the attack.

Note that the minimum roll needed To Wound is always at least 2. When rolling To Wound, there is no such thing as an automatic Wound and a roll of 1 always fails.

Each weapon has its own Strength Characteristic, which is given in its profile or in the description of the weapon. The following are examples of weapons and their Strength Characteristics:

Lightning gun7
Laser destroyer9

The Pythian Scales

Although frequently recorded as entering battle in the semblance of a regular member of his Legion, Alpharius —or perhaps an individual carrying that name— is also known to have led his Legion to war armoured in sinister and baroque reptilian-styled armour whose stature left no doubt in the mind of onlookers that a bloody-handed Primarch had entered the fray. This armour, faceless and fashioned after the shadowed mythic age of Ancient Terra was known as the Pythian Scales, and could turn aside blade, energy blast and alchemical attack with equal ease.

The Pythian Scales provide Alpharius with a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, if Alpharius is the only model in his unit when declared as the target of an attack, Hits caused by that attack with a weapon with the Fleshbane or Poisoned (X) special rules gain no benefit when rolling To Wound and are resolved using the standard rules (if an attack with the Poisoned (X) or Fleshbane special rules that targets Alpharius has no Strength Characteristic, then treat it as Strength 1)

The Pale Spear

This was one of a number of strange and esoteric weapons associated with the Primarch and rumoured to be a xenos artefact whose forging predated even the rise of the Eldar. This double-bladed spear flickered seemingly out of phase with the material universe when wielded, emitting an eerie and otherworldly howling, and was able to pierce any physical defence it encountered without impediment, ripping them apart at the molecular level. Against living matter, it inflicted hideously gaping, bloodless wounds as the flesh where it struck dissolved into oily smoke.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Pale Spear
Melee, Armourbane, Instant Death, Two-handed

The Hydra’s Spite

A weapon recorded as in use by several highly ranked members of the Alpha Legion – whether this was one weapon or a series of similar prototypes is unknown, but its efficacy in battle is undeniable. A high powered plasma weapon, the Hydra’s Spite did not suffer from many of the shortcomings common to Imperial plasma technology and may well have incorporated xenos components.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Hydra’s Spite
Assault 2, Rending (4+), Master-crafted
Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

A model with this special rule is always considered to be 2" further away than it actually is when measuring range to it from any enemy model for the purpose of resolving a Shooting Attack, Charge or any Reaction declared by an enemy model or unit (this is cumulative with any other modifiers to range imposed by special rules, such as Night Fighting, or Wargear).

A Subtle Panoply
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Alpha Legion).

A Legion Centurion may choose to select the Saboteur upgrade as an option for the Legiones Consularis special rule, as detailed in The Armoury of the Alpha Legion section.
Sons Of The Hydra
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Alpha Legion Warlord Trait list.
Venom spheres

An exotic variant of the more commonplace grenades employed by the Space Marines. These advanced weapons contain toxinimpregnated crystalline splinters that have been darkly claimed to be based on xenos technology.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type may take one venom sphere for +10 points per model. Venom spheres are a weapon with the following profile:
Venom spheres
Assault 6, Poisoned (3+), One Shot

Insidious Mastermind

Alpharius is perhaps the most devious commander in the Imperium, with a labyrinthine mind able to both predict the actions of others with uncanny precision and manipulate his foes into unwittingly doing as he wishes, often sealing their own doom in the process.

At the start of any turn in which Alpharius’ controlling player is the Active player and Alpharius is on the battlefield (including when Embarked on a model with the Transport Sub-type or Building), the controlling player may grant one of the listed special rules to all models in the army with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule (including Alpharius) that do not also have the Vehicle Unit Type, until the start of the controlling player’s next turn as the Active player. Each of the listed special rules may only be selected once per battle:
Everywhere and Nowhere

Of all the Primarchs there was none as unpredictable as Alpharius, for he could appear at almost any location and arrive by almost any means without warning. Those that studied his methods would find no pattern to help predict his actions or scheme by which his preferences could be defined, and in many cases would swear that the Primarch could not be a single entity, given his ability to appear at any location with such ease.

At the start of the battle before any models are deployed, Alpharius may be given any one of the following special rules: Infiltrate, Scout or Deep Strike. Alpharius’ controlling player may select up to three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule to receive the same special rule granted to Alpharius by Everywhere and Nowhere.
Warlord: Sire of the Alpha Legion

Few among his brothers truly knew Alpharius, the last of all the Emperor’s Primarchs to rejoin the Imperium. Tall tales, rumours and outright lies spoke of a variety of flaws and gifts possessed by the last Primarch and none knew what to expect from him. When the war began, his enemies would spend much time attempting to sort truth from the lies, finding out only too late that Alpharius was no less a master of war than any of his brothers.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Alpharius automatically has the Sire of the Alpha Legion Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Sire of the Alpha Legion – At the start of the battle, after all models from all armies have been deployed, including units deployed using the Infiltrator special rule and after any Scout moves have been made, Alpharius’ controlling player may select up to three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule. The selected units may be redeployed to any position in the controlling player’s Deployment Zone or placed into Reserves. In addition, an army with Alpharius as its Warlord may declare a single Phase at the start of any turn in which Alpharius’ controlling player is the Reactive player, gaining an additional Reaction in the chosen Phase as long as Alpharius has not been removed as a casualty.
Preferred Enemy (X)

Many of the galaxy’s warriors train hard to overcome a particular foe, allowing them to predict the enemy’s battle-stances and thus land a blow or shot with greater ease.

This rule is presented as Preferred Enemy (X) where X identifies a specific type of foe. If the special rule does not specify a type of foe, then everyone is a Preferred Enemy of the unit. A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule re-rolls failed To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1 if attacking its Preferred Enemy. This applies both to Shooting Attacks and close combat attacks.

If a model with this rule makes an attack against a mixed unit which has one or more models to which their Preferred Enemy rule pertains, but is not entirely composed of such models, it may still benefit from the effects of Preferred Enemy for all attacks made against that unit. For example, a model with Preferred Enemy (Independent Characters) may re-roll failed To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1 against all of the models in a unit which has been joined by an Independent Character.

Many armies employ reconnaissance troops who sit concealed for days, just waiting for the right moment in which to strike.

You may choose to deploy units that contain at least one model with this special rule last, after all other units (friend and foe) have been deployed. If both players have such units and choose to do so, the players roll off and the winner decides who goes first,then alternate deploying these units.

Units that Infiltrate in this way can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy unit, as long as no deployed enemy unit can draw line of sight to them. This includes in a Building, as long as the Building is more than 9" from any enemy unit. Alternatively, they can be set up anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" from any enemy unit, even in plain sight.

If a unit with Infiltrate deploys inside a Dedicated Transport, the same rules apply when deploying their Transport.

A unit that deploys using these rules cannot Charge in their first turn.

Having Infiltrate also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Infiltrators that are kept as Reserves.

Rapid Fire, Twin-linked

Legion Cataphractii Terminator Armour

One of the first issued Tactical Dreadnought Armour patterns, the Cataphractii suits were even more heavily protected than their contemporaries, with slab-like ceramite pauldrons housing additional shield generators. This design has the unfortunate side effect of overstraining the armour’s exoskeleton and slowing the wearer dangerously, however. This difference led to the pattern’s declining use with some Legions at the outbreak of the Horus Heresy.

Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, a unit that includes any models with Cataphractii Terminator armour may not make Sweeping Advances.

A Note on Unique and Variant Terminator Armour: If a unit is described as having a particular additional variant of Terminator armour, such as the Gorgon Terminators of the Iron Hands, or as wearing a personalised and unique suit, such as the armour worn by the Primarch Horus, the rules for this armour will be provided in the unit’s description and should not be inferred from elsewhere.
Legiones Astartes (X)

The Space Marines of the Emperor’s Legions are genetically engineered, psycho-indoctrinated warriors with superhuman abilities, and minds and souls tempered for war. Each of the Legions has its own idiosyncrasies and character – the product of their gene-seed and the unique warrior cultures fostered by their masters.

Any unit with this special rule will have a number of additional special rules and abilities specific to their ‘named’ Legion, all of which will be defined in other Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness publications. A Space Marine unit may only have one such ‘named’ rule, e.g., Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus). Space Marine units from a different Legion may only be included in an army using an Allied Detachment and in conjunction with the Allies in the Age of Darkness chart.
Independent Character

Mighty heroes go where they are needed, being at the forefront of the most vital charges and leading their troops to victory.

Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain Vehicles, Dreadnoughts, Automata or any model with the Monstrous sub-type (unless the Independent Character also has that Unit Type or sub-type). They can join other Independent Characters though to form a powerful multi-character unit.
Legiones Consularis

Among the many officers of the Legiones Astartes, there are those with unique talents and hard-won skills that are honoured with the title and rank of consul. These warriors lead the Legion into battle and conduct the most arduous of missions, called upon by their lords when the specialised knowledge they guard is required in the struggle for victory and the demise of the foe.

Any Legion Cataphractii Centurion may select a single Consul upgrade; no model may take more than one such upgrade. The various Consul types are listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Appendix: Legiones Consularis:

Relentless warriors are strong of arm – nothing can slow their implacable advance.

Relentless models can shoot with Heavy or Ordnance weapons, counting as Stationary, even if they moved in the previous Movement phase. They are also allowed to Charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, or Rapid Fire weapons.

Whether due to intense training, indomitable armour or blind madness, some warriors will keep advancing no matter the firepower directed at them.

A unit that contains only models with this special rule ignores modifiers to Leadership when making a Morale check or Pinning test – except those caused by the Fear (X) special rule or the Corrupted and Anathema Sub-types. If a unit has both the Fearless and Inexorable special rules, it uses the rules for Fearless instead of Inexorable.
Instant Death
Even though some warriors have multiple Wounds, there are several kinds of weapons in the 31st Millennium that are powerful enough to kill them instantly. If the Strength Characteristic of an attack is at least double the Toughness Characteristic (after modifiers) of the target model, the attack gains the Instant Death special rule.

Instant Death: If a model suffers an unsaved Wound from an attack with this special rule, it is reduced to 0 Wounds and is removed as a casualty.

An Ancient Terran innovation, pairing a bolter with another secondary weapon to allow elite formations of warriors to project superior firepower at the climactic moment of battle. Most often used to break through enemy lines or to stymie the onslaught of enemy armour, these weapons are the mark of the elite of the Legiones Astartes, issued to the most skilled of warriors to maximise their worth.

Combi-weapons are divided into two types: magna and minor. Both are composed of a primary weapon and a secondary weapon, and a model with any combi-weapon may attack with both primary and secondary weapons in the same Shooting Attack without needing the Firing Protocols (X) special rule.

  • Any Legiones Astartes profile that allows a model to select a magna combi-weapon grants the model a weapon with a bolter as the primary weapon and a secondary weapon chosen from the following list: meltagun, plasma gun or disintegrator*.
  • Any Legiones Astartes profile that allows a model to select a minor combi-weapon grants the model a weapon with a bolter as the primary weapon and a secondary weapon chosen from the following list: flamer, volkite charger or grenade launcher.

Note that the combi-bolter, though similarly named, does not use these rules and is fired as a normal ranged weapon and has no primary or secondary components.

Bolter (Primary)
Rapid Fire
Flamer (Secondary)
Assault 1
Meltagun (Secondary)
Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta), One Shot
Plasma gun (Secondary)
Rapid Fire, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot, One Shot
Volkite charger (Secondary)
Assault 2, Deflagrate
Grenade launcher (Secondary)
 - Frag
Assault 1, Blast (3"), Pinning
 - Krak
Assault 1
Disintegrator* (Secondary)
Rapid Fire, Instant Death, Gets Hot, One Shot

* Only models with the Independent Character special rule, or a Legion Seeker Sergeant included as part of a Legion Seeker Squad may select a combi-disintegrator.
Volkite charger

Volkite charger
Assault 2, Deflagrate

Power fist

Power fist
Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon

Lightning claw

Lightning claw
Melee, Shred, Rending (6+), Specialist Weapon


Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Unwieldy

Thunder hammer

Thunder hammer
Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Specialist Weapon

Chosen Warriors

Trusted lieutenants or paragons of martial virtue, these warriors let no challenge go unanswered in the heat of battle.

A model with this special rule may issue and accept Challenges as if it had the Character type. Note that this does not allow a model with this special rule to use any other special rules associated with the Character type.
Paragon blade

Paragon blade
Melee, Murderous Strike (6+), Specialist Weapon

Bolt pistol

Bolt pistol
Pistol 1


Melee, Shred

Artificer Armour

Forged by the master craftsmen of the Mechanicum, these superior variations of power armour are often highly embellished with ciphers of strength and durability, while some of wildly differing designs are far older than the present age and owe their origins to the forgotten zenith of human technological might.

Artificer armour confers a 2+ Armour Save.

Utilised by Techmarines and the Adepts of the Mechanicum, cyber-familiar is a term that encompasses a variety of semiautonomous devices such as servo-skulls, mek-spiders and other smaller drone units and lesser haemonculites tied into the direct neural control of their operator. These miniondrones are an extension of their master’s will and provide them with a host of additional senses and capabilities.

A model with a cyber-familiar adds +1 to its Invulnerable Save (to a maximum of 3+) or an Invulnerable Save of 6+ if they do not already possess one. In addition, they allow them to re-roll failed Characteristic tests other than Leadership tests, Psychic checks or failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
Refractor Fields & Iron Halos

These devices are defensive field generators designed for personal protection. They encompass the wearer in an energy field or force barrier which serves to refract or deflect impacts and energy discharges. Although powerful, these fields are limited by the need for the wearer to move and the prodigious power consumption of the generator, which leaves vulnerabilities a canny opponent can exploit. Devices of this nature are relatively rare, even among the Space Marine Legions, and are the province of commanding officers and honoured champions, where they are often incorporated into armour or amulets and gifted as a mark of favour and rank.

A model with a refractor field gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save, and a model with an iron halo gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Invulnerable Saves granted by a refractor field or iron halo do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (such as cyber-familiar) that specifically increase existing saves. If a model has another Invulnerable Save then the controlling player must choose which one to use.
Krak Grenades

This class of grenade encompasses a variety of shaped charges, plasma detonators and crude bombs, all intended to disable armoured vehicles.

The controlling player may choose to have a model with krak grenades that is Engaged or otherwise in base contact during the Assault phase with a Building or Fortification, or a model with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type, inflict one automatic Str 6, AP 3 Hit on the target in Initiative Step 1 instead of attacking normally. Any model in a unit that is chosen to inflict Hits using krak grenades may not otherwise attack or make use of any other special rule or item of Wargear that inflicts Hits or Wounds on a model in the same Assault phase (but may participate in Sweeping Advances as normal).
Legiones Consularis

Among the many officers of the Legiones Astartes, there are those with unique talents and hard-won skills that are honoured with the title and rank of consul. These warriors lead the Legion into battle and conduct the most arduous of missions, called upon by their lords when the specialised knowledge they guard is required in the struggle for victory and the demise of the foe.

Any Legion Centurion may select a single Consul upgrade; no model may take more than one such upgrade. The various Consul types are listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Appendix: Legiones Consularis:

Rapid Fire

Astartes shotgun

Astartes shotgun
Assault 2, Concussive (1)

Nemesis bolter

Nemesis bolter
Heavy 1, Rending (5+), Sniper, Pinning

Volkite serpenta

Volkite serpenta
Pistol 2, Deflagrate

Hand flamer

Hand flamer
Pistol 1

Plasma pistol

Plasma pistol
Pistol 1, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot


Melee, Shred

Charnabal Weapons

With their origins tracing back to the ancient duelling societies, assassin cults and bloody vendettas of the Terran Courts during the Age of Strife, these elegant and deadly weapons rely on speed and dexterity rather than brute force for their lethality. The master weaponsmiths of Terra are each said to have their own rituals of forging, impressing a distinct pattern in each bespoke weapon as legible as a signature to those with the wit to read them. As well as the nobles of the Terran Court, certain Space Marine Legion officers favour the Charnabal weapons over more ‘clumsy’ power weapons as they see them as being more responsive to true martial skill, while others think them effete and decadent weapons.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Charnabal’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. A model that is eligible to select a Charnabal weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.
Charnabal sabre
Melee, Breaching (5+), Duellist’s Edge (1)
Charnabal tabar
Melee, Breaching (6+), Duellist’s Edge (1)
Charnabal glaive
Melee, Breaching (5+), Duellist’s Edge (2), Two-handed
Combat Shields & Boarding Shields

A combat shield is a wrist mounted shield or buckler containing a small field generator that enables it to withstand great amounts of damage, while boarding shields are larger, bulkier versions of the same.

Combat shields confer a 6+ Invulnerable Save, boarding shields confer a 5+ Invulnerable Save, but a model with a boarding shield cannot claim bonus attacks for having more than one melee weapon, or make attacks during the Assault phase using a weapon with the Two-handed special rule.

Invulnerable Saves granted by a combat shield or boarding shield do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (like cyber-familiar) that specifically increase existing saves. If a model has another Invulnerable Save then the controlling player must choose which one to use.

A carefully placed explosive charge can easily doom even the most heavily armoured vehicle, but are difficult to attach accurately in the heat of combat.

A weapon with this special rule may only be used to attack models of the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Types, any model with a Movement Characteristic of 0 or ‘-’, or Buildings or Fortifications. Furthermore, a model that is chosen to attack with a weapon with this special rule during the Assault phase may only make a single attack in the Fight sub-phase, regardless of its Attacks Characteristic and any bonus attacks from Charging or other special rules.
Melta bomb

Melta bomb
Melee, Detonation, Unwieldy, Armourbane (Melee), Instant Death

Legion Spatha Combat Bike

To some greater or lesser extent, each Space Marine Legion deploys bike squadrons as battlefield scouts and pursuit troops. Some of these bikes are based on venerable patterns predating the Dark Age of Technology, such as the Iron Shadow, while others, such as the Wyvern, were developed on the far flung worlds of humanity in response to local conditions. The most common pattern in use by the Legiones Astartes is the Spatha, a more heavily armoured version of the Wyvern, intended for light combat and harassment of the foe.

A Legion Spatha combat bike has one twin-linked bolter. In addition, a model with a Legion Spatha combat bike that chooses to Run gains the Shrouded (5+) special rule until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.

A model with the Infantry Unit Type that selects a Legion Spatha combat bike as an upgrade must change its Unit Type to Cavalry, keeping any Unit Sub-types it previously had, and may choose to gain the Skirmish Unit Sub-type. In addition the model must change its Movement Characteristic to 14 and gains the Firing Protocols (2) and Hammer of Wrath (1) special rules.
Legion Scimitar Jetbike

Rare and deadly machines, whose compact and extremely powerful grav-repellor motors are limited in production to only a handful of sources in the galaxy-spanning Imperium, Space Marine Scimitar jetbikes are a glorious sight in battle, and often the last one an enemy sees.

A Legion Scimitar jetbike has one heavy bolter. In addition, a model with a Legion Scimitar jetbike that chooses to Run gains the Shrouded (5+) special rule until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.

A model with the Infantry Unit Type that selects a Legion Scimitar jetbike as an upgrade must change its Unit Type to Cavalry (Antigrav), keeping any other Unit Sub-types it previously had, changes its Movement Characteristic to 16 and gains the Firing Protocols (2), Hammer of Wrath (1) and Deep Strike special rules.

Melee, Two-handed

Chain bayonet

Chain bayonet
Melee, Two-handed, Shred


A nuncio-vox is a beacon and communications array that allows constant co-ordination with other elements of an army – be they in a neighbouring region or in orbit high overhead. This allows precision reinforcements to be deployed nearby and strikes to be targeted with deadly accuracy.

While at least one model with a nuncio-vox is present on the battlefield and not Embarked in a Vehicle or Building, the controlling player may re-roll any Scatter rolls made (whether as part of a weapon attack or the deployment of a model or unit), as long as the model with the nuncio-vox has line of sight to the unit targeted by the attack or the point chosen as the target of the deployment. In addition, a unit that includes at least one model with a nuncio-vox ignores the -1 penalty to Leadership imposed by the Night Fighting rules.
Weapon Mounts
Hull (Arc) Mounted – Hull (Arc) Mounted weapons will always specify a single Firing Arc and may only fire at targets in that Firing Arc. The different Hull arcs are: Front, Rear, Left and Right. Some units may specify Side as an arc – this means both Left and Right arcs.

For example, a Legion Land Raider Proteus has a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter – this weapon may only fire at targets in the Front Firing Arc.

Turret Mounted – Turret Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Hull arc (Front, Side or Rear) without restriction.

Centreline Mounted – Centreline Mounted weapons may only fire at targets in the Centreline Firing Arc.

Sponson Mounted – Sponson Mounted weapons are usually mounted in pairs, one on each side of a Vehicle (the Vehicle’s profile will note if this is not the case) and fire into the appropriate Sponson Firing Arc (either left or right). If the target of a Vehicle’s Shooting Attack is within the Firing Arc for only one of a pair of Sponson weapons, then the out of arc weapon may be fired at another enemy unit of the controlling player’s choice. This Secondary Target must be in the weapon’s line of sight and Firing Arc, but may be from a different unit than the original target.

Pintle Mounted – Pintle Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Firing Arc without restriction, but are always counted as Defensive weapons regardless of the weapon type or its statistics.
Geo-locator Beacon

These powerful vox-linked transmitters and geo-locator beacons allow the user to guide distant troops to the battlefield with pin-point accuracy. Once deployed to a battle zone, a praetor or centurion can be linked immediately to their reinforcements and assured of their imminent arrival.

As long as a model with this special rule is deployed on the battlefield, the controlling player may choose to re-roll all failed Reserves roll they make.
Command Vox Relay

Certain designated command vehicles mount powerful omni-vox relays, which occupy much of their internal compartments. These arrays allow those leaders fortunate enough to have access to such rare assets to carefully judge the flow of battle and maintain close watch over their troops, urging them onwards to victory.

While any model with the Character Sub-type is Embarked upon a model with this special rule, friendly units with the same version of the Legiones Astartes special rule that are within 18" or that include a model with a nuncio-vox may use the Embarked model’s Leadership Characteristic for Morale checks and Pinning tests. If more than one model with the Character Sub-type is Embarked upon a model with this special rule then the controlling player chooses which model’s Leadership Characteristic is used.
Smoke Launchers

Many armoured fighting vehicles bear simple grenade systems rigged to distribute smoke upon being triggered, granting the vehicle a brief and passing cover that can prove crucial in the worst of situations. Such devices are of most use in slow moving engagements, as a vehicle at maximum speed will quickly disperse or outrun its own smoke shield.

The controlling player may choose to trigger smoke launchers once a model with them has completed its movement in the Movement phase, and may only choose to trigger them if the model has moved no faster than Combat Speed that turn. Once triggered, the model with smoke launchers counts as being more than 25% obscured, regardless of terrain, until the start of the controlling player’s next turn and gains a 6+ Cover Save. A model whose smoke launchers have been triggered may not make any Shooting Attacks, except as part of a Reaction, in the same turn. Smoke launchers may only be used once per battle, and once triggered may not be further used – in addition, they do not count as a weapon and may not be targeted by Weapon Destroyed results on the Vehicle Damage table.
Support Squad

Though numerous, some formations are intended for specialised tasks on the battlefield and are rarely used for the more routine roles of military life.

A unit with this special rule may not be chosen as a compulsory choice for the army as part of the Force Organisation chart.
Infantry Transport

The most common transport vehicles are those dedicated to carrying the infantry that form the core of Mankind’s armies. Such bulk transports lack the specialised equipment to accommodate more unique warriors.

No model with any version of the Bulky (X) special rule may Embark on a model that has this special rule.
Access Points
Each Vehicle capable of carrying passengers will have a number of Access Points defined in its entry. These are the doors, ramps and hatches that passengers use to get in and out of the Vehicle. Transports on flying bases also count the base as an Access Point.
Havoc launcher

Havoc launcher
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Twin-linked


Heavy 1, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked

Hunter-killer missile

Hunter-killer missile
Heavy 1, One Shot


Mounted illum-beacons or simple electric torches, many vehicles mount some kind of portable light to aid in target identification and destruction in darkness and poor weather.

A model with searchlights ignores the 24" limit to line of sight imposed by the Night Fighting rules when making Shooting Attacks, however enemy units also ignore that same restriction when making Shooting Attacks that target a model with searchlights.

In addition, any unit that has been the target of a Shooting Attack made by a unit with searchlights (regardless of whether any Hits were inflicted or not) may be freely targeted for Shooting Attacks by any other unit in the same Shooting phase, ignoring the 24" restriction to line of sight imposed by the Night Fighting rules.

