The Astra Militarum is the sledgehammer of the Emperor, and its countless armies form the vast majority of the Imperium’s military might. Although often outclassed in terms of strength and technological advancement, the warriors and vehicles of the Imperial Guard stand together, relentlessly wearing down their enemies until nothing is left but a cratered wasteland.
Book | Kind | Edition | Version | Last update |
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![]() | Index | 10 | December 2024 | |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 2.0 | January 2025 |
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![]() | Rulebook | 10 | January 2025 | January 2025 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | December 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | December 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | December 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | October 2024 | |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 1.0 | October 2024 |
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![]() | Expansion | 10 | 1.9 | October 2024 |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | September 2024 | |
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![]() | Datasheet | 10 | September 2024 |
Q: | Can an OFFICER targeted with the Inspired Command Stratagem still issue an Order if it has already issued a number of Orders during that battle round equal to the number listed on its datasheet? For example, if a Cadian Castellan issues one Order during my Command phase, can I use the Inspired Command Stratagem in my opponent’s next Command phase to issue another Order, even if it is the same battle round? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | If a Tank Commander is destroyed by anything other than an attack, can that model use its Death Befitting An Officer ability? |
A: | No. |
Q: | If a Tank Commander is destroyed as a result of its own weapon’s [HAZARDOUS] ability, can that model use its Death Befitting An Officer ability? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | When a Tank Commander uses its Death Befitting An Officer ability, can it benefit from Big Guns Never Tire? |
A: | Only if it is your Shooting phase. |
Q: | Does a Scout Sentinel’s Daring Recon ability allow a unit shooting with an Indirect Fire weapon at a unit that is not visibile to it to score a hit on a Hit roll of less than a 4? |
A: | No. |
Q: | Does the Kasrkin Warrior Elite ability stack with Ursula Creed’s Lord Castellan ability to allow them to be affected by three different Orders at once? |
A: | No. |
Q: | Can the ROGAL DORN BATTLE TANK’s Ablative Plating ability be used against attacks that have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | Does the ROGAL DORN BATTLE TANK’s Ablative Plating ability have to be used against the first attack allocated to it? |
A: | No. |
Q: | Can any OFFICER in an Attached unit use the Master Vox ability while issuing an Order? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | Does URSULA CREED’s Tactical Genius ability allow the use of the Reinforcements! Stratagem? |
A: | No. A destroyed unit is not on the battlefield and therefore not within range of any Aura abilities. |
Q: | Does the KASRKIN’s Warrior Elite ability allow the same Order to be selected twice and for them to stack on this unit? |
A: | No. |
Q: | Can the TANK COMMANDER’s Death Befitting an OFFICER ability allow it to shoot out of combat in the Fight phase? |
A: | No. Big Guns Never Tire can only be used in the controlling player’s Shooting phase. |
Raised and trained to instil unwavering obedience, officers of the Imperial Guard command authority and respect, and issue orders with imperious bellows that cut through the clamour of war.
If your Army Faction is ASTRA MILITARUM, OFFICER models with this ability can issue Orders. Each OFFICER’s datasheet will specify how many Orders it can issue in a battle round and which units are eligible to receive those Orders. Each time an OFFICER model issues an Order, select one of the Orders below, then select one eligible friendly unit within 6" of that OFFICER model to issue it to. OFFICER models can issue Orders in your Command phase and at the end of a phase in which they disembarked from a TRANSPORT or were set up on the battlefield.Move! Move! Move! Add 3" to the Move characteristic of models in this unit. |
Fix Bayonets! Improve the Weapon Skill characteristic of melee weapons equipped by models in this unit by 1. |
Take Aim! Improve the Ballistic Skill characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in this unit by 1. |
First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire! Improve the Attacks characteristic of Rapid Fire weapons equipped by models in this unit by 1. |
Take Cover! Improve the Save characteristic of models in this unit by 1 (this cannot improve a model’s Save to better than 3+). |
Duty and Honour! Improve the Leadership and Objective Control characteristics of models in this unit by 1. |
Regiments of numerous origins and tactical roles inculcate their soldiers from an early age with the legendary doctrines of the Tactica Imperium. Infantry and tank crews are drilled in close-range fire patterns in the expectation of being thrust into the front lines.
