Adeptus Titanicus

Titans are amongst the largest war engines to be found anywhere in the galaxy, ponderous battleships of the land whose weapon batteries are capable of obliterating entire formations of enemy troops. Created before the dawn of the Imperium, each god-engine is a miracle of forgotten technology. During the catastrophic wars of the Horus Heresy, the once-mighty Titan Legions warred against one another in great numbers, but their numbers are now much diminished. While loyalist Titans still defend the forge worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus and march against the enemies of the Imperium, their traitorous brethren were consigned to the Eye of Terror where they became Chaos Titans – twisted mockeries of their former glory who now fight alongside warbands of traitors and renegades.


BookKindEditionVersionLast update
  Imperial Armour: Titans
  Imperial Armour: TitansIndex10June 2023
  Munitorum Field Manual
  Munitorum Field ManualExpansion101.11June 2024

Army Rules

Towering Example

When mustering your army, if your Army Faction is ADEPTUS TITANICUS, ignore the Select Detachment Rules step. In the Select Warlord step, select one ADEPTUS TITANICUS model from your army to be your WARLORD, even though that model does not have the CHARACTER keyword.

Titanic Support

If every model in your army has the IMPERIUM keyword, you can include 1 ADEPTUS TITANICUS model in your army, even if it does not have the Faction keyword you selected in the Select Army Faction step.

Super-heavy Walker

Each time a model with this ability makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, it can move over models (excluding TITANIC models) and terrain features that are 4" or less in height as if they were not there.

Titanicus Traitoris

You can use the ADEPTUS TITANICUS datasheets in this document to represent TITANICUS TRAITORIS models if you wish. To do so, on those datasheets and on this Army Rules card, replace all instances of the IMPERIUM keyword with CHAOS, and replace all instances of the ADEPTUS TITANICUS Faction keyword with TITANICUS TRAITORIS. For the purposes of points values, use those published for the equivalent ADEPTUS TITANICUS models.

Designer’s Note: Titans are colossal war machines that can turn the tide of battle. As such, the points values of some of these models are greater than even Onslaught-sized battles can accommodate; they are designed for battlefields of the most apocalyptic scale you can imagine!

6. Select Warlord
Select one CHARACTER model from your army to be your Warlord – this will be the leader of your army – and make a note of this on your Army Roster. Your Warlord gains the WARLORD keyword.
Normal Moves
When a unit makes a Normal move, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move (M) characteristic, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of any enemy models.

  • Normal Move: Models move up to M".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
Advance Moves
When a unit Advances, make an Advance roll for that unit by rolling one D6. Add the result in inches to the Move characteristic of each model in that unit until the end of the phase. Each model in that unit can then make an Advance move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to this total, but no model can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models. A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Advanced.

  • Advance Move: Models move up to M+D6".
  • Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models.
  • Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn.
Fall Back Moves
When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can make a Fall Back move by moving a distance in inches less than or equal to its Move characteristic, and when doing so you can move it within Engagement Range of enemy models, provided it does not end that move within Engagement Range of any enemy models – if this is not possible, that unit cannot Fall Back.

A unit cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn that it Fell Back.

Desperate Escape Tests
Unlike when making other types of move, models can move over enemy models when making a Fall Back move as if those enemy models were not there, but you must take a Desperate Escape test for each model that will do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY) before any models in that unit are moved. In addition, if a unit is Battle-shocked when it is selected to Fall Back, you must take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit before any are moved.

Each time you take a Desperate Escape test for a model, roll one D6. For each roll of 1-2, one model from the unit that is Falling Back is destroyed (selected by you). The same model can only ever trigger one Desperate Escape test per phase.

  • Fall Back Move: Models move up to M".
  • Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn.
  • Models can move over enemy models when Falling Back, but you must take Desperate Escape tests for them before they do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY).
  • If a Battle-shocked unit is selected to Fall Back, take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit.
  • Desperate Escape Test: Roll one D6. On a 1-2, one model from that unit is destroyed.

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