Searchlights do not count as weapons and may not be targeted by the Weapon Destroyed result on the Vehicle Damage table.
Dozer Blade

Ranging from simple slabs of steel crudely attached to a vehicle’s hull, to the artfully fitted and specially designed blades borne by the Legiones Astartes, dozer blades for the clearance of mines and other obstacles are a common feature of many armoured vehicles.

A model with a dozer blade may re-roll all failed Dangerous Terrain tests made for it.
Area Denial Drop

An area denial drop is a co-ordinated attempt to close off an area of the battlefield to the enemy by seeding it with automated weapons systems and hunter seeker units.

Before the start of the first turn, when placing units into Reserve, a player must assign all models with this special rule in the army to Reserve to perform an Area Denial Drop. At the beginning of the controlling player’s first turn, before any other models are moved or deployed, all of the Area Denial Drop units must enter play using the procedure described below:

Performing an Area Denial Drop
When deploying the Area Denial Drop, the controlling player selects one of the available units to deploy first. Place a single model from that unit anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 6" from any enemy model, battlefield edge or piece of Impassable Terrain and is outside of all Deployment Zones. Do not scatter the model.

If possible, the model must be placed in a position that will allow any other models in the same unit to deploy (as follows), and may only be placed in a position that denies the remainder of the squad a place within unit coherency if no other position is available.

Once the model’s final position has been decided, the remainder of the unit may be deployed anywhere that is within unit coherency and more than 6" from any enemy model or piece of Impassable Terrain. Any models that cannot be placed are removed as casualties.

Once this first unit has been deployed, roll a D6. On the roll of a ‘1’, the Area Denial Drop is Disordered and the opposing player may deploy each remaining unit in the Area Denial Drop anywhere within 12" of the first unit without scattering, though no model may be within 1" of an enemy model or within Impassable Terrain. If the roll is a ‘2’ or higher, the controlling player deploys each remaining unit anywhere within 12" of the first without scattering, though no model may be within 1" of an enemy model or within Impassable Terrain.

Once all units are deployed, any enemy units within line of sight and range may choose to make the Interceptor Reaction targeting any one of the units deployed as part of the Area Denial Drop. Any units that are chosen to make the Interceptor Reaction do not expend any of the controlling player’s Reaction Allotment, but do count as having made a Reaction (and thus cannot React again before the next Phase begins). Note that no Reaction other than Interceptor may be made against the deployment of a unit as part of an Area Denial Drop.

Once all units from the Area Denial Drop have been deployed and any Interceptor Reactions have been resolved, the turn proceeds as normal. Units that have been deployed as part of an Area Denial Drop may not Move or Run in the Movement phase of the turn in which they are deployed, but may Shoot and declare Charges as normal (if the models deployed as part of the Area Denial Drop are allowed to make Charges).
Vox Disruptor Array

Rare and valuable comms disruptor units, these are calibrated to flood vox channels with static signals and engineered vox-phages that can overload and subvert enemy communication networks. While such signals cannot stop short range tight beam vox units, they can cripple long range communications and make coordination with newly arrived units all but impossible.

At the start of each Game Turn you can declare whether each vox disruptor array in your army is turned on or turned off. While there is at least one model on the battlefield with a vox disruptor array turned on, regardless of whether that model is enemy or friendly, any attempt to perform a Deep Strike Assault, Drop Pod Assault, Area Denial Drop or Subterranean Assault during that turn is Disordered on the roll of a ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’ instead of just on a ‘1’.
Archaeotech pistol

Archaeotech pistol
Pistol 1, Rending (3+), Master-crafted

Disintegrator pistol

Disintegrator pistol
Pistol 1, Instant Death, Gets Hot

Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour

This was an advanced pattern of Terminator armour developed late on during the Great Crusade in parallel with the Maximus pattern power armour, and was considered a technological masterwork. Tartaros armour is more streamlined and power efficient than its predecessors, making it more agile and providing short bursts of extra speed when needed, but was also more difficult and resource intensive to manufacture. Regardless of this, it had become one of the most widely-circulated patterns issued in the decades before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy.

Legion Tartaros Terminator armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
Legiones Consularis

Among the many officers of the Legiones Astartes, there are those with unique talents and hard-won skills that are honoured with the title and rank of consul. These warriors lead the Legion into battle and conduct the most arduous of missions, called upon by their lords when the specialised knowledge they guard is required in the struggle for victory and the demise of the foe.

Any Legion Tartaros Centurion may select a single Consul upgrade; no model may take more than one such upgrade. The various Consul types are listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Appendix: Legiones Consularis:

The Blade

A masterwork Terranic greatsword granted to Corswain by his mentor, Alajos, it is said that The Blade was once raised aloft at Advex-mors by Legion Master Urian Vendraig to incite the first Rangdan Xenocide, and was wielded in the violence of every campaign against that foul xenos breed by a champion of the First Legion.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Blade
Melee, Two-handed, Master-crafted, Duellist’s Edge (2), Murderous Strike (4+)

*The Blade gains the +1 To Hit bonus provided by the Deathwing Unit Sub-type.

Armour of the Forest and the Mantle of the Champion

A masterfully wrought suit of artificer armour struck from Terran steel in the heart of the forests of Caliban by the Lion’s own hand, the Armour of the Forest embodies the pragmatism of the Legion in its simple, utilitarian functionality and doughty endurance. Corswain’s only adjustment to this peerless suit of armour is to enshroud himself in a ritual mantle of the Dark Angels, obscuring the symbols of his Order and Host so that he might serve the entire Legion with purity of purpose as their champion.

The Armour of the Forest and the Mantle of the Champion grant Corswain a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save, improved to 3+ against close combat attacks.
Precision Strikes (X)

The galaxy is replete with swordsmen and blade-masters who can pick out an enemy from a crowd and land a blow on them, even amidst the swirling chaos of hand-to-hand combat.

If a model with this special rule, or attacking with a weapon with this special rule, rolls equal to or higher than the value in brackets when making a To Hit roll as part of a melee attack, that hit is a ‘Precision Strike’. For example, if a model with the Precision Strikes (4+) special rule rolls a 4 or higher when making a To Hit roll, then that attack is a Precision Strike.

Wounds from Precision Strikes are allocated against a model (or models) of the attacking player’s choice in the target unit, as long as that model is engaged in combat with the attacking model’s unit, rather than following the normal rules for Wound allocation.
Warlord: Marshal of the Crown (Deathwing)

Corswain was renowned amongst the ranks of the First Legion and beyond not only for his grasp of the tactics employed by his own brethren, but also by the other Legions. When confronted in battle, the foe could not predict the strategy that would be deployed against them by such a warrior, and would have to fight both uncertainty and the warriors of the Dark Angels.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Corswain automatically has the Marshal of the Crown (Deathwing) Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
Marshal of the Crown

In the complex language of ciphers and allegory that the Dark Angels use to mark their armour, the crown speaks of authority – though not always that of the crude ranks that others use to label the warriors of the Legiones Astartes. To the Dark Angels, the crown is a symbol of moral authority, marking a warrior that stands as a paragon of some aspect of the Legion, one that others of the same aspect will follow into fire and death without hesitation.

A Warlord with this Trait must select one of the Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types. All units that include at least one model with the corresponding Unit Sub-type and at least one model with line of sight to the Warlord gain +1 Leadership (to a maximum of 10). In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in a Phase of the opponent’s turn dictated by the Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type possessed by the Warlord:

This additional Reaction may only be made as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.

Calibanite warblade

Calibanite warblade
Melee, Rending (6+)

Death-sworn Companions

"I stand among the honoured dead,
Beyond the reach of doubt and uncertainty,
Beyond the frailties of flesh and honour,
Where only duty remains."
Opening stanza of The Last Oath, from the initiatory rites of the Deathwing Companions

Any unit that includes at least one model with this special rule ignores the effects of the Precision Strikes (X), Precision Shots (X) and Sniper special rules, and casualties from Shooting Attacks and Melee Attacks are always allocated to a model of the controlling player’s choice.
Deathwing Retinue

Many of the most honoured commanders of the First Legion went into battle under the protection of the Deathwing Companions – warriors sworn to see their charge survive no matter the cost.

A Deathwing Companion Detachment may only be selected as part of a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rules. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’ and the model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rules is referred to as the Retinue Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule (if the Detachment includes more than one eligible Leader then the controlling player selects one as the unit’s Leader). The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. A Deathwing Companion Detachment may not be selected as part of an army without a Leader.
Terranic greatsword

Terranic greatsword
Melee, Two-handed, Rending (5+), Murderous Strike (5+)

Cytheron Pattern Aegis

A creation of the long lost city of Cytheron on Mercury, these devices are based upon the power fields that once held at bay the ferocity of Sol itself.

The Cytheron pattern aegis can be used in one of two ways: it can either provide the bearer with a 4+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks and a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Melee Attacks, or it can be deployed. The controlling player may choose to deploy the Cytheron pattern aegis at the end of any of their own Movement phases (the unit must be deployed on the battlefield and not Embarked upon any model) as long as at least two models in the unit are equipped with Cytheron pattern aegis – all models in the unit that have a Cytheron pattern aegis must deploy them to gain any benefit. While deployed, the entire unit gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks and a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Melee Attacks, and any enemy models Engaged with a model from this unit in an assault have their Initiative reduced by -1. However, while deployed, the models equipped with Cytheron pattern aegis may not make attacks in any Phase or as part of any Reaction. The controlling player may choose to end the deployment at the start of any of their own Movement phases, or if the number of Cytheron pattern aegis-equipped models in the unit drops below two, the effect immediately ends.
Legion Vexilla

The humble vexilla displays the heraldry of a particular squad, proclaiming not only its designation in the Legion but also its proud legacy in the annals of the Great Crusade.

A unit that includes at least one model with a Legion vexilla adds +1 to the Wounds score used to determine if they win a Combat in the Assault phase. In addition, a unit that includes at least one model with a Legion vexilla may, before any dice are rolled to determine Fall Back distance, choose to Fall Back only a distance equal to the roll of a D6 instead of 2D6 (or 3D6 if a Cavalry unit), and if forced to move off the edge of the battlefield will instead stop moving, with any model that would have moved off of the battlefield ending its Fall Back move prematurely when it reaches 1" from the edge of the battlefield.
Precision Shots (X)

Many of the galaxy’s marksmen are able to single out enemy leaders or soldiers with particularly powerful weapons and snipe them with unerring accuracy.

If a model with this special rule, or attacking with a weapon with this special rule, rolls equal to or higher than the value in brackets when making a To Hit roll as part of a Shooting Attack, that shot is a ‘Precision Shot’. For example, if a model with the Precision Shots (4+) special rule rolls a 4 or higher when making a To Hit roll, then that attack is a Precision Shot.

Wounds from Precision Shots are allocated against a model (or models) of the attacking player’s choice in the target unit, as long as the target model is in range and line of sight of the attacking model, rather than following the normal rules for Wound allocation.

Note that Snap Shots and shots from weapons that scatter, or do not roll To Hit, can never be Precision Shots.
Plasma burner

Plasma burner
Assault 1, Breaching (4+)

Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre

Crafted in the forge-fanes of Xana after the end of the second Rangdan Xenocide and gifted to the first Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre, this armour has served the Order since that day. Forged so that its bearer might take battle to the worst of death worlds, this ornate Cataphractii plate hides an array of field projectors designed to nullify dangerous irad and phage contaminants.

The Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, the Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre also allows its bearer to automatically pass any Dangerous Terrain tests that model is called upon to take.

The Death of Worlds

A relic of the First Legion, the blade known as the Death of Worlds was pattern-welded from fragments of adamantium collected from the hive cities of the first world to fall under the Eskaton, the edict of utter destruction. With each world its wielder presides over the death of, new fragments are added to its length and, by the end of the Great Crusade, the Death of Worlds had grown to such length that only the strongest warriors in the Legion could bear it into combat. The shards patternwelded to its edge carry the curse of a thousand dead worlds, the ragged blade tearing apart its victims with a vicious spite.

The Death of Worlds
Melee, Unwieldy, Two-handed, Curse of Dead Worlds

Curse of Dead Worlds: Invulnerable Saves taken against hits inflicted by this weapon are reduced by -1, to a minimum of 6+ (for example, a model with a 4+ Invulnerable Save struck by the Death of Worlds takes an Invulnerable Save of only 5+ against the attack).
Ancient of War

Marduk Sedras has served his Legion for more than two centuries, one of the longest serving Space Marines on record in the Divisio Militaris archives. Over the long years of the Great Crusade he has fought beside each of the Primarchs, and observed each of their Legions at war in warzones beyond count. There is no battle or enemy that does not remind him of past glories, and in his tales others find the wisdom to overcome the challenges that face them.

At the start of the battle, after deployment but before the first turn has begun, the controlling player may select a single Faction from the Allies in the Age of Darkness table, including either the Agents of the Emperor/Warmaster, that is represented in the enemy army. Marduk Sedras, and any friendly units with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule that have at least one model within 6" of Marduk Sedras or a model with the Transport Sub-type on which he is Embarked when all models have been deployed, but before the first Game Turn, gain the Preferred Enemy (Chosen Faction) special rule for all models in that unit for the duration of the battle. If Marduk Sedras is in Reserves, this special rule has no effect.
Warlord: Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre

Marduk Sedras, as so many of his brethren in the First Legion did, wore many titles. He was Lord of the Twenty-third Order, an Eskaton of the Dreadwing and also Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre. The Shattered Sceptre are one of many Orders of the Hekatonystika, dedicated to the fall of false kings and the dismemberment of empires. When he took to the field, this dour veteran often did so at the head of a phalanx of his Order’s finest warriors.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Marduk Sedras automatically has the Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre – If Marduk Sedras is the army’s Warlord then a unit of Inner Circle Knights Cenobium may be selected as part of the same HQ choice. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’. The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Marduk Sedras. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with Marduk Sedras deployed as part of the unit and Marduk Sedras may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. However, if this option is selected then no other unit may be selected for Marduk Sedras using the Retinue or Deathwing Retinue special rules. In addition, an army with Marduk Sedras as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Marduk Sedras has not been removed as a casualty.
HQ stands for Headquarters unit. A Headquarters unit might be a determined Solar Auxilia lord marshal thrust into the heart of the Horus Heresy or a mighty Space Marine praetor at the head of a Legion task force. These models are amongst the most powerful in the game and, as leaders, they have access to more special equipment than anyone else. They are not invincible, but can provide a powerful spearhead for an attacking army and a strong core for a defensive one.

The Tails of the Dragon

As the legend is told amongst the horse tribes of Chogoris, the Tails of the Dragon were twin blades gifted by the Khan to one among their tribe loyal without question not only to them, but to the protection of the tribe and to the pursuit of ever greater martial glory. While the original blades, if they ever existed, have been lost to time, the Tails of the Dragon blades gifted to Qin Xa by the Khagan were crafted in their image and legacy in a form more befitting a renowned warrior of the White Scars Legion.

The Tails of the Dragon are two separate but identical weapons, and the bonus for wielding two melee weapons has already been included in Qin Xa’s profile. The weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. When attacking with the Tails of the Dragon in close combat, select one of the profiles to use from those shown below for both weapons at the start of each of the controlling player’s Assault phases, before any attacks are made:
The Tails of the Dragon
 - Split the Mountain
Melee, Unwieldy, Master-crafted
 - Part the Horse’s Mane
Melee, Precision Strikes (3+), Master-crafted
Master of the Keshig

A Keshig denoted an elite formation of warriors within the White Scars, including such renowned groups as the Ebon Keshig and the Golden Keshig. However, only one Keshig needed no other title, for it served as the bodyguard of the Primarch himself. The Keshig was a cadre of the most formidable warriors in the White Scars and was commanded in the field by Qin Xa, the most trusted of the Primarch’s warlords.

If Qin Xa is selected as the Leader of a Legion Tartaros Command Squad, any model in that Tartaros Command Squad may replace its power weapon with a power glaive for +5 points each.
Warlord: Chosen of the Khagan

Qin Xa, often overlooked by allies and enemies, was a constant presence at the side of the Khan – a vital advisor to the subtle-minded lord of Chogoris and a skilled warrior and commander in battle. During the dark years of the Horus Heresy he would rise to become one of the Khagan’s most trusted companions and a notable leader among the warriors of the Legion.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Qin Xa automatically has the Chosen of the Khagan Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Chosen of the Khagan – If Qin Xa is the army’s Warlord, once per battle the controlling player may choose to either bring a single eligible friendly unit or group of friendly units assigned to a Deep Strike Assault or Flanking Assault into play from Reserve automatically instead of rolling or have it remain in Reserve for that turn (this may not be used to bring a unit or units into play on a turn when a Reserves roll could not normally be made for them). In addition, an army whose Warlord has this trait may make an additional Reaction during the Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.
Power glaive

Power glaive
Melee, Breaching (5+)

The Fell-Hand

Geigor is in possession of a particularly potent frost claw of exquisite workmanship and power, gained and forged after many trials and bellicose deeds worthy of a saga in themselves. Claw and master together gained the war-name of ‘Fell-Hand’ for the death they have reaved on the battlefield.

The Fell-Hand
Melee, Master-crafted, Rending (5+), Shred, Reaping Blow (1)
Warlord: Crown Breaker

Geigor’s wrath was most often directed at the enemy’s commanders, those warriors that led the vanguard and directed the attack. Yet this was no display of tactics, no attempt to cut the head from the snake, but instead a bitter and abiding need to prove himself better than those ranged against him.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Geigor Fell-Hand automatically has Crown Breaker as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Crown Breaker - Geigor Fell-Hand and all models in any friendly unit he has joined gain the Preferred Enemy (Independent Characters) special rule. They also gain the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule when locked in combat with one or more enemy models with the Independent Character special rule. In addition, an army with Geigor Fell-Hand as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Geigor Fell-Hand has not been removed as a casualty.


Hvarl Red-Blade’s famed axe was not of Fenris but a stone-grey power blade re-forged by the Iron Priests from a battlefield trophy taken from a huge machine-warrior made in the shape of a long-dead king he battled on the edge of the Maelstrom. This battle, fought on the dead world of Koltok, saw him elevated to Thegn and first earned him the name of ‘Headsman’. In a thousand battles since, it has never failed him.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Armourbane (Melee)
Battle Cunning

Hvarl knew only one way to fight the foe, to close with them as quickly as possible, break their lines and crush their heart. Yet, he was no fool and knew well the value of sending forth warriors to distract and mislead the foe before mounting his main onslaught.

Up to three units composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type in the same Detachment as Hvarl Red-Blade may be given the Scout special rule.
Warlord: Head-taker

Hvarl gloried in only one thing in battle, the death of the foe. He cared little for grand strategy or subtle tricks of deployment or manoeuvre and instead craved simply to close with the foe and see their blood spilled on the broken soil of the battlefield.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Hvarl Red-Blade automatically has Head-taker as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Head-taker – Hvarl Red-Blade and all models in any friendly unit he joins gain the Preferred Enemy (Infantry) special rule. In addition, an army with Hvarl Red-Blade as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during their opponent’s Assault phase as long as Hvarl has not been removed as a casualty.

Tooth & Claw

Freki and Geri are preternaturally powerful beasts whose fangs and claws can tear through body armour and rend flesh and bone like paper.

Tooth & Claw
Melee, Breaching (6+)
Wolf-kin of Russ

In battle Leman Russ would sometimes be accompanied by a pair of immense wolves. Legend claims that these were kin to the Primarch, bound to him in the days when he wandered the bleak wastes of Fenris unburdened by the yoke of civilisation.

The Wolf-kin of Russ may only be taken in a Detachment if Leman Russ is in the same Detachment. If they are chosen as part of a Detachment, they are treated as a HQ choice so far as any special rule, objective or mission is concerned, but do not take up slots on the Force Organisation chart. This unit cannot be joined by any other model, except Leman Russ.
Solarite Power Gauntlet

These augmented power fists are greatly favoured by the officers of the Imperial Fists Legion. Crafted in imitation of the ancient relics of Old Earth, they embody their Legion’s heraldic icon in the shape of a powerful weapon.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule may exchange a power fist for a Solarite power gauntlet for +5 points, or exchange a thunder hammer for a Solarite power gauntlet for no additional cost.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Solarite Power Gauntlet
Melee, Unwieldy

Vigil Storm Shield

The Imperial Fists were the first to utilise the enhanced Vigil pattern storm shield design, which featured a uniquely potent field generator far exceeding those found elsewhere. The first of these had entered service with the Legion after the Ullanor Campaign, but difficulties in production meant only a few hundred had entered full service at the outset of the wars of the Horus Heresy.

Any model with both the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) and Independent Character special rules that does not have the Unique Unit Sub-type may take a Vigil storm shield for +20 points. Additionally, any models with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule in a Legion Tartaros Terminator Squad, or Legion Tartaros Command Squad may exchange a combi-bolter for a Vigil storm shield for +15 points each. Any models with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule in a Legion Cataphractii Terminator Squad or Legion Cataphractii Command Squad may exchange a combi-bolter for a Vigil storm shield for +10 points each.

A model with a Vigil storm shield gains a 3+ Invulnerable Save – Invulnerable Saves granted by a Vigil storm shield do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves and cannot be modified by any other special rule. If a model has another Invulnerable Save then the controlling player must choose one to use. A model with a Vigil storm shield may never gain an additional attack for being armed with two close combat weapons or make attacks using a weapon with the Two-handed special rule.
Void Commander

Alexis Polux was a highly skilled commander and a formidable tactician, particularly in the fields of void-borne combat and Zone Mortalis operations.

The controlling player may opt to automatically pass or fail any Pinning test made for Alexis Polux and any unit he has joined. In addition, all models in a unit that Alexis Polux joins while in Reserves (see the Combined Reserve Units rule) gain the Deep Strike special rule.
Hammer Blow

Such was Polux’s strength and focus of will, even for one of the Legiones Astartes, he was able to deliver a single crushing blow with his power fist as easily as one of his brothers might have swung a sword.

During any Fight sub-phase, Alexis Polux’s controlling player may choose to have Alexis Polux make a single attack with the profile below instead of attacking normally (while using this option Alexis Polux may not gain bonus attacks for Charging, additional weapons or from any other special rule):
Hammer blow
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Fleshbane, Exoshock (6+)
Warlord: Master Tactician

Polux was possessed of a keen tactical mind, well capable of adapting his plans to suit any situation. This tactical flexibility was a deadly weapon, and one that Polux wielded with more skill than any other in his arsenal.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Alexis Polux automatically has Master Tactician as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Master Tactician – After all models are deployed but before any rolls to Seize the Initiative are made, the controlling player of Alexis Polux may redeploy one friendly unit within the limitations of the mission being played. This may place a unit that had been deployed normally into Reserves, or bring a unit out of Reserves – but may not add or remove units that have been assigned to a Deep Strike Assault, Drop Pod Assault, Flanking Assault or Subterranean Assault. In addition, an army with Alexis Polux as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opponent’s Assault phase as long as Alexis Polux has not been removed as a casualty.
Shield Master

Famed for his unconventional ability to use a combination of axes and shield, Rann’s talents with this combination of weapons are unsurpassed and his ability to make the most of his shield’s defensive capabilities was unrivalled.

When Fafnir Rann is locked in combat and his controlling player has chosen to use the Single Axe profile for The Headsman and The Hunter in that Phase, all Hits inflicted by enemy models and allocated to Fafnir Rann must reduce their Strength by -1 (to a minimum of 1). When using the Twinned Axe profile for The Headsman and The Hunter, this special rule grants no benefit, Fafnir Rann is not counted as having a boarding shield for any rules that would grant him benefits for having a boarding shield and Fafnir Rann may ignore the usual restriction for using a weapon with the Two-handed special rule while also having a boarding shield until the end of that Assault phase.

The Headsman and The Hunter

These twinned axes were Fafnir Rann’s constant companions, and that warrior had mastered a unique style of combat, switching between his axes and shield to meet any combat situation. Few foes could stand against this potent combination of ferocious attack and indomitable defence.

Fafnir Rann’s power axes, The Headsman and The Hunter, are considered a single weapon with two profiles – one representing Fafnir Rann using a single axe in concert with his shield and one representing Fafnir Rann using both axes at once. In each Fight sub-phase Fafnir Rann’s controlling player must choose one of these two profiles to use for all of Fafnir Rann’s attacks. (Note that the Shield Master special rule allows Fafnir Rann make use of a weapon with the Two-handed special rule despite having a boarding shield).

