Forces of the Emperor – Coronus Grav-carrier

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The Coronus grav-carrier is perhaps one of the most well-known of the vehicles used exclusively by the Legio Custodes. It was already under wide utilisation across the Legio in the closing decades of the Great Crusade, replacing the limited numbers of the relic Jocasta pattern gravcraft that had survived the Unification Wars on Ancient Terra. The use of heavily protected gravcraft by the Legio Custodes granted their forces a degree of speed and agility that could not be matched by the grinding armour of other forces of the Imperium, allowing them to deploy, redeploy and evade without the danger of being easily pinned down by enemy troops or hazardous terrain.

The Coronus pattern also served as the inspiration and technological basis for the Pallas and the Caladius grav-craft, developed to meet the specific strategic needs of rapid attack and line of battletank respectively.

  • Coronus Grav-carrier 180 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Coronus Grav-carrier (base: 170 x 109mm)
Coronus Grav-carrier 16 5 13 12 10 5 18 170 x 109mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Coronus Grav-carrier
  • Hull (Front) Mounted twin Lastrum bolt cannon
  • Turret Mounted twin-linked Arachnus blaze cannon
  • Flare shield
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Legio Custodes
  • Power of the Machine Spirit
  • Deep Strike
  • Outflank
  • Loyalist
Access Points
  • A Coronus Grav-carrier has one Access Point at the rear of the vehicle.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Nemesis Units
A ‘Nemesis’ unit is defined as any enemy unit that fulfils at least one of the following conditions:
Legio Custodes

The Custodes were the finest warriors known to the Imperium, faster and stronger than even the super-human warriors of the Legiones Astartes and outfitted from the secret arsenals of the Emperor himself. They were deployed to the field of battle only in the face of the most dire threats or to accompany the grandest heroes and pay witness to the most important of triumphs. They were the heroes of their age, renowned for their courage and feared more than any other by the foes of Mankind.

Models with this special rule gain the following benefits in various situations that involve ‘Nemesis’ units (see the Nemesis unit entry):
  • All models with this special rule gain +1 Attacks when locked in combat with a Nemesis Unit.
  • A unit composed entirely of models with this special rule gains an additional bonus of +1 to all Charge rolls made when all targets of the Charge are Nemesis Units.
  • When rolling to Hit while Engaged with a Nemesis unit, a model with this special rule will never need to roll better than 4+ to score a Hit – unless the Nemesis unit is composed entirely of models with the Primarch Unit Type, or the attacking model is in a Challenge with a model that has the Primarch Unit Type.

Whether pledged to the Emperor himself as the rightful leader of Mankind or to the dream of the Imperium that he intended to create, some warriors swore to fight and die for the Loyalist cause and no other.

A model with this special rule may only be included in an army that has the Loyalist Allegiance.
Army List
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Some weapons and warriors strike in a flurry of blows, tearing flesh asunder in a series of brutal strikes.

If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls.

These weapons are grafted to the same targeting system for greater accuracy.

When attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.
Heavy Weapons

These are heavy, man-portable weapons that typically require reloading between each shot or bracing to counter their recoil.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with a Heavy weapon attacks the number of times indicated. If a model equipped with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, they can only make Snap Shots with that Heavy weapon during the Shooting phase. Note that weapons with the Blast special rule cannot fire Snap Shots. Models that make Shooting Attacks with Heavy weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Reaper autocannon36"74Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked

This datasheet has Dedicated Transports Battlefield Role. Full list of Forces of the Emperor units sharing same Battlefield Role follows:

Weapon Mounts
Hull (Arc) Mounted – Hull (Arc) Mounted weapons will always specify a single Firing Arc and may only fire at targets in that Firing Arc. The different Hull arcs are: Front, Rear, Left and Right. Some units may specify Side as an arc – this means both Left and Right arcs.

For example, a Legion Land Raider Proteus has a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter – this weapon may only fire at targets in the Front Firing Arc.

Turret Mounted – Turret Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Hull arc (Front, Side or Rear) without restriction.

Centreline Mounted – Centreline Mounted weapons may only fire at targets in the Centreline Firing Arc.

Sponson Mounted – Sponson Mounted weapons are usually mounted in pairs, one on each side of a Vehicle (the Vehicle’s profile will note if this is not the case) and fire into the appropriate Sponson Firing Arc (either left or right). If the target of a Vehicle’s Shooting Attack is within the Firing Arc for only one of a pair of Sponson weapons, then the out of arc weapon may be fired at another enemy unit of the controlling player’s choice. This Secondary Target must be in the weapon’s line of sight and Firing Arc, but may be from a different unit than the original target.

Pintle Mounted – Pintle Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Firing Arc without restriction, but are always counted as Defensive weapons regardless of the weapon type or its statistics.
Twin Lastrum bolt cannon

Twin Lastrum bolt cannon
Heavy 8, Shred


The terror of tank commanders, a lance weapon fires a concentrated beam of energy that can bore through any armour, regardless of thickness.

Weapons with the Lance special rule count Vehicle Armour Values that are higher than 12 as 12.
Exoshock (X)

Each blast from this weapon that pierces its target’s armour sets off a chain reaction of secondary explosions.

If this weapon successfully scores a Penetrating Hit on a target, roll a D6. If the result of that roll is equal to or higher than the value in brackets after the rule, a second automatic Penetrating Hit is inflicted on the same target against which Cover Saves may not be taken. For example, a weapon with the Exoshock (4+) special rule would inflict a second Penetrating Hit on the score of a 4+. This second Penetrating Hit does not gain the effects of any other special rules, and cannot trigger additional Hits.

If, for any reason, a given instance of this rule does not have a value in brackets after the special rule, assume the value is 6+.
Arachnus blaze cannon

Arachnus blaze cannon
Heavy 2, Lance, Exoshock (6+)

Flare Shield

Another of the Mechanicum’s specialised systems that only their high adepts truly understand, a flare shield is a directional electromagnetic flux field generator rumoured by some to be a product of Dark Age technology from a source best left forgotten.

A model with a flare shield reduces the strength of Shooting Attacks made against its Front Armour by -1, or -2 if that Shooting Attack has the Blast special rule or uses a template to determine its Range. A flare shield has no effect on Shooting Attacks inflicted with weapons of the Destroyer type.
Power of the Machine Spirit

The interface between this vehicle’s advanced machine spirit and its fire control mechanisms allows the crew to target foes with incredible accuracy.

A Vehicle with this special rule may attack different targets with each Ranged weapon it is permitted to fire during any Shooting Attack.
Deep Strike

Some units make their way to battle via tunnelling, teleportation, flying, or some other extraordinary means which allows them to appear in the thick of the fighting.

A unit made up entirely of models with this special rule may perform a Deep Strike Assault. Certain Faction or unit special rules may present other options for the deployment of units with the Deep Strike special rule.

Some units make use of their inherent speed, stealth or other capabilities to launch a surprise assault on the foe from an unexpected direction.

A unit made up entirely of models with this special rule may perform a Flanking Assault. Certain Faction or unit special rules may present other options for the deployment of units with the Outflank special rule.
Access Points
Each Vehicle capable of carrying passengers will have a number of Access Points defined in its entry. These are the doors, ramps and hatches that passengers use to get in and out of the Vehicle. Transports on flying bases also count the base as an Access Point.
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