Forces of the Omnissiah – Calleb Decima Invictus

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The warlike and sinister Calleb Decima, emissary of the Ordo Reductor of the Mechanicum, was a late and unwelcome arrival to the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet as it marshalled its forces to attack Isstvan III. Outside the Traitors’ plans, he was distrusted and feared by those within the Mechanicum who would turn from the Emperor and so marked for death. His vessel shot down, he and a core of his Thallaxii bodyguard reached the ravaged surface of Isstvan III during its firestorm, and escaped into the blazing ruins of the Ariadne industrial zone to the south of the Choral City. From this lair of shattered steel and ash, he made the Traitors pay in blood for their underestimation of the Ordo Reductor.

A deadly thorn in the Traitors’ side, having rebuilt his body to account for the injuries Isstvan III had cost him, he turned to the acquisition of evergreater military forces under no authority but his own, his actions leading him to be denounced as a madman and a heretek even by many within the Machine Cult who remained loyal.

  • Calleb Decima Invictus 200 pts
Lord of Ruin, Vengeful Archmagos of the Ordo Reductor
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Base
Calleb Decima Invictus (base: 25mm)
Calleb Decima Invictus 6 4 4 5 5 3 4 2 10 3+ 25mm
Unit Composition
  • 1 Calleb Decima Invictus
  • Master-crafted power axe
  • Master-crafted bolt pistol
  • Mechanicum Protectiva
  • Machinator array
  • Melta bombs
Unit Type
Special Rules
  • Battle-hardened (1)
  • Battlesmith (4+)
  • Fearless
  • Feudal Hierarchy
  • Hatred (Traitors)
  • Ignores Cover
  • Independent Character
  • Loyalist
  • Master Cybertheurgist: Artificia Reductor
  • Precision Strikes (5+)
  • Relentless
  • Sunder
  • Walker in Ruin
  • Wrecker
  • Guardian Retinue

Master Cybertheurgist: Artificia Reductor

Calleb Decima Invictus has all the Rites and weapons that are part of the Artificia Reductor arcana.

Walker in Ruin

Calleb Decima Invictus and any friendly units that have at least one model within 6" of Caleb Decima Invictus have the Move Through Cover special rule.

Guardian Retinue

• Calleb Decima Invictus may be joined by one of the following for their normal points cost:
- A unit of Tech-Priest Auxilia
- A Scyllax Guardian-automata Maniple

This unit may be upgraded freely as described in their profile, including taking a Dedicated Transport option listed in the appropriate unit profile. If taken in this manner, the unit forms a single unit with Calleb Decima Invictus and he may not voluntarily leave this unit during the course of the battle. This bodyguard unit counts as being part of the same HQ choice as the owning unit and does not take up a separate Force Organisation slot. This unit gains the Ignores Cover, Sunder and Wrecker special rules.

This datasheet has HQ Battlefield Role. Full list of Forces of the Omnissiah units sharing same Battlefield Role follows:

Melee Type
Weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat.

Some weapons and warriors strike in a flurry of blows, tearing flesh asunder in a series of brutal strikes.

If a model has the Shred special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a Shooting Attack with a weapon that has the Shred rule, it re-rolls its failed To Wound rolls.

Some weapons strike with enough force to make a mockery of anything except the most reinforced of armoured shells.

Attacks with this special rule may re-roll failed Armour Penetration rolls against Vehicles and Buildings (both with Shooting Attacks and in close combat) and re-roll Glancing Hits, in an attempt to instead get a Penetrating Hit, but the second result must be kept.

This weapon is very large, and more than a little clumsy, making swift blows all but impossible to achieve.

A model attacking with this weapon Piles-in and fights at Initiative step 1, unless it has the Dreadnought Unit Type or Monstrous sub-type.

The ancient volkite weaponry employed by the armies of Terra in the earliest years of the Great Crusade fired arcing blasts of energy rather than solid projectiles.

After normal attacks by this weapon have been resolved, count the number of unsaved Wounds caused on the target unit. Immediately resolve a number of additional automatic Hits on the same unit using the weapon’s profile equal to the number of unsaved Wounds – these can then be saved normally. Models in the targeted unit must still be in range in order for these additional Hits to take effect. These additional Hits do not themselves inflict more Hits and do not benefit from any other special rules possessed by the attacking model, such as Preferred Enemy (X) or Precision Strikes (X).
Instant Death

Some blows can slay an enemy outright, no matter how hardy they may be.

If a model suffers an unsaved Wound from an attack with this special rule, it is reduced to 0 Wounds and is removed as a casualty.
Armourbane (X)

This weapon has been crafted with one aim in mind – to pierce the hides of armoured vehicles.

If a model or weapon has this special rule, it rolls an additional D6 for armour penetration when targeting a Vehicle model, or, when targeting a model with the Automata or Dreadnought Unit Type, re-rolls all failed rolls To Wound instead. These effects apply to both Shooting Attacks and close combat attacks.