Both weapons are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Headsman and The Hunter
 - Single axe
Melee, Shield Master*, Specialist Weapon, Master-crafted
 - Twinned axe
Melee, Rampage (2), Specialist Weapon, Two-handed, Master-crafted

*All Hits inflicted by enemy models and allocated to Fafnir Rann must reduce their Strength by -1 (to a minimum of 1) – see the Shield Master special rule for more details.
Executioner’s Tax

As unstoppable on the attack as he is unyielding in his defence, Rann is an uncharacteristically bellicose and aggressive member of the VIIth Legion. Even on the defensive, the foe is not spared the wrath of his onslaught.

When an enemy unit makes a successful Charge that places one or more enemy models in base contact with Fafnir Rann, or any model in a unit Fafnir Rann has joined, that enemy unit suffers D3+3 Str 5 AP- Hits. These attacks hit automatically and are resolved during the Fight sub-phase at Initiative Step 10, but grant no model a Pile-in move and do not benefit from any special rules that Fafnir Rann or any other model in the same unit may have. Hits inflicted by this special rule are allocated as normal for attacks made in an assault.
Warlord: The Unbroken Wall

As a commander Fafnir Rann adhered to one simple dictum: victory demands sacrifice. For, despite the shelter of high walls or the stubborn determination of a shield wall, even the most impenetrable defence can only deny victory to the enemy – victory comes only to those with the courage to attack.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Fafnir Rann automatically has The Unbroken Wall Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

The Unbroken Wall – Fafnir Rann, and all models in any Legion Breacher Squads or Phalanx Warder Squads in the same Detachment, gain a bonus of +1 to their Weapon Skill for the duration of any Assault phase in which they successfully Charge an enemy unit. In addition, an army with Fafnir Rann as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Fafnir Rann has not been removed as a casualty.
Pile-in Moves
A Pile-in Move is a 3" move that is made by any models that are not in base contact with one or more enemy models. Models that are Piling-in must attempt to get as close as possible to one or more of the enemy units locked in this combat.

Pile-in Moves follow the same rules as Charge Moves, except that they are not slowed by Difficult Terrain (though Dangerous Terrain will still trigger Dangerous Terrain tests).

In addition, a Pile-in Move cannot be used to move into base contact with any units that are not already involved in the combat.

When making Pile-in Moves, the Active player moves their unit(s) first. If both players’ Pile-in Moves combined would be insufficient to bring any combatants into base contact, the combat is considered to have ended.

The Black Sword

A paragon blade of unknown provenance which takes the shape of an ancient two-handed sword of lustreless black metal, it is able to cut through stone and metal without effort or mar to the edge. In the hands of a warrior such as Sigismund, the Black Sword is deadly beyond belief, and alien warlords and mighty warriors without number have fallen before it.

The Black Sword
Melee, Two-handed, Instant Death, Master-crafted
Eternal Warrior

Some heroes refuse to be laid low, even by what would be mortal wounds to lesser warriors.

If a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound from an attack that inflicts Instant Death, it only reduces its Wounds by 1, instead of automatically reducing its Wounds to 0.
Dolorous Fighter

Sigismund’s skill is legendary, even among the trans-human warriors of the Legiones Astartes, and none can match his instinctive talent for dealing death and finding the merest chink in his enemy’s guard to exploit to their undoing.

When a Challenge is issued in any combat that includes Sigismund, Sigismund’s controlling player must always accept that Challenge with Sigismund – if the opposing player does not issue a Challenge then Sigismund’s controlling player must do so and must nominate Sigismund to fight in that Challenge. Additionally, when fighting in a Challenge, successful Invulnerable Saves taken against Sigismund’s attacks must be re-rolled.
Death’s Champion

A sombre and deadly warrior, both indefatigable and remorseless in the fray, Sigismund is to onlookers less a mortal warrior but rather some unstoppable agency of the dark fates. This led none other than the Primarch Sanguinius to remark of him that he seemed “…less my brother Dorn’s champion, and more Death’s himself…"

Sigismund and any unit he joins gains a bonus of +2 to all Charge Distances and Sweeping Advance rolls made for the unit. In addition, if Sigismund is present in any Detachment then that Detachment may take Templar Brethren squads as Troops choices.
Warlord: Slayer of Kings

Sigismund was known throughout all the Legions of the Legiones Astartes as a swordsman of surpassing skill and strength, few other than the Primarchs themselves could stand against him in single combat. In battle his brethren looked upon his skills as a source of pride, each of Sigismund’s victories bolstering the courage of his men.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Sigismund automatically has Slayer of Kings as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Slayer of Kings – If Sigismund is the army’s Warlord and slays the enemy Warlord in a Challenge, Sigismund’s controlling player gains +1 Victory point (in addition to any gained by Mission Objectives) and all units in the same army as Sigismund that include at least one model with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule may add +1 to the total number of Wounds caused in each combat for the purposes of determining Assault results for the rest of the battle (this does not stack with any other rules that increase the Assault result). In addition, an army with Sigismund as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opponent’s Movement phase as long as Sigismund has not been removed as a casualty.
These represent the most commonly available soldiers in an army. This does not necessarily mean that they are poor fighters – the category includes warriors ranging from the post-human warriors of the Space Marine Legions to the humble auxiliary levies of the Imperialis Militia. Typically, these are the warriors who make up the bulk of an army. Their main tactical role is that of consolidating the gains of the army and defending the objectives that have been taken by more specialised units.
Victory Points
Most of the Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness missions published in this and other supplements use Victory points. Such games are referred to as ‘Victory Point games’. Victory points are acquired by securing Primary and Secondary Objectives, and the winner is the army with the most Victory points at the end of the game. If the winner has twice the number of Victory points as their opponent, it can be considered a crushing victory! If both armies have the same number of Victory points, the game is a tactical draw.

The Encarmine Warblade

A masterpiece of the smith’s craft, made for Raldoron at the request of Sanguinius himself and borne into combat on hundreds of battlefields.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Encarmine Warblade
Melee, Master-crafted, Shred, Murderous Strike (5+)
Warlord: Archein of Wisdom

Raldoron is renowned within his Legion for his stoic and measured composure, approaching war in a practical manner much unlike the impassioned nature of his fellows. To Raldoron, war is a puzzle to be dissected and conquered, and he has studied all the strategic texts he can to arm himself fully, including the treatise of all the other Legions.

If Chapter Master Raldoron is selected as the army’s Warlord then his Warlord Trait may be selected from the Core Warlord Traits or from any Legion specific Warlord Trait from any of the following Legions (counting as though Raldoron and all other models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule in the same Detachment possesses the appropriate variant of the Legiones Astartes special rule, this does not grant them any of that variant’s rules or effects but only allows them to benefit from the effects of the selected Warlord Trait): White Scars, Imperial Fists, Space Wolves, Ultramarines, Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders. This does not include any Warlord Traits available only to specific named characters, or a Warlord Trait that requires the Traitor Allegiance may not be selected.

The Spiritum Sanguis

A powerful broad-bladed sword of exquisite craftsmanship, the Spiritum Sanguis was presented to Zephon by the IXth Legion’s Master of Artisans upon his departure to join the Crusader Host on Terra.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Spiritum Sanguis
Melee, Two-handed, Reaping Blow (1), Master-crafted

Lament and Grief

A pair of artificer-made Volkite serpenta pistols, Lament and Grief fire powerful beams of blinding white light over short ranges that sear the flesh as well as the sight of their targets.

Lament and Grief are two separate weapons, both counting as ‘Volkite’ weapons and with identical profiles.
Lament and Grief
Pistol 3, Deflagrate, Blind
Rad Grenades

These weapons are relics of the darkest years of Old Terra’s isolation, designed to poison both the enemy and the land upon which they were detonated. The Emperor himself forbade the use of such weapons, save by the elite of his own legions.

During a turn in which a unit with at least one model with rad grenades successfully Charges, or is themselves successfully Charged, all models in the enemy unit(s) suffer a -1 penalty to their Toughness Characteristic, to a minimum of Toughness 1, until the end of the Fight Sub-phase that follows the successful Charge. Note: This does affect Instant Death thresholds.
Bitter Duty

Some warriors are marked by the dire weaponry they bear or the grim tactics in which they are trained. These dour cohorts are shunned by their brethren, whether out of respect for their burden or from fear of their rage.

A unit that includes any models with this special rule may not be joined by any model that does not also have this special rule (this includes Legion Techmarines and Legion Apothecaries, which may not be assigned to a unit with this special rule unless they also have this special rule).
Paragon of Restoration

Installed in Zephon’s body by the apocryphal techo-ministrations of Arkhan Land, these intricate bionic enhancements can heal even the most grievous wounds over time and prevent their host-body from slipping into death’s embrace.

The Paragon of Restoration gives Dominion Zephon the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule. In addition, the first time in any battle that Dominion Zephon loses his last Wound, or is otherwise removed from play as a casualty, the controlling player must immediately roll a D6. On a result of 4+, he remains in play with a single Wound remaining instead of being removed or destroyed.
Warlord: Exarch of the High Host

A fraternity of the IXth Legion sometimes known as the Archae or the Principatii, the High Host was one of the lesser Orders of the First Sphere made up of those warriors who bore the sorrowful duty of delivering Sanguinius’ ultimate sanction to the Emperor’s enemies. Unlike their brothers in the Angel’s Tears, the High Host did not shrink away from showing their true faces as they deployed weapons born of humanity’s darkest nightmares that left a trail of murdered worlds in their wake.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Dominion Zephon automatically has the Exarch of the High Host Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Exarch of the High Host – If Dominion Zephon is the army’s Warlord then a Legion Destroyer Assault Squad may be selected as part of the same HQ choice. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’. The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Dominion Zephon. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with Dominion Zephon deployed as part of the unit and Dominion Zephon may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. All models in a Legion Destroyer Assault Squad chosen using this Warlord Trait gain the Chosen Warriors special rule. If this option is selected then no other unit may be selected for Dominion Zephon using the Retinue special rule. In addition, an army with Dominion Zephon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Dominion Zephon has not been removed as a casualty.


Forged by the master artisans of Veridia Forge, this masterwork power sword was presented to Remus Ventanus by First Master Marius Gage upon his ascension to the rank of captain of the 4th Company. Named after an Ancient Terran hero of the Grekans, the lethal corona of its disruptive energy field could easily part even the toughest forms of armour.

This weapon counts as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Rending (5+), Master-crafted
Warlord: Resolute Planning

Remus Ventanus, in the years before Calth, had been nothing more than a dutiful line officer, unremarkable in his ability. At Calth it was his grim determination to formulate a plan amidst the chaos of that encounter and then follow through with that plan regardless of the obstacles or consequences, that would bring him both victory and renown.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Remus Ventanus automatically has the Resolute Planning Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Resolute Planning – Both Remus Ventanus and any units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule in an army with Remus Ventanus as its Warlord automatically pass any Leadership tests or Morale checks made while they have at least one model within 3" of an objective. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Remus Ventanus has not been removed as a casualty.
Objective Markers
Some Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness missions require the use of Objective markers. An Objective marker is usually a point on the battlefield of particular importance to one or both of the armies. These points are designated by using specially modelled markers, coins or counters around 1"-2" in diameter.


Lucius, famed for his overweening egotism, had little interest in the tools he used and wanted no simple blade to gain a fame that approached his own. Despite the casual disinterest of its wielder, the blade referred to as Nineteen by Lucius was a masterwork of the smith’s art and most likely taken as a trophy from some slain and forgotten opponent. Its slender edge belied its strength and, in Lucius’ hands, it could block almost any attack aimed at the cocksure warrior.

Melee, Rending (3+), Duellist’s Aegis (1), Murderous Strike (6+), Master-crafted

Duellist’s Aegis (X): A model with this special rule gains a bonus to their Weapon Skill equal to the value in brackets listed as part of the special rule whenever it is Engaged in a Challenge with an enemy model.

The Blade of the Laer

Following the cataclysmic events of Isstvan V, the Phoenician gifted Lucius with the masterwork blade that he recovered from an alien temple on the planet Laeran and often carried into battle himself. The dark power lying dormant within the blade that ended the life of one of the Emperor’s sons seemingly recognised in Lucius the unfathomable darkness of its own kind and slowly reawakened to its full potential.

The Blade of the Laer
Melee, Duellist’s Edge (1), Fleshbane, Specialist Weapon, Master-crafted
Supreme Duellist
While fighting in a Challenge, if Captain Lucius’ Initiative Characteristic is higher than his opponent’s then he gains +1 to his Attacks Characteristic.
Warlord: The Blade Alone
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Captain Lucius automatically has The Blade Alone as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Blade Alone – If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then no other models or units may use his Leadership regardless of any other rules or Wargear that a unit may have, however, whenever Captain Lucius is Engaged in a Challenge, all friendly models in the same combat gain the Fearless special rule. In addition, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by Captain Lucius and any unit he has joined does not use up a point of the controlling player’s Reaction Allotment.
Surgical Augments

Towards the end of the Great Crusade, the Legion’s armourers and apothecaries had begun to experiment with surgical augments and psycho-sonic weaponry based, in part, on xenos designs. Although their true breakthroughs in these fields would not occur until given unholy impetus and inspiration during the Legion’s fall, some success had already been reached in creating effective combat implants which were finding selective use as the Horus Heresy dawned.

Any model with the Traitor Allegiance and both the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type but not the Unique Sub-type may select a single Surgical Augment from the list below for a cost of +20 points:

- Sonic Shriekers – During a turn in which a unit with at least one model equipped with sonic shriekers successfully Charges, or is themselves successfully Charged, all models in any enemy unit(s) locked in combat with them suffer a -1 penalty to all To Hit rolls. Models which are immune to the effects of the Fear (X) special rule are not affected by this modifier.
- Sub-sonic Pulser – A model equipped with this upgrade, and any unit it joins, ignores the penalties to Leadership and Ballistic Skill imposed by the Night Fighting special rules.
- Sonic Lance – A model equipped with this upgrade gains the sonic lance weapon:
Sonic lance
Assault 1, Breaching (6+), Pinning

Charnabal broadsword

A much heavier version of a traditional Terran duelling blade, Tarvitz has mastered this weapon and made it his own.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Charnabal’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Charnabal broadsword
Melee, Rending (4+), Duellist’s Edge (2), Two-handed, Master-crafted
A Brother Betrayed

In the final hours of the battle that would immortalise Saul Tarvitz, he suffered his most grievous wound. This was not the cut of a blade or the bite of a bolt, but the betrayal of one he had long counted as a true brother in arms. In the ruins of Isstvan, while the Warmaster focused all his bitter ire upon Tarvitz and the brave few that stood for the Imperium, Lucius would turn upon his brother in an act of betrayal that Tarvitz would brood on for the last few hours of his life.

Captain Saul Tarvitz gains +1 Weapon Skill, +1 Strength and +1 Toughness while locked in combat with any enemy model that has both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rules or any unit that such a model has joined. If an enemy model that has both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rules is removed as a casualty whilst locked in combat with Captain Saul Tarvitz or any unit he has joined then Captain Saul Tarvitz’s controlling player gains +1 bonus Victory point in addition to any others that might be gained from this; this bonus is increased to +2 bonus Victory points if Captain Lucius is removed as a casualty while Engaged in a Challenge with Captain Saul Tarvitz.
Warlord: Defiant unto Death
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Captain Saul Tarvitz automatically has Defiant unto Death as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Defiant unto Death – If an army’s Warlord has this trait, then check at the start of each of the controlling player’s turns to see if any of the following is true:
  • The army that includes Captain Saul Tarvitz has accrued fewer Victory points than any enemy army.
  • The army including Captain Saul Tarvitz has fewer units on the battlefield than all enemy armies combined.
  • Captain Saul Tarvitz is within 6" of an objective.
  • Captain Saul Tarvitz and any unit he has joined is locked in combat with more than one enemy unit, or a single enemy unit that outnumbers Captain Saul Tarvitz’s unit.

If any of these are true then Captain Saul Tarvitz and any friendly units with at least one model within 12" of Captain Saul Tarvitz gain the Fearless special rule. In addition, as long as Captain Saul Tarvitz has not been removed as a casualty, the army gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase.

Glory Aeterna

Lord Commander Eidolon’s preferred weapon was the masterwork hammer known as Glory Aeterna, a trophy presented to the Lord Commander upon his rise to that rank by Fulgrim himself. The weapon is as much a work of art and badge of office as it is a brutally efficient weapon of war, and in Eidolon’s skilled hands it is a fearsome weapon of war indeed.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

Glory Aeterna
Melee, Brutal (2), Unwieldy, Thunderous Charge*, Master-crafted

*Thunderous Charge: On any turn in which Lord Commander Eidolon makes a successful Charge, the model’s attacks ignore the Unwieldy special rule on Glory Aeterna.

Death Scream

Eidolon has been the recipient of xenos-technological implants, and experimentation by his Legion’s Techmarines and the ministrations of Chief Apothecary Fabius. His implanted sonic shrieker is capable of discharging a destructive howl able to break bones and rupture flesh.

This counts as a weapon with the following profile:
Death Scream
Assault 1, Rending (6+), Pinning
Warlord: Prideful Onslaught
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lord Commander Eidolon automatically has Prideful Onslaught as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Prideful Onslaught – If Lord Commander Eidolon is the army’s Warlord, then at the beginning of the battle, once all of the opposing player’s models have been deployed, but before the first turn has begun, Lord Commander Eidolon’s controlling player must select one enemy HQ or Primarch choice as Lord Commander Eidolon’s ‘Rival’. Lord Commander Eidolon and any unit he has joined gain a bonus of +1 to all To Hit rolls made against the ‘Rival’ unit – and if the ‘Rival’ unit is part of any enemy Shooting Attack or Combat that results in a friendly unit being entirely removed as casualties or Falling Back, then Lord Commander Eidolon and any unit he has joined also gains a bonus of +1 to all To Wound rolls made against the ‘Rival’ unit for the remainder of the battle after that Shooting Attack or Combat has been fully resolved. In addition, Lord Commander Eidolon and any unit he has joined may only declare Reactions against the Rival unit, but the first such Reaction each turn is free and does not reduce the player’s Reaction Allotment for that Phase.
Fall Back
Units make a Fall Back Move immediately upon failing a Morale check – the only moves they can make in subsequent Phases are Fall Back Moves until they Regroup. In each subsequent Movement phase, they will make further Fall Back Moves instead of moving normally, until the unit Regroups, is destroyed or leaves the battlefield.

Fall Back Moves are 2D6", unless a rule specifies otherwise. Fall Back Moves are not slowed by Difficult Terrain, but incur Dangerous Terrain tests as normal. Units with models that Fall Back at different speeds always Fall Back at the speed of the slowest model in the unit.

Each model in the unit moves directly towards their own battlefield edge by the shortest possible route.

If playing a mission where there is no ‘own’ battlefield edge, models move towards the closest battlefield edge instead.

If any model from a unit that is Falling Back moves into contact with a battlefield edge, the entire unit is removed from the game as casualties as it scatters and flees the battle.

Night’s Whisper

One of several weapons the Night Haunter had long since discarded in his gore-spattered sanctum, Sevatar appropriated the Night’s Whisper for his own use. In form it was an elegant chainglaive of archaic make, its archaeotech motor tuned to a sibilant purr rather than the discordant roar of more commonplace weapons.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Night’s Whisper
Melee, Two-handed, Duellist’s Edge (1), Murderous Strike (6+), Master-crafted
Dirty Fighter

Sevatar is one of the most dangerous hand-to-hand combatants in his or any other Legion. When engaged with a worthy foe, there is no trick or ploy he will not stoop to in order to claim victory.

When Engaged in a Challenge with a model whose Weapon Skill is 5 or more, Sevatar gains the Instant Death special rule on all attacks made during that Challenge.
Dark Dreams

Sevatar, like his Primarch, harboured a limited psychic talent – the ability to perceive discordant shards of the future in his dreams. This proved as much a hindrance as a benefit, tormenting Sevatar with half-remembered glimpses of tragedies yet to come.

Sevatar gains access to the Shadows of Past and Future Psychic Power only and gains no other Disciplines, Psychic Powers or Psychic Weapons.
Warlord: Master of the Atramentar
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Sevatar automatically has the Master of the Atramentar as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Master of the Atramentar – Any units of Legion Cataphractii Terminators and Legion Tartaros Terminators included in the same Detachment as Sevatar gain the Deep Strike special rule (Sevatar himself does not). When any units of Legion Cataphractii Terminators, Legion Tartaros Terminators or Contekar Terminators that are part of the same Detachment as Sevatar are included as part of a Deep Strike Assault that does not include Sevatar, they gain the Preferred Enemy (Everything) special rules for the duration of the turn in which they are deployed. In addition, an army whose Warlord is Sevatar may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase, as long as Sevatar has not been removed as a casualty.
Weapon Skill (WS)
This Characteristic defines the close combat skill a warrior possesses. The higher the Characteristic, the more likely the model is to hit an opponent in close combat. A Mechanicum Tech-Priest has Weapon Skill 3, whilst a genetically engineered Space Marine Legionary might have Weapon Skill 4 or higher.

The Cutter

Khârn was the master of many weapons, from the baleful and crude instruments of the arena to crackling power sabres, but favoured most modified chainaxes and ripper blades. One such he simply called ‘The Cutter’ he carried into battle against many foes during the Great Crusade and later turned on his former brothers.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Cutter
Melee, Shred, Rending (4+), Murderous Strike (6+)
Warlord: Savage Assault
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Khârn the Bloody automatically has Savage Assault as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Savage Assault – No enemy unit may declare a Reaction against a Charge made by a unit that includes Khârn the Bloody, unless the unit targeted by that Charge includes a model with the Primarch Unit Type. In addition, an army with Khârn the Bloody as its Warlord may make an additional Advance Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Khârn the Bloody has not been removed as a casualty.
Alchem pistol

Alchem pistol
Pistol 1, Fleshbane, Gets Hot


Among the many weapons Calas Typhon is known to have carried into battle, that dour warrior showed a particular preference for the heavy bladed scythe he referred to only as ‘Lakrimae’. This weapon was most often coated in a viscous poison of Typhon’s own creation, the toxin dripping from the blade and scarring the ground over which he advanced.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Two-handed, Reaping Blow (1), Fleshbane

Death Cloud projector

The Terminator armour of the Grave Wardens carried in-built alchemical containment and projection units, allowing the unit to direct focused jets of lethally poisonous vapours against their enemies.

Death Cloud projector
Assault 1, Poisoned (3+)
Witchsense (Psychic Power)

Calas Typhon, despite having long suppressed his psychic ability, can sense the actions of his foe the instant before they occur, granting him a subtle but deadly advantage on the field of battle.

At the start of any Assault phase, Calas Typhon’s controlling player may choose to make a Psychic check for him. If that Check is passed then Calas Typhon’s Weapon Skill Characteristic is increased by +1 and his Attacks Characteristic is increased by D3 for the duration of that Assault phase. If the Check is failed then Calas Typhon suffers Perils of the Warp.
Toxin Cloud (Psychic Weapon)

By means of crude psychic urging, Calas Typhon can gather and concentrate the toxic gasses expelled by his Death Cloud projector, creating short lived but utterly deadly vortexes of caustic miasma.

Toxin Cloud
Assault 1, Large Blast (5"), Fleshbane, Pinning, Psychic Focus

Psychic Focus: Before making any To Hit rolls with this weapon, the Psyker must make a Psychic check. If the Check is passed then the Psyker may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.

Thought by some to have been ‘tainted’ by the blood of the nightmarish alien warlords who once held sway on ill-fated Barbarus, Calas Typhon was a psyker. However, given the hatred of ‘witchery’ professed by his Primarch, he has long held his abilities in abeyance before the whispers of Chaos came to him in the guise of Erebus.

Calas Typhon has the Witchsense (Psychic Power) and Toxin Cloud (Psychic Weapon), and does not gain access to any other Disciplines. When included as part of an army that includes Mortarion, or if Mortarion is present in a battle as part of another friendly army, then Calas Typhon may not make use of any of his Psychic Powers or Psychic Weapons.
Shrouded in Death

The Death Cloud projector served not only as a weapon, but also as a shield against the foe – the thick cloud of toxic gas it produced obscured the Grave Wardens on the battlefield and thwarted those that attempted to drive the Death Guard from the battlefield by force of arms.

