Legiones Astartes – Armillus Dynat

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As with much of his mysterious Legion, little can be said for certain about the origins or character of the Alpha Legion commander known as Armillus Dynat (whose name itself may be an artificial construction using mimetic factors from several different dead Terran dialects meaning approximately ‘The fallen prince/false prophet who destroys with power’). Pictorial reference for this officer is only available thanks to the recordings of Ultramarines–attached Remembrancers present at the Palcine War Council, where Dynat is recorded as having infamously sparred with Marius Gage over the conduct of the war after the Ultramarines’ repulsed attack during the Battle of Asarna Bay. He is known to be a formidable strategist with a penchant for unorthodox and highly intricate attack plans often designed to pull apart and maim enemy formations before a killing blow is delivered, and a master of integrated fast armour and close air support tactics.

  • Armillus Dynat 185 pts
Harrowmaster of the Alpha Legion, Griefbringer, Instar-nine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Armillus Dynat (base: 32mm)
Armillus Dynat 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 32mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Armillus Dynat
  • Bolt pistol
  • The Prince
  • The Prophet
  • One venom sphere
  • One phosphex bomb
  • Artificer armour
  • Iron halo
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion)
  • Master of the Legion
  • Independent Character
  • Relentless
  • Precision Strikes (4+)
  • Weapon Master
  • Warlord: The Harrowing

Weapon Master

Armillus Dynat is famed for his ability as a warrior, demonstrating multi-tasking abilities that allow him to wield two weapons independently in combat, a feat that few of his peers could ever match. In battle he makes use of this ability to blindside opponents until the delivery of a killing strike his foe had no hope to defend against.

When attacking during the Assault phase, Armillus Dynat may choose to split his attacks between any of the weapons he has, declaring which Attacks will be used with which weapon profiles before any of his Attacks are rolled.

Warlord: The Harrowing

If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Armillus Dynat automatically has The Harrowing as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Harrowing – At the start of the battle, before any models are deployed by either player, the controlling player of an army whose Warlord is Armillus Dynat may choose to select three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Infantry Unit, and give all models in those units one of the following rules: Infiltrate, Scout, or Counterattack (1). In addition, an army whose Warlord is Armillus Dynat may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase, as long as Armillus Dynat has not been removed as a casualty.

The Prince and the Prophet

Among the favoured weapons of the Alpha Legion warrior known as Dynat are a pair of power weapons crafted to be used in unison. The Prince is ostentatious and attracts the eyes of the foe, while the Prophet is the thunder-strike of truth delivered to the unwary.

The weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Prince
Melee, Rending (6+)
The Prophet
Melee, Unwieldy, Thunderstrike

Thunderstrike: If any enemy model that does not have the Vehicle Unit Type suffers one or more Hits (regardless of whether or not those Hits resulted in Wounds) from The Prince, then Armillus Dynat may make one Attack with The Prophet, in addition to any other attacks he has made with either weapon, in Initiative step 1.
Number of Attacks
Each engaged model makes a number of Attacks (A) as indicated on its Characteristics profile, plus the following bonus attacks:

+1 Charge Bonus: Engaged models that Charged this turn get +1 Attack this turn. Models in units that made a Disordered Charge do not get this bonus.

+1 Two Weapons: Engaged models with two single-handed weapons (often a Melee weapon and/or Pistol in each hand) get +1 Attack. Models with more than two weapons gain no additional benefit; you only get one extra attack.

Other Bonuses: Models may have other special rules and Wargear that confer extra attacks.
Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.

This weapon is very large, and more than a little clumsy, making swift blows all but impossible to achieve.

A model attacking with this weapon Piles-in and fights at Initiative step 1, unless it has the Dreadnought Unit Type or Monstrous sub-type.
Specialist Weapon

The mightiest weapons only reach their full potential when wielded in pairs, as they require an entirely different battle stance from that of more commonplace weapons.

A model fighting with this weapon does not receive +1 Attack for fighting with two weapons unless it is armed with two or more Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon rule. The additional weapon does not have to be the same weapon as the one used to attack, but it must have the Specialist Weapon rule in order to grant an additional Attack for fighting with two weapons.
Brutal (X)

Some weapons strike with such force that they cause terrible wounds that can lay low even the most formidable combatant.

When a model is allocated a Wound inflicted by a weapon with this special rule, it does not suffer only one Wound but instead suffers a number of Wounds equal to the number in brackets associated with the specific variant of this special rule, with all of the Wounds inflicted using the same AP and special rules as that of the initial Wound. Roll to save against each Wound inflicted separately, but note that Wounds caused in excess of a given model’s remaining Wounds do not spill over to other models and are lost. This special rule has no effect on models that do not have a Toughness value.