Some instances of the Armourbane special rule may include a qualifier after the rule in brackets, for example Armourbane (Melta) or Armourbane (Melee). These variant rules are described below:

Armourbane (Melta): A model or weapon with this Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when at half range or less. If the attack is more than half its Maximum Range away, it gains no benefit from the Armourbane special rule. If a weapon with this version of Armourbane also has the Blast special rule, measure the distance to the centre of the Blast marker after it has scattered. If this is half the weapon’s range or less, then all Hits are counted as having the Armourbane special rule, otherwise the Hits are resolved as if they did not have the Armourbane special rule.

Armourbane (Melee): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when attacking in close combat.

Armourbane (Ranged): A weapon or model with this version of the Armourbane special rule only gains the benefits of the Armourbane special rule when making Shooting Attacks.
Pistol Weapons

Pistols are light enough to be carried and fired one-handed.

A model attacking with a Pistol weapon makes the number of Attacks indicated on its profile regardless of whether the bearer has moved or not. A model carrying a Pistol weapon can make a Shooting Attack with it in the Shooting phase and still Charge in the Assault phase. A Pistol weapon also counts as a close combat weapon in the Assault phase. In addition, all models with two Pistol type weapons can attack with both in the same Shooting phase. This follows the normal rules for shooting.

Volkite serpenta10"55Pistol 2, Deflagrate

Utilised by Techmarines and the Adepts of the Mechanicum, cyber-familiar is a term that encompasses a variety of semiautonomous devices such as servo-skulls, mek-spiders and other smaller drone units and lesser haemonculites tied into the direct neural control of their operator. These miniondrones are an extension of their master’s will and provide them with a host of additional senses and capabilities.

A model with a cyber-familiar adds +1 to its Invulnerable Save (to a maximum of 3+) or an Invulnerable Save of 6+ if they do not already possess one. In addition, they allow them to re-roll failed Characteristic tests other than Leadership tests, Psychic checks or failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
Refractor Fields & Mechanicum Protectiva

This term covers a variety of energy field and defensive shield projectors devised by Mechanicum magi to protect themselves both on the battlefield and from assassination by their rivals. They encompass the wearer in an energy field or force barrier which serves to refract or deflect impacts and energy discharges, although the need for the wearer to move and fight, as well as their power consumption prevents them from being anywhere near inviolable to attack. Devices of this nature are relatively rare and are the province of senior figures, where they are often incorporated into armour or amulets and gifted as a mark of favour and rank.

A model with a refractor field gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save, and a model with a Mechanicum Protectiva gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Invulnerable Saves granted by a refractor field or Mechanicum Protectiva do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (like cyber-familiar) that specifically increase existing Saves. If a model has another Invulnerable Save then the controlling player must choose which one to use.
Battlesmith (X)

Those versed in the secret arts and teachings of the Mechanicum, whether Techmarine, Forge Lord or Magos, have the skill and ability to reconstruct and effect field repairs to war machinery in the very heat of battle.

If a model with the Battlesmith (X) special rule is in base contact with, or Embarked upon, one or more damaged Vehicles, Dreadnoughts or Automata during the Shooting phase, they can attempt to repair one of them. If they do so, the model that attempted the repair cannot shoot any weapons or use any other abilities that would be used instead of making a Shooting Attack. Roll a D6. If the result is equal to or more than the value listed in brackets as part of this rule then one of the following options may be applied to any one Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata the model is in base contact with or Embarked upon:
If a Weapon Destroyed result is repaired, that weapon may not be used to attack in the same phase as it is repaired, but may be used to attack as normal in any phase after that. The Battlesmith cannot use this ability if they are Pinned or Falling Back.
Feudal Hierarchy

The archmagi of the Mechanicum jealously guarded their rights of rulership over their feudal subjects. While alliances and cooperation in service to a common overlord were frequent occurrences, no archmagos would tolerate sharing power with their peers.

A single Detachment may not include both an Archmagos Prime and an Archmagos Prime on Abeyant.
Designers Note: For the purposes of the Feudal Hierarchy special rule:
Independent Character

Mighty heroes go where they are needed, being at the forefront of the most vital charges and leading their troops to victory.

Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain Vehicles, Dreadnoughts, Automata or any model with the Monstrous sub-type (unless the Independent Character also has that Unit Type or sub-type). They can join other Independent Characters though to form a powerful multi-character unit.
Hatred (X)

In the far future, hatred is a powerful ally.

This rule is presented as Hatred (X) where X identifies a specific type of foe. If the special rule does not specify a type of foe, then the unit has Hatred against everyone. This can refer to a Faction or a specific unit.

For example, Hatred (Mechanicum) means any model of the Mechanicum Faction, whilst Hatred (Thallax) means only Thallax. A model striking a Hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of each close combat.

The effects of this special rule only apply when a unit that has it begins an Assault phase not locked in combat and then either Charges or is Charged by an enemy unit. If an enemy unit Charges this unit when it is already locked in combat then that does count as a new ‘first’ turn of combat for the effects of Hatred.

Relentless warriors are strong of arm – nothing can slow their implacable advance.

Relentless models can shoot with Heavy or Ordnance weapons, counting as Stationary, even if they moved in the previous Movement phase. They are also allowed to Charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, or Rapid Fire weapons.