When an enemy unit successfully Charges a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule, the Charge is always considered to be Disordered.
Warlord: Comes the Reaper
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Calas Typhon automatically has Comes the Reaper as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Comes the Reaper – When making attacks as part of a Shooting Attack or during the Assault phase with any weapon that has the Poisoned (X) special rule, Calas Typhon and any unit with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) and at least one model within 6" of Calas Typhon, increase the value of the Poisoned (X) special rule by 1 (e.g., from 3+ to 2+) and may re-roll failed To Wound rolls for weapons with the Fleshbane special rule. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the Movement phase as long as Calas Typhon has not been removed as a casualty.
Asphyx bolt pistol

Asphyx bolt pistol
Pistol 1, Shred

The Corvidaean Sceptre

Serving as both a mark of his station as master of the Cult of the Corvidae and a powerful weapon in its own right, the Corvidaean Sceptre was a long stave inlaid with intricate force conductive circuitry. The records of the Thousand Sons claim that this artefact was one of several early devices created by Magnus himself in an attempt to aid his sons in controlling their power.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons:
The Corvidaean Sceptre
Melee, Reach (1), Force, Master-crafted
Arch-magister of the Corvidae
Ahzek Ahriman gains the Minor Arcana Corvidae and the Divination and Thaumaturgy Disciplines from the Core Psychic Discipline list at no additional points cost and may not select any other Minor Arcana or Psychic Disciplines.
Warlord: The Pattern of Fates
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Ahzek Ahriman automatically has The Pattern of Fates as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Pattern of Fates – If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then once all models have been deployed onto the battlefield (including any Infiltrating units and after any units have been redeployed using the Scout special rule), but before the first turn is begun, the controlling player may select up to three friendly units and either redeploy them to any other position within the controlling player’s Deployment Zone or remove them from the battlefield and place them in Reserves. In addition, an army that includes Ahzek Ahriman may make an additional Reaction in any one Phase once per turn, as long as Ahzek Ahriman has not been removed as a casualty (the Phase in which the additional Reaction is made does not need to be declared in advance).

When a unit that includes a Psyker with this power makes a Shooting Attack, the controlling player may make a Psychic check for the Psyker with this power before any rolls To Hit are made. If the Check is successful then the first Wound scored on the target unit by the Shooting Attack is allocated by the Psyker’s controlling player (but once this model has been removed as a casualty, any further Wounds are allocated as per the normal rules). If the Psychic check is failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp.

The Reliquary of Dust

Kept within the concealed chambers of a short rod bound in power fields and psychic circuitry, Amon carries the dustlike remains of slain Psychneuein mind-parasites. These warp-born predators afflicted thankfully few worlds, but of these Prospero was one. The hungering psychic essence of these creatures was bound like a murderous echo to their dust, and it was in Amon’s power to invoke it with lethal results.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Reliquary of Dust
Melee, Poisoned (4+), Reaping Blow (1), Master-crafted

The Reliquary of Dust may also be used to make a Shooting Attack once per battle, and instead of attacking normally, using the following profile:
The Reliquary of Dust
Assault 2D6, Poisoned (4+), Concussive (3), Rending (6+)

The Armour of Shades

Woven into the fabric of this suit of artificer power armour are layer upon layer of psychically charged glyphs and wave forms designed to augment Amon’s own abilities to pass unseen, or even to appear as another when he wishes.

The Armour of Shades provides a 2+ Armour Save, and on any turn in which Magistus Amon has moved or is within the bounds of a zone of Area Terrain, it grants him the Shrouded (4+) special rule.
Magister of Dust
Magistus Amon gains the Divination and Telepathy Disciplines from the Core Psychic Discipline list at no additional points cost and may not select any other Minor Arcana or Psychic Disciplines.
Warlord: Lord of Hidden Paths
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Magistus Amon automatically has Lord of Hidden Paths as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Lord of Hidden Paths – If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then all units in the same army with the Infiltrate and Scout special rules gain the Shrouded (5+) special rules for the duration of the first two Game Turns. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase.
Banestrike combi-bolter

Banestrike combi-bolter
Rapid Fire, Twin-linked, Breaching (6+)

Cthonian power claw

Modified from more commonplace weapons, Abaddon wields a cruelly barbed power fist that tears and crushes with equal abandon.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Cthonian power claw
Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon, Shred, Master-crafted
Battle-hardened (X)

Some warriors, by dint of raw talent, genetic manipulation or long experience of the battlefield’s terrors, are hardened against the rigours of war. Such warriors prove much harder for the foe to bring low.

For the purposes of whether or not attacks of a Strength twice this model’s Toughness value inflict Instant Death, this model’s Toughness is increased by X, where X is the value in brackets after the name of this special rule. If, for any reason, this special rule does not provide a value, then consider the value of X to be 1. This special rule does not alter the scores needed by To Wound rolls or any other Test or Check.
Warlord: The Vengeful Spirit
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Ezekyle Abaddon automatically has The Vengeful Spirit as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Vengeful Spirit – Ezekyle Abaddon and any unit he joins gain the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule during the Movement and Shooting phases of any turn in which they are deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault. In addition, an army with Ezekyle Abaddon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Ezekyle Abaddon has not been removed as a casualty.
Born Survivor
The first time in any battle when a model with this special rule is reduced to 0 Wounds for any reason or otherwise removed from play as a casualty, the controlling player must immediately make a Leadership test for that model. If the Test is failed then the model is removed as a casualty as normal, but if the Test is passed then the Warlord is not removed as a casualty, remains in play and regains D3 Wounds.
Warlord: Wolf of Luna
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Garviel Loken automatically has Wolf of Luna as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Wolf of Luna – A Warlord with this Trait may only join a unit composed entirely of models with both the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rule and the Loyalist Allegiance. Both the Warlord and any unit it joins gain +1 Attack on any turn in which they successfully Charge, or are successfully Charged by, an enemy unit composed entirely of models with both the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule and the Traitor Allegiance. These increases are in addition to any other bonuses granted by other special rules. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.
Banestrike bolter

Banestrike bolter
Rapid Fire, Breaching (6+)

Power sword

Power sword
Melee, Rending (6+)

Broken in Body

Once one of the finest warriors in his Legion, Maloghurst’s body was shattered by terrible injuries which have left him a shadow of his former glory.

Maloghurst the Twisted and any unit he joins may not Run or make Sweeping Advances.
Warlord: Bearer of the Eye

In his glory days, Fulgrim was an exemplar of what all the Emperor’s Primarchs could be – a brilliant tactician, superlative warrior and a hero to those that followed him into battle. It was, perhaps, the great praise he garnered for his success that led to his slow corruption. Rightful pride in his accomplishments turned to self-obsession and hubris would soon see him fall into the service of Horus and the heresy he would unleash upon the galaxy.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Maloghurst the Twisted automatically has Bearer of the Eye as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Bearer of the Eye – All models in a unit joined by Maloghurst the Twisted gain the Line Sub-type and counts as a Scoring unit, and when Maloghurst the Twisted or any unit he has joined controls an objective, that control may not be cancelled or contested by enemy Denial units – only an enemy Scoring unit can contest an objective held by Maloghurst the Twisted and any unit he has joined. In addition, an army with Maloghurst the Twisted as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Maloghurst the Twisted has not been removed as a casualty.
Scoring Units
Any unit with the Line sub-type, and other units whose Army List entries specifically note it, are a Scoring unit, unless:
Denial Units
Any other units in the game are considered Denial units, unless:

Daemonic talons

Once Argel Tal carried the weapons of a Space Marine proudly into battle, now he slashes at the foe with twisted protrusions of his own armour fused with unnatural bone and iron-hard flesh.

Daemonic talons
Melee, Murderous Strike (5+), Rending (5+)

Umbral Pinions

Argel Tal takes to the battlefield borne by a pair of wings of twisted ceramite and fused bone, erupting from his armour like some obscene growth. Haloed by these wings of darkness, the Crimson Lord descends into the midst of his foes to tear them apart in an orgy of destruction.

At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, Argel Tal’s Movement Characteristic may be set to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. This allows Argel Tal to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on his profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, when moving in this fashion, Argel Tal ignores terrain while Moving and Charging, but must take Dangerous Terrain tests as normal when beginning or ending his movement in Dangerous Terrain. On turns when this option is in use, Argel Tal may move over both friendly and enemy models or units without penalty – but must end his movement at least 1" away from any model from another unit.

Argel Tal may still Run while using this special rule, if he would normally be able to Run, moving up to 19" and ignoring terrain and models from other units while doing so. If Argel Tal Runs while using this special rule, he may not make Shooting Attacks or Declare a Charge in the same turn. During a Reaction made in any Phase, a player may not choose to use this special rule to gain any bonus to their Movement Characteristic.
Warlord: The Crimson Lord
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Argel Tal automatically has The Crimson Lord as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Crimson Lord – If Argel Tal is the army’s Warlord, then both Argel Tal and any Gal Vorbak unit he joins gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save and the Line Unit Sub-type. In addition, an army with Argel Tal as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Argel Tal has not been removed as a casualty.

Crux Malifica

This ever-burning staff, decorated with the defaced remnants of Imperial doctrine was Erebus’ symbol of authority – aping the stave borne by Malcador as the Emperor’s chief adviser and a not so subtle threat aimed at that shadowy figure.

Crux Malifica
Melee, Unwieldy
Harbinger of Chaos
A Detachment that includes High Chaplain Erebus may select up to three non-Compulsory Elites or HQ choices from the Ruinstorm Daemon Army List – these choices are paid for in points and occupy slots on the Force Organisation chart as normal, but must begin the battle in Reserve and may only enter play by means of the Breach the Veil (Psychic Power).
Warlord: Shadow Behind the Throne
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, High Chaplain Erebus automatically has the Shadow Behind the Throne as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Shadow Behind the Throne – When High Chaplain Erebus is the army’s Warlord and is part of a unit composed entirely of models with any version of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule, no Wounds may be allocated to him, regardless of the attacking model’s rules or effects, as long as there is another model in the unit. If High Chaplain Erebus is Engaged in a Challenge then this rule does not apply. However, if High Chaplain Erebus’ controlling player chooses to refuse a Challenge for a unit that includes High Chaplain Erebus then the opposing player loses the option to stop one model from participating in the combat. In addition, an army whose Warlord is High Chaplain Erebus may make an additional Reaction in any one of the opposing player’s Phases, chosen by the controlling player at the start of the battle, as long as High Chaplain Erebus has not been removed as a casualty.
Elites units are, as the name suggests, the best soldiers an army has to offer, but there are rarely ever as many of them as a commander would like. In some cases, they will be specialists, while, at other times, they will be more experienced versions of regular soldiers.

Patriarch’s Claws

Crafted to allow Kor Phaeron to fight among the enhanced ranks of the Space Marines without becoming outmatched and to reflect the twisted cruelty that was his hallmark in combat, the Patriarch’s Claws were a matched pair of Charnabal fighting claws that did not need the strength of a full member of the Legiones Astartes to rend flesh and slice through armour.

Patriarch’s Claws
Melee, Shred

The Patriarch’s Claws are two separate weapons, each with the same profile, and as such Kor Phaeron gains a bonus Attack when using them.


Concealed within Kor Phaeron’s regalia of office is a miniaturised flamer weapon.

This weapon counts as a ‘Flame’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Pistol 1

Terminus Consolaris

Too old for transformation into a full-blooded Space Marine when the Emperor found Lorgar on Colchis, the Primarch nevertheless assured, through the use of genecraft and anti-agathics, that his foster-father would join him on the Great Crusade as his First Captain. Before his later transfiguration by Chaos, Kor Phaeron’s aged physique was augmented in battle by a custom-designed suit of Terminator armour reinforced with additional medicae, exoskeletal and life support systems known as the Consolaris.

The Terminus Consolaris grants a 2+ Armour Save, and an Invulnerable Save of 3+ in the Shooting phase and 5+ in the Movement and Assault phases.
Jealous Command

Kor Phaeron was known within the Legion for his unfailing arrogance and vindictive sense of pride. He would tolerate none above him, save his adopted son and Primarch Lorgar. The Primarch was the only man that Kor Phaeron would bend the knee to – though many wondered if he did so out of respect or so that he could manipulate the Primarch from the arm of his throne.

If Kor Phaeron or Lorgar is not chosen as the Warlord of an army that Kor Phaeron is part of, then his Leadership is reduced by -1 and he gains the Hatred (Everything) special rule. When Kor Phaeron is included in the same army as Lorgar, both models gain +1 WS and the Hatred (Everything) special rules while part of the same unit.
Warlord: Dark Oratory
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Kor Phaeron automatically has Dark Oratory as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Dark Oratory – When Kor Phaeron is the Warlord of the army then the controlling player can choose one of the following two options at the beginning of each of their own turns:
  • Cruel Invective – All enemy units with at least one model within 12" of Kor Phaeron at the start of Kor Phaeron’s controlling player’s turn (before any models are moved) must make an immediate Pinning test, and become Pinned if the Test is failed.
  • Threatening Entreaties – Kor Phaeron and the unit he has joined gain the Fearless special rule until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, but all models other than Kor Phaeron in the unit reduce their WS and BS by -1 until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.
In addition, an army with Kor Phaeron as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Kor Phaeron has not been removed as a casualty.

The Azurda Char’is

It is unknown how the Crimson Apostle acquired this potent artefact, or by what hidden lore he has modified it to his usage.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Azurda Char’is
Melee, Unwieldy, Force

The Panoply of Flame

The Panoply of Flame serves both as a war banner and as a weapon to turn on Zardu Layak’s enemies, his warp gifts allowing him to mould the unclean flame the Panoply now produces by will alone.

All models with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule within 12" of the Panoply of Flame add a +1 modifier to their score when determining victory in assaults and +1 to their Sweeping Advance rolls.

Anakatis blade

These occult blades reek of unholy, warp-spawned power and their forging may well have pre-dated human life. Dark and coiling entities have been trapped within the blades, entities that whisper promises of untold might and power, but such promises are only bought at a terrifying price to both body and soul.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ and ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Anakatis blade
Melee, Murderous Strike (5+), Brutal (2)
Power Armour

Made from high grade composite armour plating over an augmenting musculature of electro-fibre bundles, power armour features its own energy systems, sensors and environmental seals. Legiones Astartes power armour is the signature wargear of the Space Marine Legions and subject to an on-going evolution in design stretching back to the Thunder Warriors of the Unification Wars of Old Earth, fused with the wisdom of the Mechanicum of Mars and technological relics recovered over the years of the Great Crusade. At the outset of the Horus Heresy, the most common patterns employed by the Legions are the ‘Crusade’ and ‘Maximus’ types, with the ‘Iron’ pattern favoured for siege and close assault work, although there are considerable customised panoplies and many other Legion-specific sub-patterns in service.

Power armour provides a 3+ Armour Save.
Binder of Souls
Zardu Layak gains the Psychic Discipline Soul Binding and may not select any other Psychic Discipline:
Warlord: The Eater of Wisdom
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Zardu Layak automatically has The Eater of Wisdom as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Eater of Wisdom – If Zardu Layak is the army’s Warlord, then the controlling player may choose up to three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Corrupted Unit Sub-type from the same army as Zardu Layak at the beginning of the battle, before any models are deployed. All models in each of the selected units gains a bonus of +1 to its Strength and Movement Characteristics, but must take a Leadership test at the end of each of the controlling player’s turns. If that Test is failed the unit suffers Perils of the Warp, while if it is not failed there is no effect that turn. In addition, an army with Zardu Layak as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Zardu Layak has not been removed as a casualty.

The Prince and the Prophet

Among the favoured weapons of the Alpha Legion warrior known as Dynat are a pair of power weapons crafted to be used in unison. The Prince is ostentatious and attracts the eyes of the foe, while the Prophet is the thunder-strike of truth delivered to the unwary.

The weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Prince
Melee, Rending (6+)
The Prophet
Melee, Unwieldy, Thunderstrike

Thunderstrike: If any enemy model that does not have the Vehicle Unit Type suffers one or more Hits (regardless of whether or not those Hits resulted in Wounds) from The Prince, then Armillus Dynat may make one Attack with The Prophet, in addition to any other attacks he has made with either weapon, in Initiative step 1.
Venom Spheres

An exotic variant of the more commonplace grenades employed by the Space Marines. These advanced weapons contain toxinimpregnated crystalline splinters that have been darkly claimed to be based on xenos technology.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type may take one venom sphere for +10 points per model. Venom spheres are a weapon with the following profile:
Venom spheres
Assault 6, Poisoned (3+), One Shot
Weapon Master

Armillus Dynat is famed for his ability as a warrior, demonstrating multi-tasking abilities that allow him to wield two weapons independently in combat, a feat that few of his peers could ever match. In battle he makes use of this ability to blindside opponents until the delivery of a killing strike his foe had no hope to defend against.

When attacking during the Assault phase, Armillus Dynat may choose to split his attacks between any of the weapons he has, declaring which Attacks will be used with which weapon profiles before any of his Attacks are rolled.
Warlord: The Harrowing
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Armillus Dynat automatically has The Harrowing as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Harrowing – At the start of the battle, before any models are deployed by either player, the controlling player of an army whose Warlord is Armillus Dynat may choose to select three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Infantry Unit, and give all models in those units one of the following rules: Infiltrate, Scout, or Counterattack (1). In addition, an army whose Warlord is Armillus Dynat may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase, as long as Armillus Dynat has not been removed as a casualty.
Power Dagger

These unique power weapons are a particular speciality of the Alpha Legion, crafted specifically for hidden strikes and coup de grace attacks. Many among the other Legions consider them dishonourable weapons, the weapons of assassins and cowards, but the Alpha Legion see them as eminently practical tools of war.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type may take a power dagger for +5 points per model.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Power Dagger
Melee, Sudden Strike (1), Breaching (5+)

The Instrument

Exodus carries a unique sniper rifle of unknown design and provenance, which seemingly uses a mixture of advanced bolter weaponry and gravitic accelerator technology.

The weapon listed here is counted as an ‘Auto’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. The Instrument has two profiles. Pick which profile is used every time the weapon is fired – however, any Shooting Attacks made with The Instrument as part of a Reaction must use the Rapid Shot profile:

The Instrument
 - Rapid shot
Assault 3, Sunder, Pinning
 - Execution shot
Heavy 1, Sniper, Sunder, Pinning, Deadly Aim

Deadly Aim: If Exodus has not moved in the turn a Shooting Attack is made using this profile, the attack may be given the Brutal (2) special rule. If the attack is given the Brutal (2) special rule then no Charges may be declared for Exodus in that turn.
Shroud Bombs

This class of grenade is one of the most eclectic, ranging from high-tech sensor disruptors, to chaff dispensers and even simple smoke bombs, yet all with the same simple purpose: to hide the users from the enemy.

Whenever targeted by a Shooting Attack, the range between an attacking unit and a unit that includes at least one model with shroud bombs is considered to be 6" further than the actual range between the two units – enemy models with the Night Vision special rule and models with the Primarch Unit Type ignore this effect. In addition, when attacked by a weapon with the Barrage special rule, a unit that includes at least one model with shroud bombs is always treated as though it was out of line of sight when scattering any attacks.
The Hidden Hand

Exodus was renowned for his ability to appear on any battlefield at any time, often confounding his foes and confusing allies with his sudden and unannounced appearance.

When deploying Exodus onto the battlefield at the start of the battle, the controlling player may place him in any position on the battlefield, as long as Exodus is within Area Terrain, or at least 9" from any enemy model if Exodus is not within Area Terrain, regardless of the line of sight or proximity of enemy models. If Exodus is deployed from Reserve after the start of the first turn, then he may enter play from any point on the battlefield’s edge, chosen by the controlling player. If Exodus joins a unit during deployment or whilst in Reserves and is deployed as part of that unit, he may not use any of the benefits of this special rule, but instead gains the Scout and Infiltrate special rules only if the unit he has joined also possesses those special rules.
Lone Killer

Even amongst a Legion as secretive as the Alpha Legion, Exodus remains a mystery. He commanded no troops, served under no fixed commander and drifted from one war zone to the next with no discernible plan or goal. Only the trail of fallen war leaders and champions marked his passage, and in the dark years of the Horus Heresy these victims were as often from Legions loyal to Horus as those declared his foes.

Exodus may not be taken as a Compulsory HQ choice, only as a non-Compulsory HQ choice. He may never be an army’s Warlord, and may not join other units except Legion Reconnaissance Squads or Headhunter Kill Teams.
Assassin’s Eye

Few targets escape the practised eye of the Alpha Legion killer known only as Exodus, and those whom his orders had deemed dangerous to the plans of the Alpha Legion were swiftly silenced.

When Exodus makes any attacks as part of a Shooting Attack, the range of any Weapons is not restricted or affected by the Night Fighting rules, shroud bombs or any other special rule. In addition, Exodus never suffers any penalty to his Ballistic Skill from Night Fighting or any other special rules, always makes To Hit rolls using his full Ballistic Skill (including Snap Shots) and no model may make Shrouded rolls to negate Wounds inflicted by their attacks.
Snap Shots
Under specific circumstances, models must fire Snap Shots. The most common occurrences of Snap Shots are when models with Heavy weapons move and make Shooting Attacks in the same turn. If a model is forced to make Snap Shots rather than attack normally, then its Ballistic Skill is counted as being 1 for the purpose of those attacks, unless it has a Ballistic Skill of 0, in which case it may not shoot.

The Ballistic Skill of a model making a Snap Shot can only be modified by special rules that specifically state that they affect Snap Shots, along with any other restrictions. If a special rule doesn’t specifically state that it affects Snap Shots, then the Snap Shot is resolved at Ballistic Skill 1.

Some weapon types, such as Ordnance, or those that have certain special rules, such as Blast, cannot be used to make Snap Shots. In addition, any Shooting Attack that does not use Ballistic Skill cannot be made as a Snap Shot. These exceptions aside, Snap Shots are treated in the same manner as any other Shooting Attack made with a Ballistic Skill of 1.


A relic power gauntlet once wielded by a gene-wright tyrant of Old Earth, this ugly tool of war held little subtlety or grace but was brutally effective on the field of war. Garrius had claimed it as his own in the early years of the Great Crusade, and many claimed it was the taint of the ancient tyrant that had once wielded the same weapon against the Emperor that stained Garrius’ own soul and prompted him to bitter rage on the field of battle.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Reaping Blow (1)

One of the terrors of Old Night, rad-phage weaponry was created to corrupt and poison, to reduce a powerful foe to an impotent and pitiable wreck.

A model which loses one or more Wounds to an attack with this special rule and survives has its Toughness value reduced by -1 for the rest of the battle. This effect is not cumulative with other attacks using the Rad-phage special rule, but can be stacked with other special rules that also reduce the Toughness Characteristic of the target. Note that this special rule can never reduce a model to a Toughness value of less than 1.


A unique variant of the volkite charger directly connected to the extensive bionic enhancements that were installed in Garrius’ body after his near-fatal wounding on the world of Larissan, Incineratus can fire deadly arcing rays of exotic energy that eat away at the very flesh and armour of the foe.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Volkite’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 5, Deflagrate, Rad-phage

The Tyrant’s Regalia

An artificer-made suit of Cataphractii Terminator armour that offers its wearer some of the best protection available to any lord of the Legiones Astartes, the Tyrant’s Regalia was crafted to specifically fit around Evander Garrius’ ruined body and its internal systems are designed to pour pain suppressants directly into his bloodstream and numb the constant agony caused by his old wounds.

The Tyrant’s Regalia confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, Evander Garrius has the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule against wounds suffered during any Fight Sub-phase.
The Unfavoured Son

Evander Garrius had ever been held in disfavour by his own Primarch, it is a known fact and bitter regret of Garrius himself that the two had never stood side by side on the field of battle. The one hope that Garrius held to through all the brutal destruction of the Horus Heresy, was that if he could find one last success he might be granted, at last, the honour of fighting beside Rogal Dorn.

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius may never be selected as part of a Detachment that also includes Rogal Dorn. However, if Lord-castellan Evander Garrius is part of a combat that includes Rogal Dorn as a friendly model, then Lord-castellan Evander Garrius gains the Fearless and It Will Not Die (5+) special rules for the remainder of the battle.
Warlord: Butcher of Larissan

As he proved at Larissan, Garrius would ever be driven by a furious need to claim victory, no matter the cost in lives that was required to do so.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lord-castellan Evander Garrius automatically has the Butcher of Larissan as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Butcher of Larissan – If, at the start of any player turn, the opposing player has scored more Victory points than Lord-castellan Evander Garrius’ controlling player, then Lord-castellan Evander Garrius and all models in a unit he has joined gain the Rage (2) special rule. Furthermore, whenever an opposing player scores Victory points by causing a unit from the same Detachment as Lordcastellan Evander Garrius to be entirely removed as casualties, Lord-castellan Evander Garrius’ controlling player may choose to roll a D6. If the final result of that roll is a ‘6’ then the number of Victory points scored is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0), the result of the D6 roll is increased by +1 if the opposing player currently has more Victory points than Lord-castellan Evander Garrius’ controlling player. In addition, an army that has Lord-castellan Evander Garrius as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opponent’s Assault phase, as long as Lord-castellan Evander Garrius has not been removed as a casualty.