Some weapons and warriors strike in a flurry of blows, tearing flesh asunder in a series of brutal strikes.

If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Reach (X)

Some weapons rely not on the speed of their wielder, but on their sheer length or cunning design to inflict harm upon the foe before they can react.

A model making attacks as part of an Assault using a weapon with this special rule, adds the value of (X) that is included as part of this special rule to its Initiative Characteristic. If a model has more than one weapon with this special rule then that model only increases the value of its Initiative by the value of the special rule on the weapon whose profile is used by that model to attack during the Fight sub-phase. A weapon that is not used to attack does not modify the model’s Initiative Characteristic – models that may attack with more than one weapon, or models claiming the bonus for having a second weapon, may only add the value of the highest variant of this special rule and do not add the values together.

For example, a model attacking as part of an Assault with a weapon that has the Reach (1) special rule increases its Initiative by +1.
Power Weapons

These melee weapons are sheathed in disruption fields that allow them to cleave armour as though it were paper and annihilate flesh or bone with ease. They are both difficult to master, for a single mis-stroke can lead to catastrophe in a close packed melee, and expensive to manufacture and maintain, and so are mostly found only in the hands of the finest warriors in the Legiones Astartes.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. A model that is eligible to select a power weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.

Power sword
Melee, Rending (6+)
Power axe
Melee, Unwieldy
Power maul
Power lance
Melee, Reach (1)

Although technically operated on the same principle, the following weapons are far rarer and more difficult to master than the more common power weapons. They count as a ‘Power’ weapons, but may not be selected by a model eligible to claim a generic power weapon.

When a model has two lightning claws, that model gains +2 Attacks instead of the usual +1 Attack for using an additional weapon in combat.
Power fist
Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon
Gravis power fist
Melee, Brutal (3)
Thunder hammer
Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Specialist Weapon
Lightning claw
Melee, Shred, Rending (6+), Specialist Weapon

Relentless warriors are strong of arm – nothing can slow their implacable advance.

Relentless models can shoot with Heavy or Ordnance weapons, counting as Stationary, even if they moved in the previous Movement phase. They are also allowed to Charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, or Rapid Fire weapons.
Gets Hot

Some weapons are fuelled by unstable power sources and risk overheating with each shot – often to the detriment of their wielder.

When firing a weapon that Gets Hot, roll To Hit as normal. For each unmodified To Hit roll of 1, the firing model immediately suffers a single Wound with an AP value equal to that of the weapon that was used to attack (Armour Saves, Invulnerable Saves and Feel No Pain rolls can be taken, but not Cover Saves or Shrouded rolls) – this Wound cannot be allocated to any other model in the unit. A Vehicle instead rolls a D6 for each roll of a 1 To Hit. If this roll results in a 1 or 2, the Vehicle suffers a Glancing Hit.
Assault Weapons

Assault weapons either fire so rapidly or indiscriminately that they can be fired while a warrior is moving.

A model attacking with an Assault weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying an Assault weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase.

Plasma blaster18"74Assault 2, Rending (4+), Gets Hot

The ancient volkite weaponry employed by the armies of Terra in the earliest years of the Great Crusade fired arcing blasts of energy rather than solid projectiles.

After normal attacks by this weapon have been resolved, count the number of unsaved Wounds caused on the target unit. Immediately resolve a number of additional automatic Hits on the same unit using the weapon’s profile equal to the number of unsaved Wounds – these can then be saved normally. Models in the targeted unit must still be in range in order for these additional Hits to take effect. These additional Hits do not themselves inflict more Hits and do not benefit from any other special rules possessed by the attacking model, such as Preferred Enemy (X) or Precision Strikes (X).
Pistol Weapons

Pistols are light enough to be carried and fired one-handed.

A model attacking with a Pistol weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying a Pistol weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase. A Pistol weapon also counts as a close combat weapon in the Assault phase. In addition, all models with two Pistol type weapons can attack with both in the same Shooting phase. This follows the normal rules for shooting.

Volkite serpenta10"55Pistol 2, Deflagrate
One Use/One Shot

Certain items can only be used once, so a general must choose wisely when to do so.

