Legiones Astartes – Legion Xiphon Interceptor

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The Xiphon Interceptor is a Legiones Astartes void/ atmospheric combat craft with an ancient lineage. While unique variations have been encountered on lost human colonies and in the hands of nomadic corsairs, the Legiones Astartes Xiphon was modified from that of the Rhadamanthys Enclave, brought into Compliance in 806.M30 and produced at Celestrix until its annihilation in 914.M30. While the enclave had used cyber-augmented pilots to withstand the extreme stresses generated by the Interceptor’s performance, it was found that Space Marines could successfully operate the craft without harm, although this limitation prevented the Xiphon from use within the wider Imperial fleet.

Though potent and heavily armed, the Xiphon was complex, had limited operational range compared to the larger Wrath, as well as being ill-favoured by the Mechanicum. By the time of the late Great Crusade, it had all but fallen out of frontline service except within the Ultramarines and Dark Angels Legions. The shockwaves of the Horus Heresy, however, were to see many Legions press their reserves of the Xiphon back into battle.

  • Legion Xiphon Interceptor 105 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Legion Xiphon (base: 120 x 92mm flying base)
Legion Xiphon 20 4 11 11 11 3 - 120 x 92mm flying base
Unit Composition
  • 1 Legion Xiphon Interceptor
  • Two Hull (Front) Mounted twin-linked lascannon
  • Hull (Front) Mounted rotary missile launcher
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Talons of the Legion
  • A Legion Xiphon Interceptor may take the following:
  • - Ramjet diffraction grid
    +20 points

These weapons are grafted to the same targeting system for greater accuracy.

When attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Legiones Astartes (X)

The Space Marines of the Emperor’s Legions are genetically engineered, psycho-indoctrinated warriors with superhuman abilities, and minds and souls tempered for war. Each of the Legions has its own idiosyncrasies and character – the product of their gene-seed and the unique warrior cultures fostered by their masters.

Any unit with this special rule will have a number of additional special rules and abilities specific to their ‘named’ Legion, all of which will be defined in other Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness publications. A Space Marine unit may only have one such ‘named’ rule, e.g., Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus). Space Marine units from a different Legion may only be included in an army using an Allied Detachment and in conjunction with the Allies in the Age of Darkness chart.
Heavy Weapons

These are heavy, man-portable weapons that typically require reloading between each shot or bracing to counter their recoil.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with a Heavy weapon attacks the number of times indicated. If a model equipped with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, they can only make Snap Shots with that Heavy weapon during the Shooting phase. Note that weapons with the Blast special rule cannot fire Snap Shots. Models that make Shooting Attacks with Heavy weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Reaper autocannon36"74Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Ignores Cover

This weapon fires ammunition that cheats an enemy of their shelter.

Cover Saves and Damage Mitigation rolls granted by the Shrouded special rule cannot be taken against Wounds or Hull Point damage caused by weapons with the Ignores Cover special rule. This includes Cover Saves granted by Reactions and other special rules as well as Cover Saves conferred by terrain.
Army List
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Some weapons strike with enough force to make a mockery of anything except the most reinforced of armoured shells.

Attacks with this special rule may re-roll failed Armour Penetration rolls against Vehicles and Buildings (both with Shooting Attacks and in close combat) and re-roll Glancing Hits, in an attempt to instead get a Penetrating Hit, but the second result must be kept.
Exoshock (X)

Each blast from this weapon that pierces its target’s armour sets off a chain reaction of secondary explosions.

If this weapon successfully scores a Penetrating Hit on a target, roll a D6. If the result of that roll is equal to or higher than the value in brackets after the rule, a second automatic Penetrating Hit is inflicted on the same target against which Cover Saves may not be taken. For example, a weapon with the Exoshock (4+) special rule would inflict a second Penetrating Hit on the score of a 4+. This second Penetrating Hit does not gain the effects of any other special rules, and cannot trigger additional Hits.

If, for any reason, a given instance of this rule does not have a value in brackets after the special rule, assume the value is 6+.
Weapon Mounts
Hull (Arc) Mounted – Hull (Arc) Mounted weapons will always specify a single Firing Arc and may only fire at targets in that Firing Arc. The different Hull arcs are: Front, Rear, Left and Right. Some units may specify Side as an arc – this means both Left and Right arcs.

For example, a Legion Land Raider Proteus has a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter – this weapon may only fire at targets in the Front Firing Arc.

Turret Mounted – Turret Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Hull arc (Front, Side or Rear) without restriction.

Centreline Mounted – Centreline Mounted weapons may only fire at targets in the Centreline Firing Arc.

Sponson Mounted – Sponson Mounted weapons are usually mounted in pairs, one on each side of a Vehicle (the Vehicle’s profile will note if this is not the case) and fire into the appropriate Sponson Firing Arc (either left or right). If the target of a Vehicle’s Shooting Attack is within the Firing Arc for only one of a pair of Sponson weapons, then the out of arc weapon may be fired at another enemy unit of the controlling player’s choice. This Secondary Target must be in the weapon’s line of sight and Firing Arc, but may be from a different unit than the original target.

Pintle Mounted – Pintle Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Firing Arc without restriction, but are always counted as Defensive weapons regardless of the weapon type or its statistics.

