Forces of the Omnissiah – Knight Lancer

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The Lancer is the most widely known variant of the Cerastus Knight Armour, a highly sophisticated chassis whose speed and agility far exceed the clumsier Errant and Paladin types. The Cerastus type Knights appear to have been designed solely for war, not as protectors but as bloody-handed conquerors and tools of destruction, a legacy of the violence that marked the beginning of the Age of Strife.

The Lancer is held in high esteem by the more impetuous of a House’s scions, its potent ion gauntlet and shock lance perfectly suited to battling the foe face to face, where only a perfectly timed thrust of the lance stands between a scion and death. In particular those scions who follow the Uhlan traditions favour the speed and ferocity of the Lancer, and when rival Knight Houses meet in combat, these warriors race ahead of the Household to clash in single combat with the enemy’s champions.

  • Knight Lancer 400 pts
M WS BS S Front Side Rear I A HP Base
Knight Lancer (base: 170 x 109mm)
Knight Lancer 14 4 4 9 13 12 12 4 4 7 170 x 109mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Knight Lancer
  • Arm Mounted shock lance
  • Ion gauntlet shield
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Flank Speed
Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.
Rending (X)

Some weapons can inflict critical strikes against which no armour can protect.

If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that their close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll equal to or higher than the value listed, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its Toughness. The controlling player may choose to resolve these Wounds at AP 2 instead of the weapon’s normal AP value.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of equal to or greater than the listed value wounds automatically, regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP 2.

In either case, against Vehicles each Armour Penetration roll of equal to or greater than the listed value allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total Strength of the attack. These Hits are not resolved at AP 2, but are instead resolved using the weapon’s AP value.

For example, a model with the Rending (5+) special rule that rolls To Wound against a non-Vehicle model will wound automatically on the roll of a 5+, and the attacking player has the choice of using an AP value of 2 instead of the AP value of their weapon.
Reach (X)

Some weapons rely not on the speed of their wielder, but on their sheer length or cunning design to inflict harm upon the foe before they can react.

A model making attacks as part of an Assault using a weapon with this special rule, adds the value of (X) that is included as part of this special rule to its Initiative Characteristic. If a model has more than one weapon with this special rule then that model only increases the value of its Initiative by the value of the special rule on the weapon whose profile is used by that model to attack during the Fight sub-phase. A weapon that is not used to attack does not modify the model’s Initiative Characteristic – models that may attack with more than one weapon, or models claiming the bonus for having a second weapon, may only add the value of the highest variant of this special rule and do not add the values together.

For example, a model attacking as part of an Assault with a weapon that has the Reach (1) special rule increases its Initiative by +1.

These weapons are grafted to the same targeting system for greater accuracy.

When attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the controlling player may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.
Heavy Weapons

These are heavy, man-portable weapons that typically require reloading between each shot or bracing to counter their recoil.

When making a Shooting Attack, a model with a Heavy weapon attacks the number of times indicated. If a model equipped with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, they can only make Snap Shots with that Heavy weapon during the Shooting phase. Note that weapons with the Blast special rule cannot fire Snap Shots. Models that make Shooting Attacks with Heavy weapons in the Shooting phase cannot Charge in the ensuing Assault phase.

Reaper autocannon36"74Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Twin-linked
Concussive (X)

Some weapons are designed to leave any foe that manages to survive their strike disoriented and easy to slay.

A unit that suffers one or more Wounds, regardless of whether those Wounds are Saved or otherwise discounted, from a weapon with this special rule must take a Leadership test at the end of the Shooting phase (if the attacks were inflicted as part of a Shooting Attack), or the current combat (if the attacks were inflicted as part of a Melee attack). If the test is failed then that unit’s WS is reduced by the value in brackets listed as part of the special rule until the end of the following Assault phase (if no value is listed then reduce the target unit’s WS by -1).

No matter how many times a unit has taken saved or unsaved Wounds from an attack with the Concussive special rule, it may only be forced to take one Leadership test because of it. If a single unit has been the target of several Concussive attacks with different values and fails the Leadership test, then it suffers the effects of the highest single modifier among those attacks – the effects do not stack or otherwise become cumulative.

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Exoshock (X)

Each blast from this weapon that pierces its target’s armour sets off a chain reaction of secondary explosions.

If this weapon successfully scores a Penetrating Hit on a target, roll a D6. If the result of that roll is equal to or higher than the value in brackets after the rule, a second automatic Penetrating Hit is inflicted on the same target against which Cover Saves may not be taken. For example, a weapon with the Exoshock (4+) special rule would inflict a second Penetrating Hit on the score of a 4+. This second Penetrating Hit does not gain the effects of any other special rules, and cannot trigger additional Hits.

If, for any reason, a given instance of this rule does not have a value in brackets after the special rule, assume the value is 6+.
Shooting with Knights and Titans
A Knight or Titan that moved can still fire all of its weapons in the subsequent Shooting phase, and always counts as having remained Stationary for the purposes of which weapons can fire, regardless of any distance actually moved. In addition, a Knight or Titan may fire each of its weapons at different targets if the controlling player chooses.

To reflect the unique capabilities of these towering machines, Knights and Titans use two additional types of weapon mount:

Arm Mounted – Arm Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Firing Arc, except the Hull (Rear) arc. All Arm Mounted weapons count as Defensive weapons (but note the additional restrictions on Knight and Titan Reactions).

Carapace Mounted - Carapace Mounted weapons may fire at targets in any Firing Arc without restriction. However, they may not target any unit within 12" of the firing model.
Flank Speed

The Cerastus Knight armour is renowned for its agility and speed, capable of pushing beyond the limitations of its heavier and more cumbersome brethren.

A model with this special rule may increase its Movement Distance by 4" in any Movement phase, but if it does so it may not make any Shooting Attacks in the subsequent Shooting phase. Note this model may still Charge in the Assault phase. In addition, when declaring a Charge after making a Shooting Attack, a model with this special rule may Charge a unit that it did not target in that turn’s Shooting phase, provided that the target of the Charge meets all other criteria of a valid Charge target.
Shock lance
Shock lance (Melee)
Melee, Reach (1), Exoshock (5+)
Shock lance (Ranged)
Heavy 6, Concussive (2)
Ion Gauntlet Shield

The shield generator mounted in the Lancer’s gauntlet assembly is more concentrated than the ion shield mounted on other Questoris Knights, but lacks its tactical flexibility.

A model with an ion gauntlet shield gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks which target its Front or Side Armour Values, and a 5+ Invulnerable Save against all Melee Attacks.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024