A weapon or ability with this special rule can only be used once during the course of a battle. Once a weapon with the One Use or One Shot special rule has been used to attack, it is no longer counted as a weapon and may not be destroyed (for example, by rolls on the Vehicle Damage table) or repaired by any other rule or effect.
Blast Markers and Templates
Some weapons are so powerful that they don’t just target a single model or unit, but have an ‘area effect’ which might encompass several different models or units. To better represent these circumstances, Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness games use a series of different Blast markers and templates:
  • A ‘Small’ Blast marker (3" in diameter).
  • A ‘Large’ Blast marker (5" in diameter).
  • A ‘Template’ (a teardrop-shaped template roughly 8" long).
A number of weapons are even more powerful, able to obliterate entire squads in a single shot. These apocalyptic weapons use even bigger markers and templates, which include:
  • A ‘Massive’ Blast marker (7" in diameter).
  • An ‘Apocalyptic’ Blast marker (10" in diameter).
  • An ‘Apocalyptic Barrage’ marker (a clover-shaped set of five overlapping markers, each 5" in diameter).
  • A ‘Hellstorm’ (a teardrop-shaped template roughly 16" long).
All of these templates and Blast markers can be purchased separately.

The templates and Blast markers are used as a way of determining how many models have been hit by an attack that has an area of effect or a blast radius. When an attack uses a template or Blast marker, it will explain how the template is positioned, including any kind of scatter that might occur (scatter is discussed further later in this section). To work out the number of Hits, you normally need to hold the template or Blast marker with its central hole over an enemy model or a particular point on the battlefield, and then look underneath (or through, if using a transparent template) to see how many models lie partially or completely underneath. Various special rules and weapon effects will provide additional details on the specific use of templates when making attacks with those special rules or weapons.

A unit takes a Hit for each model that is fully, or even partially, underneath the template or Blast marker. Remember that a model’s base is counted as being part of the model itself, so all a template or Blast marker has to do to cause a Hit is to cover any part of the target’s base.
Army List
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Bolt pistol

Bolt pistol
Pistol 1

Frag Grenades

This class of grenade contains only a small explosive charge, and is intended primarily to disorientate and distract the foe while closing on a fixed position.

A unit that includes at least one model with frag grenades makes attacks at its normal Initiative Step during an Assault after it has successfully Charged through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain, but still suffers any penalties to Charge rolls imposed by Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain when resolving a Charge through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain.
Krak Grenades

This class of grenade encompasses a variety of shaped charges, plasma detonators and crude bombs, all intended to disable armoured vehicles.

The controlling player may choose to have a model with krak grenades that is Engaged or otherwise in base contact during the Assault phase with a Building or Fortification, or a model with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type, inflict one automatic Str 6, AP 3 Hit on the target in Initiative Step 1 instead of attacking normally. Any model in a unit that is chosen to inflict Hits using krak grenades may not otherwise attack or make use of any other special rule or item of Wargear that inflicts Hits or Wounds on a model in the same Assault phase (but may participate in Sweeping Advances as normal).
Counter-attack (X)

Troops with this skill believe attack to be the best form of defence. If assaulted, they spring forward themselves and ferociously counter-attack the charging enemy.

If a unit contains at least one model with this special rule, and that unit is Charged, every model with the Counter-attack special rule gains a number of additional Attacks equal to the value in brackets listed as part of this special rule. If no value is listed then the unit gains +1 Attack.

If, when Charged, the unit was already locked in combat or has made the Hold the Line Reaction, the Counter-attack special rule has no effect.
Poisoned (X)

There are many virulent and lethal poisons in the Age of Darkness. It is simplicity itself to adapt such toxins for battlefield use. It does not matter whether they coat blades or bullets, or are secreted by alien monstrosities – all are lethal.

If a model has the Poisoned special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always Wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required, when attacking in close combat. In addition, if the Strength of the wielder (or the Poisoned weapon) is higher than the Toughness of the victim, the wielder must re-roll failed rolls To Wound in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always Wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required. If no number is shown in brackets, the rule is Poisoned (4+).

Unless otherwise stated, Poisoned weapons are treated as having a Strength of 1. The Poisoned special rule has no effect against Vehicles.
Crawling Fire

Phosphex, sometimes known as the ‘crawling fire’, seeks out and extinguishes life with a terrifying hunger.

After the Blast marker for a weapon with this special rule is placed, the attacking unit’s controlling player may move the marker up to 2" in any direction so long as this would cover more models than it previously would have.
Lingering Death

Many of the terrible weapons unleashed during the Horus Heresy tainted the very worlds they were used to conquer, poisoning the soil and burning the sky, leaving only calamity in their wake.