Each time a model in a REGIMENT unit from your army makes a ranged attack that targets a visible unit (excluding MONSTERS and VEHICLES), that attack has the [LETHAL HITS] ability.
Ollanius the Pious is the epitome of Imperial sainthood, believed martyred at the hands of Horus himself. His death mask is a terrifying piece of craftsmanship, depicting in obsidian and void-fired bronze the agonised visage of a tortured angel. In the millennia since his passing, Ollanius’ death mask has been revered as a holy relic; loyal soldiers in the ancient artefact’s presence are granted the determination of the famous martyr himself. OFFICER model only. While the bearer’s unit is Battle-shocked, subtract 1 from the Objective Control characteristic of models in that unit, instead of changing it to 0. |
Expertly guiding their elite soldiers’ fire, this officer’s stentorian orders reinforce years of indoctrinated drills concerning the relentless application of accurate long-range volleys. OFFICER model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, if that unit Remained Stationary this turn, a Critical Hit is scored on a successful unmodified Hit roll of 5+. |
Having commanded troops on countless battlefields, this veteran officer has borne witness to the manifold caprices of war. They have perfected just as many strategic responses, and bark out a constant stream of rapidly evolving orders as the situation demands. OFFICER model only. In your Command phase, the bearer can issue one additional Order in each battle round. |
General Kurov was one of the most gifted officers in Imperial history. Upon retirement, he recorded dozens of tactical treatises that were translated into vox-ghosts and uploaded into a two-headed avian servitor referred to as Kurov’s Aquila. An officer who possesses this prestigious tool can turn to it for guidance. In response, the servitor’s blindfolded head will vocalise the most relevant vox-ghost in Kurov’s commanding tones, lecturing its owner on counter-tactics. The other head’s eyes glow above its bound-shut beak as they project a hololithic display of Kurov himself, his image flickering as it reveals the manoeuvres of wars long past. OFFICER model only. Gain following ability: |
When the Astra Militarum launch rapid offensives, their attack routes are typically planned well in advance. Should a crucial bridge, mountain pass, supply depot or other essential landmark lie along their path, an elite force may be tasked to secure it ahead of the main push. The elite warriors of the Militarum Tempestus or equivalent specialist companies like the Cadian Kasrkin most often undertake such missions. Deploying via aircraft, grav-chutes or columns of fast armoured transports, the force hits their target zone hard, relying upon firepower and surprise to dislodge enemy defenders. With the site secured, the strike forces must hold their prize against whatever the foe hurls at them until the main strength of the Imperial host reaches their position and relieves them.
The soldiers who make up such targeted strike forces are hand-picked for their excellence and – where possible – provided with rigorous additional training to prepare them for conditions and foes on the ground.
Each time an ASTRA MILITARUM INFANTRY model from your army makes a ranged attack, re‐roll a Hit roll of 1.Key to this force’s mission is the swift purgation of local enemy forces through sudden deployment and focused firefights. As such, whether they hit the ground from a low-altitude drop or deploy from armoured transports, the soldiers of this formation are trained to find targets and start shooting the instant the foe is in sight.
Each time a MILITARUM TEMPESTUS model from your army makes a ranged attack in a turn in which it was set up on the battlefield from Reserves or it disembarked from a TRANSPORT, add 1 to the Wound roll.
