Sylvaneth – Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth

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Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth

Belthanos leads the eternal hunt that keeps his master Kurnoth’s spirit in bloom. Cloaked in evergreen and riding atop a Carnelian Greatspite made of pure life magic, he chases down those who would harm Ghyran so that his howling followers might rip them apart.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg
Kurnoth Glaive
Kurnoth Glaive2"43+-33
Razor-like Mandibles and Chitinous Legs
Razor-like Mandibles and Chitinous Legs2"44+3+-2
Wounds SufferedKurnothi War-hornKurnoth GlaiveRazor-like Mandibles and Chitinous Legs

Unit Size: 1      Points: 360
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth
Base size: 150 x 95mm
Notes: Single, Unique

Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth, is armed with a Kurnoth Glaive.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Free Spirits

FLY: This unit can fly.

MOUNT: This unit’s Carnelian Greatspite is armed with Razor-like Mandibles and Chitinous Legs.

Nature Aetheric: The Carnelian Greatspite is Ghyranite magic made manifest and where it roams, the land is imbued with life-giving energy.
In your hero phase, you can pick 1 terrain feature within 6" of this unit and roll a dice. On a 3+, pick 1 scenery rule from the Mysterious Terrain table (core rules, 28.1.3) to apply to that terrain feature for the rest of the battle. If that terrain feature already has a scenery rule from the Mysterious Terrain table, that rule is replaced by the one that you pick. That terrain feature is also considered by you to be an overgrown terrain feature.

Mantle of Leaves: Sylvaneth songs speak of the leaf cloak that protects Belthanos, a gift from the Hunter God, Kurnoth.
This unit has a ward of 5+.

Kurnothi War-horn: The melody of Belthanos’s war-horn brings forth a surging response from the hunt.
Friendly SYLVANETH units wholly within range of this ability can attempt a charge even if they ran in the same turn.

The Unending Hunt: As the master of the hunt, Belthanos’s song is heeded without question.
You can use this command ability at the start of your movement phase. The unit that receives the command must be a friendly SYLVANETH unit. That unit can retreat and still charge later in the turn.


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9.4 Flying
If the warscroll used by a model says that it can fly, you can ignore other models and terrain features when you trace the path of its move across the battlefield (it flies over them). In addition, when a model that can fly starts or finishes a move on a terrain feature, instead of tracing its move across the battlefield, you can trace it ‘through the air’, as shown in the diagram below.

A flying model cannot finish a move on top of another model or finish a normal move, run or retreat within 3" of an enemy unit.
14.3 Wards
Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to negate a wound or mortal wound, or to allocate a wound or mortal wound to a unit other than the original target. Abilities of this type are referred to as wards, and the dice roll is referred to as a ward roll. Unless stated otherwise, the ward roll is made before the wound is allocated to the model in question. Up to 1 ward roll can be made for each wound or mortal wound, unless specified otherwise. If the ward roll is successful, the wound or mortal wound is negated and has no effect on the model. If a wound or mortal wound cannot be negated, you cannot make a ward roll for that wound or mortal wound.

The HERO keyword is used in the following Sylvaneth warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth
• Ylthari

The MONSTER keyword is used in the following Sylvaneth warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth
• Merwyrm
6.1 Using Command Abilities
To use a command ability, you must spend 1 command point, pick 1 friendly model to issue the command, and pick 1 friendly unit to receive the command. Unless noted otherwise, the models that can issue commands and the units they can issue them to are as follows:
  • Unit champions can issue commands to their own unit (see 22.3.2).
  • HEROES can issue commands to units that are wholly within 12" of them.
  • Generals can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
  • TOTEMS can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
Each command ability will say when it can be used and what effect it has on the unit that receives it. A model cannot issue more than 1 command in the same phase and a unit cannot receive more than 1 command in the same phase. In addition, you cannot use the same command ability more than once in the same phase (even for different units).
8.2 Retreat
When you pick a unit to retreat, you can move each model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move characteristic shown on the unit’s warscroll. The unit must end the move more than 3" from all enemy units. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with a unit that has retreated. Units cannot retreat if they are not within 3" of an enemy unit.

The KURNOTH HUNTERS keyword is used in the following Sylvaneth warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth
11.1 Charge Moves
When you attempt a charge with a unit, make a charge roll for the unit by rolling 2D6. You can then make a charge move with each model in that unit by moving the model a distance in inches that is equal to or less than the charge roll. The first model you move in a unit attempting a charge must finish the move within 1/2" of an enemy unit. If this is impossible, no models in the unit can make a charge move.

You do not have to pick a target for a charge attempt before making the charge roll.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024