When a Blast weapon with this rule is used, after the attack is resolved leave the Blast marker in play for the rest of the game and mark it with a counter of some kind. This area is now treated as Dangerous Terrain for all models with a Toughness value.
Phosphex bomb

Phosphex bomb
Assault 1, One Use, Blast (3"), Poisoned (3+), Crawling Fire, Lingering Death

Artificer Armour

Forged by the master craftsmen of the Mechanicum, these superior variations of power armour are often highly embellished with ciphers of strength and durability, while some of wildly differing designs are far older than the present age and owe their origins to the forgotten zenith of human technological might.

Artificer armour confers a 2+ Armour Save.

Utilised by Techmarines and the Adepts of the Mechanicum, cyber-familiar is a term that encompasses a variety of semiautonomous devices such as servo-skulls, mek-spiders and other smaller drone units and lesser haemonculites tied into the direct neural control of their operator. These miniondrones are an extension of their master’s will and provide them with a host of additional senses and capabilities.

A model with a cyber-familiar adds +1 to its Invulnerable Save (to a maximum of 3+) or an Invulnerable Save of 6+ if they do not already possess one. In addition, they allow them to re-roll failed Characteristic tests other than Leadership tests, Psychic checks or failed Dangerous Terrain tests.

Scouts are always in the vanguard of the army. Unnoticed by the enemy, they range ahead of the main force.

After both sides have deployed (including Infiltrators), but before the first player begins their first turn, a unit containing at least one model with this special rule can choose to redeploy. If the unit is Infantry, Artillery, Dreadnought or Automata, each model can redeploy anywhere entirely within 6" of its current position. If it is any other Unit Type, each model can instead redeploy anywhere entirely within 12" of its current position. During this redeployment, Scouts can move outside the owning player’s Deployment Zone, but must remain more than 9" away from any enemy unit. A unit that makes a Scout redeployment cannot Charge in the first Game Turn. A unit cannot Embark or Disembark as part of a Scout redeployment.

If both sides have Scouts, roll off; the winner decides who redeploys first. Then alternate redeploying Scout units one at a time. If a unit with this special rule is deployed inside a Dedicated Transport, it confers the Scout special rule to the Transport (though a Disembarkation cannot be performed as part of the redeployment). Note that a Transport with this special rule does not lose it if a unit without this special rule is Embarked upon it. Having Scout also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Scouts that are kept as Reserves.

Many armies employ reconnaissance troops who sit concealed for days, just waiting for the right moment in which to strike.

You may choose to deploy units that contain at least one model with this special rule last, after all other units (friend and foe) have been deployed. If both players have such units and choose to do so, the players roll off and the winner decides who goes first,then alternate deploying these units.

Units that Infiltrate in this way can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy unit, as long as no deployed enemy unit can draw line of sight to them. This includes in a Building, as long as the Building is more than 9" from any enemy unit. Alternatively, they can be set up anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" from any enemy unit, even in plain sight.

If a unit with Infiltrate deploys inside a Dedicated Transport, the same rules apply when deploying their Transport.

A unit that deploys using these rules cannot Charge in their first turn.

Having Infiltrate also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Infiltrators that are kept as Reserves.
Owning Player, Opposing Player and Controlling Player
Sometimes a rule will ask the owning, opposing or controlling player to make an action or decision of some kind. The owning player is always the player who ‘owns’ the model in question – the one who has the model in their army. The opposing player is always their opponent. The controlling player is always the player in current command of that model – there are some special rules which can force models to switch sides during the course of the game.
Master of the Legion

The greatest commanders of the Space Marine Legions are all but peerless in their strategic and tactical abilities. The genecraft of the Emperor that created them, honed by individual talent and the experience of countless battles, has sharpened their acumen to a preternatural degree.

The Master of the Legion special rule grants the following benefits:
  • Rites of War: If a Detachment with the Legiones Astartes Faction includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule then that Detachment may select a single Rite of War. Rites of War are presented in the Legiones Astartes Rites of War section.
  • The Few and the Proud: An army may only include a maximum of one model with this special rule per 1,000 points. This counts across all Detachments of an army. Thus, an army that totals at least 1,000 points may include only a single model with the Master of the Legion special rule, and an army that totals at least 2,000 points may include up to two models with the Master of the Legion special rule, etc.
  • Retinue: A model with this special rule may also include a Legion Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii Command Squad or Legion Tartaros Command Squad as part of the same Force Organisation slot as the model with the Master of the Legion special rule.
Refractor Fields & Iron Halos

These devices are defensive field generators designed for personal protection. They encompass the wearer in an energy field or force barrier which serves to refract or deflect impacts and energy discharges. Although powerful, these fields are limited by the need for the wearer to move and the prodigious power consumption of the generator, which leaves vulnerabilities a canny opponent can exploit. Devices of this nature are relatively rare, even among the Space Marine Legions, and are the province of commanding officers and honoured champions, where they are often incorporated into armour or amulets and gifted as a mark of favour and rank.