The Axe Serpentis

A perfectly balanced Carsoran pattern power axe that is said to have been crafted by Horus for his personal armoury from the melted down weapons of Cthonia’s vanquished gang leaders. It was presented to Vheren Ashurhaddon by the Warmaster himself in recognition of the First Reaver’s valiant effort to hold the gates of the great Tower of Ullanor while Horus and the Justaerin fought their way up to the pinnacle of that great edifice.

The Axe Serpentis is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
The Axe Serpentis
Melee, Sudden Strike (1), Murderous Strike (6+)

Banestrike Fusilade

Vheren Ashurhaddon carries a pair of bolt pistols modified by his own hand to fire the deadly banestrike bolt, which the Sons of Horus made use of during the Horus Heresy to breach the power armour of those they had once called brother.

The Banestrike Fusilade is considered a single weapon with the following profile and is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Banestrike Fusilade
Pistol 4, Breaching (6+)

Basic close combat weapon

Basic close combat weapon
Template Weapons

Template weapons shoot clouds of fire, gas or other lethal substances, rather than shells or bullets. They are excellent for killing enemy troops in cover, as the payload simply flows over intervening obstacles to assail the foe behind.

Template weapons are indicated by having the word ‘Template’ for their range instead of a number. Instead of rolling To Hit, simply place the template so that its narrow end is touching the base of the firing model, or the end of the firing weapon’s barrel for Vehicle models without bases, and the rest of the template covers as many models in the target unit as possible, without touching any other friendly models (including other models from the firing model’s unit). Any models fully or partially under the template are hit. Against Vehicles, the template must be placed to cover as much of the Vehicle as possible without touching a friendly model. The position of the firer is used to determine which armour Facing is hit. A Template weapon never hits the model firing it.

Template weapons have the Ignores Cover and Wall of Death special rules. Wounds inflicted by Template weapons are allocated following the normal rules.

Panoply of the Void

Vheren Ashurhaddon takes to the field clad in a suit of armour crafted from unknown materials originating from Cthonia’s underworld that can blind even the most sophisticated targeting auguries or auspex arrays.

The Panoply of the Void grants Vheren Ashurhaddon a 2+ Armour Save and 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, any attacks made by enemy models as part of a Shooting Attack that target Vheren Ashurhaddon or the unit he has joined (as long as that unit is composed of no more than 6 models after Vheren Ashurhaddon has joined it), count the range to Vheren Ashurhaddon or his unit as 3" further than the actual range between the two units. This special rule does not affect determining whether Vherren Ashurhaddon or models in the same unit are Hit by Blast markers or weapons with the Template special rule.
The First Reaver

Vheren Ashurhaddon is acknowledged by Horus Lupercal as the first of his Reavers, a warrior ever on the attack and always pushing forwards. There were many that would follow in his footsteps, emulating his skills and doctrines, calling themselves reavers in honour of the many trophies he had taken on the field of battle.

A single Reaver Attack Squad may be selected as part of the same choice as Vheren Ashurhaddon. A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’ and Vherren Ashurhaddon is referred to as the Retinue Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Vheren Ashurhaddon. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with Vheren Ashurhaddon deployed as part of the unit and Vheren Ashurhaddon may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. A Reaver Attack Squad selected in this manner gains the Line Unit Sub-type. Note that no model may select more than one Retinue Squad as part of the same choice, even if more than one option for such a unit is available.
Warlord: Blood and Honour

A youth lived in the dark heart of Cthonia taught Vheren the value of loyalty and determination – for while skill waned and fury abated, the loyalty of those that fought at his side never wavered. Always he sought to earn the respect of those warriors at his back, pushing himself to the limits of endurance on the field of battle to serve as an example, and in return he expected that they would give their all in the prosecution of his commands.

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Vheren Ashurhaddon automatically has Blood and Honour as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Blood and Honour – When a Wound is allocated to Vheren Ashurhaddon by his controlling player (but not if the Wound is allocated to him by the attacking player due to the Precision Shots (X) or Precision Strikes (X) or Sniper special rules), while there are still other models in the same unit that the Wound could be allocated to, then all failed Invulnerable Saves made for Vheren Ashurhaddon may be re-rolled. Furthermore, while Vheren Ashurhaddon is part of a unit that includes a majority of models without the Character Sub-type, then all models in the unit gain the Stubborn special rule as long as Vheren Ashurhaddon is part of the unit. In addition, an army with Vheren Ashurhaddon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opponent’s Movement phase as long as Vheren Ashurhaddon has not been removed as a casualty.

A complex dispenser of medical unguents and serums intended to keep even the most horrifically injured Space Marines combat-capable. These often take the form of small pistols or servo-arm mounted pressure-syringes.

All models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Types in a unit that includes at least one model with a narthecium gain the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule. Units that include more than one narthecium do not stack the Feel No Pain (X) special rule and gain no additional benefit. Models with the Artillery Sub-type are not affected by this special rule and do not gain the Feel No Pain (X) special rule.
Terminator Armour

Terminator armour features a powerful support exoskeleton and internal energy supply, but pays for its unparalleled protection with bulk.

Apothecarion Detachment

The apothecarion of the Space Marine Legions stands outside the organisation of chapter and company, with small detachments of its warriors assigned to an army as necessity demands. Only on the longest campaigns would an apothecary find themselves going to war amongst the same warriors time and time again.

An Apothecarion Detachment is selected as any other unit, using up a single Force Organisation slot and bought in the same manner. However, before the first turn begins and any models are deployed to the battlefield, all models in an Apothecarion Detachment must be assigned to another unit from the same Detachment of the army they were selected as part of. Legion Apothecaries that have not selected a Legion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar jetbike may only be assigned to units composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type and the same Legiones Astartes (X) special rule as the Legion Apothecary, and may not join units that have Terminator armour of any kind. Legion Apothecaries that have selected a Legion Spatha combat bike may only be assigned to units composed entirely of models with Legion Spatha combat bikes and the same Legiones Astartes (X) special rule as the Legion Apothecary, and any Legion Apothecaries that have selected a Legion Scimitar jetbike may only be assigned to units composed entirely of models with Legion Scimitar jetbikes and the same Legiones Astartes (X) special rule as the Legion Apothecary. No Apothecary may be assigned to any unit that includes one or more models with the Independent Character special rule or Unique Sub-type (but such models may join a unit that includes an Apothecary as normal during either deployment or any following turn). No more than one Apothecary may be assigned to any given unit.

Once assigned to a unit, the Legion Apothecary is considered part of that unit and may not leave it under any circumstances – if that unit is removed as a casualty then the Legion Apothecary is removed as well. In battles using Victory points, no Victory points are ever scored for removing an Legion Apothecary as a casualty. When assigned to a unit, a Legion Apothecary gains all of the special rules (with the exception of those that specifically forbid it, such as the Bitter Duty special rule) and Unit Sub-types listed for the unit to which it is attached, but does not gain access to any additional Wargear options available to the unit to which it is assigned.
Gravis bolt cannon

Gravis bolt cannon
Heavy 6, Twin-linked

Gravis power fist

Gravis power fist
Melee, Brutal (3)

Atomantic Deflector

Powered by the vast glut of energy from its atomantic heart, many of the more advanced Legiones Astartes war machines entered the field of battle veiled in a protective shroud of energy that could deflect or disperse las bolts and kinetic munitions. Yet, such was the power channelled through this little-understood device that, in death, these engines of war would erupt in fiery ruin, a danger to both friend and foe.

A model with an atomantic deflector gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save and any model with an atomantic deflector and a Wounds Characteristic that suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule inflicted on it. In addition, when a model with an atomantic deflector loses its last Wound or Hull Point, but before it is removed as a casualty or replaced with a Wreck, all models both friendly and enemy within D6" suffer an automatic Hit at Str 8, AP -.
Dreadnought Talon

The towering Dreadnoughts of the Legiones Astartes were often organised into informal warbands, waiting only for the start of battle to advance and bring death to the foe.

When deployed onto the battlefield (either at the start of the battle or when arriving from Reserves), all models with this special rule in a unit must be placed within unit coherency, but afterwards operate independently and are not treated as a unit.
Gravis melta cannon

Gravis melta cannon
Heavy 2, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked

Gravis autocannon

Gravis autocannon
Heavy 3, Rending (6+), Twin-linked

Gravis plasma cannon

Gravis plasma cannon
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Breaching (4+), Gets Hot

Conversion beam cannon

Conversion beam cannon
Up to 18"
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Blind
More than 18"-42"
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Blind
More than 42"-72"
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Blind

Volkite dual-culverin

Volkite dual-culverin
Heavy 6, Deflagrate, Twin-linked

Kheres assault cannon

Kheres assault cannon
Heavy 6, Rending (6+)

Gravis lascannon

Gravis lascannon
Heavy 2, Sunder

Gravis chainfist

Gravis chainfist
Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Murderous Strike (5+)

Graviton gun

Graviton gun
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Concussive (1), †Graviton Pulse, Haywire


Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta)

Helical Targeting Array

The helical targeting array is a complex system of augurs and tracking baffles. It is designed to enable a war machine’s weapons to strike true, even against the most evasive targets, and to penetrate even the most esoteric of shrouds.

The controlling player of a model with a helical targeting array may activate it at the start of any of their own turns, or, if the controlling player is not taking the first turn of the battle, at the start of the battle, before the beginning of the opposing player’s first turn. Once the helical targeting array is activated, the model is affected by the following conditions until the beginning of the controlling player’s next turn:
  • The model may not move, Run or declare or make any Reactions other than the Interceptor or Overwatch Reaction.
  • The controlling player may choose to use the Skyfire special rule when making any Shooting Attacks with the model.
  • No model may make a Damage Mitigation roll provided by the Shrouded special rule against an attack made by a model with a helical targeting array while it is active.
  • When the model makes a Shooting Attack as part of the Interceptor Reaction, the Reaction does not cost the controlling player a point from their Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given Phase.
  • When a model with the Vehicle Unit Type and a helical targeting array makes a Shooting Attack as part of the Interceptor Reaction, that model may fire all of its weapons, not just Defensive Weapons, as part of the Shooting Attack.
Augury Scanner

This energy scanning device has the effect of alerting the user to the concealed presence or imminent arrival of enemy troops in the vicinity.

A unit that includes at least one model with an augury scanner gains all of the following benefits:
  • Enemy models cannot be deployed using the Infiltrate special rule within 18" of a model with an augury scanner.
  • A unit that includes at least one model with an augury scanner ignores the 24" limit to line of sight when making Shooting Attacks while the Night Fighting rules are in effect.
  • When any enemy unit is deployed to the battlefield from Reserves, a unit that includes at least one model with an augury scanner may make the Interceptor Advanced Reaction without expending a point of the Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given Phase.
Missile launcher

Missile launcher
 - Frag
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Pinning
 - Krak
Heavy 1
 - Flak
Heavy 1, Skyfire

Suspensor Web

These rare and highly sophisticated devices attach to portable heavy weapons systems partially negating their weight (if not their bulk), allowing them to be wielded in the manner of an assault weapon, although at a reduced effective range.

A heavy weapon with a suspensor web may be treated as having the type Assault rather than Heavy when used to attack as part of any Shooting Attack at targets at up to half the weapon’s usual maximum range.

Example: A heavy bolter with a suspensor web, which is usually a Range 36" Heavy 4 weapon, can instead be used as if it were a Range 18" Assault 4 weapon if the controlling player wishes.
Rad missile (missile launcher)

Rad missile (missile launcher)
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Fleshbane, Rad-phage

Toxiferran flamer

Toxiferran flamer
Assault 1, Poisoned (3+), Rending (6+)

Heavy chainsword

Heavy chainsword
Melee, Shred, Two-handed


Rapid Fire, Instant Death, Gets Hot

Gravis heavy bolter battery

Gravis heavy bolter battery
Heavy 8, Twin-linked

Legion Artillerists

Skilled beyond the arts of mortal warriors in the employment of artillery to its most deadly effect, these artists of shot and shell know best how to place each strike from their guns.

A Legion Rapier Battery must have one Legion Gunner per Rapier Carrier in order for all Rapier Carriers to make Shooting Attacks in the Shooting phase. If, at the start of any of the controlling player’s Shooting phases, the Legion Rapier Battery contains fewer Legion Gunners than Rapier Carriers then only a number of Rapier Carriers equal to the number of Legion Gunners may make Shooting Attacks in that Shooting phase. In addition, as long as there are at least as many Legion Gunners in the unit as there are Rapier Carriers then the unit cannot be Pinned, automatically passing any Pinning tests it is called upon to take without any dice being rolled, and all Legion Gunners in the unit gain a bonus of +1 to their Leadership Characteristic (this bonus is lost immediately once the number of Legion Gunners is reduced to less than the number of Rapier Carriers in the unit).
Laser destroyer

Laser destroyer
Ordnance 2, Twin-linked, Exoshock (6+)

Graviton cannon

Graviton cannon
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Concussive (1), †Graviton Pulse, Haywire

Quad launcher

Quad launcher
 - Frag
Heavy 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5"), Shred
 - Shatter
Heavy 4, Sunder
 - Incendiary
Heavy 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5"), Ignores Cover, Pinning, Shred
 - Splinter
Heavy 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5"), Rending (6+), Pinning, Shell Shock (1)

Power axe

Power axe
Melee, Unwieldy

Techmarine Covenant

With most Legions boasting only a small cadre of Techmarines, those that are available are a vital resource for any Legion task force. These warriors are assigned only as is necessary, placed in the units and formations that can best benefit from their unique skills.

A Techmarine Covenant is selected as any other unit, using up a single Force Organisation slot and bought in the same manner. However, before the first turn begins and any models are deployed to the battlefield, all models in a Techmarine Covenant must be assigned to another unit from the same Detachment of the army they were selected as part of. Legion Techmarines that have not selected a Legion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar jetbike may only be assigned to units composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type and the same Legiones Astartes (X) special rule as the Legion Techmarine, and may not join units with Terminator armour of any kind. Legion Techmarines that have selected a Legion Spatha combat bike may only be assigned to units composed entirely of models with Legion Spatha combat bikes and the same Legiones Astartes (X) special rule as the Legion Techmarine, and any Legion Techmarines that have selected a Legion Scimitar jetbike may only be assigned to units composed entirely of models with Legion Scimitar jetbikes and the same Legiones Astartes (X) special rule as the Legion Techmarine. No Legion Techmarine may be assigned to any unit that includes one or more models with the Independent Character special rule or Unique Sub-type (but such models may join a unit that includes a Legion Techmarine as normal during either deployment or any following turn). No more than one Legion Techmarine may be assigned to any given unit.

Once assigned to a unit, the Legion Techmarine is considered part of that unit and may not leave it under any circumstances – if that unit is removed as a casualty then the Legion Techmarine is removed as well. In battles using Victory points, no Victory points are ever scored for removing a Legion Techmarine as a casualty. When assigned to a unit, a Legion Techmarine gains all of the special rules (with the exception of those that specifically forbid it, such as the Bitter Duty special rule) and Unit Sub-types listed for the unit to which it is attached, but does not gain access to any additional Wargear options available to the unit to which it is assigned.

Assault 1

Plasma gun

Plasma gun
Rapid Fire, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot

Reaper autocannon

Reaper autocannon
Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked

Basic close combat weapon

Basic close combat weapon

Stasis missiles

Stasis missiles
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Concussive (1)

Plasma incinerator

Plasma incinerator
Assault 1, Breaching (4+), Torrent (9")


Similar in design to the rare digital weapons of the lost Dark Age of Technology, these weapons are miniature versions of larger ordnance, fitted to the vambraces of Inner Circle Knights so they may fight freely in melee.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Assault 1, Breaching (6+)
Order Exemplars

Within the First Legion there are innumerable separate Orders, each dedicated to a singular creed of war. The Cenobium stand as the greatest exemplars of these Orders, their champions and foremost warriors each a keeper of the secrets held by that Order and a practitioner of the form of war they embody.

When an Inner Circle Knights Cenobium is selected as part of a Detachment, during army selection, a single option from the Orders of the Hekatonystika presented below must be selected for the unit. All models in that Inner Circle Knights Cenobium gain the chosen option for no additional points cost:

Orders of the Hekatonystika

Each Order of the Hekatonystika specialised in the employment of one skill of war, one unique talent. They stood ready to deploy those skills whenever the Legion had need of a vanguard for the most dangerous missions and impossible assaults.

  • Augurs of Weakness: When making an Armour Penetration roll against a target with Armour 11 or more on the facing targeted, a model with this special rule may add +1 to the Strength of the weapon used to make the attack.
  • Icons of Resolve: This model gains +1 Leadership (to a maximum of 10) on any turn in which it, or a unit it is part of, is Charged by one or more enemy units.
  • Slayers of Kings: This model may re-roll failed To Hit rolls of ‘1’ when Engaged in combat with any model with a Weapon Skill of 5 or higher or in a Challenge with any model with a Weapon Skill of 5 or higher.
  • Hunters of Beasts: This model may re-roll failed To Wound rolls of ‘1’ when any enemy unit it is Engaged in combat with includes one or more models with a Toughness of 5, or any failed To Wound roll if the target’s Toughness is 6 or higher.
  • Reapers of Hosts: This model gains +1 Attack in any Fight sub-phase which they begin in base contact with more than one enemy model.
  • Breakers of Witches: This model may re-roll all To Hit and To Wound rolls in close combat when attacking an enemy unit that includes one or more models with the Daemon Unit Type or the Psyker or Corrupted Sub-type.
Armour Penetration Rolls
Once a hit has been scored on a Vehicle, roll a D6 and add the weapon’s Strength, comparing this total with the Armour Value of the appropriate facing of the Vehicle.
  • If the total is less than the Vehicle’s Armour Value, the attack has no effect.
  • If the total is equal to the Vehicle’s Armour Value, the attack inflicts a Glancing Hit.
  • If the total is greater than the Vehicle’s Armour Value, the attack inflicts a Penetrating Hit.
Vehicle Facing and Armour Values
Not all vehicles are equally armoured. Countless layers of adamantium and ceramite plates protect some tanks, while lighter vehicles rely more on their speed to avoid incoming fire.

As such, Vehicles have different Armour Values, representing the thickness of their armour. Armour Values for individual Vehicles often vary between its Front, Side and Rear Facings. Attacks are resolved against the Facing of the Vehicle that the attack comes from. To see what Facing an attack is coming from, draw two imaginary lines through the corners of the Vehicle (see diagram below). If a unit has firing models in two or more different Facings of a target Vehicle (some models in the Front and some in the Side, for example), attacks are resolved separately for each Facing. Each individual model may only direct its attacks at a Facing it can draw line of sight to and, in situations where a model can draw line of sight to more than one Facing, the controlling player may choose which Facing will be the target of any attacks.

This may require attacks targeting a Vehicle to be divided into separate pools, each resolved against the appropriate Facing and the Armour Value attached to that Facing. In any situation where a model is hit by a weapon or attack which fires Indirectly or does not otherwise require line of sight to its target, Hits are always resolved against the Side Armour Value. The direction a turret is facing has no bearing on what arc of a Vehicle you are firing at.

Roll To Wound (Close combat)
Once all To Hit rolls have been made in a given Initiative Step, the controlling player must roll a D6 for each successful hit to see if the attack causes a Wound.

Consult the chart below, cross-referencing the attacker’s Strength Characteristic with the defender’s Toughness Characteristic. The chart indicates the minimum result on a D6 roll required to inflict a Wound, and is the same chart as is used during the Shooting phase. A ‘-’ indicates that the target cannot be wounded by the attack. In most cases, when rolling To Wound in close combat, you use the Strength on the attacker’s profile regardless of what weapon they are using. However, there are some Melee weapons that give the attacker a Strength bonus, and this is explained previously in the Weapons section.

Rarely, a unit will contain models that have different Toughness Characteristics. When this occurs, roll To Wound using the Toughness value of the majority of the engaged unit. If two or more Toughness values are tied for majority, use the highest of those tied values.


The Kharash is both an ancient tactic of Chogoris and a sacred oath of defiance. Those that accept the burden of such a position are pledged to die, to fight without regard for survival and seek only to kill as many of the foe as possible before they are dragged down. Those that survive service in the Kharash are hailed as heroes among the White Scars, warriors destined for greatness, and those that fall are forgiven all sins and remembered only with honour for their sacrifice.

No enemy player may ever score any Victory points for the destruction of a unit with this special rule regardless of the scenario played or any victory conditions in effect. In addition, a model with this special rule may not join any unit that is not composed entirely of models that also have the Kharash special rule, nor may a model that does not have the Kharash special rule join a unit that includes any models with that special rule.
Legion Shamshir Jetbike

A rare variant of the Scimitar jetbike employed by the White Scars Legion for its increased speed and manoeuvrability.

Any model with both the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) and Independent Character special rules, but not the Unique Sub-type, may exchange a Legion Scimitar jetbike for a Legion Shamshir jetbike for no additional points cost. A Legion Shamshir jetbike has one scatterbolt launcher. In addition, a model with a Legion Shamshir jetbike that chooses to Run gains the Shrouded (5+) special rule until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.

A model with the Infantry Unit Type that selects a Legion Shamshir jetbike as an upgrade must change its Unit Type to Cavalry (Antigrav), keeping any other Unit Sub-types it previously had, changes its Movement Characteristic to 15*, gains the Firing Protocols (2) and Hammer of Wrath (1) special rules and improves its Armour Save to 2+ if it was worse.

*The additional Movement granted by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule is included.

Kontos Power Lance

The Kontos power lance is a prime example of how the Great Khan took the wisdom of Chogoris’ nomadic tribes and married it to the high technology of the Imperium. Where once his followers had wielded lances of wood tipped in steel, now they bore shafts of hardened ceramite, tipped with lightning and thunder. A blow from a Kontos, delivered from the back of a charging jetbike, was enough to sunder the armour of battle tanks and fell even the most terrible of foes.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

Kontos Power Lance
Melee, Ungainly, Lance, Brutal (3), Sudden Strike (4), Two-handed

Ungainly: A model may only attack with this weapon on a turn in which it makes a successful Charge, but does not gain a bonus attack for Charging or from any special rules that would normally grant additional Attacks.

Ymira class stasis bombs

Relics of a campaign of purgation and slaughter so dreadful that none but the Wolf King and his innermost circle of priests have been allowed to remember it, save in the lingering echoes of nightmare, these arcane weapons actively breach and damage the flow of time around them when they detonate. Merely being in proximity to the blast radius of these terrifying weapons is as perilous as any rad grenade, as a sudden time distortion freezes the target, but far from consistently, an effect that can leave its victim frozen out of phase with existence, a trapped echo lost in the void, or shattered like a statue of ice. It can just as easily result in withered flesh and failing organs for the wielder, as their own lifeforce is drained away in years and decades from a failing stasis field. Such a fate for the Deathsworn, however, seems of little concern.

Any unit which successfully Charges a unit that includes one or more models with Ymira class stasis bombs must make a Disordered Charge. In addition, the controlling player of a unit that includes any models with Ymira class stasis bombs may choose to activate the Ymira class stasis bombs when declaring a Charge for that unit, before any dice are rolled to determine Charge Distance. The Ymira class stasis bombs remain activated until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, and may be activated again if another Charge is later declared for that unit. Whilst activated, all models with Ymira class stasis bombs must add both the Fleshbane and Gets Hot special rules to all attacks made during the Fight sub-phase. All Wounds inflicted by the Gets Hot special rule on a model with an activated Ymira class stasis bomb are resolved using the AP value of the weapon the model with Ymira stasis bombs is using to attack.
Cult of Morkai

The Deathsworn serve not only as able combatants, but also as an important part of the ritual Cult of Morkai. They are often found in the company of the dour Speakers of the Dead or the enigmatic Rune Casters when those warriors serve as harbingers of Fenris’ wrath.

Deathsworn Packs may not be joined by models with the Independent Character special rule other than models with the Speaker of the Dead or Caster of Runes Consul upgrade. In addition, a Deathsworn Pack may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with the Speaker of the Dead or Caster of Runes Consul upgrade, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with the Speaker of the Dead or Caster of Runes Consul upgrade from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Deathsworn Pack’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Deathsworn Pack selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Deathsworn Pack selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.
The Dreams of the Death Wolf

The dreams of the Death Wolf have consumed the minds of the Deathsworn so that only in killing do they themselves feel anything but the chill of death closing about them. In that moment, they care nothing for their own lives or safety, so long as their enemies are strewn about them broken and lifeless.