This device is a precious example of an omni-frequency master vox-array manufactured on the long-lost forge world of Urvax. It facilitates the rapid dissemination of orders throughout the entire strike force. MILITARUM TEMPESTUS OFFICER model only. Each time the bearer issues an Order, if the bearer’s unit contains one or more models equipped with a master vox, it can issue that Order to up to three different REGIMENT units, instead of only one. |
Locked to the designator runes of this officer’s dropship and heavily warded against interference, this predeployed beacon ensures they land swiftly and on target. MILITARUM TEMPESTUS OFFICER model only. The bearer’s unit can be set up using the Deep Strike ability in the Reinforcements step of your first, second or third Movement phase, regardless of any mission rules. |
Believed to be the roost of protective machine spirits, this small tech-ossuary is worn on a chain around the neck and obfuscates the bearer and their comrades when moving. MILITARUM TEMPESTUS OFFICER model only. Enemy units cannot use the Fire Overwatch Stratagem to shoot at the bearer’s unit. |
This tactically astute officer insists on orbital sensor sweeps and psy-scrying ahead of the operation’s commencement, providing vital intelligence. INFANTRY OFFICER model only. After both players have deployed their armies, select up to three REGIMENT units from your army and redeploy them. When doing so, you can set those units up in Strategic Reserves, regardless of how many units are already in Strategic Reserves. |
Astra Militarum regiments spend months, even years, travelling aboard voidships between war zones. Many fortify their billets during such long periods of inactivity, whether against the danger of hostile boarders, or to hide illicit activities from prying discipline masters!
Amidst the point-blank mayhem of shipboard battle, officers often find themselves directing scratch formations of hastily rallied soldiery.
Units from your army with the Voice of Command ability retain that ability and gain this one.At a shouted command from their superiors, Imperial Guardsmen throw themselves flat to the decks, allowing the ranks behind to fire over their heads.
Each time an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army is selected to shoot, you can select one other friendly ASTRA MILITARUM unit (excluding OGRYN units). Until the end of the phase, models in the attacking unit can ignore models in that friendly unit for the purposes of determining visibility.Rigged Blind Grenades Whether intending to defend some contraband stash or as a precaution to slow down enemy boarding parties, the Imperial Guardsmen have booby trapped this hatch with a bundle of blind grenades. Once per battle, when an enemy unit opens a Hatchway, if the bearer is on the battlefield, it can use this Enhancement. If it does, roll one D6: on a 2+, that enemy unit is Battle-shocked. |
Shipboard Veteran This officer has coordinated more than their fair share of boarding actions and voidship defence actions, and knows precisely which strategic gambits will bring them victory in such conditions. Each time you target an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army with a Stratagem, if that unit is visible to the bearer, roll one D6: on a 4+, you gain 1CP. |
The Militarum Tempestus excel in high-intensity, fast-moving raids. Some of their regiments further refine these specialisms towards the boarding of voidships, storming vital locations to seize and scuttle the vessel or extract vital personnel from the foe’s clutches.
Amidst the point-blank mayhem of shipboard battle, officers often find themselves directing scratch formations of hastily rallied soldiery.
Units from your army with the Voice of Command ability retain that ability and gain this one.Tempestus Scions are drilled to progress through voidships chamber by chamber, corridor by corridor, clearing each with blitzing firepower before sweeping on to the next.
Each time a MILITARUM TEMPESTUS unit from your army is selected to shoot, if one or more models in that unit are within 1" of an open Hatchway and every model in that unit is on the same side of that Hatchway, select one enemy unit on the opposite side of that Hatchway from that unit. Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [LETHAL HiTS] ability while targeting that enemy unit.Covert Breach Moving with stealth and urgency, these Scions have already bypassed the enemy’s outer defences before their presence is even detected. At the start of the first battle round, the bearer’s unit can make a Normal move of up to 6". |
Elimination Force Tasked with the destruction of a specific enemy asset, the Tempestus Scions focus their most lethal attentions against it as per their explicit orders. At the start of the first battle round, select one enemy unit. Each time a model in the bearer’s unit makes an attack that targets that enemy unit, if the Strength characteristic of that attack is less than the Toughness characteristic of that enemy unit, add 1 to the Wound roll. |
The OFFICER keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
The OFFICER keywords are used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
andThe TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
Rapid fire weapons are capable of long-ranged precision shots or controlled bursts at nearby targets.
Weapons with [RAPID FIRE X] in their profile are known as Rapid Fire weapons. Each time such a weapon targets a unit within half that weapon’s range, the Attacks characteristic of that weapon is increased by the amount denoted by ‘x’.Raised and trained to instil unwavering obedience, officers of the Imperial Guard command authority and respect, and issue orders with imperious bellows that cut through the clamour of war.