Heavy 1, Sunder

Rotary missile launcher

Rotary missile launcher
Heavy 3, Exoshock (6+), Ignores Cover, Twin-linked

Active and Reactive player
Other rules, most notably those for the Reactions used by units in certain situations, will specify actions by the ‘Active’ or ‘Reactive’ player. The Active player is always the player whose turn is currently being played, while the Reactive player is always the player whose turn is not currently being played.
Reaction Allotments
The Reactive player may attempt a set number of Reactions in each Phase of the Active player’s turn. This set number is referred to as the Reaction Allotment, and always begins at a base value of one. A player must expend one point of their Reaction Allotment in order to have a unit under their control make a Reaction and once the Reaction Allotment for that Phase is reduced to 0, sometimes referred to as being exhausted, then no more Reactions may be made.

Any player, unless a special rule or other effect specifies otherwise, may make one Reaction in each Phase of their opponent’s turn.

The Reaction Allotment of any player may be modified by special rules or other effects, granting that player additional Reactions either in every Phase (an increase of the Reaction Allotment) or in specific Phases. This may either increase the base Reaction Allotment, that is the number of Reactions allowed in every Phase, or only grant a bonus to the Reaction Allotment in specific Phases.

For example, a player might have a special rule that states ‘This special rule increases the Reaction Allotment to two’, which would indicate that the player could make two Reactions in every Phase of their opponent’s turn. However, a special rule that states ‘This special rule increases the number of Reactions that may be made during the Assault phase by +1’ would allow a player with a Reaction Allotment of one to make a single Reaction in the Shooting and Movement phases, but two in the Assault phase.

Regardless of any special rules or other effects, no player may ever increase their base Reaction Allotment above three, nor may any player ever make more than three Reactions in a given Phase unless a special rule specifically allows for a number of Reactions above the normal limit of three.

A Reaction may be made with any unit controlled by the Reactive player, though in a number of situations a special rule or condition may deny a unit the opportunity to react. The most common such conditions where a unit may not make a Reaction are:
Line of Sight
Line of sight determines what a model can ‘see’. Many situations call for you to determine whether or not a model has line of sight. A model normally needs line of sight whenever it wishes to attack an enemy, whether with a melee attack, or shooting attack. Line of sight literally represents your warriors’ view of the enemy – they must be able to see their foes through, under or over the battlefield terrain and other models (whether friendly or enemy).

For one model to have line of sight to another, you must be able to trace a straight, unblocked line from its body (the head, torso, arms or legs) to any part of the target’s body.

Sometimes, all that will be visible of a model is a weapon, banner, or other ornament they are carrying. In these cases, the model is not visible. Similarly, mechanical appendages such as cables, probes and ammo feeds are ignored, even though they may be part of a model’s body. These rules are intended to ensure that models don’t get penalised for having impressive banners, weaponry, and so on.

In many cases, what a model can ‘see’ will be obvious – if there’s a hill, building or mechanical construct in the way, the enemy might be blatantly out of sight. In other cases, two units will be clearly in view of each other as there is nothing at all in the way.

On those other occasions, where it’s not entirely obvious whether or not one unit can see another, the player will have to stoop over the battlefield and look from behind the model’s head for a ‘model’s eye view’. This means getting down to the level of your models and checking the battlefield from their perspective to ‘see what they can see’. You will find that you can spot lurking enemies through the windows of ruined buildings, catch a glimpse of a model’s legs under tree branches and see that high vantage points become very useful for the increased line of sight that they offer.
Talons of the Legion

Employed to cover the advance of the infantry companies below, those who pilot the aircraft of the Space Marine Legions are masters of the interception and destruction of enemy aircraft and airborne xenos beasts.

A unit or model with this special rule may be placed into Combat Air Patrol at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield. Models assigned to Combat Air Patrol are not deployed onto the battlefield and remain in Reserves – however, no Reserves rolls are made for these models. Instead, the controlling player gains access to the Combat Air Patrol Advanced Reaction.

Advanced Reaction: Combat Air Patrol

Advanced Reactions are available to specific players as noted in their description. Unlike Core Reactions they are activated in unique and specific circumstances, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced Reactions use up points of a Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted otherwise in their description.

Combat Air Patrol – This Advanced Reaction may be made whenever any enemy model that has the Vehicle Unit Type and the Flyer Sub-type enters the battlefield from Reserves. The Reactive player may nominate any one model that has been assigned to Combat Air Patrol. Once the enemy model with the Vehicle Unit Type and Flyer Sub-type that triggered this Reaction has finished any and all Movement as it is brought into play, the chosen model assigned to Combat Air Patrol is brought into play from any point on the edge of the battlefield, moving into play as if it had entered play from Reserves. Once the Combat Air Patrol model has finished its Movement it may immediately make a Shooting Attack targeting the enemy model that triggered this Reaction – as long as it has finished its Movement with line of sight to that model.

Only models with the Vehicle Unit Type and Flyer Sub-type may make the Combat Air Patrol Reaction.
Ramjet Diffraction Grid

Using similar technology to the flare shield, this system channels the plasma heat and radiated waste of a vehicle’s powerful engines into a scattering super-heated plasma field, leaving a fiery, comet-like trail in the vehicle’s wake.

A model with a ramjet diffraction grid reduces the Strength of Shooting Attacks made against its Rear or Side armour by -1, or -2 if that attack has the Blast special rule or uses a template to determine its Range. A ramjet diffraction grid has no effect on attacks inflicted with weapons of the Destroyer type.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024