If a Deathsworn model loses its last Wound during the Assault phase before having made any attacks, place that model to one side instead of removing it from play as a casualty. In Initiative Step 1, all models placed to the side in this fashion may make a single Attack before being removed as a casualty (models removed as casualties in this fashion are still counted for resolving which side has won a combat).
Great frost blade

Great frost blade
Melee, Reaping Blow (1), Two-handed

Frost axe

Frost axe
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy, Reaping Blow (1)

Frost sword

Frost sword
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Reaping Blow (1)

Frost claw

Frost claw
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Shred, Reaping Blow (1)


Though all serve the Wolf King faithfully and with fealty as his guard, the Varagyr also take great satisfaction in showing their superiority over the petty lords and champions of those they slay, vying to honour their master with the trophies of the slain justly anointed in the blood of the vanquished, in the hopes of making a tale worth the telling.

Models with this special rule may issue and accept Challenges as if they had the Character Sub-type in combat, and in addition, when fighting in a Challenge, if the enemy challenger is removed as a casualty then they may add an additional +1 to the number of successful Wounds caused for the purposes of resolving which side has won a combat.
Frost Blades

Created by the weaponsmiths of the Fang, the famed frost blades were forged after detailed study of the arcane technologies of Leman Russ’ own Emperor-gifted blade, coupled with unique materials gleaned from the death world of Fenris itself, namely the preternaturally hard chitin-teeth of the Fenrisian krakens that haunted that death world’s deeps. Most took the shape of traditional Fenrisian battle axes or Terran-influenced double-edged chainblades, while some few were also fashioned after power claws or even broad-bladed war spears, but all were finely made and equally lethal. Only a few such weapons were able to match the fabled paragon blades of Ancient Terra in destructive potential and quality, but all were truly formidable weapons in their own right.

Any model with both the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) and Independent Character special rules may exchange a power weapon for a frost blade (frost sword, frost axe or frost claw) for +5 points each. Any model with both the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) and Independent Character special rules may exchange a power weapon for a great frost blade for +10 points.
Frost sword
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Reaping Blow (1)
Frost axe
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy, Reaping Blow (1)
Frost claw
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Shred, Reaping Blow (1)
Great frost blade
Melee, Reaping Blow (1), Two-handed

Coriolis pattern power shield

These prototype devices were one of many systems trialled within the Legions as part of the storm shield initiative. Capable of projecting a very short ranged gravitic field, intended to slow and deflect strikes in combat, the Coriolis unit would later be deemed too power-hungry for general deployment.

Reduce the result of all To Wound rolls made that target a unit in which the majority of models have a Coriolis pattern power shield by a weapon with the Melee type by -1.
The Blood is Forever

Adversity is an old friend to the Crimson Paladins, for they are only sent into battle when the tide of war turns against the Legiones Astartes. They are the bulwark of the Legion, the wall upon which the foe is broken and turned back. The final vow of the Crimson Paladins is an eternal pledge to the protection of their brothers, and it gives them the strength to endure, even when the enemy seems overwhelming.

While locked in combat with a unit that outnumbers them, a Crimson Paladin unit gains the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule. If outnumbered by more than twice their own number then they instead gain the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule. Any model with the Independent Character special rule that joins this squad does not gain this special rule and does not count for the purposes of determining when the unit is outnumbered. Each Crimson Paladin and Crimson Exemplar is counted as two models as they have the Bulky (2) special rule (and likewise, any enemy models with a variant of the Bulky (X) rule count as the number of models they would for the purposes of Transport Capacity). If locked in combat with more than one enemy unit, add the size of all enemy units together to decide if the Crimson Paladins are outnumbered.

Sunset blade

This is one half of an Equinox power weapon set, the Sunset blade, which the Crimson Paladins hold as emblematic of their duty within the Legion.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Sunset blade
Melee, Rending (5+), Sunder
Predator cannon

Predator cannon
Heavy 4, Rending (6+)

Iliastus Assault Cannon

A prototype weapons system designed as a more compact and portable variant of the highly successful Kheres pattern, it was, as can be divined by its pattern designation, first developed on the Iliastus Satellite in the Sol System by the Dyzanique cult.

An Iliastus assault cannon is an ‘Auto’ weapon. An Iliastus assault cannon may be selected by the following units:
  • Any models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule and the Infantry Unit Type may exchange a heavy flamer for an Iliastus assault cannon for +10 points each.
  • A Legion Predator with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule may exchange its Turret Mounted Predator cannon for a Turret Mounted twin-linked Iliastus assault cannon for no additional points cost.
  • Any model with the Dreadnought or Vehicle Unit Type and Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule may exchange a heavy flamer for an Iliastus assault cannon for +20 points each.

Malfunction: If a weapon with this special rule is used to make a Shooting Attack as part of any Reaction it gains the Gets Hot special rule for that Shooting Attack.
Iliastus Assault Cannon
Assault 4, Rending (6+), Malfunction

Perdition Weapons

Though some would later attribute the various ‘Perdition’ weapons to the artifice of Sanguinius himself, these brutal weapons had been in the use of the IXth Legion since long before the Primarch had returned to them. The flame projectors built into these weapons are a legacy of the wars fought during Old Earth’s long darkness, the innovation of some long forgotten warlord brought to its pinnacle by the warriors of the IXth Legion.

Any model with both the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule and the Character Sub-type may exchange a power weapon for a Perdition weapon from the following list for +5 points:

All weapons listed here are counted as both ‘Power’ and ‘Flame’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Blade of Perdition
Melee, Two-handed, Rending (6+), Brutal (2)
Axe of Perdition
Melee, Unwieldy, Two-handed, Brutal (2)
Spear of Perdition
Melee, Reach (1), Two-handed, Brutal (2)
Maul of Perdition
Melee, Two-handed, Brutal (2)
Transport Capacity
Each Transport Vehicle has a maximum passenger capacity that can never be exceeded. A Transport can carry a single Infantry unit and/or any number of Independent Characters with the Infantry or Primarch Unit Types, up to a total number of models equal to the Vehicle’s Transport Capacity. The entire unit must be Embarked on the Transport if any part of it is – a unit cannot be partially Embarked or be spread across multiple Transports.

Only Infantry models can Embark upon Transports unless specifically stated otherwise. Certain special rules, notably the Bulky (X) special rule, may modify the Transport Capacity required for a given model to Embark upon a Transport, and this will be specified in the model’s rules. Sometimes, there will be constraints on which types of models can Embark upon a particular Vehicle, and this will be specified in the unit’s entry. Whilst Embarked upon a Transport, units gain the Fearless special rule and cannot be made to Fall Back or become Pinned while Embarked upon the Transport.

Falling-star pattern power spear

These ornate power weapons have been redesigned to enhance the aggressive fighting style of the Dawnbreakers and to serve as icons of the Blood Angels’ prowess and noble intent. As much works of art as they are weapons, they can cleave an armoured combatant in two with a single sweep when wielded by a skilled fighter.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Falling-star pattern power spear
Melee, Reach (1), Rending (5+)

Grenade dischargers

These compact grenade launchers are intended to grant the Dawnbreaker cohorts a means to break the ranks of the foe prior to a charge, or to saturate their landing zones with shrapnel once they have forced a beachhead.

Grenade dischargers
 - Frag bombs
Assault 3, Pinning
 - Krak bombs
Assault 1
Set the Sky Aflame

The Dawnbreakers are trained to make their arrival upon the field of battle a spectacle that will bring terror to the enemy and embolden their allies. Few can forget the sight of these angelic warriors descending from on high to bring death to the enemies of Sanguinius.

When a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule is deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault, any enemy units within 6" of the unit’s final position suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership Characteristic when taking any Pinning tests caused by the Deep Strike Assault.

Equinox Power Blade Case

The Equinox power blades are intricate weapons, designed and forged to be used in pairs. Each blade is fashioned to serve a ritualised form of combat adapted from the practises of the tribes of Baal – the Path of the Sun.

An Equinox power blade case is a pair of Melee weapons, each with a different profile as listed below. In any given Assault phase, the wielder must choose one of the following two profiles before making any attacks, and all their attacks in that Phase will use the chosen profile and gain the additional attack for using two combat weapons.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Equinox power blade
- Sunrise blade
Melee, Shred, Sudden Strike (1)
- Sunset blade
Melee, Rending (5+), Sunder

Angel’s Tears grenade launcher

A weapon spawned from the Unification Wars and the terror of Old Night, the rad grenade has proven well-suited to the Angel’s Tears’ role as purgers of sin, for while it eradicates the foes of the Blood Angels, it leaves the worlds they corrupted intact, waiting only for the time that they may be declared pure once again and worthy of hosting true servants of the Emperor once more.

The Angel’s Tears grenade launcher is counted as a ‘Rad’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Angel’s Tears grenade launcher
Assault 3, Rad-phage, Fleshbane
Rotor cannon

Rotor cannon
Assault 4, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)

Iron Hands Gorgon Terminator Armour

A variant of Indomitus pattern Tactical Dreadnought Armour devised by Ferrus Manus and his Iron-Fathers, this advanced prototype suit was just going into production at the outset of the Horus Heresy to supplement the Iron Hands Legion’s combatdepleted stocks of Terminator armour. The design replaced the field generators embedded in the armour with experimental systems that converted incoming electromagnetic and kinetic energy into bursts of blinding light, able to incapacitate and maim nearby foes. The heat and electrochemical toxin bleed from the armour’s systems limited the armour’s agility and its negative side effects required a high level of cybernetic rebuild for its wearer to endure. However, volunteers for this painful modification were plentiful in the Legion’s ranks, many deeming it an honour to serve as part of this great endeavour.

Any Legion Cataphractii Praetor or Legion Cataphractii Centurion may exchange their Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour for Gorgon Terminator armour at no additional points cost.

Gorgon Terminator armour confers a 2+ Armour Save, a 5+ Invulnerable Save and the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule (this does not stack with any other variant of the Feel No Pain (X) special rule a model may have – if a model has more than one variant of this special rule the controlling player must choose one to use). Additionally, at the end of any Phase in which a model with Gorgon Terminator armour has passed at least one Armour Save or Invulnerable Save, roll a D6. On the result of a 4+, all enemy units with at least one model within 6" of the model with Gorgon Terminator armour must test as if they had been hit by a weapon with the Blind special rule. Any unit that is composed entirely of models with Gorgon Terminator armour are immune to this effect.
Breacher Charge

A more sophisticated variant of the krak grenade, utilising cleverly designed shaped charges or simply larger payloads, to breach the fortified walls of bunkers.

The controlling player may choose to have a model with a breacher charge that is Engaged or otherwise in base contact during the Assault phase with a Building or Fortification model, inflict one automatic Str 10, AP 2 Hit on the target in Initiative Step 1 instead of attacking normally. Any model in a unit that is chosen to inflict Hits using breacher charges may not otherwise attack or make use of any other special rule or item of Wargear that inflicts Hits or Wounds on a model in the same Assault phase (but may participate in Sweeping Advances as normal).

Whether due to its inherent weight, shape or because it was never meant for use in combat, this weapon proves difficult to wield even for the most accomplished of warriors.

A model using a close combat weapon with this special rule can only ever make a single attack at WS 1 in an Assault phase, regardless of their profile or any bonus or other special rule.
Lascutter (Melee)
Melee, Unwieldy, Cumbersome
Lascutter (Ranged)
Assault 1, Armourbane (Ranged)
Legatine axe

Legatine axe

Argyrum Pattern Boarding Shield

The Argyrum Pattern Boarding Shield is a prototype boarding shield created by the Magi of the Forge Moon of Gantz that contained a larger field generator that greatly enhanced the protection of its bearer. Carried to battle by Ultramar’s greatest champions, such as the Invictarus Suzerains, the Argyrum pattern boarding shield is as much a symbol of status and power as it is an instrument of war.

Any model with both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rules that does not have the Unique Unit Sub-type may take an Argyrum pattern boarding shield for +15 points.

An Argyrum pattern boarding shield provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks in any Phase that increases to 4+ against any attacks made while engaged in an assault. Invulnerable Saves granted by an Argyrum pattern boarding shield do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves and cannot be modified by any other special rule. If a model has another Invulnerable Save then the controlling player must choose which one to use. In addition, a model with an Argyrum pattern boarding shield may not make attacks with any weapon that has the Two-handed special rule.
Lords of Ultramar
Any friendly unit made up entirely of models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type which is not Pinned or Falling Back and does not include any models with this special rule gains a +1 modifier to their Leadership Characteristic (to a maximum of 9) while it has at least one model within 6" of a friendly unit that includes one or more models with this special rule.
Honour Bearers
An Invictarus Suzerain Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Invictarus Suzerain Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. An Invictarus Suzerain Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. An Invictarus Suzerain Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. One Suzerain in an Invictarus Suzerain Squad selected as a Retinue may exchange their bolt pistol for a Legion standard for +15 points.
A unit that has become Pinned cannot Move, Run or Charge. It can only fire Snap Shots if it attacks during the Shooting phase and cannot make Reactions in any Phase. At the end of its following turn, the unit returns to normal and that unit is free to act as normal from then on. Whilst it is Pinned, a unit is affected normally by enemy actions (for example, it takes Morale checks as normal). If the unit is forced to move, for example, if it has to Fall Back, it returns to normal immediately. If assaulted, the unit will fight as usual, but enemy units do not receive the Initiative penalty for having Charged a unit through Difficult Terrain, even if the Pinned unit is in Difficult Terrain. If a unit becomes Pinned during a Charge, then that Charge automatically fails and the Pinned unit makes neither a Charge or Surge move. Units that are locked in combat cannot be Pinned and do not take Pinning tests.
Forge-craft of Nocturne
The controlling player of a model with this special rule may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls of ‘1’ made for weapons of the Melee type.
Favoured of Vulkan
A Firedrake Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Firedrake Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Firedrake Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Firedrake Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.
Dragonscale Storm Shield

Renowned for their forgecraft, the Salamanders originated a number of prototype systems that would later become standard equipment for the armies of the Imperium. The Dragonscale was one such development, a shield that incorporated field generators capable of stopping even the most powerful of weapon strikes and yet remain man-portable.

Any model with both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule that does not also have the Unique Unit Sub-type may take a Dragonscale storm shield for +15 points. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule and Legion Cataphractii or Legion Tartaros Terminator armour may exchange a combi-bolter for a Dragonscale storm shield for +10 points each.

A Dragonscale storm shield provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save or increases an Invulnerable Save the model already has by one step (for example, from 5+ to 4+, to a maximum of 3+). A model with a Dragonscale storm shield may not claim an additional attack for a second weapon in close combat or make attacks with any weapon that has the Two-handed special rule.

Pyroclast flame projector

The unique and complex flame weapons wielded by the Pyroclasts are a type of design created by the Primarch Vulkan himself, and are both more elegant and far more potent than the standard flamer wielded by the Space Marine Legions. They can be used to incinerate a vast swathe of targets in the manner of a standard flamer, but can also focus their jet into searing cutting arcs, difficult to aim, but able to slice through the most durable armour.

When making a Shooting Attack, the entire unit must use its Pyroclast flame projector in the same firing mode. The controlling player must declare which this is every time the weapons are used to make a Shooting Attack.

These weapons count as both ‘Melta’ and ‘Flame’ weapons for rules that target such weapons.
Pyroclast flame projector
 - Dispersed
Assault 1, Dragon’s Breath
 - Focussed
Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta)
Mantle of Ash

The finely wrought artificer plate worn by the Pyroclasts is fashioned with flecks of obsidian crystal from the volcanoes of Nocturne, and draped with the hides of the Damen-Salamanders who dwell in their fiery depths.

Models with this special rule gain an Invulnerable Save of 5+ against all Flame, Plasma, Melta and Volkite weapons.
Fatal Strike
Once per battle, a unit that includes any models with this special rule may declare a Fatal Strike at the start of any of the controlling player’s Shooting phases. For the duration of that Phase, the Shooting Attacks of all models in the unit with the Fatal Strike special rule gain the Rending (4+) special rule in addition to any other effects their weapons might have. This does not replace or improve any other versions of the Rending (X) special rule already possessed by the unit and may not be used when attacking with weapons that have either the Template or the Blast (X) special rules.

Blast weapons fire shells, missiles or packets of energy that explode on impact.

When firing a Blast weapon, models do not roll To Hit. Instead, pick one enemy model visible to the firer and place the Blast (3") marker with its hole entirely over the base of the target model, or its hull if the target is a Vehicle. The hole at the centre of the marker must be within the weapon’s Maximum Range. You cannot place the Blast marker so that the base or hull of any friendly model is even partially under it.

The large area affected by the blast means it is going to be very hard to miss completely. Nonetheless, the shot might not land exactly where intended. Roll for the Blast marker to scatter and subtract the firer’s Ballistic Skill from the distance (if any) that it scatters, to a minimum of 0". Note that it is possible, and absolutely fine,for a shot to scatter beyond the weapon’s Maximum or Minimum Range and line of sight. This represents the chance of ricochets, the missile blasting through cover and other random events. In these cases, Hits are worked out as normal and can hit and Wound units out of range and line of sight (or even your own units, or models locked in combat). If the shot scatters so that the hole in the centre of the marker is beyond the battlefield’s edge, the shot is a complete miss and is discarded.

Once the final position of the Blast marker has been determined, take a good look at it from above – each unit suffers one Hit for each of the models included in that unit that is fully or partially beneath the Blast marker, even if those models are not within the firer’s line of sight.

Once the number of Hits inflicted on the unit has been worked out, roll To Wound and Save as normal. Note that, unlike other attacks, Wounds inflicted by an attack with the Blast special rule can be allocated to any models in the target unit, even if they are out of sight of any models from the attacking unit.
Skill Unmatched
When a combat that involves one or models with this special rule is resolved, before the start of Initiative step 10 the controlling player of any models in that combat with this special rule may select one of the three following options and apply the effects of that option to all models with this special rule for the duration of that Assault phase. When a unit contains more than one model with this special rule, then all models in that unit must select the same option if one is chosen:
  • A Perfect Guard: If a model or models with the Skill Unmatched special rule selects this option, they must increase their Weapon Skill by +1 for the purpose of determining the score required for enemy models to make To Hit rolls only, but must reduce their Attacks Characteristic by -1.
  • A Perfect Strike: If a model or models with the Skill Unmatched special rule selects this option, they must increase their Weapon Skill by +1 for the purpose of determining the score required for that model’s To Hit rolls targeting enemy models only, but must reduce their Attacks Characteristic by -1.
  • A Perfect Fury: If a model or models with the Skill Unmatched special rule selects this option, they must increase their Attacks by +1, but must reduce their Weapon Skill by -1.
Phoenix power spear

Phoenix power spear
Melee, Reach (1), Murderous Strike (6+), Breaching (6+), Two-handed

Phoenix rapier

Phoenix rapier
Melee, Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+)

Living Icons

These warriors have dedicated themselves not just to the perfection of skill at arms, but in embodying the sublime elegance of their Primarch and standing as an example to their brethren. All the warriors of the Emperor’s Children aspire to such excellence, and in battle will suffer any hardship to avoid dishonour in the presence of such paragons.

A model with this special rule, and all models in any friendly unit with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule and at least one model within 6" of a model with this special rule, gains +1 to the score used to calculate the winner of a combat during the Assault phase. The effects of this special rule do not stack, and any given unit can only be affected by a single instance of this special rule – however, the effects of this special rule do stack with the effects of Fulgrim’s Sire of the Emperor’s Children special rule.
Phoenix Pattern Power Weapons

Forged as works of art as much as they were fearsome weapons, the Phoenix pattern of power weapon relied on a certain artistry with the blade over brute force. They combined the finer aspects of the famed Charnabal blades with the power fields of Terran design, creating a weapon favoured by the Emperor’s Children over the more common power weapon.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rule and Character Unit Sub-type may exchange a power weapon for one of the following for no additional points cost.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons:
Phoenix rapier
Melee, Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+)
Phoenix power spear
Melee, Reach (1), Murderous Strike (6+), Breaching (6+), Two-handed
Phoenix Retinue

As the exemplars of Fulgrim’s methods, the Phoenix Terminators were often assigned as honour guards to those commanders that had briefly gained Fulgrim’s fickle favour. Serving as both a potent reserve force and a boost to the morale of any Emperor’s Children force, only the most jaded of veterans would refuse such an honour.

A Phoenix Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Phoenix Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Phoenix Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Phoenix Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. One Phoenix Terminator in a Phoenix Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue may exchange their Phoenix power spear for a Legion standard and Phoenix rapier for +15 points.
Shrapnel cannon

Shrapnel cannon
Heavy 4, Pinning

Graviton maul

Graviton maul
Melee, Brutal (2), Haywire

Karceri Battle Shield

This huge power field-augmented auto-reactive armoured shield offers the Domitar-Ferrum an extraordinary resilience to attack.

A model with a Karceri battle shield gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save and any model with a Karceri battle shield that suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule inflicted on it. In addition, any Charge that targets a unit that includes one or more models equipped with a Karceri battle shield which is not already locked in combat is always resolved as a Disordered Charge.
Moving Bulwark

Some warriors and war machines are equipped to form a moving wall of steel, intended to maximise their defences as they advance.

When a model with this special rule is in base contact with another friendly model that also has the Moving Bulwark special rule, both models increase their Invulnerable Saves by one step (i.e., from 5+ to 4+) to a maximum of a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
The Shield of the Iron Tyrant

The first deployment of the ‘Iron Circle’ was as a bodyguard for their Primarch after the Battle of Phall, and these war machines Perturabo continuously sought to tamper with and improve as the whim took him.

An Iron Circle Maniple composed of at least three models may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes Perturabo, instead of as an Elites choice. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ counts Perturabo as its Leader for the purposes of this special rule. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Perturabo. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Perturabo deployed as part of the unit and Perturabo may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. Domitar-ferrum that are a part of an Iron Circle Maniple chosen as a ‘Retinue Squad’ for Perturabo gain the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule.

Volkite Cavitor

The cavitor is a variant of the more common volkite weapons produced in the factories of Nostramo, a rare example of lost technology on that otherwise benighted world. The removal of safety equipment allows the cavitor to project a more diffused beam at limited ranges, the tendrils of lethal volkite energy making a mockery of armour and burning flesh to ash.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Volkite’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Volkite Cavitor
Heavy 4, Deflagrate

Melee, Shred, Breaching (6+)

Lords of the Night

The Contekar were often dispatched to wrest command from lesser Night Lords leaders whom their commanders deemed unfit to prosecute the Legion’s objectives. Such cruel, but pragmatic methods were favoured by warlords such as Sevatar and others of both the old Legion and the new Nostraman recruits, relying on the brutal skills of the Contekar to lay waste to the enemies of the Night Lords as an example to those of their brethren that might falter in their duties.

A single Contekar Terminator Squad numbering no more than 10 models may be taken as a Compulsory HQ choice in an army in which neither Sevatar nor Konrad Curze are present.

In addition, a Contekar Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes Sevatar, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ counts Sevatar as the Contekar Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as Sevatar. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Sevatar deployed as part of the unit and Sevatar may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.
Escaton power claw

Escaton power claw
Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (6+), Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon


Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Breaching (6+)

Caedere Weapons

Based upon the ritual weapons of the cyber-augmetic gladiators of the savage world on which their bloody-handed Primarch was once cast, it was Angron himself who revived the use of the Caedere among his Legion’s ranks. Brutal and difficult to master, the weapons of the Caedere remain largely the preserve of the Rampagers – World Eaters who have responded the best to the addition of the cranial berserker implants which are a hallmark of the Legion and its champions.

A model with Caedere weapons may select one of the following weapons when it is selected as part of an army. Additionally, any model with either the Independent Character special rule or Character Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule may exchange a chainsword for one of the Caedere weapons for +15 points:

Meteor hammer
Melee, Two-handed, Reach (1), Breaching (5+)
Excoriator chainaxe
Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Murderous Strike (5+),
Falax blade*
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Rending (4+), Duellist’s Edge (1)
Barb-hook lash
Melee, Two-handed, Fleshbane, Reach (1), Rending (5+)

*A model that upgrades a chainsword to a Falax blade replaces the chainsword with two Falax blades.
Falax blade*

*A model that upgrades a chainsword to a Falax blade replaces the chainsword with two Falax blades.