If your Army Faction is , OFFICER models with this ability can issue Orders. Each OFFICER’s datasheet will specify how many Orders it can issue in a battle round and which units are eligible to receive those Orders. Each time an OFFICER model issues an Order, select one of the Orders below, then select one eligible friendly unit within 6" of that OFFICER model to issue it to. OFFICER models can issue Orders in your Command phase and at the end of a phase in which they disembarked from a TRANSPORT or were set up on the battlefield.Move! Move! Move! Add 3" to the Move characteristic of models in this unit. |
Fix Bayonets! Improve the Weapon Skill characteristic of melee weapons equipped by models in this unit by 1. |
Take Aim! Improve the Ballistic Skill characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in this unit by 1. |
First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire! Improve the Attacks characteristic of Rapid Fire weapons equipped by models in this unit by 1. |
Take Cover! Improve the Save characteristic of models in this unit by 1 (this cannot improve a model’s Save to better than 3+). |
Duty and Honour! Improve the Leadership and Objective Control characteristics of models in this unit by 1. |
Weapons powered by unstable and dangerous energy sources pose a substantial risk to the wielder every time they are used.
Weapons with [HAZARDOUS] in their profile are known as Hazardous weapons. Each time a unit is selected to shoot or fight, after that unit has resolved all of its attacks, for each Hazardous weapon that targets were selected for when resolving those attacks, that unit must take one Hazardous test. To do so, roll one D6: on a 1, that test is failed. For each failed test you must resolve the following sequence (resolve each failed test one at a time):Monsters and war engines can dispense death from afar even as they trample the masses before them.
MONSTER and VEHICLE units are eligible to shoot in their controlling player’s Shooting phase even while they are within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units. Ranged weapons equipped by MONSTER and VEHICLE units can target one or more of the enemy units they are within Engagement Range of, even if other friendly units are also within Engagement Range of the same enemy unit. Each time a MONSTER or VEHICLE unit makes a ranged attack, if that unit was within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units when it selected its targets, unless that attack is made with a Pistol, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll.Indirect fire weapons launch munitions over or around intervening obstacles – nowhere is safe from their fury.
Weapons with [INDIRECT FIRE] in their profile are known as Indirect Fire weapons, and attacks can be made with them even if the target is not visible to the attacking model. These attacks can destroy enemy models in a target unit even though none may have been visible to the attacking unit when you selected that target.The REGIMENT keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
The CHARACTER keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
Some weapons can inflict fatal injuries on any foe, no matter their resilience.
Weapons with [LETHAL HITS] in their profile are known as Lethal Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, a Critical Hit automatically wounds the target.The SQUADRON keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
The INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
andThe VEHICLE keywords are used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
andThe MILITARUM TEMPESTUS keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
The BATTLELINE keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, high-altitude descent or other extraordinary means that allow them to appear suddenly in the thick of the fighting.
During the Declare Battle Formations step, if every model in a unit has this ability, you can set it up in Reserves instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability.The INFANTRY and OFFICER keywords are used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
The TITANIC keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
Shattered ruins and twisted wreckage afford much-needed shelter from enemy salvoes. Even heavily armoured warriors unfazed by small arms fire are thankful for such cover when foes bring their biggest guns to bear.
Models can sometimes gain a measure of protection from terrain features. The rules below detail the conditions under which a terrain feature confers the Benefit of Cover on a model.The REGIMENT and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
Some attacks are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury.
Some rules inflict mortal wounds on units. Each time mortal wounds are inflicted on a unit, each of those mortal wounds inflicts one point of damage to that unit, and they are always applied one at a time. Each mortal wound is allocated to a model in the same manner as allocating an attack. Excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost if the damage can be allocated to another model. Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.The LOYAL PROTECTOR keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
The COMMAND SQUAD keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets:
The OGRYN keyword is used in the following Astra Militarum datasheets: