Forces of the Omnissiah – Ordinatus Ulator

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The fabled macro engines of the Centurio Ordinatus are rare and truly arcane technological wonders of staggering power. An esoteric weapon system capable of immense destruction, the Mechanicum Ordinatus Ulator ranks among the smaller classes of Ordinatus, but nevertheless stands as a colossus of war and is one of the most potent war machines at the Imperium’s disposal. The Ordinatus Ulator’s primary weapon system is the Ulator class sonic destructor, a terrifying weapon whose origins lie in the shadows of the Age of Strife; these devices, though inferior copies of the unique armament of the great Primus Ordinatus Mars, still operate on an order of magnitude far beyond anything mounted even on the largest superheavy tank found in the Imperium’s common arsenal. Using a plasma reactor akin to those found on Battle Titans to power a directional sonic transduction generator of terrible power, it emits a varying waveform of destructive sound energy able to shatter the most resilient materials. The annihilating wave-pulse traverses the battlefield, wreaking havoc on all before it, the particular effect of its design meaning that the larger the target, the more damaging the wave’s impact.

  • Ordinatus Ulator 1075 pts
Armour Transport Capacity
M BS Front Side Rear HP Base
Ordinatus Ulator (base: Use model)
Ordinatus Ulator 10 4 14 13 13 14 - Use model
Unit Composition
  • 1 Ordinatus Ulator
  • One Hull (Front) Mounted sonic destructor
  • One Hull (Rear) Mounted volkite culverin
  • Two Sponson Mounted volkite culverins
  • Ordinatus dispersion shield
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • It Will Not Die (6+)
  • Reactor Meltdown (Major)
  • Reinforced Structure
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.

The ancient volkite weaponry employed by the armies of Terra in the earliest years of the Great Crusade fired arcing blasts of energy rather than solid projectiles.

After normal attacks by this weapon have been resolved, count the number of unsaved Wounds caused on the target unit. Immediately resolve a number of additional automatic Hits on the same unit using the weapon’s profile equal to the number of unsaved Wounds – these can then be saved normally. Models in the targeted unit must still be in range in order for these additional Hits to take effect. These additional Hits do not themselves inflict more Hits and do not benefit from any other special rules possessed by the attacking model, such as Preferred Enemy (X) or Precision Strikes (X).
Armourbane (X)

This weapon has been crafted with one aim in mind – to pierce the hides of armoured vehicles.

If a model or weapon has this special rule, it rolls an additional D6 for armour penetration when targeting a Vehicle model, or, when targeting a model with the Automata or Dreadnought Unit Type, re-rolls all failed rolls To Wound instead. These effects apply to both Shooting Attacks and close combat attacks.

Some instances of the Armourbane special rule may include a qualifier after the rule in brackets, for example Armourbane (Melta) or Armourbane (Melee). These variant rules are described below:

Armourbane (Melta): A model or weapon with this Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when at half range or less. If the attack is more than half its Maximum Range away, it gains no benefit from the Armourbane special rule. If a weapon with this version of Armourbane also has the Blast special rule, measure the distance to the centre of the Blast marker after it has scattered. If this is half the weapon’s range or less, then all Hits are counted as having the Armourbane special rule, otherwise the Hits are resolved as if they did not have the Armourbane special rule.

Armourbane (Melee): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when attacking in close combat.

Armourbane (Ranged): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when making Shooting Attacks.
Murderous Strike (X)

Some weapons are so cruel of form or powerful in aspect that a well-placed strike can slay even the toughest opponent.

Attacks with this special rule cause Instant Death on a To Wound roll equal to or greater than the number listed in brackets associated with the specific rule. Roll any viable Saves against this Instant Death-causing Wound separately and before any other Wounds the attack inflicts.

These weapons are grafted to the same targeting system for greater accuracy.

When attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.
Heavy Weapons

These are heavy, man-portable weapons that typically require reloading between each shot or bracing to counter their recoil.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with a Heavy weapon attacks the number of times indicated. If a model equipped with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, they can only make Snap Shots with that Heavy weapon during the Shooting phase. Note that weapons with the Blast special rule cannot fire Snap Shots. Models that make Shooting Attacks with Heavy weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Reaper autocannon36"74Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked

Coming under fire without knowing where the shots are coming from, or having ordnance rain down from the skies, can shake the resolve of even the bravest warriors, making them dive flat and cling to whatever cover presents itself.

If a non-Vehicle unit suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with the Pinning special rule, it must take a Leadership test once the firing unit has finished its Shooting Attacks for that Phase. This is called a Pinning test. If the unit fails the Test, it is Pinned. As long as the Test is passed, a unit can be called upon to take multiple Pinning tests in a single turn, but only once for each unit shooting at them.

A unit that is affected by any of the following conditions does not take Pinning tests, and if called upon to do so is considered to automatically pass them:
  • The unit is locked in combat.
  • The unit is already Pinned (the unit remains Pinned, but takes no further Tests).
  • The unit is composed entirely of Vehicle models.
  • The unit is Embarked on a Transport Vehicle.
  • The target unit is affected by the Fearless special rule.
A unit that has become Pinned cannot Move, Run or Charge. It can only fire Snap Shots if it attacks during the Shooting phase and cannot make Reactions in any Phase. At the end of its following turn, the unit returns to normal and the unit is free to act as normal from then on. Whilst it is Pinned, a unit is affected normally by enemy actions (for example, it takes Morale checks as normal). If the unit is forced to move, for example if it has to Fall Back, it returns to normal immediately. If assaulted, the unit will fight as usual, but because they are not set to receive the Charge, enemy units do not receive the Initiative penalty for assaulting a unit in Difficult Terrain, even if the unit is in Difficult Terrain. If a unit becomes Pinned during a Charge, then that Charge automatically fails. Units that are locked in combat cannot be Pinned and do not take Pinning tests.

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Ignores Cover

This weapon fires ammunition that cheats an enemy of their shelter.

Cover Saves and Damage Mitigation rolls granted by the Shrouded special rule cannot be taken against Wounds or Hull Point damage caused by weapons with the Ignores Cover special rule. This includes Cover Saves granted by Reactions and other special rules as well as Cover Saves conferred by terrain.
Weapon Mounts
Hull (Arc) Mounted – Hull (Arc) Mounted weapons will always specify a single Firing Arc and may only fire at targets in that Firing Arc. The different Hull arcs are: Front, Rear, Left and Right. Some units may specify Side as an arc – this means both Left and Right arcs.

For example, a Legion Land Raider Proteus has a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter – this weapon may only fire at targets in the Front Firing Arc.

Turret Mounted – Turret Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Hull arc (Front, Side or Rear) without restriction.

Centreline Mounted – Centreline Mounted weapons may only fire at targets in the Centreline Firing Arc.

Sponson Mounted – Sponson Mounted weapons are usually mounted in pairs, one on each side of a Vehicle (the Vehicle’s profile will note if this is not the case) and fire into the appropriate Sponson Firing Arc (either left or right). If the target of a Vehicle’s Shooting Attack is within the Firing Arc for only one of a pair of Sponson weapons, then the out of arc weapon may be fired at another enemy unit of the controlling player’s choice. This Secondary Target must be in the weapon’s line of sight and Firing Arc, but may be from a different unit than the original target.

Pintle Mounted – Pintle Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Firing Arc without restriction, but are always counted as Defensive weapons regardless of the weapon type or its statistics.
It Will Not Die (X)

In the dark corners of the galaxy, there are creatures that heal at a terrifying speed.

At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6 for each of your models with this special rule that has less than its starting number of Wounds or Hull Points, but that has not been removed as a casualty or destroyed. On a roll equal to or greater than the number in brackets associated with the special rule, that model regains a Wound, or Hull Point, lost earlier in the game. For example, a model with It Will Not Die (5+) would regain a lost Wound on the roll of a 5 or more.
Large Blast
Large Blast weapons use the 5" Blast marker, but otherwise obey all the rules for Blast weapons.
Volkite culverin

Volkite culverin
Heavy 5, Deflagrate


Mounted only on the largest and most fearsome of war machines, Destroyer class weapons are capable of annihilating smaller targets and tearing through even the thickest armour with ease.

A model making a Shooting Attack with a Destroyer weapon attacks the number of times indicated on the weapon’s profile whether or not the bearer has moved. A model carrying a Destroyer weapon can attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase. In addition, when you roll for armour penetration with Hits caused by a Destroyer weapon, roll three dice instead of one and discard the single lowest dice rolled, or any one of the lowest dice in the case of tied results. Use the total of the remaining dice to determine the result.

In addition, when a Destroyer weapon inflicts a Glancing Hit or a Penetrating Hit, it inflicts D3 Hull Points of Damage instead of a single Hull Point. When a Destroyer weapon inflicts a Wound on a non-Vehicle model, it inflicts D3 Wounds instead of a single Wound.

Volcano cannon120"101Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5")
Sonic Wave

The varying waveform of destructive sound energy produced by this weapon is able to shatter the most resilient materials. The annihilating wave-pulse traverses the battlefield, wreaking havoc in its path, the particular effect of its design meaning that the larger the target struck, the more damaging the wave’s impact.

When making a Shooting Attack with this weapon, place the Large Blast (5") marker so that its edge touches the Front hull of the firing model. Instead of scattering this Blast marker, move the template in a direct line away from the firing model, travelling in any direction within the weapon’s 45° forward firing arc until its maximum range is reached or the template leaves the battlefield. All models the template passes over suffer a single automatic Hit. Flyers are also Hit if the template passes over their base. Should a model with the Knight, Titan, Super-heavy Vehicle, Building or Fortification Unit Type be Hit by this attack, increase the Strength of the attack to 10.
Sonic destructor

Sonic destructor
Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5"), Sonic Wave, Pinning, Armourbane (Ranged), Murderous Strike (5+), Ignores Cover

Ordinatus Dispersion Shield

An arcane and obscure hybrid of both void shield and flare shield technologies, the powerful dispersion shields mounted on Ordinatus class vehicles are designed to make them all but impervious to counter-battery fire. However, such is the strain the field creates on its generators that its protection degrades over time as its elements begin to burn out.

For the duration of the first Game Turn, all Shooting Attacks made against a model with an Ordinatus dispersion shield that target the model’s Front or Side Armour values, or any indirect Shooting Attacks (such as those with the Barrage special rule) are reduced by -2 Strength, and any Explodes results on the Vehicle Damage table are ignored.
Reactor Meltdown (X)

The colossal engines of the Ordo Reductor and the Titan Legions are driven by devastatingly powerful thermonuclear reactors. Should these engines be breached, the resulting explosion is apocalyptic for any caught in its blast.

When a model with this special rule is destroyed, the damage caused by its Catastrophic Damage is altered depending on the value of (X) in the version of this special rule as follows:

When destroyed, a model with this special rule resolves Hits caused by Catastrophic Damage as Destroyer attacks.

When destroyed, a model with this special rule resolves Hits caused by Catastrophic Damage as Destroyer attacks at AP2.

When destroyed, a model with this special rule resolves Hits caused by Catastrophic Damage as Destroyer attacks at AP2, and doubles the range of the Catastrophic Damage effect.
Reinforced Structure

The construction of this god-like engine of war is rivalled only by the resilience of void ships themselves.

A model with this special rule has an Invulnerable Save of 5+ against Shooting Attacks.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024