A model with a refractor field gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save, and a model with an iron halo gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Invulnerable Saves granted by a refractor field or iron halo do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (such as cyber-familiar) that specifically increase existing saves. If a model has another Invulnerable Save then the controlling player must choose which one to use.
Precision Strikes (X)

The galaxy is replete with swordsmen and blade-masters who can pick out an enemy from a crowd and land a blow on them, even amidst the swirling chaos of hand-to-hand combat.

If a model with this special rule, or attacking with a weapon with this special rule, rolls equal to or higher than the value in brackets when making a To Hit roll as part of a melee attack, that hit is a ‘Precision Strike’. For example, if a model with the Precision Strikes (4+) special rule rolls a 4 or higher when making a To Hit roll, then that attack is a Precision Strike.

Wounds from Precision Strikes are allocated against a model (or models) of the attacking player’s choice in the target unit, as long as that model is engaged in combat with the attacking model’s unit, rather than following the normal rules for Wound allocation.
Independent Character

Mighty heroes go where they are needed, being at the forefront of the most vital charges and leading their troops to victory.

Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain Vehicles, Dreadnoughts, Automata or any model with the Monstrous sub-type (unless the Independent Character also has that Unit Type or sub-type). They can join other Independent Characters though to form a powerful multi-character unit.
Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion)
All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:

A model with this special rule is always considered to be 2" further away than it actually is when measuring range to it from any enemy model for the purpose of resolving a Shooting Attack, Charge or any Reaction declared by an enemy model or unit (this is cumulative with any other modifiers to range imposed by special rules, such as Night Fighting, or Wargear).

A Subtle Panoply
Models with this special rule gain access to unique Wargear options (see The Armoury of the Alpha Legion).

A Legion Centurion may choose to select the Saboteur upgrade as an option for the Legiones Consularis special rule, as detailed in The Armoury of the Alpha Legion section.
Sons Of The Hydra
A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from the Alpha Legion Warlord Trait list.
Venom Spheres

An exotic variant of the more commonplace grenades employed by the Space Marines. These advanced weapons contain toxinimpregnated crystalline splinters that have been darkly claimed to be based on xenos technology.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type may take one venom sphere for +10 points per model. Venom spheres are a weapon with the following profile:
Venom spheres
Assault 6, Poisoned (3+), One Shot

The Prince and the Prophet

Among the favoured weapons of the Alpha Legion warrior known as Dynat are a pair of power weapons crafted to be used in unison. The Prince is ostentatious and attracts the eyes of the foe, while the Prophet is the thunder-strike of truth delivered to the unwary.

The weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

The Prince
Melee, Rending (6+)
The Prophet
Melee, Unwieldy, Thunderstrike

Thunderstrike: If any enemy model that does not have the Vehicle Unit Type suffers one or more Hits (regardless of whether or not those Hits resulted in Wounds) from The Prince, then Armillus Dynat may make one Attack with The Prophet, in addition to any other attacks he has made with either weapon, in Initiative step 1.
Weapon Master

Armillus Dynat is famed for his ability as a warrior, demonstrating multi-tasking abilities that allow him to wield two weapons independently in combat, a feat that few of his peers could ever match. In battle he makes use of this ability to blindside opponents until the delivery of a killing strike his foe had no hope to defend against.

When attacking during the Assault phase, Armillus Dynat may choose to split his attacks between any of the weapons he has, declaring which Attacks will be used with which weapon profiles before any of his Attacks are rolled.
Warlord: The Harrowing
If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Armillus Dynat automatically has The Harrowing as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

The Harrowing – At the start of the battle, before any models are deployed by either player, the controlling player of an army whose Warlord is Armillus Dynat may choose to select three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Infantry Unit, and give all models in those units one of the following rules: Infiltrate, Scout, or Counterattack (1). In addition, an army whose Warlord is Armillus Dynat may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase, as long as Armillus Dynat has not been removed as a casualty.
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