Falax blade*
Melee, Specialist Weapon, Rending (4+), Duellist’s Edge (1)

Ravening Madmen

Giving themselves over to frenzy and blind rage, these warriors pay no heed to strategy or the plans of distant generals. Instead, they charge forwards without regard for enemy fire or formations, seeking to lose themselves in the red ruin of melee.

Any model making a To Wound roll in the Assault phase against a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule reduces its Strength by -1 when determining the score required To Wound (this does not affect the attacking unit’s Strength for the purposes of inflicting Instant Death). Additionally, any To Hit rolls made in the Assault phase targeting a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule, always count the majority Weapon Skill of the target unit as 3, regardless of the actual Weapon Skill of the models in that unit.

A unit that includes models with this special rule may only be joined by models with this special rule, or the Primarch Angron, and models with this special rule may not join a unit that includes any models without this special rule.
Power scythe

Power scythe
Melee, Rending (6+), Two-handed, Reaping Blow (1)

Æther-fire cannon

A later development of the Pyrae Cult Techmarine artificers, these modified plasma weapons utilised both occult lore and the unique techno-arcana of the Forge World of Zhao-Arkhad in their construction.

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule (unless the unit is entirely composed of models with the Independent Character special rule, in which case the controlling player can select which of those model’s Leadership Characteristics is used). If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.
Æther-fire cannon
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Rending (6+), Achean Force

Asphyx bolter

Asphyx bolter
Rapid Fire, Shred

Achea Force Claw

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Force’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Achea Force Claw
Melee, Rending (5+), Achean Force

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule. If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.
Asphyx bolt cannon

Asphyx bolt cannon
Heavy 4, Shred

Gravis force blade

Akin to the smaller force-blades wielded by the librarians of the Legiones Astartes, these monstrous weapons took the form of slabs of sharpened metal whose surface was laced with an intricate web of psycho-reactive receptors. These receptors allow the wielder to sheathe the blade in a field of psychic energy that amplifies its already terrifying destructive force.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.

Gravis force blade
Melee, Brutal (2), Achean Force

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule. If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.
Æther-fire magna-cannon

A later development of the Pyrae Cult Techmarine artificers, these modified plasma weapons utilised both occult lore and the unique techno-arcana of the Forge World of Zhao-Arkhad in their construction.

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule (unless the unit is entirely composed of models with the Independent Character special rule, in which case the controlling player can select which of those model’s Leadership Characteristics is used). If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.
Æther-fire magna-cannon
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Rending (6+), Achean Force

Æther-fire blaster

A later development of the Pyrae Cult Techmarine artificers, these modified plasma weapons utilised both occult lore and the
unique techno-arcana of the Forge World of Zhao-Arkhad in their construction.

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule (unless the unit is entirely composed of models with the Independent Character special rule, in which case the controlling player can select which of those model’s Leadership Characteristics is used). If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.
Æther-fire blaster
Assault 2, Rending (6+), Achean Force

Achea force sword

The Achean pattern of force weapons uses a mesh of psycho-conductive filament worked into the surface of an adamantite blade to conduct the raw psychic fury of the wielder. Unlike the more common force weapons, these refined devices allow only a lesser portion of the psykers’ will to be channelled through the weapon; a spiritual circuit-breaker that allows these weapons to be safely employed en-masse by the warriors of the Thousand Sons.

Achea force sword
Melee, Rending (6+), Achean Force

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule (unless the unit is entirely composed of models with the Independent Character special rule, in which case the controlling player can select which of those model’s Leadership Characteristics is used). If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.

Warriors of the Khenetai

One of many lesser cults within the Prosperine Arcana, the Khenetai were few in number but renowned for the dedication and skill of the blademasters that filled their ranks. Unlike other warriors of the Thousand Sons they focussed their power inwards, using it to boost their prowess with the blade beyond the capability of any ordinary warrior.

A model with this special rule gains the Mindsong of Blades Psychic Power and may not select a Minor Arcana from those presented by the Prosperine Arcana special rule.
Æther-fire pistol

A later development of the Pyrae Cult Techmarine artificers, these modified plasma weapons utilised both occult lore and the unique techno-arcana of the Forge World of Zhao-Arkhad in their construction.

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule (unless the unit is entirely composed of models with the Independent Character special rule, in which case the controlling player can select which of those model’s Leadership Characteristics is used). If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.
Æther-fire pistol
Pistol 1, Rending (6+), Achean Force

Achea Pattern Force Weapons

The Achean pattern of force weapons uses a mesh of psycho-conductive filament worked into the surface of an adamantite blade to conduct the raw psychic fury of the wielder. Unlike the more common force weapons, these refined devices allow only a lesser portion of the psykers’ will to be channelled through the weapon; a spiritual circuit-breaker that allows these weapons to be safely employed en-masse by the warriors of the Thousand Sons.

Any model with both the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type may exchange a power weapon for any one Achea pattern force weapon for no additional points cost (a model with the Independent Character special rule may not select this option):

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Force’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Achea force sword
Melee, Rending (6+), Achean Force
Achea force axe
Melee, Unwieldy, Achean Force
Achea force maul
Melee, Achean Force

Achean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and a weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with that weapon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check using the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule (unless the unit is entirely composed of models with the Independent Character special rule, in which case the controlling player can select which of those model’s Leadership Characteristics is used). If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule is increased by +2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attack as normal.

Banestrike bolter

Banestrike bolter
Rapid Fire, Breaching (6+)

Carsoran power axe

The labyrinthine tunnels and dim caverns of Cthonia have long been the battlefield for the various feral clans that infest the planet’s ancient cities, and those ferocious warriors have long held certain cruel patterns of weapon in high esteem. When the warriors of Cthonia were inducted en-masse into the Luna Wolves they brought these weapons with them, and they have since become commonplace among Horus’ followers.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Carsoran power axe
Melee, Breaching (5+), Specialist Weapon
Justaerin Retinue
A Justaerin Terminator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rules, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlling player as the Justaerin Terminator Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Justaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader. A Justaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. If that Leader has the Deep Strike special rule then all models in the Justaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad gain the Deep Strike special rule as well. One Justaerin in a Justaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue may exchange their Banestrike combi-weapon for a Legion standard for +15 points.
Carsoran power axe

The labyrinthine tunnels and dim caverns of Cthonia have long been the battlefield for the various feral clans that infest the planet’s ancient cities, and those ferocious warriors have long held certain cruel patterns of weapon in high esteem. When the warriors of Cthonia were inducted en-masse into the Luna Wolves they brought these weapons with them, and they have since become commonplace among Horus’ followers.

The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons.
Carsoran power axe
Melee, Breaching (5+), Specialist Weapon

Akkadic hand flamer

Akkadic hand flamer
Assault 1, Torrent (6"), Pinning


A heavily reinforced axe-weapon with a grappling barb, this vicious blade is used to drag down victims and topple graven idols and false icons for the Word Bearers’ pyres.

Melee, Shred
Scorched Earth
When a model with this special rule inflicts hits due to the Hammer of Wrath (X) special rule, it inflicts an additional Hit (so, a model with Hammer of Wrath (1) would inflict 2 Hits), and all Hits inflicted due to the Hammer of Wrath (X) special rule gain a bonus of +1 to their Strength (this is cumulative with any other modifiers that may be applied to such Hits) and are counted as ‘Flame’ attacks for those rules that modify such attacks.

Iconoclast Armoury

The Ashen Circle are masters of a variety of esoteric thermal weaponry, making use of both advanced flame weapons and compact melta pistols in battle.

Inferno pistol
Pistol 1, Armourbane (Melta)
Akkadic hand flamer
Assault 1, Torrent (6"), Pinning
Inferno pistol

Inferno pistol
Pistol 1, Armourbane (Melta)


The Word Bearers applied their blasphemous theories not only to their creed and bodies, but also to their weapons. The workings of the so-called ‘warpfire’ weapons defy all conventional wisdom, indeed they should not function at all. Yet, in battle these weapons emit a searing burst of ætheric fire with a scream that can drive warriors to panic and dismay.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Rapid Fire

Tainted talons

Once proud weapons and relics of the Great Crusade polluted by the accursed practices of the fallen Word Bearers, who took a perverse pride in bearing the tainted relics of their former allegiance into battle against those of their kin who remained loyal.

Any model with both the Character Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule may exchange a power weapon for a Tainted blade, Tainted axe or Tainted maul for +10 points each:
Tainted talons
Melee, Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+)
Plasma cannon

Plasma cannon
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Breaching (4+), Gets Hot

Warpfire blaster

The Word Bearers applied their blasphemous theories not only to their creed and bodies, but also to their weapons. The workings of the so-called ‘warpfire’ weapons defy all conventional wisdom, indeed they should not function at all. Yet, in battle these weapons emit a searing burst of ætheric fire with a scream that can drive warriors to panic and dismay.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule may exchange a plasma pistol for a Warpfire pistol for +5 points per model; a plasma gun or plasma blaster for a Warpfire blaster for +5 points per model; or a plasma cannon or Gravis plasma cannon for a Warpfire cannon for +5 points per model.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Plasma’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Warpfire blaster
Assault 2, Breaching (4+), Pinning

Warpfire cannon

The Word Bearers applied their blasphemous theories not only to their creed and bodies, but also to their weapons. The workings of the so-called ‘warpfire’ weapons defy all conventional wisdom, indeed they should not function at all. Yet, in battle these weapons emit a searing burst of ætheric fire with a scream that can drive warriors to panic and dismay.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule may exchange a plasma pistol for a Warpfire pistol for +5 points per model; a plasma gun or plasma blaster for a Warpfire blaster for +5 points per model; or a plasma cannon or Gravis plasma cannon for a Warpfire cannon for +5 points per model.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Plasma’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Warpfire cannon
Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Breaching (4+), Pinning

Tainted claw

Once proud weapons and relics of the Great Crusade polluted by the accursed practices of the fallen Word Bearers, who took a perverse pride in bearing the tainted relics of their former allegiance into battle against those of their kin who remained loyal.

Any model with both the Character Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule may exchange a power weapon for a Tainted blade, Tainted axe or Tainted maul for +10 points each:
Tainted claw
Melee, Brutal (2), Murderous Strike (5+)
Shroud of Dark Fire

The atomantic reactor which once powered the Mhara Gal has since twisted and warped to become a thing of ravaging darkness, burning with coal-black fire from the depths of the Empyrean. Such is the baleful power of this force, it shrouds the Mhara Gal Dreadnought in a guttering conflagration that leaks from the rends in its armour and belches from the ventilation stacks on its back, waxing as the nightmarish war machine kills, and waning to shadowed embers when it is at rest. Even the solar heat of plasma fire is muted and consumed on contact with this dark radiance, and flesh withers and crumbles to dust.

Any Hit allocated to a model with this special rule from a Plasma, Flame, Melta or Volkite weapon has its Strength reduced by -1. In addition, a model with this special rule gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save and should it suffer an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule inflicted on it. If a model with this special rule loses its last Wound or Hull Point, but before it is removed as a casualty, all models both friendly and enemy within D6+6" suffer an automatic Hit at Strength 8 and with an AP of -.

A baleful vortex of empyreal forces is centred upon the accursed Mhara Gal, like a moving sinkhole on the face of reality incarnated into its twisted form, and the echoes of this tormenting force drive even its allies away from it in reeling horror. The radiations of fear and horror that the war machine generates are particularly abhorrent to psykers and even daemonkind, who must shun this warp abomination lest the black fire at its core consume their soul-stuff.

All models with the Daemon Unit Type and/or Psyker or Corrupted Sub-type must reduce their Toughness and Strength by -1 while they are within 6" of a model with this special rule. Models that also have this special rule are immune to its effects.

Greater boltspitter

The Word Bearers applied their blasphemous theories not only to their creed and bodies, but also to their weapons. The workings of the so-called ‘warpfire’ weapons defy all conventional wisdom, indeed they should not function at all. Yet, in battle these weapons emit a searing burst of ætheric fire with a scream that can drive warriors to panic and dismay.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Greater boltspitter
Heavy 6, Twin-linked
Hydran Exemplars
The controlling player of a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule must select any one variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule other than Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) at the start of the battle before any models are deployed. All models in the unit with this special rule gain a bonus of +1 to all To Hit rolls made against models with the chosen variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule.
Volkite culverin

Volkite culverin
Heavy 5, Deflagrate

Spite of the Legion

The warriors of the Space Marine Legions knew full well that to leave any foe alive was to compromise the Great Crusade, to endanger the long march of humanity across the galaxy. So in war, they deployed warriors specifically to harry those that attempted to flee or that haunted the edges of the battlefield.

If a Charge is declared for a unit that includes at least one model with this special rule, targeting an enemy unit that is Pinned, Falling Back or includes no models with the Character Sub-type or the Chosen Warriors special rule, then all models in the Charging unit gain a bonus of +1 Attacks for the duration of the Assault phase in which the Charge is declared.
Heart of the Legion

Though often overshadowed in the annals of history by other more prestigious warriors, it is the courage and tenacity of the humble tactical Legionary that carried the Legions to victory after victory. It would be by the blood of these warriors that the course of the Horus Heresy would be decided, and by their sacrifice that the fate of the Imperium determined.

When a unit that includes at least one model with this special rule has at least half of its models within 6" of an Objective then all models in the unit gain the Feel No Pain (6+) and Stubborn special rules. If any model in the unit already has a variant of the Feel No Pain special rule then instead increase the value in brackets of one of those rules by +1 while the unit has at least half of its models within 6" of an Objective (for example, a model that already had Feel No Pain (5+) could choose to increase this to Feel No Pain (4+) while it fulfils the conditions of this special rule).
Scout Armour

Forged of the same composite plating as the more common power armour, but with reduced coverage and density in order to facilitate freedom of movement and speed of reaction, scout armour is a relatively recent innovation among the Legiones Astartes, intended to outfit highly skilled teams of infiltrators and fast strike troops.

Scout armour provides a 4+ Armour Save.
Fury of the Legion

The tactical Legionaries that form the core of every Space Marine Legion drill endlessly with the boltgun that is their hallmark. As a result, these warriors are capable of unleashing a torrent of gunfire that can halt any foe in its tracks.

If a model with this special rule has not moved or Run during the Movement phase of its controlling player’s turn then that model may add one to the number of shots fired when making a Shooting Attack with a bolter (this does not include combi-bolters, bolt pistols or other bolt weapons).
Volkite caliver

Volkite caliver
Heavy 3, Deflagrate

Fenrisian axe

Fenrisian axe
Melee, Reaping Blow (1)

Inertial Guidance System

Orbital strike vehicles often mount sophisticated sensors to aid them in avoiding obstacles as they streak towards the battlefield. Those assigned to orbital assaults must rely on these systems to see them to the surface, for, given the sheer speed of their descent, no human pilot could hope to bring them safely down.

When deployed as the first model placed during a Deep Strike Assault, or other deployment that requires a model with this special rule to scatter, the distance the model scatters is reduced by half and if it scatters into Impassable Terrain or off of the battlefield then it is moved the minimum distance required to avoid such obstacles. In addition, if all units included in a Deep Strike Assault have the Inertial Guidance System special rule or are models Embarked on a model with that special rule then any rolls made to determine if the Deep Strike Assault is Disordered may be re-rolled.
Orbital Assault Vehicle

Drop pods and other dedicated orbital assault vehicles are intended for one purpose only – to deliver warriors and equipment from orbiting spacecraft to battlefields on a planet’s surface. Once deployed they play little further part in the battle, serving only to support the onslaught of their passengers.

A model with this special rule must be deployed onto the battlefield as part of a Deep Strike Assault, or other deployment that requires the Deep Strike special rule. It may never be deployed as normal, regardless of any other rule or mission, and if forced to do so it is immediately reduced to 0 Hull Points and replaced with a Wreck (any models Embarked within must make an Emergency Disembarkation). Furthermore, a model with this special rule may never move – and if forced to do so is immediately reduced to 0 Hull Points and replaced with a Wreck (any models Embarked within must make an Emergency Disembarkation).
Impact-reactive Doors

Many assault vehicles have doors designed to release via explosive bolts, allowing their passengers to disembark as swiftly as possible.

When a model with this special rule is deployed, any doors on the model must be opened to their full extent. All models Embarked within a model with this special rule must then Disembark immediately and no models can thereafter Embark within that model for the remainder of the battle. Any model that has Disembarked from a model with this special rule may not have a Charge declared for it in the same turn. The physical doors attached to a model with this special rule are not treated as part of the model once opened and cannot be targeted by Shooting Attacks and do not impede Movement in any way.
Dreadnought Transport

Some transports are specially designed to allow the massive frames of Dreadnoughts to be transported into battle; from drop pods intended purely for the delivery of these armoured behemoths from orbit, to more versatile transports that can either ferry warriors or Dreadnoughts into the fires of war.

A model with this special rule may transport a single model with the Dreadnought Unit Type with no more than 8 Wounds instead of any other models. A Dreadnought model may not Embark upon a model with this special rule if any other models are already Embarked on it, and while a Dreadnought model is Embarked on a model with this special rule then no other models may Embark.

Some vehicles are robust enough or simple enough in their construction that the crew can conduct minor repairs in the field.

In any of the controlling player’s Shooting phases, instead of making any Shooting Attacks with a model with this special rule, the controlling player may instead roll a D6. On the roll of a ‘4’ or more, a damage result of Immobilised that has been inflicted on this model may be removed but no Hull Points are returned.
Melta cutters

Melta cutters
Heavy 3, Armourbane (Melta)

Heat Blast

Serving primarily to slow the descent of orbital strike craft, the thrusters of some such vehicles can also be used to scorch and burn enemy infantry. The most desperate or sadistic crews assigned to such craft often made use of this capability to reap a toll of the enemy, even after releasing their passengers into the heart of battle.

When a model with this special rule is deployed onto the battlefield using the Deep Strike special rule, and once all models arriving from Deep Strike in the same Phase have been placed in their final positions, but before any models Embarked on the model with this special rule have Disembarked, any models within 3+D3" (friendly or enemy) suffer a Str 6 AP 5 Hit (models with the Vehicle Unit Type are struck on the Armour facing with the lowest Armour Value, and this attack counts as an attack from a Flame weapon).

In addition, when moving in Hover mode, the controlling player may choose to inflict D6 Str 6 AP 5 Hits on any unit that a model with this special rule moves over. Any Wounds caused are allocated by the controller of the target unit, any models with the Vehicle Unit Type are struck on the Armour facing with the lowest Armour Value, and this attack counts as an attack from a Flame weapon. Once the model has finished moving, the controlling player must roll a D6 for each unit it has inflicted Hits upon using this special rule – any results of a ‘1’ inflict a Hull Point of damage on the model with this special rule.
Legion Proteus Land Speeder

Intended for long-range reconnaissance and strike missions, the Proteus Land Speeder trades some of the jetbike’s legendary agility for a more robust frame and the ability to carry heavier armaments. These deadly strike vehicles are often deployed ahead of the Legion’s advance, both to locate the foe and to destroy their supplies and munitions.

A Legion Proteus Land Speeder has one heavy bolter.
Harbingers of the Legion

Running ahead of the heavy infantry that was the closed fist of the Space Marine Legions, these warriors harry and pursue the enemy. They strike at the foe’s most vulnerable points, depriving them of shelter and succour and leaving them at the mercy of the warriors that follow in their wake.

A unit that includes any models with this special rule may not join or be joined by any model that does not also have this special rule (this includes Legion Techmarines and Legion Apothecaries, which may not be assigned to a unit that includes any models with this special rule). In addition, a unit that includes any models with this special rule never counts as a Scoring unit or a Denial unit regardless of any other special rules or Mission rules in use – however, a model with this special rule may re-roll all failed Shrouded Damage Mitigation rolls.

Some units make use of their inherent speed, stealth or other capabilities to launch a surprise assault on the foe from an unexpected direction.

A unit made up entirely of models with this special rule may perform a Flanking Assault. Certain Faction or unit special rules may present other options for the deployment of units with the Outflank special rule.
Anvilus snub autocannon

Anvilus snub autocannon
Heavy 2, Sunder, Rending (5+), Twin-linked

Neutron blaster

Neutron blaster
Heavy 1, Concussive (3), Shock Pulse, Sunder, Gets Hot

Volkite saker

Volkite saker
Heavy 6, Deflagrate

Sabre missile

Sabre missile
Heavy 1, Rending (6+), One Shot

Kraken bolter

Kraken bolter
Rapid Fire
- Tempest rounds
Assault 3, Ignores Cover
- Scorpius rounds
Assault 1, Breaching (4+)

Marked for Death

Trained to identify and slaughter specific targets, certain cadres of warriors make an art of stalking and assassination. These warriors are singular in their focus, and, when unleashed upon the foe, are a decree of certain death.

At the start of the battle, once both armies have set up all their models, including any units with the Infiltrator special rule, a single enemy unit may be chosen by a player that controls any models with this special rule – this unit is considered ‘marked for death’. When any models with this special rule controlled by that player are used to make an attack of any kind against the enemy unit their controlling player has ‘marked for death’, all failed To Wound rolls of ‘1’ may be re-rolled.
Vengeance launcher

Vengeance launcher
Heavy 2, Large Blast (5")

Tempest rocket

Tempest rocket
Heavy 1, Sunder, One Shot

Power of the Machine Spirit

The interface between this vehicle’s advanced machine spirit and its fire control mechanisms allows the crew to target foes with incredible accuracy.

A Vehicle with this special rule may attack different targets with each Ranged weapon it is permitted to fire during any Shooting Attack.
Assault Vehicle

This vehicle is specifically designed to disgorge troops into the thick of the action.

Passengers Disembarking from Access Points on a Vehicle with this special rule can Charge on the turn they do so (including when forced to make an Emergency Disembarkation) unless the Vehicle arrived from Reserves that turn.

Heavy 1, Sunder

Rotary missile launcher

Rotary missile launcher
Heavy 3, Exoshock (6+), Ignores Cover, Twin-linked

Talons of the Legion

Employed to cover the advance of the infantry companies below, those who pilot the aircraft of the Space Marine Legions are masters of the interception and destruction of enemy aircraft and airborne xenos beasts.

A unit or model with this special rule may be placed into Combat Air Patrol at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield. Models assigned to Combat Air Patrol are not deployed onto the battlefield and remain in Reserves – however, no Reserves rolls are made for these models. Instead, the controlling player gains access to the Combat Air Patrol Advanced Reaction.

Advanced Reaction: Combat Air Patrol

Advanced Reactions are available to specific players as noted in their description. Unlike Core Reactions they are activated in unique and specific circumstances, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced Reactions use up points of a Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted otherwise in their description.

Combat Air Patrol – This Advanced Reaction may be made whenever any enemy model that has the Vehicle Unit Type and the Flyer Sub-type enters the battlefield from Reserves. The Reactive player may nominate any one model that has been assigned to Combat Air Patrol. Once the enemy model with the Vehicle Unit Type and Flyer Sub-type that triggered this Reaction has finished any and all Movement as it is brought into play, the chosen model assigned to Combat Air Patrol is brought into play from any point on the edge of the battlefield, moving into play as if it had entered play from Reserves. Once the Combat Air Patrol model has finished its Movement it may immediately make a Shooting Attack targeting the enemy model that triggered this Reaction – as long as it has finished its Movement with line of sight to that model.

Only models with the Vehicle Unit Type and Flyer Sub-type may make the Combat Air Patrol Reaction.
Ramjet Diffraction Grid

Using similar technology to the flare shield, this system channels the plasma heat and radiated waste of a vehicle’s powerful engines into a scattering super-heated plasma field, leaving a fiery, comet-like trail in the vehicle’s wake.

A model with a ramjet diffraction grid reduces the Strength of Shooting Attacks made against its Rear or Side armour by -1, or -2 if that attack has the Blast special rule or uses a template to determine its Range. A ramjet diffraction grid has no effect on attacks inflicted with weapons of the Destroyer type.

Kyzagan Assault Speeder

The White Scars make much use of the various speeders available to the Legiones Astartes, and operate a number of unique variations. The Kyzagan is one such, a Javelin Land Speeder modified to carry a more dedicated package of strike weapons and heavier frontal armour. Though held in disfavour by the adepts of the Mechanicum, who look upon unsanctioned manipulation of STC designs with thinly veiled contempt, the Kyzagan has proven a capable raider and assault vehicle for the mobile White Scars brotherhoods.

A Kyzagan Assault Speeder has one Kheres assault cannon and two Reaper autocannon.
Shield Wall

Phalanx Warders are famed for their close order discipline and defensive tactics, shielding their comrades from harm in the press of melee with selfless bravery.

Models in this unit with boarding shields, which are in base contact with at least two other models with boarding shields, and are neither Falling Back or Pinned, may add +1 to their Invulnerable Saves (to a maximum of a 3+). Friendly models with the Independent Character special rule that have joined a unit of Phalanx Warders also benefit from this special rule so long as the unit includes at least three models with the Shield Wall special rule.

Phalanx Warders are feared for their close combat prowess in the confines of shipboard combat, being trained and drilled to fight in close concert with their brethren.

If a unit includes at least three models with the Lock-step special rule and is not locked in combat, all friendly models in that unit (including those without the Lock-step special rule) gain a bonus of +1 Weapon Skill for the duration of any Assault phase in which the unit is successfully Charged by one or more enemy units.

Talon of Perdition

These weapons are a larger version of the more common Perdition weapons, adding flame projectors to a scaled-up lightning claw mount intended for use on Dreadnoughts.

This weapon is counted as both ‘Power’ and ‘Flame’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Talon of Perdition
Melee, Shred, Brutal (2)

Incaendius Booster Pack

A massive rocket booster pack is installed on the rear torso of the Contemptor-Incaendius, with enough fuel for a single prolonged burn. This is used either to drop the Dreadnought from orbit, or to allow it to cover the distance to the foe in a series of long leaps. Once its fuel is exhausted, the booster pack is purged from the Dreadnought’s chassis by a system of explosive bolts, allowing the war machine to fight freely.

The Incaendius booster pack may be used once per battle in one of two ways; these options are mutually exclusive and the use of one means the other may not be used in that battle:

Deep Strike: At the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield, the controlling player may choose to place the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought into Reserves and give it the Deep Strike special rule. It may then take part in a Deep Strike Assault or another deployment that requires the use of the Deep Strike special rule.

Shock Assault: The controlling player may opt to deploy the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought as normal, in this case the use of the Incaendius booster pack may be declared once per battle at the start of any of the controlling player’s Movement phases, including the first. When activated, the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought’s Movement Characteristic is set to 12" and gains the Hammer of Wrath (2) special rule for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. While this effect is active, the Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought may ignore all other models and terrain freely while moving, but may not end its Move in Impassable Terrain or within 1" of another model. However, if the model begins or ends that Movement phase in Difficult Terrain, it must take a Dangerous Terrain test. While the Incaendius booster pack is activated the model may not Run.

Note that any Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought selected as part of a Detachment using the Day of Revelation Rite of War must use the Deep Strike option and must be assigned to a Deep Strike Assault.
Raven’s Talons

Raven’s Talons
Melee, Shred, Rending (5+), Specialist Weapon

Corvid Pattern Jump Pack

A redesigned version of the tried and tested Warhawk pattern jump pack, the Corvid pattern adds a sophisticated vector thrust assembly that allows its wearer to make a longer, more precise, leap and avoid obstacles at the point of impact with ease.

Any model with both the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) and Independent Character special rules and with the Infantry Unit Type may exchange a Legion Warhawk jump pack for a Corvid pattern jump pack for +10 points.

At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, a model with a Corvid pattern jump pack may set its Move Characteristic to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn (sometimes referred to as ‘activating’ the jump pack). This allows a model with a Corvid pattern jump pack to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on its Profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, all models with a Corvid pattern jump pack that have been activated ignore terrain while Moving and Charging, but must take Dangerous Terrain tests when beginning or ending their Movement in Dangerous Terrain – but gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save against any Wounds inflicted by failed Dangerous Terrain tests. A model with an activated Corvid pattern jump pack treats all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain and may move over both friendly and enemy models or units without penalty, but must end its Movement at least 1" away from any model from another unit.

A model with a Corvid pattern jump pack may still Run, if it would normally be able to Run (this does not allow units that include any models with the Heavy Unit Sub-type to Run). When making a Run move for a model with an activated Corvid pattern jump pack, add the Initiative Characteristic of that model to 14 to determine how far it may move – the model ignores terrain and models from other units while making a Run move with a Corvid pattern jump pack as noted above, but may not make Shooting Attacks or declare a Charge in the same turn in which it has Run as per the normal rules for Running.

Any model with a Corvid pattern jump pack also gains the Bulky (3), Hammer of Wrath (1) and Deep Strike special rules, or if it already has the Bulky (3) special rule, it gains the Bulky (4) special rule instead.

During a Reaction made in any Phase, a player may not choose to activate a model’s Corvid pattern jump pack to gain any bonus to their Movement Characteristic.
Banestrike combi-bolter

These mysterious variant bolt shells, believed to have been designed in secret within the armouries of the Alpha Legion long before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, had it seems a sole purpose: to breach the ceramite power armour of Space Marines. Used openly for the first time at the Dropsite Massacre on Isstvan V, their dense explosive cores and firing stresses reduced their range and swiftly degraded the firing weapon, but their effect against the betrayed Legions was devastating. Fortunately for the Loyalists, supplies of these difficult to manufacture munitions rounds were limited, and only the Alpha Legion and the Sons of Horus were able to field them in substantial numbers beyond that incident of brutal treachery.

Any model with both the Independent Character and the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rules may exchange a bolter for a Banestrike bolter or a combi-bolter for a Banestrike combi-bolter for +5 points each. Additionally, any models in a Legion Seeker Squad that has the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule may exchange their Kraken bolters for Banestrike bolters for no additional points cost or any models in a Legion Veteran Squad that has the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule may exchange their bolters for Banestrike bolters for +2 points per model.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Banestrike Combi Bolter
Rapid Fire, Twin-linked, Breaching (6+)

Inferno pistol

Inferno pistol
Pistol 1, Armourbane (Melta)

Legion Javelin Land Speeder

Larger than other speeders employed by the Legiones Astartes, the Javelin serves as a mobile fire-support platform. Mounting weaponry equal to a light tank, but far faster and more agile than such vehicles, these potent engines of war poses a dire threat to enemy armour.

A Legion Javelin Land Speeder has one heavy bolter and one cyclone missile launcher (with frag and krak missiles).
Cyclone missile launcher

Cyclone missile launcher
 - Frag
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Pinning
 - Krak
Heavy 2, Twin-linked
 - Flak
Heavy 2, Skyfire, Twin-linked

Morbus bombard

Morbus bombard
Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5"), Pinning, Rending (6+)

Graviton-charge cannon

Graviton-charge cannon
Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7"), Barrage, Concussive (1), †Graviton Pulse, Haywire

Limited Ammunition

Some weapons, either due to a restricted capacity to store shells, a terrifying rate of fire or a complex loading mechanism, are prone to running out of ammunition in the heat of battle. Once drained of their reserves, these weapons become little more than burdens to their wielders, impotent until the battle is concluded and specialised equipment can be used to replenish their stores.

After all Shooting Attacks for a weapon with this special rule have been fully resolved, roll a D6, adding +1 if the weapon has fired before in the same battle. If the total of this roll is 6 or more then the weapon may no longer be used to make Shooting Attacks in this battle. If this weapon is unable to make further Shooting Attacks then it may not be targeted by a Weapon Destroyed result on the Vehicle Damage table, and for the purposes of such a result is treated as though it had already been destroyed.
Spicula rocket system

Spicula rocket system
Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7"), Rending (6+), Limited Ammunition


Heavy 2, Rending (6+)


Some weapons make no attempt to target individual warriors, but instead saturate the target zone with such a torrent of gunfire that few can escape their wrath. Such weapons are capable of causing high casualty numbers in a short space of time, but require vast stores of ammunition to maintain their attack.

When making a Shooting Attack, select up to four enemy units within range and line of sight of the attacking unit and make a Shooting Attack using the weapon’s profile against each unit instead of following the normal procedure (any individual enemy unit may only be selected as a target once, and if there are less than four enemy units within line of sight and range then each viable target may be attacked). Each unit targeted is attacked with the full number of attacks listed as part of the weapon’s profile, for example, a weapon with the Heavy 6 type and the Deathstorm special rule would select up to four enemy units within range and line of sight and roll six dice To Hit against each unit.
Deathstorm missile launcher

Deathstorm missile launcher
Heavy 9, Pinning, Deathstorm, Limited Ammunition

Anvilus autocannon battery

Anvilus autocannon battery
Heavy 4, Rending (5+), Sunder, Twin-linked

Guided Fire

Whether by advanced technology or arcane influence, some attacks are able to reach their target no matter what obstacles obscure them.

Any attacks made using a weapon with this special rule do not require line of sight, but must still be within range.
Boreas air defence missile

Boreas air defence missile
Heavy 1, Skyfire, Guided Fire, One Shot

Hellfire plasma cannonade

Hellfire plasma cannonade
 - (Sustained fire)
Heavy 6, Breaching (4+)
 - (Maximal fire)
Heavy 1, Rending (4+), Gets Hot, Large Blast (5")

Arachnus heavy lascannon battery

Arachnus heavy lascannon battery
Heavy 2, Sunder, Exoshock (5+), Twin-linked

Volkite falconet

Volkite falconet
Heavy 8, Deflagrate, Twin-linked, Pinning

Aiolos missile launcher

Aiolos missile launcher
Heavy 3, Pinning, Guided Fire

Avenger bolt cannon

Avenger bolt cannon
Heavy 7

Strafing Run (X)

This vehicle is designed as a ground attack craft, the spread and convergence distance of its weapons keyed to maximise carnage on the foes below.

When making a Shooting Attack at any unit without the Flyer sub-type, this Vehicle increases its Ballistic Skill by the value indicated as part of the special rule. For example, a Vehicle with the Strafing Run (2) special rule would increase the model’s Ballistic Skill by +2 when making Shooting Attacks targeting any unit without the Flyer sub-type.
Gravis autocannon battery

Gravis autocannon battery
Heavy 4, Rending (6+), Twin-linked

Hellstrike missile

Hellstrike missile
Heavy 1, Sunder, One Shot

Kratos battlecannon

Kratos battlecannon
 - HE shells
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Pinning
 - AP shells
Heavy 2, Sunder
 - Flashburn shells
Heavy 1, Armourbane (Ranged), Gets Hot

Vehicle Weapon Types
In addition to the more common mounting types, there are also several other types of weapon only found on Vehicle units that bear special mention in this section.

Co-axial Mounted Weapons – Co-axial Mounted weapons follow all the rules for Turret Mounted weapons and must be mounted alongside another Turret Mounted weapon. In addition, when Turret Mounted weapons are fired, if the Co-axial Mounted weapon scores at least one Hit on the target unit then all further attacks by weapons mounted on the same Turret, directed at the same target, may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit.

Defensive Weapons – All weapons mounted on a Vehicle that have a Strength Characteristic of 6 or less are Defensive weapons. Other weapons may also be specifically designated as Defensive weapons on their profile. The controlling player may always choose to fire Defensive weapons at the closest enemy Infantry unit within line of sight and the Firing Arc of applicable weapons, even if the Vehicle’s other weapons have targeted a different unit during a Shooting Attack.

Any weapon that has a Strength greater than 6 and is not Pintle Mounted or otherwise designated specifically as a Defensive weapon is a Battle weapon.
Volkite cardanelle

Volkite cardanelle
Heavy 12, Deflagrate, Pinning

Melta blast-gun

Melta blast-gun
Heavy 4, Armourbane (Melta)

Flare Shield

Another of the Mechanicum’s specialised systems that only their high adepts truly understand, a flare shield is a directional electromagnetic flux field generator rumoured by some to be a product of Dark Age technology from a source best left forgotten.

A model with a flare shield reduces the strength of Shooting Attacks made against its Front Armour by -1, or -2 if that Shooting Attack has the Blast special rule or uses a template to determine its Range. A flare shield has no effect on Shooting Attacks inflicted with weapons of the Destroyer type.
Explorator Augury Web

A complex web of augurs, scanners and atmospheric probes allow certain Space Marine vehicles to gather a wide variety of valuable battlefield information.

At the start of each of the controlling player’s turns, that player may choose to activate the explorator augury web in either Disruption or Relay mode, the effects of which last until the beginning of the controlling player’s next turn:
  • Disruption Mode: Any Reserves rolls made by an enemy player to bring units into play from Reserve are modified by -1 while this mode is active. This modifier does not stack with any other negative modifiers to Reserves rolls – use the highest single modifier instead. However, once the final negative modifier to a Reserves roll is determined, it can be reduced by any positive modifiers applied to the roll (for example if a Reserves roll was affected by both a -1 and +1 modifier then they would cancel each other and no modifier would be applied).
  • Relay Mode: Any Reserves rolls made by the controlling player to bring units into play from Reserves may be re-rolled while this mode is active.
Lascannon array

Lascannon array
Heavy 2, Twin-linked, Sunder

Leviathan siege claw

Leviathan siege claw
Melee, Brutal (3)

Leviathan siege drill

Leviathan siege drill
Melee, Armourbane (Melee)

Leviathan storm cannon

Leviathan storm cannon
Heavy 6, Rending (5+), Sunder

Cyclonic melta lance

Cyclonic melta lance
Heavy 4, Armourbane (Melta)

Grav-flux bombard

Grav-flux bombard
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), †Graviton Collapse, Torsion Crusher, Ignores Cover, Concussive (1)

Phosphex discharger

Phosphex discharger
Heavy 1, Barrage, Blast (3"), Poisoned (3+), Crawling Fire, Lingering Death

Flamestorm cannon

Flamestorm cannon
Heavy 1, Torrent (18")

Executioner plasma destroyer

Executioner plasma destroyer
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Rending (4+)

Heavy conversion beam cannon

Heavy conversion beam cannon
Up to 18"
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Blind
More than 18"-42"
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Blind
More than 42"-72"
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Blind

Magna-melta cannon

Magna-melta cannon
Heavy 3, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked

Volkite macro-saker

Volkite macro-saker
Heavy 8, Deflagrate

Rocket Barrage

Some weapons require a stable firing platform in order to deliver their payload with maximum destructive force. When forced to fire without the proper preparations their effect is greatly reduced, but when firing from prepared positions they can unleash such a devastating torrent of fire that few enemies can survive their wrath.

If a model that has a weapon with this special rule does not move in the Movement phase of a given turn, that weapon may be given the Rending (4+) and Pinning special rules until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.
Scorpius missile launcher

Scorpius missile launcher
Heavy 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5"), Rocket Barrage


Designed specifically to degrade the complex neural circuitry and cogitators of the Mechanicum’s automata, these weapons are considered an affront to their Order. The exotic radiation emitted by such devices is the bane of the otherwise indefatigable steel warriors of the Mechanicum, leaving them as motionless, lifeless husks.

A weapon with this special rule gains the Instant Death special rule when targeting models with the Automata Unit Type.
Arcus missile launcher

Arcus missile launcher
 - Arcus warheads
Heavy 5, Twin-linked
 - Skyspear warheads
Heavy 5, Skyfire, Twin-linked
 - Pyrax warheads
Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Ignores Cover, Pinning
 - Neutron-flux warheads
Heavy 4, Twin-linked, Neutron-flux, Breaching (5+)

Omega plasma array

Omega plasma array
 - (Sustained fire)
Heavy 8, Breaching (4+), Twin-linked
 - (Maximal fire)
Heavy 2, Rending (4+), Gets Hot, Plasma Burn, Twin-linked

Volatile Plasma Containment

Even at the height of the Imperium’s power, plasma weapons were poorly understood and often dangerous to put into use. The most destructive of these weapons required large and volatile tanks of super-heated gas, which would often detonate should a vehicle carrying them suffer catastrophic damage, scattering plasma on any nearby.

If a model with this special rule loses its last Hull Point due to the Gets Hot special rule then it also suffers the effects of the Explodes result on the Vehicle Damage table. When a model with this special rule suffers an Explodes result (as shown on the Vehicle Damage table), the Strength of any Hits it causes is increased to 10.
Punisher rotary cannon

Punisher rotary cannon
Heavy 18, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)

Accelerator autocannon

Accelerator autocannon
Heavy 8, Rending (6+), Exoshock (6+)

Neutron beam laser

Neutron beam laser
Ordnance 2, Concussive (3), Shock Pulse, Gets Hot

Containment Breach

Some of the more powerful reactors in use by the vehicles of the Imperium are so potent as to cause terrible damage to those nearby should they be breached by enemy fire. Yet, the engines of war they feed are so vital that such risks are considered worthwhile.

If a model with this special rule suffers an Explodes result on the Vehicle Damage table then when determining the radius of the explosion roll D6+3 instead of D6.
Demolisher cannon

Demolisher cannon
Ordnance 1, Blast (3"), Sunder, Rending (6+), Brutal (3)

Magna laser destroyer

Magna laser destroyer
Ordnance 3, Twin-linked, Exoshock (6+)

The Cacophony

The Cacophony manifest a variety of experimental and unique psycho-sonic weapons, made from an irrational fusion of Imperial and alien technology wedded with the whispered secrets of nightmare intelligences from beyond. These unstable devices are able to unleash blasts of screaming, discordant energy that can rupture flesh and incinerate metal. Their most terrifying ability, however, is to open up the minds of those they touch to the manifold and fatal horrors of the Warp.

The Cacophony
Assault 3, Gets Hot, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Deflagrate

Tyrant Rocket Launcher

A compact rocket system, based on the design of the cyclone missile launcher, the Tyrant launcher is capable of delivering overwhelming salvos of unguided rockets. The Iron Warriors value the sheer firepower of the Tyrant system over the more controlled destruction of the larger Cyclone system.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Missile’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Tyrant rocket launcher
- Frag
Heavy 4, Pinning
- Krak
Heavy 2
- Flak
Heavy 2, Skyfire


A sophisticated cogitator-slaved optical scanner integrated into the modified Terminator armour of the squad’s Siege Master, the omni-scope allows for precise targeting solutions to be formulated in the blink of an eye. With weapons slaved to this device, the Tyrants of the Iron Warriors are deadly combatants on any battlefield.

A unit that includes at least one model with an omni-scope ignores all the effects of Night Fighting, and when a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule makes the Interceptor Advanced Reaction, the reaction does not cost the controlling player a point from their Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given Phase.

Assault grenade launcher

A robust, if short ranged, belt-fed weapon, the grenade launcher carried by Grave Wardens is a modified pattern designed primarily for mounting on vehicles of the Imperial Army. It carries two kinds of ammunition: one is a standard shapedcharge krak shell and the other a toxin warhead which unleashes a burst of highly lethal chemical agents and concentrated acid vapour on detonation.

The weapon has two profiles; one may be selected to use each time a unit equipped with assault grenade launchers makes a Shooting Attack.
Assault grenade launcher
 - Krak
Assault 2
 - Frag
Assault 4, Poisoned (3+), Ignores Cover
Heavy alchem flamer

Heavy alchem flamer
Assault 1, Fleshbane, Gets Hot


Some weapons emit projectiles or energy beams of such terrible potency that, if fired, they can have terrible consequences for those that dare unleash their power. Whether due to energy surges in coherent energy beams, or failure in the arming systems of shells or warheads, a failure to properly arm the weapon and fully penetrate the enemy’s armour can cause lethal feedback.

If a weapon with this special rule fails its Armour Penetration roll against a target with an Armour Value, or fails a To Wound roll against any other model (note that successful Armour Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls do not count for this), roll a D6. If the result is a 1, the attacking model loses 1 Hull Point or Wound.
Neutron laser battery

Neutron laser battery
Ordnance 4, Concussive (3), Feedback, Shock Pulse, Gets Hot

Reactor Blast

Certain powerful reactors, when destroyed, erupt in a devastating blast capable of destroying other engines of war.

When the controlling player resolves an Explodes result on the Vehicle Damage table for a model with this special rule, the Strength of any Hits inflicted is increased to 10.
Volcano cannon

Volcano cannon
Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5"), Ignores Cover

Neutron-wave cannon

Neutron-wave cannon
Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5"), Shock Pulse, Ignores Cover

Fellblade accelerator cannon

Fellblade accelerator cannon
 - HE shell
Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7")
 - AE shell
Ordnance 1, Armourbane (Ranged)

Volkite carronade

Volkite carronade
Heavy 1, Heavy Beam, Deflagrate

Transport Bay

Some of the largest transport vehicles are specially designed to carry both infantry and engines of war into battle, allowing versatile battle groups to be deployed to the battlefield at once. These rare war machines are often restricted to the most elite of an army, and used to tackle the most perilous of missions.

A model with this special rule may carry models of the Dreadnought and Automata Unit Types, as well as models with the Cavalry Unit Type but not the Antigrav Sub-type. Each Dreadnought model uses 10 points of Transport Capacity, while each Automata and Cavalry model uses up a number of Transport Capacity points equal to twice its starting Wounds Characteristic.
Auxiliary Vehicle Bay

The largest of transports are so vast that they can carry smaller vehicles into battle. Such huge engines of war are rarely deployed, save to the most dangerous of conflicts where an army must bring the maximum possible force to bear upon the foe or must traverse the most dangerous of terrain.

Models with the Vehicle Unit Type may Embark on a model with this special rule, Embarking and Disembarking as per the normal rules for Embarking/Disembarking. A model with this special rule may carry one model with the Vehicle Unit Type whose starting Hull Points Characteristic is 4 or less. A model with the Vehicle Unit Type Embarking or Disembarking from a model with this special rule may do so from any point on the model’s base, or its hull if it has no base.
Void Shields (X)

Some vehicles are equipped with almost impenetrable shields of energy, relics from ancient times known as void shields.

A model with this special rule has a number of void shields, as listed on its profile. Shooting Attacks which Hit a model with this special rule instead target this model’s void shields while at least one remains active. Void shields have an Armour Value of 12. A successful Glancing Hit, Penetrating Hit or any successful Hit from a Destroyer weapon which targets a void shield causes it to collapse, reducing the number ‘X’ by -1. When the number of void shields is reduced to 0, this special rule has no further effect and subsequent Shooting Attacks target the model instead. Void shields have no effect on close combat attacks, and may not be affected by close combat attacks.

Bombs are high explosive or incredibly powerful munitions that are dropped by aircraft as they fly over the battlefield.

Bombs are weapon types unique to Flyers. All Bombs have the One Use special rule. Unlike other weapons, Bombs must be used in the Movement phase of their turn in a special kind of attack called a Bombing Run. A model can only attack with one Bomb type weapon in its Movement phase. If a model attacks with a Bomb type weapon, it counts as having already attacked with one weapon in its ensuing Shooting phase. However, any additional weapons it fires that turn can choose a different target to that of the Bomb.
Apocalyptic Barrage
An Apocalyptic Barrage follows all of the rules for a Barrage weapon, but uses the clover-shaped Apocalyptic Barrage marker. Before the marker is placed, the attacker is allowed to rotate the marker about its centre to maximise the number of models that could potentially be hit. Place the marker and roll for scatter in the same way you would for a Barrage. If the marker scatters, be careful to maintain the same orientation as you move it.

Once the final position of the marker has been determined, roll a number of dice equal to the number of attacks on the weapon’s profile. So, for example, with a weapon with the type ‘Heavy 4, Apocalyptic Barrage’, you would roll four dice. Each dice roll corresponds to a ‘strike’ on one of the circles on the Apocalyptic Barrage marker. For example, each roll of a 2 indicates a strike on circle number 2. Resolve the strikes as for a Multiple Barrage, as if each were a Barrage attack that had landed on that circle and hit all the models underneath it. To determine Cover Saves, always assume the shot is coming from the centre of the entire Apocalyptic Barrage marker.
Macro-bomb cluster

Macro-bomb cluster
Bomb 1, Apocalyptic Barrage (6), One Shot

Thunderhawk cannon

Thunderhawk cannon
Destroyer 1, Massive Blast (7"), Rending (6+)

Turbo-laser destructor

Turbo-laser destructor
Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5"), Ignores Cover

Dreadhammer siege cannon

Dreadhammer siege cannon
Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5"), Rending (4+), Sunder, Brutal (4)

Crushing Weight

While the impact of any war machine can cripple an ordinary warrior, some vehicles are so massive that they can crush infantry like ants. Such engines of destruction can even cripple lesser vehicles, serving as battering rams of unequalled effectiveness when called upon.

When the controlling player resolves a Ram Attack using a model with this special rule, targeting an enemy model that has the Vehicle Unit Type, then any Hits inflicted are always resolved at Strength 12 (see the rules for Weapon Strengths above 10). When resolving a Ram Attack against a unit that is not made up entirely of models with the Vehicle Unit Type, 6+D6 Str 10 Hits are inflicted instead.
Siege melta array

Siege melta array
Heavy 5, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked

Skyreaper battery

Skyreaper battery
Heavy 5, Skyfire, Twin-linked

Army List

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