A carefully placed explosive charge can easily doom even the most heavily armoured vehicle, but are difficult to attach accurately in the heat of combat.

A weapon with this special rule may only be used to attack models of the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Types, any model with a Movement Characteristic of 0 or ‘-’, or Buildings or Fortifications. Furthermore, a model that is chosen to attack with a weapon with this special rule during the Assault phase may only make a single attack in the Fight sub-phase, regardless of its Attacks Characteristic and any bonus attacks from Charging or other special rules.
Melta bomb

Melta bomb
Melee, Detonation, Unwieldy, Armourbane (Melee), Instant Death


Some weapons are lovingly maintained artefacts, crafted with skills now lost. Though the exact form of master-crafting varies, it is always considered to be the pinnacle of the weaponsmith’s art.

Weapons with the Master-crafted special rule allow the bearer to re-roll one failed roll To Hit per turn with that weapon.
Machinator array

Machinator array
Melee, Unwieldy, Shred, Armourbane (Melee)

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Some attacks cause severe damage to their targets, frying circuitry and ravaging infrastructure as they strike. Few engines of war or armoured bastions can survive the onslaught of such attacks.

Penetrating Hits caused by attacks made with weapons or models with this special rule add +1 to the result of any rolls on the Vehicle or Building Damage tables.
Move Through Cover

Some warriors are skilled at moving over broken and tangled terrain.

A unit that contains only models with this special rule suffers no penalty for moving or charging through Difficult Terrain.
Bolt pistol

Bolt pistol
Pistol 1

Power axe

Power axe
Melee, Unwieldy

Battle-hardened (X)

Some warriors, by dint of raw talent, genetic manipulation or long experience of the battlefield’s terrors, are hardened against the rigours of war. Such warriors prove much harder for the foe to bring low.

For the purposes of whether or not attacks of a Strength twice this model’s Toughness value inflict Instant Death, this model’s Toughness is increased by X, where X is the value in brackets after the name of this special rule. If, for any reason, this special rule does not provide a value, then consider the value of X to be 1. This special rule does not alter the scores needed by To Wound rolls or any other Test or Check.

Fearless troops never give up and seldom make full use of cover – even if it would be wiser to do so.

Units with one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning tests, Regroup tests and Morale checks. In addition, models with the Fearless special rule ignore the effects of the Fear special rule.

However, units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule cannot use any Reactions that grant a Cover Save, Armour Save or Invulnerable Save, and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless special rule. If a unit has become Pinned and then gains the Fearless special rule, all the effects of being Pinned are immediately cancelled.
Ignores Cover

This weapon fires ammunition that cheats an enemy of their shelter.

Cover Saves and Damage Mitigation rolls granted by the Shrouded special rule cannot be taken against Wounds or Hull Point damage caused by weapons with the Ignores Cover special rule. This includes Cover Saves granted by Reactions and other special rules as well as Cover Saves conferred by terrain.

Whether pledged to the Emperor himself as the rightful leader of Mankind or to the dream of the Imperium that he intended to create, some warriors swore to fight and die for the Loyalist cause and no other.

A model with this special rule may only be included in an army that has the Loyalist Allegiance.
Master Cybertheurgist: Artificia Reductor
Calleb Decima Invictus has all the Rites and weapons that are part of the Artificia Reductor arcana.
Precision Strikes (X)

The galaxy is replete with swordsmen and blade-masters who can pick out an enemy from a crowd and land a blow on them, even amidst the swirling chaos of hand-to-hand combat.

If a model with this special rule, or attacking with a weapon with this special rule, rolls equal to or higher than the value in brackets when making a To Hit roll as part of a melee attack, that hit is a ‘Precision Strike’. For example, if a model with the Precision Strikes (4+) special rule rolls a 4 or higher when making a To Hit roll, then that attack is a Precision Strike.

Wounds from Precision Strikes are allocated against a model (or models) of the attacking player’s choice in the target unit, as long as that model is engaged in combat with the attacking model’s unit, rather than following the normal rules for Wound allocation.
Walker in Ruin
Calleb Decima Invictus and any friendly units that have at least one model within 6" of Caleb Decima Invictus have the Move Through Cover special rule.
Guardian Retinue
• Calleb Decima Invictus may be joined by one of the following for their normal points cost:
- A unit of Tech-Priest Auxilia
- A Scyllax Guardian-automata Maniple

This unit may be upgraded freely as described in their profile, including taking a Dedicated Transport option listed in the appropriate unit profile. If taken in this manner, the unit forms a single unit with Calleb Decima Invictus and he may not voluntarily leave this unit during the course of the battle. This bodyguard unit counts as being part of the same HQ choice as the owning unit and does not take up a separate Force Organisation slot. This unit gains the Ignores Cover, Sunder and Wrecker special rules.
HQ stands for Headquarters unit. A Headquarters unit might be a determined Solar Auxilia lord marshal thrust into the heart of the Horus Heresy or a mighty Space Marine praetor at the head of a Legion task force. These models are amongst the most powerful in the game and, as leaders, they have access to more special equipment than anyone else. They are not invincible, but can provide a powerful spearhead for an attacking army and a strong core for a defensive one.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024