Volkanite disintegrator [devastating wounds] | |||||||
Volkanite disintegrator [devastating wounds] | 18" | 3 | 2+ | 5 | 0 | 1 | |
Blade of the Ancestors [devastating wounds] | |||||||
Blade of the Ancestors [devastating wounds] | Melee | 5 | 2+ | 6 | -3 | 2 |
1 model | 80 |
The Kin are a highly practical people in every area of life, not least in war. Their leaders make swift and careful calculations before and during battle, constantly striving to determine if the potential reward of conflict is worth the inevitable loss of resources and precious Kin lives. An essential part of this is what is known as casting the Eye of the Ancestors, through which Kin commanders assess the greatest enemy threats, mark weak points in their defences and determine what forces are needed to overcome both.
If your Army Faction is , each time an enemy unit destroys a unit from your army, that enemy unit gains 1 Judgement token. An enemy unit can never have more than 2 Judgement tokens (any further Judgement tokens a unit would gain beyond this are ignored).
Weapons powered by unstable and dangerous energy sources pose a substantial risk to the wielder every time they are used.
Weapons with [HAZARDOUS] in their profile are known as Hazardous weapons. Each time a unit is selected to shoot or fight, after that unit has resolved all of its attacks, for each Hazardous weapon that targets were selected for when resolving those attacks, that unit must take one Hazardous test. To do so, roll one D6: on a 1, that test is failed. For each failed test you must resolve the following sequence (resolve each failed test one at a time):Whether shielded by force fields, enveloped in mystical energies or simply possessed of preternatural senses and lightning-fast reflexes, some warriors are protected by more than mere physical armour.
Some models have an invulnerable save listed on their datasheet. Each time an attack is allocated to a model with an invulnerable save, the controlling player must choose to use either that model’s Save characteristic or its invulnerable save, but not both. If a model has more than one invulnerable save, it can only use one of them – choose which it will use.Some weapons strike in a flurry of blows, tearing the foe apart with relentless ferocity.
Weapons with [SUSTAINED HITS X] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if a Critical Hit is rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’.High-explosives can fell several warriors in a single blast, but firing them where your comrades will get caught in the ensuing detonation is simply unwise.
Weapons with [BLAST] in their profile are known as Blast weapons, and they make a random number of attacks. Each time you determine how many attacks are made with a Blast weapon, add 1 to the result for every five models that were in the target unit when you selected it as the target (rounding down). Blast weapons can never be used to make attacks against a unit that is within Engagement Range of one or more units from the attacking model’s army (including its own unit).The
keyword is used in the following Leagues of Votann datasheets:The INFANTRY keyword is used in the following Leagues of Votann datasheets:
Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, high-altitude descent or other extraordinary means that allow them to appear suddenly in the thick of the fighting.
During the Declare Battle Formations step, if every model in a unit has this ability, you can set it up in Reserves instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability.Shattered ruins and twisted wreckage afford much-needed shelter from enemy salvoes. Even heavily armoured warriors unfazed by small arms fire are thankful for such cover when foes bring their biggest guns to bear.
Models can sometimes gain a measure of protection from terrain features. The rules below detail the conditions under which a terrain feature confers the Benefit of Cover on a model.Many warriors thunder headlong into combat, using the impetus of their charge to bring swift death to their foes.
Each time a unit makes a Charge move, until the end of the turn, that unit has the Fights First ability.The INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Leagues of Votann datasheets:
andThe Kin of an Oathband are skilled warriors and ruthless expansionists, instinctively working together to defeat their foes and efficiently achieve their aims. As with everything, they approach war with a grim, methodical pragmatism that is an inspiration to other Kin.
At the start of the battle, select a number of units from your opponent’s army depending on the battle size, as shown below:
With their minds entirely focused on the singular mission with which they have been charged, the Kin work to blast a path through the enemy lines with the same tenacity as a Brôkhyr beating metal or a Cthonian miner splitting bedrock.
Each time a model from your army makes an attack with a weapon (excluding Blast weapons) that targets the closest eligible target or a target that is within Engagement Range of that model’s unit:The Kin proceed with steadfast determination, exterminating all resistance and securing decks one at a time. Aggressively yet methodically, resistance is swept aside.
In your Shooting phase, each time a unit from your army has shot, if one or more enemy units were destroyed by those attacks and that unit is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 3" and can then attempt to operate a Hatchway.Precision attacks can pick high-value targets out in a crowd, whether through the unerring aim of a sniper or the pinpoint accuracy of a blade-master’s strike.
Weapons with [PRECISION] in their profile are known as Precision weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon successfully wounds an Attached unit (see Leader ability), if a CHARACTER model in that unit is visible to the attacking model, the attacking model’s player can choose to have that attack allocated to that CHARACTER model instead of following the normal attack sequence.Mighty heroes fight at the forefront of battle.
Some CHARACTER units have ‘Leader’ listed on their datasheets. Such CHARACTER units are known as Leaders, and the units they can lead – known as their Bodyguard units – are listed on their datasheet.The CHARACTER keyword is used in the following Leagues of Votann datasheets: